Photo report: Swedish country houses and dachas in the vicinity of Stockholm. What are houses using Swedish technology?

The Swedish construction experience inspires us. We thought that you might also be interested in seeing how a frame house is assembled in Sweden. To do this, we translated one of the blog entries, in which the owners - Martin and Camilla - tell how in one day their plot literally “grew” future home.

Early in the morning in Kungsbakka, the house kit is loaded onto a truck and sent to the site in Riddarebo.

Workers and other representatives of the construction company are already waiting at the site. A large truck crane is ready for unloading.

Wall panels quickly find their place on the foundation.

Our comment: The wall panels are equipped with a facade and double-glazed windows. Thanks to ideal roads and modern technology, the Swedes import and install completely finished parts of the house. This saves time working directly on the site, where conditions are not always favorable.

It was interesting to observe the precision with which the wall sections were installed in predetermined locations.

This photo clearly shows another feature of Swedish frame construction- monolithic slab foundation. In Russia it received the name “Insulated Swedish stove” precisely because it is widely used by the Swedes. The advantages of the “Swedish stove” justify its high cost:

  • the ground under the foundation does not freeze or swell;
  • all communications are laid in the slab;
  • the floor will be a source of heat in the house - no radiators are needed;
  • flat floor for any finish.

In addition to the wall sections, other building materials were brought to the site.

The last section of the wall has been installed.

Crane in all its splendor.

It's time for sharp nails and long rafters.

At the same time, the veranda begins to emerge.

The crane master has done his job and it’s time for him to get ready. Thank you Allfrakt!

The next step is a temporary plywood roof. It's fast.

Final stage day - laying roofing felt.

Before Camilla and I called it a day, we were able to sneak into the house and look out the windows into the yard different rooms. Very pleased with what we saw, we went to rest. Thanks to the entire team of builders for their professional work.

What happened next?

And this is what a house looks like with a permanent roof, a painted facade and a terrace. Modest Swedish beauty.

Look through this blog, it is very entertaining. Before finishing the house, Martin and Camilla built a garage in the same style and two interesting flower beds. They colorfully describe all processes, sometimes with humor. For example, in the photo below there is a wire sticking out of the house for the future street lamp. And a comment:

Electricians claim to be the oldest profession in the world. In the beginning, when God said "Let there be light!" The electrician was already there and ran the wires.

The architectural features of Swedish buildings are associated primarily with the climate that prevails in this area. A standard Swedish house should protect the family from the constant biting winds in this area, as well as severe frosts during winter. Difficult living conditions mean that house designs that belong to this nation have increased comfort.

Features of Swedish houses

Feature Swedish projects , which involved the use of wood, are as follows:

  1. Creating a flat treated surface made it possible to improve the contact between the two crowns, which not only simplifies the work, but also improves the thermal insulation of the room. Rounded crowns have a small contact plane, which leads to the need for strong thermal insulation of the seams using special materials. That is why houses using Swedish technology are better in terms of thermal insulation than other options for using this material.
  2. In addition to improving the thermal insulation, the strength of the structure also increases significantly. After all, a flat surface has large area contact.
  3. The grooves and bowls of logs in many cases are made not with a round profile, but with a hexagonal one, which made it possible to increase the resistance to deformation. In practice, this means the following: a decrease in deformation leads to greater resistance to the occurrence of house subsidence, which can be called a common occurrence for a structure made of wood. Swedish houses , in addition, due to the good processing of the used building material more resistant to impact high humidity and other negative factors.
  4. The tradition of creating such houses involves the use of exclusively resinous and coniferous species, which over a long period of operation are able to maintain their shape and appearance. This feature is associated with the presence of a large amount of phytoncide in the wood, which disinfects the air. This substance also brings a subtle pine aroma into the room.

One of the first questions that arises when you think about building a house is what will it be like? After all, you want the house to be not only beautiful, but also cozy and comfortable to live in.

Most likely, you will first try to draw your " perfect layout" on one's own. But I’m more than sure that you will very quickly encounter a number of difficulties - how to “shove in what can’t be squeezed in”, how to arrange windows, doors... to make everything so that it is comfortable and beautiful and nothing superfluous.

It is no coincidence that people study to become architects and designers. Everything is not as simple as it seems. Therefore, in my opinion, the best way is to search for a “donor”, ​​a ready-made house project that best suits your desires and requirements.

You will type in Yandex or Google something like “ finished projects” or “standard projects” and you will consider many domestic projects. Perhaps you will find something, or perhaps you will be disappointed.

Why are Scandinavian projects better than Russian ones?

In short, Scandinavian houses are much more thoughtful, rational and comfortable to live in than the vast majority of domestic ones.

Russian projects are very specific. We do not have great experience designing private houses. Village houses were always built “with our own minds”, without “conveniences” and other bourgeois excesses, and professional designers and architects were taught to build large buildings and apartment buildings.

Hence the specificity of domestic projects - the emphasis on a catchy appearance, despite the fact that interior layouts often not thought out and made according to an “apartment” model, not taking into account the specifics country house and living in it.

The space is not used efficiently, there are no extremely useful (and often necessary) utility rooms, etc. But there are many useless halls and corridors. Which waste the space you will pay for during construction.

But behind spectacular facades this is often not noticeable. Understanding comes later, when the house is built, the money is spent, and you understand what should have been done differently.

Once I came across a project for a house of 250 square meters, of which, upon closer examination, about 100 square meters were halls and corridors. That is, in fact - wasted space. But if you take a more rational approach to the use of space, then instead of a house on 250 m2, it would be quite possible to build a house on 180 - with the same set and area of ​​premises that carry some useful function. But in order to make the planning rational, you need to really strain your brain. It is much easier to increase the area and insert a couple of corridors. After all, it is not the designer who will pay for these square meters during construction.

Therefore, in my opinion, it would be more correct to turn to foreign experience. And first of all to the experience of northern Europe and Scandinavia.

Why them?

Because in these countries they know how to count money, they love comfort, but at the same time they do not like to spend too much. Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish houses- extremely thought out. And the climate and related features of the houses are closer to ours than, say, Spanish or Polish houses

All space is used very rationally. Appearance, layout - everything is balanced.

Can I make my own changes to the Scandinavian project?

It is possible, but very carefully. I repeat, most Scandinavian projects have already been thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, an attempt to independently “redevelop” or change one thing to another may lead to you ending up with a completely different house. And it’s not a fact that it will be as comfortable and beautiful as in the original picture.

Therefore, ideally, you need to look for a project that suits you with minimal changes. Or be very aware of what you are doing and how it will look in reality.

Let me give you a small example. Below is a photo of the “donor” and its implementation with some façade changes.

It would seem like nothing at all. Windows without glazing; façade board cladding was replaced with siding; wide white windows were removed decorative elements, they made the porch a little smaller. It seems like a small thing. But in the end it turned out to be a different house. Not bad - but just different. Not the same as in the picture.

Where can I find a project for a Finnish or Scandinavian house?

There are only two options

Option one - find it in Scandinavia

In Finland and Scandinavia, standard construction is very common, which is carried out by both small firms and large concerns. Such companies usually have catalogs of manufactured houses.

Actually, your task is to study the websites of these companies, see what they offer and choose a Scandinavian or Finnish house project for subsequent implementation. Although, to be honest, this cannot be called a project. Rather, it is the appearance and layout from which you can build. Since buying a ready-made project with all the documentation abroad is quite problematic. But having sketches in hand - the layout and appearance of the house, you can already make a “replica” of this house.

Not all sites have a Russian or English version. Moreover, this version may be “shortened”, so for completeness of information, it is better to look at the original site.

To make it easier to navigate sites, you can use Google's automatic translator ( - just enter the site address in the translation field.

Or use the tips given below in the text.

Option two - search on the Finnish House

We have been working towards this for a long time and have finally made our catalog of Scandinavian and Finnish house designs. Faced with the need to search for a suitable project on several dozen foreign sites, which were also constantly changing, we gradually began to drag projects from Scandinavian sites to ours. And now there are more than 2,500 Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish houses on the Finnish House, with a convenient search according to the main criteria. By the way, when viewing a project in our catalog, pay attention to the “description” tab, there is helpful information and a link to the original project.

  • projects of Finnish houses with a sauna - which one? Finnish house no sauna?
  • projects of Finnish houses with a garage - after creating the catalog, I was surprised to find that the Finns have quite a lot of such projects
  • projects of Finnish houses up to 100 m2 - small houses have their own charm, except for one thing, they turn out to be expensive to build
  • projects of Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber - by the way, such a house can always be made in a frame version 😉

If you haven’t found your option, try searching in the catalog itself using the search form in the sidebar.

If you like to work with primary sources, below you will find links to Finnish and Scandinavian sites that served as a source of projects for our catalog.

Finnish house projects

Everything related to houses has a root in Finnish talo- which is noticeable even from the names of the companies. For example, Omatalo is one of the largest concerns in Finland and Scandinavia.

Accordingly, on websites, look for sections related to talo in one way or another - usually the directory is hidden under the word talot (houses), talomallistomme, talopaketit, etc. as well as mallistot (collections). Hints: kerros - number of floors, Huoneistoala -living space, Kerrosala - total area.

And it doesn’t matter whether the company builds houses from laminated veneer lumber or frame houses; any project can be adapted to frame technology.

Also read my
http://www.finnlamelli.fi rus/models talomallisto
http://www.aatelitalo.fi Hirsitalot.627.html Hirsihuvilat.628.html catalog.html

Hints - husen (house) planritningar (layout), Vära hus (choose a house)

CompanyCatalog page_id=36
http://www. start php

Norwegian house projects

Russia is a rather cold country, especially in winter period, so you need to build a house in accordance with climatic conditions.

Swedish technology is ideal for this, as it is energy-saving. In addition, when building a house, the cost initially includes interior decoration, which allows you to simply move in and live after construction is completed.

House project using Swedish construction technology

This option is very profitable because there are no additional costs required:

  • for the installation of plumbing;
  • wallpapering or painting walls;
  • finishing of ceilings and floors.

All electrical work, installation of sockets, switches, interior lighting is done during the construction of the house. Even tiles and laminate are laid during construction.

Such a house is being built quite quickly.

First installed load-bearing frame, then the floors and rafters are laid. The material for it is a very light thin-walled thermal profile, which is made of high-strength galvanized steel. One may wonder why steel was not used in construction before. The answer is very simple - with a solid frame, areas that accumulate cold are formed and condensation occurs, as a result of which the entire structure is subject to gradual destruction. But this applies to solid profiles.

Sample of a load-bearing metal frame of a house

For external walls in Swedish frame house use steel thermoprofiles, cross section which are minimal, and in order to increase the heat flow, through grooves are cut into them, arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

Despite the fact that it is possible to build a house using this technology quite quickly, it is, however, more difficult to do than to raise a Canadian modular house or assemble a panel structure from laminated veneer lumber.

The fact is that the frames are assembled at the construction site and have dimensions that do not allow them to be transported.

For external walls, the boards are planed by hand, primed, then painted in two layers, and only after that they are attached to the frame with screws. The base of the roof is OSB-3, onto which soft metal tiles are attached.

As for the construction of the foundation, it is usually made monolithic. To strengthen the frame, put on it permanent formwork, which is filled with foam concrete or, to reduce cost, thermoflock. None of these materials shrink, do not lose their properties over time, and are environmentally friendly.

The thermal conductivity of a thermal profile frame is 20% lower than that of wooden analogues, due to which the house receives increased energy savings. The assembly of such a structure can be done at any time of the year, even in winter.

Advantages of a Swedish house

The construction of frame houses using frames began more than 100 years ago in Sweden. They were erected in fishing villages. Today, all designs of Swedish houses are calculated on computers and improved. Added strength to these buildings is given by a monolithic strip or slab foundation.

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The wood used for the walls is treated with modern protective materials, self-tapping screws are used for fastenings rather than nails, and a “warm floor” system is installed in all houses.

House built in Swedish style on a strip monolithic foundation, can last more than 100 years. The warranty period for the operation of an ordinary frame house on the same foundation does not exceed 50 years, after which its geometry may be damaged. External walls using this technology strengthen the frame of the house, being a monolithic shield.

Scheme-drawing of a house wall construction using Swedish technology

This reinforcement is both longitudinal and transverse. External, interior walls, floor, roof ordinary frame house are attached by hanging, which weakens the rigidity of the structure. Roof Swedish house is a monolithic structure assembled from OSB-3 sheets, 12 mm thick, on which a roofing carpet is laid. Lays on top of it flexible tiles. This “pie” makes the roof very dense, rigid and monolithic.

The technology used for the frame is the same as when assembling a ship's hull or an aircraft fuselage. The frames that make up the base are connected by stringers. The stability of the frame of a Swedish house is several times higher than that of a conventional frame house. It is so strong that even when lifted around a corner by a crane, the geometry of the “cube” does not change. The corners remain straight and the parallel beams do not move. Based on this, load bearing capacity Such a frame does not even require reinforcement of the walls and roof, and is much superior to a conventional frame.

Swedish version of a house frame with frames

Therefore, it is better to buy such a house and enjoy life in it, knowing that in 10-15 years you will not have to repair it.

For the construction of walls, only dry wood is used, treated with special antiseptics; in addition, ventilated facades and roofing do not allow the wood to rot. Thanks to these conditions, the tree becomes harder and more durable over time.

Another undoubted advantage of a Swedish-style house is the low cost of its construction. During construction, there is no need for a heavy foundation; the frame structures are relatively light, so the use of heavy special equipment is not necessary.

The built house itself is very economical, as technology is used that provides great energy savings.

Having built a Swedish house according to standard project You can save a significant amount, and in return get quality housing that will last for decades.

Ready house using Swedish technology

The design of such a structure has been tested in cold Scandinavian winters, which are almost no different from Russian ones. In addition, such a house can be built within 2-3 months, which is quite fast, and quality does not suffer at all from such speed performance characteristics housing.

How a Swedish house is arranged

While production is taking place at the factory steel frame, the foundation is already being poured on the site, and by the time all the elements are delivered, the foundation will be completely ready. To buy such a house there is absolutely no need to go to Sweden. It can be ordered from a company engaged in the construction of Swedish-style housing.

House frame

Since the frame is very light, the load of the entire structure does not exceed 117 kg/m2 of the foundation, which means that the foundation does not have to be very powerful, that is, you can save a lot on this.

Frame technology or construction houses using Swedish technology has been used on the territory of our glorious country for several decades.

Surely you have already heard such concepts as prefabricated or Finnish houses. Nowadays, this type of house design is in great demand among future homeowners, having noble characteristics, heat resistance and particular practicality. Almost 90% individual houses in Sweden they were built using frame construction technology, which is why such a structure got its name - “Swedish house”. If you come to Sweden, you will see many similar houses made using this technology, differing only in color and design. This is a unique symbol not only of Sweden, but also of Scandinavia as a whole. There are also other names such as: Canadian or Finnish technology construction. What unites them all general idea, however, the approach to construction is quite different from each other.

An example of a house made in traditional style construction “in Swedish style”. The main difference may be either the color or the design of the house, but not the construction technology.

Swedish technology differs from others in that a special profile is used as elements of floors, rafters and frames, for the manufacture of which galvanized steel is used. Due to its special configuration, this profile has a thermal conductivity that is 20% lower than a wooden beam of the same size. Which keeps the heat inside the house and doesn’t let it out. To others the most important advantage is the use of a galvanized profile, which, unlike wooden beam It is moisture resistant, it does not deform, and during operation it does not harbor fungus, rodents, or various pathogenic bacteria.

The advantages of houses built using Swedish technology include the low cost of construction, the absence of the need for a heavy foundation, powerful construction equipment, efficiency, which is ensured by high energy-saving technologies. Construction companies countries have long mastered the construction of houses using this technology, so when you contact the company, they will offer you ready-made ones for your consideration. Swedish house projects who have managed to prove themselves with positive side during their operation. As a rule, all house designs are adapted to the harsh Russian climatic conditions, which is why their construction is now widely practiced in the Far North.

The villa, made using the described technology, is excellent only in its design. Creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, despite its Nordic roots.

The main advantage, of course, is the cost of building a house, which is built using Swedish technology. The majority of Russians who want to build an individual house using this technology will save enough money, while receiving high-quality construction for more than a dozen years. And the other main advantage is high performance, tested by the cold Scandinavian climate, which differs little from the Russian one, and its laconic appearance. The number of people wishing to acquire their own “Swedish” home is increasing year by year.
