Continuous writing not with gerunds. NOT with gerunds: rule, exceptions and difficult cases

The participle is a full-fledged “participant” of speech in the Russian language, like others. It is used quite often, and difficulties often arise with its spelling. In particular, in cases of using the particle “not” with participles. Together or separately - that is the question!

When to use separate spelling

Since the gerund is the closest “relative” of the verb, the spelling rules for these two parts of speech are similar. As you know, in most cases the particle “not” is written separately with verbs. This Golden Rule Everyone knows it from their school years. So “not” with gerunds almost always has a separate spelling. For example: without forcing, without despair, without refusing, without closing, etc.

When is continuous writing necessary?

The combined spelling of “not” with gerunds, again, is guided by verbs. If the gerund is formed from a verb that is not used without “not”, there can be no talk of separate spelling. The combined use of “not” with gerunds - examples: hating, unwell, indignant.

Since the words “navidya”, “harassing”, “goduya” do not exist in the Russian language and without “not” they are complete zero, you only need to write them with this particle together. Otherwise it will be a grave mistake.

Non-standard situations

Most people make mistakes when writing “not” with participles, not because they don’t know the rules, but because they confuse this part of speech with others. This homonymy can sometimes mislead even experts in the Russian language.

It is easiest to confuse a gerund with a preposition derived from it. For example, in the sentence “He went ahead no matter what,” “despite” is a preposition. And the writing here is consistent. And in the sentence “He walked forward, without looking around,” “without looking” is a gerund. And with the particle “not” it is written separately, like the parent verb - “to look” (not to look). It is not difficult to distinguish a preposition from a gerund. It’s not possible to find a question for the first one, but it is possible to find a question for the second one.

The gerund “without delay” is also sometimes confused with the adverb “immediately”: “Without hesitating a minute, he began his duties” and “He immediately began his duties.” Usually (though not always) in conjunction with the gerund there is also the particle “neither”, which is an “identifying sign”.

And another version of confusion. The particle “not” plus the prefix “before” and just the prefix “not” are two big differences. In the first case there will be separate writing, in the second - combined. For example: without looking (incompleteness of action) and lack of sleep (incompleteness of action).

Perhaps these nuances are the most difficult in the topic of spelling gerunds with “not”. The rule itself, as in the case of verbs, is clear and simple.

Participles- this is an unchangeable independent part of speech (according to some textbooks - a form of a verb), denoting an additional action. In the Russian language there are combined and separate spellings NOT with participles.

Usually, NOT written separately with participles.

Continuous writing NOT with gerunds is possible in two cases:

  • If the participle is not used without NOT(unwell, indignant, perplexed);
  • If the gerund is formed from a verb with the prefix under- and has the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency (underhearing, underpaying, undercounting).
  • Did not like? — Write in the comments what is missing.

    The most active participants of the week:

  • 1. Victoria Neumann - Gift card bookstore for 500 rubles.
  • 2. Bulat Sadykov - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 3. Daria Volkova - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • Three lucky people who passed at least 1 test:

  • 1. Natalya Starostina - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 2. Nikolay Z - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 3. David Melnikov - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • The cards are electronic (code), they will be sent in the coming days via VKontakte message or email.

    “Not” is combined with gerunds. Example sentences

    A number of participles are written with "Not" together. Let's look at them and give examples of sentences that use gerunds written with "Not" together.

    It is well known that a negative particle "Not" with verbs and gerunds it is written separately, for example:

  • not drawing - not drawing;
  • not preparing - not preparing;
  • not to create - without creating, without creating;
  • not going - without going.
  • But still in Russian orthography there is a combined spelling of gerunds with Not-, when this verb form is formed from a word in which the initial Not- is part of the root. Without Not- the verb is not used. We form gerunds from these verbs:

  • basking - basking;
  • perplexed - perplexed;
  • hate - hating;
  • indignant - indignant;
  • to rage - to rage;
  • dislike - unloving;
  • to be unwell - unwell;
  • not seeing the white light - not seeing the white light.
  • Initial Not- written together as part of gerunds formed from verbs with the prefix under-, which gives meaning to the incompleteness or incompleteness of an action, for example:

  • underpaying a salary - underpaying a salary;
  • not receiving enough attention and care - not receiving enough attention and care;
  • not sowing a field - not sowing a field;
  • overlooking the baby - overlooking the baby;
  • not to hear - not to hear;
  • dislike noise and vanity - dislike noise and vanity;
  • unfinished article - unfinished article;
  • lack of sleep - lack of sleep;
  • to miss - to miss.
  • Examples of sentences in which “not” and gerunds are written together

    Basking in the sun, the white fluffy kitten attracted everyone's attention.

    Boisterous and waving, the crowd of fans loudly shouted words of approval for their favorite football team.

    Indignant at the refusal to resolve the issue, the man left the institution.

    Having disliked his noisy neighbor, the old man tried not to communicate with him.

    Unwell since the morning, the woman felt weak throughout her body and dizzy.

    He ran away without seeing the white light from rage.

    Hating routine and boring work, she took up creativity.

    Having not heard the question, the old man answered me inappropriately.

    Having not slept the day before, the student was distracted and inattentive during the lecture.

    Lacking the attention and care of his relatives, the old man felt lonely.

    Disliking the noise and bustle of city streets, he often walked along the quiet alleys of the old park.

    Having missed the chickens, the owner went to the meadow to look for them.

    14. Writing not with gerunds. Rules

    Particles not with gerunds are usually written separately:

    without resting, without having lunch, without noticing.

    Not written together with gerunds, if the gerunds are formed:

    1. from verbs that are not used without:

    perplexed, indignant, hating;

    2. from verbs with the prefix under-:

    Tasks on the topic “Writing without gerunds”

    1. (Not) moving.
    2. Constantly (not) eating enough.
    3. (Un)underestimating abilities.
    4. (Not) hiding.
    5. (Not) thinking.

    1. (Not) believing.
    2. (Mis) missing several copies.
    3. (Not) touching.
    4. (Not) remembering.
    5. (Not) hating.

    Choose gerunds that are written separately from the particle not.

    1. The tired night drags on, and, not for a minute (without) interrupting the noisy, unabated movement, a black human stream flows.
    2. Immediately (dis)loving your new car, Rogov could not get used to it.
    3. The ears of rye dried up even before flowering, and were (not) filled with grain.
    4. (Not) noticing man, nature came to life, everything around began to rustle and rustle freely, (not) hiding.

    1. Still (not) perplexed and somewhat embarrassed from the solemn meeting, I jumped off the horse and approached the owner of the estate.
    2. (Not) having finished reading the book, I went for a walk.
    3. Vasilisa was the first to give him her hand, Vasily shook it and, (without) finishing, left.
    4. The Austrian troops, (under)underestimating the enemy’s strength, were now retreating in disarray.
    5. Gray stood at the helm, (not) trusting the helm to the sailor.

    Choose the participles that are written together with the particle not.

    1. (Not) afraid of me, the small forest birds sat close and sang loudly.
    2. Evil time plays in minutes, (not) demanding large coins.
    3. Indignant and (not) indignant, they never came to an agreement.
    4. Pavel slammed the door, (not) watching the sunset, (not) breathing in the damp, blue evening air.
    5. Occasionally, (not) unclenching his teeth, he uttered a short throaty word.

    Writing NOT with gerunds

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    When studying parts of speech, we definitely talk about spelling the particle NOT with them. In this lesson you will learn how to spell NOT with gerunds. Also consider cases of substantivization, when the gerund becomes a preposition.

    Lesson: Writing NOT with gerunds

    Like verbs, gerunds are written with a negative particle NOT separately

    For example: He looked without blinking. She came in without smiling.

    If a gerund is not used without NOT, then it is written together with NOT:

    For example: perplexed, indignant, hating.

    3. Under-/not + under-branch

    Distinguishing between the prefix NEDO- and the combination of the particle NOT and the prefix DO-

    As when writing verbs, when writing gerunds one should distinguish between words with the prefix under- and words with the negative particle not and the prefix do-.

    The prefix does not give verbs and gerunds the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency compared to some norm: They rushed into battle n ehaving underestimated enemy forces.

    Verbs and gerunds with the particle not and the prefix do- denote an action that is not completed: Not finished the soup, the boy ran for a walk.

    Exercise No. 172, 173. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

    Task No. 1. WITHwrite in 2 columns: together/separately. Identify and label the part of speech (verb/gerund).

    (Didn’t) know anything; (not) could (not) know; (not) feel danger; (not) feel pain; (not) to hate an enemy; (not) sparing anything; (not) hating lies; (not) thinking about anything; (did not) think about his neighbor; (not) regret what happened; (not) resenting someone; It’s scary (not) to be indignant.

    Didactic materials. Section “Morphology. Participle"

    NOT with participles.

    Spelling rules. Spelling is NOT with gerunds.

    1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

    2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

    3. “Russian language. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

    4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. At 3 o'clock." 8th ed. – M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.


    NOT with participles

    It is written together not with participles, if the participles are formed from verbs that are not used without: Not good, Not harasser, Not having seen ( Not year old Not harass, Not hate).

    It is not written together with participles formed from verbs with the prefix under-: Not beloved, Not understood, Not counted ( Not to love, Not understand Not counted): To the right and to the left were visible under-pressed fields (Paust.).

    It is not written together with real and full passive participles, if there are no dependent words with them: Not completed work, Not proofread manuscript, Not moving object, Not read book - in these cases, participles with cannot be replaced with a synonymous word without (as with adjectives): Not dry(damp) clothes hurriedly stares at himself (TV); And most importantly, Bulgakov caught unpredictable(possible, but hidden), and in this sense “mystical,” features of the historical process (Laksh.); Walk on unlit(dark) streets are dangerous. Sometimes such a replacement is present in the sentence itself: Vronsky also stood up and bent over, unstraightened looked at him from under his brows (L. T.).

    It is written separately not with participles that have dependent words: Not things disassembled by the owner, Not book returned to a friend Not article published on time; Deep, untouched even by the rustle of a single dry leaf silence extended in the meadows (Paust.); Not experienced in fighting And not having experienced all the intricacies enemy tactics, they immediately found themselves captive of conciliatory illusions (Sim.).

    Note 1. Participles with the particle not, which have dependent words, and adjectives with the prefix not-, which arose on the basis of these participles, differ in spelling; compare: Not adapted for use in winter time installations (‘nobody adjusted them to winter conditions’) - unadapted to life a person (‘unable to adapt, impractical’); Not organized during classes (‘nobody organized’) - unorganized children (‘loose, undisciplined’); Not seasoned required time brewed tea (‘couldn’t stand it right time’) - unseasoned in disputes a person (‘hot-tempered, hot-tempered’). Adjectives have a different meaning from participles (less related to the motivating verb) and can be freely replaced in a sentence with synonymous adjectives, which is not possible for participles that have dependent words. In addition, these formations differ grammatically: after passive participles, for example, you can always pose the question by whom?, since these participles control the object in instrumental case(creative subject, doer): Not installations adapted (by whom?) for use in winter; Not classes organized (by whom?) on time. In cases with adjectives, posing such a question is impossible.
    The same difference is observed in short forms; Wed: tea Not seasoned - man Not sustained.

    Note 2. If there are adverbs of measure and degree as dependent words, not with participles it is written together, i.e., in the same way as with adjectives: absolutely Not prepared solution, absolutely Not thoughtful answer. However, if, in addition to the adverbs of measure and degree, there are also others as dependent words, then it is not written with the participle according to general rule, i.e. separately: completely Not a student prepared in physics (cf.: Not a student prepared in physics - completely Not prepared student).

    Note 3. The rule about separate writing not with participles that have dependent words does not apply to substantivized (turned into the category of nouns) participles; Wed: In the class there were students underachievers in Russian (participle). - Quantity underachievers in Russian there was not much in the class (a participle that became a noun).

    It is not written separately with participles if they have or imply opposition: Not printed, But written article; Not fictional, A true story; Not thoughtful, A reckless act; visible in the distance high mountains, But Not burned, A all overgrown with forest (Gonch.).

    Separately written not with short participles: lesson Not learned, work Not submitted, article Not edited.

    Spelling particles not with participles

    1. It is written smoothly Not With full participles, for which there are no explanatory words, for example: an unreadable manuscript, undetected typos, unchecked quotations, ongoing pain.

    2. Written separately Not with participles that have explanatory words, for example: a manuscript not returned to the author, typos not noticed by the proofreader, proofs not submitted on time, versions of individual chapters of the novel not published during the writer’s lifetime.

    Note 1. This rule also applies to those cases where the participle with explanatory words forms part compound predicate, for example: Many of the writer’s letters remained unpublished during his lifetime; Mediocrity will leave the stage unnoticed in art. Wed. to another syntactic construction: It’s hard to imagine him not actively participating in public life.

    Participles used as nouns are also subject to this, for example: Among those who did not appear at the meeting were Petrov and Sergeev. But when substantivizing a participle (transitioning into the category of nouns), a continuous spelling is used, for example: the number of those who fail in the Russian language.

    Note 2. If there are adverbs of measure and degree as explanatory words Not with participles it is written together, for example: a completely unreadable manuscript, completely unverified numbers. But if, in addition to such adverbs, there are other explanatory words in the participle, then preference is given to the more general rule and Not written separately, for example: a manuscript completely unprepared for typesetting, a problem that has not yet been solved at all.

    Note 3. If the participle is used in the meaning of an adjective, then in the presence of explanatory words Not is written together, for example: This general animation, brilliance, noise - all this, hitherto unprecedented and unheard of by me, amazed me so much that in the first days I was completely at a loss (Dostoevsky). Wed: conditions unsuitable for southern cultures (i.e. unsuitable, in the meaning of the adjective) - spellings that do not fit the rule ( participial); due to circumstances beyond the control of the editor (phraseological phrase with an adjective) - reflexes that do not depend on the will of a person (participial phrase); untouched land for centuries (in the meaning of an adjective; cf.: untouched food, untouched nature - in a figurative sense) - rowan, untouched by autumn frosts (participial phrase). The same distinction is made for short forms, cf.: the lies of politicians are so shameless, sometimes so naked (i.e. obvious, obvious, in the meaning of the adjective) - the door is not closed (participle, see below, paragraph 1); the student is unprepared (adjective) – the report is not prepared (participle).

    3. Written separately Not with short participles, for example: the manuscript has not been edited, quotations have not been checked, the work has not been completed.

    4. Written separately Not with participles in which there is or is implied opposition, for example: not a finished, but only a begun story.

    NOT with gerunds: rule, exceptions and difficult cases

    Schoolchildren easily remember that NOT is written separately with gerunds, just as with the verb from which this part of speech comes:

    • Without learning distinguish parts of speech, schoolchildren are confused in the application of spelling rules. Therefore, become a truly literate person , not knowing fundamentals of morphology, impossible.
    • An exception to this rule is when a word without this particle is no longer used:

    • Kirillov, hating a foreign city, in which no one cared, was constantly silent. House residents, disliked gloomy neighbor, avoided him. Only one perspicacious Anna Sergeevna, indignant Despite the stupidity of the townsfolk, I saw in the newcomer a good, but very unhappy person.
    • You should also remember that the prefix UNDO- is an indicator continuous writing:

    • Father, lack of sleep, worked daily on his science project. But he made the real discovery, simply having overlooked for children who accidentally spilled reagents on the table.
    • The insidiousness of the seemingly easy spelling “Spelling NOT with gerunds” lies in the presence of homonymous forms. Words that sound the same have different meanings in Russian lexical meaning.

      For example, the gerunds “malnourished” and “not eaten” are written differently.

    • Maria, always without finishing(doesn't eat until the end) her breakfast, goes to work first.
    • During the war, people lived malnourished(ate little, ate poorly) for months.
    • The gerunds and parts of speech formed from them that are indistinguishable by ear from each other are the most a big problem for schoolchildren studying the topic “NOT with gerunds”.

      Examples of difficult spelling cases:

    • Despite(gerund) to his mother’s eyes, Andrei told about his secret.
    • Despite (derivative preposition) his excitement, the speaker performed with dignity.
    • Without delay(gerund) not a minute, we went to Moscow.
    • Leave the room immediately(adverb)!
    • To avoid mistakes, you need to know grammatical features these parts of speech and correctly ask a question about the word of interest. If we have a participle in front of us, then we can ask questions to it (“what by doing?” and “what by doing?”).

      In addition, this part of speech can easily be turned into the verb from which it was formed. However, the meaning of the sentence will not change.

      Derivative prepositions have no independent meaning. Their role is reduced to expressing the syntactic dependence of nominal parts of speech on other words. The preposition, therefore, will remain in both the question and the answer:

    • Despite despite (what?) difficulties, we completed the task with dignity.
    • An adverb most often refers to a verb, as it denotes a sign of action.

      By the way, it is worth paying attention to the word “reluctantly”. This adverb, which has lost connection with its ancestor that disappeared from the language - the gerund "although", is always written together:

    • Having stayed up late, the guests (how?) reluctantly began to disperse.
    • Fortunately, there are not many words in the modern Russian language that can be mistaken by confusing them with gerunds. Having memorized several homonymous pairs of words, students quickly learn the spelling “NOT with gerunds.”

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    NOT written together or separately? Spelling not with adjectives - 1. Adjectives that are not used without adjectives are written together with not, for example: careless, homely, ignorant, wicked, hostile.

    To go to meet (noun) with a friend. Due to (= because of) my friend’s illness, I did not go fishing. He too (= And) was at the meeting. Success in studies also depends (= I) on the ability to organize work. When studying parts of speech, we definitely talk about spelling the particle NOT with them. In this lesson you will learn how to spell NOT with gerunds. 2. If the word begins with the prefix under- with the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency.

    Not with participles written separately

    3. With adjectives in comparative degree. In other cases, the rules for writing not with adjectives and participles are more subtle. Example: The weather is neither hot nor cold. If an adjective or participle is used with words denoting the degree of quality: very, very, extremely, almost, completely, extremely, completely (meaning very). In addition, the adjective is used with the word very, denoting the degree of quality.

    Spelling not with participles

    These animals are not at all dangerous to humans. The adjective dangerous is used with the combination not at all, therefore it is not written separately. The particle not and the word justified (meaning “reasonable, expedient”) together form a new word, the opposite in meaning to the word justified.

    NOT with participles, together and separately. Let's explain with examples!

    The sentence “The sleepless doctor was gloomy” would not be written together. But still, in Russian orthography there is a combined spelling of gerunds with non-, when this verbal form is formed from a word in which the initial non- is part of the root.

    In spite of, in spite of, they are written together and in the event that between despite, in spite of and the preposition there is a particle neither: in spite of any difficulties, in spite of any difficulties. 4. The adverb reluctantly is written together, formed from the gerund participle although, which is not used in modern Russian: The market people parted reluctantly, gradually, slowly (Fed.).

    Communion is independent part speech and represents special form verb. A participle has the combined properties of an adjective and a verb. The main difficulties for students arise when writing particles other than participles. In cases with adjectives, posing such a question is impossible. The same difference is observed in short forms; Wed: the tea is not seasoned - the person is not seasoned.

    Particle “not” with different parts of speech

    The expression is written separately more than once, for example: More than once he accused himself of being too careful (Fadeev). In pronouns, if the particle is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one's, no one's, but: no one, no one, etc.

    We will choose examples that are as illustrative as possible, so that in the future questions about writing not with participles will not arise. Simply put, a participle is a characteristic of what happens to an object.

    It is important not to confuse participles with verbal adjectives. Are different verbal adjectives in that they denote a general feature of an object that is not related to the description of the process. IN in this case, brilliant is an adjective. Dependent words are words that can be asked a participle question. There are 2 dependent words: “perfectly” and “seals”.

    Continuous spelling not with participles

    1) We write together when the participle is not used without “not”. You are an unread book for me. Although there is a dependent word “me” here, we are not dealing with a participle, but with an adjective, as we talked about at the beginning. Thirty literate sentences with participles will be enough. May literacy and penmanship be with you! The article is useful, but with spelling errors! For example: what were they talking about (initially - together, adverb); will remain with you (i.e. will be present), and will not arrive (i.e.

    If there is no dependent word or opposition with the conjunction a, then the particle is not written together: The unextinguished lights glowed dimly in the fog. V. We work with algorithms. 2. An attention task that simultaneously develops the ability to distinguish between participles and adjectives.

    “Not” with different parts of speech. Together or separately?

    After completing the last two exercises, the children have in their notebooks a list of almost all the verbs and gerunds that are used without them). A long, subtle sound came from the left side.

    When starting to work on the task, you must remember that a particle written separately from the word does NOT express negation. If you choose a combined spelling with NOT, then in most cases we're talking about already about the new meaning of the word (synonym). If you use negation-intensifying words far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, then in this case the spelling will be separate.

    See what “Spelling not with participles” is in other dictionaries:

    When the particle NOT is used twice with verbs, the opposite effect occurs; instead of negation, NOT expresses the need for action. It is necessary to distinguish between the prefix NOT and the prefix NEDO, which indicates a deficiency in the norm. For example, the baby did not finish the porridge (negation of the action, so it is written separately). It is NOT written separately with pronouns of other categories. With nouns, adverbs ending in – o-e-, qualitative adjectives, if they can be replaced by synonyms, there are no words “at all”, “far”, “not at all”, “at all” and there is no opposition.

    We often encounter the problem of merged separate writing particles “not” and “nor” with other words. 1. The particle is not written together with all the words that are not used without “not” (fable, unsociable, ignorant, ridiculous, dislike, be perplexed, impossible, really). In other cases, the spelling of “not” is subject to the following rules. Note. Not to be confused with verbs with the prefix do- and the particle “not”, denoting “unfinished action” (not finishing a book, not watching a movie).

    If a word is not used without NOT, then it and the words derived from it are written together with NOT. All these words can be used with adjectives without not (very smart). For the continuous spelling of despite, despite, and verbs with the prefix under-see. 3) “Not” is written separately when participles have dependent words, except for adverbs of measure and degree. We will look at the basic rules under which not with participles are written together and separately.


    • introduce students to the spelling rule NOT with gerunds;
    • develop the skill of writing NOT with gerunds in comparison with participles and verbs;
    • equip schoolchildren with the norms of literary language, the development of coherent speech;
    • influence the feelings of students, the formation of a love for nature, the development of logical thinking.

    Equipment: board, technical teaching aids (projector).


    I. Organizational moment(the teacher monitors students’ readiness for the lesson, consultants report on homework completion).

    II. Repeat spelling NOT with verbs and participles

    Drawing up a reference chart for spelling NOT with verbs and participles; for each rule, students write down their own example, the chart is projected on the board. ( Application , slide 1).

    Graphic dictation with self-test and self-assessment

    • didn't dispel doubts
    • unharvested field
    • rash act
    • disliked the neighbor
    • unsent letter
    • city ​​that hasn't woken up yet
    • not written, but printed text
    • the issue is far from resolved
    • didn't notice anyone
    • the meeting is not over
    • not memorized, but conscious rules
    • untouched breakfast

    (the correct version of the graphic dictation is slide 2).

    III. Explanation of new material(words written in two columns are projected on the board - slide 3).

    NOT with gerunds

    without hesitation en avidya
    without_thinking eg Oduya
    not_read n units going crazy
    without moving n ev unloving

    Questions and assignment:

    – Compare the spelling of gerunds with NOT in the left column and in the right.
    – What pattern of combined or separate spelling NOT with gerunds did you note?
    – Conclude that it is not written with participles.

    Students' conclusion: NOT written with gerunds apart, except for those cases when the gerund is not used without NOT (note that there are few such cases, so we are talking mainly about the separate spelling of NOT with gerunds).

    The output is projected on the board.(Slide 3)

    The teacher offers to compare the conclusion drawn independently with the textbook rule, then draws their attention to the graphic designation of this spelling. In order to memorize the rule, schoolchildren read the rule to themselves once, then tell it to their neighbor at their desk.

    – Doesn’t this rule remind you of another one related to the spelling NOT? (NOT with verbs)

    Projection of the final table (Slide 4)

    IV. Consolidating new material

    Training exercise with the designation of this spelling.

    Now we will learn continuous and separate writing NOT with gerunds (for the first example the teacher gives the reasoning algorithm himself, for the rest - individual students, first strong, then weak):

    Not_knowing (adverb), n units umevaya (without NOT not used), not_contracting (adverbial), n ev loving (without NOT not used), not_sorry (adverbial), n en avidya (without NOT not used).

    Exercise No. 170.

    Exercise No. 171 orally(only words with the spelling studied in the lesson are discussed).

    Exercise-game “Fourth wheel”(the task is projected on the board, the answer options are entered on the checklist, a mutual check is carried out using ready-made answers on the board, a grade is given, and only then the answer options are discussed, slide No. 5).

    V. Homework: paragraph No. 28, exercise No. 173.

    VI. Physical education moment

    Attention, girls!
    Attention, boys!
    With my arms outstretched,
    We stretch our fingers.
    Raise our shoulders
    We turn our heads.
    Let's close our eyes and relax,
    Let's start practicing again!

    (Question for attention: “What actions, called gerunds, did you perform?”
    Answer: “We stretched out our arms and closed our eyes.”

    VII. Working with text and prepared dictation

    1. The text is projected on the board and read to the teacher.(Slide 6)

    Teacher Questions:

    – Prove that this is a text (the sentences are connected in meaning and grammatically).
    – Title the text (one of the options appears on the board)
    – Determine the style of the text (artistic, because it paints a picture with words, affects the reader’s feelings, evoking sympathy for wolves, characteristic means of expression speech).
    – Determine the type of speech (narration, because it describes a sequence of actions, many verbs, gerunds, which make the speech laconic, precise, and allow you to avoid the monotony of syntactic structures).

    2. Vocabulary orthoepic work (entry in dictionaries).

    Placement of stress in gerunds: having raised (understood, begun, slandered, chirped, tickled).
    Placement of stress in the verb: rose (quite often in reflexive verbs the stress in the past tense form goes to the ending: began, began).
    Placing stress in nouns in indirect plural cases: when in I.p.e.p.h. and in the stress in the noun is based, then in the plural indirect cases. it falls on the ending (wolf, wolves-wolves, wolves, thief, thieves-thieves, thieves).
    Let's read the text expressively.

    – Find spelling errors made by the author in the text.

    (Students will write down 4 participles with NOT, which are written together with NOT in the text, and graphically indicate the spelling).

    – Are there any punctuation errors in the text? (5 commas are missing in the text, explain their placement).

    (The text is removed from the board, students write a prepared dictation).

    VIII. Summing up the lesson

    – On what condition does the choice of continuous or separate spelling NOT with a gerund depend?

    - Give examples.

    The main thing about the particle “not” with gerunds is that the particle should be written separately. This is easily remembered by the analogy with verbs: since “not” is written separately with verbs, then “not” with gerunds, which are formed from these verbs, is also written separately. For example: without listening, without creating, without knowing how. During class, he went about his business without listening to the teacher.


    “Not” is written together with a gerund only in one case: if the word is not used at all without “not”. For example: hating, disliking, indignant. Having disliked her daughter-in-law, Tatyana complained about her to her son. “Not” in this case cannot be removed; it is part of the word.

    Another small complication is that the particle “not” can easily be confused with the prefix “nedo”. The prefix is ​​part of the word and is written together: unfinished, underestimated, lack of sleep. He left work without finishing the report. In this case, the root of the word will be “deeds”, and “under” is a prefix inseparable from the root.

    Difficulties and difficult cases

    The main difficulty of writing “not” with participles is the use of homonymous forms. That is, words that sound the same in Russian can have different lexical meanings, and, accordingly, different spellings.

    For example, the words “undernourished” and “undernourished” have different meanings and are therefore written differently. Mom leaves for work without finishing breakfast. Here the word is used to mean “does not eat the whole thing.” In this case, “not” is written separately. During the war, people lived without food for months. Here the meaning is different - “we didn’t eat up to the end.” This option is written together.

    Also, mistakes are often made due to gerunds and derived prepositions that are inaudibly indistinguishable from each other. For example: “in spite of” and “despite”. Despite the sky, he set off. In this case, a gerund is used, which is written separately from “not”. Despite the temperature, she went to school. Here “despite” - , and it is written together.

    To easily distinguish a gerund from a preposition, you need to ask a question about the word of interest. This is how the question approaches the gerund: “Doing what?” or “Having done what?” He set off, what did he do? Despite the sky. Questions of gerunds do not apply to the second sentence.

    Also, the participle can be easy to determine because it can be replaced with a verb without distorting the meaning in the sentence. He set off and did not look at the sky. The second cannot be transformed in the same way.

    The rules for writing certain words of the Russian language from time to time raise doubts even among adults, good or bad, but studied in high school. Unfortunately, the acquired knowledge can be forgotten over time, which is fraught with questions when composing certain texts. So when to write “so that” and when “what would”?

    When “to” needs to be written together

    When in doubt, simply say a sentence that includes “so that.” If it loses its meaning and cannot be written without the particle “would”, then a continuous spelling is necessary.

    Similar sentences appear in the Russian language to highlight and express an indication of a specific goal or consequence of something.

    For example, the sentence “to love in order to live” loses some meaning and structure without “would” - “to love in order to live”, so the spelling “to love in order to live” is not correct. Another: “to get to know a person, you need to understand him.” Again, remove the particle, as a result of which you will get “to get to know a person, you need to understand him” and you will understand that separate writing would be incorrect.

    You also need to remember that in no case and never in the Russian language is it allowed to write “what-to” through or dashes!

    Other consistent writings: “every woman wants to be loved and respected,” “life needs to be lived in such a way that you won’t be ashamed of years spent aimlessly,” “he always wanted us to be together,” “nobody wants , so that they laugh at him" and "to find high paying job, you need to study well."

    Separate writing "to"

    In the same case, if pronouncing a sentence is possible without any loss of meaning without “would”, then the correct spelling is “what would”.

    Examples: “no matter what happens to me, a faithful friend will always come to my aid”, “I will never believe you, no matter what you tell me”, “your other half will always support you, no matter what you come up with” , “what should I ask Santa Claus this year?”, “what should I wear to this party?”

    As is clearly seen from the above examples, the sentence, of course, sometimes becomes a little “clumsy”, but its meaning remains the same, and in some cases does not change at all - “what should I ask Santa Claus this year?” and “what should I wear to this party” sound great even without the “would”. In them, only the doubt implied in the speech of the person speaking this sentence is reduced.

    For people who cannot feel the lack of “would” and the right option the first time, there is one simple piece of advice. It is best to say the problematic sentence out loud with a second pause between “what” and “would”. It is the pronunciation that will help you feel the appropriateness and inappropriateness of a particular option.
