Is electric heating of a private home really the most economical? Economical heating of a country house: options and prices Cheap heating method

Due to the permanent rise in fuel prices, homeowners are trying to minimize their costs for heating their premises. A natural question arises: what kind of heating is the most economical in a private home, and how can you reduce the burden on the family budget? At the same time, it is necessary to provide comfortable living conditions during the cold season.

Residents of urban apartment buildings, which are heated from centralized networks, as a rule, cannot choose and are content with the proposed heating method.

Owners of private cottages have more opportunities in this regard and can provide themselves with the most suitable way heating by installing an efficient and easy-to-maintain heating system. Moreover, some of the latter can be installed with your own hands, without involving specialists.

Comparative cost analysis of different types of heating systems

When choosing a heating method country house Most of our fellow citizens confuse two obvious things. It's about about the costs of purchasing and installing a heating system and the costs of maintaining a comfortable temperature regime. There is an inverse relationship between them: the cheaper the equipment, the more expensive the heat it produces will cost.

Any competent specialist in the field of heating engineering will confirm that the so-called “economical heating” is in most cases a ploy of marketers.

The effectiveness of a particular system depends on a number of factors, including external factors beyond human control, for example, climatic conditions and the dynamics of rising fuel prices. To estimate the costs of heating buildings, we use special techniques allowing to determine the cost of one gigacalorie (Gcal) of thermal energy.

The mentioned calculation methods are, in fact, quite complex and therefore usually come down to simplified calculations based on statistical data over a fairly large period of time. This period can be five or ten years. This is the only way to obtain more or less reliable information about the efficiency of a particular heating equipment.

Currently the most profitable and efficient heating device residential buildings is a heat pump. It will cost 4 times less to use than equipment running on traditional gas or coal. However, this is exploitation, but acquisition heat pump and the costs of its installation are very expensive and do not even pay off in the first few years of its use.

Classification of heating systems

When choosing a method for heating a private home, the owner is faced with a huge variety of heating systems offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter are classified according to three criteria:

  • by type of fuel used: solid fuel, electric, gas, universal;
  • by heating method: traditional water and air ducts;
  • according to the operating principle: chemical reaction combustion, conversion of electricity into thermal energy and so on.

Today, they are actively studying and proposing alternative methods receiving heat. Thus, solar collectors are used for heating and water heating. However, a significant part of our country is located in latitudes where the level of insolation is insufficient for the use of such systems to be truly effective.

Let's take a closer look at the most traditional ways heating of private houses.

Gas boilers

To heat housing, methane is mainly used, which is supplied through main pipeline systems and distribution networks. At the moment this is the most economical way heating a private house.

In areas where gasification has not yet been carried out, gas tanks with a liquefied propane-butane mixture can be used.

A modern gas boiler is fully automated and ensures that the desired temperature in the house is maintained depending on weather conditions. This allows you to reduce fuel consumption during warming, helping to save money in the family budget.

At the same time, gas prices are rising, which, coupled with the high costs of purchasing and installing the appropriate equipment and obtaining permission to operate it, makes the use of this type of fuel not so profitable.

Electric heating

IN last years The popularity of electric boilers is gaining momentum. When choosing the most economical heating, our compatriots are increasingly giving preference to electricity. This method of heating rooms has a number of advantages:

  • Low prices for convectors and components for heated floors.
  • Relative ease of installation - even a non-specialist can lay power wiring in any room and install the boiler there.
  • Autonomy and efficiency - the system turns on with the onset of cold weather and does not require attention until the end of winter. At the same time, the automation maintains the set temperature.

Of course, gas will cost several times less than electricity, but, nevertheless, the use of the latter is justified, first of all, in rural areas. Here, tariffs are lower, and with subsidies and the installation of a two-zone meter, electric heating becomes a fairly profitable option.

Solid fuel boilers

Classic solid fuel boilers They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. In fact, this is a slightly improved version of a conventional stove with all its disadvantages: low efficiency and the need to regularly add firewood or coal.

The most economical heating systems for a private home at the moment can be considered solid fuel boilers - pyrolysis and. By retrofitting a solid fuel boiler with a pellet or gas burner, you can save a decent amount of money during operation. Using pellets is several times cheaper than burning conventional firewood, and the system itself is completely automated. As for the presence of a gas burner, the ability to switch to alternative view fuel, if necessary, is a fairly useful option.

Recently, omnivorous waste heat boilers have appeared on the market, consuming any combustible materials. They burn not only traditional types of solid fuel, but also all kinds of solid household waste. We do not recommend this type heating equipment due to its dubious environmental friendliness.

Types of heating systems by heating method

Maintaining normal temperature conditions in the premises is ensured by the most different ways. Experts distinguish the following types of heating systems according to the method of heat transfer:

  • Water. The coolant is heated by a gas, solid fuel or electric boiler; circulation can be natural or forced.
  • Air. Warming of the premises is provided by electric or gas convectors, as well as heated surfaces of furnaces.
  • Heating with open fire. We're talking about classic wood burning fireplaces, which, by the way, have extremely low efficiency and can be considered exclusively as additional source warmth and interior decoration.

Recently, heated floors have become widespread, which can hardly be called the most economical type of home heating - they are quite expensive to install. However, this is a real find for those who do not like radiators hanging on the walls. In addition, heated floors provide stable and uniform heating of all rooms.

Alternative and hybrid heating systems

Taking into account the regular rise in fuel prices, it is logical to assume that the most economical way to heat a home is the one in which the latter is not needed at all. Such heating systems exist - these are solar collectors and heat pumps.

The effectiveness of the first option seems very doubtful - taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian climate, it can only be considered as an addition to the main equipment.

Heat pumps are a truly innovative technology. Residential and other premises in a private house are heated using low-temperature energy from the earth's interior. The main disadvantage of a heat pump is the high costs of purchasing and installing equipment; its payback period in our country is up to 10 years.

If you are forced to choose which heating is the most economical, it makes sense to think about the most effective systems. Application in parallel installed equipment will reduce your space heating costs by using cheaper fuel depending on the situation. You can also buy a solid fuel boiler with built-in heating elements and equip it with a gas burner.

When choosing a heating system for a private house, one of the most important factors, which must be taken into account is its cost-effectiveness.

How to choose the most profitable heating for a private home

You need to choose the most economical heating for a private home by adhering to the following rules:

  1. Determine how the house will be used: permanently or periodically. It depends on this whether the heating of the house will work constantly or will be turned on only for the duration of the owners’ stay in it. This influences the choice of heating type.
  2. Determine what the concept of benefit is: low cost of initial installation or low cost of operation.
  3. Determine what type of fuel the heating system will use.
  4. Decide on the location of the rooms in the house and its area.

Types of fuel for heating a private home

An economical boiler is selected based on minimum fuel consumption, so you first need to decide which type of fuel is most accessible. Moreover, the availability of fuel consists of two factors:

  • the possibility of its uninterrupted supply;
  • fuel cost.

The first factor becomes decisive in the choice, because in a situation where you cannot get the necessary fuel for any money, you will only have yourself to blame.

The most commonly used fuels are:

  • firewood;
  • briquettes based on peat and wood waste;
  • hard and brown coal;
  • liquid fuel;
  • electricity;
  • liquefied or natural gas.

When purchasing a heating boiler, it is necessary to take into account both the calorific value of each type of fuel and its consumption. The calorific value determines how efficiently it will release energy during use (combustion).

As the calorific value of the fuel decreases, the following series can be built:

  1. electricity;
  2. natural and liquefied gas;
  3. liquid fuel;
  4. coal;
  5. firewood, pellets and fuel briquettes.

The cost of these types of fuel varies in each region. But, on average, if all these types are available in the region, then gas is the cheapest, firewood, pellets and coal cost twice as much, liquid fuel is several times more expensive than gas, and electricity is the most expensive among them.

It is impossible to say exactly which fuel is the most profitable for heating a home. There are too many individual factors influencing this conclusion. If we turn to very average calculations, then according to the increasing cost of heating, different types of fuel can be arranged as follows:

  1. natural gas;
  2. coal;
  3. firewood;
  4. pellets;
  5. liquefied gas;
  6. liquid fuel;
  7. electricity.

Selecting the heating type

Having determined what fuel will be used, you need to choose an economical heating method with which you will heat your home:

  • electrical;
  • water;
  • air.

Electric heating

Heating a house with electricity can be of several types:

  • convection;
  • warm floor;
  • infrared;
  • water

We will look at water heating using an electric boiler later. Now let's turn our attention to the first three varieties.

Convection heating

The economical convection heating method is based on the circulation of air flows in the room, heated by a heating element built into the convector. Such convectors can be portable or built into walls. (You can read more about heating a private house using convectors here and here).

Warm floor

Electric underfloor heating is a special heating cable in Teflon insulation. When connected to electrical network it releases heat that warms the floor. The heating temperature is regulated using a simple regulator. Among the various options for heating with electricity, these are The best way organize economical heating of a private house with your own hands.

Infrared heating

The operating principle of infrared heating is to convert electricity into radiation from a special part of the electromagnetic spectrum - infrared. Heating a house with electricity using infrared radiation is based on the fact that it is not the air in the room that is heated, but the objects directly on which it falls. A separate article has been written about this.

General provisions on electric heating

If we consider economical electric heating of a private home in general, we can highlight the following advantages of its use:

  • ease of installation;
  • quiet operation;
  • the electric heater does not dry the air;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • easy temperature adjustment in individual rooms;

Electric heating also has a number of disadvantages:

  • high cost of operation due to the high price of electricity;
  • the possibility of being left without heat supply in the event of a sudden power outage.

Water heating

The general principle of operation of water heating of a private house is to heat water or other coolant in the boiler, after which it circulates through pipes laid in the house, releasing the accumulated heat in the radiators, and returns back to the boiler.

According to the type of coolant circulation, this is economical way is divided into three types:

  • with natural circulation:
  • with forced circulation;
  • with combined circulation.

Heating with natural circulation

The movement of the coolant in schemes with natural circulation occurs due to the difference in the density of warm and cold water. Warm water is lighter than cold water and is displaced by it in the heating boiler to the upper point of the heating network. Gradually cooling, it goes down along the system, heating the rooms in the radiators, and goes back into the boiler. While the boiler heats water in its heat exchanger, the heating operates continuously.

Features of natural circulation schemes that have a positive effect on their efficiency:

  • the system is independent of electricity - circulation occurs without the use of a pressure pump;
  • durability due to the minimum of elements that can fail.

When assessing cost-effectiveness, it is necessary to take into account negative sides such schemes:

  • inability to heat your economical house with an area of ​​more than 100 sq.m. due to the high hydrodynamic resistance of long networks, water stops circulating in them.
  • necessity permanent job boiler;
  • difficulties with regulating room temperature.

Heating with forced circulation

Such systems differ from heating with natural circulation by the presence of an electric circulation pump. The pump can be built in separately or contained in the heating boiler itself.

Advantages of forced circulation schemes that increase their efficiency:

  • installation requires pipes of smaller diameter than in gravity systems;
  • The efficiency of heat supply due to the operation of the pump increases by 30%.

Disadvantages of forced circulation schemes.

  • in addition to the consumption of the main fuel for heating the coolant, electricity is consumed to operate the circulation pump;
  • If there is a power outage, the system cannot operate.

Heating with combined circulation

Such systems are built on the principle of natural circulation schemes. However, they have a built-in circulation pump, which pumps the coolant in normal mode. If a power outage occurs, the system can operate without it, although less efficiently. But the system is guaranteed against stopping, and the economical house is guaranteed against cooling.

The advantages and disadvantages of the combined heat supply scheme are the same as the previous two, depending on its operating mode.

General provisions on water heating

The advantages of water heating systems include big choice heating boilers that can work with them, and the disadvantages are the relative complexity of installation compared to other methods of heat supply.

Air heating

This economical method of heat supply is designed to heat the air in a heater or heat exchanger and distribute it throughout the rooms through built-in channels. In each room there are several holes near the floor, through which warm air fills the room.

The main advantages of the system that make it economical:

  • The rate of heating of rooms is very high.
  • Efficiency coefficient is not less than 90%;
  • The network of heat supply channels is practically not subject to wear and does not require off-season maintenance.

Minuses air system heating:

  • Such heating cannot operate absolutely silently. For those whose priority is silence during the operation of the heating system, this economical heating method is not suitable.
  • To install a heat generator, you need a fairly large room, larger than for other types of heating systems.

Read more about air heating can be found in this article.

Savings on home layout

Economical heating systems will work efficiently only if the optimal thermal conditions are maintained.

When designing economical home it is necessary to take into account the fact that the rooms bordering external wall, in winter they cool more than those located closer to its center.

Therefore, if we provide for the placement of rooms that require a higher temperature regime, closer to the center, and rooms in which the temperature may be lower, closer to the walls of the house, then the heating network will operate in a more gentle mode and will not consume a lot of energy.

Rooms that require a thermal regime of 20-25 degrees:

  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • bathroom;
  • living room.

Rooms in which lower temperature conditions are acceptable:

  • kitchen;
  • study;
  • wardrobe;
  • utility rooms.

Insulation helps you save money

When installing economical home heating with your own hands, you should not forget about high-quality insulation of the house. The most efficient heating system will work in vain if all the heat supplied to it is lost from the house. Even in the absence of drafts on uninsulated walls, the air will not only cool, but also moisture from it will condense. Cold floors will negate the comfort of any heating system. Poor-quality double-glazed windows and doors will also make a negative contribution to this.

Obviously, the lower the temperature in the region where the house is built, the more money will have to be spent on its insulation.

But a well-insulated, economical house requires energy for heating that is half as much as a conventional building. Accordingly, savings on fuel with any heating method will be very significant.

This factor must be taken into account at the stage of designing a house, choosing materials with high thermal insulation properties for its construction. But an already built house can also be successfully insulated. There are now many different insulation materials on sale that have low thermal conductivity and are suitable for do-it-yourself work.

These can be materials that have been used for a long time:

  • Styrofoam;
  • glass wool

So are the modern ones:

  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral wool;
  • basalt wool.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the possibility of using each depends on the place of use and the material of the walls. Sellers usually know these features well and can advise which insulation is best to install in which cases.

Additional ways to save

With the help of modern appliances you can make your home even more economical:

  • Programmer. Using this device, you can automatically regulate economical heating in rooms, setting the desired temperature regime by day and hour. For example, during hours when the owners are absent, you can set the temperature to 17-18 degrees, and by the time they arrive, raise it to 22-24 degrees. On average, reducing the temperature by 1 degree saves 5% of energy resources.

  • Energy Saving Technologies. These include condensing boilers, solar panels and systems geothermal heating. These technologies help save on home heating by delivering very cheap energy, or even one for which you don’t have to pay. However, these systems will require a significant initial investment, which may not quickly pay off.

I’ll say right away that I’m writing this comment on August 14, 2014, and the place is near Moscow. I believe that at any moment everything can change regarding the cost of systems, that’s why I wrote the date and time.
1. Not everything is so simple with main gas. Despite the adoption of Government Resolution No. 1314 of December 30, 2013. my hopes for connecting a house in the village for 50,000 rubles. collapsed. “Fuck off” they answered me on the phone, pay an advance of 500,000 rubles! then wait for communism, but they officially answered (response from Mosoblgaz dated July 10, 2014): “Until now, the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region has not approved the amount of payment for technological connection and (or) standardized tariff rates that determine its value. In this regard, today it is not possible to prepare a draft connection agreement.” I’ll note right away that there is 500,000 rubles worth of firewood.

That's not enough to heat a house with them for the rest of your life. In this case, I will not need to pay the entire amount at once (and, as I was told, this is only an advance). (-) Very expensive connection, a lot of paperwork, hassle, etc. (+) Mains gas is cheap.

If my experience is useful to someone, then I didn’t write in vain.

New ways to profitably heat your home

One of them is convector heating, due to oil-type heaters and radiators, the second is an innovation, infrared heating, or PLEN.

Not often used, but also cheap heating At home it is considered: heat pumps and solar heating. Solar energy has long been used in Western countries, but in Russia this method is still difficult to take root. The fact is that solar panels are quite expensive, but if you purchase a battery and a heating tank, connected two in one, you can get an excellent alternative source of heat.

Any cheap heating of a private home has been greatly appreciated lately, since maintaining any home is becoming very expensive. However, in a private house there is an opportunity to save money, because there you will not need housing and communal services, and you will decide for yourself when to turn on the heat, when to turn it off, and in what ways to heat it in the heating pipes.

Heating with heat pumps, vacuum collectors and infrared floors

Heating scheme for a private house

Heat pumps are also becoming popular, which make it possible to obtain heating using the heat of the earth even in winter period. Vacuum collectors, or solar heating panels - great way in the absence of electricity, however, the weather in your area should be mostly sunny, so in the north such cheap heating of a private house simply will not work. Film infrared flooring is also considered an inexpensive heating option for harsh climates. However, everyone decides for themselves what the most economical home heating is. If there is a main gas pipeline near the house, you don’t have to go crazy with various innovations. Someone uses liquefied gas for heating. which is also relatively cheap, although a bit expensive to install. You should not skimp on the quality of the heating system, because it all pays off over time.

Convectors and warm baseboards

The convector is also not the cheapest model, since everything depends on electricity, and energy prices are quite high.

Recently, the warm baseboard system has proven itself well, which replaced stationary radiators and works on the principle of heating a coolant liquid, which creates a heat shield around the perimeter of all rooms. This is practically the most economical home heating, which also has a beneficial effect on health, prevents the appearance of dampness and condensation, and also saves heating.

I’ll say right away that I’m writing this comment on August 14, 2014. and the place is Moscow region. I believe that at any moment everything can change regarding the cost of systems, that’s why I wrote the date and time.
1. Not everything is so simple with main gas. Despite the adoption of Government Resolution No. 1314 of December 30, 2013. my hopes for connecting a house in the village for 50,000 rubles. collapsed. “Break off” they answered me on the phone, pay an advance of 500,000 rubles. then wait for communism, but they officially answered (response from Mosoblgaz dated July 10, 2014): “Until now, the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region has not approved the amount of payment for technological connection and (or) standardized tariff rates that determine its value. In this regard, today it is not possible to prepare a draft connection agreement.” I’ll note right away that there is 500,000 rubles worth of firewood. I have enough to heat my house with them for the rest of my life. In this case, I will not need to pay the entire amount at once (and, as I was told, this is only an advance). (-) Very expensive connection, a lot of paperwork, hassle, etc. (+) Mains gas is cheap.
2. Autonomous gasification system. Installation costs from 170 to 300 thousand rubles. BUT! After its installation, you need to conclude a gas supply agreement. It would seem like a wholesale purchase, gas should be cheaper, but no! Gas is cheaper at the nearest gas station. You can cook it yourself steel pipes(solder them copper) manifold and simply connect several cylinders to it, so as not to have to run around switching them often. At the same time, a battery of 6 gas cylinders You can install it permanently on a trailer and refuel it all at once at a gas station. ATTENTION! Work with gas equipment should only be carried out by specialists. Responsibility for everything possible consequences The author removes homemade products from himself. (-) Homemade or overpaying for gas delivery. (+) The price is after firewood, fuel briquettes, fuel oil and waste oil.
3. Electricity. Very comfortable and clean! BUT very expensive. There is a cheap heating option - a heat pump, but installing it is sometimes simply impossible, because... requires the organization of a heat exchanger that requires large areas or drilling wells with a certain heat transfer.
4. Diesel fuel. More expensive than gas and solid fuel. Cheaper than electricity. It is more convenient to use than solid fuel, safer than gas.
5. Fuel oil and mining. Cheap, but very dirty. I have not yet seen a single boiler room that was clean and did not have a corresponding smell.
6. Firewood, coal and fuel briquettes. At the time of writing this, this is the cheapest heating method, but you will have to run to the boiler.
The choice is yours. I don't specifically list prices. They change due to factors unknown to me.
I am now installing a solid fuel boiler in my boiler room with the possibility of installing a gas burner or a diesel burner in it. The boiler will also have automatic air supply control installed. At the same time, I am installing an electric boiler with automatic control. Because To account for electricity, a three-tariff meter is used, then at night (the cheapest tariff) it will be possible to heat with electricity. Installed electric heated floors (heating cable in the screed). They are not enough as the main heating.
If my experience is useful to someone, then I didn’t write in vain.

Hello, Oleg!
Thank you for such an extensive comment and comparison! We sincerely hope that this information will help people in the future!
Best regards, Valery.

Thanks for the info. Useful, educational. I will definitely give up fuel oil.

Hello, Igor!
Thank you for your feedback. We are very glad that we were able to help you in some way!
Best regards, Valery!

Vladislav, hello!
We, in turn, are very glad that more and more people are beginning to understand heating and it is much more difficult to deceive them.
Best regards, Valery.

How to make cheap home heating with electricity

Heating a home with electricity is one of the most convenient and effective ways to heat your home. It has many advantages over traditional heating technologies that use gas, coal or wood as fuel. Previously, electric heating systems had a significant cost disadvantage, but modern technologies allow it to be leveled. We will talk about how to make home heating with electricity inexpensive in this article.

Why electricity?

Electric heating differs from classic water-stove and gas systems by being more economical and practical. We will leave the first aspect for discussion below, and describe the operational advantages here:

  1. Electric heating is not only silent, but also environmentally friendly. It is transported safer than gas and does not emit harmful substances at all, both into the atmosphere and indoors. In the absence of waste, the need for exhaust chimneys and traction structures disappears. Heating using coal or wood is not at all comparable to electric systems.
  2. Heating with electricity does not require large one-time costs. You can make a comparison using gas as an example: to connect a house you must purchase equipment for each room, install communications, a boiler, and connect it to a common pipeline. Moreover, all this must be done together, since it is impossible to postpone connecting any part of the house to the system. A electric method allows you to organize sequential installation: first, the most important parts of the house are connected, and then, as funds accumulate, peripheral ones.
  3. Thanks to the possibility of using a multi-tariff meter in a private house or apartment, as well as the constant development of technology in given sphere, heating with electricity is already the most economical among analogues. You should not focus on the high price of the equipment - it quickly pays for itself due to low energy consumption.
  4. Almost every method of organizing electric heating allows you to install it yourself, without many additional tools.

Of course, the use electrical systems For heating it cannot be called ideal. The work of high-quality heating of each home requires taking into account many features. In some regions, the cost of electricity can be so high that gas cannot be avoided. In old apartment buildings It’s difficult to switch to electric heating for two reasons: it’s very difficult to disconnect from the central line, and the power grid will have to be connected again, taking into account powerful equipment.

Despite this, the overall picture tips the scales towards electricity. For premises where there is no gas or where there is no possibility of supplying it, it is a real salvation.

Types of heating systems

There are several ways to organize electric heating in your home. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are cheaper at the purchase stage, and some save significantly during operation. Let's look at what features each method has:

  1. Installation of an electric boiler designed to heat water passing through the pipes of the heating system. Perhaps the most known method, but at the same time it is far from the most effective today. Manufacturers claim that current models have become much more productive and now consume 80% less energy, but this is a controversial issue. Manually switching the boiler on and off, of course, is impractical, and automatic switching on and off at a given interval does not take into account the temperature conditions of day and night. More or less economical option– install thermostats and corresponding automation to turn on depending on the temperature in the rooms, but this is difficult from an installation point of view and very expensive. Reduced power models with equal performance are also nothing more than advertising. Such a boiler most likely will not have enough “power” to heat a large private house.
  2. Infrared panels. This is not just a way to heat rooms, but fundamentally great technology. The point is not in heating the air (which has very low efficiency), but in influencing objects located in the room. Under the light of IR lamps, floors and furniture heat up and begin to emit heat themselves. The fundamental difference is that the traditional “radiator” method of heating rooms actually heats the ceiling (warm air from the radiator rises), while the floors remain cold. WITH infrared heating it's the other way around. The light is directed downwards, which means the warmest place is the floor. Supplement the system with thermostats - and economical heating of a country house, private house or garage is ready. And the opinion about the dangers of infrared radiation on humans is nothing more than a myth. The main thing is not to stay under the lamp for a long time, and nothing dangerous will happen.
  3. Use of convectors. According to manufacturers, this is the most effective way to heat rooms, which combines high performance and economical energy consumption. Both of these statements are the subject of a long debate, since the technology is based on the same “radiator” principle, and many individual characteristics must be taken into account when heating a house. The main difference is the significant ease of installation and operation and lower price. An important advantage of convectors is fire safety, which is very important when heating a country or private house made of wood. Convectors allow you to install them sequentially from room to room, are compact and pleasant to look at, and are also protected from power supply surges.

Inappropriate options

There are several types of electrical equipment designed for space heating, but not recommended for use as the main heat source:

  • Heat fans. These devices have the simplest design and are a large hair dryer consisting of a heated coil and a fan that drives a flow of air through it. Their use will definitely not be cheap - the air cools down extremely quickly, and it will not be possible to maintain a comfortable temperature for a long time. Do not forget also about the load on the electrical network and the dangers - too dry air is harmful to house plants and people.
  • Oil radiators are probably the most common device used by residents of apartment buildings when the power central heating lacks. Surprisingly, this is also the least efficient heating method. And even if the room is heated to comfortable temperature succeed, it won't be cheap at all.

Why is this equipment so widespread if it is ineffective? The fact is that all of these are auxiliary devices designed to help out in emergency situations or when the main heating does not cope with its tasks. For a garage, for example, constant heating is not always needed. During repair work, it can be heated using a heat gun (fan heater) powered by electricity or gas. But in a house where it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature at a certain level, infrared panels are much more effective.

Organization of economical heating

There is no need to have a long debate about which equipment from the listed options best combines economy, efficiency and safety. It will be much more practical to use one or another option in the most suitable conditions. Below are the basic principles that should be followed to create economical heating with electricity at home:

  1. The first rule is common for systems powered by gas and electric - minimize heat loss by insulating the walls, ceiling and floor. Thanks to this, you can reduce the required thermal power to maintain temperature. Of course, additional costs are necessary for this, but they are compensated by savings on electricity. The temperature inside an insulated garage in winter rises above zero within half an hour if a car is running inside. In an insulated house, you will only need to maintain heat, and not constantly pump it up, forcing the equipment to work at increased power.
  2. Design an optimal electric heating system. For example, an electric boiler can be quite effective for heating a small one-room apartment (if the heat loss is very small). But for a house with many rooms this is not the best option. Here it is more convenient to install a convection system with thermostats that control the climate in each room. Infrared panels are good for a garage, closet or utility room that does not need to maintain a constant temperature.
  3. In rooms and houses that are not used throughout the day, it is optimal to combine electric heating equipment. As an example, let's take a kitchen with a main convector and an auxiliary IR panel. The convector allows you to maintain a minimum temperature throughout the day, and turning on the panel before the evening meal will quickly warm the room for a comfortable dinner. In a similar way, you can arrange the heating of a bathroom, outbuildings or a heated garage.
  4. Thermostatic automation allows you to accurately adjust the temperature. Depending on specific models and devices, you can set “hot” and “cold” periods, use photo sensors to make the room warmer when people are present, and apply other settings. All these seemingly insignificant little things can greatly help in reducing costs.
  5. A large share of heating system consumption occurs at night, when all residents are at home. You can significantly reduce bills for this period by switching to two-tariff electricity metering. The night rate is usually 3-4 times lower than the main rate. To replace your meter and switch to new metering rules, contact your local utility company.

As we can see, economical heating of a private house without gas is quite feasible. The main thing is to carefully plan the transition to electricity, think about which devices to use for the main premises and which for the periphery (garage, bathhouse, other buildings). Of course, buying everything you need can cost a pretty penny, but these costs are offset by the amount you will save over the next years.

What heating is the most economical or what is more profitable to heat a private house?

As a result of the steady increase in energy costs, the demand for economical heating among owners of private houses is naturally increasing. The fact that the vast majority of dwellings were built during the Soviet era and in the early 90s also plays a role. Then people did not think about how much this or that energy carrier costs and how to heat a house with low incomes. Now to the owner country cottage It is important to figure out which heating is cheaper before organizing one in your home.

Which heating is more profitable in the Russian Federation

Before determining the cheapest heating method, we list all the energy resources available to residents of the Russian Federation:

  • various types of solid fuel - firewood, briquettes (eurowood), pellets and coal;
  • diesel fuel (diesel fuel);
  • waste oils;
  • main gas;
  • liquefied gas;
  • electricity.

To figure out which heating is the cheapest, you need to find out how much heat each energy carrier can produce and how much it will cost, and then compare the data obtained. The table containing the calculation results will help you determine the most economical heating:

Note. Prices in the table are taken for Moscow as of July 1, 2016. Due to constant increases in energy costs and currency exchange rate fluctuations, the presented figures become irrelevant over time.

Anyone can perform a similar calculation by substituting the heat load on the heating system of their building and the cost of fuel in the region of residence into the table. The calculation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Column No. 3 contains the values ​​of the theoretical heat transfer per unit of fuel, and column No. 4 - the efficiency (efficiency) of heating equipment using this energy carrier. These are reference values ​​that remain unchanged.
  2. The next step is to calculate how much heat actually enters the house from a unit of fuel. The calorific value is multiplied by the boiler efficiency divided by 100. The results are entered in the 5th column.
  3. Knowing the price of a unit of fuel (column No. 6), it is not difficult to calculate the cost of 1 kW/h of thermal energy obtained from this type of fuel. The unit price is divided by the actual heat transfer, the results are in column No. 7.
  4. Column No. 8 shows the average heat consumption per month for a country house with an area of ​​100 m², located in middle lane RF. For the calculation you should enter your heat consumption value.
  5. Average monthly costs for heating a home are indicated in column No. 9. The figure is obtained by multiplying monthly heat consumption by the cost of 1 kW obtained from various types of fuel.

The table shows 2 types of firewood usually available for sale - freshly cut and dry. This will help you understand how profitable it is to heat a stove or boiler with dry wood.

Analysis of calculation results

Calculations show that the most economical heating for private houses in Russian Federation continues to be provided by natural gas, this energy carrier remains uncompetitive. Please also take into account the fact that gas-powered equipment is relatively inexpensive and at the same time is quite effective and comfortable to use.

When using condensing boilers, efficiency can be increased by another 5-6% compared to conventional gas heat generators. True, condensing equipment will not be cheap (30-50% more expensive depending on the model).

The problem with gas in the Russian Federation is the high cost of connecting to existing pipelines. To heat your home economically, you will have to shell out 50 thousand rubles. (in remote regions) up to 1 million rubles. (In the Moscow region) for connecting to a gas pipe.

Having found out how much connection costs, many homeowners are wondering how and with what to heat their home without gas. What remains are other energy sources from the table, which are listed in ascending order of cost:

  1. Firewood dried and wet. According to column No. 9, it is noticeable that it is much more profitable to burn good dry wood than fresh wood, even if purchased inexpensively. Wood heating equipment is quite affordable for a wide range of users.
  2. Burning briquettes, pellets and coal can also be considered cheap methods of heating a private house without gas; their cost is approximately the same. One clarification: automatic pellet and coal boilers are more expensive than usual (1.5-2 times).
  3. Electric heating at night rate. Considering the minimal costs for equipment and its installation, it is quite possible to heat with electricity cheaply, but only at night. Suitable option both for a country house and for an apartment.
  4. Spent machine oils occupy a middle position between cheap and expensive energy resources. But burning them is associated with certain difficulties, which will be discussed below.
  5. Heating with liquefied gas can no longer be classified as inexpensive ways heating. Especially if you take into account the cost of a gas tank and its installation (about 300 thousand rubles), and only a dacha can be heated with cylinders.
  6. Diesel fuel and electricity at a daily rate are the most expensive energy resources in the Russian Federation; it is not possible to obtain economical heating with their help in the near future.

The use of purely electric equipment for heating a house around the clock cannot be called profitable, since the cheap night tariff is valid for 8 hours a day, and the rest of the time you will have to pay the full rate. So heating with electricity alone will not work cheaply.

The cheaper way to heat a house in Ukraine

Due to the sharp increase in natural gas tariffs, the overall picture of heating costs in Ukraine looks different. The layout is reflected in a similar calculation table:

Note. Electricity tariffs are indicated based on 2 conditions: the home has electric heating according to all the rules and energy consumption does not exceed 3600 kW/h per month. Users who consume more than 3,600 kW/h monthly pay a day rate of 1.63 UAH/kW, and a night rate of 0.82 UAH/kW.

The first place in terms of cheapness of heating in Ukraine is occupied by firewood and electricity used at night. Then the energy resources are arranged in this order (from cheap to expensive):

  • pellets and briquettes;
  • coal;
  • used oil;
  • electricity at a daily rate (for consumption up to 3600 kW/month);
  • main gas;
  • liquefied gas;
  • diesel fuel.

As you can see, Ukrainians cannot count on cheap gas. It is worth noting that they are in the same position as Russians whose houses are not connected to main gas due to the high price for this service. Both have to burn different types solid fuel or use electricity at night.

By the way, at the moment the state provides subsidies to low-income citizens of Ukraine to cover part of the heating costs. This allows many families to use natural gas economically, without incurring the costs of upgrading their home boiler room and switching to wood and coal.

Comparative analysis based on other criteria

In addition to the purely economic calculation of the cost of heating, there are other factors that influence the choice of energy source. For example, it is difficult for an elderly pensioner to chop and carry firewood to the boiler room. Some people don’t like the smell of diesel fuel or the dirt from coal, while others don’t have the opportunity to store a supply of pellets or briquettes. That is, choosing fuel for heating only from the point of view of economy is wrong. Additional criteria need to be taken into account:

  • comfort during use;
  • possibility of storage;
  • frequency and cost of service.

Nuances of operation

It is most convenient to use electricity for heating, although it is difficult to classify it as an economical energy source. The electric boiler does not require supervision, the system is fully automated. The unit is easy to control remotely, and the boiler room is quiet, clean and unpleasant odors. An important point: the electrical heating installation does not require a chimney, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of installation.

In addition to the high price, electric heating has another disadvantage. Not every private home has sufficient electrical power or a limit has been set that does not allow the use of energy for heating. And connecting units with a power of over 6 kW requires a 3-phase input with a voltage of 380 V.

It is almost as comfortable to operate boilers that burn natural and liquefied gas. But they require a chimney and good ventilation of the furnace room. Burning diesel and used oil is no longer so comfortable, since an odor inevitably appears and periodic replenishment of the fuel container is required. In this respect, a diesel heat generator is similar to a pellet heat generator, but the latter benefits from the absence of odors and dirt.

The champion in inconvenience is the wood and coal boiler, which requires constant attention and physical exercise. With the most economical method of heating with wood, the smell of combustion and dust mixed with dirt in the boiler room cannot be avoided (especially for coal). An exception is an automatic coal boiler, which operates on the principle of a pellet boiler, but it also requires periodic replenishment of the bunker.

Automatic boilers: pellet (right) and coal (left)

About fuel storage

The nuances of warehousing and storage are easier to identify in the list:

  1. The electric and gas heating system of a private house operates from external sources; no storage is needed.
  2. For reliable operation Any solid fuel boilers need a supply of fuel; accordingly, it is necessary to organize its storage. You will have to make a firewood shed under a canopy or a warehouse in a barn.
  3. The supply of diesel fuel and waste also needs to be stored somewhere and, preferably, outside the residential building. It is necessary to purchase and install a container of sufficient volume.
  4. The most difficult thing is to organize storage with autonomous heating using liquefied gas as an alternative to natural gas. The cost of an underground gas tank and its installation will quickly make you forget about economical heating Houses.

Not everyone can afford to install a gas tank, and constantly carrying cylinders to refuel is hard work.

There is another, cheaper way to store liquefied gas - in cylinders. But “thanks to” frequent replacement and refilling of cylinders, comfort when operating a propane boiler is equal to exercises with firewood when loading a solid fuel heat generator.

Equipment service

Virtually maintenance-free electric heating installations(check and clean once every 2 years). If it were not for the draconian daily tariff, then with the help of electricity it would be possible to organize a “economical smart home” system. Will have to service more often gas boilers, they require annual preventative cleaning of the heat exchanger and chimney. But here you can save money if you clean the unit yourself, as described in this article.

Due to the low quality of diesel fuel diesel heat generators You will need to clean it when it gets dirty, which can happen several times a season. The same applies to waste oil boilers, and the cleaning process is very dirty. Faced with problems like this in the middle of winter, you'll think twice about whether you need energy-efficient heating while working.

It is advisable to clean the smoke pipes with the firebox of a boiler using wood and pellets once a week, and the ash pan daily. When working with wet wood from the combustion chamber, it is important to remove soot and tar more often before they become completely stuck.

After conducting a comprehensive analysis, we can draw the following conclusions about choosing economical heating for a private home:

  1. Residents of the Russian Federation, whose houses are connected to gas mains, can continue to sleep peacefully - they cannot find a more economical method of heating. Unless you properly insulate your home in order to reduce fuel consumption. In the near future, natural gas will remain uncompetitive.
  2. The cheapest heating without mains gas is burning solid fuel. But for the sake of financial gain, you will have to sacrifice the time and effort spent on loading firewood and maintaining equipment. In this case, you should pay attention to long-burning solid fuel boilers and choose one of them.
  3. If you have financial capabilities best option economical heating - pellet boiler. If you have little space for storing pellets, then the issue can be resolved by periodically supplying pellets during the season, although the purchase cost will then increase.
  4. The best results in terms of efficiency are obtained by a combination of 2-3 energy carriers. For Russia, the most popular pair is solid fuel and electrics at a night rate. For Ukraine - electricity at night and natural gas during the day (including subsidies and without exceeding the limit of 3600 kW).
  5. You can only tolerate dirt and odors in the boiler room if you can get used oil inexpensively. Like diesel fuel, mining is not the best option for a residential building, unless you place the equipment in a separate building.
  6. Residents of the Russian Federation with above-average income can afford to heat their homes with liquefied gas for the sake of comfort. In Ukraine, this method is practically not considered as very uneconomical.

Combinations of gas boilers with electric ones

At the moment, when energy prices tend to European ones, insulation of private houses is becoming increasingly important. This is also a way to get economical heating, because with low heat losses it becomes possible to constantly use an electric boiler with a water heating system or local electric heaters, which is very convenient.

Buildings in the private sector are the most problematic objects for heating. Since houses get very cold in winter, there is an urgent need for heating. It is worth noting that the main factor slowing down the process of resolving the issue is the cost of the work. Work of this nature is very expensive. Many village residents are looking for options that provide more economical heating for a private home. In our note we will consider acceptable existing options economical heating, perhaps by determining the most economical way to heat your home.

Insulation of the building

Remember, in order to spend less money on heating the room, it is important to ensure that this heat does not escape through the walls. Simply put, before choosing economical heating for your home, you should insulate it. The house can be insulated already finished or at the stage of its construction. Thanks to good thermal insulation, you will turn on the heating less often, and the system will maintain normal operation for many years. This will significantly reduce fuel consumption. Good home insulation means low heat loss and economical heating of a private home. When building a well-insulated house, it is important to make the foundation in compliance with all standards. Use thermal insulation materials the best manufacturers. To lay the foundation, purchase building blocks and insulate the facade with polystyrene foam. Today, expanded polystyrene is the only material with low thermal conductivity. He is the best material for insulation of external walls of buildings.

Thermal insulation materials of good quality and at an affordable price will help you improve your home with minimal financial expenses. For greater reliability, let's consider an example. A well-insulated room consumes at least 50% less energy. We compare an ordinary building with an insulated one. To heat the house before insulation, you spent 100 kW, and after that 50 kW will be enough for you.

The positive side of an insulated building is the fact that your heating system is less dependent on electricity.

What does it mean? This means only one thing, you will save money by reducing the consumption of electricity from which the heaters are powered, thereby your economical home heating system will pay for itself.

After high-quality insulation of the house, you can purchase any type of heating equipment. It will be possible for you to use solar panels, heat pumps or solid fuel boilers without gas.

Use of automatic heating means.

Such economical heating of a private house will significantly save the family budget. Remember, when using automation, you can increase the temperature by one degree. In terms of the heat indicators of other fuels, you get 5% more heat.

Automation will protect you from rapidly rising prices for gas and other fuel resources.

Also, automatic, economical heating systems in a private home can maintain the room temperature to a given level. As you can see, it will not work constantly, but only as the room cools. This results in a minimal risk of room overheating.

Also, your presence is not needed to regulate the temperature of the heat released. Automation can constantly keep the air temperature in the room within 27 degrees. Automation allows you to heat the room up to 17 degrees Celsius. This function is relevant when you leave the room for a long time, and it is necessary to maintain the climate.

Setting low temperatures will make it possible to maintain comfortable conditions in the house without overheating or cooling it down.

The savings when using a system such as automatic economical home heating are significant. It reaches 30%. The cost of equipment and installation are acceptable for a family with an average budget. Also, all costs are recouped in a matter of months.

Maintains temperature level at one specified degree

When installing equipment such as economical heating systems for a country house, in order to achieve heating savings, first of all buy thermostatic heads and sensors for indoor temperature readings. They are mounted on heating elements. To install a temperature sensor, connect the pipes that connect the sensors and the boiler.

This kind of work is best done at the stage of building a house. If the house is already ready, we recommend paying attention to wireless sensors. You must understand that such sensors will cost more, but you save on labor costs when hidden installation equipment.

Maintaining low indoor temperatures

In this case, you cannot do without additional equipment. To do this, you need to buy a programmer and controlled sensors. Installation of the sensor is simple, as is its management. In order for it to work, you need to learn the functions of several buttons. Quite difficult to heat Vacation home without using such a heating system. Such economical heating of a country house is acceptable and simply necessary for those who live in the house for a short time, and after leaving, the house needs to be maintained at a comfortable temperature.

It is enough to set the indicator at 17 degrees on the sensor, and the system will immediately start working in economy mode.

As soon as there is a need to warm up the room well again, set the temperature on the sensor to higher values. As you can see, such an economical home heating system is an excellent option to warm up the house without spending a lot of fuel.

It is able to replace an automatic sensor and allows you to reduce fuel consumption, thereby providing economical home heating. The device has earned many positive characteristics from consumers. The programmer allows you to control yourself both automatically and manually.

You set the indicators you are interested in, and they will be met as long as they satisfy you. When using automatic mode, you can set the temperature to change within a day. An hour before you arrive home, the programmer changes the indicators upward and creates the conditions necessary for you.

Energy Saving Technologies

  • Condensing boilers. They have proven themselves well when installing energy-saving equipment. The efficiency of the condensing boiler reaches a maximum of 110%. Such a result can be achieved by such an economical heating system for a private home, designed for long-term use at low temperatures.
  • Warm floor. An indispensable attribute when low temperature heating. Heated floors and a condensing boiler work together to heat the room quickly and economically. In this case, warm air is distributed evenly and creates favorable conditions for people to live.

What other devices are there for economical heating?

There are many known devices that allow good heating save consumer finances. These include heat pumps, economical home heating with electricity, solar panels, solid fuel boilers or a geothermal heating system. All these options are the most economical compared to gas heating.

But it is worth noting that the cost of equipment and installation work is very high. Also take into account the cost of spare parts for an economical heating system for a summer house in case of necessary repairs. To reassure you, let's say that, despite the high cost, they will still pay off.

As you can see, there are many ways to economically heat a private home. To simplify the task, choose the most economical heating for yourself, and also use automatic energy-saving appliances.

Since gas is the cheapest fuel, a heating system using gas fuel is considered the most efficient. But if in locality There is no gas main to which you can connect, then autonomous heating in a private house is done using electric heaters. Since the price of electricity is much higher than gas, the issue of efficiency and cost-effectiveness of electric heating of an apartment or private house is acute.

If you decide to make autonomous heating at home, the most economical way is to use gas fuel. In second place after it is electric heating. Electric heaters have an advantage over stove or water heating for the reason that the installation and maintenance costs of the latter two systems make them uneconomical.

Electric heating of a cottage has the following advantages:

  1. Electric heaters are characterized by silent operation, do not require transportation and storage of fuel and do not emit harmful substances that pollute the atmosphere. Such devices can simply be connected to the electrical network. There is no need to allocate for them separate room with good ventilation and chimney, as for gas boiler, you also do not need to regularly clean them of soot and ash, like solid fuel boilers. In addition, you will not need additional space for storing fuel.
  2. To install electric heating, you do not need to make significant financial investments. initial stage, as when installing systems with liquid coolant. Heaters can be purchased as funds become available and installed in the desired room.
  3. To make economical heating using electricity, you can use two-tariff meters or install solar panels on the roof of the house.
  4. You can connect electric heating devices yourself without turning to specialists for help.

Heating options using electric heaters

To make cheap heating for a private home, you can use several types of electric heaters. Let's look at the features, advantages and disadvantages of each device.

Electric boilers

The most common option for such heating is the installation of an electric boiler, which heats the coolant liquid in the circuit. However, at the first stage of constructing such a system, you will have to spend money on the purchase of pipelines, radiators and components, as well as the assembly of the circuit.

Important! The efficiency of water heating at home using an electric boiler is 90%.

However, this option cannot be called economical, because the boiler will operate continuously and consume a lot of electricity.

To make a system using an electric boiler truly effective, you can do the following:

  • use a two-tariff meter and run the electric boiler only at night, and heat from a solid fuel unit during the day;
  • install thermostats in each room and use an automation system (when the coolant heats up to the specified temperature, the boiler turns off, the unit turns on again if the temperature in the room drops below the limit set by the user);
  • The simultaneous use of a two-tariff meter and a heat accumulator allows you to start the boiler only at night, when electricity is cheaper, and during the day to heat the house using the heated liquid from the heat accumulator.

Infrared panels

The most economical heating of a private home can be done using infrared heaters. Such devices do not heat the air in the rooms, but the surrounding objects (furniture, walls, floor), which then release this heat into the room.

If you install infrared panels on the ceiling, the floor will heat up the most, then the heat will rise upward. IR panels have a significant advantage over radiators. They heat up the air more strongly in the lower part of the room, where we walk on the floor, and create a comfortable zone at a height of 1.5-1.8 m from the floor. Conventional radiators heat the air more strongly in the upper part of the room, where it is completely unnecessary.

Important! If infrared heating devices are equipped with thermostats, they will work much more efficiently. One regulator can control the operation of three devices.


Cheap home heating can be organized using convectors. These units have heating elements inside. Cold air enters the device in its lower part, passes along the heating elements and is heated, then is discharged through slots in the upper part.

On a note! For greater efficiency, convectors are mounted on the wall under window openings so that the device creates thermal curtain in front of the window.

Of course, the principle of heating the air in a room when using a convector is similar to the operation of heating radiators (warm air rises), but greater efficiency is achieved due to the rapid heating of the device and the absence of installation and connection costs.

Advantages of using convectors for heating a home:

  1. The price of convectors ranges from $35-167, which is much less than the cost of a water heating device.
  2. The devices are different fire safety, which is especially important when installing them in wooden buildings.
  3. If necessary, the heating system can be built up and expanded at your discretion. That is, you can buy additional convectors and connect them to the network.
  4. Attractive design and compact dimensions allow it not to spoil the interior of the room.
  5. The operation of IR electric heaters does not depend on voltage drops in the network, which is especially important in rural areas.

Which electrical appliances are not economical?

Above we told you which electric heating is the most economical. Now let's talk about electric heating devices, which are not economical. The most expensive option for electric heating of a country house is an oil radiator. This is due to the power of the device. Several of these radiators will lead to significant energy costs and will require reliable wiring in the house.

At high power, the efficiency of heating a room with an oil unit is lower than that of other devices. For example, if you compare the time it takes a room to heat up to a comfortable temperature when using an IR panel with the time it takes to heat a room with an oil radiator, the results are not in favor of the latter.

Important! Oil radiators cannot be installed on the ceiling or wall, like convectors or IR panels, so the free space of the room is reduced.

It is also not recommended to use fan heaters due to their inefficiency. In addition, such devices make noise during operation, burn oxygen and promote dust circulation. The device heats the room unevenly - with a heater power of 1.5 kW, the temperature in the central part of the room and near the floor can differ significantly.

How to reduce heating costs and increase its efficiency?

Want to know how to make cheap heating? To do this, it is not enough just to buy an economical electric heater and install it in the house, you need to insulate the building well. Significant heat loss from the room through the building envelope can cause you to be disappointed in its performance after purchasing the most efficient and economical electric heater.

Any gaps, cracks or holes in the flow or around windows and doors will help the room cool down quickly. Also, the reason for this may lie in leaky windows or in the absence of insulation in the wall structure. With high-quality insulation of the house, the heating efficiency indicator reaches 80%.

Attention! Since heat loss through the ceiling surface is 20%, this part of the room needs to be well insulated, especially if there is an unheated attic above.

Be sure to install automatic heating control systems. So, if there is no one in the house during the day, it is better to configure the equipment so that it automatically turns on for heating a couple of hours before your arrival. As a result, you will walk into a warm home, but at the same time save on heating costs.

It is equally important to correctly calculate the power of the heating equipment and choose suitable places to install them. Be sure to install a two-tariff meter and configure the operation of the devices so that they operate at full capacity at night, when electricity is cheapest.


A heating system is a must in any home, because it is simply impossible to live without it in the harsh climate of the country. Installation and maintenance of a heating structure is expensive, but nevertheless, it is still possible for a private home. You just need to approach this matter correctly while designing your home. In addition, today there are a lot of technologies and heating devices- among them you can choose a reasonable option, both in terms of efficiency and price. You can see the most economical heating of a private house with your own hands in the photo.

Insulation of private houses

To save on heating costs, you need to take care of high-quality insulation of the building. If the house is well insulated, it will be warm in winter, regardless of the type of equipment used and the layout of the heating system. In addition, this will allow you to save money during operation, because the equipment can not be used at full capacity.
Often, home insulation is performed after construction is completed. Despite the fact that thermal insulation is not cheap, it will subsequently be possible to save on costs associated with heating the building. An effective and relatively inexpensive method of insulation is covering the facade with foam plastic.

It is recommended to choose the insulation method in advance, during construction. Now there is a huge range of different thermal insulation materials and insulation technologies. Can be used during construction special blocks with thermal insulation properties, or finish the facades with expanded polystyrene. This material is currently considered one of the the best insulation materials, because it has a low degree of thermal conductivity.

The most economical heating of a private house is only possible if high-quality insulation of the building has been carried out. In the future, the cost of heating a house with good thermal insulation will be half that of a conventional building (read also: " ").

Also, heating of real estate can be done using heat pumps or solar panels - such methods are more economical. The use of such equipment makes it possible to reduce heating costs, although in our climate it will not be possible to do without traditional boilers. However, when good insulation These technologies turn out to be very effective and allow significant savings on heating in the off-season.

A decrease in temperature by only 1 degree leads to an increase in energy consumption by 5%. Therefore, if even minor errors in temperature measurements are observed, huge costs can be incurred for this reason alone.

You can reduce your heating costs with quality automatic devices, which maintain the air temperature at a certain level. In similar heating systems temperature fluctuations do not exceed 0.5 degrees. With the help of these devices, not only does the temperature not rise above normal, at which it is no longer comfortable to be in the house, but you also do not have to waste time on adjusting the degree of heating. Without such devices, the air temperature can reach 28 degrees or even more.

In addition, such automation makes it possible to maintain the optimal temperature even in the absence of residents. For example, if you have to go somewhere for several days, you can set the heating temperature to 18 degrees - this is quite enough to keep the house warm in the cold, but at the same time reduce heating costs.

According to studies, the use of automation can reduce home heating costs by 30%. Moreover, the cost of such devices is low, and their purchase pays off in just a few months.

The most economical heating is possible if you use thermostatic heads and temperature sensors in each room. These devices can be mounted directly on heating elements. They are connected using special communications, mounted on radiator shut-off valves and allow you to regulate the air temperature in each individual room.

The most economical condensing boilers

These devices are currently widely used for heating private houses. The uniqueness of such units is due to the fact that their efficiency is extremely high - it reaches 110%. Moreover, they are characterized by a long period of operation at low temperature conditions heating

Heated floor systems

If you use a heated floor system together with condensing boilers, you can achieve faster and more economical heating of your home compared to traditional radiators.

Warm floors make residents feel comfortable. Every person knows that even at normal indoor temperatures with conventional radiator heating, the floors remain cold. The underfloor heating system avoids this inconvenience. They are often created when traditional heating using batteries, especially in those rooms where it is necessary to deal with cold surfaces - in children's rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.

These include:

  • geothermal systems;
  • solar panels;
  • heat pumps.
Solar energy provides a large amount of heat, and at the same time remains a free, renewable and environmentally friendly source. Currently, this is widespread in Europe - the equipment is installed in almost all homes. Particularly relevant is the use of solar energy in southern countries, where there are a large number of clear days throughout the year.

In our climate, such devices cannot serve as the only source of heat, since in winter there are often cloudy days and the air temperature is too low. However, in the southern regions, solar systems turn out to be quite effective, and make it possible to save a lot on traditional heating in the off-season. IN summer time The use of solar systems allows you to heat water for domestic needs in sufficient quantities, and for free.

Recently, heat pumps have become popular. Their use makes it possible to heat rooms at any weather conditions, although it is necessary to pay attention to the recommendations for the unit - some of them are not capable of operating at temperatures below 5 degrees below zero. Such devices pump cold air from the street and heat it. The simplest option heat pump – split system. Read also: "".

Geothermal is very effective heating structures. The principle of their operation is based on the use of earth energy. As you know, the soil temperature remains constant even in frost. The level to which channels need to be deepened depends on the degree of freezing of the ground, which varies depending on the region. With the help of geothermal systems, you can provide complete... But vertical channels are expensive to install, and horizontal ones take up a large area.

Usage alternative sources energy is advisable not only from the point of view of economy, but also environmental friendliness during operation. In addition, these sources are renewable and free.
