UFO drawings. UFO and antigravity. The operating principle of the UFO engine. Scientific rationale for the operation of the UFO engine. Other Schauberger inventions

Today, the question of the existence of aliens remains open, since the current technological level of humanity limits our ability to search for extraterrestrial life. However, ufologists have somehow advanced in this matter and even began to publish reference books on the topic “What does an alien spaceship consist of?”

UFO structure

Ufologist Leonard Stringfield presented to the public an analysis of documents that came to him, allegedly related to American government services. The documents contain a report on the inspection of a mysterious object called a “flying disc” back in 1947. The cover letter contains the opinion of experts that the device is not a creation of human hands. The object looks like a disk-shaped platform; no external propulsion system has been detected, as well as a power plant, propellers or jet engines. During an inspection of the interior, something similar to a nuclear engine was found. Experts have suggested that the disk itself is a propulsion system, with heat exchange processes occurring in the reactor.

A round tube made of a material similar to plastic, but not plastic, was also found. The disk reached eleven meters in length. The above-mentioned tube was inserted into the copper coil, which passed through its body. Perhaps this process was used to provide reactive control, or the device played the role of a storage battery.

It is believed that the object had a camouflage system that allowed it to appear “out of nowhere.” Perhaps the disk simply moved at great speed from one point to another, so the effect of disappearing and appearing was created. There is also an assumption that a special shield was installed on the plate, preventing it from being noticed by the naked eye. This explains those cases when people detected objects in photographs of the sky, but the eye could not detect them there. It is worth noting that there is no evidence that this was not a camera glitch.

Types of unidentified flying objects

Having studied numerous testimonies of people who happened to see a UFO, we can combine their diversity into several groups.

The first group includes small spherical or disk-shaped objects with a radius of 10 to 50 cm; such objects, as a rule, fly low (or they are simply difficult to notice when they fly high). The first evidence of the existence of such an object came from North Dakota.

The second group includes egg-shaped or disk-shaped objects, but with a larger radius - 1-1.5 meters, they also do not fly too high, and often land on the surface.

The third group includes huge disks with a radius of 5-20 meters, which move in all atmospheric layers. There have not been any recorded cases of such objects landing; they may serve as transport for transporting smaller UFOs.

Impact of unidentified flying objects on equipment and people

UFOs have different effects on earthly technology. Ufologists have observed various cases: sometimes the proximity of a UFO simply causes a strange rotation of the compass needle, sometimes a plane crash. It is assumed that such an impact is associated with the UFO force field. Because of it, the mechanisms of electronic and mechanical watches are disrupted, radio equipment fails, engines stop, etc.

There is evidence of the impact of UFOs on people. In 1979, a UFO came close to a Polish fishing boat. Then the captain of the ship rarely felt ill, he became numb and almost blind, and pain in his heart began. He was seized with severe panic, which was not typical for the captain. It is believed that this effect is caused by the special radiation of the high-frequency electromagnetic field of the UFO. Often a person began to experience increasing excitement, which gradually turned into a disorder of the mental system.

It is worth noting that the above facts were obtained from the words of ufologists and UFO eyewitnesses and are not confirmed information.

The United States has published drawings of a “combat UFO”

The US National Archives has released secret drawings of a supersonic flying saucer, which was developed in the 50s of the last century. The device, called Project 1794, was supposed to reach the stratosphere at a speed of about 2600 km/h. However, the project was closed at the prototype development stage.

Recently declassified materials indicate that the US Air Force entered into a contract to develop a combat flying saucer with the Canadian aircraft manufacturer Avro Aircraft Limited, which existed until 1962.

The saucer was supposed to reach a maximum speed of Mach 3 to 4 (from 3240 to 4320 km/h) and rise to a height of over 30 km. The maximum flight range of the device was declared at 1852 km.

The flying saucer with a cabin in the center of the disk was designed for vertical takeoff and landing. According to the drawings, the device was supposed to use a turbojet engine of a special design.

It was planned to spend $3.168 million on Project 1794, which in terms of current prices would be about $26.6 million.

According to associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Boris Boyarshinov, it would be very difficult for a disk-shaped flying saucer to reach supersonic speed.

“The speed of Mach 3 to 4 is very cool for a flying machine of this shape. It is difficult for a disk to fly, since it is very unstable during flight, and even more so during supersonic flight. Supersonic aircraft have a specific shape. It is necessary because the nose of such a device experiences maximum resistance. In the case of a disk, the maximum resistance would be on its edge. The shape of the disk is justified only if it can rotate for stabilization, and judging by the drawings, the device is not designed for this.”

In addition, the expert adds, with the money that was planned to be spent on creating a flying saucer, it would be impossible to build a combat vehicle.

Deputy Director of TsAGI Vladimir Sokolyansky noted that it is impossible to say unambiguously whether such a flying saucer could have been created at that time.

“The published drawings do not contain the dimensions and technical content of the device. Whether the saucer could achieve such high speeds depends on the materials and the motor, which must be powerful enough. For such a high speed, a gazebo-style superstructure is, of course, inappropriate. But perhaps it would have been removed during the flight,” Mr. Sokolyansky noted.

What engine does the UFO have? That's a very difficult question. Numerous “thought experiments” have been conducted by scientists and hobbyists alike about how alien spacecraft might work (on paper, since both hobbyists and scientists do not have the appropriate hardware).

Many books on this topic were written by Paul R. Hill in 1995, James McCampbell (70s), Leonard J. Cramp (1966), Plantier (1953). They all approached the UFO phenomenon from the point of view of the craft of the "mad scientist", and their theories to explain the maneuvering of alien ships were based on the idea that the source of their movement was firmly tied to the ship.

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Other engineers and physicists who have taken a public and ongoing interest in the subject of UFOs or speculated on how they might work are: Hermann Oberth; James E. McDonald; James Harder; Harley D. Rutledge; Jack Sarfatti; Harold Puthoff; Claude Poyer, who in the late 1970s headed GEPAN, a French government project to study unidentified objects, and many others. This article summarizes what we humans know about UFO engines.

Physical aspect

If we want to explain UFOs from the point of view of physics, which we understand, but at the same time rely on observations, then, apparently, we can assume that they are capable of generating artificial gravitational fields (in terms of general relativity - manipulating the curvature of the fabric of space - time), just as we produce magnetism with the help of electric currents.

Bright light

It is believed that the glow of different colors around the UFO is due to the ionization of the surrounding air. The atmosphere around them seems to “light up”, this is very similar to what happens in neon lamps. This is a kind of “plasma shell”. Changes in the brightness and color of the “plasma shell” are apparently associated with the operation of the engine.

Ionization of air and radiation

The ionization of the air appears to be caused by electromagnetic radiation emitted by the ships and is believed to be a secondary effect of the propulsion system. This includes ultraviolet radiation (as evidenced by the many cases of eye and skin irritation of people who have seen alien ships firsthand) and soft x-ray radiation (as evidenced by the "burn ring" marks on the ground where flying saucers have landed). Given the difficulty of creating plasma under normal atmospheric conditions, coupled with other observations such as the luminosity of underwater UFOs, the sudden appearance of condensation/fog upon launch in high humidity and no noise conditions suggests the presence of an envelope of lower density than the atmosphere around the flying saucers.

Developments and technologies of Viktor Schauberger

is an Austrian talented scientist (1885-1958). He is the father of the vortex engine; the flying saucer was designed on its basis. This scientist said that it is very important for a person to be in interaction with nature.

There are two points of view about Schauberger on the Internet. The first is that he is a talented inventor of aircraft - “flying saucers”. The second is a brilliant inventor who drew inspiration from his observations of how nature works. But in fact, both of these points of view are fair.

Viktor Schauberger was born in the small town of Plöckensten. His uncle is the last imperial huntsman in Bad Ischl during the reign of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria-Hungary. The father of the future scientist is the chief forester. He wanted his son to go to university to study forestry. But Victor did not agree, reasoning that teachers would only distort his natural vision of nature, so he entered a simple forestry school.

Hitler's Secret Science

Schauberger's observations

Viktor Schauberger often observed forest streams, thanks to which he made an extraordinary discovery, which had previously been made by the Greeks, Incas, and Egyptians: water swirls in natural water drains, and thanks to this it purifies itself, it retains its healing power, it receives. Thanks to the energy of swirling water, it can flow from bottom to top - as happens in many rivers, and as happened in ancient water pipes. The ancients did not have electric pumps, but, nevertheless, they, like modern people, used plumbing. For example, on the island of Crete in the Palace of Knossos, water rose from bottom to top through ceramic pipes, overcoming the slope. Thanks to spiral watercourses, the walls of the pipes were never overgrown with salt deposits, which cannot be said about our pipes.

Victor saw the following miracle of nature several times: on a cold moonlit night in the whirlpool of a mountain stream, rounded stones 15 cm in size from the bottom of the reservoir float up. And only polished egg-shaped stones rise, while the angular ones remain lying at the bottom.

Science for a long time could not explain these paradoxical discoveries and ignored them.

All of Schauberger's observations later helped in his developments.

Third Reich - Operation UFO

Schauberger's inventions

In the 30s of the 20th century, Schauberger created the first vortex heat generator, which generated heat using the energy of spinning water. Most scientists accused him that he did not create his own inventions, since he was not a scientist.

While studying water, Schauberger came up with the idea to study the engine, the principle of its operation was based on implosion (a process that occurs in a vortex).

Its principles of implosion are the opposite of those by which engines that are based on explosion are developed today. Implosion uses self-sustaining vortex flows of gas or any liquid that are ordered, collected during circulation, and reduce the temperature of the given substance in which they arise.

Searle's flying saucer

Working for the Nazis

During World War II, the Nazis really wanted to win it, so they needed to use untapped air energy and recruited an Austrian scientist to serve.

Schauberger was at that time researching the principles of vortex dynamics and developing water sluices to transport wood. Thanks to this invention, it became possible to move very heavy logs through water, which was previously impossible. He managed to achieve this by controlling eddy currents and water temperature. Following this success, he developed high-speed flying discs and other hydroelectric projects, including a vortex engine.

In 1942, Schauberger arrived at the Messerschmitt plant (Augsburg), where he continued his work. The production of the aircraft at this plant ended sadly. After starting the created sample and reaching the maximum rotation speed of the engine turbine, a meltdown occurred. This may have been due to unusual casting methods or the use of poor quality alloys when creating the turbine. It began to seem to Schauberger that someone had ordered to completely stop creating an aircraft based on his design.

The scientist had reasons for this. After the destruction of his second apparatus, assembled at the Messerschmitt plant, the Ernst Kubizhnak company, located in Vienna, received Hitler's order to repair Schauberger's apparatus, but the matter never got off the ground. Work was suspended for almost a year. In 1944, Schauberger received instructions to recruit scientists from the Mauthausen concentration camp to implement all his projects.

During the second half of 1944, Schauberger worked hard to create drawings and working models. Then he began to create Rudolf Schriever's flying disk. He continued to work on the creation of his flying machine "Repulsin". In April 1945, this device was ready. The scientist wanted to test the disk on May 6, but on that day he discovered that the SS officers who were responsible for the operation had disappeared. Schauberger's team stopped all work on May 8, 1945. As the official version says, Schauberger's Repulsin never took off.

After the end of World War II, those of Schauberger's research materials that survived ended up in the hands of the Soviet and American military.

Further work of the scientist after the war

After the war, Schauberger continued to work on his own invention; he improved the operating principle of the generator, which was based on water and transformed the action of vortices, which were the source of energy for the first aircraft. At the end of the 50s of the 20th century, Canadian and American companies invited him to North America, promising that future developments and applications of his technologies would be well funded. But as soon as he learned that he would not cooperate with the military industry, he terminated the contract.

It was said that an American consortium took Schauberger's patents and notes and allowed him to leave on the condition that he sign documents promising not to develop his projects in the future.

When Schauberger returned to Austria in 1958, he died five days after his arrival, he was a broken man and was never able to realize his dreams of additional development and research.

Schauberger engine theories

One of the theories about how the engine of this talented scientist works was this:

A turbine is essentially a unipolar motor, a simplified version of a voltage generator. The turbine has an exhaust and an inlet port. The supplier is simple atmospheric air. Air is sucked into the turbine through the central inlet port, and through the gap between the disks it is expelled using the action of the blades and centrifugal force. First, the turbine must be accelerated, and then it will start working on its own. To do this, it needs to be attached to the starting motor shaft from the side of the upper disk; during operation, excess power can be removed from the same shaft.

The force that rotates the disk comes from the charges of the air ions. The air entering the gap between the disks gives off its own charge to the upper disk. Charges, as the laws of physics say, tend to move away from each other as much as possible, because of this, an electric current passes from the center to the periphery. The same current is deflected by the lower one, dragging the disk along with it. The blades play the role of an air centrifugal pump. The air at the inlet gives its own charge to the disk, and during the exit from the turbine, the air again takes the charge and rips it off the tips of the blades. So, the disk is as if connected to a battery, in its center there is always a lot of charges, and at the periphery there are not enough of them, because of this, a constant electric current always flows from the center to the periphery. This current causes the turbine to rotate, since the turbine is essentially a unipolar motor.

Second theory:

Schauberger's aircraft operated on the basis of a spiral-shaped turbine, which was located in a curved base plate. The space between the base plate and the turbine was shaped like a curl, like the curved horn of an antelope. The turbine, rotating rapidly, distributed air over the entire surface under the influence of centrifugal force.

The funnel-shaped movement of the air, which was created by the shape of the space between the plates, caused it to rapidly "thicken" and cool, creating a vacuum with very high pressure and causing a decrease in volume, which drew more air into the turbine. The car needed a small starter, but when the turbine was spun up to a rotation speed of 15,000 - 20,000 rpm, the motor turned off and the device began to move on its own. If this device is connected to a gearbox, it is capable of generating electricity, and if it is turned off, it will be able to gain altitude on its own.

Other Schauberger inventions

  • One was intended to purify water.
  • Another could generate high-power electrical discharges.
  • The third was intended for the “biosynthesis” of hydrogen fuel from water.
  • Fourth, it produced cold or heat “naturally”.
  • Fifth - a “flying saucer”, which was an unusual engine.
  • The latest invention most likely worked based on the principle of anti-gravity.

Schauberger's documents describing the designs of his flying saucer were, due to the nature of his creative process, difficult to decipher. In addition, many believe that his ideas were not developed due to interests in fossil fuel extraction.

Currently, Viktor Schauberger is highly respected by researchers from the Green Movement because his work is based on the use of environmentally sustainable food sources.

ToA To make a flying saucer- This question arises for many. In fact, the presented device is designed quite simply. Many people have already seen objects allegedly created by aliens. They resemble cigars, triangles, plates and are capable of flying. Their size is very large, and they move almost silently.

Let us say right away that the presented devices are flying saucers , completed with your own hands . If you believe the “Rose of the World,” in addition to human civilization, daimons and igvas live on Earth. They are the ones who create the so-called UFOs. It is known that creatures live in another dimension, but sometimes they penetrate into our world. But they are not aliens. So far, only one thing is clear: these creatures have knowledge that is not yet under our control, and this gives them the opportunity to create unique aircraft.

How to make a flying saucer ? They say that the world will soon be testing a device similar to LT. Its speed will be high, but the equipment will not have any jet engines or propellers. But in order to create something like this, you need people with innovative thinking, not the old school.

The main task facing DIY flying saucer is the ability to move in space. Accordingly, physicists must thoroughly study this very space. Scientists suggest that it is possible to create supportless engines, but to do this it is necessary to understand what the structure of space is.

What else is important to know? There are many options for creating LT, but there are general characteristics that are closest to reality. So, the optimal weight is 2.5 tons, and the diameter is 10 meters. A device with these parameters can fly 2 people.

They will sit in a cabin that is shaped like a flattened ball. It will house the power source and pilots.

The engine will have the shape of a ring, and the material for its creation can be carbon fiber, circulating in a special vacuum casing. The ring itself is suspended in a magnetic field. There it accelerates to enormous speeds per second due to linear electric motors.

Those who understand physics will understand that we are talking about superflywheels. Their qualities have been studied for a long time by an academician from Russia, N. Gulia. The presented flywheel can be an ideal means of generating energy. So a compact flywheel can become a source of so much energy that it will be enough for 10 years of operation of a passenger car.

Because of these unique properties, special flywheels are called super flywheels. And they obtain the properties necessary for creating LT during unwinding due to the fact that the material of the ring in the plane of rotation is influenced by force. And after pumping with flywheel energy, the inertia of the substance is overcome.

So far we have not discovered any new laws. Each design bureau has the opportunity to assemble the presented model. But there is a shortage of out-of-the-box thinkers willing to take on the project.

What needs to be done to make the device fly? If space is curved in part of the perimeter of the unit, the centrifugal force will have another component. She will point the plate either downwards, and then it will be pressed to the ground, or upwards, and it will fly up. For the vector to be upward, the curvature of space is required as a pit. The curvature of space can be achieved using a magnetic field. Modern technologies make it possible to produce compact field generators. Passengers located inside the aircraft must be protected from magnetic fields by a cabin lined with steel sheets. And the plate should start away from people.
