Operation of hot water boilers. Operating instructions for type de boilers Operating instructions for steam boilers

Moscow 1997 Content

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. STARTING THE BOILER 2.1. Preparatory operations 2.2. Lighting up a boiler using fuel oil 2.3. Lighting up a gas boiler 3. CONVERTING THE BOILER FROM ONE TYPE OF FUEL TO ANOTHER 3.1. Converting the boiler from fuel oil to gas 3.2. Converting the boiler from gas to fuel oil 4. MAINTENANCE OF THE BOILER DURING OPERATION UNDER LOAD 5. STANDARDS FOR WATER CHEMICAL REGIME OF A CLOSED CIRCUIT 6. STOP OF THE BOILER 7. EMERGENCY PROVISIONS 8. INSTRUCTIONS ON SAFETY, EXPLOSION AND FIRE PROOF 9. SCOPE OF EQUIPMENT OF THE BOILER WITH MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS , AUTO-REGULATION, TECHNOLOGICAL PROTECTION, INLOCKING AND ALARMS 9.1. Recommended scope of instrumentation equipment 9.2. Automatic boiler control system 9.3. Technological protection 9.4. Local protections 9.5. Locks 9.6. Process alarm Annex 1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WATER BOILER KVGM-180-150 Appendix 2 EXAMPLE FORM OF A WATER BOILER PERFORMANCE CARD
Developed by the Joint Stock Company "Company for adjustment, improvement of technology and operation of power plants and networks of ORGRES" Performers B. C. SHCHETKIN (JSC Firm ORGRES) and Yu.V. Balaban-Irmenin (JSC "VTI") Approved by the Department of Science and Technology of RAO "UES of Russia" 06/03/96 Head A.P. BERSENEV


RD 34.26.515-96

Effective from 01/01/97.


1.1. Many thermal power plants have hot water boilers, however, when the quality of the network water is low (especially in large cities of the country) and the presence of a large amount of iron in it, intensive deposits of iron deposits occur. internal surfaces heating The greatest number of damages to the heating surfaces of hot water boilers relates to the heating surfaces of convective packages. This is explained. mainly due to their increased heat perception due to their location in the zone high temperatures gases, which leads to an increase in water temperature readings and, as a consequence, to the appearance of significant iron deposits in individual coils. To increase the reliability of heating surfaces, water heating boilers are connected to the heating network through water-to-water heat exchangers. In this case, the boiler is fed (closed circuit) with high quality water, continuous and periodic purging of the closed circuit is performed, which eliminates the appearance of large amounts of iron in the circuit water. 1.2. All the basic provisions for the operation of boilers with external heat exchangers, 1 given in this Standard Instruction, are valid for boilers of any heating capacity, depending on which only the number and switching circuit of external heat exchangers, as well as the number and type of pumps, change. Short description water heating boiler KVGM-180-150 is given in Appendix 1. 1.3. The temperature of the circuit water at the outlet of the boiler (at the inlet to the water-water heat exchangers) when operating at rated heating capacity, to ensure the design temperature of the network water at the outlet of the heat exchangers equal to 150°C, must be not lower than 180°C. Switching on the boiler according to the peak (two-pass) scheme is excluded in this case, since at a temperature of the loop water at the boiler outlet equal to 180°C, its heating output will increase compared to the calculated one by approximately 1.8 times, which is unacceptable. 1.4. The installation of external water-to-water heat exchangers should be considered advisable if the quality indicators of the make-up water of the closed boiler circuit do not exceed the values ​​​​given in Section. 5 of this Standard Instruction. It is advisable to turn on a hot water boiler using a double-circuit scheme in cases where the quality of the make-up water does not meet the conditions given in Section. 5, must be assessed by the design organization with the necessary technical and economic calculations, justifying the costs of installing additional water treatment devices to obtain the appropriate quality of closed-loop make-up water. 1.5. This Standard Instruction establishes the general procedure, sequence and conditions for performing basic technological operations that ensure reliable and economical operation of gas-oil water heating boilers with external water-water heat exchangers. 1.6. Based on this Standard Instruction, local instructions are being developed taking into account the features of the connection diagram of water-to-water heat exchangers and equipment. 1.7. During the operation of boilers, in addition to these Standard Instructions, it is necessary to be guided by such guidance documents as: “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers.” - M.: NPO OGT, 1994; “Safety rules for operating equipment of power plants and heating networks.” - M.: Energoatomizdag, 1995; "Safety rules in the gas industry." - M.: Nedra, 1991; "Standard instructions for the operation of gas facilities at thermal power plants: RD 34.20.514-92." M: SPO ORGRES, 1994; "Explosion safety rules when using fuel oil in boiler plants: RD 34.03.351-93." - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1994; "Rules for technical operation of electrical stations and networks Russian Federation: RD 34.20.501-95." - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1996; "Guidelines for monitoring the condition of the main equipment of thermal power plants, determining the quality and chemical composition of deposits: RD 34.74.306-87." - M.: VTI , 1987; "Standard instructions for operational chemical cleaning of hot water boilers." - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1980; "Instructions for alkalization of steam and hot water boilers." - M.: STSNTI ORGRES, 1970; "Guidelines on the scope of technological measurements, signaling, automatic control at thermal power plants: RD 34.35.101-88." - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1988; "Methodological instructions for calculating maximum permissible temperature heated water, ensuring the absence of surface boiling in hot water boilers: RD 34.26.101-94." - M.: Rotaprint VTI, 1994; "Scope and technical conditions for the implementation of technological protection of power equipment of power plants with cross connections and hot water boilers." - M .: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987. You should also follow the instructions of the manufacturers.


2.1. Preparatory operations

2.1.1. Lighting up the boiler after installation and overhaul must be preceded by: acceptance of main and auxiliary equipment, washing and alkalization in accordance with the Instructions for alkalization of steam and hot water boilers (see clause 1.7 of this Standard Instruction). Before releasing gas into them, all gas pipelines must undergo control pressure testing with air at a pressure of 0.01 MPa (1000 kgf/m2). The rate of pressure reduction should not exceed 600 Pa/h (60 kgf/m2/h). Fuel should be supplied to the newly installed or repaired boiler pipeline only after checking the tightness of the shut-off devices on the fuel supply to the burners and ignition devices. 2.1.2. Ignition of the boiler must be carried out by order of the power plant shift supervisor (duty dispatcher of the heating network). 2.1.3. The boiler is fired up under the supervision of the shift supervisor of the boiler-turbine shop or the senior driver, and after major repairs or installation - under the control of the head (deputy head) of the boiler-turbine shop or his deputy (head of the boiler room). 2.1.4. All operations to prepare the boiler for lighting must be performed by the boiler operator under the supervision of a senior operator. 2.1.5. Make sure that all repair work has ceased, that there are no repair personnel at the work sites and that there are no foreign objects near the equipment being prepared for work. 2.1.6. Inspect the boiler and auxiliary equipment and make sure: the condition of the boiler lining, insulation of pipelines discharging and supplying water to the boiler and water-to-water heat exchangers; serviceability of the fittings, while paying attention to the presence of all fastening bolts in the covers and flange connections, the condition of the rods, the sufficiency of the stuffing box, the presence of reserve for tightening the seals and all fastening bolts in the heat exchanger covers; the serviceability of the drives to the gates and valves, while checking the serviceability of the mechanical levers (no runouts, cracks, the presence of washers and cotter pins in the hinge joints), ease of control of the gates, manually on site; the absence of local indicators of the position of gates and valves “Open” and “Closed” to the marks on their axes; check the operating range of movement of the dampers, install the handwheels KDU and MEO of the drives of the dampers and valves into the operating position that provides remote control of them from the electric drive; serviceability of boiler benchmarks, condition of pipeline supports; readiness of the shot installation, presence of shot in the bunkers; availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment; serviceability and sufficiency of the main and emergency lighting boiler and auxiliary equipment; serviceability of all communications and alarm systems; serviceability and readiness for operation of the boiler nozzles. Only nozzles that have been tested and calibrated on a water stand should be installed on the boiler; for this purpose: during assembly, carefully inspect the nozzles to check the cleanliness of the surfaces, the absence of burrs, nicks, coke and dirt (do not allow nozzle parts even with minor defects for assembly); check nozzles operating with fuel oil pressure up to 2 MPa (20 kgf/cm2) on a water stand at a water pressure equal to the nominal fuel pressure; check nozzles designed to work with high pressure at a water pressure of at least 2 MPa; make sure that the air pressure when checking steam-mechanical nozzles corresponds to the pressure of the steam used for atomization; When checking nozzles on a bench, determine the quality of spraying visually - the cone of sprayed water should have a finely dispersed structure without individual drops, continuous streams and easily distinguishable areas of concentration (strips) visible to the eye; check the cone opening angle for the set of nozzles installed on the boiler (should not deviate more than ±5° from the factory standard); when checking on a bench, pay attention to the tight fit of the individual elements of the nozzle and its barrel (nozzles with loose connections of individual elements are not allowed for installation on the boiler); check the difference in the rated performance of individual nozzles in the set, which should not exceed 1.5%; Each boiler must be provided with a spare set of nozzles. 2.1.7. All boiler burners must be equipped with ignition protection devices controlled remotely and locally. It must be possible to use a manual igniter. 2.1.8. Inspect the firebox, boiler convective heating surfaces and heat exchangers. Through manholes and hatches, make sure that the burners and pipes of the boiler heating surfaces are in normal external condition. Make sure there are no foreign objects or debris on landings. 2.1.9. Check the closure of the valves on the boiler steam supply lines, including those for purging the nozzles. 2.1.10. Make sure that: the shut-off and control valves on the fuel oil supply lines to the boiler, recirculation, to the drain manifold and shut-off valves in front of each fuel oil nozzle are closed; disconnecting the boiler fuel oil pipeline using plugs; closing the shut-off and control valves on the gas pipeline to the boiler and shut-off valves on the gas supply to the burners, disconnecting the gas pipeline with plugs, closing the valves to the igniters. 2.1.11. Submit a request to assemble an electrical circuit for electric motors of mechanisms and remote control fittings and gates. 2.1.12. Submit a request to supply voltage to instrumentation, protection, interlocking and alarm systems. 2.1.13. Check the serviceability of measuring instruments, interlocks, protections and remote control of valves. 2.1.14. If fuel line plugs are not installed, check the operation of the protections, interlocks and control of the valves without opening the valves in front of the handfuls (injectors). 2.1.15. Ventilate the furnace and gas-air ducts of the boiler by turning on the smoke exhauster, gas recirculation exhauster (DRG) and fan; ventilation must last for at least 10 minutes with a total air flow rate to the boiler of at least 25% of the nominal one. 2.1.16. Before starting the boiler, all fittings along the water path of the boiler and heat exchangers, both for loop and network water, must be closed. To fill the boiler with circuit water, open: valves K-9 and K-10 on the water supply pipeline from deaerators of boiler tanks, or from water treatment of hot water boilers (Fig. 1), valves K-19 and K-21 on the suction side of closed-circuit heating pumps (NPZK); valve K-12 on the bypass of closed circuit pumps (NCP); valve-K-1 on the circuit water inlet pipeline to the boiler: all air vents on the boiler. Rice. 1. Thermal diagram of a boiler with an external heat exchanger:
1 - water heat exchanger; 2 - closed circuit pump; 3 - closed-loop feed pump: 4 - drain pump from the drain tank; 5 - tank for draining from the boiler and periodic purging; 6 - expander for drainage and periodic purge;
- boiler loop water;
- heating network circuit;
- periodic purging;
- continuous purging of the circuit;
- air balloon;
- valve;
- electric gate valve;
- flange connection;
- control valve;
- flow washer;
- transition
2.1.17. Turn on the NPZK: open valve K-20 on the discharge side of the pump; turn on the backup oil pump, open valve K-22 on the discharge side of the backup pump and place it on the ATS; After checking the operation of the backup pump, stop it and leave it on the ATS. 2.1.18. Open the periodic blowdown of the boiler, for this purpose: open the manual fittings and the control valve P-1 on the periodic blowdown pipeline of the boiler; turn on the drain expander and periodic purge and the pump for pumping out of the waste tank by opening the corresponding manual shut-off valve of the pump for pumping out of the drain tank; If there is no installation for cleaning industrial condensates, direct periodic blowing of the boiler to the waste water collection tank by opening the corresponding manual fittings; Supply boiler blowdown water cooled in the tank with a temperature not exceeding 30°C to the air intake unit. 2.1.19. Fill the boiler with make-up water, and after water appears in the air vents, close them. 2.1.20. Fill the heat exchangers and their bypass with circuit water, for which: open the bypass of the K-2 valve on the circuit water pipeline at the outlet of the boiler to the heat exchangers; open all vents on the heat exchangers; open the bypasses of valves K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the pipelines for supplying circuit water to the heat exchangers; Finish filling the heat exchangers after water appears from all vents and the water temperature at the inlet and outlet of each heat exchanger is equal; close all vents on the heat exchanger housings; open control valve B-2 and the manual valves on the heat exchanger bypass piping. 2.1.21. The heating rate of heat exchangers should not exceed 60°C per hour for heat exchangers installed in heated rooms, and 30°C per hour (OST 26-291-87) in unheated rooms or outdoors. 2.1.22. After increasing the temperature of the circuit water in the heat exchangers almost to the temperature of the return network water (D t no more than 40°C) fill the pipe space of the heat exchangers with network water, for which open the bypasses of valves C-1, C-2, C-4, C-6, C-8, as well as valves C-3, C-5 and C -7; When water appears from the vents, close them. 2.1.23. Inspect the boiler, make sure there are no leaks in the boiler elements and heat exchangers. 2.1.24. Close all manholes and inspection hatches. 2.1.25. When lighting and operating the boiler using fuel oil, prepare the boiler fuel oil pipelines for filling, in this case: Check the fuel oil pressure in the common fuel oil pipeline of the boiler room - it should be at least 2 MPa (20 kgf/cm2). Check that all valves are closed and that all plugs are present on the steam supply line to the boiler fuel oil line and on the line to the drain manifold (Fig. 2).
Rice. 2. Diagram of steam and fuel oil pipelines for the KVGM-180 boiler: - shut-off valve;- check valve;- shut-off valve with electric drive;- flow meter washer;- wafer plug;- pressure gauge;- fuel oil pipeline;- fuel oil recirculation pipeline:- drainage pipeline:- steam line Set the fuel selection key to the “Mazut” position: assemble a steam supply circuit for fuel oil spray, for which: - install the nozzles and pull them out of the embrasures; - remove the plugs on the boiler supply and recirculation fuel oil lines, as well as on the common steam supply line to the nozzles; open the valve M on the fuel oil supply to the boiler, the shut-off valve, the valve МР and the manual valve on the fuel oil recirculation line (see Fig. 2). Open the fuel oil supply valve to the boiler from one pressure fuel oil pipeline, open the RKM fittings, put the boiler fuel oil pipeline into circulation, warm it up, make sure that the fittings in front of the nozzles are tight, that there are no fuel oil leaks through the seals, flange connections, etc.; The fuel oil supplied to the fuel oil pipeline must be carefully filtered. Make sure that the temperature of the fuel oil in the fuel oil pipeline in front of the boiler is between 120-135°C. Connect the steam and fuel oil nozzles. Drain and pressurize the steam line to the oil nozzles. The steam pressure in front of the burners should be 0.8 MPa (8 kgf/cm2). 2.1.26. When lighting a gas boiler, prepare the gas pipeline (Fig. 3) of the boiler for filling with gas, for which: Rice. 3. Gas pipeline diagram of the KVGM-180 boiler: - valve, shut-off valve;- shut-off valve with electric drive;- control valve with electric drive;- safety shut-off valve;- sampler;- flow meter washer;- wafer plug;- gas pipeline;- gas pipeline to igniters;- purge line
Note . On newly commissioned boilers, a safety shut-off valve and an electrically driven shut-off device must be installed in front of each burner. Set the fuel type selection key to the “Gas” position. Check for a plug in the compressed air or inert gas supply fitting. Close the gas supply valves to the burners (1G-1 - 6G-1 and 1G-2 - 6G-2): open the valves of the purge candles (SP-1 - SP-4) and safety spark plugs (1SB - 6SB), safety shut-off valve (SLV), control valve (RKG). Make sure valve 1G is closed. Turn on the pressure gauge and gas flow meter. Check the excess gas pressure in the general gas pipeline of the boiler room; the gas pressure in front of the burners should not be lower than 0.01-0.15 MPa (0.1-0.15 kgf/cm2). Remove the plugs on the boiler gas pipeline and to the igniters. By opening valves 1P and 1GZ, fill the gas pipelines with gas for 10-15 minutes. The end of the purge is determined by the analysis or combustion of the samples taken, while the oxygen content in the gas should not exceed 1%, and the combustion of the gas should occur quietly, without popping; close the valves of all purge plugs. Inspect the gas pipelines and make sure (by hearing, smell and gas analyzers) that there are no gas leaks. Do not check for gas leaks using an open flame. 2.1.27. Light the boiler and control the lighting process both from the control panel and directly at the burners. 2.1.28. After all heat exchangers have completely warmed up, i.e. if the water temperatures at the inlet and outlet are equal, open valves K-4, K-6 and K-8 on the pipelines for the outlet of circuit water from the heat exchangers; turn on the NC switch, for which: open valves K-13 and K-15 on the suction side of the NC switch; open valves K-14 and K-16 on the discharge side of the NZK; test the operation of the ATS of the backup pump and leave it on the ATS; close valve K-12. 2.1.29. Open valve K-2 on the circuit water exit pipeline from the boiler and close its bypass: open valves K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the circuit water supply pipelines to the heat exchangers and close their bypasses; close control valve B-2 on the bypass pipeline of the heat exchangers. 2.1.30. Open valves C-1, C-2, C-4, C-6 and C-8 on the network water pipelines to the heat exchangers and close their bypasses. 2.1.31. To maintain a constant maximum permissible pressure of circuit water on the suction side of the NPZK, open the manual fittings and turn on the automatic control valve B-1 on the NPZK bypass. 2.1.32. Compare the blowdown water flow rate with the make-up water flow rate; if the flow of make-up water is greater than the blow-down water, it means that there are leaks in the boiler duct; if it is less, you should make sure that the individual flow meters are reading correctly.

2.2. Lighting up an oil boiler

2.2.1. Control the western device from the switchboard or at the place near the burners. 2.2.2. Set the total air pressure to 200-300 Pa (20-30 kgf/m2), maintain the vacuum at the top of the firebox to 20-30 Pa (2-3 kgf/m2). 2.2.3. Set the “Protection” key to the “Ignition” position, this will turn on the protection against: a decrease in water pressure behind the boiler; increasing water pressure behind the boiler; increasing the water temperature behind the boiler; turning off the blower fan, smoke exhauster; disappearance of voltage on remote and automatic control devices and all measuring instruments . 2.2.4. Open the valve on the fuel oil line in front of the nozzle being ignited, either manually (when lighting locally) or electrically driven (when lighting from a panel). 2.2.5. Supply steam to spray the fuel oil, set the pressure in front of the nozzles to 0.2-0.25 MPa (2-2.5 kgf/cm2). 2.2.6. Turn on the ignition device of one of the burners of the lower tier, visually verify that its torch ignites and burns steadily. 2.2.7. Open the valve with an electric (when kindling from the panel) or a manual (when kindling on site) drive in front of the nozzle being ignited. The fuel oil should ignite immediately. 2.2.8. Control the vacuum in the firebox, maintaining it at a level of 30-50 Pa (3-5 kgf/m2). 2.2.9. Monitor the combustion process: the torch should be straw-colored, smokeless, stable, without dark stripes and luminous “stars”; pull it towards the mouth of the embrasure by reducing the air supply. 2.2.10. By influencing the supply of fuel oil and air, adjust the combustion mode. 2.2.11. Light subsequent burners, first the lower ones, then the upper ones, in the same order using Western devices. 2.2.12. Turn off the ignition devices of operating burners after the combustion in the furnace becomes stable. 2.2.13. Close the motorized valve MP. 2.2.14. Set the control valve to the appropriate fuel oil pressure in front of the nozzles. 2.2.15. If, during the ignition process, the fuel oil does not ignite in the first ignited burner, immediately close its supply to the boiler, turn off the ignition device and ventilate the burners, firebox and flues for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the nominal one. After eliminating the cause of non-ignition, proceed with re-ignition. 2.2.16. If during the process of lighting the boiler one burner does not light up or goes out (while the others are working), close the fuel oil supply to this burner, turn off its ignition device, eliminate the reason for the burner going out and, after blowing it with air, proceed to re-ignition. 2.2.17. If the torch in the furnace goes out completely, immediately stop supplying fuel oil to the boiler and turn off all ignition devices. Only after eliminating the causes of extinguishing and performing the operations in paragraph 2.1.15 can you begin to kindle. 2.2.18. Upon completion of the boiler lighting operations, set the “Protection” key to the “On” position, this will turn on the protection against: extinguishing the torch in the furnace; reducing fuel oil pressure behind the control valve. 2.2.19. After the boiler has been fired up and when the iron content in the closed circuit has decreased to the values ​​​​provided for in section. 5, close the boiler periodic blowdown.

2.3. Lighting up a gas boiler

2.3.1. After completing the operations in paragraph 2.1.26, proceed to lighting the boiler. 2.3.2. Control the ignition devices from the switchboard or directly on site. 2.3.3. Set the “Protection” key to the “Ignition” position, this will turn on the protections listed in paragraph 2.2.3. 2.3.4. Set the air pressure at 200-300 Pa (20-30 kgf/m2). 2.3.5. Open the first valve on the gas pipeline in front of the burner being ignited, as well as the valve on the gas pipeline to the ignition device. Close the valve on the safety plug of this burner. 2.3.6. Turn on the ignition device of one of the burners of the lower tier, visually verify the ignition and stable burning of the igniter torch. 2.3.7. Open the second valve along the gas flow in front of the burner being ignited. The gas should ignite immediately. By influencing the supply of gas and air, adjust the combustion process. 2.3.8. Light the subsequent burners (first the lower ones, then the upper ones) as you did the first. 2.3.9. After achieving stable combustion in the firebox, extinguish the ignition devices of the operating burners. Close the valves on the safety plug (SG). 2.3.10. Set the control valve to the required gas pressure in front of the nozzles and turn it on automatically. 2.3.11. If during the ignition process the gas does not ignite in any burner from the ignited group, immediately close its supply to the boiler, turn off the ignition device and ventilate the burners, firebox, and boiler flues for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the nominal one. After eliminating the causes of non-ignition, proceed to re-ignition. 2.3.12. If during the kindling process the burner does not ignite or goes out (with the burners of the ignition group running), close the gas supply to this burner, turn off the ignition device, eliminate the cause of non-ignition or extinguishing and, after blowing the burner with air, proceed to re-ignite it. 2.3.13. If the torch in the furnace goes out completely, immediately stop the gas supply to the boiler and turn off all electrical protection devices. Only after eliminating the causes of the extinguishing and performing the operations in paragraph 2.1.15, proceed to re-kindling. 2.3.14. Upon completion of the boiler lighting operations, set the “Protection” key to the “On” position, which additionally turns on the protection against the extinction of the general torch in the furnace; reducing gas pressure behind the control valve. 2.3.15. After the boiler has been fired up and when the iron content in the closed circuit has decreased to the values ​​​​provided for in section. 5, close the boiler periodic blowdown.


3.1. Converting the boiler from fuel oil to gas

3.1.1. When converting the boiler from fuel oil to gas, perform the following operations: check the operation of the shut-off switch and the operability of technological protections and gas interlocks, affecting the actuators or the signal to an extent that does not interfere with the operation of the boiler; prepare and fill the boiler gas pipeline with gas (see paragraph 2.1.26); supply gas and light one of the lower burners (see paragraphs 2.3.2; 2.3.4; 2.3.5 and 2.3.7); after the gas ignites, close the valves on the fuel oil line to the nozzle of this burner; make sure the torch is burning steadily; blow out the nozzle with a feather, slide it out of the burner and remove it. 3.1.2. Convert the remaining burners from fuel oil to gas in the same way. 3.1.3. Put the boiler's steam and oil pipelines into reserve. 3.1.4. After switching all operating burners from fuel oil to gas, set the fuel selection key to the “Gas” position.

3.2. Converting the boiler from gas to fuel oil

3.2.1. When converting the boiler from gas to fuel oil, perform the following operations: prepare and fill the boiler fuel oil pipelines with fuel oil (see clause 2.1.25); supply fuel oil to the nozzles (one of the lower ones) and ignite it (see paragraphs 2.2.1; 2.2.3; 2.2.5-2.2.8); close the valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner; make sure the torch is burning steadily; open the burner safety spark plug valve. 3.2.2. Convert the remaining burners from gas to fuel oil in the same way. 3.2.3. Put the boiler gas pipelines into reserve. 3.2.4. After switching all operating burners from gas to fuel oil, set the fuel selection key to the “Mazut” position


4.1. Do not allow the boiler to operate without technological protections, interlocks, alarms and automatic regulators turned on. 4.2. Maintain the boiler operating mode in accordance with the operating mode map (Appendix 2) according to the readings of control and measuring instruments. Demand that the CTAI staff on duty ensure constant operability and correctness of instrument readings. 4.3. Promptly identify deviations from the normal operating conditions of the boiler and take prompt measures to eliminate violations of the operating modes of the boiler and auxiliary equipment, acting in accordance with the instructions of Section. 6 of this Standard Instruction. 4.4. While the boiler is operating, monitor: combustion mode, operation of burners and nozzles; absence of fistulas in the pipes of heating surfaces, heat exchanger manifolds, bypass pipes and loop network pipelines, periodically listening and inspecting them; fuel parameters before the control valve and before the burners; operability of control systems, remote control and auto-regulation, protection, interlocking and alarm systems; density of the gas-air path; water flow in the manhole cooling system; the condition of the fittings of the water and fuel ducts of the boiler; condition of lining and insulation; operation of auxiliary equipment; serviceability of working and emergency lighting; serviceability of communication systems. 4.5. According to the job description, perform a preventive inspection of the boiler, heat exchangers and auxiliary equipment. Record any detected equipment defects in the defect log. 4.6. When doing walkthroughs, inspect all gas pipelines within the boiler; identify gas leaks by sound, touch, smell, or by covering possible leak points with a soap solution (the appearance of bubbles indicates the location of the leak). If a gas leak occurs, immediately notify the senior driver or shift supervisor and additionally the person responsible for the safe operation of the gas facility or the workshop manager. 4.7. Main indicators of boiler operation with rated heating output: Temperature of loop water at the inlet to the boiler................................................... .....110°C Circuit water temperature at the boiler outlet.................................... 180°С Pressure of circuit water at the outlet of the boiler............................................ 2.2 MPa (22 kgf/cm2) Subcooling of circuit water to boiling................................... ..................... Not less than 30°C The temperature of the network water at the outlet of the heat exchangers depends on the temperature of the return network water and its flow through the heat exchangers, but should not exceed 150 °C. 4.8. Due to the operation of the control valve B-1 of the NPZK bypass, automatically maintain the pressure on the suction side of the NPZK, depending on their type, at a level of 1.7-2.0 MPa (17-20 kgf/cm 2). 4.9. Open the continuous blowdown of the closed boiler circuit, for which: open the manual fittings on the continuous blowdown pipeline and valves P-2 and P-3; if there is no installation for cleaning industrial condensates, direct continuous purging of the circuit to the waste water discharge tanks; to do this, close the P-3 valve and open the corresponding manual valves; Supply the blowdown water of the closed boiler circuit cooled in the tanks with a temperature not exceeding 30°C to the VPU. 4.10. Install the automatic control valve B-2, installed on the bypass pipeline of the circuit water of the heat exchangers, to maintain the temperature of the circuit water at the inlet to the boiler at a level of 110 C. 4.11. Do not allow the temperature difference between the circuit water at the inlet of the heat exchangers and the network water at the outlet to exceed 40°C. If it is exceeded, reduce the flow of network water through the heat exchangers or the heating output of the boiler. The value of the specified temperature difference above 40°C is allowed only if there is a calculation justification reflected in the factory operating instructions for the heat exchangers. The rate of increase or decrease in the temperature of the circuit water in the heat exchangers when changing the heating output of the boiler should not be more than 60 ° C per hour for heat exchangers installed in a heated room, and 30 ° C per hour when installing them outdoors and should be specified in the technical documentation for each type heat exchangers. 4.12. Regulation of the heating output of the boiler in the load range of 30-100% on gas and 45-100% on fuel oil is carried out by changing the fuel pressure under operating conditions of the boiler with all burners turned on. 4.13. To increase the heating output of the boiler, first increase the draft, then the air flow and, finally, the fuel flow. When reducing heating output, first reduce fuel consumption, then air flow and draft. 4.14. Visually monitor the combustion process. 4.15. When burning fuel oil or gas, to limit local heat flows in the furnace and reduce harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides in the boiler heating output range of 60-100%, work with DRGs turned on. The permissible degree of opening of the DRG guide vanes is determined during operational testing, depending on the use of specific gas recirculation schemes. 4.16. Maintain excess air in the flue gases from the boiler at a rated heat load of at least 1.05-1.1 for gas and 1.1-1.15 for fuel oil. 4.17. When turning on the DRG on an operating boiler, first raise the air pressure to 30 Pa (300 kgf/m2) at the boiler’s rated heating capacity, then gradually open the DRG guide vane to the recommended value. 4.18. If there is a noticeable increase in the iron content in the closed circuit of the boiler during its operation, as directed by the chemical shop personnel on duty, open periodic blowdown of the boiler. 4.19. After reducing the iron content in the boiler to the standards provided for in section. 5, close periodic boiler blowing. 4.20. To assess the condition of the inner surface of the pipes, make cutouts of control samples from undamaged areas in the area: combustion screens at the marks between the burners and above the upper tier; lower bending coils of upper convective packages. 4.21. In the event of an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the heat exchanger tubes using network water at a calculated flow rate of approximately 1.5 times, it is necessary to carry out their individual washing using a mobile high-pressure unit, which is carried out by a specialized organization.


5.1. In a closed loop, two different water modes can be used: alkaline mode with replenishment of the circuit with turbine condensate at thermal power plants of any pressure, feed or makeup water of high-pressure drum boilers; alkaline mode with replenishment of the circuit with Na-catnated water (if the industrial circuit is located in the boiler room). 5.2. Alkaline mode with recharge of a closed circuit with turbine condensate at thermal power plants of any pressure, feed or makeup water of high-pressure drum boilers. 5.2.1. The quality of closed-circuit make-up water must satisfy the following standards: Total hardness, mcg eq/kg.................................. Not more than 3 Contents dissolved oxygen, µg/kg, no more: when replenishing with feed water.................................. 10 when replenishing with condensate or demineralized water............... .................. 50 (set by energy associations) Content of iron compounds, µg/kg........... Not more than 50 Content of petroleum products, mg/kg ................. Not more than 0.3 Hydrazine content, µg/kg...................... ... Lack of 5.2.2. The quality of closed circuit water must meet the following standards: General hardness.................................................... ......... Not more than 10 µg eq/kg Dissolved oxygen content............. Not more than 50 µg/kg Iron compounds......... .................................... Not more than 100-150 µg/kg pH value (at temperature 25°C)............. 9.5-10 5.3. Alkaline mode with replenishment of the closed circuit with Na-cationized water (if the industrial circuit is located in the boiler room). 5.3.1. The quality of closed circuit make-up water must meet the following standards: General hardness.................................................... .......... Not more than 50 µg eq/kg Total alkalinity.................................... ............... Not more than 5 mcg-equiv/kg Dissolved oxygen content............. Not more than 50 mcg/kg Free carbon dioxide content.. .............. 0 Amount of suspended substances.................... Not more than 5 mg/kg Content of petroleum products.. ........................... Not more than 0.5 mg/kg Iron compound content............ ............. Not more than 100 mcg/kg 5.3.2. The quality of closed circuit water must meet the following standards: General hardness.................................................... .......... Not more than 60 mcg/kg Dissolved oxygen content................. Not more than 50 mcg/kg Iron content........ ................................... .. Not more than 200-250 µg/kg pH value (at a temperature of 25°C)....... 9.5-10 Content of petroleum products......... .................... Not more than 1 mg/kg 5.4. Blowing the circuit in all water modes should ensure the maintenance of closed circuit water standards for iron compounds. The total consumption of continuous and periodic blowdown, based on the conditions for maintaining pressure in a closed circuit, should not exceed 30 t/h per boiler. 5.5. Direct addition of hydrazine and other toxic substances to the circuit water and make-up water is prohibited. 5.6. Maintaining the required pH values ​​of closed-circuit water should be done by introducing ammonia or caustic soda. Solutions of alkaline reagents are introduced into the make-up water supply pipeline to the suction side of the NPZK. 5.7. When commissioning a closed circuit after its installation, water heating boilers that have operational deposits of 500 g/m2 or more on the inner surface must undergo chemical cleaning. Newly commissioned hot water boilers must undergo alkalization after installation before commissioning. 5.8. Operational chemical cleaning of heating surfaces should be carried out when their specific contamination with deposits exceeds 600 g/m2. 5.9. Heat exchanger tubes are made of corrosion-resistant steel.


6.1. Stop the boiler in reserve for a period of no more than 3 days. 6.1.1. When stopping a boiler operating on fuel oil, perform the following operations: thoroughly clean the convective heating surfaces of the boiler; sequentially, starting from the top ones, turn off the burners by closing the fittings for the fuel oil supply to the nozzles; close the air supply to the switched off burners; blow the nozzles with steam by opening the valves (1Pr-6Pr); close the steam supply for spraying fuel oil (1P-6P); remove the disconnected nozzles from the firebox; close the shut-off valve, valve and shut-off valves on the supply and recirculation fuel oil pipelines of the boiler; visually verify that the torch in the firebox has completely gone out. 6.1.2. When stopping a boiler running on gas, perform the following operations: one by one, starting from the top ones, turn off the burners by closing the fittings on the gas supply to the burners, open the safety plugs; close the air supply to the burners to be switched off; close the shut-off valve, RKG and shut-off valves on the gas supply line to the boiler; open the purge plugs on the gas pipeline being disconnected; ventilate the firebox, flues and air ducts for at least 10 minutes (see paragraph 2.1.15). 6.1.3. Stop the DRG, smoke exhauster and fan, close their guide vanes. 6.1.4. Disable technological protections by setting the "Protection" switch to the "Disabled" position. 6.1.5. After cooling the boiler and heat exchangers to a temperature 10-20°C higher than the temperature of the network water at the inlet to the heat exchangers: turn off the NC switch and close valves K-13 - K-16 on their suction and discharge sides; to ensure water circulation in a closed loop, leave one NPZK in operation; open valve K-12 on the NC bypass; close the continuous purging of a closed circuit. 6.2. Boiler shutdown for more than 3 days. Disconnect all gas pipelines to the boiler and perform the following operations: clean the fuel oil pipelines of the boiler and the outlets to the burners from fuel oil by blowing them with steam into the drainage pipeline; disconnect the boiler fuel oil lines with plugs from all fuel oil lines of the boiler room and purge lines; clear the gas pipelines of the boiler, all outlets to the burners from gas by blowing with compressed air and disconnect them from all lines with plugs; determine the end of purge by analysis (the residual gas content in the purge air should not exceed 1/5 of the lower flammability limit of natural gas); disconnect the ignition devices from the gas supply pipelines with plugs; when installing heat exchangers on the street or in an unheated room at negative outside temperatures, to prevent a decrease in the temperature of the heat exchangers and associated pipelines when the boiler is stopped, flow make-up water through the heat exchangers due to the operation of the NPZK through the bypass pipeline of the circuit water of the heat exchangers, for which open the bypass of control valve B -2; close the control valve B-2 and the manual valves on the bypass pipeline of the heat exchangers, close the shut-off valve K-2 at the outlet of the circuit water from the boiler and turn off the NC switch, turn on continuous purging of the circuit; at positive ambient temperatures in the places where the heat exchangers are installed, stop the NPZK, close valves K-19 and K-20 on its suction side and discharge side; close the manual fittings and control valve B-1 on the bypass of the oil filling complex; close the manual fittings and control valve B-2 on the bypass pipeline of the heat exchangers; turn off the NC valve and close valves K-13 - K-16 on their suction and discharge sides; open the valves of all boiler vents and drains; after fulfilling the requirements under clause. 6.1.5 drain the water from the boiler by closing valves K-1 and K-2 at the inlet and outlet of the boiler; drain the heating water from the heat exchangers by closing valves C-2 - C-7 at the supply water inlet and outlet of the heat exchangers; open the valves of all drains and vents of the heat exchanger pipe system; drain the loop water from the heat exchanger bodies, for which close valves K-3 - K-8 at the inlet of the loop water into and out of the heat exchanger bodies and open the valves of all air vents and drains from them; carry out drainage into a drainage expander and periodic purge (see paragraph 2.1.18); submit a request for disassembly of electrical circuits of electric motors of mechanisms and remote control of fittings and gates; Perform internal inspection, cleaning and repair of the boiler only with written permission (by order) and in compliance with the relevant safety regulations; Perform gas-hazardous work in accordance with the Safety Rules in the Gas Industry. 6.3. When removing the boiler for a period of more than 30 days (summer period) before preserving the boiler and heat exchangers, carry out an external inspection of the heat exchanger tubes in order to assess their density, for which: turn off the heat exchangers through the network water with plugs, drain them; remove the covers from the housings of all heat exchangers; create a circuit water pressure equal to 1.0-1.2 MPa (10-12 kgf/cm 2) by turning on the NCZK and, if necessary, the NPZK, adjusting the circuit water pressure with control valve B-1; inspect the tubes, if damaged, restore their density, and if this is not possible, plug them; Carry out all operations to inspect heat exchanger tubes at a circuit water temperature of no higher than 45°C. 6.4. After installing the covers on the heat exchanger bodies, perform internal preservation of the boiler and heat exchangers by pumping make-up water from the deaerator tanks through the boiler and closed circuit; turn off the NPZK and NZK and open valves K-11 and K-12 on their bypasses; Make-up water must be discharged through a continuous blowdown pipeline into the drain expander and a periodic blowdown pipeline with its subsequent supply to the installation for cleaning industrial condensates or to the water treatment facility; Pump water during the entire boiler shutdown period. 6.5. Carry out internal preservation of the boiler and heat exchangers installed in heating boiler rooms with a sodium silicate solution in accordance with the current Guidelines for the preservation of thermal power equipment.


7.1. In the event of equipment malfunctions: carefully check the performance indicators and, based on instrument readings and external signs get an idea of ​​the violation of the regime; inform the shift manager of the CTC or power plant about the incident; establish the nature and location of the damage; turn on backup and turn off damaged equipment; make sure that backup equipment is working properly; take measures to restore damaged equipment. 7.2. In case of accidents, immediately provide medical assistance to the victim in accordance with current regulations. Organize a call medical personnel and notify the shift manager of the CTC and the power plant about the incident. 7.3. Register in the operational log the available data about the accident, indicating the beginning, the nature of the course and the actions of personnel to eliminate it, as well as the time of individual events (turning on and off equipment, triggering interlocks, protections and alarms). 7.4. The boiler must be immediately stopped by protections (see clause 9.3 of this Standard Instruction) or directly by personnel in the event of: failure of the circuit water flow meter, if in this case irregularities occur that require power adjustment; stopping the NC and not turning on the backup pump via AVR; stopping the oil pumping station and not turning on the backup pump via AVR; increasing the pressure of the circuit water at the boiler outlet to 2.6 MPa (26 kgf/cm 2) or lowering it at the indicated temperatures to a value lower than those given in the table. Note . The circuit water pressure must be higher than the network water pressure. The circuit water pressure values ​​in the table are given taking into account its underheating to saturation temperature at 30°C. rupture of pipes of boiler heating surfaces, collectors and pipelines at appropriate pressure; detection of cracks, swelling, leaks or sweating in welds, leaks in the main elements of heat exchangers; extinguishing the torch in the firebox; unacceptable decrease in gas or fuel oil pressure behind the control valve; turning off the smoke exhauster or blower fan; explosion in the furnace, flue, destruction of lining, other damage threatening personnel and equipment; fires that pose a danger to personnel, equipment and remote control circuits of disconnecting valves included in the protection circuit; increasing the temperature of the circuit water at the boiler outlet to 190°C; loss of voltage on remote and automatic control devices or all instrumentation; rupture of the fuel oil or gas pipeline within the boiler. 7.5. In case of emergency shutdown of the boiler: close valves C-1 and C-8 on the return and forward pipelines of the network water and open their bypasses; close valves K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the supply of circuit water to the heat exchangers and open their bypasses; remove the NC switch from the AVR; stop the NZK and close the valves on the suction side and the discharge side, close the P-2 valve on the continuous purging pipeline of the circuit; open valve K-12 on the NC bypass; in the event of an emergency shutdown of the oil filling complex, additionally open valve K-11 on their bypass. 7.6. The boiler must also be stopped by order of management in the event of: detection of fistulas in heating surfaces, collectors, pipelines, leaks and steam in the fittings and flange connections of the boiler, as well as in the flanges of heat exchanger housings; malfunctions of individual protections or remote and automatic control devices, as well as instrumentation. The boiler shutdown time in these cases is determined by the chief engineer of the power plant or the head of the boiler room.


8.1. Basic instructions on safety, explosion and fire safety must be reflected in local instructions drawn up in accordance with the guidance documents listed in clause 1.7 of this Standard Instruction. 8.2. Safety requirements for servicing heat exchangers are given in the installation and operation instructions issued by the heat exchanger manufacturer, on the basis of which, depending on the type of heat exchangers, local instructions are developed.


To monitor the operation of the boiler, the following instrumentation must be installed: a recording and indicating flow meter for measuring the flow of circuit water through the boiler; recording flow meter for measuring the flow of network water through heat exchangers; recording flow meter for measuring the flow rate of continuous purging of a closed circuit; indicating flow meter for measuring the flow rate of periodic boiler blowdown; recording flow meter for measuring the flow of make-up water in the circuit; indicating pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of the boiler (behind the LC valve); recording and displaying pressure gauge for measuring water pressure behind the boiler; indicating pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of the LC valve; indicating pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of the make-up pump; indicating pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of return network water; indicating pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of circuit water in the heat exchanger housings; indicating instruments for measuring pressure drops in network water at the inlet and outlet of each heat exchanger; recording and indicating device for measuring the temperature of the circuit water in front of the boiler; recording and indicating device for measuring the temperature of the circuit water behind the boiler; an indicating device for measuring the temperature of the return network water; recording device for measuring the temperature of direct network water; a recording device for measuring the temperature of the loop water at the inlet to each heat exchanger; a recording device for measuring the temperature of the circuit water at the outlet of each heat exchanger; recording device for measuring the temperature of network water at the outlet of the output heat exchangers; recording and indicating device for measuring gas flow; an indicating pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure downstream of the control valve; recording and indicating pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure in the gas pipeline to the boiler; recording and indicating flow meter for measuring fuel oil flow to the boiler; indicating pressure gauge for measuring fuel oil pressure downstream of the control valve; recording and indicating pressure gauge for measuring fuel oil pressure in the fuel oil pipeline to the boiler; indicating steam pressure pressure gauge for fuel oil spray; recording flow meter for measuring fuel oil consumption for recirculation; an indicating device for measuring the temperature of fuel oil in front of the burners; recording device for measuring flue gas temperature; indicating instruments for measuring temperature flue gases along the width of convective packets (via a switch); an indicating device for measuring air pressure behind the blower fan; recording device for measuring the temperature of bearings of draft machines; oxygen meters (left and right); instruments for measuring the transparency of flue gases (right to left); an indicating device for measuring the vacuum at the top of the firebox. The following must be installed locally: pressure gauges on the gas supply lines to each burner; pressure gauges on the fuel oil supply lines to each burner; sawing steam pressure gauges for each burner; draft pressure meters on the central and peripheral air channels for each burner; pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure behind the control valve; pressure gauge for measuring fuel oil pressure downstream of the control valve.

9.2. Boiler automatic control system

The system includes the following regulators: main; fuel; general air; vacuum at the top of the furnace; circuit water pressure on the suction side of the NZK; temperature of the circuit water in front of the boiler.

9.3. Technological protection

The values ​​of the protection response time delays are determined by the manufacturer of the boiler equipment and the current instructions. The equipment turned off by protections, after eliminating the causes of the operation, is put back into operation by the personnel on duty. On boilers using two types of fuel, a switch is installed to input and output protections, which has separate positions for each type of fuel. The boiler shutdown is protected when: the torch in the furnace goes out; a decrease in gas pressure behind the control valve; reducing the fuel oil pressure behind the control valve with a time delay of up to 20 s; turning off the smoke exhauster; turning off the fan; failure of the circuit water flow meter, if this results in a regime violation requiring power adjustment; shutdown of the NC and failure to turn on the backup pump via AVR; shutdown of the oil pumping station and failure to turn on the backup pump via AVR; increasing the pressure of the circuit water at the boiler outlet to 2.6 MPa (26 kgf/cm 2); increasing the temperature of the circuit water at the boiler outlet to 190°C. Protection to reduce the underheating of circuit water below 30°C is introduced if there is a device for generating a set point based on the difference between the actual temperature of the circuit water and the saturation temperature of the corresponding pressure of the circuit water at the boiler outlet (see Table 7.4) and is performed instead of protection for low pressure . For previously designed boilers where such protection is not installed, protection is installed to reduce the pressure of the circuit water at the outlet of the boiler with a setting of 1.9 MPa (19 kgf/cm2) and a time delay of 10 s. Tolerances for the values ​​of protection settings depend on the class of devices, the supply of which is determined by the design organization.

9.4. Local protections

9.4.1. If the burner flame fails to ignite or fails, the oil nozzle or gas burner, as well as the ignition device, is turned off by closing the electrified fittings in front of the burner. 9.4.2. If after 10 s the pilot light does not appear or goes out, it is switched off by gas and electric spark.

9.5. Locks

9.5.1. When the smoke exhauster is turned off, the boiler is stopped, the valve on the gas supply to the igniter is closed, the electric spark, the blower fan and the DRG are turned off. 9.5.2. When the guide vane of the smoke exhauster (fan) is fully opened and its electric motor is running at first speed, by blocking it, the electric motor switches to second speed with a time delay of up to 3 s. 9.5.3. The electric motor of the smoke exhauster or fan does not turn on if the guide vane is not completely closed. 9.5.4. The fan does not turn on if the smoke exhauster is not turned on. 9.5.5. When the fan is turned off, its guide vane closes. 9.5.6. The valve on the gas pipeline to the boiler does not open if at least one of the electric valves at each burner is not closed.

9.6. Process alarm

Signals of deviation of the main parameters from the set values ​​must be sent to the boiler control panel, causing the light displays to turn on and sound signal: boiler stop; extinguishing of the torch in the firebox; decrease or increase in fuel pressure behind the control valve; change in vacuum at the top of the furnace; increasing the temperature of water leaving the boiler; increasing the permissible temperature difference between loop and network water in heat exchangers; decrease or increase in water pressure at the boiler outlet; reducing the consumption of contour water through the boiler; turning off the smoke exhauster; turning off the blower fan; turning off the recirculation smoke exhauster; turning off the burners; loss of voltage in protection circuits.

Annex 1


The gas-oil water heating boiler KVGM-180-150 is installed at the thermal power plant. The boiler is a direct-flow boiler, T-shaped, designed to burn gas and fuel oil. Combustion chamber The combustion chamber of the prismatic-shaped boiler has axial dimensions screen pipes 6480x5740 mm. The front and rear screens are made of 60x4 pipes with a pitch of 64 mm. The intermediate screens separating the furnace and convective flues are made of gas-tight pipes of the same diameter, pitch - 80 mm. In the lower part of the firebox, the front and rear screens form the hearth slopes. The top of the combustion chamber is covered with ceiling panels that go into the side screens of the lower gas ducts. The ceiling and side screens of the convection shafts are made of pipes with a diameter of 38x4 with a pitch of 42 mm. The collectors inside the boiler have a diameter of 273x14 mm; the material of the heated pipes of the heating surfaces, collectors and bypass pipelines is steel 20. In the latest modifications of the boiler, all combustion screens are gas-tight. The design of ceiling and side screens in convective flues has also been changed, which are now made of 60x4 mm pipes. The strength of the combustion chamber is ensured by stiffening belts. The casing consists of sheet carbon steel. The firebox is suspended from the ceiling frame of the frame using special rods. In the first samples of the boiler, the combustion chamber is equipped with six vortex gas burners, which are located on the side screens of the firebox in two tiers opposite, triangles with the apex up. They are equipped with steam-mechanical nozzles equipped with a movement mechanism. Each burner is equipped with an ignition-protective device. Subsequently, the manufacturer produced KVGM-180-150 boilers with twelve direct-flow burners placed in the furnace according to the MPEI scheme, as well as six and eight vortex burners on the side screens of the furnace, counter-current, respectively, in three and two tiers in height. In subsequent modifications of the boiler (model KVGM-180-150-2M), to organize the combustion process, eight direct-flow gas-oil burners were installed on the front and rear walls in the corners of the firebox, placed in two tiers with a direction tangential to an imaginary circle in the center. The lower tier burners are pilot burners. Each burner is equipped with an ignition protection device (IPD). Convective heating surfaces are located in two sink shafts with fully shielded walls. The enclosing surfaces of the flues are: side screens of the firebox; side panels of flue ducts; front and rear walls of gas ducts. The front and rear walls of the convective shaft are made of pipes with a diameter of 95x5 (steel 20) with a pitch of 136 mm. To ensure tightness, a 40 mm wide fin is welded between the pipes. Pipes of the front and rear walls of the convective shaft serve as collectors U-shaped coils made of pipes 32x3 mm (steel 20). The arrangement of pipes in the lower gas duct is staggered with steps S 1 = 68 and S 2 = 60 mm. Circulation circuit In the main operating mode of the boiler (Fig. P1.1), circuit water is supplied by closed-loop pumps to the common inlet chamber of the boiler, from which it is directed through bypass pipes to the right half of the lower collectors of the front and rear furnace screens, as well as to the lower collectors of the right side screen of the firebox, the right side screen of the convective shaft and the ceiling screen, from which water flows into the front and rear panels (risers), into the upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the right lower gas duct. From their lower collectors, water flows into the left half of the lower collectors of the front and rear firebox screens, into the lower collectors of the left side screen of the firebox, as well as the left side screen of the convection shaft and the ceiling screen. From the indicated heating surfaces and from the left half of the front and rear screens of the firebox, water is supplied through bypass pipes to the front and rear panels (risers), to the upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the left lower gas duct, from which it enters the common outlet chamber.
Rice. P1.1. Hydraulic diagram of the water heating boiler KVGM-180-150 (main mode):
1 - front furnace screen; 2 - rear firebox screen; 3 - right side screen of the firebox; 4 -- right side screen of the convective shaft and ceiling screen; 5 - front panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the right lower gas duct; 6 - rear panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the right lower gas duct; 7 - left side screen of the firebox; 8 - left side screen of the convection shaft and ceiling screen; 9 - front panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the left lower gas duct; 10 - rear panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the left lower gas duct; 11 - boiler inlet chamber; 12 - boiler outlet chamber; Cleaning heating surfaces When the boiler operates on fuel oil, shot cleaning is provided to clean the convective heating surfaces from external deposits. Transportation of shot with a size of 3-5 mm is carried out using an air injector. The installation design uses avalanche shot discharge, which ensures more efficient pipe cleaning. In order to prevent shot from being thrown into the firebox, the height of the “threshold” from the top row of the convective package is about 1500 mm. To eliminate the introduction of shot, a protective grille is installed in the outlet flue. Instead of a shot blasting installation, it is recommended to use gas pulse cleaning. Boiler lining Boiler lining consists of insulating and reinforcing materials, asbestos part applied by spraying, reinforced mesh, sealing plaster and fiberglass with polymer coating. The thickness of the lining is 110-130 mm. The collectors on the side of the gas ducts are protected with chamotte concrete: the outer part is covered with asbestos insulation. Draft installation The boiler is equipped with one fan VDN-25-11 y. Air intake can be carried out both from the room and from the street. To heat the air to positive temperatures after the blower fan, KVV-12P water heaters are installed. The draft is provided by a smoke exhauster DN-24x2-0.62 GM. Recirculation of flue gases, taken before the last convective package and supplied to the air duct behind the blower fan, is created by a VDN-21 recirculation smoke exhauster. In subsequent modifications of the boiler, it is equipped with a VDN-26 fan, KVB-12B-PU-3 water heaters and a VGDN-17 gas recirculation smoke exhauster. Calculation data and design characteristics of the KVGM-180-150 water heating boiler Nominal heating capacity, MW (Gcal/h). ........................... 209(180) Water pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2), calculated..... ................................................... 2, 5(25) Water temperature, °C: at inlet.................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 110 at the output............................ ........................................................ ................................ 180 Water consumption, t/h........... ........................................................ ................................... 2500 Minimum hydraulic resistance of the tract, MPa (kgf/cm2).. ...... 0.3(3) Heat output control range, % of nominal...... 30-100 Overall dimensions, mm: width...... ........................................................ ........................................ 14400 depth....... ........................................................ ........................................................ 7300 altitude................................................... ........................................................ .......... 29880 Note . The indicators of the main version of the boiler are given. The design characteristics of water-to-water heat exchangers are not given in this section, since heat exchangers are ordered by the design organization at various manufacturing plants. Their data is reflected in the factory operating instructions for heat exchangers of each type.

Appendix 2


Operating mode: main Fuel: gas, fuel oil


Heating capacity, % nominal

Water pressure at the boiler outlet, MPa (kgf/cm2) Water temperature at the boiler inlet, °C Temperature of circuit water at the outlet of the boiler (at the inlet to the heat exchangers), °C Return network water temperature, °C Temperature of direct network water. °C Temperature difference between circuit water at the inlet to the heat exchangers and network water at their outlet, °C Contour water consumption, t/h Consumption of network water, t/h Hydraulic resistance of heat exchangers for network water, MPa (kgf/cm2) Number of working burners, pcs. Fuel consumption: m 3 / h kg/h Fuel pressure behind the control valve, MPa (kgf/cm2) Fuel pressure in front of the burners, MPa (kgf/cm2) Air pressure behind the fan, kPa (kgf/cm2) Air pressure in front of the burners, kPa (kgf/cm2) Steam pressure for fuel oil spray, MPa (kgf/cm2) Fuel oil temperature. °C Vacuum at the top of the furnace, Pa (kgf/m2) Oxygen content in the operating section, % Flue gas temperature, °C Efficiency boiler gross, % Specific emissions of nitrogen oxides, g/m 3 Opening degree of the DRG guide vane, % Note . The regime card was issued as of _____

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. General form:

1. General Provisions.

The instructions contain general instructions for the operation of steam boilers of the DKVr type, on the basis of which, in relation to specific conditions, taking into account control and equipment, each boiler house develops its own production instructions, approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

The production instructions and operational diagram of the boiler room pipelines must be posted at the boiler room operator’s workplace.

Installation, maintenance and operation of steam boilers should be carried out in accordance with the “Rules for Boilers”.

Instructions for the operation of the furnace, burner, economizer, automation system and boiler auxiliary equipment are contained in the relevant instructions of the manufacturers of this equipment.

“Installation, maintenance and operation of boiler room pipelines should be carried out in accordance with the “Rules for the construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines.”

The boiler owner receives a boiler passport from the manufacturer, which is issued to the latter when the boiler is transferred to the new owner.

In the passport, in the corresponding section, the number and date of the appointment order, position, surname, name, patronymic of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler, the date of testing his knowledge of the rules for boilers are indicated.

The specified person enters into the passport information about the replacement and repair of boiler elements operating under pressure, and also signs the inspection results.

Acceptance into operation of a newly installed boiler must be carried out after its registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities and technical examination, on the basis of an act of the State or working commission on acceptance of the boiler for operation.

The boiler is put into operation by written order of the enterprise administration after checking the readiness of the boiler installation equipment for operation and organizing its maintenance.

In addition to the boiler passport, the boiler room must have a repair log, a water treatment log, a pressure gauge control log, daily operating logs of boilers and auxiliary equipment, and a shift log.

Boiler maintenance can be entrusted to persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, been trained and have a certificate for the right to service boilers in accordance with the requirements of the Boiler Rules.

2. Inspection and preparation of the boiler for lighting.

Before lighting the boiler, carefully check:

Water supply in the deaerator, serviceability of feed pumps and availability required pressure V
supply line, power supply to automation panels and actuators;

Serviceability of the firebox and flues, absence of foreign objects in them.
After inspecting the gas ducts, close the hatches and manholes tightly.

Preparation for lighting fuel devices should be carried out according to the instructions of the furnace manufacturer;

The integrity of the protective lining of the drums, the presence and thickness of asbestos sheet in explosive safety devices;

Correct position and absence of jamming of the blower pipe, which should turn freely and easily by the flywheel. The nozzles must be installed so that their axes are symmetrical with respect to the gap between the rows of convective pipes, the location of which is checked by looking through the hatches in the side walls of the lining;

Serviceability of instrumentation, fittings, feeding devices, smoke exhausters and fans.

After checking the serviceability of the fittings, make sure that the purge valves of the boiler, screens, remote cyclones (for boilers with two-stage evaporation) and the economizer are tightly closed, and the superheater purge valve (if any) on the superheated steam collector is open, the economizer drain valves and The boiler is closed, the boiler and economizer pressure gauges are in working position, i.e., the pressure gauge tubes are connected by three-way valves to the medium in the drum and the economizer, the water indicator glasses are turned on, the steam and water valves (taps) are open, and the purge valves are closed. The main steam shut-off valve and the “steam for auxiliary needs” valve are closed, the economizer vents are open. To release air from the boiler, open the steam sampling valve on the drum and at the sample cooler;

Fill the boiler with water at a temperature not lower than +5°C to the lowest water level.
solid glass.

When filling the boiler, check the tightness of the hatches, flange connections, and the tightness of the fittings.

If leaks appear in hatches or flanges, tighten them; if the leak is not eliminated, stop powering the boiler, drain the water and change the gaskets.

After the water rises to the lower level of the water indicator glass, stop powering the boiler and check whether the water level in the glass is maintained. If it drops, you need to identify the cause, eliminate it, and then refill the boiler to the lowest level.

If the water level in the boiler rises while the feed valve is closed, which indicates that it is leaking, it is necessary to close the valve upstream.

If the feed valve is significantly leaking, it is necessary to replace it with a serviceable one before starting the boiler.

Check by switching on the serviceability of the main and emergency lighting, the gas equipment of the boiler and the ignition protection device, the fuel oil system, and the correct assembly of the burner nozzles.

The temperature of the fuel oil in front of the nozzle should be in the range of 110-130 o C, the viscosity should not exceed 3°VU.

If the boiler is started after repairs, during which the boiler drums were opened, then before closing them, make sure that there is no dirt, rust, scale and foreign objects.

Before installing new gaskets, thoroughly clean the abutment planes from remnants of old gaskets; When assembling, lubricate the gaskets and bolts with a mixture of graphite powder and oil to prevent burning.

After inspection, rinse the boiler by filling it with water and draining it (water consumption and rinsing duration depend on the degree of contamination of the boiler).

3. Ignition of the boiler.

The boiler should be lit only if there is an order written in the shift log by the head (manager) of the boiler room or his deputy. The order must indicate the duration of filling the boiler with water and its temperature.

It is advisable to fire boilers operating on solid fuel using natural draft. In this case, air is supplied through the doors of the front wall due to the vacuum in the firebox.

Boilers burning fuel oil and gas must be fired with the smoke exhauster and blower fan running, which are turned on with the guide vanes closed. Then open the guide vanes slightly, maintaining a vacuum in the furnace of about -25 Pa. Ventilate the firebox for 5-10 minutes. Until ventilation is completed, it is prohibited to bring open fire into the firebox and flue ducts.

After finishing ventilation, close the blower fan guide vane.

Boilers of the DKVR type allow the production quick kindling. The total duration of heating a boiler in a cold state is about three hours. In this case, the heating and heating of the boiler before the pressure starts to rise must take at least 1.5 hours.

The process of kindling and caring for the firebox should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for inspecting the combustion device.

During the kindling process it is necessary:

If steam appears through an open valve at the sampling cooler, after displacing air from the upper boiler drum, close the valve of the sampling steam line on the boiler drum. From this moment on, the driver must carefully monitor the pressure gauge reading and the water level in the water indicator glasses;"

At a steam pressure of 0.05-0.1 MPa (0.5-1.0 kgf/cm2), use a pressure gauge to purge the water
filling glasses and pressure gauge siphon tube.

When blowing water indicator glasses:

Open the purge valve - the glass is purged with steam and water;

Close the water tap - steam is blown through the glass;

Open the water tap, close the steam tap - the water pipe is blown out;

Open the steam valve and close the purge valve. The water in the glass should rise quickly and fluctuate slightly at the water level mark in the boiler. If the level rises slowly, the water tap needs to be vented again.

For boilers with an operating pressure of 39 kgf/cm2, repeat blowing the glass at a pressure of 30-33 kgf/cm2. After checking the readings on the water meter glass and the lowered level indicator, further observation is carried out using the latter.

From the beginning of kindling, periodically blow out the lower drum to ensure uniform heating.

Blowing the boiler and subsequent replenishment will also replace the water in the economizer. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water, preventing it from boiling in the economizer. For boilers with steam superheaters, from the beginning of firing, open the purge valve of the superheater, which closes after connecting the boiler to the boiler room steam line.

Monitor the increase in pressure in the boiler, adjusting the amount of fuel and air supplied in accordance with the boiler operating chart.

If hatches and flange connections were opened during a shutdown, then when the pressure in the boiler increases to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2), the nuts of the bolts of the corresponding connections should be tightened.

At high steam pressure, tightening nuts and manholes is strictly prohibited.

Tightening may only be done with a normal wrench in the presence of the person in charge of the boiler room.

When lighting boilers, it is necessary to monitor the movements of boiler elements during thermal expansion using movement indicators (benchmarks).

The installation locations of the benchmarks and the magnitude of thermal expansion are indicated in the installation drawings of the benchmarks for the corresponding boiler. Compensation for thermal expansion of boiler elements is carried out due to the presence of a gap between the bolts and elliptical holes in the movable supports of the boiler. If the thermal movements are significantly less than the calculated ones, check whether the movable supports of the boiler are pinched.

Installation of benchmarks on the upper drum is not provided due to the absence of pinching and the possibility of free thermal expansion in all directions.

It is prohibited to blow on heating surfaces while lighting the boiler.

Blowing the boiler.

It is prohibited to put into operation boilers with faulty fittings, feeding devices, safety automation and emergency protection and alarm systems.

When the pressure rises to 0,7-0,8 MPa (7-8 kgf/cm2) for boilers with a working pressure of 1.3 MPa (13 kgf/cm2) and up to 1.0-1.2 MPa (10-12 kgf/cm2) for boilers with a working pressure 2.3 MPa (23 kgf/cm2) and 39 MPa (39 kgf/cm2) to warm up the main steam line from the boiler to the collecting manifold, for which:

Fully open the drain valve at the end of the steam line of the collecting manifold and bypass
steam trap;

Slowly open the main steam shut-off valve on the boiler;

As the steam line warms up, gradually increase the opening value of the main steam shut-off valve on the boiler; By the end of the main steam line warming up, the steam shut-off valve on the boiler must be completely open.

When warming up, monitor the serviceability of the steam line, compensators, supports and hangers, as well as the uniform movement of the steam line. If vibration or sudden shocks occur, stop heating until the defects are eliminated.

When the boiler is connected to a steam line that is in operation, the pressure in the boiler must be equal to or slightly lower (not more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2)) the pressure in the steam line.

As the boiler load increases, the superheater blowdown decreases.

I affirm:

Chief Engineer




Manufacturing instructions

for boiler room maintenance personnel

gas hot water boilerVitoplex 100

    General provisions

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training, a medical commission, and have a certificate for the right to service boilers are allowed to service a hot water boiler.

1.2. Recheck boiler room personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.3. The boiler operator must:

Receive repeated training on occupational safety in the workplace at least every three months;

Pass a knowledge test on the rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers, steam and hot water pipelines.

Undergo a medical examination;

Perform only the work that is part of his duties;

1.4. The operator must know:

Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and

hot water boilers;

Installation of internal and external gas pipelines of the boiler room, auxiliary equipment, alarm systems and automatic control systems;

The effect on humans of dangerous and harmful factors that arise during work;

Requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire safety;

Internal labor regulations;

Requirements of this instruction;

Prescription of personal protective equipment;

Be able to provide first aid in case of an accident.

1.5. During work, the operator may be exposed to the following hazardous production factors:

High pressure and temperature of heating surfaces;

High voltage in the electrical network;

Increased noise and vibration levels;

1.6. The boiler room operator must use the following PPE:

Suit “Mechanizer-L” or Overalls for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences;

Yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;

Polymer coated gloves;

Closed safety glasses;

Anti-noise headphones or earplugs;

Jacket with insulating sole;

Insulated yuft boots with oil- and frost-resistant soles.

1.7. When entering duty, personnel are required to familiarize themselves with the entries in the log, check the serviceability of the equipment, the serviceability of the lighting and telephone.

1.8. After accepting the shift, the operator must check the readings of pressure gauge 9 (located on the gas pipeline in front of the burner); the readings should correspond to 18-21 kPa.

1.9. Acceptance and delivery of duty must be documented by the operator with an entry in the shift log indicating the results of inspection of boilers and related equipment (pressure gauges, safety valves, automation equipment). In the shift log at 9.00, the operator must record the readings of the pressure gauges and thermometers of the supply and return pipelines, the pressure gauge and thermometer on the boiler, take readings of the heat and gas meter, water consumption.

1.10. Unauthorized persons are allowed access to the boiler room by the manager.

1.11. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment, passages must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.

1.12. Doors exiting the boiler room should open outward easily.

1.14. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the liquidation of an accident is not permitted.

    Gas preparation and start-up

      Check that the boiler is filled with water to an operating pressure of 2.5 bar.

      Check the condition of the shut-off valves on the supply and return pipelines; they must be in the open position.

      Check the operation of network pump No. 2

      Check the presence of gas in the ShRP at the outlet; the readings on pressure gauge 9 should correspond to 21 kPa

      Slowly open the ball valve on the gas pipeline after the ShRP (at the entrance to the boiler room).

      Open ball valve No. 4 at the lower end and after counter No. 7

      Blow out the gas pipeline (ball valve No. 10 must be in the open position) for 10 minutes.

      Close the purge plug (ball valve No. 10).

      Make sure there are no gas leaks from gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings by washing them.

      If there are no leaks, open ball valve No. 12 (in front of the burner).

      When leaks are detected close valves No. 7 and No. 4, open the purge plug (ball valve No. 10) and make a phone call:

    89217100582 – Chief Engineer(responsible for gas facilities of DGS) Efimov A.G.

2. 89210084628 – boiler room foreman (responsible for the operation of the boiler room) Ananyev A.A.;

3. 96-00-24, 96-14-31 96-14-81 – repair service of LPM-Service LLC (internal gas pipeline and hot water boiler)

4. 09/21/41 or 04 - emergency service OJSC "Kaliningradgazification" (SRP, external gas pipeline)

      The boiler burner is started automatically.

      Switch on the power switch on the Vitotronic 100 and 333

      The boiler operates in automatic mode, configured during commissioning

    Boiler operation

3.1. While on duty, boiler room personnel must monitor the serviceability of the boiler and all boiler room equipment. Record the temperature and pressure readings at the boiler, as well as the pressure and temperature at the supply and return of the heating network in a shift log. Malfunctions detected during equipment operation must be recorded in a shift log. Personnel must take measures to eliminate the malfunction. If the malfunction cannot be eliminated on your own, then you must inform the boiler room master by phone. 89062305265 or 47333 or the person responsible for the gas supply of the boiler room by phone. 89217100582.

4. Emergency shutdown of the boiler

4.1. In the event of an emergency stop of the boiler, you must:

4.1.1. Switch off boiler power switch E on the Vitotronic 100 controller

4.1.2. Switch off boiler power switch G on Vitotronic 333

4.1.3. Turn off the burner on toggle switch No. 1

4.1.4. Shut off the gas supply to the boiler room, open the purge plug (Close the valves on the burners and gas pipeline)

4.1.5. Report the accident to the boiler room master by phone 89062305265 or 47333

    Boiler shutdown

5.1. The gas boiler is stopped by the boiler room master.

    Final provisions:

7.1. The enterprise administration should not give personnel instructions that contradict the instructions and could lead to an accident or accident.

7.2. Workers are responsible for violating instructions related to the work they perform in the manner established by the internal labor regulations and in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The instructions were compiled by: __________ boiler room master

Agreed by: O.T. Engineer __________

This instruction has been developed on the basis of: - Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants, approved by the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 115 of March 24, 2003 - Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm 2) water heating boilers, water heaters with water heating temperature not higher than 338K (115°C), approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 205 dated August 28, 1992. 1.1. A person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler room from among the engineers and technicians of the EMU service must be appointed to the boiler room. 1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age are allowed to service the boiler room: the operator of the EMU boiler service and persons from the operational dispatch service who have completed training, passed the exams of the certification commission, and have a certificate established form for the right to service boiler installations and allowed by order of the enterprise to perform these works. 1.3. Ignition of the boiler before the heating season is carried out after written permission in the boiler room passport of the person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler room. 1.4. Purpose of the boiler: production of high-temperature coolant (hot water); type of fuel – natural gas; design parameters: water pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) – 0.7 (7.0) water temperature, °C – up to 115 heating capacity, Gcal/h – 2.0. 1.5. Maintenance and repair of boiler equipment is carried out by: - ​​heat power equipment - by the EMU service; - instrumentation and automation by the instrumentation and automation service; - gas equipment by the gas distribution service.


2.1. When preparing to start up the boiler room, it is necessary to take the FOLLOWING MEASURES: - ventilate the boiler room with a fan or open windows and doors for 10-15 minutes; - after ventilation, the gas content in the room is checked using a gas analyzer. - inspection of pumps, pipeline circuits, supports, fittings, insulation of flange connections, settling filter; - see everything gas taps and valves, normal position - all purge candles must be open; - after opening the valves at the inlet and outlet of the boiler, fill the heating system with network water, bleed air through the vents from the heating system - turn on circulation pump and bring the water pressure in the heating system to 2.0-4.0 kgf/cm 2 - conduct an external inspection of gas equipment. 2.2. Before starting the boilers, an external inspection of the chimneys is carried out, and if there is a break for a long time, the internal surfaces are also inspected. External inspection is carried out on supports, compensators, control valve, explosion valve, insulation, manhole gaskets. There is a blockage that will prevent the boiler from starting when the control valve is closed valve 2.3. When gas is supplied, the tap is opened and the corresponding valve to the boiler is purged for about 5-10 minutes, after which the purge valve is closed. 2.4. When the network is full, the valves must be opened. Softened water is supplied to the boilers through taps. When filling the network and water supply circuit with water, close all valves to remove air. 2.5. To turn on the network pumps, after filling with water, open the valves and close the valves and then turn on the selected network pump 2.6. If during heating season If you adjust the temperature of hot water at the inlet and outlet of the boiler room, then the temperature of the water at the inlet to the network pumps should not exceed 80°C. 2.7. Turning off one network pump automatically turns on another. If both pumps fail, the control valve opens to allow natural circulation in the network. When the boiler room is turned off, the network pump is stopped and the shut-off valve is closed after it. 2.8. Network cold water flows through a settling filter, feed pumps (one is working, the other is in reserve), a heater, cation exchange filters and enters the suction manifold of the network pumps.


3.1. Turn on the “NETWORK” toggle switch, turn off the network and sound alarms. At the same time, the “NETWORK” and “OPERATION” indicators light up and the program for monitoring the boiler status sensors starts. If the sensor parameters deviate from the norm, the corresponding indication lights up. 3.2. After supplying fuel to the boiler burner, start the start-up program by moving the “START – STOP” toggle switch to the “START” position. 3.3. The boiler is started and controlled by the KSUM-1 automation.


4.1. The boiler unit operates in fully automatic mode. 4.2. Boiler automation is divided into: a) safety automation; b) automatic control. 4.3. Automatic temperature control includes: b) automatic activation of the boiler; V) automatic maintenance network water pressure in the return pipeline; a) automatic control of the temperature of hot water in the supply pipeline within specified limits; d) automatic shutdown of the boiler. 4.4. Safety automation includes: a) emergency automation; b) automatic alarm system. 4.5. Emergency automation includes; - protection for lower air gas pressure after the fan; - protection against emergency excess of water temperature (115 °C); - contactor protection of the burner (interference in the burner). 4.6. Automatic signaling includes: a) alarm “burner malfunction”; b) gas supply system alarm; c) alarm of circulation pumps; d) alarm of injection pumps; e) alarm of the upper and lower limits of the hot water temperature of the supply pipeline; f) low temperature alarm; g) alarm of the upper and lower limits of water pressure at the entrance to the boiler. 4.7. It is necessary to check the safety valve every shift by “exploding”. 4.8. When the boiler is operating, it is necessary to monitor the pressure and temperature of the supply and return network water. 4.9. The control panel displays more important parameters of water and gas in the boiler room. 4.10. Operation of boilers and water heaters with faulty automation and equipment is not allowed! 4.11. When the boiler is turned off by the general boiler control device, the boiler is ignited by the operator after completing the automatic stop program.


5.1. To stop a boiler operating in autonomous control mode, the operator must:
  • press the “stop” button on the front panel of the KSUM-1 unit, after which the stop program is executed automatically;
  • close the tap on the burner;
  • open the purge line tap;
  • turn off the fan when the fan is running circuit breaker power supply on the unit and the “Network” switch on the front panel of the KSUM-1 unit. In this case, the “Network” indicator light should turn off.
5.2. Disconnect the voltage from the boiler automation. 5.3. When stopping or repairing, it is necessary to cut off the boiler from the boiler room flue using a manual gate.
  • Turn off after 30 minutes. circulation pump if the other boilers in the boiler room are not working.
5.5. Close the valve at the water inlet to the boiler.


6.1. An emergency stop of the boiler is carried out automatically when the emergency automatic system is triggered in the event of: - damage to the gas pipeline in the boiler room (gas contamination); - damage to the external gas pipeline to the boiler room; - destruction of the boiler; - spontaneous increase or decrease in pressure in the boiler room; - increasing the water pressure in the heating system above the permissible level; - rupture of the heating main. 6.2. If the boiler is operating in emergency mode and the emergency automation does not work, it is necessary to turn off the boiler room emergency switch.

"I affirm"








1. General provisions

Operation of Ferroli Prextherm RSW 469 hot water boilers with a Weishaupt WM G10/2A burner. ZM must be carried out in accordance with the “PU and BE of steam and water-heating boilers” and the brief operating instructions for water-heating boiler installations. “Rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems” compiled by Ferroli.

1.2. Observe the equipment maintenance periods specified by Ferroli.

1.3. Comply with the quality standards for feed and boiler water specified by Ferroli.

1.4. Boilers that are not in operation must be in standby mode or mothballed.

Equipment characteristics.

There are two hot water boilers installed in the boiler room: two Ferroli Prextherm RSW 469 with a Weishaupt WM G10/2A burner. ZM. By means of primary circuit pumps, water is forced into the boiler. It heats up and enters the heat exchanger through pipes.

Secondary circuit water is forced by secondary circuit pumps into the heat exchanger and sent to heat buildings.

Normal boiler operating parameters are given in the operating chart - individually for each boiler.

Scheme of automatic safety and regulation of Prextherm RSW 469 boilers with a Weishaupt WM G10/2A burner. ZM provides:

a) automatic start and stop of the boiler

b) positional control of the boiler power depending on the temperature of the water in the boiler according to the instructions, installed on the burner control panel.

c) automatic switching on/off of the boiler feed pump depending on the water pressure in the boiler.

d) emergency protection that stops the boiler in the event of emergency situations listed below:

 when the water temperature at the boiler outlet increases;

 when the water pressure in the heating system at the boiler outlet decreases;

The air supply is regulated by an air damper, which is driven by a reversible motor. The same reversible engine, through a lever mechanism, regulates the fuel supply using a cam control throttle. Thus, the supply of air and fuel is regulated in the correct proportion for more efficient combustion.

At the entrance to premises hazardous in terms of gas contamination, signs must be posted in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026-2001, prohibiting the entry into these premises by unauthorized persons, smoking, lighting and the use of open fire. Unauthorized persons may be allowed into these territories only with the permission of the administration of the operating organization or the owner of the facility.

The boiler room and the area where gas equipment is located must be kept in good condition and in proper cleanliness. Passages in the boiler room and exits from them must be free.

The following must be posted in the boiler room: this instruction and a diagram of gas pipelines indicating the installation locations of shut-off valves, control and safety devices, etc. The valves and equipment must be numbered.

A “Gas Equipment Maintenance Log” must be kept in the boiler room.

Maintenance of gas equipment in the boiler room must be carried out within the time limits specified in the schedule. In this case, at least once a year, scheduled repairs of equipment with its disassembly must be provided.

2. Description of the gas equipment of the boiler room.

The main gas-using equipment in the boiler room are water heating boilers from the company Ferroli type ( PREXTHERM RSW 469) . Each boiler is equipped with a modulating gas burner W.M. - G 10/2-A of the company " Weishaupt » (Germany), supporting fully automatic operation. The use of modulated burner operation increases the overall efficiency of the boiler room.

The following is installed on the gas pipeline to the boilers:

A) Ball valve (11) on the lower gas pipeline to the boiler.

b) According to the requirements of the “Rules for the use of gas and the provision of gas supply services in the Russian Federation”, the project provides for technological accounting of gas rotary counter DELTA G -40 (4).

V) Ball valve (13) on the purge plug located between the meter (4) and the ball valve (11) located in front of the boiler gas filter.

d) Safety, shut-off, ignition and control devices boiler burners.

The gas pipeline is equipped with:

Thermal shut-off valve KTZ 001-80-02 (1)

- solenoid valve KPEG50-P.(2)

Gas filter FG-16-50 (3)

Gas meter DELTA G -40 (4)

Safety shut-off valve KPZ-50 (5)

Gas pressure regulator RDBK1-50M/25 (6)

Safety relief valve PSK-50PS50 (7)

The boiler room is designed supply and exhaust system ventilation with natural impulse from the condition of 3-fold air exchange and supply of the required amount of air for combustion of boilers. The air flow during the cold season is carried out through the KVU-D-1 ventilation grille. IN warm period years due to the ventilation grille and elements of the VTS ventilation system (deflector) type TA 315.

4. Scope and frequency of maintenance and repair.

To ensure you need:

1. Once a month, produce:

To ensure correct and safe operation of the burner and normal operation of the safety and boiler control automation, it is recommended to carry out the following measures:


· Checking the safety automation by putting it into emergency mode with a log entry.

· Visual inspection of the condition of devices, panels and electrical wiring. Inspection of the condition of relay circuits in control panels, tightness of impulse lines and their connections.

· Checking the serviceability of light and sound alarms.

· Checking the correct functioning of automatic control systems using control and measuring instruments that record the flow of the regulated technological process.

· Serviceability and correctness of readings of instruments that control the most important parameters by setting the needle to zero.

· Removing dust from the outer surface of devices.

· External and internal inspection of instruments and regulators in order to determine the condition of accessible elements and components.

· Inspection of soldering and contact connections.

· Strength of fastening of devices and sensors.

· Tightening the contacts of electrical connections.

· Inspection of moving parts of actuators.

· Adjustment of sensors and regulators when the equipment operating mode deviates from the approved operating mode maps.

· Preventive work on instrumentation and control equipment not related to repairs or changes in boiler operating modes.

· Checking the technical condition of gas boiler equipment.

· Checking and preventing the operation of pumping groups.

· Checking the operation of the shut-off valve at the gas inlet into the boiler room.

· Checking the operation of CO and CH4 sensors.

· Checking the operation of the water treatment plant.

· Analysis of the water-chemical operating conditions of the boiler.


· inspect and, if necessary, clean: the flame head of the burner.

· external inspection of the gas path of the burner for mechanical damage, as well as for gas leaks (by washing the connections)

· Check the pressure gauge readings using another reference pressure gauge.

· Cleaning the contact connections of the position indicator sensors with alcohol.

· Purging of impulse lines.

· Check the composition and temperature of flue gases.


· Carry out state verification of instrumentation and automation devices.

· Scheduled preventive maintenance of instrumentation and automation equipment.

· Carry out state verification of devices (sensors) for CO and methane gas contamination.

5. Gas supply to the boiler.

1. Before putting the burner into operation, complete and check all installation work. The burner must be finally installed and connected to all control and safety devices.

2. Make sure that the boiler room and main control room are not gas-filled (using a gas analyzer or by smell).

3. After carrying out service work on gas fittings and connection points, it is necessary to check for leaks. When performing a leak test, the ball valve and solenoid valves must be closed.

Control pressure in fittings 100-150 mbar

Waiting time for pressure equalization 5 min.

Test time 5 min.

4. Make an appropriate entry about the results of the gas equipment leak test in the shift log.

5. Make sure that the boiler room and main control room are not contaminated with gas (using gas analyzers or by smell).

6. Check the tightness of the ball valve 11(6) and 11(7) on the lower gas pipeline; to do this, close the valve 17 on the purge candle and the valve in front of the burner device of the boiler; if the readings on the pressure gauge remain equal to “0” within 5 minutes, the ball valve 11(6) and 11(7) are sealed.

7. Check the valve in front of the boiler burner device for leaks; to do this, open the ball valve 11(6) and 11(7), close the valve on the spark plug 17, close the ball valve 11(6) and 11(7), record the pressure gauge readings, If the pressure gauge readings do not change within 5 minutes, the valve in front of the burner device is sealed.

Note: If gas equipment is found to be leaking, do not light the boiler, inform the person about it , responsible for boiler room or his replacement.

Check the tightness of all connections using soap emulsion or a gas analyzer. If a leak is detected, take measures to eliminate it.

8. Make an appropriate entry in the shift log about the results of the gas equipment leak test.

9. Slowly (so as not to damage the gas meter (4)) open the above valves 11(6) and 11(7) on the lower gas pipeline to the boiler.

10. Smoothly open the ball valve in front of the burner. Blow the lower gas pipeline to the boiler through the spark plug (17) for at least 10 minutes.

11. Check that the gas pressure in front of the boiler corresponds to the safety settings (see Appendix)

12. Check the explosiveness of the gas leaving the sampler by:

a. Prepare soap emulsion in a bucket;

b. Place the sampler hose in the bucket and open the tap on the sampler;

c. Close the ball valve of the sampler, remove the hose from the bucket with soap emulsion.;

d. Remove the bucket from the boiler room;

e. Set fire to soap bubbles.

The combustion of gas in soap bubbles should be calm without popping


Apply voltage to the boiler control panel (turn the key " Nutrition» to the On position).

Set the pump operation selection switch "MANUAL - AUTOMATIC" V

position " Machine».

Set the feed pump selection switch to position

"ON". In this case, the pump will start working and the corresponding lamp will light up to control the operation of the pump.

Remove boiler alarm signals by pressing the button " Alarm reset» located on the boiler control panel. At the same time, the reason for the stop sign goes out.

Note: If the alarm is not reset, you need to check and eliminate the cause of the alarm, then repeat the above operation.


Apply voltage to the burner control panel. To do this, press the button « ON\ OFF» located on the front panel of the burner control unit.

button "Turning on the burner" located on the boiler control unit, press:

a) The burner combustion manager starts (Weishaupt WM G10/2A exe. ZM).

b) after 10 - 15 seconds the burner fan will start and the actuator will open the air damper by 90° (degrees). The leak test program will start ( For boilers"Ferroli" Prextherm RSW 469 with Weishaupt WM G10/2A burner version. ZM).

c) 40 seconds after the start of ventilation, with a positive check of the tightness control solenoid valves, the actuator will close the air damper to 10 - 15° (degrees).

d) A spark is supplied to the ignition electrode, and with a delay of 2 seconds the main valve opens through which gas is supplied to ignite the boiler.

Note: The igniter will not be able to ignite if a flame or flame simulation was detected during the pre-ignition purge period. If a flame is detected during this period, an emergency stop will occur.

Ignition Timing - Voltage is supplied to the ignition transformer and gas shut-off valves from the appropriate ignition terminal.

To continue the ignition period, the pilot flame must be registered and confirmed by the flame sensor within 3 seconds. If for any reason this does not happen, the system will shut down and an emergency lockout will occur.

When the pilot flame is confirmed, the main burner flame is ignited and the main burner flame confirmation period begins. This period lasts 3 seconds for gaseous fuel. At the end of this period, if the flame sensor detects a flame, the burner goes into operating mode.

Note: If the main burner does not light or does not stay lit, the fuel shut-off valve will close. The fire hazard relay will be blocked. Refer to flame loss sequence

Operating period - When the main burner flame is registered, the combustion safety relay allows the reversible motor to exit from the minimum position.

The position of the reversible motor is controlled by a manual load regulator or an automatic load regulator, depending on the position of the manual-automatic control switch.

In the automatic position of the manual-automatic control switch, the position of the reversible motor (burner load) is under the command of the automatic load regulator. The air gate and fuel control valve are driven by a reversible engine using levers and a cam mechanism, providing variable load.

e) With stable control of the torch after 10 seconds. the actuator will switch the burner to minimum load mode and remain there for 2 minutes.

As the boiler warms up, it is necessary to monitor its condition and, if necessary, after the water level rises, purge the boiler

Then, when the pressure reaches 1.5-2 kg/cm.

After 2 minutes the burner will switch to maximum load mode.

The burner start-up period has ended. The shut-off valve signal lights remain lit. The burner operates according to the heat load requirements.

Stop sequence. The burner burns fuel until the water temperature exceeds the load requirements.

After opening the operating limit sensors (water temperature), the following sequence occurs:

1.The supply of voltage to the circuit of the main burner fuel shut-off valves is stopped, causing these valves to close. The flame goes out. The valve opening indicator lights turn off. The blower stops.

2. The combustion safety relay is ready for the next start and when the water temperature drops, closing the thermostat sensor, the burner will again go through the normal start-up and operation sequence.

The boiler start-up is completed, make an entry in the shift log.

6. Stop the boiler.

Normal shutdown of the boiler by order of the person responsible for safe operation.

button "Turn on the burner" switch to the off position. Gradually close the valve at the water inlet to the boiler by 50%.

Close the control valve at the descent of the gas pipeline to the boiler. Open the purge valves on the purge spark plugs using the pressure gauges, check for the absence of gas pressure, and close the operating valve.

Make an entry in the shift log, turn off the power to the boiler control unit by pressing the button « ON\ OFF» .

7. Emergency stop of the boiler

Emergency stop.

button "Turn on the burner" move to position "OFF".

Close the control valve at the descent of the gas pipeline to the boiler. Open the purge valves on the purge spark plugs using the pressure gauges, check for the absence of gas pressure, and close the operating valve.

Shut off the water from the boiler.

Report reason emergency stop management and further act on their orders. Make an entry in the shift log about the time and reason for the emergency shutdown of the boiler.

8. Shutdown in emergency situations.

In case of gas contamination in the boiler room: Turn off the power supply to the boiler room using a switch outside the boiler room, close the valve at the gas inlet to the main control unit, open all windows and doors.

In the event of a fire in the boiler room: Close the valve at the gas inlet to the main control unit, turn off the power supply to the boiler room with a switch outside the boiler room, call the fire department, take possible measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means.

Maintenance personnel are obliged to immediately stop the boiler in an emergency and immediately notify the head of the boiler room or his replacement in the following cases:

a) a sharp decrease or increase in gas pressure;

b) a sharp decrease or increase in water pressure;

c) fire in gas ducts;

d) gas explosion in the boiler furnace;

e) gas equipment, boiler, shut-off valves, automation equipment are damaged;

Take all possible measures to eliminate the accident, notifying those responsible for the boiler room and gas facilities. If necessary, call emergency services.

In the event of an emergency, i.e., a violation of any of the boiler parameters monitored during operation (indicated in the protection parameters settings card), fuel is cut off, and the light signal of the root cause of the accident is turned on on the automation panel. In this case, it is necessary to close the tap on the lower side and open the tap of the purge plug.

Using the readings of warning lamps and instruments, find out the cause of the emergency stop. Accept everything necessary measures to eliminate it, guided by existing instructions. If necessary, call representatives of an organization engaged in servicing automation and gas equipment. Make an entry in the logbook indicating the reason for the stop.

After eliminating the cause of the accident, re-ignite in accordance with these instructions.

When an emergency occurs, it turns on sound alarm and light indication corresponding to the type of accident. The burner safety automatic system automatically stops the gas supply and produces forced ventilation boiler furnaces.

When triggered " Boiler failure No....» on the general boiler automation cabinet of this boiler, you need to see which of the following alarms has triggered:

- increase or decrease in gas pressure in front of the boiler;

- decrease or increase in water pressure after the boiler;

- the temperature of the water leaving the boiler is high;

- failure of the boiler recirculation pump.

- power outage;

After triggering " BOILER accident“On the burner combustion manager, you need to look at the fault code, then look at the breakdown of the fault in the burner manual and, if possible, eliminate its cause. Click on the “ Alarm reset» on the burner block and reset the alarm on the SHA cabinet.

When an emergency occurs " Gas pressure min/max» Use the instrument showing the gas pressure to the boiler to determine the actual gas pressure.

Note: In case of an accident " gas pressuremin» check whether the gas shut-off valve is open (opens by pressing the corresponding button on the cabinet ShchR), whether the KPZ is cocked in the GRU. Use a pressure gauge to check the gas pressure at the inlet to the boiler room and whether the shut-off valves on the gas pipeline are open.

When an alarm is triggered "gas pressuremax» open the spark plug (17) slightly (relieve the gas pressure) and start the burner with the spark plug (17) open (close the spark plug after igniting the burner). If this alarm occurs frequently, inform the responsible person. safe operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems boiler room and call representatives of the organization servicing the DUNGS burner unit by phone. ___________

In case of accidents: " Methane gas pollution" And " CO gas contamination» ( threshold 2) the gas shut-off valve closes automatically (if the gas supply to the boiler room does not stop when the above accidents occur at the operators’ control cabinet, close the valve before introducing gas into the boiler room).

In the event of a prolonged absence of electricity, maintenance personnel must move the pump and burner switches to the zero position. After power supply, start them again, cock the shut-off valve.

At the first threshold " CO gas contamination"(the emergency light on the control cabinet will blink), an audible alarm will sound, and the second time the gas shut-off valve will operate. This accident can be caused by leaking boilers and gas ducts, smoking near the gas sensor or carrying out welding work inside the boiler room. Maintenance personnel must ventilate the boiler room and start the boilers again after eliminating the cause of the accident.

If an accident occurs " methane gas pollution“, this means that there is a gas leak in the boiler room. It is necessary to call the gas service by phone ________________- and inform responsible person for the gas supply of the boiler room ________________, and inform the gas service of the service organization _________________ by phone. _________________

In case of fire, call the fire department by phone 01 , notify the person responsible for safe operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems boiler room The list of emergency situations on the computer in the control room will indicate where the fire occurred “ Fire in the boiler room”.

Note: If there is no visible fire, then notify the person responsible for the gas supply of the boiler room about this and call a representative of the instrumentation and automation service ___________________

After identifying and eliminating the causes of the emergency stop, by written order of the person responsible for safe operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems boiler room or a person replacing him, ignite the burner device in accordance with these instructions.

9. Responsibilities of maintenance personnel.

During the operation of the boiler room, maintenance personnel must periodically take measurements and record the following parameters in the observation log:

a) water consumption, m3/h;

b) temperature of direct water, С;

c) return water temperature, С;

d) water pressure at the boiler inlet, kgf/cm2;

e) water pressure at the boiler outlet, kgf/cm2;

f) temperature of flue gases, С;

g) burner parameters and other parameters (if necessary).

h) remove air from collectors and boilers.

1. Compare the recording data with the specified parameters of the boiler room commissioning test schedule, analyze, identify the causes of unwanted deviations and, if possible, eliminate them.

Explanation: Monitoring parameters allows you to monitor the technical condition of boilers and maintain the required operating mode during operation. In particular, an increase in the pressure drop across boilers indicates an increase in water consumption in the boilers, while the water pressure in the supply pipeline of the heating network will decrease. Monitoring the flue gas temperature allows you to determine the need for boiler cleaning.

Monitoring burner parameters (air and fuel), maintaining them in the range established during commissioning, allows for high-quality combustion of fuel and efficient operation of boilers.

2. A schedule must be drawn up for the boiler room, which indicates the frequency of automation checks, as well as the frequency of purging of boilers, etc. The schedule is approved by the management of the operating enterprise. It is recommended to purge boilers that are in operation at least once a day, and for non-operating boilers with reduced water consumption - at least twice a day.

3. Inform the person responsible for all emergency situations. safe operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems boiler room or a person replacing him.

10. Fire safety requirements for the operation of gas boiler room equipment.

1. It is prohibited to store cleaning and flammable materials in the boiler room and main control room.

2. In the GRU premises, welding and other hot work is permitted in exceptional cases, only with a permit and with the mandatory adoption of measures to ensure the safety of the work.

11. Safety requirements for the operation of gas equipment in a boiler room.

1. The boiler room must be kept clean and 3 times air exchange must be provided.

2. The floor should be covered with rubber mats or spark-proof material.

3.The air temperature in the room must be at least 5°C.

4. Repair work on the electrical equipment of the main switchgear and replacement of burnt-out lamps must be carried out when the voltage is removed.

5. The entrance door to the GRU premises must be locked.

6. Fluctuations in gas pressure at the outlet of the gas control unit, exceeding 10% of the operating pressure, are not allowed.

7. Pressure gauges during operation must undergo state verification at least once every 12 months and checks after 6 months. The results of verification and testing are recorded in the “Log of control checks of pressure gauges”. On the glass of the pressure gauge, on the division corresponding to the working pressure, there should be a red line.

12. Responsibility for compliance with these instructions and rules.

1. This instruction is mandatory for execution by persons responsible for the safe operation of the boiler room and boiler room operators.

2. The issuance by officials of instructions or orders forcing violation of safety rules and instructions, as well as their failure to take measures to eliminate violations of the Rules and instructions that are committed by employees or other persons subordinate to them in their presence, are gross violations of the Rules for the Safe Operation of Hazardous Production Facilities.

3. Depending on the nature of the violations and their consequences, all of these persons are liable for violation of the Rules for the Safe Operation of Hazardous Production Facilities and these instructions in the manner established by the rules internal regulations of the enterprise and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Compiled by:

Responsible person for safety

operation of gas equipment

enterprise gas consumption systems: _____________


Engineer: __________________
