What to wear with long shorts. Shorts for summer: what to wear to the beach and what to wear for a walk? What to wear with lace shorts

Today, bags have become one of the main accessories for women and it has become very difficult for them to live without them. Housewives are often faced with the fact that old and even new things can have very unpleasant Strong smell, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. We will tell you about the reasons why persistent odors can appear and how to remove the smell from your bag using various methods.

There are many reasons that can lead to the formation of a persistent unpleasant odor in everyday items.

First of all, it must be said that buying a new bag or backpack may have a factory smell. In production, various impregnations and compositions are used for tanning leather, which do not have time to erode before packaging. As a result, particles of these agents and vegetable oils for treatment remain in the pores of the skin on for a long time until they fall into the hands of the buyer.

Leather processing is complex process, which is required to give it softness and preserve required form. Therefore, production can use not only natural plant components, but also fish oil and urea. Of course, conscientious manufacturers carry out chemical treatment at the last stage to repel persistent bad smell, but it is very difficult to completely remove it. It is for this reason that leather bags can give off a strong odor of urine and other pungent enzymes.

Very often in production, artificial leatherette is used instead of natural animal leather. During the manufacture of bags or backpacks, heat treatment of materials is used, which is why they begin to smell strongly.

Textile products rarely retain an unpleasant odor after production. Mainly because the material of the handbags is porous and consists of fibers, and this allows odors to dissipate better. All strong persistent aromas are associated with improper storage of products (mustiness) and the use of various flavors.

If bags and backpacks have an unpleasant odor after prolonged use, then this is not at all surprising. Depending on what the owner wears in them, they will stink: food products, chemical substances, cosmetics, drinks, etc.

Video “Methods of struggle”

From the video you will learn how to deal with unpleasant odors in your bag.

Methods for eliminating unpleasant odor from a leather bag

Several methods can be used to eliminate specific skin odor.

Most effective method If there is a strong persistent odor in a leather product, contact a dry cleaner. By handing your bag over to a specialized service for cleaning, you can get the item back without any remnants of the old stench. It is treated with special chemicals and impregnations, cleaning is carried out in several stages, so you can be sure of the effectiveness of this method.

Another way is to use aromatic products. Take a piece of cotton cloth, put the zest of any citrus fruit (lemon, orange or grapefruit) in it, tie the bundle tightly, and then put it inside the bag. By leaving the item for 2-3 days, you can eliminate the strong factory smell. As an alternative to zest, you can use essential oils of the same fruits, fir oil, tea tree oil, jasmine, pine needles or mint.

Some people used newsprint. It is soft and porous, absorbs odors and liquids well. Leather items are wrapped in newspaper and the accessory is left in a dry place for several days. If the aroma is not strong, then this method may be suitable.

If your item smells musty or musty, you can use vinegar. Ordinary Apple vinegar can kill fungus and bacteria, which are the cause of the pungent aroma.

Bags made from leather substitutes

How to get rid of odor in a leatherette bag? Usually, a specific unpleasant aroma remains in low-quality cheap products. To effectively get rid of them, you can use food products.

For example, onion salad can not only emit a pungent odor, but also eliminate it. You need to peel the onion, chop it finely, putting everything on a saucer. Then take cardboard box and place the plate with the onions on the bottom, then cover it with a sieve or fine, dense mesh. You will need to put a leatherette item on the surface of the sieve for 5-6 hours. You can ventilate onion enzymes on the street or balcony, where air circulates well.

You can use coffee beans and baking soda to remove extraneous odors. Powder or grains are poured into the folds of the backpack, then placed in plastic bag tying it tightly. After a few days, you can take it out of the bag and hang it out to air.

These products can help not only for bags, but also for other things made of leatherette.

Fishy smell

Available tools will help you easily remove the unpleasant fishy smell. pharmaceutical products– potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.

Potassium permanganate in pure form(no additions). A very simple way: take a glass of water, a few grains of potassium permanganate and prepare a light pink solution. Wipe all parts of the bag with it, then dry with a soft cloth. This method works best when combined with aromatization.

Potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide. Recipe for preparing the composition: dilute a couple of grains of potassium permanganate in 1 glass warm water. Add 4 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) to the light pink mixture. Then you need to stir the contents well, moisten kitchen sponge and wipe the bag. These two components kill bacteria, which sometimes cause an unpleasant odor.

Fabric handbags

How to remove unpleasant odor from a textile bag?

Bags and backpacks made of thick fabric can be washed freely in washing machine(unless they self made). Granulated washing powder It is recommended to replace it with a liquid detergent or wash without powder at all, adding fabric softener to the water. After washing, you will need to hang things out to dry. You can spray it on the balcony first.

Bags that cannot be washed are wiped with a soap solution mixed with ammonia.

Video “Folk methods”

From the video you will learn what folk remedies help in the fight against unpleasant odors.

If you are elegantly dressed, have good perfume and stylish shoes, then a leatherette bag that smells of fish, PVC and other chemicals is unlikely to fit into your look. Such “fragrances” can not only spoil the opinion of you, but also cause various ailments, such as headaches, among others. Is it possible to somehow cope with the smell of a leatherette product, or will I have to give up my favorite accessory? Let's try to figure it out.

The odors of leatherette products can be either initial or acquired. The latter arise during use: you wore something strongly odorous, you spilled it, your pets contributed, in general, it’s your own fault. But the initial smell is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Important! Of course, any thing has its own smell, including leatherette products. But bags made from high-quality raw materials do not smell much. A mild smell can be removed by simply airing it out or waiting for it to go away.

You can cope with both initial and acquired odors, and without special labor and at home.

Available means

Every home has salt, soda, bread, onions, vinegar, vodka, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate, Activated carbon. All of these products can be used to remove odor.


Salt absorbs odors well. Take a larger amount of it and moisten it with a little water to make a non-liquid paste. Apply this paste to the surface and leave overnight. In the morning, simply shake off the salt from the product. If the smell has not completely gone away, you can repeat the procedure again.

Activated carbon can be used in the same way. Only in this case the bag needs to be wrapped in gauze, and there is no need to make a paste, just sprinkle the gauze with activated carbon powder. Of course, charcoal cannot be used for bags of light colors.

Important! To remove odor, you need to use fine salt, as coarse salt can scratch the material.


Also a very simple and reliable method. Take some kind of tightly closing container that your bag can easily fit in. Place the product there and cover it with baking soda, sparingly. Close and leave for five to seven days. After this time, take out the bag, shake it off and hang it on the balcony to air for two days. After this procedure, the smell should completely disappear.

Important! You can only sprinkle baking soda on a completely dry bag. If it is even the slightest bit damp, be sure to dry it well.

Bread crusts

Rye bread absorbs odors well. Place bread crusts inside your bag, including all pockets, and leave for several days. This method is good if the smell of leatherette is not too strong.


Paradoxically, the smell of onions can relieve you of the “aroma” of leatherette. Cut the onion at random - either into rings or small cubes, as you prefer. Place on a saucer or small plate.

Cover with something with holes to let the smell pass. A colander or sieve will do just fine. Place the bag on top, close and leave for a day. Then send her to get some air.

Vinegar and vodka

You can try to get rid of the smell with vinegar or vodka. To do this, vodka is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, and vinegar - 1:5. Wet a cotton swab or disk and carefully and thoroughly wipe the surface of the product. Be careful if you have a light-colored bag.

Potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and iodine

A solution of potassium permanganate copes even with very strong odors. Make a pale pink solution and wipe the bag with it, as in the previous recipe.

For greater effect, you can add peroxide to the potassium permanganate solution. To do this, take a glass of a weak solution of potassium permanganate (only two crystals are enough), add three teaspoons of three percent hydrogen peroxide to it, stir and wipe the product.

Dissolve 15 drops of iodine in a liter of water and wipe the product with the resulting solution.

Important! This method is definitely not suitable for light-colored bags. And on others, these solutions can leave stains. Therefore, first wet some inconspicuous area of ​​the bag and wait until it dries. If there are no stains, you can use it.


Fragrances will help you eliminate the slight odor both outside and inside the bag.


You can use ready-made sachets, or you can make them yourself - it's not difficult at all. Sew small fabric bags.

It is preferable to use linen for these purposes, but gauze folded in several layers can also be used. Place a piece of cotton wool in a bag and add two to three drops of your favorite essential oil. Citrus scents are best suited to combat the smell of leatherette. Tie the bag tightly and the sachet is ready. Place it inside your bag.


You can use lemon to eliminate unpleasant odors. Lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 is wiped similarly to the methods described above with vinegar and vodka.

Lemon peels can be placed in homemade sachets. You can also wipe the outside of the bag with lemon peels (the white part). By the way, this method is also applicable for light-colored bags.


For bags with dark lining, you can try to eliminate the unpleasant odor with coffee. For these purposes you only need ground coffee. Pour it inside the product and leave it overnight, and shake it out thoroughly in the morning.

Washing and weathering

If the manufacturer has indicated that it can be washed, feel free to wash it only by strictly following all washing instructions. Just remember to turn the bag inside out and put it in a special bag; it is also better to use gel rather than powder.

If it is indicated that the product cannot be washed, but you definitely want to do it, use a soap solution with ammonia. Take a tablespoon per liter of water liquid soap, beat until foam forms, add a tablespoon ammonia, stir. Wash the bag with the resulting solution and dry thoroughly.

If the smell is not very strong, then simple airing will help to cope with it. Hang your bag on the balcony for a few days. Especially good this method works in cool and windy weather. But do not forget that leatherette does not tolerate severe frosts.

Important! When using the aromatization method, remember the compatibility of flavors. If the smell of the leatherette your bag is made from is too strong and chemical, mixing it with fragrances can make it even sickening.

Important nuances when removing odor

When removing the smell from a leatherette bag, follow the mandatory rules:

  • study the manufacturer’s information regarding washing and cleaning the product;
  • when choosing a method of combating odor, take into account its intensity;
  • choose a method taking into account the color of your bag and its lining;
  • Try the cleaner first on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface.

And, as always, it is better to prevent a problem than to fight it later. Therefore, buy only high-quality items, and when purchasing, not only check the quality of the product, but also... smell it. If the smell is very strong, decide for yourself - do you really need this particular bag?

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Leather is a material obtained by tanning animal skins. It is used in the production of clothing, furniture, shoes, wallets, belts and many other products. And although leather is a very durable material, it is much more difficult to clean, unlike natural or synthetic fibers. Leather can absorb a variety of strong odors, such as smoke, food, sweat, perfume, mildew, or the so-called “new leather smell” produced during the tanning process. Getting rid of these odors is not easy, but sometimes the result can only be achieved through trial and error, and if you still have doubts, you can have your leather professionally cleaned so as not to spoil it.


Using improvised means

    Be sure to dry the raw skin. If the leather is damp or moldy, the dampness must be removed as soon as possible. Moisture can damage the skin and contribute to the appearance of a characteristic odor, which will later be very difficult to remove. Here are some tips on how to properly dry leather:

    • Place the product in sunny place, avoiding its direct rays, as otherwise the skin may crack and wear out. Choose a place near a window covered with curtains or blinds.
    • Dry your skin with a hairdryer at the lowest heat level. Do not bring the hair dryer too close to the skin, otherwise it may begin to crack or peel. Blow dry your leather from a distance to evaporate moisture from the entire surface and avoid water stains.
    • Dry the leather with a clean, dry cloth, especially if you are trying to dry leather shoes, clothing, or a wallet. Do not use alcohol or deodorizing products such as perfumes, as they can penetrate the skin through the pores and damage it. It is best to simply wipe the product well with a dry cloth.
  1. Wrap the leather in newspaper or wrapping paper. The spongy properties of newsprint and packaging paper indicate that these materials are able to absorb any unpleasant odors. Make sure both the product and the newspapers used are completely dry. The loose texture of newsprint is much softer than, for example, office paper, so it absorbs odors much better.

    • Place the leather item in a box filled with crumpled newspaper sheets. Close the box and leave for one to two days.
    • Check to see if the newspaper has absorbed all unpleasant skin odors. You may need to leave the item in the newspaper for a while longer.
  2. Clean your skin with a vinegar solution. The acid in vinegar will help you combat unpleasant odors, and the smell of vinegar, which may seem unpleasant in itself, will dissipate along with other odors.

    Use baking soda for cleaning. Baking soda is an excellent absorbent of unpleasant odors. In addition, it is absolutely safe to use on leather. You will need baking soda and a pillowcase or ziplock bag that fits your leather item.

    • Place the product in a pillowcase or bag. Pour in baking soda thin layer to the surface of the skin. You can also sprinkle a little baking soda inside to remove odors from inside the product.
    • Tie the top end of the pillowcase or zip up the bag. Leave the product in the soda overnight or for a day.
    • Soda can be removed with a napkin or a vacuum cleaner with small nozzle. Clean the skin of baking soda carefully so as not to scratch it.
    • Repeat the entire procedure with baking soda until the smell disappears.
  3. Remove odors naturally. Due to the natural properties of leather, odors absorbed by it, from cigarette smoke to the smell of “new leather” after tanning, will disappear over time. Instead of trying to cover up the smell with perfume or deodorizing products, which can only prolong the time it takes for unpleasant odors to dissipate, simply wear the product more often. If the smell is tolerable, wear leather clothing or shoes every day to air out the skin.

    • Wearing socks will also soften the skin texture, open pores and effectively get rid of bad odors.

    Using professional tools

    1. Buy a leather cleaner. Professional cleaners can be found at any hardware store or even purchased at a shoe repair shop. Use only special leather cleaners.

      • To wipe a leather product, you will need a clean, dry cloth. Most cleansers remove odors from your skin, preserve its natural color and shine, and protect your skin from damage.
    2. Treat your skin with a special conditioner. After cleaning, the leather requires conditioning. This allows you to remove unpleasant odors and preserve the color and shine of the skin. Here are some options for using as conditioner:

      Please note that the product can also be sent for professional cleaning. If after all the remedies you've tried, the smell still doesn't go away, you should probably seek professional help. Depending on the type of leather and the persistence of the odor, your product will be cleaned, treated and odor removed, and for a small amount of money


    Article information

    wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 17 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

While on vacation in Mallorca, we visited the famous local markets. The abundance of leather goods was impressive - how can you pass by without buying? A beautiful red travel bag caught my attention; the African merchant joyfully announced: “Kamel (camel), 150 euros.”

In France, this would have cost at least 500, but we bargained hard - it’s the market. We managed to drop it to 100, but decided to go further along the rows in case we came across something better.

The merchant ran about 20 meters after us, waving his arms and shouting: “Kamel, kamel, 80 euros!” We went back and ended up buying a bag for 55 euros.

The next day we discovered that there was a terrible stench in our room. It was the bag that smelled... Rancid pork fat, fish and toilet all at once. Here's a "kamel" for you...

At home, we first aired the bag on the terrace - it didn’t help. They stuffed it with scented soap and put it in the pantry. We got it a month later: the bag still stank of grease and fish, but a new note appeared - the smell of a toilet on a Soviet train in the morning, after mass washing and other activities of the entire carriage. Throwing it away is a pity, it’s too beautiful, how can we get rid of the smell of our stinky bag?

Catherine, France

For an answer to this question, the AiF. Europe correspondent turned to one of the leather workshops in Frankfurt, “Master Shusti” - a family enterprise where the third generation of furriers is already working. Klaus SCHUSTI answers:

The causes of unpleasant odor can be different. Previously, when tanning leather, only plant substances were used, which, in combination with animal back fat, gave the product a peculiar pungent odor. In modern industry, dressing is carried out using chromium; after this treatment, the products retain only the subtle smell of genuine leather. In addition, the use of some tannins is generally prohibited.

In the case where the leather product was purchased not in a store, but “from hand” from private dealers, no guarantees can be given. Clients have already contacted me with a request to remove the “strange smell” from leather bags or belts purchased while on vacation in Turkey or Spain. A detailed study revealed that the leather from which these things were made was tanned using... fish oil and animal urine. Hence the “stench”, which is impossible to get rid of. Another reason (most often in such cases they talk about a “horse” smell) may be improper storage of finished products, for example in damp room. In such cases, the skin starts special kind fungus. Don't forget that leather is a natural product that is susceptible to similar problems. The appearance of fungus can also be facilitated by the use by the seller or manufacturer of cheap skin care products consisting of vegetable or animal fats to give a “marketable appearance”. On such soil, the fungus multiplies as if by order.

It is necessary to examine the bag inside and out - perhaps fungal spores will be found somewhere under the lining. Any shoe shop will remove them. special means. Under no circumstances should you attempt to wash Leather Products, as a result, the skin will only become dry and brittle. You can try cleaning with a special soap for leather, but again without direct contact with water, but only with soap foam, which then needs to be wiped off with a dry cloth. And to top it off, treat the bag with vinegar essence (25%) diluted in an equal amount of water. It neutralizes odors and acts as an antifungal agent. But such methods of combating odor will only help if the fungus has not yet taken root inside the skin. Otherwise, there is only one way out: throw away the bag.

There are no absolutely odorless objects. And over time, with frequent use, they acquire bad smell, which is impossible to ignore. So you open your super fashionable handbag - and such a trail stretches out of it... It’s good if it’s a French perfume, but what if the aroma was acquired from products that are so convenient to carry in a large bag? Or does the “new” smell of leather, paint never fade away? Then you will have to decide something with the accessory. Do not carry such a flavoring with you: it is unpleasant both for yourself and for those around you.

How to remove smell from a bag?

1. Method - weathering

The bag should be turned inside out and hung open on the balcony. Such “refreshing” procedures are especially useful in winter in frosty weather. It's also good when the sun shines outside. Such helpers unpleasant odors in the bag They can handle it once: one day of the procedure is enough. But you can’t keep your skin in the sun: it will crack.

2. Method - washing

If there is a strong odor that has already become embedded in the fibers, washing is used. In the correctly selected machine mode or, which is more acceptable, manual. Then the decor will remain in place, and the lining fabric will not crawl at the seams.

3. Method - odor absorbers

Remove persistent odor from bags A special absorber (like for refrigerators) will help. By placing this product in your purse for several hours, you will get rid of the problem for a long time.

They are also used as absorbers of unpleasant odors from bags. means at hand, tested by many housewives:

- Vinegar. It eliminates the cause of the “aroma” - bacteria. A cloth is moistened in a vinegar solution and the lining of the bag is treated, thus disinfecting it. After the procedures, it is recommended to ventilate the bag - the smell of vinegar is also not pleasant.

- Hydrogen peroxide. Treat with a dampened cloth inner side bags.

Baking soda often used to get rid of odors by treating surfaces with it or leaving containers of baking soda in the refrigerator or toilet. In this situation, it is also logical to use soda. Place a few tablespoons of baking soda in a cloth bag and “forget” it in your bag for a couple of days.

Absorbs unpleasant odors Activated carbon. It is useful to carry it with you in your purse for some time.

- Coffee. Instead of buying a special odor absorber, you should throw a fabric or paper bag with ground coffee beans into your bag. This product has the ability to absorb odors no worse than chemical agent. It will also give a pleasant aroma. The method is limited to light-colored items, because coffee is an excellent dye. Upon contact with a white bag, it is capable of leaving brown marks.

— Similar to coffee, the smell is absorbed by large-leaf tea and Bay leaf. To do this, the components are ground in a coffee grinder, placed in a cotton bag and left in the purse for a couple of days. If the lining material is dark in color, it is permissible to sprinkle it with ground mixture. Like a sponge, these substances can absorb unpleasant odors from the bag.

— Artificial flavors. All you have to do is spray the bottle inside or throw in a couple of tablets - and the unpleasant smell is replaced by the chosen aroma. True, not for good. Disguise is not complete replacement. But just a temporary measure. You can also sew a piece of wool or fur to the lining, onto which you can drip your favorite perfume or aromatic oil.

— Natural flavors. Instead of chemicals, you can wear a sprig of lavender or lemon balm in your accessory, changing them periodically.

Try some of the remedies listed above to remove bad smell from bag. One of them will definitely help solve the problem! Why don't we give one single correct solution? The effectiveness of a particular method will depend on the fabric of the lining and the origin of the odor. Need to try.
