Non-stick coating technology. Secrets of producing non-stick cookware from Scovo Stainless steel frying pan

Teflon does not absorb moisture and fat, nothing sticks to it - this is primarily why it is valuable for cooking. But, like ceramic-coated products, Teflon has one drawback, and a rather significant one - fragility. Just a little overdo it, and the expensive cookware is no longer suitable for cooking. And this pleasure is not cheap. But there is practically free way Give the pan the wonderful properties of Teflon.

Teflon substitute for making pancakes and omelettes

In my opinion, the most favorite utensil of any housewife is a frying pan (you can cook in it, and it helps your husband run around the house). Many of you, I'm sure, have dealt with Teflon-coated frying pans and know that this is a very delicate and troublesome matter.

Our great-grandmothers, who had never heard of any Teflon (Teflon was discovered in 1938), knew how to make a reliable substitute for the Teflon coating of pans for pancakes and omelettes at home.

To prevent the first pancake from coming out lumpy and the omelette from turning into a fried pancake, you need the right frying pan!

Making a Teflon coating for a frying pan with your own hands

  1. We find a frying pan at home with thick walls, up to 20–22 centimeters in diameter.
  2. Place on medium heat and fill it with rendered pork fat almost to the brim.
  3. Melt and boil it for a while, avoiding burning.
  4. Turn off the gas and let stand for 1 hour to allow the fat to cool.
  5. Then pour it into a bowl, and pour coarse salt into the bottom of the pan.
  6. We take a cloth and rub the frying pan from the inside for a long time - the bottom and sides.
  7. Shake out the salt and thoroughly wipe the pan with a clean napkin.

Woo ala! Teflon coating in front of you self-made. This homemade Teflon substitute is ideal for cooking. He's not afraid of anything sharp knife, not four furrows from the fork.

The best thing is if this frying pan is used only for the purpose for which we created the coating - baking omelettes and pancakes. Try not to use detergents to clean a frying pan with a homemade Teflon coating - use water and a clean cloth (can be disposable) to thoroughly wipe, otherwise you will have to repeat all the steps again.

Our website reader Svetlana shared this wonderful way of replacing Teflon coating with us. Thank you very much for this.

Teflon is essentially a cold and heat resistant plastic with special physical and chemical properties, and is widely used not only for kitchenware and utensils.

In Russia it is called fluoroplastic.

The material is patented, and the word “Teflon” itself is registered by the American company DuPont as a trademark.

Teflon glides better than melted ice; thanks to this property, mechanical parts that do not require lubrication are made from it.

Teflon, along with titanium, is biologically very compatible with human body. Therefore, in ophthalmology, surgery and dentistry it is used to make implants.

Teflon is an excellent protection against insects; they are not able to crawl on vertical surfaces on which this substance is applied.

D In order to have a good understanding of the quality of cookware, you need to understand how it is made. Unfortunately, not many cookware manufacturers are ready to open their production process for various reasons. The Scovo company, which owns the largest and most modern plant in Russia for the production of non-stick cookware, abandoned prejudices and spoke in the smallest details about how the products of the brand of the same name are made.

Production aluminum cookware with non-stick coating is a high-tech event. Despite its apparent simplicity, the process of making frying pans is quite difficult process, which has its own “secrets”. And who can reveal them if not experts?

Let's omit the huge preparatory work in the form of product drawings, marketing elaboration of the assortment, selection of accessories, color, coating, writing and approval technological maps, calculating the cost and its assessment in relation to market expectations... We will not dwell on the intricacies of planning promotion and support events, commercial policy and logistics features. Our story is only about the production of cookware with non-stick coating from extruded aluminum.

Scovo cookware is manufactured in two factories. One of them is the oldest enterprise in Russia for the production of aluminum cookware, located in the Urals, in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, the second, the largest plant in Europe for the production of non-stick cookware, is in the town of Stupino near Moscow.

Frying pan device

The frying pan consists on average of 11 parts (parts).

Metal preparation

Aluminum comes to the plant in large coils, 3-6 tons each. This is a specially processed strip of food-grade aluminum, certified for the production of cookware.


Aluminum tape with a thickness of 0.8mm to 2.7mm is traditionally used for the manufacture of economy-class cookware and is suitable for applying non-stick coating using the roller rolling method.

The service life of a product with such a coating is 1-1.5 years.

Aluminum strip with a thickness of 2.7 mm is used for the production of medium and premium class cookware. Non-stick coating applied exclusively by spraying.

The service life when using this coating is 3-4 years. Regardless of the type of coating, according to hygienic recommendations, pans should be changed every 3 years.

To make frying pans, you need to cut aluminum circles from tape in order to stamp them necessary products, having previously applied a non-stick coating (or after stamping, depending on the type of coating applied).

The coil with the tape is installed in the cutting machine. At Skovo, high-performance Italian machines cope with this task. This device allows, depending on the diameter of the circle, to select the most economical metal “cut” patterns to reduce the amount of cutting residues. Each diameter has its own program.

The finished discs are cleaned in a special apparatus, where burrs are mechanically removed and a slight roughness is created to improve the adhesion of the metal to the coatings.

IN future fate discs of the economy segment and the middle (premium) segment differ, since the technology for applying non-stick and decorative (external) coatings on different metal thicknesses differs.

Discs intended for the production of tableware in the economy segment are first painted, and then products are stamped from them; in the middle and premium segments, blanks are first stamped, which are then sent for painting. Again, the products will only be found on the assembly and packaging line.

Coating of economy class dishes.

Painting of discs up to 2.7mm thick occurs on the line of applying non-stick and decorative covering roller rolling method. The line is a mechanism up to 50 meters long with several coating rollers, pre-drying ovens and a final drying oven.


Application by roller rolling is carried out in 3-5 layers, resulting in a final coating thickness of 20-25 microns, which is optimal for maintaining the non-stick properties of the product during its intended service life.

The discs (3 pieces in a row) first go into the oven for pre-firing and drying the disc. The remaining oil left over from stamping is burned off from them, and the discs are then heated to apply the first layer of coating. The roller, impregnated with the required layer of non-stick, evenly applies it to a number of disks, after which they enter the preliminary drying of the first layer. Next, apply the second layer and the third in the same way. There can be up to 5 layers in one line, plus an additional decorative layer can be applied on top of the resulting layer.


The number of layers is established by the specifications of the coating manufacturers. It affects the durability and strength of the coating. The first layer is intended to facilitate the application of other layers, as it serves as the “glue” between the aluminum and the non-stick or decorative layers. The second layer, the thickest, serves as the main one in the coating, carries out the main function of the coating, last layer(finish) secures the middle layers and provides a protective and strengthening function for the coating.

There is a myth that ceramic coating lasts longer than PTFE based coating. This is incorrect, since in the second case the entire layer of coating has non-stick properties, which will serve until it is rubbed down to the metal. In the case of ceramic coatings Only the top film has non-stick properties, after abrasion of which the coating loses its non-stick properties, despite the fact that external changes are not visible.

During the process of annealing the non-stick coating in ovens at a temperature of 450° C, all chemical compounds necessary for “sticking” the coating to aluminum evaporate, which makes them safe for home use and environmentally friendly.

After coating one side of the discs, they are returned to the beginning of the conveyor, all shafts are washed and the second side of the discs is coated. As a rule, the non-stick coating is applied first, and then the decorative layer. After painting both sides, the discs go to the assembly line.

At this point, let’s pause and consider a similar process, but on mid- and premium-class products, with spray coating.

Coating of medium and premium class dishes.

Coatings applied by spraying are sprayed from nozzles under high pressure onto specially prepared fezzes.

Discs for these classes of cookware are initially stamped with powerful presses, acquiring the required form.

Then the stamped fezzes enter the washing tunnel, where the oils used in the press are washed off with alkaline solutions, the initial roughness is given (remember, this is necessary for the adhesion of the coating and aluminum) and dried. After this procedure, touch the fez with bare hands prohibited, as greasy fingerprints may remain on them, which will result in the coating peeling off from the metal in these places.

As with roller application, in this case coating is applied in several layers with pre-drying after applying each layer. The fez is placed in a rotating holder and the coating is supplied from the nozzle, which even layer lies on the surface in a circle, layer by layer.


The rotation speed of the holder is 120 rpm.

After applying the last layer, the fez goes into the oven for final drying. Then the fez is placed upside down on rotating holders and a layer of coating is applied on the other side using the same technology.

Some design products require a design to be applied to the bottom using silk-screen printing. If such an operation is necessary, a semi-automatic silk-screen printing machine is installed in our production. After applying the design, the fez once again goes into the oven to dry the paint.

After painting, the fezzes are found again on the assembly line.


Economy class cookware begins its assembly journey with a press, on which the painted disc is stamped, giving it the required shape. The operator behind the stamp starts the press with two buttons, pressing them with both hands at once, which almost completely eliminates injuries when using the press. The workpiece is placed in the mold and the press squeezes the pan out of it with gentle pressure and not impact, which prevents tearing, chipping, and scratching the coating or metal.

The next operation is similar for all types of products - turning the finished fez. Skovo's assembly lines have two lathes, each with two cutters. Two operations are performed at once: folding the edge and grooving the bottom.


At modern materials coating, the groove of the bottom bears exclusively decorative function. Previously, when using non-stick coatings, it was impossible to make continuous decorative surfaces in places where the bottom of the frying pan was actively heated, due to the fact that large surfaces of the coating cracked when heated due to ruptures as a result of thermal deformation. It was necessary to reduce the surface of the coating by circular grooving. IN modern conditions This measure may not be technologically applicable.

The myth about regulating heating by the size and discreteness of the grooves has no basis in itself, since the heating surfaces of the plates (any) provide uniform heat to the entire bottom of the product, therefore, every square centimeter of the bottom is heated evenly, regardless of the distance from the center of the heating element.

The next operation: installation of the handle, it is carried out in two ways - with riveting and with goujon.

The handle is riveted in one operation using two or three aluminum rivets, depending on the design of the handle. The operation is monotonous, but the quality of the riveting depends only on how “stuffed” the hand of the specialist performing the operation is.

The welded handle design is used on heavy frying pans with solid handles. To attach such a handle to a fez, an aluminum fastener, a goujon, is first welded to it. The goujon has a different angle at the attachment point depending on the shape of the fez; it must be welded exactly parallel to the heating surface of the pan. The cut angle of the goujon is selected for each frying pan individually.

After welding it to the fez, a handle is screwed through the flame-extinguishing aluminum or steel screen. The flame-extinguishing screen protects the plastic of the handle from hot air from the heating surface, and it also serves as a screen to protect the place where the goujon is welded to the fez.

The next operation is the personalization of those types of frying pans on which the SKOVO logo is not stamped. As a rule, these are economy class products, on which our logo is extruded in the center of the groove.

There is just a little bit left until the product is 100% ready for sale.

A label is put on or glued to the frying pan, each product is marked with a barcode label and packed in protective film or a polystyrene foam bag. If necessary, the product is equipped with a lid. We do not screw the boss to the lid, but insert a set of boss, washer and bolt separately.


Skovo company products are packaged in three types of packaging

1. Label insert + protection with shrink film
2. Open label + polystyrene foam bag
3. Individual box

On mid- and premium-class products, the lid is tightly attached to the product with a heat-shrinkable belt.

The individually packaged product is placed according to the packaging cards in corrugated boxes for palletizing and transportation to the finished product warehouse.

Petr Cherenkov
Photo - Eduard Milokumov (,
Original material -

A frying pan is one of the main kitchen utensils. Every housewife has a whole set of frying pans - pancake, grill, small, large. They are made from different materials and require constant care. Restoring the non-stick coating is the main concern of owners. High-quality cookware in good condition will help you always prepare healthy, tasty food.

Why does the frying pan burn?

Cooking can become very difficult if the pan burns. What should you do when the potatoes burn and stick to the bottom, you can’t get the scrambled eggs off the frying pan, and you end up with ugly lumps instead of pancakes? This problem can most often be dealt with, but the solution will vary depending on the material from which the pan is made.

Let's look at ways to clean the surface and restore the non-stick coating for different types frying pans and pots.

What to do in this case? A cast iron frying pan is made of porous materials. The oil enters the pores and creates a natural non-stick coating. Violation of this coating leads to burning. To avoid this and restore protective covering, the following processing needs to be done:

  • Wash the dishes warm water and wipe dry.
  • Cover the bottom of the dish with salt and heat in the oven or on the stove. Processing time is one hour.
  • Add salt. Grate inner surface dishes sunflower oil.

You must act carefully when using oven mitts. The temperature of cast iron after calcination is very high. But if, despite the preparation, everything sticks to the pan. What to do in this case? You can heat the pan again. First you need to wash it thoroughly and clean the burnt layer. Then wipe and rub with sunflower oil inside and out and, removing excess oil, place in the oven with the bottom up. It needs to be heated for about an hour at a temperature of 180°. After cooling, the dishes can be removed from the oven. This procedure will have to be repeated from time to time to restore the non-stick layer.

For the cleaning cast iron frying pan To remove burnt food residues, you can boil it with soda. After this, the deposit will be easily washed off.

Aluminum is also porous, so it needs the same care as cast iron. Aluminum cookware also needs to be heated with salt. Another way to restore the coating of the pan is to fry diced bread in it without butter. When frying, the bread will absorb all the remains of burnt food. Housewives consider this method effective.

Aluminum is a light and strong metal, but it has many disadvantages. One of the main ones is the ability to react with some acidic and alkaline products. In this case, the metal can enter food. Therefore, the use of aluminum without a special coating is undesirable.

The enamel coating also has a porous structure, but products with enamel cannot be calcined. Therefore, to restore the coverage you need:

  • Wash and clean well using detergents and a soft sponge.
  • Dry with a towel and dry completely.
  • Rub with lard or interior fat.

It is advisable to perform this procedure before each use of the cookware.

Stainless steel frying pan

Over time, microcracks and scratches form on the metal surface. To avoid burning, you need to grease the stainless steel frying pan with oil. Fat fills cavities, creates an even coating and prevents sticking. Handle a stainless steel frying pan with care, try not to scratch it, use a silicone or wooden spatula.

To avoid damaging stainless steel and cast iron cookware, you must follow these rules:

  • Clean the surface before preparing food.
  • Do not place frozen or cold foods in the pan. This promotes the formation of microcracks.
  • Before frying, the food should be blotted with a paper towel so that no water remains on it. Water lowers the temperature of the oil, which causes burning.
  • It is better to put oil in a hot frying pan.

Teflon cookware allows you to cook food without using oil. Polymer coating prevents products from sticking. After some time, due to the thinning of the non-stick layer, the food in the pan begins to burn. You can restore Teflon coating at home. To do this, you need to boil the frying pan with soap shavings, adding a little more citric acid and vinegar. Boil for 15 minutes, then dry and coat the bottom with oil. If this does not lead to the desired result, then the dishes need to be replaced.

Teflon cookware is convenient to use, but when heated, Teflon releases substances harmful to humans. Therefore, cookware with ceramic non-stick coating is becoming increasingly common.

Ceramic dishes have big amount advantages:

  • Environmental Safety. The dishes are made from natural materials.
  • Ceramic is non-stick.
  • High wear resistance.

But in order for a ceramic frying pan to serve for a long time , you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The new frying pan should be washed with a soft sponge, dried and rubbed with sunflower oil. You can start using it in a few hours.
  • After one or two years of use, special treatment should be carried out, which will extend the service life of the dishes for another year.
  • Protect the pan from temperature changes, do not pour cold water and do not put frozen or cold foods in it.
  • For washing, use the least aggressive detergents. It is not recommended to use soda.
  • Use only silicone or wooden spatulas.

But sometimes these measures are not enough. Food starts to stick. What to do to prevent the pan from burning. The dishes should be washed. Dry thoroughly. Coat the surface vegetable oil. After a few days, you can wash off the oil with warm water and soap.

Sometimes the pan only burns in the middle. This is due to uneven heating of the bottom of the pan. When using gas stove You can install a fire spreader. This will lead to more even heating of the surface and will protect against burning in the center.

To make work in the kitchen easier, you need to choose only high-quality cookware and focus on the rules of use and recommendations for maintaining products made from different materials.

Care and careful handling of dishes will significantly extend their service life and your favorite dishes will continue to delight your family and loved ones.

Attention, TODAY only!

Before we talk about restoring the non-stick coating, it’s worth talking a little about why this restoration is necessary at all and why you can’t use equipment with a damaged coating. Damage the non-stick coating, especially if we're talking about about Teflon, very easy.

Using a knife or fork instead of a wooden or silicone spatula can lead to scratches; cleaning the surface with a metal sponge, accidentally dropping equipment - all this leads to cracks and chips, which are dangerous.

Teflon, having many advantages, has a significant drawback. When the coating is damaged and heated, substances hazardous to health begin to be released. Therefore, using equipment with damaged coating is harmful. Throwing away expensive and convenient frying pans, molds, baking sheets and other equipment is also unprofitable.

An excellent solution would be to restore (apply Teflon coating) the non-stick layer.

Restoration of Teflon coating

Often we become so accustomed to familiar and convenient kitchen utensils that for a long time we cannot find a replacement for damaged utensils. Now there is no need for such searches, since your inventory can be restored. The Teflon layer can be applied efficiently and in as soon as possible, for this you just need to contact the “Food Equipment Center” company. In addition to restoring damaged coatings, we provide Teflon plating services for new equipment.

In our production we use Teflon coating “GREBLON” - an innovative development of German scientists - a high-quality and inexpensive coating. If you need to renew the Teflon coating or apply Teflon to new dishes, You can always contact our company.

Is it possible to restore Teflon yourself?

We strongly do not recommend that you attempt to restore the non-stick coating yourself without the appropriate equipment and experience. Even if you manage to completely remove the previous non-stick coating, it is very difficult to apply a new layer at home. Possessing all the necessary technical equipment and having qualified specialists, we will quickly and efficiently replace the Teflon layer of your equipment.

Restoring non-stick coating is a job that is best left to professionals!

It is in great demand among buyers: this particular kitchen utensil is purchased more often than any other. It is easy and convenient to cook in, and quite easy to clean after use.

Exists two main types of non-stick coatings:

- Silicone and silicone polyester. These organic resins, as a rule, rarely become the basis for non-stick coatings. They were not designed to withstand high heat on the stove, but so that they could be used to cook a variety of sweet baked goods, and also be safe to wash these dishes in dishwasher. In general, silicone nonstick coatings are less expensive than fluoropolymer-based coatings.

- PTFE or fluoropolymer compounds. These nonstick coatings are only used in cookware intended for stovetop cooking. The active component of these coatings is a compound known as polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE - a hard, waxy substance that is considered the world's slipperiest - even slipperier than wet ice. It is thanks to the presence of this compound that products do not stick at all to fluoropolymer non-stick coatings.

Non-stick coating components.

Both silicone and fluoropolymer nonstick coatings contain at least four and sometimes five main components:

Resin or other viscous substance that provides reliable adhesion to the surface of the pan.

The pigment that colors the coating.

Free agent (providing non-stick properties) - either PTFE or silicone compound.

- “Carrier” - an organic solvent or water - which “carries” the components, but evaporates when the coating cures at high temperature.

Additional reinforcing compounds to increase wear resistance.


Coatings can have from one to three layers. Most coatings also have a reinforcing layer to additional protection from wear and tear. Obviously, multi-layer coatings are more expensive than single- or double-layer coatings.

Single layer coating resin, pigment, free agent and solvent are a single mixture that is used to treat the surface of the cookware and then cure it at high temperature.

In dishes with a two-layer coating The first layer is made as a primer, and a second layer of composition with a higher percentage of free agent is applied to it.

Three-layer coating contains a primer, then a middle layer with an increased content of fluoropolymer, which improves adhesion, and a base layer. The layers are successively fused onto each other and dried, and then the piece of cookware is sent to the final stage of production, where the coating is completely hardened.

To improve performance, three-layer coatings are strengthened in one of the following ways:

External reinforcement: a layer of of stainless steel, thanks to which subsequent layers of non-stick coating are very securely fixed.

Internal reinforcement: solid particles (titanium, ceramic) are added to the composition for the primer and middle layers. The top or base layer is usually not reinforced. This treatment significantly increases the wear resistance and non-stick properties of the coating.

Non-stick coating for cookware made from different materials

Most modern ones have a non-stick coating. Aluminum is easy to prepare for processing, and its thermal conductivity makes the curing process quite fast and inexpensive. Stainless steel is more difficult to coat with any kind of non-stick coating. Indeed, in this case, the surface must be carefully prepared for application, so the hardening operation of the coating is longer and, therefore, more expensive. In addition, many consumers choose it for its radiant shine, so the demand for steel non-stick cookware is not as great as for aluminum. It is even rarer to find cookware made of cast iron or glass equipped with a non-stick coating.

Coating Methods

There are three main methods used to apply non-stick coating:

Spraying. A sprayed non-stick coating is applied to the surface of the cookware automatically or manually. Advantages: denser coverage. Disadvantages: Lower productivity than other methods, loss of expensive coating material due to spraying (splashes that fall past the product).

Covering under the veil: Blanks (round or square pieces of material from which the dishes will later be made) pass through a curtain of non-stick coating along a conveyor belt (Figure 1). Advantages: high performance practically without loss of non-stick composition. Disadvantages: Flat workpieces are required; finished cookware cannot be processed using this method.

Coating using rollers (roller rolling): blanks (round or square pieces of material from which the dishes will later be made) pass through rollers with liquid coating. Applying the coating with rollers is carried out in the same way as painting walls using a roller. Advantages: high performance with low cost of non-stick material. Disadvantages: uneven grooves are formed on the finished product; finished dishes cannot be processed using this method.

Of the three methods described above, the most expensive is spraying, followed by the curtain method and roller rolling.
