High-tech bathroom design: design ideas. Modern interior design of high-tech bathrooms High-tech style in the bathroom

A high-tech bathroom is a dream for many who are planning a renovation. Still, it is not only beautiful, but also prestigious. Hi-tech in our country, and throughout the world, is rightfully considered an attribute of luxurious life. However, how realistic is such a repair? And what nuances should be taken into account when thinking over the design of the future bathroom? This article will reveal all the secrets of high-tech style, the nuances of choosing finishing methods, purchasing plumbing and answering many other questions.

The style itself pays tribute to all the achievements of scientific progress in recent decades - space flights, breakthroughs in digital technologies and the development of fantastic themes have contributed to the growth of its popularity since the 80s of the last century, when it began to rapidly replace classical motifs and turn the interior into a kind of space ship.

And this is justified, because even the name hi-tech in translation from English means high technology. Now it is difficult to imagine a modern family that would not want to refresh the interior of their apartment or house, bringing a bit of futurism into it.

So what is hi-tech and how does it differ from other styles? First of all, their courage. It cannot be confused with any other style. Its main elements are:

  • purity;
  • large free spaces;
  • use of simple geometric shapes;
  • unsaturated colors;
  • high technology elements;
  • functionality;
  • high illumination, the presence of spot and neon illumination;
  • the use of glossy surfaces, chrome and metal;
  • complete disregard for natural materials.

Absolute purity, almost sterility of high-tech style fits perfectly into the theme of the bathroom. In view of this, the decision to change the design of the room in this vein is fully justified.

Specifically, a high-tech bathroom can be made using the following elements:

  • suspended plumbing;
  • Built in furniture;
  • unusual shapes;
  • pipe structures that emphasize the design.

Most often, light colors are used in high-tech style - they expand the space and emphasize its accuracy, which is also familiar to the bathroom. Glass and plastic are widely used. These are materials that emphasize the "digital" design of the room and have nothing to do with wood - it is not encouraged when planning a high-tech interior. Although in some cases it can still be used, it is still better to leave such experiments to specialists and, thinking through the design on your own, try to avoid natural textures.

Hi-tech palette

The high-tech style is as simple as possible in terms of color. Here it is worth adhering to the rule "the lighter the better." The ideal color for this style is white. It most emphasizes his desire for purity. Together with it, it is better to use all its derivatives, such as rich black or gray.

It is also acceptable to use more saturated shades - red, green, blue. Bright spots are not blamed and can fit perfectly into the interior, making it more futuristic. However, they must be used with caution. Going too far with accents can upset the color balance of the room, causing the interior to suffer. It is better to make one or two saturated spots than to fill the room with numerous blots and completely spoil the impression of the repair, which, by the way, almost always costs a considerable amount.

It may seem that a monochromatic color design will make the interior boring - but in reality this is far from the case. The whole beauty of the room is given by its monochrome purity, which is greatly enhanced by the use of many sources of artificial lighting. They can emit cold diffused or directional light or serve as a bright spot of color - now we mean LED backlighting - highlight some specific parts of the room, or vice versa, hide.

Let's talk about decoration

When equipping a high-tech bathroom, first of all, you should take care of the interior decoration. Before taking any action, you need to clearly imagine the plan of the future premises. To do this, you can invite a specialist designer who will create a unique project for the room, or think it over on your own - you can find many programs and resources on interior planning on the Internet.

The whole finishing process can be divided into three stages. This is work with:

  • walls;
  • floor;
  • ceiling.

For the bathroom, ceramic tile walls are a classic solution. This material fits perfectly into the high-tech theme. It is better to choose tiles without any patterns, plain, light and glossy. Of course, you can play with contrasts and make walls of different colors. For example, traditionally black and white.

The floor is also better to tile. Most often it is made dark, in contrast to the walls. However, there are other options besides ceramics. For example, self-leveling floors look spectacular in a high-tech bathroom. They allow you to create a perfectly smooth glossy surface that looks very stylish and expensive, complementing a high-tech interior.

As for the ceiling, it is also better to make it as even as possible, without seams and overlaps. Stretch ceilings will look very impressive.

They are great for the bathroom because of their qualities, such as moisture resistance and durability. They are very easy to mount, in custom stores you can choose any color of the canvas, matte or glossy surface. In addition, if spot lighting is planned in the bathroom, stretch ceilings will greatly simplify its installation.

Which plumbing to choose

If with other styles it takes a long time and hard to select a bathtub, a toilet bowl and a sink that are suitable for the theme, patterns and shape, then the high-tech interior completely unties your hands. You can buy what you like the most, no matter how exotic the shape is. The more futuristic the item looks, the better.

The main criteria for choosing high-tech plumbing are as follows:

  • simplicity of forms;
  • the use of high technologies (sensors, electronics, etc.);
  • chrome, steel;
  • functionality.

A high-tech style bath can be either round or square, corner or stand in the middle of the room. More often, ceramics are chosen as the material of the bowl, however, in stores you can find beautiful models made of steel, matte or glossy. Such a bathroom will definitely emphasize the design. The installation of a jacuzzi will also be very relevant.

For connoisseurs of quick hygiene, it is possible to install a shower cabin. Modern models are able to please with many additional functions, ranging from an ordinary radio to TV screens and the ability to receive calls. Any innovations are welcome.

Faucets are better to choose exotic shapes, and it is better those whose design provides for the simplest geometric shapes and right angles.

Instead of the usual levers or valves, touch panels or motion sensors can be used. Guests will be delighted by deciding to use such plumbing.

Bidets and toilets are also worth choosing the most interesting shapes. You can mount hanging options, they are compact due to the fact that the drain tank is hidden in the wall and do not load the space of the bathroom.

High-tech furniture

A bathroom is rarely complete without a minimum set of pieces of furniture. These include:

  • cupboard;
  • small chest of drawers or shelving;
  • hanging shelves.

When purchasing any of these items, you should not opt ​​for those made from natural materials. They will look too repulsive against the background of sterile walls and ruin the interior. It is better to use painted furniture, without textures or patterns. The color may vary depending on the chosen design of the room.

The surface of the furniture can be matte or glossy. Hanging cabinets are very welcome, especially if they are complemented by neon lighting - this creates the effect of "levitation", as if the furniture is floating in the air.

Decoration should be kept to a minimum, so lovers of flowers and various ornaments will have to moderate their ardor. But inlays made of shiny or matte metal or glass will look very attractive.

A question of light

The highlight of high-tech style is just lighting. Light should stream from everywhere - floor, walls, ceiling, pieces of furniture. This is what makes the interior design so alive despite the unnaturalness of the materials used.

Hi-tech involves the use of lighting such as:

  • numerous spotlights;
  • trendy sconces with exotic lampshades;
  • futuristic chandeliers;
  • neon illumination of the ceiling, furniture.

High-tech bathroom design gives free rein to the imagination, so you can light up anything you want. You can even install lighting in the floor, giving it depth and emphasizing the interior.

In any bathroom, there is certainly a mirror - it can also be illuminated, and in many ways - with the help of LED cords or by mounting spectacular lamps into the wall. And, of course, do not forget about spotlights.

Hi-tech is ideal for creating a bathroom interior. It is both simple and infinitely complex, filled with all sorts of high-tech elements and bizarre geometric shapes. This is a style for those who are not alien to something new, unusual and unique. A bathroom can be transformed from a simple hygienic space into something more if you take the risk and decide to change.

How to make a high-tech bathroom interior: we deal with the basic concept of style, select details and accessories. Hi-tech is one of the modern style trends in design and architecture. This is one of the youngest styles, which originated in the second half of the last century in line with the traditions of modernism. Although the origins of high-tech can be traced back earlier.

What is high-tech style

To use this or that style in interior design, it is not enough just to copy the main features. It is much more important to understand what ideas were put into the style by those who are usually called its founders. Then everyone can create a harmonious embodiment of style in the interior.

Restrained colors are typical for high-tech interiors.

Most often, when describing the high-tech style, they say that its main feature is the use of glass and shiny metal. However, these are only superficial manifestations that do not express the main essence of the style. The ideology of style comes from science fiction, so popular all over the world in the middle of the last century, embodied in the design of international cities of the future, for the construction of which the most advanced, high technologies are used. It is this slightly utopian idea that is the essence of high-tech style. Therefore, the Eiffel Tower, for example, built as an entrance arch to the French Pavilion at the World Exhibition of 1889, is a prototype of high-tech, answering, by the way, all its main features:

  • use of high technologies in design and construction;
  • modern materials - glass, metal, plastic;
  • openness of the structure: structural elements - beams, supports, communications, are an ornament, the main decorative moment.

Features of high-tech style in the interior of the bathroom

The main idea of ​​hi-tech is decorative design, urbanity. In the interiors of high-tech bathrooms, the use of external communications will be relevant. For example, pipes for water supply and sewerage, ventilation ducts. Of course, ordinary metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes will not look decorative enough. But if you perform water supply with chrome or use stainless steel or copper plumbing fittings, then it will be both stylish - within the chosen style, and decorative.

Metal elements in high-tech interior

Of course, stainless steel water pipes are expensive. But the high cost of high-tech projects is another hallmark of the style. Since its inception, it has been an expression of prestige.

Materials used in high-tech bathroom interiors

The technogenic orientation of style is also expressed by materials. Glass, plastic and shiny metal surfaces are excellent choices for bathroom finishing materials.

You can finish one of the walls with stainless steel or aluminum panels, and the others with an urban design. Glass is suitable for a shower screen, and matte white acrylic is suitable for a suspended luminous ceiling.

For flooring, you can use industrial. And if you want something bright, self-leveling floors can be made with, taking a microcircuit as an image.

Hi-tech bathroom lighting

Hi-tech is characterized by the absence of central lighting - non-centered lighting. It creates the effect of spaciousness and good illumination of the room. This factor is very relevant for small bathrooms. An example of such lighting would be a light-transmitting structure ceiling - suspended ceilings made of matte white acrylic (plexiglass), with LED lighting behind the panels. LED lighting technologies give a wide scope for creating decorative lighting, including different colors.

Bathroom lighting

If you plan to use lamps, choose models with a technical design.

Accessories and colors for high-tech interiors

For high-tech design, colors typical of the urban environment are suitable: concrete gray, asphalt, metallic silver, glossy black.

The high-tech style also involves the use of technological objects and devices. When choosing a faucet and a shower, pay attention to models with a photocell as a control for turning on the water, with LED illuminated jets that have a stylish, interesting design.

If the area of ​​​​the bathroom allows, then a media center can also be installed as an accessory.

Attention! For wet rooms, there are special, moisture-proof models. An ordinary TV in the bathroom will quickly fail.

High technologies in the interior are a sign of the times. High-tech style is the style of the new time, the imprint of modern life.

Hi-tech style in the interior: video

High-tech style in the bathroom: photo

Things like flying into space, the creation of artificial intelligence, which gradually began to be endowed with machines and computers, and of course the computers themselves - all this was the beginning of the current high-tech style. The reflection was in the field of literature and cinema, as they began to pay much attention to science fiction, architecture began to differ from the previous time by creating futuristic structures that were literally a challenge to classical art. But what is this style?

Today, hi-tech is prestige, because the cost of decorating a bathroom in this style will not be small, which means that this design solution cannot be called affordable. High-tech is characterized by the use of modern materials made thanks to high technology and practical multifunctional designs. To get acquainted with this style and correlate it with the bathroom, you should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the direction. A high-tech bathroom is very recognizable, because it is almost impossible to confuse the direction with others.

Hi-tech has certain characteristic features by which it is defined:

  • Evenness of lines, right angles should prevail.
  • Only monochrome color finish is selected.
  • It is strongly discouraged to use natural materials.
  • Preference is given to plastic, glass and chrome coatings.
  • There must be a minimum number of accessories.
  • Selected spot lighting.
  • The room should be as functional as possible.
  • Furniture and plumbing equipment is selected only built-in type.
  • Plumbing must be suspended type.
  • Be sure to have the illusion of lightness, airiness.
  • The walls can be without cladding, for example, brick or simply plastered.
  • Plumbing pipes should be chosen from metal.

A bathtub designed in high-tech style will always be stylish, comfortable and modern. As a rule, finishing work is carried out by choosing ceramic tiles, and the tiles are large in size and square or rectangular in shape. The walls should be only plain, but it is acceptable to use a small amount of ceramic mosaics, which should match the tone of the overall design.

High-tech bathroom decoration

High-tech does not require originality regarding the choice of finishing materials, and therefore the floor can be covered with a conventional ceramic coating. Marble imitation tiles or other types of stone coatings can be used. There is only one condition - there must be a monochrome color performance. A very best option would be to choose a self-leveling floor, through which you can get a gloss or a matte and even surface.

As for the ceiling covering, it should be:

  • Rivne;
  • smooth;
  • Monophonic.

Ideally, stretch ceilings are chosen, as they are durable, wear-resistant and fit perfectly into the interior of the room. In many high-tech bathrooms, you can find monotony, and some may even call it boring design. The bottom line is that this style literally limits the choice of color shades. The main colors are black, beige, gray. It is possible to use red, but only as inclusions and in small quantities.

High-tech bathroom color scheme

Monochrome style, made in just a couple of tones, will not be boring if you choose the right nuances of the room. Properly directed rays of light, well-chosen plumbing will make the room suitable for personal preferences and, most importantly, cozy. Choosing sanitary ware for the bathroom, especially in high-tech style, should be extremely careful.

It is necessary to immediately exclude the choice of traditional plumbing equipment.

It is worth choosing novelties, such as suspended and built-in models. A mortise mixer of a strict geometric shape looks very original. The bathroom in the room for receiving water procedures can be of any shape, but the advantage remains with rectangular structures that do not have round corners. The cost of products is not cheap, but the view is simply gorgeous. An irregularly shaped bathroom looks very original, but traditional fonts that are installed on legs should be abandoned.

Showers are an alternative to baths. The choice of such products is large, and the design, in which there is metal and glass, will perfectly fit into the overall interior.

It is best to choose large-sized plumbing and able to fully match the style. Sinks are installed ordinary sanitary ware.

Sinks can be:

  • metal;
  • Glass;
  • And even plastic ones.

The most important thing is an unusual form, which will remind you with all its appearance that it refers specifically to the era of high and modern technologies.

Creative high-tech bathroom design

As for the situation, that is, the furniture, one should set one goal. In high-tech style, preference is given to poor decor or its absence at all. Namely, there should not be a single reminder of the classics.


  • Furniture should not be made of wood;
  • Interior items are selected from metal, plastic and glass;
  • Products must be functional;
  • It is best to choose designs with glossy surfaces.

The installation of edging made of metal or glass inserts is acceptable. Whether it’s about plumbing, furniture or walls, everything should be simple yet stylish and modern. Shelves, cabinets and chests of drawers should have a symmetrical shape, as well as rigor and clarity in the lines.

How can you do without lighting? Naturally, this point is one of the most important, which also deserves a lot of attention. The general appearance of the room and how it will make an impression depends on how high-quality and thoughtful the lighting will be.

Lighting can be spot and ceiling or, in other words, basic. The first option has such advantages as compactness and uniformity of illumination, and in this way it is possible to highlight certain areas in the room. The second method has the advantage of finishing. If you choose a main light that is mounted on the ceiling, then the product must be fantastic, stylish and the most original that can be. Preference remains for chrome-plated metal tubes, glass shades and always swivel.

High-tech bathroom features (video)

In general, the high-tech style is very original for the bathroom, it can be just the perfect option, because metal, plastic and glass do not deteriorate in a humid environment, and if you choose high-quality materials, then the room will surely please you with creative appeal for a long time.

Each of us wants to see our bathroom not only convenient, comfortable or practical in terms of maintenance, but also modern. Thinking over the design of a beautiful bathroom in an apartment, first you need to decide on the style. Today there are many different options that will help make the interior of your bathroom unforgettable.

Photo: beautiful bathroom design

The modern style is quite difficult to describe. It may contain features of the industrial style. Against the general background of high-tech, the beauty of raw wood or stone can be demonstrated. In general, the style is focused on the comfort of daily use of the room.

Not only good plumbing and stylish design can make a beautiful modern bathroom. It is important to remember the details too. For example, you can hang lamps that will create a relaxing atmosphere in the evening. Choose furniture that matches in color and style with the overall design. You can emphasize the taste and give the bathroom a touch of chic with the help of mirrors.

An interesting idea on how to beautifully redecorate the bathroom

Arrange fresh flowers in the bathroom, beautiful shells on the shelves or lay a soft fluffy rug on the floor. Also don't forget the bathroom curtain, which should match the color of the bathroom design, and soft fluffy towels.

For the bathroom, it is important to choose high-quality fittings that will last a long time.

To decorate surfaces, you can use paint, ceramic tiles, plastic panels and other modern materials. In many ways, the design of the bath depends on the ceiling, wall and floor coverings. Almost always tiles are used for these purposes. It may differ in an unusual way of laying, a contrasting combination of colors, ethnic or geometric patterns, as well as an imitation of the texture of marble, stone and other materials.

Style charm in a modern bathroom

Modern interiors have long moved away from the fact that their constituent objects simply fulfill their functional purpose. A beautiful bathroom interior can be made using unusual options, using non-standard forms, including plumbing.

Speaking of sinks, bowl shaped oval or round sinks are quite popular. It can also be shaded with a dark countertop. For a minimalist style, ordinary square or rectangular sinks are suitable. Strict forms emphasize conciseness and minimalism.

Modern bathroom design in a private house

Popular solutions for a beautiful modern bath are unusual shapes. Baths, in turn, are round, oval, trapezoidal or square. In addition, the bathroom should be multifunctional. Modern options make not only attractive, but also technological, adding the functions of a jacuzzi or hydromassage.

Don't forget about the shower. They are also varied - closed, open, freestanding or combined with a bath. They come with many different add-ons, including aromatherapy, a steam generator, a hydromassage function, or a built-in sauna option.

Despite their smaller size, beautiful small bathrooms in an apartment are by no means uncommon. Minimalist and compact furniture is used to save space. Or they take more radical steps and combine the bathroom with a toilet and use a shower cabin instead of a bathtub.

Unusual bathroom design in modern style in bright colors

The most beautiful bathrooms with the addition of natural materials

Freestanding wooden bathtub

Stylish and modern bathroom

Bathroom design with corner bath

Stunning modern bathroom design

Round bath - a constant symbol of exclusive relaxation

Bathroom design should be not only practical, but also beautiful.

For convenience and practicality, you can equip shelves and niches for storing things right under the bathroom

Practical, functional and aesthetic bathroom interior

The built-in bathroom under the panoramic windows looks very nice

Classic rectangular bathroom model

Acrylic bathtub in the interior of a modern bathroom

Photo of a beautiful bathroom in a small apartment

A high-tech bathroom reflects a person's desire for comfort and the use of all the benefits of scientific civilization for their own benefit.

High-tech and time-tested finishing materials are used in the finishing of bathroom surfaces. In a high-tech interior, there is no place for natural stone, wood or ceramic tiles. The walls are finished with plastic, glass, mirror. The best option for the floor was poured technology, tested for strength and quality in industrial premises. The ceiling is finished with plastic materials - a stretch fabric, a typesetting rail, or remains concrete without additional processing.

The strict geometric forms of the style are emphasized by the laconic forms of sanitary ware and accessories. For hi-tech, a rectangular shape is a priority, but not the only one. The rounded details of the bathroom or sink fit perfectly into the philosophy of style.

Of greatest importance for the style of high technology are the "skills" of plumbing and the ability to equip the room with the latest technology and innovations for the home. The "smart home" system is an ideal high-tech companion.

The ability to control the processes occurring in each room, manipulate lighting, heating and other functions while being thousands of kilometers away from the home is of decisive importance for style lovers.

Used in the bathroom, it allows you to avoid leaks, heat water to the desired temperature, take a bath at a specified time and turn off the water supply for a certain period.

Rapid conciseness

Plumbing design for high-tech style is striking in the perfection of form and functionality. The sharp rectangular shapes that previously defined the style have given way to new preferences. Modern capsule geometry reflects the desire for speed and aggressiveness in the comprehension of space. Hi-tech, as a style, neglects traditional decor, but produces its own forms of room decoration. They are close to the forms of nature, but are devoid of sentiment and reflect only the functional component.

In addition to the ideal concise form, plumbing is as functional as possible and equipped with many additional features. Bathroom faucets independently detect the temperature of the water and display it with the help of a backlight. The design of the taps, with the light hand of designers, distributes the flow of water not just with the usual jet, but allows it to fall into the sink in a falling waterfall. Touch sensors make it possible to completely eliminate the contact of human hands for water supply, it is worth bringing your hands and water of a given temperature is supplied for your needs.

The latest models of toilet bowls dispose of the contents that have fallen into them without using any natural resources at all, but deal with them with a laser. Such devices are a matter of the near future, but for now, most use the traditional designs of the “porcelain friend”, but the design and capabilities have become extended. Suspended structures have already become the norm for everyone, but the Japanese went further and developed a model that can analyze the contents in a few seconds and give results about the general state of the user's body. All these novelties are an important part of the high-tech style, because manufacturability is the main component of the direction's philosophy.

In the overall design of the room, glossy and chrome surfaces are important style attributes. The more reflective planes, the more consistent and cleaner the style solution will be. Also, the industrial technogenic style is characterized by limited use of colors, there should be no more than three in one room. The color scheme of the color solution is bright or monochrome, the color used is always uniform, without shades and mixing. "Acid" colors, luminous paints are welcome.

Lighting in the bathroom plays a huge role, and if for other styles you can get by with overhead light and highlighting a separate area, then for high-tech lighting can be in the most unexpected places. The bottom lighting of the shower cabin visually lifts it off the floor and gives the impression of floating in the air, the lighting of water faucets and shower panels is not only aesthetic, but also practical, it indicates the temperature of the water supplied.

The high-tech style in the bathroom is simple in design, but costly in filling with technological innovations. However, having chosen it and implemented it in your own home, you become the owner of unique novelties and for many years you will forget about repair work.

Style in detail (video)

High-tech apartments (72 photos)
