What should you do to make a lemon bear fruit? What to do to make a lemon bear fruit. Reasons for lemon blossoming without fruiting and ways to solve problems

1. If you propagate an indoor lemon with seeds, it will begin to bear fruit in the eighth or tenth year, if by budding or cuttings, in the third or fourth year. Or you can collect lemons already in the first or second year by growing a bush from a rooted cutting separated from the mother plant.

For air layering, you can use branches that need to be removed to lighten the crown, or branches that bear fruit, which are also recommended to be pruned every year to stimulate the growth of young lateral thin short branches, the so-called fruitlets.

When breeding by layering, it was previously advised to take some kind of container, usually a pot sawn in half. However, sawing the pot, placing it and securing it to the plant can be quite difficult. It is much easier to use synthetic film.

At the bottom of the branch of a fruiting lemon, make a ring cut of the bark about 1-3 cm wide, without damaging the wood, then remove the cut ring of bark. A little below the cut site, wrap the branch with synthetic film in 1.5 - 2 layers and tie it tightly at the bottom with a reliable thread, elastic band or insulating tape. It is recommended to fill the funnel that appears with an earthen mixture: turf (or garden) soil 50%, humus 20%, leaf humus 20%, river sand 10% and be sure to add lemon soil to it.

Or you can take soil from the top layer of the same lemon from which you are cutting to stuff around the cut.

The layer of packed earth should be equally located within a radius of 3-5 cm around the removed area of ​​bark and cover 4-5 cm above the cut. Please pay attention to the last circumstance Special attention, because in this place the root layering system will be formed.

Immediately after filling and forming a funnel, moisten the soil.

After it shrinks, add required quantity soil mixture. Next, tie (not too tightly) the upper end of the film so that the edges of the film form a funnel, convenient for watering.

Maintain the soil contained in the bag wet, watering once every 1-2 days. The amount of water and frequency of watering depend largely on the water-holding capacity of the package made, the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Air layering can be done throughout the year, but it is better to take into account the active annual growth cycles of indoor lemons; they usually occur 3-4 times a year, in March - June, from mid-June to mid-July, from mid-September to the end of October.

At the time of rooting the cuttings, observe general rules for caring for the mother plant: the air humidity in the room should be between 60-70%, the temperature should be about 20°, and if it is higher, you need to humidify the air and spray the lemon with a spray bottle 1-2 times a week clean water.

Pay special attention to feeding the mother plant with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 2-5 g nitrogen fertilizers, 3-4 g of superphosphate per 1 liter of water. Periodically feed lemon and wood ash: 1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water. Try to alternate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizing: infusion chicken manure, mullein, horse manure, diluting them with water by 10-15, 8-10 and 4-5 times, respectively.

Remarkable results can be obtained by superficially applying medium doses of organic fertilizers and watering them with water so that the fertilizers are absorbed into the surface layer of the soil. Mineral fertilizers and wood ash enter only twice, and organic fertilizers once a month.

Taking into account temperature regime And general conditions growing for 1.5-2 months, the layering forms a developed root system. Through the film you can easily see the process of the roots appearing, and when they evenly penetrate the lump of earth in the bag, cut the cuttings into a ring without leaving the hemp on the mother plant. Immediately cover the cut area garden varnish or oil paint. Plant the cuttings in a 2-3 liter container. First, spray the trees with clean water every day and moisten the soil in the morning and evening.

With certain skills and following the rules, the survival rate of layering is 100%. The young tree actively develops its root system and quickly begins to produce new shoots and leaves, bloom and begin to bear fruit. If you want layering, you can make a branch with flowers and even formed fruits.

It is advisable to grow lemon obtained by layering in bush form. Skeletal branches can be formed at a height of about 10 cm. If no side shoots appear on the plant, then pinch the top of the main shoot, and then leave the required number of branches and give them direction.

Indoor lemons grown from cuttings grow and bear fruit for many years in a variety of institutions and among some hobbyists.

A quick method of propagation by layering using synthetic film can be used for propagation of all types citrus crops And absolute majority fruit crops in indoor, as well as in general amateur gardening, for propagation of breeding material when breeding new varieties in fruit growing. This method is very simple, effective and makes it possible to collect fruits during the first years of planting a young plant.

2. To grow lemon, cut off the circular bark on a two- to three-year-old branch of a good lemon tree, 5-6 cm from where it originated, trying not to damage the wood. The cutting width is 1 cm.

Next, we burn the can of canned food and cut it with scissors from top to bottom and to the middle of the bottom. We make a hole in the bottom with a diameter of 2 cm in advance. We put the jar on the lemon branch so that the processed part of the branch is closer to the bottom. We tie the jar with soft wire and fill it with fertilized soil. Water from time to time fresh water from May 20 to June 10.

At the end of November, we cut off a young “tree” under the jar and plant it directly in the jar in wooden box or a bucket. There should be several holes in the bottom of this container.

The breeding method is quite effective (95-100% success). The resulting tree begins to bear fruit in the first or second year. I often prop up the jar with the branch to be rooted at the bottom with a stick.

3. If the land for growing lemon is poorly selected, then you should not expect amazing results. We recommend the following composition: leaf soil 4 parts by weight, turf 2, compost soil 2, manure 2, sand 2, ground charcoal 0.5 parts.

Water the soil with tap water, which is given time to settle in advance, and add a little salt, adding table salt. But it is worth considering that a large amount of salt will have a bad effect on the plant. Add only 0.5 g of table salt to a liter of water.

If young lemon shoots suddenly begin to wither and the leaves fall off prematurely, then in most cases the cause may be a mite. What to do?

Carefully remove the plant from the pot along with the soil stuck to it and place it in a prepared vessel with fresh water. Almost all the land disappears. We carefully remove the lumps from the water, and place the plant in another vessel, also with fresh water. After several hours, the lemon is planted in a new flower pot.

First, cover the bottom of the pot with a 3-4 cm layer of earthen mixture, composed as described above. After this, the plant is placed in a pot and the mixture is added there, being careful not to damage the roots. Periodically, the soil is moistened with water so that it adheres better to the roots.

Remember that if there is not enough soil in the pot, the plant's growth will suffer.

Other articles in the “Garden and Vegetable Garden” section:

  1. 24.07.12 How to speed up the fruiting of homemade lemons (3 ways)
  2. 07.20.12 Black nightshade - a brother of tomato, pepper, eggplant, potato
  3. 07/16/12 Golden currant
  4. 07/14/12 How to grow lemon in an apartment
  5. 07/14/12 How to grow sea buckthorn
  6. 07/12/12 Protection of apple, pear, plum, cherry trees
  7. 07/11/12 Protection of currants and gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries
  8. 07/10/12 How to grow dwarf pomegranate
  9. 07/10/12 Peppermint: cultivation and use
  10. 07/06/12 Houseplants: chlorophytum, monstera, cissus, scindapsus

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How to stimulate lemon blossoms

Homemade lemons are the most spectacular and ornamental plants. Delighting everyone with its bright leaves and fragrant flowers, this culture belongs to the capricious type. The slightest disturbance in cultivation leads to a lack of flowering and fruiting. Consistent and competent care contributes to the proper development of the plant. There are several ways you can make a lemon bloom.

Lemon blossom from seed

The technology for growing lemons from seeds begins with the extraction and selection of large seedlings from the fruit. Planting several selected seeds, after pre-treatment with sodium humanate or heteroauxin preparations, is carried out immediately in separate containers.

How lemon blossoms photo

Sprouted in greenhouse conditions. When the seedlings reach a height of 7 - 10 cm, a high-quality selection is carried out, which is carried out with transplantation into a large container. The formation of a bush begins with pinching the top.

How to make homemade lemon bear fruit video

Proper care of lemon in 4 - 5 years will bring abundant flowering. Particular attention is paid to uniform illumination of the plant, with periodic rotation.

How to make lemons bloom at home

In the autumn winter period required additional lighting. IN summer time It is recommended to take the lemon tree out more often Fresh air.

Citrus grown from seeds is better suited for home use compared to store-bought citrus.

Ways to stimulate lemon blossoms:


Correctly carried out grafting allows a lemon grown from a seed to bloom earlier and produce fruits 3-4 years after planting.

The eye grafting method is the most popular method. Grafting with a cutting occurs by selecting a branch with a small amount leaves. In this case, two methods are used: “by the bark” and “into the split.”

How to graft a lemon video

Vaccination is carried out in the phase of active sap flow - April - May. The procedure applies to mature trees with thick trunks and branches. During this period, their bark is freely separated from the wood. There are 5 - 6 young leaves per growth. Using a knife with sharp blade will allow you to perform the operation quickly and efficiently. Careful tight binding ensures strong alignment. After 3 weeks, a yellow leaf petiole near the eye indicates a successful grafting procedure.

If the bark does not lag well, the graft may not take root.

Top dressing

Feeding is very important for lemon trees. Growing crops in limited space requires correct dosing when applying fertilizers. During flowering, it is carried out once every 2 weeks. In winter, the amount of fertilizing is reduced to 1 time per month. Lemon responds well to both organic matter and humic fertilizer: Lemon “Mother Earth”, Gumi-Omi Kuznetsova Lemon. Natural preparations have a balanced composition for growing a full-fledged citrus tree.

Regular feeding of citrus gives good flowering during the period February - August.

Crown formation

Lemon also contributes to good flowering correct pruning, starting from the first year of tree life. Annual pruning of the tops leads to the final formation of a crown with 6 - 8 main branches, in the 3rd - 4th year of development during the flowering period.

Blooming lemon photo

Sometimes, with a well-formed crown, it is possible to achieve early flowering in the second year of life. The formation of flowers begins on fruitlets - thin branches.

The lower shoots must be removed when they appear, as they do not bloom and take up moisture.

Pulling branches

At the beginning of the sap flow period, the branches on the citrus tree become flexible. Tightening the branches with soft wire is carried out in order to concentrate nutrients in them, which subsequently contribute to the formation of flowers on next year.

Blooming lemon photo

Giving the branches a more horizontal position allows you to achieve a spreading crown shape that resembles a fountain. The plant is released from the garter with the onset of November - at the end of sap flow.

The tightening procedure is repeated after 1 - 2 years.

If you're looking forward to homemade lemonade and your tree isn't producing fruit, there may be a simple explanation. In this article you will learn how you can make your lemon tree bear fruit.

Reasons for the lack of fruit on a lemon tree

First, ask yourself: is your tree blooming? Flowers lead to fruit and lack of flowering means your tree cannot produce fruit. The reasons for this may be improper cultivation, lack of nutrients, insufficient watering and poor rootstock.

If the plant flowers but there is still no fruit, it may be because the tree is not mature enough. The lemon tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 3-5 years, depending on the variety. Flower drop is one of the key problems for young lemon trees. Many of the developing fruits fall off before they begin to grow. This lack of fruit set may be due to excess fruit, overwatering, low nutrient concentrations in the soil, or exposure to cold.

How can Iforcefruitmy lemon tree?

There are several conditions that contribute to lemon fruiting. Place the plant near a window on the south or west side of the house. The lemon tree will bear fruit only in warm temperatures. Use well-drained soil when planting. Also, apply fertilizer in early spring and make sure it is formulated for citrus trees and contains a high concentration of potassium. Avoid excess nitrogen during flowering as this will stimulate green growth and minimize flower production.

How to stimulate fruiting on lemon trees?

Water the tree deeply and often during the fall and reduce the amount of watering by half during the winter. Deep watering is also needed in spring and summer, as the tree needs a lot of moisture to form juicy fruit.

Fertilize in the spring with appropriate fertilizer, including added phosphorus to encourage flowering and fruiting, and prune only where necessary. Fruit develops at the ends of branches, so it is best to remove only dead wood and problem branches.

Prevent the appearance of diseases and pests on the tree, and take appropriate measures at the first sign of trouble. Healthy plants produce good fruit.

No fruit on lemon tree after grafting?

If your lemon tree is still not producing fruit, it may be due to a bad rootstock. Dwarf varieties produce best fruits and fruiting occurs faster than on a full-size tree. You can always wait a year after good growing and see if fruiting occurs next year. Perhaps the tree needs to strengthen a little during the year, and then it will reward you with a rich harvest of golden lemons.

When it comes to the flowering of indoor lemons, gardeners are often faced with the consequences associated with illiterate care and maintenance of this capricious tree. If you skillfully get rid of the cause of the tree’s malaise, you will become the owner of a rich harvest of fruits.

If not proper care lemon can for a long time bear no fruit

Citrus does not bear fruit: what to do

A lemon from a seed may not bloom for a long time.

Gardeners are wondering how to make citrus bloom. Remember, the tree may lack vitamins, so vaccinations should be done. The best period for grafting is from April to August, since at this time the sap actively circulates in the trunk of the tree. After grafting, a lemon from a seed begins to bear fruit after 3 years.

When wondering why lemons don’t bear fruit at home, make sure you are caring for the plant correctly. It is important to pollinate flowers in a timely manner, provide the plant with light and moisture, which will allow you to obtain a rich harvest of fruits.

How to prevent leaves from falling and curling

Most gardeners do not know how to deal with the problem when lemon leaves turn yellow. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • lack of natural sunlight;
  • lack of nutrients.

In order for a tree to develop fully, it necessarily requires substances such as nitrogen, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and sulfur. They have a beneficial effect on the plant:

  1. Nitrogen has a positive effect on the shade of leaves, calcium allows the root system to fully develop.
  2. Phosphorus controls the structure of tree cells and makes the harvest rich.
  3. Potassium is responsible for the absorption of nitrogen, thanks to it the tree's resistance to diseases increases.

If you feed the plant with useful substances in a timely manner, you can prevent the leaves from turning yellow and falling off. In addition, saturating the plant with nutritional components will ensure that the plant tastes great.

Saturating lemon with nutritional components is necessary both for its health and for the excellent taste of future fruits.

No less important point Something that should be taken into account when growing citrus is lighting. It is necessary to provide the tree with full daylight, but not exposure to direct sunlight. It should be installed on the south or southwest side. Lemon blooms well in such conditions.

By the way, it is permissible to use alternative lighting. If Sun rays fall on the leaves, burns in the form of yellow spots may occur. The gardener must put the tree in the shade in time, otherwise the tree will shed its leaves, and the harvest can be forgotten.

Watering and air humidity

Citrus loves moisture, so provide it with frequent watering and high humidity air. To prevent the leaves of the tree from starting to turn yellow in the heat, you need to spray. A spray bottle is perfect for this.

When watering and irrigating a plant, it is important to maintain a balance. The root system must not be allowed to rot. The reason for root rot is stagnation of moisture.

If this happens, then replant decorative tree into a new container with new soil:

  1. Be sure to place pebbles at the bottom of the pot to ensure excellent drainage.
  2. Be careful to remove any rotten roots before placing the plant in a new container.
  3. Next, treat the root system with potassium permanganate, which will eliminate accumulated bacteria.

You can eliminate accumulated bacteria on the root system using ordinary potassium permanganate.

Experienced gardeners convince that the presence next to the plant heating devices, as well as drafts, negatively affects citrus fruiting.

Now you know how to make a lemon bear fruit. The main thing is to provide it with comfortable conditions and promptly stop putrefactive processes in the roots of the plant.

Lemon is quite picky in its care, but produces environmentally friendly fruits.

Indoor lemons, like other citrus fruits, are very popular for their decorative edible fruits, fragrant white flowers and shiny dense dark green leaves that saturate the air in the room with aromas. essential oils and phytoncides. It’s especially joyful to admire the bright fruits in the house lemon tree when it's cold winter outside. The vitamin-rich juicy pulp of elliptical yellow fruits with a small number of seeds is pleasant, without bitterness. Lemons easily tolerate the warm, dry air of living spaces; most varieties do not suffer from low humidity and insufficient lighting.

They grow well in the house and quickly begin to bear fruit adapted to room conditions special varieties of lemons: old proven varieties “Meyer”, “Pavlovsky”, “Novogruzinsky”, “Kursky”, “Maikopsky”, “Lisbon”, “Genoa”, “Ponderosa”, “Villa Franca” and new cultivars.

Indoor lemons are different:

  • compact, well-leafed crown;
  • abundant flowering, remontant, good fruit set;
  • early fruiting, early ripening and not very sour pleasant taste lemon trees with a smooth or lumpy surface, thin or thick peel (the average fruit weight is about 100-150 grams, but when their quantity is reduced, the fruits can reach 500 g (“Pavlovsky”) and even 1 kg (“Ponderosa”);
  • good rooting of green cuttings.

Lemons grown from seeds begin to bear fruit after 8-12 years. If seedlings are grafted with shoots from fruit-bearing specimens, then the grafted lemons can bloom 2-3 years after grafting ( different types Citrus fruits are well grafted onto one another: the rootstock is plants obtained from seeds, and the scion is cultivated varieties of citrus fruits).

With active growth of grafted plants, the fruiting period may be delayed, then flowering is stimulated by pruning. Some varieties of lemon, propagated green cuttings, they begin to bloom early to the detriment of growth (even at the stage of rooted cuttings, which is undesirable) - it is better to cut off the early flowers. To cut lemons, well-bending semi-lignified shoots are taken from a healthy fruiting tree: in the spring - autumn growth, in the summer - spring growth.

In an adult, well-developed plant, there is no need to regulate flowering; the number of ovaries is independently regulated by the lemon tree in accordance with its capabilities (excess flowers fall off). Practice shows that stable fruiting of lemon occurs when there are 10-15 leaves per ovary.

With proper care, lemons bloom in your home several times a year from February to October. During the flowering period optimal temperature the room is 20 degrees, the time from the beginning of flowering to the ripening of the fruit is 8-12 months. Often the fruiting branch on which the fruit has ripened is delayed in growth for a long time, so it is better to cut the fruit not at the place of its attachment, but by grabbing a shoot with 1-2 internodes. This technique allows you to accelerate the onset of branch growth and at the same time improve the shape of the crown.


Homeland - India, China and the tropical Pacific islands. Unknown in the wild. Widely cultivated in many countries with subtropical climates. Cultivated in the Caucasus, on the Black Sea coast, and in Central Asia. Common in greenhouse and indoor culture. Lemon - perennial, evergreen. There are trees aged 45 years. Indoor lemon cultivation is currently widespread throughout almost all of Russia. The city of Pavlovo-on-Oka, Nizhny Novgorod region, became the center of the spread of indoor lemon culture, known as Pavlovsk lemon. Each tub of trees can produce 10-30 fruits. There are cases when one tub tree bore 180-200 fruits annually. The fruits of these indoor lemons are different good quality and size, not inferior to the best southern varieties. Pavlovsk lemon is early-ripening, medium-sized, propagated by cuttings. The lemon tree is 150 cm high, crown diameter 75-85 cm, few thorns, fruiting begins in the 3rd year after rooting of the cuttings. It blooms 2 times a year - in March - April and in October. The fruits ripen in 8-9 months during the period November - May. In addition to Pavlovsky, other varieties are suitable for indoor cultivation: Ponderosa (aka Skiernevitsky), Genoa, Lisbon, Lunario, Novogruzinsky, Maikopsky, Chinese dwarf (aka Meyer lemon), etc.



Lemon seedlings at 1-3 years of age are transplanted every year into fresh soil. Mature plants every 2-3 years. Lemons can be replanted at any time of the year, but it is better in the spring.

The soil

The soil should be nutritious and loose, neutral or slightly acidic. The tree will bear less fruit if you use “garden” soil. Not every gardener can make the right mixture on his own. I recommend buying soil at the store. But not every one is suitable.

Land "Lemon" is suitable.


It is necessary to water with settled tap water room temperature.

In winter, do not be afraid of hypothermia of the earthen lump of citrus fruits on the windowsill - reduce watering and water the plant only when necessary to avoid rotting of the roots and death of the tree.

Top dressing

Trees must be watered with fertilizers 3-4 times a month.

Apply mineral fertilizers with microelements, 2-3 grams of fertilizer are dissolved in a liter of water.


In winter, when daylight hours are short, it is advisable to keep citrus trees at a temperature of 7-14 degrees Celsius. The tree “falls asleep” at this temperature and does not require good lighting. If the tree is grown in warm room, with an air temperature of +18...+22°C, it is advisable to additionally illuminate it, so that the total daylight hours are 10-12 hours a day.

Lemons that are grown on the windowsills of southern windows should be protected from sunburn and overheating of the roots - move the pot with the lemon tree deeper into the room from the windowsill. Unlike other citrus fruits, some varieties of lemons do not tolerate direct sunlight.

Lemon crown formation

We recommend making the lemon crown in the form of a bush with a low trunk of 12-20 cm (to the leaves). But sometimes they specially make a high graft. In order to balance the crown, the tree is occasionally turned very carefully and no more than once every 2-3 years.

FAQ (frequently asked questions):

Why do lemon leaves fall off?

Lemon is very sensitive to changes in lighting, so it should not be moved from place to place, otherwise it will not grow until it adapts to the new conditions. The plant is tolerant to any room temperature, but not higher than 14-18C winter time. In this case, he begins to experience untimely growth, which significantly depletes him. The most favorable temperature in winter is 13-14C. It is enough to water two to three times a week with settled water.

From April to August, lemons are fed two to three times a week, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic ones, but in small doses. During the summer strong growth Abundant watering is required so that the soil does not dry out.

For successful fruiting of a lemon tree, it is important to form the crown correctly. In the first year of life, in early February, the top of the plant is cut off, leaving 4 leaves. In the summer, 3-4 branches will develop from the axils of these leaves, the tops of which are also cut off the following year, leaving two leaves on each branch. On each of the first-order branches, two second-order shoots are allowed to develop: a crown of 6-8 main branches is obtained, on which shoots of the third and fourth orders will subsequently develop. It is on them that the fruits will appear.

The so-called fat shoots that have grown on the lower part of the trunk must be cut out, because they do not bear fruit and inhibit the growth of other branches.

I planted a lemon seed. Do I need special care? What needs to be done to start bearing fruit?

A lemon planted from a seed bears fruit only after 8-12 years; this will happen much earlier if compact plants are grafted onto them. indoor varieties.

Lemon can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering. Lemon seeds grow strong and beautiful healthy plants, saturating the air in the room with phytoncides, but they do not bloom for a very long time. Special indoor lemon varieties up to 2 meters high quickly begin to bear fruit in the house: “Meyer”, “Pavlovsky”, “Novogruzinsky”, “Kursky”, “Maikopsky”, “Lisbon”, “Genoa”, “Ponderosa”, “Villa Franca” and new cultivars. Indoor lemons and other citrus fruits are very popular for their decorative edible fruits, white fragrant flowers against a background of shiny evergreen leaves. Flowers and fruits appear on the lemon all year round often at the same time, the fruits last for weeks and months.

Lemon leaves are curling. Why? And how to prevent it?

Curling of lemon leaves can occur as a result of unfavorable conditions content (lack of fresh air, dry air, infrequent spraying, insufficient watering), and due to damage by herbivorous mites (wipe the lemon leaves with a soft sponge dipped in hot 50-degree soapy water - 20 g of liquid green soap per 1 liter of water, the next After the procedure, give the lemon a “shower” the day after the procedure). Take the lemon out into the fresh air in the summer, place the pot of lemon in a wide container of water on a stand (so that the water does not flow into the drainage hole), in summer, water the lemon regularly and spray it at least 2 times a day.

appeared on lemon leaves brown spots. What to do?

Brown spots on lemon leaves indicate errors in plant care (excessive or insufficient watering, dry air, lack of substrate).

Follow following conditions lemon care:

  • In summer, lemon needs a warm and sunny location (preferably in outdoors), in winter - light at a temperature of 15 -18 degrees;
  • uniform, moderate soil moisture from spring to autumn, rare watering in winter;
  • It is better to filter water for watering lemons: citruses do not tolerate chlorine, lime water causes chlorosis of leaves (if there is no filter, boil the water for watering or leave it for at least 24 hours in an open container);
  • in winter, water with melt water heated to room temperature;
  • from March to August, lightly fertilize lemon every week (alternate organic and mineral fertilizers);
  • in winter foliar feeding Once a month by spraying the entire citrus tree with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Sprinkling lemon frequently boiled water room temperature and sometimes rinsing the crown in the shower;
  • to humidify the air, place the pot of citrus in a wide tray with water (on a stand so that no water gets into the drainage hole);
  • small and careful pruning;
  • Transplanting lemons in early March when the soil is completely entwined with roots.

For lemon, a substrate made from a mixture of turf, humus soil and sand in a ratio of 3:1:1 is suitable (for adult plants, take twice as much humus soil) add a little clay.

When replanting, lemon roots cannot be trimmed; remove only dried and damaged roots.

A pot of lemon requires good drainage (from coarse sand, pebbles, charcoal) , on which put a little dry manure, and then soil.

Damage to indoor lemons by scale insects. How to save a plant?

Scale insects appear on plants when the air is excessively dry. Lemon needs frequent spraying.

If there is a large invasion of scale insects, you have to resort to spraying the lemon with Actellik (2 ml per liter of water) - you can carry out three treatments with it per season with an interval of 5-10 days.

Try placing the tree in a mini-greenhouse and regularly spraying bare lemon branches with Epin solution, ventilating the greenhouse - if the roots are alive, your tree will definitely produce new leaves.

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Lemon represents a tree small size from the citrus family. As a rule, it is cultivated in special gardens in areas where subtropical and tropical climates prevail. Recently, you can increasingly find lemon in the homes of amateur gardeners, and this is not surprising, because a small tree can not only please its owner with an aesthetically pleasing appearance and a citrusy fresh aroma, but with proper care it also bears healthy and tasty fruits.

At home, they grow both special tub varieties (Pavlovsky, Ponderosa, Lisbon, Novogruzinsky, and so on) and standard ones lemon trees, trimming the crown and sometimes the roots to avoid overgrowth. However, many gardeners are faced with a problem when a lemon blooms, but flatly refuses to bear fruit. The solution to this problem will be discussed in detail.

Reasons for lemon blossoming without fruiting and ways to solve problems

  1. Violation of temperature and light conditions. In the autumn-winter period from the beginning heating season houseplants receive excess heat when there is not enough natural light. It is optimal to put lemons into a dormant state at this time, that is, transfer them to a less warm room. The second way to solve the problem is to increase lighting by using special lamps in order to minimize plant stress.
  2. Inconsistency between the number of buds and the number of leaves. As a rule, lemons bloom wildly. At the same time, the leaf system on the tree is insufficiently developed, and for fruiting it is required that there be at least ten full-fledged leaves per bud. In this regard, it is necessary to remove excess buds from the calculation described above, leaving the largest and most viable ones.
  3. Poor soil. Lemon requires stable feeding with special mixtures, since with a lack of nutrition it is difficult to achieve ovary and full development fruits
  4. Incorrect pollination. Not all varieties of lemon require natural or artificial pollination, but, nevertheless, it is better to be on the safe side (especially if the tree was grown from an ordinary citrus seed purchased for eating). Can be used for pollination homemade device from cotton wool wound around a match. And now you need to transfer pollen from bud to bud.

These methods will help to achieve stable fruiting of indoor lemons.
