How long does it take for a tangerine to ripen at home? Homemade tangerine from a seed in a pot - growing features. From sowing to germination

Many people grow tangerines at home not only for the fruit, but also because of the beautiful flowering of the tree and the pleasant aroma of the flowers.

Some representatives of citrus fruits require very difficult care and special conditions for their successful growth. Tangerines are not one of them. This is a fairly unpretentious and hardy plant.

There are two ways to grow citrus:

1. Buy a seedling of a fruit-bearing tree at a flower shop.
2. Grow it yourself from a seed obtained from purchased fruits.

Decorative tangerines

Mandarin tree belongs to the Rutaceae family, the foliage is evergreen, the leaf cover changes every few years, the flowers are white with a pleasant aroma.

People who have indoor tangerines prefer to grow them themselves from seeds. But in in this case will only grow decorative look which will look beautiful in general interior. The trees may either not bear fruit at all, or produce small, tasteless fruits.

Garden farmers always graft citrus fruits to obtain a tasty harvest. At home, you can do the same thing if you really want to make your own tangerines.

The best place for the plant is in the southern room, where there is the most sunlight. In the presence of poisonous plants, they will need to be moved to another room, because tangerines do not like such a neighborhood.

Basics of growing ornamental tangerine

First of all, you need to take a few tangerine seeds and soak them in a damp cloth for several days. A large amount of moisture should be avoided; the fabric should be slightly damp, and as it dries, it is enough to add water.

Even if you want to grow one tree, you need to take 8 - 12 seeds for safety. Some may not germinate, some will die from possible diseases, some will not survive the grafting process if one is carried out.

How to plant in the ground

Peat is not suitable for tangerines; such soil often turns sour, holds almost no moisture, and has no nutrients. To create ideal conditions for citrus, it is best to prepare the earthen mixture with your own hands:

1. three parts - turf soil.
2. one part - sheet soil.
3. one part - organic fertilizer.
4. one part - river sand.
5. a small piece of clay.

If it is not possible to make soil yourself, then it is recommended to purchase soil with a neutral composition in the store or add ash and organic fertilizers to ordinary soil.

The bottom of the container that will be used for planting should be placed with pebbles or expanded clay to improve drainage.

Caring for decorative tangerines

After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to add organic and mineral fertilizing, this should be done once every 14 days. Fertilizers must be applied after watering the plants.

Transplant citrus it is recommended once a year in the spring, and you should try to preserve the layer of earth that has stuck to root system. Once the tree reaches eight years of age, it will need to be replanted once every couple of years.

Tangerines need sunlight, so the best place for the plant would be to place it on a windowsill in a southern room. In the winter months, you need to monitor the temperature; it should not drop +15. Citrus requires weekly spraying; it is a moisture-loving species. You can place a bowl of water next to it.

On hot summer days, tangerines need to be watered: in the morning, afternoon and evening, in the winter months as the soil in the pot dries out.

Pest Control

Red spider mite, citrus whitefly, scale insects are pests that are very difficult to see, but their presence can lead to the death of young citrus trees.

It is necessary to carefully inspect plants for possible availability tiny web so that treatment can begin at the first sign.

Sold in stores special drugs for pest control. You need to wash all the leaves on both sides with solutions. The procedure must be repeated several times, every 7 days.

Citrus fruits, including tangerines, contain a lot of vitamin C. You can try growing them yourself. The tangerine dwarf tree is a wonderful ornamental plant that brings bright colors and a pleasant aroma to the home. It is known that the smell of this fruit not only improves mood and gives vigor, but also relieves headaches. An evergreen citrus tree can maintain a flowering period for most of the year and bear fruit even indoors.

Becoming the owner of a wonderful indoor tangerine is not difficult at all. Moreover, you can even grow a tangerine in a pot yourself, from a seed.

Planting stages

It’s worth noting right away that there is a simpler option. You can buy a ready-made seedling in a specialized store and plant it directly in the ground. You can even purchase an adult plant that is already bearing fruit, which you only need to place on the windowsill, providing it home care.

But for those who are not looking for easy ways, you can plant and grow indoor tangerines yourself at home.

Step 1. Materials

The seeds of this fruit are needed. It’s better to take at least ten, because... natural selection no one has canceled yet. Not all seeds will be able to sprout, not all sprouts will be able to break through the soil. To get suitable seeds, you need to take ripe fruit: the larger and juicier, the better.

Step 2. Preparing the seeds

Experienced gardeners know that any seeds require a preparatory period before planting in the ground. The tangerine seeds must be left for some time. damp place. The ideal option is to wrap them in cloth and leave them, maintaining a moist environment. After a couple of days, the seeds will be ready for planting: small sprouts will appear at the seeds.

Step 3. Planting in the ground

Usually, indoor tangerines can grow in the most ordinary soil, but you should approach the choice of soil for the plant responsibly. First to the bottom flower pot a layer of small stones or expanded clay is laid out for soil drainage. Next, the rest of the soil is laid out, where the sprouted seeds are placed. They should not be located too deep, but not near the surface of the soil. The ideal planting depth is from 5 to 7 cm.

Unless you need to water, but not too much and very carefully. In less than a month, young shoots will begin to emerge from the soil.

Even if the experiment fails, don’t be discouraged: it doesn’t always work out as planned. You can always try to plant tangerines at home again, using previous experience.

Caring for young seedlings

At the very beginning, it is important to properly care for young shoots. The pot with the plant must be placed correctly, finding the most suitable place for it. The indoor mandarin loves good lighting, and in dark places he begins to wither and may die. But straight Sun rays in large quantities they can burn young shoots. Until the stems of the tangerine tree are sufficiently strong, it is better to remove them from the risk zone. The task is not entirely simple - the container with the sprouts must be constantly lit and reliably protected from direct sun.

The tangerine tree must be exposed to direct sunlight, without which it will not be able to grow and develop normally.

Immediately after the first shoots appear, it is important to feed the young citrus plant. The action algorithm does not have significant differences from feeding an adult plant.

Caring for an adult plant

When growing tangerines at home, it is important to understand that the plant is adapted to hot countries where droughts often occur. Therefore, excessive watering will be detrimental to the plant. When an indoor tangerine is watered too often, it begins to shed its leaves. But it’s also not worth rushing from one extreme to another.


The decorative variety of tangerine is still not a cactus; at home it requires regular irrigation.

Mandarin grown at home requires care and nutrition in addition to watering. It's about about feeding the plant.

It is necessary to feed the plants, because frequent watering washes out organic and mineral substances. Understanding this is of decisive importance in growing tangerines at home. At different times of the year, mandarin behaves differently, which affects the amount and frequency of nutrition needed.

It is especially important to feed indoor shrubs in the spring, when the tangerine undergoes its main growth.

The frequency of feeding should not exceed twice a week. The fertilizer must be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions for use. Otherwise, you can seriously harm the plant: instead of the necessary minerals and organic substances, your homemade tangerine may receive poison. Mixtures for fertilizer and feeding indoor plants are sold in both specialized stores and large hypermarkets. When choosing fertilizer, it is advisable to focus on fertilizers for citrus fruits.

Tangerine home tree requires feeding to a much greater extent than its garden counterparts. Soil in a pot, unlike open ground, is not able to regenerate organic and mineral substances washed away during watering. Garden mandarin does not need to be fed so often, but caring for a tree at home is a completely different matter.

Although tangerine tree and is not a capricious and difficult to care for plant; nevertheless, in addition to watering and fertilizing, it is sometimes worth making additional efforts. Let's say a few more words about how to care for a decorative tangerine so that the tree always pleases the eye with its beauty.


As the tree grows, the indoor tangerine needs to be replanted. While the bush is growing, it is advisable to update the “place of registration” every year. After the plant reaches seven years of age, expansion of its living space is required every two years.

In order for the tree to bear fruit well, it is better to remove excess ovaries at the flowering stage.

The more potential fruits grow, the more energy and nutrients the tree will spend on growing. In order not to deplete the tangerine tree, it is advisable to leave only part of its flowers, the strongest ovaries. Although the “harvest” will be smaller, each fruit will contain more micronutrients. Therefore, the fruits will be larger, tasty and juicy. Indoor tangerine is an ornamental plant, not a garden plant. Therefore, the health of the tree should always be a priority.

When the ovaries form into small fruits, it is advisable to tie the tree crowns to a support. As tangerines grow and become heavier, they run the risk of breaking the tree's fragile decorative stems. Without additional help, the bush may suffer. Broken branches can cause serious tree disease.

Diseases and pests

When growing a tangerine, you cannot provide it with proper home care without protecting the plant from pests.

Types of indoor trees

There are several varieties of tangerine tree. Some of them fit perfectly into the culture of home ornamental plants.


The most popular is the Unshiu tangerine tree, a variety of Japanese tangerine trees. The height of an adult plant rarely reaches 1.5 m. Indoor tangerine Unshiu is more tolerant of cold than others and is extremely fruitful.

Dwarf form

The dwarf or, as it is also called, mountain mandarin, Kovano-Vase, is also popular. This variety is from the Vasya group, which at home is capable of reaching a meter in height, although usually the plant’s growth stops within the range of 40 cm to 80 cm.


You can also highlight indoor Clementine. This is a mandarin crossed with an orange. Characterized by bright and sweet fruits decorative tangerine Murcott variety, which translates as “honey”. The early ripening variety begins to bear fruit in the summer, unlike the above-mentioned varieties.

Other varieties

The small tangerine Shiva-Mikan tree, like Murcott, is an early variety with small fruits.

But despite the fact that the mentioned varieties of tangerine trees are specially bred ornamental varieties, even an ordinary garden tangerine remains rather short-growing at home, regardless of care.

Whatever variety you ultimately choose, the result will be a spectacular decorative tree with with the most beautiful flowers and bright, fragrant fruits.


Since ancient times, tangerines have been used as decorative home trees by noble and wealthy families, growing them in greenhouses or winter gardens, because the flower of both garden and home tangerines exuded a wonderful aroma. Today tangerine is available at home. Growing a tree is quite simple. Care also does not require any special effort. But this noble tangerine dwarf tree will look impressive and stylish in any interior, giving the surrounding space more positivity and color. Therefore, even if you had doubts about whether to get involved with a citrus tree or give preference to another ornamental plant, discard them. Domestic trees will invariably please their owners, bringing juicy fruits, a delicate aroma and a great mood.

A homemade orange and tangerine tree looks beautiful and impressive. During its flowering, white fragrant buds are formed. And after some time, tasty fruits are formed. If grown in bonsai style, you can get a real work of art. The article will tell you what the plant looks like, what varieties are suitable for an apartment, and how to properly organize care at home.

Orange and tangerine are flowering evergreen. Belongs to the genus Citrus, rue family (calamondin). The height is 4-5 meters. Productivity varies from 5,000 to 7,000 fruits per tree. The crown is round and spreading, with a diameter of about 3.5 meters. The bark is light gray. Young shoots are dark green. The leaves are leathery and small in size. Have egg-shaped, pointed at the end. Photos of a tangerine tree can be seen in specialized literature.

Growing tangerines at home

It is not difficult to grow tangerines, kiwis, pomegranates, and persimmons at home. When planted with a seed, the tree begins to bloom and bear fruit after 7-8 years. But this state can be achieved much faster if, at the 4th year of life, you graft from a fruit-bearing tree. If you don’t want to bother with planting and propagation, it’s better to buy a plant in a specialty store or order it online. Usually fruits are formed without artificial pollination.

To get a good harvest, the plant must be properly cared for and fertilized.

From stones, seeds

Planting a seed is the easiest way to get a tangerine tree at home. But this process is long. In addition, not all varieties produce seeds. To plant you should buy quality material, which has been properly stored, not exposed to direct sunlight or frozen. The seeds need to be washed and dried. Next, they are wrapped in damp cotton cloth. When the seeds increase in size and sprouts begin to hatch, they are planted in a pot with fertile substrate. As the plant grows, it is transplanted into a larger container. It is better to sow several seeds at once, because their germination percentage is average. It is important to consider that fruits grown from seeds are inedible. Therefore, in order to improve taste, they are vaccinated. You can watch the process in more detail in the video.

Grafting a tangerine seedling

Grafting a tangerine seedling allows you to get a bountiful harvest. The procedure is carried out from April to May or in August. It is important to take the best rootstock and cuttings from a fruit-bearing healthy tree. Use biennial or annual grapefruit branches. Thorns and leaves are cut from the cuttings. A plant with well-developed bark is suitable for rootstock. The barrel is first wiped from dust and dirt. Then a small T-shaped incision is made in the bark. Use a knife to push the bark away and insert the cutting into the hole. This area is smeared with garden varnish and wrapped in cloth, leaving only a bud on the surface. The grafted home tangerine is covered with a plastic bottle or plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. After three weeks the branch should take root.

Cuttings for growing a tangerine tree

Often for cultivation decorative tree use a cutting. A small branch with a leaf can be bought at a specialty store or cut from an existing tree. The cuttings are planted in a fertile, loose substrate. Then water it generously and cover it with a plastic bottle. After 60 days, the branch will take root and leaves will begin to appear. It is allowed to remove the cover only when the plant is completely strengthened. Further care consists of timely irrigation, annual replanting and fertilizing.

Crossing tangerine with other citrus fruits

It is easy to obtain hybrid forms of tangerine at home. To do this, crossbreeding with other citrus plants is carried out. For example, with lemon, orange, grapefruit. When a tangerine is crossed with a North African orange, a clementine is obtained. The tree produces medium-sized or small orange-red, flattened fruits. To cross, the flowers of one plant must be pollinated with pollen from another. The seeds obtained from the fruit are planted in a box with fertile substrate. To grow such a hybrid, vaccination is needed. Without this procedure good harvest can't achieve it. If you provide clementine the necessary conditions content, after a few years the tree will begin to bear fruit.

Features of wood care

When keeping tangerine indoors, it is important to observe the light and temperature conditions.

In order for the young plant to grow stronger, the first three years after planting, all ovaries and flowers are removed. Only in the fourth year is the tree allowed to bear fruit. But since at this age the branches are still weak and thin, it is impossible for more than 6 fruits to form. Every year the plant will be able to produce more and more fruits. It is advisable to tie up the shoots during fruiting. If you organize care correctly, you can collect about 60 tangerines from one mature tree.

Temperature and lighting

Mandarin is a light- and heat-loving plant. Therefore, it should be placed on an east, south or west window. In this case, it is necessary to construct shading from the midday sun. In winter they install additional lighting. In summer, the tree is taken out onto the veranda or balcony. But the plant should be accustomed to fresh air gradually. The optimal temperature is +25 degrees in summer and +17 degrees in winter. In order for mature tangerines to bear fruit abundantly, experts recommend a cold winter: keep the pot in a room where the temperature does not exceed +12 degrees.

Watering a tangerine tree

In spring and autumn, irrigate once a day with settled warm water. The watering regime must be adjusted so as to prevent waterlogging and drying out of the soil, so that the tangerine does not drop its leaves. Excess moisture causes root rot, and deficiency causes leaves to fall. The tangerine tree prefers high humidity, so regular spraying will be useful. It is important to ensure that during spraying and watering water does not fall on the flowers. Experts advise placing a pot with a tree on a tray with damp expanded clay, pebbles or moss.

Soil requirements and necessary fertilizers

To grow homemade tangerines, you should use slightly acidic soil. You can buy ready-made soil for citrus fruits in the store or prepare the substrate yourself from turf and leaf soil, clay, humus and coarse sand. Fertilizing begins in June, when the plant enters the active growth phase. Nutrients are added twice a month. Feed after the irrigation procedure so as not to burn the root system. It is better to use an infusion of cow manure and yeast as fertilizer. Special formulations for citrus fruits are also suitable. In winter, fertilizing is not carried out.

Replanting a tangerine tree

Replanting is carried out as the tree grows. For a young plant, this procedure is carried out once a year. Tangerines over 7 years old are replanted every two years. They use the transfer method. The new pot should be 6 centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. WITH It cannot be planted in a large container once. This is fraught with rotting of the roots. Do not replant during flowering. Optimal time To hold such an event - the beginning of spring. A few days before the planned transplant date, you need to stop feeding.

For the procedure to be successful, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Water the tree generously.
  2. Remove the plant from the old container.
  3. Carefully place in new pot.
  4. Sprinkle with soil.
  5. Lightly moisten the soil.

Reproduction, pruning, shaping

Mandarins can be propagated at home by generative or vegetative means. The first method involves growing from seed. The essence of the second is to root the branches. When choosing cuttings, you should use a special rooting solution. Then the survival rate will increase several times. Both methods take a lot of time. Therefore, some gardeners prefer to buy already grafted indoor tangerines in the store.

Typically, domestic varieties are low-growing. If you form the crown correctly, you can create a bonsai tree that will become a real decoration of the room. To make the plant look neat, you need to control the growth of side shoots and tops. To do this, trim the branches that are lowered down and growing inward.

Varieties for home cultivation

To grow tangerines at home, varieties that are short-growing and compact are used. The most popular are Unshiu, tangerines of the Vase group, Shiva-Mikan, Clementine. Unshiu is Japanese variety, which is characterized by unpretentiousness, early fruiting, and good branching. The tree grows up to 1.5 meters. Flowering is abundant and occurs in the spring season. The fruits ripen at the end of November. The tree is resistant to low temperatures.

Kowano-Wase and Miyagawa-Wase are dwarf varieties whose height varies from 40 to 80 centimeters. Kovano-Vase grows no more than 50 centimeters. Is different abundant flowering. The tree bears fruit in the second year of life and produces orange-yellow fruits of a rounded-flattened shape. The advantages include frost resistance and high yield. Miyagawa-Wase is the tallest variety in the Washo group. Characterized by large fruits, which have smooth thin skin and are seedless. The fruits ripen in September and retain their taste for a long time.

Shiva-Mikan is a fast-growing, compact variety that produces small but very sweet fruits. Shiva-Mikan tangerines ripen in the summer. Often grown in apartments, Clementine is a hybrid of orange and tangerine. The tree begins to bear fruit in its second year of life. One plant produces about 50 orange-red fruits per year. The fruit contains many seeds.

Possible problems during cultivation

If you follow all the rules of care and take into account the characteristics of the variety, there will be no problems when growing a tree. But beginners often make mistakes in content citrus plant within a month. Often gardeners notice that the foliage begins to turn yellow, curl and fall off.

This happens for various reasons:

  • The tree is aging.
  • Lack of light.
  • The air is too dry.
  • The transplant was carried out incorrectly.
  • There are drafts in the apartment.

When yellowing begins at the bottom of the crown and spreads upward, there is likely a nitrogen deficiency. If young leaves turn yellow and dry first, and then old ones, this means that the tree is deficient in iron. It happens that leaves begin to fall for no apparent reason. In this case, resuscitation and feeding with potassium nitrate should be carried out. If you cure the cancer and eliminate the cause of the yellowing of the foliage, the tree will quickly recover.

Mandarin is susceptible to the following pests:

  1. Spider mite. It appears as small light dots on the underside of the leaf.
  2. Mealyworm. It looks like a white fluffy coating.
  3. Aphid. These are small insects of light green color.
  4. Shield. A sticky syrup-like coating forms on the leaves.

Citrus products

Tangerines are considered low-calorie, so they are often used in dietary foods. Drinks, juices, classic compotes, and lemonade are prepared from this fruit. They make Isabella wine and chacha from it, alcohol and grapes. There are also recipes for compotes and squeezes of dandelions, apples and plums with alcohol. There are a lot of recipes that allow you to create a real dietary treat from healthy tangerines.

For example, korok and candied fruits turn out delicious. To prepare them, soak the crust in water for 24 hours. Then cut it into thin strips. Boil the candied fruits in sugar syrup for an hour. Then they are placed on a baking sheet and left to dry.

In the east, fresh slices of this fruit are added to sweet soups and vegetable salads. Ice cream made from tangerine, milk, condensed milk, and sour cream turns out delicious. The tangerine is peeled and pureed using a blender. Add condensed milk and sour cream. Mix everything and pour the mixture into a container with a lid. Place in the freezer for 6 hours. Every 40 minutes you need to take out the container and stir the ice cream. It is recommended to serve dessert with fruit syrup.

Most of our children, and often we ourselves, adults, began their acquaintance with botany with the tangerine. Orange, fragrant, with bright slices and inconspicuous seeds, it brought us to the question: is it possible to grow such a miracle on our own? And if this question overtook us not far from a pot of soil, even if it was already occupied by some plant, the seeds were immediately sent into the soil. And after some time, the already half-forgotten experiment turned into not an easy task: how to care for and get fruit from your own tangerine in conditions home grown? In this article we will talk about exactly this.

Tangerine tree (Citrus reticulata). © Team D Content:

Mandarin from the seed - analyzing the difficulties

Before you decide to grow a tangerine from a seed, you need to think: how much work are you willing to do to achieve the result, and what exactly do you want from the tree you are growing - just decorative or also fruit? Are you ready to wait? Mandarin from seed grows quite slowly. Do you agree to experiments? In order for the plant to bloom, it will take more than one year, and there are often cases that the tangerine does not bloom at all, then you will need to help it.

In addition, if a tangerine grown from a seed produces fruits, they are not similar to those from which the seed was taken (in order for the variety to be repeated, it must be propagated vegetatively - by cuttings, grafting). However, what happens, in any case, is pleasantly surprising!

Planting a tangerine

What seeds should I plant?

To plant tangerines, it is best to take seeds from the numerous hybrids offered for sale today. They sprout faster, bloom earlier, in most cases, produce edible fruits and are easier to graft. It is very simple to distinguish them from real tangerines: real ones do not have seeds in their fruits, or there are very few of them, and hybrids always have seeds.

The selected seeds should not be thin, as if dried out, deformed or with a blackened tip. It is good that there are at least five tangerine seeds, since not all will germinate, and if the plants are planned for grafting, then at least ten, because grafting is not always successful.

Tangerine sprouted from seed. © Jerry Coleby-William

Preparing the soil and selecting a pot

The next task is preparing the substrate. It should not contain peat, since tangerine does not like acidic soil. Therefore, the substrate is either bought in a store, marked pH = 6.5-7 (neutral soil), or made independently by mixing two parts of well-rotted humus, two parts of forest soil (from under deciduous trees) and one part of sifted river sand. If there is no humus, you can simply take non-acidic soil and sand.

Now you need to select a container for planting. They are quite capable of becoming the first pots for young tangerines. plastic cups volume of 200 ml, bowls, at least 7-9 cm deep (necessarily with drainage hole) or small pots.

Planting tangerine seeds

For all citrus fruits there is a single rule: what faster seed from the fruit gets into the soil - the higher its germination. Therefore, after eating a tangerine, you do not need to dry its seeds; you must immediately place them in the ground, digging them to a depth of 4 cm.

If for some reason the tangerine seeds could not be planted immediately, then, in order to slightly speed up the germination process, it is recommended to soak them for several days. In this case, the dishes in which they will lie should be flat, the fabric should be damp but not flooded with water, the place should be warm, but not in the sun. To prevent the cloth in which the tangerine seeds are wrapped from drying out, the saucer can be placed in plastic bag, cover it slightly, but do not tie it.

A hatched tangerine from a seed. © Guilherme Silva

From sowing to germination

It is impossible to say in advance how long it will take for the seed to germinate and sprout. In some cases it is 15 days, but more often it is about a month. In any case, before germination, it is important to monitor soil moisture and air temperature, which should not fall below +20 °C and exceed +25 °C. At the same time, it is not recommended to place pots in a mini greenhouse; tangerines germinate well anyway, and plants grown in greenhouse conditions, then it will be necessary to accustom him to the conditions of the room.

Transplanting tangerine seedlings

If the tangerine seeds are not planted in separate pots, but all together in a bowl, when four leaves appear (it is believed that citrus fruits do not have cotyledon leaves), it is time to transplant them into separate cups. From the resulting seedlings, the most powerful ones are selected, and the weak and deformed ones are discarded, resulting in stronger plants that are capable of growth and development.

Sometimes it happens that two sprouts grow from one tangerine seed (in citrus fruits, multiple germination of seeds is observed). In this case, you can do two things: either pinch the weaker plant, or plant the sprouts in different pots - usually each of them has its own root system.

The next replanting of the tangerine should be focused on the development of roots: as soon as the roots occupy the entire volume of the cup, the plant is transferred to a larger pot. But it is highly not recommended to immediately plant a seedling in a large volume of soil, because in this case, waterlogging of the soil often occurs, which significantly inhibits the plant.

Young tangerine trees are replanted annually. Fruiting - once every 2-3 years, increasing the diameter of the pot not by 1, but by 4-6 cm. When planting, it is important to make sure not to deepen the root collar.

Old plants and large specimens of mandarin are not replanted, but are carefully removed in a pot every few years upper layer soil, replacing it with a new, fertile one.

Tangerine seedlings. © George Shuklin

Formation of mandarin

Mandarin is one of those plants that often has to be shaped. The first pinching (if it has not begun to branch on its own) is done when the seedling reaches a height of 30-40 cm. This technique forces the tree to sprout lateral shoots of the first order. But this is not enough for flowering, because tangerines bear fruit only on branches of the 4th-5th order. Therefore, pinching is continued, removing the tips of all shoots after 4-5 leaves, as well as weak shoots and those growing inside the crown. In general, it takes 3-4 years to form.

But in order to force first-order branches to branch, you can take another path - reject the shoots using fixation. This method is more labor-intensive, but quite interesting. To carry it out, one end of the wire is fixed on a branch, and the other is fixed with a pin at the edge of the pot so that the tangerine shoot being formed bends closer to a parallel position with respect to the ground.

Tangerine tree (Citrus reticulata). © pettermok29

Caring for tangerines at home

Caring for tangerine trees varies somewhat depending on their age and purpose. If the specimen is young (up to 5 years) or is grown solely for its green foliage, it needs regular watering (the soil must be maintained wet, but do not flood), spraying (frequently enough) and a lot of light (with shading in summer period from the bright midday sun and with backlighting on winter days).

In warm months, the tree can be taken out into the air (gradually accustoming it) to a place protected from the wind. Once a month it is useful for a mandarin to have a warm shower.

Like other citrus fruits, tangerine tends to turn its leaves towards the main light source. Therefore, for a more uniform formation of the crown, it can be rotated around its axis. But this should be done no more than 10 °C at a time and no more than once every two weeks, because citrus fruits do not like changes and can react negatively to them.

If the tangerine has begun to bloom, then, in addition to the usual care, it needs a period of winter dormancy, at a temperature of +10..12 °C with more infrequent watering (it is necessary to allow the soil to dry out a little), a gradual increase in temperatures in the spring and an optimal temperature regime for the formation buds (within +16..18 °C). And also moderate heat in summer - no higher than +25 °C (at higher temperatures the flowers may fall off) and careful spraying (water should not get on the flowers).

Since tangerines take about 6 months to ripen, many people have a question: should the tree rest in winter or illuminate it with a lamp so that the fruits ripen? Answer: arrange. Even in conditions of +10..12 °C, tangerines are slowly ripening.

Mandarin supplements

Small tangerines are not fed; they are simply transferred to a larger pot. But older plants need to start fertilizing from the beginning of spring growth until the fall. This must be done with a special fertilizer for citrus fruits or mullein infusion (1:10 with water) every two weeks. Suitable for feeding and chicken droppings(tincture 1:20 diluted at the rate of 1:20 with water).

If the tree is planned to be transplanted, stop feeding the tangerine at least three days before this event. After transshipment, they return to fertilizers no earlier than after 2 weeks. In winter, tangerines are not fed.

First fruiting of tangerines

A tangerine grown from a seed begins to bear fruit in the 5th or 6th year. Its fruits do not exactly replicate the taste of the mother variety and may differ from it in size, sweetness, aroma, but not only in the direction of deterioration of these qualities (as is commonly believed), but also in the direction of improvement (here - depending on your luck).

At the same time, the first fruiting does not yet fully reveal all the characteristics of the plant obtained from the seed. Therefore, if a tangerine has bloomed and set fruit, it needs to be provided with the most attractive conditions so that the tree can express itself when it bears fruit again.

How to make a tangerine bloom?

It’s good if the tangerine blooms on its own. And if not? In this case, he can be encouraged to do so. It is necessary to take a copper wire and tightly wrap it around the base of the tangerine trunk so that it is pressed into the bark. This will disrupt the sap flow process and force the plant to “think” about offspring - to bloom. After six months, the wire must be removed and the wounded area treated with garden varnish - it will recover fairly quickly.

However, the method will not work if the tangerine has not formed a crown and has not had a dormant period. Therefore, before starting the experiment, it is necessary to help the tree grow branches of the 4th and 5th order and go through a cold winter.

Tangerine grafting

Another way to get fruit from a tangerine seedling is to graft it. To do this, you need to grow the rootstock (tangerine from a seed) to the thickness of a trunk with a diameter of a simple pencil (about 6 mm) and find a scion - a small piece of shoot taken from a varietal tangerine, or rather, a bud (eye) with a leaf petiole.

At a height of 7 cm from the soil on the bark of the rootstock, make a cut in the shape of the letter “T” with a very sharp, preferably a special budding knife, so as not to cut through the wood. The length of the cut should be about 2.5 cm, the upper bridge (the cap of the letter “T”) is about 1 cm. Insert a cut tangerine bud (with a leaf petiole) into the bent ends of the bark (carefully push them aside with a knife) and press the bark back. Treat everything with garden varnish and wrap tightly with blue electrical tape, leaving the petiole exposed. Place the grafted plant in the greenhouse from the bag.

If the tangerine grafting is successful, the bud will take root within three weeks, the petiole of the leaf will turn yellow and easily fall off. If the grafting is unsuccessful, the petiole will turn black.

If you are successful, they begin to ventilate the greenhouse little by little, gradually increasing the time of the sessions. A month after the shoot appears from the new bud, the stem of the tangerine rootstock is cut off with pruning shears at a height of at least 5 mm from the grafting site, diagonally. The bandage is removed. The cut is treated with garden varnish.

Caring for tangerines during flowering/fruiting

During the flowering and fruiting phase, mandarin needs more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers than nitrogen. Watering should be regular, but not excessive. When the plant blooms, it must be continued to be sprayed, but in such a way that water does not fall on the flowers.

In most cases, the tangerine sheds excess flowers and ovaries, independently regulating the load. If this does not happen, it needs to be helped by removing excess flowers and tangerines, leaving one fruit on the plant for every 15-20 leaves.

If the tangerines burst when they ripen, it means that the plant is not watered regularly or is experiencing excess nitrogen. So that the mandarin pawns flower buds, he definitely needs winter rest.

Mandarin pests

It has been noticed that, grown from a seed, tangerine is much more resistant to influences external environment and pests than those you can buy in the store. But, unfortunately, he also has malicious enemies. Most of them are afraid of ultraviolet radiation and high humidity, therefore, maintaining good conditions for keeping plants is also a preventive measure against them. Who is this? Spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, and also aphids.

Tangerine tree (Citrus reticulata). © Achievable Gardens

Spider mite

Measuring only 0.3-0.6 mm in size, it is practically invisible to the human eye. But you can calculate it by the presence of small light dots on the underside of the leaves of the plant and the presence of the finest cobwebs. If a tick is found, it must be dealt with immediately.

The first thing to start with is to thoroughly wash the plant with warm water. running water using laundry soap. Then it is necessary to spray the tangerine with Fitoverm, Intavir, Aktelik or other insecticide several times at intervals (7-10 days).


They are convex oval plates measuring only 4 mm. The main sign of its presence is a sticky syrup-like coating that appears on the leaves of the plant. If the pest is not destroyed, the tree quickly becomes depleted and dries out.

You can try to cope with the scale insect by treating the tangerine with a soap solution with the addition of kerosene: 5 g of soap and 10 g of kerosene per 1 liter of water. Spray up to twice a week.

But more effective treatments (from 3 to 5 times with an interval of 15 days) with insecticides Aktara, Fitoverm or others, which can always be found on sale. However, after such treatment, the fruits from the tree cannot be eaten and it is necessary to change the top layer of soil in the pot.


It is quite easy to detect: the pest resembles a white fluffy coating scattered throughout the plant in the form of small dots with a diameter of 3 to 6 mm. You can fight scale insects manually, painstakingly collecting specimens, using insecticides - Karbofos, Decis, Intavir, or infusion of soap and garlic (infuse 2 cloves of garlic per 0.5 liter of boiling water for 4 hours).


Almost everyone is familiar with this pest: it is 1 to 3 mm long, light green in color, reproduces quickly, lives in colonies. The harmfulness of aphids lies in the fact that they suck the juices from young shoots and leaves of tangerine, deforming them and depleting the plant.

To combat it, use repeated (with an interval of 5-7 days) washing the plant with a solution of laundry soap, spraying with garlic infusion (1 head of finely chopped garlic per glass of water, leave for 2 days), tobacco infusion (40 g per 1 liter of water).

Problems when growing tangerines

Yellowing and falling leaves

This problem can have various causes. It is important not to rush, carefully analyze the condition of the plant and make the correct diagnosis. In adult tangerines, leaves may turn yellow and fall off due to their old age. But at the same time, the tree itself looks healthy and develops normally.

General lightening of the foliage may indicate insufficient lighting of the plants. In this case, you need to take care to move the tangerine closer to the light, or provide it with artificial lighting.

The shedding of tangerine leaves can begin due to too dry air (in the absence of regular spraying, especially during the heating season), improper replanting (when the root collar is deepened, choosing too large a pot), drafts. If one of these causes is detected, they simply need to be eliminated.

Drying and falling off lower leaves tangerine, despite the fact that the leaf begins to dry from the tip, is associated with regular waterlogging of the soil. This phenomenon occurs either as a result of excessive care, or because the pot is too large in relation to the seedling. In any case, the plant must be transplanted into an appropriate pot with fresh, loose (breathable) soil, after removing the rotten roots.

If yellowing begins at the bottom of the crown and spreads to the top, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. In this case, the tangerine must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

The light yellow color of young tangerine leaves, which gradually turns to older leaves, indicates chlorosis (iron deficiency). Treatment with iron chelate will help here.

Tangerine leaves fall without any obvious reason - perhaps the plant lacks potassium. In this case, it must be fed with potassium nitrate.

Blooming tangerine tree. © Chris.urs-o

It is important to know that young tangerines often produce rather long thorns - you don’t need to do anything with them!

In winter, citrus fruits, growing foliage, often form leaf blades bigger size than in spring and summer.

In order to distinguish a tangerine seedling from a lemon seedling, you need to smell their leaves - in lemon they smell of citrus, in tangerine they have a light aroma of fresh herbs. Older plants are easy to distinguish by their leaf petioles - lemon has a simple petiole, while mandarin has a narrow, long winged stalk.

Tangerine tree for last years has gained particular popularity among amateur gardeners. For its cultivation, not only greenhouses, greenhouses, winter gardens, but also the most regular balconies and window sills in the apartment.


Indoor tangerine attracts with its lush greenery, beautiful flowers and bright sunny fruits. It does not shed its leaves, so it will remain green even in winter. The light aroma of the plant helps relieve headaches, irritability and lifts your spirits. And when the tree blooms, an even more extraordinary smell emanates from it. The flowering period can last from spring until autumn. At the same time, growing a tangerine tree at home does not require special effort and skills - even a beginner can properly care for it.

The usual tangerine variety grows up to 5 meters high. But modern breeders have developed a huge number of special dwarf and low-growing varieties of plants in the form of small trees or bushes.

The height of an adult plant is no more than one and a half meters, and maintaining a beautiful shape will require less effort. With the right approach, the tangerine tree in the apartment grows quite quickly and begins to bear fruit.

Varieties for growing at home

Breeders bred big number various varieties of tangerine trees. They differ from each other in the appearance of the crown, foliage, flowers and fruits, as well as in size, fertility and taste. Not all of them are suitable for home growing. Among the many indoor tangerines, it is worth highlighting the most popular types.

  • "Kovano-Vase" is an ideal option for an apartment. This dwarf variety, up to 50 cm in height, so you can even grow it on a windowsill. Leaves dark green have the shape of an arrow. Distinctive feature Another advantage is that the bush does not have to be pruned to maintain its shape. “Kovano-Vase” begins to actively bloom in the spring, and bright orange fruits ripen in the fall. The fruits appear within a year and do not fall for a long time.
  • "Unshiu" It is an unpretentious variety and is not difficult to grow. This variety tolerates low temperatures and lack of sunlight. In apartment conditions, the height is usually about 80 cm, sometimes up to one and a half meters. The first fruits appear in the third or fourth year. "Unshiu" has lush greenery, blooms beautifully and bears fruit well. Flowering begins in spring, lasts several months, and by the end of autumn the fruits ripen. They are slightly elongated pear-shaped, sweet and contain almost no seeds.



  • "Pavlovsky" Mandarin has also proven itself well when grown at home. The height of an adult tree does not exceed one meter. Its leaves are similar to an ordinary tangerine - large, shiny, dense. There are many fruits, they are round in shape, up to 7 cm in diameter, and have a sweetish-tart taste. The skin is bright orange, thin, and easily peels off. The flowers of the “Pavlovsk” mandarin are large, about 3 cm, and are collected in whole inflorescences. They are white in color, but the buds are pinkish. The flowering period begins in April-May, and the first fruits may appear as early as September.
  • "Clementine"– the most delicious and sweet hybrid. A plant with dense elongated leaves, fragrant flowers and bright flattened fruits. The first tangerines ripen within 1.5-2 years. In an apartment, the harvest is small, about 40-50 fruits per season.
  • "Shiva-Mikan" refers to early varieties. At home it is more likely ornamental plant– this variety grows quickly, has a compact size and small fruits weighing no more than 30 grams.
  • "Marcotte"– translated as “honey”. This variety has surprisingly sweet fruits. Plant small size, with a neat crown of elongated leaves and yellow-orange fruits. The skin is smooth and tight; the pulp contains many seeds.


How to plant?

If you decide to grow a tangerine tree at home, you can either buy ready-made seedlings in plant growing stores, or germinate them yourself from a seed.

The first method is simpler and faster. Plant seedlings are sold immediately in a pot or in a packaged earthen coma. After purchasing, they must be transplanted into a suitable container.

The second method is more economical and interesting. Indoor tangerine can be grown from an ordinary seed of a ripe fruit. It is recommended to germinate several pieces at once, in which case the probability of obtaining the desired result will be higher. The seeds must first be soaked for several days until they swell and sprout. To do this, they are placed in 3-4 layers of damp gauze. Be sure to ensure that the gauze does not dry out and add water periodically.

If you don’t want to wait a long time for germination, then you can use Epin, a growth stimulator. It is added to water and left for a couple of hours. After the first shoots appear, the tangerine can be planted in the ground.

The ready-made mixture can be purchased at a plant growing store. It is important that the soil for the seedlings is not acidic - tangerines will not grow in such an environment. Therefore, the soil should not contain peat.

You can prepare the soil yourself, suitable option is a mixture:

  • 2/5 parts cow humus;
  • 2/5 parts of turf and leaf soil;
  • 1/5 part sand.

As the first container, you can use ordinary cups, pots with a diameter of up to 10 cm or boxes for seedlings.

At the bottom of a clean and dry container, it is imperative to lay a layer of drainage made of small stones or expanded clay. This will prevent stagnation of moisture and rotting of the roots.

Prepared soil is poured on top. The sprouted seeds are carefully placed in holes 4-6 cm deep and sprinkled with soil. The soil should be moist throughout the entire time, and watering should not be forgotten. The container with seeds must be placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. The optimal room temperature for the germination period should be +20.25 degrees. The first shoots appear after about 2-4 weeks. If several shoots sprout from one seed at once, then the weakest of them must then be carefully cut off.


So that the tangerine tree pleases with its healthy appearance, shape, beautiful flowering and tasty fruits, it is necessary to provide it with comfortable conditions. The most basic care and attention will help to prolong and make life easier for the plant in apartment conditions.

Location and lighting

It is recommended to place the tangerine tree in a well-lit place with diffused light. Windows facing south, southwest or southeast are best suited for it. Direct ultraviolet rays should be avoided in hot weather - the plant can get burned, and the soil in the pot will quickly dry out. You need to accustom the plant to ultraviolet radiation in stages: first stick to partial shade, and only then gradually increase the time spent under direct rays. Mandarin gets used to one-sided lighting, so it is not recommended to often rotate it around its own axis. In the warm season, the tree can be taken out onto the balcony, terrace or outside.

The optimal daylight hours for tangerines should be 8-12 hours. With a lack of natural sunlight, the plant will weaken, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. You can extend his daylight hours with the help of special phytolamps.


The recommended temperature for citrus trees in the warm season (spring and summer) is +18.20 degrees. This period is the active flowering phase, and higher temperatures will cause flowers and leaves to fall off. And lower temperatures will slow growth and prevent fruit formation.

In winter, it is necessary to give the plant a rest and gain strength for the next season. To do this, the room temperature must be kept at +10.12 degrees. Otherwise, subsequent flowering and fruiting may not occur. You can start raising temperatures for spring as early as the end of January. The tangerine tree does not tolerate sudden temperature changes, so any change in conditions should be gradual. But at the same time, the tree needs to be accustomed to natural changes. To do this, it is recommended to take it out for a very short time during the day. closed terrace or a balcony - this way the plant hardens and becomes stronger.


In the room where the tangerine tree is located, there should always be high level air humidity. To do this, the plant is often sprayed with a spray bottle. In hot weather or during the heating season, it is advisable to do this twice a day. There must be water room temperature.

It is advisable to water in the morning and evening to avoid the midday sun from hitting wet leaves.

If the plant already has flowers, then irrigation must be done very carefully, without getting on the buds. It’s better to simply wipe the leaves with a damp cloth during this period.

If there is a heating radiator in the room, it is recommended to cover it wet towel. You can place a container of water next to the tree. An ideal option would be a humidifier.


During rapid growth and flowering, it is especially important to properly water your home citrus tree. At this time, the soil should not dry out; it is recommended to do the procedure daily. Even a short drought can negatively affect the plant - to save moisture consumption, it will shed its leaves and they will not grow again in this place.

When the plant “winters”, you can water it only twice a week. The amount of water should be moderate - excessive soil moisture should not be allowed, this will lead to rotting of the roots, and mold may appear on the surface of the soil. It is recommended to use only settled clean water room temperature. Tap water contains chlorine, so it is not suitable for irrigation.

You can check whether the soil needs moisture with your finger - if the soil is dry and crumbly, then the plant needs to be “watered”.

You can only pour water on the rhizome - the tree trunk, leaves, and especially flowers cannot tolerate excess moisture.

The most the right time morning is considered the day. It is during this period that the tangerine tree is most active.


The soil composition required for young and mature plants is different.

For a young plant, you need to mix one part of sand with leaf soil, two parts of turf and cow humus.

For an adult plant, take part of leaf soil, three parts of turf and one each of sand and cow humus. And most importantly, fatty clay must be added to the soil for adult citrus trees.

You can also buy ready-made mixtures in gardening stores, but you should pay attention to high-quality products from a trusted manufacturer.

Top dressing

Due to frequent watering, all useful substances are quickly washed out of the soil, so the first feeding of the citrus tree is done immediately after the sprouts appear. And the older the plant, the more it needs to be fertilized. You can buy it in a specialized store ready mixture fertilizers You can also use mullein manure as organic matter in proportions of 1/10 with water.

It is especially important to feed the tangerine in the spring, when the plant begins to develop intensively. This period lasts until September; fertilizer can be applied once every two weeks. This regime will promote the appearance of buds, flowers and ovaries, and the ripe fruits will not taste bitter. In the cold season, fertilizing should be stopped. Like most all indoor plants, it is recommended to fertilize tangerine in the morning. The tree must be watered first warm water. The temperature of the nutrient solution should also be at a comfortable room temperature. The composition of the mixtures varies, but the content of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen is mandatory for a citrus tree.

The proportions and recipe must be observed; this information is indicated on the packaging. Irrational use of fertilizers can cause burns to the stem, roots and leaves or, in general, lead to the death of the tree. Among folk remedies, gardeners recommend using “fish soup.” For cooking, take 100 grams of fish per liter of water. Boil this for 30 minutes, strain, cool and add store-bought mineral mixture to the solution.

Trimming and pinching

It is not often necessary to prune homemade tangerines, since the formation of the crown of this crop occurs on its own. But pruning and pinching the upper young shoots every 3-4 months will not only help better development branches and leaves, but will also speed up fruiting. The top shoots should be pinched only after five leaves have formed.

You can also get rid of all weak and unnecessary branches. If dried leaves and branches appear on the tree, they also need to be carefully cut off. It is recommended to trim with special sharp scissors.

During the first flowering, some of the buds should be removed. This procedure will preserve the strength of the young tree and increase productivity not only this year, but also in subsequent years.

Possible problems

Improper care of indoor mandarin becomes the cause of its diseases. If the microclimate in the apartment is disturbed, irregular moisture, lack or excess of fertilizers, the plant begins to hurt. Let's look at the most common problems and the reasons for their occurrence.

Leaves turn yellow and fall off

If this happens rarely and in small quantities, then it is a natural process, especially in old trees. If leaf fall is intense, then this may indicate insufficient lighting, improper watering or lack of nitrogen in the soil. The reason for this may be a sharp change in regime (temperature, light). If the plant begins to turn yellow after transplantation, then the cause is most likely a violation of technology. Make sure that the root neck is not too deep. A pot that is too large can also cause yellowing.

All these processes need to be reviewed, conditions favorable for the tree must be created, and the plant will begin to recover.

  • Brown leaves most often indicate improper feeding. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer and strictly adhere to the recipe.
  • The leaves dry out due to dry air in the room. It is necessary to spray the tree more often with a spray bottle, wipe the leaves with a sponge, cover the heating devices and use a humidifier.
  • Leaves curl due to excess ultraviolet rays. To solve the problem, the tree needs to be shaded.
  • “Rust” spots on the leaves also indicate improper watering. This process needs to be regulated.
  • Red spots on the trunk of a tree indicate insufficient drainage, damage to the trunk or excess fertilizer. A light solution of vitriol is suitable for treating already damaged areas. After this, the cracks are rubbed with a special garden varnish.
  • If the bush begins to shrink and dry out, then the reason for this lies in insufficient feeding. It is necessary to provide tangerine with beneficial vitamins and minerals.

But even high-quality care is not enough to avoid some diseases.

Some diseases can also affect the tangerine tree.

  • Anthracnose causes deformation of the bark, yellowing and falling leaves. The affected parts of the tree must be carefully cut off and destroyed, and it is recommended to use Fitosporin to treat the entire plant.
  • Scab begins to appear as small transparent spots. Subsequently, gray “warts” are formed from them. Bordeaux mixture is used for treatment. You need to spray the entire bush with it three times.

One should not exclude such a threat as all kinds of pests.

They are almost invisible, but can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

  • Spider mite. It manifests itself as cobwebs on the leaves and red dots on the stems. This pest thrives in dry, hot microclimates. To combat it, you first need to clean the wood with a brush and then water it with a contrast shower. The soil must be sprinkled with ash and the entire procedure repeated after 10 days. A mixture of tobacco dust and laundry soap is suitable for spraying. A spoonful of dust and a spoonful of grated soap are dissolved in water and infused for 5-6 hours. You need to spray the solution 2-3 times a week.

  • Aphid. If there is a large amount, you must first thoroughly wash the plant with a solution of laundry soap. A decoction of wormwood or nettle is suitable for treating damaged leaves. It is recommended to spray the leaves garlic water. To prepare it, one clove is infused in a glass of water for two days. The tree needs to be treated with the solution several times a week.
  • Shield. Signs of infection are brown bumps and dried, yellowed bushes. First, use a brush to clean the plant from insects. Wash the tree and its location with soapy water. To spray in water you need to dissolve a little soap, two spoons washing powder and a teaspoon of machine oil. 3-4 hours after treatment, the plant should be rinsed with water. Repeat the procedures three times a month.
  • Mealybug. With its appearance, white sticky spots form on the leaves. The leaves fall asleep and fall off. The best folk remedy is a soap solution. You need to wipe the tree with it and spray it once a week.

To combat uninvited “guests” you can also use special means (for example, “Fitoverm”, “Karbofos” or “Aktellik”). It is necessary to wipe the leaves and trunk with the solution. To improve the effect, the bush can be packed in plastic for a couple of hours. It is important to note that the fruits after this procedure cannot be eaten for at least a week.

As preventive measures You can consider treating the leaves with soap foam. At the same time, it should not get into the soil, so it is recommended to cover the pot first.

How to replant and how often to do it?

As the tangerine tree grows and its root system expands, it will require replanting into a larger pot. The young plant must be replanted every year in early spring before flowering begins. After reaching 4 years of age, a transplant is needed every 3-4 years.

This culture does not like large containers, so you need to choose a new pot only one size larger than the previous one.

Tangerine transplantation is carried out by transferring the entire earthen clod. To make the tree easier to remove, the soil needs to be watered - this will reduce the adhesion of the soil and the walls of the pot. Next, you can lightly tap the pot with your palms so that the lump of earth moves away from it. After this, the plant is carefully removed and transferred to another place. First you need to lay a layer of clean drainage on the bottom of the new pot. The tree is installed and covered with earth. There is no need to compact the soil too hard. It is important to ensure that the root collar (small compaction between the root and the trunk) is only partially covered with soil. Otherwise, the tree will take a long time to take root and will begin to hurt.

It’s easy to learn how to properly care for a tangerine tree at home. You just need to follow the recommendations, and then the plant will delight you for a long time with a lush crown, beautiful fragrant flowers and fruits.

To learn how to grow a tangerine tree from a seed at home, see the following video.
