Pine mountain pug on a stem. How to make a standard tree Standard conifers

Modern designers, using standard trees, achieve exclusive look adjoining territory. Many owners of private houses are trying to surpass their neighbors in the unusual appearance of the site. Growing a standard plant, it is easy to get carried away with this occupation and decorate your possessions not only on the street, but also indoors. winter gardens with such exotic forms, they take on the appearance of foreign fashionable houses.

Standard trees will help you create your own unique design site.

When planning, landscape design workers explain the rules for planting standard trees. Using zoning rules, create cascades of exotic plants, flower beds, large flowerpots, alpine slides, and standard trees easily fit into the created surroundings.

The stem gives a classic look to the recreation area. Trees with an even trunk and an unusual crown bear such an extraordinary name, borrowed from German designers, meaning "trunk".

Rosehip bushes will be an excellent material for boles.

Plot decorators, having turned to famous gardeners for advice, learned about a new direction in crop production. Thanks to this, bollards have become popular in landscaping. The main advantage of the bole is the ability to grow it both in open ground, and in beautiful large ceramic pots. This advantage helps in the cold season to easily transfer the plant to the house, decorating the interior of the living room and keeping the tree up to warm days. The ability to create topiary groups is given by the different heights of standard plants participating in the ensemble.

  • gooseberry;
  • currants;
  • wild rose;
  • roses.

With a small area of ​​​​the site, the hostesses who grow berries for jam manage to create stems from fruit-bearing shrubs. Receiving a harvest of berries, they decorate their garden beautiful compositions, which attract the eye during the entire spring-summer period. At first, the plants bloom with delicate foliage, then bloom, after flowering, fruits appear. Each shrub has its own time and its own colors, which makes it possible for compositions from bushes on a stem to constantly please the eye.

Coniferous stem color

Coniferous plants also participate in the trunk, such as:

Currant bushes have long been used for boles on the site.

  • juniper;
  • Pine;

Considering the expanses of Russia, we can safely talk about easy way stamping conifers. The ability to create an extraordinary view of your site is achieved by growing evergreen trees in the form of a bole.

Everyone's favorite Christmas tree with prickly needles close together creates fluffy branches. The tree reaches amazing beauty in the spring, during the period of growth of young pale green shoots. The existing varieties of prickly spruce, oriental spruce and Canadian spruce (gray) are considered dwarf with slow growth. This quality is the first plus, the second can be called good cold resistance, the third is easy processing and shearing. On new year holidays such Christmas trees are decorated with garlands, which creates a fabulous atmosphere around the house.

Along the edges of the site, landscape experts advise planting pine boles. The advantages of these varieties are infrequent watering and ease of care. The mountain pine bole is in the greatest demand due to the extraordinary qualities of changing the color of the needles throughout the year. It is bright green in summer, bright yellow in autumn, copper in winter, and golden in spring. Such palette changes give the site an unusual look at any time of the year.

Juniper is considered more capricious in the coniferous family, only experienced specialists can afford to breed it.

A magnificent specimen can be called thuja. Abroad learned how to cut out thuja stems different forms. Our decorating lovers unusual trees their homes adopted the experience of foreign designers and, using the property of the thuja to grow slowly, they begin to plant it in beautiful pots with subsequent transplantation into already ennobled landscape compositions.

Bright originality

With the help of juniper bushes, you can make a wide variety of figures on the plot.

Japanese larch is very popular. peculiar coniferous needles leaf fall does not reduce its popularity. Smooth horizontal branches and a multi-vertex larch trunk make it easy to give it the shape of a ball. In spite of required condition maintaining a distance from the larch stem of 3-4 m, the opportunity to decorate the site with bright tints of colors with other stems is not missed by any professional designer.

Weeping pendula larches are widely used in decoration. These include conifers, willows, elms and others. deciduous trees. One of the main representatives of pendula can be called rakita.

Pendula rakitnaya, or, as it is popularly called, goat willow, incredibly beautiful. Delicate branches flow down, using this property, you can give an interesting shape to the trunk. Rakita pendula will help decorate any chaotic heap of rocky stones near a small reservoir. The standard form of weeping pendula has rapid growth and in a short time reaches 3 m. The dense crown makes it possible to show imagination and make the landscape of any cottage or country house mysterious. This plant variety is frost-resistant and does not require special conditions conservation in winter period, but in warm weather, the stringent requirement of abundant watering should in no case be neglected.

Planting and caring for coniferous stems

Pruning of boles is carried out with special garden scissors.

Having considered the varieties of stem plants, let's get acquainted with the method of planting coniferous stems. When buying a plant in a nursery, it is considered a prerequisite to remember the location of the cardinal points. It is worth tying a ribbon on a branch on the south side of the tree in order to maintain this position when planting in the ground on your site. Observing this condition, you can accelerate the adaptation of the plant in a new place.

The planting depth should correspond to the height of the formed root system with a margin of 15-20 cm. The margin is made to create a bottom cushion consisting of mixed coniferous sawdust and river sand in a ratio of 2: 1. This pillow can also be sprinkled on the lateral edges of the roots. Chernozem is sprinkled on top for compaction and nutrition. Attentive attitude to watering (as the soil dries out, it must be moistened, but not flooded) will help any coniferous trunk quickly take root. Do not forget to cover the crown of the conifer for the winter, so as not to irradiate the delicate needles and cut edges of the branches with the sun.

Care and formation of the trunk

The next year after planting a tree under the trunk, you can begin to form the desired crown. To prepare for the work of a pruner, it is worth taking a few lessons on pruning a hedge. Having removed the lower branches 1/3 from the ground, then you need to work very carefully. Branches and foliage should be cut off a little, periodically inspect in a circle the uniformity of the decrease in volume. Pruning is carried out only until August to enable the plant, full of strength, to leave for the winter. In the spring, you need to cut off the old dried branches and shorten the main part of the crown.

by the most the easy way trimming and maintaining shape is considered American. Having covered the crown with a mesh formed into a certain configuration, they cut the branches that go beyond its borders. Upon filling the volume, the mesh is removed, the accumulated experience of working with pruners helps to maintain the formed shape.

It is impossible to pass by such beauty, so more and more summer residents are leaning towards the cultivation of standard shrubs. The advantage of such compositions is the small occupation of the area, and the height of the bush, not exceeding 1.5 m, allows you to see other unusual compositions on the territory.

Perfection of form is one of the main characteristics of true beauty. This statement is also true in the issue of site design. The standard form of shrubs is gaining more and more popularity: there is probably no gardener today who would not like to see this innovation on his site.

Judge for yourself - an exquisite, full of triumph and natural elegance plant with a rounded shape on a thin stem. Such beauty will please the eye of both the owner of the site and his guests. Four rules for creating standard plants and caring for them - below.

Rule 1. With or without vaccination - we listen to experienced gardeners

The process of forming a standard plant is a rather laborious process. As a rule, it will take a gardener five years to achieve the desired result. How to do this with a vaccine?

The algorithm is not so complicated:

  • The first step is to grow a stem, meaning the stem of the tree itself. It can be either a native column or taken from a taller plant.
  • Two years later, this stem-bolt can be grafted desired plant. Often, creeping shrubs are grafted onto the trunk - this is how unusual, beautiful weeping forms are obtained.

Grafting on a standard former is an interesting and uncomplicated method. The trees obtained as a result of this method will decorate any garden, will be beautiful and healthy.

The sun will fall better on the crown, and good lighting, as you know, is the prevention of many plant diseases.

However, you can do without vaccination. In this case, the correct shaping pruning will help out. We are growing a bole again, having previously selected one central shoot (you can have two, of course, and even three woven into a pigtail). Excess branches will be regularly gradually cut off. This is done more than once a year, and more than once the stem we need will be formed. If necessary, the trunk is tied to a support. The crown is formed with the help of tweezing. This means that the tops of the shoots are pinched.

Some gardeners form a standard plant from an existing adult bush. The method is simple - all unnecessary is cut off. But you need to do this if you don’t feel sorry for the bush at all, because the first experience may not be so successful. It is quite interesting.

Rule number 2. The most suitable stem plants for formation

With a simple pruning, you can get a standard plant from:

  • Maple
  • Pines
  • bird cherry
  • juniper
  • berry yew
  • Rowan
  • Privet ordinary

Of course, you can experiment with plants, but these examples will surely be successful. The formation of such boles begins in the period rapid growth young seedlings. During the growing season, lateral shoots are plucked. Experts assure that the best standard plants are formed from trees / shrubs grown from seeds.

Spiral stem shape (video)

Rule number 3. We do everything consistently

  • If the shoot deviates from the vertical, tie it to a peg. Be sure to remove side shoots. You can also pinch them after the third leaf, followed by removal after a year.
  • In three or four years, a stem will grow one and a half to two meters high from seeds. A year, or even two, a bole from young seedlings will grow earlier.
  • After mid-April, it is best to vaccinate. For this, a cutting with 3-4 buds is taken. After four weeks (or maybe three), the graft that has taken root will have buds. By autumn, they will already become annual growths.
  • Next spring you will need to cut them into several buds in order to better branch. Subsequent care will be the same as for ordinary seedlings.

Rule #4

Miniature trunks are a trend in garden fashion. But all their beauty will only be emphasized by the right undergrowth. Its task is to hide the soil near the leg. The undergrowth looks elegant, repeating the color of the leaves or flowers of the standard plant itself. If it resonates with the shape of leaves or inflorescences, there will be an amazing result. And will be a magnificent decoration of the garden.

The role of undergrowth can also be performed by decorative mulch. For example, crumb, pebble, gravel.

So, to get an elegant standard plant - a real decoration of the site, you need:

  • Choose a young plant with a central straight shoot, remove all running shoots, tie the trunk (stem) to a support;
  • We form the crown gradually: every three to six weeks, the shoots are shortened, because of this, new branches will grow. This will gradually turn out a spherical crown.

Reviews and comments

Oksana Dmitrievna 23.10.2014

Hello! I share mine interesting experience getting a rich harvest. I got it

You will need

  • - planting material;
  • - heteroauxin;
  • - nitrogen fertilizers;
  • - potash fertilizers;
  • - phosphate fertilizers.


Rootstock for standard roses is grown from frost-resistant with a strong root system. You can either dig a rose hip or dig a well-developed seedling from a hedge. Seedlings are planted at a distance of thirty centimeters between plants. Within two years, the future stock should not be cut.

In the spring of the third year, the wild rose should be cut, removing all unbranched shoots. Of the straight shoots that will grow in the summer, leave the two strongest ones. In August, the tops of these shoots should be pinched.

When growing rootstocks in the nursery next spring, rose hips are planted in the budding area. In the garden, you can immediately move the grown rootstock to permanent place. At the same time, only one direct shoot is left in the plant, the rest of the growth is completely cut out. Damaged roots should be removed and the longest ones cut.

Before planting, dip the roots of the plant in a mixture of clay and water to which a heteroauxin tablet has been added. Plant the wild rose in such a way that the root neck is covered with earth. The soil around the plant should be compacted.

During the summer, remove any growth that appears below where the crown will form. For the crown, leave about five shoots. Shoots that appear on the trunk are best removed while they are green. At the end of July or at the very beginning of August, buds of varietal roses can be grafted onto a grown stem.

Rooted cuttings are used to obtain a self-rooted standard form. cultivated plant. In this way, you can form a red currant or gooseberry. For rooting, cut a cutting with five buds and plant it in the ground so that only one bud remains above the ground. This should be done in July.

If you are going to grow standard gooseberries, choose a rooting branch and press it to the ground with a hairpin. After the roots appear, the branch can be separated from the bush and planted in the ground.

The following spring, the buds of the rooted cutting will begin to sprout. To form a bole, leave one shoot, remove the rest as they appear. Remove weeds around the cutting. Once a month, the plant should be fed with a solution of fertilizers. At the beginning of summer, use nitrogen fertilizers, at the end - potash and phosphorus.

A year later, the currant shoot is cut at a height of about eighty centimeters. Leave the top four buds from which the crown will form, remove the remaining buds. The shoots that will grow from the preserved buds can be cut back in a year, leaving four buds on each.

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necks 8-10 mm. Dig up, shorten the roots to 15 cm and the aerial part to 8-10 cm and plant again 30 cm apart and about a meter between rows. Such a planting will help the growth of annual shoots, which then go to the stem, will become future stems.

standard rose

Rule 1. With or without vaccination - we listen to experienced gardeners

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Everyone's favorite tree with prickly needles close together creates fluffy branches. The tree reaches amazing beauty in the spring, during the period of growth of young pale green shoots. The existing varieties of prickly spruce, oriental spruce and Canadian spruce (gray) are considered dwarf with slow growth. This quality is the first plus, the second can be called good cold resistance, the third is easy processing and shearing. For the New Year holidays, such Christmas trees are decorated with garlands, which creates a fabulous atmosphere around the house.​

  • Magnificent stems are obtained from bushes:
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In nature, you can also find stems, for example, in young birch trees. Where snow-white trunks, due to lack of light, go up into the sky in slender columns and form a crown only at the very top.

Miniature trunks are a trend in garden fashion. But all their beauty will only be emphasized by the right undergrowth. Its task is to hide the soil near the leg. The undergrowth looks elegant, repeating the color of the leaves or flowers of the standard plant itself. If it resonates with the shape of leaves or inflorescences, there will be an amazing result. This beauty will also be a magnificent decoration of the garden.

Common privet

However, you can do without vaccination. In this case, the correct shaping pruning will help out. We are growing a bole again, having previously selected one central shoot (you can have two, of course, and even three woven into a pigtail). Excess branches will be regularly gradually cut off. This is done more than once a year, and more than once the stem we need will be formed. If necessary, the trunk is tied to a support. The crown is formed with the help of tweezing. This means that the tops of the shoots are pinched.

We form the crown gradually: shoots shorten every three to six weeks, because of this, new branches will grow. Perfection of form is one of the main characteristics of true beauty. This statement is also true in the issue of site design. The standard form of shrubs is gaining more and more popularity: there is probably no gardener today who would not like to see this innovation on his site.

For a bole, a one-year-old shoot is suitable, which has grown from a dormant bud at the base of a bush for 2-3 years. Choose the tallest and straightest, cut off the rest at the root neck. If you want to acquire several standard roses of different heights, then it is worth remembering that on low stems the crown is usually formed at a height of 0.8 m, medium - 1.2 m, high - from 1.5 m.

Some gardeners form a standard plant from an existing adult bush. The method is simple - all unnecessary is cut off. But you need to do this if you don’t feel sorry for the bush at all, because the first experience may not be so successful. This tree is quite interesting.

Judge for yourself - an exquisite, full of triumph and natural elegance plant with a rounded shape on a thin stem. Such beauty will please the eye of both the owner of the site and his guests. Four rules for creating standard plants and caring for them - next.​

Spiral stem shape (video)

Rule number 3. We do everything consistently

  • If you have one shoot, measure its height and act in accordance with this recommendation. Take cuttings from varietal rose bushes that you like on the eve of vaccination. To prevent the kidneys from drying out, wrap the cuttings in a wet cloth or film. However, it should be borne in mind that cuttings can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month.
  • Standard roses are still rare in gardens. It's a pity - they resemble graceful bouquets on a long stem-stem. In addition, rose trees bloom profusely and for a long time, winter better and suffer less from diseases than ordinary bush ones. In other words, the benefits are obvious.​
  • The easiest way to trim and maintain shape is considered American. Having covered the crown with a mesh formed into a certain configuration, they cut the branches that go beyond its borders. When the volume is filled, the mesh is removed, the accumulated experience of working with a pruner helps to maintain the formed shape.​
  • Juniper is considered more capricious in the coniferous family, only experienced specialists can afford to breed it.
  • rosehip;

Modern designers, using standard trees, achieve an exclusive look of the local area. Many owners of private houses are trying to surpass their neighbors in the unusual appearance of the site. Growing a standard plant, it is easy to get carried away with this occupation and decorate your possessions not only on the street, but also indoors. Winter gardens with such exotic forms take on the appearance of fashionable houses abroad.

In spring, select a central shoot from a young shrub grown from a cutting. This will be the main stem, and remove any buds on the main stem. Leave just a little on top. Root shoots also eliminate this shoot.

Rule #4

  • The usual method of grafting is the so-called budding, or eye-bud grafting. For reliability and better development you need to do two vaccinations on opposite sides of the stem, one 3-4 cm higher than the other.
  • Here are a few boring ones, but helpful tips. First of all, you should take care of the rootstock, that is
  • A magnificent specimen can be called thuja. Abroad, they learned to cut different shapes from the stem of the thuja. Our lovers of decorating their homes with unusual trees have adopted the experience of foreign designers and, using the slow-growing property of thuja, they begin to plant it in beautiful pots, followed by transplanting into already ennobled landscape compositions.

Standard roses and other trees - how to form a stem | Country Design - fresh ideas from around the world

Standard trees will help you create your own unique site design.

Then, as the stem grows, tie it to the support. When the trunk reaches the required height, cut off the top of the shoot. This will be a signal for the plant to grow in breadth. The crown of the remaining buds will grow to the sides.

What shrubs are suitable for the formation of stems

So, to get an elegant standard plant - a real decoration of the site, you need:

How to form a stem

With a simple pruning, you can get a standard plant from:

The process of forming a standard plant is a rather laborious process. As a rule, it will take a gardener five years to achieve the desired result. How to do this with a vaccine?

The stem is usually grafted with one variety of roses, but several varieties with flowers of different colors can be taken. A week before the operation, if the weather is dry, the wild rose should be watered abundantly.

Top dressing and pruning

about the plant

It is impossible to pass by such beauty, so more and more summer residents are leaning towards the cultivation of standard shrubs. The advantage of such compositions is the small occupation of the area, and the height of the bush, not exceeding 1.5 m, allows you to see other unusual compositions on the territory.​

With the help of juniper bushes, you can make a wide variety of figures in the garden.

With a small area of ​​​​the site, the hostesses who grow berries for jam manage to create stems from fruit-bearing shrubs. Getting a harvest of berries, they decorate their garden with beautiful compositions that attract the eye throughout the spring-summer period. At first, the plants bloom with delicate foliage, then bloom, after flowering, fruits appear. Each shrub has its own time and its own colors, which makes it possible for compositions from bushes on a stem to constantly please the eye.​

When planning, landscape design workers explain the rules for planting standard trees. Using the rules of zoning, they create cascades of exotic plants, flower beds, large flowerpots, alpine slides, and standard trees easily fit into the created surroundings.​

Once a month, pinch all side branches, this action will make the plant grow even more abundantly. Each type of plant has its own pinching time, but you can focus on a month.

Choose a young plant with a central straight shoot, remove all running shoots, tie the trunk (stem) to a support;

If the shoot deviates from the vertical, tie it to a peg. Be sure to remove side shoots. You can also pinch them after the third leaf, followed by removal after a year.


The algorithm is not so complicated:

In two weeks the results will be visible. A green swollen bud and an easily falling leaf petiole indicate that everything is going well. If the grafted eyes have turned black, you will have to repeat everything, but already lower along the trunk. A month later, the strapping holding the grafted buds must be removed, and the shoots that have begun to grow from them should be pinched, carefully cut off with your fingers at the very top. Remove the first buds that appear. But that's not all - cut the rosehip shoots above the vaccination site.

for grafting roses. Rosehip is suitable as such, but not any, but only one that is resistant to frost, pests and diseases, with a strong root system and tall, flexible shoots from the base of the bush. On three-year-old bushes, they grow up to 1.5-2 m.

The shape of the crown of each bush, tree or liana has its own. Man has learned to change the age-old appearance of plants. Also in Ancient Rome a kind of plant architecture was born - topiary. One of the first topiary works Japanese larch is very popular. The leaf fall characteristic of coniferous needles does not reduce its popularity. Smooth horizontal branches and a multi-vertex larch trunk make it easy to give it the shape of a ball. Despite the obligatory condition of maintaining a distance from the larch stem of 3-4 m, the opportunity to decorate the site with bright tints of flowers with other stems is not missed by any professional designer. Coniferous plants also participate in the stem, such as:

  • The trunk gives a classic look to the recreation area. Trees with an even trunk and an unusual crown bear such an extraordinary name, borrowed from German designers, meaning "trunk."
  • Slightly shorten all branches and your trunk will form quite quickly under your supervision. As a rule, already in the second season you can see the result. Well, starting from the third season, you will have a beautiful standard ball on your site.

In three to four years, a bole one and a half to two meters high will grow from seeds. A year, or even two, a bole from young seedlings will grow earlier.

Coniferous stem color


The first step is to grow a bole, meaning the stem of the tree itself. This can be either a native column or taken from a taller plant.

  • And one more tip
  • Usually, a wild rose, called Rosa canina, is taken for the rootstock. Its fruits resemble acorns. They begin to be harvested as soon as they turn brown - the seeds are already ripe, and the shell has not yet had time to harden. The gutted seeds are immediately covered with sand or peat in a ratio of one to two and stored in the basement, stirring at least once a week and moistening as needed.
  • landscape design

Weeping pendula larches are widely used in decoration. These include coniferous, willow, elm and other deciduous trees. One of the main representatives of pendula can be called rakita.

Currant bushes have long been used for arranging boles on the site.

Rosehip bushes will be an excellent material for boles.

Feed after every tree pruning. Feed the plant according to the methods recommended for each species. Regularly remove newly emerging shoots on the trunk of the bole and from the root zone.

Bright originality

After mid-April, it is best to vaccinate. For this, a cutting with 3-4 buds is taken. After four weeks (or maybe three), the graft that has taken root will have buds. By autumn, they will already become annual growths.

Bird cherry

Two years later, the desired plant can be grafted onto this column-stem. Often, creeping shrubs are grafted onto the trunk - this is how unusual, beautiful weeping forms are obtained.

After the first frost, you should carefully bend the plant to the ground, cover the grafting sites from below and above with small coniferous twigs and cover with a layer of earth of 15-20 cm. . Check the safety of vaccinations - all of a sudden something is wrong.​

Planting and caring for coniferous stems

Sow seeds in October or November in moist soil. You can do this and in early spring. They are sown in loose soil to a depth of up to 7 cm. On heavy soils, the depth is less - 2-3 cm. After germination, thickened crops are thinned out.

Appeared at the villa of the famous Pliny the Younger, where his name was written using sheared boxwood.

Pendula willow, or, as it is popularly called, goat willow, is incredibly beautiful. Delicate branches flow down, using this property, you can give an interesting shape to the trunk. Rakita pendula will help decorate any chaotic heap of rocky stones near a small reservoir. The standard form of weeping pendula has a rapid growth and in a short time reaches 3 m. The dense crown makes it possible to show imagination and make the landscape of any cottage or country house mysterious. This plant variety is frost-resistant and does not require special storage conditions in winter, but in warm weather, the stringent requirement of abundant watering should in no case be neglected.


Care and formation of the trunk

Plot decorators, having turned to famous gardeners for advice, learned about a new direction in crop production. Thanks to this, bollards have become popular in landscaping. The main advantage of the trunk is the possibility of growing it both in open ground and in beautiful large ceramic pots. This advantage helps in the cold season to easily transfer the plant to the house, decorating the interior of the living room and keeping the tree until warm days. The ability to create topiary groups is given by the different heights of standard plants participating in the ensemble.

Remove the support holding the fragile trunk when it can hold a dense spherical crown without distortions. According to gardeners, this will happen by the third season.​

We form the crown gradually: every three to six weeks, the shoots are shortened, because of this, new branches will grow. This will gradually turn out a spherical crown.

Next spring, you will need to cut them into several buds in order to better branch. Subsequent care will be the same as for ordinary seedlings.

Standard rose

Rose: neither tree nor shrub

Juniper Grafting on a stem former is an interesting and uncomplicated way. The trees obtained as a result of this method will decorate any garden, be beautiful and healthy. Time goes by, you follow your ward tree, a standard rose. When cultural shoots appear above 3-5 leaves or buds, pinch them several times to get a branched crown similar to a tree crown.

​Autumn or early spring next year from annual seedlings

The gardens of Rome were famous for their wonderful compositions from different breeds trees, bright colors, rose gardens, powerful fountains, graceful gazebos and sculptures. And of course, topiary art. The owners of the gardens were proud of evergreens trimmed like balls, cubes or pyramids. Ships and bizarre figures of animals were “sculpted” from plants.

Pruning of stems is carried out with special garden shears. pine; You should not consider boles exotic.

In my area, I am also trying to form several stems. Not ready to show yet - you need to wait a few more seasons for the result.

Growing a standard rose is not so difficult.

Successful transformation of the site! Berry yew

Until mid-summer, young rose plants should not be tied to a support - gusts of wind can break still loosely fused vaccinations. But in the second half of summer, support is simply necessary. Indeed, under the weight of the developed crown, the plants begin to lean towards the ground.

The rapid development of selection ornamental plants caused by high demand for their various forms and varieties, gave gardeners one of the most spectacular forms - plants on boles. These are not independent varieties or variety groups, but decorative deciduous, coniferous or flowering shrubs and trees only formed and grown on boles. We can say that this is such a way of growing.

Stamp plants have a single trunk, devoid of side branches, and only at its top a beautiful branched crown begins. But the shape of the crown depends both on the culture and variety itself, and on the gardener's imagination, who can shape it to his liking. The crowns of plant-boles can be very different, for example, spherical, similar to a dense deciduous or coniferous ball-cap, or in the form of a bush that has risen above the ground, strewn with flowers. Falling or weeping crowns are also widespread in decorative deciduous, coniferous and flowering plants. There are also umbrella crowns, for example, in a decorative standard apple tree.

The advantages of standard plants, in my opinion, include not only spectacular appearance, but also their compactness, which saves space in small areas. In addition, under them it is easier to cultivate the land: loosen, water, fertilize. The most beautiful part of the plant seems to soar above the ground and immediately attracts the eye. You will not pass by such beauty, and standard crops are attractive at any time of the year.

Stem plants create unusual design garden, and also fit perfectly into any flower arrangements. They can be planted in independent alleys, used in symmetrical plantings around buildings or along fences. For example, such an alley was planted at the Ulyanovsk state farm of ornamental horticulture. Shtambs look great in single plantings on the lawn. Very well combined with pyramidal or spherical shrubs and trees.

Many flower growers are interested in what plants can be grown in standard form?

The most attractive, in my opinion, are the flowering ones, and first of all - roses, hydrangeas, budley, Japanese chaenomeles. On boles they also form viburnum Buldonezh and Hungarian lilac. Even plants that actively give root shoots, such as common lilac and mock orange, can also be grown in standard or semi-standard form.

No less spectacular and decorative leafy in standard form. For example, the well-known goat willow with a weeping crown in spring is covered with delicate touching catkins of flowers, and then all summer pleases with a decorative tent of its crown. Willow Hakuro Nishike with a variegated lace crown hovering above the ground wonderfully decorates the garden. In my garden there are two forms of Japanese willow - bush and standard, and of course, the second option looks much more spectacular and delivers less hassle with care and pruning. In standard form, maple, mountain ash, ash and many other deciduous crops are also grown.

Magnificently decorate the garden, while not so common with us standard forms coniferous plants- spruces, pines, arborvitae, junipers, cypresses, larches. My garden is decorated with a mountain pine in a standard form with a spherical crown and a standard weeping larch.

I am often asked: how stamp forms are created familiar plants? Or maybe they are found in nature?

Yes, some deciduous plants in standard form with a weeping hanging crown are found in nature. But basically, they are created by breeders and are divided into two types - formed and grafted .

Usually, both shaping and grafting are carried out by professionals in nurseries, and amateurs acquire and grow such seedlings. Can an amateur create a standard seedling himself? Concerning grafted forms, then their creation requires not only special knowledge and skills, but also suitable material for rootstock. It is not easy to buy it, to grow it yourself from seeds and to ensure that the stem is even without bends and knees, also, in my opinion, the task is not for an amateur. Therefore, rather than creating your own crooked low-quality seedling, it is better to buy a beautiful one prepared by professionals.

If speak about formed stems, then it is within the power of an amateur. It is possible, with the help of pruning, to get a standard tree from common privet, maple, mountain ash, bird cherry or virgin juniper, pine, yew berry. To do this, pinch the side shoots throughout the growing season. It is necessary to begin to form very young seedlings during their initial most rapid growth. According to experts, it is best to form stems from plants grown from seeds.

I tried to experiment with panicle hydrangea and common lilac. As for the first, the process of formation is still underway. I chose a young sapling of the Vanilla Fraz variety, and I’m shaping it into two stems so far, next summer I’ll choose one, stronger and even, and cut the second one. While the plant is bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches for overwintering.

Two lilac seedlings ordinary varieties Taras Bulba and Mechta have already formed on boles. Looks nice and really saves space. But, it seems to me, this form of cultivation went to the detriment of flowering - after all, there are fewer flowers on such a plant than on an ordinary bush! Therefore, I advise you to think carefully before getting carried away with standard forms, since not all plants benefit from this.

For amateur gardeners who want to grow standard forms in their gardens, I want to say that mainly grafted crops are offered on the market. Firstly, this method of obtaining standard plants is more common in ornamental gardening. And some cultures are simply impossible to get on the bole in any other way than vaccination. For example, a rose on a trunk can only be grafted. AND, Secondly, caring for grafted plants is much easier, they do not require constant pruning and pinching, unlike simply formed ones, which need “lifelong” pruning to maintain their shape, and at least twice per season.
