God of wealth and prosperity. Wealth is bestowed by the Slavic gods

In this article you will learn:

The eastern trend of Feng Shui helps to improve many areas of life, including material ones. It is believed that the god of wealth is able to activate this direction and additionally attract success, happiness, wealth and prosperity into a person’s life.

Three star elders - a talisman for prosperity

The three star elders represent the three aspects of happiness. Using them to harmonize space, you can attract prosperity, luck, money, abundance and live long. Three star elders:

  1. Shou-shin is the deity responsible for health, happiness and prosperity. It will bring family well-being to every woman. Usually Shou-shin is a bald old man with a long graying beard. In his left hand he holds a peach, and in his right hand he holds a staff. The old man can be depicted riding a deer, and he can be surrounded by children.
  2. Fu-sin is a deity responsible for luck and wealth in the family. It is believed that a figurine of such an old man helps to create successful situations in life, attract more sources of income, and receive unexpected money or valuables as gifts. In the pictures, Fu-hsing is depicted in a robe and holding a child in his arms or studying a scroll.
  3. Lu-sin is a deity who patronizes businessmen, students and people in high positions. It represents power and success. Lu-sin is depicted in the clothes of a government official with a scepter or papyrus.

The gods of wealth and prosperity must be properly placed in the room. Lu is positioned in the center, Shou is on the left, and Fu is on the right. Choose the zone of money and success to place them. It is better to place figures or images of elders nearby.

Seven gods of happiness according to feng shui

In Feng Shui there are seven gods who can bring happiness, material values ​​and improve other areas of human life:

  1. Tamonten is a protective god. It protects its owner from bad people, unpleasant situations. Supports those individuals who are not afraid to face difficulties and achieve their goals. As a sign of his favor towards them, Tamonten gifts them with riches from his personal “treasure tower”. The god is depicted in military robes.
  2. Benten is the goddess of love, wisdom and luck. With its help, it is recommended to activate space for single women. They will be able to find family happiness and become more reasonable.
  3. Daikoku - if you are interested in the gods of money, then place a figurine with this patron in the appropriate area. He is the giver of food, the keeper of the kitchen, responsible for attracting material wealth and opening the flow of abundance.
  4. Hotei is the god of prosperity, happiness, good luck. He is depicted as a cheerful fat man with a big belly and always has a never-ending bag with him. To receive benefits or fulfill a wish, it is enough to rub Hotei’s belly 300 times.
  5. Jurojin is a deity who bestows happiness and longevity. He is usually depicted together with a deer, turtle or crane.
  6. Fukurokuju is the god of longevity, wisdom and prosperity. He always has scrolls and a fan in his hands.
  7. Ebisu is the deity who patronizes artisans and people whose work involves physical labor. He is depicted with a fishing rod.

Regular and military deities

To attract wealth, place a figurine of Tsai Shen Ye in the money zone - a powerful and immortal deity who protects from troubles, relieves debts and attracts good luck. According to Feng Shui practitioners, this god of prosperity answers all requests - just make a wish and wait with faith for its fulfillment. She is depicted on a tiger with a whip or a bar of gold in her hands.

Kuan Yu is the martial god of wealth according to Feng Shui. It not only protects human well-being, but also allows him to win victories in competition. He is depicted wearing the cloak of the Nine Dragons. It is better to place his figurine near the door - it will protect the house and its inhabitants from failures and envious people.

Bi Gan is an ordinary deity responsible for the proper management of wealth and benefits. It helps to attract new opportunities in life and patronizes new endeavors.

Xi Wang Mu is a goddess who symbolizes all human aspirations, including wealth, fame, prosperity, long life. By installing her image or figurine at home, you can protect your family from poverty and disagreements. Xi Wang Mu helps improve material life and establish harmony in the home. It is better to install it near the main entrance to the house, then it will also protect the family from troubles and bad people.

Pi Kan is the god of prosperity and prosperity. He is depicted in two forms: as a warrior and an ordinary citizen. It is believed that Pi Kan in the 12th century was a brave warrior and protected the poor.

God Tua Peh Kong is dressed in a robe and holds a gold bar in his left hand. It brings money to the owner, gives power, strength and luck. You can install a figurine with it anywhere in the house, the main thing is that your gifts are near it.

Three-legged toad and Ganesha

The Chinese god of wealth Ganesha is depicted with the head of an elephant with 2, 4 or 8 pairs of arms, each containing different gifts, riding on a tiger or a small round pedestal. According to experts, such a deity brings a person to the level of wealth that he is capable of achieving. New opportunities open up for him and profitable partnerships are offered.

The figurine can be made of copper, plastic, bronze and wood. Don't skimp on buying it. The larger the Ganesha, the faster and more effective the talisman will act. It would be good if the figurine was decorated precious stones, this will attract even more material benefits.

Ganesha should be placed in the wealth zone or on the desktop. It is advisable to place money under the figurine, and place candy or other sweets near it. In this way, you will be able to quickly gain the favor of this deity.

The three-legged frog is the most popular symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. She is also the personification of wisdom and longevity. Usually a toad is depicted on money, holding a coin in its mouth. It must be placed in such a way that it faces the inside of the house.

Remember, the gods love respect and attention. Bring them gifts, light candles, incense. Soon you will notice how material wealth has ceased to be a problem, and life is filled with happiness and prosperity.

For everyone who believes in magic and wants to get rich, we have prepared new knowledge - recipes for ancient Slavic magic. The seven old gods, each of whom rules over one specific day of the week, will help you in money matters, telling you what is necessary for success. Esotericists consider gods, spirits, and demons to be entities living in the subtle world. As long as the Earth rotates and the human race exists, people remember them (believe in them, study them, etc.), which means they feed them with their energy. Bioenergy human body and there is a “currency” with which we pay the entities of the subtle world for the fulfillment of our desires.



MONDAY is in the power of Chura - the god who protects property and contacts between people. On this day, listen more sensitively than ever to the voice of your intuition, it will tell you the right path in communicating with companions, others business people, helping to avoid many dangerous conflicts. Do not break your traditions and do not change the usual course of events, because Monday is the day of successful completion of financial affairs. God Chur does not like experiments, so on this day they can cost you dearly. To protect yourself from financial troubles and get money, on Monday morning read the spell 3 times: “Keep me away, mind me, mind me.” Think about your affairs at this time, passionately wish that money problems decided in your favor. Repeat the spell many times during the day, call Chura and don’t skimp on your emotions. Then things will work out for you.

TUESDAY is in the power of Svetovid - God, the “accumulator” of the best business qualities of people. The presence of red in your clothing or any item that you often use is of the same color - necessary condition Tuesday, since red attracts Svetovid. It will help you avoid money scams, protect you from attacks on your wallet, bank account, etc., and support you in carrying out your long-begun financial venture. Another condition for receiving the help of this god is to carry out financial transactions with the constant presence of the number 4, which will protect you from mistakes, turn an unprofitable business into a profitable one, and facilitate financial negotiations. For example, when concluding a contract, repeat its main idea 4 times or highlight the 4 most important points. Arrange for an important business meeting to involve 4 people. And when paying, give 4 bills (or a multiple of 4 - 8, 12, 16, etc.), receive money in the same way. Try to complete business negotiations and financial matters by 4 pm, then the results will be better and the profit will be higher.

“To increase capital on Tuesday evening, perform a ritual: draw a circle with a diameter of 25 cm, draw a bold dot in its middle. To the left of the point write “west”, to the right - “east”, above - “north”, below - “south”. Then place a glass, bowl or other red-colored container on these marks and pour 4 teaspoons of water into each. Sit comfortably and, looking at the water, make wishes: “West” - a wish for monetary success

Having done this, pour the water into one bowl (also red) and drink it with the words: “Just as this water is fast, this water is pure, so my desires will soon come true forever.”

WEDNESDAY is in the power of Veles - the god who brings wealth and good luck. On Wednesday, you should carry out previously started monetary and trading transactions, recalculate your available money and draw up a reasonable spending plan for various needs, as this day will save your money in the future. It is about Wednesday that it is said: “Money loves counting.” Beware of thieves - Wednesday is the most successful and profitable day for them.

To protect yourself from losses and changes for the worse, take 12 hairs on Wednesday morning natural fur and read the following conspiracy over them: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Yegory descends from heaven along a golden ladder, Yegory takes down from heaven three hundred golden-striped bows, three hundred golden-feathered arrows and three hundred golden-striped bowstrings, and shoots and shoots the slave (name) lessons, touches, evil spirits, and gives the black beast to the bear on the ridge: and carry the black the beast bear into the dark forests, and trample the black beast the bear into the quicksand swamps, so that it will never happen, neither day nor night, forever and ever.” After reading the plot, burn the hairs and wash off the ashes with water.

THURSDAY in the power of Perun - the god who patronizes self-affirmation, willpower, and gives unexpected opportunities. On this day, complete protracted matters by showing your will and using the help of friends you trust. The monetary success of Thursday is doubtful, because your companions will be inexplicably intractable, they will insist on their own, not wanting to listen to your opinion. You will need a lot of wisdom and ingenuity in order to turn seemingly hopeless circumstances into a profitable prospect. But do not strive at all costs to achieve immediate fulfillment of desires and quick receipt money - on Thursday this usually does not work out: Perun does not like to be in a hurry and does not indulge momentary desires. Intuition on Thursday will be more acute than ever; listen to its tips on how to make more money faster and more.

In order to increase your capital and sharpen your intuition on Thursday evening, take 12 white coins of any denomination, hold them between your palms, bring your hands to your forehead and make your “money” wish. Then place the coins one after another around the lit candle and, looking alternately at the flame and at the money, say, bringing your lips closer to the flame, what you would like to receive and what to get rid of. Then collect the coins and carry them with you for a month. Then you can spend them.

FRIDAY given over to the power of Lada - the goddess of love and beauty, as well as the patroness of friendly contacts. Friday is not a day of profit, but of spending money, a day not of work, but of love. Do not plan any monetary transactions for Friday - they will either not be carried out or will lead you to losses. This day should be devoted only to completing the most urgent matters. Wear a gold or silver chain on Friday - the goddess Lada loves jewelry made from these metals. It will help you reconcile with those with whom you were in a quarrel, and will allow you to establish relationships with the right people.

At sunset, light 3 pink or red candles on the table, closing them in a ring. Sit in front of them, closing your eyes, and mentally tell Lada what you would like to get rid of, what is bothering you. Your monologue should last exactly as long as the candles burn.

SATURDAY in the power of Chernobog - the god of evil and troubles. Since black power reigns on this day, do not plan any important things on it. In terms of money, this is an empty day with senseless fuss: business started under the rule of Chernobog is doomed to failure and losses. Reduce your financial transactions to a minimum, to routine work, or completely abandon them. In ancient times, the Slavs prayed to other gods and made sacrifices to them, seeking protection from the troubles that Chernobog could bring.

On Saturday, it is best to go to church and pray there for the prosperity of your business, prosperity and well-being of your family. But you can also pagan rite. Take 18 white coins of the same denomination, fold them into three columns and move them towards each other. These coins are a symbol of your wealth and prosperity, which are given to people by the six ancient gods. Surround the columns of coins with six white candles and light them. While they are burning, firmly and confidently repeat the spell: “Six white candles - in a circle! Six ancient gods around! They will guard my wealth and protect me from evil forces.” Bow to the candles, throwing your arms forward and exhaling strongly. At the same time, making an internal effort, throwing out a wave of energy towards the circle of candles.

SUNDAY in the power of Dazhdbog - the god of change for the better, luck, goodness, warmth and prosperity. Therefore, the last day of the week is always successful in monetary terms. It's time for new plans, financial agreements and future prospects. But keep in mind: Dazhdbog does not help swindlers and swindlers, he is the support of honest business.

But there is not such a clear day that a cloud does not run into the sun. So, according to Slavic beliefs, Sunday has its own wormhole. This danger is the evil eye brought on by envious people. To protect yourself from this scourge, on Sunday at sunrise and sunset, and during the week, if necessary (in case of a sudden deterioration in health, business relations and falling incomes) every day at sunrise, you need to read the following conspiracy 3 times: “I will go, praying to the seven gods, from the hut through the doors to the entryway, from the entryway to the courtyard, from the yard to the gates, under the red sun, under an open field. In an open field, the temple of Dazhdbog stands, its gates open on their own, and little me (name) is let through. By the power of God I speak there from the sorcerers, from the witches, from the sorceress, from the sorceress. Whoever thinks foolishly about me, count the woods in the forest, the sand in the sea, and the stars in the sky, forever and ever. These words are the key, the lock.”

This is the Goddess of Money Lakshmi.
Copy to diary
and after 4 days
she will bring you money.
You will receive unexpected money.

Lakshmi is the goddess of happiness, wealth and beauty in Hindu mythology, wife of the god Vishnu.

Lakshmi (“good sign”, “happiness”, “beauty”) - in Indian mythology is associated with many goddesses and is most widely known as the beautiful wife of the great god Vishnu, the embodiment of his creative energy. The goddess of wealth and good fortune was depicted as a beauty sitting on a lotus flower, a symbol of motherhood, immortality and spiritual purity.

During the festival of light, Diwali, thousands of lanterns and fireworks are still lit in honor of the goddess. People play and have fun, and the goddess, many believe, goes from house to house in search of a place to rest, bestowing wealth on those dwellings that are brightly lit.

Everyone wanted to possess Lakshmi, but she immediately left those who sat her on their heads, and this is exactly what the demons did when they managed to capture her.

According to one legend, one day the goddess found herself so close to Indra that it began to rain heavily and the grain began to sprout magnificently.

Lakshmi is mentioned in the famous myth about the churning of the ocean by the gods, which gradually turned into milk, and from it not only amrita, but also “fourteen miracles” appeared, including the goddess herself sitting on a lotus flower. Celestial musicians and sages sang praises to Lakshmi, rivers begged her to bathe in their waters, milky seas offered a crown of flowers of immortality, and sacred elephants, holding the world on their backs, watered her with water from the Ganges River, sacred to all Indians.

Lakshmi - Goddess of material and spiritual prosperity. It symbolizes the development of divine qualities - compassion, absence of passions (goodness), purity, self-denial, mercy, universal love, unity, generosity of heart, balance of mind.
Lakshmi brings stability of mind, enriches the spirit and removes distractions.

Lakshmi is usually depicted and described as a goddess of extraordinary beauty, standing on a lotus and holding a lotus in each of her two hands. Perhaps that is why she is also called Padma or Kamala. She is also decorated with a lotus garland. Its color has been variously described as dark, pink, golden yellow or white. Together with Vishnu, she is depicted with only two hands. When she is worshiped in a temple (separate temples for Lakshmi are quite rare), she is depicted sitting on a throne in the form of a lotus with four hands holding a padma (lotus), shankha (shell), amrit-kalash (vessel with the nectar of immortality) and fruits bilva (wild apple tree). Sometimes she holds mahalunga (lemon) instead of bilva.

Now we can try to explain what is hidden behind this highly symbolic picture. If Lakshmi is depicted as dark in color (the color of a thundercloud), this indicates that she is the consort of Vishnu, the dark-faced God. If she is depicted as golden yellow, it means that she is the source of all wealth. If she white, then it denotes the purest form of prakriti (nature). Pinkish color, the most common color, reflects her compassion for all beings, as she is the Mother of all things.

Her four hands indicate the ability to bestow the four purusharthas (main goals human life): dharma (righteousness based on observance of religious and social principles), artha (prosperity achieved as a result of the realization of one’s talent), kama (bodily pleasures that do not violate the harmony of man and the laws of the universe) and moksha (spiritual liberation).

Lotuses in various stages of opening symbolize worlds and beings at various stages of the evolution of consciousness. The fruits in her hands are the fruits of our labor. No matter how hard we work, unless Lakshmi is merciful enough to give us the fruits of our labors, everything will be useless. If the fruit in the hands of the goddess is a coconut, consisting of a shell, core and juice, then this means that three levels of creation come from her - the gross, subtle and causal worlds. If this fruit is a pomegranate or a citron, then this means that the various worlds are under her control and she surpasses them all. If it is the bilva fruit, which is not very pleasant to taste, but is very good for health, then it means moksha, the highest fruit of spiritual life. Amrit Kalash means that Lakshmi is capable of bestowing immortality.

In some religious and philosophical schools you can see an owl as a vahana (companion) of Lakshmi. Eat different points view of its nature. One of the most common versions is that the owl, awake at night, jealously guards Lakshmi's treasures.
In most Hindu and Buddhist temples, Lakshmi can be flanked by elephants on either side, pouring water from jugs donated by the celestial maidens. This image is called Gaji Lakshmi. The elephant represents the glory and splendor of Lakshmi.

Chapter 5. Gods of prosperity, wealth and success

All over the world, adherents of all religions have always prayed for success, luck and money, regardless of how they saw the divine. Viewing divine beings as the rulers of this world, controlling the tides of good fortune and abundance, as well as misfortune and poverty, practitioners often believe that faithful prayers will ensure their success. While this idea has some merit, it would be more accurate to say that when we are in right relationship with the divine, we have the resources we need and desire in order to fulfill our divine mission.

Pagans worship the divine in many forms and believe that various gods are in charge of good fortune and success. First, if you have a deity with whom you have established a strong relationship, your patron, whose will you are trying to implement in the world, this god or goddess is your best ally in achieving success, regardless of whether this deity is associated with wealth or No. The Divine is the Divine, and that which desires your success will give you everything you need to get the job done. Your relationship with the divine is of utmost importance. Many European pagan myths tell of gods asking each other for favors or benefits. Your own gods will influence the gods that govern success and luck so that you get the resources you desire.

In addition to the gods with whom you have a personal relationship, in the world of ceremonial magic there are gods of wealth, success and luck associated with the planetary archetypes of the Sun, Jupiter, Earth and the other world. Each deity controls the forces of luck in its own way. Solar and fire figures rule health, wealth and success as gods of basic energy. Everything on our planet gets its vital energy from the sun. Everything grows and prospers or withers depending on balance solar energy. Jupiter is the power of multiplication. It multiplies what you already have. The gods of planet Earth are the gods of the fertility of the earth itself, manifested in plants and even animals. For the ancient pagans, wealth and good harvest were inextricably linked. The gods of the other world rule the depths of the Earth, where the riches of the earth are hidden in the form of precious metals and stones.

The gods listed below are ancient and modern patrons of wealth and success. You can establish relationships with these gods to support your magical efforts and spells to achieve prosperity.

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IN different cultures the god of luck was represented to people in different ways. IN Slavic mythology this is the mighty Veles, in Greek - Kairos, and in Japanese beliefs there are as many as seven gods of happiness and. We will look at their features and origin.

Japanese gods of luck

In Japanese culture, there are seven gods of happiness who bring good luck and luck. They are often depicted as small figures floating in a boat. It is worth noting that their images are not purely Japanese culture, but a cross between the beliefs of China and India. Each of these gods is the patron of a certain segment of the population and is responsible for certain issues:

  • Ebisu, the god of hard work and luck, is the patron saint of all those involved in trade or fishing. He is often depicted with a fishing rod in his hands;
  • Daikoku is the god of wealth who protects peasants and fulfills people's wishes. He is depicted with a special hammer and a bag of rice - a symbol of success;
  • Bishamonten is the god of prosperity and wealth, the patron of warriors, lawyers and doctors, and a protector in the broadest sense. Depicted in armor, holding a spear;
  • Bezaiten is the goddess of luck, arts, wisdom and the thirst for knowledge. Depicted as a beautiful girl with folk Japanese instrument biwa in hands;
  • Fukurokuju is the god of wisdom and longevity, whose image can be recognized by his very elongated head;
  • Hotei is the god of good nature, compassion, and fulfills wishes. You've probably seen a souvenir depicting him as an old man with a huge belly, which must be rubbed 300 times for the wish to come true;
  • Dzyurozin is the god of longevity and wisdom, a hermit in search of the elixir of immortality. He is an old man with a staff and one of several distinctive animals.

The figurines, which depict the seven gods of happiness, are designed to bring good luck and fortune, to promote good resolution business

Greek god of luck

In Greek, the most popular mythology, there is a god of a happy moment - Kairos. At the same time, the Greeks used this word to designate time, but not its usual flow, which is called chronos, namely an elusive, unexpected moment. The Greeks believed that he was the younger immortal brother of Zeus.

The Greeks believed that Kairos draws a person’s attention to that unique moment when you need to not miss your chance, orient yourself in a split second and take advantage of a good opportunity. This deity was included in the list of the most revered, and was depicted as a winged creature with a beautiful lock of hair and scales in his hands. It is the scales that are intended to symbolize the wisdom of Kairos: a happy moment comes only in the lives of those people who deserve it.

However, there is very little information about Kairos, and he was rarely depicted. He looks like an attractive, blooming young man, outwardly reminiscent of Dionysus.

Slavic god of luck

The Slavic god of luck and luck is called Veles. This - great sage, patron of witchcraft and the arts. According to legend, this is the only god who knew the powers of both Darkness and Light, thanks to which he possesses a rich set of secret knowledge that allows him to change the laws of the universe and subjugate the natural elements. The Slavs believed that it was thanks to Veles that the previously static world gained movement in the broadest sense.

The people had a special attitude towards Veles: after all, it was he who was considered the patron of fertility, economy and, as a result, . He taught people arts and crafts, and also helped travelers successfully reach the right place. Veles was assigned the image of a werewolf god, in the past – a demigod, half-bear, and therefore the paw print of this animal was considered a sacred symbol of the deity.

If we talk about the image of Veles, the Slavs usually imagined him as a mighty hero in a cloak with a long beard, holding a branch-staff in his hands.
