What is cedroplast. A method for producing decorative products from waste cedar cones. Useful properties of nut shells.

Kemerovo pensioner built a business on husks

Photo: Kirill Chashchin

You need to study in retirement own business, Vladimir Stepchenko is sure. A lover of ski trips and spending the night under cedar trees, even in his youth he thought about healing properties coniferous tree, and at the age of 53 he developed own production and received a patent for products made from pine cone husks. The enterprising pensioner’s products have been distributed throughout the country and beyond its borders for 13 years.

The main, primary product of a businessman is cedar plastic, a tile-shaped material made from pine cone husks, nut shells and resin. Such a tablet not only exudes a pleasant aroma, but also has a beneficial effect on health, says Stepchenko. He says that cedar plastic purifies the air, kills germs, fights a huge number of different diseases and generally has a positive effect on humans in every possible way.

The entire floor of the workshop where Vladimir and his workers work is covered with sawdust. One corner is covered with boards various sizes, right opposite the entrance, huge bags of raw materials were lined up, followed by a metal container with the same stuff. The walls are covered with tools.

“Look at what the cedroplast itself looks like, welded at night,- Vladimir shows me glossy stacks of brown tiles with a fancy spotted pattern. - IN in general terms", the technology is this: raw materials of a certain weight are placed in a matrix and then compressed by a press under a certain pressure at the required temperature and held for about three minutes."

In addition to the ordinary pine cone husk, the matrix, the core of the cone, crushed husk and shell can also be added to the matrix. Depending on the combination of ingredients, tiles of various shades and patterns are obtained, and the design can be changed, says Stepchenko.

“We have 52 products made from cedar plastic in our assortment, but my main emphasis is on the production of wellness cabins, since this product is the most profitable”, - the entrepreneur admits, pointing to wooden box with brown square inserts. The only worker in the room is spinning around the cabin.

"The most important thing in the whole matter- this is the preparation of raw materials, says Vladimir. - I almost dried it out or overdried it - it’s not the same. For example, if I over-dried it, the resin went down and the cedar plastic didn’t cook.”

The cabin, which is being manufactured now, will go to the railway station in Krasnoyarsk and will be installed in a special treatment room for staff. In addition to Russian Railways, the miracle development is ordered by sanatoriums, social centers, and sometimes by private individuals. Sverdlovsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Achinsk - this is an incomplete list of cities where cedar plastic goes from Kuzbass. Recently, Vladimir Stepchenko’s cabins were sent to Italy through the regional administration. A lot of products were supplied to Canada at one time. “The people there are good, sympathetic and always gave money in advance, but there was a lot of hassle with paperwork.”, - describes his international relationships Stepchenko.

Vladimir Mikhailovich gets a little embarrassed when I ask him to tell me more about himself and take a photo. “Don’t write anything about me at all,” says the man - I don't need advertising. Write about cedroplast so that people know". But after some time he gives up and even shows his photographs.

A resident of the village of Kedrovka worked as a BelAZ driver for more than ten years, as a truck driver for the same amount of time, and retired as the deputy head of an enterprise that supplied spare parts to a coal holding company. Stepchenko was always fond of sports and liked to relax actively, as evidenced by photographs, mostly black and white. The photographs depict river rafting on a hand-knitted raft, skiing trips and bike rides.

It was during rafting and hiking, spending the night under the branches of a cedar, that the man became convinced that the tree gives lightness, relieves fatigue and headaches. And as soon as the time came to retire, Vladimir began working on cedar plastic. “At first we simply squeezed the husk with two jacks, but nothing came out, it crumbled,- recalls the Kedrovsky inventor. - More than a year I experimented, verified desired temperature and pressure."

As soon as Vladimir Stepchenko achieved the desired result, his acquaintances brought him together in the capital with ecologist and scientist Nikolai Sokolov, who supported the Kemerovo resident and began to help with the preparation of various papers, conducting tests, obtaining a patent and certificates. Then Sokolov contributed to participation in exhibitions in Moscow, Canada and France.

It took two years to obtain a patent, then several institutes studied the invention. One Tomsk scientific and technical institute tested a cedar plastic cabin for a year, 70 people took part in the study. After all the formal procedures, work began to boil.

“Initially, we ourselves went to the taiga in the Urals to get a cone,- says the cedar businessman. “Then we built electric peeling machines for the foresters and distributed them, and in return they began preparing the husks for us; it continues like this."

Some time after the launch of the enterprise, Vladimir Mikhailovich gave the right to one of the entrepreneurs to launch the production of souvenir products from cedar plastic in Tashtagol. "They are no competition for me., explains the man. - There are only two of us in the world who do this. In addition, we have an agreement that they mainly make souvenir and decorative things."

Vladimir puts frames with decorative works made of cedar plastic, they depict various animals, still lifes, memorial inscriptions and coats of arms. The cones protruding from the tarred “canvas” look especially impressive. And I can’t believe that all these relief outlandish things were created using a press, thanks to the scrupulous calculations of the craftsmen. Finally, the man unpacks and places a large panel in the center of the table, on which is an eagle with spreading wings. There are, of course, cedar trees around the bird, and mountains rise in the background.

The entrepreneur admits that he is not going to expand the business, they say, they work in the volumes and pace that are convenient for him. 10-15 booths per year and several products per week - this is the schedule. The production employs from five to 18 people. Meanwhile, the businessman goes to various exhibitions with his products several times a month: he learns something and tells people about cedroplast.

From the first day, Vladimir Stepchenko had no doubts about the success of his enterprise, he understood that his business brought goodness and health, and people really needed this. Now the enterprising retiree is passionate about designing a cedar cabinet with cedar-plastic plates inside, so that a person can place one in the bedroom and breathe in clean, healthy, fragrant air.

The invention relates to the production of decorative pressed products from tree waste. Method of obtaining decorative items from waste cedar cones by pressing under heating under pressure with holding and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature. Pressing is performed at heating 120-130°C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/cm 2. Surfaces are fixed under a load of 10-20 kg/m2 for about 30 days. The invention makes it possible to obtain decorative products with a healing effect and high strength characteristics.

The invention relates to the production of decorative products from tree waste, and can be used in the technology of manufacturing facing tiles for cedar plastic cabins, for the production of artistic panels and other decorative products of various geometric shapes.

There is a known method for producing decorative products from waste pine cones. coniferous trees(RF patent No. 2235023, B44C 1/24, published on August 27, 2004), which provides for the preliminary stabilization of waste by moisture content at the level of 5-6%, the introduction of a polymer binder into it - polyvinyl acetate dispersion in an amount of 12-15% of the dry weight of the base. The resulting mixture is dried at 80-90°C for 30 minutes and pressed when heated to 140-150°C under a pressure of 80-100 kg/cm 2 . To the disadvantages this method may include the need for pre-treatment of waste before pressing and the introduction of polyvinyl acetate dispersion into its composition as a binder. The use of chemical ingredients in the product composition impairs the beneficial properties of facing tiles created by a natural product.

There is a known method for producing decorative products from waste cones of coniferous trees (RF patent No. 2121925, B44C 1/24, published on November 20, 1998), which consists in placing the husks of cedar cones in a metal matrix and pressing at a temperature of 60-75° C under pressure 30-50 kg/cm 2 with holding time under pressure for 8-12 minutes. After pressing, the front and back surfaces of the product are fixed without pressure and kept for 20-24 hours at room temperature.

The disadvantage of this method is that it produces finished products with low performance qualities, such as strength, water resistance, durability, because the structure of the products is loose, with air inclusions, and the finished products are subject to deformation and fairly rapid destruction.

There is a known method for producing decorative products from waste conifer cones (RF patent No. 2229389, B44C 1/24, published on May 27, 2004), in which waste conifer cones are treated with a hardener, which is an aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate or its derivatives in a concentration of 10 wt.% relative to the mass of raw materials. The resulting mass, after drying, is poured into a metal matrix and pressed when heated at 150-170°C under a pressure of 20-40 kg/cm 2 with a holding pressure of 1.1-1.7 min/mm of product thickness. Next, the products are kept for 12 hours under a load of 100-150 kg/m2 at room temperature. The method makes it possible to obtain products with increased strength and water resistance.

The main disadvantage of this technology is the achievement of strength properties of the resulting products through the use of polymer compounds - polyvinyl acetate or its derivatives - as a hardener, the processing of natural raw materials and their presence in the products negatively affect the health properties of the product made from cedar cones - cedar plastic.

The objective of the invention is to obtain decorative products with a healing effect, having high strength and performance characteristics.

The problem is solved by the fact that when performing a method for producing decorative products from waste cedar cones by pressing while heating under pressure with holding and fixing the front and back surfaces of the product at room temperature, it is proposed to perform pressing at heating 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg /m2 and fix the surfaces under a load of 10-20 kg/m2 for about 30 days.

As noted by experts (for example, RF patent No. 2235023), the content of natural resin (resin) in waste conifer cones is a difficult to regulate parameter, which “excludes the possibility of optimizing the quantitative ratio of the binder in relation to the dry base.” Those. the task of finding conditions under which a natural binder would be sufficient to obtain quality products, is quite complex and non-obvious.

The technology according to the proposed method solves this problem.

A significant difference of the method is the production of decorative products - cedar plastic plates or tiles - with a healing effect that analogues of the proposed technology do not have.

The technology makes it possible to produce a material - “cedroplast”, the composition of which includes only cedar components: pine cone husk, shell pine nuts, the skeletons of cones, pressed in cedar resin - resin. All these elements of the composition emit a pronounced aroma Siberian cedar. Products made from cedar plastic create an increased concentration of phytoncides, flavonoids, bornyl acetates, etc. aromatic oils and resins that have a beneficial effect on human health.

To achieve the required qualities of the resulting products, pressing is carried out at lower temperatures and increased pressure sufficient to release required quantity binder - resin.

The proposed pressing mode when heated at 120-130°C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/m 2 is optimal for achieving the required quality of products. The low temperature (120-130°C) impact on the raw material is sufficient for its molding and at the same time does not have a harsh effect that worsens the protective and health properties of cedar, i.e. does not destroy the ability to release phytoncides, flavonoids, and other aromatic substances in significant concentrations that create a healing effect. At lower temperatures and pressures, the structure becomes loose, not strong enough, and has increased water absorption during operation. Application more high temperatures and pressure can negatively affect the preservation of the natural properties of cedar.

Also, to preserve the natural properties of cedar and increase the strength characteristics, long-term fixation of the surfaces of the product is carried out - for about one month under a pressure of 10-20 kg/m2, during which the structure of the product is finally ordered and the required shape of the surface is fixed.

In addition, to relieve internal stresses in the product, the back side during pressing is formed in the form of a cellular structure, for example, by placing a mesh with a honeycomb pattern on a metal matrix, on which the product is pressed. Without the use of such a mesh, the product may develop bulges and bends, which reduce its quality.

To increase moisture resistance and improve the appearance of products, they are coated with wax or varnish, which is made from cedar resin by dissolving it in a steam bath until liquid state at a temperature of 50°C for 2 hours, mixing with alcohol in a ratio of 3:1 and adding rosin in an amount of about 5% for crystallization and shine. Waxing or varnishing products protects them from moisture and other external influences, improves appearance and performance properties.

The decorative qualities of products are improved by making designs or ornaments on the front surface of the product using various materials from cedar, such as wood chips, pieces of wood, nut shells and others, which are applied to the surface using the methods of appliqué, inlay, and relief design.

For the manufacture of facing tiles rectangular shape size 200×250×10 mm, cone husks and shells were used as starting materials pine nuts in an amount of 300-350 g. The sifted mass of raw materials is poured into a metal matrix in which metal grid with a cellular pattern. Thermal pressing is carried out at 120-130°C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/m 2 with a short exposure time under pressure - 3-5 minutes. To relieve stresses that arise after pressing, the product is kept under pressure of 10-20 kg/m2 for about 1 month. Finished products are coated with rosin varnish or wax. Receive tiles with a smooth shiny surface Brown various shades, which consist only of cedar components, giving the product the healing properties of cedar. The tiles give in easily machining and can be used for cladding health cedroplast cabins and other interiors. In a similar way, decorative tiles are made for making wall panels, various products geometric shape, for example, pyramids, boxes, etc.

A method for producing decorative products from waste cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with holding time and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature, characterized in that pressing is carried out when heated at 120-130°C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/cm 2 and the surfaces are fixed under a load of 10-20 kg/m2 for about 30 days.

Similar patents:

Cedar plastic is a new, natural material with a healing effect. Today, there are no analogues of this material in the world. It does not contain artificial components that can harm human health; it restores, strengthens and maintains the biological field and activity of the body. The unique, elite material has biological energy, which is similar to the energy of human cells, organs and the entire body system. This elite material is able to convey its entire atmosphere, healing properties and smell to a person. That's why it's so popular.

What is cedroplast - presentation

Everyone knows about the healing qualities of cedar. Therefore, cedar plastic is not only an amazing facing material, but also a storehouse of healing properties. Thereby, decorative tiles able to resist various diseases. This material includes the shell of a pine nut and the husk of a pine cone, which itself fell from the tree. Those cones that fall to the ground on their own have the maximum number of properties that have a positive effect on human health. The tiles are coated with varnish made from cedar resin. Often, a layer of wax is applied to protect products.

Cedar plastic production

IN modern world, provided huge selection this unique in characteristics, elite material, including individual tiles, decorative panels, facing material for office furniture and residential premises. The RosKedr company offers everyone who wants to purchase wonderful tiles that will complement the interior of a residential, office space and, at the same time, will provide a lot of positive effects.

Galileo program on cedroplast

Such products are very often used as a worthy piece of furniture, such as a beautiful slab on the wall. Cedar plastic is also used to absorb radiation that negatively affects the human body, which comes from household appliances. If you use this material as cladding for the walls of a room, you will notice a significant increase in a person’s performance, an increase in mood, a decrease in fatigue, functional disorders, and more. Doctors strongly recommend using cedar plastic tiles in various types premises.

Kedroplast can be used in hospitals, health institutions, children's rooms, and work rooms. various types fatigue, irritability, functional disorders of organs and systems, asthmatic problems, various allergenic symptoms.

Cedar plastic tiles

Kedroplast is the working name of the new finishing material, made from waste remaining from the processing of cedar cones. The product itself looks like an ordinary decorative tile, but, according to the inventor of cedroplast Anatoly Khromov, it has a unique healing effect.

The appearance of cedar plastic will delight those who prefer to surround themselves with objects made from natural materials. Of course mass production, and, consequently, widespread use of cedroplast is not yet expected. Anatoly Khromov, like any self-motivated enthusiast, has to develop his business in dramatic conflicts.

“If we describe the technology itself,” says the inventor, “it is quite simple. After shelling the pine nut, the husk of the cone remains, which is pressed under the influence of temperature. This produces a tile that retains all the healing properties of Siberian cedar resin. When I started conducting my first experiments in obtaining material, I tried using pine and spruce cones, but top scores It was cedar that showed it.

In 1996 I managed to register technical specifications necessary for the manufacture of tiles, and in 1998 a patent was registered for new material. He equipped the first production site in Novosibirsk, then moved to Berdsk. But acquaintances with biologists advised us to organize a workshop in close proximity to the place where raw materials are extracted, that is, closer to the cedar forest.

At first, according to Khromov, the matter went quite smoothly. The program to launch the production of the new material was presented to the head of the Yashkinsky district and approved by him. Translated into modern language this meant one thing: the head promised not to interfere. Using his own funds, Khromov restored the building of the unfinished boiler house, installed equipment, launched the production of cedar plastic, employing the local population. At the same time, in the nearby cedar forest, he organized an eco-tourism base - Moscow clerks came to Yashkino to breathe the taiga air and collect pine cones for Khromov.

Then, as usual, small and large troubles began. They began to try to copy Khromov’s technology. Somewhere in Sheregesh a competing company appeared that began producing cedar plastic, of course, in violation of technology. Like every Russian entrepreneur, Khromov was sued, went bankrupt and even burned. But I always found the strength to start again. In his homeland, Khromov is also known as a major civil activist and participant in the “Public Ecological Post,” an organization dedicated to the expansion and preservation of Russia’s cedar forests.

Today, based on the technology created by Khromov, small-scale production of cedar plastic has been established. It is produced in the form of tiles for finishing interior spaces, and in the form of small decorative panels, which can be hung on the wall or placed near emitting household appliances.

There is a technology for coating tiles and panels with environmentally friendly wax or resin (based on cedar resin) varnishes.

The product portfolio of Khromov’s enterprise also includes treatment and prophylactic cabins made entirely of cedar-plastic tiles. At the beginning of the year, Khromov’s company managed to acquire its own showroom in Moscow - it is located in the Health Center pavilion at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. You can also find the inventor himself there. He will be happy to talk about the healing properties of the material.

“A lot has been said about the merits of cedar pine without me,” Khromov comments, “but less and less is said about the fact that this wealth must be preserved.” In the old days, children were punished for trampling the grass in the cedar forest before the time prescribed by nature. The cedar cones were collected only when they fell from the wind - carrion. Dry cedar or wood from a windfall was used.

Khromov also uses fallen cones in his production. The cedroplast he invented is composite wood material, which contains pine nut shells, pine cone husks and cedar resin as a binding element.

According to the manufacturer, when facing walls dry, without high humidity, premises with cedroplast tiles (at the rate of 1 sq. m of tiles per 10 cubic meters of air in the room) increases performance, improves clarity of consciousness, reduces functional disorders of the body and fatigue. In addition, the number of harmful bacteria in the surrounding air is reduced.
