Chocolate bath. Dry chocolate for the bath. Dry skin option

Chocolate has long ceased to be a field of activity exclusively for confectioners. AT early XXI century leading cosmetics manufacturers inspired by magical properties cocoa, replenished their products with a "chocolate line", which includes various creams, masks, scrubs, balms. But the true masterpiece of the industry of "sweet beauty" was a chocolate bath - a unique procedure, dolce vita for body and soul.

The history of chocolate baths

The logical continuation of medical research on aspects of cocoa consumption was the conclusions of cosmetologists about the amazing beauty effect of chocolate. And since 2003, in addition to the already well-known procedures using cocoa butter (masks and body wraps), some European sea and river resorts began to use chocolate baths. It is not known exactly who owns the palm in the application and popularization of this procedure - the resorts of Switzerland or Belgium: the opinions of specialists in the field of the SPA industry are divided. One way or another, both countries are world leaders both in the production of chocolate and in the activities of medical climatic centers.

Fashionable procedure for young and beautiful skin

Attractive at first for its unusualness, the chocolate bath turned out to be so effective that it received many enthusiastic reviews and became famous far beyond Europe. The cosmetic possibilities of the procedure were appreciated in Brazil, where the therapist Kimi Kawashima even had to open a wellness center specializing in chocolate baths. The Hotel Hershey (Pennsylvania, USA) offered its guests to enjoy the Chocolate Rescue procedure without leaving the room, where there is a bathtub filled with a mixture of Hershey cocoa powder and milk powder.

For the Hakone Younessun thermal springs complex (Japan), themed baths, from coffee to sake, were not new, but the chocolate bath immediately became very popular, mainly among single Japanese women.

Chocolate mask - a popular procedure in beauty salons

Today, the procedure has ceased to be an exotic innovation; it is quite often included in the SPA program offered to clients not only of well-known health centers, but also of more modest beauty salons.


The effect of the procedure is ensured by the unique composition of cocoa beans, which any other plant can “envy”. Of the three hundred useful substances contained in the fruits of the chocolate tree, the following are the most important from the point of view of cosmetology.

  • Fats (triglycerides and palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic acids), which are components of the natural water-lipid mantle of the skin, which performs protective functions. In addition, fats nourish and hold the skin cells together, making it supple and elastic.
  • Amino acids - natural moisturizing factor (NMF) for the skin, a special combination chemical substances retaining and retaining moisture.
  • Caffeine is a powerful lipolytic that destroys fat.
  • Beta-carotene, as well as citric, tartaric, butyric, acetic acids, which normalize the processes of keratinization and exfoliation of skin cells.
  • Bioflavonoids (aka polyphenols), which have powerful antioxidant properties that reduce harmful effect free radicals that slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamins PP, B1, B2, which have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

Chocolate heals and rejuvenates the skin

Due to the complex effect of these substances, a chocolate bath:

  • perfectly copes with fatty deposits;
  • exhibits anti-cellulite effect;
  • nourishes, tightens, rejuvenates the skin, gives it elasticity, smoothness and elasticity;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • promotes the regeneration of the epidermis after burns and wounds;
  • fights against age spots and the effects of acne;
  • enhances overall immunity.

Bitter chocolate of excellent quality, used for the bath, is able to give the skin a bronze tint, reminiscent of a light tan, in a few applications.

Most healthy chocolate- bitter

Enhances the effect of the procedure, relieves stress, increases emotional background not only the aroma of chocolate, but also the appropriate environment in which to take a bath - soft, diffused light and soft, relaxing music.

Harm and contraindications

Being not only a cosmetic, but partly a medical procedure, a chocolate bath cannot be useful for absolutely everyone. Contraindications for it are:

  • allergic to cocoa and chocolate;
  • acute stage of inflammatory diseases and infections;
  • bleeding of any etiology;
  • furunculosis in severe form;
  • fungal diseases of nails and skin;
  • diseases of the respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic and cardiovascular systems;
  • neoplasms;
  • severe form of diabetes.

Pregnant women need to consult a supervising physician to decide on the advisability of taking a bath.

How to take a chocolate bath

A chocolate bath will benefit you if you follow some simple rules

In the conditions of spa centers, preparations for the procedure are carried out as follows: the hot tub is filled with thermal or sea ​​water, heated to 38 ° C, then add cocoa powder without impurities or special cosmetic chocolate. However, the "delicacy" procedure is feasible at home. It is only necessary to remember that cocoa will show its miraculous effect subject to a number of rules.

Perhaps two or three chocolate baths will not solve serious cosmetic problems: this requires a systematic approach. But definitely different. Guaranteed result procedures will become a truly magnificent feeling, high spirits, a feeling of touching extraordinary luxury. Want to try?

With the help of a chocolate bath, your skin will become silky and soft. A cup of hot or cold chocolate and a glass of champagne will be a pleasant addition to the procedure, which will help you feel absolute comfort and perfection.

The composition of the chocolate bath

Cocoa beans are a storehouse of biologically active substances, namely: vitamins PP, A, B1, E, B2, F; trace elements: sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium; proteins; phytosterols, methylxanthine, theobromine. These are mild stimulants that increase the tone of the body. Polyphenols effectively fight stress and early aging.

Cocoa contains theophylline and theobromine. These substances belong to the group of alkaloids. They generate biochemical processes in the skin, thereby providing a lifting effect. The composition of cocoa beans includes oil, approximately 55 percent. It has brown and has a chocolate flavor. Due to the regenerating properties of the oil, the skin is protected from premature wrinkles.

Important fatty acids such as oleic, palmitic, linolenic, stearic also have regenerative properties. Their function is to retain moisture in the skin and restore the cell membrane.

Caffeine is a great energy booster. It effectively restores skin elasticity, stimulates blood circulation, promotes the breakdown of fats, activates the process of fighting excess weight and cellulite, and prevents edema.

Chocolate bath at home

Most effective method taking a chocolate bath - in the jacuzzi. If there is no such possibility, it does not matter. An ordinary bath is quite suitable for this purpose. It is important to create an atmosphere of comfort when taking this procedure. To do this, it is enough to make a subdued light and turn on pleasant calm music.

The recommended time for taking a chocolate bath is no more than 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse the body with a warm shower, pat dry with a towel, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin. Then put on a bathrobe and rest for thirty minutes. Remember that chocolate baths should not be taken immediately after a meal, but only after two hours.

Chocolate Bath Recipes

Chocolate milk bath

Mix 100 grams of cocoa powder with one tablespoon of cinnamon and 100 g of milk powder. In the resulting mixture, add 1 tbsp. warm water and melt in a water bath. It is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the resulting product and pour the whole mixture into the bath.

Effervescent chocolate bath

A fizzy chocolate bath will give a tonic effect if you add 1 tbsp. l. citric acid and 100 g of soda. A lot of bubbles form in the water, due to which the water simply “comes to life”. As one of the options for taking such a bath is the use of chocolate.

Chocolate anti-stress bath

Take 150-200 grams of cocoa powder and mix with 1 liter hot water, then stir until dissolved. Pour the resulting product into the bath.

Available contraindications

Chocolate baths are contraindicated for people suffering from heart disease, benign and malignant tumors, infectious diseases, mental disorders, blood diseases, allergic to chocolate.

Chocolate baths should also not be taken during pregnancy and critical days.

Summing up, you can see that a chocolate bath will give you moments of happiness, relaxation, relieve worries and depression and make your skin supple and velvety.

Everyone knows that cocoa is a delicious drink, but not everyone knows that it is also a wonderful cosmetic product. The skin of girls and women requires special care. A chocolate bath will help make your skin soft and silky.

The composition of cocoa beans and their properties

A treasure of biologically active substances is hidden in cocoa. They contain vitamins of groups B, PP, A, E, and F.

Useful trace elements:

  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • and etc.


  • theobromine;
  • methylxatin
  • theophylline;
  • phytosterols.

All this improves skin tone, having a weak stimulating effect, and actively fights against premature aging of the body, and helps to cope with stress. Theophylline and theobromine are alkaloids. They help regenerate the skin and give a lifting effect. Cocoa butter protects against the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

The fatty acids included in cocoa also have a regenerating effect, restore cell membrane and retain moisture.

Caffeine- a great energy drink. This product will give elasticity to your body, activate the breakdown of fats, which will help in the fight against extra pounds and cellulite. Improves blood circulation and prevents swelling. All substances included in cocoa help to find beauty.

How to make a chocolate bath

It is not recommended to take a bath with cocoa immediately after eating. It's better to wait a few hours. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is recommended to create a comfortable atmosphere for yourself. Turn on slow music that you like, dim the lights.

The next stage of preparation is a shower. If the bath with chocolate is carried out for the first time, peeling should be carried out. For this you can use sea ​​salt, diluting it with mineral water, or cream of low fat content.

A bath with cocoa powder is taken for twenty minutes. After it, you need to rinse under a warm shower and apply a nourishing cream on the body and lie down for half an hour.

Bath recipe with cocoa and milk

You will need:

  • cocoa - 100 gr.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • dry milk - 100 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • warm water - one glass.

Mix all the ingredients, add a glass of water and melt the mixture in a steam bath. At the end, pour in vegetable oil, and after cooling a little, pour everything into a bath filled with water.


Chocolate bath will help get rid of anxiety, and give a few minutes of joy and relaxation.

The beneficial effect of chocolate on the body has long been known, but how to make chocolate baths at home?

Today, spas are increasingly offering various treatments that use chocolate. These popular and beneficial procedures are called chocolate baths, chocolate peeling, chocolate massage and chocolate wraps.

However, some procedures using chocolate can be done on your own at home. The main thing is that the most important ingredient - chocolate - is always there.

Why are modern chocolate treatments so unheard of in popularity? Cosmetic procedures using this product, first of all, have an anti-cellulite and anti-stress effect. In addition, such simple procedures perfectly tighten the skin, nourishing it with all essential trace elements. Procedures with the use of chocolate have both a rejuvenating and tonic effect, and also perfectly remove toxins from the body, excess liquid and toxins. At home, you can make not only masks and wraps with chocolate, but also effective chocolate baths.

How to take chocolate baths at home?

To carry out such useful bath, you need to create a comfortable atmosphere that relaxes a person. For example, make twilight and turn on your favorite music quietly. A regular bath will do. Such an environment when taking a chocolate bath will help you get rid of stress and nervous tension and also make your skin toned and velvety. But you should definitely remember that it is not advisable to take chocolate baths after eating, but only two hours after eating.

And now a few recipes for chocolate baths on their own at home.

Chocolate anti-stress bath

Before taking a chocolate bath, you need to take a shower and exfoliate the skin using sea salt mixed with mineral water.

To prepare a bath, make the following mixture: take 200 grams of cocoa powder and pour 1 liter of hot water, but not boiling water. Stir the powder well until it dissolves completely. You need to pour the resulting composition into the prepared bath. Take this chocolate bath for no more than 15 minutes. Immediately after taking a chocolate bath, dry yourself with a towel, and then apply a moisturizer to your skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for half an hour.

Chocolate milk bath

To prepare this type of bath, you will need to take 100 grams of cocoa powder and the same amount of milk powder, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, 200 grams of warm water. Mix everything thoroughly and carefully pour into the bath. Thanks to the excellent moisturizing effect of lactic acid contained in the composition of milk powder, your skin will become velvety and soft.

Chocolate is a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. There is a wonderful substance in chocolate that helps to cope with stress, cheer up and fight depression. Chocolate is the eternal companion of a good mood.

But few people know that chocolate can also help you lose weight. But we will talk about this another time. Although this method is very doubtful, there are still those who want to lose a couple of extra pounds in this way.

In addition to the wonderful dietary properties, chocolate helps to restore the skin, enrich the whole body with nutrients. You can not only eat chocolate, but also take baths based on it.

The benefits of chocolate baths for the skin and the whole body

Of course, taking a bath is good not only for the skin, but also for the whole body. Choose the basis for your relaxation bath and relax your mind and body. The greatest joy for the body, and especially for the soul, will bring a sweet bath based on chocolate. But for taking such a bath, you must follow the rules.

Remember that good and high-quality chocolate contains a lot of nutrients and nutrients. A bath with chocolate is a bomb of beneficial effects on the body. First of all, it well and quickly tones up, cheers up by activating the production of the hormone of happiness. It is this bath after a hard day's work that will help you cope with fatigue and irritability.

The first signs of cellulite, which may also be the cause bad mood, a chocolate bath will also help to clean, and this is not the last of the advantages of chocolate. To remove toxins from your body is also a feasible task for a chocolate bath, because chocolate is rich in substances that normalize cellular metabolism and thus help to effectively fight cellulite and overweight.

Your skin will also benefit from a bath with chocolate, because chocolate incredibly nourishes and softens it, makes it velvety and silky, improves elasticity and tightens the skin, making you look younger. What can I say, internally you are also rejuvenated, because while taking a chocolate bath, your cells are enriched with essential trace elements. In addition, chocolate acts on the skin like a scrub - it deeply cleanses, eliminates blackheads and significantly narrows enlarged pores.

Chocolate perfectly relieves various kinds of irritations on the skin and affects the activation of skin regeneration. This process has a beneficial effect on the acceleration of healing. small scratches and promotes rejuvenation skin. It is thanks to this wonderful property that chocolate procedures are used in the care of mature skin, which fades with age. In addition, after chocolate treatments, your skin will have an amazing smell and will also be pleasant to the touch. Chocolate rejuvenates the skin, gives it a healthy look and a tanned tone, which is great if you have impaired skin pigmentation.

Taking chocolate baths the right way

Like any other cosmetic procedure, taking chocolate baths brings not only aesthetic pleasure and benefits for the body, but also, if used incorrectly, threats to health. Therefore, before taking a bath with chocolate, prepare for this procedure very carefully.

Before taking a bath, be sure to perform simple and unpretentious procedures: skin peeling. To do this, use ground coffee or sea salt. When the skin is cleansed, start taking a bath.

When your skin is ready for a chocolate bath, you can create a relaxing atmosphere - turn on the music and light the candles. Believe me, the effect of such a bath will be much higher, and doubly pleasant.

You can not bask in the bath for a long time. The duration of the procedure should be at least 10 minutes and not more than 25. After completing the procedure, do not forget to take a shower to remove excess chocolate from your skin.

And, of course, it is very important to properly prepare a chocolate bath. Here are some recipes.

When you know how useful and important the procedure for taking chocolate baths is for your skin, do not be lazy and treat yourself to “sweet” at the end of the working day. It's time to take a bath and relax. To do this, you need to follow the instructions and do as indicated in the recipe.

For the first of the recipes, we need to prepare cocoa powder. It must be mixed with a liter of hot water and stirred thoroughly. Such classic recipe easy and simple to implement at the end of the working day, without bothering and without spending a lot of time. Stirred cocoa powder is poured into the filled bath. You can add a few drops to the water if you like. essential oil- orange, lavender or rose oil.

To feel like a queen, you can not look for a prince. You can make a royal chocolate bath. To do this, a bar of dark chocolate must be grated, melted in a water bath, and then mixed with a teaspoon of ground or freshly grated ginger. You can add some cinnamon. ready mix mixed with a glass of warm milk, the lumps are thoroughly dissolved and only after that they are poured into the prepared bath filled with water.

If you have dry skin, then you need to pay attention to this recipe. It will miraculously help moisturize the skin, make it velvety and nourish it even more. for a long time. To do this, prepare a mixture that consists of milk powder and cocoa powder. Mix 1 tablespoon milk and 1 tablespoon cocoa powder with vegetable oil, then add 2 cups of hot milk to the mixture. Stir until smooth and pour the mixture into a tub filled with warm water.

Have a nice holiday!
