Distribution of planets. Eastern and Western hemispheres

Dane Rudhyar, Personality-Centered Astrology. Planetary models";
Dane Rudhyar, Personality Astrology. Form and structure of planetary aspects";
Dane Rudhyar, Astrology of Transformation. Planetary interactions: aspects and gestalt”;
Catherine Aubier "Astrological Dictionary";
Saplin A.Yu. "Astrological Encyclopedic Dictionary";
Trish McGregor "Astrological Encyclopedia";
Esoterics. T.2. Astrology: Training course Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Per. with him. - M.Voskresenye, 1993

We always begin the interpretation of a person’s birth chart by studying the distribution of planets in the horoscope. This is the first and necessary operation, as it gives a general idea of ​​the psychology of the cardholder. Next, we find the dominant and weak planet, examining the strengths and weaknesses of the planets by position in the sign, in the house, arc aspects, and establishing a chain of control. What gives us an idea of ​​what interest in life a person will try to satisfy along with the dominant need indicated by the position of the Moon in the chart, as well as what principle will represent for a person biggest problem. This study allows us to determine the sign of horoscope synthesis - by the predominance of planets in the elements and the cross. This makes it possible to understand what the style of a person’s general reactions to various circumstances of his life will be.
The planets are located in the chart in in a certain order, which can be included in one or another geometric figure. The so-called Jones figures. Which allows you to obtain additional information about the psychology of the card owner.
Aspects sometimes form closed configurations that add additional meaning to the characteristics of those aspects. Same additional meaning possessed by a stellium, duo and planet without aspects. It is also important to determine the dominant aspect in the chart, since it is this that will determine the overall way the person acts.
When we study the configurations of planets, we are dealing not only with the elementary relationships between two planets connected by an aspect - we are dealing with a whole complex of influences affecting the personality. When meeting someone for the first time, an intuitive person immediately receives a certain general, synthetic “impression” of the meeting as a whole. The integrity of a stranger affects our integrity. At the same time, one or two main features are often striking, which serve as the focus of our perception. These focal features of a holistic personality are semantic centers around which the impression is organized. These traits serve as markers by which we can classify a person into one of a small number of types of people. We need such a classification in order to adequately interact with each other. “People fear what they do not understand” (Goethe).
Identifying the centers of meaning, what Jones calls “focus determiners,” is the first and most important step in interpreting a birth chart. For interpretation must reveal the integrity, the life of the individual, and not just a mechanical sum of information about behavior. This is not only the most important, but also the most difficult astrological factor. Each interpreter must, in one way or another, develop his own technique for discovering this "center" - in accordance with the "genius" revealed by his own map. Moreover, only someone who is himself relatively whole can have correct holistic perception. To see semantic centers, you yourself need to be semantically centered.
There are, however, several general principles definitions of "center" that can be stated as they are only an extension of the known astrological factors on which the symbolism of the zodiac, houses and aspects is based. To list them is to define “forms” or “gestalts.” It is useful to extract and compare individual factors of the horoscope in order to go deeper into the analysis, but first of all, holistic perception should see the integrity, the coherence of the parts grouped around a certain living semantic center. This is how the “soul” of the situation is revealed, animating the whole, the energy of the spirit contained in the material form.
There are two main ideas behind the study of the distribution of planets in a horoscope. The first is that no definite conclusion can be drawn from the fact that there are no planets in the house. Lack of accentuation does not mean negative accentuation. Integrity should always be understood as the basis of every organic being; it is always implied, even when there is no special emphasis. This may mean that in the past the qualities represented by this house and sign were realized. Or the virgin state of undifferentiation. This situation always relates more to the unconscious state than to the conscious one. For example, health is not realized or differentiated until illness occurs. The unconscious can be a very powerful factor that serves as the basis of mental health. God (or the Universal Being) is not subject to any planetary accentuations, since each degree of the integrity of the Universal Being is equally emphasized. Only man - as an individual being - has planets. God, figuratively speaking, has no “planets.”
The second idea relates to what Mark Jones calls “weight balance,” a topic related to ideas in Gestalt psychology. If nine planets are in one hemisphere and the tenth in another, then from the point of view of form this tenth is powerfully emphasized, since its task is to balance the nine others. It becomes an exceptional factor and largely destroys the influence of the planets of the other hemisphere. Jones compares this isolated planet to a bad tooth that controls all consciousness. This is a kind of “irrational” accentuation that seeks to destroy the integrity of the individual, an autocratic factor that dictates a special will to everything else in the body, which, by contrast, may turn out to be undeveloped.

Distribution of planets.

The first and simplest definition general meaning planetary pattern in the study of planetary distribution is the study of the distribution of planets across the four quadrants of the chart, that is, in relation to the axes, horizon and meridian. The operation consists of determining whether any of the zones of the circle, oriented by the location of houses, dominates over others.
Any horoscope consists of 4 quadrants, which are formed due to the intersection of the Ascendant-Descendant line with the line Medium Goal - Imum Goal.
4 squares contain the entire Zodiac belt. The cross to which a person is attached in his life is formed, as already said, by the horizon and the meridian. Depending on the distribution of planets in the quadrants of this cross, conclusions can be drawn about the main sphere of life. The location of the Sun and planets gives typical inclinations of character and destiny.
The Asc-Dsc line divides the circle of the zodiac horizontally into the Lower and Upper hemispheres.
Houses in the Lower Hemisphere, below the horizon (from 1 to 6 inclusive) are called night houses, and houses in the Upper Hemisphere, above the horizon (from 7 to 12) are called day houses.

The lower hemisphere corresponds internal sphere of personality, and the Upper one is external. As a basic rule, we say that a nariv in whose horoscope most of the planets are below the horizon exhibits a more introverted character, while one in whose horoscope most of the planets are above the horizon is more extroverted.

All planets are below the horizon. All planets are in the inner sphere. All planets below the horizon are a purely theoretical case.
A person born under this planetary position would be the opposite of a person whose horoscope has all the planets above the horizon. There would be a lot of negative things in the external experiences of such a person, only his inner life would develop progressively. This native would have to bear his fate patiently and would not be able to overcome external resistance. In some form he would always submit to more positive natures.
If the Sun and Jupiter were located favorably - somewhere at the pole of the night, as the cusp of the 4th house is called - then the result would be a deeply soulful person, a mystic or metaphysician, who would be able to subordinate his life force to his inner knowledge. Perhaps he would have magical powers or clairvoyant and intuitive abilities that would acquaint him with what is happening in nature and a very special point of view on life and death.
With a bad position of the planets, it could, however, result in an unhappy character, which would be driven by life and which would be thrown from side to side by his own weaknesses. Fortunately, almost every horoscope has a less clear placement of planets on a common circle, due to which fate naturally becomes more balanced.
“A person is closed in himself or in the subjective area” (M. Jones). Tendency towards introversion. Intuitive type. If the planets are in the lower hemisphere more than at the top, before us is a person for whom inner life is of greater value than external activities. The inner world is more important and interesting than the outer, since the outer in this case acts as a reflection of the inner. The external world is secondary to the internal world. The real stuff happens there. And changes in the external world are for such a person only a consequence of changes that have occurred within him. Such a person draws strength and inspiration from within himself. Therefore, he often needs solitude, tranquility, and seclusion. In his eyes, the outside world appears to be a world of conflicts, and he seeks to avoid them. His private life is more important to him than his public life. He attaches great importance to his origin, family, and the world of material things as a symbol of experiences and events of the past that are significant to him. Heredity has a strong influence on his life. He is attached to his roots, to the past, to the atmosphere of home comfort. He has great resistance to ideas imposed from the outside, but he cannot be influenced by his immediate environment. The closer the planets in the Lower Hemisphere are located on both sides to the IC, the more pronounced these mental tendencies are.

All planets are above the horizon. All planets are in the outer sphere.
It must be said right away that in most cases in practice we are dealing with more or less “mixed” horoscopes, in which the planets are distributed throughout the entire field of the horoscope.
But if, for example, in one horoscope the position of the planets turned out to be evenly distributed above the horizon, then we would have a completely positive native who would be able to create his own destiny and who would have great penetrating power in material terms. All the advantages and errors of his character would appear with equal force.
We would have before us a man of action who could easily overcome all the difficulties and problems of life's relationships and who could pacify his enemies and opponents. It is clear that such a horoscope is an extraordinary exception, and in this connection it is interesting to learn, for example, that in Mussolini's horoscope all the planets are above the horizon.
The closer the Sun is to the Meridian in this position of the planets (cusp of the 10th house = calling), the more powerful the external position of the native will be, which he will achieve in life. The sun is at its zenith and is hottest at lunchtime. From this it is quite clear that those born at noon can count on an energetic destiny. Such people can take a prominent place in life if the planets are in a good position relative to the Sun (harmonious major aspects), if this is due to their birth in a certain environment, professional activity or the strength of their characteristic features.
Under very unfavorable circumstances, with this position of the Sun, the characteristic influences of fate still appear. These natives, even with the most unfavorable fate, will find the strength to overcome all the vicissitudes of life.
If most of the planets are also located near the zenith, especially in the 10th house, then one must count on an outstanding personality who will dominate and dominate other people in some way. Jupiter in this position near the Sun results in frequently repeated planetary positions in the horoscopes of monarchs or sovereigns. Saturn or Mars with bad aspects to this position would mean the danger of overthrow. “A person lives an external life, the focus of his consciousness is completely focused on the events of external life” (M. Jones). Predominance of planets in the Upper hemisphere, above the horizon, indicates that a person attaches more importance to external activities than inner life. He needs to stand out, realize himself in public life. He is attracted by vibrant social activities and the opportunity to conduct large programs visible to everyone. He strives to attract attention and gives great importance his reputation, how he looks in the eyes of people. The external manifestations of his personality are of greater interest to him than the internal ones. He considers internal work necessary only if it is motivated by the difficulty of achievements in the external world. For example, correcting character flaws that hinder career advancement. In some cases, this distribution of planets indicates loss of roots, insufficiently high origin (absence of planets in the Deep Sky) or denial, rejection of one’s roots. Such a person needs his personal achievements to be highly respected in society in order to feel useful to society. He is very receptive to ideas in the air. Easily falls under their power. Follows fashion trends. How closer to the planet in the lower hemisphere to the MC on both sides, the more social factors influence a person’s life, the more important it is for him to realize himself in public life.

The vertical axis MC-IC divides the circle of the horoscope into the sphere-I and the sphere-YOU. And in this case, the basic rule is formulated as follows: if the majority of planets are on the side of the I, then basically the native is more focused on his own I, while the accumulation of planets in the YOU zone for a given native is expressed in fixing attention on YOU. When considering this, we must keep in mind such concepts as “egocentric”, “selfish”.

All planets are east or all are west of the meridian. In addition to the internal and external spheres, the influences of the eastern and western halves, therefore, the sphere-I and the sphere-YOU, are also of great importance. The vertical line, the IC-MC axis, divides the circle of the zodiac into the Eastern and Western hemispheres. In the Eastern hemisphere there are houses surrounding the Ascendant. In Western - houses around the Descendant. The zenith meridian divides the Universe (all experience) into ascending and descending regions.
All planets are in the sphere-I, in the eastern hemisphere. A cluster of planets in the eastern hemisphere would lead to fate this person To early development. Immediately after the first youthful years, which would also be outstanding, decisive events would occur. Perhaps the influence of the parental home will force this native to early or greater independence.
Professional life would bring the greatest success in the first half of life. If the planets are in a good position, there will be a rapid rise; if the planets are in a bad position, there will be strong interference and resistance. Thanks to this, the personality would develop quickly and learn to make decisions early.
The more the Sun and other planets approached the Ascendant, the more powerful would be their reflection in character and destiny. The higher they move forward in their progress towards the 10th house, the more pronounced and characteristic the influences of profession and social position would be.
In a sense, the rhythm of the Sun operates through separate force fields, so, generally speaking, people born between morning and noon are more active and feel more motivating forces within themselves. If the Sun has just passed its zenith and is leaning towards the West (for those born between noon and sunset), then these natives’ desire for self-affirmation in the outside world weakens. Fate becomes more passive and is subject to greater external obstacles and influences. A person finds less strength in himself to fight these influences of his own free will.
The lower the Sun goes, the more a person turns to his inner essence. Inner experiences predominate. He becomes more intuitive, his inner senses become sharper, and his destiny in the outer world is connected with knowledge. Important and numerous planets together with the Sun in the Eastern hemisphere would show in a general sense that the main events occur in early youth and the first half of life. These people would have best opportunities for advancement in life.
If all the planets are in the east , in a situation of choice, a person is independent of external circumstances and is free not to take them into account at all. He initiates his own problems. If all the planets in the West , a person is forced in situations of choice to take into account external circumstances, life imposes problems on him.
Predominance of planets in the Eastern hemisphere gives a person, whose emphasis is on “I”, one’s own personality. First of all, he takes care of himself and strives to satisfy his personal needs. Typically, the predominance of planets in the eastern hemisphere, according to Jones, means that the quality of thinking is emphasized for such a person, since thought controls energy. A person of the eastern hemisphere should have enough energy to pursue his interests, and it is important for him to freely direct it in the right direction. If the planets are grouped around Asc, we can talk about egocentrism. This person is introverted, independent, values ​​his own and others’ individuality, and has a highly developed sense of the importance of his own self. He does not depend on the opinions of others. He looks for his own guidelines and will never sacrifice any of his ideas for anyone. Guided only by his principles and personal understanding of ethics and morality. Unaccountable. He deals only with what deeply affects him personally and represents his sphere of personal interests. This arrangement of planets is typical for people who are engaged in science, research, art, and writing. Such a person may suffer, feeling a certain distance between himself and those around him and seeing misunderstanding on their part. With a very strong first house and an empty seventh house, it is always extremely difficult for a person to find an equal partner. His main problem when interacting with other people is boredom: “It’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to,” wrote Mikhail Lermontov. “Give a hand” not in the sense that he needs a hand from someone as support and support, but in the fact that he has no one to shake hands with, symbolizing the equality of partners. The problem of people of the accentuated Eastern hemisphere and a strong First House with an empty seventh is well expressed in Andrei Voznesensky’s poem “Akyn’s Song”:

Not glory and not cows,
not a shaky earthly crown -

so that you can sing with me!

I ask not for stolen love,
no favors for the day -
send me, Lord, a second one, -
so that I wouldn't be so lonely.

To have someone to graze with,
echo across the steppe,
for the heart, not for applause,
sing in two voices!

So that someone understands me,
not often, well, at least once.
From my wounded lips he lifted
horn scratched by a bullet.

And let my partner be a singer,
forgetting that we are strong together,
me, pale with rivalry,
will kill you at the common table.

Forgive him. Let it go to the grave
surrounded by loneliness.
God send him a second one -
like me and him.

The more planets are concentrated around the Ascendant, the more pronounced these qualities are.
All planets in the sphere are YOU, in the western hemisphere. If all the planets are gathered in the Western hemisphere, fate lacks activity. And more important events are shifted to the second half of life. The lower the Sun goes, the later characteristic events occur in the life of the native.
Such people become negative (yin), expectant and cautious. The main events and main learnings occur in the inner life, awaken inner feelings and turn thoughts to the otherworldly and nature.
Such people can be metaphysicians and occultists, and when the planets are very afflicted, they can be highly unstable people who succumb to negative influences your destiny. If almost all planets are located in the Western hemisphere, then fate is decided more strongly in the second half of life. These people must accept their fate patiently, without being able to significantly interfere with it.
With the predominance of planets in Western hemisphere The emphasis in a person’s life is on “they”, significant others. It is other people who matter most to the cardholder. It is in their eyes that he seeks to establish himself. It is over them that he wants to have power; from them he draws strength for his mental balance. Hence a certain form of dependence - after all, the attitude of other people inevitably influences himself. Jones believes that the predominance of planets in the west means that it is emphasized important a person attaches to his feelings, since it is feelings that are an indicator of his relationships with other people. The person is extroverted, sociable, and has the gift of communication. He has strong ties to the community as he is accompanied by constant feeling the importance of other people in his life. He doesn't think of himself as lonely. Often identifies his personality with the team, friends, superiors, and idols. His partner is more important to him than himself. This distribution of planets is often found in persons whose occupation is social activity.
The more planets are concentrated around the Descendant, the more pronounced these qualities are.
We can observe an interesting psychological effect in people with an Ascendant in Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Here the Eastern houses are superimposed on the Western signs, and the Night houses are superimposed on the Day signs. These people are capable of confounding a knowledgeable psychologist. For example, observing the natural behavior of a person with the Moon in Leo, we can form an impression of him as an extrovert, dependent on the opinions of other people and oriented towards the public. When in fact he feels truly comfortable being not on stage, but behind the scenes; and the real creativity of his life happens there - in solitude, far from the bustle of the world, because his Moon is in the 12th house.
There are charts in which all the planets can be in one of the four quadrants - a rare, but even more accentuated manifestation of one of the four components of the individual self. According to Jones, intuition is accentuated when planets are clustered in the northeastern sector. Sensuality - in the northwestern; perception and evaluation - in the southwest; thinking - in the southeast.
Naturally, the methodology for studying the distribution of planets is inextricably linked with the analysis of planetary dominants, and this analysis should either confirm our conclusions or make some amendments to them. For example, a dominant Saturn enhances introversion and weakens extroversion, while a dominant Jupiter will influence exactly the opposite. It is likely that the owner of such a card will experience internal conflicts until he learns to differentiate his subpersonalities and reconcile his conflicting values.
There are also cases when the planets are distributed very evenly (without clusters) around the map. And this leads to some conclusions: firstly, a person has a wide range of abilities and knows how to achieve mental balance; Secondly. It is difficult for him to navigate and make choices precisely because of the many possibilities that he has.
However, it is generally believed that it is preferable to have a natal chart in which the planets are more or less evenly distributed. Any accumulation that overloads any part of the natal chart leads to an imbalance in the same way as this happens with scales when only one bowl is loaded. In this case, the person himself has the right to restore this balance and refill the empty cup - for example, making up for the lack of roots and attachments if, say, his night zone is empty.

As you can see, the horoscope is divided by axes into 4 quadrants (which in most cases do not form exactly 90 degrees). We distinguish here between the outer-I, the outer-YOU, the inner-I and the inner-YOU. Interpretation when there is a strong cluster of planets in one of these quadrants is simple, since we only need to combine the above elements of statements. If planets are in most or all quadrants, we need to make a simple comparative assessment.
Before drawing conclusions about the distribution of planets by quadrant, it is necessary to examine the position of the Sun and Moon. Both luminaries have the strongest influence of all the planets in the horoscope.
Placement of the Sun and Moon
The forces of the Sun (a person's conscious choice, intention) must defeat the forces of the Moon (a person's unconscious reactions, desire) and come to an agreement with them. This could happen different ways, but the method always depends on the position of the Sun and Moon in relation to each other in the horoscope.
Already ancient astrologers noticed that there is a difference between the influence of day and night depending on the phases of the moon. Long before the knowledge of the magnetosphere, it was known that the forces of the Sun and the Moon act completely differently - depending on their location in the sky. Today, when we know about the magnetosphere, the phenomenon lunar phases easy to explain. The Earth's magnetosphere extends on the night side far beyond the Moon's trajectory, while on the side facing the Sun, the Earth's magnetosphere is horizontally compressed. Electromagnetic waves on the day side they look completely different than on the night side. If at the birth of a person a certain disposition prevails in this electromagnetic landscape, it has a certain effect on the native, determining his individual characteristics.
The sun in the horoscope can be located halfway in the sky above the horizon - then the birth will occur during the day. In this case, two positions of the Moon are possible: above the horizon, like the Sun, or below the horizon.
For those born at night, the Sun is in one of the 6 houses below the horizon. Again, there can be two positions of the Moon: in the houses of the day hemisphere or night.
If we consider that in the first two years of life a person lives only according to his lunar nature, reacts vegetatively, and the forces of the Self only gradually develop, then it becomes clear that these four relationships between the Moon and the Sun should play a large role in a person’s life. Let's look at these four points.
Sun in the outer sphere - Moon in the inner sphere
If the Sun is above the horizon and the Moon is below the horizon , then we have the so-called ideal case of the free forces of the Sun, which do not penetrate through huge magnetic fields and which are not hindered by the forces of the Moon.
In such cases, a person easily manages to separate the influence of the ancestral heritage and the forces of the Self. These natives are fortunate to develop their personality quickly and unhindered. This occurs, for example, with the opposition of the Moon, with the full moon, which in the old books on astrology was always designated as something negative, being in reality nothing more than a clear division between two principles.
In later life, when the personality develops, this person will be able to well unite these separated principles of the Moon and the Sun, so that one can speak of a harmonious and positive being.
Sun and Moon in the outer sphere
If the Sun and Moon are above the horizon, then the forces of the Moon are more developed, because it is easy for them to penetrate through relatively thin layer magnetosphere.
In such cases the forces of heredity for a long time win, the search for the Self is complicated and burdened by various connections with the past. Anyone who is born into the world with such a position of the Sun and Moon will always feel internally unfree in relation to the new, since his past is always the present for him.
It goes without saying that here a lot also depends on the position of both luminaries in the Zodiac sign: if the Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Libra, the power of the Sun will be more pronounced. If the Moon is in Virgo, then it will be more difficult for the native to find inner balance.
Sun in the inner sphere - Moon in the outer sphere
At birth at night, when the Sun is below the horizon and the Moon is visible above the horizon, we have a case where the inherited inclinations, the boundless wealth of experience of the past constantly activate the conscience, when a person is extremely susceptible to all spiritual disturbances and for this reason can hardly reach the inner freedom.
Such people stand, so to speak, on the rails of the past, and all the decisions that others make easily and without difficulty are always more problematic for them. Conscience is the cause of constant self-criticism, testing oneself, and the fact that one cannot develop one’s personality as one would like creates constant dissatisfaction.
Sun and Moon in the inner sphere
Here both luminaries are below the horizon. In this case, both the strength of the Sun and the Moon are weakened by the powerful influence of the magnetosphere.
Here the influence of heredity is quite strong, the search for one’s self and the formation of personality are not very active, the internal struggle and development of personality are not experienced particularly dramatically. Life is perceived as it is, all impulses to change are absent.

If other planets are below the horizon, it is difficult for this native to develop freely. He remains, so to speak, throughout his life under the shadow of the influence of heredity. If they stand in the external sphere, the native manages, despite the position of both luminaries, to be a little weird, but, nevertheless, to develop a character colored by individual characteristics.

The Moon, generally favorable but rapidly changing, also reflects the theme of the planet with which it is in close contact.

Some authors believe that Neptune can sometimes be kind. I would especially advise against trusting Neptune, the great illusionist, even if he does not have negative aspects. What you take as good may later turn into losses and disappointments.

Biruni noted that if the planets are strong in their cosmic status, then they help each other both in friendship and in enmity, but if they are weak in their cosmic status, then they leave each other and act alone.

Fast and slow planets

Due to the ellipticity of their orbits, the planets move unevenly; in some parts of the orbit their speed is high, in others it is lower. In this regard, there is a distinction between fast and slow planets.

A fast planet is a planet that at the time of birth of a person had a speed above average.

A slow planet is a planet that at the time of birth of a person had a speed below average.

A fast planet manifests itself more quickly and easily than a slow one. If a person has a fast planet in Radix, he gains experience on this planet earlier than with a slow planet. The location of the planet must also be taken into account, since when it is in a sign of a related element, it manifests itself more easily than when it is in the sign of an element that does not correspond to the quality of the planet. So fast Jupiter in Leo or Libra will be faster than in Taurus, and slow Mercury will be slower in Cancer than in Aquarius or Aries.

Average speeds of planets

Sun – 0°59"8"

Moon – 12°58"

Mercury – 04°05"32""

Venus – 1°13"

Mars – 0°31"26""

Jupiter – 0°04"59"

Saturn – 0°03"49"

Uranus – 0°03"00"

Neptune – 0°01"40"

Pluto – 0°00"48"

Lunar nodes – 0°3"11"

Eastern and western planets

Eastern is a planet located in the eastern hemisphere, on the side of the Ascendant (X - III fields).

Western is a planet located in the western hemisphere, on the side of the Descendant - (IV - XI fields).

Planets below and above the horizon

A planet below the horizon is a planet located in the lower hemisphere (I – VI fields).

A planet above the horizon is a planet located in the upper hemisphere (VII – XII fields).

Morning and evening planet

A planet rising shortly before sunrise is called a "planet before the Sun", "Doriphorius", "Scout" or "Morning planet".

A planet that sets after sunset is called a "planet after the Sun", "Auriga", "Auriga" or "Evening planet".

Any planet can play the role of Doriphorius or Auriga (not to be confused with the constellation of the same name), but most often this place is occupied by Mercury or Venus due to the proximity of their orbits to the Sun. Venus is usually called the “Morning Star”, although it can also be the “Evening Star”; it is she who lights up first in the evening sky.

More details about the morning and evening planets will be discussed below.

Burnt planets

A planet located at a distance of up to 17" from the exact conjunction with the Sun is considered to be "in the heart of the Sun." This position is also called "kazimi". With this position of the planet, the Sun reveals its potential and gives it extra energy, for his full disclosure.

A planet located at a distance of up to 3° (in some ancient treatises up to 6°) from exact conjunction with the Sun in one direction or another is considered "burnt planet". In this position, the planet becomes invisible, the rays of the Sun hide it, the planet seems to go blind and lose orientation, which is why it becomes unable to fully express itself. A person with this position of the planet often has many ideas and plans related to the implementation of the functions of this planet, but does not have the opportunity to bring them to life.

A planet located at a distance of 3° - 17° from an exact conjunction with the Sun is considered to be “in the rays of the Sun”. With this position of the planet, the situation changes dramatically. The rays of the Sun are already “at a safe distance” from the planet, so this position can already be interpreted as an aspect of conjunction, in which the planets act in tandem, together.

Naturally, in all three positions the cosmic status of the planets should be taken into account.

Surrounded planet

An encircled planet, or a planet “under siege”, “blockade” is a planet that is located between two other planets located from it within the orbit. Being “surrounded” by benefic planets enhances its cosmic status. “Surrounding” malefic planets weakens the planet, prevents it from manifesting itself in full force or blocks its action.


Sign management

Domicile– finding the planet in its own sign, where the planet feels at ease and can fully express its energy. They say that the planet rules the sign (see Appendix, Table 3.4), and the planet itself is called the ruler. Here the properties of the planet completely coincide with the properties of the sign and their forces are in harmony. Nothing prevents the planet from expressing itself fully. This position is also called “a planet in its own house.” A person who has such a planet practically does not need to gain experience, he is already born with certain skills and everything works out for him as if by itself (within the framework of this planet, of course). If there are several similar planets in the horoscope, this gives a person greater penetrating power.

Exil– the presence of a planet in a sign opposite to its domicile. In many sources you can read that a planet in exile is weak. This is not entirely true, here the strength of the planet does not decrease, but it acts according to the properties of the sign, therefore it “feels” uncomfortable, constrained, manifests its properties with difficulty, or its qualities are greatly distorted. To manifest on this planet, a person needs preliminary experience, otherwise he will “go out of step” with the others. It cannot be said that such a person is mediocrity; on the contrary, after many experiences and attempts, forced to approach the matter wisely, he can become a specialist in this field. But for this he will need much more time than a person with a planet in his domicile.

Exaltation– the presence of the planet in the sign where it is most clearly manifested, although it is the “second important person” in the sign. A planet in exaltation is often more visible than a planet in domicile. A planet that is in its own sign manifests itself naturally, it does not need to show or prove anything, it feels the right to behave as it sees fit, especially since experience confirms that it is right. In case of exaltation, the planet manifests itself brightly, “exaltedly”, gives all its best, at the highest limit of its capabilities. She is not the owner of the sign, but still it is this sign that gives her the opportunity to express herself fully. It acts not of its own free will, but out of necessity, therefore, if a planet in domicile manifests itself smoothly and constantly, a planet in exaltation manifests itself violently and episodically, i.e. when there is a need for it.

In addition to the sign of exaltation, planets also have a degree of exaltation: Sun 19° Aries, Moon 3° Taurus, Mercury 15° Virgo, Venus 27° Pisces, Mars 28° Capricorn, Jupiter 15° Cancer, Saturn 21° Libra.

Fall– the presence of a planet in a sign opposite to the sign of its exaltation. Here there is distortion, impoverishment, denial of the properties of the planet. In order for a person to express himself on this planet, it is necessary to adapt to the situation, study it and make greater or lesser efforts. Which ones exactly a person usually does not know, so the action of the planet occurs in fits and starts. A person most often uses this planet in the wrong place, in the wrong way, and at the wrong time, unlike a planet in exaltation, which comes into action at the right moment. It is clear why exactly the planets in the phallus are carriers of various kinds of complexes. If you do everything at the wrong time, then it’s time to feel defective. It is possible to solve the problem of the planet in the fall, but it will take many years of trial and error. Often people with extraordinary talent have a planet in the phallus, for example, poets can have Mercury in the phallus.

Not everyone is meant to be good astrologers or psychologists, but every person needs to understand the general trend of his horoscope. It is best to start getting acquainted with your natal chart by considering the hemispheres and the location of the planets. The horizon axis of the Ascendant and (AS and DS) divides the horoscope into night and day hemispheres. The night one is below the horizon line, and the daytime one is above it. If most of the planets are located in the daytime hemisphere, this indicates that you are an extrovert who actively interacts with the outside world. If the main part of the planets is below the horizon, the person is an introvert who needs isolation from the world, solitude, and the search for inner harmony.

The Ascendant tells us about the external aspects of an individual’s personality manifested in the world around us. The Descendant shows the attitude towards partnerships.

By dividing the chart vertically, we get a line between the MC and IC (Zenith and Nadir), which divides the horoscope into the eastern and western hemispheres. The eastern hemisphere is always located on the side of the ascendant (AS), the western hemisphere on the side of the descendant (DS). The fact is that some astrologers prefer the left-sided Zodiac (ascendant on the left), while others prefer the right-sided Zodiac (ascendant on the right). The left-sided Zodiac counts the signs and houses of the horoscope from the ascendant of the natal chart counterclockwise. In the right-handed Zodiac, where the ascendant is depicted on the right, the countdown proceeds clockwise.

Zenith (midheaven point) or MC shows hidden ambitions that a person subconsciously wants to realize. The Nadir point (bottom of the sky) or IC opposite to it symbolizes the individual’s life positions, his roots.

If most of the planets of the horoscope are located in the eastern part, such a person is well oriented in reality, builds his own life and leads other people. He is independent, can ignore other people's opinions, and is distinguished by courage and impulsiveness. In the case when the planets are more occupied by the western side of the horoscope, the individual is largely dependent on circumstances, willingly compromises and is inclined to cooperate.

Cardinal signs include: Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer – these signs are action-oriented, proactive and courageous.

Fixed signs include: Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio - they have determination, perseverance and do not like change.

Mutable signs include: Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces - they are always open to change, flexible, and easy to adapt.

The placement of planets in the houses of the horoscope

During the initial analysis of the natal chart, you must remember about the classification of houses.

Fire houses: first, fifth and ninth - fall within the scope of action. If they are accentuated in a person, then he is quick-tempered, dynamic, loves life and tries to get the most out of it.

Earthly houses: second, sixth and tenth - relate to the sphere of matter. Such people are practical, conservative, results-oriented and stand firmly on their own two feet. They care about safety, their health, recognition in society and stability.

Air houses: third, seventh and eleventh - relate to the field of communication. An individual who has strong these houses is sociable, focused on others, and constantly deals with information.

Water houses: fourth, eighth and twelfth. The one who has these houses allocated is emotional, inclined to look back, insightful and responsive.

The emphasis on a certain group of houses can direct a person’s interests in one direction or another. For example, a person does not have planets in Fire signs. He is slow, has difficulty getting started active actions, but the presence of planets in the first, fifth and ninth houses motivates him to take various kinds of initiatives. With empty Earth signs, the individual may be completely impractical, but the planets in the second, sixth and tenth houses will direct him towards gaining organization and stability.

Also, houses are corner, fixed and mutable. The corner houses are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth. They give entrepreneurship. The fixed or successive houses are the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh. This group gives stamina. The successive or mutable houses consist of the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth. They give perseverance.

It is believed that the angular houses of the horoscope are the most powerful. In second place are fixed ones. On the third - mutable. People with big amount planets in cadent houses refute the last statement. They are supported by the research of Michel Gauquelin, a scientist at the National Center for Scientific Research in France, who decided to prove the falsity of astrology using statistics, after which he himself became an astrologer. He and his team studied tens of thousands of horoscopes and created a database that confirms that the planets “behave” in a certain way. Mars is expressed in athletes, the Moon in writers, Saturn inclines towards the profession of a scientist, and produces excellent actors. The above planets are often located in cadent (mutable) houses.

The next level is the “zones” into which the Zodiac is divided. Each zone contains signs of all four elements, starting with Fire. Each of these zones carries information about a certain higher purpose of a person born under the strong influence of a certain zone.

This purpose, this higher program will flow from a certain collective/unconscious, it manifests itself in the mass of people, that is, it shows your program from the point of view of community. Through this program three principles are manifested: male, female, “Dan”, average, unifying.

First zone includes zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer.

The first zone is associated with the first principle of “Yang”, the masculine principle. People who have a large concentration of planets in the first zone are people whose elements are formed on an unconscious level by an element, a natural flow that requires them searching for a new, creative beginning, active transformation of the world around us- V best case scenario. And at worst - destructiveness, chaotic movement in life, that is, they are all drawn into the elements, and the elements pass through them. These people do not know what they are doing, but somewhere on an unconscious level they become not creators, but, on the contrary, destroyers. Each zone shows our manifestations from the point of view of the collective unconscious. At a deep level, these principles pass through us: Yang, Yin and Dan. The highest task is to look for something new, to create, transform and spiritualize the elements. This is the first zone.

Second zone includes the signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. The zone is associated with order, balance, and the accumulation of potential. The main task of such people is to prevent the destruction of established forms; they must keep the world in balance. Preservation, conservation, accumulation of creative potential, protection of established traditions - this is the highest task of the people of the Second Zone. In the worst case, the zone manifests itself on an unconscious level, this may not be perceived by a person, but then your highest tasks may not be perceived. And if they are not perceived, then you may be cut off from the single flow that feeds you, you may not enter this single flow, the same path for everyone. It will be blocked for you, and you may find yourself isolated, spinning like a sliver in a whirlpool, that is, you will not have the same open internal channel with everyone, which will give you the opportunity to find your path in a single stream.

According to the zones and the following terms of the division of the Zodiac, which we will introduce, we introduce the term " collective unconscious", which manifests itself at different levels. The first level is zones.

The second zone is the protection of stability, the protection of the established, the world must be kept in balance and increased. The task of the people of the second zone is to preserve the best in the world in the form in which it was created. At the lowest level of the second zone - inertia, conservatism, protection of what has already become obsolete, what no longer has prospects for development, delay at the unconscious level of dynamic growth. When this program works, these people may be left alone, they may lose contact with the spring that feeds them, from which all of humanity is fed. This spring is a single river of life. It has three arms, which are symbolized by three streams of water. This is the heavenly river Harakhvanti, as it is written in the Avesta, whose three streams descend from heaven to Earth: a hot stream, a cold and invisible stream. The third invisible stream, which is not perceived by the senses, is the third zone (the first zone is hot water, the second is cold).

The Harakhvanti River flows from two branches and from the mouth of Andrisura-Anahita, symbolizing the connection of the upper and lower worlds. I again return to the Avestan system, which is universal and allows us to explain the unity of the Cosmic Law and the Law of the manifested world. The third flow is invisible, the third zone. This is the water of the living word, because it pours out of Aregvisur’s mouth.

To the third zone four elements included: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The zone symbolizes combination of properties, transformation, modification, metamorphoses that occur to a person at a deep level.

And their highest task is to change the very structure of the universe, look for new forms, transform the world around us, sum up what has happened, connect contradictions, look for a way out of all dead ends, show new ways out of any crises. That is, to bring civilization to a new level, to recreate the lost balance, and where there is stagnation, to intensify and provoke a crisis so that this abscess breaks through, that is transformation, transmutation of all accumulated karmic potential. It is no coincidence that all the cosmic messengers that come to earth to modify the karmic program of everything human, at best, are associated with the third zone. In the worst case, these are those who are sent to confuse humanity, so that people cannot find a way out of this crisis and get lost.

At best they are prophets, and at worst they are false prophets; transformers of karma and those who interfere with this transformation, who interfere and introduce contradictions into the world. That is, incarnated Asuras (or Ahuras), in another way - Izeds, purified souls who emerged from the circle of incarnations, liberated from the world of evil, or daivas (devas) - entities that were defiled and fell from the higher world into the wheel of incarnations even much lower than the carriers of evil.

Here, in this zone, we see almost all the prophets, bearers of religion, transformers of the Karma of humanity. Zarathustra, whose birth is celebrated on the twenty-second of December at the tropic of the winter solstice; here is the Nativity of Christ, here is Magomed, Lao Tzu, Confucius... They are all here, in the zone of transformation, transformation, which works for us at the level of the collective, unconscious. And the more a person reflects from himself, from his “ego,” the more he comes to this “Universum”, to his program, which works on several levels. And the first level of this program that unites everyone is precisely the Zones. The zones of a normal person, whose consciousness is chained to himself, these zones are weakly visible, at least the obstacles and problems that he will have are visible if his consciousness is not directed towards resolving these problems dictated to him by the Zone.

These three zones are three strategies that are dictated by the collective, unconscious, uniting many people.
This three strategies:

  • active transformation, searches - the first zone;
  • balance and retention of established forms - the second zone;
  • transformations and changes in the structure itself - the third zone - changing the potential itself, reuniting contradictions, searching for something new and transmutation.


After these zones, we turn to the next term and the next indicator, which is called a quadrant. This is another form of dividing the Zodiac, but in this case not into three, but into four parts. This form of division shows a completely different layer of information, a completely different level of interpretation of the Cosmic Law that the ancients encoded in the zodiac circle. What level is this? Quadrants are associated with certain stages of our development from the point of view of a single path in the Shanshar wheel, in the wheel of incarnations.

A person’s life from death to birth is arranged in the image and likeness of a common path through all incarnations, starting from the first to the final point. Just as in any phenomenon, there are four stages, four phases in cosmogenesis, the creation of the cosmos. The path of every created creation naturally falls into four phases, which can be related to the four phases human life. That is, the phase of childhood, innocence and absorption of teaching, youth, the phase of following established examples and active testing of strength, the phase of maturity, peace, harmony and common sense, prudence, healthy distribution of one’s capabilities, mature return of what a person has accumulated in himself, and, finally, the phase of old age, which is preparation for a new cycle of development, on the one hand, and on the other hand, summing up the results of the entire previous cycle, as well as penetration into the depths, knowledge of the essence, knowledge of the frailty of existence and, of course, opening the doors to eternity.

Thus we have four phases from childhood to adulthood associated with four quadrants, each of which shows a certain stage of our karmic path. And it was precisely this very karmic stage that determined, in turn, our appearance in this world, in this incarnation. That is the quadrant, which is most heavily filled with planets in a personal horoscope, shows at what stage of life and what karmic paths we decide in this life. Let's see how these quadrants operate, how they manifest themselves, and what they give. Quadrants also appear at the level of individual psychology, and, at a deep unconscious level, a person is formed by a certain stage of life, it is this stage that becomes dominant: either childhood, or youth, or maturity, or old age. This is one approach to quadrants.

The second approach is related to the significance of a certain period of life. A heavily filled quadrant suggests the importance of this stage . The first quadrant assumes the significance of childhood - great, enormous, etc. It assumes significance, and, therefore, requires each of us to pay close attention and reveal ourselves precisely at a certain stage of our development. Let's see what the quadrants incline us to at a certain stage of our development, what the best and worst traits each of us carries in our cosmogram. Whether a quadrant is strong or weak must be judged by the planets.

First quadrant - karmic CHILDHOOD

It is associated with childhood and includes the signs: Aries, Taurus and Gemini. And it imposes the characteristics of childhood on this person. The best traits that connect a person with childhood should remain with him for many years, even when childhood is over. This is spontaneity, inner purity, the ability to be surprised and make discoveries constantly, to perceive the world as an innocent creature, inner openness. This is a child's perception, which is able to connect human existence with the very foundations of its incarnation and allow it to see the source, the source from which we all came - these are the best features of a child. This person will have them, if, however, he is not led astray from the beginning, if attitudes are not imposed on him that change and hinder him. Even if the quadrant has the best indicators, it can still be knocked down. That's why people of the first quadrant need a good childhood, especially close attention in childhood. Under no circumstances should we knock them down; we must give them a normal, healthy childhood, because it is childhood that guides them. If in childhood they see anger, conflicts between parents, disorder, if no one takes care of them, these factors can form the most negative and disgusting type, which will manifest itself at a deep unconscious level. Or this can also manifest itself if there are negative indicators in the first quadrant: the Black Moon, flawed planets, which we will talk about later - this can also lead to similar deformations. That's why children need a happy, normal childhood. In childhood, such people appear like normal children: they play, express themselves, and directly perceive the world around them. These best features must remain until the end.

The worst features of this quadrant are infantilism, underdevelopment, carelessness, and superficiality. Such a person will manifest himself in life as a big, but sometimes angry child; he believes that he can take a lot without giving anything back; he can treat serious things too easily with which he will play and have fun. But this can have a fatal impact on many people. Can you imagine how much evil such a big spoiled child of forty or fifty years old can do? Can you imagine what stupid projects can come into his head, what games he can come up with, believing that it is easy and simple to do? Millions of people can be involved in these games. How many people will pay for this infantile! He doesn't understand the abyss he's pushing people into. He really could be a villain, programmed for any evil. He can't, he can't figure it out.

You will find examples yourself. Astrology with all the icons and planets is also not the main thing. The main thing is that it explains that world, that cosmos that is encoded, into which we can enter from this system of concepts. It is my task to introduce you into this system. There is a very thin chain here between logical construction and intuition. It is impossible to catch the moment where one turns into the other, because this is a combination of two processes, the ability to combine. If you stick to exactly this edge, then you can approach the gates of this knowledge.

Now about Stalin. Moon with Saturn in Aries, five planets in Taurus: Mars, Neptune, Chiron, Pluto, Black Moon. Seven planets out of twelve, what a happy childhood this is!

Second quadrant - karmic YOUTH

So, the second phase is the phase of youth. But youth means Karmic, do not be confused, since the first phase is Karmic childhood. What is youth? What are the best and worst traits of this period that can manifest in each of us.

The best traits of youth: uncompromisingness, maximalism, active beginning, progress, etc. These traits will manifest themselves in people throughout their lives. Moreover, they will appear from childhood. Already in childhood, the child exhibits the traits of a young man - the desire to be more mature, activity, a test of creative powers, maximalism. And it makes no sense to demand childhood, infantilism from him - he is not really a child. These are Leo, Cancer, Virgo. Their desire to grow up as quickly as possible, to be adults, is a youthful manifestation, faster than the manifestation of the Karmic program of youth. And when youth comes, everything embedded in them in this phase (from 13-14 to forty years old) will manifest itself in them in old age. And in old age they will retain the ability to sacrifice themselves, creative strength, and good spirits. This is especially clearly seen in the example of Leo, because it is a sign of Fire. The Fire sign symbolizes the development of the active principle. This is why it is believed that people with a strong Leo retain the best features of their youth until old age.

The worst traits of youth: intolerance, self-centeredness, maximalism, unwillingness to listen to anyone, exaggeration, inflating one’s own importance beyond measure. This is what psychiatry used to call “juvenile syndrome.” Now the concept of “juvenility” does not exist. Now this is called infantilism. These are completely different concepts. Infantilism is characterized by play and frivolity. For juvenile— intolerance, persistence, maximalism, denial of authority. And a juvenile psychopath will be more active in destroying everything, undermining authorities, this is scary, and he is more responsible for what he does. This is “a pale young man with a burning gaze...” that’s all, that’s all... The next two phases, from a karmic point of view, carry greater responsibility than the first two. Youth is very significant for them; they value themselves precisely by their youth. They always want to be young, when youth passes, they strive to retain it. This is typical for Cancer, Leo, Virgo - in early youth they are at the level of love, they take older people as partners in order to equate themselves with them. As soon as the mature years arrive, they begin to hunt for “pioneer women”, although according to age they should hunt for pensioners. These are the worst traits. This is what juvenileism is.

Third quadrant - karmic MATURITY

Now let's see what maturity is. These are Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. The best traits of maturity: rationality, prudence, practicality, flexibility, courage, the ability to distribute one’s resources, mature creative output, the ability not to waste energy in vain, calmness, flexibility, courage, harmony of behavior and position, because much has been left behind, but much more ahead... And, of course, such people from an early age are to some extent no longer children, they already have a sense of perspective. This is wonderful. We need to help them with this, and not demand that they play with dolls, bicycles, lisp, etc. They should be treated like adults, but, of course, with childish manifestations. Therefore, what is sown in childhood will truly emerge and unfold in maturity, and maturity will be a very significant period for these people. Childhood and youth are of little significance, but maturity is significant; it begins very early, overlaps with youth, and can even begin at thirty and last for a very long time. This is karmic maturity.

Finally, the worst features of this quadrant: prudence, inertia, the desire to get your own piece of life, conservatism and, most importantly, not just greed, but the fact that people set a limit to their development: “I need this, this and this and nothing else.” , that is, it is limited. These are the worst traits of maturity.

This diagnosis is " maturity syndrome" - no in psychiatry, it should be. It is almost a mental illness, like infantilism and juvenileism. This refers to the shortcomings of our psychiatry. Imagine, a person is adapted, seems normal, but sets restrictions on everyone: “We don’t need this, we don’t need this, and this too, but we need this, this and this... the car, the dacha, the hero's stars..."

Such a mature man ruled us for two cycles of the Black Moon, that is, eighteen years. L. I. Brezhnev had all this in the III quadrant, the quadrant of maturity. It involves Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Mars and Venus are in Scorpio, Mercury and the Sun are in Sagittarius, there are planets in Libra... That is, this is a real mature person, but you see for yourself what this has led to...

E.K. Ligachev is also the III quadrant; by the way, he is also a Sagittarius.

Sobchak is Leo, the young man has most of his planets in Leo and Virgo. For Yeltsin and Gorbachev, everything is “smeared” across the Zodiac. Ryzhkov has the Sun in Libra.

Fourth quadrant - karmic OLD AGE

Finally, the last quadrant is old age, which includes the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Children born with a strongly pronounced IV quadrant are, to some extent, no longer children; they exhibit something of an senile quality. What is old age? This is wisdom, accumulated experience, they already see the end in everything they see - at the beginning they see the end of the matter. This is very characteristic of the psychology of these people.

See the ending, see final goal and seeing what makes up our path is a certain stage. The best features of old age are wisdom, insight, opening the doors of eternity and, of course, the feeling of the frailty of our life. To some extent, this is penetration into the highest meaning of Existence, from here they are already, as it were, preparing...

The purpose of their life is to prepare for a new stage of their development . This is karmic old age. Any old age contains the doors of the new, summing up. These, I repeat, are the best features of old age - to see the ultimate goal in everything, to see the end in everything and to prepare for a new period, to reveal in it the meaning of eternity. Eternal problems exist for Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, this is typical for them. It is also characteristic of all people, as well as civilizations born at this time, born under this quadrant.

The search for ways to solve eternal problems, the feeling of life as frailty, as a temporary stage, the ability to live with the problems of eternity - these best features of old age should be laid down in youth, therefore the period opposite to old age is very important for them. They are finally revealed only in later years., this period is more significant for them. Then they are true creators, showing humanity eternal problems, opening the doors of Eternity. Which of the greats had a strong last quadrant? In S. Bach, Michelangelo, Ramakrishna.

Some people with a strongly pronounced old age quadrant, unfortunately, did not live to see this period. One can only regret that F. M. Dostoevsky, whose last quadrant in the cosmogram was very pronounced (the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, the triple cluster in Capricorn, the ascending Node in Aquarius, Pluto in Pisces...), did not live to see this period that was most significant to him. He would have had a very meaningful old age, although he was always looking at the door of eternity. He will have to come back again to complete his program.

Question: And Tolstoy?

Tolstoy was filled mainly with the third quadrant, maturity. Gogol has the last quadrant, despite the fact that his birth was on the thirty-first of March. But, nevertheless, he is filled with Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn. Lomonosov has maturity. For Peter I, everything is “smeared out”. For Bulgakov, the first quadrant is a person who plays.

I wonder how you would evaluate A.S. Pushkin from this point of view? Yes, the second quadrant, a huge cluster in Cancer and Leo (five planets in Cancer - Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Proserpina). The procession of equiaction of movement in the direction opposite to the movement of the planets and the beginning of the cycle of all humanity is precisely the quadrant of old age, from which the development cycle of the entire new human civilization begins. And the sign of Pisces, which is the last in the circle of the Zodiac and symbolizing the end of the development of the human personality, is at the same time the first for the development of all human civilization. At a time when our civilization entered the IV quadrant, and this began shortly before our era, humanity faced the need to solve eternal questions, that is, to look beyond the visible world.

The final system, and all the systems that arose, had to penetrate beyond eternity. And before that there was a period of “childhood”, when humanity before this came to the last stage. After all, what is childhood? This final stage, this is a direct merger with God, it is like a direct child’s soul that communicates with God, it lives with these problems, this is the last period, a direct merger with the Absolute. Then there was still a connection between Heaven and Earth in human consciousness and it remained when the Gods were the same people and could be embodied in divine principles in the consciousness of people.

There was then a general generative consciousness capable of perceiving these divine principles directly. And then something completely different appeared at the beginning of the modern human era, even before the new era, because the era of Pisces did not come with the advent of Christ, but earlier, one hundred and fifty years before that.

Question: When was Cancer?

ABOUT! It was a very long time ago, this is the era of youth, it was at that time that Atlantis perished. She died at the end of the Age of Leo. Very little is known about this period. The Avesta and the Zervanist texts also talk about this period, but this is a separate conversation, and we are now going through the astrology of personality. In the future, students who take our courses will also go through this history, the hidden history of humanity, esoteric meaning each sign, its hidden meaning, and then - knowledge by the law of Karma of each person through problems associated with a certain sign of the Zodiac, an era that leaves its mark on the personality. We will study their interpenetration when it is formed living tissue source of space information. All this will be studied at higher stages, but for now I’m just summarizing everything so that you gradually begin to think about it yourself.

So, what are the worst things about getting old? This, of course, is pessimism, unbelief, disappointment, world sorrow, negativism - “all is vanity of vanities, eternal vanity.” It is no coincidence that Ecclesiastes was written by a civilization associated with the sign of Pisces. It was precisely at the border between Aries and Pisces that the Bible was finally edited.

Question: in what era did the Egyptian civilization exist?

It existed in the era of Taurus.

Question: What about the “golden age”?

It was when civilization approached the peak of “youth”, that is, the era of Leo, which is fraught with a lot; it should be a heyday. This was precisely the “golden age”, after which the last flood began in the era of Cancer. The death of Atlantis, when the procession moved from Leo to the sign of Cancer.

After Pisces comes Aquarius. Just now the procession has moved into the era of Aquarius, and we are, as it were, waiting for a “memory” of the lost “golden age”, because Aquarius is opposed to Leo, the very one in whose era the entire civilization flourished. That is why, to some extent, it will be a memory, echoes of the “golden age”, because the opposite signs are interconnected with each other. But... this belongs to another layer of information about the Zodiac. And we need to understand the astrology of personality and combine these components. I am afraid that you may have developed an infantile approach that takes only the external attribute and some external attractiveness of information and does not strive to learn the innermost secrets and meaning.

Question: How long does the era of the sign last?

2160 years! And the total cycle is 25920 years. A huge amount of time.


Now we will talk about another division of the Zodiac - into the so-called hemispheres. What are they? These are half of the Zodiac, each of them combines information from two quadrants.

According to their information, they contrast with each other, but complement each other. They also relate to the deep, unconsciously realized cosmic purpose of a person.
Each hemisphere combines two quadrants, and thus we see two different ways dividing the Zodiac into hemispheres: Western and Eastern, this is one way of division. The other is on the South and North.

Briefly about what each hemisphere contains. First of all, the division into West and East. It also shows a person’s program from the point of view of a path common to all.

What is the Karmic path of a person associated with according to the eastern cosmogram?

If you have the majority of planets in the Eastern hemisphere, then you will be characterized by separation from the environment, the world around you. You have a deep task - to find your place, to be able to withstand the world around you, to withstand these storms and trials and find your way. And at the same time, one must not remain an individualist, not oppose oneself to others, but simply find one’s own creative path, stand out, find your individual purpose. This is the task of the people of the Eastern hemisphere.

Example: The famous artist Van Gogh. The overwhelming number of his planets were located in the eastern hemisphere: a large cluster of planets in Aries, Taurus, Gemini with the node of the Moon, Pisces, where Venus and Mars are connected, are strongly involved. All this showed him as a person with a strongly expressed Eastern hemisphere. And in Western he only has a conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Western hemisphere, as opposed to Eastern

shows a person whose deep karmic purpose is a reflection from himself and life with a common cause, common interests, laws common to all, uniting him with many people. Life and communities, common interests, business for them should be more important than individual isolation.

We consider two purposes - general and personal. They complement each other if you divide the Zodiac vertically. Now let’s divide it horizontally and combine the quadrants: I, II, III and IV. Southern and Northern hemispheres. This is a completely different slice, which also imposes a certain program that operates at a deep level.

Lower hemisphere

signs from Aries to Virgo, their path is deepening, carrying on traditions and developing the past, the best that has been accumulated in it, that is, they must preserve the “roots”, the foundations. Their task is to develop the teaching; in the karmic sense, they are Disciples, continuers, keepers of knowledge. It is storage, continuation, systematization, deepening that is their task.

Upper hemisphere

The people of the upper, southern hemisphere are different. Their task is transformation, return of accumulated experience, leadership of others, development of teaching to a new level.

The past is very important, because the new is the well-forgotten old. And the old is what should appear in the new on a completely different level. There would be no bottom, there would be no basis for development and the emergence of something new. In this case, top and bottom merge here as a concept. It cannot be said that one is better than the other, it’s just that everyone has their place, everyone must carry out their own program. If you are already reflecting from yourself, if you are dealing with cosmic problems, then the people of the lower hemisphere are guardian people, they are based on the past. If they become teachers, then they must be conductors of past knowledge, show it at a new level, interpret it and give the opportunity to touch it.

In the Southern Hemisphere there are other tasks: to show a new aspect of the teaching, to show its transformation, leadership, that is, to give the opportunity to reach a new level of the same law. Therefore, both top and bottom are needed.

I personally know my task and program: I have most of the planets in the lower hemisphere. To me you just need to be a conductor of ancient traditions. If I carry out this program, then I will be in my place; I simply cannot be allowed any other interpretations at a deep level.

Initially, humanity was given everything: what was to manifest itself in the past, what was unfolding in the present, and what was to manifest in the future. Therefore, I consider myself a conductor of ancient knowledge that is both modern and future. And people with the lower hemisphere must adhere to the path of retrospection, a return to origins, to lost traditions.

The “southern” people have a path of new searches, they pave new paths. What is better and what is worse - judge for yourself because the people of the “north” reconstruct forgotten knowledge, the “southern” give a new approach to what was already given initially anyway. These are two sides of the same process.

So we have seen several layers, several levels of information in the Zodiac.

Now, at the end of the lecture, I will answer your questions.

  • Question: Is there a method of compatibility for those entering into marriage that is accessible to our level of training? From the point of view of the knowledge you represent, are there norms of sexual life? How does the Avestan tradition relate to these very acts that do not pursue procreation, what is the general range of behavior here, how does the Avestan tradition interpret the act leading to conception, to a new life? How does the Cosmic Law manifest itself here? To what extent does a person have the right to regulate the birth rate: birth control, pregnancy planning?

There is a certain system in the Avesta, this is one of the greatest systems about the origin of life and how a person can and should behave with a child when he is not even born yet. This is a whole system of rules that regulates relationships between people. I had no idea that you might have such questions. Obviously, a whole book will have to be written on this topic. But I can briefly say that this is treated with the greatest exactingness, as in general sexual relations. On the one hand, in principle, the Avestan system is very loose in its approach to the norms governing relations between people at this level. It is not demanding, there are no petty regulations or prohibitions, but since this area is associated with the possibility of deviations from the Law of Cosmos, and since it is associated with the possible birth of a new life, the demands placed on people are high.

On the one hand, there are no regulations, there are no prohibitions on this area of ​​life, and, on the other hand, there is a huge internal demand of the people themselves who enter into this relationship. This is not just a superficial position; it requires not just reason, but a reborn consciousness. It is believed that a person’s sexual life is an inclusion, an entry into the doors of some other world that is hidden behind our world.

Therefore, a person entering this world must be especially careful, otherwise Devas can move into him, otherwise through this he connects to the layers of the Lower World, that is, he can become a villain.

This is a huge topic, the Avestan teaching in this regard is, in general, much more reasonable, thoughtful and interesting than any modern or ancient one: there are no prohibitions and petty guardianship, but everything is designed to develop an internal attitude, to understand what is behind these “deeds” ". Please, you have the right to enter into a relationship with anyone, but know that this leads to certain consequences. And if you mess up, blame yourself for the consequences. The knowledge of where all this leads is quite clearly described in the Avesta.

  • Question: What about Freud?

Freud had a one-sided understanding of issues related to libido and its manifestations. He noticed one side of it and, since he was a materialist, he did not see hidden meaning. He was a Taurus with a cluster of planets in this sign, and never escaped from materialism.

Berdyaev came much closer to these issues, but he did not cover all the problems of Eros. Neither Berdyaev nor Rozanov give such an approach as the Avesta; their philosophical interpretations stem from a person’s certain attitude to these problems, and none of them had a deep understanding of the mechanisms for reflecting the Laws of the Cosmos in this, expressed through the same zodiac system, penetrating through the same single symbolism...

  • Question: Is genetics related to astrology?

Naturally! Our cosmic code is laid down at the gene level. The genetic code reflects the same cosmic system. This is a topic of great conversation. But, in principle, this is proven even at the most primary level, by the similarity of the horoscope of parents and children, especially those who have exhibited hereditary characteristics. The same indicators as in parents appear in children. The more such indicators in a child’s horoscope, the more similar they are in both appearance and character. This is a demonstration of genetic manifestations, not to mention deeper, more subtle ones. We did this, studied humans from the point of view of molecular genetics. Personally, this all brought me to the same original cosmic symbolism.

  • Question: Should the time of birth be determined taking into account summer time?

Summer time was introduced in 1981 from April to September. Go to Greenwich Time, add an hour to it.

Celestial equator - This is a projection onto the celestial sphere of the earth's equator. The second, no less important line is the celestial meridian. If we draw a circle through a point on the surface of the Earth (where we are) and through the north and south poles of the Earth, we will get a meridian. The projection of this meridian onto the circumference of the celestial sphere is called celestial meridian. In other words, we project lines and points on the surface of the globe onto the celestial sphere. The north and south poles of the Earth are the north and south poles of the celestial sphere, the celestial meridian is a projection of the earth, the earth's horizon is projected into the horizon of the celestial sphere.

The point of intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial meridian is the highest point of the catal chart, which the Sun passes at noon, the most high point the position of the Sun relative to the horizon. In our latitudes, the Sun never passes through the zenith; it is at its zenith only in the tropical zone, in latitudes from -23°.5 to +23°.5 (from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer). The highest point corresponds to the direction to the south pole of the celestial sphere, the lowest - to the north, and the straight line connecting them corresponds to the meridian. Thus, the line connecting the highest point of the natal chart with the lowest point is the projection of the celestial meridian.

Climax - the highest (upper culmination) or lowest (lower culmination) position of the luminary relative to the horizon. The luminaries always culminate on the meridian. So, we have identified two main lines - the projection onto the horizon plane and the projection onto the meridian plane.

The ecliptic also rotates relative to our horizon, making a full rotation (360°) per day. There are 1440 minutes in a day, which means on average the ecliptic passes I in 4 minutes." The ecliptic does not rise exactly in the east, its ascending degree shifts relative to the sunrise, but no more than 23° to the north or south (the result of the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane ecliptic).The point of intersection of the ecliptic and the horizon is the direction of the ascending degree of the ecliptic.

The degree that ascends at the moment of birth has a special name - the ascendant (Asc), and opposite it - the descendant (Dsc). To determine them, there are special tables of houses. The point of intersection of the meridian with the ecliptic is designated MC (Medium Coeli - Medium of the Goals) - the middle of the sky, the lower point of intersection of the meridian with the ecliptic is 1C (Imum Coeli - Imum of the Goals). We received four main points of the natal chart: ascendant, descendant, MC and 1C (Fig. 24.1). These points divide the circle into four parts, which are called quadrants of the natal chart. The quadrant adjacent to the ascendant is the first quadrant (when rotating counterclockwise), the quadrant between 1C and the descendant is the second,

from the descendant to the MC - the third, from the MC to the ascendant - the fourth.

These quadrants have other names. Since in natal chart Ascendant coincides with the direction to the east, 1C - with the direction to the north, then the first quadrant is called north-east, the second - north-west, the third - south-west and the fourth - south-east. The first quadrant is also called the quadrant of intuition, the second - the quadrant of emotions, the third - perception, the fourth - thinking. The first and second quadrants together form the lower, or invisible hemisphere (below the horizon), the third and fourth quadrants form the visible hemisphere (above the horizon); The first and fourth quadrants form the eastern hemisphere of the natal chart, the second and third - the western.

Example. The man was born on April 18, 1993 at about 12 noon. The Sun in the natal chart will be approximately between the Ascendant and the MC, closer to the MC. If he was born at 13.30, then the Sun will be on MC, because noon in Moscow according to summer time occurs at 13.30, if at 1:30 a.m., then the Sun will be on IC, if at 6:20 a.m., then the Sun will be on the ascendant. If a person was born on April 18 from 1.30 to 6.20, then the Sun will be in the northeast quadrant, if from 6.20 to 13.30 - in the southeast quadrant, if from 13.30 to 20.40 - in the southwest quadrant, from 20.40 to 1.30 - in the north -western quadrant.


Thus, if we place the entire ecliptic and along with it all the planets on the natal chart, we will obtain the position of the planets relative to the horizon. Each quadrant can be divided into three parts and received at home. It can be divided in different ways, since there are many parameters in astronomy: 1) by degrees of the ecliptic, counting an equal number of degrees; 2) along the horizon. Since the horizon is inclined relative to the ecliptic, we can count 30° along the circumference of the horizon (this is in a different coordinate system), etc.

As a result of various systems of dividing the natal chart into houses, several different house systems arose; these house systems were formed over thousands of years, but most of them were proposed in the Middle Ages and in modern times. Having checked traditional indicators, we found out that some systems work very well, others work poorly and are gradually leaving modern astrology. Many astrologers decide for themselves which house system is more efficient.

There is another approach. The division of the visible horizon into parts is the division of integral life into spheres. Any division of the horizon into parts in one way or another is a purely human matter. As you remember, man is the entire Cosmos, since we proceed from the principle of similarity. The projection of the Cosmos onto the celestial sphere is a person from a certain point of view. Our perception of this person depends on where we look from (from Moscow - one image, from New York - another).

Consider, for example, the traditional issue of compatibility. You approach each person differently. One person is a very good employee, disciplined, neat, reliable, keeps his promises, but spending free time with him is bad - he is a bore and will ruin any company. When we meet a person, we always intuitively determine his place in our life;

When we get a job, we look at how suitable our boss is for us; when we go on a trip, we evaluate a fellow traveler as a travel buddy, etc. A psychoanalyst penetrates into a person’s psyche, analyzes his subconscious, the hidden sources of his actions, the head of the personnel department looks at how well a person can do his job, a physician looks at the physical, bodily plan of a person. This or that point of view is a certain view, highlighting one plane from a person’s life.

The same thing happens when we cut a single celestial sphere into twelve parts by certain planes. I believe that every correctly constructed house system has a certain point of view on a person, therefore, when assessing the suitability of a particular house system, it is necessary to determine for what purpose we use this system, what questions we can answer with its help, in what cases need to use it.

House system Placidus - main The Equal House System and the Koch System are also the most commonly used. Externally, on the circle of the map, all these systems look the same: four quadrants, each of which is divided into three parts - twelve houses. In most house systems, the main points - the horizon and the Medium Goal (MC) - coincide. There are other systems. For example, in one of the Chinese systems there are eight houses instead of twelve.

Twelve houses describe the fullness of existence, since the number twelve is associated in occultism with the idea of ​​a cosmic entity that, as an independent developing whole, is capable of managing its existence. There are twelve houses, like the signs of the Zodiac: I, II and III houses belong to the first quadrant, IV, V, VI houses to the second, VII, VIII, IX to the third, X, XI, XII to the fourth. Houses are counted counterclockwise.

The house system is centrally symmetrical. This means that the ascendant is symmetrical to the descendant, the apex of the II house is centrally symmetrical to the apex of the VIII house, the apex of the III is centrally symmetrical to the apex of the IX house, etc. It is usually marked in what degree the apex of each house is located. The 1st house begins with the ascendant. The beginning of a house is called its top, or cusp of the house. In some systems, the cusp means the middle of the house. However, modern statistical studies have shown that the middle of the house does not have much influence in the chart. In German-language literature, instead of the word “house” you can find the word “field”.

When analyzing a map, the degree from which each house begins is important, i.e. degree standing at the top of the house. We know that by moving 4 minutes in longitude to the east or west, we will thereby shift by 4 minutes in local time, which means the ascendant will change, i.e. ascending degree of the ecliptic. Therefore, we are limited in time to an interval of 2 minutes, or a zone of ±0.5° in longitude and latitude; 4 minutes is 1° in longitude.

To find out how many people have exactly the same natal chart as ours, we must calculate how many people are born in 4 minutes within a square on the surface of the globe defined by sides of 1° in longitude and latitude. When calculating, we will limit ourselves to the borders of Moscow (a little wider), a city with a very high population density. In Moscow, on average, 90 thousand people are born per year, less than 11 people are born per hour, and less than one per 4 minutes. There are peaks, when several people are born at once within half an hour, and there are downturns. According to statistics, the birth rate in Moscow, as in other large cities of the world, is falling. I think that nature sets a limit for man, not allowing natal charts to repeat themselves, i.e. The birth rate is limited within each square on the Earth's surface with a side of 1°.

We see that even in a city like Moscow, it is very rare to meet two people who have exactly the same natal charts. In the future, the moment of a person’s birth will be determined down to the second. There are already works that allow you to set the time of birth, i.e. rectify the card up to the minute. This suggests that astrologers reach a level of describing a person when the characteristics of an individual chart are not repeated at all - it is at the level of the natal chart that we can come to the individual characteristics of a person.


Why do houses count counterclockwise? Astronomers note daily and annual movement. From the point of view of a person living in the northern hemisphere of the globe, the Sun moves along the ecliptic and the Earth rotates counterclockwise. Since we see, as it were, the reflected movement of the celestial sphere, it seems to us that the Sun makes a daily movement clockwise. Houses are drawn in the real direction - counterclockwise. The direction of the drawing also has an occult meaning: clockwise - involutionary movement, counter - evolutionary. Since movement from the ascendant along the circle of houses characterizes the evolution of personality, the circle of houses must be drawn counterclockwise.

The first house of the natal chart is also called a horoscope, hence the second name of the natal chart - horoscope. Word horoscope comes from a combination of Greek words: goro - hour, osprey - observe, i.e. observe the hour, time. Ancient astrologers, observing the rising stars, determined the ascendant and built charts.

The meaning of the 1st house is a person’s physical body, appearance, face, manner of holding, moving, speaking, as well as self-awareness, the activity of human nature, temperament manifested in action (not that deep, hidden temperament that is associated with the Sun, but temperament associated with action, i.e. with the manner of movement, manner of speech).

II house. The meaning of the 2nd house is stock vital energy and human strength, the ability and ability to absorb and use energy, organize its circulation in one’s own body. This house includes money, movable property earned by one’s own labor, practical knowledge, and skills that one acquires in the course of life.

III house. Brothers and sisters, close relatives, short trips and travel. Correspondence, practical and special education, as well as thinking, the human mind, used to solve problems in everyday life. Circle of acquaintances, friends, neighbors. - not very strong, not very long contacts, i.e. a person's everyday environment.

IV house. For men it is the father's house, for women it is the mother's house, i.e. the mother is in the female chart, the father is in the male chart. This is the father's house, one's own house, real estate, land that a person owns, small homeland. The house as a whole, including those who live in it and the general atmosphere. This is also the astral matrix, which a person inherits from his parents, i.e. certain emotional and mental predispositions that a person receives from his parents.

V house. Creativity, love, children, relationships with children, having children. This is free time, entertainment, risk, gambling and speculation, large purchases.

VI house. Work to support one's life, service, service relationships, the team in which a person works, relationships with superiors, with subordinates, with juniors and seniors in the sense of subordination and dominance, caring for loved ones and family, raising children, domestic servants, pets . Diseases. If the 2nd house is health, then the 6th house is illness.

VII house. Marriage. In astrology, marriage is viewed as a long, stable relationship. In the past, people were considered to be married if they lived together and had common property. Nowadays, marriage means a stable relationship, so often love affairs go not so much through the V as through the VII house. This is also the house of partnership, cooperation, camaraderie, the house of obvious enemies, these are civil court cases; popularity, human participation in the activities of various groups, small teams. This is both a close, intimate friendship and an attitude towards nature.

VIII house. This is the money that we receive through other people, the money of our wife or husband, as well as inheritance, these are our debts, as well as the money that we lend. Acute diseases that bring a person to the brink of life and death, accidents, any encounter with death, as well as sleep. Practical occultism, practical magic (black and white), all kinds of energy practices (yoga, wushu, etc.). Death and stay in post-mortem spaces, the experience of death. Pregnancy, conception and sex life. Traveling abroad associated with overcoming some obstacles. Violence, criminal offenses, suicide.

IX house. Distant relatives, long journeys and trips, stays abroad, higher education, primarily general, as opposed to special education, which belongs to the III house. This is philosophy and religion, a person’s worldview, his system of ideas about the world, his faith, his Teacher, spiritual mentors, teaching, preaching, mission. Literature classes, spiritual friendship.

X house. A person’s vocation, his professional activity (as opposed to work in the VI house). Social status, honor and glory, awards, power, career, second parent (in the female chart the X house is the father, and in the male chart the X house is the mother). The social activity of a person, the ideas that motivate him in this activity, the ideas that guide him in his life.

XI house. Dreams, ideals, what a person worships, aspirations, distant plans (as opposed to specific goals of the 9th house). These are a person’s friends by way of thinking, by ideal, a circle of people close to him in worldview. Social activity. Something new that arises in a person’s life, not included in his program. XII house. Emigration, imprisonment, stay in prison or hospital, as well as the result of a person’s social activity. Any stay in solitude, enclosed spaces, in exile, in a cave, alone, outside of ordinary reality, where a person is alone with himself, in particular, an internal, closed way of life. Hidden, secret activities, secret enemies and friends, as well as a secret patron. Mystery and sacrament, mysticism, esoteric teachings and knowledge. Chronic illnesses, trips abroad. This is a person’s karma, as well as the hidden, spiritual side of his life.

We have named the main meanings of houses. Houses together should describe all aspects of a person’s life. They also have more common names. So, the 1st house is called the horoscope, the house of “I”, the 2nd house is the house of money and health. III - brothers and sisters, friendship, IV - father's house, one's home, V - creativity and children, VI - illness and service, VII -- house of marriage, VIII - house of death, IX - religion, long journeys, X - house of success, XI - house of friends, XII - house of karma, house of exile.

Why are there such different meanings associated with each house? Apparently the houses have more deep meaning, which manifests itself in a specific form. Houses must have many meanings so that all possible forms of life can be described through them. The world is very diverse and ambiguous. Language is quite specific and is not suitable for describing the most abstract meanings, so we will have to ascend from the concrete to the abstract and understand that deep, primary meaning of houses, which lies in a higher sphere and manifests itself in our everyday life.


What place do houses occupy when interpreting a natal chart? We have already talked about the planets as forces acting in human life. Signs are the field on which the activities of the planets unfold. Signs are pure possibility, pure potency, this is a certain energy that colors the action of the planets in its color, modifies them, and manifests itself through the planets. Planets are the main characters. The type and mode of action of the planets, the quality of their manifestation are signs, but the forms, spheres of manifestation, the place of application of the planets’ activities are houses - the most concrete, most external side of our life. Houses are the structure of the earth's horizon, i.e. a place where ideas are translated into form.

Each force has its own type of action, its own direction, and can be embodied in many forms. If, say, we have an active Mars type with a strong strong-willed dominant character, his will can find application both at work (an independent worker, a businessman), and among friends, in organizing social activities, for example, hiking. Mars can manifest itself in spiritual quests or as a desire for social success, the will and ability to make a career, or as creativity, as activity in love - this force has many different areas of application.

Houses concretize to the extreme what the planets and signs give us, i.e. we consider planets in signs and houses. Houses are an external form, a sphere of activity, they answer the question:

"Where and in what form?" If, say, a planet in a sign gives us a description of a person’s character, then houses - outside life;

they determine what events, situations, problems are associated with planets and signs.

Imagine that the Sun is in opposition to Saturn in your natal chart. Then the Sun as an individual opposes Saturn as a norm, law, authority, tradition. We see a person whose character is initially based on the opposition between his inner “I” and the external forms imposed on him by the society in which he lives (at least he thinks so). Natal opposition can manifest itself in different ways. If the Sun's position in the sign is stronger than Saturn, then individuality will dominate, the person will actively try to overcome limitations, explode the form, get out of control. If Saturn is stronger than the Sun, he will feel depressed, feel the pressure of the environment that limits him and does not allow him to escape.

This opposition can take place, for example, in houses I-VII. If the Sun is in the 1st house, then there will be a clash between individuality (1st house) and the responsibilities imposed by partnership, cooperation, marriage (Saturn in the 7th house). The person will perceive these relationships as overwhelming and fight against them. When the II and VIII houses are in opposition, the confrontation may be associated with debt obligations; this may manifest itself as a violation of the laws of natural life, of rational nature. Failure to comply with these laws leads to loss of vital energy.

If the opposition connects the 3rd and 9th houses, then we can expect a clash of the norms that a person’s faith, his worldview sets, with his own everyday life. If this is the opposition of the IV-X houses, then he will feel that parental authority is suppressing him. With the opposition of the 5th and 11th houses, the person making plans cannot implement them - his nature goes against his own plans (for example, he cannot fulfill obligations due to his emotionality). Problems may arise in relationships with children. Opposition of the VI and XI.I houses - problems in the service are possible (the need to maintain discipline and the reluctance to do so).

We see that the same problem, the same character trait takes on different shapes, depending on which houses the planets are located in. Working with a cosmogram, we see a person’s character, his fate in general, the tendencies of fate, and the houses show specific forms and manifestations. For example, by analyzing Jones figures, one can determine which specific sphere the “sling” or “basket” is looking into, which houses the “swing” pair is located in, how many planets are below the horizon and how many are above the horizon. Depending on which part has more planets, we can talk about the relationship between different aspects of character. You can count how many planets are in the east and west, and identify the dominant quadrants (where the most planets are located).


What is the difference between the upper and lower hemispheres? In the upper hemisphere, what we can see with our own eyes is human activity, his actions. The lower hemisphere is closed from us by the Earth; this is the inner side of human life. What we do, what happens to us, is the visible part, but what we experience, feel, how we feel about it, our experiences is the invisible part. The outer hemisphere is responsible for external expression, for the form of action, the inner hemisphere is responsible for the internal part, for the content.

What is the difference between a person who has all the planets in his chart above the horizon and a person who has all the planets below the horizon? In the very pure form a person who has all the planets above the horizon easily and freely expresses what he knows and can do, and actively translates his knowledge into form, into activity. When choosing a job, he will proceed from social opportunities, from the opportunity to achieve visible success, honor, fame, and the embodiment of his ideas. A person who has all the planets under the horizon is not focused on results, but on his own attitude towards what he does, i.e. What is more important to him is how interesting the activity is to him, how it corresponds to his aspirations. For him, expressing himself is more important than getting something material. This applies not only to work, but also to human relationships, to any action.

A person who has all the planets above the horizon looks at the world objectively, for him the most important thing is the form of expression of actions, behavior. In love, in relationships with loved ones, experiences are not so important to him as the external expression of these relationships; he sees in everything, first of all, form. He quickly brings to fruition whatever he undertakes, but his knowledge and attitudes are somewhat formal, superficial, because when he studies something, he adopts the form. For example, faith for him is the correct observance of all actions: going to church, bowing at the right moment, etc. If he follows the rules, he considers himself religious. For a person whose planets are below the horizon, faith will be expressed mainly in feelings and experiences, but it is difficult for him to express himself, he goes into depth, tries to comprehend some subtleties, nuances.

People with planets above the horizon are more successful socially, and those with planets below the horizon are less successful, but if the latter have achieved something, then it is quite deep and serious.

On the ascendant - at the rising point - the invisible becomes visible, from the internal to the external (Fig. 24.2). The Ascendant is the point of birth. Planets standing near the ascendant or aspecting it indicate the peculiarities of birth, for example, Uranus standing on the ascendant accelerates birth (“rapid labor”). What is visible to others is ours appearance, face and body, our actions. An action is an expression of the invisible, visible to others - our thoughts, feelings, intentions, what is inside us, “under the horizon.”

At the point of the ascendant, an action is performed that turns our intention into an action, which means that the type of human activity and behavior is determined precisely by the ascendant. But there is also something in our soul that is invisible to ourselves. Psychologists call it subconscious or unconscious. These are invisible processes in the psyche, and the memory of past lives, and forbidden attractions and desires, and much more. All this becomes “visible” to me when it is realized by me, turns into a thought, which means that the ascendant is also connected with awareness or self-awareness. So, the ascendant is both the active “I” of a person, which manifests itself in the physical world, and the conscious “I”. These two poles of the “I” together form an active principle in a person; it can conventionally be called an active force.

The Descendant transforms the external into the internal, the visible into the invisible. The visible, external is the external world, the internal, invisible is our inner life, feelings, sensations, images, thoughts. On the descendant, the external world turns into our internal one, here the influence of the world on a person, his perception of the world, occurs. This means that on the ascendant a person acts in the world, on the descendant the world influences him. The ascendant - descendant line, the horizontal line of the map (Fig. 24.3), forms the line “I” - “You”, i.e. so-called horizontal relationships, a person’s relationships with other people (we got the meaning of the 1st house through the ascendant).

It turns out that in the natal chart the east is the sphere of our activity. In the east, the planets move from a latent phase to a more and more manifested one, up to maximum manifestation at the zenith. Thus, the east is the sphere of activity, the west is the sphere of receptivity - two poles of interaction with the world. "Eastern" people, i.e. with most planets in the east

parts of the map, by nature, tend to actively act in the world, boldly and freely realize their own desires, intentions, and actions. They act based on their own needs and impulses and are not inclined to take into account the aspirations and desires of other people.

"Western" type, i.e. people with the majority of planets in the western part of the map, on the contrary, are susceptible to external influences; their actions are, first of all, a response to the request that the world offers them. If “eastern” people work well both alone and in a group, but do not like to be led, then people who have all the planets in the west work well in a team and can be active wherever there are partners; Alone, it is difficult for them to get together; they have no motivating impulse. In their actions, they take into account the reactions of others and their aspirations.

An “Eastern” person feels freer, it seems to him that he himself organizes the world around him, while a “Western” person is forced (by his type of perception) to constantly reckon with circumstances. But the “Eastern” person is programmed no less than the “Western” one, if not by external circumstances, then by his own aspirations and thoughts that are born under the influence of the same planets; he resembles a program-controlled bulldozer - he can go ahead, but is not free from the program that is embedded in it. And yet it seems to the “eastern” person that he is free.
