What to read for development. The best books for brain development. The psychology of your holes

Currently, there are fewer and fewer people who read books or works of fiction. And this is very sad. It’s better to go buy some glossy magazine or read posts on the Internet. And only those who want to develop a real personality and achieve success begin to read various books for self-development.

Books are an irreplaceable source of information in which people share their experiences, thus passing them on from generation to generation. Quite a large number of books are published every year on the topic of self-development and they are all very interesting. Therefore, there is something to read for development! When you decide, it’s like drug addiction - you read at least one book a month, but you have to.

You will agree with me that an intelligent and educated person is one who reads a lot. In general, identifying a person who reads is very simple. He is a very interesting conversationalist, he has a lot of ideas, his own point of view on many things. If you compare such people with those who don’t read at all, their brains are filled with old ideas, they are always discussing the same things, and this does not allow them to develop. The conclusion here is obvious. Reading broadens our horizons and opens up new horizons for the individual to strive for.

Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

L.N. Tolstoy

Before giving you a list of self-help books, I relied on one very good factor. How this or that book influenced my self-development. There are so many books, your eyes just run wild, and sometimes the question really arises: “What should I read for self-development?” But there are a large number of books that contain, so to speak, “water,” and others that contain very good practical advice on how to achieve happiness, wealth and success. And I tried to collect only the best.

I even remember the first book I read for self-development - Randy Gage “Why We Are Sick, Stupid and Poor...and How to Become Smart, Healthy and Rich.” After reading this book, my consciousness, frankly speaking, turned 180 degrees. It feels like I was simply reprogrammed and the new code was powerful enough to start . Therefore, I recommend that you read this book for self-development first and foremost. Believe me, she will make a very powerful impression on you.

So, it includes the following 3 subprocesses:

- self-knowledge;

- self improvement;

- self-realization.

And before looking for books, we need to understand which of these processes we want to work with. “What should I read for self-development?” - this is, in principle, such a general question, the answer to which may not give you a positive result in your development. I have prepared for you the 100 best books that touch on all sections of the self-development process, so that you have a clearer understanding of what is best to read and in what order. So…


Self-knowledge is the process of discovering your potential. This is where you need to start self-development. If you don't understand what your best talents are, then you're unlikely to find your path in life. And this will only lead to a constant feeling of unhappiness. Everyone should only do what they are meant to do. And this is the mistake of 90% of people - skipping the process of self-knowledge. Perhaps this is not your fault, but rather the education system, which taught this in the early years of personality development, is more to blame. But once you have embarked on the path of self-development, you must begin it by knowing yourself.

This is what is called point A.

Otto Kroeger, Janet Tuson

Types of People: 16 Personality Types That Shape How We Live, Work and Love

Helena Mekani

The Enneagram - Your Path to Personal Development

Mikhail Borodinsky

The psychology of your holes

Alexander Afanasyef

Syntax of love

Robert Camp

Andrey Kostenko

Linda Bunnell, Ra Uru Hu

Human design. The Science of Differentiation

Parkin Chetan

Human Design. Discover the person you were born to be

Alexander Kolesnikov

Alexander Shestopalov, Olga Molchanova

WATCH A VIDEO! 5 books after which you will not remain the same.


Self-realization is the realization of your creative potential. This is done through understanding your purpose. To do this, there must be a mission, goal and project that will be a continuation of your potential. Realizing what you have planned gives you meaning in this life. You just learn to be a creator with a capital C.

This is the so-called point B.

Alexander Nosov

Ken Robinson

Alexander Rey

Brian McAllister

El Luna

Danielle Laporte

Maxim Matveev

Michael Ray

Barbara Sher

Tina Seeling

See also:


Self-improvement is the process of improving your basic skills and resources to realize your creative projects. These are your spiritual and personal qualities, as well as your physical energy, connections with other people, necessary knowledge, finances and time. These are the areas of life, so to speak, that you work on most of your time.

This is the so-called path A->B.



Michael Newton

Eckhart Tolle

Neil Donald Walsh

Rhonda Byrne

Deepak Chopra

Tamara Schmidt

Yongey Rinpoche

Sal Rachel

Multidimensional man

Vadim Zeland


Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

Eliyahu Goldratt

Stephen Covey, Steve Jones

Brian Moran, Michael Lennington

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy

Shaa Vasmund

John Acuff

Eric Larssen

Robin Sharma


Shawn Stevenson

Douglas Graham

Vadim Zeland

Paul Bragg

Fireidon Batmanghelidj

Deepak Chopra

Abigail Ellsworth

Enien, Choying Zangmo Alison

Dalai Lama

Valery Sinelnikov

Love your illness


John Gray

Mikhail Litvak

Gary Chapman

Isaac Adizes

John Gottman

Dean Delis, Cassandra Phillips

Robins Baker

Alexander Nosov

Douglas Abrams, John Gottman

Steve Harvey


Oleg Tinkov

James Watt

Tony Hsieh

Richard Branson

Petr Osipov, Mikhail Dashkiev

Guy Kawasaki

Chris Guilbeault

Sergey Abdulmanov

Business as a game

Timothy Ferris

Igor Mann


Eker Harv

Donald Trump

Think big and don't slow down

Napoleon Hill

Saidmurod Dovlatov

Robert Kiyosaki

Bodo Schaefer

Robert G. Allen

Vladimir Savenuk

Robert Kiyosaki

Carl Richards

Let's talk about your income and expenses

George Clason


Albert Podell

Daria Pastukhova

Everything is allowed

Dmitry Iuanov

Travel Story

Mathis Aspen

Fedor Konyukhov

On the verge of possibilities

Sarah Marquis

Christophe Rehage

Christine Thurmer

Lonely Planet

How to read self-development books correctly?

As you can see, self-development books greatly influence our lives. By reading this kind of literature, our potential actually becomes unlimited. You just have to think about what you can achieve in life and it takes your breath away. Just imagine the peaks you have conquered and your dreams come true. Great, right? But, unfortunately, after reading such books, many people’s lives do not change. And the point here is that there are several rules that need to be followed when reading books on self-development.

Read slowly

Often beginners begin to simply “devour” books one after another. Lists of books on self-development are not difficult to find, and the mindless “reading” begins. As a result, a ton of information appears in your head, which does not have time to be systematized. As a result, your consciousness begins to resemble a garbage dump. The main thing is not how much you read, but what the efficiency of the book is. Therefore, you don’t need to read 20 books a month, 1 a day. 2-4 books are enough, and only if you apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Read slowly

These are not novels where you want to quickly find out who cheated on whom. There is no need to chase the number of pages, but rather change the priority to “the maximum from the book.” And this is only possible with slow and thoughtful reading of the author’s every word. What is written needs to be thought through and analyzed...

Ask questions

While reading the book, ask yourself a variety of questions. What can this advice tell me? What can I get? How similar is the author's life to mine? And try to test everything in practice. You know, there are a lot of theorists who churn out books, but there are few smart teachers.

Be a student for life!

Business books and books for self-development need to be read with a pen in hand and a piece of paper. Firstly, there are a lot of smart thoughts in such books. And secondly, there are a lot of exercises, the implementation of which will change your life for the better. Therefore, it’s better to get yourself a notebook or notebook for self-development. After reading a book, a lot is forgotten, and any advice or exercise can be a huge chance for you to change something in your life.

Absorb like a sponge, but only what’s useful.

I will say that there are really worthwhile books, and there are dummies. And all information, of course, does not need to be understood as the ultimate truth. The author simply expresses his point of view and conveys his life experience. You should form your own worldview on life and, as a rule, this happens under the influence of many books, and not just one. Learn to discard the “slag” that you consider unnecessary and take only the best advice.

In the end, what can we say. Read such books not for reading, but to transform your personality. Reading thoughtlessly will only take away your time and will not allow you to get closer to success and freedom.

How many self-development books are in your library?

Start developing a good habit for yourself - reading one paper book on self-development at least a month. I think that anyone can spend 200-500 rubles to buy a book in paper version, regardless of their personal financial budget. But if a toad is strangling you here, then at least sign up for the library. At worst, read it electronically.

In general, in a month I read one in paper form and three or four books in electronic form. As a result, an average of 4 books per month, and about 50 per year. And so, what do you think, 50 books for self-development can change your worldview, your habits, your life? Definitely yes. In a year of reading, an unreal transformation of your loved one will occur.

If you look at rich people, they always have a large library of interesting books. But poor people would rather watch TV on the couch in the evening than read a couple more interesting pages. That's why rich people have big libraries, and poor people have wide TVs. Since I have just begun my conscious self-development, I, of course, still have a small library, but I already have about 30 books for self-development.

I have the best ones, the ones that really hooked me, inspired me, and taught me something. If I read an interesting book in electronic form, then I go and take it in paper form. When I have time, I re-read them. And every time through the lines I learn something new that I didn’t notice before or didn’t try to understand.


The value of reading books for self-development is obvious. It changes us, makes us look at this world from different sides, helps us not to get hung up on one thing. And here it must be said that the key point is that reading is useful only if, while reading a book, you have new ideas, thoughts, and you immediately begin to put new knowledge into practice to gain positive skills. This is the only way to develop.

I have given you a great list of self-help books that will be a starting point for you on a long journey. You need to understand that self-development is a constant process and over time you will find many more wonderful authors who, with their work, will motivate you to move forward and constantly progress. Don’t be lazy and collect your library of the best books on self-development so that you can read them yourself, recommend them to your friends, and later pass on this treasure trove of knowledge to your children.

Many people read books to pass the time, many to get some information or to “plunge” into another world, and there are those who read books to increase their vocabulary and improve their skills. It is this kind of literature that we will talk about.

To develop your mind, flexibility of thinking, and increase your vocabulary, you should not waste time reading mediocre novels, stupid fantasy books, etc., it is better to choose complex but useful literature. So, let's look at several categories of books that help expand your vocabulary and develop your intellect.

Scientific literature

Don't be intimidated by this title; these books don't have to be an encyclopedia filled with obscure terms. Focus on literature about art and culture, about society and man, about nature; books that explain unusual phenomena occurring around us will be very interesting and useful. By reading such literature, you will gain new knowledge that will certainly be useful to you in life. Here is a small list of books to start with:

  • A. Migdal “From guess to truth”;
  • E. Kandel “In Search of Memory”;
  • F. Stephen “The Book of General Errors.”

Serious art literature

Good works of fiction are based on philosophy, history, psychology, so when reading such literature, a person not only plunges into a new world, but also develops speech, improves thinking and memory. In addition, fiction books instill good taste, here are some of them:

  • L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”;
  • M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”;
  • I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”;
  • E. Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea.”

Philosophical literature

Philosophy is one of the main sciences about human existence, although in modern times this genre is not so popular. In fact, such books will be very useful to read, because philosophical works teach us to understand people’s desires, life, and help us understand ourselves. Also, these books are great for improving vocabulary and developing thinking. By the way, in addition to the classical philosophy that is familiar to us, we should not forget about religious teachings. The Bible, Koran, Mahabharata, etc. will not only be useful, but also very interesting to read. Start getting acquainted with philosophy with the following books:

  • O. Khayyam “Rubai”;
  • I. Kant “Critique of Pure Reason”;
  • F. La Rochefoucauld "Memoirs".


Most people do not take this genre seriously, believing that poems are only needed to conquer the weaker sex. However, this is not so, because poetry teaches eloquence, teaches imaginative thinking, etc. We recommend reading:

  • W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet";
  • I. Brodsky “Collected Works”;
  • A. Akhmatova “I learned to live simply and wisely”;
  • N. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”;
  • M. Lermontov “Demon”.

Historical literature

By reading historical literature, you have the opportunity not only to have a pleasant time reading an interesting book, but also to learn a lot of new things, to discover for yourself facts from the past that will help you better understand the present. Some people think history is a very boring genre, but there are many books that describe historical facts in the form of exciting stories. In addition to new knowledge, historical knowledge is perfect for developing vocabulary and correct speech. Here's a short list.

A reasonable person always strives to understand the world and himself as a particle of this world. Many books have been written on this topic. After all, each of us tries to become better in order to more fruitfully use our hidden potential in the future. Getting acquainted with the best works on philosophy, psychology and creative personal development greatly contributes to the self-development of the individual. Literary News offers a selection of self-help books, organized according to the specific area you want to focus on.

Of course, the first step in self-development is to clearly define your priorities. Self-development includes many areas, and in order to best engage in this difficult but extremely rewarding task, the first step is to clearly determine for yourself what exactly is most important to you at this stage of life.

Key self-development topics include:

Philosophy of life;
Practical psychology;
Classic fiction;
Physical development;
Intellectual development;
Creative development;

Alexander Sviyash. “What to do when everything is not as you want”

Books about the philosophy of life for self-development

El Tat. "Medicine for the soul."

A St. Petersburg psychologist under the pseudonym El Tat has published a book for those who are tired of the endless cycle of modern life, driving the weak into the narrow framework of inevitability. But there is no weakness, it’s just a state of mind that can and should be changed for the better. El Tat's book contains simple truths about health and happiness, popularizes knowledge about the world and man, formulated by Hermes Trismegistus, and also contains the author's judgments about humanity and the world.

Valery Sinelnikov. “The mysterious power of the word. Love Formula".

The book introduces the reader to an effective verbal coding strategy for success, health and well-being, and even reveals the essence of the mysterious formula of love. After all, our whole life is controlled by words. It is only important to choose the most necessary words for any specific situation.

Alexander Sviyash. “What to do when everything is not the way you want.”

Popular psychologist Alexander Sviyash in his book, in simple and intelligible language, sets out his unique methodology, diagnoses problematic situations and gives practical advice for understanding the causes of events. With its help, the reader will learn to correctly form the desired events in his life.

Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets about men that every woman should know"

Practical psychology for self-development gh

Vasilina Veda. "Practical psychology for women."

The essence of the book is in its title. The author will help you gain popularity as the most charming and attractive woman. This book is for those women who want to learn to always please the people around them, to reveal the true potential of a real Woman.

Andrey Gnezdilov. "Smoke of an Antique Fireplace"

A famous St. Petersburg doctor and storyteller has created a wonderful book about fairy tale therapy. After all, any fairy tale is concentrated wisdom. The author's philosophical tales, written in the best traditions of classical and modern fairy tales, will help the reader cope with difficult situations that often ruin people's lives.

Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets about men that every woman should know"

The popular author of psychological literature in his book gives ten simple tips for women that will help them feel confident and happy even in the most difficult situations that arise in the process of communication between a woman and a man.

Classic fiction for self-development

Margaret Mitchell. "Gone With the Wind"
Lev Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
Gustave Flaubert. "Madame Bovary"
William Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet"
Alexander Ostrovsky. "Dowry"

Classic works of world fiction do not need additional advertising. Each of them presents in one form or another the complex life conflicts of the heroes. For centuries people have been experiencing life with the heroes of these books with unflagging interest, relating themselves to them, reflecting on the correctness of their actions. This is exactly how new life experience is acquired - by watching the characters in books, who often look more alive and real than the people around the reader. Also, the undoubted advantage of classical literature is their film adaptations made by masters of world cinema. After all, all of the above books have been transferred to the screen more than once.

Books for physical self-development

Bernie S. Siegel and Peter Kalder. "Eye of rebirth"

Simple and accessible 6 initial exercises aimed at rejuvenating the body are very effective. Following them along with recommendations on proper nutrition and the properties of combinations of various products is quite capable of prolonging your youth and adding vigor.

Lucy Lydill, Narayani Rabinovich and Giris Rabinovich. “New book on yoga. Step by step guide"

The book is a simple and accessible yoga tutorial that allows you to perform simple yoga exercises at home, even without a yoga mentor, which at the initial stage will be completely replaced by this book, which includes asanas for children, pregnant women, and the elderly, as well as breathing exercises. There is a large amount of illustrative material that makes the book easier to read.

Books for intellectual self-development

Charles Haenel. "Master Key"

A classic book written at the beginning of the twentieth century, it is dedicated to the system of creative thinking created by the author, giving a concise and clear statement of the laws underlying any success. After all, each of us creates our own reality.

Edward de Bono. “Teach yourself to think: a tutorial on developing thinking”

Thanks to the five stages described in E. Bono's book, the reader can turn his brain into a powerful thinking machine, learning to correctly structure and effectively use the process of processing data entering the mind.

Stanislav Muller. "Unlock your mind: become a genius!"

Becoming a genius is not as difficult as you might think. The superlearning technology proposed in this book by Stanislav Müller? will allow you to turn on previously unused reserves of your mind, regardless of age and temperament.

Books for creative self-development

Julia Cameron. "The Artist's Way"

The book is recommended for the development and disclosure of the creative abilities of the individual. It will be especially useful for those who are too suspicious and unsure of their talent. The book is a practical guide, the methodological course is designed for 12 weeks of interesting lessons.

Stephen King. "How to write books"

A recognized master of literature, in a simple and accessible form, shares with the reader the secrets of creating truly interesting texts. The book is read with the same pleasure as his works of art; living examples of semantic and stylistic errors in other authors are given.

Books for self-development in business

David Allen. "How to get things in order"

According to the author, the ability to relax is often no less important than the art of concentrating on problems. The book is devoted to developing the ability to structure events, proper organization, clear priorities and overall planning

Yuri Moroz. “How to start your own business. A Beginner's Guide."

Do you want to open your own business? In this case, the book by Yuri Moroz, a famous business coach and consultant, creator of his own distance learning methodology for business, will be useful to you. It will be useful for both students and beginners, as well as those who already have experience in private business.

Frank Bettger. “From a loser to a successful businessman”

Frank Bettger. “From a loser to a successful businessman”

F. Bettger’s book was once recommended to readers by none other than Dale Carnegie, and this says a lot. The highest-paid sales agent in the United States at the time shares the secrets of his successful deals, helping the reader to believe in himself.

Og Mandino. "The Greatest Trader in the World"

The book introduces the reader in a fascinating way to the laws of how money works and personal success. Considered one of the best books on personal improvement in the field of sales and overcoming the associated difficulties.

Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich"

The book by the famous philosopher and success psychologist Napoleon Hill, based on personal life observations, has been a bestseller in business self-development literature for more than 70 years. Thanks to it, you can build a clear plan for your personal success in life.

Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter "Rich Dad Poor Dad."

The book is equipped with a lot of useful business recommendations, although it does not give specific instructions for action. Instead, the authors provide accessible, sometimes anecdotal, real-life examples. After all, to successfully fight for well-being, you must first know the laws of how money works.

The food for the human brain, besides water, is thinking. You need to constantly force your brain to work, otherwise it will atrophy, like muscles without load. We invite you to familiarize yourself with five books that represent a unique set of training for the thought process.

1. Edward de Bongo “Teach yourself to think: a self-instruction manual for the development of thinking”

Edward de Bongo, in his book “Teach Yourself to Think: A Self-Teaching Guide to Developing Thinking,” offers the reader a specific technique for “charging” the brain, including 5 points.

1) Set a goal that we want to achieve.
2) We analyze the situation: what problems interfere with the achievement of the goal, what tools we have to achieve the goal.
3) We look for and analyze all possible solutions to the problem.
4) We choose the best, optimal, in our opinion, implementation option. We develop a line of behavior according to the chosen scenario.
5) We bring the idea to life. That is, let's act!

Each point implies a specific tool in achieving the goal. The author offers his own methodology, which has been tested in practice and has positive results. In the process of working with the book, the reader will learn to concentrate his attention, since the high efficiency of thinking depends on this aspect.

2. Stanislav Müller “Unlock your mind: become a genius!”

Practicing Russian psychologist Stanislav Muller, in his work “Unblock your mind: become a genius!”, states that anyone can become a genius. The whole point is how many percent our brain is capable of turning on, that’s how much we learn. 3%-5% of brain function is, according to the author, an average degree of learning ability. The psychologist and head of the magazine “SUCCESS for Everyone” outlines in his book a technique for turning on the brain by 10%. This is how the brains of talented people work. Müller argues that any person can learn to engage in a “superlearning state.” Moreover, this does not depend on age or other factors!

3. Tony Buzan “Memory Maps. Getting ready for exams"

Tony Buzan's book “Memory Maps. Preparing for exams" belongs to the series of books for intellectual development "Super Thinking". The series offers a revolutionary method of memorizing information. It allows, the result of which will be greater efficiency of thinking and an increase in the level of intelligence. This means that a person will not only have more time, but also increased productivity and learning ability.
Now the book has become a real bestseller, and is actively used not only in the fields of education and science, but also in business, allowing you to earn more money.

4. Tony Buzan, Michael J. Gelb "Learn to Study or Juggle"

Tony Buzan's book, Learn to Learn or Juggle, co-authored with Michael J. Gelb, is a program for increasing your brain's potential. The program is based on a combination of body and brain work. The methodology was repeatedly practiced by the authors at hundreds of seminars, not only in educational institutions, but also in the Army and business structures. The program has proven itself positively and is in great demand.

5. O.A. Andreev “Memory development technique. Self-instruction manual"

The effectiveness of the technique described by O.A. Andreev, in his book “Memory Development Techniques. Self-teacher”, tested by the author on thousands of students studying in his lessons and seminars. He argues that learning is possible at any age and with any initial intellectual data.
Oleg Andreev proposes a methodology for developing the departments of our biocomputer responsible for memory and information storage. He promises that as a result, a person will be able to:

It is easy to perceive the information received;
- memory improvement;
- synchronization of the subconscious and consciousness;
- increasing reading speed up to 10,000 characters per minute;
- improvement of intellectual abilities.

O. Andreev's school has several levels and areas of study. All of his methods are patented and given the status of “invention”.

I can’t even imagine what would happen if people learned to turn on their brains 100%?!
Happy training! As you know, knowledge does not weigh on your pocket,

Personal growth helps you change your life circumstances, get rid of stereotypical thinking, start living meaningfully, and awaken your creativity. All this should contribute to prosperity and success. Books on how to properly engage in self-development.

Why is it useful to engage in self-development? Because, according to psychologists, personal growth helps us change, which means change life circumstances, get rid of thinking stereotypes, start living meaningfully, awaken creativity in ourselves and increase physical and spiritual energy, which will ultimately lead to prosperity and success . Self-development involves three processes: physical activity, healthy eating and mental self-regulation. We read about how to do this correctly in the best books on a given topic.

1. Brian Tracy “Get out of your comfort zone. 21 methods to increase personal effectiveness"

According to many psychologists, this is book No. 1 on self-development (see “”). Written by a famous expert in the field of achievement psychology, published in a total circulation of more than 1.2 million copies, translated into 40 languages, it helps to find the answer to the question of what to do in order to achieve high status and even happiness. Although there are actually several answers, here are some of them: constantly learn; value time, and therefore make daily to-do lists; fully concentrate on solving the task at hand and bring what you start to the end; learn to clearly state your goals on paper.

2. Vadim Zeland “Reality Transurfing”

Transurfing is an esoteric teaching about how to control reality. According to the author of the book, the world is multivariate, and a person who has realized his desires and controls his attitude towards the world is able to independently choose the desired development of events. But for this purpose and positive thinking. Here are a few rules by following which you can learn to manage reality: live as your own soul dictates, listen to your heart, do not succumb to the influence of others and do not accept the imposed goals of others, do not fight with anyone or anything, including yourself, and take what life offers, not be afraid, but act, and calmly and persistently move towards it. The author shows in detail how to apply all this in practice with examples.

3. Andre Kukla “Mental traps. Stupid things that reasonable people do to ruin their lives."

A well-known Canadian psychologist and philosopher, the professor explains why one should not violate the biblical commandment: for everything there is a time. Because in this case we fall into so-called mental traps. Their danger is that they prevent us from living calmly, joyfully and productively, because they force us to behave ineffectively and illogically. And the author counted eleven such unique obstacles on our way. Here is one of them: - when we continue to do things that have lost all meaning (live in a marriage, maintain unnecessary relationships, do a job we don’t like, watch a boring movie or finish reading a stupid book), because we were once told that any task is necessary bring to a conclusion. The list of mental traps also includes amplification, fixation, reversion, anticipation, delay and other interesting concepts that you want to understand in order to better understand yourself.

4. Vladimir Levi “Cure for Laziness”

The book by the famous psychotherapist and psychologist captures you from the first lines. Written with humor and imbued with energy, it really helps you heal yourself and help your loved ones overcome this monster. The author fascinatingly talks about all types of laziness inherent in adults and children, gives clear medical and psychological recommendations, including for cases when a child does not listen and does not want to study. It’s worth reading this book to find out how to get rid of boredom and depressive moods, learn to get joy from every day you live and... stop being a workaholic.

5. Valery Sinelnikov “Love your illness”

Psychologist and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov has long been known as the author of original psychological techniques, thanks to which many people were able to get rid of illnesses, achieve prosperity and simply learn to enjoy life. The title of the book itself suggests that the proposed approach to healing is non-trivial. The author shows what negative emotions lead to, teaches how to interact with your subconscious in order to find good health, peace of mind and joy of existence. Unique exercises are also given here.

6. Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

The best-selling book tells the amazing story of successful lawyer Julian Mantle, who managed to overcome a spiritual crisis with the help of Tibetan culture. Having immersed himself in a world that was not familiar to him, he learned simple and wise rules and learned to live in accordance with them: think positively, follow his calling, believe in the power of his mind, value time - our greatest wealth, value relationships with loved ones, but the most important thing is to live here and now.

Robin Sharma, like the hero of his book, also began his professional career as a lawyer, but soon realized that his calling was not this, but to, by creating his own concept of self-improvement, help us become better, more successful and happier.

7. Tal Ben-Shahar “The Perfectionist Paradox”

An American psychologist who has been studying the topic of happiness for many years has come to the conclusion that what prevents people from being happy is a tendency toward perfectionism. Of course, the desire to do everything perfectly cannot but arouse respect, but the main thing is not to go to extremes. Because then the problems begin. A perfectionist, with all his desire for perfection, is distinguished by conservative and inflexible thinking, afraid of making a mistake and becoming an object of criticism. Happiness, in his opinion, is a pure, uncomplicated flow of positive emotions, which is fundamentally wrong. Allow yourself to admit failures and accept negative emotions, because this is part of our life. Become an optimalist, that is, a positive perfectionist who enjoys not the result, but the very process of achieving it, does not look for shortcomings, but focuses on the merits, is not afraid of mistakes and listens to criticism, knows that happiness cannot be felt and realized without trials .

8. Sharon Melnik “Stress Resistance”

In our time, the importance of this book cannot be overestimated. Most of us experience constant mental and emotional pressure. Meanwhile, a stress-resilience expert from Harvard offers 100 techniques to help achieve calm and equanimity. With their help, you can not only maintain composure and a sober mind in difficult situations, acquiring psychological stability, but also learn to see not only negative aspects in stressful situations, but also new opportunities. According to the author, there are only three ways to get out of stress: you need to change your attitude towards the problem, your physical reaction to the problem or the problem.

9. Daniel J. Amen “Fitness for the brain, or how to become smarter”

To feel good and look great, we run in the morning, walk a lot or work out in the gym. To enjoy our reflection in the mirror, we make masks, peeling and choose creams meticulously. But doesn't the brain require the same constant and diligent care? How demanding it is! Meanwhile, it is often as if we are deliberately doing everything in order to cause irreparable harm to him. We don’t get enough sleep, we overexert ourselves at work, we live in a state of stress, we don’t eat right, we consume gallons of mentally stimulating drinks. As a result, we predictably get exhaustion of the nervous system and depression, failures in career and personal life.

Fortunately, you can still get out of this “bottom” with the help of a unique brain healing system developed by Dr. Amen. It includes a responsible attitude towards your own nutrition, and taking vitamins, and physical activity, and mental gymnastics. This book can change your life for the better.

10. Harry Lorraine “Supermemory. Development of phenomenal memory"

The book includes two psychological bestsellers by Harry Lorraine, the famous brain researcher. The unique system for developing mental abilities that he developed allows you to use not 10 percent of the brain’s resources, as is usually the case, but all 90! Having mastered this system, you will notice not only increased observation, sharpened attention, increased ability to concentrate, but also a phenomenal improvement in memory, imagination, and creative potential. Moreover, the proposed method is relatively simple and accessible, and it is not for nothing that the author called it “a method for the lazy.”

The first part of the book is devoted to the basic techniques and methods of memorizing large amounts of information. The second is to apply the acquired skills in everyday life.
