b is a sign after sibilants in feminine nouns. Soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants

The purpose of the lesson: study the spelling “b” after hissing nouns at the end female».

Lesson objectives:
- educational:

  • introduce the new spelling “Spelling a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants;

- developing:

  • developing the ability to analyze; instill independent work skills;
  • development of attention and visual memory of students;

- educating:

  • cultivate a culture of communication, the ability to work individually and collectively; instill a love for the Russian language.

Lesson type: explanation of new material

Teaching methods: search, verbal, practical

Technologies used: problem-based learning, information and communication technologies, developmental learning.

TCO: projector, screen, computer.


  • task cards for research work;
  • presentation 24 slides (POWER POINT environment);
  • Russian language textbook for grade 3 (authors L.M. Zelenina, T.E. Khokhlova, “Prosveshchenie” publishing house, 2007, educational complex “School of Russia”);
  • algorithm for working “Nouns with sibilants at the end”;
  • forms for testing knowledge.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.
Slide number 1.
Checking students' readiness for the lesson. On the students' desks: a textbook, a notebook, a diary, a pencil case, additional material, which the teacher handed out for work.
- Write down today's date and the name of the work in your notebooks.

II. Calligraphy.
On the desk:
w w w w
- What sounds do the letters represent? w, w, h, sch?([zh] – consonant, hard unpaired, voiced paired sound, [ш] – hard unpaired consonant, unvoiced paired sound, [h"] – soft unpaired consonant, unvoiced unpaired sound, [ш"] – soft unpaired consonant, dull unpaired sound).
- What is the soft sign used for? (b – indicator of softness of consonants; b – dividing).
- Write the letters correctly in calligraphy.

III. Formulation of the problem.
Creating a situation leading to the formulation of a learning task
On slide number 2:
P...l...to, in...r...by, to...nki, s...l...vy, m...dark, m...dve, help...shch.
- Read the words.
- Name the spelling patterns in the words. (unstressed vowels, ь - an indicator of the softness of consonants; ь - dividing). Explain spelling.
- Write the words in two columns.
- By what criteria will you distribute the words into two columns? (V one I'll write down the words in a column where the soft sign appears as softness index, and in another column with dividing soft sign).
- What vowels did you insert? Name them.
- How did you distribute the words into two columns?
Examination. (Slide No. 2, click)
- What did you think about while working? (where to write the word “help”).
(Slide No. 3)
- What sound does the word end with? (soft, sizzling).
- Let's close the soft sign and say this word. What did you notice? (the word is pronounced the same way as with a soft sign).
- Is a soft sign needed to indicate the softness of the consonant [ш]? (No).
- So, the soft sign performs some kind of new job, which we will learn about in this lesson.

IV. Creating a problematic situation.
(Slide No. 4)
Orally: Replace the phrases with one word:
It can be oral and written - speech
A person who plays the trumpet is a trumpeter
A place where people swim and sunbathe - the beach
A plant from the ground grains of which rye bread is baked - rye
- What did you notice in the words? (for some reason, in some words a soft sign is written after the hissing word, but in others not).
- What problem is facing us? (we need to find out when a soft sign is written at the end of nouns after sibilants, and when not).

V. Children's discovery of new knowledge.
- Now we will work in pairs.
- Read the task and, after discussing the problem, complete it. Draw a conclusion.
(Slide No. 5)

Exploring words

  1. Read the word.
  2. What part of speech is the word?
  3. Determine the gender of nouns.
  4. What sound is heard at the end of a word?
  5. Think about what groups the words can be divided into.
  6. Write down the words, dividing them into groups.
  7. How are the words from each group different?
  8. Draw a conclusion. Try to formulate a rule.

(Slide No. 6). The words on the screen:
Ball, daughter, key, bream, thing, youth, pencil, mouse, snake, night.
Each pair completes the task in their notebooks. Compare their works. They talk about their research at the blackboard.
- Let's check how you distributed the words into two columns. (Slide No. 6, click)
- What is the work of the soft sign in these words? (grammatical, it indicates the gender of the noun. There is a soft sign after the hissing - zh.r., no soft sign - m.r.)
- What conclusion can be drawn? (a soft sign after a sibilant at the end of nouns is written only in feminine nouns in the singular, and for masculine nouns with a sibilant at the end a soft sign is not written).
- This can be written in a diagram like this: (Slide No. 7)

VI. Working with a textbook (rule).
- Let's check if we are right. What does our textbook say about this?
Read the rule on page 69.
- Were you and I right?

VII. Physical exercise.
(Slide No. 8)
- I will name masculine and feminine nouns with a sibilant at the end. If I name a feminine noun, you squat; if you hear a masculine noun, jump.
Game, siskin, night, rook, quiet, daughter, doctor, brooch, Easter cake, mouse, cloak.

VIII. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.
- Everyone on their desk has a work algorithm, using which you will not make mistakes when writing a soft sign after hissing nouns
a) - Using this algorithm, let’s do exercise 58 on page 70
(Commented execution with detailed explanation.)
- What conclusion can we draw from this work? What other work can a soft sign do? (indicates the feminine gender of a noun)
b) - Guess the riddles, underline the letters indicating hissing sounds (with a soft sign in feminine and without it in the masculine gender).
(student - at the blackboard)
(Slide No. 9)

1) Sometimes they take it out of me
Rivers have their source.
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.
2) There is a hut in the sky,
There is a pipe on the hut.
There was a noise in the hut,
There was a buzz in the pipe.
The people see the flame,
But it doesn’t simmer
3) Mom let a river into the house.
The river gurgled merrily,
Mom washed clothes in it.
And then, and then
I swam in the rain.
4) This little baby
I'm glad even for a bread crumb,
Because it's dark before
She is hiding in a hole.
5) Lying between the Christmas trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
And then suddenly she ran away.
6) Duck in the sea,
Tail on the fence.
7) If you hit the wall -
And I'll jump up.
You throw it on the ground -
And I'll bounce back.
That was! What happened?
8) Walks along the loaf,
Cutting it.

IX. Practical work.

Now everyone has to experience the role of teachers. (Slide number 10). One student wrote a text, and I can already see errors in it. Correct the mistakes. Write it down correctly.

How many errors did you count? What grade should be given to such a student?
Self-test. (Slide number 10, click)

X. Picture dictation.
(Slides No. 11 – 22)
- Write down the names of plants and animals in your notebook, as well as various items that you see. ( hedgehog, lily of the valley, swift, reeds, knife, hut, garage, shower, walrus, pencil, ball, doctor).

XI. Test ( independent work)
- Now let’s do a little test and check our knowledge.

XII. Generalization of knowledge on the topic.

Our lesson is almost over. Let's remember what problem we worked on today? What have you learned?

XIII. Lesson summary. Reflection.
- What new did you learn about the soft sign today?
- What was easy? What was difficult?
- To make sure that you have understood everything well, let’s do a small test:
(Slide No. 23)
1. At the end of nouns. R. after the hissing ones:
a) a soft sign is always written;
b) no soft sign is written.
2. At the end of nouns m.r. after the hissing ones:
a) a soft sign is written;
b) no soft sign is written.
3. a soft sign after hissing nouns at the end indicates:
a) on the gender of nouns;
b) by number;
Self-test. The correct answers are on the screen, the children check.
(Slide No. 24)

XIV. Homework.
Rule on page 69, exercise 59 on page 70.

XV. End of lesson.

Soft sign probably the most mysterious letter In russian language. It does not indicate a sound; it is not classified as a vowel/consonant. Why is it needed then? It turns out that her role in our writing great. In this article we will figure out when “b” is used after sibilants with nouns, adverbs and verbs.

Nouns. Soft sign after sibilant consonants

The exact writing of the soft sign located after these consonants causes the greatest difficulty, since it is not clear by ear whether it needs to be written or not.

It turns out that the rule is very simple: a soft sign after the hissing ones. noun written only in the words of wives. genders belonging to the 3rd declension.

The words “oven”, “speech”, “daughter”, “night”, “game” are feminine, have a nominative case and stand in singular. Therefore, we must definitely write “b” in them.

But be careful: they should not be confused with words of the 1st declension, which are in indirect cases: “many clouds”, “no tasks”, “several piles”. All of these words would seem to be feminine and should probably be classified as 3rd declension.

But let's take a closer look: they are in the genitive case. If we raise them to initial form(“cloud”, “task”, “heap”), then we will make sure that they belong to the first declension, which means they do not obey this rule.

There is another “trap” in the Russian language, where under no circumstances should a soft sign be used after hissing words. Words ending in a hissing consonant, but belonging to the second declension, are not written with “b” (“rook”, “doctor”, “cloak” - 2nd cl.). Therefore, ask the question to the noun more carefully. Do this before determining the declension, since gender depends on it. noun, and number.

When do we write “b” for adverbs?

An adverb is one of the unchangeable parts of speech. It is not declined, no endings are distinguished in it. The spelling of “b” in adverbs is not subject to any difficult rules.

  • In those adverbs that end in a consonant “sh” or “ch”, a soft sign is always written. For example: “jump up”, “exactly”.

In adverbs starting with “w”, it is never written. An exception would be the word “wide open”.

  • Another rule that the adverb is subject to: a soft sign after hissing ones is always used, with the exception of “already”, “married”, “unbearable”. Undoubtedly, such a humorous sentence is easily remembered by schoolchildren, especially girls.

It is not so important which rule you remember, the main thing is that both reflect the essence of spelling adverbs.

Verb and soft sign after sibilants

The verb is one of the most commonly used parts of speech, without which our language would be very impoverished. Spelling “ь” with verbs causes a lot of difficulties not only for students, but also for adults.

  1. If the verb is in indefinite form(infinitive) ends in a sibilant, then “ь” in this case will always be written. And here without any exceptions. “Take care”, “bake”, “burn”. It will also be stored in a reflexive form, before the postfix “-sya”: “to get carried away”, “to light up”, “to be careful”.
  2. All 2nd person singular verbs use a soft sign. This applies both to the present tense: (“you are now”), “writing”, “drawing”, “walking”, “sleeping”, and to the future: (“you are tomorrow”) “working”, “thinking”, “finishing” ", "you'll redo it." The soft sign will also be preserved before the postfix “-sya”: “you will like”, “you will use”, “you will touch”, “you will gain”, “you will take shape”. In verbs that are in the imperative mood and end in a hissing consonant, a soft sign is always written: “cut”, “eat”, “smear”, “hide”. Before the plural postfix “-te”, it is necessarily preserved: “designate”, “cut”, “hide”.

Before the postfix “-sya” it also does not disappear: “take comfort”, “don’t cut yourself”.

And again, be careful and do not fall into the “trap” of the insidious Russian language! The words “cry” and “cry” are completely different parts of speech, and therefore are written differently.

“Crying” without a soft sign is a noun of the 2nd declension, and, accordingly, a soft sign cannot be written in it. But “cry” with a soft sign is an imperative verb, and, as you know, we always write “b” in them. All this can be easily guessed from the proposed context, in which the meaning of the word will become clear.


The soft sign after sibilants is used with many parts of speech. Knowing simple rules, you will never have trouble spelling it after these consonants. If you suddenly forget some nuances, our article will remind you of them.

The soft sign is one of those letters that often makes the writer have difficulty choosing correct option writing. Moreover, several types of spellings are associated with it. Let's try to deal with one of them.

Why do you need a soft sign?

The soft sign does not indicate any sound. Nevertheless, we use it quite often in writing.

The soft sign in Russian is never used after a vowel, И or at the beginning of a word.

Soft sign performs three main functions :

  • denotes softness of consonants in the middle before consonants and at the end of a word ( softening sign).
  • indicates that E, Yo, Yu, Ya after a consonant indicate two sounds; also “separates” the consonant and the following I, sometimes O ( separator mark).
  • helps determine grammatical features words (after sibilants at the end of the word - grammatical mark).

It is about the spelling of the soft sign after the hissing ones that we will now talk about.

Why do we need a soft sign after the hissing ones?

So why do we write a soft sign in the field of hissing words at the end? After all, it cannot separate anything (there is no vowel after it).

It cannot perform a softening function either: all hissing ones are either always soft (why do they also need a soft sign?), or always hard (and the soft sign is not able to change this situation).

To answer this question, let's look at the words.

Suppose there are such words: chuch, myash and kick. These are nouns. Can we determine their gender and declension?

We can say with confidence that the word “chuch” is feminine in the 3rd declension, and “myash” is masculine in the 2nd declension. It’s impossible to say anything about “ping”. Why? Because we know: only in feminine nouns of the 3rd declension, after sibilants, a soft sign is written at the end. And after other letters - not hissing - it can be written in both the 3rd declension (steppe) and the 2nd (horse). And this is understandable: after other consonants paired in hardness and softness, the soft sign denotes softness, and not a grammatical category.

A soft sign in itself cannot be the ending of a word, although it stands at the end; it can be part of the ending (-eat, -ish) or the root (mouse, bake, cut, wide open).


The spelling of a soft sign after a sibilant at the end depends on the part of speech. Therefore, before writing or not writing b, we need to determine which part of speech is in front of us. Some of the rules related to this issue are studied in primary school(soft sign at the end of nouns and in verbs 2nd person singular), part - in 5th grade (writing short adjectives), part - in the 6th grade (imperative verbs) and, finally, adverbs and particles are considered in the 7th grade.

So, a soft sign at the end after the hissing ones is written:

  • Nouns have 3 declensions: daughter, dry land, wasteland, help.
  • In verbs, the 2nd person singular, in the imperative mood and in the indefinite form - that is, wherever a soft sign can appear at the end of a word after a hissing one: lie down, find out, appoint.
  • In adverbs (exceptions: I can’t bear to get married): back, backhand, away.
  • In some particles: just, you see, you know.

The soft sign in verbs is preserved before -sya or -te: appoint, bake, break up.

Soft sign not written:

  • Nouns have 2 declensions: baby, raincoat, crying.
  • Nouns have 1st and 2nd declension plural genitive case: clouds, shoulders, groves.
  • In short adjectives: powerful, tenacious, lily.
  • In adverbs that are exceptions: I can’t bear to get married.

Objectives of lessons 102-104: 1) develop the ability to determine the gender of a noun; 2) introduce students to a new spelling - the spelling of a soft sign at the end of feminine nouns; 3) teach children to distinguish between nouns with a soft sign at the end after sibilants and without it; 4) show a new function of the soft sign - grammatical.

It is important! It is necessary to draw children's attention to the fact that a soft sign after hissing words at the end of a word is written not just in feminine nouns, but always in feminine singular nouns. Otherwise, errors like five thousand, because of the clouds and so on.

Lesson 102

Leading students to independently formulate the rule for using a soft sign after hissing nouns at the end (Ex. 62 from the textbook).

Clarification of the conclusion made by schoolchildren when reading Samovarov’s message on p. 48 textbook.

Written execution of exercise. 63 from the textbook with a mandatory explanation of the decisions made.

Game “Find the extra third thing” (exercise 64 from the textbook).

Execution of exercise 66 from the textbook.

Ex. 65 from the textbook can be done either when working in pairs, or in the form of a self-dictation with guess words.

Compiling a story based on a picture using key words and phrases (exercise 67 from the textbook).

Lesson summary: What new spelling did we meet in class? When should a soft sign be written at the end of nouns after sibilants?

Homework. Ex. 44 from RT.

Lesson 103

Problematic question: Why is a soft sign written in words?sandbank, bumblebee ? And in wordsrye, mouse ?

The children's answer options are listened to, then Samovarov's message on p. 50 textbook.

It is important to show that at the end of nouns after sibilants, the soft sign only serves as an indicator of the feminine gender, that is, a purely grammatical function.

Clarifying students' knowledge about the role of the soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants when performing exercise. 45 from RT.

Differentiation of cases of using a soft sign: a) a soft sign serves to indicate the softness of consonants; b) the soft sign serves to indicate feminine nouns (exercises 68, 70 from the textbook).

A game " Magic transformations words" (Ex. 46 from RT).

Team game"Who is bigger?". One team selects and writes on the board feminine nouns with a sibilant consonant at the end, the second team - masculine nouns with a sibilant consonant at the end, the third team - nouns in which a soft sign at the end of the word indicates the softness of the consonant sound.

Systematization of students’ knowledge about the use of soft signs in the Russian language: Why can a soft sign be used in words?

Working with ex. 71 from the textbook.

Lesson summary: What three different roles can a soft sign play in words?

Homework. Ex. 69 from the textbook.

Lesson 104

Forming the ability to use a soft sign after hissing feminine nouns at the end, to distinguish between cases of using a soft sign in words: the game “Who is the most attentive?” (Ex. 47 from RT); commented letter (Ex. 48 from the Republic of Tatarstan); when working with text (exercise 72 of the textbook - the last task for the exercise is not completed in class).

Lesson summary: Why is a soft sign written at the end of feminine nouns after sibilants? When else is a soft sign written?

Homework. Complete the last task for exercise. 72 from the textbook.

Lessons 105-107. Changing nouns by case (declension)

Objectives of lessons 105-107: 1) introduce students to the concepts of declension and case; 2) introduce the names of cases, introduce children to the etymology of these terms for better memorization; 3) facilitate students’ assimilation of the algorithm for determining case; 4) show the role of endings when changing nouns by case; 5) introduce children, on the one hand, to “helper” words in determining cases, and on the other hand, to prepositions used with certain cases.

Lesson 105

Work on assignments and questions from the teacher: Determine how nouns change:river - rivers, eye - eyes . (Varies according to numbers.) What part of the word changes?(Ending.) Now let’s read the phrases from Exercise 73 of the textbook and help Anya answer the Owl’s question.

Observing the change in the form of a word and developing the ability to find in a sentence the word on which the noun depends (Ex. 74 from the textbook). It is important to teach children to pose a question to a noun not arbitrarily, but deliberately: from the main word in the phrase ( flooded For what? for a skating rink; are in a hurry for what? to the skating rink etc.). Draw children's attention to the change in ending in the word.

Reading the dialogue between Owl, Vanya and Samovarov on p. 54 of the textbook helps students understand the purpose of changing nouns by case - a noun is changed to connect words in a sentence according to meaning.

Reading the names of cases from the textbook (Samovarov’s message on p. 55). It is necessary to pay attention to abbreviations when indicating cases. It is advisable to write on the board in parallel with reading Samovarov’s message: I. p.(Who?) Brother, (What?) winter etc., making sure to highlight the endings of nouns.

Collective execution of exercise. 75 from the textbook for better memorization of case names.

Familiarizing students with the etymology of case names (Ex. 78 from the textbook) will also help memorize these terms.

Lesson summary: How else can nouns change? How many cases are there in Russian? Name the cases and questions for them.

Homework. Decline nouns water, horse, steppe.

Lesson 106

Introductory talk: Why do you need to be able to determine the case of a noun? What does Samovarov say about this?(Reading the first sentence from Samovarov’s message on page 56 of the textbook.) Let's prove it(teacher writes on the board): R. p. (what?)hand and , lake and . D. p. (to what?)hand e, lake e. Without knowing the case, you cannot write the correct ending.

Introducing children to the case determination algorithm (Samovarov’s message on p. 56 of the textbook): How to determine case?

Working out this algorithm when performing exercise. 76 from the textbook. When determining the case of each highlighted word, it is imperative to use the entire algorithm (go through all three stages indicated by Samovarov).

Observing the role of “helper” words and prepositions in determining case (reading Sovenka’s advice and working with the table on p. 57 of the textbook). Examples of nouns with each preposition must be given orally.

Determining the case of nouns in proverbs (Ex. 77 from the textbook) is carried out first orally, with the obligatory highlighting of the noun in the phrase along with the question ( study what? literacy, gallop with what? with a diploma etc.). Then the proverbs are copied, the case is indicated above the noun.

Dictation with grammar task. Write sentences on the board and in notebooks, find nouns, determine their case (the teacher must tell the children how to write unstressed endings in words): 1. The bear slept in his den without worries and without anxiety. (G. Ladonshchikov.) 2. Here is a crow on a sloping roof that has remained shaggy since the winter. (A. Blok.) 3. A green oak tree sleeps above the green roof of the house. (S. Cherny.)

Lesson summary: What three steps must be performed to correctly determine the case of a noun? What can help in determining the case of a noun? Why do you need to be able to correctly determine the case of a noun?

Homework. Ex. 53 from RT.

Lesson 107

Formation of the ability to determine the case of nouns (exercises 50, 52 from RT).

Observation of the role of noun endings: they serve to connect words in a sentence according to meaning (Ex. 51 from RT).

Observation of the correct use of prepositions with nouns (Ex. 54 from RT).

Game "Help the author of the fairy tale." Students complete each of these sentences with phrases containing nouns and determine their case: An old man lived with his old woman... .Stepmother sent stepdaughter... . The swallow landed Thumbelina... .Winnie the Poohwent to visit... . The best offers are recorded.

Lesson summary: How to determine the case of a noun?

Homework. Ex. 56 from RT.
