What to remove from your wardrobe. What items in your wardrobe are best to get rid of?

Do you have nothing to wear again and your closet is overflowing? It's time to throw away everything unnecessary and make room for new things! Read this article and find out where is the best place to start.

1. Clone things

It’s normal if you have several identical T-shirts, but if you have 5 identical dresses of the same style or shoes of the same color in your wardrobe, then this is already too much. Yet, out of these five, you most often wear only 2 pairs. So get rid of the rest and buy something new and original.

2. New clothes from five years ago

Admit it, do you have things in your closet that you purchased several years ago, but still haven’t worn? Throw it away immediately, because if you haven’t had the opportunity to go out somewhere in this before, then now you certainly won’t.

3. Old, ugly loungewear

Girls, remember, the house also needs to be beautiful. We are not suggesting that you wear an evening dress, but stretched T-shirts and robes are also not an option.

4. Evidence of fashion failures

There is absolutely no point in keeping your old dress you wore to prom. If you want to preserve memories, then photographs are enough for this.

5. Clothes are “different” for you

Things you wore when you were thinner or bought at better times“We suggest throwing it away and not collecting such a collection anymore. Only store what you are wearing right now.

6. Clothes that remind you of unpleasant events or emotions

It’s human nature to associate your bad memories with clothes, so don’t keep things you wore when you were fired, broke up with your boyfriend, etc.

7. Damaged things that cannot be brought back to life

All things that cannot be repaired - damaged shoes, a torn dress - all this can no longer be stored. Throw it away and make room for something new!

Most best option To decide which clothes to get rid of, it’s a direct disassembly of the closet. But don't just pull things out, look at them and put them back. It is worth sorting out those clothes that are worn often, regularly, or worn at least from time to time. Then review the remaining things. It would be useful to try them on, assessing how well this or that clothing looks good and beautiful, whether it is comfortable to wear, whether it is possible to combine it with something. And then you should decide for yourself which of these things can really be worn in the life you are living, whether they are suitable for everyday wear, and how much you still like them in color, model and texture. After weighing all the pros and cons, you need to use your willpower and decisively get rid of those clothes that have never been worn, that lack convenience and comfort, that look unfortunate and unpresentable. And if a feeling of regret and reluctance arises, it is worth asking yourself whether you even remembered this skirt, jacket or blouse, how far away the item was on the shelf, and so on.

Go through all the things in your closet and pick out all the ones that are just hanging around and you don't wear them. Try to part with them with a light heart, although this is of course very difficult. I’m like that myself (Plyushkin), the closet doors are already cracking, but I still can’t free it. Say goodbye to the selected items and wish that those to whom they will be needed and in demand.
Now the question remains - what to do with the things and where, to whom they are needed, in order to give them away.
A lot of people now need clothes and shoes, so there are volunteers who collect such things for poor families, children, and displaced people. There are such collection points in all cities.
Alternatively, things can be sold. For example, on message boards. But this is a very long process, although very necessary. After all, you will receive the items you ordered. cash, with which you can buy something for the family. There are also thrift stores, and if you don't high price, the item will be taken away very quickly.
Well, the last place is to find an advertisement yourself that someone needs things, and give the packages to the person in need for personal consideration.
If you are giving away things in a package, then indicate in the ad that you want a cash reward for the package of things, at the discretion of the buyer. For a nominal fee, everything is quickly taken away.

To get rid of unnecessary things in the closet, you need to do everything automatically. Open the closet and take out all the things from it. Then look closely and remember which item has not been used for six months or longer. If such things exist, then they are not needed at all. Set them aside. Sometimes this will amount to more than half of all things. Put them in bags and take them out of the house. Proceed further depending on your preferences. I give children's things to a neighbor, and throw adults' things in the trash. Not because the things are bad, but simply because I’m afraid of offending someone by offering something that I won’t wear myself. Often among such things it turns out that new shoes or clothes. For example, with an unsuccessful shoe last or a heel that is too uncomfortable. Yes, and dresses can also be worn no more than once. If you wish. Then you can sell it by posting ads on the Internet. Well, that’s all, we got rid of unnecessary things quickly and easily. I never regret it. Because I constantly buy new things, and if I haven’t worn the old ones for six months, I won’t wear them.
Fashion is constantly changing, so you need to get rid of things that are out of fashion first, so as not to look strange. Although things with a classic cut can be worn for years, modern fabrics wear out quickly and the item looks sloppy.
Bags, in general, are such a thing that even though there are a lot of them, there is no point in leaving them just lying in the closet. Let either the closet become empty or a new owner appear.
It is possible that they took everything out of the closet, looked at it, and then felt such pity for these clothes that it was a pity to throw them away. But if you don’t overcome yourself, then there will be no sense at all. Again things will be put in the closet and again they will just lie there. If you didn’t like it, didn’t fit, or were worn out, you still won’t wear it.
Therefore, the determination to free yourself from the old must be present.

The basic rule is if the item is not worn more than a year, you can safely throw it away or give it to someone.
Judging by energy, then old junk prevents new things from coming into your life. Energy does not circulate, it stagnates. This is especially felt in the homes of old people. I have the same experience myself - my dad’s parents’ apartment. There is so much trash there that it takes several trucks to remove it. The balcony is just full of junk. The result is that something constantly breaks, taps leak, light bulbs explode, you simply can’t breathe!
All a person’s things are saturated with his energy, and in his youth this energy is enough for everything. But as you get older, you simply don’t have the strength, and, on the contrary, you need more space.
As for things, according to some sources, old clothes should not be left even as rags. Either give it away or burn it mercilessly.
Start getting rid of your junk gradually. Don’t immediately throw everything old into the fire! One thing every day or week. It will immediately become somehow easier. I know it from myself. I already had the other extreme - nothing was delayed for me. But lately, I don’t throw away some things, but try to remake them into something, alter them. It seems like it already looks new. The crisis probably took its toll.

It is necessary to get rid of unnecessary things, it is even necessary, because we all want our home to be clean and tidy, to have Fresh air. But if our closets and all the corners are filled with rags, then this will never happen. Therefore, you need to get rid of all this.
First you need to put everything out of the closet; you can do this in stages, for example, start with one shelf. Let's say this is a shelf with clothes. We carefully study our supplies and put them into three piles: good necessary things, not very necessary things, not at all necessary things.
The first category includes those items of clothing that we love and constantly wear, that suit us and look great on us. In the second pile we put what we rarely wear because we don’t look very good in these things. In the third pile we put things with stains, with holes, outdated, in a word, those that we don’t wear at all.
The third pile can be immediately taken to the trash heap or torn into rags for use on the farm. There is no need to look at them for a long time and reflect on their fate. Just throw it away and forget it.
Things from the second pile need to be considered in more detail. Perhaps they will be useful to you at the dacha or in the garage, then it makes sense to take them there. By own experience I know that it won’t be a shame to throw them out of there. But they need to be removed from the closet. If you are planning a renovation in the near future, then put aside some work clothes. Perhaps you have friends who might need things from the second pile, then give them to them. Throw away what you couldn’t fit anywhere, these things will never be useful to you.
Place the items from the first pile neatly in the closet, there will be enough space for them.
Believe me, what you threw away is of no value. You will never remember these things that took up space in your home and prevented you from finding what you needed.
I advise you not to stop there and conduct a thorough inspection of the house and then throw away unnecessary things. You will see that your home will become more modern, comfortable and attractive.

Obviously, first of all, you need to get rid of the following:
1. I don't like it. There are even new things bought in some kind of “cloudiness”; the person doesn’t know why - why he bought them - and that’s all! It’s better to donate them or take them to the social support service - they will definitely be more needed there!
2. There were collected three to five to ten identical or very similar specimens. Personally, one day after the New Year, three identical shirts (two donated, plus one purchased) were collected in my closet. Naturally, two had to be donated.
3. Frankly old and no longer pleasing to the eye as before. Many people (especially women) are nostalgic about the sundresses they wore 15-20 years ago. However, it is worth remembering that if you keep all your old clothes, by the middle of your life not a single closet will be able to accommodate your new outfits. So the choice here is obvious.
And 4. Something that has frankly gone out of fashion. The ways in which such things appear in your closet can be very varied, but one thing is clear: it is better to get rid of them if you do not want to be branded a conservative or, worse, a retrograde!
Choose things according to your age, and when some detail of the toilet is already “too old” or, on the contrary, “too young” for you, find the strength to refuse it!

There is one such useful rule- anything you haven’t worn for a year can be safely thrown away. Most likely you will no longer need such clothes. In addition, it’s a good idea to go through your clothes and determine what goes with what. I am sure that for many things bought by chance, there will not be a suitable set at all. Such things can also be safely thrown away or given away to friends. The next stage is choosing damaged clothes. If there are obvious holes or stains, the likelihood that you will sew them up or remove them is simply negligible. Therefore, we can safely transfer everything that is spoiled to rags. Now we choose clearly unfashionable and not very nice things. Fashion, of course, comes back, but you’d better buy something more recent later. If it’s a pity to throw away an item because some memories are associated with it, we take a photo with it as a souvenir and still throw it away. We set aside time to try on the rest of our wardrobe. We get rid of all things that do not fit if you have gained weight or, on the contrary, lost weight. These are completely unnecessary things and you are unlikely to wear them again. And now, all that remains is your real wardrobe, full of only the necessary and suitable things.

Karina Kuzmina

16.10.2015 | 1834

There is no space in the closet and nothing to wear - these are the two main problems that any woman faces. To solve both in one sitting, you need to clean out your wardrobe of unnecessary clothes on time.

Clothes are not just things we wear, they are a way of expressing ourselves. This means that you have certain associations and memories associated with your wardrobe items. This is why getting rid of unnecessary clothes can be so difficult!

But let's put emotions aside and ask ourselves these questions.

1. Do you like this thing?

Great, move on to question #2.

Get rid of it. Donate to charity or sell online.

But: “I don’t like it, but it’s still nice to have in my wardrobe.”
What for? If you don't like it, you'll never want to wear it! It will simply take up space in the closet and aggravate the “I-have-nothing-to-wear” situation.

2. Does it have stains?


But: “So what! No one will notice this stain!”
Well, if you really don't want to part with the item, take it to the dry cleaners and see if they can remove the stain. If not, throw the item away without regret. The truth is that if you can notice the stain, then everyone else will notice it too.

3. Is she shabby?

Get rid of this thing.

Go to question #4.

But: “I can wear this at home.”
Even if you spend your evenings lying on the couch in a worn-out T-shirt and old shorts, you probably already have a couple of these sets in stock. Let's be honest: you don't need 20 homemade t-shirts. 2-3 pieces will be enough.

4. Do things need repairing?

Determine if you can fix the problem. For example, it is easy to hem a loose seam, but it will be difficult to disguise a hole on the chest. Find out the cost of alteration in the studio if you can’t do it yourself, and decide whether this item is worth the investment.

Move on to the next question.

But: “I’ll fix this thing, but somehow later.”
Don't lie to yourself. If you're not going to fix the item yourself or don't want to pay a tailor, just get rid of it.

5. Does it fit well?

Go to question #6.

Throw it away or give it away!

But: “It used to fit perfectly” or “She almost fits well!”
If the item can be adjusted to fit, go to a tailor. But you shouldn’t store in your closet the dresses you wore to prom but now don’t fit in it. Even if the item is completely new, trendy or very expensive, if it doesn’t fit you well, it has no place in your wardrobe.

6. When was the last time you wore it?

Less than a year ago
Leave it! It is in good condition and you still wear it. Chances are, now that you've gotten rid of unnecessary clothes in your closet, you'll wear them even more often.

More than a year ago
If your item has reached the sixth question, but you realize that it has been collecting dust in your closet longer than a year, don't throw it away: just put it aside. Fold it carefully and pack it in a bag. So that it does not take up space in the wardrobe, place it on the mezzanine or under the bed. Write the date on the package and, if after another six months or a year you really never wear it, you can safely sell or give it away.

But: “I don’t need her at all. I know I won't wear it."
Take your time. Trust me, you need to get it out of sight for a while to appreciate it. with a fresh look. You don't say goodbye to this item, but simply remove it from your wardrobe for a while so as not to be distracted from other wonderful things that you love and wear with pleasure.

Based on materials from cosmopolitan.com

It's hard to meet a woman who doesn't have a lot of clothes in her wardrobe. unnecessary things. Almost everyone has this goodness in bulk. It’s just that some people know how to periodically part with old clothes, while others have entire deposits on their shelves of things that will never be useful again. How to audit your belongings and what do you need to get rid of?

How to get rid of old things?

Can’t decide to audit your wardrobe and the question of how to throw away old things doesn’t yet have an answer?

Here is a short and clear action plan:

  1. We choose a free day - it will take time to sort through all your stuff and identify unnecessary things.
  2. We take out everything that is stored in the closet - the shelves should be empty.
  3. And we slowly sort through the clothes, meticulously assessing whether I will wear this or will I shove it in the far corner again.
  4. We sort our stuff - what is relevant, in one direction, but we divide unnecessary things into several parts: throw away, give away, sell.

It’s good if in the end we are left with good-quality, comfortable and favorite clothes that make up our basic wardrobe.

9 signs of unnecessary items in our wardrobe

Unnecessary things are a real headache, especially if a woman is thrifty by nature. Well, is it really possible to throw away a pretty decent plaid skirt? It’s okay that she’s no longer fashionable and slightly tucked in at the waist.

Basically, one of possible options- remaking old clothes. Some unnecessary things can find a second life. But the 9 signs of the condition of your clothes below indicate that it’s high time to say goodbye to them.

Non-marketable type

You don’t know how to get rid of old things - just select those that have lost their appearance: a blouse has shrunk from improper washing, a sweater has become moth-eaten, there is a stubborn stain on your trousers, and a T-shirt has shamelessly stretched out.

And do you think you will wear it? Even remaking old clothes is unlikely to help here. If some unpresentable item is very dear to you, leave it as work clothes in case of repair. But you don’t need to store it in the closet; leave the closet for good things.

Wrong size

There is not the slightest point in storing everything that is too small and cramped for us. No matter how much we dream of fitting into jeans that are too tight, we are unlikely to succeed. Starve yourself, hope for effective diets - why make such sacrifices?

By the time a couple of extra kilos go away, the item will go out of fashion or become unpopular.

Give your tight clothes to a slimmer friend or take them to a thrift store.

No longer fashionable!

Alas, things sometimes go out of fashion faster than we update our wardrobe. Especially the so-called trendy new items. On next year they will no longer be relevant.

So all these hits from the season before last will take up space in your wardrobe. Some people keep new, but no longer needed, things for years.

There are, of course, rare specimens that fall into the vintage category.

It is still possible to play up a chintz dress with a flower pattern by putting together a successful set with suitable shoes and accessories.

And so that the question: how to throw away old things does not arise with enviable regularity, give preference to classic models - they will be relevant much longer.

Things that don't suit you

Where do we get things in our wardrobe that don’t suit us? This warm vest was given by my mother, a tight blouse was bought for company with a friend (but she doesn’t have extra pounds around her waist), and it was simply impossible not to buy a dress at such a wonderful price.

Are there such unnecessary things in your closet? One hundred percent yes. And one must part with them without any regret. And where to put unnecessary clothes - there are no special problems here.

People actively sell good things over the Internet; some can be given to relatives or charitable organizations.

Clothes should decorate us, why wear what we are not comfortable in.

Surely most of us have identical items of clothing. You obviously don’t need three similar blue T-shirts; you shouldn’t duplicate things. Do you like striped blouses, you already have several of them in your wardrobe - almost identical?

It's time to carry out a serious revision - unnecessary things clutter up the space and irritate, remaining unclaimed. Meanwhile, there will always be people for whom these clothes will be very useful.

Carry out a meticulous fitting of duplicate items and leave those that fit you better. The rest is to be distributed and sold.

Disposable items

You hate white blouses, but did you buy one specifically for an exam or interview?

Did you participate in your office’s beauty contest in this extravagant dress, but you obviously don’t intend to wear it?

Almost all of us have such disposable things: too bright, too bold in style, not to our taste - in general, specific. Will you keep these unnecessary things or will you find another use for them?

You already know where to donate your unwanted clothes - you don’t have to regret parting with what you won’t wear again. The dress, which looks more like a stage costume, can be given to amateur creative groups.

Feeling of discomfort

Any clothes or shoes should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. A dress that seems to be your size somehow unaesthetically gathers in folds on the stomach, the collar of an elegant blouse puts pressure on the neck, and the trousers, which fit so perfectly on the hips, seem a little short?

Any discomfort when wearing will irritate you, but will not add to your self-confidence. Shoes are a completely different matter. Why expose yourself to execution even in the most chic-looking, but uncomfortable shoes?

All items of clothing that press, collect, or rub are absolutely unnecessary things in your wardrobe.

Negative energy

How to get rid of old things that cause negative emotions and are associated with unpleasant events in your life? The answer is clear - ruthlessly.

Well, why do you need to remember for the hundredth time that this handbag (quite cute and even on trend) was given to a former lover? Did you fail your interview in this well-fitting suit?

Completely unnecessary things in the wardrobe - not only old, cramped and out of fashion. Clothing with negative energy has no place in your closet.

Kids' things

It used to be that all seven youngest children took turns wearing the clothes of their older brother or sister. Now there is no reason to keep children's things of an already grown child in anticipation of a new addition to the family. If another baby is born, buy new ones, and your relatives will give you a bunch of gifts.

Give away or sell children's clothing. After all, there are families with many children, low-income families, and many people with average incomes would be more willing to buy a good-quality item in a children's thrift store - children grow quickly, so there is no point in buying clothes at exorbitant prices for a short time.

Simple rules: how to keep unnecessary things out of your wardrobe

We are all periodically tempted to buy something unnecessary - either the cunning tricks of marketers work, or the excitement of sales. Let's remember simple but effective rules so that unnecessary things do not clutter our wardrobe:

  1. We do not accept similar items of clothing.
  2. We only buy what fits perfectly.
  3. We don’t fall for any promotions.
  4. We return unsuitable new items to the store.
  5. It is better to buy one expensive but high-quality item that will be basic than a dozen blouses and T-shirts at a similar price.

We hope these tips on how to get rid of old items will help you organize your closet. How best to audit your wardrobe - watch this video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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How often does a girl have nothing to wear? And the point here is not at all that her wardrobe is too small, more often than not, on the contrary, it is simply filled to satiety with things. It’s just that something has gone out of fashion, something you just don’t like, and so on. And it seems like a pity to get rid of unnecessary clothes, in case they come in handy again. You may need something else, but there are definitely some things that just sit in the closet. They are definitely worth destroying.

What is “under distribution”? First of all, we get rid of everything that is the same. We are not talking about basic T-shirts, of which there can be as many as you like, but, for example, about two identical skirts. No matter how fashionable and stylish they are, there is absolutely no need to have them in a double version. It's just boring when there are four pencil skirts in your closet different colors or five dresses with a mini skirt. Maybe it would be better to finally purchase a different silhouette or length? Then the images will turn out to be more varied, many more combinations will appear, so the question of what to wear will disappear by itself.

Things with tags are also not the best allies for creating a fashionable look. If they've been sitting in your closet for a year or two and you don't feel the urge to wear them, you probably won't get the urge to wear them again. It's not worth even trying. They do the same with former “favorites” - for example, with a blouse, without which it was impossible to live a day just six months ago. If the habit of wearing it is no longer there, if it is no longer pleasing to the eye, it has no place in the wardrobe.

No woman's wardrobe can have too many faceless clothes. The same one that is usually worn on a rainy or just sad day. Just one sweatshirt is definitely enough gray without any hint of decor, after all, it can be washed. Having six of these sweatshirts, it’s not surprising that on a day when you want to look your best, you somehow don’t find the right clothes for this.

The classic problem is when half of the closet is accessible to a slimmer woman, and the other to a plumper woman. I wonder what to wear in those moments when you are in your body, weight, with your legs, hips, and so on? Maybe it would be more logical to look for options for the real one, and not for the distant one invented in the imagination. After all, just the right clothes will easily create the desired visual effect, bringing you closer to your personal ideal, and a blouse one size smaller, found in the closet, will only lower your self-esteem.

You need to dress based on the season, your figure, your mood, this is already understandable. Having in the wardrobe different colors, styles and styles, this is not difficult to do. So, as soon as you gather your willpower and get rid of everything unnecessary, life will immediately become much easier. You will see!

How do you get rid of unnecessary things?

This article is searched for:

  • There are few things in the wardrobe and I don’t like them
  • when all the clothes in your wardrobe are annoying