Art therapy for adults. Material (group) on the topic: Art therapy for adults

Man, as you know, is a very intelligent creature. So intelligent that it creates intricate mechanisms, explores remote corners of the universe, domesticates animals and plays board games. Unfortunately (or to the joy) of a person, he becomes reasonable gradually, developing his memory step by step. Of course, more educated homo sapiens should help him in this. In this review I will talk about two card games that will become reliable assistants for parents and will help them tell the young researcher about the world around him in a playful way.

Developing board games for children is quite difficult - you need to put yourself in the child’s shoes, include a little fun in the gameplay and think through the educational component. All this has been successfully implemented in small boxes from the publishing house " Simple rules" This time we will study animals and train reactions in " Homo sapiens", and also learn the properties of the objects around us in " Soft sign».

Homo sapiens.

Having taken his first steps, the young and very inquisitive homo sapiens strives to learn everything in the world and is surprised by everything that comes his way. It’s the adults who are used to the amazing clouds floating in the sky. bright colors, green grass and various animals – man’s faithful companions on earth. Childhood is the brightest time of our lives, it’s a pity that we practically don’t remember it...

Players will have to study 12 different animals (paired cards) and meet five very interesting representatives of the human race.

All pictures are made in the style of “children’s” drawings, so young players can easily identify mice, dogs, frogs, and so on. Before the start of the game, each of the opponents chooses the voice of the animal with which he will speak. For example: mouse (pee-pee), dog (woof-woof).

Explorers of the world are seated around a table, in the center of which is a stack of cards face down. The player who has a hamster in his house is the first to remove the top card from the deck and place it face up in front of him, then, in turn, all players do similar actions.

If two pictures match, you need to shout in the voice of the animal that your opponent has chosen. For example: the kittens match, the player whose card is at the bottom of the photo shouts “woof-woof” and wins the current round.

The winner takes the entire stack of opponent's cards and places them underneath his own. After this, the game continues.

One homo sapiens is enough! As soon as a card with a representative of the human race is opened in front of one of the players, all opponents raise their hands up and shout: “ The hamster is intelligent!" (Sorry, " Homo sapiens!»).

The first one to do this takes one of the bottom cards from the opponents' piles.

Of course, there are also penalties: for calling out an animal incorrectly you can lose one card, for a “person” - two.

The game ends as soon as the stack in the center of the table runs out. Players then count the number of collected cards in their piles. Whoever has the most wins!

"Homo sapiens" is a children's card game with simple rules for attentiveness and reaction. While searching for paired cards, children will learn the names of animals and learn to imitate their voices. The game will take about ten minutes, so you can search for paired pictures at any time. free time, even during a break between lessons - both useful and fun...

Soft sign.

All objects around us have properties: liquid hot water splashing in the teapot, white cold snow lies on the street, a transparent glass cup stands on the shelf. Adults have known all this for a long time, but children... Children have yet to learn the secrets of the world around them and characterize objects. And, according to tradition, the unusual will help us with this board game.

« What's unusual here? Cards, like cards...“- you ask and you will be partially right. The set includes 50 definitions that we use quite often in everyday life.

Shuffle the stack and deal five to seven random cards to each player. At the leader's command, the opponents try to find objects that correspond to all the properties printed on the cards.

Everyone has their own definition of “delicious”. But children, and most adults, agree on one thing - sweets, definitely fall under this definition...

It’s better to look for something metal in your dad’s car, you’ll always find it there wrench or a couple of bolts (most importantly, do not unscrew anything)!

For beauty, go to mom. Various vases, jewelry and porcelain figurines fit perfectly under the concept of “beautiful”.

Plastic items are most likely to be found in the nursery - guns, dolls, houses and jewelry boxes. Bring all this to the presenter...

Of course, there is no need to drag a gray elephant or a wet shark into the house - they will not fit in the apartment, and the owners of the nearby zoo will not appreciate your zeal. In this case, it is enough to simply point to an object that fits your definition.

The winner is the player who completes the task faster than others...

An excellent educational game for young children. You will be sincerely surprised when you find out that your child finds it difficult to compare some definitions and objects. The fact is that for adults this is already “in the past.” The door is wooden, the light bulb is glass, and the water is wet. Basic things that “even a child knows.” Alas, he doesn’t know. The child collects this information from conversations, making conclusions and assumptions.

The game “Soft Sign” will help parents tell their children about the world around them, broaden their child’s horizons and allow them to have fun. Perfect for kindergartens and extended day primary school groups.

Product description Quick card game Simple rules homo sapiens (homo sapiens) article PP-1

Homo sapiens is a fun, fast mindfulness board game. It will unite participants of any age and give everyone good mood.

What do you need to play?

A deck of cards with images of animals. The players' ability to croak, grunt or crow will come in handy. The main thing is the desire to have fun!

Meow! Oh no... Kwa! Carr!

Players agree on who will be which animal, and then take turns taking cards from the deck. When someone has a card matching ours, we, ahead of him, shout loudly in his voice. More precisely, in the voice of his animal.

The main thing is to remember correctly which animal he chose. And what it “sounds” like. And be able to get ahead of your opponent. And if the picture turns out to be not an animal, but a person, then don’t forget to shout “Homo sapiens!”

Is this a game for attention and reaction speed?

Of course, but not only! And for memory, and in general for a lot of things! The youngest participants get to know different animals and their voices. Those who are older learn to live through victories and defeats and concentrate.

Everyone enjoys themselves and gives each other a good mood. This game will perfectly help to motivate children, which is sometimes necessary, for example, in the morning or at the beginning of some event.

Who is this game for?

For those who are looking for a gift for a preschool child and his parents.

For noisy gatherings in a large company.

For a fun evening with the family.

For children's day birth.

What's included in the game kit:

  • 65 cards
  • Bag
  • Rules of the game

Quick card game Simple rules of homo sapiens (homo sapiens) article PP-1 - video

About the possibility of providing psychological assistance few of us have heard through art classes. And even if they heard it, they didn’t take it seriously. Somehow this doesn’t sound like an adult...

However, this attitude is fundamentally wrong, since modern art therapy is an activity that helps to successfully relieve accumulated stress, regain the joy of life, get to know yourself better and accept yourself as you are.

What is art therapy?

Art therapy classes under the guidance of a specialist are a creative process combined with effective. A competent combination of methods allows you to painlessly bypass the boundaries of a person’s consciousness and work with his inner world. Today, art therapy for adults is considered one of the most powerful methods of work.

The popularity of art therapy is due not only to its effectiveness in working with clients of all ages, but also to the absolute safety of the methods used. This direction has no contraindications, therefore it is successfully used in the work of a wide range of specialists: from professional psychologists to school teachers and business trainers.

There are usually no requirements for clients coming to an art therapy course, since the creative process here has a slightly different purpose. The main task of those who come to class is not to create beautiful picture, but self-awareness through the creative process. Thus, art contributes to the expression of human feelings, fears and experiences. A person who is carried away by the creative process freely “spits out” his inner world, while bypassing the “censorship of the mind.” Sometimes it's like that non-verbal communication is the only way for the client to communicate with the specialist. In the works created in class, the adult shows all the problems that seem to him to be insurmountable obstacles that complicate life.

Engaging in creativity helps to reveal a person’s potential and releases his hidden resources. In a creative environment, the client finds the strength to solve the problem in the most optimal way.

Art therapy for adults: when and who will the classes help?

Our world is a race that drives you into depression and leads to the accumulation of negativity, making it impossible to get rid of it. It is in this situation that art therapy is the best remedy helping to overcome negative emotions and cope with depression.

Art therapy for adults is also perfect for those who just want to relax and disconnect from the outside world. Classes with a specialist who uses modern techniques will allow you not only to open your inner reserves, but also to get rid of anxiety and apathy, and find harmony.

Types of art therapy

In general, there are enough types in this direction, but among them there are those that are popular among class visitors. These types include: art therapy, music therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, game therapy, etc.

Let's take a closer look at some types of art therapy.

ISO therapy

Fine art is perhaps the most understandable and simplest form for humans. creative activity. But, despite the apparent simplicity. Classes fine arts help not only to express your thoughts, but also to feel and understand yourself.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be an artist and have pronounced artistic skills: often clients themselves do not realize to what extent they are capable of creating beauty. Classes help you learn more about your abilities and unleash your creative potential to the maximum. However, this does not create any tension, quite the opposite. The creative process leads to a person completely relaxing, feeling only lightness and confidence in his abilities.

In classes with an experienced specialist, people free themselves from negativity, communicate and become more self-confident.

Music therapy

Music affects not only the psycho-emotional and spiritual sphere of a person, but also affects the surface of the body and even internal organs. Active or passive music therapy classes are aimed at the aesthetic experience of the work by the client. In this case, the works are selected based on the problems the client has. If in passive classes a person only listens to a piece of music, then in active classes he himself participates in its performance.

The main goal of music therapy is not only a therapeutic effect, but also the inclusion of the client in society, overcoming barriers to communication, and eliminating shyness.

Fairy tale therapy

Usually the lesson is held in a group, causing a lot of positive emotions. Classes using fairy tale therapy help clients find the right ways to solve accumulated problems, “breaking” them out of a vicious circle. By coming up with the plot of a fairy tale, the client may come across details that are personal to him, which can radically change his idea of ​​himself and his problems.

Sand therapy

Sand therapy is a very popular area of ​​art therapy. Sand exercises help the client get rid of tension, anxiety and stress.

During classes, an adult allows himself to be a child again. Playing in the sandbox, he “turns off” the control of consciousness, opening access to the subconscious. It is in such an environment that one can see hidden problems and find ways to solve them.

Art therapy is a universal way to solve both children's and adult problems. It is effectively used in the work of many specialists. However, even non-specialists can use art therapy techniques in everyday life.

For example, parents in interaction with children. Often a child is unable to tell you that he has a problem, but it is much easier for him to express it in the creative process. Having an understanding of the methods and types of art therapy, you will be able to effectively and timely provide assistance to him. Moreover, a creative activity in which you can involve the whole family will help bring you closer together and improve the microclimate within the family.

Do you want to become a real specialist in the field of art therapy for adults? The educational center Orange sun. Our program “Basics of art therapy in counseling and group work with adults” will teach you how to use art therapy in individual and family counseling, as well as in group work.

Art therapyis an extremely popular area of ​​psychotherapy today. This is healing through art and creativity. This is body and soul therapy for children and adults. It is considered “soft”, but at the same time extremely effective and able to cope with psychological problem of any complexity.

The main advantage of art therapy, which determines its popularity, is the ability to carry out art therapeutic techniqueson one's own, without the help of a psychologist. Of course, it is difficult to solve a complex, long-term and confusing problem without an art therapist, but it will definitely be possible to cope with stress, relax, get distracted, be filled with positivity, develop creative abilities, creative thinking, and learn self-awareness and self-expression!

Diagnosis of a psychological problem, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work in art therapy occurs in the formcreative self-expression. The art therapist's client freely, honestly, openly and without hesitation expresses himself in art through paints, clay, sand, sounds, movements and so on (depending on the type of art therapy), and as a result finds, realizes and solves his internal problem .

Art therapy is indispensable in working with clients with a particularly sensitive organization of the soul, both with those who do not know how to express themselves through words, and with those who are accustomed to hiding their true thoughts and feelings behind them.

Childrenthey are open and spontaneous, they express themselves directly (unlike adults, who, as a rule, strive to conform to norms and standards, to behave as they should, and not as they want). But children, unlike adults, do not know how to talk about their problems, simply because their speech is not yet sufficiently developed. This is why art therapy is a great opportunity for a child to express himself!

All children love to be creative, so they perceive a trip to an art therapist not as a doctor’s appointment, but as a creative activity, they easily interact, make contact, and trust the psychologist with their secrets.

Adulta person is a conscious individual, he thinks and does more than he feels and senses, he is a person who prefers logical thinking to a child’s creative perception of the world.

Art therapy allows you to almost completely remove barriers and “censorship” of the consciousness of an adult, because all art therapeutic techniquesprojective.The process of creativity and its result during art therapy is a direct projection of the unconscious personality into the outside world.

Not in a logical, but in an intuitive-sensual way, as a result of insight (sudden insight) comes the awareness of a psychological problem and the finding of ways to solve it.

Art therapy for children

There are a huge number of types, subtypes and varieties of art therapy, as well as trends in art and creativity.

Art therapeutic work with a small child, whose personality is just beginning to form, has a special specificity. Such work very often goes from the category of psychological to the categorypedagogical.By engaging in art therapy with a child, you can not only help him cope with this or that psychological problem, but also teach him certain knowledge, skills, and abilities in an interesting and most understandable form for him.

The best types of art therapy for children:

  1. Isotherapy.All children love and know how to draw, sculpt, and make appliqués. This is a great way to transfer unexpressed negative emotions to an external object, relieve tension and get rid of fears.
  2. Game therapy.Aimed at overcoming socio-psychological difficulties. It consists in the fact that the child simulates different social situations in which it is difficult for him to express himself and plays them out, choosing the right toys.
  3. Sand therapy.It is also carried out in a playful way. The child, with the support and guidance of an art therapist, in a mini-sandbox recreates a picture of his life or an exciting situation. This therapy helps to gain self-confidence, relieves fears and complexes.
  4. Dramatherapy.Consists of acting out art therapeutic role playing games. During such art therapy, communication skills are acquired, the child learns to communicate and express himself, and self-esteem is also corrected.
  5. Fairy tale and bibliotherapy. Therapeutic tales Younger children listen, but schoolchildren themselves read those books that have a beneficial effect on them and develop their personality. Book therapy relieves fears, complexes, neuroses, raises self-esteem, teaches you to set and achieve personal goals, and instills cultural values.

Art therapy for adults

As a rule, it is more difficult for adults than for children to express themselves through creativity, since they are often shy, repressed, and believe that they are not talented enough to sculpt, draw, dance, sing, and so on, although the art therapist always warns and talks about which is absolutely not importantHowman creates, he himself is importantfacthis creativity, himselfprocessbold and open expression of thoughts, emotions, mood, fear, anxiety, complexes, stress and so on.

Art therapy is thatfreedom of expression, which adults lack so much that they have almost forgotten how important it is to just be yourself, to act without strict instructions and frameworks, to do what you want.

The best types of art therapy for adults:

  1. Music therapy.Any art-therapeutic effect hasdarlingmusic! It’s good when a person simultaneously listens and sings, dances to the music. That's why so many people love karaoke! Is it true, the best option karaoke is karaoke at home, alone or with loved ones, and not under scrutiny strangers in a karaoke bar.

There are a huge number of varieties and styles of music, but none of them compares withclassicsThat's why therapeutic effect which it has on the mental and physical health person.

A short list of art therapeutic classical music:

  • Mozart’s “Requiem” and the introduction to Tchaikovsky’s “Fifth Symphony” help overcome depression,
  • Strauss's waltzes and Chopin's mazurkas - for anxiety,
  • “Sentimental Waltz” by Tchaikovsky and “Italian Concerto” by Bach - from aggressiveness,
  • “Csardash” Monty – for apathy,
  • "Seasons. June. Barcarolle” by Tchaikovsky, “Old Song” and “Pastoral” by Bizet - for relaxation.

The most art therapeutic colors:

  • Yellow – helps to concentrate, increases creativity, relieves depression.
  • Orange – invigorates, relieves stress, fights depression.
  • Green – relieves tension, harmonizes, charges with optimism.
  • Blue and cyan – relieves emotional stress, calms, helps to relax.

Art therapy, perhaps best view psychotherapy and self-therapy, which will allow you not only to cope with this or that psychological problem, but to take the pathpersonality development. This is the work on yourself that changes your worldview, which allows you to move from the “victim position” to the “Wizard” level of consciousness, to becomecreator your destiny.

You will find more information about art therapy in the article “ ”.
