Own business. Private greenhouse farming. How to competently start a greenhouse business from scratch

Natural vegetables, herbs and fruits are in demand at any time of the year. The bulk of products reach store shelves not only from abroad, but also from Russian farmers, including small private farms.

Greenhouse business is profitable and promising occupation V rural areas. This activity is suitable for budding entrepreneurs who love to work on the land and care for plants. Starting your own business requires a serious approach. At the first stage, you need to decide on the crop that will be grown, set a budget and draw up a business plan for the greenhouse.

To get started greenhouse business from scratch, you will need to find land to build a greenhouse. If an entrepreneur owns a plot of land, this will reduce initial costs by at least half. A small greenhouse can be located on an area of ​​5-6 acres. The purchase of such a site will cost 500,000 – 900,000 rubles.

Note! It is not recommended to rent land for a greenhouse complex. There are risks of conflict situations with the landlord, who may demand an increase in rent, or even terminate the contract.

When choosing a crop to grow in a greenhouse as a business, you must adhere to the main rule - a thorough study of the consumer market and product distribution channels.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse

The greenhouse will bring stable income. In temperate regions, farmers grow radishes, Chinese cabbage and cucumbers. These vegetables ripen early and are stored for a long time, which simplifies the delivery of goods to other cities.

In southern Russia, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and other heat-loving vegetables grow in greenhouses. They are more demanding on storage conditions, so transportation is carried out in small batches.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business around the clock

Greens are perfect option for those entrepreneurs who want to engage retail sales. Despite the low price of the product, growing lettuce, spinach, dill and parsley is a very profitable activity.

The product is in demand throughout the year. In addition, greens grow very quickly and do not require much space or special care. From one square meter get about 1 kg per harvest. At proper organization work in a greenhouse, in a year you can collect up to 15 kg of plants from 1 square meter.

In one greenhouse you can grow several types of greens at once, this will expand the range and increase profits.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business

Despite the difficulties of care, flowers are one of the most promising directions in the greenhouse business. In one greenhouse
Several types of plants can grow.

Trade in cut flowers is considered the most profitable. For example, the cost of growing tulips in a greenhouse can be recouped in one season, on the eve of the March 8 holiday.

Note! It will be easier for a beginner to grow carnations or grow peonies, since these plants are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and rapid growth.

You can breed at home indoor plants. This product is not as popular as cut flowers, but it brings in good additional income.

Growing berries and fruits

Setting up a strawberry business in a greenhouse will bring good income. Among other berries, it is in the highest demand. Repairer gives high yield, and will fully recoup all expenses spent on initial stage.

Its popularity in the greenhouse is due to the presence of several varieties that can produce crops twice a year. On garden plots Fruit ripening begins in early July and ends at the end of August. In closed ground, berries can be collected in winter period And in early spring. This significantly increases the cost of the product on the market. Despite the high price, people are happy to buy fresh raspberries at any time of the year.

Greenhouse business plan

Where to start a greenhouse business? From the development and preparation of a business plan. It must reflect all expenses, assess the prospects for the enterprise and analyze risks. The profitability of the project will depend on the chosen crop for cultivation, the budget and the scale of the business. In addition, the cost of a greenhouse is affected by communications: irrigation and heating systems, lighting. Chosen as an example small greenhouse made of polycarbonate with an area of ​​70 square meters, where cucumbers will be grown.

Monthly greenhouse maintenance and payment costs utilities(lighting, heating and water) will be 8,000 rubles.

One square meter of greenhouse produces about 50 kg of cucumbers per year. Thus, from a greenhouse with an area of ​​70 sq. m you can collect 3.5 tons of crop. The average cost of cucumbers on the market is 100 rubles per kilogram. An entrepreneur can receive an income equal to 350,000 rubles.

From this amount it is necessary to subtract the monthly expenses for the year of work - 96,000 rubles. In total, the annual profit will be 254,000 rubles. All expenses spent on business will pay off within two years.

To understand whether it is profitable or not to engage in a greenhouse, you need to take care of product sales channels in advance. The owner of a small farm can supply goods to chain stores, restaurants and cafes, or sell products on the retail market.

Like any other business, the greenhouse business has its pros and cons. The advantages are:

  • Small starting capital;
  • High demand for products;
  • Possibility to independently maintain a greenhouse up to 100 sq. m.

The disadvantages include:

  • High electricity tariffs;
  • The problem of transportation and storage of products;
  • Seasonality.

Do you think the greenhouse business is profitable?

I think yesNot profitable


Most rural residents grow vegetables, fruits and flowers on their plots of land. They have all the necessary knowledge and skills to obtain and preserve the harvest.

The greenhouse business is a labor-intensive and troublesome task, despite this it is in a great way earnings for residents of the private sector. Construction of a greenhouse in own garden will save costs, and the high demand for fresh products will provide a stable income.

In this article you will find practically ready business plan greenhouse farming and overview various options, as well as some technologies for growing greenhouse products. So, is the greenhouse business profitable? Let's find the pros and cons of this idea and find out how quickly this project will pay off.

Greenhouse business plan: let’s calculate profitability

Let’s say right away: a greenhouse business should be started only in the southern regions.

Experts have calculated that it is more profitable to transport grown products to the northern regions than to pay for electricity or gas to heat the greenhouse. A ready-made greenhouse business plan should take this into account when calculating the profitability of the enterprise.

However, you should know that transporting finished products will be profitable only when you have well-established logistics. Typically, large companies that grow vegetables and herbs set up their “domains” in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, where not only are the days longer and warmer, but they are also cheaper work force and earth. In addition, according to media reports, the administration of these regions allocates subsidies of 50% for the opening of agriculture.

According to experts, to “break even” it is necessary that the profitability of the greenhouse business be at least 20%.

It is worth taking care of the sales market in advance, negotiating with the owners of retail chains and concluding agreements on the supply of your products. You can arrange delivery of greens to clients.

The following pros and cons of greenhouse cultivation can be included in a ready-made business plan:

The advantages include:

  • low costs for setting up a business;
  • quick payback;
  • demand for products from retail outlets and the population;
  • the opportunity to use fresh products yourself.

The disadvantages include:

  • expensive electricity (you can save on it by using wood heating);
  • seasonality of business;
  • the need to solve the problem of delivery to the buyer and maintaining the presentation of products.

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Greenhouse farming: what to grow?

The most profitable thing, according to experts, is growing flowers. In second place are greens. And the least profitable thing is growing vegetables. Currently, the most common growing herbs are onions, parsley and lettuce. Greens are not particularly difficult to grow, do not require as much heat and light as vegetables, and they are almost always present on the dinner table.

A greenhouse business plan should start with the following questions:

  • choice of growing system;
  • choosing the number of greenhouses and their total area;
  • choice of greenhouse covering.

The most common and less expensive growing system is hydroponics. It automates the growing process and makes it faster. The plants are in a “glass” of water, into which fertilizers and nutrients are supplied in liquid form through tubes.

The disadvantage of such a system is that such greens have a watery taste and a picky buyer will always distinguish green bunches grown in the country from “hydroponic” plants. Nevertheless, 90% of the market is occupied by greens grown using the hydroponic method.

Advocates of hydroponics argue that vegetables grown in soil accumulate higher levels of pesticides.

There are intermediate technologies between soil and hydroponics. They allow you to achieve the taste of "ground" vegetables. This is achieved by adding real soil and peat to the nutrient solution in which the plants are located.

And finally, there are convenient mobile beds in which vegetables of the highest quality grow.

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Greenhouse and its covering

In addition to the method of growing greens, a lot of controversy arises from the question of what is better to use as a greenhouse covering: glass or polyethylene?

Glass transmits a lot of heat, this is not economical, and in too sunny regions it can cause burns to plants. In addition, thin glass cannot be used in the greenhouse. At a minimum, it should be 6 mm; such glass costs a lot of money.

Polyethylene also has its drawbacks: it does not transmit as much light as glass, and it is short-lived. You can also use polycarbonate and acrylic, which eliminate the disadvantages of polyethylene.

Capital investment in greenhouse farming: 775,000 rubles.
Payback time for greenhouse farming: 1-2 years

Find greenhouse business plan It’s quite difficult on the Internet. This is due to the wide variety of growing methods, as well as the choice of crops.

This article contains all key point, which you can use to fully plan your own business.

In Russia, the greenhouse industry is developed quite heterogeneously.

Such businesses in our country began to reach the European level with advanced technologies and highly qualified workers only ten years ago.

This kind entrepreneurial activity Quite profitable, so it is popular. Let's look at a structured plan for starting a greenhouse business.

Greenhouse business plan: collecting documentation

In some cases, you will not have to collect any special documents for the farm.

For example, if a plot of land for growing products is the property of an entrepreneur, and he does not plan to sell goods in particularly large quantities, hire personnel and sell products to legal entities.

When it comes to growing something other than “for yourself and a neighbor,” it becomes necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm. How to do it?

How should I register an IP?

It is necessary to register the activities of a farm as an individual entrepreneur if the goods will be sold with the involvement of employees and on a large scale:

  • in small shops;
  • hypermarkets;
  • restaurants;
  • cafe.

Assignment of status individual entrepreneur makes it possible to have certain benefits for running a greenhouse business.

To get them, you will need to register (which is not that difficult even for a beginner).

You will need to collect and submit the following documents to the tax office:

  • registration application in form P21001;
  • a photocopy of the passport of the founder of the farm;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • photocopy of the document on assignment of TIN (if available).

After five days you can pick up documents confirming registration.

For current information and detailed information, see the Federal Tax Service website: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/.

How to register a peasant farm?

The process of registering peasant farms contains the same stages of registration as the registration of individual entrepreneurial activity.

To register a peasant farm, you will need to collect a package of papers and take it to the tax service:

  • application for registration of a farm, which must be certified by notary services;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • list of selected codes according to OKVED-2;
  • photocopies of documents confirming family ties of other people with the founder (this data may be needed to search for a person if he decides to hide from the law).

Detailed and up-to-date information on the registration of peasant farms is available on the website of the state tax service: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/related_activities/registration_ip_yl/registration_fh/order/.

If a greenhouse farm is founded not by one, but by several members, then a contract is drawn up between the partners.

It states the following points:

  • contact phone numbers;
  • the founders must choose one person to head the greenhouse enterprise, the business plan of which is developed by all members;
  • the rights and responsibilities of all founders must be clearly defined;
  • the procedure for admitting and exiting members of the greenhouse business into the society;
  • Photocopies of all passports are also attached.

To clarify the list of documents, you must consult a notary or lawyer.

Unlike registering an individual entrepreneur, this procedure is quite complicated, so it is better not to take risks, but to trust the specialists.

Greenhouses are not subject to licensing. The only “but”: if you decide to sell the goods to wholesale buyers, you will need to undergo mandatory sanitary control.

Also, if you are installing greenhouse heating for your household, the condition of the systems must be checked by a fire safety inspection.

Only after completing the appropriate documentation can you begin to implement the business plan.

Greenhouse business: two sides of the coin

Before starting each business, you should identify its weaknesses and strengths. This will allow you to assess the feasibility of bringing the idea to life.

Advantages of greenhouse business

  • minimal investment to start your own business;
  • a greenhouse business will quickly pay for itself if implemented correctly;
  • high profitability of the idea;
  • the ability to use your own product for your needs.

Disadvantages of a business idea

  • I'll have to post it a large sum for monthly electricity use;
  • greenhouse business is a seasonal type of trade;
  • You will have to resolve issues with transportation and storage of products before they hit the shelf.

Every business may encounter certain problems that require a lightning-fast solution. But with experience, the head of a greenhouse enterprise develops the skills to quickly resolve issues, and he will be able to significantly expand the farm.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of the above-mentioned shortcomings if you are determined to bring the idea to life.

Having found out all the nuances that are associated with paperwork and the pros and cons of business, you can move on to the practical part.

Types of greenhouses for organizing a greenhouse business

The greenhouse business today offers the use of 3 types of structures:

This greenhouse material requires no effort to install.

But even if many years of experience with it are not needed, this does not mean that polyethylene can be treated without special care.

For example, if the greenhouse material was poorly stretched and secured, the next morning you can find only torn parts from the overall fabric.

This can happen due to a strong gust of wind that was blowing inside the greenhouse structures. But if you do not allow air to enter the greenhouse, the plants will overheat and die!

Therefore, there is only one way out: securely fasten the material and monitor the condition of the farm.

After choosing one of the types of greenhouses, you can begin to develop a business plan for a greenhouse farming, taking into account the crop culture.

Greenhouse business plan: crop choice

There are many crops and plants that can be grown on the farm. The profitability of the greenhouse business really depends on your choice.

We will not analyze absolutely all types of vegetation available for cultivation.

Better yet, we will provide 4 categories that ensure maximum business profitability.

1. Growing vegetables

Such a greenhouse will bring good profits during the cold season.

You can grow:

  • cucumbers;
  • pepper of different types;
  • tomatoes;

Which culture is considered the most popular is clearly shown by the graph:

Of course, in summer time It will not be profitable to engage in such a business. But if trade is carried out during the cold season, then the prices displayed on the shelves for vegetables will compensate for all costs.

In addition, the greenhouse business can be combined with outdoor cultivation.

The main costs of growing vegetables are related to heating the greenhouse, lighting, watering and, in some cases, heating the soil.

2. Berries in a greenhouse

What berry do you think is especially valued in winter time?

The greatest profit from the greenhouse business comes from growing.

The demand for this berry remains consistently high throughout the cold season, so there should be no problems with the sale of goods.

3. Greenhouse greens for sale

A greenhouse business plan developed for the cultivation of dill, parsley or similar crops will quickly pay for itself, since this product always remains in demand among consumers.

Greens on the table are not only healthy, but also tasty and beautiful decoration any dish.

4. Growing flowers in a greenhouse

The greenhouse business, the business plan of which is based on breeding and growing flowers, is considered the most profitable area.

The best-selling flowers that will quickly help recoup the investment in the implementation of the business plan:

  • roses;
  • orchids;
  • tulips;
  • lilies.

Of course, growing roses and exotic varieties will cause quite a lot of difficulties. But after selling the goods and receiving the proceeds, the founder will be satisfied - this is guaranteed.

When starting to create a greenhouse business plan, you need to study the market, product sales statistics and set priorities.

The founder must realistically assess his capabilities and determine whether he is capable of growing products that are in demand among consumers.

Methods of growing products in greenhouses

1) Hydroponics

The least expensive and most common method is hydroponics.

The process of plant growth in this way is automated, so vegetables, berries and fruits grow much faster than in natural conditions.

The crop, which will subsequently be sold, grows in a container. Water, saturated with various mineral compounds and fertilizers, flows there with the help of special tubes.

But such quick way contains a fairly significant disadvantage on the sales market - this is the watery and unnatural taste of the product.

The buyer will immediately distinguish a bunch of greenery grown in a garden bed from a bunch that was sprouted using the hydroponic method.

However, numbers are an inexorable thing. Statistics say that 92% of the products on the shelves are grown in this way.

2) Intermediate option

There is also an intermediate method that is between growing crops hydroponically and in the ground.

It consists in adding peat and natural soil to nutrient solutions.

The advantage of this method is that the plants will not have a watery, but already familiar “earthy” taste. The downside is the additional costs of providing growing conditions.

Using this method, the entrepreneur receives a significant competitive advantage - a more “lively” taste, which is appreciated not only by retail customers.

This criterion is important for selling products to cafes and restaurants.

3) Mobile beds

A greenhouse business, the business plan of which was developed on the basis of growing on mobile beds, makes it possible to obtain products of the highest quality with maximum proximity to the natural taste.

A novice entrepreneur must choose a crop and growing method, and then create financial section greenhouse business plan. The estimated estimate below will serve as an example.

You will learn about the advantages and prospects of the greenhouse business from the issue of the Agronomics program:

Greenhouse farming: business plan with financial calculations

The main costs of the farm: rent of land, construction of greenhouses, purchase of inventory, equipment, plants, wage, fertilizers.

Greenhouse expenses

This greenhouse business plan did not include the salary of the manager, only the auxiliary workers. This is due to the fact that at first the founder can handle this work himself.

If a manager wants to grow crops on 1 hectare of land, then he needs to hire about 11 workers to carefully control the farm. But if the greenhouse business is based on advanced technologies and the latest equipment, the number of maintenance personnel can be reduced.

Greenhouse payback

It is quite difficult to give an accurate estimate and payback period for a farm, since it depends on many factors:

  • With the territorial placement of greenhouse farming in some regions, it is possible to obtain more than four harvests per season. And in others - one or two.
  • The location where the greenhouse business is located is also of great importance.

    When creating a business plan, it is necessary to take into account transportation costs and calculate how much gasoline will need to be poured into the car to deliver goods from greenhouses to points of sale.

According to average statistics, greenhouse farming will be able to pay for itself in 1-2 years.

Some are convinced that the winter season is a time for rest and accumulation of strength, while others use this period to earn money.

How can you effectively use the cold season? You might consider a winter greenhouse as an option for your own business. This method of earning money is perfect for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, since at the initial stage large investments not required.

The following can be successfully grown in a greenhouse:

  • Any greens: dill, parsley, onions, spinach, cilantro and so on.
  • Almost all types of flowers.
  • Any vegetables that are in demand: cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots and much more.

In addition, you can use winter greenhouse for growing exotic fruits, the demand for which is consistently high at any time of the year, and it significantly exceeds the supply available on the market.

If we talk about growing vegetables, then we need to take into account not only the demand of the crop, but also the ripening period, as well as the profitability of the venture. For example, carrots, beets and potatoes ripen in about four months, therefore, you will not be able to make a profit in this case. These vegetables can be stored for a long time and are therefore considered a seasonal product, and greenhouses are best used for growing fast-growing crops.

The most acceptable option would be cucumbers and tomatoes. So, to get maximum profit from the greenhouse it should be planted with fast-growing vegetables that give a high yield.

Greenhouse construction

When building a warm greenhouse, it is better to use durable and thermal insulation materials. There are three possible options:

  1. Polycarbonate. This material has many significant advantages. Firstly, he misses Sun rays. Secondly, the construction of such a structure does not require the construction of a foundation, which significantly reduces construction costs. However, polycarbonate itself is considered a rather expensive material.
  2. Polyethylene. The main and only advantage of this material is its cost. The disadvantages are low throughput (vegetables grow slowly) and low strength. The polyethylene structure has to be repaired almost every year.
  3. Glass. Glass structures are very expensive. But there are many advantages: excellent throughput, long service life and the ability to use the structure all year round.

Equipment and heating

It is important to understand that any crop grown in winter in greenhouse conditions, requires careful handling, since it will be much weaker than its seasonal counterpart. Particular attention should be paid to the soil, no matter what you plant in it. The composition of the soil should be balanced and rich in minerals and fertilizers. It is worth noting that the established concentration should be strictly adhered to, since excess nutrients harm the plants and they can “burn out.”

The climate zone you have chosen for the construction of the structure also requires special attention. If the air temperature is below 5 degrees, then the greenhouse needs to be insulated or even installed heating system. The following can be used as heaters:

  • Boilers using coal, fuel oil or wood.
  • Heaters.
  • Gas boilers with heating catalyst vessels.
  • Buleryans.

There is also the option of connecting the greenhouse to home system steam heating. All of the above options have one general disadvantage– lack of uniform distribution of heat; according to the laws of physics, it collects at the top of the structure, and its lower part is not fully heated.

The arrangement requires not only heating, but also additional lighting.

To grow crops in greenhouse conditions, special lamps are produced that emit the spectrum necessary for photosynthesis. Such lamps are not particularly expensive, but they are difficult to install. Energy-saving mercury, fluorescent and LED lamps are also suitable for lighting.

It is also necessary to prepare the beds in the greenhouse minimum height 20 centimeters from fertile soil and humus. You will have to install a special irrigation system, although you can water it manually.

You can see the arrangement of such a structure in Siberia in the following video:

Organization of product sales

Basically, products from the garden and greenhouse are sold On the market. Selling vegetables directly is a great option for a new farmer. To do this, you need to open a tent or rent a retail space.

You can sell grown crops to shops and supermarkets. These outlets They sell a fairly large volume of vegetables every day. However, in this case you will have to register your activities, and this is an additional expense. But, nevertheless, if you plan to grow large volumes of products, then such a profitable distribution channel cannot be missed.

Investments and profitability

A winter greenhouse is a fairly promising and profitable business that can provide the entrepreneur with continuous profit. To assess the profitability of such a business idea, a number of factors should be taken into account: construction and glazing material, climatic conditions, crop grown, distribution channels, etc. On average, the construction and arrangement of a structure requires about 400 thousand rubles.

It is extremely difficult to determine the amount of expected profit from organizing a business, since income depends on a number of conditions.

First of all, they depend on the region in which the greenhouse is located. The climate of some areas allows you to grow up to four crops per year, while in others - a maximum of two. The remoteness of the greenhouse farm from the city also plays an important role - transportation costs, available distribution channels and much more directly depend on this factor. If we talk about the expected payback period for investments, then the most realistic can be considered a period of two to three years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the project

From positive points One can note relatively low construction costs, simple solutions to organizational issues and stable demand for grown products. However, there is still a question of price. The advantages include the payback period of investments, but here everything largely depends on the scale of the farm.

The disadvantages include high costs for paying for electricity (design large area need to be illuminated almost around the clock) and the seasonality of the business. Of course, in winter the demand for grown products will be consistently high, but in the summer it is quite difficult to sell goods at a good price. In addition, you need to take into account that delivering the goods to the buyer will be your task, and this implies additional costs.

Every year the demand for natural products is growing, which is due to the popularization healthy image life and increased attention to your diet and body condition. In addition, there is now a significant increase in the number of farm shops offering visitors a range of healthy products that are supplied there, including from greenhouses. This means that the need for healthy food will gain momentum in the near future.

The greenhouse business in Russia is on the rise: new complexes are being built, production volume is increasing, as evidenced by the figures. At the end of 2016, the total harvest of greenhouse vegetables reached 1.6 million tons, which is 10.8% more than in 2015. Large agricultural complexes increased production by 13.4% - to 814 thousand tons, according to Rosstat data. In addition, market analysis shows that the sanctions applied to Russia have encouraged the development of domestic manufacturer, which is why there is significant growth in the market for growing vegetables and herbs in greenhouses.

Thus, the idea of ​​organizing a greenhouse farm for growing greens is relevant. This business has the following advantages: low tax burden, small amount of initial investment, the ability to organize a business at home, fast growth greenery and its unpretentiousness.

The initial investment amount is 621,700 rubles.

Break-even point is reached on fourth month of work.

Payback period - 6 months.

Average net profit: 203 000 rubles

2. Description of the business, product or service

It should be remembered that the options for creating a greenhouse business are varied. You can create a greenhouse for growing:

  • Strawberries. As a rule, the cultivation of this berry is common in the southern regions of Russia;
  • Vegetables. The most popular products are tomatoes and cucumbers. The big advantage of cucumbers is that they are stored for quite a long time;
  • Colors. This option is more difficult to grow, because flowers require special care and play an important role appearance products;
  • Seedlings. In spring, the demand for seedlings increases significantly - they are bought as owners summer cottages, as well as other farms specializing in crop production;
  • Greenery. The big advantage is the short period between sowing and harvest.

This business plan will consider the option of opening a business for growing greens in greenhouses.

Among the disadvantages of organizing a greenhouse business, one can highlight the high costs of paying for electricity, because a large greenhouse needs to be lit almost around the clock.

The following products will be grown in the greenhouses:

  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • onion:
  • salad;
  • basil.

Over time, you can diversify the assortment to include spinach, radishes, sorrel, feather onions and other types of green products. Transparent plastic containers and bags are used as packaging for fresh products, which will keep the products fresh and give them a marketable appearance.

The greenhouse operates seven days a week, because the plants need care every day.

3. Description of the sales market

The main segment of buyers of greenhouse products is not end buyers, but legal entities. Farm products are sold to the following groups of buyers:

  • Grocery stores. Each store has a department with herbs and vegetables, this is where you can supply your products;
  • Vegetable stalls. Nowadays, stalls near houses selling fruits, vegetables and herbs are becoming more common. In addition, farm shops that also stock greens are now common;
  • Manufacturing plants can purchase herbs for preparing their products (seasonings, sausages, semi-finished products, canned food);
  • Establishments Catering(cafes and restaurants) also often use green ingredients when preparing dishes. You can also contact establishments healthy eating, because their range is directly related to healthy ingredients.

The target audience of our business is stalls, shops, cafes and restaurants. At the first stages, it is not advisable to cooperate with large manufacturing plants, because the productivity of the greenhouse has not yet been assessed, and such buyers need an appropriate scale of production.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Let's consider the main stages of starting a business for growing products in greenhouses.

Registration with government agencies

You can register a greenhouse business as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or peasant farm. Most best option- Peasant farms, because the tax burden in this case will be much lower (6% of income). Peasant farming is a form individual entrepreneurship, the state fee for registration will cost 800 rubles.

Registration is carried out at the interdistrict department of the tax service, documents for opening a peasant farm:

  • A notarized application for registration of a peasant (farm) enterprise.
  • Agreement on the establishment of peasant farms.
  • A copy of the passport of the head of the household.
  • Receipt for payment of state duties.
  • List of economic activity codes OKVED.
  • Copies of a certificate of family composition (or other documents confirming the relationship of members of the peasant farm).

Also, in order to sell products to retail outlets, you will need:

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from fire inspectors.

When registering a company in our example, you must indicate the following types of OKVED:

OKVED 01.13.9 - Growing vegetables not included in other groups.

Searching for land and preparing it for exploitation

For a medium-sized business, you will need a land plot of at least 250 square meters. m. Many greenhouse owners set up greenhouses in their garden plots. This is very convenient option, because in this case you will always be in place and will be able to combine rest and work. However, if you do not own a plot of land, you can rent it. This business plan will consider the option of opening a business taking into account rent land plot, on which greenhouses and a utility building will be located.

The land must be fertile, and the site must be located near transport routes, because products will have to be transported frequently and greater distances may affect the cost of transportation. In addition, the availability of communications (electricity, water supply) and the average distance from the city (no more than 30 km) are important. The cost of a square meter of such land will cost 80-100 rubles.

The site can accommodate 5 greenhouses for each type of crop, the total area of ​​each greenhouse is 40 sq.m.

Purchase of necessary inventory and equipment

To work you will need the following list of equipment:

Name Quantity Price for 1 piece. Total amount
Greenhouse design
Greenhouse frame5 45 000 225 000
Polycarbonate14 6 500 91 000

316 000
Drip irrigation
Container for water5 7 000 35 000
Strait pipe
12 000 12 000
Tank pump5 2 500 12 500
System drip irrigation 10 2 000 20 000

79 500
Lighting system
Lamp60 800 48 000
Automatic switch10 150 1 500
Electrical cable
15 000 15 000

64 500
Ventilation system
Greenhouse fan5 4 500 22 500
Air filter10 800 8 000

30 500
Optional equipment
Gardening Tools
8 000 8 000
Box40 80 3 200
Workwear4 5 000 20 000

31 200
Total amount:

521 700

5 greenhouses measuring 5m*8m will be purchased, which will need to be assembled and installed. Also, the greenhouse will not be able to function without light, drip irrigation and a ventilation system.

Purchasing seeds and fertilizers

The cost of seeds is a significant expense item when organizing a large-scale business. We will consider the option in which the following will be purchased:

  • salad (price per 1 kg - 2500 rubles)
  • dill (price per 1 kg - 1300 rubles)
  • parsley (price per 1 kg - 1000 rubles)
  • onions (price per 1 kg - 3500 rubles)
  • vegetable basil (price per 1 kg - 3200 rubles)

On average from 10 sq. m. fertile soil you can get 20-25 kg of onions and 15-20 kg of other products. In this case, you will need: 15-20 grams of onion seeds, 4-5 grams of parsley, dill and basil, 2-3 grams of lettuce.

The purchase of fertilizers is directly dependent on the amount of land, so in our case it will cost approximately 12,500 rubles. in year.

Personnel search

If there are not enough peasant farm members, you will have to hire employees. For your business you will need:

  • worker;
  • director;
  • Sales Manager;
  • accountant.

The accountant and sales specialist will not appear on site; they discuss all necessary issues with the director remotely.
