Vasilyeva's office will be taken away. Shadow fighters or the women's question

  • 17.02.2019 Articles/Holidays
    A hole in obscurantism (comments)

    But how well it all started! Fresh, just created, like Eva from Putin’s Rib, the United Russia party promised, solemnly, as if upon joining the October Revolution: in 2004, residents of the Russian Federation will pay half as much for heat and lighting; in 2005 everyone will receive their share from the sale of natural resources, in 2008 every family will find housing. And not some lame one, but according to European standards. Just let him lead alone! So as not to interfere!!! (Something always gets in the way of a bad dancer). The affairs of the “party of affairs” turned out to be unimportant. If not dark. United Russia confidently wins the elections, but is unable to overcome rising prices, bribery and mismanagement even within its own ranks.

  • 08/31/2018 Articles/Politics
    Or maybe they are lying? (comments)

    Sometimes you find something on the World Wide Web that gives you a timid hope: maybe it’s not true? Here is a member of the State Duma, Alexander Remezkov, who voted for the law banning the adoption of Russian children by foreigners, and now supports the robbery of old people, it turns out that he long ago sent his son Styopa (now Stefan) overseas, to the camp of the sworn enemy - the United States.

  • 31.08.2018 Articles/Patriarch Kirill
    To whom do Solovki shine? (comments)

    Patriarch Kirill's visit to Solovki turned into a poorly disguised squabble. His Holiness meekly noted that he was “concerned about the delay in construction.” Especially in cases where construction has not started. It turned out that officials, accustomed to kickbacks, were sabotaging the restoration of the monastery for the third year in a row, for which Kirill extorted six billion rubles from the government.

  • 22.07.2018 Articles/Christianity
    “Glamourous Father” or the Nail Punch in the Hand of God (comments)

    Who in these days of the decline of faith wears “honest chains” under shabby rags! More often they wear a watch worth a million and a phone number worth 150 thousand. And the fiery chariot, on which, to put it in youth terms, the church fathers cut through the city, crushing drunken passers-by, is increasingly gravitating towards the Mercedes, generated by bad Catholics and godless Protestants. If the Savior walked on the sea as if on dry land, then Patriarch Gundyaev leaves the sea from his palace on the Black Sea coast on a yacht from the category “God grant everyone one of these!” Which, however, is far from Abramovich, as the patriarch is from holiness.

  • 06.26.2018 Articles/History
    Resurrect the reptile! (comments)

    The great Voltaire, preparing minds for the coming of the power of the philistinism, called: “Crush the reptile!” He spoke about the church, which stifled any free thought and hindered the development of humanity. The people who paved the way for capitalism in Russia really wanted to grab more and take it further away. And they restored the abolished and desecrated god, since they really counted on the help of the church in this matter.

  • 05.05.2018 Articles/War
    Time of colorless colonels (comments)

    Having become attached to state power for the second time, the churchmen quickly showed that they had forgotten nothing and learned nothing, continuing the arduous work begun a thousand years ago to displace everything Slavic, Russian, Russian - names, monuments, events, martyrs and heroes. Only the ecclesiastical, ancient Jewish religion has the right to exist. At most, Byzantine.

  • 04/20/2018 Media/Miracles
    A monetized miracle or And the welfare of the clergy blooms on the stones (comments)

    There has been a sad shortage of miracles lately. They have become scarce to such an extent that the discovery, while digging a foundation pit for a new cathedral - permission for the construction of which they forgot to ask in a hurry - of a cornerstone with inscriptions on it left over from the previous cathedral - something like a letter to descendants - is perceived as a miracle.

  • 01/15/2018 Articles/Society
    Public benefit of a private prison (comments)

    Discussions about prisons, thieves and scriptures.

  • 12/04/2017 Articles/War
    “The Bronze Soldier” was spoiled again by the cuckoo’s children (comments)
    What vile little people you sometimes come across among earthly people. They couldn’t win the war against the living, so they take it out on the dead.
  • 10/07/2017 Articles/Politics
    For whom do the personalized bells ring? (comments)
    The United Russia party has forgotten its previous promise to halve housing and communal services prices, to allocate everyone a share from the sale of raw materials, to provide housing for every family if they are given leadership and “will not interfere.” For which reason, she covered the city of Penza with shields with the inscription “We keep our word!”
  • 30.08.2017 Articles/Education
    Forgotten melody for a flute broken on a student's head (comments)
    The situation in public education is getting worse and worse every year. Every year education becomes more and more average. According to the testimony of university teachers, including the most famous ones, the level of training in secondary education is decreasing and decreasing every year. Expect from dropouts high school There are no special successes in universities. What to do?
  • 07.27.2017 Articles/Society
    Image down the drain (comments)
    Crazy funds are pouring in now Russian state in “creating a favorable image of the country abroad.” They get big, of course, also abroad. And then enthusiastic foreigners come to the village of Lermontovo and discover a “birdhouse” latrine with a complete absence of sewerage. Not everyone likes it, and in front of foreigners it’s completely uncomfortable.
  • 27.07.2017 Articles/Holidays
    The Bolsheviks began to move away from God-seeking in order to stop drinking the population (comments)
    The Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Onishchenko named new year holidays in Russia “ten days of horror, when the majority of the citizens of our country are left to their own devices.” While the minority flies after migratory birds to warm regions. "And no more terrible enemy for our citizen than himself,” said the Chief. Unless, of course, you count the government of the country.
  • 06/20/2017 Articles/Politics
    Dunka finally made it to Europe! (comments)
    For a thousand years now, Russians have been tormented by a feeling of inferiority instilled in them by the Byzantine Orthodox Church, which convinced the gullible Russians that their ancestors were not just sitting on branches when cunning priests came from abroad in sealed vehicles to enlighten them. As it turned out, one can make good money from the backwardness of the natives. Redskins in the New World gave their land to crooks for glass beads, and believers simply give it as a gift to God. There are no costs, but the income is crazy.
  • 06.06.2017 Articles/Communism
    Why did the Pope swing to Bolshevism? (comments)
    The specter of communism is once again haunting Europe. This time in the person of the Pope. Aboard a plane from Krakow, saved from complete destruction by our troops, Pope Francis said the oppression of Muslim youth in Europe helps explain the actions of those who take up arms.
  • 03.04.2017 Articles/Patriarch Ridiger
    To the Kingdom of Heaven - through the rectum (comments)
    The current leaders of the church presiding in the capital of the Third Roman region, worthy of God, illustrious, blessed, praiseworthy, highly desired, and simply the Leaders of the Russian Land, due to some strange misconception, consider themselves Christians, vainly vain of the world, are concerned only with building more churches and decorating they are bigger. They are trying to make the tombstone of the deceased not so much for the god, but - for his sins - in the latrine of Patriarch Alexy, so that it surpasses all the previous ones in splendor, including the tomb of Tutankhamun. Let us note that Christ himself, who urgently summoned his faithful servant to his reception in a simple manner, straight from the restroom, was buried less magnificently. Or decorate the next frame on the images with silver, gold and precious stones and raise the frame for yourself. Instead of decorating yourself with deeds of faith.
  • 12/20/2016 Articles/Society
    Grandmother died in favor of a temple in Singapore (comments)

    The past ten days have been full of tragedies, big and small.

  • 02.09.2016 Articles/History
  • A note by Evgeny Pyrkov about how Penza officials promised a mega-fair on February 4 on Moskovskaya Street. It turns out that due to the non-existent fair .
    How many times have they told the world that haste is only good for catching fleas (well, not everyone can chase mammoths). But everything is not for the future. Rioters in Moscow announced their intention to march through the streets of the capital on January 28 to express their outrage at the falsification of the election results on December 4, when the feast of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the temple coincided with the feast of the introduction of “ United Russia"into power, and in the God-saved city of Penza, the authorities were already worried that something might not happen. And they were immediately assigned to the street. Moscow on this very day, the Great Trade in Agricultural Foodstuffs.

    They decided, so to speak, to block the path to the spread of the free-thinking infection by the forces of the emerging bourgeoisie. Which itself, we note, has changed a lot since the times of the Great French; don’t strive to get into trouble to such an extent that the authorities have to kick her into the feat of supporting the existing system. What, in essence, is the cooperation between entrepreneurs and authorities.

    Saltykov-Shchedrin, I remember, said that in Rus' there is such a sign: if they flog, it means there has been a rebellion. And since they are starting the Great Trade, it means they want to prevent the dissatisfied from holding a procession. Look, what did you think of - walking along a pedestrian street!

    At one time they wrote to thieving leaders in places not so remote: “they have firmly taken the path of correction”; Penza bureaucrats also firmly stood in the way of those who wanted to correct their shortcomings without waiting for them to be sent to prison.

    After which it turned out that the city fathers were not even capable of catching lice. Not to mention shoeing the prey. Because the rioters decided not to organize processions, but to riot that day near the city government building, gathering in a small group, over shake-ups in the housing and communal services.

    But the head of the city duma is a graduate of the Belozertsev Military Academy. There is another graduate of the same academy in the Duma itself. Second mayor of the city R.B. Chernov graduated from the border school. Should they have at least some idea of ​​the art of war?

    What does the experience of the First World War, where there were plenty of lice in the trenches, speak about, studied in academies? At the beginning of the war against Austria, Russian troops, having a full understanding of the deployment of the Austrian armed forces, decided to strike at them. And the Austrians hedged their bets: the deployment zone was moved west of the border by 100-200 versts. Russian army struck, and this blow landed in an empty place. Only the sluggishness of the Austrian commanders saved the Russians from premature defeat. Empty place The townspeople who came to the auction also saw it. Well, the leaders of this land were unable to find food. From which it follows that the person who gave this order to conduct trade is clearly not far-sighted. From promotion.

    Link between East and West

    But West is West, East is East,

    And they won't get along together.


    There is also a second translation: “And they will not leave the place.” In both cases the meaning is the same: there is nothing in common between East and West. But, it turns out, that’s not entirely true. I can’t leave this place, but everything repeats itself one by one. This lack of events in Penza coincided with the elections of the Head in Senegal. President Abdoula Wad, now 85 years old, has already served two terms on these galleys, where he naturally “toiled like a slave.” And he wants to remain in slavery for an extra period - for another 14 years, in order to ensure stability in the country. Stability, both here and in Black Africa, means rising prices and theft from the treasury. Hundreds of people took to the streets of Dakar after constitutional Court allowed President Abdoula Wade to run for a third term.

    Western broadcasting publications, which have their own informants in Dakar, point to changes in the Constitution in favor of Abdul, a ban on the most famous candidate from participating in the elections, etc.

    The second contender for the highest government position is the leader of the former ruling Socialist Party of Senegal, Ousmane Tanor Dieng. He will have to fight an unequal fight - one against two, i.e. against Wada and a third - ex-Prime Minister Idrissa Seck. “There is no conspiracy between me and Vad,” Seck said. If a politician assures that there is no collusion, it means that he has secretly joined forces in order, like some Prokhorov, to take away votes from Abdul’s opponents.

    What about you, go to winter quarters?

    But the rioters did not calm down. They brazenly decided to march on February 4 with the same subversive intentions. And again the authorities banned movement along the Penza Arbat, explaining that there would be a Torgovlishka there again. According to the hot desire of the city residents, like freshly baked pies.

    Taking into account the sad experience of the previous battle for the Penza Arbat, when there was not enough grub to occupy the entire street, the enticement promised to sell other useful things for the household.

    The holy day of the Great Sale has arrived, the Penzyaks opened their mouths and wallets a second time, rushing to Moskovskaya from the very morning - and what? Nothing! And not just nothing, but Nothing at all. The gullible were greeted by a street whose desertion was equal to the level of support for United Russia in the elections.

    Usually, when the government has no grub, it trades in language. And here she didn’t even explain anything to the people. She avoided the question in English without saying goodbye. The authorities not only lack cheap food, but also lack any reasonable arguments. And everywhere and everywhere.

    A gathering on Moskovskaya in support of Putin was added to the sale. Students and their teachers were mobilized for it. And here is General Moroz. The same one who once did so much harm first to the French during the War of 1812, and then to the Germans near Moscow. This time the academicians decided not to argue with historical experience. The gangway was moved to closed room“due to the frost,” stronger than the desire to please the master.

    It is known that any statesman and any idea is worth as much as people are willing to die for it. There were no people willing to die for Putin. To live for Putin is welcome, but to die - sorry!

    By the way, about life in general and eternal life in particular. Our Volodya Superconscript has already done so much for the Almighty, that could this ungrateful old man perform at least some miracle for his faithful slave? For example, troublemakers are chattering their teeth at the petrified monument to Belinsky, like Narodnaya Volya exiled to Siberia, and right next door, on the same Moskovskaya Street, supporters of Putin and United Russia are taking off their felt boots and sheepskin coats. For a change, not from others, but from yourself. Because they were baked not only in politically. The people would have believed. Immediately into God and into “United Russia”, and into Putin, their coessential one.

    Evgeniy Pyrkov,

    Three key groups have formed in Yekaterinburg that will compete for seats in the City Duma in the September elections. The first will go under the auspices of United Russia and the governor’s administration, the second will unite around Mayor Yevgeny Roizman on the basis of Yabloko, and the third is of genuine interest - this is a coalition supported by businessmen Vitaly Kochetkov and Sergey Terentyev.

    What is the "Motive"?

    Six months before Day X, with the support of the owner of Motiv, a member of the State Duma, who was expelled in disgrace from the post of head of the Overhaul Fund, became more active Sverdlovsk region, Alexander Karavaev. The former director of the registrar and Kochetkov became so close that the deputy moved closer to the sponsor - to the building where the central office of Motiv is located.

    Karavaev took charge of the campaign in the Unified State Duma himself. Political consultant Ekaterina Kuzemka became his assistant. In the recent past, she was the first deputy head of the Sverdlovsk executive committee of United Russia, a protégé of Viktor Sheptia. True, her parting with her former boss was also not entirely smooth - according to rumors, she was even threatened with a criminal case for embezzlement, but Kuzemka was pardoned, and a single mother with two children and three cats was pitied.

    Karavaev’s traveling companions in the new campaign were familiar faces – representatives of the SR in the Unified State Duma Ilya Lobov and Anton Shvalev. But that is not all.

    Under the leadership of the tandem of “cool political strategists” Karavaev-Kuzemka, representatives of another group, initially possessing more powerful resources, will also go.

    At whose expense is the banquet?

    The recent dissolution of the PR group, which served the entire Uralmash empire, is associated precisely with the merger of the Kochetkov and Terentyev brands. The young deputy Grigory Vikharev, as well as the directors of numerous Terentyev management companies, who will also fight for the new City Duma as candidates, will be led to the elections by the same bunch - Karavaev-Kuzemka. Of course, with the solid financial participation of Uralmash. How they managed to sit on Terentyev’s neck is anyone’s guess, because the competencies of political consultants cannot be called outstanding. No matter how many times Karavaev makes excuses, saying that the position in the fund was a firing squad, he received it for a reason. He was looked after in every possible way by the “municipal” LOMs - until the very end, both the Minister of Housing and Communal Services Nikolai Smirnov and the director of the State Housing Property Inspectorate Alexei Rossolov excused him in front of journalists. And Fair Russia managed to screw up all the work. There were no major scandals after his departure, but during his administration there were more than enough. This is how voters will remember him.

    All attempts to improve the hero’s reputation do not seem particularly effective - these are completely standard moves with the release of propaganda, the work of a deputy reception, and meetings with grandmothers in the courtyards.

    Let's see if Kochetkov's players can offer Terentyev some decent moves. In the meantime, not only representatives of the LDPR, but also representatives of the Right Russia began to appear on information boards at the entrances of houses that serve management companies controlled by Uralmash. Moreover, apparently, they do not spare money on glossy propaganda. Residents say that as soon as the eyes of the candidates drawn are gouged out, freshly printed ones immediately appear on top of the damaged leaflets.

    And what does Putin have to do with it?

    It’s interesting that both the Spravedrossians and the Eldepeers, who are going to the Unified State Duma with Terentyev’s money, decided to try a scheme with access to the Duma in the name of Vladimir Putin, joining the Putin Team project. This is very convenient - you don’t need to do anything, just register on a special website, and you can safely say that in everything the president does, there is a contribution from anyone from his team. So the Kochetkov-Terentyev applicants for seats in the new convocation of the Unified State Duma did not fail to take advantage of the opportunity.

    True, the ideologists of the project themselves are clearly not delighted with this move by the PR people of Yekaterinburg candidates for deputies. “We cannot control or prohibit the use of our symbols by anyone, since the movement is informal. But the principle of the Putin Team is to be outside of politics,” Putin Team press secretary Konstantin Tkachenko told New Day.

    Igor Details 5 years ago Details


    Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

    The authorities are in a hurry to shower benefits on those who created the wealth that is now being stolen - respected people, heroes of socialist labor, as well as their widows. And the authorities squandered 168 million rubles for this event - 1,377 rubles for each heroic soul. So as not to be too eager to part with the body.

    Of course, the new masters of life, who spend ten thousand euros per evening even in a Polish restaurant, would be embarrassed to throw such pennies for tea in a Parisian restaurant (after all, they are not beggars), but for the old people the funds are tangible (they are just beggars). At least granny will buy an extra pie.

    Ah, no! Lick your lips, old man! This pie is immediately torn out of her mouth by utility workers who know how to live, whom one writer, who through a misunderstanding became an anti-Soviet, aptly called “swallowers.” And they gobble it up without leaving the cash register, because the funds are allocated for partial payment for the exorbitantly increased prices for housing and communal services, and are not given to the grandmother, so as not to tempt her to try to eat again. Are you still surprised by the level of obesity of some officials?

    At the same time, the leading sadists make fun of respected people in many-mile lines that must be defended for each certificate, in which it will be said in black and white that the bearer of this is a beggar. The thieving government cannot make the people rich, but issuing a certificate of poverty is a shame.

    Considering the number of gentlemen utility workers in all kinds of representative institutions and authorities, we can say that these nosy leaders allocate funds from the city or regional treasury to reward themselves for their blatant inability and unwillingness to work. The dashing benefactor has gone! Cuts the soles of the feet as it goes, double-headed eagle!!

    How to exchange an awl for soap

    But these funds could have been spent more wisely. For example, give an old one energy saving light bulb. Once you spend, you get benefits for ten years. Moreover, I remember that the city and regional authorities long ago promised “Replacement of incandescent lamps with energy-efficient lamps in the housing stock for socially vulnerable categories of citizens.” Within great struggle for energy saving.

    And back in 2005, they promised a new generation electric meter so that at night the tariff would be four times less than during the day. If you bless your granny with a heat pump for heating her home, which consumes four times less electricity than conventional heaters, then she will have enough money not only for a pie, but also for a cake.

    Searching, dreaming, the old one, about heavenly pretzels! Energy consumption in the country is already declining, and now the old ladies will reduce their consumption significantly. Will Chubais like this, who honestly admitted: he doesn’t need any warm winters, nor energy-saving electrical appliances?

    In Russia there is a completely meaningless body called The State Duma. It is completely controlled by the Presidential Administration, every single deputies are pocket-sized and do what they are told. There has not yet been a precedent for the Duma to show at least some initiative, much less somehow resist the agenda imposed by the Kremlin. The Duma unanimously votes for any cannibalistic laws, even if individual deputies do not like it. Remember the “law of scoundrels”, which deprived thousands of sick children from whom we all turned our backs on the chance for a normal life.

    And there are 450 deputies in the Duma - it seems like they should develop bills, vote for them and make our lives better. But they're just pushing buttons. Instead of them, a robot could have been installed... And then the question arises: why are there clowns in the Duma then?

    Every day another deputy jumps out like a devil out of a snuffbox to the press and shocks with some statement, every day he throws out something in front of the cameras or in in social networks, yells live on political talk shows on federal channels.

    Clowns are needed in the Duma to somehow legitimize it. It would be possible to make a Duma without clowns, but then fair elections would be needed. Oh, do you think the elections are fair? Okay... Then I'll ask you this. In Russia there is a certain percentage of people who are oppositional. Believe me, these are not only the liberals you love so much: there are nationalists, there are monarchists, etc... Well, let's say there are 10% of them (although in reality it is more). Do they have representation in the Duma? Is there at least one deputy who is not controlled by the Kremlin today? No, there are no such deputies. From convocation to convocation, seats on Okhotny Ryad are divided into 4 pocket parties, depicting diversity.

    The current Duma is illegitimate because it does not represent the interests of the Russian population. She represents the interests of the Kremlin, business, anyone, but not you. And that's the problem. After all, if the Duma is illegitimate, then the laws adopted by it will not be legitimate. But in this case, political strategists came up with legitimization through the show. This is a good, time-tested technique. So that the people do not forget about the existence of this useless government body, devouring enormous resources, clowns were sent into the Duma. There are few of them, but they are visible. They go on television, they speak to the press, they write resonant messages on social networks, forcing us all to participate in this fucking circus. And if you participate in something, then that something exists.

    Therefore, there is no need to be surprised every time who put this clown on Okhotny Ryad. Better ask yourself why you are paying attention to this clown.
