“Why does the sun appear in a dream? If you see the Sun in a dream, what does it mean? Why do you dream about the sun - interpretation of sleep


In most cases, seeing the sun in a dream is considered a positive sign. Moreover, since ancient times it has been considered a symbol of good luck, success and prosperity. However, some interpreters argue that a capricious celestial body can sometimes predict failure. Is it really a dream about something bad? And is there a way to avoid trouble? To find out the answers to these questions, let’s turn to the world’s famous dream books.

  • Miller. To joyful events and success in any business.
  • New. Bright prospects open up for the sleeper.
  • English. To wealth and happy love.
  • Dasha. This is a symbol of life, love, fertility.
  • French. To wealth and abundance.
  • Karmic. The dreamer is satisfied with himself and his life.
  • Wangi. A serene and calm life awaits the sleeper.
  • Gypsy. Sunlight in the room means illness.
  • Veles. To the good.
  • Esoteric. A bright sun is a sign that the sleeper is on the right path.
  • Hasse. To great luck.
  • Family. To a happy, comfortable family life.
  • Jewish. The dreamer will have a long life filled with pleasant events.
  • Islamic. To the appearance of a powerful patron.
  • Health. To a favorable development of events. For patients, the dream promises a complete recovery.
  • Bright sun in a dream - to a cloudless life

    In winter, the sun shines in a dream - to a powerful patron, in spring it indicates success in a career, in summer - to pleasure, and in the fall it prophesies changes for the better.

    The sun is clear in men's and women's dreams

    Not only in reality do warm rays give hope, in a dream the heavenly body also gives confidence in the future and opens up new opportunities for the sleeper:

  • for a young man, the dream promises promising prospects both in the professional sphere and on the love front;
  • For a married man, the sun at its zenith predicts the birth of a smart and kind son;
  • if a married lady dreams of it, it means that everyday joys await her. Perhaps her husband will give her a new one household appliances or will fulfill a promise made a long time ago;
  • the luminary hidden behind the clouds promises a long quarrel with her husband;
  • For a girl, the bright sun in a dream promises a stormy personal life and a stable financial situation;
  • if it burns the young lady, then she should be wary of thoughtless connections, since such behavior can compromise her in the eyes of others;
  • For a pregnant woman, the heavenly body prophesies the birth of a sweet, healthy girl;
  • After seeing the sun in a dream, businessmen can be calm; fate favors them and will very soon present them with a new, profitable contract.
  • For a girl, the bright sun promises changes in her personal life.

    Sun: bright, red, blinding

  • Bright, warm - the most auspicious sign, which can only be seen in a dream. Interpreters unanimously claim that it promises a life filled with joy and happiness. If a person is sick, then this vision prophesies him a complete recovery.
  • Dream books interpret blinding differently:
    • Miller assures that the dreamer will soon have to experience a situation due to which he will completely change his views on life;
    • the gypsy Seraphima believes that after such a vision the sleeper needs to pay more attention to his health. If you dreamed of the sun’s rays slightly breaking through the clouds, it means that the sleeper’s financial situation is beginning to improve, but it is still very far from complete stability.
  • The warm sun under which the dreamer is basking indicates that he is surrounded by love and tenderness, which is incredibly important to him.
  • Red-colored heavenly body - bad sign, foreshadowing disasters and cataclysms.
  • Black indicates long-term illness and sometimes death.
  • A huge luminary means a love adventure that could end in marriage.
  • The sun covered by clouds - to life’s obstacles;
  • If it is so hot in a dream that it has dried up the earth, it means that some passion of the dreamer or excessive ambition will deprive him of hope for success. As a rule, this vision suggests that the sleeper needs to observe moderation in everything.
  • If the sun appears in the night sky, it means that the dreamer will overcome any obstacles and achieve what he wants.
  • A dream in which the sun was shining brightly, but suddenly clouds rolled in and suddenly covered it, prophesies turbulent times. However, the sleeper should not worry too much, because black line soon it will pass and life will play again bright colors.
  • The red sun is a bad sign that prophesies disasters and cataclysms

    Sunset, sunrise, eclipse in a dream

    The rising celestial body predicts successful endeavors. At present, the dreamer need not worry about his affairs - everything will turn out well for him. If a person sleeping in his night dreams meets the sunrise with his friends, it means that real life he is very worried about his relatives and will help solve most of their problems. The rising of the crimson sun promises trials and disappointments. A vision in which the sun rises among swirling dark clouds warns of the machinations of ill-wishers. The rising of a star from the water prophesies a change of place of residence. If the sun rises dimly, it means that relationships in the dreamer’s family will deteriorate. Big success foreshadows a dream in which the sun rises during rain. If, against the backdrop of the rising luminary, the sleeper sees his home, it means that a prosperous future awaits him.

    A bright, flaming sunrise promises great events that will take the dreamer by surprise and completely change his future life.

    The sunset indicates that the dreamer's well-being is under threat and he needs to be vigilant in relation to the people around him. The modern dream book offers its own version of interpretation. In his opinion, sunset indicates the completion of a certain stage in life. Therefore, you should not be afraid of him. For creative people, this dream predicts a loss of strength and loss of inspiration. A pink sunset promises trouble, a crimson sunset promises worries and empty troubles. A solar eclipse is a very bad sign that predicts troubles, misfortunes, and losses. Sometimes this image foreshadows deception from the outside loved one.

    The bright sun in winter foreshadows the appearance of a powerful patron

    Actions in a dream: sunbathing, looking, shining light in the eye

  • Sunbathing in the sun in a dream is a bad sign for a girl, which promises her major troubles or health problems. If a man dreams of this same vision, it means that he will be able to make a dizzying career and many will envy him.
  • Getting sunburned means that the sleeper may commit rash acts, which he will later regret.
  • If the sleeper looks intently at the heavenly body, it means that a white streak has come in his life.
  • A dream in which a person is blinded by the sun indicates health problems.
  • Basking under the warm rays of the sun means conquering new heights.
  • If a person unsuccessfully tries to warm up under the sun, it means that he lacks the love and understanding of loved ones.
  • If the sleeper, on the contrary, was very hot and tried to find shade, it means that the dreamer will be offered an expensive project, but he will be frightened by its volume and refuse to participate.
  • Very often, sunset is interpreted by dream books as a fear of approaching old age.

    For a girl to sunbathe in a dream is a bad sign indicating health problems

    Interpretation of unusual dreams

    Sometimes dreams offer us an unusual plot, which is incredibly interesting to decipher:

  • the sun and moon appearing in the sky at the same time is an ambiguous symbol that can be interpreted in different ways:
    • if they illuminate the dreamer’s body, it means that he will soon receive important news from his parents;
    • two luminaries dim at the same time - to the wife’s pregnancy;
    • celestial bodies uniting into one - to the birth of a son;
    • if the sun gives way to the moon, then a beautiful girl will be born;
    • the sun and moon hiding behind the mountains - to deception;
    • hold both luminaries in your hands - receive a high rank;
  • the sea and the sun in night dreams are a sign that the sleeper works a lot and needs rest;
  • sunlight pouring through the window prophesies illness;
  • if the sleeper enters a room flooded with sunlight, it means that he will live his entire future life in wealth and luxury;
  • drawing the sun on the sand or a sheet of paper means the collapse of hopes;
  • tandem of two heavenly bodies- this is a sign that the sleeper is ready to conquer new heights and good luck will accompany him in this;
  • rain and sun predict the beginning of a new one, happy life;
  • snow sparkling under the bright sun prophesies an amazing event that will radically change the dreamer’s life;
  • the solar disk rising over the city promises good luck in the professional sphere;
  • if it is illuminated countryside, fields and haystacks, which means that everything for the dreamer will go as usual, without any special changes;
  • the sun emerging after a storm indicates a difficult period: to achieve the goal, the sleeper will have to go through many trials;
  • the sun at its zenith is a sign that the dreamer’s ambition will be completely satisfied and he will soon achieve what he wants.
  • Video: sun in a dream

    In most cases, a dream about the sun predicts a favorable period. If the star is suddenly covered by a cloud, then you just need to wait a little and very soon luck and success will return to you again. Have a nice sleep!

    There are a variety of dreams, they can even be divided into several different categories.

    There are dreams that are considered “nightmares”, there are ordinary dreams of everyday content, and there are also those that are not remembered at all. Some dreams are completely crazy and resemble a chaotic set of pictures, but besides this, there are happy, bright dreams.

    In them, the dreamer comes to the most pleasant visions and events - and the emotions after such dreams remain only bright and joyful in the morning. A special, happiest sign in night visions is the sun.

    This heavenly body is special; it has been worshiped since ancient times by all the peoples of our planet. The sun gives life to absolutely everything on Earth, without it there would be no life. All life processes, rhythms and movements occur under its powerful influence.

    We call the most beloved people “sun,” and when, during the cold season of the year, the sun is not in the sky for a long time, we all feel sad, melancholy begins. Can't do without him! What kind of symbol is this, why do you dream about the sun - what to expect in reality after dreams bright and warmed by its rays?

    “Sunny” dreams are the most favorable of all, this should be understood even before opening the dream book. They cannot promise anything bad a priori - only happiness, the end of troubles and complete peace.

    But there can be many nuances - and in order to accurately and reliably interpret what the sun means in dreams, it is necessary to remember the entire dream. What was the sun like, was it bright or hidden behind the clouds, did you have to sunbathe or bask in its light, or maybe you got burned in its rays? The options are as follows:

    • Seeing the bright sun in your dreams.
    • It is at its zenith.
    • The sun breaks through the dark clouds.
    • Illuminates your body, you sunbathe, warm up.
    • I dreamed of a clear, clean sun.
    • The sun is burning red.
    • The rays shine directly into the room.
    • The sun is burning with fire.
    • Sunbathe on the beach.
    • Get sunburn.
    • I dream of the sun over the water.
    • I dreamed of a beautiful sunrise.
    • I dream about sunset.
    • The sun shines through the rain.
    • There is a small random cloud or light clouds nearby.

    Such options are very different, and remembering these details is extremely important - after all, how you act in reality and how your fate will turn depends on them. So be careful with your dream book!

    Sunny dreams - what do they promise?

    There is no doubt that when you woke up after such dreams, you felt great, and your mood was good, and perhaps there was even an inexplicable good feeling? This is true! Joy and happiness await you.

    But where they will come from, how to bring them closer - this dream book will tell you, explaining what the sun means in dreams and what to expect in reality!

    It is also worth noting that if there were other signs in the dreams, then no matter what they foretell according to the interpreter, any negative aspect and bad interpretations are canceled if there was a bright sun. This symbol always brings positivity - and gives hope for the best outcome of any matter.

    1. As the dream book indicates, the sun, simply seen in a dream, is a symbol of great happiness. And also complete, unquestioning success in everything.

    Don’t even doubt it - if not all your businesses are thriving today, and there are some difficulties, everything will change soon. And the time will come to enjoy your luck!

    2. If the sun was at its zenith, the dream book confidently says that your possibilities are now simply limitless. The time has come - it's time to act! Whatever you decide to undertake, you will achieve great success everywhere and be at the top. Just act, don’t wait a minute!

    3. The sun's rays breaking through the clouds in dreams is a harbinger that any troubles and difficulties are approaching the end. Believe me, the white streak will begin soon, and everything will be more than fine.

    4. If the gentle rays of the sun illuminate your body and face, expect an important position, honor and recognition soon. You will receive not only the respect and admiration of others, but also a new position in society.

    5. It’s great if you dreamed of a clear and pure sun - this means clarity of mind and clarity of the path ahead, bright opportunities, good spirits and no obstacles ahead.

    This means that you need to move towards new horizons without doubt, without fear or hesitation, to take bold steps, because the possibilities ahead are truly endless. Such a rare chance and, perhaps, a unique period in life - don’t miss it!

    6. The red sun speaks of great activity, great concentration of energy and strength in you. It’s time to use this entire reserve constructively and very actively. In other words, the interpreter says, it’s time to act, use your strength, realize yourself! Right now!

    7. It is very good if in a dream the rays shone straight into your room or house. This portends the dreamer a new, desired position - and you deserve it, so believe that you will soon get it.

    You will have to put in more effort, and you will have more responsibility than before. But both the results and the fruits of labor will be much more worthy! Don't miss the chance!

    8. If in a dream the sun simply glows with fire, as if in a fantastic picture that has come to life, this unforgettable sight means that in everyday life you have reliable and very significant support from a good person who loves you.

    This person is big and important, and it may even be that you have no idea about his support and his attitude towards you. Then you will be surprised!

    9. Basking, basking in the warm rays, on the beach is a wonderful symbol. In reality, you will be surrounded by the tender and devoted care and love of loved ones, true friends, and you will be happy.

    10. But sunbathing, but at the same time getting a sunburn in a dream is a warning sign. The interpreter warns you about the likelihood of receiving disappointment or pain from a person you trust.

    To avoid this pain, you should warn yourself - do not trust too much and do not expect too much from others, do not build castles in the air. Try to be realistic about how people treat you. Maybe you see great devoted love for you where there is none?

    11. The happiest and most favorable sign is the sun, which shines over water in a dream. The dream book in this case is laconic - it foretells great happiness in literally everything, cloudless and uncompromising. And nothing will overshadow it!

    12. Good dream- it's sunrise. This suggests that now in everyday reality the time has come for the implementation of ideas and for self-development. Take action, fate favors you!

    13. Sunset, on the contrary, warns that you should not act actively now. Take a break, rest, reflect. You will feel when the time to act has come, but for now just relax and watch the world around you.

    14. If the rays shine through the rain, a rare and happy occasion awaits you. Fate has prepared a stunning surprise for you!

    15. A random cloud or cloud in a bright sky portends financial success and prosperity. Your work has not been in vain, and you will soon reap the desired benefits!

    How nice it is to leaf through a dream book, exploring such a wonderful and positive symbol. More lucky sign difficult to find - and if you dreamed of him, rejoice - and wait for happiness, it is already on the way! Author: Vasilina Serova

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      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation IN sky rings dreamed, for what dreaming in dream IN sky rings? To select an interpretation sleep dream dreams per letter free alphabetically). Now you can find out what it means to see in dream IN sky rings, read below for free interpretation dreams from the best online dream books At home Sun!Read completely

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      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Sun, moon, month, clouds, stars, comet, meteor... depending on its contrast, brightness, color range give the event appropriate specificity and coloring and have a separate meaning of their own. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Flock high V sky in dream dreams!Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

      If in dream you saw a bright sunrise sun- joy and success await you in all your endeavors. Had a dream Sun at the zenith - your possibilities are limitless. Sunset sun- unfortunately, indicates that your well-being has passed its peak. Chinese dream book. See Sun and the moon that just appeared on sky - V family prosperity and prosperity. Sun and the moon illuminate your body - you will receive an important position. Fall from Heaven Sun and the moon - grief, you will lose your parents. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      See yourself in dream riding a beautiful horse with a long and thick tail means the help of many friends in all undertakings. If at the same time the horse is limping, then this is a sign of obstacles in business. If will dream that someone else without asking the seer dream, rides his horse, this warns the sleeper that Seeing clear, pure sky or light clouds without sun V sky Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation On sky words dreamed, for what dreaming in dream On sky words? See clear, pure sky or light clouds without sun- quiet hours and internal composure are ahead; can be used for spiritual development. Beautiful clouds V sky, their slow movement and play of forms - the harmonious life of the soul. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      The sky is the image of the soul, the picture of its life. Sun V sky- the center of the life of the spirit, your mind. Balloons flew into the gray sky - a temporary collapse of all hopes. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Angels on sky V in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Be in dream sky V sun Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation Sky knows dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Sky knows? See clear, pure sky or light clouds without sun- quiet hours and internal composure are ahead; can be used for spiritual development. Beautiful clouds V sky, their slow movement and play of forms - the harmonious life of the soul. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Be in dream sky V in your dream it was cloudy, it was not visible sun, then this means that something is bothering you, but you do not associate this concern with sex life, although it’s completely in vain - if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will go smoothly. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation Was on sky dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Was on sky?See clear, pure sky or light clouds without sun- quiet hours and internal composure are ahead; can be used for spiritual development. Beautiful clouds V sky, their slow movement and play of forms - the harmonious life of the soul. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      If sky V in your dream it was cloudy, it was not visible sun dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Heaven knows in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Be in dream ascended to heaven - to unsuccessful attempt use everything possible to advance your business. Climbing a ladder to heaven means quickly achieving a high position in society. Flying across the sky means suffering from infidelity in love. - If sky V in your dream it was cloudy, it was not visible sun, then this means that something is bothering you, but you don’t connect this worry with your sex life, although it’s completely in vain - if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will go better. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Sun sky - V family prosperity and prosperity. The son of heaven, the rightful ruler, grants you permission to sit in his presence - there will be wealth and happiness. If in dream from Monday to Tuesday you saw one of the people around you in a nightgown, this portends you a fun trip, returning from which you will cause universal condemnation. But if such dream dreamed about it from Sunday to Monday, you will soon embark on risky, dubious adventures, but you will be able to arrange everything...Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Sun and the moon, which have just appeared on sky - V family prosperity and prosperity. The son of heaven, the rightful ruler grants you permission to sit in his presence - there will be wealth and happiness. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Bridge to Heaven in dream.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation Geese flying V sky dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Geese flying V sky?Now you can find out what it means to see in dream Geese flying V sky by reading below free interpretation dreams from the best online dream books At home Sun!Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation Walks around sky And dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Walks around sky and?Daytime sky- always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly understand. See clear, pure sky or light clouds without sun- quiet hours and internal composure are ahead; can be used for spiritual development. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      To the rich man who saw in dream that the stars are disappearing one after another sky, threatened by loss, terrible boredom and care. If so will dream to the poor, it means a short-term illness. Dream this one is happy only for criminals. Sky- an image of the soul, a picture of its life. Sun V sky- the center of the life of the spirit, your mind. Into the gray sky the balloons flew away - a temporary collapse of all hopes. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      If sky V in your dream it was cloudy, it was not visible sun, then this means that something is bothering you, but you don’t connect this worry with your sex life, although it’s completely in vain - if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will go better. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Walks across the sky and in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Be in dream ascended to heaven - to an unsuccessful attempt to use everything possible to advance your affairs. Climbing a ladder to heaven means quickly achieving a high position in society. Flying across the sky means suffering from infidelity in love. - If sky V in your dream it was cloudy, it was not visible sun, then this means that something is bothering you, but you don’t connect this worry with your sex life, although it’s completely in vain - if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will go better. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      if you dreamed clear cloudless sky, such dream promises a pleasant romantic trip, during which you have a chance to meet your chosen one. If sky V yours dream clear and pure, this means that there is no need to worry about your personal life - everything is going as well as possible. You are happy in sex, but this time can quickly end. Cloudy sky without sun means hidden anxiety associated with intimate life. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

      If anyone dreaming, What Sun came down from sky on his house, then this portends a fire. Who sees in dream, What solar rays reach the bed in which the sleeping person lies, then he will have a fever. See in dream Sun- to success in business, wealth in life and well-being. if you dreamed what you couldn't look at Sun, it means that there is a person in your environment with whom it is very difficult to avoid conflict. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation Show sky dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Show sky?See clear, pure sky or light clouds without sun- quiet hours and internal composure are ahead; can be used for spiritual development. Beautiful clouds V sky, their slow movement and play of forms - the harmonious life of the soul. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Be in dream ascended to heaven - to an unsuccessful attempt to use everything possible to advance your affairs. Climbing a ladder to heaven means quickly achieving a high position in society. - If sky V in your dream it was cloudy, it was not visible sun, then this means that something is bothering you, but you do not in any way connect this concern with your sex life, although it is completely in vain - if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will go better.

    Collection of dream books

    Why does the Sun appear in a dream according to 59 dream books?

    Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Sun” symbol from 59 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

    Ukrainian dream book

    By sunrise- There is no need to tell your family about your terrible dream, as it will come true.

    The sun will dream weak- will recover

    The sun is shining clearly- life will be clear.

    How to dream about very sunny weather- it will be fun, joyful.

    The sun is shining red- for losses.

    How to dream about the sun- a girl or a guy will fall in love; older people will have fun, there will be a glass. Good dream.

    If you dream that the sun has gone well- a thoughtful task or something important on the right will definitely be completed with success.

    The sun is going down - a gift, a change in life, good news.

    The sun rose in the darkness, everything became clear- your worries are behind you

    See the eclipse of the sun- big trouble.

    The black sun is death.

    Universal dream book

    Every living organism on this planet wants to take its place in the sun.- does the dream mean that you have already found your way?

    The sun is also a symbol- lighting. What do you want to highlight in your life? Remember where the sun was in your dream and relate it to real life. Perhaps it is a business project or a relationship.

    If in real life you are going through a difficult period, the sun in a dream- symbolizes strength, determination and reliability, because the sun rises every day.

    Pay attention to whether the sun rises or sets in your dream. If the sun rises- the dream suggests that some situations or circumstances will soon arise in your life. If the sun goes down- perhaps you should spend more time on your subconscious.

    The sun is also a symbol- masculinity, it takes care of everyone and always gets up first. Does the sun have this meaning in your dream?

    The sun also means that you can’t want something too much, otherwise... you can get it: too much sun is the cause of various troubles, from drought to burns. And, of course, I prefer to interpret the sun as a symbol of the end of the period of darkness.

    Esoteric dream book

    The sun is clear - a joyful event, improvement in business, a good period in life.

    Hiding behind the clouds- temporary deterioration of affairs, short-term difficulties.

    Sunrise - improvement in business and health. A surge in all areas of life.

    Online dream book

    Meaning of sleep: Sun according to the dream book?

    A dream in which there was a bright sun- says that you will live happily in abundance and love.

    More interpretations

    The sun at its zenith is a reflection of the fact that you have decided on your main goals.

    Sunset promises you to reach the pinnacle of happiness, but after that you will have to live more moderately.

    I dreamed of the sun shining through the clouds- you can cope with all problems and enjoy life.

    An eclipse is a reflection that you will go through difficulties, but the dark streak will be temporary.

    We immediately saw both the sun and the moon in a dream- you can achieve successes you never dreamed of.

    According to the dream book, hide from the sun in the shade- a sign that you risk missing an opportunity that is very important to you.

    It blinded you- your vacation may end in a serious quarrel.

    According to the dream book, a bright sun that shines with all its strength on a cloudless sky- promises you luck and prosperity, boldly take on the most complex projects, and achieve great success.

    Seeing the sunrise in a dream- a real spiritual rebirth awaits you, which will allow you to reach new heights and become more successful.

    If you observe this natural phenomenon in the company of loved ones, you will be able to be useful to them, solving their problems, and you will also find your own happiness.

    You dream that there is an eclipse of the sun- be prepared for minor obstacles on your way, they will make you worry, but will not cause serious harm.

    You watched the eclipse of the sun - endure all the trials that fate will send you, and in the end it will generously reward you for your courage and patience.

    Also, this vision may indicate that you are on the verge of global life changes, but it is difficult to say about their nature, take a closer look at the context.

    You dreamed that two suns were shining in the sky at the same time- you can enlist the support of a very influential person who is endowed with enormous capabilities.

    A dream in which you saw the sun set- promises you some new unusual events that will change your life, there is a high probability of meeting your soulmate.

    If it is abnormally red, this indicates that you have reached the peak of your development in something, and now your business may decline, take this into account.

    Video: Why do you dream about the Sun?

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    Did you dream about the Sun, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

    Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Sun in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.
      • I dreamed of three suns at their zenith over the sea or ocean of three shades of gold and different sizes. They stood in a row. The first white sun is the largest, then the yellow one is slightly smaller and the smallest third is the color of red gold. Help me solve the dream.

    • what does it mean when I dreamed of a huge sun, the size of the earth to the heavens, bright, light and shining, not dazzling. In my dream I was very surprised at the size of the sun because I had never seen such a huge size.

      Good evening! I dreamed that when I walked from room to room, I looked out the window and saw a red sun. I called out to my mother to show her this, but when my mother came up, it was already yellow, as usual. As soon as mom turned away, part of the sun turned red again, and flashes of red color began to appear in the remaining yellow places (it was like boiling water, as if the sun had boiled and red spots began to appear from the inside, like lava from a volcano). I stood and looked, in a dream it felt as if time had stopped. I also thought to myself: well, that’s all, now the sun will explode and the end of the world will come. But I didn’t feel any panic, I was absolutely calm in my sleep, and this thought flashed through my head simply as a given, as something inevitable. Immediately after this thought I woke up. The sun in the dream was very large, but it was impossible to determine what it was: sunset, zenith or sunrise. It was simply visible from the window. At the same time, I remember that the window was open. Please interpret my dream. Thank you in advance.

      It seems like I’m walking along the road, a huge bright full moon appears along the way to my left, very clear, the light from it is even, bright, but not blinding, I walk further, after about 20 meters I see the sun, which is several times larger than the moon, also on the left side, then the sun begins to move in different directions, leaving behind clouds, after which it disappears, it becomes dark, but not complete darkness, after a few minutes the sun appears again

      In a dream, I was climbing a slope and saw, low above the horizon, three red suns, arranged horizontally in a row, the middle sun was slightly higher than the others. The light was dim, as if it was very early morning.

      I was talking to my mother when I suddenly saw a black spot hovering in the air behind her. It was like ball lightning, but it looked like a shadow. When I noticed this, I tried to warn her, but someone pulled me back by my hair and I woke up.

      Hello! I saw in a dream the Sun, which gradually increased and reached enormous sizes. I watched it from the window of my apartment. It grew to an unimaginably large size, which even scared me. On the same day before this dream, I saw a strong hurricane raging outside the window, but buildings and people did not suffer, but children’s crying was heard. And in this dream and in the one that I saw the Sun, I heard the voice of my mother, who stood behind me, but I did not see her

      Two Suns in a clear sky above the sea. I was surprised by this phenomenon, looked for an explanation and came up with the idea that the second Sun is the Moon. At the same time, the disk at the zenith was shining white, and the second disk moved to the horizon and was bordered by a delicate pink haze. The sea was calm and smooth, but I no longer understood whether I was standing on the shore or whether I was at the level of the gaze that was watching the Luminaries

      Hello Tatiana! I had such a strange dream and I just can’t figure it out. Help me please. This is very important to me.
      I dream that I and my son (7 years old), my mother, niece (7 years old) and dad (now deceased) are sitting in our apartment. The lights are on, it's warm, the children are playing. Dad seems to be nearby, he is watching. All in good mood. Then an acquaintance seemed to come to me (we are dating now, I really like him, I would really like to connect the future with him, but I doubt it). He was asked to take out the Christmas tree. He left by car (although it wasn’t winter at all?) I didn’t seem to have time to agree with him whether he would return or not. I started getting ready, I saw new boots and new leather shoes. I chose boots; I felt comfortable in them. In the hallway I was talking to my mom about something, and my dad offered to look after the children. It was as if he was an observer. The children are happy, they are playing. I went outside and went down the steps. My friend arrived, stood next to me, and immediately my mother and her work friends came out onto the porch. My friend and I went down the steps further away, as if to another entrance. And then, as if from underground, a huge beautiful wooden temple arose, in the likeness of the Church in Kizhi, it was truly a Temple! and we all seemed to be waiting for this miracle and the Temple was illuminated with Bright sunlight. This is something extraordinary. Please help me decipher my dream.

      I'm walking with some young guy, he vaguely reminds me young man from my youth, but I just can’t understand whether it’s him or not... he holds my hand and waist and is to my right... we are walking somewhere and the sun is shining in our face, the light is very soft, gently warm, I I close my eyes and walk with my eyes closed, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face... I’m not at all afraid of falling, because I know that if I stumble, a young man will support me... it’s a warm season outside, but not summer, perhaps late spring or early autumn, on The guy's only clothes are shorts...

      I had a dream that I was at the gate of a church school, inside they have a church itself, a store with Bibles, tables, a swimming pool, which has never been filled, as I live (not a fictitious place), it is located behind my house. I was with people, I don’t remember their faces, but it was as if I knew them, they didn’t let me in, but they were allowed in, then out of nowhere my loved one comes. We went there, went to a store with bibles, his friends were there, I was jealous, even though he didn’t communicate with them, we quarreled with his eyes. I went out to the pool, it was crystal pure water, it was like a river there, but the water flowed somewhere, it was like a river next to the pool, and this water also flowed there. My loved one came out and hugged me and a ray of sun hit our eyes and we looked at each other and smiled

      In the large beautiful hall I looked at the blooming flowers in one pot, there were a lot of them different colors, incredibly beautiful and bright, light green stems. I pulled one flower towards me, but did not pick it, the stem was like on a spring. Having released him, the flower (RED) returned to its place and all the flowers seemed to be scared and hid. And again they began to blossom little by little, and not like before... the blooming was accompanied by the bright light of the sun and with flashes of light the stems grew high from the pot and threw out very beautiful flowers….

      At night, three suns with faces rose from behind the mountains. They looked at people with surprise and pity, suddenly they disappeared and a huge meteorite appeared in space in front of the earth. I realized that in 2 days the earth would disappear. I rushed to my mother to hug and say goodbye and we cried.

      I saw in a dream as if I was in Crimea, although I had never been there. I walked on water (sea), the water was very clean. The weather was cloudy, and then the clouds cleared and the sun came out. I saw a dream today.

      It was as if the sky had opened and I saw the rising or setting sun, I didn’t understand, but I felt an insane joy in my soul. It was big and there were a lot of colors. It was very beautiful. And then I woke up, my heart just jumped out from what I saw.

      It's all about waking up. I felt warmth in the solar plexus area.
      The room was dark, I opened my eyes and for a moment I saw, actually in front of me, opposite the solar plexus, the SUN, it was about 20 centimeters from me, approximately 5 centimeters in diameter. The color was real sunshine.
      I would really like to know in more detail why such a dream occurs.
      Thank you in advance, with best regards, Svtelana Vsevolodovna.

      I stood on my feet.. it was a bright day.. I took off quietly and quite high with my legs crossed! I descended and again flew up high... I saw the bright sun and was afraid of heights and began to brake quietly, turning away from the bright sun - they turned me towards the sun again, I again began to brake and again saw the bright sun....... And woke up......

      Hello, I dreamed that I was walking down the street and the sun was shining very strongly, even too much. I put on sunglasses and the people around were also wearing beautiful sunglasses. What could this mean?

      Early autumn morning I bask in the rays of the sun and breathe in the fresh air, I see a clear blue sky above my head, I’m going to take a little walk in the forest, because the morning is very sunny… everything is yellow around, there are no leaves on the trees, everything is covered with dew….

      in a dream, at first it seemed to me that there was an eclipse, but then I looked at it and it shone but did not warm me or blind me. I watched all this through the window. And I also called my brother to look at it. My parents were with me in the room my deceased mother and my grandmother were alive. Then I went out into the street, some guys I knew were waiting for me and I asked them if they had seen the eclipse.

      a huge sun rises in the sky. The sun occupied almost the entire horizon in size, yellow to dark yellow in color. I was surprised by the size and also that there were no rays, just like a huge circle.

      Hello, today I had a very vivid dream, first, I was taken to another house by an acquaintance of mine (but this is not my boyfriend), this house is like a hostel, then a fight starts there, and I decide to leave, there I meet my old friends with whom I am now I don’t communicate, then immediately there’s a train station and I’m leaving, and it’s as if I’ve lost my dog, and I’m bawling my eyes out that I’m not going anywhere without her, and then I turn my head and see the huge sun so clearly, dazzlingly orange color and it rose before my eyes!!!

      the rising sun burned everything around. dazzling bright yellow color. there are fires all around. it was hot. we hid in the shadows so as not to get burned. there was no panic. it was clear that in 3 days the sun would calm down.

      Hello. I had a dream in the house where I grew up, which I lost a few months ago (the bank took it). I was in my bedroom. but my bedroom was connected to my parents’ bedroom, there was no wall (in general, we had a closed door through my bedroom, you could go to your parents, but we closed it with a chest of drawers.) So there were a lot of people in this space, I can’t remember why they came , there were strangers too. Then I go exactly to my window, as if there is some kind of premonition, the window is completely open, I raise my head and see how the sun has come out, but it’s not natural, the color is like real, but it’s like in childhood, we draw with rays, that’s how all the rays are visible it’s as if it’s alive, as if it sees me and it came out just for me. The interesting thing is that it was evening, it was dark and the sky was like in the morning at 4-5 o’clock when it was just starting to brighten. and not a soul in the yard. very interesting dream that’s exactly what but

    • I was waiting for me to feel pain.
    • I dreamed of the Sun - at first it was strange - somehow crimson, with potholes and craters, but not black - I also thought in the dream - this is what an eclipse really is... And then the Sun became light yellow, almost white in the blue sky - but was so close to me. So amazing

      Hello. I dreamed of night, I was walking along the streets of the city with a group of people (in the dream they were acquaintances), and looking to the left I saw 2 suns - one large, the other 4 times smaller. But these suns looked like the moon—blue-gray with dark blue spots. And then I decided that the smaller one = it was probably the moon, but the larger one I still couldn’t believe that the sun was blue. We arrived at a tower house (also dark and cold) with many small rooms and a large hall below with a large table set. I remember that we went upstairs and everyone went to their rooms to do things in order, and I knew that my friend and her daughter should come to visit us (she goes everywhere with her daughter in life). I mentally imagined that this friend should be dressed in light... Then the alarm clock woke me up. Please send an interpretation to Thank you.

      Cars drove up to my house, where I kind of live, and started shining directly on my house, so that it seemed like they were piercing my walls with the light of their headlights.
      My son and I took refuge in dark place dwellings. After that I felt how warm (it turns out it was already from sunlight) felt very warm in my back. It turns out that later, there was the sun outside my window, it was getting closer and closer to my house... And it was shining brighter... And its warmth burned the back of my head and back more and more... Afterwards I woke up and even touched my head...

      At first I walked through the forest on foot alone, then the sun asked: are you sad, what happened? and then I told the sun that I was lost and hungry and I want water, and then let me take the sun to the spring, and then we arrived near some trees, then the sun went away, instead of it there was a rainbow, if you want water, let’s open all these trees, and then I gradually, over and over again, I opened it and there was a spring flowing so imperceptibly, then the rainbow asked why I was here and where I came from, then where I wanted, she found out about everything and smiled at me and I looked pleased and then I woke up

      I realized that I urgently needed to go to a safe place and soon a call woke me up

      Summer day there are very few residential buildings, almost spacious, there are a few trees on the street, light white almost transparent clouds, I’m not alone with anyone, I don’t know, I look at the sky, the sun is shining brightly, then another one of the same appears and two more in succession, that is, four, after that the music started playing just like drops, I don’t know but such an association then a rare golden rain began to fall, it was very slow, the droplets looked like some kind of hieroglyphs, then I woke up in a dream almost in the morning on August 16, 2016

      Most likely, this thing is paid, and I will not receive an answer to the dream, but I will write just in case.
      I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were walking down the street, and I heard sounds nuclear bombing, I thought it was a training exercise, but I looked at the sky - there was a falling bomb, and there was gray smoke around it, and the sky was starting to darken. My boyfriend and I looked at each other, hugged and declared our love. Knowing that death was inevitable, we just stood there, hugging each other. Then I dream of the second version of the dream - I find out about the bombing, but no one close to me is with me - only a cat, and it’s not mine - it’s gray. I understand that I will face death without my Beloved and without my Mother... I start to sob, look out the window - and a dark cloud is approaching, I look back and see... A BLACK SUN. And after that I dreamed that there was no war, that all the people went out into the street, the sky became blue again, and I began to look for my Beloved.

      I saw a beautiful, mesmerizing sunrise in a dream, it was early early morning, many people were in that place and everyone was taking pictures and I was taking pictures. and trees with bright yellow and red leaves. I have never seen such beauty before in my life or in reality. I felt happiness at that moment, pure and sincere happiness!

      I dreamed of twilight and the sky was dark cornflower blue without clouds and clouds everywhere the same as a canvas, and from behind the forest the sun began to rise in a very large circle and a bright pink-orange color and the rays from it did not spread across the sky to the sides, but only the diameter of the circle of the sun began to make a path up the sky and it rose very quickly. Everything was very beautiful in a dream and amazing.

      I'm with a friend and classmate at my work. At the same time, I graduated from university a long time ago and I don’t remember what kind of friend was with me in the dream, it felt like the best, but it didn’t seem to be him. We look out the window at the sky, and at different ones, I look at the left window, and they look at the right. The time is about 9-10 in the morning, the sun is shining, it is normal in color, very ordinary, and then bam and the sun disappeared, it neither set, nor exploded, nor fell, it disappeared. And there was absolute darkness in the room and on the street, even if you pricked your eyes out, it was dark and stars, neither moon nor sun, night and stars. We are shocked, we discuss this, dawn occurs, the sun rises and again disappears there, and so on three times. I call my mother on Viber to ask them about the sun too? And if there is anything to calm down. It turns out they have the same situation. We discuss this, I calm her down and then I wake up.

      I dreamed that the sun was in the whole sky, and I was in the desert, semi-swamp, and was looking for something, and saw how the sun eclipsed the whole sky, there were other people there, I don’t remember, but something else was happening there , and everything was orange, yellow and red.


      The action takes place in the apartment where I used to live with my parents and son. Standing at the window, late in the evening, and looking at the sky, at first an incredibly sized colored polyhedron appears, it changes colors (very beautiful, pink-violet hue), and. gradually flies into the distance. Then: I see full moon, and an amazing glow emanating from the sun appears in the rows (literally a few meters away). In a dream I feel amazing joy, I try to ask this glow for all the best, especially for my son, I run to the kitchen to my parents and my mother, I point to this vision with the words “Look at the sky - there is the Moon and the Sun - ask God for something!” Although I’m not a fan of religion... I wake up and tears of admiration flow from what I see. What do you think this is?

    The article on the topic: “dream book makes the sun blind” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

    The sun is one of the twelve symbols of power, and in different religions the embodiment of destructive or creative energy. This is a sign of success, health, luck and prosperity. To find out what the heavenly body is dreaming about, you need to carefully remember your dream, pay attention to the details, your own emotions and sensations. Having put together the dreamed picture, you need to look for its meaning in the dream book.

    Ancient people worshiped the sun as a source of heat, light and harvest. The heavenly body was one of the many Gods capable of dooming humanity to misfortune or sending joy, abundance and prosperity to people. In some dream books, the meaning of sleep - the sun is interpreted based on past traditions.

    The sun is clear...

    A dream where the sun shines brightly, enveloping you in its warmth, indicates in the dream book that in reality a person will gain confidence in the future, new opportunities will open up and chances to bring all his plans to life. For a man, such a vision promises promising prospects in his career and love fields.

    For an unmarried woman to see the bright sun in a dream, the dream book deciphers it as having the opportunity to arrange her personal life and organize all her financial affairs. You should be on guard if a bright celestial body severely burns a young lady in a dream, which may indicate that the dreamer needs to beware of rash connections that can compromise her in the eyes of the public and cause condemnation.

    If in a dream, the sun warms, causing relaxation and warm emotions in the sleeping person, then a successful rise up the career ladder is not far off. During this period, you can take advantage of your luck and try your luck in the lottery, not forgetting about moderation and being careful of excitement.

    Many dream books ambiguously interpret what the sunset means in dreams. On the one hand, this image speaks of the end of a successful period in life, the lack of opportunity to positively influence the problems that have arisen. On the other hand, the completion of a certain chapter of a person’s life, this may be the end love relationship, abandonment of the chosen profession, a radical change in one’s own positions and foundations.

    The dream book explains watching the sun set on the sea in a dream as the end of rest, accumulation of strength and experience. The time is coming to give and show everything that fate and unwitting teachers have taught. For young girls, such a picture marks forgiveness from girlhood and entry into adulthood or family life.

    Seeing in a dream how the rays of the sun break through thick clouds is interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to find the right way out of a difficult situation and avoid conflict with influential people. For businessmen, this vision means establishing an unprofitable business, drawing up a profitable contract, or a successful agreement with a supplier.

    To find out why you dream about the sun and rain, you should remember your feelings. If a rainbow appears after or during rain, it means a lucrative offer that you should not refuse. If in a dream, after seeing the sun, the sky became clouded and it began to rain heavily, you need to carefully consider all your decisions and not commit rash acts.

    If thunder and a thunderstorm rumbles in the sky and the sun sparkles, then all a person’s experiences are false and groundless. Perhaps the dreamer will be able to avoid an unwanted quarrel with management or a showdown with loved ones.

    A married woman sees the sun reflected in the window own home, indicates that she creates a cozy and warm atmosphere of love and kindness around herself, her household values ​​and respects her.

    Seeing the sun in a dream while looking out the window, according to the dream book, means the fulfillment of all cherished desires, and also reflects the fact that a person is safe, and in real life he should have no reason to worry.

    It is useful to know why the sun rises in dreams. The dream book foretells success in all matters and enterprises. The sick are promised a cure, the unfortunate - gaining peace of mind and happiness.

    Disasters and unusual phenomena

    The interpretation of the dream is the sun in which they appear unusual phenomena or cataclysms associated with it, in the dream book have a special interpretation, which largely depends on the feelings of the dreamer himself.

    Two suns in a dream symbolize the dreamer's choice. For a young girl, this dream is interpreted by the dream book as the appearance on the horizon of two worthy candidates for the hand and heart of the young lady. These two people will bring new colors and unknown feelings into the life of the young lady.

    Seeing the sun and moon at the same time in a dream unmarried girl the dream book foretells the meeting of his prince. If the moon is waning, then the young lady’s current chosen one “walks to the left.” For a married man seeing two luminaries at the same time promises an unexpected meeting with ex-love. The main thing is to remain faithful to your spouse and not give in to temptation.

    To fully understand why you dream of a solar eclipse, you should remember your feelings and experiences. The dream book interprets this dream as a temporary occurrence of difficulties in resolving important issues and urgent matters. If possible, it is necessary to postpone the implementation of previously planned activities.

    The sun rising at night, according to the dream book, speaks of the help of friends and family in solving difficulties that have arisen in a seemingly completely hopeless situation.

    The red sun indicates global cataclysms that can happen in real life, which do not depend on the actions of the dreamer. The dream book advises you to mentally prepare for changes and try to move on with your life.

    Why do you dream of an explosion of the sun? The dream is quite unfavorable, and indicates the attitude of the people around him towards the dreamer. Perhaps a person should take a closer look at himself, reconsider his behavior, lifestyle and views on simple things.

    For a man or woman to see the sun exploding in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a fear of getting very sick, a fear of death, a premonition of danger.

    Those people who happened to watch the sun fall in a dream should in real time, when difficult situations, rely only on your own strength, since loved ones will not justify your trust.


    In order to correctly interpret why you dream of sunbathing in the sun, you should pay attention to the activity of the heavenly body, and your own feeling of comfort in a dream. To bask with pleasure under the gentle rays of the sun is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s desire to look at the world with different eyes, a thirst for knowledge.

    If you had to get sunburned in a dream, it means, according to the dream book, that the sleeping person overestimates his strength and capabilities. Also, such an image denotes loneliness or illness.

    To feel the sun blinding your eyes in a dream is a sign of physical ailment and illness associated with increased emotional discomfort. Wearing sunglasses at the same time means you can react correctly to an unpleasant situation and avoid deception.

    A subconscious desire for spiritual warmth, a feeling of loneliness and defenselessness - this is what dreams of drawing the sun in a dream means.

    Happy New Year! I wish you success in your career and all the best to your team! I am pleased with your work, my dears! And I really love my President of Our Russia V.V. Putin! In his difficult political times, success, and most importantly strength and health!

    Dream Interpretation

    The sun blinds my eyes

    Dream Interpretation The sun blinds the eyes dreamed of why in a dream the sun blinds your eyes? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see the sun blinding your eyes in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation sun. Dream interpretation sun - eclipse of the sun in a dream

    Dream interpretation sun. Why do you dream about the sun?

    In most cases, seeing the sun in a dream is a favorable sign. Such dreams often signify success in work, school or personal life. The only exception is an eclipse of the sun.

    The sun smoothes out any negative meanings of dreams, and if something upsets the sleeper in real life, then the sun in the dream book indicates that a brighter stage is ahead of him. “Sunny dreams” promise the most favorable course of external events, combined with internal spiritual harmony and satisfaction - which is what the sun is dreaming of.

    If contemplating the sun in a dream evokes feelings of warmth, joy and tranquility, then similar emotions will obviously be experienced in reality. If in a dream the sun blinds the eyes, scorches with heat or in any other way irritates the sleeper, then in reality he may encounter someone’s uncontrollable emotions (passion, jealousy, discontent, anger, etc.).

    Watching a bright sunrise in a dream means new beginnings, pleasant changes, good news. Problems and difficulties are behind us, good luck awaits ahead.

    Watching the sun set or set in a dream means the successful completion of a business (project). Luck has passed its peak, now you should be more vigilant about everything.

    Seeing the bright sun through the clouds is the approach of turbulent times, which, however, will bring improvements to your business or personal life.

    Sun and rain - to joy, to a pleasant surprise.

    The absence of the sun on the horizon or a solar eclipse is a symbol of frustration when, it would seem, success was inevitable.

    Looking at the sun without experiencing discomfort, or bathing in the rays of the sun is an unusually favorable dream. It promises fulfillment of desires, success, respect and honor. The sleeper can count on professional recognition or he will have the opportunity to “bathe in the rays of glory.”

    There is an interesting interpretation of the dream for those who are going to become a mother (father) in the near future. So, for example, for pregnant women to see a bright sun in the sky or in space (as it was shining) in a dream means a greater likelihood of having a boy, while the moon means girls.

    Why do you dream about the bright sun? Such a dream most likely foreshadows a win, a successful acquisition, or an improvement in financial condition. But if such a sun blinds you or causes some inconvenience, such a dream can warn the sleeper about a possible collision with someone’s feelings that are out of control. You should be careful.

    Obtaining new knowledge promises a person to sunbathe in the sun. Such a dream may also mean the need to look at what is happening from a different angle.

    Basking under warm sun in a dream - to experience positive emotions in reality. At the same time, the dream book of getting sunburned tells the sleeper that he is overestimating his capabilities. This may also indicate an approaching illness.

    The dream book interprets the rays of the sun as a sign of fulfillment and success.

    The dream book interprets two suns in the sky as a doubly favorable sign, if they do not blind or burn the owner of the dream. Most likely, you will receive the patronage of a very significant person, who will bring success to your business. If two luminaries burn you, you may soon have to suffer from the influence of a powerful person.

    Why do you dream of an eclipse of the sun? As we said at the beginning, this is a bad sign. Seeing an eclipse of the sun in a dream can mean the beginning of a dark streak in life, betrayal and other losses.

    Why do you dream of a red sun or a bloody sun? This dream may warn you that you may anger your patron, enrage him, which may adversely affect your affairs.

    As a rule, “sunny dreams” promise their owners positive changes in life. But it is very important to analyze the state of the heavenly body in a dream. This is what will help you correctly interpret the dream.

    Dream Interpretation on another topic:

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    Why do you dream about the sun?

    In most cases, seeing the sun in a dream is considered a positive sign. Moreover, since ancient times it has been considered a symbol of good luck, success and prosperity. However, some interpreters argue that a capricious celestial body can sometimes predict failure. Is it really a dream about something bad? And is there a way to avoid trouble? To find out the answers to these questions, let’s turn to the world’s famous dream books.

    Why do you dream about the sun according to different dream books?

    1. Miller. To joyful events and success in any business.
    2. New. Bright prospects open up for the sleeper.
    3. English. To wealth and happy love.
    4. Dasha. This is a symbol of life, love, fertility.
    5. French. To wealth and abundance.
    6. Karmic. The dreamer is satisfied with himself and his life.
    7. Wangi. A serene and calm life awaits the sleeper.
    8. Gypsy. Sunlight in the room means illness.
    9. Veles. To the good.
    10. Esoteric. A bright sun is a sign that the sleeper is on the right path.
    11. Hasse. To great luck.
    12. Family. To a happy, comfortable family life.
    13. Jewish. The dreamer will have a long life filled with pleasant events.
    14. Islamic. To the appearance of a powerful patron.
    15. Health. To a favorable development of events. For patients, the dream promises a complete recovery.

    Bright sun in a dream - to a cloudless life

    In winter, the sun shines in a dream - to a powerful patron, in spring it indicates success in a career, in summer - to pleasure, and in the fall it prophesies changes for the better.

    The sun is clear in men's and women's dreams

    Not only in reality do warm rays give hope, in a dream the heavenly body also gives confidence in the future and opens up new opportunities for the sleeper:

    • for a young man, the dream promises promising prospects both in the professional sphere and on the love front;
    • For a married man, the sun at its zenith predicts the birth of a smart and kind son;
    • if a married lady dreams of it, it means that everyday joys await her. Perhaps her husband will give her new household appliances or fulfill a promise he made a long time ago;
    • the luminary hidden behind the clouds promises a long quarrel with her husband;
    • For a girl, the bright sun in a dream promises a stormy personal life and a stable financial situation;
    • if it burns the young lady, then she should be wary of thoughtless connections, since such behavior can compromise her in the eyes of others;
    • For a pregnant woman, the heavenly body prophesies the birth of a sweet, healthy girl;
    • After seeing the sun in a dream, businessmen can be calm; fate favors them and will very soon present them with a new, profitable contract.

    For a girl, the bright sun promises changes in her personal life.

    Sun: bright, red, blinding

    1. Bright, warm - the most favorable sign that can only be seen in a dream. Interpreters unanimously claim that it promises a life filled with joy and happiness. If a person is sick, then this vision prophesies him a complete recovery.
    2. Dream books interpret blinding differently:
      • Miller assures that the dreamer will soon have to experience a situation due to which he will completely change his views on life;
      • the gypsy Seraphima believes that after such a vision the sleeper needs to pay more attention to his health. If you dreamed of the sun’s rays slightly breaking through the clouds, it means that the sleeper’s financial situation is beginning to improve, but it is still very far from complete stability.
    3. The warm sun under which the dreamer is basking indicates that he is surrounded by love and tenderness, which is incredibly important to him.
    4. A red celestial body is a bad sign, foreshadowing disasters and cataclysms.
    5. Black indicates long-term illness and sometimes death.
    6. A huge luminary means a love adventure that could end in marriage.
    7. The sun covered by clouds - to life’s obstacles;
    8. If it is so hot in a dream that it has dried up the earth, it means that some passion of the dreamer or excessive ambition will deprive him of hope for success. As a rule, this vision suggests that the sleeper needs to observe moderation in everything.
    9. If the sun appears in the night sky, it means that the dreamer will overcome any obstacles and achieve what he wants.
    10. A dream in which the sun was shining brightly, but suddenly clouds rolled in and suddenly covered it, prophesies turbulent times. However, the sleeper should not worry too much, because the black streak will soon pass and life will sparkle with bright colors again.

    The red sun is a bad sign that prophesies disasters and cataclysms

    Sunset, sunrise, eclipse in a dream

    The rising celestial body predicts successful endeavors. At present, the dreamer need not worry about his affairs - everything will turn out well for him. If a person sleeping in his night dreams meets the sunrise with his friends, it means that in real life he is very worried about his relatives and will help solve most of their problems. The rising of the crimson sun promises trials and disappointments. A vision in which the sun rises among swirling dark clouds warns of the machinations of ill-wishers. The rising of a star from the water prophesies a change of place of residence. If the sun rises dimly, it means that relationships in the dreamer’s family will deteriorate. Great success is foreshadowed by a dream in which the sun rises during rain. If, against the backdrop of the rising luminary, the sleeper sees his home, it means that a prosperous future awaits him.

    A bright, flaming sunrise promises great events that will take the dreamer by surprise and completely change his future life.

    The sunset indicates that the dreamer's well-being is under threat and he needs to be vigilant in relation to the people around him. The modern dream book offers its own version of interpretation. In his opinion, sunset indicates the completion of a certain stage in life. Therefore, you should not be afraid of him. For creative people, this dream predicts a loss of strength and loss of inspiration. A pink sunset promises trouble, a crimson sunset promises worries and empty troubles. A solar eclipse is a very bad sign that predicts troubles, misfortunes, and losses. Sometimes this image foreshadows deception on the part of a loved one.

    The bright sun in winter foreshadows the appearance of a powerful patron

    Actions in a dream: sunbathing, looking, shining light in the eye

    1. Sunbathing in the sun in a dream is a bad sign for a girl, which promises her major troubles or health problems. If a man dreams of this same vision, it means that he will be able to make a dizzying career and many will envy him.
    2. Getting sunburned means that the sleeper may commit rash acts, which he will later regret.
    3. If the sleeper looks intently at the heavenly body, it means that a white streak has come in his life.
    4. A dream in which a person is blinded by the sun indicates health problems.
    5. Basking under the warm rays of the sun means conquering new heights.
    6. If a person unsuccessfully tries to warm up under the sun, it means that he lacks the love and understanding of loved ones.
    7. If the sleeper, on the contrary, was very hot and tried to find shade, it means that the dreamer will be offered an expensive project, but he will be frightened by its volume and refuse to participate.

    Very often, sunset is interpreted by dream books as a fear of approaching old age.

    For a girl to sunbathe in a dream is a bad sign indicating health problems

    Interpretation of unusual dreams

    Sometimes dreams offer us an unusual plot, which is incredibly interesting to decipher:

    • the sun and moon appearing in the sky at the same time is an ambiguous symbol that can be interpreted in different ways:
      • if they illuminate the dreamer’s body, it means that he will soon receive important news from his parents;
      • two luminaries dim at the same time - to the wife’s pregnancy;
      • celestial bodies uniting into one - to the birth of a son;
      • if the sun gives way to the moon, then a beautiful girl will be born;
      • the sun and moon hiding behind the mountains - to deception;
      • hold both luminaries in your hands - receive a high rank;
    • the sea and the sun in night dreams are a sign that the sleeper works a lot and needs rest;
    • sunlight pouring through the window prophesies illness;
    • if the sleeper enters a room flooded with sunlight, it means that he will live his entire future life in wealth and luxury;
    • drawing the sun on the sand or a sheet of paper means the collapse of hopes;
    • a tandem of two heavenly bodies is a sign that the sleeper is ready to conquer new heights and in this he will be lucky;
    • rain and sun predict the beginning of a new, happy life;
    • snow sparkling under the bright sun prophesies an amazing event that will radically change the dreamer’s life;
    • the solar disk rising over the city promises good luck in the professional sphere;
    • if the countryside, fields and haystacks are illuminated, it means that everything for the dreamer will go on as usual, without any special changes;
    • the sun emerging after a storm indicates a difficult period: to achieve the goal, the sleeper will have to go through many trials;
    • the sun at its zenith is a sign that the dreamer’s ambition will be completely satisfied and he will soon achieve what he wants.

    Video: sun in a dream

    In most cases, a dream about the sun predicts a favorable period. If the star is suddenly covered by a cloud, then you just need to wait a little and very soon luck and success will return to you again. Have a nice sleep!

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