B. Karlov, V. Pevzner, P. Slepenkov, a textbook for an amateur navigator (control of small vessels). Visual signaling on small boats Audio communications and signaling

Minimum Inventory
Requirements for the placement of visual signaling signs on ships
Visibility range of ship lights
Sound signals


95. Vessels of supervisory authorities may, without violating the signaling requirements of other provisions of these Rules, display a flashing blue light at night and during the day.

96. When a ship in distress requires assistance, it may indicate:

  • a flag with a ball or similar object above or below it;
  • frequent flashing of a circular light, a spotlight, vertical movement of the fire;
  • red rockets;
  • slow, repeated raising and lowering with arms extended to the side.

97. A dredging projectile of any design and purpose when working on a ship's course must carry one green all-round light on the mast; when working on right side ship's passage - two red all-round lights (canopy), located on the bow and stern at the height of the awning on the navigation side; when working on the left side - two green all-round lights, respectively; when working across the ship's passage (development of trenches for underwater passages, etc.), the two above-mentioned awning lights must be located on the bow or stern of the dredgers, respectively, on the edge.

98. When working on a ship's channel, the refuller projectile must carry, in addition to the signals specified in paragraph 97, all-round lights on the floating soil pipeline of the refuler projectile every 50 m (red when the soil is dumped beyond the right edge of the vessel channel, white - to the left).

99. Bottom cleaning equipment and vessels engaged in underwater work (lifting vessels, laying pipes, cables, etc. without diving work) must carry one green all-round light on the mast, and during the day - signal flag “A”.

100. Floating cranes, extracting soil on or off the ship's channel, and dredging equipment when working only outside the ship's channel must carry the same lights as non-self-propelled vessels of the corresponding size when anchored.

101. A vessel engaged in diving operations must carry two green all-round lights located vertically at night, and two signal flags “A” during the day.

102. When collecting soil while moving, a self-propelled dredging equipment with a dragging soil receiver must carry:

  • during the day - three signs located vertically: two black balls and a black diamond between them;
  • at night, in addition to the signaling provided for by these Rules, two green all-round lights located horizontally on the yard of the aft mast at a distance of at least 2.0 m from each other.

103. Dredging and bottom-cleaning equipment, diving vessels and vessels intended for underwater work that are not engaged in their main operations must carry the same lights and signs while moving and at rest as self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels. In this case, white all-round lights should be placed on the dirt pipeline every 50 m.

104. A vessel engaged in trawling a shipping channel and when working near floating navigation equipment signs must carry one signal flag “A” (shield) on the mast during the day, and one green all-round light at night.

105. A vessel engaged in hauling trawl nets or other fishing gear must, in addition to the signaling prescribed by other provisions of these Rules, carry:

  • at night – two all-round lights located vertically (upper – green, lower – white, at a distance of at least 1 m in front and below the masthead light);
  • during the day - two black cones connected by their tops, located one above the other.

106. A fishing vessel underway or stationary, not engaged in fishing, must carry the same lights as self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels.

107. Vessels engaged in eliminating deviations carry a two-flag signal consisting of the letters "O" and "Q" of the international code of signals ("O" is a two-color panel of red and yellow, divided diagonally and raised above the signal "Q", "Q " – yellow cloth). Vessels are required to give way to them.

Ship alarm is an integral part of many systems: power plant, auxiliary mechanisms, general ship systems, navigation systems, etc. The main function of the alarm is to warn operating personnel that the limit values ​​of certain parameters have been reached.
Types of ship alarm systems, layout and location depending on the type of vessel are regulated by the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea Vessels of the Register of the Russian Federation.
The following alarm systems are distinguished:
Emergency alarm. It is equipped on ships where the emergency announcement by voice or loudspeaker cannot be heard simultaneously in all places where there may be people. Sound devices are installed in machine rooms, V in public places with an area of ​​more than 150 sq.m., in the corridors of residential and public premises, on open decks in production premises. Sound devices are also equipped with light alarms, and the tone of the emergency alarm differs from the tone of sound devices of other alarm systems.
The system is powered by battery, located above the deck partitions and outside the engine rooms. The operation of the emergency alarm is checked at least once every 7 days, and before each departure.
Fire alarm. A station is installed in the wheelhouse fire alarm with a mnemonic diagram, with the help of which the location of the fire is quickly determined. The system is equipped with sensors - manual and automatic detectors.
Automatic detectors are installed in all residential and office premises, in storerooms of explosive, flammable and combustible materials, at control posts, in rooms for dry cargo. In machine and boiler rooms with automated control in the absence of a permanent watch.
Manual call points are installed in the corridors of residential, service and public premises, in lobbies, in public premises with an area of ​​more than 150 sq.m., in industrial premises, on open decks in the area where cargo hatches are located.
The system must provide two types of power: the main one from the ship’s network and the backup one from batteries. System fire safety must be constantly in action. Taking the system out of service to troubleshoot or perform Maintenance permitted with the permission of the captain and with prior notification of the officer of the watch. Once a month, one emitter in each beam is checked.
Warning alarm volumetric fire extinguishing. It is equipped in engine and boiler rooms, holds with dry cargo, in which people are or may be located. With the help of sound and light signals, personnel are warned about the activation of the volumetric fire extinguishing system. Signals are sent during manual and remote start of the system. The system is powered by the same battery as the fire alarm. The system must be in operation at all times.
— Emergency warning system (APS). It is equipped on all self-propelled vessels and is designed to indicate the state of the power plant and the operation of auxiliary mechanisms. It is configured depending on the type of vessel, level of automation, etc. On automated ships, a generalized emergency warning system (GASA) is used, which gives signals not only in the engine room and in the central control room, but also at external objects - the wheelhouse, mechanics' cabin, etc. It is checked before each departure of the vessel and periodically during the shift.

— Alarm about the presence of water in bilges and drainage wells of holds. It is equipped on various ships and is mandatory on electrodes for signaling the water level under propeller electric motors. Constantly in use and checked at least once per shift.
— Alarm for closing waterproof doors. Installed on those ships that provide for the division of the ship's premises into watertight compartments and have watertight doors. The alarm system is checked along with the doors at least once a week, and before each departure.
— Household alarm (cabin, medical). Installed on those ships where it is needed, most often passenger ones. Checked at least once a month.

Ensuring the safe navigation of ships is achieved by strict adherence to the “Rules for navigation on inland navigation routes”. They set out the basic provisions that determine the procedure for displaying ship signal lights and signs, the rules of movement, parking of ships and convoys, the procedure for passing and overtaking ships, etc.

The Rules of Navigation apply to all vessels and convoys (regardless of their affiliation) sailing on inland shipping routes, as well as to all floating structures.

On sections of rivers within the boundaries of seaports and in the lower reaches of rivers included in the zones of the maritime department, there are International rules to prevent collisions between ships at sea (COLREG).

In addition to the Navigation Rules, local navigation rules are published, which address the peculiarities of navigation in a particular basin.

The navigation rules establish the minimum reserves of water under the bottom of ships, requirements for the maintenance of the route and the navigation environment, and also determine the rights and obligations of the route workers in relation to the maintenance of waterways. The section “Vessel Movement” provides instructions regarding passing and overtaking vessels, their passage under bridges, through locks, and when entering reservoirs and lakes.

The means of information between vessels in motion are visual and sound signals.

Visual signaling means are signal lights that operate from sunset to sunrise. There are navigation lights, which are lit on ships and rafts when moving, and parking lights, which are turned on on ships and floating structures while they are moored.

While moving, a self-propelled vessel carries:

Side lights - red on the left side and green on the right; each of them illuminates the horizon along an arc of 112.5°, counting from the bow of the ship;

Taillights - one at the rear of the pipe (hook), visible along a horizon arc of 135°, and two on the rear end walls of deck superstructures, visible along a horizon arc of 180°. On ships with a hull width of less than 5 m, only one hook light is installed. The color of the tail lights depends on the method of movement and the type of cargo being transported (Table 5, No. 16-20);

The masthead lights are on the forward mast. They must be visible ahead of the ship along a horizon arc of 225°. They are distinguished by number and color depending on the purpose of the vessel and the nature of the work it performs (Table 5, No. 1-15).

When moored, self-propelled vessels carry one white light on the mast, visible across the horizon at 360°, a white light on the edge of the captain's bridge on the fairway side, and taillights.

During operation, dredging equipment must have one green light visible from all sides, lights on the floating pipeline (every 50 m along its length) and one light on the deck - at the stern and at the bow. The color of the lights is red if the soil is dumped towards the right bank, and white when the soil is dumped towards the left bank.

Bottom clearing shells, fire guards and other vessels technical fleet carry the same lights as non-self-propelled vessels, with the exception of diving cranes, on which two vertical green lights are raised (on the mast) at night, and two green flags during the day.

Non-self-propelled vessels with a length of more than 50 m carry two white lights during towing and when moored - one each at the bow and stern; for a vessel less than 50 m in length - one white light on the mast. The lights are visible across the horizon at 360°.

Non-self-propelled ships with oil cargo, in addition to the lights indicated above, raise one or two red lights on the mast, depending on the class of oil product being transported.

IN daytime on ships transporting petroleum products, red square flags (one or two) are raised on the mast, depending on the class of petroleum products.

When meeting and overtaking, ships exchange light signals (flashing white lights on the captain's bridge), thereby indicating the direction of divergence or overtaking.

During the daytime, square flags are used for this purpose. white(signal signals or flash signal lamps (SIO).

Sound signals (horns, whistles, siren sounds) are given by ships when passing and overtaking, when passing by working dredgers, locks, when maneuvering and other circumstances related to the control and movement of the vessel.

Vessels are prohibited from setting sail under the following circumstances: in the absence of a River Register certificate confirming that the vessel is seaworthy or after its expiration; in case of a leaky hull, malfunction of watertight bulkheads, cofferdams or decks; if the ship is overloaded with passengers or cargo in excess of the established norm; with a faulty steering device; when the vessel does not have anchors or their weight does not comply with the River Register standards and does not meet the requirements of the Technical Operation Rules; if the ship does not have life-saving, fire-fighting and drainage equipment in accordance with the standards of the River Register, as well as if their condition is unsatisfactory; if the ship's sound and light signals, communications, and there are no signal lights (all or even one); in the absence of a properly functioning compass and maps of the navigation area on the lake and reservoir.

There are two types of automatic fire extinguishing devices used on ships: automatic alarm and automatic fire protection.

The fire detection alarm is designed to send a signal from the location of the fire to the central fire station. The automatic fire alarm system consists of sensors (detectors) located in protected premises, receiving and signaling equipment installed on a special console in the wheelhouse, power supply equipment for the alarm system and communication lines. In accordance with the “Rules for fire-fighting equipment of sea vessels of the USSR Register” automatic systems alarms must receive power from at least two sources.

Fire detection alarm stations are divided into installations with thermal (temperature) detectors and with detectors that respond to the presence of smoke in the room. Temperature sensors are located directly in areas to be monitored in case of fire.

Heat detectors for automatic fire alarms are placed in all residential and public premises, in storage rooms explosives and in dry cargo areas.

Equipment that receives signals from temperature detectors and allows you to monitor the status of all systems, quickly learn about a fire on the ship, and also turn fire alarm signals on and off is combined in one station.


Electrical fire alarm station beam system serves to receive alarm signals from:

Manual push-button call points of the PKIL-4m-1 type;

automatic contact fire detectors with opening contacts;

from automatic contactless detectors of the POST-1 S type. Composition:

general ship block;

4 blocks of beam sets;

power unit.

POST-1-S (automatic heat detector) consists of:

BKU (control device unit) - 4 pcs.

Terminal device - UO - 33 pcs.

DMD-S (maximum sensor)

DMD-70-S (maximum differential sensor) -221 pcs.

DM-90 - 9 pcs.


Push-button detector PKILT-4m - 30 pcs.

When the beam line is broken, it is de-energized as a relay direct current, and the relay alternating current(electrical circuit is open).

A break in the middle wire (No. 2) of the POST-1S sensor causes the AC relay to operate.

The shorting of the sensor feeder wires to each other causes the AC relay to operate.

When feeder wires 1 and 2 are grounded, the second relay (AC relay) is activated. |

When feeder 3 is grounded, the winding of the first beam relay of the station is bypassed. The relay releases and the “Open” signal appears at the station.

Fire alarm "DOLPHINA" "CRYSTAL".


· station-wide device -1 - OS

· group device - 3-GR.

· spark-proof device -1 - IZ.

· final device - 26 - K.

· sensor test device - 2 -.

· thermal sensors - 234.

· smoke sensors - 28.

· manual call points - 24.

Temperature sensors:




The GR device is designed to receive signals through beam units from 10 beams with thermal and melon sensors. The GR device controls, alarms and monitors the serviceability of all beams.

The device has 12 modifications.

10 beam blocks have 3 modifications:

Radial loop LP block.

LT-radial three-wire unit.

LD-unit beam two-wire.

Fire alarm "DOLPHINA".

Smoke detectors - IP212-11-12-1R55 Automatic thermal detectors - IP101-14-66-1RZO.

Voltage idle move and short circuit current on the device IZ 23V and 70 mA. Line parameters: 0.06 µF; 0.2 mH.

Complex technical means ship fire alarm "FOTON-P"

Description and operation of the complex.

Abbreviations found below:

- PU-P - fire control device;

- PPKP-P - fire alarm control device;

- DVP - remote remote device; PSA - accident alarm device;

- BRVU - relay unit for external devices;

- ID- smoke detectors;

- IT - thermal detectors;

- IP - flame detectors;

- IR - manual call points;

- BS - interface blocks.

The FOTON-P complex is designed for targeted and non-addressed automatic fire detection based on smoke, flame, temperature with the simultaneous activation of fire alarm systems.

The FOTON-P complex is intended for installation on sea and river vessels supervised by the Maritime Register of Shipping.

The FOTON-P complex is a set various types addressable and addressless devices, blocks and detectors, from which you can complete a microprocessor information and control system of various configurations and volumes, depending on the type and purpose of the protected object. The composition of the complex is variable, depending on the types and number of detectors, devices and blocks.

The FOTON-P complex is intended for operation in marine conditions and, to the extent of resistance to mechanical and climatic factors, meets the requirements of the Register's "Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea Vessels."

The FOTON-P complex can be operated at air temperatures from minus 10 to plus 50 ° C and a relative humidity of 80% at 40 ° C.

The FOTON-P complex includes explosion-proof fire detectors, blocks and circuit breakers:

- smoke- detectors ID-1V, ID-1B, ID2-V, ID2-BV;

- thermal- detectors IT1-V, IT1-BV, IT1MDBV, IT2-V, IT2-BV;

- flame - IP-V detectors, ip-bv, ip-pv, ip-pbv;

- manual- detectors ir-v, ir-bv, ir-pv, ir-pbv;

- interface blocks- be-nrv, bs-nzv, bs-bnzv, bs-pnrv;

- circuit breakers- r1-v, r1pv.

These detectors, blocks and circuit breakers can be used in explosive areas indoors and outdoors.

The FOTON-P complex allows the connection to signal lines (alarm loops) through BS units or without them of any types of security and fire detectors produced by industry, which generate a signal when activated by open (NC) or closed (NO) contacts, while being controlled triggering of contact sensors, breakage and short circuit in the sub-loop in which they are included.

The set of devices, blocks and detectors included in the complex allows you to create a flexible information and control system that has the following functionality:

Fire detection based on smoke, temperature, flame, indicating on the display the exact location of the fire;

Detection of faults in alarm loops indicating their location;

Diagnostics of smoke detectors and provision of information about their contamination for routine maintenance;

Repeated verification of events in order to increase their reliability;

Switching on signaling loops using beam and loop circuits;

Disabling short-circuited sections of alarm loops connected in a loop circuit;

Displaying information about fires and malfunctions on a printer indicating the nature of the event, location, date and time of its occurrence;

Displaying information on a PC to enable a voice message;

Programming or changing the names (locations) of detectors with a PC;

Turning on/off external devices: smoke removal, ventilation, process control;

Explosion-proof design;

Connecting sensors with contact pins;

Determination of breaks and short circuits in sub-loops with contact sensors;

Archive of fires for 1000 events;

Configuring the complex from the device PU-P control;

Seven service modes: “Configuration”, “Debugging”, “Composition of control panel”, “Changing sensor address”, “Diagnostics”, “Configuration with R8232”, “Security”;

Changing the detector address from the PU-P device.


1. Turn on the indicator light on triggered detectors;

2. Transfer of fire information from PPKP-P devices via a serial communication channel to the PU-P control device and the DVP backup device;

3. Issue from PU-P devices, Fiberboard, PPKP-P into external fire signal circuits in the form of closing relay contacts that provide switching external source power supply with voltage up to 30V at current up to 1A. The PU-P device has from 3 to 4 relays, PPKP-P has 4 relays, the DVP device has 1 relay.

4. The generalized “Fire” signal is issued by:

♦ PU-P device with two groups of contacts of two relays;

♦ PPKP-P and DIP device - one group of contacts.

The “Fire-120 sec” signal is issued by the PU-P device with one group of contacts.

The PPKP-P device issues a “Fire” signal for each alarm loop:

1. Turn on the “FIRE” light display and the “MANY FIRES” light indicator on the front panel of the PU-P and DVP devices (in case of simultaneous activation of several detectors);

2. Display on alphanumeric matrix indicators of PU-P and DVP devices information about the number, type and location of the triggered detector;

3. Activation of an audible fire alarm on PU-P and DVP devices;

4. Output from the device PU-P information about a fire to the terminal equipment: printer, computer via RS232 interface (only when using non-explosion-proof detectors).

The FOTON-P complex includes:

1. Control device PU-P- 1 pc. - the PU-P device is designed to receive information from detectors connected to 4 alarm loops and from all PPKP-P devices, process it and display it on the indicator, issue control signals to external circuits, a computer, a printer.

2. Fire alarm receiving and control device PPKP-P - from 0 to 8 pcs: the PPKP-P device is designed to receive information from detectors connected to 4 alarm loops, process it, output information to external circuits and to the PU-P device.

3. Duplicate remote device Fiberboard 0 or 1 pc. - designed to duplicate information displayed on the PU-P device.

4. Alarm device emergency PSA- 1 or 2 pcs. - designed to supply voltage = 24V (ship's emergency power supply) to light and sound device when the power supply to the PU-P or fiberboard device fails.

5. Main and backup power APS-P from 1 to 11 pcs. Designed for power supply of the complex devices and external devices with voltage = 12V.

6. Relay block of external devices BRVU - from 0 to 9 pcs. designed to turn on (turn off) loads with a supply voltage of ~50Hz 220V at currents of 10A (contains 4 relays), switched on from the output relays of the PU-P or PPKP-P devices.

7. Addressable switching unit BKA-1 is designed to turn on (turn off) loads with a supply voltage of -50Hz 220V at currents up to 10A. Contains 1 relay (two pairs of contacts for closing and two pairs of contacts for opening), has an address, manual and automatic control from PU-P or PPKP-P devices, connected to an alarm loop.

8. Mnemonic diagram - 0 or 1 pc. is designed to display information about the location of detectors on the ship and turn on light indicators corresponding to triggered detectors.

9. Breakers P1 P1-P - 0;3 and more - are designed to disconnect short-circuited sections of alarm loops connected in a closed loop.

Questions for self-control.

1. What systems fire safety used on ships?

2. Compare the fire safety systems “TOL” and “Crystal” with each other.

3. How does the “Foton” fire safety system compare favorably with the “TOL” and “Crystal” systems?


1. Mateukh E.I. Ship telephone communication and alarm systems. Course of lectures.-Kerch: KMTI, 2003.-48p.

2. Electrician's Handbook: T.2 / Comp. I.I.Galich / Ed. G.I. Kitayenko.-Moscow, Leningrad: MASHGIZ, 1953.-276p.

O Yuri Nikolaevich Gorbulev

Internal ship communication systems

Lecture notes

for students of direction 6.050702 “Electromechanics”


"Electrical systems and complexes Vehicle"


7.07010404 “Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment”

daytime and correspondence forms training

Circulation_____ copies Signed for publication_____________.

Order No.________. Volume 2.7 p.l.

Publishing house “Kerch State Marine Technological University”

98309 Kerch, Ordzhonikidze, 82.

Related information.

Thousands of people around the world do repairs every day. When performing it, everyone begins to think about the subtleties that accompany the repair: in what color scheme choose wallpaper, how to choose curtains to match the color of the wallpaper, arrange furniture correctly to achieve a unified style of the room. But rarely does anyone think about the most important thing, and this main thing is replacing the electrical wiring in the apartment. After all, if with old wiring something happens, the apartment will lose all its attractiveness and become completely unsuitable for living.

Any electrician knows how to replace the wiring in an apartment, but any ordinary citizen can do this, however, when performing this type of work, he should choose quality materials to get a safe electrical network indoors.

The first action to be performed is plan future wiring. At this stage, you need to determine exactly where the wires will be laid. Also at this stage, you can make any adjustments to the existing network, which will allow you to arrange lamps and lamps as comfortably as possible in accordance with the needs of the owners.


Narrow-industry devices of the knitting sub-industry and their maintenance

To determine the stretchability of hosiery, a device is used, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 1.

The design of the device is based on the principle of automatic balancing of the rocker arm by the elastic forces of the product being tested, acting at a constant speed.

The weight beam is an equal-armed round steel rod 6, having an axis of rotation 7. At its right end, the legs or the sliding form of the trace 9 are attached using a bayonet lock, on which the product is put on. A suspension for loads 4 is hinged on the left shoulder, and its end ends with an arrow 5, showing the equilibrium state of the rocker arm. Before testing the product, the rocker arm is brought into balance using a movable weight 8.

Rice. 1. Diagram of a device for measuring the stretchability of hosiery: 1 - guide, 2 - left ruler, 3 — engine, 4 — suspension for cargo; 5, 10 - arrows, 6 - rod, 7 - axis of rotation, 8 - weight, 9 - trace shape, 11 - stretch lever,

12— carriage, 13—lead screw, 14—right ruler; 15, 16 — helical gears, 17 — worm gear, 18 — coupling, 19 — electric motor

To move the carriage 12 with the stretching lever 11, a lead screw 13 is used, at the lower end of which a helical gear 15 is fixed; through it the rotational motion is transmitted to the lead screw. Changing the direction of rotation of the screw depends on the change in rotation of 19, which is connected to the worm gear 17 by means of a coupling 18. A helical gear 16 is mounted on the gear shaft, which directly imparts movement to gear 15.


In pneumatic actuators, the adjustment force is created by the action of compressed air on a membrane, or piston. Accordingly, there are membrane, piston and bellows mechanisms. They are designed to install and move the control valve according to a pneumatic command signal. The full working stroke of the output element of the mechanisms is carried out when the command signal changes from 0.02 MPa (0.2 kg/cm 2) to 0.1 MPa (1 kg/cm 2). Ultimate pressure compressed air in the working cavity - 0.25 MPa (2.5 kg/cm2).

In linear diaphragm mechanisms, the rod performs a reciprocating movement. Depending on the direction of movement of the output element, they are divided into mechanisms of direct action (with increasing membrane pressure) and reverse action.

Rice. 1. Design of a direct-acting membrane actuator: 1, 3 - covers, 2 - membrane, 4 - support disk, 5 - bracket, 6 - spring, 7 - rod, 8 - support ring, 9 - adjusting nut, 10 - connecting nut

Main structural elements The membrane actuator consists of a membrane pneumatic chamber with a bracket and a moving part.

The membrane pneumatic chamber of the direct action mechanism (Fig. 1) consists of covers 3 and 1 and membrane 2. Cover 3 and membrane 2 form a sealed working cavity, cover 1 is attached to bracket 5. The moving part includes support disk 4, to which the membrane is attached 2, a rod 7 with a connecting nut 10 and a spring 6. One end of the spring rests against the support disk 4, and the other through the support ring 8 into the adjusting nut 9, which serves to change the initial tension of the spring and the direction of movement of the rod.


Today there are several types of lamps for. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Let's consider the types of lamps that are most often used for lighting in a residential building or apartment.

The first type of lamps is incandescent lamp. This is the most cheap look lamps The advantages of such lamps include their cost and simplicity of the device. The light from such lamps is the best for the eyes. The disadvantages of such lamps include a short service life and a large amount of electricity consumed.

The next type of lamps is energy-saving lamps. Such lamps can be found for absolutely any type of base. They are an elongated tube containing a special gas. It is the gas that creates the visible glow. For modern energy-saving lamps, the tube can have a wide variety of shapes. The advantages of such lamps: low energy consumption compared to incandescent lamps, daylight glow, large selection plinths. The disadvantages of such lamps include the complexity of the design and flickering. Flicker is usually not noticeable, but the eyes will get tired from the light.


Cable assembly- a type of mounting unit. The cable assembly consists of several local ones, terminated on both sides in the electrical installation shop and tied into a bundle. Installation of the cable route is carried out by placing the cable assembly in the cable route fastening devices (Fig. 1).

Ship cable route- an electrical line mounted on a ship from cables (cable bundles), cable route fastening devices, sealing devices, etc. (Fig. 2).

On a ship, the cable route is located in hard to reach places(on the sides, ceiling and bulkheads); they have up to six turns in three planes (Fig. 3). On large ships greatest length cables reach 300 m, and the maximum cross-sectional area of ​​the cable route is 780 cm 2. On individual ships with a total cable length of over 400 km, cable corridors are provided to accommodate the cable route.

Cable routes and cables passing through them are divided into local and main, depending on the absence (presence) of compaction devices.

Trunk cable routes are divided into routes with end and feed-through boxes, depending on the type of application of the cable box. This makes sense for the selection of technological equipment and cable installation technology.


In the field of development and production of instrumentation and control devices, the American company Fluke Corporation occupies one of the leading positions in the world. It was founded in 1948 and since that time has been constantly developing and improving technologies in the field of diagnostics, testing, and analysis.

Innovations from an American developer

Professional measuring equipment from a multinational corporation is used in the maintenance of heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems, refrigeration units, air quality testing, electrical parameter calibration. The Fluke brand store offers the purchase of certified equipment from an American developer. Full the lineup includes:
  • thermal imagers, insulation resistance testers;
  • digital multimeters;
  • electrical energy quality analyzers;
  • rangefinders, vibration meters, oscilloscopes;
  • temperature, pressure calibrators and multifunctional devices;
  • visual pyrometers and thermometers.


Use a level gauge to determine the level different types liquids in open and closed storages and vessels. It is used to measure the level of a substance or the distance to it.
To measure liquid levels, sensors are used that differ in type: radar level gauge, microwave (or waveguide), radiation, electrical (or capacitive), mechanical, hydrostatic, acoustic.

Principles and features of operation of radar level meters

Standard instruments cannot determine the level of chemically aggressive liquids. Only a radar level gauge is capable of measuring it, since it does not come into contact with the liquid during operation. In addition, radar level gauges are more accurate compared to, for example, ultrasonic or capacitive ones.