System of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment and networks of industrial energy - the procedure for transferring for repair and acceptance from repair. The procedure for accepting devices for repair and releasing them from repair. Qualitatively according to the contract, guarantee: The procedure for accepting devices

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R 50 - 609 - 30 - 87

^Л у ^ У


Rozhkovsky fshgaakh


R 50 - 609 -30 -87

7* "Provete, Dyer looking for solutions va-osyovv krtlrt &f$8K^ tavnostg.

7.1" For the first time, pridlisevta tbtat vshch rshhoita, which provides shshvyaum ushdash tjshmesht. zetrig y&vdaayag ioolergovtkoy operating time,

3ш1 ~ (ttenr/l*- ИфХ* ^,1 + Ш)/^ e £

where - nora&dashy kozffvdiakt e®shtshznosti kyptshshevk

Shoashyy" are equal! 0.15.

7*2. The choice of the best option for the type of repair should be made according to the criterion of maximum efficiency

Jas * (^1 " 4^2 ")/Zsch I

Example. Choosing the type of internal engine repair without incurring transport costs and damages from electronic defects,

As a result of the assessment limit state., including the extreme wear of parts of the ESH-24 engine of the Volga GAZ-24, it was established that the first professional government repair was in the form of replacing a set of piston rings in the crankshaft bearing shells during the car's run. I® provides a complete repair, a resource of 240? due to its operation in conjunction with non-aashieshsh® worn cylinder liners. You can expect a post-repair life of 180. 0.6 * Yu8 thousand. In total, after two element-by-element Group repairs, the total resource will be 24G-+IQ8==350 tnelgm, and the cost of these repairs will be 105+ISM245 rubles.

You can do one element-by-element group repair according to the first option, and then one overhaul, which, in accordance with industry standards, will provide 2Ш x 0.8 = 160 thousand kn, and dry - 240^160 = 400 thousand km. Wholesale flowers

The cost of the ShZ-24 engine is 236 rubles. Taking into account one electrical-pear and one major overhaul, the total costs will be 105 + 238 * 343 rubles. If we take into account the 5-day downtime for major repairs, the damage from which is equal to the hourly cost, multiplied by the time on duty, the number of days in repairs is 2.25 r I0.5 * IZ8 rubles, then the clearing costs in this case will be 461 rub.

A variant of preventive repair bases with two major repairs is also possible. The calculation results are summarized in a table. Similar calculations for the ShZ-53 engine.

Repair method


Average resource, thousand km



Specific Cost ratio, specific RUB/DGO costs, % w

0 daush Sh*F~ sh&ttweshsh poshmtto** grutosht shttzh. G.....

0*70/0,40 100/100

With one element-by-element repair and one major overhaul

E,15/0.71 164/17?

With two mouth guards


G, 51/1.01. 215/252

With two elemental pears

With two poele-gdentno-grugsho-gyda.repairs and odam kai"-"tadyish shshy-hsh:......

1.45D.08 100/100

1,61/1,13 111/105

0 "rda "kshv" tals;!:";! 1 reti-ta g;yz. "n*.

:2ДЗД,62 ШДШ

* In the numerator ^”с"" accounting for downtime during repairs* in

zshyshatele -* troubles accounting for downtime during repairs, * t The resource of the noble decision was taken equal to the industry standard (0.8 harmdudago),

** Sushlzrnsh kzdersh* yard” equal to the wholesale price at I preaskurayat.

Ashoshda 2


for . . repair: l....., ..... :....... ■ ...

view-rekkta 1kZhSh6anke products

This act was drawn up by a representative ........................

name of repair

yredariyyoig ^performer;, length Nivdialy, shalshsha

on the one hand, and the representative _

Business name, :

organization (reserve;, position, initials, name

on the other hand, about the fact that the handover has been completed, .................„ __

type of repair

name, brand, type, model", year of manufacture of the product

Passport 5_ Form __

if you have a passport if you have a form

Operating time since the beginning of operation (or) since the last regular repair

moto/aei, kilometers prooega, etc.

Technical condition:______

nomenclature of limit state signs

Ysh, numerical values ​​of par&shztrov ’technical correspondence......


Technical condition and completeness _____________



nashevanie and and O:!yG!T "ShchozNkchspye g aoritkvno-te;." - no documentation

Estimated scope of repairs

The reason for the change will decide

achieving the nreyaölviro parameters

t-oyanaya," "cTpado"tim'resource/accident -etc.

Zaklteshyu: .... ___________________

ZSHYASH&yzh" products and composition of the potency

type of repair

indicate 1 btlyoieshO"t "corlattano*-technical requirements

Repair company representative__-

personal, signature"

Customer representative

personal yodshya"

repair company

SHSHSHSH 3 Rekokeaschueshv “sod sha na melts away!SHSHSH zsh rshonea

for acceptance from. __._repair.........................

type of repair "new new products"

This act was drawn up by a representative. .

name xfadprschtpya

ortaniza!^” (Zakavnikf, "dolknostA,.....shshchdshsh"G Ssafci

acting on the basis of a power of attorney # from "_■ "_i9

on the one hand, and the representative.__

new repair equipment

about another * about the fact that "repair acceptance has been made"

type of repair

Passport B._

vashtebyash ^^ modezh with cash passport

Form J...................

if you have a form

Technical condition and completeness.

highly reliable


Name Eiiiian) Shz^yonЁOyurmyyyy"b^ehshshch^-koy documentation

The repair company guarantees the untruth® operation of the product in

warranty period or warranty period

Conclusion: found fit for use

product name

and accepted for repair. .

type of repair. acceptance date

Repair company representative_"

personal signature

Customer representative__

YaYaaya PShShs^

repair company

shhshshshshsh data

1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards. Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, Ministry of Agricultural and Tractor Engineering of the USSR* Ministry of Forestry, Pulp, Paper and Woodworking Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Mechanical Engineering for Light and Food Industry and household appliances of the USSR, Ministry of Civil Aviation of the USSR

B.D. Nikonov (team leader); L.ALeifer, Ph.D. sciences; V.A. Korolev; A.N. Cheberenev, Candidate of Technical Sciences; N.A. Kharinova; L.A.Sholkina; V.I. Chumak, Candidate of Technical Sciences; E.A. Lisunov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; V.P.Vazhdaev; V.IDdanov;

G.N. Erokhin; A.F. Vysokikh; B.S.Dvdastanrv; O.A.Ldtsimirsky; D.P.Dkig; A.A. Stalchenko; D.B. Astapov

2. APPROVED AND BROUGHT INTO EFFECT by order of the director of the Gorky branch of VNIISHASH dated 07.X2.87 U 106

3. The date of the first inspection is 1994.

Inspection frequency 5 years


1. General provisions...................................2

2. Products handed over for repair...................................4

3. Receive repairs...........................5

4. Performer guarantees...................................7

(algorithm for selecting the type of repair).................................8

Appendix 2. Form of the act for handing over the product for repair. 12

Appendix 3. Form of the act of acceptance of the product from repair................... 14

IC OOOCH6. Signed for publication and publication.N 01, if. Format 60x84 I/I6. Volume I print.l. Circulation of TsO ekya. Order 360 Price 5 kopecks. "Romayor" of the Gorky Faculty of Shchd VNIINaDSh. 603603, Goryaki, Ts"79, Noskovo sosoye, 213-a.

w 658.58:002:006.354

Operation and repair of equipment.

Procedure for delivery. repairs and pits

from repair. General requirements R 50-609-30-87

This document applies to repairable products and components (hereinafter referred to as products) for industrial and technical purposes in serial and mass production.

The recommendations establish general requirements for products submitted for repair and accepted from repair (types of repair - according to GOST 18322-78), and such is the procedure for submitting products for repair and acceptance from repair.

Recommendations do not apply to warranty repair products household appliances, special types repair of aviation equipment products, repair of computer equipment and marine vessels, and also for the repair of single-piece and small-scale products assembled at the site of operation.


1.1. Delivery for repairs and acceptance from repairs is carried out by the enterprise (organization) ytg. its division operating the product (hereinafter referred to as the customer).

Crdeika for repair and release from repair is carried out by the company performing the repair: the manufacturer, the repair company. repair division of the operating organization (hereinafter referred to as the contractor).

1.2. The customer is obliged to submit the product for repair, and the contractor is obliged to release it from repair in accordance with the requirements.® of these recommendations and normative and technical documentation (PTD), developed in development of these recommendations for products of specific types, as well as with the requirements:® repair documentation GOST 2.602-68,

ShM weightyashhshsh F customer ~ ®|schtstssshe upesosaswr&iu one-predirshizya, then trtt in welcome® from

will decide®. tsch№ -yiv% ustshovley rejected NTD,

1.3. 1&sch1v6sh№> in repair is determined by the customer on the basis of an analysis of the actual state of the product in accordance with the spire-"rgoshi refused, I limit states, approval in operational, repair and industry specific technical documentation for products of specific types,

1.4. Method assessment - technical state of the product is used in accordance with the requirements.®, urtashvdshyunshg in operational dokushvtatspz yae. allocating specific types according to GOST 2.6D1-6S.

1*5. The choice of type of repair is carried out by the customer taking into account the results of the assessment of forecasting the residual life of the product and assessment economic feasibility and the effectiveness of the choice of species, decide.

1.6. Products submitted for repair and issued as repairs must be equipped with all assembly units and parts provided! working design documentation for the product, with the exception of kit 2®.

List of completeness separately, items handed over for repairs and items issued for repairs, components products are installed in the industrial N7D.

1.7* Delivery of products for repair and from repair is carried out in the manner established in the industry standard technical documentation for a product of a specific type (group of products), taking into account the rules in force for transport of the corresponding type.

1.8. The documentation sent along with the product to the repair center must be packed in a waterproof bag and sealed.

1.9. Requirements for the storage of products awaiting repair and undergoing repairs until they are put into operation must comply with the operational, repair and industry nuclear technical documentation for products of specific types.

2. sdsh zshvpsh in dasht

2.1. Products submitted for repair must comply with the criteria for “failures and maximum failures” of the Ustavdeshvd in the operational and repair documentation for the specific purpose.

2.2. Products to wear; One of the criteria for the limit state is the exhaustion of the resource established in the YaGD before the first or next repair, which is handed over for repairs after the resource has been exhausted.

Provided that the fuel pump remains operational after its service life has expired, further operation of the product is permitted under the service life extension certificate. The form of the dolina act should be given in the sectoral ShShch,

2.3. It is allowed to hand over for repair products that have not exhausted their standard service life, but have reached a limiting state due to non-compliance with operating conditions, poor quality, manufacturing (repair); imperfections - design or accidents. In this case, the contractor and the customer draw up a technical condition report indicating the reason for the premature delivery for repairs.

At the request of the contractor, a representative of the developer (manufacturer, performer of the previous repair) should be involved in drawing up the report. The act is sent to the developer (manufacturer, performer of the previous repairer, who digs it - the customer.

2.4. When determining the scope of repair of a product, it is cheaper to take as a basis the volume proposed by the customer in the act of handing over the product for repair. Changes in the scope of repairs must be agreed with the customer.

2.5. Products submitted for repair must be cleaned of dirt by the customer and prepared in accordance with the operational, repair and industry specific data for the product.

2.6. Products submitted for repair must include the following documents:

1) a completed and executed form (passport) of the manufacturer or, in its absence, a duplicate prepared by the customer;

2) an act on the technical condition of the product with a mandatory note on the actual operating time of the product at the time of delivery of repairs, with a list of limit state signs for which it is accepted

decision to send for repair, indicating the completeness of the product (for products received for repair in accordance with a.2.4);

3) savings card diagnostics according to

or an industry standard technical documentation or a mark on preservation of the packaging in the form (passport).

Note. Doi allowed current repairs instead of the act of

acceptance from repair, document on "preservation and packaging

make the appropriate entry in Form C of the passport)

a *?

shish. -Saps#. sch a iryavyuu products yes "reataya" schvdadesh » ^zdshvyaad. ■$*.. ■ mmmit ty^tshtv. gtsht® sh.fsch&ts,*

sap yr#2"rzsh^ch*l zy"ishschy|* ishrsha®& dala®® szdygyavdg i -tsh argashgk about lack of building*

3.8. -yatavt-“Sh” i’-daphodiy” ame“e ra adi&yaku-.

4- gamish shvdnikhsh

4.1, Shylyavzhya" obtsh ask for repairs in the kirav-dom rebitosyoooyn somolnsh" and guarantee compliance.

4.2, Quality indicators are established in pre-state (industry) standards or other industry B5D for a product (product group),

4.3, Koshfetana vnachevda shrshtschyaizh ioooleremoatnah terms and operating time of the items are established in the technical conditions and the product (group of products).

The period and warranty period are calculated from the moment the product is put into production.

4.4 If during the warranty period (running time) the product was under repair due to the fault of the contractor, then the warranty period (running time) is renewed to the specified value, the countdown is carried out in accordance with clause 4.3 of these recommendations, about which. dapayaDOTA^."doldon make soetdotetvuada" entry in the fopsquwpe (passport) of the product.

iffagehedgehog i

in assessing the econometric efficiency of choosing “repair hell” (algorithm for choosing repair hell)

1. Carry out a survey of the current condition

you are the basis of the criteria and indicators of harmful conditions established for a product of a particular type in the industry normative and technical documentation in accordance with G0v1.: 27.00$-6E"

2. Carry out a sketch of the residual life of the product in its components based on the diagnostic results (clause 1) in accordance with RD 50-423-83, RD 50-490-84 using the limit state parameters established in the industry Sh!D

t product of specific types.

3. Analyze possible (alternative) types of repairs. As an alternative, any of the existing ones can become loose, for example, ketshgdada, average, current according to GOST 18322 -?8

and (yes) possible types repairs, for example, precautionary cement-pear.

Prdachanie. When choosing the type of repair of a product, you should take into account the content, composition, scope of repair and the possible after-repair life of the product.

1ak, major repairs are carried out "by completely disassembling the product, complete defect detection and restoration of all worn-out components, including the main and base ones. In this case, it is allowed to replace all components, except the base one, with new ones and repaired ones. Replacement of the base part is allowed in exceptional cases for products specific types specified in the industry standard technical documentation. Technical resource ate overhaul depending on the product, the basket ranges from 60 to 1005?.

Medium repairs are carried out as planned, with the rootstock or partial disassembly of the product for defects and replacement of adhesives by restoring components of a limited range, including the main ones. The service life of the product is calculated from the remaining life of the base part.

The current one will be solved by shishvshgoy nrv-tokhzhtsh parsing®. ttt& to replacement of individual failed parts. (dotadaey). The postvreshdazhny technical resource is determined by the osgaksh"" i^cypcaa of the base child.

I'm a gifted child with a pear-shaped rhyme? w®-in the yard full.- am for the disassembly of the gedshschya apt des-tishazsh yes otayashodnnkh in SHH parameters of the limit state, with the dafaktapdag of the composition of the parts and the plant of parts of the poison sh pear that is based on the technical-ecodeshcheodede criterion oatdshshnooty group replacement of parts, This criterion is the essence of rear scale - for spare parts and repair work aa losses from the NVDEAO-pursh resource of individual details of the group being charged, on, loss about? downtime in; repair, yosderemonsha resource ne-desh? is determined by the remaining resource of the base part in the efficiency® of post-destructive operation, taking into account possible damage from a poorly designed non-functional product,

4. Determine possible resource resource 4 *

give each possible repair of the i-th type on the UN results of the assessment of the residual re-equipment of the product (see sections 2 and 3) Note. The values ​​for the average repair resources and average resources for basic parts should be set "

SD on the basis of a specific type.

5. Determine the impact of the possible continuation of operation of the product, taking into account the operational resource Zp, L in the form of the difference in income for the period of dead-detailed operating time and minus the additional costs without additional capital % and expenses for repairs of the lth type Zsch L

Note, the costs of carrying out decisions of the first type are taken in the form of specific pyredeiny costs Zshch i, vdashchai-th current costs for materials, spare parts, re

installation work and t»iu n specific capital will be applied to the product itself V. or in the form of wholesale (contractual) chains Cmg, i, established by the contractor, taking into account transport costs Uip, L and loss of profit from downtime in repairs Y P/ 1 *

6. Determine possible damage from operational inadequacy after any repair of the £th type as insufficient

profit received from reduced product productivity, increased fuel efficiency, increased toxicity, etc.

The recommendations can be used by enterprises of the USSR State Standards Committee when developing standards of this group and taking into account the work carried out by groups of repair complexity in accordance with price list No. 26-05-64 " Bulk prices for the repair of control and measuring instruments" (M.; Standards Publishing House, 1981).


1.1. The devices are handed over for repair to enterprises and organizations (hereinafter referred to as the customer) that operate these devices. Devices are accepted for repair by enterprises of the USSR Gosstandart system (hereinafter referred to as the contractor) in accordance with the approved service areas.

1.2. We do not accept devices for repair from private individuals.

1.3. Devices for repair are accepted in strict accordance with the contractor’s current range of devices being repaired (repair range).

The repair nomenclature must include devices of the corresponding section of the mandatory nomenclature list of exemplary measuring instruments repaired by VPO Etalon enterprises and can be expanded in accordance with RD 50-89-86.

1.4. When submitting devices for repair, the customer must become familiar with the range of devices being repaired.

At the contractor's receiving point there must be information about devices temporarily excluded from the repair range, indicating the reasons for the exclusion and the deadline for resuming acceptance of devices for repair.

1.5. The basis for accepting devices for repair is the customer’s letter of guarantee (recommended Appendix 1) or an agreement (form No. P-7 approved by order of the USSR State Standard of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 1976 No. 238).

1.6. Devices are accepted for repair by the contractor's receiving points, and are released from repair by the finished product warehouse or receiving point.

1.7. The cost of repairing devices is determined by the prices of price list No. 26-05-64 “Wholesale prices for repair of control and measuring devices.” The cost of repairing devices not included in the price list is determined by a calculation drawn up by the contractor and agreed with the customer.

1.8. Settlements between the contractor and the customer are made in the manner prescribed current instructions State Bank of the USSR.

1.9. Devices are repaired in accordance with the deadlines specified in the contract, or in the order of their arrival at the collection point.

1.10. Devices discontinued by the industry, for which the supply of spare parts has been discontinued, may be accepted for repair as an exception and without a guarantee that they will be repaired.

The decision to accept these devices for repair is made taking into account the production capabilities of the contractor (nature of faults, availability of spare parts, etc.).


2.1. Devices to and from repair (including loading and unloading) are delivered by the customer. Sending devices by mail is not permitted.

2.2. Devices accepted for repair must be equipped with all parts and assemblies specified in the technical documentation, and must also be cleaned of dirt.

the overall performance of the device (by turning it on if necessary), as well as obtaining information from the customer about the malfunction of the device and determining the possibility of repairing the device in the event of an obvious malfunction (availability of spare parts).

The results of the initial defect detection are recorded in the repair flow chart (recommended Appendix 2).


1. The primary defect detection of devices is carried out by the acceptance inspector (fault detector) of the acceptance bureau;

2. Functional defect detection is carried out by the repair contractor at the workplace when repairing devices.

2.4. For devices accepted for repair, an invoice is drawn up in 2 copies (recommended Appendix 3) in accordance with the specialization of repair departments accepted at the factories and assigned an order number.

The customer is given a copy of the invoice and informed of the estimated time for completion of the repair; the first copy of the invoice is left at the acceptance office for control.

2.5. The receiving controller indicates on the devices the invoice (order) number and the name of the organization.

2.6. Devices are registered in the journal “Accounting for the acceptance for repair and issuance of repaired measuring instruments” (Form No. P-8 approved by order of the USSR State Standard of August 19, 1976 No. 238) (hereinafter referred to as the logbook) and together with a partially issued by the receiving controller and the customer’s representative transfer the repair flow sheet to the warehouse of the acceptance bureau, where they are stored until they are transferred to the workshop.


3.1. Devices that are repaired, checked by the quality control department and the verifier are returned to the finished product warehouse.

If it is impossible to carry out repairs, the device is returned to the customer and issued a “Technical report” (form No. P-11 approved by order of the USSR State Standard on August 19, 1976 No. 238) indicating the reason for the return.

In the accounting log, the receiving controller makes a note about the impossibility of repair.

3.2. The contractor informs the customer in writing or by telephone about the readiness of the devices.

3.3. Repaired devices are issued to the customer upon presentation of the following documents:

powers of attorney for receiving instruments;

identification document of the recipient;

copies of the invoice (see clause 2.4.);

copies of the payment order.

3.4. When issuing devices from repair, the contractor transfers to the customer:

verification certificate, if provided for in the regulatory document for this measuring instrument;

warranty card (in case of repairs with warranty obligations);

invoice for the release of devices from the warehouse of the acceptance bureau (recommended appendix 4).

3.5. The customer confirms receipt of the devices from repair with his signature on the first copy of the invoice (see clause 3.4.), which indicates the power of attorney number and the recipient's surname. The receiving controller makes a note in the accounting log about the release of devices from repair.

Customer letter of guarantee form

Company stamp

address, telephone

"_____" __________ 198__

The head of the company

surname, initials



I request your instructions to repair the following devices:

At our enterprise there is (no) departmental verification for these types of devices (cross out what is not necessary)

Devices used as training and indicator:


name, type, quantity, year of manufacture



According to GOST 8.513-64 they are not subject to verification

We guarantee payment, our current account number is ___________________________________

in ____________________________ branch of the State Bank

Head of the enterprise ________________________________________

signature, signature decryption

Chief Accountant _________________________________________

signature, signature decryption

Performer __________________________________________

signature, signature decryption

Official seal

phone number

Form technological map repairs


order No. _______

Name of company

Customer information about device malfunction

Telephone responsible person


job title; signature, signature decryption

Type of work

Type of repair

Difficulty group

acceptance of measuring instruments from the customer

issuing measuring instruments to the workshop

return of measuring instruments to the acceptance bureau

cross out what is unnecessary

Name of measuring instruments

Condition of the device accepted for repair

Year of manufacture _________________ Customer _____________________________________

signature, signature decryption

Serial number ________________ Controller-

receptionist _____________________________________

signature, signature decryption

Designations: R - repair, M - installation, G - warranty repair, PG - post-warranty

Performer ___________________________________

signature, signature decryption

Master __________________________________

signature, signature decryption

Form of invoice for devices accepted for repair

Accepted _________________________ Passed ______________________________

signature signature


Date of introduction 01.07.88

These Recommendations establish the recommended procedure for accepting devices for repair and releasing them from repair at enterprises of the USSR Gosstandart system. Recommendations were developed in development of GOST 28.201-74 "System Maintenance and equipment repair. The procedure for handing over for major repairs and release from major repairs. General requirements." The recommendations can be used by enterprises of the USSR State Standard when developing standards of this group and taking into account the work carried out by groups of repair complexity in accordance with price list No. 26-05-64 "Wholesale prices for the repair of instrumentation and measuring instruments" (M.; Publishing House standards, 1981).The recommendations are aimed at improving the structure of instrument repair production, reducing the time required to repair devices and improving its quality.


1.1. The devices are handed over for repair to enterprises and organizations (hereinafter referred to as the customer) that operate these devices. Devices are accepted for repair by enterprises of the USSR Gosstandart system (hereinafter referred to as the contractor) in accordance with the approved service areas. 1.2. We do not accept devices for repair from private individuals. 1.3. Devices for repair are accepted in strict accordance with the contractor’s current range of devices being repaired (repair range). The repair nomenclature must include devices of the corresponding section of the mandatory nomenclature list of exemplary measuring instruments repaired by VPO Etalon enterprises and can be expanded in accordance with RD 50-89-86. 1.4. When submitting devices for repair, the customer must become familiar with the range of devices being repaired. At the contractor's receiving point there must be information about devices temporarily excluded from the repair range, indicating the reasons for the exclusion and the deadline for resuming acceptance of devices for repair. 1.5. The basis for accepting devices for repair is the customer’s letter of guarantee (recommended Appendix 1) or an agreement (form No. P-7 approved by order of the USSR State Standard of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 1976 No. 238). 1.6. Devices are accepted for repair by the contractor's receiving points, and are released from repair by the finished product warehouse or receiving point. 1.7. The cost of repairing devices is determined by the prices of price list No. 26-05-64 “Wholesale prices for repair of control and measuring devices.” The cost of repairing devices not included in the price list is determined by a calculation drawn up by the contractor and agreed with the customer. 1.8. Settlements between the contractor and the customer are made in the manner prescribed by the current instructions of the State Bank of the USSR. 1.9. Devices are repaired in accordance with the deadlines specified in the contract, or in the order of their arrival at the collection point. 1.10. Devices discontinued by the industry, for which the supply of spare parts has been discontinued, may be accepted for repair as an exception and without a guarantee that they will be repaired. The decision to accept these devices for repair is made taking into account the production capabilities of the contractor (nature of faults, availability of spare parts, etc.).


2.1. Devices to and from repair (including loading and unloading) are delivered by the customer. Sending devices by mail is not permitted. 2.2. Devices accepted for repair must be equipped with all parts and assemblies specified in the technical documentation, and must also be cleaned of dirt. When repairing devices, replacing components and assemblies with others taken from the same type is not allowed. 2.3. When accepting devices for repair, a primary defect inspection is carried out, including checking: the integrity of the seals; presence of external mechanical damage; availability of basic components and blocks; the overall performance of the device (by turning it on if necessary), as well as obtaining information from the customer about the malfunction of the device and determining the possibility of repairing the device in the event of an obvious malfunction (availability of spare parts). The results of the initial defect detection are recorded in the repair flow chart (recommended Appendix 2). Notes: 1. Primary defect detection of devices is carried out by an acceptance inspector (fault detector) of the acceptance bureau; 2. Functional defect detection is carried out by the repair contractor at the workplace when repairing devices. 2.4. For devices accepted for repair, an invoice is drawn up in 2 copies (recommended Appendix 3) in accordance with the specialization of repair departments accepted at the factories and assigned an order number. The customer is given a copy of the invoice and informed of the estimated time for completion of the repair; the first copy of the invoice is left at the acceptance office for control. 2.5. The receiving controller indicates on the devices the invoice (order) number and the name of the organization. 2.6. Devices are registered in the journal “Accounting for the acceptance for repair and issuance of repaired measuring instruments” (Form No. P-8 approved by order of the USSR State Standard of August 19, 1976 No. 238) (hereinafter referred to as the logbook) and together with a partially issued by the receiving controller and the customer’s representative transfer the repair flow sheet to the warehouse of the acceptance bureau, where they are stored until they are transferred to the workshop.


3.1. Devices that are repaired, checked by the quality control department and the verifier are returned to the finished product warehouse. If it is impossible to carry out repairs, the device is returned to the customer and issued a “Technical report” (form No. P-11 approved by order of the USSR State Standard on August 19, 1976 No. 238) indicating the reason for the return. In the accounting log, the receiving controller makes a note about the impossibility of repair. 3.2. The contractor informs the customer in writing or by telephone about the readiness of the devices. 3.3. Repaired devices are issued to the customer upon presentation of the following documents: power of attorney to receive the devices; identification document of the recipient; copies of the invoice (see clause 2.4.); copies of the payment order. 3.4. When issuing devices from repair, the contractor provides the customer with: a verification certificate, if provided normative document for this measuring instrument; warranty card (in case of repairs with warranty obligations); invoice for the release of devices from the warehouse of the acceptance bureau (recommended appendix 4). 3.5. The customer confirms receipt of the devices from repair with his signature on the first copy of the invoice (see clause 3.4.), which indicates the power of attorney number and the recipient's surname. The receiving controller makes a note in the accounting log about the release of devices from repair.


Recommended Form of Customer Letter of Guarantee
Company stamp address, telephone number "__________" __________ 198__ To the head of the enterprise _________________________________ surname, initials _________________________________ address


I ask for your instructions to repair the following devices: 1._______________________________________________________________________________ name, type, quantity, year of manufacture 2._________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ At our enterprise there is (no) departmental verification for these types of devices (cross out what is not necessary) Devices used as training and indicator: 1.__________________________________________________________________________ name, type, quantity, year of manufacture 2._________________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________________ According to GOST 8.513-64, they are not subject to verification We guarantee payment, our current account No. __________________________________ in the ____________________________ branch of the State Bank Head of the enterprise _________________________________________ signature, transcript of signature Chief accountant _________________________________________ signature, transcript signatures Contractor __________________________________________ signature, transcript of signature Official seal _______________ telephone number


Recommended repair flow sheet form


order No. _______

Name of company

Customer information about device malfunction

Responsible person's phone number


job title; signature, signature decryption

Type of work

Type of repair

Difficulty group

acceptance of measuring instruments from the customer

issuing measuring instruments to the workshop

return of measuring instruments to the acceptance bureau

cross out what is unnecessary

Name of measuring instruments

Condition of the device accepted for repair

Year of manufacture _________________ Customer _____________________________________ signature, signature transcript Serial number ________________ Receiving inspector _____________________________________ signature, signature transcript

Replacing parts

Repairs made:

Special notes:
Designations: R - repair, M - installation, G - warranty repair, PG - post-warranty repair Contractor ___________________________________ signature, signature transcript Master ___________________________________ signature, signature transcript


Recommended form of invoice for devices accepted for repair

INVOICE NO. _______________

for devices accepted for repair

Accepted from ______________________________________________________________ name of the organization Responsible representative of the customer _________________________________________ initials, surname, phone number Accepted by ____________________________________________________________ inspector-receiver: initials, surname

Order number




Accepted _________________________ Passed ________________________ signature signature Company stamp


Recommended form of invoice for devices released from the warehouse of the acceptance office

INVOICE NO. _______________

"______" _______________ 198__

for devices released from the warehouse of the acceptance bureau

Release _________________________________________________ by power of attorney No. __________ dated ____________________________ on the basis of _______________________________________________

Order number




Authorized _________________________________________________ signature, transcript of the signature Released ___________________________________________ signature, transcript of the signature Accepted ___________________________________________ signature, transcript of the signature Enterprise stamp


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards EXECUTORS: M.N. Galkin; V.A. Petrov (topic leader); G.N. Zaitseva; M.I. Novoselova; IN AND. Kuznetsov; G.A. Sodovskaya; S.Yu. Medvedovsky 2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution State Committee USSR according to standards dated May 12, 1988 No. 1318. 3. INTRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME 4. REFERENCE REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS

Handing over equipment for repair. Before the machine is scheduled for repair, it is carefully inspected during operation and after it is stopped. At the same time, defects that arise in the produced product, malfunctions of mechanisms, malfunctions of individual parts and their connections are identified. Before being put in for repairs, machines must be cleared of fuel, semi-finished products and cleaned by workshop personnel. Based on the inspections, representatives of the RMC and the main workshop draw up a list of defects 15 days before the start of repairs. Preliminary registration of a list of defects allows you to prepare parts in a timely manner.

After clarifying the list of defects, the RMC gives an assessment of the equipment content on a point scale, i.e., the quality of operation (technical condition) of the machine received for repair.

If the machine is in good condition at the time of its shutdown according to the schedule for repairs, the head of the mechanical repair shop (department), together with the head of the production workshop, draw up an inspection report, which is approved by the chief engineer, and the repair of the machine is postponed until the next scheduled repair.

Along with scheduled repairs in the practice of textile enterprises, there is a need to perform unscheduled work related to the elimination of accidents. An emergency condition of a machine is considered to be a violation of the overhaul life, a sharp loss of equipment productivity and a decrease in the quality of products in relation to established standards, and unsuitability for further operation.

The emergency condition of the machine is a consequence of unsatisfactory operation of the equipment or poor quality of scheduled preventive maintenance.

With the correct organization of the preventive maintenance system, the possibility of accidents is eliminated. For each accident, the head of the production department, together with the head of the RMC, draw up a report indicating whose fault the accident occurred. The report is submitted to the chief engineer for action. The accident is being eliminated by the RMC by order of the chief engineer.

For each type of machine, some factories have established a score for parts and defects that are included in the list of defects. We present data on the assessment in points of the main defects of parts and assemblies of an automatic loom coming for repair.

Rating, points

The machine is very dirty; poor quality of machine lubrication

5 points for the machine

The machine is not fully equipped with parts

4 points for each missing part, regardless of the degree of its responsibility

There are no hardware in the machine (bolts, nuts, dowels, studs, cotter pins, etc.)

1 point for each piece

Severely damaged parts were found in the machine.

3 points for each detail

Shaft journals, bearings, bushings, gears and other parts are severely worn due to poor lubrication, cleaning and adjustment.

3 points for each detail

The main parts of the machine are damaged; premature wear of the baton.

4 points for each damaged node.

Critical parts of the machine are bent: shafts, risers, etc.

2 points for each damaged part

The machine is handed over for repair in a broken state: the fastening of the frame, parts assemblies are loosened, defective mechanisms are broken, etc.

Fences, cases, locks, etc. are faulty.

5 points for each type of malfunction

An assessment of the technical condition of an automatic weaving loom coming for repair is given by the sum of points:

The scoring is established for defects that arise as a result of errors and blunders made during the operation of the machine (violations of technical operation rules, maintenance and repair schedules, non-compliance with installation dimensions and parameters during repair and adjustment of equipment, etc.). Defects that occur due to normal wear and tear during normal use are not scored.

Acceptance of equipment from repair. A car that has undergone major or medium repairs is accepted in two stages - preliminary and final. Preliminary acceptance is carried out during testing of the fueled machine on the move, and the suitability of the machine for commissioning is established. The car is finally accepted for repair after the defects (malfunctions) that were discovered during preliminary acceptance have been eliminated.

During a major overhaul, the final acceptance and delivery of the machine from repair to operation is carried out on the move when the machine is fully refueled after nine shifts of work, acceptance from a medium repair - after three shifts of work. Responsibility for the normal maintenance of the machine during the period from preliminary to final acceptance from repair lies with the workshop personnel. The certificate of acceptance of vehicles from repair is issued immediately after final acceptance.

As a rule, equipment from major repairs is accepted by the head of the production workshop from the head of the RMC with the participation of the workshop foreman; from medium repairs - by the workshop foreman from the RMC foreman. At final acceptance, the quality of the repair is established and an acceptance certificate is signed, in which they assess the technical condition of the machine after repair. Two assessments of the quality of repairs, i.e., the technical condition of equipment accepted for repairs, have been established: “excellent” and “good.”

The “excellent” rating is given to the quality of repairs carried out in strict accordance with the technical conditions and standard performance indicators of the machine (machine performance, product quality, thread breaks). A rating of “good” is given to the quality of the repair if during the repair there were deviations from the established tolerances of individual parts that do not have a direct impact on the operation of the machine, its reliability and the quality of the products produced.

Standard indicators of equipment operation include: machine productivity, quality of products and thread breakage. The productivity of the equipment and the quality of the products produced are set according to planned standards in relation to the installed equipment, and the thread breakage rate is determined by the enterprise based on the linear density of the produced yarn, the fabric article and the types of machines.

By type of equipment, for example, the following regulatory indicators are taken into account:

    for winding machines and automatic machines - the quality of yarn winding;

    for weaving machines - breakage of warp and weft threads, as well as equipment productivity and quality of raw materials.

During the period of acceptance of the machine from repair, in order to correctly compare its performance indicators, the machine must have the gas station at which it worked before the repair. If the technical condition of the machine after repair does not meet the established requirements, the machine is not accepted, and the repair team that made poor-quality repairs is obliged to eliminate the defects identified during acceptance without additional payment.

The head of the production workshop is prohibited from accepting and putting into operation poorly repaired equipment, and the head of the RMC is prohibited from issuing orders to the team to repair other machines until all defects discovered during acceptance are completely eliminated.

  • transformer
  • repair
  • substation

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The head of a workshop or other department is obliged to provide equipment or a section of the network for repair within the period determined by the monthly PPROSPE plan. By agreement with the head of the repair or repair and maintenance department, he can postpone the repair period within the limits that ensure the completion of repairs during the planned month, about which a corresponding entry is made with both signatures in the monthly plan-report PPROSPE (see Table A1-4). Postponement of the repair period beyond a given month can be made upon the conclusion of the operational site and the OGE inspection only with the permission of the chief power engineer, and for main power equipment - the chief engineer of the enterprise.
For the implementation of monthly plans for the repair of energy equipment and networks, the managers of repair (with a centralized form of organization of the energy service) and production (with a decentralized form of organization of the energy service) workshops and sites bear full responsibility along with the responsibility for the implementation of the production plan for the production of main products.
Before submitting for repair, equipment or a section of the network with corresponding channels or trenches must be thoroughly cleaned of oil, dust, debris and dirt. Approaches to equipment, to a section of a network or a network device, as well as workplace for their repair or dismantling
must be freed from parts, materials, equipment, equipment and carefully cleaned.
Responsibility for preparing objects for transfer for repair rests with the administration of the production workshop - the owner of the equipment.
Acceptance of equipment or a network section from repair is carried out by the control and receiving apparatus (KPA) of the department technical control(QC) of the enterprise together with the head (foreman) of the corresponding operational or repair and maintenance section and with the foreman of the production workshop (division) - the owner of the equipment.
If there are specialized purely operational and purely repair sections in the structure of energy repair shops, the acceptance of equipment and networks from routine repairs can be quite objectively ensured by the head (foreman) of the corresponding operational section. In cases provided for by the relevant rules and instructions, energy equipment and networks are subjected to technical tests with the preparation of appropriate protocols.
Power equipment or a section of the network that has been repaired is considered accepted for operation after it has been checked. condition, carrying out the prescribed tests, including tests in operating mode: after routine repairs within 8 hours and after major repairs 24 hours.
Electrical test technological equipment is carried out simultaneously with testing of the process equipment itself. This is necessary not only for a correct assessment of the quality of repair of a particular installation as a whole, but also to ensure the most economical modes of its operation.
For machine tools, and in principle for any equipment equipped with an electric drive, a fairly objective method for assessing the quality of repairs is the self-braking (coasting) method.
To assess the quality of repair of electric furnaces and especially the state of thermal insulation good results gives an analysis of the furnace cooling temperature curve.
The valuable thing about both repair quality control methods is that they simultaneously identify sources and quantify possible energy losses caused by poor repairs.
Registration of acceptance from repair is carried out with the prescribed signatures in the repair card (see Table P1-1) and in the PPROSPE report plan (see Table P1-4). IN necessary cases for especially critical equipment, when this is provided for by the relevant rules and instructions, a certificate of acceptance of the equipment or network from repair is drawn up. This act, together with test reports, is stored in the envelope of the corresponding piece of equipment.
The passport of equipment that has undergone modernization at the same time as repairs is subject to appropriate changes indicating the date. On the equipment, below the factory nameplate, an additional repair plate is installed indicating the new parameters, the organization that performed the upgrade, and the date.
To control the quality of repairs, conduct interoperational and preventive tests, energy repair shops and OGE laboratories must be equipped with appropriate equipment and test benches.
Acceptance from repair of high-voltage electrical equipment or network sections, as well as electrical equipment with complex circuits control according to the list approved by the chief power engineer of the enterprise is carried out by the high-voltage or electrical laboratory of the enterprise (OGE).
The quality of current and major repairs is randomly checked by an OGE inspector. Quality control of spare parts manufactured directly in the enterprise's workshops is carried out by departments producing spare parts.
The assessment of the quality of maintenance of energy equipment and networks is carried out monthly by an OGE inspector together with the administration of the units served by each operational and maintenance site. The assessment takes into account the general technical condition of power equipment and networks, the presence and total duration of unscheduled downtime, accidents and work defects, the state of safety measures at the site, promptness of attendance on calls, the quality of inspections of serviced equipment and networks. It is useful to assess the quality of maintenance using a five-point system or as a percentage.
