What is healthier to eat at night? What can you eat at night when losing weight and gaining muscle mass. Fruits at night for weight loss

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For some, late-night snacking is the nightmare of a lifetime, but for others it is an inexhaustible source of jokes. However, you can make this process completely ordinary and harmless if you replace donuts and fatty sausage healthy products, such as cheese or popcorn.

website I have prepared for you a list of products that are ideal for a late-night snack. And if you are not yet ready to give preference to healthy foods, you can simply exclude from your diet foods that are completely unsuitable for consumption at night (we will talk about them at the end).

1. Cheese

We are not talking about just any cookies, but about whole grain crackers. which you can snack on without harming you healthy sleep and figures. Their composition is dominated by so-called slow carbohydrates, which can give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

4. Popcorn

Clinical nutritionist Erica Cannall suggests late-night snackers eat a cup of popcorn without butter or salt. Such a snack will not affect your figure in any way.

Erica suggests adding flavor to the dish with black pepper or garlic powder.

5. Egg

A hard-boiled egg contains only 75 kcal, but it fights hunger perfectly. According to Erica Cannall, this snack option will allow you to forget about hunger until the morning and at the same time will not turn into extra centimeters on your waist.

6. Vegetables

If you know that you will definitely wake up at night to snack, but you understand that you will not be satisfied with one product, you can save some healthy dish for yourself in the evening. For example, vegetable salad.

It is better to give preference to green vegetables, since they contain complex carbohydrates that will keep you full until the morning.

7. Applesauce with cinnamon

Specialist in healthy eating Karen Borsari recommends that those who crave sweets at night make themselves some applesauce with cinnamon. You can add a small handful of raisins to it.

This dish will not only curb your cravings for donuts and muffins, but it will also help reduce the level of orexin that makes you wake up to eat.

8. A glass of cherry juice

Uncontrolled intake of foods is unacceptable when it comes to evening (night) meals. Therefore, the question of what you can and cannot eat before going to bed becomes relevant. Let's consider the current aspects.

Is it possible to eat at night

Before talking about permitted or prohibited foods, you should clarify whether it is even possible to eat at night? The answer is obvious - yes, but only certain products. It is strictly forbidden to consume carbohydrates. They speed up the production of insulin, sending a signal to the brain that it is necessary to burn glucose, not fat.

When it comes to the interval immediately before bed, the answer is no! You can't eat before bed! When the body stops being awake, burning calories and fat stops. During rest, samatropin, or growth hormone, is released, which is responsible for the set muscle mass. During this period, cortisol is not produced, and premature aging of the body begins.

Harm from eating at night

  1. At the first feeling of hunger in the evening, the body gives a signal that you need to eat. You should not give in to the first provocations. In this case, tissues save glucose and are forced to process fat layers.
  2. If you go to rest with a slight feeling of hunger, you will not only restore strength and energy, but also actively renew tissues at the cellular level. This process prevents premature aging of the body.
  3. During wakefulness, such a process is impossible due to stress and food intake. When eating food at night, you should understand that such a move does not bode well. It is also worth remembering that everything is individual.
  4. It is not advisable for children and people under 25 years of age to go to rest on an empty stomach, but it is also prohibited to overeat. How younger age a person, the later he is supposed to eat. Thus, the baby’s body develops according to its own schedule, as it needs.
  5. Elderly people are advised to limit their last meal to 5 hours before going to bed. For dinner, it is better to give preference to protein dishes with kefir and vegetables. Fats and carbohydrates are only needed at lunchtime.
  6. When the body needs food, melatonin is produced. The enzyme helps a person maintain sound sleep and feel alert upon awakening. If you eat it at night, melatonin stops being produced.
  7. Often a person experiences problems sleeping. Again, it is worth considering individual characteristics. Some individuals are contraindicated from going to bed with a feeling of hunger. This category includes people suffering from ulcers and gastritis.

What can you eat at night

If you cannot live without eating at night, you can eat a handful of almonds or walnut. Also allowed are half an apple or pear without peel, persimmon small size, whole avocado, slice of melon. You can eat a cucumber, a handful of broccoli, leaf salad without restrictions, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.

An omelet made with low-calorie milk made from egg whites with spinach or broccoli is suitable for taking at night. Don't fry eggs; the yolks are too high in calories. To add nutritional value and, accordingly, calories, eat half a banana, a boiled potato, a piece of beet, a third of a carrot.

For people with a healthy stomach, boiled beans and all legumes, baked apples with peel, boiled chicken breast, and shrimp are suitable. Consume seasonal or frozen berries and low-fat kefir without any prohibitions.

What vegetables can you eat at night?

  1. Celery is a negative calorie vegetable. It occupies a leading position among products that can be taken at night. Celery promotes destruction more calories than those contained in it.
  2. Boiled carrots and beets are suitable for the evening meal. You can make a salad by taking half of each fruit. The dish is seasoned with vinegar or low-fat sour cream.
  3. White cabbage and broccoli are suitable for the meal. It is better to add the listed vegetables to a protein omelet not cooked in oil. You can chop 1/3 of a potato or a handful of boiled beans into the salad.

  1. Fruits are considered the main components of the human diet. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about food for the night or a weekday meal. Fruits of this type do not negatively affect body weight, so they are recommended to be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Apples occupy the main place. They quickly satisfy the raging feeling of hunger, but provoke increased production of gastric juice. Therefore, you can eat an apple an hour or two after dinner. In addition, the fruits are widely used in dietary nutrition because they speed up weight loss.
  3. Special attention devoted to citrus fruits. They excite nervous system, so you shouldn’t eat them right before bed. Make sure that your nighttime meal occurs 2 hours before going to bed. Preference is given to grapefruits, pomelo, oranges, and tangerines.
  4. If you really want a snack, eat 1 kiwi or half a handful of grapes. 1/3-1/2 banana will also work. Figs do not belong to the category of fruit, they are inflorescences, but 2-3 pieces will not harm your figure.
  5. Also suitable for a night meal are nectarines, peaches, quinces, pears, plums and cherry plums. The main thing is to know moderation in everything. You shouldn’t fill a whole plate; limit yourself to a few pieces.
  6. All of the fruits listed will help you satisfy sudden hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness until the next meal. At the same time, in the morning you will not wake up with a heaviness in your stomach.

What dairy products can you eat at night?

  1. The leading position is given to low-fat kefir. When consumed before bedtime, intestinal motility is normalized. Dairy products have laxative properties, so you cleanse your body of toxins.
  2. Natural thick or liquid yogurt is made from milk. Give preference to Bio Max, Danone, Activia. The main thing is that the percentage of fat content does not exceed 1%.
  3. There are special milkshakes with lactobacilli aimed at weight loss. Skimmed milk is also suitable for taking at night.
  4. To avoid harm to your health, heat the foods you consume until room temperature. Take small sips, if possible through a straw.

What not to eat at night

  1. Caffeinated products. Many people know the special effect of the substance on the body. Drinking coffee or an energy drink before bed will keep you from falling asleep. You should also refrain from drinking tea before bed, especially green tea. Hot drinks can be consumed 2 hours before rest.
  2. Sweet products. If you are trying to keep your figure in good shape, you should completely abstain from sweets, not only before bed. First of all, chocolate is the main enemy on the list of prohibited foods at night. It will provide you with insomnia and greatly invigorate the body. In addition, chocolate significantly increases appetite after digestion.
  3. Fatty food. Such products themselves, regardless of the time of day, carry potential harm to the body. By eating such food before bed, you doom yourself to develop chronic pathologies and gain extra pounds. Fatty foods slow down metabolism, so even dietary and healthy dishes in this case will only harm a person.
  4. Spicy dishes. Spicy food significantly increases appetite. In the process, gastric juice is produced. Having a hearty dinner spicy dish, soon you will want to eat again. Such food, in addition to the feeling of hunger, causes heartburn, flatulence and bloating.
  5. Beans and grains. Invaluable benefits Cereals and legumes are beneficial for the body. Products should not be consumed before bed if you have any ailments or contraindications. Beans and grains are rich in fiber; the substance is not fully digested, which is why colic, gastrointestinal upset and flatulence often occur. Cereals are especially contraindicated for consumption at night, as they are rich in carbohydrates.

Food not only satisfies a person’s physical needs, but also gives the body vigor and restores wasted energy. It is known that deliciously prepared dishes improve your mood. For this reason, we can say for sure that food affects the psycho-emotional background.

Video: eating before bed - great harm or benefit

We hope you have known for a long time that the rule “do not eat after 18.00” does not work. You should give up food, at least fatty and high-calorie foods, 1.5-2 hours before bedtime - and this will be quite enough. But is it worth being hungry if you want to eat something right before bed?

Nutritionists agree that this is not at all necessary. Another thing is what is the best choice for a late dinner the right products, that is, those that will improve and not move the needle on the scale. This material contains ten options for a late-night snack without harming your figure.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate is often considered a forbidden food, but not all types of chocolate are equal in this regard. There are significant nutritional differences between a nutty candy bar and a dark chocolate bar. Dark chocolate, in particular, contains minimal sugar and is loaded with beneficial antioxidants that lower blood pressure, fight inflammation, and improve your mood.


Pistachios are a great evening snack, especially if you can find a salt-free option. The fact is that they contain fiber (necessary for optimal digestive process), as well as biotin, vitamin B6, thiamine, folic acid, unsaturated fats and plant sterols, which makes them extremely nutritious, and at the same time provides the body with a lot of pleasant bonuses.


It’s unlikely that you expected to find soup on this list, but still. The fact is that any warm liquid has a calming effect on us, but if you are sure that you need something more filling than a cup of tea, or vegetable soup will be very helpful. Important note: Avoid vegetables such as lentils or beans in the soup. They are quite difficult to digest and will make you restless, which is definitely not the end goal.

Pumpkin seeds

A good nighttime meal is one that will curb hunger while also helping you relax and prepare for sleep. One serving of pumpkin seeds contains almost 50% of the recommended daily norm magnesium, and magnesium is known to be important for restful and deep sleep.

Warm milk + honey

Warm milk has long been used as a sleep aid, making it good choice for an evening snack if you have trouble falling asleep. It is interesting to note that, despite studies confirming the effectiveness of this method, this may all be a consequence of our psychological perception. However, the amino acids contained in milk lead to the production of the hormone serotonin, which will help you and “bad thoughts” that prevent you from falling asleep. Adding a spoonful of honey, of course, will increase the amount of sugar in the drink, but at the same time it will affect the level of serotonin, which will also be useful for falling asleep smoothly.


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants (and frozen berries are as good as fresh ones) and also contain nutrients that, according to numerous studies, can improve brain function and overall health. If you're not on a strict diet and can afford the extra calories, add two tablespoons of cream to the berries for an incredibly delicious dessert.


New research from PLoS One shows that a diet whose main component is rice is associated with up to a 46% reduction in insomnia, compared with bread (no change) and noodles (sleep worse). Foods with a high glycemic index (GI), which includes rice, can speed up the production of tryptophan and melatonin - hormones that are extremely important for quality sleep.


Nuts are considered not the most best snack for those who want to get rid of excess weight, mainly due to their fat content. However, a 2012 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who consumed almonds for 18 months lost the same amount of weight as people who gave up almonds as part of their diet (all other things being equal).

Let's add to this the fact that almonds stabilize the level of triglycerides - two main risk factors cardiovascular diseases. And, of course, let’s not forget about the magnesium content in almonds, which is considered a real “sleep pill.”

Roll with cheese

Sounds incredible, doesn't it? And, nevertheless, if for some reason you have not eaten during the day and are now extremely hungry, prepare yourself a roll with cheese (and, if desired, with chicken breast). We will not talk about calories here, but only about practical usefulness. Thus, cheese is rich in casein, a complex protein that, according to the British Journal of Nutrition, will not only make you feel full, but also speed up your metabolism.

Ginger tea

Let us remember that our body sometimes works in such a way that thirst is disguised as hunger. However, drinking several glasses of water - especially if you don't feel like it - is not at all necessary. How about ginger tea? In addition to the obvious benefits for the immune system, ginger will relieve you of the nervous system-stimulating caffeine found in tea. This means it will help you fall asleep faster.

Some foods help you sleep better, while others, on the contrary, provoke insomnia and do not promote relaxation at all.

5 Best Sleep Products

  1. Bananas. Firstly, bananas satisfy your appetite better than other fruits. Despite the fact that they are quite high in calories, it is still better to eat a banana before bed than a sandwich. Secondly, bananas contain magnesium and potassium, which promote rapid muscle recovery. And thirdly, bananas stabilize serotonin and melanin, helping the brain to completely relax.
  2. Oatmeal. This very morning food is also one of the foods that promote sleep. All thanks to the microelements in the composition, which have a beneficial effect on the excited nervous system. If you add banana pieces to the porridge, the effect will be even stronger.
  3. Boiled egg. If you wake up at night from hunger, make it a habit to eat a boiled egg in the evening. Eggs contain a lot of protein, they fill you up well, so you don't have to run to the refrigerator at night. If you're looking for the perfect bedtime foods, eggs are the way to go.
  4. Almond. Thanks to the magnesium in its composition, almonds help you fall asleep faster and also give you a feeling of fullness. Plus, almonds contain healthy fats - as a bonus.
  5. Tuna. Another protein snack that will help you sleep soundly throughout the night and save you from extra calories. Eat it with a slice of whole grain bread and fresh cucumber.

In addition to a nutritious meal, some drinks have a very good effect on sleep - primarily herbal teas. If you suffer from insomnia, brew chamomile tea or oregano tea every evening. Weak green tea with mint will also work.

5 Worst Foods Before Bed

  1. Fatty dairy products. Since childhood, we were taught to drink kefir or warm milk before going to bed. Warm milk with honey really has a calming effect, but such a “sleeping pill” is not suitable for all adults. Many dairy products before bed are not the best solution, as they are not always digested well and can cause heaviness in the stomach. If you want something light and milky, eat natural yogurt. But it’s better to put fatty cheeses aside.
  2. Also, you should not eat fried or spicy foods at night. All this can cause heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems, which definitely do not contribute to sound and healthy sleep.
  3. Watermelons and melons. You don't want to run to the toilet all night, do you? Save the watermelon or melon for the morning.
  4. Alcohol. Yes, wine will help you relax and fall asleep quickly. But it is unlikely that your sleep will be sound and restful. In addition, you may have a hangover in the morning. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to one glass at dinner.
  5. One of the worst foods for sleep is caffeine. It's not hard to imagine that an evening cup of coffee can deprive you of sleep for several hours. Also, under no circumstances drink in the evening.

Contents of the article

Keeping your body in good shape is becoming more and more popular every year. Numerous studies have shown that maintaining normal weight directly related to the state of human health. Therefore the topic proper nutrition affects every person. Today we will talk about what to eat before bed so that our body does not feel a lack of nutrients, without storing reserves in the form of fat.

Why you shouldn't eat at night

Late-night snacks, like late dinners, are dangerous not only for your figure. They can cause serious health problems, sleep disturbances, or premature aging. At night, the human body adjusts to a slower mode, metabolic processes become less active. This leads to food being poorly digested. The pancreas secretes enzymes, and the gallbladder secretes bile. Due to slow digestion, food ferments in the gastrointestinal tract and bile stagnates. Over time, this can cause stones to form. The released glucose is not used as energy but is stored as fat, and the released glucose interferes with sleep.

Proper nutrition is based on choosing a diet where calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in harmony with human activity. For example, athletes need to consume more protein than to an ordinary person so that the muscles do not become exhausted during training.

What not to eat in the evening

It is important to adhere to the daily caloric content and balance of BZHU. If they match the energy used, the person will always be in shape. Doctors and nutritionists recommend more high-calorie foods Eat carbohydrates rich in carbohydrates in the first half of the day, as they release a lot of energy, which is necessary for daytime activity. In the evening, you should give preference to protein foods. It is not recommended to eat high-calorie foods and fast carbohydrates in the evening, which we know as sweets, baked goods, soda, etc. TO harmful products high calorie content include sausages, milkshakes with big amount sugar, fried red meat, etc. You should not eat ice cream or chocolate at night. They provoke the production of endorphins, which excite the nervous system and can cause insomnia.

Eating dairy products before bed will not be beneficial. But many diets are based on this, which recommend eating cottage cheese before bed or drinking kefir with the addition of cinnamon and other spices. These foods do not have a high glycemic index, but the insulin levels are quite high, which causes the release of insulin into the blood. This is reflected on the body by extra pounds, which causes confusion among those losing weight, because kefir has almost no calories.

Top 10 Worst Foods to Eat at Night

No less important for creating a healthy diet is the concept of insulin and glycemic index. They show how quickly carbohydrates are absorbed by the body, causing a spike in blood sugar. Based on the indicators of such indices, it is possible to determine which foods with high indicators are not recommended to be eaten at night, especially for overweight people. If you do not spend the energy obtained during their breakdown into glucose, they will be deposited as fat reserves. For an evening snack, even a few hours before bed, it is better to choose foods with minimal carbohydrate content.

Table of foods with a high insulin index: what not to eat at night.

Foods that cause insomnia

Insomnia is a problem that every person faces. It can be caused by health problems. But a common reason for this is our diet. Some products that cause sleep disturbances are known to everyone, for example, coffee, tea. But most often we cannot even think about what causes such nervous excitement in our body. The main enemies of sleep are foods that contain a lot of spices, salt or garlic. Therefore, it is better to avoid eating too hot or spicy foods, such as Chinese food, before going to bed.

The main enemies of sleep are foods that contain a lot of spices, salt or garlic.

Fatty foods can also cause restless sleep, so avoid eating red meat and fatty fish, cakes, foods rich in oil, pastries or nuts. At night, the gastrointestinal tract does not work actively enough to digest them, and there is a feeling of heaviness that interferes with sleep. Yellow cheeses have a high fat content. In addition, they contain thiamine, an invigorating component found in coffee. The same substance is found in tomatoes and tomato sauces. Smoking or drinking alcohol can cause insomnia.

What to choose for dinner

Your figure and health will benefit from eating protein and fiber in the evening (except for starchy foods). For dinner, you can choose fish with vegetables, green salads, baked or grilled vegetables. Heat treatment will speed up the absorption of fiber, which will help gastrointestinal tract cope with its digestion. If it is not a late-night snack, then you are allowed to eat some eggs or poultry. Treats that cannot be eaten can be replaced with moderately sweet berries. It is better to give preference to strawberries or blueberries.

For dinner you can cook fish with vegetables, green salads, baked vegetables.

A person’s nutrition affects not only his figure and appearance, but also on the state of health. Particular attention should be paid to food consumed before bedtime, since it is much more difficult for the body to cope with digestion due to physiological characteristics. You should not eat foods with a high glycemic or insulin index, too fatty or invigorating foods. It is better to give preference to light protein foods or fiber.
