Bitter truth or sweet lie? Application where and how. The bitter truth: say or remain silent

Would you like a bitter truth or a sweet lie?..

This choice is one of the most important in Life. Because all other [your] decisions depend on it.

[So] Which do you prefer:

  • Knowledge that reflects the real state of affairs, which can upset, hurt, and anger you.
  • Information that distorts reality, but calms, relaxes and gives hope.
Take your time with your answer. Think not about what the “right” answer is, but about what you prefer to choose in practice. In fact.

There are thousands of providers around us of both. There are no more pleasant lies than unpleasant truths. But it is in much greater demand, because... desirable, cheaper and “better digestible”. It brings quick [temporary] relief, but is harmful in the long term. Just like fast food, it is tasty, instantly satisfies hunger, but in the future it will lead to obesity and other sad consequences.

There is a big difference between what a person wants and what he needs. Tasty medicine is not always healthy [and vice versa].

Those who choose reassuring lies can hardly be blamed for anything. They are guided by immediate gain and seek their happiness in ignorance. They don’t want to know anything [primarily about themselves]. Even falling into despair from what is happening, out of habit they look for a [new] good fairy tale in order to believe in it and lose themselves in it [for another 15 seconds]. And then again and again. They sincerely hate anyone who makes them doubt this fairy tale and consider it their enemy.

A person is more likely to believe not in what seems to be true, but in what he wants to believe. This is a habitual, automatic behavior that can only be changed in one way - by increasing awareness. “Sobering up” may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary.

The truth is [sometimes] difficult. No one ever wants to admit what they don’t want to admit. That is why there is little demand for it, because feelings are always stronger than thoughts. By our [animal] nature, we tend to choose what is pleasant rather than what is useful. Don't believe me? Remember how many times you put off “until tomorrow” a trip to the dentist, the last cigarette, or... whatever.

You can and should fight this tendency in yourself. Because only by recognizing something in yourself that you don’t like can you get rid of it.

To correctly create a route to point “B”, you need to honestly mark point “A”. By denying your reality, it is impossible to change it.

Or do you think differently?

p|s I am not a “positive psychologist” and I convey to everyone who decides to contact me what is important to [him]. I never voice only what a person wants to hear. This occupation is difficult and not always rewarding, but honest and effective, it saves years of Life. If you want “strokes” and unfounded assurances of your “holiness” - do not contact me. Out loud presenting what [the client] wants as reality is not my specialty, this is the business of fortune tellers and the like.




At the Bottom The play is mainly not about human destiny, but about a clash of ideas, a dispute about man, about the meaning of life. The main controversy is that better truth and lies. The dispute represents whether it is better to live with one’s problems, with hopelessness, that is, with the truth, or to live in the illusion of a good life. Disputes continued even before Luke's appearance and after his disappearance. Starting from the beginning of the play, Kvashnya lives with the illusion that she is free, and Nastya lives in dreams of great love.

The play also consists of many disputes between M. Gorky and himself. The debate about truth and lies intensifies with the appearance of Luke. He begins to use lies as an escape from life at the bottom. He begins to inspire hope, in his own words, that is, he tells the Actor about the hospital where he will be cured, Anna about a bright afterlife, he begins to find an approach to everyone.

Truth or falsehood is one of the debates that Gorky considers. Gorky's main dispute Gorky views the dispute about truth and lies as a dispute about faith in God and atheism. Thus, under the dispute about truth and lies, he considers, first of all, what is better: faith in God or atheism. He presents Luke as a righteous man God's will, since he begins to feel sorry for everyone, consoles, believes that it is necessary to feel sorry for the person. Luke is opposed by Satin, that is, atheism, which believes that feeling sorry for oneself or someone else is pointless, a person is to blame for everything, and that a person with a strong spirit does not need pity. One believes that you need to believe in God, then you will happy life, and the other, on the contrary, that believing in yourself will help you rise from the bottom, that only you yourself can change everything.

If you want to rise from the bottom, believe in yourself and not in God, and living in illusions is the lot of the weak. In other words, Gorky wants to say that Orthodoxy has fizzled out and needs to be replaced by another active religion. In this dispute, he gives all his preference to atheism, that is, the dispute about truth and man in the play consists of a dispute between religion and atheism. What is better: Faith in God or faith in yourself.

From early childhood, a person is taught to tell the truth. Don't lie - this is one of the rules of morality. But a person does not always like the truth, and in certain cases it can lead to tragedy and become life-threatening.

So what is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie?

It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Of course, the answer suggests itself that the truth is better, whatever it may be. The ability to speak the truth, not lie, not change one’s moral principles - this is characteristic only to a strong man, morally pure. After all, not everyone likes the truth. Especially if a person’s opinion goes against generally accepted views and foundations.

History knows how many examples when people sacrificed their lives, but did not betray their views. It is worth remembering the famous D. Bruno, who died at the stake for claiming that the earth was round, who dared to express a theory that ran counter to the canons of the church. From time immemorial, people have gone to the chopping block for their ideas, for the truth.

And yet a person must tell the truth. Living according to conscience is difficult, but also easy at the same time. There is no need to dodge, invent something that doesn’t exist, or adapt to the opinion of your interlocutor. A truthful person lives with a clear conscience and does not fall into the web of his own lies. It is truthful people who move history, they are the initiators of the greatest deeds, they are the color of any country, any people. It is no coincidence that truthfulness, as psychologists say, is one of the first places among positive qualities that people highlight.

But what about lies?

After all, she is so sweet, pleasant, soothing. It may seem strange, but lies also have a right to exist in our world. It is simply necessary for people who are weak, selfish, and unsure of themselves. They live in an illusory world of deception.

Yes, the epiphany will be terrible, the truth will still come out, it is invincible, but for now, such people think, let everything remain the same. It’s so nice when a person is praised, admired, admired. Sometimes these people don’t even understand where the line is between truth and lies. This is a real human problem. It’s good if there is someone nearby who will open his eyes and show the truth, no matter how difficult they may be. And let this happen as soon as possible.

However, lying is sometimes simply necessary for a person. How to say that he is hopelessly ill, that he only has a little time left to live? It is common for a person to believe that he will still live; sometimes this faith does real miracles - it actually prolongs a person’s life. And this may be a few, but still days, months, and sometimes years, when a person lives next to loved ones, people who love him.

The choice between truth and lies is made by each person himself. This choice ultimately reveals what it is.

Parents, raising their children, teach them that lying is bad. But sometimes situations arise in which you simply cannot do without a slight distortion of facts.

In a relationship between a man and a woman, both always want to be completely honest with each other, trust, discuss pressing problems, and share experiences. But in reality this does not always happen. In life, people often play a game by calculating their moves in advance, and not only their own.

If you look back and remember several moments in life, you can understand where we left something out, embellished or hid something. So, for example, when getting ready for a date and taking a long time to choose an outfit, eventually being late for the meeting, women deceive men by telling them that, for example, transport was delayed. Or, rushing to the phone, abandoning everything, we talk, saying that we are not distracted at all. When we are late for work, we lie to our bosses, saying that something happened to the key, when in fact we simply overslept. Such petty lies are also considered a kind of deception, and they are constantly present in our lives. Even justifying his actions with the well-known saying “better the bitter truth than sweet lie", we do not absolve ourselves of responsibility. There are, of course, situations that are much more serious. So, for example, having learned that your friend cheated on her husband, you will not go to tell him the truth, because you hope to save the family, and by telling him, you will become enemy number one. You will also become one if the betrayal is revealed. This raises the question: who needs such truth?

Most people deceive others because of differences in their perception of reality. So, for example, if you know how a person will react to a particular situation, you think that it would be right to hide something in order to avoid misunderstandings and an explosion of emotions on his part. An elementary situation: you went to a club with your friends and hid information from your young man so as not to upset him. But if he finds out about this, trouble cannot be avoided.

We also often justify our lies by saying that we don’t want to spoil our relationships with our friends. So, for example, if you don’t really like your friend’s companion, you will never tell her about it openly, since you can offend her with these words, and in the future the relationship can completely deteriorate.

Therefore, a white lie should not always be perceived very negatively. Sometimes omissions and interpretations in the description of various situations can prevent conflict or save friendships or relationships. This is especially true for women with their fantasies, emotions and inability to initially adequately assess the situation. However, you should be careful not to constantly hide anything from your loved ones.

Sometimes, after all, the truth can be presented in such a way that no one will be offended or upset, if you think everything through well beforehand and formulate your thoughts correctly.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

What is better “bitter truth” or “sweet lie”? Each of us has our own answer to this question. Let's try to understand this using the example of Maxim Gorky's work “At the Bottom”.

In my opinion, for the heroes of this work, “sweet lies” turn out to be better than “bitter truth.” She gives them hope that they can change their lives in better side. Indeed, their fate changes when Luka comes to their shelter. He is very kind and affectionate to everyone, and he has an encouraging word for every inhabitant of the shelter. We see that these unfortunate people lacked a person who would believe them and comfort them. Luka turns out to be this person. He said that “it’s time to feel sorry for a person... sometimes it’s good!” Thanks to his kind and warm words, the old man gained a huge influence on the characters in the play.

Dying Anna tells Luka that all her life she endured her husband’s humiliation and trembled over every piece of bread.

He tells her about the best afterlife thereby comforting her. The girl believes him and dies with the thought that she will live well in that world. An actor who is a drunkard begins to change his life after Luke’s story about a hospital for alcoholics. He stops drinking and even starts saving money. But due to weakness of spirit and lack of self-confidence, the Actor kills himself.

To summarize, we see that the Actor hanged himself, Anna died, Ash, having killed Kostylev, ends up in Siberia as a convict and all their dreams are destroyed. Luke, with his “sweet lies,” instills false hope in the characters of the play, which leads to disastrous results. It seems to me that the truth, whatever it may be, is still better than a lie.

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Updated: 2017-12-03

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