Types of games in the pedagogical (learning) process. Abstract: Game and its role in the pedagogical process

Pedagogical games are varied in terms of: didactic purposes; organizational structure; age-related possibilities of their use; specific content.

Let's consider the classification of pedagogical games for various reasons, proposed by G.K.Selevko.

By area of ​​activity There are physical, intellectual, labor, social, and psychological games.

By the nature of the pedagogical process:

    teaching, training, controlling, generalizing;

    cognitive, educational, developmental;

    reproductive, productive, creative;

    communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical.

According to the gaming method G.K.Selevko identifies subject areas; plot; role-playing; business; imitation; dramatization.

By subject activity ( G.K.Selevko ):

    mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental;

    musical, theatrical, literary;

    labor, technical, production;

    physical education, sports, military-applied, tourism, folk;

    social science, management, economics, commercial.

The specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment. By gaming environment games can be without objects and with objects, as well as tabletop, indoor, outdoor, and outdoor games; computer, television, TSO; technical, with means of transportation.

Game as a teaching method

The value of the game cannot be exhausted and assessed by its entertainment and recreational opportunities. This is the essence of its phenomenon: being entertainment, relaxation, it can develop into learning, creativity, therapy, a model of the type human relations and manifestations in work.

People have used games as a method of learning and transferring the experience of older generations to younger ones since ancient times. In a modern school that relies on activation and intensification educational process, gaming activity is used in the following cases:

    as independent technologies to master a concept, topic, or even a section of a subject;

    as an element of a more general technology;

    as a lesson or part of it (introduction, control);

    as a technology for extracurricular activities.

The concept of “game pedagogical technologies” includes a fairly broad group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational-cognitive orientation. The game form of classes is created in lessons with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating learning activities.

The implementation of game techniques and situations during the lesson form of classes occurs in the following areas:

    a didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task;

    educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;

    educational material is used as its means;

    an element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms a didactic game into a gaming one;

    successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

A person, learning during the game, does not suspect that he is learning something. In an ordinary school, it is not difficult to indicate the source of knowledge; this is a person - a teaching person.

There is no easily identifiable source of knowledge in the game, no learner. The learning process develops in the language of actions; all participants in the game learn and learn as a result of active contacts with each other. Game-based learning is unobtrusive. Play is mostly voluntary and desired.

Game forms of learning allow you to use all levels of knowledge acquisition: from reproductive activity through transformative activity to the main goal - creative search activity. Creative search activity turns out to be more effective if it is preceded by reproducing and transformative activity, during which students learn learning techniques.

There is a great formula by K.E. Tsiolkovsky, lifting the veil on the secret of the birth of the creative mind: “At first I discovered truths known to many; and finally began to discover truths that were not yet known to anyone.” Apparently, this is the path to developing the creative side of the intellect, research talent. And one of effective means this is the game.

Based on this, we can say that the technology of game teaching methods is aimed at teaching students to be aware of the motives of their learning, their behavior in the game and in life, i.e. formulate goals and programs for one’s own independent activities and anticipate its immediate results.


Conceptual provisions of game forms of education (S.A. Shmalov):

The goal of learning is the development and formation of a person’s creative individuality. And the very initial link is awareness of the uniqueness of your intellect, yourself.

Reorientation of the student’s consciousness from impersonal social to purely personal socially important development.

Freedom of choice, freedom of participation, creation of equal opportunities in development and self-development.

Priority organization of the educational process and its content for the overall development of students, identification and “cultivation” of open talents, formation of entrepreneurial efficiency.

Based on these conceptual provisions, we determine the purpose of using the technology of game teaching methods - the development of sustainable cognitive interest in students through a variety of game forms of learning.

Challenges of gaming technologies(Pidkasisty, Khaidarov):


    Promote students' solid assimilation of educational material.

    Help broaden students' horizons through the use of additional historical sources.


    Develop creative thinking in students.

    Contribute practical application skills and abilities acquired in the lesson.


    Develop moral views and beliefs.

    Develop historical self-awareness - conscious involvement in past events.

    Contribute to the education of a self-developing and self-realizing personality.

The place and role of gaming technology in the educational process, the combination of game elements and teaching largely depend on the teacher’s understanding of the functions of pedagogical games. The function of the game is its varied usefulness. Let's consider the functions of the game as a pedagogical phenomenon of culture (V.S. Kukushin).

    The sociocultural purpose of the game can mean a synthesis of a person’s assimilation of wealth, the potential for education and his formation as an individual, allowing him to function as a full member of the team.

    Function of interethnic communication.

    The function of human self-realization in the game.

    Diagnostic function of the game.

    Game therapy function of the game.

    In-game correction function.

    Entertainment function of the game.

Modern pedagogical literature outlines a fairly wide range of approaches to the classification of games. Let's look at just a few. A.V. Zaporozhets and A.P. Usov developed the following classification:

1) “Creative games and their varieties: games - dramatization and construction games;

2) outdoor games;

3) didactic games.”

N.Ya. has a slightly different approach to the classification of games. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova. They offer next option:

“...Games with rules can be divided into three subgroups:

Outdoor games (tag, hide and seek, hopscotch, etc.);

Story games can be divided into several subgroups: role-playing games (when a child turns into a doctor, mother, grandmother);

Director's games (plays out battles, controlling toy soldiers, controls the life of a doll family); play - dramatization (an analogy can be drawn with a play...)

In our opinion, an interesting approach to the classification of games was found by P.I. Pidkasisty and Zh.S. Khaidarov. They proposed dividing games into two main types: natural and artificial games.

So, natural games divided into three types:

● games of warm-blooded animals and their young;

● games of primitive people and their children;

● games of modern children at different stages of development.

Artificial games are divided into two large types: children's games and productive games, for example, “mother-daughter” or “hopscotch”.

The genus of scoring games has two main classes:

Energy, which are characterized by a “release of muscle strength”; for example, hockey and rounders;

Intellectual ones are combined into three types - abstract, symbolic and imitative, which are characterized by a large “release of mental energy”.

A special approach to the classification of pedagogical games was made by G.K. Selevko. The author classifies pedagogical games according to the following parameters of gaming technologies:

● by area of ​​activity: physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological;

● by the nature of the pedagogical process: teaching, training, controlling, generalizing, cognitive, educational, developmental, reproductive, productive, creative, communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical;

● according to gaming methods: subject, plot, role-playing, business, imitation, dramatization;

● by subject area: mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental, musical, theatrical. Literary, labor, technical, industrial, physical education, sports, military applied, tourism, folk, social science, management, economic, commercial;

● by gaming environment: without objects, with objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer, television, technical teaching aids (TSO), technical with means of transportation.

Teachers of institutions additional education How do practitioners classify games into the following types:

Sedentary games. There can be any number of participants in the game; children play sitting or standing still. They are held when it is necessary to select future participants for a game in the hall, on stage, or a relay game. Can be used when there is a pause during a holiday, concert or with friends;

Relay games are a competition between two or more teams in running, reaction speed, ingenuity, erudition, creative possibilities. Tasks may involve carrying objects, running with unstable objects, blindfolded rides, creative tasks (pantomimes, puzzles, quiz questions, singing competitions). In the relay game there can be tasks for the whole team or separately for girls and boys, for fans;

Attractions are divided into spectacular and organized on the site. Spectacular attractions are competition games between two or more participants in dexterity, strength, accuracy, reaction speed, and the ability to navigate in the dark. All other children are fans, spectators;

Attractions have a small reserve of entertainment because they are fleeting. In organizing them, it is important to use bright props: balls, skittles, cubes, masks, etc. Attractions for the site are games of extreme throwing, agility, endurance and patience. Each participant plays for his own pleasure and needs spectators. When large public holidays are held, where many children participate, it is advisable to divide the site into sectors for various attractions: power, folk games, games demonstrating dexterity, targeted throwing, etc. If there are a large number of players, you can develop a token system, where for a certain (5-7) number of tokens a child can receive a prize in a specially designated place;

Games from the stage are, first of all, games for everything auditorium: when the organizer asks a question and the answer is heard in chorus; when children perform a choral song or a song auction is held; when a sedentary game is played, where participants, sitting still, perform actions (clap, stomp, etc.).

Secondly, the game from the stage can be with a separate participant from the audience invited to the stage, with whom a spectacular attraction is performed.

Thirdly, a game for two or more teams with whom the relay game is being played. When organizing, it is important to take into account good visibility from the audience of what is happening on stage, and all tasks should have a reserve of entertainment value.

Also popular among teenagers and young adults competitive programs: KVN, “Brain-ring”, “What? Where? When?".

Massive outdoor games involving movement and formation of all players to the music, where children dance and sing. A large number of children take part in them. Games can be played in the lobby or outside. Most often these games are organized on New Year's holiday, Maslenitsa, Neptune's holiday, etc., they can start or end large street events. Thus, considering different approaches In the classification of games, it is necessary to understand that a game is not only a children's activity or a “business” game. It is recurrent and permanent in nature and is clearly expressed in the behavior of most adults. Life is a game, and where there is a game, there is another life.

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Slide captions:

Gaming technologies Game is an eternal school of behavior. K. Gross

A game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved.

Game pedagogical technologies are a group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

The main directions for the implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes: didactic purpose posed in the form of a game task; educational activities are subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means; the element of competition as a didactic task; successful completion of the task is associated with the game result.

Game functions: socialization; communicative; self-realization; play therapy; diagnostic; correction; entertaining.

Game structure: roles; game actions; playful use of objects; real relationships; plot.

Classification of games by type of activity: physical; intellectual; labor; social; psychological.

Classification of games according to the nature of the pedagogical process: educational, training, controlling and generalizing; cognitive, educational, developmental; reproductive, productive, creative; communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.

Main types of games: subject; plot; role-playing; business; imitation; dramatization games.

Gaming technologies in primary school age

Game model: problem situation; game modeling; conditional game plan; results - discussion of the game action. The game plot develops in parallel with the main content of the training.

Gaming technologies in middle and high school age

Game model: creating your own world; dramatization; internal traditions of the group; constant distribution of roles; skill - playing better than others. Communication is the main activity.

Remember that a child acquires knowledge through play and imagination. Play is a way of acquiring skills inherent in adults. Children's games, in essence, can be equated to work and study. (from the book “Once Upon a Time There Was a Girl Like You” by Brett Doris)



"Game as a pedagogical technology"

Novosibirsk, 2012

1 slide. Title. The problem of the game has long attracted the attention of researchers. Particularly famous is the theory of K. Gross, which states that the essence of the game is that it serves as preparation for further serious activity; In play, the child, by practicing, improves his abilities.

According to L.S. Vygotsky and his students, the initial, determining factor in the game is that when playing, the child creates for himself an imaginary situation instead of a real one and acts in it, fulfilling a certain role, in accordance with the figurative meanings that he attaches to surrounding objects.

S.L. Rubinstein understands play as an eternal need of a child, born from contacts with the outside world, as a reaction to them.According to Rubinstein, the essence of play lies in the fact that it is a product of practice through which reality is transformed and the world changes: “In play, the child’s need to influence the world is formed and manifested.”

2 slide . What is a game?

A game - a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which self-government of behavior is formed and improved.

The phenomenon of the game is that, being entertainment and relaxation, it can develop into learning, creativity, therapy, and into a model of human relationships and manifestations in work.

3 slide . The concept of “game pedagogical technologies” includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - clear learning and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be explicitly justified and are characterized by an educational-cognitive orientation. The game form in the educational process is created with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of motivation and stimulation for activity.

4 slide . The implementation of gaming techniques and situations in the educational process occurs in the following main areas:

a didactic goal is set for children in the form of a game task;

activity is subject to the rules of the game;

educational material is used in. the quality of its means;

an element of competition is introduced into the activity, which transforms the didactic task into a game one;

successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

5 slide . The place and role of game technology in the educational process, the combination of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher’s understanding of the functions of pedagogical games. The function of the game is its varied utility. Each type of game has its own usefulness. Let us highlight the most important functions of the game as a pedagogical phenomenon of culture:

socialization - play is the strongest means of socialization of a child, which includes both socially controlled processes of their targeted influence on the formation of personality, the acquisition of knowledge, spiritual values ​​and norms inherent in society or a peer group, and spontaneous processes that influence the formation of a person. The sociocultural purpose of the game can mean the synthesis of a person’s assimilation of the wealth of culture, the potential of education and his formation as an individual, allowing him to function as a full member of the team.;

communicative- a game is a communicative activity, although according to purely game rules it is specific;

self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;

play therapy- the game can and should be used to overcome various difficulties that arise in a person’s behavior, in communicating with others, in learning. Assessing the therapeutic value of gaming techniques, D. B. Elkonin wrote that the effect play therapy determined by the practice of new social relations that a child receives in role-playing play. It is the practice of new real relationships in which role play puts the child both with adults and with peers, relationships of freedom and cooperation instead of relationships of coercion and aggression, that ultimately leads to a therapeutic effect.;

diagnostic- ability to recognize, the process of making a diagnosis. The game is predictive; it is more diagnostic than any other human activity, firstly, because the individual behaves in the game at the maximum of manifestations (intelligence, creativity); secondly, the game itself is a special “field of self-expression”;

correction - psychological correction in the game occurs naturally if all children have mastered the rules and plot of the game, if each participant in the game knows well not only his role, but also the roles of his partners, if the process and goal of the game unite them. Corrective games can help children with deviant behavior, help them cope with experiences that interfere with their normal well-being and communication with peers in the group.;

entertaining -The entertainment function of the game is associated with the creation of a certain comfort in a favorable atmosphere, spiritual joy as protective mechanisms, i.e., stabilization of the individual, the realization of the levels of his aspirations. Entertainment in games - search The game has magic that can give writing fantasy leading to entertainment..

6 slide. The structure of the game as an activity organically includes:

Roles, taken on by the players - one of the crucial points - the distribution should not depend on the gender and age of the child, or physical characteristics.

When assigning roles, you should make sure that the role helps the inactive to become active, the unauthoritative to strengthen their authority, and the undisciplined to become organized.

In the game, care should be taken to ensure that there is no arrogance or excess of the power of team roles over secondary ones. Insubordination in a game can ruin the game.;

Game actions– as a means of implementing these roles, it is necessary to ensure that the role has an action; a role without action is dead, the child will leave the game. If he has nothing to do. Negative roles should not be used; they are acceptable only in humorous situations;

Playful use of objectsthose. replacement of real things with game, conditional ones;

Real relationships between the players;

Plot - area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game.

7 slide . The place and role of gaming technology in the educational process, the combination of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher’s understanding of not only the functions, but also the classification of pedagogical games.

First of all, games should be divided by type of activity:






8 slide. Based on the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

b) cognitive, educational, developmental;

c) reproductive, productive, creative;

d) communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.

Slide 9 .The typology of pedagogical games is extensive based on the nature of the gaming methodology.We indicate only the most important types used:






dramatization games.

10 slide. Now let’s look at the features of gaming technologies among schoolchildren of different age groups.

Title : Gaming technologies in primary school age.

Primary school age is characterized by brightness and spontaneity of perception, ease of entering into images. Children are easily involved in any activity, especially play, they independently organize themselves into group play, continue playing with objects and toys, and non-imitation games appear.

11 slide. IN game model educational process creation problematic situation occurs through the introduction of a game situation: the problem situation is experienced by the participants in its game embodiment, the basis of the activity is game modeling, part of the students’ activities takes place in a conditional game plan.

The guys act according to the rules of the game. The gaming environment also transforms the position of the teacher, who balances between the role of organizer, assistant and accomplice of the overall action.

The results of the game appear in a dual sense - as a game and as an educational and cognitive result. The didactic function of the game is realized through a discussion of the game action, analysis of the relationship of the game situation as a modeling one, its relationship with reality. The most important role in this model belongs to the final retrospective discussion, in which students jointly analyze the course and results of the game, the relationship between the game model and reality, as well as the course of educational and game interaction.

The game plot develops in parallel with the main content of training, helps to intensify the learning process, and master a number of educational elements.

12 slide.

Title : Gaming technologies in middle and high school age.

IN adolescence dominant activity – communication . The most important becomes the need for self-affirmation, which leads to the desire to create your own world, according to your own laws. Non-gaming behavior is already becoming typical for a teenager creative activity, which is why so often girls begin to organize the play of younger children (directing), or sew-knit-build for their own toys, from which they have outgrown. Dramatization is especially important at this age. As one of the methods of “trying on roles” for oneself, a fantasy game, a daydream, is used, which is defined as a milestone that connects the game itself and creative productive activity. Fantasy games allow you to play alone, and not depend on the distribution of roles by the group leader. Teen vs. younger game school age more stable, acquires internal traditions of the group, a constant distribution of roles.

Since communication becomes a leading activity, games that touch on the sphere of human relations are extremely popular. Also, any games related to mutual understanding, for example, “contact”, “crocodile”, etc. This also includes all kinds of albums, questionnaires, questionnaires and “fortune tellers” (girls’ games, although boys also have albums of various subjects).

Sports games are attractive primarily because of their focus and the opportunity to express themselves.

Interests in this or that game begin to become more and more stable; the teenager no longer wants to just play the game, but to master the skill, the corresponding skills, to play better than others.

business games are often used

A business game is used to solve complex problems of learning new things, consolidating material, developing creative abilities, developing general educational skills, and allows students to understand and study educational material from different perspectives.

Various modifications of business games are used in the educational process: simulation, operational, role-playing games, business theater, psycho and sociodrama.

Slide 13 The game follows the following model:

creating your own world;


Internal traditions of the group;

Constant distribution of roles;

Mastery - playing better than others.

Slide 14 Remember that a child acquires knowledge through play and imagination. Play is a way of acquiring skills inherent in adults. Children's games, in essence, can be equated to work and study.

(from the book “Once Upon a Time There Was a Girl Like You” by Brett Doris)



We invite you to play associations, immerse yourself in a dream and describe in detail what you see.

So, let's begin.

You are sleeping or dreaming. In your dream you find yourself in your own home. What is he like? Describe in detail. (Large/small, light/dark, old/new, how many rooms)

Now you are walking along a narrow path. Suddenly you see a vessel on the ground in front of you. What it is? What is inside? If there is something inside, then taste it. What is it like?

And now the path ends and you enter the forest. You walk for quite a long time and finally come out into a clearing. There is a building in the middle of the clearing. What kind of building is this? How do you feel in this place?

There is a garden around the building. Describe the garden. What is he like? Blooming or withered?
You leave the garden and walk through the forest again. At the edge of the forest you see a wall. The wall is so high that you can’t climb it, and so long that you can’t go around it. Suddenly you see a small door in the wall that opens slightly, as if inviting you to enter. Will you come in or not?

And behind the wall there is water. What kind of water is this? (Which body of water? Is it calm or rough water?) Do you want to swim in it?


House - this is an idea of ​​yourself. If the house is old, then most likely you do not like to change, you prefer traditional things. If the house is large, then this means that he is a fairly confident person with high self-esteem. If the house is bright, then you are an optimist. If he is dark, then he is a pessimist. The number of rooms is the number of people you would like to see in your life.
Vessel - this is your idea of ​​love. The more beautiful and valuable the vessel, the love is more meaningful in your life. You are a romantic person. The contents of the vessel are your love experience.
Building - this is your idea of ​​religion and God. A strong building means a strong faith. Destroyed building - Your faith is weak.
This is your idea of ​​the world around you, your country, the world in general. If plants and flowers in the garden are dying, this may mean that you are concerned about the environment and the future of the world.
This is your idea of ​​death. Is this the end or is there life after the death of the physical body? Will you go through this little door? Or will you look and check what's there first before entering? Or do you not want to enter at all?
Water - this is your idea of ​​your future. If this is the sea big waves, then you are confident and not afraid of your future. If you want to swim, then this means that you are not afraid to meet possible difficulties. If the water is a body of standing water, then perhaps you are afraid of your future and fear for the future of the whole world.

Currently Special attention began to pay attention to the development of creative activity and interest in schoolchildren in subjects. Various competitions, championships, and olympiads are held. This suggests that the principle of a child’s activity in the learning process has been and remains one of the main ones in didactics. This concept means the quality of activity that is characterized high level motivation, a perceived need to acquire knowledge and skills, performance and compliance with social norms. This kind of activity in itself occurs infrequently; it is a consequence of targeted managerial pedagogical influences and the organization of the pedagogical environment, i.e. applied pedagogical technology. Any technology has means that activate and intensify the activities of students, but in some technologies these means constitute the main idea and the basis for the effectiveness of the results. Such technologies include gaming technologies.

The goal is to make the learning process entertaining, create a cheerful working mood in children, and make it easier to overcome difficulties in learning educational material.

It is necessary to systematically improve and deepen knowledge of the theory and methodology of the subject being taught, to update methodological literature, use new technologies in your work.

Gaming technologies contribute to the development of cognitive activity in the classroom.

Gaming technologies can be used in all lessons in primary school. This is due to the fact that Primary School- a new stage in the lives of children: from kindergarten- to school, to the world of teachers, new subjects, textbooks. The teacher’s task at this time is to make sure that meeting the unfamiliar does not frighten or disappoint, but, on the contrary, contributes to the emergence of interest in learning. To the teacher primary classes I have to solve this problem almost every day. It is important to make almost daily meetings with new material not boring and ordinary, but joyful and interesting. This is where lessons - games, lessons - travel come to the rescue. By intelligently and appropriately using this kind of lessons along with traditional forms, the teacher captivates the children and thereby creates the basis for a better perception of large and complex material.

In such lessons, students work more actively. It is especially gratifying that those students who are reluctant to study work with great enthusiasm in such lessons. If the lesson is structured in the form of a competition, then, naturally, each student has a desire to win, and for this they must have good knowledge (the students understand this and try to better prepare for the lesson). After each lesson like this, we hear from the children the phrase: “Let’s play some more,” which indicates the success of the lesson.

Gaming technologies contribute to the development of cognitive interests and activation of students. Gaming technologies can be used at any level of education.

Technology of experience.

Play, along with work and study, is one of the main types of human activity. The game, being entertainment and relaxation, can develop into learning and creativity.

People have used games as a method of learning and transferring the experience of older generations to younger ones since ancient times. In a modern school that relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, gaming activities are used in the following cases:

  • As independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic, or even a section of an academic subject;
  • As elements (sometimes quite significant) of a larger technology;
  • As a lesson (lesson) or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control);
  • Like technologies for extracurricular activities.

The concept of “game pedagogical technologies” includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

The game form of classes is created in lessons with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to learn.

The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes occurs in the following main directions: a didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task; educational activities are subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means, an element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms the didactic task into a game one; successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

Pedagogical games have the following classification:

By type of activity: physical, intellectual, labor, social and psychological;

- By the nature of the pedagogical process:

  1. teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;
  2. cognitive, educational, developmental;
  3. reproductive, productive, creative;

4.communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, etc.;

- By the nature of the gaming technique: subject, role, simulation, etc.;

By gaming environment: with objects, without objects, computer and with TSO, room, etc.

Lesson with didactic game.

A didactic game differs from a game in general by the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and the corresponding pedagogical results.

A didactic game consists of the following main components: game concept, game actions, cognitive content or didactic tasks, equipment, game results.

The game idea is in the name of the game. It is embedded in the didactic task that must be solved in the lesson, and gives the game an educational character and makes certain demands on its participants in terms of knowledge.

The rules determine the order of actions and behavior of students during the games. They are developed taking into account the purpose of the lesson and the capabilities of the students. The rules create conditions for the development of students’ skills to manage their behavior.

Actions regulated by the rules of the game contribute to the cognitive activity of students.

The basis of the didactic game is innovative content. It consists in mastering the knowledge and skills that are used in solving a learning problem.

The game equipment includes lesson equipment: visual aids, TSO, didactic handouts, etc.

A didactic game has a certain result, which appears in the form of solving a given task and evaluating the actions of students. All structural elements of a didactic game are interconnected and interdependent.

Feasibility of use didactic games at different stages of the lesson is different. When mastering new knowledge, the possibilities of didactic games are inferior to more traditional forms of learning. Therefore, they are more often used to test learning outcomes and develop skills and abilities. In this regard, a distinction is made between educational, controlling and generalizing didactic games.

A characteristic feature of a lesson with a didactic game is the inclusion of a game in its design as one of the structural elements of the lesson. There are certain requirements for organizing didactic games.

  1. A game is a form of student activity in which they realize the world, opens up space for personal activity and creativity.
  2. The game should be based on interest, the participants should enjoy the game.
  3. An element of competition between the participants in the game is required.

The requirements for selecting games are as follows.

  1. Games must meet certain educational objectives, program requirements for knowledge, abilities, skills, and standard requirements.
  2. Games must correspond to the material being studied and be built taking into account the preparedness of students and their psychological characteristics.
  3. Games should be based on specific didactic material and methods of its application.

The following are distinguished: types of didactic games.

  1. 1. Exercise games. They are improving cognitive abilities students, contribute to the consolidation of educational material, and develop the ability to apply it in new conditions. Examples of exercise games: crosswords, puzzles, quizzes.
  2. Travel games. These games promote comprehension and consolidation of educational material. The activity of students in these games can be expressed in the form of stories, discussions, creative tasks, and the expression of hypotheses.
  3. 3. Competition games. Such games include all types of educational games. Students compete in teams.

The lesson is a business game.

Business games are divided into production games, organizational and activity games, problem games, educational games and complex games.

The difference between educational business games is as follows:

— Modeling close to real life situations;

— Stage-by-stage development of the game, as a result, more often than not, the completion of the previous stage affects the course of the next one;

- Availability conflict situations;

— Mandatory Team work game participants performing the roles provided for in the scenario;

— Using a description of the game simulation object;

— Control of playing time;

— Elements of competition;

— Rules, systems for evaluating the progress and results of the game.

Methodology for developing business games.

— Justification of the requirements for the game;

— Drawing up a plan for its development;

— Selection of the necessary information of teaching aids that create a gaming environment

— Clarification of the goals of the game, drawing up a guide for the presenter, instructions for players, additional selection and design didactic materials;

— Development of ways to evaluate the results of the game as a whole and its participants individually.

Possible options structures of a business game in the lesson:

— Familiarity with the real situation;

— Construction of its simulation model;

— Setting the main tasks for groups, clarifying their role in the game;

— Creation of a game problem situation;

— Identification of what is necessary to solve the problem theoretical material;

- Solution of a problem;

— Discussion and verification of the results obtained;

— Correction;

— Implementation decision taken;

— Analysis of work results;

— Evaluation of work results.

The lesson is a role-playing game.

Unlike a business role-playing game, it is characterized by a more limited set of structural components.

Lessons - role-playing games can be divided into 3 groups as their complexity increases:

— Imitation, aimed at simulating a certain professional action;

- Situational, related to the solution of any narrow specific problem - a game situation;

— Conditional, dedicated to resolving, for example, educational conflicts, etc.

Forms of role-playing game: imagination of travel; discussions based on distribution of roles, press conferences, lessons - courts, etc.

Stages of developing and conducting role-playing games:

Preparatory, game, final, analysis of results.

Preparation stage. Preparation of a business game begins with the development of a scenario - a conditional representation of the situation and object. The content of the scenario includes: the educational purpose of the lesson, a description of the problem being studied, justification for the task, a business game plan, general description the procedures of the game, the content of the situation and the characteristics of the characters. Next comes the introduction to the game, orientation of participants and experts. The mode of operation is determined, the main goal of the lesson is formulated, the formulation of the problem and the choice of situation are justified. Packages of materials, instructions, rules, and guidelines are issued. Going to Additional Information. If necessary, students turn to the leader for advice. Preliminary contacts between game participants are allowed. Unspoken rules prohibit refusing a role assigned by lot, leaving the game, being passive in the game, and violating regulations and ethical behavior.

The stage of the game is the process of the game. Here group work on the task, intergroup discussion (group presentations, defense of results) are carried out. Once the game begins, no one has the right to interfere or change its course. Only the leader can correct the actions of the participants if they move away from the main goal of the game.

On final stage solutions to problems are developed, reports from the expert group are heard, and the most successful solutions are selected.

The stage of analysis, generalization and discussion of the game results. Experts speak, exchange opinions, students defend their decisions and conclusions. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes mistakes, and formulates the final outcome of the lesson. Draws attention to the establishment of a connection between the game and the content of the educational subject.

A role-playing game must have convention, seriousness, and elements of improvisation, otherwise it will turn into a boring dramatization.

In addition to all of the above, games can be used in the classroom to overcome cognitive egocentrism and expand the cognitive and communicative abilities of students. In this case, games should be group games. Let's look at some of the games that are most suitable for group work among students.

1." Range of opinions."

“Dispersion of opinions” is an organized, alternate expression of opinions by participants in a group activity on a specific problem or topic.

A methodological feature of such a group activity is a numerous set of cards with unfinished phrases based on the lesson material. Reading them and saying them out loud encourages a response. What is started must be completed, so the one who received the card has a ready-made beginning of his short speech on the proposed topic. The initial phrase gives direction to thought and helps the student in the first moment of conversation.

Difficulty preparatory work for the teacher is to formulate initial sentences in a problematic, recognizable and concise manner. The number of cards equals the number of discussion participants. The first words with which the statement begins are written on the card. For successful work creating an atmosphere of interest and mutual support is required. Reasonable opinions are accepted. This type work is optimally carried out when mastering new topic in order to update the everyday and subject experience of the students themselves. The answers are based on the principle of stating a hypothesis and its argument. It is advisable to select topics that allow for the coexistence of different approaches. As a result, you can summarize the answers received and bring them to educational concepts.

  1. “Pull out the question.”

This form of work addresses the problem of asking questions. Teachers need to explain to students that modern world information changes with high speed, you can only be in the know if you know how to formulate problems and ask necessary questions. This type of work can be an element of a lesson, for example, when mastering and consolidating material.

You can start the lesson by asking: “Do you know anyone who asks interesting questions?” Can you give an example of an interesting question on our subject? Now ask a boring question. Who would you like to become: a person who knows how to ask good questions, or a person who knows how to give good answers?

I offer you a game in which you can come up with interesting questions on our subject. We will write down these questions on the squat, add them up and mix them up. Then you will take turns pulling out a question and try to answer it. After answering, express your opinion about whether the question was interesting and why exactly.”

After the lesson, you should analyze it using questions:

What questions did the students like?

Which answer seemed more successful?

What questions were difficult?

Did the students enjoy coming up with questions?

This type of work is most effective with students in grades 6-8.

  1. "Rules of the game".

This type of work allows students to take a definite position in relation to school rules. They can talk about the new rules they would like to live by at school.

The work begins during the period of getting to know the class with the question: “Suppose, at school, students will manage along with adults, intelligently put forward and fulfill certain requirements. What rules would each of you introduce? Write down a list of your rules. Consult in pairs, propose three rules for organizing the lesson and behavior in the lesson that suit both of you.”

After announcing the rules to all pairs, it is worth conducting an analysis:

  • which one own rules students find it particularly important?
  • What rule did the other pair propose that you liked?
  • Which school rule would the students argue with?
  • Who would the students like to see as class leader?
  • what are the most important rules class?
  • From what grade do students think they could participate in discussing the rules of school life and support their observance?

Work on drawing up rules can only take place in a small group. That is, in order to work on the rules, you need to use the division of the class into groups and meet with each of them.


The disadvantage of any training course is that some of the material may be poorly understood. How can this shortcoming be turned into a positive quality? Let's try an experiment. Each student has a textbook open. In a limited time, after looking through it, you need to master the given information. And then see what remains beyond development.

So, you, as a teacher, determine which section of the textbook now needs to be studied (time - 10 minutes). Indicate the start of work (on command). When time will pass, everyone close the textbook. Students are required to formulate several questions: what turned out to be unclear in the text and write them down. A presenter is selected who collects all the notes with questions and analyzes which of them seemed the most interesting and complete. While the presenter chooses interest Ask, invite everyone to look through the textbook and try to find the answer. The presenter reads out the questions he has chosen and asks them to answer them.

When using gaming technologies in lessons, the following conditions must be met:

1) the game is educationally appropriate - educational purposes lesson;

2) accessibility for students of a given age;

3) moderation in the use of games in the classroom.

The following types of lessons using gaming technologies can be distinguished:

1) role-playing games in class;

2) game organization of the educational process using game tasks(lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson - travel, lesson - KVN);

3) game-based organization of the educational process using tasks that are usually offered in a traditional lesson (find a spelling, perform one of the types of analysis, etc.);

4) use of the game at a certain stage of the lesson (beginning, middle, end; acquaintance with new material, consolidation of knowledge, skills, repetition and systematization of what has been learned);

5) different kinds extracurricular work in the Russian language (linguistic KVN, excursions, evenings, Olympiads, etc.), which can be carried out between students of different classes of the same parallel.

Gaming technologies occupy important place in educational - educational process, since they not only contribute to the development of cognitive interests and activation of students’ activities, but also perform a number of other functions:

1) a game properly organized taking into account the specifics of the material trains memory, helps students develop speech skills;

2) the game stimulates the mental activity of students, develops attention and cognitive interest in the subject;

3) the game is one of the methods for overcoming the passivity of students;

4) as part of a team, each student is responsible for the entire team, everyone is interested in best result of his team, everyone strives to complete the task as quickly and successfully as possible. Thus, competition helps to enhance the performance of all students.

There are 8 main meanings of this word. This is an activity determined by a set of certain rules and techniques, serving to fill leisure time, for entertainment, which is a sport ( sport games, war game). This is the movement of gas bubbles characteristic of some wines and sparkling drinks (“wine plays”), and the rapid change of spots of light, colors, etc., shine, shimmer and expressive variability. This is the performance of musical works (playing the violin) and the performance of a stage role (acting). This is a deliberate series of actions pursuing a specific goal, intrigue, secret plans. We are talking about a play of imagination, a play of nature, a play of words, a play of chance, a play of fate...

Play is one of the most wonderful phenomena of life, an activity that seems useless and at the same time necessary. The phenomenon of the game is that, being entertainment and relaxation, it can develop into a game-creativity, into a game-learning, into a game-therapy, into a game-model of the type of human relationships and manifestations in work.

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions received from the surrounding world. The game clearly reveals the characteristics of the child’s thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and developing need for communication. In the game, the child gains experience in voluntary behavior and learns to control himself by following the rules.

Since play occupies a huge place in development, it has long been used as a pedagogical tool.

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, game theory was seriously developed by K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky, G.V. Plekhanov, S.L. Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.N. Leontiev , D.B. Elkonin, A.S. Makarenko, M.M. Bakhtin, F.I. Fradkina, L.S. Slavina, E.A. Flerina, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Yu P. Azarov, V. S. Mukhina, O. S. Gazman and others.

Game technology compares favorably with other teaching methods in that it allows the student to be personally involved in the functioning of the phenomenon being studied and gives the opportunity to live for some time in “real” life conditions.
