Decent decor for tropical beauty: how to choose the right pot for an orchid? Pots for orchids: characteristics of species and selection criteria Which pot to keep an orchid in

Orchid is beautiful flower, which is easy to grow on your windowsill. Choosing the right pot for an orchid is the key to successfully growing this plant. If you decide to start growing phalaenopsis, then let's figure out how to choose the right pot for your orchid.

In a botanical sense, phalaenopsis belongs to epiphytes. This is a group of plant organisms that develops on the bodies of other plants. Among flowering plants, this specialization is considered unusual: most epiphytes are algae.

Understanding these physiological characteristics will give you the answer to the question of what shape, size and character the orchid pot should be.

There are actually other ways to grow orchids. Some gardeners plant them on blocks, while others cultivate them in closed system. Despite this, the use of flowerpots for home-grown phalaenopsis is one of the most common and easily applicable options.

However you decide to grow these flowers, your location must meet 4 criteria:

  1. The roots must receive required amount oxygen. To do this, it is advisable to use a well-drained vessel with free access of air.
  2. It is not necessary to look at how transparent the orchid pot will be - this is only important for the one who will care for the flower. In transparent pots it is much more convenient to track the amount of evaporated moisture and the time of the next watering.
  3. Pay attention to the type of your flower. It is better to grow vandas in glass pots, phalaenopsis are more suitable for transparent containers for growth, and for the growth of pseudobulb epiphytes, ordinary ceramic containers are used.
  4. The right pot for an orchid should fit it. There should be a minimum of free space in your container - this is a potential place for root rot.

Using these tips, you can easily answer the question - how to choose a pot for an orchid.

Types of pots

Today, the variety of materials for growing orchids is off the charts. To choose the right pot for your flower, you need to understand their main varieties.

Pots for home orchids differ in the material they are made of. There are plastic, glass, clay, ceramic, wicker. Some craftsmen make a pot for a phalaenopsis orchid with their own hands. The latest technological solution is a flowerpot with automatic watering. Using built-in sensors, the vessel itself determines the level of humidity in the root system of the flower and at the right time, using a system of capillaries, maintains it at a certain level.

As a rule, an orchid pot can be purchased at a special store. There is no consensus on what the material of the phalaenopsis planting site should be. The container you choose must meet all the physiological needs of the plant.


When we choose a container for a flower, we pay attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also to its size and volume. What size pots should orchids be planted in is a long-studied question. Guided by this criterion when choosing, remember a simple rule - the size of the ideal pot for an orchid should be exactly for its root system. And only if the plant is completely healthy can you take a container with Not big amount free space for future root growth.

Material of manufacture

What kind of pot an orchid needs depends on its type and the conditions you provide it. In fact, this plant can live on a variety of. Glass pots for orchids have become popular recently. Some people use vases for orchids and wicker baskets. The main thing is that in the selected container there is sufficient space for the air exchange of phalaenopsis roots with environment and a large number drainage holes. If these conditions exist, then your flower will delight you with its flowers for a long time.

In addition to the above materials, pots are made for phalaenopsis from clay, plastic, ceramics and bamboo.


Clay places for growing flowers are attractive due to their natural material, good permeability to water and air, as well as aesthetic appeal. It may seem that these are the flowerpots that should be for optimal growth of orchids. However, clay pots have a number of disadvantages, including:

  • gradual weathering of beneficial microelements from the material
  • Phalaenopsis roots grow to the walls of the container and can be injured during transplantation


Plastic pots are the most popular for growing orchids. This is due to their low cost, manufacturability and ease of use. Plastic containers prevent the plant’s root system from drying out and are easy to care for.

The crown pot is a separate variety plastic containers for flowers.


Ceramic pots have the same pros and cons as those made from clay. In some cases, for ease of use, it is recommended to choose ceramic containers with a tray.


Growing these flowers in glass pots is not very convenient. However, certain types of orchids feel more comfortable in glass. Glass allows more light to pass through and dry out the roots - which is both a plus and a minus. Due to the high risk of injury to the plant itself and humans, it is better to avoid glass.


Bamboo planters are eco-friendly and drain well. In addition, this design fits perfectly into the interior. However, they will have to be changed much more often than plastic or ceramic ones. In addition, if the care technology is violated, rot that is dangerous for the flower can develop on the surface of such a pot.

Orchid pots can be made from various materials, but the main requirements that orchids place on them are: good water permeability and the inability of the roots to grow to the walls of the pot. Orchid growers also want the pot to look aesthetically pleasing.

A simple cut-off bottle drinking water with holes cut with a knife will completely satisfy the orchid. But it’s not pretty, but I want to show off the flower. Therefore, orchid owners are looking for other options, although even from a bottle you can make beautiful pot, if you show your imagination.

The right orchid pot meets certain requirements:

  • good and fast drainage of excess water after watering;
  • the possibility of aeration (air movement) of roots and substrate;
  • safety for rhizomes during transplantation;
  • maintaining a temperature in the substrate suitable for orchids;
  • ensuring the possibility of photosynthesis in plant roots.

The last point applies only to epiphytes growing on trees or climbing rocks. For terrestrial orchids, for example, a regular ceramic pot with holes for water drainage is quite suitable.

A plastic pot is most often chosen for an orchid. Plastic meets all the requirements for orchid flowerpots and can serve more than one generation of flowers. However, orchid pots are made from other materials:

  • ceramics;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • tree.

When choosing what kind of pot to use for an orchid, you must remember that the flower needs good aeration and ordinary flower containers may not be suitable for orchids.

Clay pot for Wanda

What material to plant orchids in?

Pots for orchids are chosen based on the needs of the plant. For an orchid whose roots are actively involved in photosynthesis, choose transparent flowerpots, wooden blocks or baskets. The material of the baskets is bamboo, plastic or wood. If the roots do not need a lot of sunlight, you can choose ceramics. Understanding how to choose a container for an orchid and not make a mistake will greatly make life easier for both the orchid grower and the plant itself. Let's look at the pros and cons of the different materials from which pots can be made.


Not best material for planting orchids by a beginning gardener. In addition to the risk of injury to humans, such a pot is also inconvenient for the flower, provided that it is not a specially made flower pot with holes in the bottom. If it is just a glass container, then there is a high risk of the plant roots rotting due to excess moisture.

Orchids can only be grown in a glass pot by experienced orchid growers who already instinctively know how and when to water an orchid in such a container. A glass pot can be used as a decorative pot for orchids by placing a smaller container in a large glass, and filling the space between the walls of the two vessels with decorative elements.

Phalaenopsis in glass


An ordinary ceramic pot is usually unsuitable for orchids in general and completely unsuitable for phalaenopsis in particular. The roots of phalaenopsis need sunlight and oxygen, while the roots of other, less demanding orchids need a constant supply of air. At the same time ceramic pots there are undeniable advantages:

    • due to the porous structure of the ceramic, moisture is evenly distributed throughout the substrate;
    • the substrate in a clay pot does not overheat in the heat;
    • a heavy pot prevents the plant from turning over under its own weight.

You can grow orchids in ceramics, the roots of which do not need light, however, when choosing ceramics, you should try to find pots that are designed specifically for orchids and have holes in the side walls. Ceramics also have serious disadvantages:

      • orchid roots grow to the walls;
      • mineral salts dissolved in water are deposited on the porous walls, which adversely affect the health of the flower and impair the permeability of the walls.

To avoid damage to the roots, carefully break the old pot and place the orchid in another container directly with pieces of the old pot.

Ceramic pots for orchids

Baskets and blocks

A large pot for an orchid is not always needed. Some plants will prefer a little and the ability to let their roots hang freely in the air. Baskets made of plastic, wooden planks or bamboo are suitable for these flowers. Fans of air feeding can also be dropped off on blocks. These types of containers do not have protection against water leaking onto the floor, so it is better to place them outside or place them in a flowerpot on a stand to simultaneously protect the roots and the floor from excess moisture.

The disadvantage of baskets is that the roots grow through their rods and transplanting the orchid into another container without damaging the roots becomes impossible. They get out of this situation by placing the entire basket in the container. bigger size and filling the remaining space with fresh substrate.

Orchid basket


The best option for plants whose roots need light, and for inexperienced orchid growers. This pot is very suitable for orchids. Even an inexperienced orchid grower, when growing a flower in a transparent pot, will be able to notice in time the need or rotting of the roots and take action.

The advantage of plastic pots is that if the number of existing drainage holes is insufficient, you can always make additional holes in such containers. The downside is the weight of such glasses; a large orchid can easily tip over.

Based on the type of plant, its characteristics and own experience the owner can independently determine which pot is needed for the orchid. In any case, we must try to ensure that the pot, first of all, satisfies the needs of the plant, and secondly, the aesthetic feelings of the orchid grower.

The orchid is a rather whimsical plant, when caring for which it is necessary to follow certain rules. One of the nuances proper care is the choice of container in which you will contain the plant.

Did you know? Most often, epiphytic orchids are kept at home. These are plants that do not need soil; they grow on other plants, receiving the necessary substances and moisture from the environment.

Features of growing orchids, why it is so important to choose the right container for planting

An orchid pot is not just a way to highlight the beauty of a plant decorative element. The root system of orchids is designed in such a way that it does not require soil.

The plant grows on a special substrate. Watering is done so that the plant absorbs as much moisture as it needs, but the excess must be removed. It is also necessary to provide the orchid roots with optimal air flow.

In some types of orchids, the roots participate in photosynthesis, therefore, this fact answers the question of whether it is possible to plant an orchid in an opaque pot.

It is better not to do this for the reason that you can always see the condition of the roots and substrate, tracking negative changes faster.

The temperature regime is important for the root system of an orchid in a pot, and it can also be regulated by the material of the selected container.

The right pot for an orchid should have the following qualities:

  1. A large number of holes to drain excess moisture
  2. Small size
  3. Side holes for aeration
  4. Smoothness inside for root safety

Types of orchid pots, how to choose container material

In order to understand what kind of pot is needed for an orchid, you need to consider their types.

Most often for indoor orchids use containers made of the following materials:

  • plastic
  • ceramics
  • glass
  • clay

These can be plastic transparent and opaque pots, ceramic or clay orchid pots, glass pots and flowerpots, drinking pots and even wicker hanging baskets.

The main thing when choosing which pot is best for orchids is to take into account the characteristics and needs of this plant. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the properties of the materials from which the pots are made.

Pros and cons of a plastic pot

When choosing which pot an orchid should grow in, most often lovers of this plant tend to choose plastic.

Often a plastic pot is made with several holes, which is very important for an orchid because it allows it to escape excess moisture without damaging the roots.

In addition, if there are still not enough holes, or you want to increase air access to the roots, you can easily make new holes in the plastic container. To do this, you can use very hot metal object, for example, a large nail.

Important! Plastic pot preserves well temperature regime roots, protecting them from both overheating and hypothermia.

An important advantage of plastic containers for orchids is their transparency. In such a pot you can always notice errors in watering, be it drying out of the substrate or rotting of the root.

In addition, the roots of some orchid species participate in photosynthesis. The transparency of the pot will allow you to observe the development of the root system. And if you, noticing that the roots have already grown too much and are starting to come out through the holes, want to replant the plant, then without damaging the roots, you can cut the plastic with kitchen scissors and free the plant.

Plastic pots are quite varied in shape and color, which will allow you to choose a pot that suits the interior and the orchid itself.

Glass containers

Glass pots for orchids satisfy the need of the roots for a large amount of light, but their main advantage can be called decorative properties. But the use of such containers is only appropriate when great experience caring for finicky orchids.

The fact is that due to the lack required quantity drainage holes it is very easy to create excess moisture for the roots, which will lead to their rotting and death of the orchid. In addition, an orchid in a glass pot will receive little air, which will cause algae to appear on the inner walls of the pot. It will not be possible to make new holes in the glass.

If you still choose a glass pot, then take care of plenty of drainage and the right substrate. Or place a plastic pot with an orchid inside the selected glass container.

Ceramic pots

Ceramic pots allow air to pass through well due to their porous structure, but moisture, evenly distributed inside the container, can quickly evaporate, especially in hot weather. Therefore, the watering regime when using such a pot must be selected very carefully.

Did you know?The advantage of a ceramic pot is its heaviness, which will prevent the orchid from falling even if it is tall and heavy.

Among the disadvantages of these containers, it can be noted that over time, the root system of the orchid seems to grow into the porous surface of the pot, which will negatively affect when replanting or propagating the plant. There is a risk of damaging the roots, freeing the orchid.

Over time, salts that penetrate with irrigation accumulate on ceramic surface, reducing porosity, thereby depriving the ceramic of the benefits of breathability. In addition, salts accumulated on the inside of the pot will negatively affect the roots of the orchid.

Advantages and disadvantages of clay pots

Clay pots can also be used for orchids, but it is important to know what kind they should be.

Modern manufacturers offer clay pots specifically for orchids - with a large number of side holes, made in the form of wicker baskets. Of course, you should give preference to this type of pot rather than one with one hole through which all excess moisture cannot escape.

The roughness of the clay inside the pot, as in the case of ceramics, will lead to roots growing into the walls of the container and to rapid drying of the substrate and roots. To avoid this, you need to choose glazed clay pots– their surface is smoother.

Clay retains its temperature for a long time; this should also be taken into account, avoiding overheating or hypothermia of the orchid’s root system.

Before planting the plant in such a pot, it can be immersed in water for several hours. This will allow the pot to become saturated with water, which it will later release to the orchid's roots. If you want to disinfect such a pot, you need to put it in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of about 200 ° C before soaking it.

Important! It is better to choose ceramic and clay pots in light colors; this will help prevent overheating of the orchid roots when exposed to direct sun rays in the warm season.

Drinking pot for growing orchids

If this is your first time encountering how to properly care for a new plant, then you can ask a specialized store what kind of pots are needed for orchids. And in this case, the seller can recommend a drinking pot.

Orchids are fragile and elegant plants that attract attention with their exotic beauty and leave no one indifferent.

Many are afraid to acquire these flowers because they are unsure that they will be able to provide capricious beauties with comfortable conditions, one of which is the right choice of pot for the orchid.

Types and characteristics of orchids

There are about 35 thousand varieties of tropical beauties, and they grow in absolutely every corner of the Earth with the exception of Antarctica. Moreover, for indoor growing Approximately 20 species are suitable, each with its own quirks and characteristics.

To understand how to choose a pot for an orchid, it is not necessary to delve into all the intricacies of its cultivation, but you should know which group a particular plant belongs to:

  • Epiphytes are orchids that grow on tree branches and trunks. Their roots are located almost horizontally, without going deep into the substrate (due to the lack of one), and take an active part in the process of photosynthesis. Prominent representatives of epiphytes are phalaenopsis, vandas, ascocendes and dendrobiums.
  • Lithophytes are plants that use rocks and stones as support. The root system is superficial, does not participate in photosynthesis, but requires good aeration. Among the lithophytic orchids we can distinguish Angrecums, Brassavolas, Paphiopedilums and Cymbidiums.
  • Terrestrial - flowers that prefer to grow in meadows, shrubs, hillsides and pillows of fallen leaves in shady forests. Tubers and thickenings are observed on the roots, the stems have sympoidal growth. Terrestrial orchids include Bletillus, Pleione, Ludisia, Anectochilus and Macodes.

Choosing a pot

There is no clear answer to the question of what a pot for an orchid should be.

This nuance is determined primarily by the taste preferences of the grower, his experience and the conditions in the apartment.

Most often for plants of this family they choose:

In general, properly selected containers for orchids should meet the needs of the plant, provide good water and air permeability, and also prevent overcooling of the root system.

The size of the pot is selected according to the volume of the roots, since in too large flowerpot the risk of water stagnation and subsequent decay increases. Mini-phalaenopsis and children can even be planted in small containers at hand - for example, containers for cotton swabs.

Among other things, the choice of flowerpot depends on the type of plant:

  • for epiphytic orchids, whose roots participate in photosynthetic processes and easily rot due to lack of oxygen, it is better to choose transparent plastic containers and wicker baskets;
  • the roots of lithophytes, which need aeration but do not like sunlight, will feel quite comfortable in opaque plastic or clay pots;
  • ground orchids are grown in the same way as “traditional” ones houseplants- almost any flowerpot will suit them.

Transfer rules

Having decided which pot to plant the orchid in and having purchased the necessary container, you can begin planting the plant.

An orchid is a plant that will not tolerate waterlogging of the root system.. When choosing a pot for her, it is important to proceed from this requirement. A specialized flower container should provide:

  • complete outflow of moisture;
  • active aeration of roots and soil inside the pot;
  • safe removal of succulent, long rhizomes that may extend beyond the container;
  • temperature acceptable for the orchid.

Difference from flowerpots

The only difference between the pot and the pot is the presence of holes at the bottom. The pot has them, but the flowerpot does not. You can plant an orchid in any of the suggested containers, only then caring for the flower will be slightly different. In a pot, you can water the orchid from above or provide bottom watering. But in a flower pot you can only moisten the soil from the top.

What's the best way to grow?

An orchid needs a large volume of soil, so a small pot will not work for it.(read about the ideal substrate for orchids - ceramis, as well as about the features of growing flowers in it). When purchasing a pot, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. there should be holes for drainage at the bottom of the container and its lower part of the walls;
  2. the height of the container must be equal to the width of the neck;
  3. the volume of the container must correspond to the size of the root system.

Bad options

Glass containers are not the best for growing orchids. good option. The reason is that it will not be possible to drill holes, therefore, ventilation of the root system will be insufficient.

More worse flower will feel like being in a ceramic container. They will begin to grow to the walls, therefore, during transplantation there is a high risk of injury.

If the container for the orchid was selected incorrectly, then this is fraught with the following problems:

  • root rotting– if you choose a pot without holes, the water will begin to stagnate, which can lead to rotting;
  • lack of flowering– this is the result of an incorrectly selected pot size;
  • wilting and yellowing of leaves- This typical problem incorrectly selected material for the pot.

What to look for when choosing a pot for an orchid?

As mentioned above, for the orchid root system you need to choose a spacious container. But too big is not acceptable either. Otherwise, the growth of the flower will stop, as will flowering. Select a pot that is only a little larger than the one that was before. Then adaptation will happen quickly and painlessly.

When choosing a pot for an orchid, it does not matter whether it is transparent or not.. Just a container with transparent walls allows the grower to monitor the condition of the flower all the time. There are situations that due to improper watering the plant is affected by rot. Then it will be easier for the gardener to identify the disease in time and eliminate it even further. early stage development. We talked about the pros and cons of a transparent container for growing an orchid, the choice of material, as well as the rules for planting a flower in such a container.

In most cases, for orchids they choose plastic containers. But for some types of flowers there are specifics for purchasing a container. For example, for cymbidium, you can choose a container from any material, as long as it is tight.

But a glass container is not suitable for all crops. Such containers are used for growing on the balcony, with an open root system. The following varieties can be used:

  • Vandu;
  • Ascocenda;
  • Philenopsis.

Due to stagnation of water, the root system may rot and the flower itself may die. So for those types of orchids that do not have photosynthesis in their roots, they do not require additional light, therefore, it is not necessary to make holes in the container. For everyone else, this point is mandatory.

Watch a video about the features of an orchid pot:

Description and photo of materials

Below you can see photos of pots from different materials, suitable for growing orchids.


Growing an orchid on a block allows you to water the plant less often, since the moisture will not leave so slowly; it will linger in the substrate.

Sphagnum moss, which grows in swamps, is ideal as a substrate.. The disadvantage of this method is that the root ball will dry out quickly - in the summer a few hours is enough. So it is worth using block planting for orchids grown in a greenhouse.

Watch a video about planting an orchid on a block:

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The basket is best option for those who want to recreate natural conditions for an orchid, but does not want to plant it on a block. Various materials can be used to make a basket:

  • bamboo;
  • tree;
  • steel;
  • plastic;
  • metal mesh.

ADVICE: A basket made of bamboo and wood looks quite original. But there is wooden structure one drawback: the root system grows strongly to it, which is traumatic during transplantation.

It is most profitable to use bamboo. To make a basket you need:

  1. lay out slats or a piece of bamboo;
  2. make a hole in them and stretch the fishing line;
  3. All that remains is to hang a homemade basket and plant a plant in it.

Plastic baskets remain quite practical, but less decorative.


Choosing a pot for an orchid is a responsible process, on which the further growth and development of the flower depends. When choosing, you should focus on such parameters as material, size, air and moisture permeability, as well as design. Properly selected containers will allow the plant to bloom brightly, abundantly and for a long time.
