Cracked elbows causes and treatment. The skin on the elbows peels, cracks, and itches. Causes, photos, treatment with home remedies, folk recipes, creams, ointments in the pharmacy. Softening home recipes

As a rule, women take special care of their face, body, hair, and hands, but do not pay attention to the skin on their elbows. Looking in the mirror, they are surprised and wonder: why do the elbows on their hands dry out? And they immediately begin searching for ways to fix the problem.

Our elbows rarely come into view, most often they are under clothes and women remember them only with the onset of warmer weather, when a long sleeve is no longer able to hide their deplorable condition. Most ladies believe that caring for these parts of the body is in vain, but this is not so.

The skin on the elbows, as well as on the knees, is quite rough, as it is forced to constantly stretch due to the work of the joints. Not many people know that in these places the epidermis has practically no sebaceous glands, and therefore requires regular and intensive care.

Reasons for the development of pathology

If the skin on the elbows is dry, the reasons must be sought inside the body. The following factors can provoke the development of cosmetic defects:

Often internal diseases can provoke dry skin on the elbows. The causes and treatment for this option must be considered separately. The following pathologies provoke the problem:

Considering the factors that provoke dry elbows, the causes and treatment of the pathology must be agreed with a doctor. Ignoring symptoms leads to complications.

Treatment methods

Treatment of dry epidermis should begin with a visit to a dermatologist, he will prescribe appropriate tests that will help find out the true causes of the problem. A clinical and biochemical blood test, as well as a clinical urine test, are mandatory. Taking into account the results obtained, the doctor will draw up a treatment regimen or prescribe additional research methods.

Professional products

On every woman's dressing table there is sure to be a cream for the face, hands and feet. There is no special cream for elbows, but the epidermis in this area is similar to that covering the feet and hands, so for the elbow area you can safely use products intended for these areas of the body. On the pharmacy shelves there are a lot of products designed to permanently rid a woman of the problem of dryness.

  • Taking vitamin complexes helps replenish the deficiency of substances necessary for the skin. The drug must contain B vitamins, tocopherol, and retinol. The most popular and affordable drugs are Aevit and Undevit.
  • Special ointments based on herbal ingredients will help relieve itching and inflammation in problem areas: Boro Plus, Gistan, Faretal and others.
  • Among the healing agents, Salicylic and Zinc ointments have proven themselves well.
  • Professional hand cosmetics perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin of the elbows. Among them are the Velvet Handles products, a line for the care of dry and sensitive skin from the L'Oreal company.

The use of cosmetic oils will soften the epidermis and have an antibacterial effect for dermatitis and eczema. Apricot, peach, almond, and grape have regenerating properties and in rare cases cause an allergic reaction.

Peeling at home

If dryness is not associated with serious internal diseases, the elbow area can be treated using home peeling procedures. They will help remove dead epidermal cells and start tissue regeneration processes.

The duration of the course depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis. Procedures are allowed no more than 2 times a week. Acid cleaning - no more than once every 7 days. It should be remembered that peeling is only suitable if there are no cracks on the elbows. Using the procedure, especially with citrus acid, provokes inflammation and irritation in the damaged dermis.

Nourishing masks

Applying cream to your elbows and carrying out cleansing procedures is not always enough to eliminate the problem. In most cases, it is necessary to use homemade masks, which will not only soften the skin, but also help eliminate growths and calluses.

Homemade masks should be used with caution. Many recipes contain honey, which is a strong allergen.

Therapeutic baths

The complex treatment of dry elbow skin necessarily includes medicinal baths.

  • You can soften and moisturize your skin with a bath of heated olive oil. Place your elbows in it for 10 minutes.
  • Starch diluted in warm water with the addition of vegetable oil will also help eliminate dryness. Keep your elbows in this composition for 15 minutes.
  • Regular soda is often used for medicinal baths. For a liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate and place elbows in the solution for 10 minutes.

Such recipes should be used only after the permission of a specialist.

Dry elbow skin looks unsightly and spoils a woman’s appearance. In some cases, it may indicate serious disorders in the body. The first signs of dryness that cannot be treated with conventional remedies require immediate consultation with a dermatologist.

Rough skin on your elbows may seem like a minor problem. For many, this phenomenon does not even cause discomfort, so they do not think about treatment. But changes in the skin may indicate serious internal problems that cannot be corrected by applying moisturizer to the elbow.

Everyone has thin skin on their elbows, regardless of body size. There are no sebaceous glands in this area, so many people experience dryness and a feeling of roughness of the skin. The reasons may be trivial: constantly resting our elbows on a table or other surface while working, we injure the thin epidermis. And if your elbows begin to dry out in winter, during the heating season, the reason will be hidden in insufficient humidity in the room.

But there are a number of more serious reasons why the skin in the elbow area becomes rough and dark in color:

  • Deficiency of vitamins A and E in the body.
  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Anemia.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  1. Take a general and biochemical blood test.
  2. Check your hormonal levels.
  3. Visit a dermatologist's office.
  4. Check your blood sugar levels.

If no internal problems are identified, the cause of skin darkening should be sought in external factors.

Treatment for rough elbow skin

When deciding what to do about dry and dark skin on your elbows, you may want to consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe medications that restore the skin. Depending on the individual situation, these drugs may be:

  • Anti-flaking ointments: zinc, salicylic, with birch tar.
  • Moisturizing and antiallergic creams: Gistan, Boro Plus, La-Cri.
  • Vitamin creams: Aevit, Bepanten.
  • Vitamin complexes: Centrum, Complivit, Duovit.
  • Antihistamines: Suprastinex, Claritin, Zodak.
  • Medicines with iron: Ferrum-lek, Sorbifer.

When carrying out home treatment with medications, it is necessary to take into account all the doctor’s recommendations. If another negative reaction appears on the skin, inform a specialist without canceling the product yourself. Dosage adjustments or drug changes may be necessary.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies will help improve the condition of the skin on your elbows. They are prepared from available ingredients, do not require much time, and are harmless. You can try the following home remedies:

For additional skin care on your elbows, use nourishing oils: olive, grape seed, coconut, even simple sunflower. They can be used to lubricate the skin after masks or compresses. Only regular comprehensive treatment will help you get rid of dryness and darkening of the skin in the elbow area.

Folk recipes can be alternated, rather than sticking to just one. But they will help if the cosmetic defect was caused by an external cause, and not by internal problems. If remedies don't help, see your doctor to understand why your dry skin continues to bother you.

To prevent your skin from darkening and flaking in the future, you should follow simple prevention recommendations.

  • Drink enough liquid “for internal hydration.” 2 liters is the average norm, but listen to the needs of your body.
  • Install a humidifier during the heating season.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins A, E and C, and also periodically take courses of vitamin complexes.
  • Take warm showers more often than hot baths to avoid worsening dry skin.
  • Use moisturizing and nourishing creams, exfoliate the skin with scrubs and light peelings so that it renews itself faster.
  • Do not apply shower gel or soap to the elbow area when showering or bathing.
  • Avoid using cosmetics with aggressive ingredients, and do not allow cleaning products to come into contact with bare skin.
  • Cover your elbows when in the sun.
  • A balanced diet and avoidance of alcohol and strong coffee.

Rough and dark skin on the elbows is a phenomenon that is difficult to surprise anyone with. Thin skin is not protected by a fat layer and constantly dries out due to insufficient moisture or the habit of sitting with your elbows on the surface. Stress and lack of care most often cause darkening and flaking, but serious diseases can also cause such effects.

To prevent dry skin on the elbows from cracking and crusting, it is necessary to undergo treatment. It can be treated with folk and pharmacy remedies. The first include masks, baths, compresses. The second includes creams, ointments, vitamin complexes. But first of all, you should pay attention to your daily diet; it must contain foods containing vitamins A and E (dried apricots, pumpkin, spinach, etc.). It is because of the lack of these vitamins that hair falls out, nails become split, and the skin becomes dry.


Various factors can cause increased dryness and flaking of the skin on the elbows of the right/left arm. The sources of such a problem can be both internal and external reasons.

External factors include:

  • Sudden changes in temperature, changing seasons. During these periods, changes in the activity of the sebaceous glands occur in the body, which directly affects the condition of the skin of the hands. So, the skin on the elbows hurts, itches, and peels. Due to frequent scratching, crusts form and the skin becomes red.
  • Mechanical influences. This problem often occurs in women, men, children and even young girls who sit at the table for a long time, leaning on a hard surface with their elbows. As a result, they begin to become rough, roughness appears, and cracking and delamination may occur.
  • Incorrect care. Not only the skin of your hands, but also your knees and elbows needs increased hydration and nutrition. These manipulations are useless if hard water and a variety of detergents containing aggressive substances are constantly used. Therefore, the skin on the elbows, as well as on the knees, begins to crack, dry and peel.
  • Hot bath. It helps relieve fatigue after a hard day. But this procedure can cause dry skin due to the chlorine content in the water. Cocamines, which are included in soaps and shower gels, also have a negative effect on it.
  • Wearing rough and synthetic clothing.

The skin on the elbows peels much more often than on other parts of the body due to its high sensitivity. This phenomenon is often caused by genetic predisposition.

Internal factors include:

  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system. Such reasons are usually accompanied by certain changes occurring against the background of hormonal imbalance. If, in addition to dry elbows, there is a sharp gain in body weight, sweating, shortness of breath, swelling, or irregularities in the menstrual cycle, you should seek medical help.
  • Deficiency of nutrients in the body. To maintain the skin in good condition, it needs vitamins A and E. If they are deficient, in addition to cracking elbows, hair begins to fall out and nails peel.
  • Eczema. Some types of this disease can occur when coming into contact with low-quality synthetic items. In this case, only a specialist will help.
  • Hyperkeratosis. Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin.
  • Diabetes. Relative or absolute lack of insulin, which leads to malnutrition of the entire skin.

If the skin on the elbows is rough, crusty, darker than usual, or itchy - these symptoms cannot be ignored; it is necessary to begin treatment, which will be prescribed by a specialist after determining the underlying cause.

Folk remedies

Thanks to the variety of folk methods, it is possible to choose the appropriate method to eliminate this problem. To achieve greater effectiveness, treatment should begin after identifying the true factor.

Folk remedies:

  • Honey compress. Take equal amounts of almond oil and honey. Warm over low heat to room temperature. Apply the product to all problem areas of the skin, then wrap with cling film and wrap with a warm cloth. Keep it for at least 60 minutes, but it is advisable to leave it on all day or apply a compress at night.
  • Oils: cocoa, mango, coconut, peach, apricot, wheat germ, flaxseed, olive, almond. These products can simply be rubbed into the skin of your elbows or made into compresses. To do this, you will first need to heat any of the listed oils to a comfortable temperature, moisten a bandage (gauze) in it and wrap it around your elbow. Remove the bandage the next morning.
  • Baths with starch. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in 0.5 liters of warm water. Immerse your elbows in the prepared solution for 15 minutes, then rinse them with clean water and apply a nourishing cream (you can use a baby cream). You can also make wound-healing baths: mix the juice of 1/2 onion and lemon, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tsp. infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula. You need to keep your elbows in this composition for at least 1/4 hour.
  • Mask. The most effective: mix almond oil with honey in equal proportions, add 1 yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

The simplest thing is to wipe the cracked skin with agave juice several times a day. If there is absolutely no time, pharmaceutical products in the form of creams and ointments will come to the rescue.


If your elbows do not itch or crack too much, your skin is not dark or dry, it is enough to apply a nourishing cream with extracts of chamomile, alfalfa, lecithin, and glycerin several times a day. Rub into skin with massage movements. If the elbow bends become rough and thickened, lubricate them with salicylic ointment for a week. This will help remove the stratum corneum and disinfect the surface.

You can also use:

  • Lipikar (balm). Helps restore the lipid mantle of dehydrated skin.
  • Pitival (cream). Contains antibacterial and antifungal substances. Indicated for irritated and reddened skin.
  • Atoderm (cream). Moisturizes, nourishes and protects the skin from external factors.
  • Radevit (ointment). Reduces itching, inflammation, promotes healing of microcracks.
  • Bepanten (ointment). Accelerates cell renewal and reduces irritation.

When using the listed products, you must follow the instructions: apply twice a day after a shower. They can also be used after compresses and masks. Vitamin complexes: Aevit, Vitrum, Vetoron, Duovit, Pikovit, take in courses for 2-4 weeks, then take a break.

Always looking perfect is hard work. It is especially difficult to maintain the beauty of the body. Often various areas of the skin in the most inappropriate places are exposed to “danger”. The problem of peeling skin on the elbow of the left arm appears under the influence of some external or internal factors. What is the reason for such manifestations, and also how you can remove peeling on the elbows - this is what we will talk about in this article.

What could be the reasons?

So, why can the skin on your elbows dry, peel, and even crack? A rough elbow can cause discomfort. First, let's look at the diseases that can be accompanied by similar symptoms and what this means.


The skin on the elbows may begin to peel due to dermatitis - a disease in the form of a rash. redness and peeling of the skin all over the body or in patches.

Dermatitis can occur due to the following factors:

  • Experienced stress.
  • Frostbite in winter.
  • After thermal, chemical burns, as well as burns received from overheating in the sun.
  • Due to allergies to cosmetics, synthetic clothing, food products.

Important! This disease can occur either in an acute form or become chronic.

Signs of acute dermatitis may include the following:

  • Slight increase in body temperature.
  • Sudden itching.
  • Swelling and redness of certain areas of the body.
  • With infectious dermatitis - a rash.
  • With allergic dermatitis - runny nose.

Important! During chronic dermatitis, the inflammatory process is mild and a rash may appear. If left untreated, the rash can develop into abrasions, scabs, ulcers, cracks, from which pus will come out.


Psoriasis is “scaly lichen.” A skin disease in the form of sharply defined red spots covered with silvery scales. These spots then turn into dry plaques.

If the problem is not treated, it can spread to the nails and joints. As a rule, psoriasis affects:

  1. Small of the back.
  2. Knees and elbows.
  3. Parts of the feet on which we walk.
  4. Genital area.
  5. Hips and calves.
  6. Palms.
  7. The parts of the head where hair grows.

The causes of psoriasis can be the following factors:

  • Heredity.
  • Stress, emotional disturbances and hidden anger.
  • Skin injuries.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Taking medications (some drugs that lower blood pressure, progesterone, indomethacin, lithium, chloroquine).
  • Individual characteristics of the body for active division of skin cells.

Important! The problem may also arise due to the constant presence of mechanical influences. The skin on the elbows can dry out due to a sedentary lifestyle - if you sit at a table for a long time and lean your elbows on it.


The problem when the skin on the elbows dries out can arise due to a lack of iron in the body, and this disease is called anemia.

Symptoms of anemia may include the following:

  • Tinnitus, dizziness.
  • Fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Paleness of the mucous membrane of the skin.

Important! With prolonged anemia, perversion of taste may appear (you want to eat ice, paint, chalk).


Diabetes mellitus can be of two types.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes develop very quickly - in just a few days, and then a diabetic coma may occur. These symptoms include:

  • Smell of acetone from the mouth.
  • A person drinks up to 5 liters of water per day and still experiences extreme thirst.
  • Wounds do not heal well.
  • A person eats a lot, but still loses weight.
  • Frequent rashes, skin itches.
  • Frequent urination at night.

Important! As a rule, the first type of diabetes can appear after severe stress or an infectious disease, such as influenza, rubella, or measles.

Type 2 diabetes develops slowly over several years. Its symptoms may be:

  • Deterioration of memory, vision.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Itching all over the body.
  • Intense thirst.
  • Wounds do not heal well.
  • Numbness of the legs.
  • Frequent visits to the toilet at night.
  • Frequent diseases of thrush in women.
  • Ulcers on the feet and legs.
  • At a late stage - severe weight loss.


One of the likely reasons why dry skin on the elbows may be hypothyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland.

In addition to excessively dry, flaky skin on the feet, knees and elbows, there are other signs of this disease, of which the following can be identified:

  1. Chills, skin feels cold and pale in appearance.
  2. Fatigue and general weakness.
  3. Dry and brittle hair that falls out a lot.
  4. The voice becomes rougher.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Muscle pain and cramps.
  7. Hearing loss.
  8. Heart pain and shortness of breath.
  9. Bradycardia is a disorder of the heart, which is expressed in a pulse rate of less than 55 beats per minute.
  10. Constipation, flatulence, nausea and loss of appetite often occur.
  11. There are frequent cases of pneumonia and bronchitis, which do not cure for a long time.
  12. Apathy towards the surrounding world.


Often the cause of peeling skin on the elbows is a simple lack of vitamins C and A in the body. To find out the cause of the problem, you should consult a doctor who will first prescribe vitamins E and A, and then C.

Important! Vitamin A can only be absorbed together with fats.

Retinol (vitamin A) is found in large quantities in the following foods:

  • Liver.
  • Red, green, yellow fruits and vegetables.
  • Egg yolks.
  • Fish oil and sea fish.
  • Butter, whole milk and cream.

Important! Very often, to solve various problems not only with the skin, but also with hair and nails, it is enough to establish the correct diet. If you are aiming to do this, use the information from the following articles:

The most vitamin E is found in the following foods:

  • Nuts.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
  • Whole grain.
  • Fresh vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, broccoli, green onions, spinach).
  • Leaves of nettle, dandelion, raspberry.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Dog-rose fruit.

Important! Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is destroyed when exposed to light, air, water, high temperature, and does not accumulate in the body, so it must be replenished every day.

The following foods contain the most ascorbic acid:

  • Rose hip.
  • Coriander greens.
  • Sweet and bitter pepper.
  • Sea ​​buckthorn.
  • Black currant.
  • Parsley and dill.
  • Kiwi.
  • Cabbage - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and cauliflower.
  • Citrus.
  • Strawberry.

Important! In addition to sufficient consumption of vitamins, it is necessary to properly care for your elbows - lubricate them with nourishing oils on time, take baths with herbs.

Treatment and care for skin on elbows

To ensure that the skin on your elbows always remains soft and does not peel, you should follow the general recommendations:

  • Drink enough liquid - at least 2 liters per day.
  • If you previously took a bath every day, try replacing some of your baths with a shower.
  • Do not wash your elbows with soap - it is better to use special emollients. As statistics show, most men like to use soap, but this should not be done!
  • Take a multivitamin, especially in winter.
  • Do not use cosmetics with irritating effects.
  • If your elbows are already flaky and painful, use an anti-inflammatory cream.

Treatment of skin on elbows with dermatitis

If you suspect that you have dermatitis, you should consult a dermatologist, determine the cause of the disease, and first treat the disease, and only then the skin on your elbows.

If you have allergic dermatitis, you need to pay attention to the foods you usually eat. In addition to medications prescribed by the doctor, rashes and dryness at home can be treated in the following ways:

  1. For dermatitis caused by injuries, burns or insect bites, tea tree oil helps well. It has an anti-inflammatory effect - it is a good antiseptic against fungi, viruses and microbes.
  2. If the rashes are not too advanced, then it is useful to wash problem areas with tar soap made from birch tar, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Apply gauze dressings previously soaked in decoctions of Sophora japonica, periwinkle, celandine or string.
  4. Apply raw potato puree (as for potato pancakes) to the affected areas for two hours, then rinse and lubricate with propolis ointment.

Treatment of skin on elbows with psoriasis

Psoriasis can be treated in several ways:

  • The use of creams and ointments (eucerin, setafil, petroleum jelly).
  • Injections and pills.
  • Phototherapy is the use of light.

People suffering from psoriasis should eat more of the following:

  • Foods rich in folic acid (yeast, beans and peas, fruits and especially oranges, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, liver).
  • Products with Omega-3 fatty acids (sea fish).

In addition to treating the disease with medications, it is also necessary to care for large skin by taking one of the following baths:

  • With table salt - dilute 250 g of salt in a bath with warm water. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
  • With juniper berries - add 1 kg of berries to the bath.
  • With a decoction of wheatgrass roots - add 1 liter jar of roots to the bath.
  • With a decoction of herbs - add 1 tablespoon of infusion of calendula, chamomile, motherwort, string and 2 tablespoons of celandine. To improve the effect, you can also add a small piece of propolis.

Treatment of skin on elbows for thyroid disease

For thyroid disease, the doctor prescribes medications, but dietary nutrition is also necessary:

  • Foods rich in calcium (green vegetables, dairy products, cottage cheese and cheese).
  • Foods rich in iodine (seaweed, squid, fish, cod liver).
  • Raw vegetables (spinach, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, garlic and onions).
  • Vegetables subjected to minimal heat treatment (beets, potatoes, eggplants, zucchini).
  • Fruits (oranges, dates, currants, apples, persimmons).
  • Millet and buckwheat porridge.
  • Beef liver.

A few rules to follow for people suffering from hypothyroidism:

  • It is advisable to increase the consumption of protein foods, and reduce fats and carbohydrates.
  • Meat should be replaced with fish and seafood.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • It is better to replace sweets with dried fruits.
  • Eat warm food, chewing it thoroughly so that the body spends less energy on digestion.

Important! If you treat the disease by adhering to the diet and the above rules, as well as taking care of your skin, then flaky elbows will clear up on their own.

Treatment of skin on elbows for anemia

If the skin on your elbows is dry and your doctor has diagnosed you with iron deficiency anemia, you need to take iron supplements. In addition, it is worth remembering that some foods contain large amounts of iron, which can be replenished.

The most iron is found in foods such as:

  1. Hazelnut.
  2. Beans.
  3. Cereals.
  4. Sunflower and tahini halva.
  5. Peeling skin on the elbow of the left arm is a problem that, as a rule, does not pay much attention to. However, it can signal serious problems in the body. To determine exactly why the skin began to dry, crack and peel, you should consult a doctor who can prescribe the correct treatment. But remember that both the left and right elbow need treatment equally. Be healthy!

The elbows are dark and rough - to an uninformed person, such a skin problem may seem insignificant: I applied some moisturizing cream, and the rough spots disappeared. However, in practice everything turns out to be far from so easy. Black and rough elbows often signal the presence of serious health problems that require immediate attention. If your right or left elbow is rough, start addressing the problem as soon as possible.

Elbows are rough and dark: the main reasons

First of all, you need to figure out why the skin on your elbows is rough. The most common cause of dryness and dark spots on the elbows is simple pressure and friction. How do you sit at the table? Most often, leaning on him with your elbows.

The skin is subjected to very heavy stress at this time. The body's defense system cannot ignore such inconveniences and gives the command to thicken the epidermis. Because of this, the elbows become rough and dark.

Another common reason why the skin can become rough and dark is the lack of vitamins A and E, which are very important for the human body. Due to their deficiency, the tissues dry out and darken.

When understanding why elbows are rough, one should not ignore diseases that are characterized by such an external manifestation. Dryness and dark spots on the skin usually appear due to the following diseases.

  1. Hypothyroidism. An unfavorable change in the condition of the skin in the elbow area indicates a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Metabolic processes slow down, the rate of skin restoration becomes noticeably lower, exfoliation of dead cells does not occur, as a result of which the skin becomes stained, dark and rough. That is why doctors recommend that all patients whose elbows become rough and dark be examined first by an endocrinologist.
  2. Diabetes. This disease is characterized by a malnutrition of all cells of the body, and skin cells are no exception. Against the background of unfavorable changes, the skin becomes thin and dry. Even the smallest lesions can become infected and inflamed. Additionally, the palms and heels suffer and itching occurs.
  3. Diseases of an autoimmune and dermatological nature. The range of diseases is very wide - from common dermatitis and neurodermatitis to extremely rare ailments such as scleroderma, ichthyosis, etc.
  4. Iron-deficiency anemia. Because of it, the skin on the elbows can also become rough and dark.

Therefore, if your elbows have become dark and rough, be sure to undergo a comprehensive examination, during which the following should be done:

  • the condition of the thyroid gland was checked;
  • the level of sugar in the body is established;
  • the absence/presence of anemia, allergies, and skin diseases was confirmed.

Important! If everything is in order with your body, then your elbows have most likely become rough and dark due to insufficient intake of vitamins into the body, excessive sun exposure, or exposure to dry air on the skin (typical of the heating season).

What to do if your elbows are black and rough?

To restore the normal state of the skin, you can use folk remedies. There are many recipes to normalize the condition of dark and rough elbows.

Important! Before using any of the traditional recipes, make sure that the source of the problem is not the previously discussed diseases.

There are several recipes. For example, lemon has proven itself very well. Its juice has a whitening effect on the skin. To cure rough and dark elbows with lemon, cut it into thin slices and secure it on problem areas in a convenient way, for example, using an elastic bandage. Keep it for half an hour. After the specified time, apply nourishing cream to your rough and dark elbows. There is no need to rinse off the lemon juice. Usually the skin becomes lighter and smoother after 2-3 weeks of such procedures.

You can fight rough and dark elbows with potatoes. To do this, grate a raw potato on a fine grater and apply the resulting pulp to the skin. Wrap your elbows with potatoes in a bandage and leave for about an hour. If possible, you can leave it for a longer time - there will be no harm from this.

Often, various compresses, for example, apple cider vinegar, are used to normalize the condition of rough and dark elbows. To prepare it, mix 3 large tablespoons of vinegar with 2 tablespoons of boiled water of the same volume. Soak a couple of cotton pads in the resulting solution and apply them to your dark and rough elbows. Secure the compress on top with a bandage and leave for half an hour.

Baths against rough spots on elbows

To make the fight against dry and rough elbows even more effective, combine your chosen folk remedy with special restorative baths. Thanks to them, the rough and dry skin of the elbows will become tender and soft again.

To prepare such a bath, thoroughly stir 100 g of salt and 50 g of soda in a liter of water. Keep your elbows in this solution for 20 minutes, then gently treat them with pumice, dry with a towel and apply nourishing cream. Thanks to salt and soda, the skin will be cleansed of dead cells and various impurities. Also, such baths help normalize blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of dry and rough elbows.

For greater effect, you can replace regular water with potato broth. Use the water left over from cooking the boiled potatoes.

To whiten dark skin on your elbows, you can use a bath of ammonia. Mix a small spoon of liquid soap and the same amount of ammonia in a liter of warm water. Soak your rough and dark elbows in this bath for 20 minutes. After such treatment, the skin should lighten and become softer.

Prevention of dryness and black rough spots on the elbows

To prevent the problem in question from occurring or to bring rough and dark elbows back to normal even faster, follow these recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This way you will provide the necessary hydration to the skin from the inside;
  • humidify the air at home. It is especially important to do this during the heating season;
  • reduce the frequency of taking hot baths. Use a warm shower instead;
  • try to avoid contact of dry and rough elbows with soap;
  • take multivitamin complexes;
  • do not use cosmetics that contain irritating components;
  • take care of damaged elbow skin using pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory creams.

Also, for prevention, you can lubricate your elbows daily with a moisturizing oil, for example, grape seed oil, olive oil or black cumin seed oil.

The listed oils have an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, promoting active regeneration of the skin.

Additionally, you can make compresses from warm honey and baths from heated milk.

Video instruction

With a little patience, your rough and dry elbows will return to normal in no time. Good luck and stay healthy!
