If you want apples. What does your body lack if you want apples? Fight aging with green apples

Apples are useful not only for healthy people, but also for people with various pathologies, since they contain a large amount necessary for a person substances.

The benefits of apples for the body are well known; it is not without reason that the English proverb says that if you eat one apple a day, then you don’t need a doctor. Different varieties of apples are useful - red, yellow, green, early and late, sour, sweet. Apples are needed not only by healthy people, but also by people with various pathologies. A person needs 2-4 fruits per day. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which apples are healthier; you need to take into account what they are used for and know some contraindications.

  • water-soluble vitamins C, PP, group B;
  • fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K, P;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc;
  • organic acids: citric, citric, folic acid, antioxidants;
  • tannins, pectin fibers, fiber;
  • sugars, mainly fructose.

Physiological properties

It is known that if a person wants apples, then the body lacks some substances. If you want, you need to eat.

  1. Two or three small fruits per day are enough to reduce a person’s likelihood of heart attacks, lower cholesterol levels in the blood, and ensure the removal of excess cholesterol from the liver.
  2. If you eat four or five apple seeds, they are enough to provide the human body with a daily dose of iodine.
  3. Eating fruits with peels normalizes digestion and prevents the development of constipation, and apples without peels are healthier for diarrhea.
  4. Apples are used to prevent oncopathologies of the large intestine.
  5. Baked apples are beneficial as they reduce blood sugar levels.
  6. Two fruits a day are enough to prevent colds.
  7. An apple eaten before breakfast is absorbed by the body, ensuring the removal of toxins, which our body so lacks.
  8. The iron in apple fruits is not enough for the full formation of hemoglobin, but it is well absorbed, so the apple diet is recommended for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
  9. Pectin is used to treat diseases caused by human radiation or poisoning with heavy metal salts.
  10. Useful for rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, skin diseases.
  11. Apples are recommended for the prevention of hypertension, in fasting diets (5-6 large fruits per day are enough) to eliminate cardiac edema, varicose veins veins
  12. Apple leaves and fruits are used to treat burns, frostbite, and wounds. Thanks to boron compounds, apples help with osteoporosis.

The Role of Apple Antioxidants

Apples are rich in antioxidants.

  1. Quercetin (contained in the peel) helps preserve the youth of the body, reduces inflammation, relieves swelling and spasms.
  2. Phloretin exhibits antibacterial properties.
  3. Phlorizin ensures the removal of toxins from the body and stimulates the production of bile.
  4. The flavonoid naringin strengthens, increases the elasticity of capillaries, improves memory and brain function.
  5. Kakhetins strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer.

Apple cosmetics

Homemade apple cosmetics are suitable for any skin type, effective, inexpensive (one or two apples are enough), and very easy and simple to prepare.

  1. Hand scrub. You can wipe rough areas of skin with an apple slice for 1-3 minutes.
  2. You can whiten the skin of your hands with apple peels, rubbing problem areas.
  3. Apple mask. Prepared from one juicy apple (grated and squeezed out the juice) and 40 g of natural cream. The juice and cream are brought to a boil, a tablespoon of pulp is added to the mixture, and simmered over low heat for 3 minutes. The resulting mixture is infused for half an hour. To refresh and give a healthy appearance to the skin, the mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Washed off warm water.
  4. Face mask (can be used to protect against frosty winds). Apple juice is mixed with ground oatmeal (a tablespoon) and a tablespoon of cream. The mask is applied for 25-30 minutes on the face and neck before going outside. Wash off with warm water. In winter, after removing the mask, you can apply a special winter cream to the skin to prevent the skin from drying out.
  5. Apple-glycerin toner, prepared from one part glycerin, five parts apple juice, makes the skin elastic and protects from the unfavorable winter cold and wind. The face and neck are wiped with tonic 1-3 times a day.
  6. Apple water for washing is prepared from green peel (50 g) and a glass of water. Add the zest of one orange to the mixture, brought to a boil, and boil for another 15 minutes. After cooling for two hours, the mixture is filtered and ready for use. You can wash your face with apple water 2 times a day, after which it is advisable to apply a moisturizer.
  7. Apple pulp, made from apple chips and boiled in milk, removes and protects the skin of the heels from cracks. The paste is applied to the heels daily until the cracks disappear.

Apple cooking

With the addition of apples you can cook delicious, healthy salads, first and second courses, desserts, dough products, juices, compotes, teas. Apples are dried, fermented, and salted. They are used to make marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jam and marmalade.

Baked stuffed apples

We can agree that there is nothing healthier and tastier than baked apples. To prevent the juice from leaking out of the baked fruits, they can be immersed in boiling water for two to three minutes.

If you stuff an apple with meat pieces (chicken, duck, diet turkey), you can get a healthy second course; if you stuff it with cottage cheese with raisins or cinnamon, honey, muesli, or just oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat flakes, you get delicious, healthy desserts.

Apples in salad

Apples can be added to fruit and vegetable salads. It is only advisable to prepare them at one time, so that the quality of the product does not deteriorate.

Half a banana, kiwi, raspberries, strawberries, orange slices, grapes with seeds removed, tangerine, grapefruit, pomegranate seeds, pieces of melon or watermelon, plums - this is an incomplete list of fruits and berries included in healthy apple-fruit salads.

You can add grated pumpkin, all types of cabbage, radishes, and radishes to apple-vegetable salads. A salad made from carrots and apples is especially useful - it normalizes intestinal function and saturates the body with vitamins. You can add butter to the salad, or, if you want, cream or sour cream. Useful for working people for a long time at the computer, contains vitamin A, which strengthens vision.

Salads made from apples, carrots, cabbage and beets are tasty and healthy. If there are no diseases digestive system, it is healthier to eat vegetables raw, thinly sliced ​​or cut into strips. If the acidity is high, carrots and beets can be boiled or baked until tender, cool, cut into strips, add a sour apple and cabbage.

You can add walnuts and pistachios to fruit salads. Salads are dressed with yogurt, sour cream, and cream. To prevent fruits from darkening, it is advisable to sprinkle them with lemon juice.

You can add lettuce, parsley, dill, basil to vegetable salads, then season with sunflower, olive oil, cream, sour cream. Supplements from pine nuts, sunflower grains, pumpkin seeds. If you want, you can add a little powdered flax grains or sprouted wheat.


Despite the undoubted benefits, you need to remember some of the dangers of healthy fruits.

  1. Fruit acids and sugars destroy and thin out tooth enamel. To reduce the destruction of enamel, you need to rinse your mouth after eating.
  2. Sweet apples are contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Apple diets, raw food diets due to their high fiber content can cause colitis (in those suffering from gastritis and ulcers duodenum). If you want apples, but there are such complications, then it is healthier to use baked apples for food.

Imported apples are coated with a layer of wax on the outside, so if you want to eat the fruit, you need to wash it with hot water.

Apples, especially green ones, help lower cholesterol levels.
It turns out that the brutal desire to eat a certain product is not only characteristic of pregnant women. This could be the signal different problems with health.

Researchers from the University of Texas came to this conclusion after several years of observing the diet of patients in a cardiology clinic. Doctors have found that apples, the vitamins from which are perfectly absorbed by the body, microelements (iron) and ascorbic acid, are simply necessary for heart patients.

And the craving for this fruit speaks of elevated level cholesterol or incipient heart problems. And the body itself begins to “tell” what it needs when certain physiological changes begin due to illness.
American scientists claim that it is possible to classify food “whims” in people with different diseases. This experience will be a very valuable aid in making a diagnosis.

For example, a craving for lemon may signal possible problems with the gall bladder and liver.

An irresistible urge to finish a bowl of salad from white cabbage indicates problems with the intestines.

Those who cannot live without olives should pay attention to the condition thyroid gland. And those who are constantly craving ice cream or cakes with whipped cream should pay attention to the condition of the musculoskeletal system.


Svetlana BEREZHNAYA, nutritionist, consultant of the center “ Healthy family”:

- There is a rational grain in the fact that the disease dictates to a person, they say, he needs to eat this, but he doesn’t. There are long-standing medical observations that with oncology of the digestive system, intolerance to meat food occurs, and eggplants and garlic “scare away” a person with an ulcer or gastritis with high acidity. With hormonal disorders and diabetes, a “wolfish” appetite and a complete change in taste preferences are often observed.

Our body is so smart that it tells us when it runs out of any vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to know how he does it. Experts are sure that if you really want something, then it is quite possible that this is how your body shows what vitamins it lacks. If you crave chocolate, then most likely your body does not have enough magnesium. And you can replenish its amount with the help of products that are not so harmful to your figure. These include: wheat bran, cereals, corn, seeds, nuts, dates, peanuts. Just 60 grams of one of these products will help you avoid magnesium deficiency. The desire to eat caramel indicates a lack of chromium in the body. An insufficient amount can lead to loss of attention and physical weakness. To help the body, you need to eat cheese, black bread, sprouted wheat grains, liver, egg yolk. The desire to eat meat indicates iron deficiency. Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge, apples, spinach, and persimmons will help replenish it. Anyone who craves something salty most likely has a lack of calcium in their body, which can be replenished with dried apricots, nuts, raisins, and red wine.

Microelements and their role in our body
Sufficient levels of microelements are healthy and productive functioning the whole body. Micronutrient deficiencies, which currently affect more than 2 billion people worldwide, are a leading cause of mental retardation, blindness and death during childbirth. Since they are responsible for defects in the central nervous system, their role in reducing the most common form of birth defects—heart defects—is quite significant.

It is present throughout our body, but most of all in bones and tooth enamel. Its beneficial effects are felt literally by the entire body: it stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, is a participant in the formation of the skeleton, and increases the level of sex hormones, which is especially important during menopause for women.
List of products: legumes, soybeans, beets, corn, buckwheat, rice.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: hormonal imbalance in the body, which in women can result in erosions, fibroids, cancerous tumors female organs, osteoporosis. Urolithiasis and joint diseases.

Component hemoglobin, stimulating the process of cell respiration. Responsible for hematopoiesis. Particularly responsible for the condition of skin cells, gastrointestinal tract, and oral cavity.
List of products: hazelnut, sesame, mustard, kelp, pomegranate, apple, pumpkin seeds.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: fatigue, drowsiness, dry and rough skin, poor condition of nails, dry mouth, in a word, anemia. A perversion of taste is also characteristic.

The main participant in the production of thyroxine - the thyroid hormone. Of the 25 mg of iodine in the body, 15 is found in the thyroid gland. Iodine is also important for the functioning of the liver, kidneys, ovaries and prostate gland.
List of products: champignons, beans, wheat, rye, dairy products, seaweed, seaweed, spinach.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: deficiency, as well as excess, of iodine leads to the development of goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland), muscle weakness, dystrophic changes, mental retardation.

An essential component in the process of hematopoiesis, a participant in the production of vitamin B12 and insulin.
List of products: salt, soybeans, legumes, pear semolina.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: anemia, fatigue, drowsiness, “sleeping on the go.”

Responsible for reproductive function, nervous system function and bone tissue. Renders positive influence on potency by improving muscle reflexes, reduces nervous irritability.
List of products: ginger, nuts, agar-agar.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: impaired ossification of the entire skeleton, deformation of the joints.

In the body, copper is mostly concentrated in the liver. It is part of melanin, that is, it participates in the process of pigmentation of the body and the production of collagen. Helps with iron absorption
List of products: sunflower, sesame, kelp, shiitake mushrooms, cocoa.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: anemia, baldness, severe weight loss, decreased hemoglobin levels, dermatoses of various etiologies.

It is the main part of the enzyme that utilizes iron and thereby prevents anemia.
List of products: salt, legumes and grains.

Participates in hematopoiesis, providing cells with oxygen, takes part in fat metabolism, participates in the formation of hormonal levels, and affects blood pressure in a downward direction.
List of products: pear, apple, corn, soybeans, lentils and other legumes.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: to date, little has been studied about the effect of nickel deficiency.

An antioxidant that prevents the growth of abnormal cells, that is, it protects against the occurrence and development of cancer, and protects against heavy metals. Necessary for the formation of proteins, that is, for normal operation liver, pancreas and thyroid glands. It is a component of sperm, that is, it is important for maintaining reproductive function.
List of products: wheat and its germ, sunflower seeds
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: dysbiosis, allergic reactions, muscle dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, developmental delay, heart attack, cancer.

The main participant in the formation of dental tissue and tooth enamel.
List of products: nuts, pumpkin, millet, raisins.

Prevents obesity, relieves depression, stabilizes blood sugar in diabetes.
List of products: broccoli, garlic, basil.

Digestion time:
- When you drink water on an empty stomach, it immediately enters the intestines.
- Fruit and vegetable juices are digested in 15-20 minutes.
- Mixed salads (vegetables and fruits) are digested within 20-30 minutes.
- Watermelon is digested in 20 minutes.
- Melons require 30 minutes to digest.
- Oranges, grapes and grapefruits also require 30 minutes to digest.
- Apples, pears, peaches, cherries and other semi-sweet fruits are digested in 40 minutes.
- Vegetables such as tomatoes, romaine, Boston, red, leaf, garden, cucumbers, celery, red or green peppers and other juicy vegetables require 30-40 minutes to process.
- It takes at least 50 minutes for the body to process root vegetables such as turnips and carrots.
- Avocados consumed monotrophically on an empty stomach take 1-2 hours to digest, as they contain a large amount of fat.
- Starchy vegetables such as Jerusalem artichokes, acorns, pumpkins, sweet and regular potatoes, yams and chestnuts will take about 1 hour to digest.
- Starchy foods, such as rice, buckwheat, quinoa, barley, are digested on average in 60-90 minutes.
- Legumes, starches and proteins. Lentils, lima and regular beans, chickpeas, cayanus (pigeon peas), etc. require 90 minutes to digest.
- Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon pear and sesame are digested for about 2 hours.
- Nuts such as almonds, hazels, peanuts, pecans, walnuts and Brazil nuts are digested in 2.5-3 hours.
If you soak seeds and nuts in water overnight and then crush them, they will be absorbed faster.
- 1-2 hours - water, tea, coffee, cocoa, broth, milk, soft-boiled eggs, rice, boiled river fish.
- 2-3 hours - hard-boiled eggs, omelet, boiled sea fish, boiled potatoes, bread.
- 3-4 hours - chicken and beef (boiled), rye bread, apples, carrots, radishes, spinach, cucumbers, fried potatoes, ham.
- 4-5 hours - beans (beans, peas), game, herring, fried meat.
- 5-6 hours - mushrooms, bacon.

Try to get up from the table slightly underfed (the feeling of complete satiety will come about 10-15 minutes after eating), drink 1 tbsp before eating. warm water (this will prevent you from overeating) and do not eat 4 hours before bedtime.

All the above indicators are average values.
Digestion time also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the amount of food eaten.

If you adhere to the principle of not eating while there is food in your stomach, then you can not only lose weight (you do not overeat), but also maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Gradually, your stomach will decrease in size, and the habit of not overeating will remain with you.

Taste green apples can't be confused with anything. They are juicy, sour, crispy, and also incredibly beneficial for our health.

Yes, apples are, in principle, very healthy, no matter what variety they are. However, green apples there are a number of advantages compared to others.

Firstly, they are antioxidants, and secondly, they have a characteristic sourness, which makes this fruit an ideal addition to any cleansing diet. Especially if you want to lose a few extra pounds.

Green apple goes well with, If we're talking about, for example, about breakfast. You can also add it to a salad, cut it into pieces, or eat it whole at any time of the day if you suddenly feel hungry.

But if we haven’t convinced you yet, then we bring to your attention 8 reasons why you should give preference to them.

We are sure that the temptation will be too great and soon you will definitely include them in your daily diet.

1. Green apples contain a lot of fiber

No apple juice or jam. It is best to eat a green apple, as they say, “alive”, and always along with the peel.

This is the only way to provide your body with enough dietary fiber (fiber). This promotes good intestinal transit.

  • Fiber is not a nutrient, but our body needs it to maintain internal balance and carry out metabolic processes.
  • In addition, green apples contain polysaccharides and lignin, also very important components for maintaining colon microflora.

2. High mineral content

Another benefit of green apples is that they are rich in iron. This mineral is necessary, for example, to increase the level of oxygen in the blood, and also to to control. Women most often suffer from this problem.

  • This tasty fruit also contains a sufficient amount of zinc, copper, manganese and potassium.
  • If during the day you suddenly feel tired, then don’t even hesitate: eat a green apple.

3. Do you dream of losing weight? Let the green apple become your faithful assistant!

If you want to to get rid of extra pounds without harm to your health, then eat 2 green apples a day. If in addition to this you follow a balanced and varied diet, then this fruit will help you:

  • Reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Feel full.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels and the amount of fat accumulated in the arteries.
  • Fight fat deposits in the abdominal area.

4. Fight aging with green apples

If you want your skin remained young and elastic longer, then do not doubt the benefits of green apples, they really work wonders.

The antioxidants included in their nutritional composition help restore cells and rejuvenate the skin.

Additionally, they optimize liver health. And as you know, a healthy liver and its “uninterrupted” operation have a direct impact on our well-being and our appearance. That is, this is the internal well-being that is visible “from the outside.”

5. Prevents the development of diabetes

Green apples not only help prevent the development of diarrhea, but are also very useful for treating it if the disease still overtakes you.

  • However, green apples are an exception. Moreover, they provide the body with a certain type of dietary fiber - pectin. It helps control blood sugar levels.
  • The combination of green apple and cinnamon, for example, is the perfect way to start your day or satisfy your sweet tooth.

6. Speed ​​up metabolism

Thanks to the minerals contained in green apples, you can significantly speed up your metabolism. Copper, iron, potassium and manganese contribute to this process.

Always remember that if you constantly skip breakfast, then the metabolism will slow down.

But if you, on the contrary, train yourself to start your day with a serving of oatmeal with a green apple and a cup of white tea, you will soon notice a positive result.

7. Green apple fights inflammation

In the skin of a green apple contains enzymes that help protect so-called T cells. They are a type of lymphocyte that has the ability to stop inflammatory processes.

Apple peel also contains pectin, which gives us the vitamins and minerals necessary to fight any infection.

So if you suffer from arthritis or arthrosis, do not hesitate: Be sure to eat green apples with the peel on!

8. Promotes blood clotting

This is one way to increase the level of vitamin K in your body, and therefore help wounds heal. Green apples can do it all.

  • Vitamin K acts as a hemostatic agent and is often deficient in our bodies. Especially during or after an infectious disease.
  • And also if you have a tendency to bleeding gums, then green apples will also help.

Increase their amount in your diet, take your step towards health!
