Duty-free import to Russia: customs rules. Legal advice

A shopping tour to Milan or a grocery trip to Finland will not surprise anyone for a long time. Many Russian tourists are not only attracted by holidays abroad, but also by the opportunity to go shopping in foreign shops. But do not forget that upon returning home, Russian customs awaits all travelers. And it is quite possible that you will have to pay double the price for world-famous brands purchased at a sale. To avoid this, Let's try to understand the customs rules of Russia that are relevant in 2017.

What is customs?

Customs is a specialized government agency, which controls the transportation of various types of cargo across the Russian border, including luggage and postal items, and charges fees and duties on certain products. It is prohibited to bring some items into the country, while others are allowed only within certain limits or for a fee in favor of the state.

Customs is located at checkpoints across the state border: at air and sea ports, at railway stations and automobile checkpoints. Organizations involved in international transportation, or ordinary individuals, for example, tourists traveling abroad, will one way or another have to deal with customs officers.

Export from Russia

When traveling outside the Russian Federation, Russians do not fill out a declaration if they carry:

  • Cash up to $3,000 (rubles and currency equivalent to this amount). There is no need to declare money on a bank card; their quantity is not limited. Amounts up to $10,000 must be declared, export more cash is possible with the permission of the Central Bank;
  • Personal Jewelry and valuables that are exported temporarily. However, it is recommended that expensive items (gold jewelry, fur items, watches) be included in the declaration. Otherwise, when returning back, you will have to prove that their purchase was not made abroad;
  • Up to 5 kg of fish or seafood and up to 250 g of sturgeon caviar.

It is worth keeping in mind that luggage can always be checked, including to clarify the amount of cash being carried. If it turns out that even a few dollars more is being exported than is allowed, the currency may be confiscated, a report drawn up and a case opened for violation of Russian customs rules. That's why Amounts over $3,000 must be included in the declaration. This restriction is easy to get around: it is enough to carry not cash, but a bank card. No one will check the amounts of non-cash funds.

The export of alcohol from the Russian Federation is not limited, but its import to other countries is strictly regulated. this must not be forgotten. You can remove as much alcohol as you like from the Russian Federation, but it is unlikely to be able to introduce it into another state. In addition, a large volume of alcoholic products will be of interest to customs officers, who can cite an excerpt from the rules as an argument. It says that You can only export goods for personal use and not for commercial purposes.

Duty-free import of goods into Russia

Without paying customs duties, you can carry items worth up to 1,500 euros (for ground transport) and 10,000 euros for air transport, while their total weight should not exceed 50 kg.

If things brought from abroad cost more than the specified standards, but less than 650,000 rubles, and their weight ranges from 50 to 200 kg, then for exceeding the limit you will have to pay 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 euros for each kilogram. It is worth keeping in mind here that customs officers may consider items of the same type, for example, several pairs of shoes, to be a consignment of goods for commercial purposes, which are subject to different customs rates. When importing more than 200 kg, fees established for foreign trade participants are charged.

So, Duty-free import of personal belongings is possible subject to the following conditions:

  1. All items are for personal use (which are not related to the implementation of commercial activities) the passenger himself or his family members, this applies to used items and household appliances.
  2. The total weight of luggage does not exceed 50 kg;
  3. The total cost of items is no more than 1,500 euros (for ground transport) and 10,000 euros (for air transport).

There are exceptions to these import rules. This applies to certain categories of the population, which are:

  • Voluntary migrants Those taking part in the State Program, as well as members of their families, can import personal items that were previously used, without restrictions and without duties. But this benefit is valid only once upon first entry into the country. Confirmation is a certificate of a participant in the State Program;
  • Refugees and internally displaced persons. May lead unlimited amount personal belongings without taking into account their value. Documented proof of status will be required;
  • Russians, for a long time(more than six months) those living abroad also, upon returning home, import personal belongings without restrictions on their weight and value.

Import of alcohol and tobacco to Russia

The rules for importing alcohol into Russia are strictly regulated. It is prohibited to bring more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages from abroad. In this case, alcohol over 3 liters will have to be included in the declaration, and for each liter in excess of the norm you will have to pay 10 euros. This does not apply strong alcohol and beer. If you transport more than 3 liters of vodka, payment is made at a rate of 22 euros for each liter.

It does not matter whether the alcohol was purchased in another country or in a Duty Free zone. The import of alcohol is permitted only to adult citizens.

It is allowed to carry up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 250 g of tobacco per person through the customs of the Russian Federation.

Import of products to Russia

The import of products into Russia for personal use is limited to 5 kg. If customs officers discover “extra pounds,” then confiscation of goods and penalties against the violator are possible. It is allowed to transport animal products (meat, cheese, milk) only in factory packaging with factory details, otherwise customs will ask you to present a quality certificate.

A permanent ban has been established on the import of physical goods. persons:

  • Products without factory packaging, for example, purchased at the market;
  • Potatoes;
  • Seeds (including bulbs, for example tulips from Holland);

Products from a number of countries where outbreaks of dangerous diseases have occurred are periodically banned, but such restrictions are temporary. More information about these products can be found on the Rosselkhoznadzor website (.fsvps.ru/fsvps/importExport), specifically for each country from which entry into the Russian Federation is carried out.

"Sanctioned" products

The food embargo, introduced as a response to sanctions from a number of countries, does not apply to individuals if the goods were purchased for personal use.

Simply put, a Russian tourist can legally bring any of the products prohibited for import by sanctions, provided that their quantity does not exceed 5 kg and they are in the original packaging. That is, when traveling around Italy, cheese lovers can bring a couple of Parmesan triangles without breaking the law. But here, again, we should not forget that customs officers may consider several kilograms of similar products to be goods of a commercial nature, and not products for personal use.

Import medicines

Import of medicines that contain potent or toxic substances is allowed only with documents or certified copies confirming them medical prescription for a specific person. For example, such drugs include: androstanolone, clozapine, tramadol, chloroform, etc.

Procedure for declaring goods

There are two ways to cross the customs zone: along the “red” or “green” corridors.

As in all international practice, travelers who do not have items to declare in their luggage follow the “green” rule. From the point of view of the law, crossing the border of this corridor is equivalent to a citizen’s verbal confirmation that he is not carrying goods that should be included in the declaration. But a customs officer can always check what a person is carrying. If he discovers things that must be included in the declaration, this will be a violation of the law. The degree of punishment depends on the goods transported and their quantity. In some situations, a fine is possible, and in others, criminal liability.

The “red” corridor is provided for persons importing goods into Russia, the inclusion of which in the declaration is mandatory. This means that their luggage contains things or items that are subject to duty or there are restrictions on their value. By the way, at some international airports in Europe there is also a “blue” corridor, but only citizens of the European Union pass through it.

Russian legislation provides for severe fines and confiscation for smuggling. In some cases, the amount of penalties can reach double the cost of the goods.

Customs declaration

The Federal Customs Service (FCS) clarifies that all information specified in the declaration must be accompanied by documentary evidence. At the request of a customs officer, you must present the transported items for customs control.

The declaration must be completed from the age of 16; for younger children, information is provided by parents or persons responsible for them. The paper is drawn up in two copies; information should be entered legibly without errors. One copy is taken by the customs officer, the other remains with the traveler. Along with the declaration, the following is submitted:

  1. International passport;
  2. Receipts and sales receipts for purchased goods, confirming their value;
  3. Travel tickets;
  4. Confirmation of customs benefits, if any.

It is worth considering that if there are no receipts, customs officers can calculate the cost of the goods based on the catalogs they have with similar goods.

What needs to be declared?

The declaration must include information if the following are carried:

  • Cash over $3,000;
  • Securities;
  • Traveler's checks up to $10,000;
  • Precious metals and stones;
  • Medicines containing potent and toxic substances, as well as medications of a psychotropic and narcotic nature. To transport such medications, you should prepare a prescription from a doctor and an extract from your medical history in advance;
  • Nuclear materials and their components;
  • Cultural values. Cultural objects are not subject to state duties, but their declaration is required. Moreover, after importing into Russia, such items must be registered with the regional Ministry of Culture;
  • State awards of Russia;
  • Vehicles (cars, mopeds, motorcycles);
  • Weapons and ammunition. When transporting, permission from the competent authorities is required;
  • Fuel over 10 liters in a separate container (in tanks Vehicle not taken into account);
  • Products scientific activity and materials related to state secrets.

With more full list can be found on the FCS website (customs.ru). Goods from the list above must have documentary evidence. Certificates and permits are required to prove that the items are being transported legally.

Goods for personal use are transported without a declaration: toiletries, clothing, jewelry, photo and film equipment, as well as accessories.

Import of animals

The import of animals into the Russian Federation is regulated customs regulations. When transporting them across the Russian border, you will need an international animal passport issued by the veterinary authority of the country from which entry is made. Such a passport can replace an international veterinary certificate. The documentation includes information about vaccinations against rabies and a note about the clinical health status of the pet. Vaccination is carried out no earlier than 30 days before departure, but no later than 12 months ago. In the future, these international papers are exchanged for Russian veterinary certificates.

The weight of the animal is taken into account in the total weight of the luggage carried. Overweight is paid separately.

Prohibited for import into Russia

Products prohibited for import into Russia:

  1. Printed, photo or video products of a pornographic nature, as well as materials in any form containing elements of state secrets, propaganda of racism, Nazism, terrorism, national or religious hatred;
  2. Representatives of flora and fauna that are on the verge of extinction;
  3. Narcotic substances;
  4. Vegetables and fruits without a phytosanitary certificate;
  5. Weapons, their components and ammunition without special permission (this includes some types of pneumatic, cold and gas weapons);
  6. Human organs, biological tissue, blood and its components.

When leaving or, conversely, returning from a trip, many people have questions about what can be transported across the border and what cannot? And if possible, then in what quantity?

Let's look at these questions in detail.

What is prohibited to import and export from the Russian Federation?

Passengers are prohibited from importing and exporting the following goods:

1) Information on printed media, as well as audio and video, which contains:

  • calls for extremist or terrorist activities;
  • pornography transported for sale;
  • propaganda materials produced in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums;
  • materials that promote Nazi symbols and paraphernalia;
  • information that may harm the political or economic interests of the states belonging to the customs union, their state security, as well as the health and morality of individual citizens.

2) Service and civilian weapons

Firearms include artillery, small arms and grenade launchers.

  • firearms that can be used to fire in bursts;
  • firearms imitating other objects;
  • cold bladed weapons and knives with a blade or blade length of more than 90 mm;
  • gas weapons equipped with nerve-paralytic and toxic substances;
  • flails, boomerangs and other objects used as weapons.
  • cartridges and individual parts of weapons

3) Hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste is waste that contains any of the substances listed here.

4) Technical means and devices intended for secretly obtaining information:

  • lenses and cameras with extended pupil;
  • photo, television and video cameras camouflaged as other objects;
  • technical means for listening to telephone conversations;
  • as well as other devices indicated in this list.

5) Toxic substances, which are not precursors of narcotic drugs (precursor of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) and psychotropic substances from the list at this link.

6) Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their predecessors (precursors). Not included in this category medicines, which are accepted according to medical indications, upon presentation of the relevant documents.

7) Human organs and tissues, as well as blood and its components. You can check out the full list.

What is prohibited from being exported from Russia?

1) Waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;

2) Raw precious metals, their scrap and waste, ores and concentrates of precious metals and commodities;

3) Mineral raw materials (natural unprocessed stones);

4) Wild medicinal raw materials.

Plants and their parts, including juices and extracts, of a kind used in perfumery, pharmacy or insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh or dried, whole or chopped, crushed or ground.

5) Wild living animals and individual wild plants, restricted for movement during export (except for hunting and fishing trophies), in quantities of more than 3 copies of the same type:

  • Wild animals.
  • Live fish (except ornamental fish).
  • Live crustaceans, with or without shell.
  • Live shellfish, with or without shell.
  • Live aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs.
  • Fresh wild bird eggs, in shell.

6) Precious metals and stones with a customs value of over $25,000 in equivalent.

  • Natural diamonds;
  • Raw gold, silver and platinum;
  • Natural pearls;
  • Raw gemstones: emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrites, amber formations weighing more than 1 kg.

7) Fish and seafood (except sturgeon caviar) in quantities of more than 5 kg.

8) Sturgeon caviar weighing more than 250 grams.

9) More than 10 liters of fuel, located in a separate container. Those. you can take a full tank of fuel in the car (regardless of the tank volume), plus a 10-liter canister.

What is prohibited to import into Russia?

1) Ozone-depleting substances (full list).

2) Products used for plant protection (list).

3) Tools for extracting and catching aquatic biological resources:

  • fishing nets, knotted, made of synthetic nylon or other polyamide and synthetic monofilaments with a thread diameter of less than 0.5 mm and a mesh size of less than 100 mm;
  • electrofishing systems and devices.

4) Ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products with a total volume of more than 5 liters per person over 18 years of age.

5) More than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco, or the specified products in a set with a total weight of more than 250 grams per person over 18 years of age.

6) Live animals, with the exception of bees, leeches, silkworms.

8) Precious stones in any form and condition, natural diamonds, with the exception of jewelry.

9) Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (predecessors), including in the form of medicines.

11 Oct 2013 Anna Komok Tags: ,


    Good afternoon As I understand from the article, I cannot import more than 50 kg of the same product into Russia without a declaration, correct? Question: Is 50 kg per person? And if I’m traveling with my family and children, how many kg can I take with me?
    Thank you…

    • Good afternoon
      Yes that's right. More than 50 kg of undeclared goods cannot be imported into the Russian Federation. Anything over this weight must be declared and subject to duty. The norm is valid for one person, so each member of your family will have 50 permitted kilograms. Do not forget also about the cost of goods allowed for import. If you pass by weight, and the cost exceeds the permitted value (see in the text of the article), then the goods are still subject to declaration.


    How much coffee beans can I import into Russia?

    • Hello, Ekaterina!
      If you import unroasted coffee, then this type is classified as a product with high phyto-sanitary risks, so a limit has been set - no more than 5 kg of unroasted beans.
      If the grains are roasted, then there are no separate restrictions, standard conditions, as for other goods - up to 50 kg and up to 10,000 euros worth when imported by plane, and up to 1,500 euros - when imported by rail or road, can be imported without paying duties.


    I am a farmer. I have a rotary mower and a baler. Can I import spare parts for my equipment from Ukraine to Russia? I weigh up to 50 kg and can spend up to 1500 euros.

    • Hello, Vladimir!
      If you say that you are bringing it for personal use, the entire product does not exceed 50 kg, and you can document the amount up to 1,500 euros (invoice, receipt, etc.), then you can import without restrictions.

    Tell me what cannot be imported into the Russian Federation from Ukraine? What products?

    • Hello, Ulyana!
      All prohibited or restricted products for import are listed in this article.
      You can also check this information in the customs code of the Russian Federation or on the website border service RF.


    Hello! Please tell me whether it is possible to import cheese, instant coffee and vitamins from the EU into Russia? Thank you.

    • Hello Margarita!
      Yes, of course you can. But for personal purposes, you can import goods with a total weight of no more than 50 kg and a total value of no more than 1,500 euros.
      There are restrictions only on unroasted grain coffee; instant coffee is not subject to such restrictions.

    Hello! Please tell me on which website I can read the exact list of goods that can and cannot be imported into Russia from Latvia at the moment. For example - candies, chocolate, fish, cheese, smoked chicken - everything is in the manufacturer's packaging.

    • Hello Tamara!
      Everything listed within reasonable limits (for personal use, no more than 50 kg and in the amount of no more than 1,500 euros) can be imported without problems and without paying duties. For large quantities for sale, you already need to pay a duty and see what is included in the list of sanctioned goods.
      The list is approved in the following regulatory documents:
      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 No. 560 “On the application of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation”
      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 7, 2014 No. 778 “On measures to implement the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 No. 560 and of June 24, 2015 No. 320”
      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2015 No. 1397 “On introducing amendments to paragraph 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 7, 2014 No. 778”

    Good afternoon, please tell me, for my work I will need to cross the border of the Russian Federation and I will have medications with me (for my own use) in what quantities and which drugs can be freely transported. And what accompanying documents are needed (recipe or something else)

    • Good afternoon
      If medicines contain potent substances, then such medicines are restricted for import and are subject to mandatory declaration.
      You must also have a medical report with you, which will indicate the purpose of such a drug, the daily dosage, as well as the required duration of treatment. More than indicated in honey. The conclusion of the rule cannot be introduced.
      The customs administration website contains a list of prohibited and restricted substances by category: http://ctu.customs.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2622

    Hello. What still remains unclear is that in connection Customs union The import of alcohol in large quantities from Kazakhstan to Russia is considered legal, because the border is open. But when traveling around Russia, no, it immediately begins to be considered counterfeit and illegal. Although the Kazakhstan side issues an annex to the CU declaration of conformity for alcohol. What should I do?

    • Hello, Valery!
      It is better to ask this question to the employees of the customs department of the Russian Federation.
      You can write them a written request and outline the situation. Within 30 days, they are required to draw up an official response and send it to you.

    Hello. I'm going to fly to Istanbul. I want to bring from there about 50 silk scarves for gifts. The cost is about 700 US dollars. If they are the same, will they not be considered a commercial product at customs?

    • Hello, Sergey!
      They can!
      This already looks like a batch for commercial sale. Although the amount does not exceed the amount of goods that are subject to duty, the quantity is hardly suitable for personal use. You also need to prove that you have so many friends and relatives that you need so many gifts, and even the same ones.

    Thank you Marina

    Is it possible to import two buckets of potatoes and up to 5 kg of onions and carrots into Russia for personal use?

    • Hello Irina!
      For personal use it is possible. The main thing is that the weight of the imported goods does not exceed 50 kg.


    My children have had their birth certificates laminated since birth and we travel to Russia very often. We are from the Lugansk region, we entered Russia using the same documents in May and were allowed in normally, and now we were going back to the Lugansk region. and they didn’t let me through at Russian customs (we’ve already been to two customs offices), they turned me back to Russia, returned me, and said that I couldn’t travel with such documents, and they wouldn’t let me through. But how then did they let us into Russia if it was impossible? what to do, how to get home in Lugansk region, Lutugino? did this law come into force recently? Why didn’t you warn us when we entered your territory in May?

    • Hello, Daria!
      I won’t tell you how things are with this in Ukraine, but in the Russian Federation it’s really impossible to laminate identity documents! This makes them invalid.
      You need to urgently contact the Ukrainian consulate and issue temporary certificates for your children to travel to their homeland.


    “Citizens of the Russian Federation who live abroad for a long time (more than six months) are allowed to import goods without weight restrictions. Other customs rules apply without restrictions. The benefit is provided once after six months of living abroad.” – we have been living in Tallinn for 1.5 years. Tell me, please, how and where to get this benefit? What documents are needed?

    If a person can take out up to 50 kg of personal belongings, then how many kg is allowed per baby?))

    When transporting by car across the border (if one husband goes and we go by plane), do we need photocopies of our passports to prove that the family consists of 3 people?

    • Hello Olga!
      You can find this information in the Customs Code, as well as in the document defining the procedure for transporting goods for personal use across the border of the Russian Federation or on the website of the customs service of the Russian Federation: http://fl.customs.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=5&Itemid=1795

    Is it possible to carry an underwater fishing suit from Ukraine to Russia?

    • Hello, Natasha!
      For personal use, if the weight of the equipment does not exceed 50 kg and does not cost more than 1,500 euros for land travel or 10,000 euros for air travel, you can.

    Good afternoon.
    Can I export cosmetics and shampoos of different names from Estonia, 5 pieces each? And can they be equated to a commercial shipment at the border?

    • Good afternoon, Olga!
      If the cost of this cosmetics does not exceed $10,000 when crossing the border by plane or 1,500 when crossing by land, and it will not be a whole suitcase filled only with cosmetics, but it will look like you are bringing cosmetics for personal use and as gifts for friends, then Yes, you can freely import your desired purchases from Estonia.


    Can a TV be brought across the border to Russia?

    • Hello, Ekaterina!
      Yes, of course, if its weight and cost do not exceed acceptable standards baggage allowance specified in this article.

    Hello. I am a citizen of Belarus, across the Ukraine-Russia border, can I bring 73 video players worth 620 euros and weighing 28 kilograms into Russia without paying duties?

    • Hello, Evgeniy!
      Regardless of cost and weight, 73 video players do not look like products for personal use. This is already a whole batch of video equipment, which means it will be used by you for commercial purposes. Accordingly, the goods must be declared, the import duty into the Russian Federation must be paid, and everything must be formalized as required when importing goods into Russia. You need to contact a customs broker who will help you with customs clearance of the goods.


    • Hello Olga!
      Are you talking about a consignment of goods for commercial use or further resale? Or do you mean a private order of 1 copy for personal use?
      If it’s a private order, then why shouldn’t it be allowed?
      Goods for personal use are not subject to any sanctions.

      • 1 personal order of a sled, they say they won’t let it through, and probably all 30 online stores, like a violation of the European Union treaty, or something like that, I don’t really understand... either they confiscate it at customs, or they turn it back ((

    Good afternoon, how many times a day can I carry 50 kg. All items are used.

    • Hello, Alexey!
      Every time you cross the border. But if you do this constantly, the customs service may suspect you of commercial activity and will take notes on you, carefully inspect your luggage, and in the end they may even confiscate your property if they consider it commercial or force you to declare it and pay a duty.

    Hello! Is it possible to hold a 4-seater rubber boat from Ukraine to Russia?

    • Hello Olga!
      If its weight does not exceed the permissible baggage allowance and its value is within the permitted amounts, you can carry it for personal use.

    Tell me how much coffee and tea can be exported from the Russian Federation without duty?

    • Hello!
      You can export a quantity that will meet your personal needs, and not look like a consignment of goods for commercial purposes.
      Also study the conditions of the country into which you are going to import tea and coffee; in some countries there are restrictions.

    Is it possible to export 5 kg of green buckwheat from Russia to Norway in factory packaging (in a bag)? Thank you.

    • Hello, Yuri!
      Yes, you can! I know that many emigrants from the CIS countries carry buckwheat to Europe and other countries where it costs more or is not available at all.
      There are no restrictions on buckwheat, unless, of course, it is not a batch of goods, but grain for personal use and you can prove it. Because, for example, you are unlikely to be lucky enough to have 50 kg of buckwheat for yourself.


    Strange: the article says that you can import duty-free goods by plane worth no more than 10,000 euros and weighing no more than 50 kg, but below it says that goods worth more than 65 thousand rubles must be declared????

    • Hello, Alexandra!
      65,000 rubles is the price of one product. If this threshold is exceeded, then the goods are subject to declaration.

    How to send a parcel by Russian Post of more than 11-13 pieces of matryoshka blanks to Switzerland? Will the declaration pass if I indicate it as a gift or will such a parcel be considered commercial? Thanks for the answer.

    • Hello, Marina!
      The question is controversial.
      The decision will be made by a customs officer. He may regard the parcel as commercial, or he may decide that it is really a gift for the recipient’s personal purposes. As a rule, the human factor comes into play here. But 11 pieces is more of a non-commercial package.

    Hello, how can I transport a personal transport (gazelle for example) household appliances, furniture and personal belongings, if it all weighs 2 tons, and costs a lot in total? It's all used. In general, move to Russia to live!

    • Hello!
      You can transport personal belongings once during a move without restrictions on weight and amount. Especially with personal transport. It is important to prove that these are used items. That is, do not pack them in new boxes and seal them so that you can easily open and present the contents at the border during customs control.

      • Thank you!!!

    Hello, is it possible to freely conduct 2 in the Russian Federation? smoked fish(asp), each kg 3 and 4 bottles of cognac 0.5 l?

    • Hello, Lyudmila!
      Yes, you can. For personal use or gifts for loved ones, it will pass as duty-free import.
      No more than 3 liters of alcohol per person.

      Fish can only be imported in original packaging. But you can’t have it raw!

    Regarding import, everything is clear, but regarding cooperation with the Russian Federation, are there any restrictions? When I bought the goods in the Russian Federation, I already paid tax

    • Hello, Vlad!
      It depends on what product, what quantity. If this is a commercial shipment, then it is subject to customs clearance. It is necessary to have a contract, formalize customs declaration, certificates. A customs broker can help you with this.


    Good evening! I want to export vinegar essence with more than 100 liters from the Russian Federation, what procedure awaits at customs?

    • Hello, Alexander!
      This volume is already similar to commercial use.
      Therefore, here it is necessary to fill out a customs declaration, attach a contract drawn up in accordance with foreign economic activity (foreign economic activity) standards, certificates and other permits, you need to go through all the procedures customs clearance both for export and for import into the country of destination.
      For registration, it is best for you to contact a customs broker. You can't cope here on your own.

    Good day! I am returning from Poland to Russia in December after working there under an indefinite contract since 09/01/2016.
    I am planning to buy a laptop + I have my old laptop without documents, purchased in December 2016.
    What if customs requires documents for an old laptop? In total, both laptops are most likely > 1500 euros.
    Does it matter if last time I left Poland via Belarus on November 1, 2017?
    The fact is that the customs of Belarus reported that if you enter Belarus more than once every 3 months, then you can only import goods worth 300 euros.
    Will this rule apply if I enter through Kaliningrad? After all, Belarus and Russia are a Customs Union.

    Thank you in advance!

    • Hello, Alexey!
      Only one laptop is allowed per person.
      The second one you will have to declare as a product for commercial use.

    Hello. I wanted to buy opal online. But I read that import precious stones prohibited from entering the territory of the Russian Federation. However, I did not find information that this stone is precious. In any case, there are small copies for little money. Can you tell me if this stone is classified as prohibited for import? And if not, what are the restrictions (quantity, price)?

    • Hello, Nikolay!
      There are two types of opals:
      1. Noble opal - determined by color, transparency, iridescence. Such opals are classified as precious stones.
      2. Ordinary opal - does not have such a play of color, not such a bright color. These opals are classified as semi-precious stones.
      Read more about the characteristics and decide which opal you would like to buy.

    Are there time restrictions when leaving a vehicle outside the Russian Federation?

Duty-free import

Without paying customs duties, individuals have the right to transport goods across the border of the Russian Federation in the amount of:

Up to 1500 euros for ground transport (train, car);
(!! - up to 500 euros from January 1, 2019)

Up to 10,000 euros for air transport (airplane).

In both cases, the total weight of imported items should not exceed 50 kg.

If the cost or weight is exceeded

If the price or weight of purchases made abroad is higher than the specified standards, but falls within the limits of 650,000 rubles. by price and 200 kg by weight, you will have to pay for exceeding the limit:

30% of the cost, but not less than 4 euros for each extra kilogram of weight.

More about duty-free import

It is important to understand that such a benefit as duty-free import applies to goods intended for personal use, satisfaction of personal, family, household and other “not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity needs." To determine their purpose, the customs official takes into account factors such as the nature of the goods, their quantity, as well as the frequency of their movement across the border.

Things of the same type, for example, several pairs of jeans or shoes purchased for personal use, during customs control may be recognized as a commercial consignment of goods, which will also cause them to be subject to increased rates, if not more. unpleasant consequences for the citizens carrying them.

If the limits of RUB 650,000 are exceeded. or 200 kg, then fees will be collected by customs officers at foreign trade rates.

It is not possible to indicate the exact amount of bets for this case within the framework of this review, since for different types Customs duties on products are also different, and they exist for all categories of goods. In addition, there are several types of bets: ad valorem, specific and combined. This is not a simple question for the foreign trade participants themselves. The rates of import customs duties are calculated on the basis of the unified customs tariff ETT in accordance with the rules of the Eurasian economic union. Moneyinformer recommended that ordinary citizens crossing the border simply avoid situations where these rules might be required. It will not be possible to study all the nuances quickly, but you can start familiarizing yourself, for example, with this document.

How much can you take out?

It is clear that in order to buy and import something, you must first export something. Of course it's money. Funds for bank cards no need to declare, cash up to $3,000 (currency or rubles, equivalent amount) too. From 3,000 to 10,000 dollars must be declared, and in order to take out in cash large amounts You will need permission from the Central Bank.

Also, personal valuables are allowed to be exported without declaration - jewelry, expensive watches... Some citizens use this rule to avoid paying duty on goods purchased abroad, passing them off as used. (See important news).

Online shopping

Now, in 2018, Russian citizens can purchase duty-free goods in foreign online stores worth up to 1,000 euros per month, while the total weight of purchases should not exceed 31 kg.

If the price or weight of goods purchased in any month of the year exceeds these standards, then the purchase will be subject to a duty of 30% of the cost of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

Changes expected:

From the government’s announced plans, it was assumed that from 2019 the threshold for duty-free purchases will change downward.

From January 1, 2019, it was supposed to be equal to 500 euros. Exceeding this limit would entail levying a duty of the same amount: 30% of the cost of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.
- From January 1, 2020, this threshold was to be reduced to 200 euros. The customs duty rate if the limit was exceeded was to be 15% of the purchase price, but not less than 2 euros per 1 kg.

However, quite recently the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Service announced plans to speed up this transition:

Following this, the Federal Customs Service came up with an even more radical assumption:
- completely abolish the duty-free threshold for purchases in foreign online stores (albeit, while reducing the amount of duties charged).

What decisions will be made in the end is still absolutely unclear; Moneyinformer will follow the news.

Changes are postponed:

From July 1, 2018 they are not entered. For now, the upper limit remains the same - 1000 euros per month.

Why the development of the situation is difficult to predict:

- Russian Post, according to its head Nikolai Podguzov, is not yet ready to reduce the duty-free threshold even to €200, while at the same time work is underway to introduce technology for automatically collecting duties when placing orders in online stores.

The National Association of Distance Selling (NADT) has its own complaints about the draft law; they say that it is necessary to remove the time limit (“within a month”) and consider each purchase separately, since otherwise the administration procedure becomes much more complicated.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade issued a reminder that the cost of administering the collection of duties is €10, and it may turn out that instead additional income the procedure for the state will work at a disadvantage.

According to the authoritative opinion of leading foreign industry players eBay and Amazon, the new rules will not only not increase budget revenues, but will also slow down the development of the domestic Russian online trading market, leading to a sharp decline in consumer purchasing activity. On the contrary, representatives of Russian online retailers, in particular Wildberries, are clearly in favor of taxing foreign parcels, as this should lead to an increase in sales of domestic online retailers.

Important news


Fees will increase

From 01/01/2019, the threshold for duty-free import of personal goods by land transport is reduced from €1,500 to €500. The permitted weight of such goods is also reduced - from 50 to 25 kg. Changes are being introduced earlier than originally expected.

These rules will be simultaneously introduced in other EAEU countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.


Everything is the same with Internet parcels

By official information From July 1, 2018, the Ministry of Finance will not lower the threshold for duty-free import of parcels from foreign online stores into Russia and will remain at the same level. Exact data on the timing of lowering the threshold is awaited.


Customs knows everything about you

Unpleasant news appeared for those Russian travelers who planned to bring expensive items from abroad (total value above 10,000 euros), passing them off as their own used ones and without paying the 30% customs tax on them. These items are most often watches and jewelry.

The media report that the Federal Customs Service now has the opportunity to quickly receive information about expensive purchases by Russians abroad. Customs officers greet some of the arriving tourists with a list of their overseas purchases in hand. The source of such information is likely to be systems Tax Free and their foreign colleagues collaborating with Russian law enforcement officers. Dozens of our citizens have already been caught transporting undeclared goods, among whom were government employees and respectable businessmen, including those who flew into the country on private aviation aircraft - business jets. As you know, smuggling (namely, the import of undeclared items) can result in penalties including criminal penalties.

The head of the Federal Customs Service, Vladimir Bulavin, did not refute this information and confirmed that the customs service is cooperating with foreign colleagues in this area.

Additional Information

Import to Russia of alcohol, tobacco, medicines, animals, alcohol and tobacco, cars...

How to submit a declaration and make payment

How to declare. Green and red corridors

All goods transported across the customs border of Russia are subject to customs control.

In order to inform the customs authorities about goods, the import of which is subject to the payment of customs duties or compliance with restrictions established by law (transportation of weapons, medicines, animals, antiques...), you must fill out a special declaration form, which can be obtained from a customs officer.

If such items and in such quantities are transported for which customs duties are not provided, then no forms are required to be filled out.

In the majority international airports, seaports and border crossing points by car A customs control system of “two corridors” - red and green - has been introduced. It greatly simplifies and makes the inspection process faster:

If a citizen is carrying things that he wants to report to customs officers, he is sent to the red corridor.

If he is sure that he does not need to fill out a declaration, he goes through the green corridor.

It is important to keep in mind that passing through the green corridor is also a declaration that you do not have with you items that the law requires you to declare. There is even a special name for this procedure: “conclusive declaration”. Customs officers also “inspect” citizens passing along the green corridor, only with less attention, often only with the help of video surveillance cameras. But this does not mean that they may not need to conduct a full search.

How to pay, payment terms

Customs duties are paid individuals when declaring goods in writing on the basis of customs receipt order, one copy of which is handed over to the person who paid the customs duties.

The payment period for importation should not exceed 15 days from the date of presentation of the goods to the customs authority at the place of their arrival in the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

Rules for the carriage of certain categories of goods

As part of this review, Moneyinformer provides information general. Detailed, most accurate and up-to-date information on this issue can be obtained on the official website of the Federal Customs Service.
Goods for personal use transported across the customs border:
- with payment of customs duties and taxes
- with exemption from payment


An individual has the right to import 3 liters of alcoholic beverages into Russia duty-free.

Another 2 liters can be imported by entering the declaration and paying a fee for them:

10 euros per liter of beer and wine

22 euros per liter of strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cognac...)

It is prohibited to bring more than 5 liters. On alcoholic products purchased from a Duty Free store, the same rules apply.


An individual has the right to import up to 200 cigarettes or up to 50 cigars or up to 250 grams of tobacco into Russia duty-free.


Food products are allowed to be imported in original labeled packaging and in quantities of no more than 5 kg per person, with the exception of some types of products from individual countries, subject to temporary restrictions of Rosselkhoznadzor. Seeds of food crops, as well as flowers, cannot be transported.


This category of items moved across the border by individuals stands apart. To import a car into the Russian Federation, you need to pay VAT, excise tax and customs duty. For a thorough consideration of this issue, there are numerous reference tables and calculators. Moneyinformer will only indicate what characteristics of the car will affect the final cost of its import and customs clearance: this is its cost, volume, power and type of engine, weight, year of manufacture. The more expensive the car, more powerful, more modern, the more you will have to pay, and in a significant progression.

Motorized watercraft

For other types of vehicles, as well as yachts, boats and other watercraft, a single tariff rate of 30% of the cost of the goods (equipment) being transported is applied.

Prohibited for import

Goods the import of which into Russia is prohibited by current rules:
- Printing, photo and video products with pornographic content; similar products that may be related to state secrets; and which may be classified as promoting racism, terrorism, national or religious hatred;
- Endangered species of animals and plants;
- Narcotic substances;
- Vegetable and fruit crops that do not have phytosanitary permits;
- Weapons, their components and ammunition in the absence of special permission (including pneumatic, cold and gas weapons of certain types);
- Human biomaterials.

Responsibility for violating the rules

Customs offenses include non-declaration or false declaration of goods, failure to re-import goods, smuggling and others. Some of them may become the subject of administrative offenses, while others may be criminal, and, accordingly, entail measures of administrative or criminal liability. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, the perpetrator may be given a warning, a fine imposed with or without confiscation of the imported goods, or may even be threatened with imprisonment.

Export rules

The customs rules for the export of goods and money across the Russian border are almost completely identical to the rules and procedures for import.

When passing through customs control at the Russian border, tourists often make mistakes due to ignorance of customs legislation, which contains many prohibitions and restrictions.

Therefore, before visiting the Russian Federation, it is better to study the latest Russian customs regulations. They are located on the website http://visasam.ru/samotur/rules/tamoznennye-pravila-rossii.html and posted on stands in the international sectors of airports in the Russian Federation. You can also consult the customs office for free about this issue.

Whether to include the imported (exported) goods in a written declaration, to pay a duty or not - depends on what and how much money, goods or animals you are moving across the border.

What is allowed to be imported or exported without duty (per person)

1. Up to $10 thousand in any currency, including traveler's checks.
2. Liquor and vodka products up to 3 liters.
3. 5 packs of cigarettes (20 pieces each) or 100 cigarettes, or 250 g of tobacco, or 50 cigars.
4. Luggage (new or old things, equipment) up to 50 kg.
5. The cost of luggage does not exceed the equivalent of €15 thousand (when entering the Russian Federation by land transport), €10 thousand (by plane).
6. Art objects registered with the Ministry of Culture.

The last point does not apply to refugees and migrants or to things that were inherited. To do this, you must have the relevant documents on hand. It is not necessary to indicate duty-free goods and limit money in the declaration.

Subject to mandatory declaration

1. Cash over $10 thousand in any currency (in this case, you must have written permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).
2. Jewelry.
3. Weapons, ammunition, explosives.
4. Antiques and art.
5. Encryption devices and devices with a frequency of 9 kHz.
6. Documents for ownership of the above items.
7. 2 liters of alcohol (in addition to duty-free three liters)

It is prohibited to import or export from the Russian Federation without special permits

1. Jewelry worth over $25 thousand.
2. Weapons, ammunition, explosives.
3. Medications.
4. Rare animals and plants.
5. Cultural values.
6. More than 5 kg of fish or seafood.
7. More than 250 g of black (red) caviar per person.
8. Pornography.
9. Photos, videos, printing and literature that incite racial or religious hatred.
