Duck breeding as a business: how to open a duck farm? Complete business plan for duck farming

- recently popular among Russian farmers, has always been considered profitable business. Today's article proposes to consider duck breeding as a business.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:180-225 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:For rural areas
Industry situation:average competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: up to 1 year

Duck breeding as a business: advantages and disadvantages

Just a few years ago, before the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia in 2014, poultry farming was developing in the country at a rapid pace on a huge scale in large poultry farms. Today the situation has changed radically. Feeding thousands of birds is becoming an impossible task for large enterprises. But for small ones farms and private peasant farmsteads in demand engaged in breeding poultry, the demand for products has increased significantly.

It's not just that a small amount of It is much easier and cheaper to keep birds, but also that recently the popularity of real environmentally friendly products has sharply increased, the production of which is hardly possible with large-scale poultry breeding.

Is it profitable to raise ducks? The undoubted advantages of duck breeding include:

  • undemanding in careful care and unpretentious maintenance;
  • active breeding of birds and rapid increase in the number of birds;
  • their omnivorous nature, which means low feed costs;
  • sale of not only duck eggs and meat, but also down and feathers.

Flaws of this business are not specific, and are inherent in any business in the field Agriculture:

  • the need for a large plot of land for poultry walking and a pond for their bathing;
  • constant bird watching;
  • the need to undergo quality control of meat and egg products, execution of a package of documents.

When organizing a business, pay close attention to the choice of poultry breed for breeding. If the duck farm plan involves the sale of meat products, it is necessary to purchase meat breeds of ducklings. Egg-bearing breeds gain less weight, but lay much more eggs, which are also in great demand.

What types of ducks are beneficial for breeding?

Meat breeds of ducks gain their “marketable” weight in approximately 2-2.5 months, the number of eggs they lay reaches 40-80 eggs per year. Egg-laying eggs will reach the same weight in 3-4 months, but the number of eggs they will produce in a year will reach 140-180 pieces.

The most popular breeds of ducks for breeding among Russian farmers are:

  • Pekingese breed. Considers one of the best in the meat sector. By the time of slaughter, Peking ducks reach 4-4.5 kg - drakes, females are 500-700 g lighter. One of the advantages of this breed is that they freely cross with other breeds. “Hybrids”, for example, mulards, today are record holders for weight gain and the most popular “suppliers” of delicious liver, from which the famous dish foie gras is prepared.
  • Muscovy ducks or Indian ducks are a meat breed. Drakes can weigh up to 5 kg, females are twice as light. Calm birds that can easily tolerate the absence of a nearby body of water.
  • The White Moscow breed is a “hybrid” obtained by crossing a Peking duck and a Khaki Campbell duck. It tolerates any climatic conditions well and gains weight up to 3.5-4 kg.
  • Another meat breed is the Rouen. It has delicate taste meat, reaches a weight of up to 5 kg.
  • Ukrainian gray breed is a meat-egg breed. Drakes reach a weight of up to 3.5 kg, females - up to 3 kg. Egg production – from 120 to 250 eggs per year.
  • Black white-breasted breed of egg direction. Total weight– 4 kg reaches only after six months of keeping. Slaughter is usually carried out at the age of 3 months, when ducks weigh 2.2-2.5 kg. Laying hens produce up to 140 large eggs weighing 80-90 g each year.
  • The Agidel breed is a record holder for meat and egg production. At the age of 7-8 weeks, these ducks can reach a weight of 3 kg; in a year, the female can lay up to 230-240 eggs weighing from 90 g.
  • The Star 53 breed is meat ducks. Another breed raised specifically to produce liver for foie gras. By 50 days of age they reach a weight of 3.5-3.7 kg.

Muscovy and Pekin ducks are the most popular for poultry breeding as a business among other meat breeds. By the way, raising ducks for meat as a business prevails over the egg direction, giving farmers who decide to choose egg-laying ducks for breeding a slight advantage, due to the relative emptiness of this niche.

Business registration

Currently, domestic legislation provides for three forms of doing business in poultry breeding:

  1. OOO. Suitable for organizing a large farm with large volumes of production. More information on how to register an LLC can be found here.
  2. IP. Best suited for those entrepreneurs who plan to open small business with hired workers and a relatively small volume of production. Read how to open an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Private household plot (personal subsidiary plot). Registration of private household plots is registration with local authorities after the provision of documents confirming ownership of the property land plot and expressing a desire to engage in farming. Only members of the same family can open private household plots. The sale of products can only be carried out in the form of selling surpluses remaining after personal consumption, i.e. in very limited quantities. Of course, no one keeps records of sales, but abusing violations of the law by passing off individual entrepreneurs as private household plots is undesirable and is fraught with heavy fines.

To sell your products, private household plots must register with a veterinary clinic and obtain a veterinary certificate there, with which you can receive veterinary certificates of Form No. 2, which you can use to sell your surplus products.

For individual entrepreneurs, paperwork follows the same scheme, plus you will have to issue a certificate of product conformity to GOSTs and a quality certificate. You will also need to register with the tax service. What taxes an individual entrepreneur pays can be read here.

How to build a duck farm

Since duck breeding as a business requires it to be carried out in rural areas, villagers should not have any special problems finding premises. Even if there is a need to build a poultry house, special costs this step will not be required. You can build a poultry house from used boards or boards of the second or third grade. You can insulate the nets with any cheap building materials - polystyrene foam, mineral wool or something similar. The plank floor can be lined with grass or hay.

The area of ​​the room must be calculated based on the content of three ducks per square meter. meter The poultry house also needs to be divided into at least three zones:

  1. For keeping young animals.
  2. For keeping breeding animals
  3. For keeping other birds.

You will also need to organize a paddock for walking with an area of ​​ten square meters. meters per duck. Keeping ducks exclusively in cages is undesirable - the bird becomes fat and, accordingly, its meat falls in price.

The poultry house must be equipped with lighting and a ventilation system for ventilation winter period. You can dig a small artificial pond in the paddock if there is no natural pond nearby.

Equipment and inventory

The equipment and supplies needed on any poultry farm, no matter what the scale, include:

  • feeders and drinking bowls, which you can either build yourself or purchase at any pet store or agricultural supply store;
  • incubator for hatching chicks;
  • lamps with red light for installation in the poultry house;
  • heater in the poultry house. The best cheap option would be to install a conventional stove-stove with a water circuit around the perimeter.

To process carcasses you will need:

  • machine for plucking feathers and down;
  • freezers for storing meat and refrigerators for eggs.

In total, the purchase of equipment for breeding ducks with a population of up to 60-70 individuals will cost from 80 to 100 thousand rubles.

How to choose and buy young animals

Having identified one or several breeds of ducks for breeding, the future entrepreneur can purchase ducklings from any nearby private household plot or duck farm. The price of daily allowance for week-old ducklings ranges from 90 to 110 rubles per piece. Two- or three-week-old chicks will not cost much more.

When purchasing, you must visually inspect the ducklings for diseases. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to conduct another inspection when purchasing, and you will have to be guided only by the seller’s honest word. By the way, it is for this reason that it is better to buy ducklings already grown, albeit a little more expensive. Optimal time for purchase - autumn.

Duck care

Ducks do not require any special care. The main thing is to ensure that there is always food in the feeders, water in the drinking bowls, and that the room is cleaned on time. The ducks are fed with mixed feed and fresh juicy greens. The bird's diet may include:

  • any grain crops;
  • crushed river shells;
  • powdered milk;
  • various mineral supplements;
  • animal and vegetable fat;
  • salt.

If it is possible to collect lake or swamp duckweed for ducks to feed - small plants covering the surface of the water, you need to do this - duckweed is a delicacy for ducks. Typically, ducks are sent to slaughter at the age of 2-3 months. During this time they eat from 10 to 12 kg of food. Consequently, a flock of 100 ducks needs from 1 to 1.2 tons of feed during this time. With a cost of 1 kg of approximately 10 rubles, the total cost of feed will be from 10 to 12 thousand rubles.

How to find a product distribution channel

The taste qualities of duck meat and duck eggs create great demand for it from enterprises Catering– cafes, restaurants, etc., purchasing duck farm products in bulk. The main sales channels for duck farm products can be considered:

  • production facilities engaged in the production of semi-finished products;
  • markets;
  • the shops;
  • or open your own branded outlet.

Down and feathers can be sold to factories producing down clothing, pillows, etc. Among other things, eggs and young ducklings will also be sold to novice entrepreneurs, and manure will be used as fertilizer in the garden for summer residents.

Profitability of a business idea

Opening a small duck farm of one hundred heads will require the following expenses:

  • arrangement of a poultry house - 40-50 thousand rubles (building from scratch will require an amount of 300-350 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment – ​​100-120 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of ducklings – 9-11 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed – 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • For unforeseen expenses, you should plan an amount of 20-30 thousand rubles.

In total, setting up a business will require from 180 to 225 thousand rubles (subject to the availability of premises for a poultry house). The payback of the business, even with the most “modest” calculations, will be no more than one year. Based on the experience of successfully operating duck farms, you can plan a positive profit starting from 7-8 months of operation.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

350,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

6 months





Net profit

The business of raising waterfowl is highly profitable and promising. To organize a small household plot you do not need serious investments and high labor costs, although ducks need good conditions content. The most popular among novice entrepreneurs is the mini-farm format, which can be placed on an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters. meters.

Technical and material base of the duck farm

Conventionally, the entire territory for the farm can be divided into three separate segments: a poultry house with an aviary for raising and fattening birds for sale, a poultry house with breeding birds, a utility room with everything necessary equipment and inventory.

In general, a duck house is not much different from a regular chicken coop. They are presented to him standard requirements. It should be dry, clean and bright, have electric lighting, be well ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed. Often, beginning farmers prefer the cheaper option of supply and exhaust ventilation.

However, experienced poultry farmers believe that this is exactly the cost item on which you should not save. In their opinion, would be better suited ventilation with forced supply of warm air. These costs will quickly pay for themselves, especially if during the warm season you keep ducks not in a poultry house, but in an aviary on outdoors. Accordingly, ventilation will work exclusively in the cold season, when walking is impossible.

The cheapest building materials are used for the construction of the poultry house. The main thing is that there are no cracks in the walls and ceiling. There are no strict requirements for the size of the poultry house, however, in order to save money, experienced poultry farmers advise making the front wall of the duck house up to two meters high, and lowering the back wall to a height of one meter.

Unlike chickens, ducks do not need perches - they spend all their time on the floor, so high ceilings are irrelevant to them. By reducing the height of the poultry house, on the one hand, you reduce the amount of building materials required for its construction, and on the other hand, you save on heating the poultry house during the cold season (and this is a very significant expense item).

The area of ​​the poultry house is determined by the number of birds. The norm is 18-20 sq. meters for three birds there is at least 1 square. meter. Thus, one such house is suitable for keeping about fifty ducks. There is no need to increase the number of livestock by limited area– Ducks cannot tolerate crowding.

On the south side of the poultry house, a manhole is made at a height of 5 to 10 cm from the floor, 35 cm wide and up to 45 cm high. The manhole leads to a paddock, the area of ​​which is about 30 square meters. meters (at the rate of two birds per 1 square meter), with a canopy area of ​​about 7 square meters. meters. The walk must be fenced so that the birds do not wander around the area.

Many novice poultry farmers equip artificial ponds for ducks. But even taking into account the fact that ducks are waterfowl and love to splash in the water, this is not worth doing. For so much small area the pond will not be spacious enough. It will quickly turn into a sewage pit, and the birds will begin to fight for water, which will inevitably lead to stress.

Ready ideas for your business

Nests, drinkers and feeders are installed inside the poultry house. All of this equipment will need to be made of durable material as it will need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Feeders for ducks are made in the form of a trough, which is convenient to use for dry food and wet mash. It is recommended to fill the feeders no more than one third with food. their depths, since when the feeders are full during eating, most of the feed crumbles and spoils, sometimes increasing its consumption several times.

The size of the feeder depends on the age of the bird. For ducklings up to two months old, experts advise preparing three sets of feeders from boards with a thickness of 1.5 to 2.5 cm. A bar is fixed on top of the feeder. On the one hand, this bar prevents the bird from climbing into the feeder and scattering food. On the other hand, it is used as a handle for more convenient transportation of the feeder. Troughs for mineral feed are made with three compartments - for chalk, shells and gravel and are attached to the wall at a height of 20 cm from the floor.

Raising ducklings under a mother duck

For ducklings under 15 days old, it is best to use an automatic waterer, which also consists of three parts: a plastic or glass bottle with a capacity of up to 4.5 liters, a rectangular tray and a removable gable lid. An automatic waterer is preferable to a regular one, as it prevents the ducklings from getting wet and keeps the water fresh and clean for a long time. Drinkers for adult ducks are usually made of wood. They range from one to one and a half meters in length, 25 cm in width, and 15-20 cm in depth. To prevent the wood from warping and allowing water to pass through, products made from it must be tarred and painted. If your poultry house has a water supply, you can use flow-through drinkers made from a pipe cut into two equal parts. A drainage system is also installed into the waste pit. And ideally, it is best to use not open containers as drinkers, including for adult birds, but a drip or nipple drinking system.

In addition, you will need to prepare nests for clutches. They are made from boards. The nest is 40 cm wide and 50 cm deep, and in height - 25-30 cm. The number of nests is determined by the number of your ducks. One nest of this size is intended for five females. For the convenience of the bird, a threshold about 7 cm high is made at the nest. In spring and summer, several nests are installed in the open air - in a place intended for walking the bird.

The bottom of the nest must be covered with straw, sawdust or moss. The sawdust is dried before use. The total consumption of bedding material for floor-keeping ducks is 6 kg per bird. If you plan to keep birds indoors in the summer and not outside in an aviary, the consumption will be higher. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the litter, especially during the laying period, since ducks often lay eggs directly on the litter. It is recommended to add fresh sawdust or straw in the evening, remembering to loosen them. In the summer months, dry coarse sand can be used as bedding, spread in a layer of up to 20 cm.

The poultry house and breeding poultry run are equipped in exactly the same way. Only the planting density differs. For breeding ducks it is 1 square. meter per bird. Thus, the total area of ​​the second poultry house will be about 20-30 square meters. meters. From additional equipment you will need an incubator of the required volume. Experts advise choosing universal models. Keep in mind that duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs, so an incubator designed for a hundred chicken eggs, will fit no more than seventy duck ones.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition, it is advisable to immediately purchase a machine for plucking feathers from carcasses and a freezer. This is quite expensive equipment. The minimum cost of a plucking machine is 12,000-15,000 rubles. But this investment will quickly pay off. The payback period can be calculated independently, taking into account the fact that the cost of hand-plucking a duck is from 250 rubles per individual!

Features of duck breeding

If you view your (albeit small) farm not as a hobby or subsidiary farm, but, first of all, as the main source of income, you will need to constantly increase the number of ducks and strive to reduce production costs as much as possible. One small farm can raise up to 270 birds per year.

But in this case, you will need to regularly purchase 50-60 chicks. And this will require additional, sometimes very significant costs. For example, one day-old Muscovy duckling costs about 100 rubles. And the same amount will be required to grow it to a “marketable” state. Obviously, it is much more profitable to keep breeding birds and raise ducklings yourself than to regularly purchase them from poultry farms.

What breed of ducks should I choose for breeding? Duck breeds are distinguished by their main productivity. Based on this criterion, meat, egg and general use types are distinguished. Meat ducks are heavier and comparatively more precocious than other species. At proper nutrition young animals at the age of two months can reach a weight of 2.5 kg. One meat-type duck can produce 35-40 ducklings in a year. The following breeds of ducks belong to the meat type: Peking, white Moscow, Rouen, gray Ukrainian, black white-breasted. Egg-laying ducks weigh less than meat and general-purpose ducks.

But in terms of egg production, they can be compared with chickens. Ducks of the general use type are distinguished by good egg production (which is still somewhat lower than that of “specialized” breeds) and excellent meat qualities. Although they gain weight more slowly than meat ducks. By two months, the weight of ducklings of the general use type reaches 1.5 kg. The best representatives are left to be raised for breeding, while others are taken for meat. The most common breeds of this species include the Orpington and Khaki Campbell.

Muscovy and Peking ducks are of great interest for keeping and breeding. Depending on the color of the plumage, several types of musky ducks are distinguished. These include blue whitewings, black whitewings, blue whitewings, blue, black, black and white, white, blue and white. The drake and musk duck have fairly similar colors. The white variety is distinguished by its snow-white plumage, red beak and black marigold, orange-yellow legs, and red growths. The weight of adult ducks reaches 3 kg, and drakes - twice as much.

Ready ideas for your business

They lay up to 120 eggs per year. The incubation period averages 35 days. Meat Muscovy ducks tender and lean, reminiscent of wild duck meat in taste. Due to their low egg production, Muscovy ducks are used primarily for breeding hybrids (the so-called mullards). The best fattening is for hybrids bred by crossing musk drakes with ducks of the Rouen, Orpinton and a number of other breeds, as well as with their crosses. By the age of two months, such mullards gain about 5 kg of weight with relatively low feed costs.

The most popular are Peking ducks. These birds have large, wide heads, beaks orange color, low legs, white plumage, long, slightly raised body, wide, deep chest. The prevalence of Peking ducks is explained by the fact that the egg-laying cycle of ducks of this species has much in common with that of chickens. Ducks of other breeds lay up to 80 eggs per year. Moreover, laying is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn, 35-40 eggs for each period. Peking ducks lay about 170 eggs per year, due to which the laying period increases to nine months at proper care, good nutrition and the desired light mode.

If you plan to hatch 230-250 ducklings per year, you will need at least two families. A duck family includes one drake for 3-5 ducks. Thus, for a mini farm you will need to purchase at least ten adult individuals. Ducks are used for 6-8 days. In order to receive meat throughout the year, new ducklings are purchased every two months. The number of “batches” of birds that you can raise directly depends on the region (or rather, on the length of daylight hours).

So, for example, in middle lane In our country, it is quite possible to raise up to four batches of ducklings per season. If you prefer not meat, but egg-laying or general use breeds, then take into account the fact that egg production in birds of the second year of use will be significantly higher, weeks in younger ducks. When replacing old stock, it is recommended to purchase young stock bred in the spring. Moreover, new birds should not be older than six months. Birds are selected according to external signs(exterior indicators) taking into account age and live weight, which must correspond to breed standards. The plumage of ducks should be smooth and shiny. Birds must have a strong constitution.

Choosing a legal form for a farming business

If the planned volume of your production exceeds five tons of meat per year and you intend to sell your products through stores, retail chains, and also supply them to catering establishments (and therefore will have to certify the farm and the meat produced on it), then you will need to register as individual entrepreneur or organize a private agricultural enterprise. In the latter case, you will be entitled to certain tax benefits, but keep in mind that in practice many of them will not be so easy to achieve.

State registration of peasant farms (peasant farms) is carried out in the same manner as was established for state registration individuals as individual entrepreneurs. In this case, only the farm manager is registered. To do this, he must submit the following documents to the registration authority:

    application for registration (form established by law);

    agreement on the creation of a peasant (farm) enterprise (if there is a need for it);

    a copy of the main identification document of the head of the farm (passport);

    document confirming payment of state duty (original);

    copies of documents confirming the relationship/property of members of the peasant farm.

Please note: an application for transition to a special tax regime (USN or tax for agricultural producers) is submitted simultaneously when submitting documents for registration of a farm. Then the selected mode can be applied from the moment of registration of the peasant farm.

A farm is registered by the authorized body at the place of permanent registration (registration) of the head of the farm. Its deadline is on average five working days from the date of submission of documents. As a result, you will receive a Certificate of state registration of the head of a peasant farm, a Certificate of registration with the territorial tax authority, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and an information letter from the State Statistics Committee with OKVED codes.

If you are opening a mini-farm at first and cannot produce two tons of meat per year, then in this case it is more advisable to create a personal subsidiary plot (LPH). The procedure for its organization is extremely simple. You will need to take it from your local government (in our case this is the administration rural settlement or dacha association) a certificate confirming that you own or lease a plot of land. In the case of private household plots, you do not need to pay taxes or deal with paperwork. But, strictly speaking, you also do not have the right to engage in entrepreneurship to the fullest extent. In fact, private household plots can only sell surplus products produced by them for personal needs.

Poultry is usually sold through markets and directly to restaurants. The first option is suitable if you have the opportunity to stand at the market or have familiar sellers who will sell meat at the outlet. Selling meat through markets is more profitable than small wholesale, since the difference in price per 1 kg in the first and second cases can sometimes differ significantly.

As for restaurants, duck is of greatest interest to them. Unlike other types of poultry, duck dishes are considered a delicacy and are in great demand. However, it is advisable to negotiate supplies not with one catering establishment, but with several at once. It will be much more profitable, although more difficult. It will take a lot of time. And, in addition, most cafes and restaurants prefer to purchase products from wholesale suppliers rather than directly from manufacturers.

In order to sell your poultry meat, you need to obtain a number of documents. First of all, before slaughter, you must arrange with a local veterinarian for a clinical examination of the animals and obtain a certificate of such examination. Then, after slaughter, the veterinarian issues another certificate stating that the bird was healthy and that the slaughter was carried out taking into account all requirements.

Then, at the regional veterinary station, you will need to obtain a veterinary certificate for transporting goods to the market, and carry out a veterinary and sanitary examination of the shipment. After its passage, an oval brand is placed on the carcasses (experts advise placing it on the legs, and not on the carcass itself, so as not to spoil the presentation). Then, on the market, the state veterinary laboratory issues a permit to trade. In some cases, it may require a re-examination. Please keep in mind that this list of required documents and how you obtain them may vary by region.

Costs and income of a duck farm

It’s good if you already have your own farm with the necessary buildings or you rent it. If you have to build poultry houses from scratch, then the payback period will increase by at least 6-10 months.

To calculate feed costs for raising ducks, keep in mind that to gain one kilogram of body weight, a duck requires 3.5 kg of feed. Accordingly, for 230-250 ducks, at least two tons of feed will be required.

As a rule, ducks are raised until they are two months old, and then, when the weight of the young animals exceeds 2.5 kg, they are slaughtered. Keeping birds longer than this period becomes unprofitable. Thus, 10 kg of feed is required per bird. The average cost of feed is 10 rubles per kilogram. Additional costs for raising a duck are 20 rubles per individual (transport costs, lighting costs). Based on this, you can determine the cost of one duck at 90-100 rubles. The cost of raising 230 ducks amounts to 23,000 rubles.

Average market price duck meat - about 200 rubles per kilogram. Depending on the region and other factors, it may fluctuate up or down. Average weight One carcass of a young duck is 2.5 kg. You can sell it for 500 rubles, and the net profit from the sale of the batch will be 100 thousand rubles. The profitability of such a business is 65% or higher. However, the joy is somewhat overshadowed by the fact that you can raise 230-250 birds within a year. And in this case, a profit of 100 thousand rubles no longer seems big at all (less than 10 thousand rubles per month).

So, we can conclude that the business of breeding and raising ducks will become profitable only if the number of the flock increases by at least ten times. The starting capital in this case will be from 350 thousand rubles. Additional profit will come from the sale of breeding birds and young animals to other farms. The payback period for such a business is six months.

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Raising ducks as a business attracts many entrepreneurs today, especially those who are just starting their independent careers. This interest is explained big amount positive points- these birds do not require serious care, they are unpretentious in food and maintenance, and they multiply quickly. The effect is enhanced by the high demand for duck meat, which makes this type of business profitable. But you can’t do without studying the nuances of this business; the duck business requires certain knowledge and financial investments. All this will be discussed.

Industry situation

Poultry farming is one of the main formats of farming. Almost all entrepreneurs who have a number of pets also breed ducks. Even in a village, this type of business can generate income.

Duck meat is popular among Russians, although not as popular as chicken and turkey. It is not difficult to arrange supplies of products. Meat can be sold through the following channels:

  • shops, supermarkets;
  • city ​​markets;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • production facilities producing semi-finished products.

You can open your own retail outlet to sell meat yourself. You can engage in both retail and wholesale sales. But meat is not the only product to be sold. Down and feathers can also be sold. They are used to make down pillows and clothes. You just need to find a company that is willing to buy these products. An even more profitable option is to establish independent production products.

Despite the existence of competition in the industry, entering the market cannot be called difficult. An entrepreneur will be able to start raising ducks and quickly find sales channels. It is not necessary to establish a wholesale trade. At first, you can sell livestock to private individuals.

Is it profitable to breed ducks?

Many entrepreneurs wonder whether duck breeding is profitable or not? This business format is rightfully considered very profitable. The advantages of its management include the following factors:

  1. it does not take much time to care for livestock;
  2. No expensive equipment will be required to equip the premises;
  3. can be set up practically waste-free production(people are willing to buy meat, including liver, feathers and down);
  4. low cost of maintenance (ducks eat everything, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on feeding them);
  5. high speed increasing the number of livestock (allows you to quickly start making a profit without acquiring new individuals).

But ducks need a lot of space. They cannot be kept only indoors; they will need a spacious place for walking.

Selecting a plot of land is one of the most important actions. You can purchase or rent it. The relationship with the landlord must be formal. A certificate of ownership can be obtained from the local government authority.

But raising ducks for meat requires careful selection of a suitable area. It should be located outside the city limits - poor ecology will negatively affect the health of the livestock and the quality of future meat.

The ideal option is to find land that has a body of water on or near it. It will become a second home for the ducks. If there is no reservoir, then you need to take care of creating artificial pond, but it should not be too small, otherwise it will quickly become clogged and become a source of disease for birds.

  1. Walking. When can ducks go outside on their own? closed premises. In this case, at least 10m2 of land should be allocated for each individual.
  2. Partially free-ranging. In this case, the ducks are kept in a fenced-off pen. 2m2 is allocated for each bird.
  3. Closed. In this case, all ducks live in specially equipped cages, and 1 individual accounts for only 1/3m2.

Usage closed type leads to an increase in fat mass in livestock. Ultimately, this makes animal meat of lower quality. The most preferred method is walking. It is as close as possible to the natural conditions of keeping ducks. The birds will not experience discomfort.

Creating places to stay

Choosing a containment method is not the only step you will have to take. In any case, accommodation will need to be equipped. To do this, you can create a poultry house, the walls of which must be insulated, because temperature changes have a bad effect on ducks. To exclude this negative factor, needs to be installed indoors artificial ventilation, with the help of which it will be possible to supply warm air during cold periods.

It will not be possible to do without insulating the floors. For the winter they can be covered with grass, removing it with the onset of summer. The floor should not be directly on the ground - the bottom of the structure should be located at a height of at least 25 centimeters from the surface of the earth. This will not only prevent the floors from getting too cold, but will also act as protection for the livestock from all kinds of rodents.

The area of ​​the poultry house must be calculated independently. Even before its construction, you should decide how many ducks the businessman wants to keep. The room needs to be organized different zones- young ducks must be separated from adult ducks. Several hens should be kept together with 1 male.

Ducks are light-loving animals. In winter, daylight hours are shortened. So that the growth of birds is as active as in summer period, need to use artificial lighting, not forgetting about systematic ventilation.

Purchase of equipment

To ensure the normal maintenance of ducks in captivity and their subsequent sale, you will have to purchase the following equipment:

  • incubator;
  • nests for individuals with special thresholds;
  • freezers;
  • feeders;
  • sippy cups;
  • specialized plucking machine.

All this will simplify the maintenance, breeding and marketing of livestock.

It is impossible to conduct legal activities without prior registration own business. In the case of duck breeding, you can choose one of the following business formats:

  1. OOO. This form of entrepreneurship is suitable for large farms, headed by several businessmen. You will need to collect a lot of documents, and you won’t be able to do it without authorized capital(its minimum amount is 10,000 rubles).
  2. IP. Suitable for a small farm owned by one person. There will be no restrictions on the sale of ducks. Can be used different shapes taxation, reducing its burden on the state budget. The downside is that the entrepreneur bears personal, including property, responsibility.
  3. LPH. This is the simplest option. It is suitable for those who are just starting to breed ducks on their own summer cottage. But here the land must be owned by the businessman. Such an entrepreneur will be able to breed ducks and sell their meat, but in a certain quantity. IN in this case we're talking about about the so-called surplus production, that is, about the amount of production that the owner himself cannot consume.

It will not be possible to do without a series mandatory documents. An entrepreneur will need the following documents:

  • permitting documents from SES, GKN and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of good conditions;
  • quality certificate.

It will be possible to slaughter ducks only in the presence of a veterinarian, and before that he must issue the owner of the livestock with a certificate of health of the birds. After the killing procedure, another document is issued indicating that the slaughter took place in accordance with all existing standards. It’s even better to ask the doctor to put a stamp on the carcass of each animal, which will allow the meat to be transported not only within the region, but also outside it.

If a businessman wants to independently sell products in markets, then he will have to contact the veterinary laboratory to obtain such permission.

When the entrepreneur has dealt with all the technical and legislative aspects, he can begin directly breeding birds. But not every breed of duck can bring big profits. The following breeds are most often bred:

Where to buy, how to breed and care

On initial stage I'll have to buy a bunch of ducks. This can be done in special poultry farms. You should check all company documents in advance. A personal visit will help you understand what the birds look like, what size they are, and how productive they are.

Ducks do not need any help to reproduce. The main thing is to make special nests for laying hens. After hatching, the eggs will need to be sent to a special incubator. Ducklings will appear there within a month.

These birds also do not require special care. The premises must be kept clean. Ducks must always have fresh water and food. You can use mixed feed and greens as food (ducks love duckweed). You need to take care of the presence of the following products in your diet:

  • cereals (including bran);
  • shells (they must be pre-chopped);
  • fat (we are talking about technical fat);
  • peas;
  • milk (dry mixture should be used in feed);
  • salt;
  • various additives.

Taking care of your health

Diseases are a serious danger not only to the health of ducks, but also to the profitability of the business as a whole. The health of livestock is most influenced by their diet. It is necessary to carry out disease prevention all the time. One individual can infect everyone else. The most defenseless in this case is the younger generation. To avoid illness, you should follow these recommendations:

  • ducks of different ages should be in different rooms;
  • onions and garlic as a food additive will help protect animals from infection with such serious diseases as typhoid, hepatitis, cholera;
  • The food should contain vitamins, especially a lot of them should be in the food for young animals;
  • hygiene of the premises is the basis of healthy livestock;
  • You need to clean the room systematically, it is better to draw up an appropriate schedule, and when cleaning you should use manganese and lime;
  • equipment must be disinfected with special solutions.

All this will protect the livestock from diseases and help maintain their health.

Financial indicators

Many entrepreneurs involved in bird breeding are interested in the answer to the question of what is the profitability of duck breeding. It should be noted right away that there is no need for large initial investments in this business - 200,000 rubles will be enough to purchase livestock, equipment for the premises and the purchase of inventory.

The profitability of this business format is high. It is about 70%. And this is provided that the entrepreneur will maintain 1 small farm with a population of 250 ducks. The more individuals there are on the farm, the higher the profitability of their cultivation and subsequent marketing will be.

Even at first, you can count on a profit of 75,000 rubles in 2 months. But you won’t be able to recoup your business quickly, because ducks should be raised for at least 2 months before slaughter, and you still need to wait for the eggs to appear and the offspring to emerge from them.

Let's sum it up

Duck breeding - profitable business. Without special knowledge and careful care of birds, it will not be possible to make a high profit. Over time, you can increase your livestock by opening new farms.

Since ancient times, it has been considered a profitable family business. In each yard, the owners keep several dozen different birds, many of them raised exclusively for their own purposes. But there are also those who breed poultry for commercial purposes. And it’s not for nothing that, as practice shows, duck breeding as a business can bring good profits in a short time. This area is profitable and allows you to get stable income, in addition, it does not require significant investments, and quickly pays off.

In order to make a profit from farming, you need to draw up a competent business plan for a duck farm.

Registration of documents

First of all, you need to officially register your activity. Usually, home farm will be listed as an LLC. Collect everything Required documents and receive official permission from the tax service.

In addition, you will also need to contact the sanitary and environmental service. To sell your goods, you will need certificates confirming the quality of your products.

Farm arrangement

Ducks are unpretentious birds, but like any living creature they require proper care. You can keep ducks in a barn or build a separate poultry house. It's easy and doesn't require you to large investments. You can build a room from scrap materials. Although ducks are resistant to temperature changes, this only applies to adult birds; young birds must be kept at a temperature of at least 25 degrees.

To maintain heat, you will have to buy an artificial heater - a brooder. It is designed for approximately 200-250 chicks.

Besides. You will need to equip the farm with feeders, drinkers and nests for birds. Also, most likely, you will need to purchase an incubator for further breeding of chicks.

What to feed ducks?

Ducks and Indian ducks are freedom-loving birds. They grow well, graze on a pond, where they feed on duckweed, getting everything essential vitamins. Therefore, it is advisable that your farm be equipped with an artificial pond.

In addition, the ducks are fed with compound feed, so in just 4–6 months you can raise birds that are ready for sale.

Indo-duck breeding as a business

Indo-ducks - this type of bird is perfect as home business. This breed is famous for its unpretentiousness in food and maintenance, speed dial weight and valuable down.

What is the difference between inoducks and ordinary ducks?

The main difference is that the Indian duck does not require a pond; it adapts and grows perfectly as is. It is enough to place a small container of water, and the birds will bathe in it. This unpretentious breed is also famous for its ability to find a home on its own, but I do not recommend that you freely herd them. It is much better to build a pen 1.5–2 meters high. Thus, the birds will graze on fresh air, get all the necessary vitamins and quickly gain weight.

Farm staff

It will be difficult to manage a duck farm alone. I recommend that you organize a family business and thus save money on paying staff.

We will need responsible people who can look after the birds, water them, feed them, and graze them. And also, constantly clean the poultry house.

In addition, you will need your own transport for delivery of finished products and a person who will do this work.

Video: Raising Peking ducks and others


Duck breeding as a business is a profitable and profitable business. There should be no problems with selling meat, due to little competition in the market. The main thing is to have all the quality certificates, then it will be possible to conclude supply agreements with large retail outlets, restaurants, supermarkets.

  1. Eggs. Depending on the breed, one duck can hatch 50 eggs per year. You can sell them or keep them for further breeding of young chicks;
  2. Meat. As a rule, raising geese and ducks involves selling them for meat. This product is highly valued and expensive, which is beneficial to the farmer. The approximate cost of a 5-kilogram duck on the market is 1,500–2,000 rubles;
  3. Pooh. Down – used to make blankets and pillows. You can fix own production of this product, or sell feathers in bulk;
  4. Litter will also bring you money; there is no need to throw it away. Duck droppings are an excellent fertilizer for vegetables; during the season, summer residents usually purchase it for their gardens. Therefore, you can make money from this too.

Profitability of business for raising and breeding ducks

It can be concluded that this area is very profitable and low-cost. Almost anyone can start a business with just a small amount of savings. Breeding ducks as a business is an idea with 100% profitability, a waste-free field of activity.

I have said more than once that in a dacha, in addition to chickens, you can keep and breed waterfowl in a poultry house. Now it's time to show how you can make good money on this.

Next, I will present you with a clear duck farming business plan based on a certain model, called a production cell, by replicating which you can constantly increase income from the sale of duck meat. Believe me, this is not a bad increase in pension.

A production cell is a kind of small mini-farm, the creation and maintenance of which does not require serious financial investments and high labor costs. It occupies only 100 m² in area; it can be built on any summer cottage, no matter how small it may be.

Technical and material base

Our mini-farm will be divided into three components:

poultry house for raising ducks for meat;

poultry house with breeding birds;

Let's start with a poultry house for young animals.

Poultry house for ducklings

You can read how to make a good poultry house in the corresponding article on the site. However, I would make some changes to the duck house. First of all, this concerns the height of the rear and front walls. Ducks, unlike chickens, do not require much external space, since they spend their entire lives on the floor. Therefore, we make the front wall of the poultry house 1.8 m high, and the back wall only 1 m. And this is not about saving building materials.

A room for ducks of minimal volume will allow you to significantly save on electricity, i.e. heating. After all, our duck meat production will be distributed over 5 cycles of 2 months each. That is, the first and last cycle will occur at the end and beginning of winter, and this requires quite a lot of costs for heating the room.

The next point is ventilation and bedding.

I recommend making you not natural supply and exhaust ventilation, but artificial, with forced supply of warm air. But only in the cold season, since in the summer all the ducks will grow outside in an aviary. Be sure to stock up on bedding according to the following calculation: 1 duck – 6 kg of bedding material.

Again, these data are based on ducks being kept on floors from start to slaughter (2 months). IN warm period year, litter is practically not required.

Poultry house area – 18-20 m? at the rate of 3 ducks per 1 m2, which corresponds to one production cycle - 50 ducks in 2 months. With such a planting area, it is possible to raise the appropriate number of birds without any walking, i.e., in the cold season.

A walk is required near the poultry house

The paddock should be completely fenced and have an area of ​​25-30 m2? at the rate of 2 ducks per square, as well as a canopy with an area of ​​6-8 m?.

When walking, do not try to create something like a pond for ducks. Of course, they love to swim, but in this limited space the walk will turn into a real swamp. The bird's feathers will be dirty all the time, and the ducks themselves will constantly experience stress due to fights for water.

The same applies to drinking bowls open type. It is better to use a drip or nipple drinking system.

Poultry house for breeding ducks

Our business plan for duck breeding involves raising up to 250 ducks on one mini-farm. birds per year. This means that we need 50 ducklings for each period. But where to get them: buy them or bring them out yourself?

Undoubtedly, the purchase greatly simplifies the entire process, but at the same time it almost doubles the cost of production. For example, in our region, a day-old Peking duckling costs from 100 rubles, and exactly the same amount is needed to bring it to condition, that is, to raise it. Therefore, maintaining a small breeding herd and raising ducklings yourself is much more profitable.

But we will breed Peking ducks. Not because they grow quickly, but the egg-laying cycle of the Peking duck is very similar to that of a chicken.

For example, a female of the Peking breed lays up to 80 eggs per year, but she lays them only in spring and autumn (40 eggs for each period). And this trend is observed in almost all waterfowl, except for the Pekin duck.

The egg production of the Peking duck is 160-180 eggs per year, which allows the hatching egg to be produced for 8-10 months. Remember that the main tool that regulates the egg production of any bird is the light regime.

The only difference is the stocking density - 1 duck per 1 m². And yet, to get 250 ducklings, you need to keep two married couples: 1 drake for 3-4 ducks, total: 8-10 pieces. adults.

Other equipment

Any universal incubator will do for hatching ducklings. All that is required of it is the appropriate volume. For example, an incubator for 100 chicken eggs can hold 60-70 duck eggs. So choosing an incubator will not be difficult.

Plucking machine

Poultry slaughter, as well as manual processing carcasses is a very tedious process. A plucking machine greatly facilitates and speeds up this work, so you need to purchase one. Of course, don't forget about the freezer.

So, let's summarize

To create one production cell (mini-farm) we need:

A poultry house for raising young animals, with a walk and a canopy. total area– 60 m?.

Poultry house for breeding ducks, with walking area and canopy. Total area – 20-30 m².

Equipment: incubator(s), freezer, plucking machine.

Organizational and legal forms of doing business

Is it worth putting the business of raising ducks for meat into some legal form, for example, a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur? My answer is clear - no!

Firstly, it is not required, and secondly, it makes no sense.

The meaning of creating a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur is appropriate only when the production volume exceeds more than 5 tons of meat per year. In this case, certification of the farm, as well as the product, is required for its sale through large retail chains.

Our meat volumes are so small that it is enough to limit ourselves to such legal form doing business as private household plots.

Personal farming is the first step

Actually, there is no need to organize anything here. It's enough to come to local authority self-government (dacha association, administration of a rural settlement, etc.) and obtain a certificate confirming that you have a plot of land owned or leased.

That's the whole organization of private household plots.

The advantages of private household plots are complete exemption from taxes, as well as other paperwork.

Disadvantages - lack of an organizational and legal form of doing business.

Theoretically, the disadvantages include state support for farms, which is issued to registered entrepreneurs engaged in agricultural production. But it is extremely difficult to actually receive such support from the state, since for most farms it is given only in words.

Sales of products

I already wrote about how to sell poultry meat competently and quickly in the article “Quail Business,” so I won’t dwell on my friends, relatives and neighbors.

So, we are left with two most acceptable options: restaurants and the market.

Cafes, restaurants

Duck, unlike other types of poultry, is in highest demand among consumers, and restaurants are no exception. Any decent restaurant has Peking duck or other duck dishes. And here there should be no problems with the sale of carcasses through such establishments.


As for the market as a point of sale of meat, this option is most preferable for those who have free time or your seller. As you know, the price for 1 kg of meat on the market is significantly higher than in wholesale trade.

However, to sell duck meat on the market, you need to collect a number of permits. To make things easier for you, here is full list necessary actions and documents:

Permits for the sale of poultry

You should notify your local veterinarian in advance about the impending backyard slaughter.

Before slaughter, a clinical examination of animals is carried out by a veterinarian.

After veterinarian issues a certificate of pre-mortem inspection.

We carry out the slaughter and again receive a certificate from the veterinarian that the slaughter was carried out according to all the rules, and the bird was healthy.

The next stage of obtaining certificates:

1. We contact the regional veterinary station to obtain documents:

Veterinary certificate form No. 2 for transportation of goods to the food market.

There we also carry out a veterinary and sanitary examination of the entire batch of meat, which is stamped upon completion of the examination.

Trade permit.

They may be required to undergo a re-examination if the meat does not have an oval mark, the Vet Certificate is invalid or there are signs of damage to the goods, etc.

All of the above recommendations regarding the collection of certificates are of a general, advisory nature. It’s just that in each region, all these actions are regulated by local authorities, so a month before the slaughter of ducks, I advise you to contact the relevant structures (sanitary and veterinary service) of your area to get full information about all necessary events and information.
