The development of physical qualities is carried out better at Abstract development and education of physical qualities. "Education of physical qualities"

Physical qualities are understood as certain socially determined sets of biological and mental properties of a person, expressing his physical readiness to carry out active motor activity. It is generally accepted that the main physical qualities of a person are strength, speed, flexibility, agility, and endurance.

Material basis for education physical qualities are physical abilities that are inherent by nature in any person. The same ability can be represented in different physical qualities.

Force - the ability to overcome or resist external resistance through muscle tension.

There are two types of power: absolute and relative.

Absolute power - the force exerted by an athlete during a maximum voluntary contraction without taking into account time and body weight.

Relative strength- this is the force that falls on 1 kg of athlete’s body weight.

In people with approximately the same level of training, an increase in body weight leads to an increase in absolute strength, but at the same time the magnitude of relative strength decreases. This is due to the fact that body weight increases in proportion to the volume of the body, and the force of action increases in proportion to the physiological diameter of the muscle. The identification of absolute and relative strength of action is of great practical importance. Thus, the achievements of athletes of the heaviest weight categories in weightlifting, combat sports, and also when throwing sports equipment are determined, first of all, by the level of development of absolute strength. In activities with big amount moving the body in space (for example, in gymnastics) or having restrictions on body weight (for example, weight classes in wrestling), success will largely depend on the development of relative strength.

Strength as a physical quality is determined by the manifestation of some relatively independent leading abilities.

Speed- strength abilities provide rapid movement of the body and its links in space. The maximum expression of these abilities is the so-called explosive strength, which is understood as the development of maximum stress in the shortest possible time (for example, performing a jump).

The most common methods for developing speed-strength abilities are the methods of repeated exercises and circuit training.

The repeated execution method allows you to specifically develop the speed-strength abilities of a specific muscle group (for example, lifting a barbell from the chest affects the shoulder muscles, individual muscles of the back and abdomen). The repetition method uses a series of dynamic exercises with constant, increasing and adapting resistance. Depending on age, gender and size of weights, the number of exercises in a series can reach 6-10, and the number of series - from 3 to 5-6. An exercise with constant resistance is characterized by maintaining the magnitude of the load during its execution (for example, a squat with a barbell on the shoulders). An exercise with increasing resistance involves changing the amount of weight during its execution (for example, stretching an expander). Adaptive resistance exercise has a constant speed of movement of external objects while maintaining maximum muscle tension throughout the entire exercise (for example, exercises using technical devices).

The circuit training method provides a comprehensive effect on various muscle groups. Exercises are selected in such a way that each subsequent series includes work new group muscles. This method allows you to significantly increase the volume of workload with a strict alternation of work and rest. This mode provides a significant increase in the functionality of breathing, blood circulation and energy exchange.

Actually strength abilities manifest themselves predominantly in conditions of isometric muscle tension, ensuring the retention of the body and its links in space, maintaining specified postures when exposed to external forces.

IN pedagogical process the development of actual strength abilities is carried out through the development of speed-strength abilities. This possibility is due to the laws of transfer in the development of leading physical abilities.

Means for developing strength abilities

When developing strength abilities, use exercises with increased resistance - strength exercises. Depending on the nature of resistance, they are divided into 3 groups:

1. Exercises with external resistance.

2. Exercises to overcome your own body.

3. Isometric exercises.

Exercises with external resistance include:

· exercises with weights (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells), including exercise machines;

· exercises with resistance from other objects (rubber shock absorbers, harnesses, block devices, etc.);

· exercises to overcome the resistance of the external environment (running on sand, snow, against the wind, etc.).

Exercises involving overcoming your own body weight are used in activities of people of different ages, gender, fitness and in all forms of exercise. The following varieties are distinguished:

· gymnastic strength exercises (flexion and extension of arms in stops, climbing a rope, raising legs to the crossbar);

· athletics jumping exercises (jumps on one or two legs, “in depth”);

· exercises in overcoming obstacles.

Isometric exercises, like no other, contribute to the simultaneous tension of the maximum possible number of motor units of working muscles. They are divided into:

· maintaining passive muscle tension (holding a load on the forearms, shoulders, back, etc.);

· exercises in active muscle tension for a certain time in a certain position (straightening half-bent legs, trying to lift an excessively weighted barbell off the floor, etc.).

Usually performed while holding your breath, they accustom the body to work in very difficult oxygen-free conditions. Classes using isometric exercises require little time, the equipment for their implementation is very simple, and with the help of these exercises you can work on any muscle groups.

Motor actions with various weights should not have a complex biomechanical structure, and the magnitude of the weights should not exceed human capabilities. At primary school age, it is advisable to use your own body weight in the form of weights; in older age groups, it is advisable to use the weight of sports equipment or a partner.

The use of motor actions with weights is associated with straining, which increases the magnitude of the force of action. However, prolonged straining has a negative impact on activity of cardio-vascular system, since when the muscles are tense, the lumen of the blood vessels decreases, and, consequently, the delivery of oxygen to the tissues is limited and the load on the heart muscle increases. Therefore, when working with children, especially of primary school age, motor actions with prolonged straining are used with restrictions. Cultivating the quality of strength requires a strictly differentiated approach, taking into account the level of development of leading strength abilities.

Rapidity– the ability to perform motor tasks at maximum speed. This generic term has been used for a number of years. Considering the multiplicity of forms of manifestation of movements and their high specificity, this term has been replaced in recent years by the concept of “speed abilities”.

Speed ​​abilities is a complex of functional properties of a person that ensures the performance of motor actions in a minimum period of time for given conditions.

The means of developing speed abilities are exercises performed at maximum or near-maximum speed (i.e., speed exercises). They can be divided into three main groups (V. I. Lyakh, 1997).

1. Exercises aimed at individual components of speed abilities: a) reaction speed; b) speed of execution of individual movements; c) improvement in frequency of movements; d) improvement of starting speed; e) speed endurance; f) the speed of performing sequential motor actions in general (for example, running, swimming, dribbling a ball).

2. Exercises with a complex (multilateral) impact on all the main components of speed abilities (for example, sports and outdoor games, relay races, martial arts, etc.).

3. Exercises involving the following effects: a) on speed and all other abilities (speed and strength, speed and coordination, speed and endurance); b) on speed abilities and improvement of motor actions (running, swimming, sports games, etc.).

In sports practice, to develop the speed of individual movements, the same exercises are used as to develop explosive strength, but without weights or with weights that do not reduce the speed of movement. In addition, exercises are used that are performed with an incomplete swing, at maximum speed and with a sharp stop of movements, as well as starts and spurts.

To develop the frequency of movements, the following are used: cyclic exercises in conditions that promote an increase in the tempo of movements; running downhill behind a motorcycle, with a traction device; quick movements of the legs and arms, performed at a high tempo by reducing the swing and then gradually increasing it; exercises to increase the rate of relaxation of muscle groups after their contraction.

To develop speed capabilities in their complex expression, three groups of exercises are used: exercises that are used to develop reaction speed; exercises that are used to develop the speed of individual movements, including for movement over various short distances (from 10 to 100 m); explosive exercises.

The main methods of developing speed abilities are: methods of strictly regulated exercise; competitive method; game method.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise include: a) methods of repeating actions with a setting for maximum speed of movement; b) methods of variable (alternating) exercises with varying speed and acceleration according to a given program in specially created conditions.

When using the variable exercise method, they alternate movements with high intensity (for 4-5 s) and movements with lower intensity - first increase the speed, then maintain it and slow down the speed. This is repeated several times in a row.

The competitive method is used in the form of various training competitions (estimates, relay races, handicaps - equalization competitions) and final competitions. The effectiveness of this method is very high, since athletes of different levels of fitness are given the opportunity to fight each other on an equal basis, with emotional uplift, showing maximum volitional efforts.

The game method involves performing a variety of Exercises with maximum possible speed in conditions of outdoor and sports games. In this case, the exercises are performed very emotionally, without unnecessary stress. In addition, this method provides a wide variety of actions that prevents the formation of a “speed barrier”.

Flexibility – a person’s physical ability to perform movements with the required amplitude. It is determined by the structure of the joint and the interaction of the muscles that provide movement in it. The latter is associated both with the mechanical properties of muscle fibers (their resistance to stretching) and with the regulation of muscle tone. Insufficiently developed flexibility makes it difficult to coordinate human movements, as it limits the movement of individual parts of the body.

There are passive and active flexibility. Passive flexibility is determined by the range of movements performed under the influence of external forces, such as the weight of a partner or his muscle efforts. Active flexibility is expressed by the amplitude of movements performed due to the muscles’ own tension. The amount of passive flexibility is always greater than active. Under the influence of fatigue, active flexibility decreases (due to a decrease in the ability of muscles to completely relax after a previous contraction), and passive flexibility increases (due to less tone of the muscles that resist stretching).

There are also general (maximum range of movements in the largest joints) and special (amplitude of movements corresponding to the technique of a specific motor action) flexibility. Active and passive flexibility develop in parallel.

The development of flexibility is assessed by the maximum possible amplitude of movements, which is measured either in angular or linear measures (in degrees, centimeters).

In girls and young women, flexibility rates are 20-30% higher than in boys and boys.

The main means of developing flexibility are stretching exercises, which can be dynamic (springy, swing, etc.), passive (with a partner, with weights, shock absorbers, on apparatus) and static (maintaining maximum amplitude in various poses from 6 to 10 sec) character.

The main method of developing flexibility is the repetition method, where stretching exercises are performed in series. Depending on the age, gender and physical fitness of schoolchildren, the number of exercises in the series is differentiated. In this case, it is necessary to comply with a number of methodological requirements: before performing stretching exercises, the body should be well “warmed up” in order to avoid injuries; primarily develop mobility in those joints that play the greatest role in vital actions: shoulder, hip, ankle and hand joints; the range of movements should be increased gradually, maintaining continuity and consistency of effects on the corresponding muscles and joints; Between series of stretching exercises, it is necessary to perform muscle relaxation exercises. In this case, pain is not allowed, the exercises are performed at a slow pace.

Depending on the tasks being solved, the stretching mode, age, gender, physical fitness, and joint structure, the dosage of the load can be very varied. This method has two variants: the repeated dynamic exercise method and the repeated static exercise method. The technique of developing flexibility with the help of static exercises is called “stretching”.

Game and competitive methods are also used to develop and improve flexibility.

The term " dexterity » in Russian theory and methodology of physical culture for a long time was used to characterize a person’s coordination capabilities when performing any activity. Since the 70s, the term “coordination abilities” has increasingly been used to denote them - the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, economically and resourcefully, i.e. most perfectly, solve motor problems (especially complex ones and those that arise unexpectedly). Expressed in the skills: master new movements, differentiate various characteristics of movements and control them, improvise in the process of motor activity.

The most effective method of developing dexterity is the game method with and without additional tasks.

Coordination abilities include: spatial orientation, accuracy of movement reproduction according to spatial, force and time parameters, static and dynamic balance.

A person’s spatial orientation is expressed in the preservation of ideas about the nature of changes in external conditions and in the ability to rearrange motor action in accordance with these changes. Taking into account changes in external conditions, a person must predict upcoming events and build appropriate behavior in connection with this. To develop this ability, they resort to a variety of outdoor and sports games.

The accuracy of spatial, power and temporal parameters of movements is manifested in the correct execution of a motor action. The means of its development are exercises to reproduce human poses, where the parameters of the location of the body and its parts are set by the teacher.

The main exercises that develop the accuracy of differentiation of muscle efforts are exercises with weights, where the weight of objects is strictly dosed. Along with this, high and long jumps, throwing sports equipment of various weights, as well as exercises with a dynamometer (reproducing a given force) are used.

The basis of the methodology for developing the ability to distinguish between the weights of weights is the reproduction of exercises dosed according to the load. To do this, use sports equipment that is similar in shape but of different weights (tennis, volleyball, basketball, clubs, dumbbells).

The accuracy of distinguishing the temporal parameters of a motor action (“sense of time”) develops most intensively at primary school age. Exercises that allow you to change the duration of movements over a wide range promote development. For this purpose, as a rule, technical means are used (electric leaders, metronomes).

Maintaining body stability (balance) is associated with the performance of any motor action. Balance develops based on the improvement of reflex mechanisms in the process of maturation of the vestibular analyzer. Exercises with turns in vertical and horizontal positions and somersaults are used as means. For example, walking along a gymnastics bench after performing a series of somersaults.

There are static and dynamic equilibrium. Static balance manifests itself when certain human poses are maintained for a long time (for example, a handstand in gymnastics), dynamic balance is when the direction of a person’s movements is maintained in continuously changing poses (for example, the movement of a skier). Static balance is improved by complicating the biomechanical structure of the exercise (due to poses in which the center of gravity of the body changes its location relative to the fulcrum, and holding given poses for a long time) and by changing the psycho functional state(creating mental difficulty in maintaining balance by increasing the height of the support, changing the angle of its inclination, as well as temporarily “turning off” the visual analyzer). Improving dynamic balance is carried out mainly with the help of cyclic exercises: walking or running on a treadmill with varying width or on a movable support.

Endurance– the ability to resist fatigue (temporary decrease in performance), maintain the required level of work intensity at a given time, and perform the required amount of work in less time.

In the theory and practice of physical culture, general and special endurance are distinguished. Under general endurance understand the ability to perform prolonged work at low intensity using aerobic energy sources (using oxygen). Special endurance denote the ability to effectively perform work, despite the resulting fatigue, in a certain type of sports activity.

All physical abilities that express the quality of endurance have a single meter - the maximum time of work before its power begins to decrease. Because of this, these abilities are defined as endurance to work in the corresponding load zones: endurance in the maximum zone, endurance in the submaximal zone, endurance in large area and endurance in the moderate load zone.

Endurance in the maximum load zone is largely due to the functionality of the anaerobic creatine phosphate energy source. The maximum operating time does not exceed 15-20 s.

The main means of increasing the level of endurance in the maximum zone include cyclic exercises, the duration of which does not exceed 5-10 seconds, which is equal to running segments of 20-50 m at maximum speed. As a rule, exercises are used in a repeated mode, in series.

Suggested rest intervals between running exercises can be 2-3 minutes, and between series - 4-6 minutes. Rest periods are filled with muscle relaxation exercises, walking, alternating with breathing exercises, etc. Active rest speeds up the recovery of the body for subsequent work. The choice of the number of running exercises in a series and the number of series are determined by well-being and functional state. Here the teacher can focus on two main indicators: heart rate and running speed.

Endurance in the submaximal load zone characterized by the capabilities of the anaerobic-glycolytic mechanism of energy supply. The maximum duration of operation without reducing power does not exceed 2.5-3 minutes.

The main means of developing endurance in the submaximal zone are exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature (for example, running, throwing). Exercises can be performed with additional weights, but with adjustments to the duration and number of repetitions.

The leading method of development is strictly regulated exercises, which allow you to accurately set the magnitude and volume of the load. Exercises can be performed repeatedly or continuously in series and include exercises with different biomechanical structures. Rest intervals vary in duration depending on the approach used. As a rule, they can range from 3 to 6 minutes. Between repetitions of loads, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation exercises, and exercises to develop joint mobility are used.

It is advisable to develop endurance in the zone of submaximal loads after exercises to develop coordination of movements, training in motor actions, when the body is in the phase of initial fatigue. This allows you to significantly reduce the time the body is exposed to exercises in the submaximal zone and does not need to use a warm-up. In this case, the duration of exercises, their quantity, rest intervals in duration and content between them must be correlated with the nature of the previous work.

Endurance in high-stress areas characterized by the maximum capabilities of the mechanisms of aerobic energy supply, and, consequently, the maximum capabilities of the respiratory and circulatory systems. If under loads of maximum and submaximal power the restoration of the energy potential of the muscles occurs mainly during the recovery period, then under loads of high power mainly during work. The duration of work averages from 3 to 7-10 minutes.

The main means are cyclic exercises performed with an intensity of 65-70% of the maximum (running, swimming, skiing, etc.). In terms of its effects, exercise should cause a significant increase in heart rate and pulmonary ventilation. Depending on age, the heart rate can reach 180-200 beats/min, and the minute volume of respiration can be 40-80 l/min at a respiratory rate of 45-60 cycles/min.

The development of endurance is carried out using strictly regulated exercise and game methods. The latter allows, due to increased emotionality, to achieve a larger volume of work. Exercises can be performed repeatedly with a duration of 3-5 minutes and a rest interval of up to 6-8 minutes. Endurance in the area of ​​heavy loads is developed, as a rule, at the end of the main part of the lesson against the background of initial fatigue of the body. This allows you to reduce the duration of exercises to 1.5-2 minutes and shorten rest intervals, including breathing exercises with walking or low-intensity running. Alternating loads different zones are used in athletics, in particular in cross-country training. During ski training, alternating loads are used in the zone of high and moderate intensity.

Endurance in moderate load zone characterized by optimal interaction of the respiratory and circulatory systems, their mutual coordination with the structure of motor action. The duration of work is ensured by aerobic processes with a slight activation of anaerobic processes with a load not exceeding 60-65% of the maximum. With such a load, you can continue working from 10-15 minutes to 1.5 hours or more.

The main means that are used to develop endurance in the moderate load zone are long-term cyclic exercises (for example, long walking, cross-country running, cross-country skiing).

The means of developing general (aerobic) endurance are exercises that cause maximum performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In the practice of physical culture, a wide variety of physical exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature are used (for example, running, swimming, cycling, etc.). The basic requirements for them are as follows: exercises must be performed in zones of moderate and high power work; their duration ranges from several minutes to 60-90 minutes; the work is carried out with the global functioning of the muscles.

Most types of special endurance are largely determined by the level of development of anaerobic capabilities, for which they use exercises that include the functioning of a large group of muscles and allow them to perform work with maximum and near-maximum intensity.

When performing most physical exercises to develop endurance, the total load on the body is quite fully characterized by the following components: the intensity of the exercise, the duration of the exercise, the number of repetitions, the duration of rest intervals and the nature of rest. It is necessary to determine specific parameters of load and rest each time when choosing a particular method.

The main methods for developing general endurance are:

1. Method of continuous exercise with a load of moderate and variable intensity;

2. Repeated interval exercise method;

3. Circuit training method;

4. Game method;

5. Competitive method.

To develop special endurance, the following are used:

1. Continuous exercise methods (uniform and variable);

2. Interval intermittent exercise method (interval and repeated);

3. Competitive and playful.

External indicators of endurance in cyclic exercises can be as follows:

· distance covered in a given time (for example, in the “hour run” or in the 12-minute Cooper test);

· minimum time to cover a fairly long distance (for example, running 500 m, swimming 1500 m);

· the greatest distance when moving at a given speed “to failure”;

In strength exercises, endurance is characterized by:

· the number of possible repetitions of this exercise (the maximum number of pull-ups, squats on one leg);

· the maximum time for maintaining body posture or the shortest time for performing strength exercises (for example, when climbing a rope or doing 6 pull-ups);

· the greatest number of movements in a given time (for example, squat as much as possible for 10 s).

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By discipline " Physical Culture»

On the topic: “Physical qualities of a person. Means and methods of their education"


Speed ​​as a physical quality of a person




Physical qualities are usually called innate qualities, thanks to which a person’s physical activity is possible, which receives its full manifestation in purposeful motor activity.

The main physical qualities include:

muscle strength





In relation to the dynamics of changes in indicators of physical qualities, the terms “development” and “education” are used. The term development characterizes the natural course of changes in physical quality, and the term education provides for an active and targeted impact on the growth of physical quality indicators.

Each person's motor abilities are developed differently. At the core different development abilities lies a hierarchy of different congenital (hereditary) physiological inclinations:

brain features and nervous system(properties of nervous processes - strength, mobility, balance);

physiological (features of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems - maximum oxygen consumption);

biological (features of biological oxidation, endocrine regulation, metabolism, energy of muscle contraction, etc.);

bodily (length of the body and limbs, body weight, mass of muscle and fat tissue, etc.);

chromosomal (gene).

A person’s abilities are judged not only by his achievements in the process of learning or performing any motor activity, but also by how quickly and easily he acquires these skills.

To develop motor abilities, it is necessary to create certain conditions for activity, using appropriate physical exercises for speed, strength, etc. However, the effect of training these abilities also depends on the individual norm of reaction to external loads.

Strength as a physical quality of a person

Strength refers to a person’s ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort. One of the most significant aspects that determine muscle strength is the mode of muscle activity. In the process of performing sports or professional techniques and activities, a person may lift, lower or hold heavy loads.

The muscles that provide these movements work in various modes. If, overcoming any resistance, the muscles contract and shorten, then their work is called overcoming. Muscles that resist any resistance can, when tense, lengthen, for example, when holding a very heavy load. In this case, their work is called inferior. Overcoming and yielding modes of muscle work are combined under the name dynamic.

Muscle contraction under constant tension or external load is called isotonic. During isotonic muscle contraction, not only the magnitude of its shortening, but also the speed depends on the load applied: the lower the load, the greater the speed of its shortening. This mode of muscle work takes place in strength exercises with overcoming external weights (barbells, dumbbells, weights, weights on a block device). The amount of force applied to the projectile when performing an exercise in an isotonic mode changes along the trajectory of movements, as the levers for applying force change in different phases of movements. Exercises with a barbell or other similar apparatus at high speed do not give the desired effect; these exercises are of little use for the development of high-speed (dynamic) strength. They are used mainly for developing maximum strength and building muscle mass, are performed evenly at a slow and medium pace.

In recent years, simulators of special designs have been developed and widely used in world practice, when working on which it is not the magnitude of the weight that is set, but the speed of movement of the body parts. Such simulators allow you to perform movements in a very wide range of speeds, to show maximum and close to maximum efforts on almost any part of the movement trajectory. The mode of muscle work on simulators of this type is called isokinetic. In this case, the muscles have the opportunity to work with optimal load along the entire trajectory of movement. Isokinetic trainers are widely used by swimmers, as well as in general physical training. Many experts express the opinion that strength exercises on machines with this mode of muscle work should become the main means of strength training in the development of maximum and “explosive” strength.

When performing movements, a person very often shows strength without changing the length of the muscles. This mode of their work is called isometric, or static, in which the muscles exhibit their maximum strength. In general, for the body, the isometric mode turns out to be the most unfavorable due to the fact that the excitation of the nerve centers, which experience a very high load, is quickly replaced by an inhibitory protective process, and tense muscles, squeezing the blood vessels, prevent normal blood supply, and performance quickly decreases. When forcefully increasing muscle length in yielding movements, strength can significantly (up to 50-100%) exceed a person's maximum isometric strength. This can manifest itself, for example, during landing from a relatively high height, in the shock-absorbing phase of take-off in jumps, in fast movements when it is necessary to absorb the kinetic energy of a moving part of the body, etc. The force developed in the inferior mode of operation in different movements depends from speed; the greater the speed, the greater the strength.

The muscles generate less force than in the static and yielding modes by contracting in the overcoming mode. There is an inverse relationship between the force and speed of contraction. It is also important that the possible values ​​of force and speed with various weights depend on the magnitude of the maximum force exhibited under isometric conditions. An unloaded muscle (without any weights or resistance) shortens at maximum speed.

If you gradually increase the amount of weight (or resistance), then first, with an increase in this weight (i.e., the moved body mass), the force increases up to a certain point. However, attempts to further increase the load do not increase strength. For example, the force applied to a tennis ball when throwing it will be significantly less than when throwing a metal shot weighing 1-2 kilograms. If the mass of the projectile thrown with acceleration is gradually increased further, then a limit comes, above which the force developed by a person will no longer depend on the amount of mass he moves, but will be determined only by his own power capabilities, that is, the level of maximum isometric force.

In the practice of physical education, a large number of methods are used aimed at developing various types of strength abilities.

The maximum effort method involves performing tasks related to the need to overcome maximum resistance (for example, lifting a barbell of maximum weight). This method ensures the development of the ability to concentrate neuromuscular efforts and provides a greater increase in strength than the non-limiting effort method.

It is not recommended to use it when working with beginners and children, but if there is a need to use it, then strict control over the implementation of the exercises should be ensured.

The non-maximum effort method involves the use of non-maximum weights with a maximum number of repetitions (until failure). Depending on the magnitude of the weight, which does not reach the maximum value, and the direction in the development of strength abilities, a strictly standardized number of repetitions is used from 5-6 to 100.

In physiological terms, the essence of this method of developing strength abilities is that the degree of muscle tension approaches the maximum as fatigue approaches (by the end of such activity, the intensity, frequency and sum of nerve-effector impulses increase, everything is involved in the work larger number motor units, the synchronization of their voltages increases). Serial repetitions of such work with non-limiting weights contribute to the strong activation of metabolic and trophic processes in the muscular and other systems of the body, and help to increase the overall level of functional capabilities of the body.

Dynamic force method. The essence of the method is to create maximum power tension by working with unlimited weights at maximum speed. The exercise is performed with full amplitude. This method is used to develop quick strength, i.e. the ability to exert great force in conditions of rapid movements.

The “impact” method involves performing special exercises with instantly overcoming shock-impacting weights, which are aimed at increasing the power of efforts associated with the most complete mobilization of the reactive properties of muscles (for example, jumping from a height of 45-75 cm, followed by an instant jump up or jump into length). After preliminary rapid stretching, a more powerful muscle contraction is observed. The magnitude of their resistance is determined by the mass of their own body and the height of the fall.

Method of static (isometric) efforts. Depending on the tasks being solved when developing strength abilities, the method involves the use of isometric stresses of varying magnitude. In the case when the task is to develop maximum muscle strength, isometric tension is used at 80-90% of the maximum for a duration of 4-6 s, 100% for 1-2 s. If the goal is to develop general strength, use isometric tension of 60-80% of the maximum for 10-12 seconds in each repetition. Typically, during training, 3-4 exercises are performed, 5-6 repetitions of each, with a 2-minute rest between exercises.

When developing maximum strength, isometric tension should be developed gradually. After performing isometric exercises, you need to do relaxation exercises. The training is carried out for 10-15 minutes.
Isometric exercises should be included in classes as additional remedy to develop strength.

The disadvantage of isometric exercises is that strength is manifested to a greater extent at the joint angles at which the exercises were performed, and the level of strength is maintained for less time than after dynamic exercises.

Circuit training method. Provides a complex effect on various muscle groups. Exercises are carried out at stations and selected in such a way that each subsequent series includes a new muscle group in the work. The number of exercises affecting different muscle groups and the duration of their execution at stations depend on the tasks being solved in the training process, the age, gender and preparedness of the trainees.

A set of exercises using unlimited weights is repeated 1-3 times in a circle. The rest between each repetition of the complex should be at least 2-3 minutes, during which relaxation exercises are performed.

The gaming method involves the development of strength abilities mainly in gaming activities, where gaming situations force one to change the tension regimes of various muscle groups and combat increasing fatigue of the body.

Such games include games that require holding external objects (for example, a partner in the game "Horses"), games with overcoming external resistance (for example, "Tug of War", games with alternating modes of tension of various muscle groups (for example, various relay races with carrying loads) different weights). ​​as a physical quality of a person

Speed ​​is a person’s ability to perform motor actions in a minimum period of time for given conditions. The physiological mechanism for the manifestation of speed, associated primarily with the speed characteristics of nervous processes, is presented as a multifunctional property of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral neuromuscular apparatus (NMA).

There are several elementary forms of manifestation of speed:

The speed of simple and complex motor reactions.

Speed ​​of single movement.

The speed of complex (multi-joint) movement associated with changing the position of the body in space or switching from one action to another.

Frequency of unloaded movements.

The identified forms of manifestation of speed are relatively independent of each other and are weakly related to the level of general physical fitness.
At the same time, in everyday life, sports and professional activity associated with physical activity, people have to deal with other forms of manifestation of speed. These are, first of all, human movements at maximum speed, various jumping exercises associated with moving one’s own body, martial arts and sports games. Such complex forms of manifestation of speed are usually called human speed abilities. For their effective manifestation, except high performance nervous processes, a sufficient level of speed-strength readiness of the motor system and perfection of motor skills of the exercises and actions performed are also necessary.

The main means of developing various forms of speed are exercises that require quick motor reactions, high speed and frequency of movements.

However, despite the fact that all such exercises are aimed at developing speed, there are still significant methodological features development of its various forms.

The main methods of developing speed abilities are:

strictly regulated exercise methods;

competitive method;

game method.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise include: a) methods of repeating actions with a setting for maximum speed of movement; b) methods of variable (alternating) exercises with varying speed and acceleration according to a given program in specially created conditions.

When using the variable exercise method, they alternate movements with high intensity (for 4-5 seconds) and movements with lower intensity - first increase the speed, then maintain it and slow down the speed. This is repeated several times in a row.

The competitive method is used in the form of various training competitions (estimates, relay races, handicaps - equalization competitions) and final competitions. The effectiveness of this method is very high, since athletes of different levels of fitness are given the opportunity to fight each other on an equal basis, with emotional uplift, showing maximum volitional efforts.

The game method involves performing a variety of exercises at the highest possible speed in the conditions of outdoor and sports games. In this case, the exercises are performed very emotionally, without unnecessary stress. In addition, this method provides a wide variety of actions that prevents the formation of a “speed barrier”.

The specific patterns of development of speed abilities require especially careful combination of the above methods in appropriate proportions. The fact is that a relatively standard repetition of movements at maximum speed helps to stabilize the speed at the achieved level, creating a “speed barrier.” Therefore, in the methodology of training speed, the central place is occupied by the problem of the optimal combination of methods, including relatively standard and varied forms of exercises.

Endurance as a physical quality of a person

Endurance is the most important physical quality, manifested in professional, sports activities and in people’s everyday lives. It reflects the overall level of a person's performance.

In the theory and methodology of physical culture, endurance is defined as the ability to maintain a given load power, necessary to ensure professional activity, and to resist fatigue that occurs in the process of performing work. Therefore, endurance manifests itself in two main forms:

The duration of work at a given power level until the first signs of severe fatigue appear.

The rate of decline in performance upon the onset of fatigue.

When starting training, it is important to understand the tasks, which by solving them consistently, you can develop and maintain your professional performance. These tasks consist of a targeted impact by means of physical training on the entire set of factors that provide the necessary level of development of performance and have specific features in each type of professional activity. They are solved in the process of special and general physical training. Therefore, a distinction is made between special and general endurance.

Special endurance is the ability to endure long-term loads characteristic of a specific type of professional activity. Special endurance is a complex, multicomponent motor quality. By changing the parameters of the exercises performed, you can selectively select the load for the development and improvement of its individual components. Each profession or group of similar professions may have its own combinations of these components.

General endurance is understood as the totality of the body’s functional capabilities, which determine its ability to perform prolonged exercise. high efficiency work of moderate intensity and constituting a nonspecific basis for the manifestation of performance in various types of professional or sports activities.

General endurance is the basis for high physical performance necessary for successful professional activities. Due to the high power and stability of aerobic processes, intramuscular energy resources are restored faster and unfavorable changes in the internal environment of the body are compensated during the work itself, the tolerance of high volumes of intense power, speed-strength physical activity and coordination-complex motor actions is ensured, the course of recovery processes is accelerated during periods between workouts.

Depending on the number of muscles involved in the work, a distinction is also made between global (if more than 3/4 of the body’s muscles are involved), regional (if 1/4 to 3/4 of the muscle mass is involved) and local (less than 1/4) endurance.

The manifestation of endurance is always associated with the concept of fatigue. Fatigue is the subjective experience of signs of fatigue. It occurs either as a result of fatigue of the body, or due to the monotony of work. To develop endurance, it is important to develop in athletes a positive attitude towards the feeling of fatigue and teach psychological techniques to overcome it.

The main methods for developing general endurance are:

method of continuous (continuous) exercise with a load of moderate and variable intensity;

repeated interval exercise method;

circuit training method;

game method;

competitive method.

To develop special endurance, the following are used:

continuous exercise methods (uniform and variable);

Intermittent intermittent exercise methods (interval and repetition);

competitive and gaming methods.

The uniform method is characterized by continuous long-term operation with uniform speed or effort. At the same time, the student strives to maintain a given speed, rhythm, constant tempo, amount of effort, and range of movements. Exercises can be performed at low, medium and maximum intensity.

The variable method differs from the uniform method by sequentially varying the load during a continuous exercise (for example, running) through a directed change in speed, tempo, range of movements, magnitude of effort, etc.

The interval method involves performing exercises with standard and variable loads and with strictly dosed and pre-planned rest intervals. As a rule, the rest interval between exercises is 1-3 minutes (sometimes 15-30 seconds). Thus, the training effect occurs not only and not so much at the time of execution, but during the rest period.

The circuit training method involves performing exercises that affect various muscle groups and functional systems, such as continuous or interval work. Typically, a circle includes 6-10 exercises (“stations”), which the student goes through 1 to 3 times.

The competitive method involves the use of various competitions as a means of increasing the level of endurance of the student.

The gaming method involves developing endurance during the game, where there are constant changes in the situation and emotionality.
Using one or another method to develop endurance, specific load parameters are determined each time.

Flexibility as a physical quality of a person

In professional physical training and sports, flexibility is necessary to perform movements with large and extreme amplitude.

Flexibility is an elementary condition for the qualitative and quantitative performance of movements.

The term “flexibility” itself is usually used for an integral assessment of the mobility of body parts. If the amplitude of movements in individual joints is assessed, then it is customary to talk about mobility in them.

There are two forms of flexibility: active, characterized by the magnitude of the amplitude of movements at independent execution exercises thanks to your muscular efforts; passive, characterized by the maximum amplitude of movements achieved under the action of external forces (for example, with the help of a partner or weights, etc.).

In passive flexibility exercises, a greater range of motion is achieved than in active exercises. The difference between the indicators of active and passive flexibility is called “reserve extensibility”, or “flexibility reserve”.

There are also general and special flexibility.

General flexibility characterizes mobility in all joints of the body and allows you to perform a variety of movements with a large amplitude.

Special flexibility is the maximum mobility in individual joints, which determines the effectiveness of sports or professional activities.

Special flexibility is acquired in the process of performing certain exercises to stretch the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. The manifestation of flexibility depends on many factors and, above all, on the structure of the joints, the elastic properties of ligaments and muscles, as well as nervous regulation muscle tone.

The mobility of the anatomical features of the joints is limited by bony protrusions located in the path of movement of the articular surfaces.
The limitation of flexibility is also associated with the ligamentous apparatus: the thicker the ligaments and articular capsule and the greater the tension of the articular capsule, the more limited the mobility of the articulating segments of the body.

Insufficient mobility in the joints, associated with uncoordinated muscle work, causes “fixation” of movements, sharply slows down their execution, and complicates the process of mastering motor skills. In some cases, the key components of the technique of complexly coordinated movements cannot be performed at all due to the limited mobility of the working parts of the body.

Systematic or concentrated use of strength exercises at certain stages of training can also lead to a decrease in flexibility, if stretching exercises are not included in the training programs.

The manifestation of flexibility at one time or another depends both on the general functional state of the body and on external conditions: time of day, muscle temperature and environment, degree of fatigue.

Fatigue also limits the range of active movements and the extensibility of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, but does not prevent the manifestation of passive flexibility. Flexibility also depends on age.

Develop flexibility with exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments. As a means of developing flexibility, exercises that can be performed with maximum amplitude are used.

The main restrictions on the range of movements are the antagonist muscles. To stretch the connective tissue of these muscles, to make the muscles pliable and elastic (like a rubber band) is the task of stretching exercises. Stretching exercises include active, passive and static.

Active movements with full amplitude (swings of arms and legs, jerks, bends and rotational movements of the body) can be performed without objects and with objects (gymnastic sticks, hoops, balls, etc.).

Passive flexibility exercises include: movements performed with the help of a partner; movements performed with weights; movements performed using a rubber expander or shock absorber; passive movements using one’s own strength (pulling the body towards the legs, bending the hand with the other hand, etc.); movements performed on apparatus (the weight of one’s own body is used as a weight).

Static exercises, performed with the help of a partner, your own body weight or strength, require maintaining a stationary position with maximum amplitude for a certain time (6-9 s). This is followed by relaxation and then repetition of the exercise.
Exercises to develop mobility in the joints are recommended to be carried out by actively performing movements with a gradually increasing amplitude, using springy “self-grabs,” rocking, and swinging movements with a large amplitude.

Basic rules for using stretching exercises: pain is not allowed, movements are performed at a slow pace, their amplitude and the degree of application of the assistant’s force gradually increase.

The main method of developing flexibility is the repetition method, where stretching exercises are performed in series. Depending on the age, gender and physical fitness of those involved, the number of repetitions of the exercise in a series is differentiated. Game and competitive methods are also used to develop and improve flexibility (who can bend lower; who, without bending their knees, can lift a flat object from the floor with both hands, etc.).

Dexterity as a physical quality of a person

Dexterity is a complex quality characterized by good coordination and high precision of movements. Agility is the ability to quickly master complex movements and quickly and accurately rearrange motor activity in accordance with the requirements of a changing environment. Dexterity, to a certain extent, is an innate quality, but through training it can be improved to a large extent.

The agility criteria are:

1. coordination complexity of a motor task;

2. accuracy of execution (temporal, spatial, power) of the task;

3. the time required to master the required level of accuracy, or the minimum time from the moment the situation changes until the start of the response movement.

There is a distinction between general and special agility. There is no clear connection between different types of agility. At the same time, agility has a wide variety of connections with other physical qualities and is closely related to motor skills, promoting their development, which in turn improves agility. Motor skills, as is known, are acquired in the first five years of life (about 30% of the total fund of movements), and by the age of 12 - already 90% of the movements of an adult. The level of muscle sensitivity achieved in youth lasts longer than the ability to learn new movements. Among the factors determining the development of agility, great importance have coordination abilities.

Dexterity is a very specific quality. It is possible to have good agility in games but poor agility in gymnastics. Therefore, it is advisable to consider it in connection with the characteristics of a particular sport. Agility becomes especially important in sports that involve complex techniques and constantly changing conditions (sports games).

Exercises to develop agility must include elements of novelty and must be associated with an instant response to a suddenly changing environment.

Typically, repetition and play methods are used to develop dexterity. Rest intervals should allow for relatively complete recovery. The most common means of developing and improving agility are acrobatic exercises, sports and outdoor games. In the process of developing dexterity, a variety of methodological techniques are used:

1. performing familiar exercises from unusual starting positions (throwing a basketball from a sitting position);

2. mirror execution of exercises;

3. creation of unusual conditions for performing exercises using special equipment and devices (projectiles of different weights);

4. complicating the conditions for performing conventional exercises;

5. change in speed and tempo of movements;

6. changing the spatial boundaries of the exercise (reducing the size of the field, etc.).

physical quality endurance strength speed


By influencing one of the physical qualities in the process of education, we influence the others. The nature and magnitude of this influence depends on two reasons: the characteristics of the applied loads and the level of physical fitness. In people with a low level of physical fitness, with the predominant manifestation of one physical quality, significant demands are placed on others. For example, for beginners, running the 100m is a test not only of their speed, but also, to a large extent, of strength, endurance, and agility.

The development of one of the physical qualities in the initial stages of training leads to the improvement of others. However, further development of quality stops. At the same time, exercises that previously influenced the development of all physical qualities will now have a training effect on only some of them. Subsequently, negative relationships between individual qualities may even appear. Thus, the tasks of simultaneously achieving maximum strength (lifting heavy weights) and maximum endurance (running, marathon) turn out to be incompatible. However, it should be borne in mind that the highest degree of manifestation of one of the physical qualities can be achieved only with a certain degree of development of the others.


Krutsevich T.Yu. Theory and methodology of physical education., M., 2003.

Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. , M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p.

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In the methodology of physical education, one of its main components is the ways (methods) of using funds. The basis of the methods is a combination of its main components: load, repetition and rest.

– magnitude of impact on the body. Distinguish external load, which is assessed by quantitative indicators of work performed and internal– the degree of functional activity of the body and the magnitude of functional changes.

The main parameters of their change are: direction, volume and intensity.

Focus the load is determined by the composition of the exercises and the nature of the work (for strength, for speed).

Volume– duration of work, its total quantity (km, tons, pulse cost).

Intensity– tension, magnitude of effort, degree of concentration of work over time (power, speed).

Repetition of work– a necessary condition for consolidating and accumulating the effect of the exercise (accumulation).

Rest– a necessary condition for the restoration of the body.

Used as a factor in regulating the exercise process. They are distinguished by content: active, passive and combined; by duration: tense (hard) - in the under-recovery phase, extreme (standing) - in the supercompensation phase, and full (ordinary) - in the full recovery phase.

Methods are classified according to three criteria:

A) according to the direction of impact on students:

    methods of developing physical qualities;

    movement training methods;

    methods of forming mental and social qualities of the individual.

B) according to the composition of influencing factors:

    methods of practical exercise based on repetition of active motor actions;

    methods of sensory-informational influence (verbal, visual), based on the reproduction of motor representations and spatial-object relations;

    conditioning methods related to the regulation of the functional state (physiological, psychological), for example, hardening, mechanotherapy, electrical stimulation, ideomotor psychoregulation.

C) according to the method of unfolding the exercise process:

    analytical methods are strictly regulated exercises, they are characterized by the following features:

1.strictly fixed direction of impact on the body;

2. a strictly prescribed program of action;

3. precise regulation of load and rest;

4.creating conditions for regulating the load during execution.




Volume (duration)









Uniform continuous exercise method

Variable continuous exercise method

Circular continuous method



Repeated exercise

(rest until recovery)

Uniform standard-repeat method


Variable method of variable (non-standard)



Circular method of repeated exercise


Interval exercise

(rest is regulated)

Uniform method of standard interval exercise

Variable interval method


Circular interval method


    system methods of integral influence:;


3.naturally applied;


Due to the fact that in adolescence the human body is still in the stage of incomplete formation, the effects of physical exercise, both positive and negative, are especially noticeable. Therefore, for the correct implementation of the physical training process, it is important to take into account the age-related characteristics of the formation of the body.

A significant place in the system of physical education of student youth should be given to education muscle strength .

Main the task of strength training of students– development of large muscle groups of the back and abdomen, on which correct posture depends, as well as those groups that are usually poorly developed - oblique muscles of the trunk, abductor muscles of the limbs, muscles of the back of the thigh, etc.

The development of strength qualities is carried out using certain methods and means. To the main methods can be attributed:

    Maximum Effort Method– characterized by performing exercises with maximum or near-limit weights (90% of the maximum), 5-6 series of 1-3 repetitions per series, rest between series until recovery (4-8 min) (1-3 RM, tempo of movements is low, speed from small to moderate), promotes maximum mobilization of the neuromuscular system and the greatest increase in muscle strength.

    Repeated Effort Method(“to failure”) - weight 30-70% of the maximum, 3-6 series of 4-12 repetitions per series, rest between series until incomplete recovery (2-4 min) (4-10 RM, work to failure). Promotes muscle growth. It can be considered fundamental in the development of strength.

    Dynamic force method– weights up to 30% of the maximum, 3-6 series of 15-25 repetitions per series, rest between series 2-4 minutes. For the development of speed and strength qualities (5-30 RM, maximum speed of movements).

    Impact method– the exercise is performed after preliminary shock stretching of the working muscles (jumping from an elevation, jump up or forward).

    Isometric (static) method– near-maximum load (70-100%), duration of static tension 4-6 seconds, 3-5 approaches with rest between approaches 30-60 seconds.

    Electrical stimulation method– performed at rest, by stimulating muscle groups with dosed electricity. irritation for no more than 10 minutes.

Main requirement to the method of developing strength - to create maximum strength tension.

By means building strength are exercises with increased resistance - strength exercises. Depending on the nature of the resistance, strength exercises are divided into two groups:

1. Exercises with external resistance. The following is usually used as external resistance:

a) the weight of objects;

b) partner’s opposition;

c) resistance of elastic objects;

d) resistance of the external environment (running on water, snow).

2. Exercises weighted with your own body weight.

Exercises with weights are convenient due to their versatility: with their help you can influence both the smallest and largest muscle groups; These exercises are easy to dose.

Exercises involving overcoming the resistance of elastic objects are characterized by an increase in tension towards the end of the movement.

When raising speed qualities it is necessary to take into account their complexity and the lack of interdependence between them.

So for development frequency and speed of movements methods used:




With these methods, the distance is chosen such that at the end the speed does not decrease. Since work with maximum intensity takes place under anaerobic conditions, the rest intervals between approaches should be sufficient to pay off the oxygen debt (for a 100m run, rest for about 8 minutes). However, this leads to a decrease in lesson density, so it is advisable to develop speed using other methods:

  • competitive.

When using them, emotional arousal is higher, which creates better conditions for the manifestation of speed capabilities.

For development speed of motor reaction use:

    repeated response to a specific signal as quickly as possible,

    analytical method (separate development of reaction speed in facilitated conditions and the speed of subsequent movements),

    sensorimotor (improved ability to distinguish time intervals, which leads to increased speed of response to signals).

Main requirement– perform movements at maximum speed.

In the process of developing speed abilities, the tasks are to comprehensively increase the functional capabilities of the body, which determine speed characteristics in various types of motor activity. The maximum speed that a person can demonstrate in any movement depends not only on the development of his speed, but also on a number of other factors - the level of dynamic strength, flexibility, mastery of technique, etc. Therefore, the development of speed of movement should be closely related with the development of other physical qualities and improvement of technology.

Facilities to develop speed qualities:

As a means of developing speed of movement, exercises that can be performed at maximum speed (speed exercises) are used. They must meet three requirements:

1) the technique must be such that they can be performed at maximum speeds;

2) they must be so well mastered by the practitioners that during movement, volitional efforts are directed not at the method, but at the speed of execution;

3) their duration should be such that by the end of the execution the speed does not decrease due to fatigue. Speed ​​exercises refer to work of maximum power, the duration of which does not exceed 20-22 seconds even for qualified athletes.

Means at student age are actual speed, speed-strength exercises and exercises for the development of speed endurance: sports games, relay races, running up to 80-100 meters, jumping, throwing.

Endurance . If a person does some fairly strenuous work, then after a while he feels that it is becoming more and more difficult to do it.

Despite increasing difficulties, a person can maintain the same intensity of work for some time thanks to volitional efforts. This condition is called phases of compensated fatigue.

If, despite volitional efforts, the intensity of work decreases, a phase begins decompensated fatigue.

Fatigue called a work-induced temporary decrease in performance ( fatigue– subjective feelings).

Depending on the specific types of activity, several types of fatigue are distinguished: mental, sensory, emotional, physical.

In the process of developing endurance, it is necessary to solve a number of problems in developing the functional properties of the body that determine endurance.

Solving these problems is impossible without voluminous, rather monotonous and hard work, during which you have to continue the exercise, despite the onset of fatigue. In this regard, special requirements arise for the volitional qualities of those involved. The education of endurance is carried out in unity with the education of hard work, readiness to endure heavy loads and severe feelings of fatigue.

Endurance develops only in cases where a certain degree of fatigue is overcome during exercise. At the same time, the body adapts to functional changes, which is reflected in improved endurance.

When developing endurance, the load is determined by the following five factors:

1) intensity of exercise;

2) duration of the exercise;

3) duration of rest and its nature;

4) number of repetitions of the exercise.

Depending on the combination of these factors, not only the magnitude, but also the qualitative characteristics of the body’s responses will be different.

Upbringing endurance involves the development of biochemical processes that contribute to longer work performance and resistance of the nervous system to high intensity stimulation.

Since the causes of fatigue are different at different work intensities, the methodological methods for developing a specific type of endurance should also be different.

Thus, when working at maximum and submaximal intensity, the main cause of fatigue is a decrease in the anaerobic capabilities of the body (glycolytic and creatine phosphate).

When working at high and moderate intensity, the leading role in ensuring work belongs to aerobic (oxidative) processes.

Main requirement- lead to fatigue.

Methods used to develop endurance:

    continuous exercise (uniform, variable, circular) with a duration of work from 25 to 30 minutes for beginners, 50-120 minutes for trained ones, heart rate - 140-150 beats/min (running, swimming, rowing, cycling, skiing);

    interval exercise (uniform, variable, circular), for example, running 200-400m alternating with walking. Load up to heart rate 180 beats/min, recovery to heart rate 120 beats/min, duration of work from 30s to 3 minutes, repetitions 6-8 per series, number of series from 10 or more.

Dexterity . The psychophysiological mechanisms of agility are different. The speed of formation of a skill depends on motor memory, the speed of alteration of a skill is determined by the mobility of nervous processes. Therefore, the ways to develop different types of dexterity should be different.

The development of dexterity occurs as follows ways:

    mastering new exercises;

    increase in the coordination difficulty of exercises (higher requirements for accuracy, consistency, compliance with a suddenly changing situation);

    combating irrational muscle tension;

    increasing the ability to maintain body balance.

Basic methods:

    repeated (more often, but little by little);

  • competitive.

Main requirement– novelty of exercises.

Developing agility consists, firstly, of cultivating the ability to master coordinately complex motor actions, and secondly, of cultivating the ability to rearrange motor activity in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation. Of significant importance in this case is the selective improvement of the ability to accurately perceive one’s movements in space and time, maintain balance, rationally alternate tension and relaxation, as well as other abilities specific to agility.

The main way to develop dexterity is to master a variety of new motor skills and abilities. This leads to an increase in the stock of motor skills and has a positive effect on the functionality of the motor analyzer.

When developing dexterity as the ability to master new movements, any exercises that include elements of novelty can be used. As the skill is automated, the importance of this physical exercise as a means of developing dexterity decreases.

To develop dexterity as the ability to quickly and expediently rearrange motor activity, exercises related to an instant response to a suddenly changing environment are used.

Changing the loads aimed at developing dexterity goes along the path of increasing coordination difficulties that students must cope with.

These difficulties consist mainly of the following requirements:

    to precision of movements;

    to their mutual consistency;

    to sudden changes in the situation.

In the process of developing dexterity, various methodological techniques are used to stimulate higher levels of motor coordination.

Exercises aimed at developing dexterity quickly lead to fatigue. At the same time, their implementation requires great clarity of muscle sensations and gives little effect when fatigue sets in. Therefore, when training dexterity, rest intervals are used that are sufficient for relatively complete recovery, and they try to perform the exercises themselves when there are no significant signs of fatigue from the previous load.

In a lesson and training session, agility exercises are best performed in the preparatory and the beginning of the main part of the lesson, because Against the background of fatigue, dexterity develops less effectively.

Basics means– complex coordination movements (games, martial arts, etc.).

The following exercises are used:

    to improve the differentiation of muscle efforts (jumping to a given height, length; throwing at a target at a given distance);

    to improve differentiation of space (moving limbs to a given angle with eyes closed; reproducing sections of a path; determining distances; turns);

    to improve the differentiation of movements over time (performing combinations of exercises in a given time; repeating exercises for accuracy, speed, strength; performing movements at a strictly defined time);

    to improve balance functions (stand on one leg with eyes closed; exercises on a gymnastic bench, balance beam; games to maintain balance).

Flexibility. When developing flexibility, they use repeat method– repetition of exercises in series with a gradual increase in amplitude. A number of requirements must be met here:

    warm up before performing the exercise;

    primarily develop mobility in the joints, which play an important role in vital movements;

    increase the amplitude of movements gradually;

    Between series of stretching exercises, perform muscle relaxation exercises.

Mobility in the joints of the spine, hip and shoulder joints is of greatest importance.

In the process of physical education, one should not achieve the maximum possible degree of flexibility development. It should only be such that it would ensure the unhindered execution of the necessary movements. Exaggerated development is not justified, because it violates the harmony of development and comes into conflict with pedagogical tasks.

Basic facilities– stretching exercises of a dynamic (springy, swing) and static (maintaining maximum amplitude in various poses) nature. They can be performed with weights, with the help of a partner, using an expander, using your own efforts, or using apparatus.

Flexibility without the use of reinforcing influences quickly decreases, so the achieved level of mobility in the joints must be maintained by appropriate, regularly performed exercises.

According to the definition of the theory of physical education, physical (motor) qualities are certain aspects of a person’s motor capabilities. These include strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and agility. All of them are manifested in movements, and the nature of their manifestation depends on the structure of the movement itself.

It is difficult to name a sport in which one could achieve high results without possessing these qualities.

Depending on the nature of sports movements, certain physical qualities are manifested to the maximum and are fundamental for a given sport. For example, in weightlifting - strength; in long-distance running - endurance; in jumping and throwing - strength and speed; in sports games - speed and agility; in kettlebell lifting - strength and endurance. When basic qualities are demonstrated in a particular sport, some others are sure to appear. For example, in kettlebell lifting, in addition to strength and endurance, flexibility and speed are manifested to a certain extent.

The development of physical qualities is carried out in the process of physical exercises using a specially developed methodology.

Methods for developing physical qualities

Various methods are used to develop physical qualities: uniform, variable, repeated, interval, competitive, game and circular.

Uniform method characterized by continuous long-term work from several minutes to several hours performed at a relatively constant intensity.

In practice, two variants of this method are used depending on the duration of the work. First- when work with competitive weights is performed with maximum or near-maximum intensity for the time prescribed by the rules (10 minutes). This option is used to develop special endurance in order to check the level of development of this quality.

Second option- long-term (unlimited time) continuous work of moderate intensity, performed with light and lightweight weights. This option improves the aerobic (in conditions of sufficient oxygen supply to the body) capabilities of the body. It is used to develop general and special endurance and performance.

Variable method differs from uniform in that the same work is performed not at a uniform speed, but at a variable speed. Depending on the purpose and conditions of the training session, the ratio between intense and moderate work can be very different (“game of speeds”). For example, an athlete, when covering a competitive distance, runs one segment at maximum speed, another at a lower speed, then again at maximum speed, etc.

In kettlebell lifting, it is the continuous performance of an exercise with weights (kettlebells) with changes in tempo (speed) at certain intervals or a certain number of lifts. The number of repetitions (lifts) performed both at a high tempo and at a slow pace in one approach can be different. The impact of this method on the body is more varied than with a uniform one. Both aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms are improved simultaneously, and consequently, the level of development of both general and special endurance increases.

Repeated method. A method in which the same exercises are repeated over and over with rest intervals, during which a fairly complete restoration of performance occurs. For example, an athlete performs a classic kettlebell exercise and does several sets with a certain number of sets in each set with a rest interval between sets. For example, approach 24+24 kg 10 times every 3–4 minutes. The number of repetitions in each approach, as well as the rest time between approaches, can be very different, depending on the goal and purpose of this workout.

In kettlebell lifting, the repeated method is used quite effectively when teaching the technique of performing competitive exercises and developing strength.

Competitive method. The method of performing the exercise and conditions close to competitive ones.

About a month before the competition, regularly training athletes are almost in top sports shape, but they are still definitely not convinced of their capabilities. Usually during this period so-called control assessments are carried out, i.e. they perform one or another competitive exercise until “failure”. Based on the results of the assessments, the athlete’s degree of readiness for the upcoming competition is determined, and the loads in subsequent training cycles and individual sessions are adjusted.

The competitive method develops strong-willed qualities. However, frequent - unnecessary - use of this method can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system and a decrease in athletic performance.

At certain stages of general physical and technical training, the competitive method is also used, but with different goals and objectives. For example, by the 4th monthly cycle of the first stage of the preparatory period, most students manage to master the technique of all basic exercises with weights quite well. At this time, it is advisable to hold mini-competitions for the best technique for performing competitive and basic special-auxiliary exercises. Or approximately in the middle of the second stage of the preparatory period, when those involved have already done quite a lot of training work on general physical preparation, in separate classes it is possible to hold competitions in which athletes could demonstrate the basic physical qualities - strength and endurance, but also in other exercises, and others sports (push-ups or parallel bars, pull-ups on the bar, rope climbing, 1000 m running and others). Such competitions are also an effective means of education strong-willed qualities involved in sports, are taught to compete and compete. After a competition, losers tend to train harder to catch up with their leaders in the next competition.

Based on the results of such competitions, the level of development of individual physical qualities of athletes at this stage of preparation is determined, the attention of those involved is drawn to shortcomings in their physical development, and individual training plans are adjusted.

Game method most effective when working with children. The development of physical qualities occurs during the game. Classes are conducted at a high level emotional level.

This method is used to develop general endurance and as a means active rest.

Circular method. This is the sequential implementation of a set of physical exercises. According to the goals and objectives of the training session, exercises are selected, each of which is performed in a certain place of the “station” where it is installed necessary equipment and inventory. Having completed the task at one “station”, students move to another - as if in a circle. If the load is insufficient, the circle is repeated.

In kettlebell lifting, this method is used to develop strength, flexibility, and by increasing the number of circles, the number of repetitions of exercises at each “station”, and reducing rest intervals - general endurance and performance.

Application various methods the development of physical qualities allows for a wider use of various means of physical education, introduces variety into the training process, and contributes to the versatile physical development of those involved.

Force. According to the definition of the theory of physical education, strength is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort. Physical strength is manifested differently depending on the specifics of the sports movement. Thus, in athletics jumping and throwing, the strength of individual muscle groups is manifested to the maximum and in a very short time. This force is called explosive.

The maximum total tension of all major muscle groups in any movement, when an athlete shows the highest achievement in a strength exercise (barbell row, squats with a barbell on the shoulders, etc.) without taking into account his own weight, is called absolute by force.

The force per 1 kg of an athlete’s own weight is called relative. For example, an athlete whose own weight is 70 kg lifted a barbell weighing 150 kg from the platform, and an athlete weighing 80 kg lifted a barbell weighing 160 kg. The absolute strength is greater for the second, since he lifted more weight, and the relative strength will be greater for the first - he has more weight lifted by 1 kg of his own.

You can increase relative strength only by increasing absolute strength, i.e., without increasing your own weight, increase strength. This is achieved through the selection of special exercises to develop the strength of the main muscle groups.

In kettlebell lifting, neither explosive nor absolute nor relative strength is demonstrated to the maximum, but nevertheless they are of great importance for achieving high athletic results.

The greatest importance when performing competitive exercises with weights (especially the clean and jerk) is absolute strength, which manifests itself, although not fully, for quite a long time (10 minutes).

Duration of use of force - distinctive feature manifestations of this physical quality in kettlebell lifting.

Endurance. This is a feature of working with given intensity During a long time. Depending on the nature of physical activity (type of sport), endurance also manifests itself in different ways. Endurance, which manifests itself over a long period of time when performing various physical activities of moderate intensity, is conventionally called general endurance.

When maintaining the intensity of performing a certain work for a long time, special endurance is manifested. Special endurance also varies depending on the nature of the physical work. So, when running 100 m, “one’s own” is manifested special endurance. At maximum intensity of physical action - speed endurance.

When lifting competition weights for 10 minutes, strength endurance at submaximal intensity (close to maximum).

In kettlebell lifting, the highest world achievements (records) are registered in lifting kettlebells without a time limit (1–2 hours or more). Here, as in long-distance running, special endurance is manifested at high intensity of physical work.

The most significant thing in kettlebell lifting is strength endurance.

Agility. This is a person’s ability to quickly learn new exercises, as well as rearrange their motor activity in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing environment. Dexterity is a specific quality. You can be dexterous in one form and not dexterous enough in another.

In kettlebell lifting, agility contributes to faster mastery of the technique of classical exercises, especially juggling elements.

Flexibility. This is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. This quality is possessed by athletes with fairly good muscle stretch and joint mobility.

In relation to kettlebell lifting, flexibility is not one of the leading physical qualities and is far from fully manifested. Nevertheless, it has a largely positive effect on the development of the basic qualities of a kettlebell lifter - strength, strength endurance, and also contributes to a more rapid development of kettlebell lifting techniques and juggling elements. Weightlifters who have sufficient flexibility and mobility in the joints perform exercises more gently, at ease, without unnecessary stress, which contributes to a more economical (rational) expenditure of strength and energy, as well as a rapid increase in sports achievements.

Rapidity. The ability of a person to perform movements in the shortest possible period of time.

Like other physical qualities, speed can vary in manifestation. For example, in the 100m sprint you can start fast but run relatively slowly.

In kettlebell lifting, the overall result depends entirely on the speed (tempo) of performing one or another classical exercise, since the execution time is limited to 10 minutes.

Relationship between motor qualities

Training one physical quality necessarily affects the others. For example, with the development of strength, the speed of movements also increases, and when performing a high-speed load, not only speed, but also strength and endurance.

In the theory of physical education, such interaction (relationship) is called transfer of qualities. The transfer of qualities can be like positive, so negative. Positive transfer of qualities occurs when exercises performed to develop one quality simultaneously develop another. For example, exercises to develop speed qualities develop both strength and endurance. A completely different relationship between strength and endurance. Excessive increase in strength exercises reduces endurance and, conversely, excessive use of long running, and especially swimming, reduces strength. Here the transfer of qualities is already negative.

This is explained by the fact that the body’s reaction, that is, the process that occurs in the body under the influence of strength exercises and endurance exercises, is completely different. Therefore, athletes specializing in strength sports (weightlifting, powerlifting) are not recommended to perform endurance exercises on a large scale. In kettlebell lifting, long-term use of endurance exercises (running, swimming) during the competitive period (about a month before the competition) is undesirable, since the result in the clean and jerk decreases. The jerk is less affected. But this does not mean that running and other endurance exercises should be excluded. In a certain dosage at a high pace, both walking and running, even during the competitive period, help maintain sports shape (the highest readiness of the athlete for competitions), are one of the best means of active recreation from physical activity with weights and well restore the body after these loads. Exercises to develop strength and endurance, even if one quality negatively affects the other, should be given the greatest attention, since with insufficient strength or endurance it is impossible to perform a clean and jerk at a high pace for 10 minutes.

Education of physical qualities

Nurturing strength. It is known that strength qualities develop under the condition of performing exercises with maximum or close to maximum muscle tension. Only beginner athletes can experience an increase in strength even when exercising with little muscle tension.

Taking into account this pattern, the methodology for developing strength should be built. In kettlebell lifting, the use of maximum muscle tension with a minimum number of repetitions is not always justified.

Force- one of the main physical qualities of a weightlifter. But the increase in strength qualities must go to a certain level and during certain periods of training. In the future, you need to learn how to rationally use this force, make it directed (according to the principle of a directed explosion), taking into account the specifics of performing exercises in kettlebell lifting. In practice, athletes with enormous absolute strength do not always achieve high athletic results in kettlebell lifting. Thus, in the snatch of a 32-kg kettlebell, the results (highest achievements) of lightweights are almost as good as the achievements of athletes in heavy weight categories, and sometimes even surpass them. Even in the kettlebell clean and jerk, where strength seems to decide everything, very often young athletes who have significantly less absolute strength show high results.

For example, at the 3rd USSR Championship in 1987, A. Moshennikov, at the age of 18, being one of the youngest and “weakest” athletes in terms of strength, managed to show 260 lifts in the clean and jerk of 2 weights of 32 kg without a time limit and become the champion of the USSR.

The author of these findings in 1975–1977, without increasing strength, managed to increase the result in the bench press of a 32-kg kettlebell with only one left hand from 103 lifts to 250. A. Yu. Romashin from Serpukhov, also without increasing strength, improved the result in the clean and jerk two-pound weights from 45 to 220 lifts. Consequently, it is more expedient to select such strength exercises that would develop “one’s own” special strength, contributing to the achievement of high results in kettlebell lifting.

Those involved in kettlebell lifting, depending on the goals and objectives of the training session, as well as to the extent of their inclinations (preferences) for certain strength exercises, use various methods of developing strength. According to the definition of the theory of physical education, the main methods of developing strength are:

1. Maximum effort method.

2. Repeated effort method.

3. Isometric stress method.

Maximum Effort Method involves performing exercises with weights (barbell, weighted weights) of near-maximum and maximum weight with a small amount repetitions in one approach. The limit is considered to be a weight of 80–90% of the athlete’s best result in a particular exercise, which can be lifted 1–3 times in one approach without unnecessary muscle strain. Muscle tension when working with extreme weights leads to compression of blood vessels and obstruction of blood circulation. Due to this and the short duration of work, metabolic processes in the body do not reach the desired level. Such stress can only have a negative effect on general and special endurance. In kettlebell lifting, this method is used in separate training periods and cycles, when a specific task is being solved - increasing strength. It is impractical to apply such loads constantly and in large quantities.

Repeated effort method. When developing strength using this method, non-limiting weights are used (50–70%) with a sufficiently large number of repetitions in each approach (from 10 to 20 repetitions or more). Such work not only leads to an increase in strength, but also has a positive effect on increasing the level of strength endurance. The last lifts have the greatest training effect. It is believed that this method contributes to a sharp increase in metabolic processes in the body and leads to an increase in muscle mass. However, in practice, performing classical and other exercises with kettlebells with a large number of repetitions has little effect on increasing muscle mass, since the exercises are performed mainly with minimal muscle tension - due to technique. Very important when building strength using the repeated method, have sufficient rest between approaches. The rest time depends on the athlete’s fitness, the body’s recovery abilities, as well as the degree of general fatigue against which the next approach is performed. Rest should be optimal and sufficient so that the next approach is performed while the body is fully restored after the previous load.

If the next approach is performed while the body is under-recovered, then the training effect of this approach in developing strength is significantly reduced. This will have a more positive effect on the development of strength endurance.

The method of repeated efforts is most effective in developing strength in relation to kettlebell lifting.

Building endurance. The main principle of developing general endurance is to gradually increase the duration of moderate endurance exercise. The best remedy This physical quality is cultivated through cyclic sports: long running, skiing. Some types of sports games, such as football and hockey, are also quite effective. Alternating cyclic sports with sports games brings variety to the training process, increases the emotional background of training and, in addition to solving the main task - developing general endurance, is an effective means of active recreation from weight-bearing loads.

At the initial stage of training, the load increases due to a gradual increase in the duration of continuous work (up to 1 hour or more), while maintaining a low intensity of movements. This kind of work accustoms the body to performing long-term work, improves the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and expands the functional capabilities of the whole organism. Further development of general endurance is achieved by increasing the intensity of training work. As the intensity increases, the duration of work stabilizes or decreases slightly. After the body adapts to this load, it is increased again.

Cultivating special endurance. Unlike the method of training general endurance, where various exercises are used, when training special endurance, only those exercises in which the athlete specializes, or those close to them in the structure of movements. If when cultivating general endurance, the duration and volume of work are of decisive importance, then when cultivating special endurance it is very important to establish an optimal ratio between the volume and intensity of work.

This ratio changes depending on the stage of preparation, as well as the level of preparedness of the athlete. For example, at the first stage of developing special endurance, a light weight kettlebell snatch can be performed alternately with one hand, then with the other, at a low pace for 5-10 minutes or more.

At the next stage, after about two weeks, you can reduce the time and increase the intensity by increasing the tempo of the exercises or increasing the weight of the kettlebell. As the training of those involved increases, the tendency to increase the volume and intensity of work continues. Only after the volume of work reaches the planned level does it begin to decrease, and the intensity, on the contrary, continues to increase.

Changing the ratio of volume and intensity reduces the body’s adaptation (adjustment, habituation) to stress and helps to increase the level of special endurance.

When developing special endurance, they use known methods education of physical qualities.

When using uniform method one or another classical exercise or a special auxiliary exercise is performed for a long time (from 5 to 20 minutes) at a low pace with light weights.

When using variable method This or that exercise is performed for a long time with variable intensity, i.e. after a certain number of lifts or a period of time, the pace (speed) of execution either increases or decreases.

At repeated method Several approaches are performed with a sufficiently large number of repetitions with a certain rest interval between approaches. The pace of the exercises in each approach may be different. The intensity is increased by increasing the tempo of the exercises, decreasing the rest time between sets and increasing the weight of the weights.

Competitive method education of special endurance is used mainly at the final stage of development of this quality, i.e. at the end of the preparatory and competitive periods. During this period (about a month before the competition), the volume of training work is significantly reduced, and the intensity of the load reaches its maximum or close to maximum level. In insufficiently prepared athletes, frequent use of this method can negatively affect the technique of performing classical exercises and lead to fatigue of the nervous system. For well-prepared people, this method helps to consolidate and improve technique in difficult conditions and increase the level of special endurance, as well as the development of volitional qualities.

Round-robin and game methods more suitable for developing general endurance or as an active recreation. These methods are not used to develop special endurance in kettlebell lifting.

The use of various methods of developing special endurance, depending on the stage of the athlete’s training, also introduces variety into the training process and contributes to a more rapid increase in this quality.

Cultivating flexibility. The most effective methods for cultivating this quality are the repeated and circular methods. Exercises are mainly used to stretch muscles and move joints.

When using the repeated method, the same exercise is performed repeatedly at intervals. For example, an athlete bends forward several times until his palms touch the floor, then after a short rest he repeats the exercise, etc.

When applying the circular method, at one “station” the athlete performs an exercise to stretch some muscles, at another - an exercise to develop mobility in the joints or stretch other muscles, etc. After passing all the “stations” the circle can be repeated several times.

Showing flexibility in kettlebell lifting is not the most important thing. Therefore, if an athlete possesses this quality to a sufficient extent, there is no point in devoting a lot of training time to further developing this quality. To maintain flexibility at the proper level, it is enough to regularly include exercises for muscle stretching and joint mobility in morning exercises, warm-up before training, during rest between hikes and in the final part of the lesson.

Cultivating dexterity. The development of agility is positively affected by the versatile education of motor qualities, i.e. the more exercises an athlete can perform, the easier and faster he can master a new movement. Therefore, in practice it is necessary to constantly change the exercises or the conditions for their implementation.

IN childhood dexterity develops much faster.

Most effective method nurturing dexterity - play. Like flexibility, agility for those specializing in kettlebell lifting is not one of the leading qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this quality, as well as flexibility, to a certain level that meets the requirements of kettlebell lifting or power juggling.

Physical qualities are usually called individual qualitative aspects of a person’s motor capabilities.

The following basic physical qualities are usually distinguished: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility.

Nurturing strength

Human strength can be defined as his ability to overcome external resistance through muscular effort.

Three forms of strength can be distinguished: absolute, relative (per kg of weight), explosive.

In every sport it is necessary to find a reasonable combination of these three forms. For example, in a high jump, a beginner “sticks” in the take-off, and a master of sports “gets burned” on the place of take-off.

There are three groups of exercises that help develop strength:

    external weight exercises (weights, running on water, sand, exercise machine);

    bodyweight exercises (squats, push-ups, etc.);

    isometric exercises (tension without movement);

    resistance exercises.

The physical basis of the strength development indicator is the synchronous activation of a large number of motor units, i.e. work at maximum loads.

There are three methods of cultivating the quality of strength.

Repeated effort method. Work with an unlimited weight, but until “failure”.

Maximum effort method. Lifting maximum or near-limit weights 1-2 times (highly qualified athletes).

A method of applying extreme weight exercises at the fastest possible pace.

With age, strength abilities fade, but the quality of strength remains for a long time. Each sport has its own topography of strength development.

Cultivating speed

Speed ​​– the ability to perform a movement quickly (in the minimum amount of time).

This quality is difficult to develop and quickly fades away.

Speed ​​has an integral meaning, i.e. its development improves other qualities. Speed ​​can be general or special.

The manifestation of speed depends on the development of muscle strength and mastery of the correct technique. However, the most important factor is to improve the mobility and strength of the corresponding nervous processes.

The main means of developing speed are high-speed physical exercises, which have the following requirements:

A). physical exercises must be memorized so that attention is paid only to speed;

b). work should be carried out at near-maximum speeds that will not cause changes in correct sports technique;

V). it is necessary to find a reasonable state of load and rest dosage.

Speed ​​manifests itself in women in the same way as in men, but they have less weight and muscle strength, so the level of development of speed is lower. At the age of 14-25 years, the maximum development of the quality of speed is observed, and then it fades away.


Endurance is the ability to perform prolonged activities without reducing its effectiveness and the ability to withstand fatigue. Fatigue is a temporary decrease in performance.

There are three types of fatigue: mental, emotional, physical.

A person’s functional capabilities in exercises requiring endurance are determined by the presence of appropriate motor skills, possession of the correct technique, as well as aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of the body, i.e. the ability to maximize oxygen consumption and accumulate a large oxygen debt. There is a difference between special and general endurance.

General endurance is endurance in relation to prolonged work of moderate power, including the functioning of a large part of the muscular system.

The best means of developing endurance are long-term, relatively low-intensity cyclic exercises, especially running (preferably cross-country) and skiing. It is also recommended to engage in rowing, cycling, skating, swimming, and walking uphill.

The development of endurance is carried out in several stages.

The first stage is to develop general endurance. And on the basis of the general one there are stages of developing special endurance.

Methods for developing general endurance: mixed (only for beginners), uniform, variable.

Methods for developing special endurance:

at stage 1 – uniform, gradual retraction, variable;

at stage 2 – variable, speed-strength, repeated-strength, repeated-speed.

When training endurance, the morphofunctional capabilities of the body are improved. The indicator of aerobic productivity of MIC increases to 80 ml/min/kg. The process of saving metabolism is improved. Increases anaerobic performance. Endurance develops slowly by age 20-25 and lasts until age 30-35. Therefore, the strongest athletes for long and ultra-long distances are 25-35 years old.

Cultivating flexibility

The ability to perform movements with a large amplitude is called flexibility in sports practice. Exercises that develop flexibility simultaneously strengthen joints, ligaments and muscle fibers, increase muscle elasticity and their ability to stretch, which actually increases muscle contraction and prevents muscle injuries.

Flexibility develops very early and reaches its greatest value by the age of 15, then it is maintained for some time and gradually decreases.

Flexibility is general and special. It is developed by physical exercises performed with large amplitude and repeated repetition of movements. Exercises are carried out daily. They should not be performed to the point of pain. It is very important, especially in the morning before flexibility exercises, to do a good warm-up in order to warm up the muscles that will be stretched in special exercises. In trained athletes, flexibility develops by the end of 3 months, and then it needs to be maintained.

During the competitive period, it is not advisable to perform stretching exercises with a large load. The older the athlete, the more he must maintain the achieved level of mobility in the joints.

Training dexterity

Dexterity is the ability to quickly and most perfectly solve motor problems, especially if they arise unexpectedly. This is an important step in an athlete's ability to coordinate his actions.

Dexterity in movement is organically linked to strength, speed, endurance and flexibility. Developing these qualities helps improve dexterity.

The basis of agility is the mobility of a motor skill. The quality of agility is manifested in movements that are unknown, complex, requiring quick orientation and immediate execution. To develop agility, it is best to use new, complex tasks when the athlete must quickly and resourcefully find an effective solution. The most effective means of developing dexterity are sports games, especially basketball and hockey. Alpine skiing is an excellent way to develop dexterity. Sports such as artistic gymnastics and martial arts develop more special dexterity.

Formation of mental qualities, traits and personality traits in the process of physical education

Those involved in physical education are required perseverance And determination. These two manifestations of will are closely related to each other, since without determination there is no particular need to persevere in overcoming difficulties.

Courage- this is a person’s ability to act in situations perceived as dangerous to life, health and prestige, without reducing the quality of activity.

Determination is understood as a person’s ability to quickly make a decision and begin to implement it in a situation that is significant to him, especially in the presence of uncertainty and fear.

The main way to develop determination is to train through repeated repetition of problem situations. Increased determination is facilitated by the self-confidence that arises in athletes as they master the exercises.
