Cherry varieties, description, care and planting technology. Cherry variety Melitopol black Cherry for northern regions

Ovstuzhenka is a cherry variety with early-medium ripening fruits. Developed at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine by hybridization of 2 varieties - Compact Venyaminova and Leningradskaya Chernaya. Authorship assigned to M.V. Kanshina.

Since 2001, the variety has been entered into the State Register of Breeding Achievements in the Central Region (Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tula regions). It showed itself very well when grown in the south of the Non-Black Earth Region.

Trees are characterized by small size and fast growth rates; The crown is of medium density, slightly raised, spherical in shape. The shoots are medium thick, straight, pubescent, colored brownish-brown. The buds are large, pointed, vegetative - cone-shaped, strongly deviated, generative - ovoid, strongly pointed. The leaves are large in size, ovoid in shape, with a sharply pointed apex and a rounded base, with double-serrate serrations along the edges, color - green, young leaves - pigmented. The leaf blade is flat, matte. The petioles are medium in thickness, short in length, each with 2 colored glands.

Inflorescences are triflorous. The flowers themselves are large, the petals come one after another. The corolla is saucer-shaped. The stigma of the pistil is at the level of the stamens or slightly higher; the pistil and stamens are long. The calyx is goblet-shaped, the sepals are not serrated, pigmented. The formation of fruit ovaries is concentrated on bouquet branches (up to 63%).

The fruits of the Ovstuzhenka cherry are large (the average weight of the berry is 4.2 g, the largest specimens can grow up to 6 - 7 g; height - 1.9 cm, width - 1.9 cm, thickness - 1.6 cm), in shape - round/oval, dark red (almost black) in color. The stalks are medium in length and thickness, the detachment is dry. Seeds weighing up to 0.27 g (6.4% of the total weight of the berry), ovoid in shape, with a pointed apex and a wide-round base, color - light brown. The separation from the pulp is good. The fruits do not crack even in wet years.

The pulp is of medium density, colored, like the juice, dark red, the taste of cherries is very good - juicy, sweet. Tasting score - 4.5 - 4.7 points. According to the chemical composition, the berries contain: dry matter (17.2 - 17.7%), total sugars (11.6%), acids (0.4 - 0.45%), vitamin C (13.4 mg/100 G). The use of the variety is universal.

Flowering occurs in the early stages, fruit ripening occurs at the end of June. Fruiting begins in the 4th - 5th year.

In general, Ovstuzhenka cherries are assessed as high-yielding. Although the average productivity of young trees is not so high and is equal to 15 - 16 kg/tree. (or 102 c/ha), the maximum yield reaches 30 kg/tree. (or 206 c/ha).

The winter hardiness of the variety is good. After harsh winters, the freezing of trees was 0.3 points, and 34% of flower buds died. After spring frosts, 19% of the pistils died. The resistance of the trunk and the base of the skeletal branches to frost damage and sunburn is also noted.

The variety is highly resistant to fungal diseases - moniliosis and coccomycosis, resistance to klyasterosporiosis is at an average level.

Self-pollination of this cherry is low (up to 5%). To increase productivity, it is recommended to plant additional pollinating varieties near it. The best among them: Bryansk pink, Iput, Raditsa, Revna, Pink Pearl, Tyutchevka.

The main advantages of Ovstuzhenka cherries are: attractive fruits with excellent taste, low trees, relatively early ripening, stable fruiting, disease resistance.

No significant deficiencies were identified in the variety.

Cherry (Cerasus avium).

Other names: bird cherry.

Description. Tree of the Rose family (Rosaceae) up to 10 m or more in height. It has a predominantly horizontal root system. Under certain conditions, branched vertical roots can also form. In the first two years of life, the tree has a taproot. The crown of the tree is light, from ovoid to cone-shaped.
The bark of young trees is brownish, reddish, silvery in color, has numerous stripes, and is covered with brown lentils. Sometimes there may be peeling of the bark in thin transverse films. The leaves are petiolate, obovate, oblong-ovate, oval or elliptical in shape, shortly pointed, slightly wrinkled, serrated along the edge. Petioles with 2 glands at the base of the plate.
The flowers are bisexual, large, white, collected in bunches of 2-5. Five sepals and petals, one pistil, many stamens. Pedicels without green leaves. Cherry blossoms bloom in late April - early May. Fruit ripening at the end of May - July (depending on the variety).
Cherry fruits are drupes with a juicy, fleshy pericarp. The shape of the fruits can be oval, heart-shaped or spherical; by color - pale yellow, yellow with a reddish blush, red, dark red, almost black; tastes sweet and sour or sweet. The fruit seed is spherical or slightly elongated, with a smooth surface.
In the wild, cherries reproduce mainly by seeds, but also by stumps and root shoots. In cultivation, cherries are propagated by calcination. It grows wild in the forests of Ukraine, southern Russia, the Caucasus, Western Asia, and North Africa. Sweet cherry is the oldest form of cherry. It is cultivated in Ukraine, Moldova, and the Caucasus.
Popular varieties of early ripening cherries: Mayskaya, Skorospelka, Rannyaya Duki, Priusadnaya Mayskaya, Valery Chkalov, Rannyaya Marki, Melitopolskaya rannyaya; medium ripening: Beauty of Kiev, Graduate, Yaroslavna, Van-compact, Revan, Silvia, Kitaevskaya black, Bacchante, Rozovinka Mlievskaya, Donchanka, Ugolek, etc. Popular varieties of late ripening cherries: Noble, Drogana yellow, Izyumnaya, Amazonka, Regina , Rozovaya Mlievskaya, etc.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. Cherry fruits are used and harvested for food and medicinal purposes, and cherry stalks are also used for medicinal purposes. The berries are collected as they ripen. Since the berries ripen unevenly, 2-3 harvests are carried out.
Berries are picked that are fully ripe and have taste qualities characteristic of this variety. If transportation of berries is intended, then in this case the berries are picked 3-4 days before they are completely ripe. If the berries are picked too early, their taste will be insufficient.
There are three ways to manually collect cherries: picking with stalks (stalks); cutting half the stalk with scissors; collection without stalks. How to pick berries depends on their purpose and variety. If the berries are intended to be transported and they must be marketable, then the first or second collection method is necessary. If you plan to quickly process the berries, then the third method is suitable.
Cherry berries are consumed fresh. They can also be dried, frozen, and prepared into compotes, preserves, jams, jellies, and candied fruits. Before drying cherries, the berries are first washed, sorted, separated from the stalks, dried, spread on a cloth in a thin layer. Then the seeds are removed from the berries, laid out on a baking sheet and dried in the oven at 50°C for 10 hours. Then continue to dry at 70-75°C. The berries are considered sufficiently dried if they do not stick together.

Cherry beneficial properties, application, treatment.
Fresh cherries have restorative, hematopoietic, diuretic, tonic, analgesic properties. They also increase appetite, stimulate intestinal motility (useful for constipation associated with weak peristalsis), stimulate metabolism (help normalize weight), relieve or reduce swelling (due to diuretic properties), help reduce blood clotting, cleanse the body of “bad” cholesterol and harmful metabolic products (this is the prevention of blood clots).
The analgesic properties of cherries will be useful for rheumatism, arthritis, gout, stomach pain, spastic colitis. Cherry berries are recommended as a therapeutic and dietary remedy for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum (with normal and low acidity), and intestinal diseases that are accompanied by weak peristalsis.
Due to the fact that cherries contain a lot of iron, they will be a good therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for iron deficiency anemia. Cherry varieties of red and darker colors contain more carotenoids and anthocyanins, so these are the varieties of cherries that will be useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. Moreover, anthocyanins and carotenoids play an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the visual system.
Due to its diuretic properties, cherries will be useful for kidney diseases, and the amygdalin contained in them will have a beneficial effect against neuroses. Cherry berries are used in the production of baby food (purees, juices, compotes).
In folk medicine, a decoction of cherry stalks is used for kidney stones, an infusion or decoction of dried berries is used as an expectorant, antipyretic, and tonic for colds, as well as to improve appetite.
Crushed fresh cherry flowers or leaves are applied to wounds, boils, and abscesses as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent.

Dosage forms and doses.
Infusion of dried cherries. Pour 4-5 tablespoons of dried cherries into four glasses of boiling water, leave for 5 hours, strain. Take a glass 3-4 times a day to improve appetite, and also as an expectorant, antipyretic, and tonic for colds.
Decoction of cherry stalks. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried cherry stalks into two glasses of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes, remove from heat and strain after 10 minutes. Bring the volume of the decoction to 400 ml with boiled water. Take half a glass 3-4 r. per day for kidney stones.
Infusion of fresh leaves. 10 grams of fresh cherry leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 1 hour, filtered. Take a third of a glass 3 rubles. per day for arthritis.

Cherry: description of the 20 best varieties (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Let's talk about cherries and describe their best varieties. There are sweet, slightly sour, crispy, soft, and different colors. Thanks to selection, new forms of this amazing tree are developed every year.

Cherry varieties: description and photo

To get a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to choose varieties taking into account the climate in a particular region. Thus, frost-resistant varieties are suitable for central Russia, but more heat-loving plants can be grown in Ukraine.

Unlike cherries, cherries ripen much earlier; their tasty and aromatic fruits can already be enjoyed in early summer - June. This is a real source of useful microelements (iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium) The fruits of the plant grow in the form of a single-locular drupe with a succulent pericarp.

Considering the late emergence of cherry fruit buds from a state of forced dormancy, the yield of this crop is characterized as stable. Another advantage of cherries is the presence of reliable protection from return frosts on the anthers and pistils, which cherries do not have.

The leaves of the fruit crop are very large in size, distinguished by an elongated oval or elongated obovate shape and brown glands on the petioles.

It is not so often possible to find self-fertile varieties on the market. They can be purchased by order from abroad. Popular hybrid forms include: Alex, Peter, Stella, Sandor, Sweet Hart.

Below is a list of the most popular cherry varieties with descriptions and photos.

  • Average height
  • Early fruit ripening
  • High yield (up to 30 kg of berries are harvested from one tree)
  • High taste (the fruits are black in color and have dark red juicy pulp)
  • The berry is removed along with the stalk
  • The harvest is not afraid of transportation
  • High degree of resistance to fungal infections
  • Tolerates low temperatures well (down to -28 degrees)
  • Average rate of early fruiting (yields a harvest 5 years after planting)
  • If there is too much moisture, the fruits will crack.
  • The pulp is difficult to separate from the stone
  • According to reviews:

    Valery Chkalov

    • Early berry ripening
    • Large fruit size (weight up to 6-8 g)
    • High taste characteristics of the fruit (the pulp is dark red in color, juicy, semi-cartilaginous consistency)
    • Dessert type
    • Universal use of berries
    • High degree of productivity (62 kg per tree on average)
    • High level of frost resistance (-23.5 degrees
    • Tallness (up to 5 m)
    • Wet separation of the berry from the fruit, juice is released
    • The level of precocity is average (yields a harvest in the 5th year)
    • Self-sterile variety
    • Average level of resistance to diseases, including fungal ones
    • Pollinators: Dneprovskaya, Bigarro Burlat, Aprilka, June early Skorospelka

    • The tree is medium-sized, compact
    • The crown has no sharp forks
    • Easy to care for
    • The fruits have high taste and consumer qualities
    • Due to the dense skin, the crop is transportable over long distances
    • High level of frost resistance (up to -30 degrees)
    • High degree of resistance to frost cracking and sunburn
    • Wood resistance to fungal infections
    • Average late ripening period
    • Self-sterility
    • Its best pollinators: Radits, Compact, Iput, Venyaminova, Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenki


    • Medium-sized tree
    • The fruits are very large, weighing up to 18 g
    • The taste is sweet and sour, the color of the fruit is dark red, the pulp is medium dense
    • High product characteristics
    • Increased frost resistance
    • Dry stem separation
    • Transportability indicator is good
    • Not susceptible to moniliosis
    • Resistance to drought, without loss of taste qualities of the crop
    • Late ripening
    • Self-sterile
    • Best pollinators: Bugaro Oratovsky, Surprise, Francis,

    • Mid-season
    • The berries are very large, weighing up to 15 g
    • The taste and commercial qualities are excellent (the fruits have a rich red color, glossy shine, the flesh is dense, fleshy, juicy)
    • Tasting score 4.5 points
    • Duration of fruiting 20 years
    • Berries are subject to shedding during heavy rainfall
    • Requires additional pollination
    • Low degree of resistance to fungal diseases and garden pests
    • Best pollinators: Early ripening, Burlat, April, Homestead, Early Bigarro

      Cherry Summit, Minchanka and Karina - description of varieties

      Everyone loves ripe sweet cherries; few will remain indifferent to their unique taste. But in order to get berries, you must first grow a tree from a seedling, and at this stage many people have problems. They start with choosing the right variety.

      There are many varieties of cherries, but they can be divided into three groups, differing in ripening time:

    • early ripening varieties of cherries bear fruit in mid-June;
    • mid-ripening ones ripen at the end of the same month;
    • At the beginning of July, late cherries ripen.
    • This article describes all three types of cherries, varieties Summit, Karina, Minchanka. Perhaps this review will help everyone who wants to plant cherries and decide on the choice of a suitable variety.

      Variety Summit

      Cherry fruits of the Summit variety

      The homeland of this type of cherry is Canada. The berries will ripen from the end of the first summer month to the beginning of the second.

      The differences between this tree variety are:

    • it is quite developed and vigorous;
    • the crown is characterized by a strong structure;
    • the fruits appear and ripen quite early;
    • yields of the Summit variety are consistently high;
    • The tree is not afraid of frost and resists diseases well.
    • Berries also have their own differences:

    • The berries are quite large in size, their weight can reach 10 g;
    • The skin of the fruit is red and shiny, but becomes darker as it ripens;
    • the flesh is red-yellow, sweet;
    • The stone is small and easily separated from the pulp.
    • The variety exhibits good disease resistance. The berries may crack, but the percentage of such damage to the crop of this variety is very small.

      Variety Karina

      Cherry variety Karina

      Karina is considered one of the most late-ripening varieties. Cherries were bred in Germany.

      This late variety of cherries is characterized by good frost resistance and resistance to various kinds of diseases, such as cherries (read our article about cherry diseases). It begins to bear fruit between July 25 and July 27.

      A tree can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

    • its crown is of medium development;
    • it grows quite quickly from a seedling;
    • a neat, wide-conical crown is formed without cutting branches, so shaping the tree does not require much effort (read how to prune cherries here);
    • the tree begins to bear a harvest of berries in the fourth year of life;
    • the trunk and branches are distinguished by good frost resistance, which cannot be said about the buds;
    • You can harvest up to 30 kg of crop from one tree;
    • The variety is disease-resistant and does not rot for a long time.
    • The berries have the following qualities:

    1. The tree must be protected from severe frosts and winds. It is better not to plant cherries in lowlands.
    2. The cherry tree grows quite quickly and quickly begins to bear fruit.
    3. Therefore, it is necessary to provide it with normal nutrition in advance even at the stage of planting the seedling by filling the hole with compost.

      1. Temperature changes are detrimental to cherries; it is advisable to whiten their trunk or wrap it in thick white cloth.
      2. Watch in the following video how and what to properly fertilize fruit trees, including cherries:

        Cherry Revna: variety description, photo and crop care

        Thanks to breeders, the growing area for southern heat-loving crops has expanded significantly, incorporating areas of the center of Russia and the Central Black Earth region. The result of the work of scientists from the Lupine Research Institute was the Revna cherry. Description of the variety, photos of fruiting and reviews from gardeners prove its value.

        Bryansk, where the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine is located, cannot be classified as a place of traditional cherry cultivation. And, nevertheless, local gardeners, as well as summer residents in the Moscow region and other regions of central Russia, have the opportunity to annually enjoy the sweetness of juicy fruits from their plot.

        As the starting material for obtaining the Revna cherry variety, breeders used seedlings of the Bryanskaya Rozovaya variety they themselves bred. During testing of the new variety, it confirmed excellent frost resistance, the quality of the harvest and resistance to common diseases of stone fruit crops. The variety was included in the State Register for the Central region in 1994.

        Features of the Revna cherry variety

        With proper planting and care, the Revna cherry quickly begins to grow, and in 4–5 years the tree forms a crown of medium density and height. Thanks to the skeletal branches extending from the trunk at a large angle, the plant is strong enough to withstand abundant fruiting, which begins just from the age of 5.

        The crown of a wide pyramidal shape allows light and air to penetrate freely, thereby helping the tree to resist damage from mold fungi and pests.

        In spring, the shoots of the cherry tree are covered with large, ovate leaves with pointed tips, a rounded base and highly serrated, double-serrated edges. On the leathery dark green surface, relief veins are visible, turning into a dense short petiole. It, like the young shoots, is almost completely colored in brownish-green tones.

        The cherry variety Revna is characterized by late flowering. Up to 80% of flowers collected in 4-5 pieces open on bouquet branches. The white-petalled corollas have a wide-open, saucer-like shape. A pistil surrounded by stamens is clearly visible in the center. Due to its excellent winter hardiness in the harsh winters of the Central region, the cherry is slightly damaged.

        A stronger trunk, skeletal branches and buds are not afraid of sunburn. However, during spring frost, up to 17% of growth buds and about 70% of flower buds can suffer.

        Fruiting and pollinators for Revna cherries

        If by the age of 4–5 years the tree has been properly pruned, it will bloom and form an ovary for the first time. According to the description and photo, the Revna cherry variety belongs to the mid-late variety. Fruits weighing from 4.5 to 8 grams are held on the branches with the help of strong, short stalks. Among similar varieties, the Bryansk variety of cherries is distinguished by its wide rounded shape, noticeable funnel, rounded top and dark, almost black skin. When cut, the cherry reveals dense, rich red pulp filled with thick juice.

        The oval seed of a milky beige hue makes up only 5% of the mass of the ripe fruit. Separating it from the pulp is not entirely difficult, which is extremely important not only when eating fresh cherries, but when making jam, compotes and other types of preserves. According to the assessments of the expert council and photos of Revna cherries, its fruits have an attractive appearance and excellent taste, worthy of a rating of 4.9 points.

        Unlike many other varieties that quickly deteriorate, due to their dense pulp, Revna cherries can be well stored and transported.

        For a heat-loving crop, accustomed to longer and hotter summers, the Revna cherry variety shows high quality sweet fruits. In good years, per 100 grams of pulp there is:

      3. 12.6 grams of sugars;
      4. 18.8 grams of fiber that does not interfere with taste;
      5. only 0.3 grams of organic acids, of which ascorbic acid accounts for 13 mg.
      6. Features of planting and caring for Revna cherries

        For cherries to be sweet and juicy, they need sun and moisture. Fruit trees must be planted in an elevated place, sheltered from cold winds, but sunny, and the garden must be watered before ripening.

        As can be seen from the description and photo of Revna cherries, the variety is characterized by increased winter hardiness and survives the cold season without serious losses; in the fall, before the onset of stable frosts, care must be taken to protect the trunks. For this:

      7. plantings must be watered;
      8. remove fallen leaves and debris from tree trunks;
      9. the lower part of the trunk is wrapped in non-woven material, cardboard or densely covered with coniferous branches.
      10. In the summer, when the ovary is filled with juice and is already colored, it is useful to protect the crown from uninvited guests, including sparrows and starlings, which eagerly eat sweet treats.

        Healthy and tasty cherry fruits will appeal to both adults and little gourmets. However, a bountiful harvest can only be achieved by planting varieties nearby for cross-pollination. Among the pollinators for Revna cherries, experts in agricultural technology name the varieties of cherries Compaktnaya and Velyaminova, bred by Bryansk breeders Iput, as well as Ovstuzhenka and Tyutchevka, adapted to a temperate climate.

        If you don’t take care of the beneficial surroundings in time, the cherry orchard will produce no more than 5% of the possible harvest.

        Regular treatment of trees against pests will help increase the yield of your garden. Despite the variety’s resistance to most diseases, the trees could benefit from preventative spraying and sanitary pruning.

        Planting and caring for cherries - video

        The most complete description of the Iput cherry variety

        The word “cherry” is associated with the hot southern sun, the Black Sea and the ancient Greek city of Kerasund. It was there that the Romans saw this plant several thousand years ago and gave it the name Cerasus avium.

        Traditional cherry growing regions are in warm regions. Until recently, it was difficult to imagine that this crop could be grown in the cold climate of Central Russia. But, as Napoleon said, “genius consists in the ability to distinguish the difficult from the impossible.” Breeders got down to business, and the Iput cherry was born.

        How a Southerner Became a Northerner

        It all started with the Lupine Institute in the Bryansk region. There, in the fruit growing department, a unique geneticist, Mayina Vladimirovna Kanshina, has been working for more than forty years. She devoted all her talent and her whole life to developing cold-resistant varieties of cherries.

        The Iput variety is the “daughter” of selection forms numbered 3-36 and 8-14. After their crossing, many years of nurturing and strict selection of hybrid seedlings followed. In 1993, a new cherry variety was included in the register of breeding achievements and recommended for cultivation in the Central and Central Black Earth regions of Russia. Mayina Vladimirovna gave the name to her brainchild from the name of the Iput River, which flows through the Bryansk region.

        Cherry Iput: variety description

        Practical gardeners, when thinking about purchasing a new “tenant” for their garden, focus on several parameters: the size of an adult tree, early fruitfulness, early maturity, resistance to weather and other conditions, productivity. For convenience, all characteristics of Iput cherries are collected in the table:

        The color of Iputi fruits ranges from red to almost black, depending on the degree of ripeness. Average weight - 5.3 grams. The largest specimens reach up to 9 grams. They come off the stalk easily. In rainy weather they may crack.

        The pulp is very juicy, medium-dense, scarlet in color, with an excellent sweet taste. The juice is red. Tasting score – 4.5 points.

        The bone does not separate well.

        Ripe cherries Iput

        Thus, the advantages of the Iput variety include:

      11. winter hardiness;
      12. disease resistance;
      13. compactness of the tree;
      14. high productivity and large fruit;
      15. excellent taste of fruits and their universal purpose;
      16. good transportability and good shelf life for cherries;
      17. precocity.
      18. A few disadvantages:

      19. tendency to fruit cracking;
      20. self-sterility;
      21. demands on soil.
      22. The harvest begins with a seedling, like a theater with a hanger. Therefore, you need to choose a seedling for your plot very pickily.

      23. Cherries are usually planted at the age of 2 years. A two-year-old seedling should have 3-4 well-developed side shoots.
      24. If you purchase a seedling with an open root system, you need to inspect it. The roots should not be rotten or dry; when cut, a healthy root has a cream color.
      25. The trunk thickness of a good cherry seedling is about 2 cm.
      26. Wrinkling of the bark is a sign that the plant has dried out. Also, there should be no growths, cracks, or swelling on the trunk.
      27. It is important to clarify on which rootstock the cherry is grafted. Practice shows that on cherry rootstocks the cherries have weak anchorage, and an already mature tree can break at the junction. The best rootstock options are Cerapadus Izmailovsky and Moscovia (hybrids of cherry and bird cherry), VTs-13 and VTs-52 (hybrid of cherry and cerapadus).
      28. Having chosen a “pet”, you need to immediately wrap its roots in a moistened rag, put it in a bag and tie it up. In this condition, the seedling can be transported to the site without fear that the root system will dry out.

        Cherry is a light-demanding crop, and you need to choose a place for it that is sunny and protected from the wind. Drafts are destructive even for zoned “northerners”. The soil on the site should be breathable and well-drained. Swampy or clayey dense soils, lowlands with stagnant spring meltwater are not suitable for cherries. The groundwater horizon must lie at a depth of at least 2 meters.

        In cold regions, cherries can only be planted in spring. This means that you should take care of preparing the seating area in the fall:

      29. dig a hole 1 meter in diameter and 80 cm deep;
      30. fill it with four buckets of humus, filling it with a mound.
      31. A purchased seedling can be kept for some time without being planted in a permanent place, if you lay it down and sprinkle the roots with soil. And yet it is better not to delay for a long time, but to immediately place it in the landing hole.

        Iput cherry berries on a bush

        Cherries, like most fruit crops, are very convenient to plant “on a cone”. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

      32. Place a support stake on a mound of humus (cone) poured at the bottom of the planting hole.
      33. Place the seedling on the top of the mound and spread the roots so that they evenly descend along its slopes.
      34. Fill the hole with good soil mixed with humus and compact the hole a little.
      35. Check the position of the cervix. It should be slightly above the surface.
      36. Tie the seedling to a support.
      37. Make a groove around the circumference of the planting hole and water the seedling well along this groove.
      38. Mulch the tree trunk circle with organic mulch.
      39. If the seedling was purchased in a container, the planting process is simplified. A hole 20 cm wider and deeper than the volume of the container is enough. The plant is placed in it along with a lump of earth and covered with a mixture of earth and humus.

        Proper care

        The tree trunk will require care throughout the life of the plant. It should be moist, loosened, free of weeds and mulched. It is good to plant marigolds around the circumference. These flowers attract ladybugs - natural enemies of aphids, which like to land on young cherry shoots.

        Immediately after planting, the cherries must begin to be shaped. The first step is to inspect the crown. If there is no obvious “leader” among the shoots, it needs to be “nominated”: choose a good top one, pull it to the support, giving it a vertical position, and tie it up. The remaining shoots are future skeletal branches of the cherry tree. They should be shortened at the lower bud to a length of 25 cm.

        In the first year after planting, young cherries only need to be watered. In the fall, to better prepare the plant for wintering, you can feed it with superphosphate (2 tablespoons per 1 sq. m of crown projection). The Iput variety tolerates frost well, but at a young age it is better to provide it with additional protection.

        Non-woven covering materials perform well in this capacity. Before the onset of frost, a frame is installed around the seedling and covered in several layers with agrospan or spunbond with a thickness of 60 g/sq. m.

        In the second year, cherries will need spring nitrogen fertilizing. It is better to use good manure humus, then there is no risk of “overfeeding” the plant.

        It is also necessary to continue the formation of the crown. There are different opinions about pruning cherries. For example, the famous pomologist Lev Platonovich Simirenko believed that pruning is contraindicated for this crop. Cherry has a low shoot-forming ability, and its crown itself is formed sparsely. Even in mature trees, you can often get by with sanitary pruning and simple tapping of shoots directed into the crown.

        However, to stimulate fruiting and better yield, it is necessary to accustom the skeletal branches of the cherry tree to the correct position from a young age. The following rule applies here: the greater the angle between the shoot and the trunk, the better the harvest. To ensure this condition, in the old days bast shoes were hung on the branches of young seedlings. Now you can use the method of bending the shoots:

        Flowering cherry variety Iput

        1. In spring, a loose loop of twine is attached to a side branch, closer to the top.
        2. The second end of the twine is tied to a peg in the ground so that the branch forms a right or even an obtuse angle with the trunk.
        3. The plant spends the entire summer in this “crucified” position. In the fall, the loop can be trimmed.
        4. In mid-summer, the cherry tree is inspected for this year’s growth. Cherries are capable of driving out them up to 60 cm or more in length per season. This is not very good - long growths do not have time to ripen before winter. Therefore, they should be pinched. Among other things, this procedure stimulates the branching of cherries.

          To keep the tree compact, you need to monitor the height of the central conductor. A leader height of three meters will be sufficient. When it grows to this mark, it is cut off and transferred to the nearest skeletal branch.

          3 facts about cherry pollination

          Cherry is a cross-pollinated plant. Even for partially self-fertile varieties, the yield of the crop increases greatly if other cherries are planted nearby. But this does not mean that your entire plot needs to be turned into a cherry orchard. You can get by with minimal costs.

        5. Sweet cherries are perfectly pollinated by their “sister” cherries. Thanks to this property, hybrids of these crops - duki - appeared. Therefore, if the garden already has an early ripening cherry tree, you don’t have to plant another cherry tree next to Iput. As a pollinator, for example, Turgenevskaya cherry may be suitable for it.
        6. Option for even more economical use of garden space– grafting of donor material of a pollinating variety into the crown of the Iput cherry. In this way, you can get two different varieties on one trunk that will pollinate each other.
        7. If there are suitable cherries in the neighboring garden, You can completely do without your own pollinator. The main thing to consider is two points:
        8. plant your cherries no further than 30 meters from your neighbor’s tree;
        9. make sure that there is no pear or apple tree growing between them, which can interfere with cross-pollination.
        10. Diseases and pests

          The scourge of stone fruits is fungal infections. Fortunately, Iput almost never suffers from moniliosis or coccomycosis. If infection does occur, you need to do the following:

        11. Remove and burn affected shoots as quickly as possible.
        12. Treat the diseased plant with Horus. It is an extended-spectrum fungicide. For better adhesion to the surface, you can dissolve it not in plain water, but with the addition of laundry or tar soap.
        13. Aphids, which often attack cherries, have already been discussed. You can fight it with chemicals like Iskra, but you must remember: insecticides kill not only pests, but also beneficial insects - bees, ladybugs, lacewings. Having noticed aphids on your tree, it is better to deal with them with a simple ash-soap solution.

          Harvest and storage

          During fruit filling, cherries must be protected from starlings. These wonderful friends of gardeners can become fierce competitors for some time, and in order not to be left without a harvest, it is better to throw a protective net over the tree in time.

          Mass harvesting of Iput cherries can begin when the fruits acquire a dark red color. It is important to monitor the condition of the stalks: if they begin to dry out, time has been lost and the cherries are overripe. Such fruits will have to be processed or eaten immediately.

          Cherries must be removed from the branches carefully. Do not throw, but place the fruits in containers. Set aside damaged ones, with broken skins.

          It will not be possible to keep Iput fresh for a long time - like any cherry, it quickly loses its taste and becomes watery. You can keep it in the refrigerator for 5 days, but then it is better to freeze it or make preparations for the winter. A jar of fragrant jam on a winter evening will remind you of the beautiful wanderer who made a long journey from the “Greeks” to the “Varangians”.

          And finally, a short video that gives a description of cherries, including the Drozdovsky variety:

    Sweet cherries are a relatively new fruit crop for our country, but cherries have been grown in European countries for a long time. Sweet cherry is considered one of the varieties of cherries, and in translation its name means “bird cherry”. In our country, we have long tried to develop varieties of cherries that could grow in these climatic conditions. And it must be said that the breeders succeeded in this.

    Today, there are several dozen varieties of cherries that are suitable not only for the southern regions of our country, but also for the middle zone. Thanks to crossing the best varieties, cherry varieties have been created that can withstand frosts of up to 35 degrees, which until recently seemed impossible. Now absolutely all gardeners can admire the delicious and juicy cherries and the beauty of flowering trees with leaves of unusual and bright colors. To do this, you just need to choose the right variety.

    Early varieties of cherries.In the southern regions, the main thing when choosing cherry varieties is its yield, taste and size of the fruit, as well as the time when the first berries begin to ripen. That is why, for areas with excellent climatic conditions, early varieties of cherries are selected that are capable of producing a large harvest throughout the summer. At the very beginning of summer, already in the second ten days of June, cherries of the famous variety “Valery Chkalov”, which is grown in the Black Earth Region, ripen. The fruits of this variety are large, juicy with excellent taste characteristics. Cherries begin to bear fruit already in the fourth year after planting. The next earliest ripening varieties are “Almaznaya” and “Farewell”. The fruits of this cherry can be enjoyed in the first ten days of July, and the size of the berries is larger than that of the Valery Chkalov cherry variety.

    Gardeners are very fond of the early variety “Beauty”. It is bred from the American variety of the same name, which is grown in Ohio. In terms of climatic conditions, this particular state is similar to the south of our country, and with minor changes in some characteristics of this variety, the “Beauty” cherry has ideally adapted to the conditions of the Black Earth Region. The internal color of the berries of this variety is yellow, and the pulp is juicy and dense. Gardeners select the best varieties of cherries, as well as varieties of plums, which begin to bear fruit in the first or second decade of July. This is “Vasilisa”, “Rossoshanskaya Golden”. Thanks to successful selection, these varieties have a balanced combination of the best qualities: the fruits are tasty and juicy, quite large, their quantity allows for a large harvest, and the magnificent flowering of trees will decorate any garden.

    Cherry varieties for the middle zone It should be noted that cherry varieties, like pear varieties, for the middle zone do not have early species. Of course, this is due to difficult climatic conditions and the short duration of warm days. Usually these are varieties that produce crops in the first ten days of August. It is by this time that the berries have time to fully develop and acquire optimal taste. If you don’t know which variety to choose for planting in the middle zone, pay attention to the description of cherry varieties, which must indicate the degree of its winter hardiness. The higher it is, the better the cherry will withstand cold winters and frosts.

    These varieties include the “Narodnaya” cherry, whose moderate growth and wide crown are the optimal form of growing cherries in the north of our country. Already in the third year after planting, this variety produces the first full harvest of medium-sized fruits with dark red flesh. Winter-hardy cherry varieties such as Festivalnaya, Severnaya, Muscatnaya and Syubarovskaya are very popular. Each of these varieties is able to survive cold conditions, while producing a full harvest of tasty, ripe and juicy berries.

    The variety is medium-sized, characterized by resistance to diseases, regular and generous yields, large (10-12 g) heart-shaped fruits and cartilaginous pulp, red in color. In Ukraine, "Bacchae" matures by June 20. The variety is well compatible with all rootstocks, including VSL-2.

    One of the most reputable early-ripening cherry varieties. The tree is vigorous, has a pyramidal crown at a young age, after several harvests the crown becomes spreading. The fruits are large (7-9 g), and in the south with watering - 12-15 g. The drupes are round-heart-shaped, dark red, almost black in color, there is a gray dot at the top of the fruit, and a mound in the groove. The juice and pulp of the fruits are colored intense red, the fruits are very tasty. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases, but has low winter hardiness of flower buds.

    A vigorous Donetsk variety that ripens in mid-June. The fruits are large, average weight 9 g, with watering, favorable weather and high agricultural technology they can reach 15 g, red in color. The pulp is juicy, gristly, very sweet, sugar content 17.5%. A very productive variety with good transportability. At a young age, it requires intensive pruning and crown shaping. Has good frost and drought resistance.

    A clone of the Canadian variety "Van", characterized by weaker growth and a compact crown. It begins to bear fruit early because it can bear fruit at the base of perennial growths, as well as on bouquet branches. Flower buds are very frost resistant. The tree itself is very resistant to bacterial cancer. The fruits are medium, weight 6.5 g, heart-shaped, dark red in color. The flesh is gristly and has a dessert taste. A very short stalk compared to other varieties is its distinctive feature.

    Large-fruited, fruit weight 4-5 g, the main thing is fast fruiting: the next year after planting there will be a harvest. It lays flower buds at the bottom of annual growths, without waiting for the growth of bouquet branches. The tree is pyramidal in shape and resistant to diseases. The fruits are heart-shaped, dark red, good taste, ripen on June 10-15. Resistant to fruit cracking in rainy weather. High winter hardiness. Fruits generously and regularly.

    Cottage owner
    The fruits are large, one-dimensional, yellow, sweet and sour, weight 8.7 g, round-heart-shaped. The apex of the fruit is round, the base with a depression. The hole is small and wide. The abdominal suture is small and inconspicuous. The skin is thin, bare, shiny, and can be easily removed from the fruit. The pulp is creamy, tender, juicy, melting. The juice is colorless. The bone is medium, round, free. The peduncle is medium, 4.6 cm long, the separation from the branch is good, the attachment to the stone is fragile. The fruits ripen on June 12-16. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

    The variety was obtained at the Donetsk experimental station L.I. Taranenko from crossing the varieties "Drogana yellow" and "Valery Chkalov". Late ripening variety - the harvest ripens in early July. The tree is vigorous and bears fruit in the 4-5th year after planting. To speed up fruiting, it is necessary to remove the central conductor. The variety is very productive - 100-120 kg per tree. The fruits are large (9 g), the pulp is dense, dark red in color. The harvest is well transported. The fruits of this variety are good for compotes and other preserves.

    One of the excellent varieties of L.I. Taranenko. The variety is frost and drought resistant. The variety is vigorous, but if the central conductor is removed in time, the tree grows wider and the crop can be harvested up to 10 years of age without a ladder. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th-5th year. The fruits are large (9 g), pink in color with dense and tasty pulp; the harvest ripens in the mid-late period at the end of June.

    The most common early ripening variety. Ripens in early June, bears fruit generously and regularly. The tree is vigorous with a spreading crown and begins to bear fruit in the 4th-5th year. The morphological characteristic of the variety is very large buds - up to 5 mm. The variety is self-sterile. The fruits are large, weighing 6-8 g, one-dimensional, rounded-heart-shaped, with a pronounced groove. The main color is yellow, half of the fruit is covered with a bright red blush. The pulp is tender, half gristly, juicy, with a sweet dessert taste. Resistant to cracking in rainy weather, moniliosis and bacterial stone fruit cancer.

    BEAUTY OF Kyiv
    A widespread variety of Ukrainian selection. The tree is vigorous, by the age of 15 it can reach a height of 12 m, so it is advisable to remove the central conductor at a young age. The variety is very productive and produces 40-60 kg of harvest by 10 years. The fruits are large (6.5 g), heart-shaped, yellow with a red side, very tasty. The harvest ripens in the third decade of June. The variety is heavily affected by the cherry fly. Flower buds are frost resistant. After the harsh winter of 1986-1987. "Beauty of Kyiv" was distinguished by a good harvest.

    The fruits are very large (average weight - 10 g, maximum - 18.2 g), wide-round in shape. The apex of the fruit is round, slightly depressed. The base of the fruit has a depression. The hole is small and wide. The abdominal suture is small and inconspicuous. The skin is thin, dark red, and can be easily removed from the fruit. Subcutaneous dots are inconspicuous, numerous, and gray in color. The pulp is dark red, gristly, juicy, sweet and sour. The stone is large, semi-free. The fruits ripen on June 25-30. The advantages of the variety are high winter hardiness, good taste, high annual yield, large fruit and transportability.

    Medium-late ripening variety. Trees with a compact, round-oval crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness. The fruits are large (6-8 g), and in some years even reach 9.5-10 g, round-heart-shaped, yellow with an intense pink-red blush on the illuminated side. The pulp is light yellow, dense (bigaro), gristly, juicy, with a very pleasant sweet and sour taste. A variety for universal use. In the conditions of the Kyiv region, the fruits ripen at the end of the third ten days of June - in the first ten days of July. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases.

    The most common early ripening variety. Ripens in early June, bears fruit generously and regularly. The tree is vigorous with a spreading crown and bears fruit in the 4th-5th year. It has very large buds (up to 5 mm). The variety is self-sterile. The fruits are large, weight - 6-8 g, one-dimensional, round-heart-shaped, with a pronounced groove. The main color is yellow, half of the fruit is covered with a bright red blush. The pulp is half tender, gristly, juicy, with a sweet dessert taste. Resistant to cracking in rainy weather. The variety is resistant to moniliosis and bacterial canker of stone fruits.

    Canadian variety obtained from crossing the Lambert Compact and Van varieties. A low-growing variety that forms a small spherical crown. This cherry is resistant to diseases and frost. The fruits are large, weight 10 g, dark red. The pulp is firm, dessert taste. "Sylvia" ripens in early July. The harvest can be stored for several weeks in the refrigerator without losing its taste and marketability.

    In some years it is ready for consumption on May 18-20. The tree is vigorous with a rounded crown, well leafed. The fruits are quite large - 5 g, round-heart-shaped, red in color, sweet and sour taste. When ripening in rainy weather, drupes can crack and rot. It grows mainly in the southern regions of Ukraine.

    Variety of Donetsk selection. It has a round, vigorous crown shape. Fruits from the age of 4 years. Early ripening variety - ripens in the first ten days of June. The berries are large (8 g), black. It has excellent winter hardiness, not inferior to its parent "Drogana yellow", and has good drought resistance. A productive variety - up to 80 kg of fruit from ten-year-old trees. In our area, this variety can safely replace “Valeria Chkalova”. With a similar appearance, it is more resistant to weather conditions and more productive.

    Strawberry varieties - Video.


    Cherry varieties - Video.

    There is hardly a person who does not love cherries. Modern breeders are developing new varieties with improved characteristics - more frost-resistant, with genetically “built-in” immunity, and so on. Cherries in the countries of the former USSR can now be grown not only in areas with a warm subtropical climate, but also in regions with relatively short summers and cold winters. The most difficult thing is to make a choice from the available variety. All other things being equal, preference is often given to self-fertile varieties. This allows you to save space on your garden plot, which is very important for owners of the notorious “six hundred square meters”.

    For the North-West region

    The climate in the Northwestern region of Russia is unpredictable. Summer there, as a rule, is not too hot and sunny, and winter can be moderately cold and abnormally frosty, and also with little snow. For cherries, such conditions are not optimal, so the main selection criterion is frost resistance.

    Self-fertile varieties of cherries differ from ordinary ones in that they are able to produce a harvest without the presence of nearby pollinating trees. Consequently, there is no need to plant several cherries in the garden at the same time, because the hope for those growing in the neighbors is not always justified. This allows you to significantly save space, which is always in short supply. Most of the self-fertile varieties appeared relatively recently, so they are characterized by the presence of other advantages - for example, frost resistance, immunity to diseases typical for the crop, high yield, early fruitfulness, and so on.

    Homestead yellow

    A relatively recent achievement of Russian breeders. The “parents” of the variety are Leningradskaya Red and Zolotaya Loshitskaya. Homestead yellow belongs to the category of early varieties. The State Register of the Russian Federation recommends it for cultivation in the Black Sea region, but practice shows that this cherry can withstand and successfully adapt to much more severe climatic and weather conditions.

    Cherry Priusadnaya yellow - a modern Russian variety, practically devoid of disadvantages

    The seedling is distinguished by its growth rate; the mature tree is quite large, with a wide, almost spherical crown. At the same time, it is not very thickened, so caring for the plant and harvesting is not particularly difficult. The tree blooms very beautifully, the flowers are large, snow-white, collected in inflorescences of three.

    The berries are medium-sized, round, weighing 5–6 g and about 2–2.2 cm in diameter. The lateral “seam” is not too pronounced. The skin, as you might guess from the name, is bright yellow and smooth. Subcutaneous points are completely absent. The pulp is lighter than the skin, the juice is almost colorless. The taste is sweet and sour, but very balanced. Professional tasters rate it quite highly - 4.7 points out of five. The seed is small and can be separated from the pulp easily.

    Frost resistance of the tree is at -30ºС. Flower buds extremely rarely suffer from recurrent spring frosts. The first fruiting is expected 5–6 years after the cherries are planted in the ground. Further harvests are annual. Even fully ripe berries do not fall off and very rarely crack in wet weather. The garden yellow is avoided by such a dangerous pest as the cherry fly.

    Video: Homestead yellow cherry


    The cherry variety was bred in Dagestan by crossing the Drogana yellow and April black varieties. The creators position the variety as self-fertile, but practice shows that it is more likely to be partially self-fertile. The State Register of the Russian Federation advises growing Bereket in the North Caucasus, but with frost resistance down to -30–32ºС, the variety is quite suitable for the North-Western region and other areas with temperate climates. The cold resistance of flower buds is very high - 95–98%.

    The flower buds of the Bereket cherry are very frost-resistant

    Bereket sweet cherry is medium early. When flowering in the last ten days of April, it ripens in early or mid-July. The first harvest is tried 4–5 years after planting the tree.

    An adult tree grows up to 5 m or a little more, and is distinguished by a spreading, rather “sloppy” thickened crown. Annual shoots are green-purple. The leaves are cup-like, sagging slightly along the central vein.

    The berries are medium-sized, weighing 5.5–6.5 g and slightly more than 2 cm in diameter. The skin is dark scarlet, the flesh is pink-red. Veins that are much lighter are clearly visible in it. The slight sourness does not spoil the taste, which is rated five out of five by professional tasters. The stone is very small, weighing about 0.5 g. The berries are easily separated from the stalk, so mechanical harvesting is possible. In cool, damp weather, about one fruit in five cracks.

    The average yield of Bereket cherries is 20–25 kg per mature tree. The berries have good transportability. They can be stored fresh for about a week. A significant drawback is the tendency to be affected by moniliosis.


    Another achievement of breeders working at the Dagestan experimental station. The “parents” of Goryanka are the French varieties of cherries Gaucher and Jaboulet. When flowering at the end of the second ten days of April, the crop ripens in the first half of July.

    Goryanka cherry belongs to varieties with a bouquet type of fruiting

    The height of an adult tree is 3.5–4 m. The crown is densely leafy, pyramid-shaped with a wide base. Nevertheless, practice shows that you can limit yourself to sanitary pruning. Annual shoots are light green in color. The edges of the leaf are smooth, with slight “jarching” appearing only closer to the tip. The flowers are small, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 5–7 pieces. The harvest ripens exclusively on bouquet branches.

    Heart-shaped berries with a rounded base. The side “seam” is practically absent. The average weight of one cherry is 6–6.5 g. The skin is wine-burgundy, the flesh is deep scarlet, the juice is the same color. The taste is excellent, it deserves a professional rating of 4.9 out of five. The berries do not differ in transportability; they can be stored fresh for 5–6 days. The average yield is 18–22 kg per tree. The berries ripen at the same time. You will have to wait 4–5 years for the first fruits.

    Frost resistance of Goryanka is -28–30ºС, flower buds - about 90%. Even opened flowers rarely suffer from return frosts. The variety tolerates short-term drought well, but with prolonged moisture deficiency the tree practically stops growing, the shoots dry out and die.


    One of the latest achievements of Russian breeders. The “parents” of the variety are the same as those of Homestead Yellow, but the result of the crossing was completely different, although Danna also belongs to the category of early varieties. It entered the State Register in 1999 after zoning in the North Caucasus.

    Danna is a promising Russian cherry variety; it is also interesting for those who grow berries on an industrial scale

    Tree of medium height, about 4 m. The pyramid-shaped crown is quite rare. The shoots are reddish-brown. The leaves are a light salad shade, quite narrow and elongated for cherries. The buds are collected in inflorescences strictly of three.

    The berries are small, weighing 4.5–5.5 g and 1.6–1.8 cm in diameter, but very sweet. The taste earned a rating of 4.7 out of five from experts. The skin is rich scarlet, monochromatic, smooth. The fruits are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C - more than 10 mg per 100 g. The lateral “seam” is weakly expressed.

    Danna is characterized by resistance to adverse weather conditions - cold (up to -35ºС), heat, drought. This cherry tree rarely suffers from diseases typical of the crop and is rarely affected by pests. Over almost two decades of cultivation, no significant deficiencies have been found. Those who grow fruits and berries on an industrial scale are showing increased interest in the variety. You will have to wait 5–6 years for the first fruits.


    Another Russian cherry variety, bred at the I.V. Michurin Research Institute as a result of crossing the Zolotaya Loshitskaya and Early Mark varieties. The fruits ripen at the beginning of the second decade of July. Pridonskaya is considered self-fertile, but practice shows that planting the Revna and Iput varieties nearby has a positive effect on productivity.

    The tree of the Pridonskaya cherry variety is quite compact, and its growth rate is also the same

    The tree is not tall (up to 3.5 m), the growth rate does not differ. Crohn's disease is quite rare. The shoots are dark red, with an almost imperceptible brownish tint, strewn with clearly visible whitish “lentils”. The buds are collected in inflorescences of three. More than 90% of the harvest ripens on bouquet branches.

    The average weight of a berry is 5–6 g. They are one-dimensional, as if calibrated. They are easily separated from the stalk. The skin is blood-scarlet, the flesh is pink-red (artists call this color scarlet), very juicy. The light “cartilages” are clearly visible. The taste is sour-sweet, refreshing.

    Pridonskaya has high immunity against diseases typical of the culture; most pests bypass it. The tree suffers little from heat and moisture deficiency; in winter it can withstand frosts down to -25–28ºС without much damage. Flower buds are resistant to returning spring frosts.

    You have to wait 6–7 years for the first harvest, then fruiting occurs annually. Average yields are 20–25 kg per mature tree. The plant does not need formative pruning; sanitary pruning is sufficient. The variety is quite suitable for cultivation on an industrial scale. Pridonskaya cherries have no significant disadvantages. Since 1999, when the culture entered the State Register of the Russian Federation, it has not been possible to identify them.

    Valery Chkalov

    One of the old, well-deserved varieties, which has not lost its popularity to this day. This is a “natural” hybrid obtained as a result of spontaneous pollination of the Caucasian pink cherry. State tests began in the mid-50s of the last century; in 1974, the variety was recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus, from where it gradually spread to areas with a temperate climate.

    Cherry Valery Chkalov is one of the varieties that has successfully passed the test of time

    The tree grows to 5.5–6 m in height and has a rather dense crown in the shape of a pyramid. With age, it seems to “squat”, the crown becomes more spreading. The shoots are grayish-brown and powerful. They very often bend under their own weight or under the weight of the crop. The bark is rough to the touch. The leaves are ovate, sharply tapering towards the tip. Flowering occurs in early April, fruiting in the first ten days of July.

    The berries are large, weighing 6–8 g, in the shape of an almost regular ball or heart with smooth contours. The skin is painted a very dark red color; from a distance the cherry appears black. The juice is deep scarlet. The stone is quite large and does not separate from the pulp very easily. The taste is sour, but very pleasant. The vitamin C content is almost a record - 21.5 mg per 100 g.

    Fruiting begins five years after planting in the ground. The harvest ripens annually. From an adult tree, depending on the growing region, you can remove from 60 to 150 kg of berries. Frost resistance down to -25ºС. A significant drawback is the tendency to be affected by pathogenic fungi, especially those that cause gray rot and coccomycosis. Nevertheless, the tree is very resilient, capable of recovering even from serious damage.

    The variety is considered partially self-fertile; the presence of nearby cherries Rannyaya Marka, Bigarro Burlat, Zhabule, Aprelka, Skorospelka helps to increase productivity. Valery Chkalov is one of the most popular types of cherries for breeders' experiments. With his participation, the varieties Valeria, Annushka, Proschalnaya, Donetskaya krasavitsa and many others were bred.

    Cherry variety Valery Chkalov

    For Belarus

    The climate of Belarus is in many ways similar to that characteristic of central Russia. Accordingly, varieties suitable for the Northwestern region can be successfully grown on the territory of this republic. Other, less frost-resistant Russian varieties of cherries are also readily planted there. Belarusian breeders also have their own achievements, which are popular among their fellow citizens.


    Sometimes found under the name Etoka Beauty. The variety is characterized by consistently high yield. Brought out in the Stavropol region by crossing the Denissena yellow and Daibera Chernaya varieties. A significant advantage is absolute resistance to coccomycosis.

    Cherry Beauty really looks very presentable

    The variety is partially self-fertile. To increase productivity, Daibera, Golubushka, Franz Josef, and Narodnaya cherries are planted nearby. Due to its late flowering, Beauty almost never experiences returning spring frosts.

    The tree reaches a height of 3.5–4 m, the growth rate does not differ. The crown is spreading, pyramidal or almost spherical. There are relatively few shoots; they are located at an angle of approximately 50º relative to the trunk. The surface of the leaf is slightly wrinkled. Most of the harvest ripens on bouquet branches at the age of 2–5 years.

    The average weight of a heart-shaped berry is 8–9 g. The fruits are slightly flattened. The “seam” is almost invisible. The skin is bright yellow with a golden tint. The pulp is yellowish, very juicy and sweet. The juice is almost colorless. The stone is not large and can be separated from the pulp without effort. The harvest ripens in the first ten days of July. The fruits are characterized by very good transportability.

    The variety is early-bearing, the tree bears fruit for the first time 3–4 years after planting in the ground. Approximately 40 kg of berries are harvested from plants under 10 years of age; by 15 years this figure doubles.


    The variety was bred in 2001 by one of the most famous breeders in this area - M. V. Kanshina. In Russia, the State Register recommends for cultivation in the Central region. Ovstuzhenka is considered self-fertile, but the presence of pollinating varieties is still recommended - Revna, Tyutchevka, Pink Pearl, Bryansk Pink.

    The winter hardiness of the Ovstuzhenka cherry variety allows it to be grown in regions with any climate, with the exception of the subarctic

    The tree is distinguished by its growth rate, so it reaches its “ceiling” of 3–3.5 m by the fourth year of life. After the first fruiting, it grows mainly in width. Its crown is not too thick, almost spherical. The flowers are large, collected in inflorescences of three. The snow-white petals are arranged “overlapping”. Flowering occurs at the beginning of April.

    Most of the fruits weigh 4–4.5 g, but there are also “record holders” weighing 7–7.5 g. The berries are round or slightly elongated. The skin is very dark, with a purple tint. From a distance the berries appear almost black. The pulp is not too dense, but very juicy, bright red. The bone is small and can be easily separated from it. The sweet and sour taste is rated 4.5 out of five.

    The berries ripen in late June or early July. You will have to wait 4–5 years for the first fruiting. Young trees bear 15–20 kg of berries, then the yield increases to 30–35 kg.

    Ovstuzhenka has very high frost resistance of wood (up to -45ºС), and somewhat less resistance of flower buds. Also, the first one almost never gets sunburned in winter. Up to 15% of the buds may be damaged by returning spring frosts. She never gets sick with moniliosis and coccomycosis, but can become infected with clasterosporiasis.

    People's Syubarova

    The main distinguishing feature of this Belarusian variety is a very powerful tree. It grows up to 5–6 m in height, the crown is extremely wide. Accordingly, it is not afraid of any, even the strongest winds; branches rarely break under the weight of snow. The variety is also valued for its undemanding quality of substrate.

    The Narodnaya Syubarova cherry variety is distinguished by its general unpretentiousness and undemanding quality of substrate

    The fruits are dark scarlet, the skin has a glossy shine. The average berry weight is 5.5–6 g. Productivity is 50–55 kg per mature tree. The first fruits are harvested 4 years after the tree is planted in the garden. Cherries ripen en masse in the middle of the second ten days of July. Fruiting is annual.

    The variety has “innate” immunity to coccomycosis and rarely suffers from other fungal diseases. Self-pollination at 90%.


    Sometimes the spelling "Gascinets" is found. One of the most popular Belarusian varieties. “Parents” – Red dense and Aelita. Belongs to the category of mid-early (ripens in mid-July) and partially self-fertile. To increase productivity, you can plant Narodnaya and Zhurba nearby.

    A significant advantage of the Gastinets cherry is its resistance to coccomycosis.

    Winter hardiness at -25ºС. The tree bears fruit annually. The variety has “innate” immunity to coccomycosis. Differs in early pregnancy. The first berries are tasted three years after planting.

    The fruits are large, heart-shaped, weighing about 7 g. The skin is bright yellow, the blush where the sun hits it is crimson or crimson. The pulp and juice almost match the color of the skin.


    A popular Russian variety of late cherries, bred at the beginning of the 21st century on the basis of the Red Dense variety and a hybrid with the code name 3–36. In the Russian Federation, the State Register recommends it for cultivation in the Central region; accordingly, it is quite suitable for Belarus. Due to partial self-fertility, it is recommended to plant pollinators (Revna, Iput, Raditsa).

    The Tyutchevka cherry is not without significant drawbacks, but this does not affect its popularity in any way.

    The tree is relatively short, up to 4 m. It reaches its maximum dimensions 4–5 years after planting. The crown is spherical, sparse. Leaves with very short petioles. The buds are collected in inflorescences of four. Approximately 85% of the fruits ripen on bouquet branches.

    The berries weigh 5–7.5 g, dark scarlet with lighter subcutaneous dots. The stone is small and is difficult to separate from the pulp. The fruits are sweet, but the “cartilage” is clearly felt in the pulp. Nevertheless, the taste is rated 4.9 out of five. The harvest ripens in the first ten days of August. 18–25 kg of berries are removed from an adult tree. The first fruiting occurs five years after planting.

    Among the disadvantages of the variety are berries that crack in rainy summers and low winter hardiness of flower buds. More than 70% of future buds may suffer from return frosts. There is also a tendency to be affected by coccomycosis and clasterosporiasis.

    In memory of Astakhov

    Another late cherry variety, ripening closer to mid-August. Tree 4–4.5 m high, with a round, not too thick crown. Differs in growth rate. The bark is grayish, very flaky, and after the leaves fall, it acquires a silvery tint.

    Cherry Pamyati Astakhov is a late ripening variety

    The fruits are very presentable - one-dimensional, large (8 g or more). The berries are a rich burgundy color. The stone is small and separates well from the pulp. The skin is thin and smooth. The taste of the berries is rated 4.8 out of five. The average yield is about 30 kg per tree.

    The variety is rarely affected by diseases typical for the crop; its winter hardiness is at the level of -25–28ºС. The berries ripen 5–6 years after planting the seedling.

    For Ukraine

    The climate in most of Ukraine is much milder than in Russia and Belarus. Accordingly, local gardeners can afford to choose a cherry variety, focusing not only on winter hardiness, but also on the size, taste of the fruit, and yield. Recently, varieties from Europe and North America, which are grown on an industrial scale in their homeland, have become increasingly popular.


    A popular Ukrainian variety obtained with the participation of Donchanka cherries and Valery Chkalov. In Russia it also received recognition, being included in the State Register in 2000. It is recommended for cultivation only in the North Caucasus and the Black Sea region, but its high (-32–35ºС) winter hardiness allows it to be grown in temperate climates.

    A flowering cherry tree of the Annushka variety looks very unusual

    The tree is of medium height, 4–4.5 m. The crown is not particularly dense. The shoots are thick. The buds are collected in inflorescences of 3–4 pieces. The flowers open before the leaves appear.

    Annushka is distinguished by its presentability and large (9–10 g) berry size. The skin is a rich scarlet color. The flesh is slightly lighter, very sweet and juicy. At the same time, it is quite dense, which ensures good transportability. The fruits are round, slightly flattened towards the base. The average yield is 20–22 kg.

    The taste of the berries has little effect on how the summer turns out. Annushka rarely suffers from drought, diseases (with the exception of coccomycosis) and pests. The tree bears its first harvest within 3–4 years. For every 10–12 years of fruiting there is one “rest” season. This cherry variety requires careful selection of location, being particularly sensitive to excessive soil moisture due to the close groundwater. The tree grows quickly, so it needs regular pruning.


    An old, honored variety, bred in the 60s of the last century in Kyiv on the basis of Drogana yellow and Francis cherries. It is winter hardy down to -30ºС and belongs to the mid-season category. The harvest ripens in late June. Because of this, it is not affected by the cherry fly - adult individuals simply do not have time to lay eggs. Tree up to 3 m high, the crown seems to be flattened, in the shape of a wide oval.

    Sweet cherry fruits of the Tenderness variety are very sensitive to any mechanical stress.

    The fruits are very presentable - golden-yellow with a bright crimson blush, one-dimensional, weighing 6.5–7 g. But they must be removed from the tree very carefully - even the lightest pressure causes unsightly brown spots to spread on the skin. The “seam” is clearly visible. The pulp is pale yellow, its taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. Tasting score - 4.7 points out of five.

    Tenderness bears fruit for the first time 6 years after planting. 50–60 kg of berries are removed from an adult plant. Moreover, the more fruits, the smaller they are. To increase productivity (although the variety is formally self-fertile), Drogana, Nektarnaya, and Kitaevskaya black are planted next to Tenderness.

    Video: what Tenderness cherries look like


    One of the earliest varieties of cherries. The fruits ripen already in the first ten days of June. The berries are one-dimensional, the skin is pale yellow with a vague pinkish “blush”. The pulp is light, creamy. Productivity is extremely high (80 kg or more). Some amateur gardeners even consider this a disadvantage. Fresh fruits are stored for a very short time and do not differ in transportability. Accordingly, you need to eat or process the berries in record time. Taste qualities are rated highly - 4.8 points out of five possible.

    Unfortunately, the shelf life of Priusadnaya cherries is very short.

    The fruits do not crack, even if there is heavy rain during their ripening. The first time cherries ripen 3–5 years after planting the seedling. The tree is of medium height (3.5–4.5 m), the crown is quite sparse, but spreading. The average berry weight is 5–6 g.

    Planting nearby cherries Valery Chkalov, Skorospelki, Bigarro Burlat helps to increase the yield of a partially self-fertile variety. Frost resistance is quite sufficient for cultivation in most of the territory of Ukraine. The tree is rarely affected by moniliosis, coccomycosis, and “black cancer.” Due to the early stages of ripening, the cherry fly does not have time to lay eggs in the fruit ovaries.


    One of the most successful of the many varieties bred with the participation of cherries is Valery Chkalov. Its homeland is Ukraine, where it is grown everywhere. Valeria is distinguished by its large fruit and excellent taste of berries. Another significant advantage is resistance to pathogenic fungi and pest attacks. The variety is partially self-fertile.

    Valeria is one of many varieties bred with the participation of cherries Valery Chkalov

    The tree is vigorous, the crown is quite dense, almost spherical. Valeria blooms late, so it is guaranteed not to be subject to return spring frosts, although in most parts of Ukraine this is a rather rare occurrence.

    The average weight of a heart-shaped berry is 9–10 g. The skin is dark burgundy, the flesh is slightly lighter. The pulp is soft, not very dense, juicy. To increase productivity, it is desirable to have pollinators - Donchanka, Annushka, Lesya, Ugolyok. Ethics is absolutely not suitable in this capacity. Fruiting is annual, an adult tree bears 30–50 kg of berries.


    Canadian cherry, bred on the basis of the Van and Stella varieties popular in their homeland. Belongs to the late category, the harvest ripens in the last ten days of July or early August. Lapins is a completely self-fertile variety; practice shows that in the absence of pollinators, the same number of berries are produced as in their presence.

    The Lapins cherry variety has every right to be called self-fertile

    The fruits are very large, weighing 10 g or more. The shape is round or oval, slightly flattened at the stalk. The skin is colored red, sometimes with a noticeable orange tint, the flesh is pink-scarlet, dense. The taste is excellent, rated 4.8 points.

    The variety is not frost-resistant; it also suffers from prolonged droughts. If the summer is rainy, the development of rot and moniliosis and cracking of the berries is more than likely. There is “innate” immunity from clasterosporiasis and coccomycosis.

    The tree is tall, but it forms new shoots quite reluctantly. Forming the crown will require significant effort from the gardener. You can make your task a little easier by grafting Lapins onto a dwarf rootstock.

    Even completely ripe berries do not fall from the tree. The variety is characterized by good transportability; cherries can be stored in the refrigerator or in similar conditions for up to two weeks.


    The variety has a medium ripening period; the fruits are harvested in the second ten days of June. Bred in Dagestan. “Parents” – Napoleon black cherry and Lyubskaya cherry. The height of the tree is about 3.5 m, the crown is spreading and dense. But it does not need formative pruning; sanitary pruning is sufficient.

    The taste qualities of Dolores cherries are rated as highly as possible

    The berries are medium in size (weighing about 6 g), round in shape with pronounced “shoulders” and a side “seam”. The skin is quite thin, purple-violet, almost black with dark scarlet spots. The pulp is bright red, juicy, literally melts in your mouth. The taste earned the highest possible rating from tasters.

    Wood and flower buds have good frost resistance. Dolores does not suffer much from droughts either. The exception is very intense heat, which in the absence of rain can cause a delay in tree growth and the death of individual shoots. Immunity to fungal diseases is high, with the exception of coccomycosis.

    You will have to wait 4–5 years for the first fruiting. Average yield is 24–32 kg. If there are Iput and Revna cherries nearby, this figure increases. Fresh cherries can be stored for 5–7 days.


    Canadian late variety of cherry. In North America, one of the most popular for growing on an industrial scale. It has good drought and frost resistance and high transportability. The fruits are harvested at the very end of July or in the first ten days of August. A tree of medium height, with a spreading crown. Among the disadvantages, one can note a weak immunity to fungal diseases typical for the culture.

    In North America, Sweetheart cherries are one of the most popular varieties among professional farmers

    The berries are large, weighing 10–13 g, heart-shaped, but noticeably elongated vertically. The skin is blood-scarlet. The pulp is very sweet, juicy, and so hard that it almost crunches. The fruits do not crack even in very rainy weather. Productivity - more than 60 kg per tree.

    Bigarro Burlat

    French early cherry variety, known since the beginning of the last century. Believed to be the result of natural selection, the “parents” have not been identified. Tree 3–3.5 m high, crown shaped like an almost regular ball, thickened. Brownish shoots are dotted with frequently located whitish “lentils”.

    It is not yet possible to trace the “pedigree” of the Bigarro Burlat cherry variety

    The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 5–6.5 g, slightly flattened in shape. The side “seam” is clearly visible. The skin is almost black, the flesh is dark scarlet. The bone is quite large and can be separated from it easily. The first time the berries are tasted is 4–5 years after the tree is planted. Subsequently, the average yield is 75–80 kg.

    Winter hardiness is at -20ºС, this applies to both wood and flower buds. Immunity to pathogenic fungi is not bad, but it can be better. In cool, rainy weather, the fruits tend to crack. The variety is partially self-fertile, in order to increase the yield, Exhibition, Napoleon black, Bigarro Starking are planted nearby.


    Late self-fertile variety of Canadian selection. Ripens in the second ten days of August, one of the last. A natural mutation resulting from open pollination of the Sweetheart cherry.

    Staccato cherries are valued by gardeners for their ease of care

    The berries are large, dark burgundy, weighing 11–12 g, slightly flattened in shape. The skin is dense but thin. The pulp is juicy and very sweet. The taste is rated 4.8 out of five. The tree bears fruit for the first time 3–4 years after planting.

    Winter hardiness at -25ºС. The variety is distinguished by its low maintenance requirements, the ability to adapt to a wide range of not always favorable climatic and weather conditions, and good immunity.

    Thanks to the achievements of modern breeding, cherries are now successfully cultivated in areas with a temperate climate, and the berries are not much inferior in taste to those in the south. Self-fertile varieties have a number of significant advantages compared to other varieties. Of course, most of them are not without some shortcomings, but most often they do not spoil the overall picture.

    If we talk about the problems of growing cherries, then these are purely our, Ukrainian, problems.

    For tell, for example, an Austrian gardener that cherries are severely affected by the cherry fly, destroyed by starlings or other birds, he will look with incomprehension, be very surprised and exclaim “Warum?” (Why?). After all, there is a State Program for the Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops, according to which you must process and tension the mesh in a timely manner (by the way, it is brought into working position automatically).

    In our country, all this can also be organized - if only we had finances, but domestic gardeners do not have them... Therefore, we now have to dwell on the problems (or rather, the features) of cultivating cherries. Gardening practice shows: cherries have always been more in demand and valued more than cherries. Cherry opens a “fruit ball” from mid-May in the south of Ukraine and at the end of May in its northern part. During this period of time, Skorospelka, Maiskaya, Early Duki, and Early Marks ripen. At the same time, by selecting cherry varieties, it is possible to create a conveyor for the consumption of fresh fruits of this crop within 3 months. Varieties such as Drogana yellow, Noble, Izyumnaya, and Regina are late varieties and ripen only in the first half of August. In world gardening practice, they are now of great importance, since they have marketable fruits, are well stored and are easily transported. Accordingly, they are very expensive on the market and have no competitors.

    Between these two extremes (mid-May - early August) there are many other excellent varieties that bear fruit. And in “Pomology” by L.P. Simirenko there is a description of two varieties of cherries - Cieszynskaya and Pozdnyaya Lade, which ripen in September. But, unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find them either in the collections of scientific institutions or in private possessions. And, perhaps, today they are not of economic value, but they can be used as donors for breeding work.


    In the recent past, about 50 years ago, cherries were considered a purely southern crop due to the chilliness of the wood and the instability of flower buds to low temperatures. But thanks to the efforts of gardener breeders, it has moved far to the north, and now cherries are already grown in Belarus, the Baltic states and central Russia. True, the taste and size of northern cherries are incomparable with southern varieties, but, nevertheless, they are cherries.

    Let's be honest: our cherries are the most delicious in the world - not because they are ours, but because they really are. Can any foreign variety compare with the Melitopol varieties Krupnoplodnaya, Melitopolskaya Chernaya, Priusadebnaya, Vakhanka? Never! Large-fruited or Melitopol black grown in Uzbekistan reaches a weight of 15-17 g - real cherry bombs! Of course, under the Uzbek sun and watering, it’s not surprising. But let’s return to our agricultural technology to glean valuable and interesting information about cherries and use it when growing in your orchard.


    The most harmful thing to cherries is aphids. Starting from the second ten days of May, it settles on the tops of young shoots and sucks out nutrients. The dispersal of aphids is assisted by ants - they “milk” it, receiving sweet nectar, and in return they roll up the leaves, settle in females that reproduce without fertilization, and fight with ladybugs - insects that are the natural enemy of aphids. The fight against aphids comes down to spraying trees with Actofit - a biological preparation, a tincture of tobacco with soapy water, or chemicals - Bi-58, Confidor, etc. The main thing is that the last treatment should be no later than 20 days before harvest.

    The cherry fly mainly affects middle and late varieties. When the acacia tree blooms, it lays eggs in the green fruits, from which larvae (worms) develop. To prevent this, you need to grow early ripening varieties or spray the cherries during acacia flowering with Decis, Arrivo, Karate, Confidor or other insecticides.

    Early varieties of cherries have their own enemy - starlings and jays. The only effective means of control in this case is to hang protective nets on the cherry trees, and scarecrows, firecrackers, and rattles have almost no effect on them. Mulberry also saves the harvest from birds. As soon as its berries ripen, birds are no longer interested in cherries, so you should plant mulberries somewhere near your garden.

    Fungal diseases that also harm cherries are cocomycosis, verticillium, moniliosis. It is possible to repel these enemies, first of all, by selecting varieties that are resistant to them or by treating them with Bordeaux mixture, Chorus, Strobi, Topaz and other drugs.


    Before talking about reproduction, let us note another problem in cultivating cherries - their vigorous growth. Harvesting berries on trees 6-8 meters high is quite problematic. Cherries are well grafted by budding and improved copulation. To obtain medium-sized cherry plants, it is necessary to take a medium-sized cherry rootstock: Megalepian cherry seedlings (“antipki”) or vegetatively propagated Kolt, VSL-2 rootstocks and graft the cherry varieties of interest onto them. True, not all varieties are compatible with VSL-2, and vegetatively propagated rootstocks are severely affected by viral diseases. At our summer cottage we want to have many varieties of cherries, but lack of space does not allow us to do this, and there is no point in having 5-8 cherry trees on 6 (or even 25) acres. It is possible to graft several varieties of cherries of different ripening periods on one tree.


    The following varieties of cherries are common among domestic gardeners: early ripening ones - Skorospelka, Priusadnaya Maiskaya, Rannyaya Duki, Rannyaya Marki; mid-season - Graduate, Beauty of Kyiv, Yaroslavna, Revan, Van-compact, Sylvia, Bacchante, Kitaevskaya black, Donchanka, Ugolek, Rozovinka Mlievskaya and many others; late-ripening - Drogana yellow, Noble, Izyumnaya, Regina, Amazon and others.

    In some years, early ripening is ready for consumption by May 18-20. The tree is vigorous, with a rounded crown, well leafed. The fruits, as for an early variety, are quite large - 5 g, round-heart-shaped, red in color, sweet and sour taste. When ripening in rainy weather, the fruits may crack and rot. Skorospelka is zoned in the southern regions of Ukraine.

    Priusadnaya is the most common early ripening variety of Melitopol selection. It ripens in early June and bears fruit generously and regularly. A vigorous tree with a spreading crown begins to bear fruit in 4-5 years. A clear sign of the variety are very large buds - up to 5 mm. The variety is self-sterile. The fruits are large, weighing 6-8 g, one-dimensional, rounded-heart-shaped, with a pronounced groove. The main color is yellow, half of the fruits are covered with a bright red blush. The pulp is tender, half gristly, juicy, with a pleasant sweet dessert taste. The berries are resistant to cracking in rainy weather. The variety is resistant to moniliosis and bacterial canker of stone fruits.

    Valery Chkalov. One of the most authoritative early ripening varieties of cherries, also of Melitopol selection. The tree is vigorous, has a pyramidal crown at a young age, after several harvests the crown becomes spreading. The fruits are large: ours - 7-9 g, and those grown in the south and under irrigation - 12-15 g. Round-heart-shaped, dark red, almost black in color, there is a gray dot at the top of the fruit, and a mound in the groove. The juice and pulp of the fruits are colored intensely red; the fruits are of high taste. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases, but has low winter hardiness of flower buds.

    Summer resident. The fruits are large, one-dimensional, yellow, sweet and sour, weighing 8-7 g, round-heart-shaped. The apex of the fruit is round, the base with a depression. The hole is small and wide. The abdominal suture is small and inconspicuous. There are many subcutaneous dots, white, inconspicuous. The skin is thin, bare, shiny, and can be easily removed from the fruit. The pulp is creamy, tender, juicy, melting. The juice is colorless. The bone is medium, round, free. The peduncle is medium, 4.6 cm long, the separation from the branch is good, the attachment to the stone is fragile. The fruits ripen by June 12-16. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

    Beauty of Kyiv. A widespread variety of Ukrainian selection. The tree is vigorous, by the age of 15 it can reach up to 12 m, so it is advisable to remove the central conductor at a young age. The variety is very productive, by the 10th year it produces 40-60 kg of harvest. The fruits are large 6.5 g, heart-shaped, yellow with a red side, very tasty. The harvest ripens in the third decade of June. The variety is heavily affected by the cherry fly, so protection against this pest is necessary. Flower buds are frost resistant. Even after the harsh winter of 1986-87, the Beauty of Kyiv had a good harvest. This year, we'll see.

    Large-fruited. The fruits are very large (average weight -10 g, maximum -18.2 g), wide-round in shape. The apex of the fruit is round, slightly depressed. The base of the fruit has a depression. The hole is small and wide. The abdominal suture is small and inconspicuous. The skin is thin, dark red, and can be easily removed from the fruit. Subcutaneous dots are inconspicuous, numerous, and gray in color. The pulp is dark red, gristly, juicy, sweet and sour taste. The stone is large, semi-free. Fruits of universal use, ripen on June 25-30. The advantages of the variety are high winter hardiness of flower buds, good taste of fruits, high annual yield, and transportability.

    Bacchante. The variety is medium-sized, characterized by resistance to diseases, regular and generous yield, large, 10-12 g weight, heart-shaped berries, dessert fruits with gristly pulp, red in color. Our Bacchante ripens by June 20th. The variety is well compatible with all rootstocks, including ISVSL-2.

    Tenderness. Medium-late ripening variety. Bred at the Institute of Horticulture of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences. Trees with a compact, round-oval crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness. The fruits are large (6-8 g), and in some years even reach 9.5-10 g, rounded-mid-shaped, yellow with a pink-red blush on the illuminated side. The pulp is light yellow, dense (bigaro), gristly, juicy, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. A variety for universal use.


    1. Cherry cannot grow alone; for its productivity it is necessary that at least two different varieties grow, and there is cross-pollination between them.

    2. Through the selection of varieties, it is possible to achieve a conveyor belt of fresh cherry consumption from the end of May (Mayskaya, Rannyaya Duki) to the beginning of August (Regina, Amazon).
    3. Cherry is a very productive and early-bearing crop; it begins to bear fruit in the third year (the Belarusian cherry variety Gastinets begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting), and the yield of 8-10-year-old trees reaches 50-80 kg per tree. Record varieties can produce more than 200 kg of fruit.
    4. Cherry has a tall crown - that is, there will be some problems with harvesting. It is necessary to select a low-growing rootstock and regularly prune fruit trees.
    5. This fruit crop is severely affected by pests and diseases.

    In the conditions of the Kyiv region, the fruits ripen at the end of the third decade of June - the first ten days of July. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases.

    Gastinets. The variety is distinguished by its large fruit, the weight of the fruit is 4-5 g, its main advantage is its incredible speed of fruiting, with a harvest the next year after planting. Gastinets lays flower buds at the bottom of annual growths, without waiting for the growth of bouquet branches. The tree is pyramidal in shape and resistant to diseases. The fruits are heart-shaped, dark red in color, good taste, ripen on June 10-15, the variety is resistant to fruit cracking in rainy weather, and has high winter hardiness. Fruits generously and regularly.

    Kitaevskaya black. Ukrainian variety of pre-war selection (authors S.Kh. Duka and A.P. Rodionov). Classic cherry variety: a vigorous tree that begins to bear fruit in 5-7 years. Fruits weighing 5-6 g are heart-shaped, black in color with fleshy pulp. The variety has excellent sugar accumulation (up to 18%). The harvest ripens at the end of the second - beginning of the third decade of June, the average yield is more than 50 kg per tree. The variety is unpretentious to growing conditions.

    Donetsk coal. The variety was obtained at the Donetsk experimental nursery station by L.I. Taranenko from crossing the varieties Drogana yellow and Valery Chkalov. Late ripening variety - the harvest ripens in early July. The tree is vigorous and begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting in the garden. To speed up fruiting, it is necessary to remove the central conductor. The variety is very productive, yielding 100-120 kg per tree. The fruits are large, 9 g each. The pulp is dense, dark red in color, the fruits are well transported. The fruits of this variety make good compotes and other preserves.

    Popular varieties of cherries in Ukraine

    No. Variety name
    Ripening period
    Fruit weight and color
    The power of growth
    1. Mayskaya May 25-30
    5 g, red
    medium height
    2. Early Dookie
    May 24-28
    7 g, black
    medium height
    3. Melitopol early
    May 27-31
    6 g, red
    medium height
    4. Dzherelo June 5-10
    12 g, black
    medium height
    5. Gift of Mliev
    June 5-10 6 g, t.-red medium height
    6. June early
    June 7-12 8 g, red
    medium height
    7. Dilemma June 8-12 9 g, t.-red medium height
    Zrazkova Mlievskaya
    June 13-17 6 g, black medium height
    Mlievskaya legend
    June 15-20 9 g, yellow-red medium height
    Lesya June 10-15 8 g, t.-red medium height
    11. Donetsk beauty
    June 15-20 10 g, red
    12. Announcement June 20-25 9 g, t.-red vigorous
    13. Melitopol black
    June 18-23 12 g, black
    14. Aelita June 18-23 9 g, pink
    15. Annushka June 23-28 10 g, t.-red vigorous
    16. Yellow Mlievskaya
    June 25-30 5 g, yellow
    17. Izyumnaya June 25-30 8 g, t.-red vigorous
    18. Tehlovan June 23-28 8 g, t.-red medium height
    19. Mystery June 22-25 8 g, t.-red vigorous
    20. Melitopol black
    June 18-24 8 g, black
    21. Mlievskaya black
    June 15-20 7 g, black
    22. Nectar June 20-25 6 g, red
    23. Turquoise June 25-30 6 g, t.-red vigorous
    24. Cordia June 27-30 10 g, black
    medium height
    25. Prestigious June 23-27 up to 15 g, black
    26. Friendship July 1-5
    11 g, t.-red vigorous
    27. Bigaro Oratovsky
    July 20-25 7 g, t.-red vigorous
    28. Amazon July 15-20 5 g, pink
    medium height
    29. Drogana yellow
    July 10-15 5 g, yellow
    30. Regina July 12-17 10 g, black
    medium height
    31. Pink Mlievskaya
    July 20-25 6 g, pink