Modern materials used in construction. What is the best material to build a house from - an overview of materials. Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

When choosing a project for building a house, each owner expects to fulfill two conditions: efficiency of assembly and comfortable housing. That is why manufacturers offer high-quality and practical modern materials. And the latest technologies are also used. For example, technology smart House, which meets all the requirements and demands of the modern user.

New materials and their features

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that the latest technologies in construction and high-tech materials are different concepts, although they lie on the same plane. In particular, such piece products as:

  • foam concrete blocks;
  • gas blocks;
  • rounded log;
  • OSB boards;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • SIP panels;
  • other...

These are production innovations that have recently appeared on the building materials market, however, they do not require new technological methods, but have features in terms of installation. For example:

  • Block products (foam, aerated concrete) has a larger format than piece bricks, has increased energy intensity, low weight, and variable density. Due to these indicators, the construction period is reduced, workability is increased and all the high indicators of strength, comfort and practicality of a private house are maintained. Another plus is that the price of materials is lower than for brick, and due to the low weight of the structure, a lightweight foundation is recommended.

  • Rounded lognatural material, having all the indicators natural wood, which has high heat capacity, but the price of the material is lower than that of laminated veneer lumber, although the practical qualities remain the same high level. The developer receives convenient piece material with a stable shape, saving on purchases, and thereby reducing the overall cost of the project.
  • Panels. The product is also a one-piece product, ideal for a private developer. The convenience of the material is that it is completely ready for installation, that is, the panels are already equipped with a heat-insulating layer, a windproof membrane and moisture protection. You just need to install the frame of the walls, ceilings and roof - the house is ready. In some cases, panel sections have external and interior decoration. The price of materials is significantly lower than any other piece products, a light weight elements require a lightweight foundation, assembly is carried out without “wet processes”, installation does not always require lifting equipment, which allows you to build a house with your own hands.

Moreover, all of these materials are of invaluable quality - they are able to realize any shapes and formats of buildings without requiring large investments from the developer.

New technologies and their features

The use of new order materials does not cancel the use of building houses using new technologies. The combination of two indicators ensures not only the efficiency of construction of buildings, but also a significant reduction in the cost of house construction.


An extremely popular technology, which also has the definition of “adjustable formwork”. The process was developed by domestic scientists and, when used, not only does not require the use of special equipment, but also allows you to get by with literally just one pair of hands.

TISE principle

The method is characterized by the installation of pile elements or the arrangement of a columnar-type foundation, supplemented by a grillage. A mandatory tool is a drill designed for TISE technology. Wall panels for this lightweight foundation are assembled from a block piece product, formed directly on the construction site: mobile formwork acts as a form and moves along the wall panels as soon as the made module hardens.

Advantages of the technology:

  1. Complete absence of cold bridges;
  2. You don’t need a team of professionals; you can easily do it yourself and a couple of assistants to move the formwork and excavation work;
  3. Variability in the composition of blocks, which reduces construction costs.

Advice! Most often, TISE technology uses two building materials: concrete and brick. Concrete blocks are characterized by high heat capacity, bricks for cladding will give the structure strength, dimensional stability and additional rigidity.

Frame construction

This is one of the simplest and convenient ways construction of a private house. A variety of options for arranging the frame, a lightweight foundation, the ability to build houses up to 2 floors, a huge number of projects and the practicality of the house are the main advantages of the technology.


The construction of the frame begins immediately after the installation of the foundation. The entire structure consists of block elements arranged horizontally, vertically or diagonally, articulated with each other in various ways. Whether lumber or metal is used - it all depends on the financing and preferences of the developer.

It is only important to remember that metal carcass, although it is more durable, it requires metal drilling tools and welding - these nuances can complicate the process of constructing the frame. Lumber good quality It is not inferior to metal in terms of durability, while simplifying the assembly process. The most commonly used good quality timber, due to which both the shown rigidity of the frame and its geometric stability are maintained.

Modern construction of frame houses allows several options for filling the walls:

  1. OSB boards act as wall panels and can be filled with any material at hand thermal insulation material, for example, mineral wool, foam concrete, expanded clay backfill, polyurethane foam.
  2. Prefabricated SIP panels, already equipped with insulation, wind and waterproof film.

Advice! When practicing modern materials and technologies for construction, it is necessary to consider the usability of all elements. In particular, if you build a house with SIP panels, then in order to do it yourself you will have to either choose lightweight elements or hire lifts, since wall panel elements are often heavy. But it all depends on the preferences of the owner of the house.

Benefits of technology

  1. The lightness of the structure does not require the construction of heavy and powerful foundations, which means that the construction of a house is possible on any soil without additional excavation work;
  2. Minimum construction costs and the possibility of quick redevelopment and completion of the building;
  3. Variability of external internal lining– panels and sheets are easy to accept Decoration Materials, so you can change the look of the house at least every season.

3D panels

These are perhaps the latest technologies in construction, which are still little known and available to developers. Despite the cheapness, availability is limited by ignorance and nothing else, because construction using 3D panels is nothing more than a modified version frame construction houses.

The panels are produced in industrial conditions; they are not a type of prefabricated panel element, but a monolith of an expanded polystyrene slab, additionally reinforced with reinforcing mesh structures on both sides. Such systems are connected to each other by metal reinforcement rods that pass through the entire structure, which not only preserves the stability of the panels’ shape, but also explains their high strength and resistance to any natural influences. At the same time, the extremely light weight of the structure is maintained, and assembly does not cause any difficulties.

Advantages of technology

In the standard understanding, a building made of 3D panels does not have any “rigid frame”; instead, the developer receives a panel element connected with a rigid clip and thereby forming load-bearing Wall panels. After installing these panels, the entire structure is filled with a concrete “jacket”, which only increases all the advantages of such a house:

  1. The polymers used to create the panels have high energy efficiency, which means that heat loss in such a house will be minimal;
  2. Simplicity of assembly ensures quick construction;
  3. Production in industrial conditions guarantees quality as individual element, and the entire building as a whole;
  4. There is no need to create a heavy foundation, 3D panels even in concrete pouring do not have heavy mass.

Important! The material is much simpler than any block products in the sense that when hanging heavy cabinets you do not have to reinforce the wall with boards. At the same time, the price of 3D panels may well compete with foam and gas block products.

Permanent formwork

Availability and ease of execution have made this technology one of the most popular and often used in individual housing construction.

The principle of technology and its advantages

As in the case of TISE, the use of permanent formwork allows you to build a house alone. Other advantages are the following factors:

  1. The formwork is formed from block or panel structures, which, during the construction of the house, are located along the perimeter of the base and form a pier where reinforcement is mounted and concrete mortar is poured, which gives the structure additional rigidity;
  2. The variability of the formwork filler allows you to save a lot on building a house;
  3. It is possible to build structures up to 2 floors, while the foundation remains lightweight due to the low weight of the entire building.

Advice! If you choose not only new technologies for the construction of private houses, but also the right filling materials, in in this case, for wall formwork, you won’t have to worry about additional thermal insulation materials.

Construction from SIP panels

As for this technology, the most modern materials are used here, but the essence itself comes down to a subspecies frame construction. SIP panels are panel material of two chipboard slabs, between which a thermal insulation and waterproofing material, there is often an additional wind membrane. The main advantage of such panels is their readiness for installation on site.

In addition, there are other advantages:

  1. Efficiency of house assembly;
  2. The light weight of the panels allows you to use a lightweight foundation and do the construction yourself.

Advice! Despite the apparent lightness of the panels, this is a very durable material. The completed house will not only be warm and practical, but also durable. SIP panels can easily withstand hurricane winds, snowfalls and other impacts external environment. At the same time, the material is easily mounted, fastened and, most importantly, the production of panels is possible only in industrial conditions, which good selection The supplier guarantees excellent quality of piece elements.


Relatively new technology, used for the construction of private houses, the principle of which is also the use of permanent formwork. The difference from other methods is that the formwork is made not from expanded polystyrene block elements, but from chip-cement or cement-bonded slabs. External plate has additional compaction and insulation made of polystyrene foam. Permanent formwork happens in different options thickness and is combined with a cement solution with the addition of liquid glass, which gives moisture-repellent properties to the structure.

The advantages are the following factors:

  1. Light weight and thickness of wall panels;
  2. Lack of additional insulation;
  3. Efficiency of construction work;
  4. Strength of the building.

When applying new technologies in the construction of private houses, one should not forget about other nuances: as a rule, everything modern technologies are not designed for multi-storey buildings, therefore an accurate and high-quality calculation of the load and filling of buildings is required. And, of course, not the last point – materials. Manufacturers offer a huge range of products characterized by excellent quality indicators at reduced costs.

It's time to explain why aerated concrete is the most the right material for walls country house and no other material can compete with it in terms of its totality of characteristics. I propose to consider together all building materials currently existing on the market (including rare and exotic ones) and make sure that better material I can’t think of anything better than aerated concrete for low-rise construction.

But in any case, made of wood wall materials a frame house is the best thing to choose in our time. Thus, we actually get the fact that with all the variety of existing building materials, we have only two options left:

House from cellular concrete(aerated concrete)
Frame house

All other building materials are, in principle, untenable and there is no point in considering them if you are building a house for the future for long-term and comfortable use. And now is the time to make a direct comparison of a house made of aerated concrete and a frame house.

Let me remind you that in both cases we are guided by the fact that the house will be built on a monolithic foundation slab, that is, the low heat capacity of the walls of a frame house is not relevant in our case. If you decide to build a frame house on pile foundation, then soberly understand that the heat capacity of such a house will tend to zero and any shutdown of heating in winter will lead to almost instant freezing of the entire house. If we're talking about about the house for permanent residence and year-round operation, it must have an extremely high heat capacity of the enclosing structures, because The comfort of using such a house directly depends on this parameter.

The main advantage of a frame house is the opportunity to get an incredibly “warm” wall at a minimum cost. This is directly related to the fact that lightweight insulation has a heat transfer resistance per centimeter of thickness that is 2-3 times less than that of solid wood or even aerated concrete.

The second advantage of frame houses is the speed of construction of the load-bearing frame of walls and roofs. In fact, the advantage is quite dubious if you approach the house as a complex object. Because the subsequent finishing of the frame house, firstly, will no longer be so fast, and secondly, with engineering systems You'll also have to tinker. But if you want to get a roof over your head here and now (it doesn’t matter that you still have to work and work under this roof so that the house finally looks like a home), then you can agree to a frame house. The same applies to the recently popular modular houses, assembled in production. Their manufacturers position assembly in a hangar as an advantage for the customer, although in fact the customer should absolutely not care, because This does not affect production times in any way. But for the performer, assembly under the hangar roof is a big plus, because allows you to reduce costs and downtime associated with unpredictability of weather, if you consider the option of construction on the customer’s site. But on the other hand, the customer becomes severely limited by the too small sizes of individual modules, which are completely uncomfortable for subsequent use (for example, ceilings in a normal house should be at least 2.8 meters).

This is where the advantages of frame houses end and the disadvantages begin.

First and most important. Frame houses are now being built by all and sundry (since the cost of building a frame house is extremely low and you can make a lot of money), which requires special control over compliance with construction technology. Otherwise you can get it here such a "barn", which will collapse at the slightest gust of wind. According to the link in the video, everything that could be violated was violated, but in fact, during a hurricane, with a very high probability, a well-built frame house will collapse to one degree or another and you need to be prepared for this. The calculation of loads for a frame house must be done more carefully than for a stone one, paradoxically as it may seem.

The second disadvantage of frame houses is the expensive finishing and installation of utility systems open method. After all, it is forbidden to lay electrical wiring in combustible structures, and therefore it will have to be done in an open way, which is very doubtful from an aesthetic point of view. In a house made of cellular concrete, everything is much simpler - all communications and wires are laid in the walls, which are then plastered. Absolutely the same as they do in apartments.

By the way, about ventilation. If you “forget” to do it in an aerated concrete house, then high vapor permeability walls will allow you to somehow cope with excess humidity in the house, and in a frame thermos house without ventilation with a microclimate everything will be very bad.

What else?
The sound insulation of a frame house is as bad as that of an unplastered house made of cellular concrete.
Hanging heavy objects on walls is only possible with load-bearing frame.
Mice and other pests can infest the walls of a frame house.
Fire hazard. Stone houses they also burn, but extremely rarely this leads to the collapse of walls and ceilings. A frame house burns out instantly, despite various impregnations for wood (remember that electrical wiring in a frame house can only be carried out using the open method).
The durability of a frame house depends on its service life wooden frame(and without protection the tree will begin to rot). While stone building materials (including cellular concrete) are eternal, cement-based materials only become stronger over the years.

If we compare completely ready-made houses the same area, with engineering systems and finishing, then you can make an amazing discovery. The cost of work and materials for a frame house is almost completely identical to the cost of work and materials for building a house made of aerated concrete. Of course aerated concrete house

it will be a little more expensive, because... during its construction it will be necessary to use mechanization, but this will be less than 10% of the total cost of all work.

Thus, we can conclude that aerated concrete is an ideal building material, which has no alternatives in principle. A frame house should only be considered if, for one reason or another, you do not have the opportunity to build a house from cellular concrete. In the next part we will choose ideal roof

for a country house. Don't switch! An individual developer is necessarily faced with the question of choice optimal material for the construction of a residential building. The choice of building materials for walls takes into account climatic features, relief nuances, financial capabilities, etc. There is no single formula for this. All construction materials have varying strengths and require the use of unique technology

  • construction, do not have the same levels of thermal conductivity.

    What determines the choice of material for a home? The construction of walls accounts for a quarter of all costs of building a house. A careless attitude to the choice of material will entail additional subsequent expenses. Therefore, it is worth considering and considering everything important criteria and factors when choosing best material

      for the construction of house walls: Labor costs . For example, the cost of time and effort is reduced if you build a house from panel blocks, rather than from bricks and other small elements. Modern panel houses

      can be done several times faster, especially if these are frame structures.. When choosing a deliberately cold material for walls, the developer will pay a high price in winter for such a reckless step. The owner will also have to deal with insulating the outside walls of the house. When calculating this indicator, current climatic conditions are taken into account.

      Price issue. If you give preference to a durable and lightweight version of the material for the walls, then you can save on the construction of a powerful foundation, which is expensive to build.

    Taking into account also the subsequent costs of Finishing work. Today there are smooth materials for modern walls that do not require finishing.

    A log house is one of the options for walls that do not require finishing

    Types of wall materials

    The building materials market offers wide choose various options to build the walls of your home. There are several types of bricks alone: ​​silicate, clinker, ceramic, fireclay. And wood has been one of the most popular and sought-after building materials for many years. The cost of such raw materials depends on the type of wood (pine, oak, birch, cedar) and the type of material (logs, boards, beams). A very popular and more economical option are different kinds blocks: foam blocks, ceramic blocks, thermoblocks, lightweight concrete blocks, etc. In Europe, for example, houses are most often built frame method, which goes very quickly and is inexpensive. About 70% of the private housing stock in Europe is occupied by frame technology construction of buildings. Builders also note the cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency of SIP panels.

    Let's consider the main types of materials:

    Log houses and log houses

    A log house is an object made from cut trunks of a solid tree. Work such as cutting corners, adjusting joints and grooves is always done manually.

    Such houses look presentable, well built and have many advantages:

    Architectural version of a log house

    The disadvantages of log buildings include:

    House made of timber

    Glued or profiled timber is a cheaper building material for house walls, which is in great demand today.

    Advantages of timber:

    In addition, such material is relatively inexpensive.

    However, timber:

    They say that such a structure can be built alone, with certain knowledge and skills. But its construction scheme is more complex and ornate than, for example, a brick one.

    Frame house under construction

    All the advantages of frame houses:

    To the disadvantages frame structures worth mentioning:

      Resonance of walls and ceilings;

      The need to have a competent construction project, which will contain all the drawings and diagrams of fasteners and components.

      The disadvantages of such houses can also be attributed to the conservative mentality of our citizens, who look at frame structures with caution, considering them unreliable.

    SIP panels

    Canada and America have been actively using frame-panel technologies in construction for more than half a century. In our country this method is not yet so popular. A SIP panel is a three-layer building material made from two layers of OSB and internal polystyrene foam insulation.

    This is what a SIP panel looks like

    Advantages of SIP panels:

    In addition, SIP panels are an environmentally friendly building material.

    This is what a house built from SIP panels without façade finishing looks like

    Its disadvantages include the following aspects (of which, by the way, there are many):

    Brick walls

    Brick is the most familiar and most available material for building the walls of a house outside. It is usually made from clay and is enhanced with various impurities. All the advantages of brick:

    The disadvantages of building materials include:

    Expanded clay blocks

    Ceramic blocks are made from red clay, just like bricks. But blocks are more different from them overall dimensions. This option for constructing walls from ceramic blocks is very similar to the technology for constructing brick houses.

    Pros of ceramic blocks:

    The disadvantages of ceramic blocks include:

    Foam blocks

    Foam blocks belong to universal type building materials for walls. They consist of cellular concrete, which has good performance characteristics.

  • The consequences of human presence on Earth are getting worse every day. Our energy consumption is rising and getting worse. The population is also growing, creating severe shortages of space, water and food. Finally, nature also has a major impact on cities around the world. To solve a number of such problems, innovative changes in the field of old construction technologies, which will make the future beautiful, clean and, most importantly, livable.

    Majority modern people count bamboo decorative material. But in reality it is an incredible building resource. Bamboo grows quickly, is stronger than steel and more stable than cement. Therefore, Penda, an architecture studio in Beijing, China, wants to use bamboo as the main resource to build an entire city.

    This city will be sustainable, environmentally friendly and affordable. Buildings will be constructed by tying bundles of bamboo together, tying them with rope. Using such technology, Penda thinks it can build a city that can accommodate 200,000 people by 2023.

    Once the overall structure is complete, horizontal and vertical blocks can be easily added. In addition, a room or even an entire building made of bamboo can be disassembled without special effort, and bamboo rods can always be reused.

    Diamond nanothreads

    As far as we know, diamonds are the hardest mineral that occurs naturally on Earth. This makes diamonds beautiful building material with the right approach.

    Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have created innovative diamond nanothreads that are 20,000 times thinner than a human hair. At the same time, diamond nanothreads are considered the strongest material on Earth (and, possibly, in the whole universe). In addition to being thin and durable, they are also incredibly lightweight.

    Researchers were able to create these strands of ultra-thin diamonds by applying alternating cycles of pressure to isolated benzene molecules in liquid state. As a result, rings of carbon atoms were born, which were ordered in chains.

    Such nanofilaments may be unlikely to be used in everyday construction, but in ambitious projects, for example, it is quite possible.

    Airgel insulation

    Airgel - no new material. It was discovered back in the 1920s. It is created by the process of removing liquid from the gel and replacing the liquid with gas. During this process, the substance becomes ultra-light, since it is 90% air. It is ideal for insulation. Airgel has been used to insulate pipelines in industrial areas and even on a Mars rover.

    Aspen Aerogels wants to use aerogels for home insulation. The company has created a product called Spaceloft blankets, which are quite easy to work with due to their weight and thinness. Although lightweight, these blankets have two to four times the insulating properties of traditional fiberglass or foam insulation.

    Spaceloft blankets also allow water vapor to pass through them and are also fire resistant, surprisingly. While homes wrapped in airgel won't be as fire-resistant as the homes in Fahrenheit 451, this type of insulation should reduce the number of home fires.

    The problem is that airgel is much more expensive than traditional insulation, although it will save money on energy bills over the long haul. Additionally, not all homes can be easily retrofitted with this material. These blankets are best suited for older homes, or new ones that will be specially designed for airgel insulation.

    Travel printer

    Laying a road takes a lot of time. On average, one worker can lay 100 square meters per day using traditional methods. Road printers like Tiger Stone can reduce this process by printing up to 300 square meters of cobblestones per day.

    Another RoadPrinter RPS can lay up to 500 square meters per day. One to three operators feed the bricks to the machine. The pusher then sorts the bricks into a pattern, like a carpet. At this moment, gravity takes its toll and the machine lays a brick road. A roller-like roller then presses the bricks into place.

    These printers run on electricity and don't have many moving parts, making them easy to use and maintain. In addition, they do not create much noise, especially compared to traditional methods paving roads.

    Of course, the main difference between most roads and those laid by these printing machines is that they lay bricks, cobblestones or tiles instead of asphalt. However, expensive block ones are even better than asphalt because they filter water, expand when they freeze, and last longer.

    Cableless multi-directional elevators

    The big problem with large infrastructure is that there is no effective way move in it. People always walk at the same speed and at a certain distance. And each elevator often has only one moving cabin. If you have ever used an elevator in big building, you know that sometimes waiting for death is like.

    German elevator manufacturer ThyssenKrupp plans to get rid of these problems. Instead of using cables, he proposes using elevators based on magnetic levitation (maglev). Then they will be able to move both vertically and horizontally. This will also allow the use of more than one booth per shaft, which will save waiting time.

    Finally, magnetic elevators will consume less energy, which is also good for the environment. In 2016, ThyssenKrupp plans to test a new elevator system in a building on its research campus.

    Solar paint

    One of the most common complaints about solar panels is that they are large, an eyesore, and not powerful enough. To change this, several researchers are working on solar cells that are so small and flexible that they can be drawn on surfaces. In fact, a team of researchers from the University of Alberta created Solar cells in the form of a spray with nanoparticles of zinc and phosphorus.

    If every homeowner painted their roof with this solar paint, they could generate more than enough energy for their home, thereby reducing their dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, solar paint is cheaper to produce than traditional paints. The solar panels used in this paint are not very efficient yet, but scientists are working on this problem.

    Vertical cities

    According to United Nations projections, by 2050 there will be more than 9.6 billion people on Earth. This is 2.3 billion more animals than we have today. In addition, it is expected that 75% of the world's population will live in cities, which will exacerbate our problems with the lack of open space in these very cities.

    One way to solve this problem is to build vertical cities. There are already several proposals for vertical cities that could be built in the Sahara, United United Arab Emirates(UAE) and China.

    These vertical cities will have giant buildings that will provide for people residential buildings, workplaces and shops. Eg, Italian company Luca Curci Architects is going to build a 189-storey building in the UAE. It will be able to accommodate 25,000 people with shops and offices. Since people won't have to leave the building, it will solve space problems and reduce carbon emissions.

    Such mega-buildings will be self-sustaining and green. Since they are large, you can place them over the entire area of ​​the walls. solar panels. They will also use geothermal energy and collect rainwater.

    Smart concrete

    When an area begins to flood, there is nowhere for the water to drain. This is even worse in the city because there is less soil to absorb water. To reduce the threat of flooding, British company Tarmac has created an asphalt called Topmix Permeable.

    Most types of concrete allow water to soak into the ground, but only 300 millimeters per hour. Topmix allows you to pass 36,000 millimeters of water per hour, which is about 3300 liters per minute.

    Instead of using sand for concrete, Topmix includes pieces crushed granite, packed together. Water seeps through these pieces of granite and is then absorbed by the soil, flowing down the drain, or collected in a water reserve. In addition to reducing the chance of flooding, Topmix will be able to keep streets dry and safe. In addition, water can be sent to reservoirs and used for needs.

    The problem with pervious concrete is that it can only be used in areas that are not too cold. Cold weather will cause the concrete to expand, destroying it. It will also be more expensive than regular concrete, but over the long haul, cities can save money by reducing flooding.

    Smart bricks

    Taking a look at Kite Bricks' Smart Bricks, it's easy to see their resemblance to Lego bricks. These building bricks have handles on the top and can be connected like Lego pieces. Smart bricks are held in place by reinforcement and come in a variety of shapes.

    Instead of using cement, these bricks are held together with strong double-sided adhesive. From inside the building, removable, replaceable panels can be attached to the bricks. These panels can be removed if necessary. There are also cubes for building floors and ceilings. The blocks are empty in the center and can be filled with insulation, pipes and electrical wiring as needed.

    Such bricks could lead to improved heat control, flexibility in production and a 50% reduction in production costs.

    Swarm of construction robots

    In search of innovative construction methods, Harvard researchers turned to nature for inspiration, in particular termites. Termites can build large structures in the absence of central control. For this purpose, they simply carry a piece of dirt to the place of the first construction site. If she is busy, they carry her to the next place.

    The TERMES project uses the same idea of ​​swarm construction, but uses small robots. These simple, inexpensive drones build structures by following the original design and placing blocks in the first available space until the structure is complete. The swarm does not require human intervention at all after setting the initial task.

    This type would be ideal for the construction of structures in dangerous places, in space or underwater. He could also do menial jobs, saving people time.

    The external walls of a private house must be:

    1. Strong and durable
    2. Warm and energy saving
    3. Quiet
    4. Harmless to humans
    5. Beautiful

    Which house walls are stronger?

    Loads act on the wall of a house in several directions. Active forces tend to compress, move sideways and rotate the wall.

    Compressive loads- these are vertical forces from the weight of the wall and the underlying structures of the house. These forces tend to crush and flatten the wall material.

    Low-rise private houses are relatively light in weight. Wall materials, as a rule, have a fairly large margin of compressive strength, which allows them withstand vertical loads of a private house even with.

    Horizontal loads and torques act as a result, for example, of lateral wind pressure on a house or soil pressure on a basement wall, due to the ceiling resting on the edge of the wall, due to the deviation of the walls from the vertical and other reasons. These forces tend to move the wall or part of the wall from its position.

    The general rule for walls is the thinner the wall, the worse it is it withstands lateral loads and turning moments. If the wall cannot withstand the specified loads, then it bends, cracks or even breaks.

    It is the small margin of resistance to displacement that is the weak point in ensuring the strength of the walls of a private house. The compressive strength of most wall materials allows you to make enough for a private home thin wall, but it is necessary to ensure the stability of the walls against displacement, often forces designers to increase the thickness of walls.

    The resistance of walls to lateral loads is significantly influenced by the design of the walls and the house as a whole. For example, masonry reinforcement, installation on walls monolithic belt in the floor level, strong connections between external and interior walls among themselves, as well as with floors and foundations, create the strength frame of a building that holds the walls together and resists the displacement deformations of the walls.

    In order to ensure the necessary strength and durability of a private house at reasonable construction costs, it is necessary to choose the right material and design of the walls, as well as the design of the power house frame, It is best to entrust this choice to specialists - designers.

    Projects of private houses with walls made of masonry materials are available for sale. with a masonry thickness of only 180 - 250 mm. . Thickness can be 100 - 200 mm.

    The walls of the house are warm and energy-saving - what's the difference?

    In order for a person in the house to feel thermal comfort, Three conditions must be met:

    The first condition is the air temperature in the room should be about +22 o C. To fulfill this condition, it is enough to install a boiler or stove of the required power in the house and heat it.

    The surface temperature of the external walls in the house is always lower than the air temperature in the room. According to the requirements of sanitary and hygienic rules, the temperature difference between the air and the surface of the outer wall in the house should be no more than 4 o C - this is the second condition.

    At the specified temperature difference, the surface of the outer wall in the house will be quite warm (+18 o C). There will be no “cold breath” from the wall; condensation or frost will not appear on the surface of the wall.

    There will be thermal comfort in the house if the difference in air temperature in the room and on the surface of the outer wall is no more than d t<4 о C. Обе стены на рисунке не соответствуют этим требованиям при температуре наружного воздуха t н =-26 о С и ниже.

    To fulfill the second condition, the outer wall of the house must have certain thermal properties. The heat transfer resistance of the outer wall must be higher than the calculated value, m 2 * o C/W. For example, for the Sochi region this value should be more than 0.66, for Moscow - 1.38, and for Yakutsk at least - 2.13.

    For example, an external wall made of autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate) will be warm and provide thermal comfort in the house, with a thickness in Sochi - 90 mm, in Moscow - 210 mm., and in Yakutsk - 300 mm.

    Third condition- the enclosing structures of the house must have. If the “clothes” of the house are blown by the wind, then there will be no heat, no matter how thick the insulation is. Everyone knows this from their own experience.

    External walls with the above parameters will be warm and provide thermal comfort in the house, but they will not be energy efficient. Heat losses through the walls will significantly exceed the building standards in force in Russia.

    In order to comply with energy conservation regulations, The heat transfer resistance of external walls should be several times higher. For example, for the Sochi region - no less than 1.74 m 2 * o C/W, for Moscow - 3.13 m 2 * o C/W, and for Yakutsk - 5.04 m 2 * o C/W.

    Thickness of energy-saving walls from autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate) there will also be more: for the Sochi region - 270 mm., for the Moscow region - 510 mm. for Yakutia - 730 mm.

    Aerated concrete (gas silicate) is the warmest material for masonry walls. The thickness of energy-saving walls made of more thermally conductive materials (brick, concrete blocks) should be even greater. (The figure above shows the heat transfer resistance of a brick wall with a thickness of 2.5 bricks (640 mm.) = 0.79 and one brick (250 mm) = 0,31 m2* o C/W. Compare with the values ​​given in the examples and evaluate in which regions will such walls provide thermal comfort?)

    Wooden walls made of timber or logs also do not meet energy saving requirements.

    It should be noted that to comply with the requirements of building regulations for the heat transfer resistance of walls and other enclosing structures of the house not necessary for a private developer.

    It is more important for the home owner to reduce overall heating costs.

    It can be beneficial to sacrifice the energy-saving properties of walls, but increase the heat-saving parameters of ceilings, windows, and ventilation systems in order to meet the energy consumption standards for heating.

    Heat loss through walls accounts for only 20 - 30% of the total heat loss in the house.

    We must not forget about one more condition of an energy-saving house. The house must have a minimum- walls, ceilings, windows.

    Which is better to make walls - single-layer or two-layer?

    From the above data it is clear that wall materials allow you to build strong, thin and fairly cheap walls private house. But such walls will not provide thermal comfort in the house or have the required energy-saving properties.

    Technologies for constructing walls of a private house are developing in two main directions:

    1. Relatively thin and durable walls are insulated with highly effective insulation. The wall consists of two layers- a load-bearing layer that absorbs mechanical loads, and an insulation layer.
    2. For the construction of single-layer walls, materials are used that combine a sufficiently high resistance to both mechanical stress and heat transfer. The construction of single-layer walls made of cellular concrete (autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate) or porous ceramics is popular.

    It should be noted that wall materials for single-layer walls have mediocre both mechanical and thermal properties. We have to improve them with various design tweaks.

    A combination of these two technologies is also used when walls made of cellular and porous materials provide additional insulation layer of highly effective insulation. This combination allows make wall masonry and a thin layer of insulation. This can be beneficial for structural reasons, especially when building a house in a cold climate.

    Single-layer walls of a private house

    Not so long ago, almost all private houses were built with single-layer walls. The thickness of the walls of the house was chosen based on the conditions for ensuring thermal comfort and thought little about energy conservation.

    Currently, for the construction of single-layer walls, materials with sufficiently high thermal insulation properties are used, to make the house energy efficient.

    What is the best material to make a single-layer wall of a house from?

    All materials for single-layer walls have a porous structure and low density 300 - 600 kg/m 3. As the density decreases, the heat-saving properties improve, but the mechanical strength of materials decreases.

    There are several types of cellular concrete, which differ in the way they create pores (cells). The best properties for the construction of single-layer external walls of a house have density (grade) 300-500 kg/m3.

    Aerated concrete blocks can have precise dimensions, which allows them to be laid on glue with a seam thickness of 2 mm. The ends of the blocks often have a tongue-and-groove profile and are joined without mortar in a vertical seam.

    Aerated concrete has an open porous structure and therefore absorbs moisture well, but also dissolves easily.

    Porous ceramics It is made from raw materials and in a way that is similar to the production of ordinary ceramic bricks. The difference is that components are added to the clay-based mass, which form pores when fired.

    Hollow blocks are made from porous ceramics. The hollowness further enhances the heat-saving properties of block walls.

    The thickness of the masonry of single-layer walls made of porous ceramic blocks is 38 - 50 cm. Porous ceramic blocks are laid using a special heat-saving mortar with a seam thickness of 10-15 mm.

    As a rule, the exterior decoration of single-layer walls is. Cladding slabs made of natural stone or artificial products can be glued to the walls. Finishing using the ventilated facade method (cladding over lathing) is used very rarely.

    Plastering of walls made of porous ceramics or expanded clay concrete from the outside is carried out using a traditional plaster composition with a thickness of about 2 cm. In addition to plastering, it can be done in other ways (see link).

    The inside of the walls is plastered or...

    It is faster to build a house with single-layer walls. In a new house with single-layer walls you can start living without waiting for the facade to be finished. This work can be left for later.

    Walls with insulation - two-layer and three-layer

    For installing a wall with insulation Almost any masonry material can be used— ceramic and silicate bricks, blocks made of cellular and lightweight concrete, as well as porous ceramics.

    The load-bearing layer of a two-layer wall can also be make from monolithic concrete or wood- timber, logs. The choice of material is much more varied compared to single-layer walls.

    For the construction of walls with insulation materials with higher mechanical strength and density are used than for single-layer walls. This circumstance makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the masonry of double-layer walls.

    Wall masonry thickness from 180 mm. - depends on the properties of the materials used, on the design of the walls and frame of the house.

    Walls are most often laid using ordinary masonry mortar, filling horizontal and vertical joints with mortar. The work is simpler and does not require any special qualifications from masons.

    The mechanical strength of the wall material is, as a rule, sufficient for problem-free fastening of various structures to walls.

    The thermal insulation properties of a wall depend mainly on the thermal conductivity and thickness of the insulation layer.

    A layer of thermal insulation is placed outside ( double layer wall) or inside the wall, closer to the outer surface ( three-layer wall).

    As thermal insulation, slabs of mineral wool or polymers - polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam - are most often used. Less commonly used thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete and foam glass, although they have a number of advantages.

    Mineral wool slabs for wall insulation must have a density of at least 60-80 kg/m3. If used for finishing the facade, then use mineral wool slabs with a density of 125-180 kg/m 3 or slabs of extruded polystyrene foam.

    Mineral wool insulation is plastered with a vapor-permeable composition - mineral or silicate plaster.

    Insulating a façade with mineral wool usually costs more and it is more difficult to work with. But a layer of wool insulation allows moisture to escape from the wall to the outside.

    A continuous layer of thermal insulation on the outside allows block all cold bridges in double-layer walls without the use of special constructive tricks that have to be done in single-layer walls.

    General thickness of two-layer walls (with plaster from 35 cm.) usually turns out less than a single-layer wall.

    The width of the foundation walls (basement) is also smaller, which allows save on their construction. This advantage does not apply to three-layer walls. The width of three-layer walls and their foundations is usually no less than that of single-layer ones.

    Exterior finishing of double-layer walls is carried out thin-layer plaster over insulation. Insulation boards, preferably made of extruded polystyrene foam, are glued to the wall. The thickness of the insulation layer is not recommended to be more than 150 mm. A layer of plaster 5-7 thick is applied to the insulation mm.

    Wall surface with thin layer plaster more sensitive to point mechanical influences than a single-layer wall with traditional plaster.

    For double-layer walls often use ventilated cladding on the frame. In a ventilated façade, mineral wool insulation slabs are placed between the frame posts. The frame is covered with cladding made of vinyl or plinth siding, wooden materials, or various slabs.

    Attaching insulation to the walls, installing a ventilated facade - all this work consists of many stages and operations and requires skill, accuracy and responsibility from the performers. A variety of materials are used for work.

    When constructing double-layer walls in There is a great risk that employees will do something wrong.

    In three-layer walls a layer of highly effective insulation is placed inside the masonry or wall monolith. Three-layer walls also include walls with an insulation layer facing with brick or other masonry materials.

    For the construction of three-layer walls, single-row masonry made of (insulated walls, silica granite, polyblock) is also used. Thermal blocks have three layers of concrete-insulation-concrete bonded together.

    Mineral insulation - low-density cellular concrete

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