What paint is diluted with and what is added there. How to thin acrylic paint. How to work with solvents correctly. What to do if the paint has dried. How to dilute thick compounds

Before you start painting a car or its part, you must first prepare. If we omit the nuances of preparing the equipment and cleaning the surface, all that remains is to dilute the paint. But here everything may not be so simple. Let's look at how to dilute paint for a spray gun.

Proprietary Blend

The bottom line is to use the manufacturer's instructions and its branded components. Practically, this is the best option, because... there are no problems with compatibility and dosage. And also with the purity of the components used. But there is one drawback - the high price.

To what extent should I thin the paint?

First you need to establish the so-called degree of paint fullness. Conventionally, this is the concentration of the dye, or, more simply, the amount of solvent already present. The higher the degree of fullness, the more you can dilute it. And the painting process itself with highly filled paint is simpler, especially when used for a car. This degree is ranked with the following notation(in order of increasing content) – LS, HD, HS, MS, UHS and VHS.

Types of solvents

Solvents also vary. First of all, this is the composition. Next is the degree of volatility, i.e. how quickly it evaporates. Here it is more reasonable to stop the choice based on weather conditions. After all, even if painting is done in a room with controlled parameters, the car will take much longer to go outside. ahead of schedule paint completely dry. Therefore, for the cold season it is wiser to use a solvent with high volatility, for hot weather - with low volatility, and in the off-season - with medium volatility.

Save on solvent

However, you can save on solvent by using fairly cheap domestic analogues. But this will require knowledge and information about the type of paint used, otherwise the result can be disastrous. Up to complete repainting - when the wrong material is used.

To know which solvent to dilute paint for a spray gun, you need to know what kind of paint is used. At the same time, they come in the following types:

  • Acrylic - the most common option, uses a special hardener;
  • Alkyd enamels are rare in automotive applications;
  • Nitro;
  • Water-based ones are becoming increasingly widespread due to environmental requirements.

Acrylic enamel

Consists of several components. Before painting, mix with hardener and dilute with solvent to the desired consistency. Considering the question - how to dilute acrylic paints, the best answer would be a special solvent intended for them. But you can save money and dilute it with solvent R-12, or 651. However, the savings will be small, because usually only 10-15% of the volume is required.

How to dilute alkyd paints?

Alkyd enamels can be diluted with either solvent R-4 or pure toluene or xylene. Although the relevance of their use, in automobile version, gradually decreases. With the tightening of environmental standards, it may completely disappear.

Nitro enamels

In principle, nitro enamels are not very critical of the solvent used. In any case, the one recommended by the manufacturer is better, but the 646 is often used successfully. You just need to take into account that this is a very aggressive type of solvent, so you need to work with it carefully.

Diluting water-based paint

As the name of the type of paint suggests, it can be diluted with water, alcohol or ether. When using water, it is necessary to use distilled water. The point is that even in fresh water there are many impurities, mainly of a salt nature. It is they that form a white coating when dry. In addition, it is impossible to predict how they will behave in relation to paint components.

With alcohols and ethers, things are also not simple. There may be incompatible options. In any case, you need to try on a small part to make sure that the paint does not curl.

Theoretical background

In general, it is not entirely correct, in the context of the method of their application, to call the substances used solvents. More correctly - thinners. The main difference between them is that solvents should, roughly speaking, remove paint well. But thinners have a different task - they must increase fluidity coloring composition. But most of these substances contain a whole set of different components, which is why they have universal properties. That is why they have long been called solvents in all applications.


Solvents can be polar or non-polar. It depends on the orientation of the atoms within the molecules. For example, water is a polar type. Benzene is non-polar.

However, a typical license plate solvent contains many substances, which is why they can also have varying degrees of polarity. To know exactly how to dilute the paint for painting a car, you need to know exactly its composition. And this, due to the preservation of technical secrets by manufacturers, is quite difficult. Using a laboratory to determine the chemical composition and select a solvent is absurd. Therefore, a practical test is more appropriate here.

To practically check, just take a small part of the paint and add a solvent to it, then mix. If the paint has not curled up (divided into small lumps), then the use of such material is already permissible. However, it may affect mechanical strength final coating. Therefore, it is advisable to apply the diluted paint to a test surface and let it dry, then check its strength. If everything is in order, then you can start painting using this material.

Areas of application

The most common and used number solvent is 646 . However, it must be handled very carefully, because... contains a large number various substances. In some cases, it can have a negative effect on the paint. But its use for washing the spray gun is completely justified. It perfectly washes the instrument from the remnants of coloring material, almost any type.

  • White Spirit– This is the best option for degreasing the surface in preparation for painting. But using it as a solvent is not the best option. But it is an excellent thinner for some types of paints, but for others it is contraindicated.
  • Acetone- specific in use, both as a solvent and as a diluent. The fact is that acetone is effective only when working with polar substances. It does not react with non-polar ones, therefore, its use in this case is useless.

Why is it better to use branded products?

They use the same substances, hardly at a high cost. But the correct ratio and a high degree of purification are already worth a lot. Those. the branded solvent is definitely completely compatible with the paint, because the manufacturer knows its composition and can easily select suitable option, and this is especially important when painting your car using a spray gun.

In addition, purity is important for use as a diluent. Simple solvents sold in hardware stores household use, may have quite significant contamination. Which ultimately can affect the quality of the resulting paint coating.

It is also important that additives are added to specialized formulations to improve various properties. In general, these are retarders that slow down evaporation, which allows the paint to spread more efficiently. Components that bind the paint pigment are also often added, which increases the stability of the characteristics.

Bottom line

Certainly best option There is no alternative to using the thinner recommended by the manufacturer. But you can try to save money by using cheaper components. With sufficient knowledge and practical testing, you can get results no worse. But the savings will remain.

Carrying out painting work involves not only preparing paint and varnish, but also preparing correct composition for this procedure.

From physical properties The paint material depends on the overall result.

If the work will be carried out using a spray gun, then the composition should be liquid, this way it will be possible to avoid smudges. But when holding brushes in your hands, you should use viscous paint.

As a rule, all manufacturers indicate how to dilute their product, but sometimes the instructions can be an excellent advertising event that promotes a related product of the same brand, and it can be expensive.

To minimize costs and obtain high-quality components for painting a car, you should know the criteria for choosing paint, solvent, their interaction conditions, and much more.

When carrying out high-quality grinding work on the body, some cracks still remain on it. To fill all micro cracks, it is worth applying less thick paint.

Otherwise, minor deformations may appear on the painted surface of the car.

It is also not worth diluting the paint too much, because this is fraught with the appearance of shagreen, and the surface will take a long time to dry and worse, and who knows what may happen during this time.

This result directly depends on the paint, but the varnish plays an equally important role in the result; it is responsible for the gloss and strength of the coating that was previously applied.

But still, the solvent is added to the paint so that it adheres more easily to the surface; the only question remains in proportion, which depends on all the conditions where painting is carried out, taking into account technologies, volumes and many other points.

Other physical damage also depends on the quality of the applied coating.

Solvents are divided depending on the temperature and time it takes for the paint to dry, but first of all you need to decide on the paint, how to choose it?

Choosing paint for painting a car

Depending on the concentration of components, all enamels are divided into: highly filled, filled to the middle, low filled.

In the first case, such paint is marked with the abbreviation VHS, but low-fill paints are designated as LS.

“Fullness” is a property that is responsible for the viscosity and volatility of a material. Knowing this criterion, you can determine how much solvent and other components are added to the paint so that it does not dry out.

Before applying paint, you should always read the instructions for it.

How much paint will it take to completely decorate a car? This question interests not only beginners in this matter, but also more experienced car enthusiasts who have already encountered this issue.

This issue must be approached individually. The amount of paint used is also affected by the previously selected solvent.

They happen polar And non-polar. To avoid possible problems with compatibility, many experts recommend using products from one manufacturer, because this is the only way to avoid all sorts of defects.

Paint made from polar components is mixed with the same solvent containing the substances hydroxyl group- ketones, alcohols, etc. Non-polar substances include other substances, for example, white spirit, kerosene.

Trying to make a replacement is strictly prohibited. In order to change the viscosity of the consistency, you can use a special device, a viscometer.

Such a device will not be as expensive as you think, but its role is irreplaceable. The holes in this container are calibrated.

When working, you can use viscometers of different volumes and diameters. How many seconds will the material flow out of this device, these are the indicators of its viscosity.

To obtain the most accurate data, all work with the device must be carried out in a certain temperature regime.

To correctly determine the type of composition, you should understand what type of solvent is specified in the instructions for the paint.

For example, if the composition contains acetone, then it comes into contact only with polar compounds. Many people consider xylene and benzene to be universal solvents; they are not so tied to the components of the paint.

Paint and varnish compositions have their own numbers, which allows you not to get confused in the presented options:

  • No. 646 is a very aggressive solvent that dilutes the paint and can make real changes to its composition.
  • No. 647 is also a very aggressive composition, dilutes nitro enamel and nitro varnish, requires increased safety;
  • No. 650 – more soft action, used with many paint and varnish products;
  • R-4 - for paint containing chlorinated polymers.

How to thin paint for a spray gun

The speed of paint spreading and drying depends on the external temperature. To protect and avoid bad results, manufacturers try to play it safe and recommend using each thinner at a certain temperature.

Car enamels are provided in liquid form, and when you open it, this does not mean that it is ready for application; you need to know the proportions that will allow the paint to lie easily and evenly on the metal surface.

When adding a solvent, take into account the composition of the paint, because it may already contain a certain amount of it.

You should not take measurements yourself and add solvent by eye.

Therefore, the ideal solvent for painting a car is one that:

  1. Used for low temperatures, the paint dries quickly, so drips don’t even have time to appear.
  2. If the temperature environment within 25C, you should pay attention to a solvent with an average evaporation rate.
  3. If the temperature is above 25C, then a solvent with slow evaporation properties is suitable. When the paint begins to spread over the surface, the car owner will receive durable body protection.

If the color you choose is “pearl” or “metallic,” then you can’t think of anything better than a slow solvent.

This is the only way to achieve a uniform color and the absence of other defects.

The paint is ready and all that remains is to filter it, the most the usual way– use a regular nylon stocking for this; only after this procedure can work on painting the surface be carried out.

How much paint do you need to paint a car?

Painting involves a certain amount of materials, the consumption depends on a number of reasons:

  1. What surface is covered, its dimensions;
  2. Depending on the brand of paint, the coating spreads differently.
  3. Sometimes paint needs to be applied several times to achieve the desired color.
  4. It is important to know what primer was used, its color and quality.
  5. Spray gun and his more important properties important when painting the body.

Properly diluted paint is not wasted as much, which allows you to save money and achieve high-quality painting.

No less useful devices A viscometer will be in use, but if it is not at hand, it is enough to use a regular ruler.

Only paint can be diluted with solvent by eye. experienced craftsmen, but for beginners, real instructions are needed.

Two-component enamel requires the following proportion: 100 ml of hardener plus 500 ml of solvent mixed with a liter of paint.

To avoid confusion with proportions, it is best to use a measuring ruler or even a glass. An equally important task is to achieve the required viscosity.

If you don’t have a device at hand to measure this indicator - a viscometer, then you can use folk method: if the paint does not flow, but drips, then the viscosity is normal.

Paint flow is also an important factor when using a spray gun; in this case, a device with a small nozzle diameter requires liquid composition, but if the work is carried out with a roller, then the density is important here.

Before you start painting, it is best to test the diluted substance on a coating that you do not mind using.

To make sure that the diluted material is correct, you don’t need a lot of substance, you need to use a brush or device a couple of times.

Do not forget that fluidity directly depends on temperature; it turns out that the warmer it is, the greater the viscosity.

You should not keep the paint in the container for a long time; it will harden over time, so full-fledged work It may be necessary to dilute a new proportion of the solution.

The process of painting a car body is quite complex. technological process with strict requirements for the quality of materials used. And before starting painting work, it is necessary to dilute the coloring composition to the required consistency and viscosity - without this it is very, very difficult to obtain a high-quality result. Let's get a look, how and with what to dilute paint for painting a car.

When preparatory work on the body are finished, there are still microcracks on the surface that are not visible to the eye. It is necessary to dilute the paint so that it can fill all cracks and microcavities. The dilution process allows you to reduce the viscosity of the composition and density. Due to dilution, the dye better adheres to the surface in a thin and uniform layer.

Also, the specifics of the work depend on the physical properties of a particular coloring composition. If a spray gun will be used as the main working tool, then the paint for painting the car must be diluted to a liquid state. This will allow the coloring material to pass through the spray nozzle better. When working with a brush, the viscosity of the paint should be lower.

Also, the composition must dry quickly so that smudges and other defects do not appear on the body. To minimize purchasing costs necessary materials And at the same time not to lose the quality of the painting, you need to know how to properly dilute the paint, depending on its composition.

Composition of car paints

All automotive paints and enamels contain three basic components:

  • pigment is a powder substance that gives paint the required color;
  • binder– it holds the pigment and ensures adhesion of the material to the surface;
  • solvent - with its help the composition is given the necessary consistency.

Different types of dyes have different physical characteristics - elasticity, density, degree of fullness, and hardness of the layer after drying.

Types of solvents

Any automotive enamel is sold in liquid form, but this does not mean that it can be used immediately. The manufacturer has already added a solvent to the paint, but just enough so that the composition does not dry out. To obtain an even coating, the material should be diluted additionally. This coating will protect the body from damage and corrosion.

Before mixing paint with solvent, you need to remember that the manufacturer has already added a certain amount. Depending on this, coloring compositions are divided into:

  • highly filled;
  • medium filled;
  • low-filled.

Fullness is a property that determines the volatility and viscosity of the enamel; it helps to understand how much more solvent can be added.

By evaporation rate

Solvents, just like paints, come in different forms; let’s look at their main types. Depending on the evaporation rate, the following compositions are distinguished:

  • Slow - they are used for work in summer period time or at high temperatures.

  • Fast - the components in the composition speed up the drying process and make it possible to work with the material even in winter.

  • Universal - allowed for use at average temperature conditions.

According to physical and chemical indicators

Depending on the physical and chemical characteristics There are two groups of solvents:

  • Polar - alcohol, ketones, substances with hydroxyl group molecules. These materials are suitable for working with acrylic paints.

  • Non-polar - white spirit, kerosene, a complex of hydrocarbon-based compounds.

In order to accurately determine how to dilute a particular paint, you should find out what solvent the manufacturer used. Match polar to polar or non-polar to non-polar.

How to dilute paint correctly

The manufacturer indicates on the packaging how much solvent needs to be added to achieve the desired consistency. For example, in the case of using acrylic, which already contains a certain proportion of activator, solvents are added in a minimal volume - the proportion is 10-15% of the total amount of paint.

How to dilute paint if it is a two-component composition? Many people use the following proportions: for 1 liter of paint they use 0.5 liters of solvent and 150 ml of hardener. How correctly the proportion is observed, the quality of the result will be.

To ensure that the paint is prepared correctly, experts recommend using a measuring ruler or flask. This is necessary to ensure that the proportions of the coloring composition, hardener and solvent fully correspond to those recommended by the manufacturer.

You should also obtain the correct viscosity of the diluted mixture - this is determined using a viscometer. You can determine the viscosity by eye - the liquid should drip and not flow in a stream.

Viscosity also varies depending on how and with what the coloring is done. So, for spray guns with a small nozzle, it is necessary that the coloring composition be liquid, but for working with a brush or roller, you can make the dye thicker.

Experts recommend that mixing containers have a strictly cylindrical shape. This is the only way to mix all the ingredients evenly and measure the quantities correctly. The best measuring utensils are: plastic jar with lid. There are markings on it that allow you to mix components in different proportions. The base is poured into the container to the required division, and then a hardener or solvent is added there. Using a measuring ruler, the components are conveniently mixed - the paint is diluted.

Often measuring ruler is sold together with paint, and on cans of famous brands there are always proportions for these lines.

In the video: how to simply dilute paint.

50% hardeners and up to 20% solvent are added to the two-component composition. The degree of dilution of the base enamel can range from 50% to 80%. It’s best to look at the instructions for exactly how to dilute the paint.

Metallic paints differ from traditional ones by the presence of aluminum powder in their composition. These are auto enamels that consist of a binder, pigment, solvent, and small metal particles. The paint should be applied in a thin and even layer - for this it must be liquid. Let's see how to thin metallic paint.

The most commonly used proportion of solvents and coloring compounds is 1:1. But this depends on the method of application of the latter. First of all, the surface is painted with a dry layer - for this you should prepare 2 parts of dye and 1 part of solvent. Then a second thick layer is applied, basically in a ratio of 1 to 1. After drying, another similar layer is applied, but thinner.

To paint a car well, you need to choose the right dye and color. There are many colors to suit every taste, and we already know how to dilute them correctly. Therefore, high-quality results are guaranteed.

Various solvents (23 photos)

When dyeing various surfaces Acrylic paints often require that the composition have the desired consistency, so it is very important to choose the right thinner. If the dilution solution is chosen incorrectly, the consequences can be very sad. Incorrect proportions also impair the quality of the applied mixture.

Acrylic composition is a type of modern water-based (water-dispersed) paints. Thanks to many positive properties(environmentally friendly, reliable, quick drying) this solution is perfect for painting indoor and outdoor surfaces. Acrylic mixtures are also actively used for decoration and painting; there are special options for various materials.

In terms of consistency, a water-based acrylic solution is most often a rather thick mixture that needs to be diluted. To choose the optimal diluent, you need to pay attention to the composition. The main component that gives this group of paints its name is water; the base can make up up to 50–60% of the solution.

Thus, the solvent is water, which must meet certain requirements to obtain an ideal result:

  1. Temperature. To dilute the mixture, the liquid must be within 20 degrees. If façade paint is used, it is 4–5 degrees higher than the street level (minimum 15–18 o C).
  2. No impurities. It is recommended to use distilled water, which does not contain foreign substances. If such a composition cannot be obtained, then the liquid is first brought to a boil and settled.

Important! In private country houses They have their own wells and boreholes, but the water extracted from them is often salty. It cannot be used for dilution even after settling; in this case, the water must undergo special filtration.

Features of diluting acrylic with water

To properly dilute acrylic paints, you need to know the proportions that allow you to achieve different results:

  • Ratio 1:2. If there are two parts of water to one part of the coloring mixture, then such a solution turns out to be quite liquid. It adheres well to the brush, but leaves streaks behind, so it is better to apply it with a fleecy roller. The mixture is suitable for creating a base for a base coat.
  • Proportion 1:1. This composition is used to obtain the base layer. It has good viscosity and fits perfectly onto the surface. After it, a composition similar in consistency can be applied, but it is better to dilute the final layer minimally.
  • A less common option is when the paint needs to be dissolved in five parts of water. This method is used professional designers or artists when it is necessary to tint textured elements. The composition is quickly absorbed, and the layer is barely noticeable.

The paint, which is used in gradient painting to create a transition between tones, is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15

Also, acrylic dilution in a ratio of 1:5 or more is performed when creating a primer for highly porous substrates, if it is not possible to purchase a special primer. This mixture penetrates quite deeply.

On a note! Nowadays there are many modern water-based acrylic compositions on sale that do not require large amounts of thinner. For them, the maximum figure is 10% of the total mass of the coloring matter.

What else is used to dilute paint?

Although water is the optimal solvent that is available to everyone, there are special liquids - thinners. According to their structure, they are divided into several varieties:

Application of acrylic thinners

Specialized formulations are also divided according to drying speed. The correctly selected option allows you to perform work even in difficult conditions.

The following varieties are found:

  • Slow. Suitable for outdoor and interior work if the temperature is very high. The fact is that due to the rapid evaporation of ordinary water, the coating does not acquire the desired properties and may be destroyed. And slowly evaporating thinners make it possible to perform the work correctly, as a result of which the surfaces receive reliable protection.
  • Average. This is a universal composition, best option for work inside a house or apartment.
  • Fast. They are used mainly outside, including at low temperatures. In such conditions, the paint, with simple dilution, does not have time to adhere to the base, and a quick thinner solves this problem.

When choosing a solvent based on drying speed, they are guided by the ambient temperature, so a “fast” thinner is used at temperatures from 5 to 15 °C, at 15-25 °C a “medium” one is used, in hot weather from 25 °C a “slow” one is needed

In addition, different ratios of solvent and coloring composition make it possible to obtain a layer of varying thickness.

On a note! Depending on the instrument, different degrees of dilution of the mixture will be required. For example, the roller and brush need sufficient viscosity so that the solution can be easily picked up and held. For a spray gun, the situation is the opposite - the material must be more liquid, otherwise spraying will not work.

How paints are diluted for painting

Dilution artistic paints based on acrylic - this is a more responsible process. The fact is that the volume of such compositions is small, so you cannot make a mistake with the proportion.

Dissolution is carried out using a regular pipette; it allows you to dose the amount of diluent used. Wet palettes are selected for mixing; this will eliminate the possibility of rapid drying. Getting the right consistency depends on the desired result and the job being done, but it is best to test individually.

If too thinned, add some paint or leave the mixture to dry.

What to do if acrylic paint has dried out?

It happens that due to improper storage at home, even in a short time, the composition manages to thicken or dry out greatly. To correct this situation, you must do the following:

  • The acrylic mixture differs from simple enamels in that it can be diluted at different degrees of drying of the base composition. So, when the viscosity increases, water is simply added to the solution and mixed well. The main thing is to close the container tightly. This rule also applies to cases where there is a small residue after painting.
  • If clots are observed in the composition, then add a little alcohol to the water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until the lumps completely disappear. A small amount of solvent is poured on top and the container is well sealed.

It is more difficult to restore a dried composition. To do this, a whole set of actions is performed:

  1. The hardened material is removed from the container and broken into small pieces. It is important to prevent the entry of dirt and dust.
  2. Lumps must be crushed as much as possible. To do this, you can use a piece of pipe or fittings of suitable diameter.
  3. The resulting powder is poured into a convenient container and filled with well-heated water. The solution is not stirred, but shaken several times. After a minute, the liquid is drained.
  4. A new portion of hot liquid is added and the procedure is repeated.
  5. A special diluent is poured in and the mixture is stirred well until the desired viscosity is obtained. But such a material will no longer have all the properties.

If the paint has dried to a stone state, then it is better not to restore it. Although you can follow the previous procedure, which will require effort and time, the resulting composition is best used for utility rooms.

Almost all types of paints must be diluted before use by mixing with one or another solvent, which facilitates the application process and increases the level of protection of the coating from rust. Dilution proportions depend on many factors.

Almost all paints need to be thinned with a solvent, but the choice of solvent depends on the paint and many other factors

First of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of paint fullness. This indicator indicates the concentration of the dye (the amount of solvent already present). The higher the degree of fullness, the more you can dilute. It should be noted that the process of painting with highly filled paint is much simpler, material consumption is reduced, it adheres better, especially when it comes to painting metal and protecting it from rust. This indicator is ranked as follows (from least diluted to most full):

Types of coloring materials

This is the main factor that determines which paint thinner you can use.

Acrylic enamel

Consists of several components. Before painting, mix with hardener and dilute with thinner to the desired consistency. Suitable solvents for diluting it:

  • R-12;
  • 650 (soft enough, so suitable for many coloring agents);

A universal material, it is used not only for painting surfaces made of various materials, but also used as an anti-rust primer.

  • toluene;
  • xylene;
  • white spirit (it is better to use artistic white spirit, since regular white spirit may contain impurities that precipitate).

Alkyd enamel can still be used to prime anything against rust.

It should be noted that there are types alkyd enamels that do not require dilution, for example – PF-15 and “Extra”. As an alternative to alkyd, oil-phthalic enamel can be used. Its properties are similar to PF-115, but it does not have strong smell. This type has excellent consumption, bright colors and resistance to chemical and weather influences.

Nitro enamels

Any type of solvent is suitable for this paint option, but it is better to use the one recommended by the manufacturer. When diluting nitro enamels, you can use 646 (it is also suitable for primer), however, please note that this is a very aggressive type of diluent and must be used carefully.

Water-based paint

Alcohol or ether. It is important to remember that the water must be distilled, since ordinary water, even fresh water, contains a large amount of salt impurities, which, when the coating dries, can cause white coating. Alcohol may not be compatible with the colorant, so check for small quantity Before diluting the entire volume, if the paint being tested does not curdle after dilution with alcohol, then the substances are compatible and this thinner can be used.

If, when you add alcohol to the paint, it curls, then this paint is not suitable for thinning with alcohol.


The filler is soil, preparatory material It is no less important to dilute correctly than the coating that is supposed to be applied after it. The main task of the primer is to smooth out micro-irregularities of the surface before painting, which is not only necessary when painting, but also protects against rust in the future.

If the primer film is too thin, it will not be able to cover all defects and depressions and will have to be reapplied, which leads to additional costs. If the soil is too thick, its penetrating and rust-protecting ability will be reduced and it will again not be able to fill uneven surfaces. The material will begin to peel off and will not be able to spread, resulting in a layer that will have to be removed by sanding.

Solvents that can be used for primer:

  • solvent;
  • xylene;
  • a mixture of solvent or xylene with white spirit.

It should be noted that 20% diluent is added to one-component primers, and two-component primers are diluted in the proportions specified by the manufacturer (2 kg to 1 kg, 3 kg to 1 kg, etc.).

When breeding paint and varnish materials you need to add the thinner in small portions so as not to make a mistake with the proportions. This will reduce the consumption of both the product itself and the base material.

An insufficient amount of thinning material increases paint consumption (kg per m2) and makes the coating uneven. Excess leads to smudges and stains; you have to reapply enamel, which also increases its consumption.

To further resist rust and protect the surface being painted, powdered metals can be added to the solution.

The proportion of metal powder added to paint solvent per 1 kg is determined individually, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

When working with solvents, you must remember to take precautions: use gloves and a mask, ventilate the room. If the solvent gets on your skin or eyes, you should promptly rinse these areas. warm water with soap and consult a doctor.
