Runes astrological interpretation. Runes. Mantic meanings of Eyvaz

Astrology is an ancient science, known even to the civilization of Mesopotamia. People have long observed the stars and the positions of the planets, with the help of which they predicted future events: harvests and weather, natural disasters, even changes of rulers, wars and the birth of prophets. Traditionally, astrology is considered an eastern art, but it is not. Star divination was practiced in all parts of the world, including in the northern countries.

In the 16th – 17th centuries, the Northern Tradition was significantly influenced by the works of Eastern occultists, which apparently fell into the hands of Icelandic priests and with their light hand became part of the Tradition. These are mainly the Key of Solomon and the works of Cornelius Agrippa, as well as books on medicine, including herbal medicine, and Kabbalah. Thus, in the traditional Icelandic books on magic, collections of galdrastavs, such obvious features of Western magic appeared as divine Kabbalistic names, magic squares like SATOR, Christian prayers written down in full, even planetary symbols and seals. Practical northern magicians used, integrating into tradition, everything that seemed reasonable to them. In the same way, the runic horoscope got into it.

Relationship between runes and zodiac signs

Ancient people lived by solar calendar, marking the change of seasons. They noticed long ago that the day has different lengths in winter and summer, and twice a year, day and night are equal in length. This is how 8 holidays of the annual circle appeared, tied to the agricultural cycle: sowing, cultivating the land and harvesting. All these holidays are dedicated to various gods and are tied to northern mythology.

It’s hard not to notice that there are only 24 runes - just like there are hours in a day, but twice as many as there are months in a year. In addition, in the futhark itself there are runes indicating various celestial phenomena and time cycles: Yera - year, Dagaz - day, Soulu - sun.

Various researchers have tried to tie the runes to the signs of the Zodiac, relying either on the days of the equinox, or on the days of the solstice, tying the beginning to both the astrological new year and the Nativity of Christ. Among modern runologists, Kenneth Meadows and Freya Asvinn tried to do this. There are also authentic Icelandic sources, however, very few of them are translated and available. The most famous is the manuscript “Gandreid” by Rev. Jonah Dadason. The name translates as “Magic Flight”. This is a collection of information from local folklore and Western occultism, which he himself considered white magic.

In the text of the ancient manuscript, “Runology” by Jón Ólafsson of Grunvik, the entire Futhark is divided into 3 attas: the world of the gods (Asgard), the kingdom of nature and the world of people (Midgard).

Modern researchers distribute gods and runes in accordance with zodiac signs and elements as follows, according to this logic:

  • Fire element: Aries - Teyvaz, Uruz, Leo - Soulu, Dagaz, Sagittarius - Kennaz, Nautiz;
  • Water element: Cancer - Turisaz, Perth, Scorpio - Hagalaz and Isa, Pisces - Laguz and Algiz;
  • Earth element: Taurus: Fehu and Odal, Virgo - Berkana and Yera, Capricorn - Inguz and Eyvaz;
  • Air element: Gemini - Raido, Eyvaz, Libra - Ansuz and Gebo, Aquarius - Mannaz, Vunyo.

The zodiac circle of runes begins with the sign of Aries and the spring equinox. There are a pair of runes for each sign.

Reverend Jon Dadason in his manuscript “Gandreid” cites the so-called “runes of speech”, which correspond to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. He refers to quotes from the Bible, the sorcerers described there - astrologers or astrologers, and also cites the “Hebrew alphabet” with runic names, alphabetic and numerical correspondences. This system of correspondences forms the basis of modern Western magic of the Hermetic branch and is tied to the mantic system of the Tarot. However, it is worth noting that there are 22 Hebrew letters, while there are 24 runes.

Each zodiac sign is divided by runes into two equal periods. People born under the sign of a certain rune will have its qualities. In a horoscope, the interpretation of runes has an astrological meaning and largely indicates a person’s character.

  • March 23 – April 5- Fehu, livestock. Gives great potential in character, activity, desire to have property, energy and ease of perception of life.
  • April 6 – 21- Uruz, physical strength and power. Hardy and purposeful, strong people who are not afraid of challenges and sacrifices.
  • April 22 - May 6- Thurisaz, frost giant or thorn. Strong people, with healthy natural aggression, fearless and indomitable.
  • 7 — 21.05 - Ansuz, god or ace. Gives artistry in character, ability to speak in public, leadership and creativity.
  • 22.05 — 6.06 - Raido, way. Balance, energy, ability to achieve goals, control over your life.
  • 7-22.06 - Kenaz, torch, wound or fire. Great creative potential, purity and clarity of mind, straightforwardness, but also the ability to be sarcastic, to say directly what you think.
  • 23.06 — 7.07 - Gebo, gift. Ability to make connections, build relationships, diplomacy, and talent in different areas. This rune helps you achieve success with the help of your abilities and connections.
  • 8- 23.07 - Vunyo, banner, victory. Light and joyful character, rich imagination, optimism, luck.
  • 24.07 — 8.08 - Hagalaz, snow or hail, elements. The desire to destroy everything around oneself, but this is for the good. Straightforward, rude, but loyal character, great physical and spiritual strength.
  • August 9-23- Nautiz, need. Helps you overcome difficulties, develop self-sufficiency, and turn your limitations into advantages.
  • August 24-September 8- Isa, ice or icicle. Strength of character with some slowness. Great responsibility, leisurely and low emotionality.
  • September 9-23- Yera, one year. Gives patience in character and the ability to complete things, logic, and creative productivity.
  • 24.09. — 8.10 - Eyvaz, support, world tree. Gives endurance in the face of difficulties, inner core.
  • 9-23.10 - Perth, transformation. These people are contently secretive, but have a deep and mysterious soul and energy resources.
  • 24.10- 7.11 - Algiz, reed, protection. Gives enormous vitality, the will to live and perseverance in any situation.
  • 8-23.11 - Soulu, daylight, Sun. Love of life, joy and optimism, the ability to overcome all unfavorable circumstances of life.
  • 24.11 — 7.12 - Teyvaz, military valor. A man of high ideals for which he is ready to fight, courageous and fearless.
  • 8-22.12 - Berkana, white birch, female beauty. The character of such people has a lot of creative energy, while they are calm and cheerful, leisurely and meek.
  • 23.12 — 6.01 - Evaz, horse. These people are wonderful friends and partners, energetic and quick, they can find new paths and make discoveries.
  • 7-21.01 - Mannaz, man. This rune gives integrity, innate talent, respect from others, and at the same time modesty. The person himself does not seek to attract the attention of others.
  • 22.01 — 5.02 - Laguz, stream, water. The nature of such people is daydreaming, strong intuition, emotionality and unpredictability.
  • 6-20.02 - Inguz, conception, fertility. Violent energy, creativity, sexuality. Productivity in everything.
  • 21.02 — 5.03 - Odal, possession, allotment of land, inheritance. Allows a person to realize his innate potential, achieve success and position in society.
  • March 5-22- Dagaz, day or transformation. These people are honest, but at the same time they are unpredictable, they can change their minds without considering anyone.

Selchenok Konstantin Vladimirovich (August 20, 1960, Minsk − August 16, 2009) is a modern Belarusian astrologer.

Professor, full member of the International Academy of Information Technologies; Doctor of Science in Information Technology (Psychology); leading researcher at the Institute of Applied Psychology, MAIT.

Follower of the concepts of Absalom the Underwater. Lived and worked in Minsk. Areas of interest: astrology, psychology, healing. Head of the Faculty of Psychological Counseling at Aquari University, member of ISAR (since 1995). Author of about 50 books on psychology and esotericism.

Higher medical education (pediatrics), Minsk. He worked as a local doctor. He created and managed the company "Aquariuniversity".

Research projects within the framework of the International Academy of Information Technologies (IAIT): “Axiological safety and methods of ensuring it” (2000), “System of psychological support for the effectiveness of health-improving activities” (2000).

Area of ​​scientific and practical interests: computer software for intensive training in mental self-regulation; hardware-instrumental technologies of subliminal autosuggestive self-interaction; psychotechnological means of protection from destructive information influence and psycho-ecological pressure; design of psychocultural educational programs.

Books (30)

Non-oppressive pedagogy

We will look at the sources that feed people’s false ideas about the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and abilities. Let's try to find out what is connected with the incorrect perception of the practice of education and training as a harsh, violent procedure that exists in society. Let's explore the roots of this problem.

Let's delve quite seriously into why all this is happening, and most importantly, what to do with all this. How, first, to change at least your own being, your worldview and personal relationships. And if we want to engage in self-education, then this is also pedagogy in a certain sense.

Therefore, it makes sense to become familiar with the non-repressive principles of non-violence pedagogy and, if possible, to become deeply imbued with them.

Methodology of esoteric medicine

It is very difficult to write about a subject about which virtually none of our contemporaries know anything. It is very difficult to talk about an entire system of knowledge that has existed since ancient times and to this day in a hidden, as if sealed, form. And yet it is necessary to write about this, because... The New Time is coming, there is a radical breakdown in man’s habitual ideas about himself and about the worlds surrounding him and contained within himself.

The author sincerely thanks those who helped him become acquainted with the amazing system of Secret Medicine, who introduced him to the holy of holies of the Art of Healing. The author is grateful to all those who helped him both in dialogues and in clashes, to all those who know about Esoteric Medicine not with their minds, but with their hearts. Finally, the author is grateful to the Reader who holds this book in his hands and is ready to begin searching for meaning in its pages. And God forbid this work will not be in vain!

Psychological support for health-improving activities

This project generalizes the cycle theoretical research and practical developments carried out by the author in 1988-2000. Their content and results are reflected in 16 published monographic works and 19 anthologies (see list of publications on the research topic).

The developed methods were tested at the Faculty of Psychological Counseling of Aquarium University. They were introduced into the practice of a number of public associations, medical and preventive institutions and sports and recreation centers in the years. Anyksciai, Vilnius, Gomel, Kaunas, Minsk, Mogilev, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tolyatti and Trakai.

Ancient medicine of the future

Everyone knows the phrase attributed to many thinkers: “There is nothing more practical than a good theory.” The statement would seem to be more than trivial, but few people seriously think about its essence, much less effectively and consciously apply it when organizing their own activities.

It is not so easy for a modern person, seduced by technical progress and crushed by the power of ubiquitous technologies, to believe that practice is not at all a set of algorithms, operations and actions, but necessarily includes in its very being a deep understanding of the essence of what is happening and being produced.

In pedagogy, psychotherapy and healing, this understanding unfolds in the process of joint meditation with a partner, interlocutor, client. And without such a broad vision of the place of one’s own actions in the context of the living reality of what is happening, success is not easy to achieve, at least in the field of esoteric healing.

Secrets of Eastern Medicine

There is no science that is closer to the life of every person and at the same time more complex, constantly developing and therefore not always accessible to the understanding of a layman than medicine. Interest in medicine, as well as in its history, has never been as great as in recent decades.

Changes in the life of society always affect the state of medical science. Everything that happens to humanity in its historical movement towards an ever greater understanding of the laws governing nature and people is invariably reflected in the theories of medical science and in the practical system.

Fate and will

Fate. Freedom. Will... These are fundamental ideas, regardless of personal confessions, that concern everyone and everything. They contain the idea of ​​responsibility to others and the right to understand the organization of life. Have you ever thought that all the problems and questions regarding fate and fate are incessantly insoluble? This is an eternal secret. This is the original philosophical paradox - fate and will, freedom and responsibility, readiness and submission.

But the trouble is that we still have to figure this mystery out. For depending on how we understand our own personal relationships to fate, freedom and will, we build our lives. Moreover, along with our own lives, we are forced to build the lives of those around us. So from a universal point of view, fate is a Mystery. But this Secret must be known to us, otherwise we will not live our lives as we should.

Psychology of religion and mysticism

The proposed collection of works presents to the inquisitive reader many original approaches to the study of the causes and mechanisms of a person’s active manifestation of attention to certain mysterious areas of his own inner world.

A mystical journey is always mysterious in that even the traveler himself probably knows nothing about it, while those who return from distant internal wanderings invariably amaze those around them with very real changes in their own behavior and thinking associated with some kind of internal transformation. The very nature of religious quests is paradoxical: we strive for the beyond, desiring and fearing it at the same time.

Psychosomatics, the relationship between psyche and health

The author's materials, combined in the anthology offered to your attention, are devoted to one of the most fundamental problems of human science - understanding the unity and interconnections of the bodily and mental aspects of human nature.

Psychosomatic issues are actually a border zone in which all human sciences are represented, from experimental medicine to social psychology.

Psychospiritual self-healing

Is not Research Article and not an academic treatise. Perhaps the language and content of this material will be unexpected and unusual for many. But still, it is for you, fellow practitioners. Today, many people talk about strengthening and maintaining health.

We will talk about the main way to restore and increase the health of children. Of course, the limited volume will only allow us to outline, designate, outline the directions of efforts and areas of action of the teacher in instilling in the child the skills of effective self-healing. But if the path is clear and well considered, it is not difficult to follow it yourself.

Psychology of dreams

Against his will, every person spends a good third of his life sleeping. However, during this third we all continue to live. Even if in a modified form, our psyche continues to actively function. Let the unconscious sometimes express itself in an incomprehensible, but still very creative way.

Even if sometimes we don’t dream, we still wake up slightly changed. Understanding the psychological patterns in accordance with which dreams are ordered and developed is an integral part of the general psychological culture of modern man.

Mind control and methods of personality suppression

The most terrible sin is betrayal. This is the verdict of all cultures, all religions, all peoples. The worst betrayal is betraying yourself. Even more terrible is teaching others the art of betraying themselves and others. But what can a young man do if everyone around him is constantly and tirelessly teaching him not to be himself!

The overwhelming (literally!) majority of fellow citizens quite seriously consider the loss of personal identity as the main condition for successful cohabitation. Husbands and wives remake each other in their own way, teachers distort the student’s psyche. And rulers are so successful in modifying the behavior of their subjects that they become like primitive mechanical toys. One of the most frightening syndromes of mental illness - depersonalization - in fact turns out to be an imperative requirement for anyone who is going to get along with their own kind.

No wonder the brilliant K.-G. Jung described the cultural and psychological situation of modern man in discouragingly gloomy tones: “He who really strives to cultivate his own individuality is obliged to pretend to others that he agrees with their regulations and rules in everything. Otherwise, he will simply not be allowed to achieve his desired goal and become yourself."

Psychology of human aggression

The words closest in meaning to the term “aggression” are the following: attack, capture, crossing borders, violence, manifestation of hostility, threat and implementation of belligerence. Since ancient times, humanity has shown interest in the phenomenon of aggression. This is especially true for representatives of the ruling classes, from century to century concerned with the practice of governing their subjects and strategies for the targeted education of law-abiding and executive members of society.

And in our time, aggression is the subject of active scientific and practical research. Every year hundreds of articles and dozens of monographs are published devoted to a variety of issues of stimulating and curbing aggression using the most different methods: from psychotropic drugs to psychotechnologies for the hidden control of ideological orientations of entire population groups.

The world of human problems

The information explosion, which over the past decades has brought down avalanches of information on the heads of contemporaries, makes it significantly difficult not only for non-specialists, but also for professionals to become familiar with the most important materials in practical terms. Moreover, the wider the range of interests of the practical reader, the more difficult it is for him to find in thousands of books, brochures and magazines exactly the information that gives the necessary and sufficient understanding of a specific problem.

The above explains the reasons for the hitherto unprecedented popularity of encyclopedic dictionaries, abstract publications and anthologies. People strive to receive information in a condensed, concentrated form, without wasting time studying multi-volume publications or studying several dozen sources on each narrow issue. Understanding this, the compiler sought to select texts for this anthology that would collectively give a broad view of the problems of applied soul science.

Psychology of sexual deviations

The materials in this anthology are dedicated to one of the most mysterious and, for many, frightening areas of human existence. Unconventional sexual behavior in all centuries has simultaneously frightened and attracted the attention of millions of people.

Many ancient rituals unfolded with symbolic or actual reference to intercourse with animals or homosexual intercourse. Many thinkers and poets have devoted considerable time to thinking about the mysterious phenomenon of love for another, unlike anything known.

Psychology of Death and Dying

Whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not, the themes of death, dying and postmortem existence are extremely relevant for everyone living. This is fair, if only because sooner or later we will all have to leave this world and go beyond the boundaries of earthly existence.

Despite the active interest of many in this most important problem of interest to people, the available literature in Russian devoted to the problem of completing the earthly journey is very fragmentary and incomplete. First of all, this is due to the fact that the problem of death itself is very multifaceted and multi-level.

Carl Gustav Jung. Mosaic of the Soul

Carl-Gustav Jung was born on July 26, 1875 in Keeswil, Switzerland, near Lake Constance. His paternal grandfather, after whom he was named, moved here from Germany in 1822, when Alexander von Humboldt secured for him a position as professor of surgery at the University of Basel. His father, Johann Paul Achilles Jung (1812-1896), was a priest, and his mother, Emilia Preiswerk Jung (1848-1923), came from an old Basel family.

When the boy was four years old, his parents moved to Klein-Hüningen, near Basel, where his education began. His father taught him Latin, and his mother, as he says in his later memoirs, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, read him a book about exotic religions, to which he constantly returned, as if spellbound by drawings of Indian gods.

Psychology of artistic creativity

The content of the works collected in this anthology is devoted to one of the most important aspects of human mental life. It is interesting to note that the phenomenon of inspiration, which is central to all artistic creativity, for ancient human scientists was sacred and secret.

He remains the same for us. Over the past decades, psychologists have managed to lift the sacred veil over the secrets of artistry. The best of these achievements are collected in the collection presented to your attention.

Esoteric psychotherapy, a gift from the Rosicrucians to the Age of Aquarius

How joyful it is to see the spread of enthusiastic interest in Max Lüscher's psychotest, even in its partial, collapsed 8-color version. And how sad it is to realize that contemporaries have no idea about the secret that the creator - or rather the transmitter - left us all! - non-verbal projective color-psychodiagnostic technique known as the Luscher test.

The Third Millennium has arrived, and therefore the time has come to talk about that fantastically valuable surprise that was transmitted through Max Luscher to planetary humanity.

Astrological interpretation of Runes

Since ancient times, Runes have been genetically associated with the Nordic civilizations of the Celts, Germans and Scandinavians. The interpretation of the symbolic meanings of the Runes presented in this monograph is characteristic precisely of the last representatives of the Nordic metaculture and corresponds to the characteristics of the psycho-ethnic style inherent in the Eastern and Northern Slavs.

In ancient times, a collision with the energy of a particular Rune was directly associated with the intervention of a specific representative of the pantheon of Gods. All those who directly encounter runic practice, on own experience They are convinced that to this day Runes help strengthen the connections between heaven and earth, helping a person to consult with heaven.

Key to the future

Practical guide for the user of an arttechnological psychoprocessor.

For thousands of years, healers, mystics and mentors dreamed of inventing a “desire machine,” but the cherished tool for the development of life was created only in our days. The key to designing your own future is described in detail in this book.

The computer psychoprocessor presented here is easy to use; it is equally accessible to a mature person and a junior schoolchild. With its help, anyone can easily and happily learn a variety of techniques and methods of effective self-regulation without any instructors or intermediaries, thereby opening free access to their deep energetic and creative resources.

Esoteric healing practice

This book is a continuation of the work “Fundamentals of Esoteric Healing” by the same author. It details specific methods of improving human health through a variety of cultural practices, rather than as physiological procedures. Ancient views on nature and the purpose of man at a new stage of evolution are once again entering the life of the most complex of sciences - medicine.

In this regard, the author presents on its pages “Astrological Reiki” - a method of holistic healing based both on the ancient principles of balance of the Living Whole, and on the most modern discoveries in the fields of physiology and psychology. The book will be very useful to every person who wants to be healthy in body and soul in the current difficult times.

Applied conflictology. Reader

The topic of conflict, covered in this textbook, is now more relevant than ever before. The incredible complexity of life in modern society inevitably aggravates the eternal dissatisfaction of people with each other.

Various conflicts accompany our existence at every step. They waste time and effort and fill people with poison negative emotions, have a detrimental effect on health. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of conflicts. Therefore, the ability to resolve them in a positive way is vital today. Mastering a kind of “safety technique” in communication will reduce the number, tension and harmful consequences of conflicts. A psychologically cultured person knows how to resolve them without battles or catastrophes.

A careful study of the works collected in this anthology will allow you to understand how to correctly, with the least cost, untangle the tangles of mutual claims and grievances. Studying and applying the conflict management techniques presented here will help make life more pleasant, calm and harmonious.

Psychology of Leadership: Reader

Leadership is a relationship of dominance and submission, influence and followership in relationships between people in a variety of groups - from small to social. Psychological science studies leaders of various kinds - official (managers) and unofficial (leaders); leaders of small groups (family, group of friends) and large ones (company, public organization, Political Party); leaders in the fields of culture, economics, politics, the criminal world, etc.

The proposed reader focuses on economic and political leaders. It is intended for practical psychologists working with this category of the population, people studying psychology, journalists, as well as a wide readership.

Psychology of extreme situations. Reader

Compiled by: Selchenok K.V., Taras A.E.

Life in the CIS countries, unfortunately, is extremely rich extreme situations. Bandit attacks and armed clashes, vehicle accidents and accidents at industrial enterprises, natural disasters, the breakdown of family relationships, fights and quarrels on domestic grounds, unemployment and lack of money - you can’t count them all.

In order to learn how to choose the right line of behavior in such situations, and, if possible, not get into them, you need to thoroughly understand the psychological characteristics of the thinking, experiences and behavior of people under stress. The materials in this reader will help you with this.


Ancient philosophers argued that “love and hunger rule the world!” If there is no food, there is a threat to human biological existence. And if there is no love, then life in its content is limited to this biological existence. It is no coincidence that all world literature, drama, and cinema are based on the cult of sexual love. Love is the quintessence of human relationships.

From a purely medical point of view, happy sexual love maintains mental and physical health, improves relationships with people around you, increases self-esteem, creates a feeling of completeness and meaning in life.

But how can you ensure happiness in love? Or at least establish a fulfilling sex life? Each person independently seeks answers to these questions. This anthology, dedicated to the ancient but always relevant “science of love,” will help him in such searches.

Family astropsychology. Planets of the sphere of everyday life

The book touches on problems that no one can avoid - problems of family relationships. As the Author himself writes, “this work is not at all a collection of teachings from an experienced householder or a list of good calls to newlyweds. The objective of this work is a comprehensive description of the diverse aspects of Family life in their integrity and unity.”

Admirers of A. Podvodny’s talent will easily recognize the Author as his comrade and like-minded person.

For everyone else, the publisher simply invites you to carefully read the proposed book, in which you will undoubtedly find answers to many of the questions of interpersonal relationships that concern you.

Family astropsychology: The sphere of common destiny

The book touches on problems that no one can avoid - problems of family relationships. As the Author himself writes, “this work is not at all a collection of teachings from an experienced householder or a list of good calls to newlyweds. The objective of this work is a comprehensive description of the diverse aspects of family life in their integrity and unity.”

This is the second book in the “Family Astropsychology” series after “Spheres of Everyday Life.”

Admirers of L. Podvodny's talent will easily recognize Lvtop as his comrade and like-minded person.

People interested in psychology will see him as a qualified professional psychologist.

For everyone else, the publisher simply invites you to carefully read the book offered to your attention, in which you will undoubtedly find answers to many of the questions of interpersonal relationships that concern you.

Destiny programming technologies

It is difficult to find a person who is completely satisfied with his own life. Therefore, many are trying to master techniques for reprogramming the psyche, leading to achieving the desired changes in behavior.

How to learn not to get irritated at the sight of a hated boss? How to quit smoking? How to force yourself to get up early in the morning and do gymnastics?

You never know how many of them there are, attempts to change your lifestyle! But desire alone is not enough. Achieving effective transformation requires specialized knowledge and special skills.

* This rune demonstrates the difference between the exoteric and esoteric approaches. The Laguz rune symbolizes water and flow. And this is her main secret. Many people who are not familiar with the tradition attribute to it the properties of Neptune, the elements of water, and sometimes Cancer and Pisces. In fact, this rune corresponds to Mercury, the great deceiver. It is a mistake to consider this principle superficially - as reason, mind, intellect. This principle hides many pitfalls. It is in the temptation of Mercury that many of the troubles of modern civilization lie. In an overly serious, naive and overly reverent attitude to the word. Mercury is truly a flow, it is truly water. It’s not without reason that they say: when a person talks a lot, he “pours water.”


Course of life (3 and 6 astrological houses: minor growth and renewal).

Love, intuition, emotions as resistance to the temptations of Mercury. Only with the help of love, only with the help of refined intuition and only by trusting one’s emotions and one’s experiences can a person avoid the temptations of reason. Only by relying on the life of feeling is it possible to overcome the limitations of mental models. Only in his heart can a person feel the fallacy and falsity of certain rational institutions, and comprehend what is hidden behind Mercury. Mercury hides more than it explains. It declares more than it actually contains. Reason imagines itself to be the main principle of life and claims primacy in relation to other mental processes and phenomena.

Well-being is the result of contact with the Life Force. Increased prosperity through ingenuity, i.e. through the ability to follow the flow of life. This element is under the protection of Hermes. He supports scammers, thieves and manages the processes of skillful redistribution of wealth.

“It’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m happy to be deceived myself.” The great temptation of Mercury lies in the ability to lead people where they subconsciously already want to go. This is the phenomenon of fraud, theft, deception as such. There are no such scammers who would deceive a completely honest person. A fraudster deceives a fraudster like himself.

More often than others, those who consider themselves very smart are deceived. Anyone who trusts his thinking and does not rely on intuition sooner or later finds himself a victim of deception. Those who consider themselves not to be deceived are deceived - this is the great truth about lies.

A person must be prepared for the fact that everything he knows will not be what he would like to see, and, accordingly, for a revision of the picture of the world. At any moment, life can cancel old descriptions, ideas and give a clearer and clearer picture of the world.

Manipulators and scammers operate within the reality of the person they are deceiving. They subtly capture internal preferences and cleverly manipulate them (usually what we can be “buyed” with can be seen in our faces). Psychotherapy is built on this phenomenon. An experienced psychotherapist determines what the client wants not by words, but by reactions (behavior, mood, intonation). In fact, this is the art of healing the soul, the art of leading people, the so-called spiritual teaching: people get what they strive for. And nothing more than that. If a person is given something that he does not like, based on his current ideas, the person begins to resist, get nervous, he begins to reject knowledge that threatens what he already has. And that is why many spiritual teachers give what their students want to hear. Many mentors turn out to be quasi-mentors, because... they give what the mentee wants to see, know, hear, feel. Such are the temptations of reason, the temptations of prejudice.

In fact, we are dealing with superstition. With faith acquired in vain, shallow, superficial, not rooted in true values, in the depths of the soul; with unreal faith, faith, faith. It is this belief that determines many relationships between people. Genuine intimate relationships, truly high and productive, are rather the exception. Basically, the Laguz rune, the rune of water, flow, mentality and deception, operates in society. However, this does not mean at all that having pulled out the Laguz rune, all events associated with it should be considered deception or an illusion.

Laguz symbolizes an incorrect understanding of what is happening, associated with erroneous rational models. The great means of communication between people, human language (which is also the prerogative of Hermes), is designed as if specifically for deception. He is able to connect together what is not necessarily cause and effect, but subjectively people perceive such constructions as evidential. We want to believe that these things are connected to each other. We are too accustomed to the connection in our minds of everything with everything to resist such constructions. And the manipulator takes advantage of this. You just need to catch, smell, hear what the soul of your interlocutor unconsciously strives for - and direct it there.

An experienced person does not trust words. He trusts his feelings, that inner feeling of truth, which is never final, which always suffers from a modicum of doubt. But besides this, a person has no criteria at all. And the more mature and significant he becomes, the less he trusts words, phrases, statements, arguments. Human maturity is associated with disbelief in words and trust in vibration, emotion, intonation. Slogans can be beautiful and at the same time hide banal self-interest.

In life, we often encounter a situation where, as psychologists say, the speaker is congruent. He imperatively talks some nonsense, and we believe his words. Why? Because the practice of social life proves to us: a person who is convinced of his words is already right. Although in fact this quality is the result of ordinary psychotechnical training.

The path of reason is tortuous. And if you are led in a straight line, then the devil is leading you. The line of reasoning itself is subject to constant interruptions of gradualism. It is human nature to doubt, to search, to contradict, because this is the structure of language. The structure of human speech contains oppositions, contrasts, inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and ambiguities. And if someone wants to achieve ideal harmony from the language, build a consistent model of the world, describe the world consistently, unified, holistically, consistently, then he will definitely fall into the pit of stupidity. Having missed the opportunity to intuitively assess the truth, he will certainly fall into the sin of philosophizing. It seems to people that the more reasoned the premises, the more harmoniously connected the words, the truer they are. In fact, the orderliness of such verbal series only indicates an attempt to persuade, that is, to force one to accept what the persuader needs.

In this sense, the very image of the Laguz rune - a half-arrow - is indicative. She points in the direction, but as if not completely, as if not quite right. Everything seems to be going according to plan. And suddenly an opportunity arises to make a turn on the path. This possibility of evasion on the path is present in the rune itself and in the intellect itself. It contains hidden contradictions (which require an eye and an eye), it contains the possibility of error, even if we try to be impeccably strict in our judgments and logical constructions.

The image of the rune looks like a gaff or hook. Moreover, this hook can be used both for fishing and for artistic knitting and knitting. And what is the speech of an orator if not a skillful script with which the weak human soul is entangled?

The main imperative of the Laguz rune is very simple: without experiencing the truth cannot be found.

The art of living, understanding, and acting lies not in the ability to speak, but in the ability to feel. Laguz requires the education of sensations, feelings, conscience, and intuition. If we rely on books, teachers, etc., then we are already subject to temptation, because we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to verify what is said, we are deprived of a touchstone.

People rely on anyone but themselves. They do not learn to stand on both legs, because they do not like to learn, but like to accept everything ready-made. They do not like to earn experience at the cost of their mistakes, they do not like suffering, because they are confident that suffering is unnecessary. They do not want to understand that every difficulty is an opportunity to gain experience. And then they get offended when others deceive them. Why be surprised? After all, they themselves created the supply by demand for truth brought by someone from the outside, and not smelted in the heart during their own reasoning.

Only holy behavior is a defense against unscrupulous people. Only sincere light, life in inner truth is a guarantee that no one will deceive a person. However, people are accustomed to relying on the word. And the result is evasion upon evasion, half-truth upon half-truth, and deception upon deception. And therefore the statement of the esotericists naturally becomes understandable: “There is no support in the external world.” This statement is rarely taken seriously. People think that a solid foundation is the true long-term support. They do not understand that the only human support is in the heart. The only affirming stone is the depths of intuition. The only place where we can be safe is our own soul. The world is an illusion. The products of reason, civilization, and mentality are thoroughly laguz. This is how human life works. And if you do not develop in yourself the criterion of truth, if you do not learn to develop intuition, then it is quite natural to find yourself captive to all kinds of concepts and doctrines.

Omissions, half-truths, and bias are effective forms of lying. Bias often appears under the guise of emphasizing certain points. Manipulators use drawing attention to individual parts, to individual moments, thereby distorting the holistic and systemic vision, destabilizing it and then leading it in the right direction.

People expect only what they have already accepted within themselves. However, they are often afraid of getting what they expect. And this human fear of the possibility of certain events occurring allows us to manipulate them, because It is very easy and convenient to appeal to fear. “You don’t need a knife to kill a fool...” Human prejudice is rooted in elementary atheism. People constantly simulate all kinds of situations and choose from such models those that suit them. They fall into the trap of expectations, anticipations, prejudices and close themselves off from reality. They brush aside intuition and look with all their eyes and ears for confirmation of what they expected - and find it. Esoterically, this phenomenon is expressed by the saying: “Whoever is afraid of something will happen to him.”

A person who is very afraid of something begins to behave in such a way that he himself falls into a trap, and then says: “I knew it.” Thus, he receives the main reward - confirmation of his own “insight.”

The temptation of Laguz also lies in excessive trust in objectivity. People who do not develop intuition strive to find support. And this is understandable: thinking itself is fluid and iridescent, chaotic and amorphous, so it is in a hurry to gain a foothold on something. And people get used to trusting what is objective, what can be touched. However, excessive trust in “objectivity” sooner or later paralyzes our choice: we are unable to distinguish between truth and lies, we are suppressed by this objectivity. It is convincing for us, since we are not used to relying on intuition. We are suppressed by objectivity because we prefer external evidence to intuition.

This excessive reliance on objectivity carries over into words. The words are familiar, familiar. And it seems to us that the word is something real and worthwhile. However, poets, writers, philosophers know how easily a word is controlled, how easily it flows, deforms, distorts, bends. But we trust words everywhere, the words of others and our own. There is an internal conversation going on inside of us all the time. We support our own being with words, not realizing that we can be wrong in them. For example, a woman constantly convinces herself: “I’m ugly, I’m ugly...” and gets used to the sound of these words. Although she's actually quite good. But the word enslaved her and destroyed her. It became some strange part of herself.

When imposed, the word changes physical features. The body really becomes different. And the person suffers, yearns under his own oppression. The culprit is the habit of repeating the same words. It is difficult for a person to change them due to some strange stereotype: since I said it, I will continue to adhere to what I said. People don’t want to change opinions, positions, they don’t want to flow and change. They love granite, rockiness, concreteness - all the same excessive trust in objectivity. And only when a person understands that he is ephemeral, and life is continuous, then he calmly treats both himself and words. He knows that in the morning he will wake up as a completely new person, and in a few weeks he will become a completely different person. What will happen in a year? Who knows... When such experiences settle in a person, it means that words no longer have power over him. He does not trust the “objective” assessments of other people, because they can also be wrong. Such a person is no longer satisfied with average standards and criteria. He does not trust quantitative, mass authority.

Authority is mass, quantity, supposedly representing quality. In fact, quality can only be present in our own soul. Constantly acquiring new ideas, sensations, understandings, a person must learn to abandon them in favor of a more developed, subtle, perfect one, for the sake of gaining a better understanding.

It is difficult to put such a person on a chain of definitions. It is fluid, elusive, blurred in space, like a wave. And therefore free. The only criterion of truth for him is himself. There is no ego pride in this, but attention to experiences. This is how deeply the element of water is hidden in the mercurial Laguz. But do not forget that the same Mercury is on the surface.

An unstable ship will lead to death. Therefore, a person must be able to swim himself, no matter how good the ship he has. People who cannot swim are not taken into the sea. At any moment the ship could be holed. And then... Words are such a ship. Unfortunately, in many cases people depend on this "floating suitcase". They do not pay attention to the development of nonverbal experiences and nonverbal presentations of truth. And yet you will have to work on creating an experience of truth in yourself. Flow, water flows, changes, develops non-stop. And no mercurial dam can stop him. A person is free to become such a flow. And then he will learn to cope with any difficulties and deceptions, because it is impossible to deceive someone who does not trust anyone (in a good way).

Subconscious preferences are always exploited. Therefore, we must be very careful about what we really want. Understanding your own desires requires inner honesty. It is precisely this that protects against manipulators. The most deceived are suspicious people who do not know themselves. It is very difficult to manipulate a person who knows his weaknesses, who has studied himself deeply.

Self-knowledge turns out to be an excellent means of protection from unscrupulous people. Manipulators focus on what we seem to have no idea about, but what we secretly strive for. The more a person gets to know himself, the more difficult it is to hook him with Laguz. Inner honesty and openness are a wonderful shield against any attempts to allow yourself to be used.

True security depends on the quality of inner honesty.

People tend to use certain forms of manipulation, subconsciously enlightening each other. A person who wants to manipulate may not realize how subtle and complex the whole process is. In his mind, only the task of coercing, coercing, evading is alive. And then a mysterious process of interaction between two subconscious minds occurs. And if we are not cleaned inside, if we do not know ourselves, then we will almost certainly find ourselves a victim of such a hunter.

A person who passionately wants to steer us in the direction he wants will achieve his goal. There can be only one resistance to it: to study ourselves, what we really want, how seriously or frivolously we take ourselves, how great our sense of self-worth is. Without such work we are defenseless. Apart from internal honesty, there is simply no other defense against manipulators. People are prone to subconscious manipulation, because society, whether we want to admit it or not, is based on lies and mutual deception. This is due to many factors: the structure of language, the nature of life, the need for a superficial balance of interests, etc. A person who does not study himself automatically falls into the chains of the social subconscious.

The ship of the mind must be stable and controllable. A person must be able to think in different sides. Thought is a tool, a means, an instrument in our hands. However, we view our own mental constructs as a reality that we have to deal with. This is a mistake associated with a misunderstanding of Laguz. The ship of the mind must be easy to control and direct. But God forbid you turn into a slave chained to this ship. We must be captains. It's easy to say and not easy to do. But it is useful for us to at least know about the very possibility of changing the direction of the mind. The simplest exercise is to try to prove something to someone. And after a while, with the same diligence, prove the opposite and analyze what is happening to you at this moment.

Esotericists believe that a certain real figure lives in a person, which is conventionally called the “Builder of Arguments.” When we try to prove something, it’s like we let the dog go ahead: “Bite him!”

Man must become the master of reason. He must learn to prove to anyone and anything, but only in order to understand the mechanism of mental manipulation and thus feel where the truth is and where the lie is. Sometimes it feels like the human psyche functions with the help of words, apart from which there is nothing else in it. But when you start practicing, some kind of intuitive Priest behind the Argument Builder suddenly appears inside. He can see what the trickster Hermes is doing. We must tune in to the second figure, feel it, understand it. This is difficult because the picture of the world collapses and guidelines are lost. The search for the intuitive Priest within oneself does not happen immediately; the result manifests itself slowly, year after year.

If a person wants to live happily, he is forced to go in search of an intuitive Priest. In ordinary life it is very difficult to follow this path, because it is a path deep into oneself. Because one feels one’s own plurality: there is a Builder of Arguments, and there is a Sage who knows everything. And at what moment we suddenly discover that a wise Priest also tends to make mistakes. But we can still wake him up, keep a ray of attention on him and see what really is. The argument builder is in the business of justifying our sins. It closes our eyes to many truths, makes us passive and aggressive. The path is difficult, but without an unbiased consideration of one’s own depths, it is useless to count on finding the truth.

Laguz may be the most terrible rune. It questions our entire lives. Upon closer examination, our existence turns out to be ordinary black magic. (Let us recall its definition: black magic is hidden influence for the purpose of obtaining personal gain.) And because we, in ignorance, rely on our own reliability, this does not change the state of affairs. When esotericists talk about the need to overcome lies, they are primarily talking about self-deception, about getting rid of the illusion of impeccability and constant truthfulness. A person must understand when he is truthful and when he is not. Only with this can the path to truth begin, the path inward, the path upward. For those who wear blinders will never see the light.

When Laguz comes, the first thing we need to do is relax and reassess the situation, remembering that we only find what we are looking for. There are very good criterion, which is used by many seekers of truth. Hidden behind the Priest is another figure, symbolizing the will in man, the highest spiritual principle. This is the so-called Doer. And if we live correctly and move towards the light, then this Doer is truly joyful. If we can calmly look into this feeling and separate it from external unpleasant experiences, if the Doer wants to move further along this painful and difficult path, then we are really moving towards ourselves.


The situation is misunderstood. It is necessary to radically change the criteria for assessing the situation.

The danger of over-reliance on one's own opinion.

The temptation of the easy way and theft. You can stray from the truth and take the path of least resistance. Thus, the life of the Spirit is extinguished in you. You may become unhappy.

Distress and loss in case of reverse Laguz are associated with the poor quality of the acquisition. This means we went in the wrong direction or picked up extra things we didn’t need. In the words of A. Tarkovsky, “they committed a sin, which is excess.”


Cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" - finding a life path, strategy, mission.

Sailing ship. The metaphor symbolizes forward movement on water, at the same time easy and irresistible, purposeful and leisurely.

A technique used in A. Tarkovsky’s films: slow camera zoom. A unique esoteric find by an artist who managed to convey the movable real estate of the world.


Professional psychotherapist.

Ostap Bender. His highest seriousness was that he did not take anything seriously.

Count Cagliostro, who used the first rule of the wizard.


Situation: call of life.
Challenge: connecting to the natural course of things.
Caution: superficial rationalizations.
Directions: Feel what is happening with all possible senses.
Advice: you can allow yourself everything that is not prohibited.
Consolation: Trust your irrational intuition.


Situation: rapids on the river.
Challenge: Maintain integrity.
Caution: rigid fixation of attention on one thing.
Instruction: do not force events with specific actions.
Advice: it is necessary to maintain internal balance.
Consolation: most of the coming trials are empty phantoms.

A person is truly protected when he is not personally interested in what is happening. The highest quality of impersonality is the key to all achievements. Personal interest, partiality, prejudice, construction of expectations and arguments are the prerogative of the mental part of the Ego. To master the key to freedom from being controlled, to overcoming susceptibility to external influences, it is necessary to analyze your own interest. As long as it remains without our attention, we are almost certainly being played to the extent that we are personally interested.

Runa Nautiz

Symbolic field: constraint, necessity, pain, want, lack, inhibition, impossibility of advancement, labor, difficulties, acceptance of limitations.
Nautiz is a Saturnian rune. The first law that should be observed when it falls out: slow down so that the tires don’t burn out!
Nautiz implies the ability to cope with necessity. Every difficulty, every obstacle should be considered as a specific work assignment. Nautiz is an unpleasant, but very useful rune. Regardless of how it falls out - upright or inverted - very serious polishing processes take place in a person, which make it possible to cut character and polish the psyche. It is these shackles imposed on a person that cultivate tactical ingenuity.
Nautiz has a wonderful motto: crossing the abyss under the sail of patience. Such situations are naturally perceived as unpleasant. But the pressure in the chest pumps up energy - the principle of a cauldron with a tightly sealed lid. The external shell (restrictions) allows you to forge internal tensions and increase pressure in the system, concentrating energy. Focus is one of Saturn's keywords. Concentration means focusing attention on a specific problem, gathering consciousness at one point, in a very narrow space.
Unfortunately, very often this one direction is mistaken for abject poverty, because a person is accustomed to having a range of possibilities. Nautiz narrows the field of possibility to one single thing, nevertheless providing complete freedom to act in this direction. Moreover, it implies such an action. It seems to channel energy, direct it in a certain direction. This direction is always unambiguously presented to the figure. But for some reason people tend to perceive such a narrowing of opportunities negatively, as deprivation, instead of accepting freedom of action in a very specific direction.
In some ways, Nautiz is painful. But on the other hand, Nautiz decides for a person what to do, what point to hit, what road to move on. It doesn’t just force, it formalizes movement, which, given the usual dispersion of a person, is naturally perceived as limitation and lack. Modern civilization values ​​the choice of probable actions more than the gift of moving in a certain direction. We generally prefer projections to actions. Nautiz precisely implies not only patience, but also an act performed within specific limits.
This rune is crystalline. It does not allow it to remain amorphous and scattered. She gathers a person, concentrates, focuses, directs. But it depends only on the person whether he will move along the evolutionary channel. Most often, people stop and begin to complain, although there are no situations in life in which creative action is impossible. By working with stressful situations, a person learns to discipline energy. And the more specifically he uses it, the more he respects himself. He feels, in a good sense, a winner over himself, because there is nothing more difficult than overcoming the boredom and emptiness that accompany the action of the Nautiz rune, direct and reverse. But in order to act this way, you first need to disidentify with the situation, that is, look from the outside, remove the negative emotional attachment to the unpleasant situation. This attitude helps to discern the only necessary path of action that Nautiz implies, and accordingly change the direction of consciousness and effort.
If Nautiz falls out, you must try to analyze the psychological cause of the inconvenience. Constraint or limitation causes an inadequate reaction in us - resistance. We feel more upset about what happened than it deserves. Nautiz teaches, firstly, to explore your emotional state under the motto: “Why are you pounding? There is a case. Create it!” Secondly, consideration psychological reason allows us to remove the internal block and use the will we have left.
A. Podvodny has a wonderful expression regarding the Gray Beast (it is ruled by Saturn): “You need to work, create and love even in very rainy weather.” It is not external circumstances that give rise to unpleasant emotions. Illusory expectations, when unsatisfied, cause a storm of discontent.
If we focus on an unpleasant situation, if we are turned outward, that is, we look blankly at the limits that limit us, we lose energy, we stall. Only when we look inside ourselves and say that everything is fine with us, everything is fine, but just not as rosy as we wanted, then we have a reserve of will. Turning inside ourselves, we understand that the key to changing our state is in us: in our thoughts, plans, desires.
Nautiz has some differences from Saturn. Saturn brings coldness and prostration. Nautiz is accompanied by extreme emotional tension. The rune advises to hold on to failures until the last, and not to give up. This rune encourages you to consolidate your will and preserve your strength. Like any other rune, Nautiz is not eternal. But if a person gives up and lets things take their course, he loses the energy necessary for a further breakthrough and exit into another space.
Nautiz declares the following maxim: genuine needs often contradict our desires. Human desire is Jupiter. Needs are Saturn. When Nautiz arrives, it turns out that everything necessary, in general, is already there. That is why the Nautiz mark vaguely resembles a cross, inspiring with the motto: God does not give a person a cross beyond his strength.
Nautiz is never too heavy. She's just heavy. And it is never unbearable - it can always be endured. Nautiz situations are designed to train human strength. Although if Nautiz is not taken seriously, the situation may drag on for a long time. The more seriously we take the instructions of the runes, the more consistently we carry out what they call us to do, the more often the runes change their readings, and, accordingly, internal and external situations. Runes exist so that a person fulfills their requirements. Therefore, if you take Nautiz into account and follow her advice, she will soon leave.
Nautiz requires conscious positive motivation, which is not typical for other runes. Under Nautiz, a person has no right to be upset. This deprives him of his strength and ability to act. Frustration is a failure to comply with runic instructions.
Only positive motivation and the search for the good in the current situation help to make changes to it. When you pull out Nautiz, you know that you should at least be in a good mood. Under all the constraining, limiting conditions, Nautiz requires, albeit tortured, optimism, because falling into pessimism under this rune makes its effect extremely negative. This is a rather tough Deity who crushes those who bend. The man decides to fall, and the rune neatly finishes him off. As a result, a person can become exhausted to the limit. The gray Saturnian beast in the seven of the Underwater is the most terrible. It can completely deprive a person of power. And no one from the outside is able to lift his spirit. Only he himself can do this. That is why when pulling out Nautiz, the mood should be as high as possible.
This rune has an interesting motto: be able to overcome poverty both in energies, and in decisions, and in methods of action. Another motto of the rune: future protection is earned through perseverance. A person can count on overcoming Saturn and reaching, for example, Jupiter or Uranus only through perseverance and patience. Then circumstances benefit him, and in the future he experiences the support of fate. Nautiz tests a person for “liceiness” through patience, perseverance, and endurance. And if he passes the test, positive circumstances appear after that.
Nautiz requires restraint in external manifestations. It implies greater accuracy in words and actions, maintaining a readiness to move forward, no matter how difficult the road may be, no matter how unfavorable the situation. This rune prevents external growth, but implies internal growth. This is very important point. Development actually never stops, under any circumstances, but we are used to assessing it by external signs: environment, people, things, energies, finances, etc. Nautiz blocks them and slows them down. Human energy is directed to internal searches. And sometimes he discovers in himself such reserves of patience and perseverance that he never suspected.
Under the influence of Nautiz, a person magically attracts trouble if he voluntarily consents to it. Failures result from an involuntary feeling of one’s own weakness and inadequacy. Wailing and wailing significantly increases the number of troubles because a person loses the power of resistance. Nautiz implies holding the situation on oneself, because the situation is under pressure external forces. Man must resist this onslaught. This is how a watermelon is squeezed when they are checked for quality - this is approximately how Nautiz affects a person. This is precisely pressure, a decrease in speed, a slowdown in rhythm, a drop in energy, and the cutting off of favorable circumstances. The person feels that he is left alone with the situation. Its outcome depends on whether he can find reserves and initiate the forces that sleep in his soul. Therefore, with all unfavorable signs, Nautiz contributes to the awakening of human consciousness. (A similar situation: if you sleep while walking, the pillar will wake you up.)
Nautiz trains patience - the ability to wait until a certain moment. But this is not a passive skill. Man continues to resist the onslaught of chaos. But he must know that relief can only come at a specific time, and this time has not yet arrived. Hence the unpleasant state. Nautiz warns that it is very dangerous to spread negative energy. Under Nautiz, a person tends to generate Bad mood and infect others with it. He is annoyed by smiling, joyful, successful people. Nautiz disciplines the external manifestation of emotions. That is why they talk about restraint, about self-restraint - so that a person does not broadcast his negative state to others. Otherwise, it all comes back to him a hundredfold.
The first thing that is instinctively born in a person under the pressure of Nautiz is the desire to feed on the energy of other people. The point is that we are trying to solve our problems at the expense of other people. In a biological sense this impulse is justified, but in a social sense it is reprehensible. Saturn is the planet of karma. It's one thing when someone is ready to help us. But to manipulate and force him to help, energetically or actively, is very doubtful. And the main thing is that this will not make it any easier for us, because Nautiz does not mean the support of other people. It requires ingenuity, independence, self-activity, perseverance from the one to whom it came, and not from those whom a person can attract to change the situation.
Nautiz is generated by a person who produces a lot of hackwork, who is irresponsible about what he produces, who solves his problems at the expense of other people. Saturn closely monitors each of us and usually comes when we are not expecting it. He takes a person by surprise and asks: “What can you do, what are you capable of?” And everyone responds to Nautiz in their own way. It is well known that postponing the lessons of karma has never saved anyone, nor has it helped anyone to live or develop. Nautiz says that things that seemed simple will require more mental labor and more time. Nautiz forcibly corrects people's plans. It poses the need to change erroneous programs. This is a kind of editor, censor, wise judge. He explains what can and cannot be included in the plans. It is this rune that deals with illusory hopes. But if a person constantly postpones adjusting plans, continuing to persistently strive for what he is mistaken about, then Hagalaz comes and, like a tornado, destroys what was built according to erroneous forecasts and out of connection with the environment.

Reverse Nautiz

We are talking about reverse Nautiz and particularly unpleasant conditions associated with direct Nautiz. The first thing that needs to be stopped is wrong actions, as they lead to failure and disappointment. If Hagalaz changes a person’s orientation very abruptly, violently, then Nautiz adjusts plans harshly, but not very significantly, without causing a disaster, but creating a lot of tension when a person moves in the wrong direction. In a sense, Saturn protects a person from Uranus. This is, as it were, our last assistant on the path of evolution, which protects us from the action of trans-Saturnian, that is, major planets. Nautiz comes not as a punishment, but as an adjustment, as an offer to change within completely understandable limits. Moreover, she does disciplinary work for us. We only need to agree and accept the situation. Therefore, Saturn in this case is a purely fertile planet. Like a wise mentor, he will wave a sickle - it shouldn’t grow here, but there he will pass it with a scythe and - away with the weeds. Well, in some places you have to work with a sword - there are a lot of fools.
It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that all runes are situational. They may be blurred in space and time, or refer to objects that lie outside the scope of our consideration. But it is pointless to ask the runic oracle about what will happen in ten years. Past events, if necessary to revise them, will be interpreted by runes in the context of today. Runes always correspond to the moment in time when they are pulled out. Therefore, any rune requires execution, because it comes as a controlling influence, as specific advice given by the Divine through an egregor. A person asks a question and receives an answer. But if after that he does not follow the instructions, then subsequent answers will be incorrect. What is the point for Heaven to conduct a dialogue with someone who does not listen to his advice and is not going to follow even the minimum instructions. That's why people who work with runes rarely use them.

Negative Nautiz suggests reviewing the mistakes and mistakes already made. She says: “If I came, it means you have something to change in what you have already done.” And in order to get rid of the real suffering associated with Nautiz, you need to try to get out of the situation and, as they say, think and look more broadly. Both in space and in time.

The rune is the answer to the cause of suffering, to the cause of inconvenience. Runes are not comforters, runes are pointers, they are advisors. The rune always leads from the darkness of misunderstanding into the light of awareness if we follow it, if we listen to this rune, if we really try to understand what the rune is trying to tell us.

Negative Nautiz has one reassuring thesis: troubles make cleansing easier.
Negative Nautiz points to a very curious problem: the main internal evil that led to a bad situation lies in lack of faith in oneself. Most unpleasant situations occur due to lack of inner peace, inner self-confidence, and not due to pride, bragging and boasting, as is usually believed. The fact is that the psychological basis of bragging, boasting, and pride is precisely self-doubt. A confident person will neither be proud, nor brag, nor arrogant.

Negative Nautiz draws attention to a very important point: all internal problems are rooted in the main thing: self-doubt, lack of contact with oneself. This ignorance of oneself, dislike of oneself, lack of understanding of oneself, this is the source of all troubles. And what we don’t know, we usually fear. Especially if it's inside. The so-called karmic problems, the problems of Nautiz, Saturn, are generally based on the same thing - a person does not understand himself, does not know himself and is not even interested in himself. But sooner or later, life and the learning flow force him to turn to himself and figure out the reason for his failure.

Negative Nautiz often comes when problems that have already happened are repeated. The rune imperatively states that evil is within a person. This problem already existed, but he did not solve it. Negative Nautiz implies self-confidence and refusal of despondency in any way: from an ice-cold shower to two fingers in a socket. This rune encourages you not to freeze internally. Stagnation can be anything, but not internal. Any freezing of external events is an invitation to the kindling of the Spirit! By the way, people are very wary of the word “spiritual.” They can talk about the body, for example, about the soul, but as for the spiritual - “What kind of Spirit is in me. It has not yet manifested.” Although the fact that a person babbles is already the action of the Holy Spirit. When a person treats himself more respectfully as a bearer of the spiritual principle, when he remembers that the Spirit is incessantly present in him, that he and the divine environment are one and the same, when he knows that there is always a channel to the truth in him, in him there is a source of peace when he remembers all this, then there can be no self-doubt.
How to find a channel for the manifestation of spirituality? We somehow shyly react to the word “Spirit”: “It’s with them, with the saints, that the Spirit lives, but I’m a simple person, I only have a soul.” A person who is convinced that he cannot pronounce the word “Spirit” disconnects from himself, from the source, from the spring. If he does not hope for the manifestation of the Spirit, if he does not wait for it, does not ask for it, does not rejoice at its manifestation in the form of joy, in the form of awareness, a selfless desire to help - whatever, if there is no such constant or periodically renewed connection, then in general The spirit disappears from the person's field of vision. And he completely falls into the clutches of social reality.

Metaphors Nautiz

Wire production. To make wire, the metal is heated and pulled through dies. For wire, the process is apparently quite painful. But God, who needs a thinner wire from man, passes him through his dies. Spinneries are Nautiz. If the direct rune fell out, you got a hot wire; if the reverse rune fell out, you got a cold wire. If the hot one does not go away the first time, it cools down, and the reverse Nautiz comes: everything starts from the beginning. The logic is simple - the plant (evolution) needs a plan, so no one is interested in the wishes of the wire.
Maturing of drinks. It takes a lot of time to get good wine. You have to swallow saliva for eight months to then drink the real drink. Nautiz just forces you to wait a certain period of time.
Pregnancy is an archetypal process of nature. This is a process of growth, development, consistent unfolding over time. If we show disrespect for natural development, then we ourselves suffer because of this. Nautiz returns us to the bosom of nature: he doesn’t just push or press, but invites us to slow down and get into the rhythm of events. If we have run ahead of events, in the wrong direction, she returns us to the true path, trying to explain that we need to move more slowly, gradually.
Well, the most disgusting nautiz phrase: hard in learning, easy in battle. Life on earth is a learning process. Esotericism exists in order to acquaint a person with future reality through the correct learning of lessons. The point is not that that reality is more important than this one. Both are important. But life in this reality is subject to the laws and needs of that reality, the deep, causal one.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. But it should be remembered that he is exalted in Libra. This position of Saturn corresponds to the curious motto of Nautiz: any structure is strong only when it corresponds to the canon of beauty.

Saturn in Capricorn teaches that sober firmness protects against chaos, and any living creature grows on the soil. Nautiz is this soil, a nourishing principle, solid, fundamental, fixing and at the same time living.

Nautiz gives one more important instruction: errors must be analyzed independently, that is, within the limits of individual understandings, without outside help. Because trying to solve your problems with the help of others leads to a superficial, formal understanding.

Nautiz is often given as a test before serious achievements. It symbolizes the inspection of troops before a parade or before an offensive. To do this, you need to gather all your strength and conduct an audit of everything available.

Rune Nautiz is a cross devoid of harmony. The cross is Capricorn, and the deprivation of harmony refers to Libra.
Another motto is that circumstances suppress vitality. Moreover, the balance of Libra is not in your favor.
Mythological characters

Kashchei the Immortal was the image of an initiator who preserves the truth in the lower world of Navi. He demanded serious tests for those who claimed the truth. The mystery of disidentification with bodies is associated with Kashchei the Immortal: there is an oak on the island, there is a chest on that oak tree, there is a hare in the chest, there is a duck in the hare, there is an egg in the duck, there is a needle in the egg. Getting rid of the shells symbolizes the way out to an awareness of the mission, to complete freedom of action. The limiting limits are Nautiz. Freedom is achieved only by breaking a chest, destroying a hare, duck, etc. It is impossible to defeat Kashchei by external force, but only by ingenuity.

Kashchei is a great creator of illusions. It seems to us that illusions are associated exclusively with Neptune. However, Saturn creates the darkest illusions, for example, the unattainability of goals, the illusion of death, the illusion of weakness and limitation, etc. Illusions are destroyed with the death of Kashchei, which implies magical ingenuity, a creative streak combined with patience and perseverance, with a fearless desire for results.

Nautiz is symbolized by gnomes, dwarfs, and Scandinavian miniatures. They work underground, forging treasures, manufacturing precious metals, but away from human eyes. Nautiz forges the treasures of the Spirit. This work takes place quietly and unnoticed, under the cover of everyday circumstances.

Nautiz symbolizes the sowing situation. The sprouts are not yet visible, but the seed has already connected with the soil and is growing in the depths. Under the ground of the seed of the seed it is uncomfortable, dark, boring. However, whether the plant grows depends on its ability to break through to the light, overcoming the constraints of soil, darkness and cold.

Nautiz and Saturn are associated with ideas about archons and world rulers. In the Gnostic tradition of the Mediterranean, the archons personified the laws of the universe and therefore were perceived by many people, especially exalted mystics, as negative beings that limited creative freedom and did not allow one to do whatever they wanted. From the point of view of the most ancient esoteric traditions, the archons were represented as the creators of the material cosmos, the very same divine builders who created the world through laws. For form and law are synonyms.

Mantic meanings of straight Nautiz

Situation: difficulties.
Call: don't look away, concentrate.
Warning: do not look outside for reasons for failure.
Note: restraint.
Advice: use the experience of failures, work with the internal enemy.
Comfort: If an obstacle is handled correctly, it will turn out to be a blessing.

Problems of direct Nautiz

Life under severe duress. Pressure denotes darkened, undeveloped areas of the Self, the growth of which is inhibited. It is necessary to work with the Shadow in the Jungian sense, that is, with the shadow side of a person.
Studying the mental focuses of attracting external misfortunes helps you make the right decision.
Nautiz gives a person the opportunity to jump out of the chariot of events and reconsider what has been done. It involves clarifying your relationship with yourself. External events will not go well until you can get along with your own inner world. In other words, the time has come to tell yourself the whole truth about yourself - both pleasant and not so pleasant - without despondency, without pessimism and giving up. The task is to find a compromise between expectations and needs, between desires and real needs, to reconcile conscious and shadow positions. When this is done, Nautiz stops acting. Everything changes: the vision of the world, people, circumstances. Otherwise, Nautiz's action continues.

Mantic meanings of reverse Nautiz

Situation: trial.
Call: cleansing
Warning: despair.
If with direct Nautiz the problem is despondency, then here it is despair, and aggressive, the goal of which is to deny oneself and everything around.
Note: responsibility for oneself and for what is happening.
Advice: start small, using the energy of failure.
Comfort: The meaning of what is happening is to increase your strength.

Reverse Nautiz problems

Psychologists believe that the best way to have good contact with an inert client is to try to deliberately anger him. Energy appears in a person, even if it is aggressive. Nautiz seeks the same from a person. She plunges him into a gloomy situation, cuts off the path of movement. This should arouse in a person the desire to move, to stand, to overcome, to achieve in spite of everything, in spite of everything. Unfortunately, we experience most situations with the opposite effect. The reason is our inability to cope with such Nautiz. Our culture is based on the idea of ​​comfort as a guarantee of development. But in comfortable situations, a person simply sleeps.
Failure encourages you to strengthen your will and strengthen your character.
Reverse Nautiz symbolizes the pressure of the Shadow, that is, negative complexes: irritation, intolerance, despondency. Shadow Pressure integrates the integrity of a person. The emergence from within of everything indecent leads to getting to know oneself, to mastering oneself. We perceive both external and internal troubles as a disturbance of peace, although in this disturbance of balance there is hidden deep meaning. A person is called upon to reconsider positions, to gain greater integrity. So he lived and did not suspect what kind of beast he carried within himself.
And the last, very important problem: control the bitterness that arises and maintain faith in yourself. In Agni Yoga it is presented very well: the night is especially dark before the dawn. It is difficult for a person to overcome a negative attitude towards Saturn, because he views tests biologically, according to the habitual reaction of the body. Although any Saturnian situation is a reason to change. These situations are beneficial because they keep us awake. They call us to study ourselves. Man is inexhaustible. The man is deep. Development never stops, in any of the worlds, in any of the lives. There is always something to improve in a person. The blessing of Saturn is that the cross is not given beyond one's strength.
If it falls on a person big trouble, which means that he has a lot of strength. The biblical saying “To whom much is given, much will be required” can also be formulated in another way: “If much is asked, then much is given.”
This is Saturn's motto: by what is asked of you, you can determine how much is given to you.

windows-1251Astrological interpretation of Runes. Kano

Rune Kano

Kano is a purely Scorpio rune of sexual power. But not the power that is expressed in the physical communication of people, but that polar Power that spreads throughout the world and moves worlds and souls.

Symbolic space of the Kano rune: energy, sexuality, transformation, creativity, enthusiasm, will to win, passion, initiation of the main thing, embodiment of plans, onslaught of strength, deep concentration of will.

The appearance of the Kano rune symbolizes a surge in the flow of events. This is a dangerous and at the same time benevolent signal that a greater Power is being activated against our will.

Will is usually understood by us as something external, acting on the surface. Here we are talking about a deep source. And before it explodes, Strength, deep will must accumulate in it. Moreover, accumulation occurs outside of human consciousness.

The Kano rune symbolizes conception, pregnancy and childbirth as a single process. Its meaning is to reveal. Scorpio generally extracts everything from nowhere. And there is always a lot of this: both love and hatred. External action involves pre-conception, pregnancy and childbirth. The appearance of Kano indicates the completion of some process in a person’s life. Some process went on for quite a long time, and the person had no idea about it. Straight drop Kano reports that the process has begun to open up. He declared himself, matured. He is ready to burst out of a person.

The Kano rune favors any realization. We rarely think about what action is. Scorpio is ruled by the planets of action - Mars, Pluto. It is very important to understand that any human action is purely magical in nature. We are doing something that has never existed in the world before us. This is the mystery of the word “realization.” We are implementing some idea. It doesn’t matter with our hands, or words, or bodies during love intercourse, but we give birth to something that would never exist in this world without us.

The Kano rune contains an idea, a plan. It sweeps through a person, permeates him, using him as a carrier, a guide.

Usually the action of both direct and reverse Kano is traumatic. This rune does not carry anything particularly benevolent or kind. It requires you to be vigilant and protect yourself from possible errors, which can be very expensive. When energy suddenly bursts to the surface, it is important to step aside and not disturb it. Otherwise, it does not warn a person about the danger. She just destroys it. Therefore, when a Kano appears, especially a direct one, it is very important to respect the process of the emergence of something new and be a little afraid of it, so as not to put pressure, not try to push it or discipline it based on formal intellectual schemes and mental understandings. It is necessary to let go of the process, but not in the same way as it is done under Vunyo and Raido. A person must carefully observe what is happening, because in this case the process will not pass him by. Participation in the action of the Kano rune is mandatory. This is like a test of a person’s strength: is he able to be present at the birth of a new one? can he withstand the onslaught of the Force? Kano is a rune for testing strength.

In Kabbalistic astrology, Kano symbolizes the Scorpio channel: the transformation of etheric energy into emotional energy. This rune is also associated with the vital energy of the universe. As you know, etheric energy is quite naughty. If a person has bad thoughts, he can get rid of them. But if a person feels unwell or is bursting from the stimulant he has taken, he will not do anything about it. Managing etheric energy is a very complex art. When situations involving Kano occur, one must take into account the capricious, capricious, restless, quarrelsome nature of the Force. Under no circumstances should you step on it like a snake. The snake is the symbol of Scorpio. In case of any inattention, this Power takes revenge.

Kano is often associated with injuries and major scandals. It accompanies clashes with security forces. Kano is often associated with the inability to resolve a problem that we must resolve as quickly as possible. short time. It seems to us that we do not have time to do anything due to lack of time. In reality, the Force is being pumped up. The most important thing is not to get lost in these last minutes, to fully believe that the Force will make its way. People hinder the process of self-resolution by giving up at the wrong time or, conversely, taking hasty actions. One must be able to be devoted to the Power of Kano to the end.

Kano has transformational power. Almost always she herself brings conflicts and problems to a reasonable resolution. It is very important to be close to this Power, and not to run ahead or behind it. The Force wants to feel our presence.

In life, we often encounter situations that develop against our will. Moreover, we act out two stereotypes of behavior: either we intervene in the situation, or we go beyond its limits. The Kano rune suggests different behavior. It requires being close to a dangerous process, but not interfering with its development and intervening only when we can no longer interfere. This is truly a test of patience and attentiveness: will we be able to find the line between inaction and interference, will we feel the rhythm of the process, will we be able to understand when we are needed and where we are unnecessary.

The Kano rune comes with illnesses of children, serious losses, indicating that the Force, transforming energy, has invaded. And we must deal with what the situation has brought out in us.

Events accompanying runic energies are sometimes of an everyday, abstract nature. When working with runes, it is important to monitor what is happening in us, what experiences and states accompany certain situations. Apparently, it is impossible to compile a complete set of phenomena and events associated with a particular rune, because runes cause different events, but similar states, in different people. Some will be close to the experience of losing a loved one, while others will be upset over a trifle. But their states are similar in degree of tension. And both of them drop the Kano rune.

Kano calls on you to manage to accompany the Force with light feeling danger and anxiety, never fully trusting her. The ancients were very respectful of the forces of the universe. They never believed that it was possible to make friends with the Powers once and for all. They knew that the Power was meant to be unpredictable. It only seems to a person that the Force can be enclosed in wires, channels, turbines. But I relaxed a little, lost control a little, and Chernobyl crashed. As soon as something happens in the operator’s head, the oil pipeline explodes and the train derails. These are not human mistakes, but a demonstration of the willfulness of the Forces. A world without catastrophes is impossible until a person learns to respect the willfulness of the Powers and take care of the future in advance. To care not from a mechanical, but from a mystical point of view, that is, to look for answers to questions that arise in the course of life, to the question of one’s own imperfection, one’s own incompleteness.

Powers cooperate only with those who are slightly afraid of them. This is not fear or weakness at all, but rather awe, respect for the incomprehensible depth of this Power, for the freedom of its will. We are accustomed to viewing the Force as something that can be subdued, something that can be controlled. But every Power is smart and capricious. And only normal, respectful dialogue allows one to cooperate with the Force without much destruction. But even in this case, the Force reserves the right to flirt. There is nothing surprising. Likewise, people cannot be mechanically ordered. They often have an impulse to play pranks and indulge. When people play around, that's one thing. When a mighty Power plays pranks, it’s completely different. Kano is a sign of such pampering. The appearance of this rune is like a warning sign: “Caution - Power! Danger! Keep out!"

When communicating with the Force, one must show utmost respect. The ancients believed that the principle of Force was incomprehensible. No wonder they attributed to the Powers top quality intelligence, because they understood that a person, with the underdevelopment of his mind, is not able to fully understand what is happening. Power does not wish harm to a person and never puts violent pressure on him. She is quite indifferent to people and does not chase them.

When the energy of the Kano rune intervenes, events, like the unwinding of a clockwork spring, begin to develop on their own. A person gets a leave of absence for a while to rest and collect himself. The situation does not require direct intervention from him now. But she will require it in the near future. The rune seems to be saying: “Take a break, I’ll work for you. You will join the process a little later and will be responsible for it yourself.” You should not think that temporary stagnation is occurring. When Kano acts, events unfold faster, deeper, more imperceptibly, and therefore more powerful. Kano, even if she gives an opportunity to rest, calls for vigilance. The slightest carelessness and you could fail.

In life there are many events, meetings, collisions, and incomprehensibility that actually cause a very deep feeling of Power. But we are used to hiding all this inside, not bringing it to the surface. Many of our destructions, mistakes, losses are associated with the fact that the Forces act outside of our consciousness. We don't notice their actions. It's like a person walking along the edge of an abyss in absolute fog. He does not see that an abyss opens ten centimeters from him. He’s more worried about his tight shoes - I’ll rub my feet and won’t make it to the deadline. And the fact that a person does not see, does not feel, does not sense this abyss does not mean that it does not exist.

We are surprised if someone suddenly goes crazy, hangs himself or gets hit by a car. However, this is precisely the result of a lack of attention to transformative forces like Kano. There were clear indications of impending radical changes in the lives of these people. But the man is going the wrong way. He seeks advice instead of going deep into himself.

According to the observations of psychologists, mental trauma is preceded by a long period of anxiety. Depression almost always precedes serious illness. And it is not just due to physiological reasons. A person feels the Force turning on, which ultimately leads to external consequences. A person living in the world of computers, cars, technology does not think about these signs, does not look inside himself. There is no need to search for or invent experiences. We just need to take a closer look at what is happening in our souls, to feel what is bubbling, seething, overflowing into them. The more intense a person’s life, the brighter he is, the more energy he has, the stronger his impact on the environment, the deeper and more powerful these signs are, first of all. internal states and experiences.

Advents of Kano Power have transformational significance. She comes as a messenger of change, as energy that alchemizes the soul and the body. This is exactly what we don’t use because we don’t notice. Due to human insensitivity, rudeness and inattention, the assigned Force onslaughts cannot be used. They pass him by. They were sent for his ascension and strengthening. They came to change a person. This is how people miss love in their lives. This is how they lose God-given opportunities, fearing elementary risks. People prefer the position of a minnow over a seagull named Jonathan Livingston. And indeed, everything is fine with the seagulls on the shore. As long as there are friends, they have fish. But just as stupidly as their friends, they flap their wings. They have tiny brains, short wings, but a quiet life. Nobody understands this strange Livingston, who splashes in the energies of the runes. Nobody understands this crazy person who finds it difficult to live the way they live. It is the runic energies, realized and felt, that transform Jonathan Livingston.

The Kano rune always reveals clear vision (not to be confused with clairvoyance). Clear vision is a much higher, sublime quality. Thanks to the transformative effect of the Kano rune, a person begins to see what is happening in a different light. It's like experiencing your first passionate love, when the leaves look brighter and more beautiful, the neighbors are perceived as nice people. And they think he's gone crazy. And he really lost his normal mind, because he began to look not with a sleepy, not sleeping, not blind, but with a different gaze. He suddenly begins to appreciate life, begins to appreciate that he came out of that love alive and remained mentally normal.

Serious, internally tracked, deep states associated with the action of the Kano rune allow us to rise above ourselves. Moreover, it lifts us up, and we don’t have to do anything. We do not need to invent what actions should be taken in order to correctly pass this stage. Kano herself carries the man upstairs.

Kano demands a passionate defense of super-values. Its appearance almost always indicates that there is an attempt on something most valuable to us. The assassination attempt is carried out by the universe itself in order to develop man. Kano indicates the imminent loss of what was most valuable to us.

This is not about passively waiting to lose. The Kano rune implies the need for passionate resistance to taking away. Kano is the rune of testing and checking for lice. A person can earn a new value when he defends the old one and shows devotion to what is still valuable to him. Often we easily give up values. This indicates that what is taken away is not a real value, i.e. something meaningful that makes a person fight. If a person correctly understands Kano’s orders and correctly determines what value she wants to take away from him, then usually he receives strength and acquires a true treasure, which most often is not financial, but spiritual in nature.

The Kano rune is associated with the birth of new powerful ideas in a person, with creative insights, and with a revolution in worldview. This rune is associated with sexual magic. Naturally, not with the magic that we read about in books. It's something fundamentally different when people long years preparing for the ceremony.

Kano is consonant with the English verb “to can” - “to be able to”. People believe they can't do something because they don't want to. Ramakrishna thought differently: “A person wants when he can.” The arrival of Kano is the acquisition of the state of “I can” (“I can”), possibility as a force of internal impulse. Scorpios are generally big freeloaders. Of course, their life is not sweet, but they always have a lot of strength. The trouble is that they don't know how to use it, and as a result they can't handle it.

The arrival of the Kano rune is not only a revolution in worldview, not only the defense of one’s values, not only the need for vigilant attention to the Force, but also the arrival of real opportunity as power, opportunity as will. We may not feel this consciously. But under Kano, we must understand that we can solve the problem before us.

The minute the rune arrives, we don’t even know whether we will succeed in anything. With the superficial networks of reason, we are not able to predict how events will unfold. Kano's energy will act independently. It is important not to interfere with her, not to block the road, not to kill her with your unbelief. Because it is unbelief that drives the Force deep, from where it then breaks out with a whistle and a grinding sound.

Reverse Kano

Reverse Kano is associated with a lack of vital energy. The person seems to be oppressed by something. This condition occurs when the energy source is turned off. It is quite dangerous because for most people, self-esteem is associated with an excess of power. Self-respect is implied by having enough “I can.” The test of reverse Kano is not to lose faith in yourself precisely when there is no strength. In Christian asceticism, the most difficult test was not to lose faith in the Lord when he turned away. This is the meaning of reverse Kano. The person suddenly loses power. Many people start looking for vampires. The most important thing is not to rush into mental explanations. You need to learn to withstand reverse Kano cycles.

Another temptation of reverse Kano is this: we feel powerful. This temptation is very interesting. If we seriously work with runes, we understand the meaning of Jungian synchronicity, if we understand that the fall of a rune is not accidental, then it is very dangerous to not believe the rune if the reverse Kano falls out and you are feeling well. And then it turns out that you really didn’t have the strength and that you had to protect yourself from unnecessary actions.

A person lives on the surface of his being and does not feel even a hundredth part of what is happening around him. The most powerful Forces are not seen, not felt, not registered. They are so deep, so fundamental, that the crude tentacles of the intellect cannot touch them. The capabilities of the senses are not enough to feel the mighty wave of the Force. This is why mantic systems were given, so that a person could, with the help of their guidance, navigate these flows, phases of life, meanings that are assumed at one time or another. Sometimes it is difficult to believe these meanings because they are inconsistent with everyday experience. But a person who has worked with runes for many years comes to the deep conviction that the runes are always right.

It is very dangerous not to pay attention to the Kano rune. Runes generally don’t like it when people don’t pay attention to them. Either the person does not touch the runic bag, or he plays by the rules to the end. Otherwise, troubles and loss of self-respect for these pseudo-games are possible. It is extremely dangerous to delve into some layer of the unconscious and then try to jump out of it, like from the carriage of a speeding train.

The culture of Europe was based on runes: magical practices, witchcraft rituals, sanctuaries, entire priestly classes, centuries-old lines of hidden traditions. From the standpoint of modernity, one should not think that the runes have lost their power. They are powerless for laymen who do not turn to them at all and do not believe in them. To receive confirmation of the effectiveness of runes, you need to show respect to them. People who master various methods of fortune telling with runes are convinced that runes are capable of acting self-actively if a person can organize them and give them semantic content. It is a sacred art, no less exciting and profound than astrology. The only problem is that not taking this art seriously is harmful both to the soul and sometimes to outer life.

Reverse Kano means a selected gift, i.e. loss of opportunity. When receiving a reverse Kano, you need to seriously weigh your abilities and, if possible, abandon the undertaking about which the question was asked.

Reverse Kano symbolizes a serious test. A person must go through the situation extremely carefully and not be disappointed if something suddenly doesn’t work out. Attempts at self-stimulation, auto-training and other “I can” spells usually lead to failure. It's good if failure is immediately visible. But it happens that destruction comes after a few years. There is something mysterious, secret, incomprehensible in this. Symbolic systems are not made up. They came as a revelation. Runes are a working system. When taken seriously, this system reveals miracles in events, in obtaining information, in overcoming the impossible. The runes require only one thing - to know them and communicate with them, because behind the runes are the great Forces of the universe.

Reverse Kano summons the Power of Liberation. It comes not only with a lack of energy, but also with terrible resistance from energy coming from within. Therefore, reverse Kano often accompanies serious injuries and warns of serious failures. The person thinks that everything is fine with him. He does not understand how deep a block stands in the subconscious in the path of some Power. This Power will still break through and come out, because this is the meaning of any Power: to come out sooner or later into the designated field of action. A person can build obstacles, invent a lot of tricks to divert the Force, thereby creating unnecessary problems for himself. But because it is closed, the Power only accumulates.

Reverse Kano calls on a person to pay attention to what he has locked, hidden, or locked inside. It knocks, breaks doors and will definitely break out. Reverse Kano indicates an imminent explosion of neurotic reactions. Moreover, at the moment of receiving this rune, nothing happens. Reverse Kano can be pulled out in a fairly favorable state, and the explosion of Kano Power will manifest itself only after a couple of days.

This rune symbolizes the danger of delay. If reverse Kano comes, it makes sense to look at what could explode, what could be unpleasant in my life, with whom and in what. If we look at our surroundings in this way, there is a high probability that we will find the source of tension and be able to somehow neutralize it. Reverse Kano is a red traffic light: there is danger ahead, you can’t go any further.

Reverse Kano often symbolizes the death of love due to misunderstanding. Love arises on its own. It cannot be invented or created. She comes and goes. It appears and disappears. Reverse Kano says that a person is in a situation of possible love, but does not see it, does not understand it. He does not consider any relationship as love. Very often, reverse Kano comes when meeting strangers, or when a conflict arises with friends, especially of the opposite sex. It turns out that she was talking about the possibility of the birth of love, or more precisely, that love was breaking through. But neither you nor the other person realized this.

When receiving reverse Kano, you should know that you can either refuse or accept love, because the problem is still yours. And so that in 20 years you won’t say that you never had love. In the life of every person there is always enough pleasure, love, high achievements and revelations. The trouble is that we close our ears and eyes and quickly pass by. Many people complain about fate, in which supposedly there was nothing serious, or about a month lived without vivid experiences. There is only one reason - inattention. The Kano rune encourages you to pay attention to the subtle qualities of what is happening. And subtle means strong, deep, genuine. Unfortunately, we consider the real thing to be what hits the forehead with a hammer; something that can be touched.

The runes that accompany human life are like compasses that point to what is happening. You just need to turn on your attention, turn to face the situation, and understand that the magic is nearby. Then a person thanks the sky for the pointer arrows, with the help of which he is able to overcome the dusty grayness of life without psychoanalysts and other consultants. This is the most natural and favorable way to expand consciousness. This is an opportunity to expand your understanding, to include in the sphere of consciousness everything that seems ordinary and therefore is omitted, to see the meaning behind everyday encounters.

In astrology, Kano corresponds to the sign of Scorpio, the deepest sign. Scorpio belongs to the deepest element, water, and the deepest ruler, Pluto. Usually Kano acts quite quietly, unnoticeably. But this is where its complexity lies. Scorpio is the most conflicting sign: two fiery planets in water. It is known that the sign of Scorpio lies at the base of the cross of the incarnation, a fixed cross, the apex of which is Taurus. Don't think that Kano is soft and affectionate. Often it is felt as an influx of strength, inspiration, as a willingness to work.

Behind Kano's manifestations lies a deep intervention. We are talking about some processes, the scale of which is difficult to measure, but they will certainly have a colossal impact on fate. Kano's arrival is quietly catastrophic. People who work with runes believe that if outwardly negative events occur near Kano, this is already a favorable sign that the Force has found an exit channel and the future is quite safe. An alarming sign is when the Force does not manifest itself at all.

After the appearance of the Kano line, you can not turn to the runes for a long time until you manage to consider the essence of what is happening. Pulling out other runes can tempt you to refocus your attention and move away from Kano herself. Therefore, it is better to wait a few days, observing what is happening in the soul, in life, in order to unmistakably identify the Forces associated with Kano. You need to feel that you accepted Kano’s presence, that you felt, at least in the corner of your consciousness, a powerful wave, some kind of transformation. You don’t yet understand its meaning, you don’t know about the results, but you have already felt it, sensed it.

When Kano appears, the opinion about the situation should change and transform dramatically. We should pay attention to the fact that everything is happening not at all as we thought, but much deeper and more serious. With this rune, you need to be wary of superficial judgments. And it is also very important to remember that she means you, i.e. the coming changes do not concern the external situation, other people or relationships with them. Kano is a very intimate, very personal rune. It concerns directly the person who pulled it out of the runic bag. Changes will happen with him and through him. He won't be able to stay away. Moreover, it is impossible to escape from the situation of the Kano rune, because the Power is within a person. It is carried out by the person himself. Kano appears quite rarely, because people scare her off with their reluctance to get into critical situations and their rejection of life changes. But if within a month Kano came out more than once or twice, then we are talking about a serious transformation.

Mythological characters of the Kano rune

Phoenix-clear falcon. This character remained only in fairy tales. We are talking about an initiatory procedure: a trial by fire. A person with great strength is able to withstand the tension of the flame. This is a direct fire resistance test. It is known that people with developed psychic energy can hold hot coals and red-hot objects in their hands without difficulty or fear. This is not about some kind of physiological trick, but about the presence of a powerful potential of psychic energy that is associated with Scorpio. This strength allows you to resist tissue disruptions and physical damage. A weak-willed man could not stand for long near a huge fire.

Priapus is the Roman deity of sexual power. There were no external cults of Priapus. And only with the profanation of this cult did they begin to associate Priapus directly with the phallic symbol. And just as in India women asked for procreation from a stone linga, Roman women began to go to Priapus and worship him. In fact, it was a very high initiation, concerning a deep restructuring of a person and a change in his attitude towards gender issues. Unfortunately, nothing remains of this dedication. All genuine sexual esoteric traditions have always been completely closed, since the use of these technologies without special training, without special selection and training was simply impossible. Priapus is the remains of a genuine esoteric cult, which in fact supported the male tradition of warriors, and had nothing to do with fertility.

Oven, woman's womb, container, fire, baking children. The pipe was important in the symbolism of the stove. In witchcraft cults and magical ceremonies, the chimney was seen as a symbolic channel to the sky. To send a thought at a distance, you need to build a big fire. The combination of a magician tense with energy and living fire gives strength to his messages. The use of flame allows one to overcome serious obstacles, especially when it comes to the treatment of various diseases. The stove is associated with the bathhouse, a symbol of purity. In ancient pagan cults, purity had ritual significance. Approaching a shrine, sacred fire or tree without being purified was considered blasphemous.

Garm is a demonic dog standing on the border of the worlds, a Scandinavian deity. Kano gives the feeling of the presence of another world. Moreover, there is a very distinct feeling that this other world is bursting into our lives, bursting in like water breaking through a dam. It is very important not to be afraid, not to run, and even more so not to try to patch up the hole through which another world is breaking in. This intervention must be treated as a sacred act. For some reason this Power breaks through. She has her own goal. Garm, oddly enough, is a positive image. He scared people away from the world they were too early to enter.

In a certain sense, the appearance of Kano is not so much a sign of threat or trouble as a sign of the approach of “not our energies” that human consciousness cannot accommodate. But this does not make them cease to exist, and therefore it is dangerous not to take their presence into account, not to include them in the schedule of life.

Garm has another symbol that is closely associated with Scorpio. This is the power of intellect, the power of black magic. They say about Garm that he feeds on unrefined human passions. He consumes those who stumble. This all relates to the Kano rune. An inattentive person finds himself crushed by events. A person who failed to exert vigilance and take seriously the instructions of the rune later regrets bitterly. In connection with the “demonic” sound of the Kano rune, the question is often asked what black magic is. This is a powerful force connected with reason. It is with reason, not with reason. Reason is superficial, violent, primitive. A classic example is the magical character of modern technocratic civilization. Humanity has awakened powerful Forces, ranging from electricity to nuclear energy. Formal schemes, a mechanical vision of the world, rational, superficial, being combined with these Forces, gave a black magic result. A black magician is always self-centered, working for himself, even if outwardly in the interests of the client. He still receives a large material reward. Modern civilization has, as it were, realized the principle of black magic. People began to pull everything under themselves. And reason, combined with great Forces, began to create great destruction.

Strength must be combined with intuition and prayer. Strength must be accompanied by purity. It should only be accepted into the vessel of God. Previously, man prepared for the coming of the Force. For him it was a sacred holiday. He understood the greatest responsibility for himself and for others, for invoking the Force.

Unfortunately, magical technologies have become known to superficial, primitive thinking people. They gave birth to the so-called black magic. Never, at any time, have magical technologies been made public. Therefore, the fool could not use knowledge and call upon the Force. The development of sensitivity in occult orders presupposed the development of intuition, warmth, and spirituality. Man lived not for himself, but for the sake of the people, for the sake of the heavenly, for the sake of universal balance, beauty and music. And such a person, gaining access to the Force, could not even think about using it personally. It didn’t even occur to him that the Force could help him build his own house or survive a competitor’s job.

When the continuity of traditions was interrupted and a technocratic civilization was created, black magicians and sorcerers appeared, working to order. Black magicians in their purest form are a product of the late Middle Ages. Atlantis perished when the Force united with reason, when natural Powers and divine influences began to be used to satisfy the most primitive human needs. The elements are out of control.

The situation is very similar to ours. There are great chances that a catastrophe can happen to us, because people, having released Forces to the surface (electricity, nuclear energies, huge amounts of information), retain an external, rational, superficial attitude towards life. People have upset the world balance and, in general, do not know what to do with these forces. Hence many prophecies about the end of the world. Only a change in a person corresponding to the Forces received can somehow change the balance. This applies to each of us. When we are given an opportunity, we should always think, what is it for? When some favorable event comes, we must reflect, what is my role in this process? What can I do? Power came to me. But for what? Where should I send it? How to use? And what responsibility do I bear for its incorrect use?

Connecting the Force not with reason, but with intuition is a personal problem. Only on our personal individual level can we set an example for the world. The correct use of runes is not just about improving your own life. A person who begins to work harmoniously with runes acts as the organizing center of the community. He coordinates his life with the activities of the elements, Powers, and runic energies. This agreement has a resonant effect on the psychocosmos of the entire planet. Man becomes the source of order.

By coordinating our behavior, thinking, and feeling with the signs of the runes, we radiate order. This is the salvation of the world. Maybe not big, but real. A person who works harmoniously with runes sooner or later attracts the attention of the elements. The effect of the runes is enhanced. Life becomes more intense, more orderly, more powerful. Events begin to flow smoothly. Such a person comes to the attention of other people not just as a healer or prophet. By his example, he shows the correct way of behavior - respect for the given Powers, i.e. the ability to organize oneself in accordance with the current Powers. This is a difficult art for modern people.

We are so ill-mannered that we always want to be the masters, beat with a whip, shout and command. It is difficult for us to take, if not a subordinate, then at least a respectful position in relation to these Forces. But there is no other way. The entire history of recent centuries proves this. A disrespectful attitude towards the Force, inattention to its signs, oblivion of the reality of the Subtle World leads to destruction, whether we want it or not. It doesn’t matter what people call the cataclysms: chemical poisoning of the environment, uncontrollability of nuclear installations, etc., the result is the same, sooner or later the Forces begin to take revenge on man. Just as demons (and by them we can mean angry elements, offended Powers) take revenge on a black magician, in the same way the Power can take revenge on all of humanity. First, you need to listen to what the Forces say with the help of runes, what they hint at, what they indicate, what they testify to.

Fenrer is a figure of Scandinavian mythology, a giant wolf created for the destruction of all Gods. He frightens even the great Gods, because it is his job to frighten. Without this pole, the resolution of the contradictions occurring in the world cannot be accomplished. Fenrer acts as a Force opposing the Forces of Order. The power of Kano, Scorpio Pluto, cannot be controlled, it cannot be pushed around, it cannot be ridden. It must be taken into account, but it cannot be played with.

Serpent-Gorynych is an ancient image of the serpent of wisdom. He is called the teacher of the Magi. This figure resembles the Naga humanity well known in India. This is the so-called pre-humanity, which still survives on Earth and periodically meets with individual representatives of the planet to convey certain information.

Serpent-Gorynych is a sacred figure in mythology. It symbolizes courage and boundless courage. Every person who approached the monastery of teachers was subjected to the most serious tests. Outwardly, they looked like a piercing wind, snow avalanches, landslides, and tangled roads. And the point is not that someone plants bombs along the way, but that only the heart - a magic stone - can lead a person onto the right path leading to knowledge, orders, initiations.

The Serpent-Gorynych did not so much frighten the good fellows as test them. His provocations always had a scorpion flavor. Zmey-Gorynych ate young girls. He stole the most beautiful, most pleasant and valuable that the people had. A negative attitude towards this figure developed quite late, only XVIII century. Previously, she was perceived as a sacred figure, integrally associated with the clan. Without her it was impossible to become good young people. The Serpent-Gorynych was not perceived as a villain or a fire-breathing monster. In myths, the figure of the Serpent-Gorynych was so sacred that he was not even included in the pantheon. He lived somewhere in the mountains, hiding in caves and dungeons. Only those who wanted to master power and magic went to him. And not everyone returned. This is the specificity of any test.

Unfortunately, people gravitate towards security and simplicity of solutions. Primitiveness is elevated to the rank of virtue, although almost everyone, deep down in their souls, feels dissatisfaction with their plant life. And everyone knows that life can be much more interesting. There is only one key to a sharp, exciting life - through the inner gates, through movement inward and the willingness to live dangerously, and therefore interestingly, richly. To live dangerously means to receive, in exchange for your risk and courage, some kind of surprise that turns your consciousness upside down, gives you wings, and gives birth to Livingston. We love the way he flies and how he opposes the ridiculous seagulls. But we forget what preceded all this. What an indomitable passion for freedom, what risk, what readiness to die preceded the seagull’s high state. No one remembers what path of initiation she went through. After all, she actually died, and more than once. She withdrew from the community, preferring solitude. Livingston was ready to die, but not to return. And he died again when he returned to the seagulls. He was almost pecked to death. All this is the same image of the Kano rune. It is this Power that gives a person a feeling of the brightness of life, the discovery of clarity, and access to Power.

At the heart of the Force, like the sign of Scorpio, is sacrifice. Our lazy, well-fed, comfortable, stupid era has come up with the idea that everything should flow smoothly and calmly. This is even talked about in fairy tales. But please note that children do not like flat fairy tales. They understand that without the other side there is no fullness of life, without hatred there is no love, without difficult trials there is no happiness. By choosing the quiet half, we forget that the spice, the taste, the authenticity of life arise from polarities. The more intense, divided, and conflicting the poles, the brighter the existence between them; between them, or rather, in them.

Werewolf - werewolf, man-wolf, night, back side life. Associated with it are fear of destruction, darkness, uncertainty, depth, passion, and uncontrollability of forces. A werewolf is three times more dangerous than an ordinary wolf. It combines the human mind and animal passion, reason and strength, formal flat schemes and the possession of powerful capabilities. Another danger of a werewolf is that in daytime it is impossible to distinguish him from a normal person.

There are enough werewolves in our lives. We are not talking about passions, not about sexual force, which has not found a way out and consumes a person, making him cruel and evil. People don't know themselves. They diligently hide the dark side of their being both from themselves and from others. But suddenly events turn in such a way that a person stands on all fours and behaves worse than an animal. You need to look for the scary side not in order to become a wolf, but in order to see if it is inside. For it is useless to hide the beast. He's still alive. There's no point in trying to appease him or pretend he doesn't exist. Handling this instinct is a very difficult problem. First you need to be honest, at least with yourself.

Often a person is actually very aggressive, cruel, and indifferent to the pain of another person. But he doesn't realize it. More precisely, he doesn’t like to admit it. And he is surprised when suddenly, having found himself in a critical situation, he discovers terrifying qualities in himself and loses faith in himself. You can never lose faith in yourself, because you have no one but you. To maintain your integrity, you need to study yourself, calmly and patiently get to the bottom of the werewolf. If he appears, do not be surprised, but rejoice that the beast escaped from the soul and went into the forest. Just don’t think that this will happen right away. All that is required is to listen sensitively to yourself and pay attention to the situation when the werewolf breaks out. It is dangerous to attribute this to demons or circumstances, because in most cases our personal problem manifests itself. There is no need to be upset, but it is necessary to take it into account.

When dealing with werewolves, as with the Kano rune, two points should be remembered:

Carelessness leads to disaster;
- don’t look for adventures (or troubles) on your own head.

Adventure is not sought by those who take runes seriously and accept them as good indications that occur inside and outside the process. Not looking for adventures on your own means living carefully. For an attentive attitude reveals the patterns of what is happening.

Why don't people like working with mantic systems? Because mantic systems force you to live seriously. They encourage a person not to miss anything, not to ignore anything. They do not allow you to relax spiritually. The mantic system requires vigilance and an extremely collected state. If a person wants to receive a runic answer to a situation that has arisen, then he must take it seriously. Otherwise, a person will look for adventures on his own head, i.e. consciously strive for the wolf's mouth, like Little Red Riding Hood.

Artemis - “bear goddess”, mistress. The goddess had a decisive and aggressive character, often used arrows as an instrument of punishment and strictly monitored the implementation of customs that regulated the animal and plant world. Artemis ruled orgiastic fertility cults. This is the only Olympian Deity who is a version of the Great Mother of the Gods. Together with Demeter, Artemis practiced obstetrics. She brought quick and easy death. Classic Artemis is a many-breasted virgin and protector of chastity. If she didn't like someone, she turned him into an animal. Together with Hecate, she was a lunar sorceress. And the most important thing that Artemis demanded from everyone was loyalty to tradition. This is the only Olympian Deity who punished betrayal of the cult of ancestors.

The main thing to remember when contacting Scorpio Kano is that everything will be fine anyway, because the Powers do not want evil. Evil exists only in the human soul, in a confused head. There is no evil in the action of runes. They act according to a single world plan. Just as we take care of plants and animals, the runes take care of us. If it were otherwise, this symbolic system simply would not have been given to the Northern Tradition. The deities revealed themselves in signs and made their presence known. This is attention shown to humanity, grace, help. It must be accepted, even sometimes in such a strange and dangerous form as it comes in connection with the Kano rune and the energy of the Scorpio sign.

Mantic meanings of the Kano line

Situation: growth of personal power.

Call: expand your understanding of God.

Warning: egocentrism.

Note: evaluate your quality as a vessel of God.

Advice: try to see the gap between what you do and who you are.

Comfort: everything you do, you do according to the will of God, and, first of all, for yourself personally.

Mantic meanings of reverse Kano

Situation: limitation of personal power.

Call: sacrifice of inner fullness.

Warning: attachment to comfort.

Note: find the basis of your stability.

Advice: don't look for support where it came from in the first place.

Comfort: in any case, in due time you will come to the light.

In a way, the feeling of the Kano rune is similar to the sensitivity of the princess and the pea. We wish we had such vigilance and sensitivity! Many places where you can lay straw warn you in advance. You need to learn to feel a pea. It is necessary to learn to see the Kano rune. Then this Power will begin to help us. She will do a lot for us. If we give it freedom, give it free rein, give it the opportunity to act in us and through us, the arrival of Kano will allow us to change a lot almost effortlessly. This Power rewards a person with understanding, clarity and alertness.
