Rebus method of teaching reading. Rebus method by Lev Sternberg. Parental experience

I.V. Repnikova, Kurganinsk

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center kindergarten No. 36 Kurganinsk

municipal formation Kurganinsky district

Subject: « Game method of teaching reading

"Rebus - method" for children 4-7 years old"

Teacher speech therapist

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

Repnikova I.V.


Introduction ________________________________________________ page 3

Part 1.__________________________________________________________ page 4

Part 2.__________________________________________________________ page 6

Appendix _______________________________________________ page 9



Class notes

Literature_________________________________________________ page 78


Currently, teachers, speech therapists, educators, and parents are offered a large number of techniques that help develop, educate and educate our children. It is difficult to give preference to any method: indeed, many of them competently and purposefully help the child develop, improve and simply study well.

The proposed method contains games-exercises for developing attention, memory and teaches children aged 4 – 7 years to read.

The rebus method helps solve one of the complex tasks age development children: the ability to combine individual sounds into syllables. Already in the third minute of the first lesson, a 4-5 year old child will be given a variety of puzzle words.

The technique allows for both individual and subgroup classes in preschools and at home for parents.

The rebus method is a game-based developmental technique for teaching children to read.

Part 1.

When to start literacy training? This question inevitably arises before all parents in a troubled series of other problems of family pedagogy, as well as before kindergarten teachers.

I have always been faced with the same question: how to easily, safely and funly introduce a child to writing, how to do it for a child exciting workout in reading techniques and instill a taste for independent reading while avoiding standard mistakes in teaching literacy. The fact is that in reading and writing there are, as it were, two layers - theoretical and practical. The school is designed to introduce the child to the theory of writing and reading, to help the child comprehend the laws of written speech and use them consciously. Practical mastery of writing and reading is another, completely separate task, and it is best to solve it before school.

Based on the principles of teaching literacy developed by the wonderful child psychologist D.P. Elkonin, whose playful arrangement makes it possible to start teaching literacy with four-year-old children, if the child develops oral speech normally.

Having worked with children who have speech impairments for many years, I realized that only in combination with a variety of gaming technologies based on these principles can the greatest results be achieved in correcting the speech of preschoolers and preparing them for school.

Observations of children have shown that their level of development and interests are different, both according to their age and age.

It has been proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own interest and emotions, does not become remembered - it is a dead weight. Communicating with parents, I concluded that the most common mistake in this matter is that the child loves to listen when they read to him, but refuses to learn to read himself.

I was faced with the task of ensuring that the child was not passive, so that his activities affected his thoughts and aroused interest. Studying the inclinations of pupils, their interests, knowledge and skills, I look closely when a child with most eagerly and strives to follow my models, and I note that most of all children are interested in playing together. Having made this conclusion, I try to use the concept of “play activity of a preschooler” more widely. Activity means rules, patterns, means. When they are asked by an adult (taking into account age characteristics, tastes and interests), play becomes a form of cooperation, co-creation between a child and an adult, a form of learning that does not require additional incentives - threats “if you don’t want to study, you won’t go for a walk,” etc. or reward incentives “if you learn the letters, I’ll buy a typewriter,” etc.

Constantly studying methodological literature, experience as teachers, I have accumulated great experience working with children on speech development in a preschool institution. But I was especially interested in pedagogical methods Zaitseva.

Having become acquainted with their methods of teaching reading, for several years I collected and came up with didactic games, in which she combined the interesting developments of these specialists and used them as separate teaching and correctional moments on correctional classes with children at the speech center, as well as tasks for children and their parents to consolidate correct speech and teaching reading.

Having developed material on the game technique of the rebus method, I introduced this technique to parents by holding a meeting in the form of a game, where parents were able to test these techniques for themselves (p. 63).

Together with the senior teacher of Preschool Educational Institution No. 36 Didurik I.G., we recorded a disc for working on the game methodology “Rebus Method”, which I use in working with parents (in the form of homework for teaching literacy) at will.

In his correctional work I always remember that we're talking about Regarding a preschool child, an adult’s attempt to separate play and learning cannot be successful, and on the contrary, the widespread use of game teaching techniques will ensure the success of your joint activities, making them exciting and desirable for the child.

Puzzle games helped in motivating the game plot. Children, while playing, learn to speak correctly and silently acquire reading and writing skills.

To achieve successful results, I tried to skillfully direct the child’s activity to analysis educational material. At the same time, mental activity should take place in the most natural form for their age, “playing by the rules,” and the condition for understanding would be voluntary learning to read and write.

In the process of working with children using this gaming technology, I learned to respect the child’s ignorance and misunderstanding, tried to find their reasons, and did not demand blind fulfillment of my demands. In order to learn to read and write, a child needs to make two important discoveries: first, discover that speech is “built” from sounds, and then discover the relationship between sounds and letters.

Part 2.

The game technique of the rebus method contains games - exercises for the development of memory attention, helps to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds during correctional speech therapy classes, as an application of the rebus method, the technique of M. Zaitsev (“Cubes” by Zaitsev and grammar tables) is used.

A preschooler's path to correct speech lies through games of sound and letter puzzles.

The rules of the game are not complicated, do not require preparation and are accessible to anyone.

A game-based developmental method of teaching reading allows you to teach literacy to preschoolers:

First, the child reads.

Secondly, the child reads immediately.

Thirdly, the child reads on his own.

This technique allows you to introduce sounds first, and then letters, which allows you to more thoroughly work on the pre-letter sound stage of learning to read and write.

And finally, the child distinguishes everything he reads, which allows an adult to check the child without even participating in the reading process.

Each lesson lasts 10-20 minutes, you can conduct both individual and group lessons. Can be used as separate exercise games in any classroom (in kindergarten, at home)

Stages of sequential development of the Rebus method

Stage I. Getting to know objects and their names.

Stage II. Introduction to the principles of isolating the first warehouse (syllable).

Stage III. Reading puzzles from pictures.

Stage IV. Composing words from pictures and letters, warehouse cards, syllable cards.

V stage. Development of reading and stress skills.

Stage VI. Writing letters using a dotted pattern, dividing a warehouse (syllable) into separate sounds and letters.

VII stage. Studying grammar.

Lesson objectives:

  1. repeatedly interest the child in reading;
  2. development of attention and memory;
  3. development of correct speech;
  4. vocabulary enrichment;
  5. familiarity with the principle of highlighting the first syllable;
  6. mastery of sound analysis and synthesis;
  7. small muscles of the fingers develop.

The main principle of the gaming methodology is the “feedback” mechanism.

Information processing process:

a) several sound models are created in the mind at once (discrimination of stress, different reduction of sounds, different rhythms);

b) several associative images rise from the depths of memory;

c) there is a process of comparison (identification) of the raised images with the constructed models.

The same process occurs when recognizing a warehouse (syllable). If a child sees two letters next to each other, he must look for the sound of the word (syllable) in his memory and compare it with the model. Therefore, first we become familiar with the warehouses (syllables) (pp. 10;11;12;13), and then divide them into letters (pp. 21:23;24;30).

Games begin with a vocabulary about the rules. Without going into explanations, simply say the following lines out loud to your child (page 2). Read quickly, slightly intriguing, as if asking riddles. In general, children respond most accurately to “sizzling” sweets (syllables). To highlight warehouses (syllables), a table of pictures is used (p. 11). Then puzzles and tasks are discussed orally

(pp. 14;15;16), after which the children read the puzzles themselves, trace them with a pencil and connect them with a line to the corresponding picture


These games combine 4 stages of work. Children become familiar with objects and their names, and isolate the first words (syllables) from words (pictures). They learn to form words and then sketch puzzles themselves.

At the fifth stage of work, children are already reading from pictures, but they are learning

placement of stress (pp. 24;25). The puzzles of the task are becoming more and more intense, you need not only to read and put emphasis, but also to circle, for example (a living object, etc.) (p. 41), many control tasks are used.

“Pictures - warehouses” are gradually introduced and reading from the pictures occurs with the replacement of one of them by a warehouse (p. 23), work with the word (vocabulary work) is carried out together. After the child has learned to read pictures-words, as well as pictures with words, you can begin to read the text, first from the pictures, and then with the help of pictures and words. Despite the fact that the child reads words, reading text causes him some difficulties. Help your child understand the meaning of the text. Place emphasis

(p.30). In parallel with 5 stages, 6:7 stages are also used. This is writing letters in a dotted pattern, dividing them into sounds and letters (p. 50).

Grammar is studied using Zaitsev tables and cubes


In correctional work I use three tasks for sounds (p. 46)

Children really like to make up picture puzzles and even texts themselves (pp. 34;35).

This is a very good home assignment to work with parents. You can also reinforce the sound that the child worked on during the lesson, for example (come up with a rebus picture for the sound “C” and clearly pronounce the word in the game

"1-2-3-4-5", etc.).

These speech trainings are useful not only for preschoolers with speech disorders, but also for children who speak without errors as a preventive measure. These games help children become more attentive, teach them to reason, analyze and compare, and develop cognitive activity.

And how light and joyful my soul becomes when I see the eyes of a child who has succeeded, glowing with joy.

There are many different methods, games, and exercises for teaching reading. A rebus is a riddle in which a word is encrypted, encrypted using pictures, letters, signs. Puzzles are a game that will also help you acquire this useful skill - reading.

Rebus method for teaching reading

The “rebus method” is, first of all, a game, and an oral game at that. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks we have indicated out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to rely only on spoken words and sounds.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to distinguish by ear from a whole word its first sound pattern (in the word MASK not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAS, but precisely the first sound pattern MA). For a four-year-old child, this is no problem, and within two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how to select their first words from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically pronounced out loud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

In a few minutes you can learn to read without even knowing the letters, practically without studying at all. Well, let’s not even read whole stories, or even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not yet with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through the entire long learning path - letters, then words, then words, then phrases and sentences - everything that other textbooks offer. But with our book, from the very first lesson, the child will learn the most interesting and important thing in reading: to understand the meaning of what he read.

The game uses two main principles. The first involves emphasizing the first syllable in the spoken word. The word is pronounced syllable by syllable, clearly and loudly. Four-year-old children figure out where the emphasis is. It is necessary to give several such example words for a good understanding of reading techniques.

About reading

Then the second principle must be used. This principle gave the name to the whole method - “rebus”.

A few words need to be said in in a certain order so that the endings of one word and the beginning of another, that is, the first and last syllables of adjacent words, form a third, new word. The baby should listen carefully to what you say and be able to highlight the words that he hears. Next, when the first stages of mastering this technique are completed, you can start reading poems to your baby.

Choose fascinating topics that interest him. For example, about animals, toys. With this method of teaching, you do not have to clearly show what syllables the word is divided into, what parts it consists of. Simply auditory perception makes it possible to catch new spoken words. You don’t even need to show pictures and drawings.

Experiment, your child will definitely please you with his first and subsequent successes.

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Article on the topic: "Rebus method for teaching reading"

Reading by warehouses; Letters; Copy; Books; English; Articles; Speech therapy; Memory; Music; Drawing; Check; Attention; Imagination; Teaching preschoolers to read; Preparing children for school;


Rebuses are a game in which words, phrases or entire statements are encrypted using pictures combined with letters and signs. The name is derived from the Latin rebus - (thing, object).

Rule 1. Objects and living beings depicted in the pictures are most often (with rare exceptions) read as words in nominative case And singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

Rule 2. If the picture is drawn upside down, read the word backwards. For example, a cat is drawn upside down - read TOK.

Rule 3. Commas after the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word denoting what is shown in the picture. For example, a goat is drawn with two commas after it - we read KO.

Rule 4: Inverted commas before the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the beginning of the word that represents what is shown in the picture. For example, an elephant is drawn with a comma in front of the picture - read LON.

Rule 5. Numbers may appear above or below the picture. Each number is the number of a letter in the word: 1 is the first letter of the word, 2 is the second letter, 3 is the third, and so on.

This is how you can easily teach a child to read!

A certain set of numbers under or above the picture indicates that you need to take only these letters and read them in the specified order. A crossed out number means that that letter should be omitted. For example, a horse is drawn and the numbers 2,1 under it - we read OK. When combining the examples in rules 3, 4 and 5, we get the hidden word COLUMN.

Rule 6. The equal sign between letters means replacing a certain letter (or combination of letters) of a word with another letter (or combination of letters). The equal sign can be replaced with an arrow. The action of replacement is also indicated in a third way - the letters that are being replaced are crossed out, and replacement letters are written above them. For example, a mole is drawn, and next to it are the crossed out letters RO and the letter I on top - we read KIT.

Rule 7. Letters can be depicted inside other letters, above other letters, under and behind them. In such cases, it is necessary to understand in what spatial relationships the depicted letters consist. For example, the letters LK are drawn inside the letter O - we read WOLF (although it can also be read as LKVO). The letters AR are written on top, OK on the bottom - we read GIFT (you could also read OKPODAR, NADOKAR, ARNADOK - but here you have to choose what suits the meaning). The letters YES are written in front, and the letters CHA are written behind them - we read TASK.

Rule 8. Letters can be depicted on the surface of other letters. For example, a large letter H is depicted, and small Is are scattered around it - we read PONY (although it can also be read as IPON, NIZI or IZIN). Rule 9. The techniques listed above can be combined with each other.
Latest forum tasks:

A short and funny puzzle

Guess the word

Unscramble the word

Solve the puzzle to find out the encrypted word

What word is encrypted in this rebus?


Solve the puzzle - find out the famous saying :)


Rebus riddle

First you need to decipher the riddle (read from left to right, first the top line, then the middle, then the bottom). And then solve this riddle.


Try to read the saying hidden in this puzzle.

You can immediately go to the description of the methodology, but first, I’ll start with a special story. We all know how much effort is required to teach a child to read. Buying wall posters with letters, reading barvy books with funny stories about letters, we dare to trust the beginning of gaming to beginner computers from China.

But often everything is vague - tell us what it is and try to spell out letters for son and daughter, for reading warehouses Whose is not enough. As soon as Varto writes a simple word, the little one begins to wander. It turns out that the forms are read completely differently from the way the letters sound in the alphabet. It turns out that the simple child reads “Misha” as “eat-i-sha-a.”

I had the same experience

Vchusina: ““B” and “A” - not “BA”, “M” and “A” - not “MA”. So what will you do if you write “L” and “A”?” "Li-A!" - says the child. I try to tell fortunes, as they told me. Oh, voices and voices! We figure it out, we get lost, we cry a little, and yet we lose it. Somehow it doesn’t help. I guess it was not easy for me to follow the traditional methodology. I’ll drink those who have more patience and richness, otherwise I’ll just give up trying until the last hour.

It’s now easier to enroll your child in early development courses, hire a special teacher, or wait until school. Why do schools check reading techniques on the internet... And is it really so easier?

What's the secret?

You can really trust the teachers, it’s not easy to find a good one, but you can save your nerves to save money and time to go to school and jokes. You will not sacrifice anything for the sake of your child. It’s true that the learning process can drag on for a long time, and the methodology may turn out to be ineffective or even unprofitable. For example, the elementary school has adopted a method for the development of phonemic hearing, following new research findings, it is possible to suppress the creative abilities of a child, and moreover, it is extremely natural for children sound hearing. Report about this.

Ask any small person: “How does the word “mask” begin?” And you will feel completely reasonable: “Ma!” We can really force ourselves and repeat the experiences and blood in our childhood “mmmmm”, but why do we expect additional difficulties for our child?

Almost all European children are familiar with them without guilt. Actions small enough to clearly understand the confused logic of adults. But quite a large number of children have a persistent inability to read, so called legasthenia. According to the statistics, in Ukraine there are 3% of legal students out of the total number of all students, in Germany 6%, in England, France and America - over 8% - practically every twelve child.

And yet it’s easy for a child to read. In Japan, where the letter sign signifies not a phoneme, but a sound, legasthenia is a day. Until then, after the recent development of native writing, Japanese children can easily understand the mental nature of European letters. Tablets are easy and quick to smell and English, for example, writing.

Varto does not respect children's natural liking for words and sounds. About the price below.

I was spared that summer. I used the Russian “Rebus method” in the middle and washed myself for the first time. Everything was good, but for a little while we spoke Ukrainian and got lost for a little while. Here I would like to wave a charming stick, so that there is a thoughtful correspondence with the author, a long autumn-winter work on the adaptation of the methodology, on the understanding of the current peculiarities, on the “searching” of dictionaries for specific things known to the children in everyday life. it was clear that they had a clear structural sequence, it looked like charms. So anyway, the first version was ready, and I started reading it in the spring. The squad was in captivity.

"Rebus method" - tse usna gra

If you understand the sound principle of our voice, follow all the instructions and add voice, loudly and rhythmically (like a video clip on the beginning of the side). The child can’t read yet and doesn’t know how to write, and now she can no longer focus on spoken sounds and words.

We have just two rules:

1. From the word we take only its cob - the first sound warehouse.

The reports and explanations will be interesting. All you have to do is to create a trace, carefully and rhythmically, to demonstrate the tiny butts:

Mask - MA
Waffle - VA
Kaushik - KO
Spoon - LO
Leaves - LI
Liyka - …

Here you can become too lazy and ask to rob the child. Please leave no trace, and we will continue:

Belt - RE
Kelikh - ...
Eye - O
Izha - ...

You can indulge in words, or you can play with names:

Vanya - VA
Tanya - TA
Sonya - SO
Tonya - THAT.
Igor - I
Ulya - U

Five days of cheerful training have passed and the training is ready for another rule:

2. From several words, loudly and rhythmically expressed in voices one after another, we see their beginnings - the first folds - and hear how a new word has come to us.

This is how the verse reads without explanation:

Mask-mask - MA-MA
Cat, spoon - KO-LO
Cactus hat - KA-SHA
Mask-hat - MA-…
Waffle-hare - VA-…
Cat-bunny - ...

Just think two words! Let's try three times!

Cat-robot-waffle - KO-RO-VA
Cat-robot-drinking - ...
Cactus-leaf-drink - ...
Dim-tiger-drink - ...

There may be three! Whatever the situation will be more complex, it is important to remember them in six figures:

Day-cancer-month-dah - ...
Bow-cancer-bow-thread - ...
Angel-drink-drink-sieve - ...
Bow-tank-belt-apple - …

Important. Children forget words, get lost, and struggle to guess. Signs are given of marriage, concentration, respect, and unmindfulness of concentration. You could focus on developing these skills and continue your training. We will help you with this with pictures. The stench of the servants becomes a vigilant support:

With the appearance of visual images, the process of correct reading begins. We can’t read the letters yet, but we can already read them! How much did it take from us? Ten invested.

No, not all

The same method lasts for several years, and for some, a couple of months. It's okay. To secure everything, my son was tired just two months ago. The transition from reading with pictures to reading with letters is easy to implement in the upcoming lessons:

Why is the “Rebus Method” so great?

  • Ditina is about to start. The first results are already here. What to brag about, what to praise for. The task will not require exorbitant hours of expenditure, and the little one will definitely have an hour to run around on the street and play at home.
  • The Shvidky rivulet goes from “Bi-A” to “BA”.“Misha” is “mi-sha”, not “eat-i-she-a”. There is no need to waste your nerves on a lot of explanations.

    "Rebus - method"

    In the process of play, everything works out on its own. Nerves are healthy. Yours and your little one.

  • Ditina is as independent as possible. Your daughter and son can play alone with the computer, and you have an hour for yourself. It’s true that playing is both more fun and effective. It’s a great pleasure to be together, at the same time experiencing the joys of my life. And your child independently makes puzzles for all her friends and relatives. It is important to be aware.
  • Sensible to the skin. There is no need to explain anything. The role of the teacher in the “Rebus Method” is reduced to simple actions. Many more explanations, many more preparation stages. There is no need to work hard to get started, just to care for the children. The stench is sufficiently buried by the very process of reading and this process befits them.
    Commentary by the author of the technique, Lev Sternberg.

    When children begin to read using the “Rebus method”, children do not need to be given any theoretical explanations. Then just show the children the pictures and name their sounds. In this case, it is not obligatory to divide sounds (for example, “MA”, “MU”, “MYA”, “MU”) into letters / phonemes from which they are formed (“M”, “A”, “U”, “I” ", "YU"). There is no need to explain the difference between sounds, letters and spellings. There is no need to talk about voices and voices. There is no need to classify vocal sounds as hard or soft, like ringing or unvoiced. All these intellectual concepts and familiarity with the everyday world do not help a child either memorize letters or understand the mechanics of reading. I come from the fact that in some countries people have decided not to divide sounds into voices and voices, soft and hard, but they are learning to read, moreover, more quickly and more beautifully than in Europe. The child learned the whole theory later. Once you learn to read.

  • Evidence of fate. The Ukrainian “Rebus method” has had its share of failures, but the technique itself was born tenfold ago. The author of the “rolling out” technique on generations of children, and for the help of German localization, successfully started not only children, but also non-literate immigrants.
  • Develops hearing in response to rhythm, concentration, respect and speech. After keeping busy, parents signify progress in their children’s mental skills. While laughing, you urge the child to speak more clearly. You will often guess that the child, after learning, easily and without mercy understands by ear the words of various writers. Having written puzzles for you, she tries to figure out what they will understand, she tries to feel it.
  • Foldability has been checked. Navigation grows step by step, the child does not overexert himself, and immediately after a little more foldability increases, and hence the strength. And you don’t need to report anything, trying hard to get through this game.
  • Thinking course. Podarunkov's lessons basic course“I’m starting to read” is a sufficient basis for weaning off basic reading skills. The basic course is supplemented with an expanded course “I read!” And do everything in order to read very complex and complex words. Having started growing up and studying regularly, already in the area of ​​2 breasts, your child can easily read the words in the alphabet “milk”, “road” and “banana”.
  • Recommendations from professionals. The author of the methodology received the praises of professional teachers. Local teachers and speech therapists are preparing new developments for Ukrainian localization. Tim often wanted some new students to come to the site for the pleasure of mentors, readers of the younger classes, and simply their friends.
    And axis one is from expert visnovki.

    From the review of the Expert Committee for the Study of St. Petersburg:

    The materials presented represent a well-organized compulsory methodology in the gaming and logical-design fields based on the tradition of developing cognitive abilities and beginning reading for preschool children. The particular value of the technique lies in the integration and directness of the development of various intelligences and abilities of a child: components of logical and associative thinking, agility, creativity, creativity, phonemic-phonetic hearing. The method incorporates, and consequently, the elements of psycho-linguistic synthesis and the development of centuries-old linguistics and the psychology of mental development. It is possible to summarize the methodology in different forms: as individual, optional and independent training in groups and subgroups, as well as for individualization training through repetition and through different variations of the initial material lu.

    Without a doubt, the tsikava method has been proposed for practice, and can be used as part of a preschool program as an additional method for developing language and learning to read. The creative and ecological approach gains respect, the idea is pedagogically interpreted and the position of the author is particularly oriented.

Now there are plenty of children to follow the technique. Many people have finished it a long time ago and are reading. Accordingly, the insurance certificate of my father’s graduates, I have received made it more precise.

In order to remove gift access to the course “I’m starting to read” following the “Rebus method”, register Here are the pages that have entered your name and e-mail. Your special password for access to gift lessons will be sent to your email, and your child will start to read more now.

There are many different methods, games, and exercises for teaching reading. A rebus is a riddle in which a word is encrypted, encrypted using pictures, letters, signs. Puzzles are a game that will also help you acquire this useful skill - reading.

The “rebus method” is, first of all, a game, and an oral game at that. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks we have indicated out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to rely only on spoken words and sounds.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to distinguish by ear from a whole word its first sound pattern (in the word MASK not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAS, but precisely the first sound pattern MA). For a four-year-old child, this is no problem, and within two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how to select their first words from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically pronounced out loud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

In a few minutes you can learn to read without even knowing the letters, practically without studying at all. Well, let’s not even read whole stories, or even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not yet with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through the entire long learning path - letters, then words, then words, then phrases and sentences - everything that other textbooks offer. But with our book, from the very first lesson, the child will learn the most interesting and important thing in reading: to understand the meaning of what he read.

The game uses two main principles. The first involves emphasizing the first syllable in the spoken word. The word is pronounced syllable by syllable, clearly and loudly. Four-year-old children figure out where the emphasis is. It is necessary to give several such example words for a good understanding of reading techniques. Then the second principle must be used. This principle gave the name to the whole method - “rebus”.

Several words must be pronounced in a certain order so that the endings of one word and the beginning of another, that is, the first and last syllables of adjacent words, form a third, new word. The baby should listen carefully to what you say and be able to highlight the words that he hears. Next, when the first stages of mastering this technique are completed, you can start reading poems to your baby.

Choose fascinating topics that interest him. For example, about animals, toys. With this method of teaching, you do not have to clearly show what syllables the word is divided into, what parts it consists of. Simply auditory perception makes it possible to catch new spoken words. You don’t even need to show pictures and drawings.

Experiment, your child will definitely please you with his first and subsequent successes.

Look on this site

  • Talking books (the computer shows an icon of the syllable and can say it out loud)
  • Online game

Lev Sternberg- An actor by training, he has worked with children for a long time as a developmental teacher. Currently preparing material for publication in Russia.

Every four-year-old child dreams of learning to read. Books, magazines, advertising, signs on the streets and on TV, on candy wrappers and on toy packages - written language surrounds the child everywhere, she is so desirable and, alas, so incomprehensible! The kid enthusiastically responds to the adult’s offer to learn to read, but!.. But then an “ambush” awaits him.
It turns out that before you read anything, you need for a long, long time learn letters, teach complex rules connecting them, studying for many days, weeks, months, but still not being able to read! It’s good if the teacher is funny, he can play different games and knows how to tell funny story"from the life of letters." This doesn’t make reading any better, but at least the activity stops being boring to the point of yawning. Now, if it were possible, then I’ve already learned it! once and already read it! times, and even understood the word he read! A baby's dream!

It is this child’s dream that our Rebus method embodies. In a few minutes you can learn to read without even knowing the letters, practically without studying at all. Well, let’s not read whole stories, or even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not yet with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through a long learning path - letters, then words, then words, then phrases and sentences - everything that other textbooks offer. But with our book, from the very first lesson, the child will learn the most interesting and important thing in reading: UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF WHAT YOU READ.

Practical basics of the rebus method. Just two rules.

The “rebus method” is, first of all, a game, and an oral game at that. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks we have indicated out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to rely only on spoken words and sounds.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to distinguish by ear from a whole word its first sound pattern (in the word MASK not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAS, but precisely the first sound pattern MA). For a four-year-old child, this is no problem, and within two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how to select their first words from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically pronounced out loud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

From the very first minutes of the first lesson, children are captivated by the amazing transformations of one word into another. The teacher’s task at these moments is to demonstrate the rules of the game and restrain himself from unnecessary explanations. There is no need to explain to your child what a sound, syllable or sound pattern is. There is no need to tell what and how many letters the warehouse is written with. You don't even need to show pictures or objects. You just need to say clearly and rhythmically, like rhymes:

mask – MA
palm - PA
mouse - WE
cone – SHI
cat – KO
spoon - …

... – LO
ball - MY
teapot – CHA
branch – BE
net - …
pen – RU
Bug - ...

Children really enjoy playing with names in this oral game:

Kolya - KO
Olya - Oh
Masha - MA
Dasha - YES
Petya – PE
Fedya – FE
Ira – I
Kira – CI, etc.

(names, of course, should be familiar to the child). Any adult can easily select two or three dozen suitable words. The only thing that needs to be taken into account: each word must begin with an accent, because unstressed vowels change their sound (katenok, bear).

The main goals of language teaching in an educational institution are the formation of communicative, linguistic, and sociocultural competencies. Communicative competence is formed in the process of students mastering the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, the ability to answer questions, and conduct dialogue. The development of reading skills is carried out in conjunction with the development of other types of speech activity.

Students with intellectual disabilities

Mental and speech development children are closely related to each other, but at the same time the development of speech and cognitive activity characterized by certain characteristics in children with intellectual disabilities.

Developing reading skills includes several successive stages:

  • Words are read as syllable structures are learned.
  • Most difficult moment in mastering the skill of reading is the merging of sounds in a word.
  • First, read syllable words (au-ua), reverse syllables (am, um), then straight open syllables (ma, mu).

“Rebus method”

In order for the principle of this method to be fully realized, it is necessary to perform all the specified tasks out loud, loudly and clearly.

Method rules:

The first rule is how to distinguish by ear from a whole word its first sound pattern (in the word spoon, not the first letter l and not the first syllable lie, but precisely the first sound pattern).

You just need to say clearly and rhythmically, like rhymes:


It should be noted that in all words that are offered to the child, the stress must certainly fall on the first syllable. This greatly facilitates the child’s task and eliminates confusion with vowels, which in unstressed syllables are often pronounced differently from how they are written.

As practice shows, children really like to play with names:

The second rule is how to select their first words from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically pronounced out loud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

We start playing with two words at the same time:



At this stage, we already notice that children with special needs often begin to make mistakes, forgetting the original words, losing the sequence of sounds, and trying to “guess” the final word.

Let's use clarity:


Please note that items must be named from left to right. Often the child needs to be helped at first by pointing at the pictures with a finger.

It turns out that the child, looking at the sequence of symbols, pronounces the words encoded in them. This is how the development of syllable structures occurs.

Gradually, there is no need to pronounce the full names of the items shown in the pictures - it is enough to limit yourself to just the warehouses:

It is these simple actions of the teacher that help children quickly learn to read. The “Rebus method” captivates the reading process itself, and practice shows that children enjoy this process. It should be noted that the “rebus method” is also both a good training and an accurate testing exercise.

In the course of a problem-oriented analysis of the initial and final results of reading skills, it can be argued that the “rebus method” gives a quick and positive result.
