Do-it-yourself automatic egg incubator: diagrams and drawings, step-by-step video instructions. Egg turning mechanisms, which one is better? Electrical circuit of egg turning system

Everyone who is involved poultry, have at least once observed how hens (and hens, and ducks, and geese, and turkeys, and any other bird) turn eggs with their beaks in the nest.

This is done for several reasons, including:

  1. When turning the eggs, they heat up more evenly, since the heat source is located on only one side.
  2. Eggs “breathe” better (in the case of an incubator this is not as important as with natural hatching, but many farmers even ventilate the eggs in incubators, providing them with an influx of fresh air).
  3. Turning the eggs ensures the correct development of the chick (the embryo without moving the egg can stick to the shell, the percentage of hatched eggs can be greatly reduced).

The allantois is the embryonic membrane that serves as the respiratory organ of the embryo. In birds, the allantois forms along the walls of the shell around the embryo.

The time for closure of the embryonic membrane is different in all species of birds.

You can track the process using an ovoscope. When candled, the eggs become dark from the sharp end, and an enlarged air chamber is observed at the blunt end.

The mechanism for turning eggs in the incubator - choosing the optimal method

Eggs should be turned over at least 2 times a day when laid horizontally (180° - half a turn). Although some bird breeders recommend doing this more often - every 4 hours.

The modern range of incubators includes a large number of device models with different functionality.
The most inexpensive models are not equipped with an automatic flip mechanism. And therefore, the procedure will have to be performed manually according to a predetermined schedule with a timer. In order not to get confused, a special accounting journal is started, and marks are placed on the eggs with a marker.

More functional models incubators can be equipped with automatic turning over.

Mechanical turning of eggs in an incubator Most often there are two types:

  • Frame,
  • Inclined.

The first type of mechanism works on the principle of rolling eggs. That is, the lower part of the egg is stopped by the supporting surface due to friction, and a special frame, moving, pushes the egg, thereby rotating it relative to its axis.

With this type of inversion, eggs are placed in the incubator only horizontally. The frame can move by pushing in one direction, or it can rotate relative to its axis.

The second type of mechanism involves a design that works on the principle of a swing. Eggs in this version are loaded only vertically.

Advantages of frame rotation

  1. The device consumes little energy to turn and can therefore even be used for operation. backup source current (in case of power outage).
  2. The rotation mechanism is quite easy to maintain and functional to use.
  3. This incubator is small in size and does not take up much space.


  1. The shear mechanism assumes that the shell is perfectly clean; even a slight contamination can stop the egg, and it will not turn.
  2. The shear pitch directly affects the turning radius of the egg. If the eggs are larger or, conversely, smaller in diameter, as specified by the device manufacturers, then the angle of rotation will be significantly changed to a smaller or larger direction (incubators with circular motion of the frames do not have this drawback; all eggs will be completely turned over).
  3. Some incubator manufacturers do not take into account the dimensions of the eggs, they make low frames and therefore, when shifted, the eggs can hit each other. If the frame moves suddenly due to equipment malfunction (play, incorrect adjustment, etc.), again, the eggs may be damaged.

Advantages of inclined egg turning mechanisms

  1. The eggs are guaranteed to rotate at a given degree, no matter what diameter they are. That is, incubators with an inclined turning mechanism can safely be called universal. They are suitable for eggs of any poultry.
  2. This turning mechanism is the safest in comparison with frame ones, since the horizontal amplitude of movements is small, which means the eggs will hit each other less.


  1. The swing mechanism is more difficult to maintain than the frame mechanism.
  2. The cost of incubators with such automatic egg turning is often high.
  3. The dimensions of the end devices and power consumption are higher than their frame counterparts.

The choice of the most optimal mechanism, as when choosing any other device, depends on many factors (the final price of the device, other additional functionality, dimensions, power consumption, etc.), as well as the individual preferences of the breeder.

Egg turning tray in the incubator - nuances

The simplest and most functional variant of the mechanism for turning eggs in the incubator– movable. Most often, the choice for incubators with such equipment falls due to the low final cost.

Below we will look at what to look for when purchasing such a unit.

  • The tray has a certain volume of egg loading. This indicator is the first thing you need to pay attention to. The capacity of the incubator should be selected based on the planned population of the poultry house. There is no point in taking a large supply, since an increase in the population directly affects the increase in the area of ​​the chicken coop (or premises for raising other types of birds).
  • Some models of trays are made in the form of thin frames. They are the most inexpensive, however, the most unsafe (the frames bend easily, which can cause the mechanism to fail; with a large diameter, the eggs can touch each other, hanging outside the cell, which is dangerous when moving, etc.). It is best to choose trays with fully insulated cells (on all 4 sides of the egg) with high sides.
  • The cell size and tray shift pitch directly affect the angle of rotation of the egg. Therefore, cell sizes should be selected based on the type of eggs. It is not recommended to place eggs with a small diameter in large cells. For example, for quail eggs the tray should have a smaller cell size, for turkey eggs – a larger one, etc.
  • If you want a universal incubator with auto-rotation for various types eggs, it is best to pay attention to models with trays with removable partitions. They allow you to choose the required size. In such incubators you can place Various types eggs at the same time (there should be eggs of the same diameter in one row).

How to make a homemade mechanism for turning chicken eggs in an incubator

In order to make an automatic egg turning mechanism for an incubator, you will need knowledge of mechanics and electrical engineering.

Below we will look at a simple example of creating a mechanism with horizontal displacement of the tray by electric drive.

Due to the wide variety of engines and methods of technical implementation of movement, it will not be difficult to select the necessary materials.

You can always purchase an auto-rotating version of the incubator, so creating a mechanism with your own hands is justified only when the price of the tools and materials used does not exceed the price finished device.

Electrical circuit of the auto-rotate device

Frame auto-rotate for eggs from simple materials

Basic principles from which to proceed:

  • The circular motion of the engine rotor must be converted into reciprocating horizontal motion. This is done using a connecting rod mechanism, when a rod attached to one of the points of the circle transmits the cyclic circular motion being performed into the reciprocating motion of the other end.
  • Due to the fact that many rotary engines have a large number revolutions per unit of time, in order to convert frequent rotations of the axis into rare ones, it is necessary to use a combination of gears with different gear ratios. The number of turns of the final gear must correspond to the time of turning the eggs (in ready-made models, the turn is carried out once every 4 hours). That is, one turn approximately every 2-4 hours.
  • The reciprocating movement of the rod in one direction should be the full diameter of the egg - this is about 4 cm, or 8 cm - the total length (rotation in each direction will be carried out 180°, that is, for one full cycle of the last gear - 360° rotation of the egg) . To put it simply, the radius of the rod attachment point on the last gear should be equal to the radius eggs (or a little more).


The assembled mechanism will work as follows:

  1. The motor performs rotational movements at high frequency.
  2. The gear system converts high speed rotation of the engine shaft infrequently (approximately 1 rotation per 4-8 hours).
  3. The rod connecting the last gear and the tray with the eggs converts circular movements into horizontal reciprocating movements of the tray (a distance equal to the diameter of the egg).

Homemade incubators use several types of automatic trays for turning eggs, which are divided into two types. The device can turn eggs one at a time, or in tiers. The first type turned out to be ineffective, and is used only in small incubators for 5 - 20 eggs. Trays of the second type have proven themselves well in both industrial and home-made devices.

To ensure that the embryos develop and warm up evenly, the eggs must be turned every 2-4 hours. Very often used in small incubators manual method revolution, and in machines designed for 50 or more eggs it is optimal to use automatic system coup. It is divided into two types: frame and inclined.

Each type of tray has its own pros and cons. Frame rotation consumes less energy, and the rotation mechanism is very easy to operate. Another advantage: can be used in small incubators. Disadvantages include the influence of the shift step on the radius of rotation of the egg. If the frame is low, the eggs may hit each other. Eggs can also be damaged by sudden movements of the frames.

The inclined tray ensures guaranteed rotation at a given angle, regardless of the size of the eggs.

The horizontal movement of the trays along the guides reduces the level of egg damage by 75-85%. The disadvantages include more complex maintenance and high energy consumption. The design is heavier, which is not always convenient for use in small incubation machines.

Frame swing system

The incubator tray is suitable for those who use lightweight models made of foam or plywood. To make a machine for 200 eggs, you will need:

  • Gearmotor,
  • Galvanized profile,
  • Boxes of fruits or vegetables,
  • Angle made of steel and rods,
  • Clamps with bearings,
  • Sprocket with chain,
  • Fastening materials.

How to make a tray: the base is welded first from the corner. Its dimensions are selected individually, depending on the number of trays and dimensions of the home incubator. The turning device is assembled from a pair of axes to which the first and last tray are attached. The rest are hung on the rods themselves. From the edges of the corner, a platform is made for landing the bearings, which is welded on both sides on the axle.

The frame itself is made of aluminum corner - it is lighter. If vegetable boxes are used as trays, then the frame size will be 30.5 * 40.5 cm. If the trays are homemade, then the size is adjusted to fit them + 0.5 cm for free entry. pros vegetable boxes: accessibility and durability. Cons: poor ventilation. Homemade trays can be made from metal mesh with a rod thickness of 1.5 mm, and a cross-section equal to the size of an egg. The finished frame is placed on an axis, in which several holes are drilled for fastening. To prevent rust, it is recommended to paint the structure.

The axle is welded to the frame through a bearing, which is tightened with a clamp for strength. A mount for the gearbox is mounted to the left of the base. The first and last frames are connected by rods, the rest are hung between them every 15 cm. To ensure reliable fastening, it is recommended to lock the nuts.

The trays are driven either by a chain transmission or using a pin.

Which method to choose depends on the gearmotor used, but usually homemade devices ah, chain transmission is used.

On a piece of plastic at the bottom of the frame, switches are installed that stop the gear motor when the trays are tilted at an angle of 45°. More detailed diagrams and drawings can be found on thematic forums - this will help to understand the features of fastening and connecting nodes.

A regular relay can be used together with the control unit. It will have to be modified a little: three wires are brought out, and the tracks leading to the contacts are cut. The unit is programmed to turn on every 2.5-3.5 hours. Two toggle switches are connected to the relay: without fixation and with fixation. The first one is used to manually move the frames to a horizontal position, and the second one is used to switch them to automatic operation mode.

The power source for the flip mechanism is a pair of power supplies from a personal computer.

Depending on the size of the incubator and the number of trays, additional heating elements installed on one or more frames. In a larger space, this will provide additional control over temperature and humidity. A small fan is also attached to the frame, which will provide ventilation. Lack of ventilation can lead to the death of up to 50% of the brood, as favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Tilt turning system

You can automate the rotation of trays in a home incubator using a built-in electromechanical drive, which operates after a specified period of time. Usually the timer is set for 2.5 - 3 hours. A time relay is responsible for accuracy. You can buy it, or you can make it from a mechanical or electronic watch.

The rotation mechanism for the incubator can be made from a clock with an electromechanical relay. There is usually a socket on the case where you can connect the consumer. Place time intervals on the dial. The engine will transmit torque through the gearbox.

The egg trays in the incubator rotate along guides, which are the walls of the chamber. The design can be improved by attaching a metal strip longer than the grille to the axis. The axis itself is inserted into grooves cut on the sides of each tray.

In order for the grid to move, a working unit is assembled from a rod, a gearbox, a crank element and a motor. For this model, a motor from car wipers or microwave oven. As a battery, you can use a computer power supply or attach a cord to connect to an outlet.

The device works like this: the electrical circuit is closed using a relay after a specified period of time.

The mechanism comes into action and turns the eggs in the tray until they come into contact with the end position stops. The frame is fixed until the working cycle is repeated.

Inclined tray for 50 eggs

The main part is an aluminum base, with holes drilled in it for better air circulation. The maximum diameter is 1 cm. The sides are made of laminate. A cut is made to the middle in increments of 5 cm, through which a mesh of twine is woven to hold the eggs.

For smaller eggs, you can make a grid in increments of 2.5 or 3 cm. A DAN2N electric drive is used to rotate the axis. It is usually used for ventilation in pipes. The drive power is enough to slowly tilt the tray by 45°. The change of position is controlled by a timer, which opens and closes the contacts every 2.5-3 hours.


The desire to receive more and give less is human. But it sometimes leads to the miser paying twice. This postulate can also be applied to incubators. The poultry farmer really needs it. Big, good and high quality is expensive. For example, the price of an incubator for 300 eggs is 29,000 rubles. A cheap one can last one season, and even spoil the hatching eggs. So it turns out that saving does not lead to good things.

But now for those who are “friendly with technology” and have skillful hands, there is an opportunity to save money and get a reliable (there will be no one to blame) device that is very important for the poultry farmer. It's about about a homemade incubator. Complete collection kits are available for sale, and the automation necessary to improve them is also sold separately.

Requirements for homemade incubators

Before assembling the incubator, you need to know the technical conditions that it must provide.

  • During incubation chicken eggs the number of continuous days of its work is 21 days.
  • Eggs in the incubator are laid at a distance of at least 10 mm from each other
  • The temperature in the incubator varies depending on the stage of development of the embryo in the egg.
  • In automatic mode, the eggs are turned over once every hour.
  • Supported optimal humidity and ventilation. Air speed 5 m/s.

Ready-made kits

To facilitate work and increase the reliability of the future design, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made automation kit in homemade incubator. For example, like the one in the picture below.

It includes:

  • Thermostat providing automatic visual control of temperature and humidity.
  • Sensors that scan the state of temperature and humidity inside the incubator.
  • Transformer 220/12 V.
  • Universal tray with automatic rotation. You can put either quail or chicken eggs in it.

The price of this set is 5,000 rubles. But you can be sure that the incubation process is going correctly. Temperature and humidity correspond to the specified parameters, and the turning of the eggs occurs on time.

If you are only interested in automatic egg turning, you can purchase a simpler kit.

This photo shows dimensions devices. They will tell you how to place it in the future incubator.

This kit consists of the following:

  • Reversible motor - 14 W, 2.5 rpm;
  • Stars - 1 meter;
  • Limit switches - 2 pcs;
  • Mounting bracket;
  • Connecting wires.

The kit is sold already assembled and configured. It just needs to be connected to the control thermostat. Price - 3990 rubles.

Connecting this device in a homemade incubator looks as shown in the diagram.

But motorized trays must be contained in some kind of housing. And it matters for the incubator. After all, inside it thermoregulation of air exchange is carried out for incubation of the egg. Therefore, the thermal insulation qualities of the material from which the incubator will be made are very important.

Great option for the body this is old refrigerator. Its body also has the properties of a thermostat, and the doors close conveniently and securely.

Converting a refrigerator into an incubator

Before you start assembling an incubator from an old refrigerator, you need to get rid of what is already in it. unnecessary details and remove the freezer.

To provide proper air exchange the ventilation system needs to be adjusted.

Ventilation and humidity

To ensure ventilation, two holes with a diameter of 30 mm are made in the refrigerator body. One is below, the other is above. Tubes are inserted into these holes. By completely or partially closing these openings, you will regulate the air exchange inside the device.

At the bottom, install a fan on rubber pads. You can use a computer fan. Place a cuvette filled with water nearby. With the help of the evaporation of this water it will be possible to regulate the humidity in the future incubator. Secure the heating elements. These can be ordinary incandescent lamps or heating elements.

In this case, air exchange occurs like this.

  • The air below is heated.
  • It is moistened with water vapor from the cuvette.
  • The fan drives the air flow upward.
  • Part of the heat is transferred to the hatching eggs;
  • Some of the air cools and is blown out.
  • After cooling, part of the air falls down, and the other enters from the outside through the lower hole.

Heating system

The simplest option heating - these are incandescent lamps with a power of 25 W. Four lamps are taken. Two are installed at the bottom, two at the top. Or you can use more powerful lamps (40 W), but take fewer of them (2 pieces). An alternative to lamps can be heating elements.

Trays and their rotation mechanism

You can buy a motorized tray made in China. They are also of high quality, and are cheaper than imported ones. Their kits include:

  • frame on which mini-trays with cells for eggs are installed;
  • power unit;
  • low-speed engine, eliminating sudden jerks when starting to move.

These are very convenient trays. Their rotation is carried out by a built-in motor, which just needs to be connected to the included power supply. Full cycle(90 degrees) rotation of the trays takes two hours.

If you don't want to use this very much convenient solution, then you can make the trays yourself. For example, from metal, wood and mesh or any other available material. The main thing is to install them without distortion in the body of a homemade incubator. Secure the rotary axes for the trays with brass bushings or use special bearing supports.

A chain drive can be used as a mechanism for rotating the trays. Its connection diagram is shown in the figure above, and what it will look like in established form in the photo below.


It’s worth making an incubator yourself only if you have plumbing skills and are “friendly” with electrical engineering. Then you can significantly reduce your costs for purchasing this product. It won’t be completely free, but you will be able to purchase and install better and more reliable components.

All components of this device can be easily purchased. This was written about above. To control the entire mechanism, you will need to purchase a thermostat. And then apply your skills in plumbing.

As you can see, this option for equipping the turning mechanism is more troublesome than purchasing a mechanized tray. But the price gain is not so obvious.

If you have certain materials, you can make an incubator yourself. However, successful incubation of eggs depends on a number of factors, and in order not to spoil them at the very first laying, it is important to anticipate all possible issues in the operation of the manufactured structure. Let's consider one of the popular options for creating such a device.

Characteristics of incubators with automatic egg turning

In addition to incubators with “manual” or semi-automatic egg turning, there are automatic incubators that minimize human intervention in the process of hatching chicks. According to the time set by the owner, the automation itself performs the required revolution, and the eggs do not lie in one place.

Such machines can be built at home, but first of all, it is important to take into account all its possible pros and cons.


  • Undeniable advantages homemade apparatus The following features can be considered:
  • low cost compared to ready-made purchased models;
  • economical in terms of energy consumption;
  • independent selection the required internal volume, depending on the personal needs of each farmer;
  • high maintainability (if any part fails, the technician can always replace it without outside help);
  • versatility (if the structure is properly assembled, a homemade incubator can be used not only for breeding chickens, but also for breeding chicks of other domestic or even exotic birds).

In addition, if the components for the future device can be found at home, then you will get the finished incubator completely free of charge.


This group of characteristics mostly includes disadvantages associated with inaccurate calculations and the use of old materials.

  • That's why possible disadvantages homemade devices are:
  • the possibility of failure of some part of the device (especially if the incubator is made from old equipment);
  • independent increase in temperature or power outages, which leads to the death of embryos;
  • unattractive appearance;
  • lack of a warranty from the manufacturer that allows you to replace the device if it breaks.

Requirements for homemade automatic incubators

Without knowledge technical specifications incubation, not a single assembled incubator can provide good productivity, therefore, before getting down to work, it is worth considering some requirements for automatic designs:

  • incubation of eggs takes at least 21 days, which means that the incubator must work exactly that long (without interruption);
  • eggs should be placed inside the device at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other, which is important to consider when choosing a specific tray;
  • along with the change in the stage of embryo development, the temperature inside the incubator should also change;
  • automatic egg turning should be performed slowly, twice a day;
  • to maintain optimal levels of humidity and ventilation, in homemade mechanism a regulator must be provided required parameters(thermostat, as well as sensors scanning temperature and humidity levels).

Important!To use a homemade breeding incubator different types For birds, it is useful to purchase a ready-made universal tray that ensures timely turning of their eggs.

How to make an automatic egg incubator with your own hands

If you are going to create an incubator yourself, then one of the good solutions is to use an old refrigerator. Of course, it will have to be completed and the consumables selected correctly.
To do this, you need to make sure that the finished structure:

  • had holes for ventilation and maintaining humidity at a level of 40–60% (drilled in the body, after which tubes are placed in them to protect against interaction of air with glass wool);
  • provided for the regulation and maintenance of temperature indicators;
  • ensured the ventilation speed of eggs was 5 m/s;
  • guaranteed timely egg turning.

However, all this will be calculated during the actual collection, and first you should correctly calculate the size of the device and select all consumables.

How to calculate the size?

The dimensions of the finished homemade incubator will directly affect the number of eggs for one laying, so if it is important for you to get as many chicks as possible at a time, then we suggest focusing on the following approximate values:

Concerning external dimensions devices, they depend on the chosen material, because, for example, foam plastic will be more voluminous than cardboard. In addition, when manufacturing structures with several floors, completely different technologies will be used, which means that calculations will be made taking into account the parameters of each tier.

The size of the incubator will also be affected by:

  • type of heating system;
  • placement of lamps;
  • placement of trays.

In order not to make mistakes in calculations when designing an incubator, it is important to adhere to a pre-designed diagram, which for a small device for 45 eggs can look like this:

Consumables and tools for work

The design of an incubator has much in common with the design of a refrigerator, which will make a good case: the walls refrigeration equipment They retain heat well, and you can use existing shelves as shelving.

Did you know? On the territory of Russia the first mass production incubators dates back to beginning of the 19th century centuries, and the volumes of such machines were very impressive: 16–24 thousand eggs could be placed in them at a time.

Main list necessary tools and materials will look like this:

  • old refrigerator (maybe the oldest model, but intact and working);
  • 25 W light bulbs (4 pcs.);
  • fan;
  • metal rod or chain with sprocket;
  • a drive that ensures the eggs are turned over (for example, a gearmotor from a car windshield wiper);
  • drill;
  • thermostat;
  • thermometer;
  • screwdriver and screws.

How to make an incubator with automatic tray turning with your own hands: video

Approximate diagram finished product:

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The entire process of making a home incubator from an old refrigerator will take only a few hours, as it consists of small quantity main stages:

  1. Development of drawings showing the clear location of every detail of the future incubator.
  2. Disassembling the refrigerator and removing all unnecessary parts: freezer, trays on doors and other elements of secondary importance.
  3. Organization of a ventilation system (you need to drill one hole in the ceiling of the refrigerator, and make three more in the lower part, closer to the bottom, inserting plastic tubes into them).
  4. Fastening sheets of polystyrene foam to the inner walls of the case (you can use double-sided mounting tape or small screws).
  5. Installation of a heating system. The prepared 4 incandescent lamps must be secured at the bottom and top of the refrigerator body (two pieces each), and the lower lamps should not interfere with the placement of the water container (small screws can be used for fastening).
  6. Installation of a purchased thermostat on the outer part of the door and its connection to the heating elements.
  7. Creating a turning mechanism using a car gearbox. To begin, use metal strips and self-tapping screws to secure this element to the bottom of the refrigerator. Then, inside the device, install wooden frame and attach the trays to it, only so that they can tilt 60°, first towards the door and then in the opposite direction. Attach a rod connected to the tray on the opposite side of the refrigerator to the gear motor (the motor will act on the rod, and it, in turn, will begin to tilt the tray and provide rotation).
  8. Installation of a viewing window. Cut a small hole on the outside of the refrigerator door and cover it with glass or transparent plastic. Reinforce all joints with tape or sealant.
  9. Installing a tray with water and attaching a thermometer inside the refrigerator, only so that it can be seen through the viewing window.

Finally, you should check the functionality of all mechanisms by turning on the device for several hours.

Laying eggs in the incubator

Before being placed in an incubator, all eggs must lie in the room for at least 8 hours, because if they were previously in cool conditions, then when placed in a warm incubator, condensation cannot be ruled out.
An equally important stage of preparation is the culling of unsuitable eggs.

So, the following specimens are not suitable for further incubation:

  • small size;
  • with cracks, growths or any other uncharacteristic features on the shell;
  • with freely moving yolk;
  • with a displaced air chamber (more than two millimeters).

The next stage is direct placement into the incubator, which also has its own characteristics:

  • on one tray it is advisable to place eggs close to each other in size, and preferably from the same type of bird;
  • first of all, the largest eggs should be laid out on the trays, followed by medium and small ones, taking into account the incubation period (on average, at least 4 hours should pass between the laying of each subsequent group);
  • if possible, it is worth moving the laying time to the evening hours, so that the chicks should appear in the morning;
  • It is advisable to place the incubator in a room with stable temperatures to make it easier for the device to maintain the indicators inside;
  • For complete control over the incubation process, get yourself a calendar in which you need to note the date of laying, the date and time of the turning, as well as the date of the control ovoscopy of the eggs.

The duration of incubation of different types of poultry varies significant differences, which means turning the eggs should be done differently.
In addition, the conditions for embryo development will also vary:

  • for chicken eggs, the temperature inside the device must be monitored every hour, maintaining it at +37.9 °C for the first 11 days, with a humidity of no more than 66%;
  • for duck eggs, the optimal values ​​are +38…+38.2 °C, with a humidity of 70%.

Did you know?Chickens are excellent at remembering faces and are able to retain up to a hundred images in their memory, not only human ones, but also animals.

Temperature conditions for different types of poultry

The right temperature is one of the most important conditions incubation, without which hatching of chicks is simply impossible.

For each type of bird, these indicators are purely individual, so when laying eggs from chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys, you should focus on the following values:

In general, a homemade incubator - good decision both for those who are just trying themselves in poultry farming, and for experienced farmers who do not want to spend extra money on purchasing finished equipment. By equipping the structure with automatic egg turning, you can achieve 80–90% hatchability of chicks.

I would like to start with the fact that there is controversy regarding such a problem as “which egg turning mechanism is better?” has been circulating on the Internet for quite some time. Let's try to figure it out using the example of two popular types of structures, such as a wheelchair and a swing.

Wheelchair principle:

This principle is very common in foam incubators. domestic production, since it is probably the simplest and least expensive to produce. This design doesn’t have many advantages for the user, I would even say only two, it’s an auto-reversal in itself and it’s cheap. Now let's move on to the disadvantages: jamming of the mechanism (there were cases when eggs got stuck and cracked), lack of reliable support for eggs in the cells of the mechanism grid and large backlash, which in turn can also lead to damage to the shell, especially in such a variety of birds as quail. Some foreign manufacturers working on the same technology, in turn, tried to take into account all the nuances, using more suitable materials and having changed the design, in a similar design the eggs no longer crack, but the most a big problem, associated with the location of the egg in a horizontal position. The fact is that such a nuance leads to such an unpleasant factor as a decrease in the number of healthy chicks by 10% - 20% (at the stage of embryo development, during rolling, there is a high probability of developing physiological pathologies).

Swing principle:

Here things are more in an interesting way, firstly I would like to note that this technology provides for the vertical arrangement of eggs and their rigid fixation, due to the presence of separate cells or fixing elements, if a common large tray is provided for the laying, for example, like in Poseda incubators. For myself, I noted that the most convenient are the mechanisms for turning eggs in the incubator, which come with separate cells, since in this case the eggs do not contact each other and there is no need to put cardboard to fix them, although in this case the volume of eggs laid is decreases, but at the same time the percentage of hatching increases. So draw conclusions about what you want to get, quantity or quality.
