Graduation party in kindergarten. Fairy tale script. Graduation with your favorite fairy-tale characters



Three heroes: Ilya Muromets,

Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich


Sorceress's Assistant

Sister Alyonushka

Princess Frog

Nightingale the Robber

The presenter is an adult

Graduates enter the hall to cheerful music and line up. Children sing the song “Noisy Masquerade”, words and music by S. Yudina, and sit down on chairs. Two Bogatyrs stand in different corners of the stage, the third is in the middle.

Ilya Muromets.

Birds flutter in the sky,

Life in the forest is fun.

Bumblebees, bees fly

From flower to flower.

Something is too long

I was sitting on the stove,

And there’s a lot to do

Do good deeds.

I heard there is a house in the world,

Uma is given to everyone in the house.

They called it like a school,

They just didn’t say how to get there.

Well, it's time to stretch my little legs,

We need to find a path to school.


I have beaten many enemies

Your native land.

I decided: stop fighting,

I'll go home now.

There's a long way to go,

Walking with the wind,

I'm not afraid of obstacles on the way,

I'll make it through the road.

When I come home, I’ll start studying.

Learn every day.

I'll drive away the evil boredom

And cunning laziness.

I'll start studying at school

I'm diligent at the table,

To be useful to people

I could do it later.

Alesha Popovich.

I hear the cuckoo singing

He says: “It’s time to say goodbye!”

Goodbye, forest and field,

I'm sorry to part with you!

But it's time to go study

It doesn't do to be ignorant.

The Russian hero must

It's not just weights that make you strong.

You have to know a lot

And don't forget anything.

So off to school, just off to school

I need to go quickly

And with school friends

Find a way to the land of knowledge.

The heroes approach the stone near three roads.

Ilya Muromets. I walked a lot of roads, I never found the school. Nikitich. I see a stone on the way

We need to approach the stone. Alesha Popovich. And there is an inscription on the stone, How can we read it?

The Sorceress appears with her Assistant.

Enchantress. Hello, heroes! I can help you.

To the right - the songs flow loudly.

There the lips will sing on their own.

You go to the left - they laugh there,

And straight away - fairy tales will come to life.

The heroes consult and choose the straight path.


You, friends, are no longer in the hall,

You have now found yourself in a fairy tale.

There is a flower in my garden

He will show seven roads.

How will you go through all the fairy tales,

That's how you get to school.

Shows with a magic wand on a seven-flowered flower attached to the wall.

Assistant to the Sorceress.

I'm not a sorceress, I'm just learning

But well done, I will be very useful to you.

I can give you magic horses

They will help you gallop through fairy tales.

They fly fast like the wind.

And to see them, look at the sky:

Through the blue sky, just like across a meadow,

Herds of clouds walk in a circle.

All you have to do is wave your wand,

And on the clouds you will set off.

Girls come out with hats in the shape of horse-clouds on their heads. The soundtrack of the song “Clouds” from the film “Tryam! Hello". The clouds are dancing. The heroes, with the help of the Leader, tear off the first petal from the seven-flowered flower and read the title of the fairy tale on the back: “The Man and the Bear.” The Bear appears, sits down, sadly looking at pictures of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, turnips, zucchini, tomatoes, peas).

Bogatyrs. What's the matter, darling, why are you so sad?


How can I, heroes, not grieve?

The cunning man deceived me again.

He gave me tops of a turnip,

Roots from wheat.

Please explain to me:

To accumulate a lot of strength for winter,

What should I take from a man?

To make the sides round.

Where are tops useful to me?

Where do the roots taste better?

Leader, Bogatyrs, you must help the bear deal with this difficult matter.

The heroes look at the pictures that the Bear is holding and tell him which vegetables they eat which part. A children's lotto game is being played. The task is to arrange vegetables, berries and fruits separately. Graduates and children from the middle and senior groups participate.

Leading. Well done boys. Bear, do you understand everything?

The bear thanks the guys and leaves the stage. After the game, the Bogatyrs tear off the next petal and find themselves in the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” Alyonushka comes out and sings the song “The Happiest”, lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Yu. Chichkov.


I have great joy:

I found my brother.

He stopped being a kid

I became like everyone else, a child.

Ivanushka became obedient,

And now we live together.

He started going to school

To be the smartest.

And make crosswords.

The heroes solve crossword puzzles, the rest of the children help them, and you can invite guests from adults to help write down words.

Crosswords (mounted on easels)

Crossword 1

1. Red-haired gossip with a long tail. 2. Walks very slowly, carrying the shell on itself. 3. He gets up earlier than everyone else in the morning and sings a loud song. 4. He is greater than everyone else on land - grey, kind, nice...

Crossword 2

1,An animal with a long neck. 2. A log is floating along the river. Oh, and it's feisty 3. Big tabby cat. 4, The horse is lined, like a school notebook.

Crossword 3

Leading. Let's check how our heroes coped with the task. (Reads the task and the answer out loud. The audience says whether they agree with the answer or not.) Well done, heroes! You can safely continue your journey further.

The heroes approach the flower, tear off a petal (with the help of the Leader) and find themselves in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”. While they are busy, a “POND” made of colored paper is placed on the stage. blue color and decorated with voluminous lilies and water lilies, also made of paper. The Frog Princess sits down near the pond.

Princess Frog.

The birds sing merrily

Summer has arrived.

There is comfort in my lake,

Both warm and damp.

There are flowers all around on the water

Lilies, water lilies,

And they guard my peace


But I'm not a simple frog,

I am a young princess.

I feel sad in the deep forest,

And I dream about

So that the prince is daring

Courted me:

So that you can pick a water lily for me,

He affectionately called him a swallow.

The presenter tells the Bogatyrs that in the far corner of the swamp there are three enchanted arrows. Together with other children, you need to divide into three groups, walk along the hummocks to the arrows and back, read and guess the riddles written on the arrows, and the Frog will again become the Princess.

Riddles on arrows

It made a noise, it made a noise,

I washed everything and left.

And gardens and orchards

It watered the whole area. (Cloud)

Flies without wings and sings,

It bullies passers-by.

Doesn't allow one to pass.

He encourages others. (Wind)

You will always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

Stands green like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

The heroes read the riddles out loud after the whole team has gathered at the start. The whole team guesses together. The girl takes off her frog costume, revealing a beautiful ball gown underneath.

Princess. Thank you very much, guys, for helping me become a princess again. Continue on your way.

The heroes go to the flower, tear off a petal and find themselves in the fairy tale “The Flying Ship”. At this time, Vodyanoy sits down by the pond. In his hands are pictures cut into pieces aircraft(plane, helicopter, rocket), fastened with a paper clip (each device separately). Vodyanoy sings the first verse of the song “I am Vodyanoy” from the cartoon “The Flying Ship” (to the soundtrack).


Good fellows, tell me

Yes, report the whole truth,

Where are you headed?

Past my pond?

(The heroes say that they are going to school.)

To school? This is just wonderful!

It's just very difficult at school.

And without knowledge - that's the problem -

I can't fly anywhere.

I've already tried it five times

I will assemble the devices,

Those in which, like a bird,

You can fly across the sky.

Nothing succeeded,

Everything has now fallen apart...

Help me guys

Fix the devices.

The merman gives each Bogatyr one of the cut pictures. The heroes, with the help of their teams, make pictures from the pieces (on the floor). The merman walks nearby and watches how they are doing.

Water. Thanks guys. Now I can go somewhere too. And I wish you to find your way to school as soon as possible.

The heroes go to the flower, tear off a petal and find themselves in the fairy tale “Turnip”. On stage is a turnip made from a large yellow ball with paper leaves. Grandfather comes out. The rest of the heroes are hiding behind the curtain. All roles in the skit are performed by children.

I planted a turnip a long time ago,

The turnip was born strong.

I'll go to the garden now,

I'll pull out my turnip. (He pulls the turnip, it doesn’t stretch. He addresses those behind the curtain.)

Granddaughter, granddaughter, go,

Help me, grandpa.

The Granddaughter appears from behind the curtain and takes Grandfather by the belt.


Grandpa, I'm running, I'm running,

Now I will help you.

Oh, it doesn't stretch again.

You need to call the cat for help.

Kiss-kiss-kiss, run here,

Help me and grandpa.

The Cat appears from behind the curtain.


Meow! I will be glad to help you.

There's a grandmother over there behind the fence.

We need to call her

Together we will pick turnips.

Meow! Grandma, run

Help us quickly!

Grandma appears from behind the curtain.


What a turnip! Well, big!

There will be a global mess.

(They pull the turnip, it doesn’t stretch again.)

Oh! Doesn't stretch again.

You need to call Zhuchka for help.

Bug, honey, run,

Help us quickly.

Zhuchka appears from behind the curtain.


Woof woof woof! I'm in a hurry, I'm running,

I will help you, mistress!

(They pull the turnip, it doesn’t stretch.)

I couldn't help you

We need to call the mouse, friends.

Come on, gray one, run

Yes, help your neighbors.

Mouse runs out.


I run very fast

Now, friends, I will help you.

(The turnip doesn’t stretch again.)

Pee-pee-pee! So heavy!

Nothing comes of it.

There is no one else to call.

What should we do now?

Leading. Dear heroes, take a closer look, is everything okay in this fairy tale? Why do you think the turnip doesn't stretch?

The heroes must place the heroes of the fairy tale in in the right order. After this, the heroes of the fairy tale once again pull the turnip, pull it out, and together with the turnip they all go behind the curtain, thanking the Bogatyrs and wishing them a happy journey. The heroes go to the flower, tear off a petal and find themselves in the fairy tale “Teremok”. At this time, metallophones are installed on the stage and children come out in animal costumes with tambourines, maracas, triangles and plates.


There is a tower in an open field,

He is neither short nor tall.

And we live here, guys,

Very friendly animals.

I am the beautiful Fox,

Very cunning sister.

I'm decorating our house

I also help with the housework.


And I am the Runner Bunny.

I jump as deftly as a ball.

I go for firewood

And I'll bring some water.


I am a prickly gray hedgehog

There is no head or legs.

Our teremok is a watchman

And I go around on patrol.


I'm a fun friend

I am a green frog.

I bake cabbage pies,

Very sweet and tasty.


And I'm a fly, I'm buzzing

And I’m still in a hurry to get somewhere.

I'm tidying up the tower

I'm removing dust from the house.


I'm a thrifty squirrel

And I always jump along the branches.

I get nuts

And I stock it in the pantry.


We love to dance very much

And play on spoons.

Take your tools

And play along with us

Accompanied by a piano, the Bogatyrs perform the Russian folk melody “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” on metallophones. The inhabitants of the tower each play the instrument in their hands. The animals thank the Bogatyrs and leave with the tools. The heroes tear off the last petal and find themselves in the fairy tale “The Nightingale the Robber.”

Nightingale the Robber(sings).

I'm sitting on a tree.

I'm guarding the way to school.

Now I'll whistle loudly

And I’m not pushing you anywhere.

Here I am - I don’t go to study,

But I live and don’t worry.

I don't read books -

And I don’t know trouble.

So stomp back.

The path is closed for you. It's clear?

Bogatyrs. You, Nightingale, are very impolite!

Nightingale the Robber.

I don't know polite words.

And without them I don’t suffer.

And who should I tell them to?

Everyone doesn't want to be my friend.

Bogatyrs. If you become polite, you will definitely make friends.

Everyone sings the song “What is Hello” together, words and music by E. Gorbina, M. Mikhailova. (Collection “Hello, fairy tale! Hello, song!”) The Sorceress appears, reminds the Bogatyrs that the flower was magical, and offers to look into the remaining core of the flower. In the middle of the seven-color flower are medals for graduates, on which is written the number and address of the school that is waiting for them. Everyone sings together the final song “The Holiday is Over,” words and music by S. Yudina. Presentation of diplomas and gifts, tea party.

Scenario for the graduation party “Journey Through Fairy Tales” in a multi-age kindergarten group.

The hall is decorated with a panel in the shape of a train, and in the carriages there are portraits of graduating children, under which are written epithets that characterize each child.

Well, friends, the time has come

The one everyone has been waiting for!

We gathered in last time

In a cozy, bright room.

Here, say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers are rushing in the morning,

We greet them with smiles,

Applause, friends!

The most charming and fair...

The most gallant and inquisitive...

The most attentive and responsible.

The most active and artistic...

The friendliest and calmest...

The most cheerful and hardworking...

The most affectionate and diligent...


There are different holidays throughout the year,

And today is our holiday,

Soon we will become first graders,

We say goodbye to the garden now.


The sun is a cheerful ray

He happily knocks on the windows,

And we are proud today

An important word "Graduate"


Our parents came to our holiday,

And they look at us with excitement.

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

The children have grown up now.


We will soon leave kindergarten,

It's time for us to go to school,

We know that we need to study a lot,

To become real people.

Our garden is sad today,

And we're just a little sad

The day of farewell has come,

And a long road awaits us.

More than once we will remember how we played,

And how many things were there here,

How they painted in the evenings,

And the forest, and the mother, and the stream.

We will remember the group and the toys,

And the bedrooms are tender comfort,

How can you forget your friends?

With whom we lived here for so many years!


Yes, we are just a little sad,

And time cannot be turned back,

And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road,

All. Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

Presenter. Yes, you made friends here, taught your younger friend a lot, helped in difficult times, consoled kind words, shared sweets and toys with them.

Let's postpone separation from friends,

Let's sing a song about friendship together.

Song "We Divide Everything in Half"

Presenter. And now a joint dance performed by all the children.

Dance "Kremena"

Preschool childhood leaves one day,

And everyone felt it today!

Toys, cars, rocking chairs are leaving,

And baby books

And squeaky dolls.

Yes, in the garden you had your favorite toys and books. And how many interesting and wonderful books and fairy tales have been read! Today is a special day for graduates and you can make a wish that will help make Flower of the Seven Flowers come true. I would like to know which favorite fairy tale character each of you would like to meet today. (Conduct a survey of children in advance about their favorite fairy-tale character). Let's start.

Veronica. I really like Pinocchio. He is so cheerful, cheerful and also getting ready for school.

Presenter. Only we need to pick the magic petal and say the magic words:

Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And a hero come here!

(Pinocchio enters to the soundtrack).


Who remembers me here? There are so many boys and girls here! Hello! I was going to the theater and heard that someone was talking about me. Today I sold ABC and bought a theater ticket with the proceeds. I don’t understand why study, when you can live like that.

Presenter. What are you talking about, Pinocchio! All children need to go to school, for example, to learn to read and write, count, and solve problems correctly, so that people like Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat don’t deceive you. Here, try to solve the problem.

1. Once to the bunny for lunch

A friend - a neighbor - galloped up.

The bunnies sat on a tree stump

How many carrots did you eat?

(Pinocchio answers incorrectly, the children give the correct answer).

Here's another problem, listen carefully, Pinocchio!

2. Granny fox knits

Mittens for three grandchildren.

"I will give you soon, grandchildren,

2 mittens each.

Take care, don't lose,

How many are there, count them.

How many letters are in the word ABC?

How many sounds?

Pinocchio. No, guys, I also want to learn how to solve problems, read and write. I’ll get ready for school with you too. Oh, how can I go without the ABC now?

Presenter. Don’t worry, Pinocchio, we’ll give you a new one now, but in the meantime, listen to a song about school.

Song "We are now students."

Pinocchio. (The presenter gives Pinocchio a new alphabet). Thank you guys. Now I’ll run to Papa Carlo and make him happy. See you in school! Bye!

Presenter. What is our Danil’s favorite hero?

Danil. I would like to see Carlson. He is so well-fed and well-mannered, and I look like the Kid. (Plucks a petal from a flower).

And a hero come here.

(Carlson flies in and sings the song “Funny Man”).

I am Carlson, I am a cheerful baby,

I'm overeating on semolina porridge.

Of course, if it's in porridge. honey,

Any kid will understand me.

Hi guys! I knew that you couldn’t do without me! Tell me, who is the smartest and most learned? And who is the most beautiful? Who is the kindest in the world? (Children's answer). I give you a blessing for this!

And who is the most best friend? I'm the best game inventor! Place all hands on your knees. I will say: “Let's go!”, and you should clap your hands on your knees. I’ll say “Nose” - you grab your nose, I’ll say “Ear” - you grab your ears. It's clear? Then be careful! Let's go, let's go. (Involves all children, parents, guests into the game).

Carlson. Oh, how many guests I have, maybe you brought some sweets? And for what reason, I forgot to ask you, have you all gathered here?

Presenter. It's a holiday, the kids are going to first grade.

Carlson. Is it a holiday to go to school? Yes, there you will have to learn lessons, read, write, count, is that interesting?

Presenter. Is not it so?

Carlson. Of course not! So the Kid gave me a math task, but I can’t solve it.

Presenter. And the guys will help you!

Carlson. Is it true? Well, then listen:

The chicken stands on one leg and weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on both legs? I think four. Right? (Two).

I bent down to the ground and saw four cat paws and four chicken legs. How many cats and chickens are there behind the fence? (One cat and two chickens).

How many legs does a beetle have? (Six).

How many legs does a worm have? (No legs).

Who flies higher: a penguin or a rooster? (They don't fly).

A crocodile walked through the park and bought ice cream: for himself, for his daughter and for his two sons. How many servings did you order, who counted the fastest? (Four).

Carlson. Well done, kids, you coped with such difficult tasks. I am so pleased that with your help I finally solved these problems.

Presenter. Do you know, Carlson, what a troika is? Watch the dance “Polka in Troikas” and you will immediately understand everything.

Dance "Polka in threes"

Carlson. I think you will all do well in school. But don’t forget about me, come visit me and bring problems and... sweets.

Goodbye! I wish you success! (Carlson flies away).

Presenter. The time has come for Svetlana to introduce us to her favorite hero.

Sveta. I like the presence of Baba Yaga in fairy tales. Although she tries to be harmful, she is kind at heart. She just doesn't have many good friends. (Tears off a petal).

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And a hero come here! (Baba Yaga flies in on a broom to the music).

Baba Yaga. Oh, I was in a hurry! Almost broke the transport. I found out that you were going to school, and I wanted to go to first grade with you.

Presenter. Wait a minute, Baba Yaga! And how old are you?

Baba Yaga. One hundred!

Presenter. How much, how much?

Baba Yaga. Well, two hundred, so what?

Presenter. A bit much.

Baba Yaga. And by the way, it’s never too late to learn.

Baba Yaga. Of course not. But I know how to pull girls’ pigtails, pinch, scream, squeak, whistle (I try to whistle, but nothing works). Ugh, the whistle is broken. I ride on a broom: bang-bang-bang! That's how much I can do.

Presenter. You don’t need to be able to do all this at school.

Song "Alphabet"

Baba Yaga. Well, since you know the whole alphabet, read me a letter from Leshy. Why is he writing to me, he knows perfectly well that I can’t read. The letter has been lying in my pocket for days, no one in the forest will read it to me.

Baba Yaga takes out a letter, the children read: “Dear Yagusya! I invite you to lunch. Leshy.”

Baba Yaga. Thank you guys for making us friendly. Well, you know the letters, I’m convinced of it, they’ll take you to school, but who am I going to play with now (roars).

Presenter. Hush Baba Yaga, don't cry!

We'll buy you a kalach.

If you cry,

We'll buy you a bast shoe!

Baba Yaga: I have bast shoes, let's play! I haven't played for so long!

Game "Who will jump over the bast shoe?"

Baba Yaga. Goodbye kids,

It’s time for me to go to Leshy.

Don't forget about me

Invite them to school too.

Natasha. I would like to meet Doctor Aibolit. He is very kind and smart, I also love animals very much and want to treat them (Plucks a petal).

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And a hero come here.

Music is playing. Doctor Aibolit appears.

Dr. Aibolit.

From trees and flowers,

From bugs and spiders,

From spring ringing birds

Solovyov, goldfinches, titmice,

From rabbits and bear cubs

I heard that kindergarten

Sees off preschool children

Back to school for first grade!

Congratulations to the kindergarten!

I wish the older children

First-graders, seven-year-olds

Succeed in everything, everywhere

Both in study and in work.

Only I need to know

How's your health?

Have you gained strength, patience,

Are you doing the exercises?

(He puts thermometers on the children, gives commands - stand up, sit down, left - right, praises the children, notes that everyone is healthy and can go to school).

Presenter. Doctor Aibolit, our children have been doing gymnastics all these years, strengthening their health, they know a lot about it, and are friends with sports. Now the graduates and accompanying children will show you a sports dance.

Sports dance

Aibolit: I have a competition for graduates!

7 bottles in a row

Let's put them in a row on the table.

And there's milk in bottles.

The one who drinks milk

Will jump high

He will run far.

This will be useful at school

And your health will improve.

Competition "Who can drink milk through a pacifier the fastest."

Presenter. You see, Doctor Aibolit, our children are strong and healthy. See how they can jump rope, spin a hula hoop and perform various exercises.

Presenter. Now it’s Maximina’s turn to introduce us to her favorite fairy-tale hero

Maksim. I like Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena. They are so kind, they help everyone, and I also like their songs.

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And a hero come here.

Shapoklyak. Hello, hello, guys! I know that you weren’t expecting me, but I was ahead of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, because we are from the same fairy tale. Are you going to school?

Of course, I congratulate you,

And I give you our gifts.

Here's a slingshot for you guys

To shoot birds

Here's a noisy pistol for you,

To scare each other.

Here I offer you the buttons,

To put it on a chair.

Presenter. Children, do you really need such gifts?

Shapoklyak. How smart. And here I am opening my own school of harmful sciences. Admission without exams, training is free. Who wants to sign up?

Presenter. What sciences will children study there?

Shapoklyak. I will teach you to smear benches, quarrel, fight, sneak, blame someone else, be talkative, talk rudely.

Presenter. Our children will not go to such a school; they were preparing to study in a real school and even learned how to pack a briefcase.

Game "Collect a briefcase".

Two children and two parents participate. Children stand near tables on which school and writing supplies interspersed with toys are laid out.

On command, the children collect their school bags, while their parents, meanwhile, inflate air balloons.

You need to put in your briefcase only the things you need for school, so that they don’t include toys, mom’s lipstick, cars, a mirror, etc.

Shapoklyak takes part, knocks everyone down, but cannot collect the briefcase herself.

Presenter. You see, Shapoklyak, you don’t even know how to do this. Go, study and don’t bother your children anymore with your bad advice.

Shapoklyak. Fu-you, well-you! Then I have nothing to do with you... (leaves)

Presenter. We have two petals left. It’s Yulina’s turn to pick a petal.

Julia. How we forgot about Santa Claus. Every year he brings us joy and gifts. He is such a kind wizard. I want to meet him again in kindergarten. (Tears off a petal).

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And a hero come here.

The song "Santa Claus Walked Through the Forest" is playing. The children recognize the song, actively sing along, and Santa Claus enters the hall.

Santa Claus came here

He didn't get lost at all!

Father Frost.

I came from the past

And he became a welcome guest!

I can’t sit in Antarctica,

I love to have fun.

Academic year, How New Year

He's always waiting for the kids.

Academic year, where does it happen?

Santa Claus probably doesn't know?

Children. At school!

Presenter. Santa Claus, our children have grown up and now they will show you how they can make words from letters.

Children make up words: school, bell, desk, lesson, book, pen, study.

Game "Make a word".

Each child receives one word.

Father Frost.

Oh, well done - our graduates

Aren't you afraid of me?

Children. (They say a tease).

We are not afraid of Frost

We are not afraid of Santa Claus

In summer it doesn't pinch your ears,

In summer it doesn't sting your nose.

Game "Trap" to music. Haydn.

Father Frost.

I haven't forgotten Frost for you.

Bring a cartload of gifts

Let them lie for now

They'll look at the kids.

Oh, oh, oh, what’s wrong with me - I’m melting, melting

Where is the sleigh? Gonna fly Now!

Santa Claus runs away from the hall.

Presenter. The last petal of desire. Who will our Angela want to see?

Angela. I really want to meet the good Fairy. She is always ready to help and is always so beautiful. (Tears off a petal).

Fairy. Hello, my dear graduates. Over the years you spent in kindergarten, you grew up, you became kind, smart, and well-mannered. I knew that this hour would come, I was waiting for you to grow up, enter first grade, and I prepared gifts for you, medals in honor of graduating from kindergarten, and with great pleasure I present them to you.

The fairy gives the children commemorative medals.

Presenter. Dear Fairy, our children will sing a song

Farewell song

Fairy. Thanks guys for the song.

In parting, I want to remind you of the rules that will be useful to you in your school life.

These rules are simple

You must remember them!

1. When you wake up, get up

Don't give in to laziness.

2. The dew washed the petal,

And soap will wash you.

3. Be careful in your clothes

Avoid both holes and stains.

4. Don’t wait for prodding

Go to school on time.

5. At school, in class, don’t litter,

If you mess it up, clean it up.

6. Don’t be rude to adults

Have pity on the kids, love them.

7. Know good grades

They do not grow on a branch in the forest.

8. So that we can be proud,

You must work hard.

The fairy says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Fairy tales give us miracles,

And without miracles it is impossible,

They live everywhere

And they are our friends.

There are sunny colors

Waltz dance for you.

We can't live without fairy tales

They can't live without us!

So our journey through fairy tales has ended. And now we again convey words of greetings and gratitude to our graduates.

1. In a cozy place kindergarten

We lived as if at home.

Any corners

We knew each other here.

2. Goodbye, sleeping dolls,

And the balls are shiny,

And affectionate nannies,

They were like mothers to us!

3. Farewell to our group

And in the bedroom there are cribs,

Now they are waiting for us

Notebooks at school.

4. The school opened its doors,

Our desks and class are waiting for us.

We're leaving, but believe me

We won't forget you!

5. Our beloved garden, don’t be sad, don’t be sad,

And say goodbye to us and the kids.

We'll go to school, and you'll be replaced

The babies will come - a change of toddlers.

6. Bow to everyone and Thanks a lot!

For affection, care, warm welcome.

We will always remember our preschool childhood,

And in the fall we will go to school together!

7. Last time in the festive hall

We were in the spotlight.

Well, goodbye, our beloved hall,

You often invited us here for holidays.

8. We won’t be sad anymore

To be sad, to suffer.

It's time, graduates,

Let's dance a waltz.

Children perform the waltz "The Little Prince"

Educator 1. Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

Oh, how difficult it is for us to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the world!

You became family, you became friends,

And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.

Educator 2. Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to study and make friends.

We wish you all success and health

And never forget your kindergarten!

Congratulations from the head, presentation of diplomas on completion of kindergarten.

Congratulations to the parents.

A girl and a boy - the kids go around to all the graduates with a festive bell.

Graduates walk to the song behind the kids with the bell ringing and leave for a festive tea party.

On the last day that the children will spend in kindergarten, they are invited to take an unforgettable fairytale journey to the princess's ball. There will be games, competitions and gifts as a reward for overcoming obstacles.


Farewell to kindergarten in a solemn atmosphere.


Balloons, congratulation banners, toys. Small tables and chairs are provided for children.

Required attributes:

  • Map of the kingdom, which shows the travel route: Fairytale Glade – Milk River – Mountains – Deep Forest – Palace;
  • Milky fabric - river, strong rod;
  • An image of a mountain on paper, in the middle there is a camouflaged door;
  • Cards with numbers;
  • Brooms, dustpans, baskets;
  • A ball of thick thread;
  • Various items for the game “Build a Briefcase”;
  • Cards with the letters w, k, o, l, a;
  • Gifts for children.


  • Presenter
  • Apple tree
  • Baba Yaga
  • Herald
  • Princess

Progress of the event

Presenter: Hello, guests of our holiday! Today is the most important day for students preparatory group kindergarten. On this day they will have to say goodbye to games and fun in order to step onto the next step. Here they are – graduates! Greet them with loud applause!

The graduates come out and perform a dance, then go to the tables.

Presenter: Dear graduates! A significant day has come for you - you are saying goodbye to our kindergarten. Summer will pass, and you will cross the school threshold and strive for knowledge. By the way, today there will be a ball at the royal palace - Their Majesties, the King and Queen, are celebrating the seventh birthday of their daughter, the Princess. Do you want to go to this ball?

The children answer.

Presenter: Then I propose to take a trip to a real fairy tale. If we pass all the tests with dignity, we will go to the ball in the royal palace! So the journey begins. Close your eyes and imagine a fairy-tale meadow.

“Fairy-tale” music sounds and the Fairy comes out.

Hello children! Are you also in a hurry to go to the ball?

Presenter: Of course, it's an important event in a fairytale kingdom!

Then you need to hurry up, because the ball is about to start!

Presenter: We would hurry, but we don't know where to go. Show us the way, please.

The fairy takes out a map of the kingdom, on which the path to the palace is marked with arrows.

Fine. Here is a map for you, it will show you the way. And it’s time for me - I need to choose the best Nice dress for Cinderella so that she can shine despite the machinations of her evil stepmother (runs away).

Presenter (hangs the map on the wall): Guys, help me figure out the map. Where do you think we are now?

Children: In a fairy meadow.

Presenter: That's right, here she is, look. So where is the palace? Is he really that far away? To get to the palace, you will need to swim across the milk river with jelly banks, get over high mountains, which are guarded by Koshchei the Immortal, go through the dark dense thicket where Baba Yaga herself lives! Our path will be very difficult, but we will manage. Really, guys?

The children answer.

Presenter: I thought that difficulties would not frighten you. So, you can hit the road. And along the way, let’s remember what we did in kindergarten.

Children perform poems about life in kindergarten, gratitude to the teachers, the cook, and the manager. After the performance of the readers, a milky fabric - a river - is lined on the stage.

Presenter: How imperceptibly time flew by. Guys, look, we are already at the river bank. But the river is not simple - milky, with jelly banks. Do you know what fairy tale it appears in?

Children:"Swan geese".

Presenter: Do you know this fairy tale well? Then tell me, who helped the children escape from the geese?

Children answer: stove, river, apple tree. Apple tree comes out.

Apple tree: Hello guys. Where are you going?

Presenter: We're going to the Princess's ball, but here's the problem We don’t know how to get around the river.

Apple tree: You will not be able to go around the river, and you will not find a ford. And if you want to swim across, you will get stuck in the milk and drown. But I can help you cross the river.

Presenter: That would be great.

Apple tree: But you remember that in the fairy tale the girl did not immediately fulfill our requests, so she had to do everything at the last moment, in a hurry. The geese-swans almost grabbed them then.

Presenter: Still, politeness is one of the main qualities of a person.

Apple tree: And I would like to know if you know polite words.

Conducts a survey " Polite words" Graduates take turns saying greetings, farewells, thanks, and apologies.

Apple tree: Well done, you know a lot of words. I think that you use them in life too. Therefore, I will help you. Take this rod - it will help you cross the river.

The game “Jump Over the River” is played. Children, leaning on a rod, jump over the river. The apple tree helps them, then says goodbye and leaves. The children take their seats.

Presenter: Guys, we passed the river safely. Go ahead. And so that time doesn’t drag so slowly, let’s sing a song.

Children go on stage and sing a song about kindergarten. Towards the end of the song, the scenery of the mountain is brought out and installed in the background.

Presenter: Guys, look at the mountains! Do you remember who guards them?

Children: Koschei the Deathless.

Presenter: He's probably wandering around here somewhere. You need to keep your eyes open so as not to fall into his skillfully placed traps. Let's see if he's here.

The presenter and the children put their palm to their forehead, “peer” to the left and right. A quiet threatening melody sounds and Koschey comes out.

Well hello. Why did you come?

Presenter: We want to go to the Princess's ball!

What if I don't let you in?

Presenter: Let us in please. Today is the kids' graduation - the last day in kindergarten. When else will they get into a fairy tale?

Do you really want to go to the ball?

The children answer.

Even if I miss you, you will not be able to go around the mountains or fly over them. So it’s not even up to me whether you get to the ball or not!

Presenter: Even if you miss it, we’ll figure out how to get over the mountains.

I don’t even know... If only you can cope with the task. But the task will not be easy! Will you do it?

Presenter: Well, of course. After all, we really want to go to the ball!

Then let's check how well you can count.

Conducts the game "Funny Counting". Children are divided into 2 groups, each of which receives cards with different numbers, which all players receive one at a time. The participants’ task is to stand so that the numbers are in order, and then in reverse order.

Not just smart, but also fast, dexterous guys! Amazing! Why do you need school? Stay with me, I will teach you a lot: to frighten, to take away, to conquer.

Presenter: I think that the guys don’t want to become like you, Koschey. Don't be offended, but evil will never defeat good.

You're right. Well, okay, if you don’t want to – as you wish! I’ll let you pass further, but the mountains, most likely, won’t let you through (leaves).

Presenter: Guys, the mountains will really be very difficult to get around. What should we do now?

The Fairy comes on stage, sneezes, wipes her red nose.

Apchhi! Guys, you've already come so far! Well done! Apchhi!

Presenter: Yes, Fairy. But we don’t know how to go further. The mountains are very high and wide. By the way, why are you sneezing?

I do not know. Apchhi! As soon as she began to fly to the mountain, she began to sneeze. Apchhi!

Presenter: You are probably allergic to dust. It's so dusty here that you want to sneeze yourself.

I can't fly in such conditions. And it's too long to walk.

Presenter: Don't be afraid, Fairy. We will help you. Really, guys?

The children answer.

Then you will need magic brooms to sweep away this dust (gives the leading broom).

Presenter: Well, now everything around is clean and cozy. You, Fairy, can fly further.

Yes, and you can go safely.

Presenter: But how? We don't know how to fly!

And you don't need to. While you were cleaning up here, I found a through passage in the mountain to the opposite side. We'll see you at the ball! Good luck (leaves).

The presenter approaches the scenery and opens the “door” in the mountain. Together with the graduates, they emerge from the other side of the mountain.

Presenter: Hooray! All we have to do is go through the dense forest, and we will be in the palace! But wait! What if we get lost? What do we do?

Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga: Don't get lost, darlings! I will help you!

Presenter: Something is unclean here. Baba Yaga herself volunteered to help! What trap are you preparing for us?

Baba Yaga: What kind of trap? I can say I’m happy for the Princess. I wish her only happiness. And today the father invited so many people to the palace, but did not take into account one thing: the Princess was only 7 years old, and all the guests were already over 20. She will be bored with them, and you will cheer her up.

Presenter: Then we will accept help from you. Just which one?

Baba Yaga: This magical ball will help you pass through the forest (hands over the ball). But you only need to follow him with your eyes closed, otherwise all the magic will evaporate.

Presenter: Thank you, Grandma Yaga. We are grateful to you for your help.

Baba Yaga: Please. Just don’t offend the Princess (leaves).

Presenter: And we will go to the forest. But remember what Baba Yaga said? Everyone needs to be blindfolded.

While the children are blindfolded, a pattern of dense thread is laid out on the floor, but so that it does not intersect. Then the game “Walk along the thread” is played. Children take off their shoes and take turns walking along the thread. Then the guys go to their places.

Presenter: Guys! Listen!

The bugle sounds. The Herald enters the stage.

Herald: Attention! Attention! The ball dedicated to the Princess's seventh birthday is declared open! We invite everyone to the palace (leaves)!

The Princess and Fairy appear on the stage. Children perform a dance.

Princess: Guys! I'm so glad you came today! We can play with you and have fun!

Games and competitions are held

"Pack your briefcase"

From various items put in your backpack only those that will be useful at school.

"Treasured Word"

Find cards with letters that are hidden in the hall and make up the word “school” from them.

"School Riddles"

Riddles on school topics.

Presenter: So we had some fun. Now it's time to go back - home.

Wait! What about gifts? Do kids need magic pens that will write for them? Or magic pencils that will draw whatever they want? Or a magic book that you don’t need to read - it speaks itself?

Presenter: If our children have such objects, they will never learn to write, draw, read, or count. Therefore, Fairy, we do not need such gifts.

Exactly. After all, you won’t always have a magic pen at hand to write something... then I’ll give you something else! Magical too!

He hands the children folders containing creative kits that will help the children paint brighter, sculpt smoother, and glue more accurately.

Presenter: But for these gifts, guys, let’s thank the Fairy.

The children thank the Fairy. Then the Fairy and the Princess say goodbye, and the graduates “return” to the kindergarten: they sing a song about the kindergarten.

Presenter: Guys, our last magical journey is over. But you still have many miracles ahead, and even more magic. And now I would like to reward you with memorable gifts.

Children are awarded certificates and graduate folders. Then there is a response from the parents of the graduates.

On dry official language"kindergarten" - institution preschool education. But for little fidgets and their parents, it’s just a “kindergarten.” The place where the children spent most of their time over the past 4-5 years, managed to learn a lot of interesting and important things, learned useful things and acquired all the necessary habits. For hundreds of boys and girls, the kindergarten is the last refuge of a carefree childhood, a small extension of home, where they are just as carefully washed, fed, put to bed and taken out for another noisy walk.

But every year a sad and exciting moment comes to all admission groups - an unusual celebration of farewell to kindergarten. In order to fill the original matinee with positivity as much as possible and make the event unforgettable, teachers and parents approach its organization very responsibly. Most new interesting ideas cost a pretty penny, but you can’t do without other resources: imagination, inspiration, free time and the desire to please 100%. After all, in order to hold the best matinee in kindergarten, the script must not only be modern, but ideal in all its details.

Fun graduation in kindergarten: organization of the holiday and an unusual scenario

Preschool institutions are traditionally the first to open a big graduation marathon. This is probably why responsible parents and experienced educators begin preparing for the farewell party at the beginning of the year. And yet, we will not be too lazy to once again remind all organizers and assistants of the main aspects of organizing the holiday and the principles of choosing an unusual scenario for holding a fun graduation in kindergarten.

  1. Determining the date and time of the event;
  2. Compilation creative group teachers and parents (usually educators and parent committees), who take responsibility for organizing graduation and individual elements;
  3. Compiling a list of graduates, guests, teachers and employees of a preschool institution;
  4. Preparation of a new modern script or reworking of a previously known matinee plan;
  5. Decoration of the assembly hall with pompoms, compositions from balloons, ribbons, garlands, streamers, fresh flowers, etc.;
  6. Purchasing gifts for graduates, teachers, the manager, cooks, physical teachers and other kindergarten workers;
  7. Ordering photo and video shooting;
  8. Preparation of ceremonial speeches by teachers, graduates and responses from parents;
  9. Planning the entertainment part of the holiday with or without animators (in the kindergarten, outdoors, in the banquet hall);
  10. Organizing a sweet table for children and a buffet for adult guests;

A competent and responsible attitude to all of the above points is the key to success in holding a wonderful prom. But the most important thing is still - correct selection interesting scenario.

Scenario ideas for a farewell party in a kindergarten graduating group

Today's preschoolers are much more advanced than their parents. To surprise and interest them, you will have to work hard to organize the holiday and create a scenario for a fun graduation in kindergarten. Parents and educators who have found a creative streak in themselves can create a holiday program on their own, drawing inspiration from the world around them. Others will find it useful ready-made ideas for the script:

  • Journey to the planet "School". Such a matinee can be held in the form of a virtual journey from the starting point - the planet “Kindergarten” - to the cherished goal. Along the way, children, teachers and parents will find a lot of unknown adventures, funny performances and the most interesting game moments. At the end of the holiday, each preschooler can receive a personal “First-Grade Traveler” medal;
  • Steam locomotive from childhood. This graduation celebration is based on a ride on an old locomotive along the thorny Road of Knowledge. During the event, the locomotive can make stops at the “sports”, “music”, “magic”, “dance”, “intellectual” stations, etc. This means that each graduate will be able to demonstrate their talents for the last time in one of the concert numbers: song, dance, magic tricks, skits;
  • Award ceremony. The Oscar-themed matinee provides for the awarding of a special title to absolutely every graduate. All nominations (the brightest star, the smartest boy, the smartest student, etc.) can be alternated with games, competitions, concert performances and other stages of the matinee.

In order to hold the brightest and most cheerful graduation in kindergarten, the organization of the holiday and the unusual scenario must be thought through to the end. ideas and suitable options many many. The main thing is that the chosen scenario is somehow connected with the school and includes a sufficient number of game elements.

An interesting scenario for graduation in kindergarten based on Pushkin's fairy tales

One general recommendation on conducting graduation party does not exist in kindergarten. Most often, educators simply adhere to the classic structure of the holiday, supplementing it with bright and extraordinary content. Like any other, an interesting scenario for a kindergarten graduation based on Pushkin’s fairy tales can consist of four main parts:

  1. Solemn. The graduating group enters the prepared hall, the teachers pronounce parting speeches, participants show beautiful numbers (dance of girls with their fathers, farewell song of kindergarteners, etc.), demonstrating their talents;
  2. A fabulous costume performance. During the second part, the children, dressed as fairy tale characters, play their roles. Parents and educators are often involved in dramatizations. And the plot is almost always altered to fit the theme of the event;
  3. Climax. The most touching and emotional part of the graduation party. During its implementation, preschool children thank their kindergarten for the care and knowledge gained, teachers express gratitude to their parents, and they show the kindergarten employees a surprise gift number;
  4. The final. At the end, teachers present gifts and certificates to future first-graders, and mothers and fathers present their gifts to teachers and kindergarten.

Options for kindergarten graduation scenarios based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin

Any of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales can become brilliant idea for an interesting scenario for kindergarten graduation. Having plunged into a fairy-tale atmosphere and feeling like real characters (positive or negative), the children will be able to enjoy a real childhood for the last time. So, the most popular options for matinees based on the works of the Rissky writer:

  • “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...”;
  • “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” in a new way;
  • "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel";
  • Excerpts and adaptations from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”;
  • “Ruslan and Lyudmila” for creative graduates;

Even a combination of several fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin in one scenario can be an excellent basis for an event. Main secret success lies in ensuring that all children are equally involved in the matinee.

Modern scenario for graduation in kindergarten “Cinderella goes to school”

Most popular in last years a version of the kindergarten graduation script - a modern interpretation of the well-known fairy tale - “Cinderella goes to school.” Such a holiday is a real surprise not only for preschool girls who dream of being princesses, but also for boys who want to feel like princes at least for a little while. The main part of the matinee can be based on the fairy tale of the same name or simply filled with characteristic fairy-tale elements. At the same time, the second option is more advantageous, because at the graduation party you can’t do with Cinderella alone. The rest of the graduates will probably be offended!

All performances, lyrical asides, competitions and even funny Games one way or another must be tied to a given storyline- only then will it be possible to preserve the overall picture of the fairy tale and the unique atmosphere of magic. And yet, when choosing a modern scenario for a kindergarten graduation, “Cinderella Goes to School,” it is better to discuss all the nuances with your parents in advance. Otherwise, there may be two princesses in identical dresses or several identical princes at the holiday.

Video examples of kindergarten graduations on the topic: “Cinderella goes to school”

Unusual graduation party in kindergarten: a new fun scenario for parents

Most of the organizational and preparatory aspects of the graduation party in kindergarten are resolved through multi-stage debates at parent-teacher meetings. There is budgeting, choosing a place for the entertainment part of the holiday, and discussing the best gifts for graduates and garden workers. But there are certain things that cannot be resolved through dialogue alone. These include the participation of mothers and fathers in the holiday itself. Or rather, speeches, ceremonial speeches by the committee, surprise performances, and so on. You will have to not only find new unusual scenarios for competitions and skits for parents, but also rehearse them thoroughly before the fun graduation party in kindergarten.

The role of parents of graduates at the farewell party in kindergarten

For an unusual graduation party in kindergarten, you can create a new fun scenario for parents yourself, or use old templates. But first, it’s worth defining the role of moms and dads at a children’s party:

  • Firstly, the most proactive parents will have to say a response to the graduates or acceptance speech teachers. Most often, members of the parent committee are assigned to this role, and the text of the speech is prepared in advance based on one of the samples. Eg:

On behalf of all the parents of our group graduates, I would like to say a huge thank you to all the teachers and staff of kindergarten No. XX. In addition to the necessary knowledge, you invested a piece of yourself in our children. You managed to penetrate children's hearts and instill in them kindness, love and joy. Always remain the same creative, hardworking teachers who love their students. Thank you for our children!

I express my gratitude to the head of kindergarten No. XX, the teachers of our group, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution for their dedicated work and desire to work in kindergarten, raising the younger generation. You are all experts high level with extensive experience working with children. Our children enjoyed going to kindergarten, and what is very important is that we, parents, never worried, leaving our children in your capable hands. We want to note your sensitive attitude towards children, attention to parents, and high professionalism in raising children. The teachers approached all pedagogical tasks with creative inspiration and imagination, and were deeply rooted for all the successes and failures of our children. Thank you very much!

  • Secondly, moms and dads have a great opportunity to show off their own act at a holiday party. Eg, funny scene for children about their future school, a remake of a popular fairy tale, a funny surprise dance for teachers or a congratulatory song dedicated to kindergarten;
  • Thirdly, parents can play the roles of individual characters at the holiday, if this is provided for in the fairy-tale scenario. So, the chosen mom and dad can easily play popular cartoon characters: Masha and the Bear, Masya and Papus, Nyusha and Barash.
  • Fourthly, traditionally, part of the games and competitions at the holiday involves the participation of children together with their parents or against them. This means that scenarios for such game indentations must be drawn up in advance and demonstrated to parents. If they are not a surprise or impromptu.

The best script for a performance from the parents of the graduating group to the teachers for graduation in kindergarten

Most parent groups believe the best option— “dry” congratulations to kindergarten workers with standard bouquets and material gifts. And only some of the graduates’ mothers and fathers decide not to follow the beaten path and supplement their presentation to teachers and children with an interesting concert number or an unexpected surprise. For example: a large photo collage, a pre-filmed video clip, a well-rehearsed flash mob, a humorous dramatization based on a good old fairy tale. Although even a simple skit, lyrical song or funny dance performed by parents can become a bright emotional outburst for the heroes of the occasion and kindergarten workers. The main thing is not to be lazy and spend a little time preparing. And examples of the best scenarios for performances from parents of the graduating class to teachers for graduation in kindergarten can be seen in our videos from the last section.

Examples of kindergarten graduation scenarios for teachers from parents on video

When organizing the best graduation in kindergarten, choose the scenario extremely responsibly. Only new ones original ideas can pleasantly surprise graduation group and please the guests children's party. And don’t forget: a modern farewell party in kindergarten should not only be interesting, but also unusual, unlike all previous ones.
