Carrying out work using lifting structures. PS installation and work execution. Actions in emergency situations

The decision to put the substation into operation:

a) lifting cranes of all types;

b) overhead stacker cranes;

c) pipe-laying cranes;

d) cranes;

e) construction hoists;

f) lifts (towers) designed to move people, people and cargo (lifts with working platforms); (clause “e” as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

g) electric freight trolleys moving along elevated rail tracks together with a control cabin;

h) electric hoists;

i) excavator cranes designed to work with a hook; (paragraphs “and” as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

j) replaceable load-handling devices and removable load-handling devices (hooks, grabs, magnets, spreaders, traverses, grippers, slings), used in conjunction with the PS for lifting and moving loads; (paragraph "k" as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

k) containers for transporting goods, with the exception of special containers used in metallurgical production (ladles, molds), as well as special containers used in sea and river ports; (paragraph "l" as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

m) special removable cabins and cradles, hung on the load-handling parts of cranes and used for lifting and moving people;

m) rail tracks (for supporting and suspended substations moving on rails).

issued by a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation, with an entry in the substation passport based on positive results of technical examination in the following cases ;

a) before putting into operation after registering the substation; (paragraph “a” as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)
b) after installation caused by the installation of a substation in a new location, as well as after the relocation of crawler, pneumatic wheeled and tower quick-mounted cranes powered by an external energy source to a new site; (paragraph “b” as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

c) after reconstruction;

d) after repair of design elements or components of metal structures using welding.

The specialist who issued permission to put the substation into operation must make a corresponding entry in his passport, and after moving tracked, pneumatic-wheeled and tower quick-mounted cranes powered by an external energy source to a new facility, the entry must be made in the logbook.

The decision to put the substation into operation, The power selection for which for their own movement and operation of mechanisms is carried out from their own energy source, namely:

lifting cranes mounted on automobile chassis, special automobile-type chassis;

Load-lifting cranes on pneumatic, caterpillar, tractor, railway tracks;

Manipulator cranes;

Lifts (towers), including lifts with working platforms;

Excavator cranes designed to work with a hook, after moving them to a new site issued by a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS, with an entry in the logbook.

Decision on commissioning lifting devices, containers and special removable cabins and cradles (for lifting and moving people with cranes) is recorded in a special recording and inspection log by a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work .

The decision to put into operation substations subject to registration with federal authorities executive power in the field of industrial safety, maintaining the register of hazardous production facilities, issued by a specialist, responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation, with an entry in the substation passport based on the proposals of the commission on the possibility of putting the substation into operation in the following cases:

When putting into operation after installation of tower cranes (except for quickly erected ones) and cargo-passenger construction hoists at the site;

When commissioning after installation of overhead cranes and gantry cranes at the site;

When putting into operation after registration of self-propelled cranes of foreign manufacture with a lifting capacity of 25 tons or more, as well as quickly erected tower cranes of foreign manufacture;

When changing the operating organization for substations that have completed their service life.

To make a decision on the possibility of putting the substation into operation, the operating organization ensures the work of a commission consisting of:

the chairman of the commission - an authorized representative of the operating organization;

members of the commission - authorized representatives of the operating organization, specialized organizations (if installation was carried out, an industrial safety examination was carried out), as well as an authorized representative of the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.

During the work of this commission, the possibility of operating the substation is checked (checking compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and these FNP, operational and repair documentation, checking the operability of the substation).(clause 141 as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

A list of documents that the organization must have before putting the PS into operation.

1. Permission for the construction of facilities for the installation of which a substation will be installed.

2. Technical documentation for the PS - passport, technical description and operating manual (instructions). The documents are supplied by the manufacturer along with the lifting mechanism.

A duplicate of the passport, a duplicate of the manual (instructions) for operating the substation must be produced by the manufacturing plant of the substation or a specialized organization licensed to conduct an examination of the industrial safety of the substation, while the expert organization prepares a duplicate of the passport based on the industrial safety examination carried out before the start of operation of the substation at OPO.

3. A document assessing the compliance of the PS with mandatory requirements, which is drawn up before putting the equipment into operation - certificate of conformity TS 010/2011 “On the safety of machinery and equipment” or the conclusion of an industrial safety examination in the absence of a certificate of conformity, for example, for used PS or made for your own needs.

4. Certificate of registration of a hazardous production organization – a document confirming the entry of information about the hazardous production organization with a substation into the state register. Attached to it are the Accounting Cards and Information characterizing the hazardous production facilities, approved by Rostechnadzor.

5. Regulations on production control (RPC) - a normative document that establishes general requirements for the performance by managers and engineering personnel of their job responsibilities to ensure industrial safety when servicing hazardous production facilities with substations. PPK is required for all hazardous production facilities. Art. speaks about this. 11 Federal Law No. 116 “On Industrial Safety...”.

6. Regulations on the technical investigation of the causes of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities (PRI) - a mandatory regulatory document, the purpose of which is to consolidate the procedure for identifying the causes of accidents, determine the forms of maintaining statistics, submitting reports on measures taken to eliminate the consequences of accidents and incidents (Article 9.1 of the Federal Law No. 116). The procedure for conducting a technical investigation of the causes of incidents at hazardous production facilities, the main points of which are reflected in the document, is established by Rostechnadzor Order No. 480 dated August 19, 2011. According to clause 32 of the “Procedure for conducting a technical investigation of the causes of accidents and incidents...”, the IRI is approved by the operating organization and agreed with Rostechnadzor.

7. Instructions defining the actions of employees of hazardous production facilities with substations in emergency situations (clause 256 of the Federal Tax Code). The documents indicate the requirements determined by the specifics of the hazardous production facility, as well as the following information for employees of the operating organization: operational actions to prevent and localize accidents; methods and techniques for emergency response; evacuation schemes in the event of an explosion, fire, release of toxic substances in a room or on a site served by a substation, if the emergency cannot be localized or eliminated; the procedure for using the fire extinguishing system in the event of local fires in hazardous production facilities; the procedure for bringing the substation into a safe position when not in operation, the scheme and procedure for evacuating the crane operator (operator) leaving the substation control cabin; places allocated in hazardous production facilities for the substation to be inoperative; places where substation power supply inputs are disconnected; locations of medical first aid kits; methods of providing first aid to workers exposed to electrical voltage, burns, or poisoning by combustion products; procedure for notifying workers at hazardous production facilities about the occurrence of accidents and incidents. Responsibility for the availability of instructions lies with the management of the public organization. Each employee involved in the operation of the hazardous production facility gets acquainted with the specified document against signature.

8. Compulsory insurance policy for civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility. An insurance contract for a hazardous production facility with a substation must be concluded in accordance with Federal Law No. 225-FZ of July 27, 2010. “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a dangerous object...” and Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997. “On industrial safety...” (Article 15).

9. Certification protocols (knowledge testing) on ​​industrial safety, certified by the certification commission of Rostechnadzor. For enterprises operating hazardous production facilities with substations, certification is carried out in relation to the manager (deputy manager), as well as 3 specialists: a specialist responsible for production control during the operation of the substation;

A specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

A specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

In organizations where work using PS is carried out at one site (shop), one specialist is allowed to combine the responsibilities of being responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition and for the safe performance of work. Certification is carried out in areas A1 “Fundamentals of industrial safety” and B9 “Industrial safety requirements for lifting structures” (B.9.31, B9.32, B.9.33 depending on the specifics of the facility).

10. Conclusions of the industrial safety examination of the substation in the event that (clause 260 of the Federal Tax Code): the service life has expired or the number of load cycles of the substation established by the manufacturer has been exceeded; the technical documentation does not contain data on the service life of the PS, and its actual service life exceeded 20 years; work was carried out related to changing the design, replacing the material of the load-bearing elements of the substation, or restorative repairs after an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility, as a result of which the substation was damaged, as well as in the absence of a certificate of conformity, for example, for substations that were used or manufactured for own needs. Please note that industrial safety examinations are carried out only for those lifting mechanisms that are subject to registration by Rostechnadzor.

11. Work projects (WPP) in the case of construction and installation work, loading and unloading work over existing communications, roadways or in cramped conditions at a hazardous production facility using PS (clause 101 of the FNP). PPRs are developed by the operating or specialized organization in accordance with the requirements of clauses 159-167 of the FNP “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used.” Operation of the substation with deviations from the requirements of the PPR is not allowed.

12. Technological maps (TC) in the case of loading and unloading operations and storage of goods using PS at bases, warehouses, open areas (clause 102 of the FNP). TCs are developed by the operating or specialized organization in accordance with the requirements of clauses 159-167 of the Federal National Regulations “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used.” Operation of the substation with deviations from the requirements of the Labor Code is not allowed.

13. Certificate of acceptance of the rail track (for substations moving on rails);

(clause "z" as amended by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

documents confirming the compliance and operability of foundations for a permanently installed tower crane and building structures (for rail tracks of overhead cranes).

Documents confirming the compliance and performance of foundations for a permanently installed tower crane and building structures (for rail tracks of an overhead crane) include documents confirming the actual implementation and compliance of the design (working) documentation developed for the installation of foundations and building structures:

(paragraph introduced by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

certificates of inspection of hidden work;

(paragraph introduced by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

executive geodetic diagrams and drawings;

(paragraph introduced by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

results of examinations, surveys, laboratory and other tests of completed work carried out during the process of construction control;

(paragraph introduced by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

documents confirming quality control of the building materials (products) used;

(paragraph introduced by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

certificates of inspection of critical structures;

(paragraph introduced by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)

documents reflecting the actual implementation of design decisions.

(paragraph introduced by Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 12, 2016 N 146)13.

14. The organization must develop and approve by administrative act of the operating organization instructions with job responsibilities, as well as a list of names of persons responsible for industrial safety in the organization from among its certified specialists:

specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;

specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

Added to the site:


1.1. In accordance with the requirements of "" approved. By order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated November 12, 2013 No. 533 (hereinafter referred to as the FNP), responsibility for the safe performance of work using PS is assigned to certified specialists with appropriate qualifications.

1.2. Specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS are appointed by order of the organization, after certification by the certification commission and issuance of a job description (for signature).

Periodic certification of specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS is carried out once every five years.

1.3. The names of the responsible persons must be indicated on a sign posted in a conspicuous place at the permanent work site. A copy of the order appointing responsible persons must be located at the work site.

1.4. During vacation, business trip, illness and other cases of absence of the responsible person, the performance of his duties is assigned by order to another employee with the appropriate qualifications.

1.5. A specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS must know:

1.5.1. Requirements of regulatory documents in the field of industrial safety.

1.5.2. Electrical safety requirements when organizing and conducting work using substations.

1.5.3. Job description for the specialist responsible for the execution of work using PS.

1.5.4. Health, safety and production instructions for maintenance personnel

1.5.5. Requirements for construction and installation work projects and technological maps for work using PS

1.5.6. Requirements for removable load-handling devices and containers, the procedure for their selection and use

1.5.7. Rejection standards for lifting devices, containers, steel ropes and chains.

The procedure for organizing and carrying out construction, installation and loading and unloading works using PS.

1.5.8. The procedure for storing goods.

1.5.9. Requirements for installing mobile PS.

1.5.10. General information on the design of substations (their parameters and cargo characteristics, the purpose of safety devices, stability during operation, etc.).

1.5.11. Requirements for rail tracks.

1.5.12. Requirements for organizing and ensuring safe work using substations near power lines

1.5.13. Signal signaling used when moving goods using PS.

1.5.14. Organization of production control and safe maintenance of substations

1.5.15. The procedure for registration and issuance of work permits in cases provided for by the Federal Tax Code.


2.1. The specialist responsible for carrying out work using PS is obliged to:

2.1.1. Instruct service personnel on how to safely perform the work ahead.

2.1.2. Ensure that operating personnel have production instructions and personal protective equipment

2.1.3. Do not allow untrained and uncertified personnel to service the PS.

2.1.4. Determine the number of slingers, as well as the need to appoint signalmen during the operation of the substation.

2.1.5. Do not allow removable lifting devices and containers that are unmarked, faulty or inconsistent with the nature and weight of the cargo. Remove defective lifting devices and containers from the work site.

2.1.6. Indicate to crane operators and slingers the place, order and dimensions of cargo storage.

2.1.7. Directly supervise the work during loading and unloading of gondola cars when moving cargo by several substations, near power lines, inside an operating workshop, when moving cargo with the help of substations over floors under which there are production or service premises where people may be, when moving cargo that is not slinging schemes have been developed, as well as in other cases provided for by work projects or technological maps.

2.1.8. Do not allow work to be carried out without a permit in the cases provided for.

2.1.9. Provide workers with the necessary tools and devices for safe work using PS.

2.1.10. Monitor the fulfillment by maintenance personnel of the requirements of instructions, work plans and technological maps.

2.1.11. Do not allow installation of mobile substations on freshly poured, uncompacted soil and areas with a slope exceeding that specified in the passport.

2.1.12. Post at the work site a list of the main loads being moved by the PS, indicating their weight. Give crane operators and slingers servicing jib cranes during construction and installation work the list in hand. If individual loads are not on the list, give the crane operator information about their weight.

2.1.13. Determine cargo storage locations, provide them with the necessary technological equipment and devices (cassettes, pyramids, racks, ladders, stands, linings, gaskets, guy ropes, etc.) and instruct crane operators and slingers regarding the order and dimensions of cargo storage.

2.1.14. Do not allow the PS to operate if there is no entry in the waybill or logbook about its serviceability.

2.1.15. Monitor the availability of slinging diagrams, graphic representations of methods for slinging, tying and hooking loads, as well as methods for safely angling loads when such an operation is carried out using PS.

2.1.16. Do not allow PS bricks to be moved on pallets without guardrails. Lifting bricks on pallets without fencing is permitted when loading and unloading vehicles onto the ground.

2.1.17. Do not allow people to be in the cabin or in the back of the vehicle when loading and unloading it.

2.1.18. Do not allow materials and products to be supplied into windows and other openings without receiving platforms.

2.1.19. Follow the instructions of the Rostekhnadzor inspector and the specialist responsible for production control during the operation of the substation

2.1.20. Do not allow people to board the container raised by the PS and not allow people to be in it.

2.1.21. Do not allow people under the crane boom when raising and lowering it without a load.

2.1.22. Do not allow the use of the lift to pull loads.

2.1.23. Inspect removable load-handling devices within the time limits provided for by the FNP.

2.1.24. Remove damaged removable load-handling devices from service.

2.1.25. Issue a decision to put mobile substations into operation (with a record of permission in the logbook) after moving them to a new facility.

2.1.26. Make decisions on the commissioning of lifting devices and containers (with recording in a special journal)

2.1.27. Do not allow the load to be suspended during a long break or after completion of work. When operating a substation near power lines or inside an existing workshop, the specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using the substation must:

2.2.1. Indicate to the driver the location where the mobile substations will be installed.

2.2.2. Organize work in accordance with the project, technological map and work permit.

2.2.3. Familiarize staff with the safety measures specified in the work permit against signature.

2.2.4 Ensure the implementation of measures for the safe conduct of work specified in the permit.

2.2.5. Whenever moving the mobile substations, check the correctness of its installation, the implementation of the measures specified in the work permit and issue the driver a permit to operate the crane with an entry in the logbook.

2.2.6. Constantly monitor the compliance of security personnel with safety measures.

2.2.7. When instructing drivers and slingers, the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes must pay special attention to:

2.3.1. It is inadmissible for people to be under the moving load and near a working jib crane in order to avoid pinching people between the rotating and non-rotating parts of the crane and injuring them with the load.

2.3.2. The need to comply with methods of slinging, hooking loads and the correct use of load-handling devices and containers.

2.3.3. It is inadmissible to move people or cargo with people on it using a crane.

2.3.4. It is prohibited to drag loads along the ground, floor or rails with a crane hook, as well as to move loads when the load ropes are in an inclined position.

2.3.5. It is inadmissible for a crane to lift a load covered with earth or frozen to the ground, laid down with other loads, reinforced with bolts or filled with concrete, as well as metal and slag hardened in a furnace or welded after draining.

2.3.6. Correct installation of jib cranes (requirements for the site, dimensions, etc.).

2.3.7. Inadmissibility of overloading the substation.

2.3.8. The need to comply with safety requirements when performing work with jib cranes near a power line and inside an existing workshop, the prohibition of installing cranes to work under the wires of an existing power line.

2.3.9. It is inadmissible for people to be on rolling stock when it is loaded and unloaded by cranes.

2.3.10. Compliance with the established procedure for performing work related to accessing the rail tracks of overhead cranes.

2.3.11. The need to comply with the requirements of work projects and technological maps.

2.3.12. Compliance with safety measures when slinging and moving explosive, fire or toxic cargo.

2.3.13. The danger of being between the transported cargo and structures, equipment, stacks of cargo, etc.

2.4. The person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes is obliged to stop operating the crane when:

2.4.1. Wind speeds exceeding the permissible for a given crane (it is necessary to require the crane operator to take measures to prevent the crane from being stolen by the wind), snowfall, rain or fog, thunderstorms, at a temperature below that specified in the passport and other cases when the crane operator cannot clearly distinguish the signals of the slinger or the load being moved.

2.4.2. Identification of dangerous defects and malfunctions in the technical condition of the crane (damage and destruction of metal structures, malfunction of brakes, safety devices, damage to pulley ropes, drums).

2.4.3. Inadmissible subsidence and identification of other dangerous defects in the crane runway.

2.4.4. Lack of trained and certified machinists and slingers.

2.4.5. Lack of necessary lifting devices and containers.

2.4.6. Expiration of the technical examination period or the standard service life of the crane.

2.4.7. Insufficient illumination of the crane work area.

2.4.8. The emergence of other reasons affecting the safety of work.

2.4.9. Its forced absence when the crane is operating under a permit near a power line, inside an operating workshop, and in other cases provided for by work projects.


3.1. If an accident occurs during the operation of a crane, the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes must report the incident to his supervisor and ensure the safety of the situation at the site of the accident or accident, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.

3.2. Take measures to provide medical assistance to the victims.


4.1. The specialist responsible for safe production using PS is responsible and has the right to:

4.1.1. Remove from work performance personnel who have allowed the requirements of production instructions to increase during the operation of the substation.

4.1.2. Raise the question to management about imposing disciplinary sanctions on workers who violate the requirements of production instructions when operating the substation.


5.1. The specialist responsible for safe production using PS is responsible, within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for:

5.1.1. The violations of the FPN committed by him and regardless of whether or not this led to an accident or an accident.

5.1.2. Violation of instructions by subordinate personnel.

5.1.3. Issuing instructions or orders to them, forcing employees subordinate to him to violate the FPN and the requirements of production instructions.

5.1.4. Unauthorized resumption of work by cranes stopped on the orders of officials of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision or a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation.

      1. Carrying out construction, installation or loading and unloading work (the latter, only in cases where it is necessary to organize it over existing communications, roadways or in cramped conditions) using PS should be carried out according to a work project (WPP) developed by a specialized organization, in in accordance with current regulatory documents. In the PPR using PS, in general, the following should be provided:

  • compliance with the requirements given in subclause 4.2.2 of these FNP;

  • compliance with the requirements for installation and operation of substations near pit slopes;

  • determination of conditions for the safe operation of several substations on one crane rail track or parallel tracks;

  • ensuring safe distances from networks and overhead power lines, places of movement of urban transport and pedestrians, as well as safe distances for approaching the substation to buildings and storage areas for construction parts and materials;

  • ensuring safe distances from the bottom of the transported load to the most vertically protruding parts of the building or structure;

  • ensuring safe distances from the boom, platform, cradle, counterweight console to the most protruding parts of the building or structure:

  • justification of the list of used load-handling devices with graphic images (diagrams) of slinging loads;

  • highlighting on the PPR plan the places and dimensions of cargo storage and access road areas;

  • ensuring measures for the safe performance of work, taking into account specific conditions at the site where the substation is installed (for example, creating fencing for a construction site, installation area or a separate area).

      1. Loading and unloading operations and storage of goods using PS at bases, warehouses, open areas, except for the cases specified in subclause 10.1.1. of these FNPs must be carried out according to technological maps (TC), developed taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.
The Labor Code must set out the conditions for installing a substation at a specific site and industrial safety measures during the work.

Additional requirements for the installation of PS are set out in paragraph 10.4 of these FNP.

      1. The installation of jib cranes and other mobile substations (except for rail-mounted substations) must be carried out on a planned and prepared site, taking into account the category and nature of the soil.
For self-propelled substations (jib cranes, loader cranes, towers, lifts, etc.), the site must meet the requirements of the operating manuals; in general, the platform must be horizontal, with a hard surface, with deviations from the horizontal no more than 30 and capable of withstanding pressure up to 686 kPa (7.0 kgf/cm2), and for machines with a load capacity of 63 tons or more - no less than 784.5 - 980 kPa (8.0-10.0 kgf/cm2).

Installation of a substation for work on freshly poured, non-compacted soil, as well as on a site with a slope exceeding that specified in its passport, is not permitted.

10.1.4. The installation of a substation in the security zone of overhead power lines (power lines) is agreed upon with the owner of the power line. The permit for such an installation for construction, installation or loading and unloading work is stored together with the PPR.

10.1.5. Before being allowed to work at the site, employees servicing the substation undergo industrial safety training. According to the nature and timing of industrial safety briefings, they are divided into introductory (upon hiring, when moving to a new workplace), primary (before the start of work, in accordance with the next PPR or Labor Code), repeated (once a year, when continuation of work at that workplace) and unscheduled (if any violations or non-compliance with industrial safety requirements are identified in the activities of a particular employee).

The development of training programs and the registration of their results are carried out in the manner established by the owner or employer (the organization operating the substation).

10.1.6. When moving PS cargo, the following requirements must be met:

  • begin lifting the load to a preliminary height of no more than 200-300 mm, followed by stopping to check the correctness of the sling and the reliability of the brake;

  • Do not move the load when there are people underneath it. It is allowed for a slinger to be near the load while lifting or lowering it, if the load is raised to a height of no more than 1000 mm from the platform level;

  • move small-piece cargo only in special containers designed for this purpose in order to exclude the possibility of individual parts of the cargo falling out. Moving bricks on pallets without fencing is permitted only when unloading (loading) vehicles onto (and from) the ground;

  • do not start lifting a load whose mass is unknown;

  • carry out horizontal movement of the load (as well as an empty load-handling device or load-handling device) 500 mm above objects encountered along the way;

  • lower the transported load only to the place intended for this purpose, where the possibility of falling, tipping over or sliding of the lowered load is excluded. To easily remove slings from under the load, it should be lowered and stored on pads of appropriate strength and thickness. The stowage and subsequent disassembly of cargo should be carried out evenly, without violating the dimensions established for storing cargo and without blocking the aisles;

  • Do not allow the load to remain suspended during a long break or upon completion of work. Upon completion of the work, the substation must be brought to a safe position in a non-working state;

  • tilting loads using PS is permitted only on tilting platforms, according to a pre-developed operational plan.
10.1.7. In the process of performing work using PS it is not permitted:

  • keeping people near a working jib crane or other mobile substations to avoid pinching them between the rotating part of the substation and other fixed structures;

  • moving a load that is in an unstable position or suspended by one horn of a double hook;

  • lifting loads covered with earth or frozen to the ground, laid down by other loads, reinforced with bolts or poured with concrete, as well as metal and slag frozen in a furnace or welded after draining;

  • pulling cargo along the ground, floor or rails with PS hooks when the cargo ropes are in an inclined position (without the use of guide blocks that ensure the vertical position of the cargo ropes);

  • releasing slings, ropes or chains pinched by a load using PS;

  • pulling the load while lifting, moving and lowering. Guys can only be used to turn long and large-sized loads during their movement;

  • leveling the transported load by hand, as well as changing the position of the slings on the suspended load;

  • supplying cargo to window openings, balconies and loggias without special receiving areas or special devices;

  • use of cargo containers for transporting people;

  • finding people under the PS boom when lifting and lowering it without load;

  • lifting the load directly from the place of its installation (from the ground, platform, stack, etc.) only with boom lifting and telescoping mechanisms;

  • the use of limit switches (limit switches) as working bodies to automatically stop mechanisms, with the exception of the case when an overhead crane approaches a landing site located at the end of the building;

  • operation of the substation when limiters, indicators and brakes are disabled or inoperative;

  • turning on the crane mechanisms when people are on the rotating platform of the substation outside the cabin;

  • moving people using construction lifts;

  • moving the chassis of the lift (tower) with people or cargo in the cradle;

  • raising and lowering the cradle with a lift, if the entrance to the cradle is not closed with a locking device;

  • dropping tools, loads and other objects from a cradle located at a height.
10.1.8. When operating substations controlled from the cabin, a stamp system must be used, in which control of the substation is permitted only to the crane operator (operator) who has received the key-mark in the manner established by the owner of the substation (or the organization operating the substation).

Without installing a key - a brand installed in the PS control panel, the activation of its electrical control circuit must be excluded.

10.1.9. If the substation is equipped with two control panels (for example, from the cab and via radio), the substation control system must exclude the possibility of simultaneous control from both consoles, as well as spontaneous activation of the control system from a console that is not used by the crane operator (operator).

10.1.10. When operating substations controlled from the floor, free passage must be provided for the employee operating the substation along the entire route of the substation.

10.1.11. Exits to crane rail tracks, as well as galleries of overhead cranes in operation, must be locked.

The issuance of a key to the lock and the admission of workers servicing the substation, crane rail tracks and walk-through galleries must be carried out in accordance with the permit, which determines the conditions for the safe performance of work.

The procedure for issuing permits and instructing workers is determined by the owner (or the organization operating the PS). The crane operators of all shifts of the span, the workshop where the work is being carried out, and, if necessary, the crane operators of adjacent spans must be informed about the upcoming work on crane rail tracks or walk-through galleries by an entry in the logbook.

10.1.12. For each workshop (flight) that is not equipped with walk-through galleries along the crane rail track, where overhead cranes operate, measures are developed for the safe descent of crane operators from the cabin in case of a forced stop of the crane not at the landing site. These activities are indicated in the production instructions for crane operators.

10.1.13. Overhead cranes, subject to the decision of the owner (or the organization operating the substation), can be used (from the platforms available on the crane) for construction, painting and other work. Such work is carried out according to a permit that defines industrial safety measures to prevent a fall from a crane caused by a sudden start of movement of the crane or its load trolley, a collision with an adjacent crane, as well as electric shock, a fall when entering crane rail tracks or crane beams.

The use of an overhead crane to move loads (when performing the specified work from the platforms of its bridge) is not allowed.

10.1.14. Substations in operation must be equipped with plates indicating the registration number, rated load capacity and the date of the next full technical inspection.

10.1.15. Owners (or organizations operating the substation) must ensure compliance with the following industrial safety requirements:

  • determine the procedure for allocating and sending jib cranes and other mobile substations (except for rail-mounted substations) to sites, according to employers’ requests, and also ensure the fulfillment of completed requests;

  • ensure and maintain the working condition of substations that are not in working order at the site, after receiving information from the employer about the completion of work (before the start of dismantling). At the same time, disconnect the PS from the power source and take measures to prevent it from being blown away by the wind;

  • ensure testing of indicators, limiters and PS recorders within the time limits established by the relevant operating manuals (instructions);

  • establish a procedure for sealing and locking the protective panels of tower cranes;

  • provide entry to and descent from overhead cranes through the landing platform.

  • develop and issue to the work sites PPR or TC (in accordance with the instructions in subclauses 10.1.1, 10.1.2 and clause 11.4 of these FNP), cargo storage schemes, loading and unloading schemes for vehicles, incl. rolling stock (the latter, when used);

  • familiarize (against signature) with the PPR and Labor Code the persons responsible for the safe performance of substation work, crane operators (operators), cradle workers and slingers;

  • provide slingers with tested and marked lifting devices and containers that correspond to the weight and nature of the goods being moved;

  • determine stationary sites and places for storing goods, provided for by the PPR or TC, equip them with the necessary technological equipment and devices (cassettes, pyramids, racks, ladders, stands, linings, gaskets, etc.);

  • establish a procedure for the exchange of signals between drivers, crane operators, slingers and cradle workers, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 10.10 of these FNP.
10.1.16. When constructing buildings and structures with a height of more than 36 m using tower cranes, two-way radio or telephone communication must be used.

10.1.17. In places where vehicles and gondola cars are constantly loaded and unloaded, stationary overpasses or hanging platforms for slingers must be installed. Loading and unloading of gondola cars with hook-type substations must be carried out according to a technology approved by the owner (or organization operating the substation), which determines the location of slingers when moving cargo, as well as the possibility of their access to overpasses and overhead platforms.

People are not allowed in gondola cars when lifting and lowering cargo.

10.1.18. Loading of shipped cargo into cars and other self-propelled vehicles must be carried out in such a way that convenient and safe slinging of cargo is ensured during their subsequent unloading.

It is not allowed to lower a load onto a vehicle, or to lift a load while there are people in the back or cabin of the vehicle.

10.1.19. Loading and unloading of gondola cars, platforms, vehicles and other vehicles must be carried out without disturbing their balance.

Loading packages of pipes or rolled metal products secured by the metal twists of packages made of soft steel wire is prohibited.

10.1.20. Lifting and moving cargo by several subs is allowed only in accordance with the PPR or TC developed by a specialized organization.

When lifting and moving a load by several PSs, the load on each of them should not exceed the load-carrying capacity of the PS.

The work of moving cargo by several substations is carried out under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of work, and he bears full responsibility and possible risks associated with the performance of these operations.

10.1.21. Moving cargo over floors under which industrial, residential or office premises where people may be located is not permitted.

10.1.22. When lifting a load using a lift installed near a wall, column, stack, railway car, machine tool or other equipment, people (including the slinger) are not allowed to be between the lifted load and the specified parts of the building or equipment. This requirement must also be met when lowering and moving the load.

10.1.23. No people are allowed in the operating area of ​​substations equipped with a grab or magnet. Ancillary workers servicing such substations may be allowed to perform their duties only during breaks in the substation operation and after the grab or magnet is lowered to the ground.

The work areas of such substations must be fenced and marked with warning signs.

Using the grab for lifting people or performing work for which the grab is not intended is prohibited.

10.1.24. When operating overhead cranes installed in several tiers, the condition must be met for the cranes of the upper tier to pass over the cranes located below, only without a load, with a hook (or load-handling device) raised to the upper working position and moved away from the highest parts of the cranes of the lower tiers.

10.1.25. Work from the lift cradle can be carried out provided that the following requirements are met:

  • enter and exit the cradle only when the cradle is in the lower position;

  • allow workers to be in the cradle only in helmets and with safety belts fastened to the structural elements of the cradle;

  • do not exceed the established rated carrying capacity of the cradle by exceeding the norm by increasing the number of workers and the weight of simultaneously transported goods;

  • maintain constant communication during the operation of the lift between the workers of the cradle and the operator of the lift;

  • do not sit or stand on the railing of the cradle when it is in a raised state, do not place objects on the floor of the cradle to increase the height of the work area.
10.1.26. Work from the lift cradle must be stopped when the wind speed exceeds the passport speed, during snowfall, rain, fog, at a temperature below that specified in the passport, and in other cases when the crane operator (driver, operator) does not clearly distinguish the signals of the slinger or the load being moved.

10.1.27. Operation of the PS is prohibited if:

  • built-in diagnostics of limiter or indicator failures displays information about the malfunction on its display or display;

  • in the PS operating manual there is no section dedicated to limiters and indicators, or a separate operating manual for the limiter or indicator, compiled in Russian. At the reasoned request of the operating organization, the PS developer is obliged to provide explanations of the provisions of the operation manual regarding limiters and indicators;
10.1.28. It is not allowed to use limiters as devices involved in performing the operating operations of the substation. They should be turned on only if the operating parameters of the PS exceed their permissible values.

Before lifting and moving the load, the crane operator (operator) of the substation must make sure that during this lifting and moving the substation will not be overloaded and/or collide with any obstacles. The presence of a limiter or indicator does not relieve the crane operator of responsibility for possible accidents of the substation.

10.1.29. Before starting work, the crane operator (operator) of the substation is obliged to check the compliance of the parameters of the substation configuration established in the limiters and indicators (presence of a boom extension (jib), multiplicity of reeving the cargo pulley, position of the supports, etc.) with their real state, if these parameters are displayed on the indicators limiters or pointers.

10.1.30. When performing work in cramped conditions, the crane operator (operator) of the substation is obliged to install the coordinate protection of the substation, or make sure that it is installed.

The crane operator (operator) is responsible for the collision of the substation with a stationary obstacle when the coordinate protection is not established.

10.1.31. Limiters and indicators should not be used for commercial accounting of the weight of loads (materials) moved by a crane.

10.2. Registration and start-up.

10.2.1. Registration of facilities where substations are operated must be carried out in accordance with the Rules for registering facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1998 No. 1371 12.

10.2.2. All types of PSs listed in clause 1.3 of these FNP, with the exception of those specified in subclause 10.2.3 of the FNP PS, are subject to registration with the Rostechnadzor bodies before they are put into operation.)

10.2.3. The following PSs are not subject to registration with Rostechnadzor authorities:

A) overhead cranes and jib cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons inclusive, controlled from the floor by means of a push-button device suspended on the crane, or from a stationary remote control;

B) jib-type cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 1 ton inclusive;

C) jib-type cranes with a constant reach or not equipped with a slewing mechanism;

D) adjustable cranes for the installation of masts, towers, pipes, installed on the structure being erected;

D) overhead cranes and tower cranes used for educational purposes at training grounds of educational institutions;

E) cranes installed on excavators, crushing and reloading units, spreaders and other technological machines, used only for the repair of these machines;

G) electric hoists with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons inclusive, used as independent substations;

H) replaceable load-handling devices, removable load-handling devices and containers.

10.2.4. Registration of cranes with Rostekhnadzor authorities is carried out upon a written application from the owner and the crane passport.

The application must indicate that the owner of the PS has responsible specialists who have passed the test of knowledge of these FNP and a trained employee to service the PS, and also confirm that the technical condition of the PS allows its safe operation.

When registering an overhead crane, portal crane, tower crane (except for quick-mounted 13), a certificate must be attached to the passport confirming the completion of installation work in accordance with the instructions for installing the substation, signed by the responsible representative of the organization that installed the substation.

When registering an overhead crane, a drawing of its installation must be attached to the passport, indicating the location of the main trolleys (with trolley power supply) and the landing platform for entering the crane. Safe installation distances must comply with the requirements of the installation instructions for the substation.

When registering a substation moving along an overhead crane rail track, a certificate must be provided stating that the crane rail track is designed for the operation of this substation.

For substations installed on berths, a certificate confirming the admissibility of such installation must be provided.

If counterweight and ballast slabs for tower and portal cranes are manufactured by the owner of the crane, then an acceptance certificate for the slabs indicating their actual weight must be submitted.

When registering a PS that has completed its standard service life, an industrial expert opinion on the possibility of its further operation must be presented.

10.2.5. Registration of a PS that does not have a passport with the Rostechnadzor authorities can be carried out on the basis of a duplicate passport drawn up by a specialized expert organization.

10.2.6. PS are subject to re-registration after:

A) reconstruction or modernization;

B) repairs, if a new passport was drawn up on the PS;

C) transfer of the PS to another owner;

D) relocation of rail-based substations (except tower ones) to a new location.

10.2.7. When registering a PS that has undergone reconstruction or modernization, a new passport drawn up by the organization that carried out the reconstruction or modernization, or an old passport with changes, must be presented. The following documentation must be attached to the passport:

A) a certificate about the nature of the work performed, signed by the specialized organization that drew up the reconstruction project;

B) new characteristics and general drawings of the substation with main overall dimensions, if they have changed;

B) basic electrical and hydraulic circuits, if they change;

D) kinematic diagrams of mechanisms and rope reeving schemes when they change;

E) copies of certificates for metal used in the reconstruction of the substation;

E) information about the welding materials used;

G) information on the results of quality control of welding of metal structures;

H) an act on checking the performance of indicators, limiters and recorders;

I) act of carrying out a full technical examination.

10.2.8. In case of refusal to register a PS, the reasons for the refusal must be indicated in writing with reference to the relevant articles of these FNP and other regulatory documents.

10.2.9. When sending a PS for work in other regions (districts) for a period of more than 3 months, the owner is obliged to inform the Rostechnadzor body in which the PS is registered, indicating the PS registration number, destination and for how long it is being sent.

Upon arrival of the substation at the site, the owner of the substation or (or the organization that will operate the substation) is required to register it temporarily with the Rostekhnadzor body on whose territory the work will be carried out, and, having submitted the work permit, obtain permission to operate the substation.

10.2.10. The PS is subject to deregistration with Rostechnadzor authorities in the following cases:

A) when it is written off and sent for disposal;

B) when transferring it to another owner;

C) after reconstruction or modernization, with its further transfer to the category of unregistered.

Removal of a substation from registration is carried out by Rostechnadzor authorities upon a written, substantiated application from the owner of the substation with an entry in the passport about the reasons for deregistration.

10.2.11. PSs that are not subject to registration with Rostekhnadzor authorities, as well as replaceable load-handling devices, removable load-handling devices and containers are provided with an individual number and are registered under this number by their owner in the PS registration log.

10.2.12. Permission to use PS must be issued in accordance with the Rules for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998 No. 1540 [14].

10.2.13. Permission to put into operation a substation subject to registration with Rostechnadzor authorities must be obtained from these authorities in the following cases:

A) before putting into operation a newly registered substation;

B) after installation caused by the installation of a substation in a new location (except for jib and quickly erected tower cranes);

B) after reconstruction and modernization of the substation;

D) after repair with replacement of design elements of metal structures of the substation using welding 15.

10.2.14. Permission to put the substation into operation after its registration is issued by an inspector of Rostekhnadzor based on the results of a full technical examination carried out by the owner (or the organization operating the substation). At the same time, the condition of the crane rail track is checked, as well as the organization of supervision of the cranes and their maintenance. The owner (or the organization operating the substation) is obliged to notify Rostechnadzor authorities of the upcoming launch of the substation into operation at least 10 days in advance.

10.2.15. Permission to put into operation mobile substations (mobile cranes, pipe-laying cranes, hoists (except for construction ones), towers, manipulator cranes) after moving them to a new facility is issued by an engineer responsible for the safe operation of the substation, based on the results of a condition check PS and ensuring safe working conditions, with an appropriate entry in the logbook.

10.2.16. Permission to put into operation a newly manufactured jib crane, delivered to the owner in assembled form, is issued by Rostekhnadzor authorities based on the results of testing the crane at the manufacturer and a partial technical examination carried out by the owner. The results of the technical examination must be supported by an entry in the crane passport.

10.2.17. A permit to put into operation substations that are not subject to registration with Rostechnadzor is issued by a specialist responsible for the safe operation of the substation based on the documentation of the manufacturer and the results of a full technical examination.

10.2.18. Permission to put into operation substations subject to registration with Rostechnadzor authorities is recorded in their passport by an inspector of Rostechnadzor, and for other substations - by a specialist responsible for the safe operation of the substation. Permission to operate replaceable load-handling devices, replaceable load-handling devices and containers is recorded in a special accounting and inspection log by the person responsible for the safe performance of the PS work.

10.3. Supervision and service

10.3.1. Production control over the safe operation of the substation must be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 1999 No. 263 16.

10.3.2. Owners (or organizations operating PSs) are obliged to ensure that they are kept in working order and safe working conditions by organizing proper surveys, inspections, repairs, supervision and maintenance.

For these purposes there should be:

A) a procedure has been established for periodic inspections, maintenance and repairs to ensure that cranes, crane tracks, lifting devices and containers are kept in good condition;

B) the procedure required by these FNPs has been established for training and periodic testing of knowledge of employees servicing the substation, as well as testing the knowledge of these FNPs with responsible specialists. If the results of training and knowledge testing are positive, they should be issued appropriate certificates;

D) job descriptions have been developed for responsible specialists and production instructions for workers, magazines, PPR, technical documentation, slinging schemes, cargo storage and other regulations for the safe operation of substations;

D) responsible specialists are provided with safety rules, job descriptions and guidelines for the safe operation of the substation, and workers are provided with production instructions;

E) ensuring that responsible specialists comply with these FNPs and job descriptions, and workers comply with production instructions.

10.3.3. The number of the supervisory service and its structure should be determined by the owner of the substation, taking into account their number and operating conditions.

During vacation, business trip, illness or in other cases of absence of a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition, the performance of his duties is assigned by order to the employee who replaced him by position, who has the appropriate qualifications, who has undergone training and knowledge testing of these FNP.

The owner of the software must create conditions for the responsible specialist to perform the duties assigned to him.

10.3.4. Periodic testing of the knowledge of specialists supervising the safe operation of substations, specialists responsible for maintaining the substation in working condition, and specialists responsible for the safe performance of work must be carried out at least once every 3 years by an enterprise commission or a training organization with the participation of a Rostechnadzor inspector, after training them according to relevant programs.

10.3.5. To manage the substations and their maintenance, the owner is obliged to appoint crane operators (operators), their assistants, mechanics and safety device adjusters, and to service cranes with electric drive, in addition, electricians.

10.3.6. An assistant crane operator (operator) must be appointed in cases provided for in the substation operating manual, or if this is necessary due to local working conditions.

10.3.7. Operating a vehicle crane can be entrusted to the driver of the vehicle after he has been trained in a crane operator training program and certified by a qualification commission.

11.3.8. Training and certification of crane operators (operators) and their assistants, slingers, mechanics, electricians and adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders should be carried out in vocational educational institutions, as well as in courses and technical schools for training workers in the specified specialties, created in organizations that have basis for theoretical and industrial training. The training of workers in these specialties must be carried out according to programs developed by training centers and agreed upon with Rostechnadzor.

11.3.9. Crane operators (operators) and their assistants transferred from one type of substation to another (for example, from a tower to a bridge or crawler crane) must be trained and certified before being appointed to the position in the manner established by these FNP. In this case, training can be carried out according to an abbreviated program agreed with the Rostechnadzor authorities.

10.3.10. Crane operators (operators) and their assistants, after a break in their specialty for more than one year, must undergo a knowledge test by a qualification commission appointed by the owner of the PS, and in case of satisfactory test results, they may be allowed to undergo an internship to restore the necessary skills.

10.3.11. The participation of a representative of Rostechnadzor bodies in the work of the qualification commission during the initial certification of crane operators, their assistants, adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders, as well as slingers is mandatory. Rostechnadzor authorities must be notified of the date of examinations no later than 10 days in advance. Certification of other workers servicing the substation can be carried out without the participation of a Rostechnadzor inspector, by the qualification commission of the organization that conducted the training.

10.3.12. Repeated testing of the knowledge of service workers (crane operators, their assistants, mechanics, electricians, adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders, as well as slingers) by the qualification commission should be carried out:

A) periodically, at least once every 12 months;

B) when the employee moves to another place of work;

C) at the request of a specialist supervising the safe operation of a substation or an inspector from Rostechnadzor.

Repeated knowledge testing should be carried out within the scope of the production instructions. The participation of the Rostechnadzor inspector in re-testing the knowledge of the service worker is not necessary.

The results of certification and periodic testing of the employee’s knowledge must be documented in a protocol with a note on the certificate.

10.3.13. Persons who have passed the exams are issued appropriate certificates signed by the chairman of the qualification commission, and crane operators (operators, their assistants, adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders, as well as slingers - signed by the chairman of the qualification commission and a representative of Rostechnadzor bodies. The certificate of the crane operator (operator) must the types of substations he is authorized to operate must be indicated. A photo card must be pasted into the crane operator's and slinger's certificates. They must have this certificate with them while working.

10.3.14. Admission to work for crane operators, their assistants, mechanics, electricians, adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders, as well as slingers must be formalized by an order (instruction) of the organization.

10.3.15. Workers of the main professions (machine operator, assembler, etc.) are allowed to operate a crane from the floor or from a stationary console and to hook a load onto the hook of such a crane after appropriate instruction and testing of skills in operating the crane and slinging loads in the manner established by the owner of the crane. Workers who have a certificate and have completed training according to the program for training crane operators (operators) in radio control of the substation are allowed to control the substation by radio.

10.3.16. For proper maintenance of the substation, the owner is obliged to provide crane operators (operators), their assistants, mechanics, electricians, adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders, as well as slingers with production instructions defining their duties, the procedure for safe work performance and responsibility. Work instructions must be issued to workers against signature before they are allowed to work.

10.4. Work projects and technological maps

10.4.1. Basic requirements for construction organization projects and work projects using PS The construction organization project (COP) using PS must provide for 17:

  • ensuring a safe distance from networks and overhead power lines, areas of urban transport and pedestrians, as well as safe distances for approaching the substation to buildings and storage areas for construction parts and materials;

  • conditions for the safe operation of several substations and other mechanisms located on the construction site;

  • storage areas. The PPR with the use of PS should provide for:

  • compliance of the installed substations with the conditions of construction and installation work in terms of load capacity, lifting height and reach (load characteristics of the substation);

  • ensuring safe distances from networks and overhead power lines, areas of urban transport and pedestrians, as well as safe distances for cranes to approach buildings and storage areas for construction parts and materials;

  • conditions for installation and operation of substations near pit slopes;

  • conditions for the safe operation of several cranes on one track and on parallel tracks using appropriate indicators and limiters;

  • a list of used load-handling devices and graphic images (diagrams) of slinging loads;

  • places and dimensions of cargo storage, access roads, etc.;

  • measures for the safe performance of work, taking into account the specific conditions at the site where the substation is installed (fencing of the construction site, installation area, etc.).

  • location of premises for sanitary services for builders, drinking water installations and recreation areas 18;

  • section of the building at full height, with the position of the PS boom above the building (maximum and minimum reach) and the dotted line - protruding metal structures of the PS when rotated 180°;

  • elevations of the top, parapet and machine room of elevators;

  • safe distances from the bottom of the transported load to the most vertically protruding parts of a building or structure (must be at least 0.5 m, and to ceilings and areas where people can be, at least 2.3 m), taking into account the lengths (height ) the slings used (and traverse dimensions);

  • safe distances from parts of the boom, counterweight console, taking into account the dimensions of the counterweight ballast blocks, to the most vertically protruding parts of the building or structure;

  • the dimensions of the most protruding elements of a building or structure in the horizontal plane (eaves, balconies, fences, bay windows, canopies and entrances).

  • conditions for installing the lift on the site;

  • conditions for the safe operation of several lifts, incl. joint operation of freight and cargo-passenger lifts together with the work of facade lifts, as well as joint operation of these lifts and tower cranes;

  • measures for the safe performance of work, taking into account the specific conditions in the area where the lift is installed (fencing the site, installation area, etc.). TC for loading and unloading operations and storage of goods using PS in workshops, bases, warehouses and sites are developed taking into account the requirements GOST 12.3.009-76*. Work permits using PS, TC for loading and unloading operations and other technological regulations are approved by the head of the organization performing the work and are issued to the construction site 2 months before the start of the work provided there, and to workshops, bases, warehouses, sites - 2 days before the start of work. Specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS, crane operators (operators), work cradles and slingers must be familiarized with the PPR for signature before the start of work.

10.4.2. Organization of safe work performance The PPR and TC must include a section related to the organization of safe work with the use of PS. This section should include the following:

  • conditions for the joint safe operation of various substations (for example, cranes and hoists, cranes and cranes and manipulator cranes, etc.);

  • conditions for the use of coordinate protection for the operation of the substation;

  • conditions for lifting a load by two or more substations;

  • conditions for moving a crawler crane with a load, as well as conditions for moving goods over the premises where construction, installation and other work is carried out;

  • conditions for installing a substation over underground utilities;

  • conditions for supplying loads to floor openings;

  • an extract from the PS passport about the wind strength in which its operation is not allowed;

  • conditions for organizing radio communication between the crane operator and the slinger;

  • requirements for container operation;

  • operating procedure for cranes equipped with a grab or magnet;

  • measures to be taken in the presence of a danger zone in places where traffic and pedestrians may move.

  • other requirements set out in clause 12.1 of these FNP and not included in the text of this article. When operating substations together at a construction site, the horizontal distance between them, their booms, the boom of one substation and the moving load on the boom of another substation, as well as the moving loads must be at least 5 m. The same distance must be maintained when operating the substation with other mechanisms.

When superimposing (in plan) service areas of jointly operating tower cranes, it is necessary that their booms (and, accordingly, counterweight consoles) be at different levels (cranes of the same type must have a different number of tower sections).

The difference in the levels of beam (horizontally located) booms or counterweight consoles, including suspension ropes and cargo ropes, must be at least 1 m (airwise). The conditions for safe joint operation of tower cranes with luffing booms must be specified in the PPR.

When several tower cranes are parked during non-working hours, it is necessary that the boom of any crane, when turning, cannot touch the tower or boom, counterweight or suspension ropes of other cranes, and the distance between the cranes or their parts must be at least: horizontally - 2 m, vertically - 1 m. It is advisable to direct the crane booms in one direction; if necessary, the cargo ropes can be weakened. The hook cage should be in the upper position, the load carriage should be at minimum overhang, and the crane itself should be installed on anti-theft grips. Crawler cranes can be moved with a load on the hook, and the crane load and boom position must be set in accordance with the crane operating instructions.

The permissible mass of the transported cargo depends on the length of the boom and the position of the crane boom in relation to the direction of movement of the crane, and the movement of the cargo must be carried out at a minimum reach.

The base on which a crawler crane with a load moves must have a hard coating that can withstand, without subsidence, a specific pressure of at least the values ​​specified in the crane’s passport or operating manual. The base must be level and have a slope no greater than that specified in the crane operating manual.

It is advisable to move the load with a crawler crane at a height of no more than 0.5 m above the ground surface with the load being kept from swinging and turning using guy ropes, while people are not allowed between the load and the crane.

When starting a crawler crane, it is necessary to first calm the load from swinging. Moving the crane while the load is swinging on the hook is prohibited. The supply of loads into openings (hatches) of floors and coatings should be carried out according to a specially developed PPR. When feeding loads into openings (hatches) of floors and coverings, it is necessary to lower the load and raise the hook with slings at minimum speed without swinging them.

The distance between the edge of the opening (hatch) and the load (or the hook cage, if it is lowered into the opening (hatch)) must ensure the free movement of the load (or the hook cage) through the opening and must be at least 0.5 m.

When lifting a sling through an opening (hatch), all hooks must be hung on a detachable link, and the sling must be guided from below using a hemp rope; the hemp rope is unhooked from the sling after the sling is removed from the opening (hatch). The slinger can approach the load (move away from the load) when the load is lowered (raised) to a height of no more than 1 m from the level of the surface (platform) where the slinger is located.

At the place of reception (or dispatch) of cargo supplied (or removed) through the opening (hatch), as well as at the opening in the ceiling (covering), a light alarm (luminous inscriptions) is equipped, warning both about the presence of cargo above the opening (hatch) and about lowering it through the opening (hatch), as well as inscriptions and signs prohibiting people from being under the transported load.

The light alarm is located so that it cannot be damaged by moving cargo or load-handling devices.

Radio communication is established between the crane operator and the slinger, who is out of sight of the crane operator.

The opening (hatch) through which the cargo is supplied must have a permanent fence with a height (distance from the level of the workplace to the lowest point of the upper horizontal element) of at least 1200 mm with a solid side board along the bottom to a height of at least 100 mm.

When feeding cargo into openings (hatches) through the inter-truss space or through several ceilings when the openings (hatches) are located directly above each other, a shaft with smooth walls is equipped. Installation of structures with large windage and dimensions (stained glass windows, trusses, partitions, wall panels, etc.), as well as installation in the area adjacent to buildings (structures) in use, refers to work in places where hazardous factors are present, which, when the wind is strong, 10 m/s and above must stop.

10.5. Technical examination

10.5.1. Before putting into operation, the substations must be subjected to a full technical examination. Substances subject to registration with Rostechnadzor authorities must undergo a technical examination before their registration. Technical examination must be carried out in accordance with the PS operation manual.

In the absence of appropriate instructions in the manual, the inspection of the substation is carried out in accordance with these FNP.

10.5.2. During the standard service life, the substation must be subject to periodic technical examination:

A) partial - at least once every 12 months;

B) complete - at least once every 3 years, with the exception of rarely used substations (substation for servicing machine rooms, electrical and pumping stations, compressor units, as well as other substations used only for equipment repairs).

Rarely used cranes must undergo a full technical inspection at least once every 5 years. The classification of PS into the category of rarely used is carried out by the owner in agreement with the Rostechnadzor authorities.

10.5.3. An extraordinary full technical examination of the substation should be carried out after:

A) installation caused by the installation of a substation in a new location (except for jib and quickly erected tower cranes);

B) reconstruction or modernization of the substation;

C) repair of design elements of substation metal structures with replacement of elements or using welding;

D) installing replacement boom equipment or replacing the boom;

D) major repair or replacement of a cargo or boom winch;

E) replacement of the load-handling member (only static tests are carried out);

G) replacement of load-bearing or cable-stayed ropes of cable-type cranes.

10.5.4. After replacing worn-out cargo, boom or other ropes, as well as in all cases of reattaching the ropes, the correctness of reeving and the reliability of fastening the ends of the ropes must be checked, as well as the tightening of the ropes with a working load, which must be recorded in the crane passport by a specialist responsible for the maintenance of lifting equipment. cranes in working order.

10.5.5. Technical examination of the substation must be carried out by a specialist supervising the safe operation of the substation with the participation of a specialist responsible for maintaining the substation in working condition.

10.5.6. The technical examination aims to establish that:

A) the PS and its installation at the site of operation comply with the requirements of these FNPs and the requirements of operational documentation;

B) The substation is in a condition that ensures its safe operation.

10.5.7. During a full technical examination, the PS in general must be subject to:

A) inspection;

B) static tests;

B) dynamic tests.

During partial technical examination, static and dynamic tests of the crane are not carried out.

10.5.8. During a technical inspection of a substation, in general, its mechanisms, brakes, hydraulic and electrical equipment, indicators, limiters and recorders must be inspected and tested in operation.

In addition, during the technical inspection of the crane the following must be checked:

A) the condition of the metal structures of the crane and its welded (riveted, bolted) connections (no cracks, deformations, loosening of riveted and bolted connections, etc.), as well as the condition of the cabin, stairs, platforms and fences;

B) condition of the hook and blocks. For substations transporting molten metal and liquid slag, and for ladle lifting and tilting mechanisms, inspection of forged and stamped hooks and their suspension parts, as well as suspension parts of plate hooks, should be carried out by a factory laboratory using non-destructive testing methods.

During non-destructive testing, the absence of cracks in the threaded part of the forged (stamped) hook, the absence of cracks in the threaded part of the fork of the plate hook and in the axis of connection of the plate hook with the fork or traverse must be checked. The need and frequency of checking suspension parts are determined by the owner.

The laboratory report must be kept together with the PS passport;

B) the actual distance between the hook suspension and the stop when the limit switch is activated and the lifting mechanism stops;

D) the state of wire insulation and grounding of the electrical substation with determination of their resistance;

D) compliance with the drawing and data of the PS passport with the actually installed mass of the counterweight and ballast;

E) the state of fastening of the axles and pins;

G) the condition of the crane rail track, its compliance with the substation operating manual, as well as the requirements of these FNP;

H) the condition of the ropes and their fastenings to the requirements of the PS operation manual, as well as the requirements of these FNP;

I) state of lighting and alarm;

K) state of electrical grounding (for lifts);

I) testing the performance of catchers (for construction hoists);

D) checking the accuracy of stopping the car with full working load and without load (for construction hoists).

Rejection standards for assembly units, substation mechanisms, steel ropes and crane rail tracks must be specified in the substation operating manual. If there are no relevant standards in the PS operating manual, the rejection is carried out in accordance with the requirements given in Appendices 4, 5 and 6 to the PS FNP.

10.5.9. Static tests must be carried out with the following loads (in relation to the rated rated load capacity:

  • 125% - for substations of all types (except for lifts);

  • 200% - for cargo-passenger and facade construction lifts,

  • 150% - for cargo construction hoists (with the load-carrying device not extended),

  • 125% - the same, with the load-carrying device extended to its maximum;

  • 150% - for other types of lifts (towers).
The weight of the control weights should not differ from the required one by more than ±3%. Static tests of an overhead crane are carried out as follows. The crane is installed above the supports of the crane track, and its trolley (trolleys) is installed in a position corresponding to the greatest deflection of the bridge; the first high-altitude notation of the position of one of the main beam chords is made (with an optical device or a laser range finder). Then the control load is lifted by a crane to a height of 50-100 mm, a second high-altitude notch is made of the position of the same main beam belt and the crane is maintained in this position for 10 minutes. If an arbitrary lowering of the raised load is detected, the tests are stopped and the results are considered unsatisfactory.

After 10 minutes, the load is lowered, after which a third high-altitude notch is made of the position of the same main beam chord. If the value of the third measurement coincides with the first, there is no residual deformation of the crane bridge, and the tests were successful.

Static testing of gantry crane and overhead material handler is carried out in the same way as overhead crane testing; in this case, for a crane with consoles, each console is tested separately.

If there is residual deformation (lack of equality of the first and third measurements taken), resulting from testing the crane with a load, the crane should not be allowed to operate until a specialized organization has clarified the causes of the deformation and determined the possibility of its further operation.

Static tests of cable cranes are carried out similarly to tests of overhead cranes, while monitoring the position of the load (which must remain in the initially raised state above the ground for 30 minutes), as well as the position of the upper parts of the supports, which should not move horizontally while the test load is applied and returns to its original position when the test load is lowered. Static tests of overhead cranes intended for servicing hydro and thermal power plants can be carried out using special devices (hydraulic loaders) that make it possible to create a test load without the use of a load.

It is prohibited to load such cranes with increasing load from a “dead” load secured through a dynamometer to the load-handling member due to short-term intermittent activation of the lifting mechanism.

Other types of load tests are not carried out for such cranes. Static tests of a jib-type crane that has one or more load characteristics, during periodic or extraordinary technical inspection, are carried out in a position corresponding to the crane’s maximum load capacity and/or maximum load moment.

Tests of cranes that have replaceable boom equipment can be carried out with the equipment installed on them for work. After installing replaceable boom equipment on the crane, the test is carried out in a position corresponding to the maximum lifting capacity of the crane with the equipment installed.

Tests of jib-type cranes that do not have a mechanism for changing the reach (the boom is supported by a brace) are carried out at the reach set for testing. With these same flights, subject to satisfactory results of the technical examination, subsequent operation of the crane is permitted. During static tests of jib-type cranes, the boom is installed relative to the running support in a position that corresponds to the lowest design stability of the crane, and the load is raised to a height of 50-100 mm.

The methodology for measuring residual deformations during testing is similar to that set out in subclause of these FNP, with the only difference being that high-altitude notches are made on the boom head.

The crane is considered to have passed static tests if within 10 minutes the lifted load does not fall to the ground, and if cracks, residual deformations and other damage to metal structures and mechanisms are not detected. Static tests of a pipe-laying crane or manipulating crane are carried out when it is installed on a horizontal platform in a position corresponding to the highest load capacity. After installing replaceable boom equipment on the pipe-laying crane (manipulator crane), tests are carried out in the position corresponding to the highest lifting capacity with the equipment installed. Using a hook, lift the load to a height of 50 - 100 mm from the ground and hold it for 10 minutes. The pipe-laying crane is considered to have passed the test if within 10 minutes. the lifted load did not fall, and no cracks, residual deformations or other damage were detected.

The measurement methodology is similar to that set out in subclause real FNP. During static tests of a construction hoist, the load must be on a stationary load-carrying device located at a height of no more than 150 mm above the level of the lower landing area (ground).

A construction hoist is considered to have passed static tests if within 10 minutes. the load-carrying device will not shift, and cracks, residual deformations and other damage to metal structures and mechanisms will not be detected. Static tests of lifts (except for construction ones) are carried out when the lift is installed on a horizontal platform in a position corresponding to its lowest design stability.

On lifts equipped with a cradle, a load with a mass equal to 110% of the rated load capacity is placed in the cradle, and a second load with a mass equal to 40% of the rated load capacity is suspended from the cradle on a flexible suspension. After the start of the lifting and lifting of the second load from the ground to a height of 50-100 mm, the lifting is stopped, followed by holding the total load for 10 minutes.

The measurement methodology is similar to that set out in subclause of these FNP.

In this case, the lifting of one of the lift supports from the ground is not considered a sign of loss of stability.

The lift is considered to have passed the test if the lifted load has not been lowered within 10 minutes, and also if no damage is found in the metal structures. During testing, any movements of the lift (except for lifting and lowering) with a load weighing equal to 150% of the rated load capacity are prohibited.

10.5.10. Dynamic tests of a substation are carried out with a load whose mass is 10% greater than its rated load-carrying capacity, and are aimed at checking the operation of its mechanisms and brakes.

During dynamic tests of the substations, repeated (at least three to five times) lifting and lowering of the load is carried out, as well as checking the operation of all other mechanisms when combining working movements provided for in the substation operating manual.

10.5.11. For a substation equipped with two or more lifting mechanisms, if their separate operation is provided, each mechanism must be tested for static and dynamic loads.

10.5.12. If the PS is used only for lifting and lowering loads (lifting gates at a hydroelectric power station), its dynamic tests are not carried out.

10.5.13. Tests of a PS that has several replaceable load-handling elements must be carried out with the load-handling element that is installed at the time of testing.

10.5.14. To conduct static and dynamic tests, the owner of the substation must ensure the availability of a set of test (control) weights indicating their actual weight.

If tests are carried out upon completion of repair, reconstruction or modernization of the substation on the territory of the repair enterprise, the test loads are provided by the owner of the repair enterprise.

10.5.15. On construction hoists, during a full technical inspection, the performance of safety devices (emergency stops) is additionally tested. These tests, carried out with an overload of 10%, are carried out in accordance with the methods given in the operational documentation:

  • for lifts equipped with speed limiters, from the operation of these limiters,

  • for lifts that do not have a speed limiter, when simulating a break in the lifting ropes,

  • for rack and pinion lifts - when the brake release button is turned on.
When testing a construction hoist, the load-carrying device must be installed near the lower landing platform at a height of no more than 1.5 times the braking distance specified in the passport and determined taking into account the accelerations specified in the construction hoist's operating manual.

10.5.16. Testing of safety devices and emergency stops for all types of lifts must include stopping the load-carrying device without a person being in the immediate vicinity of the load-carrying device.

To avoid a hard impact when the braking distance exceeds that recorded in the operational documentation, shock-absorbing devices must be provided.

10.5.17. The results of the technical examination of the substation are recorded in its passport by the specialist in supervision of the safe operation of the substation who conducted the examination, indicating the date of the next examination. When inspecting a newly installed substation, the entry in the passport must confirm that the substation was assembled and installed in accordance with the operating instructions, these FNPs and has passed the tests.

An entry in the passport of a valid PS that has been subjected to periodic technical examination must confirm that the PS meets the requirements of these FNP, is in working order and has passed the tests. Permission for further operation of the substation in this case is issued by a specialist supervising the safe operation of the substation.

The technical examination of the substation may be carried out by a specialized organization engaged in the repair, reconstruction and modernization of the substation.

The assessment of the compliance and performance of indicators, limiters and recorders of the PS operation is carried out in accordance with the instructions of paragraph 12.2. real FNP.

10.5.18. When performing a technical examination, assessing the performance of design elements of the substation metal structures, mechanisms, control systems, etc. (if any damage is detected) is carried out in accordance with the methods and rejection indicators given in Appendix 8 of these FNP.

The performance assessment of steel ropes, chains, crane rails, and load-handling devices is carried out in accordance with clauses 10.6 – 10.8 of these FNP, and the performance assessment of indicators, limiters and PS operation recorders is carried out in accordance with the instructions in clause 11.2. real FNP.

10.6. Steel ropes and chains

10.6.1. Steel ropes installed on the substations when replacing previously installed ones must correspond in grade and breaking force specified in the Substation Passport, have a certificate (certificate) or a copy of the certificate of the manufacturer of the ropes about their testing in accordance with GOST 3241 or GOST 18899.

Steel ropes that are not provided with a certificate of testing are not allowed to be used.

It is permissible to use ropes manufactured according to international standards if their purpose corresponds to the technology of using PS, has a diameter equal to the diameter of the rope being replaced, and a breaking force not lower than that specified in the PS Passport for the rope being replaced.

It is prohibited to replace cross lay steel ropes with single lay ropes.

10.6.2. The fastening of the steel rope on the substation installed to replace the previously installed one must correspond to the previously adopted design of its fastening.

10.6.3. Compliance with the utilization factor (safety factor) of steel ropes selected for replacement should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of ISO 4308 by calculation using the formula:

10.6.4. Rejection of steel ropes in operation should be carried out in accordance with Appendix 5 of these FNP.

10.6.5. Steel chains installed on the substations when replacing previously installed ones must correspond in grade and breaking force specified in the Substation Passport, have a certificate (certificate) or a copy of the certificate of the chain manufacturer about their testing.

It is allowed to use chains manufactured according to international standards if they correspond to the technology of using PS in their intended purpose, have a diameter and chain pitch equal to the diameter and pitch of the chain being replaced, and the breaking force is not lower than that specified in the PS Passport for the chain being replaced.

Steel chains that are not provided with a certificate (certificate of testing) are not allowed to be used.

Table 10.1

Minimum values ​​of rope utilization coefficients Z R

Mechanism classification group according to ISO 4301/1

Movable ropes

Fixed ropes


























10.6.6. Splicing of chains is allowed by electric welding of newly inserted links or using special connecting links. After splicing, the chain must be tested with a load equal to 1.25 times its rated pulling force for 10 minutes.

10.6.7. Rejection of steel chains in operation should be carried out in accordance with Appendix 6 of these FNP.

10.7. Crane rail track

10.7.1. The crane rail track for a substation on rails (excluding railway cranes) must comply with the design developed by a specialized organization or manufacturer of the substation.

The crane rail track must ensure free, jam-free passage of the substations installed on it along the entire route.

The design and dimensions of stairs, landing areas and galleries of overhead crane rail tracks must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

When installing an additional substation on an operating crane rail track, the latter must be checked by calculation for the admissibility of such a load.

The railway crane track must be arranged and maintained in accordance with the standards of JSC Russian Railways.

10.7.2. The crane rail track of the substation (excluding the crane rail tracks of tower and railway cranes) and the rail track of cargo suspended trolleys or electric hoists, equipped with arrows or turntables, as well as the points of transition of the substation or its cargo trolley from one track to another must meet the following requirements:

A) ensure smooth, jam-free passage;

B) be equipped with locks with electric locking, which prevents movement when the lock is unlocked;

C) have an automatically activated lock that prevents the cargo trolley (electric hoist) from derailing from the rail when it moves onto the console of an uncoupled section of the track;

D) provide control of the translation of the arrow or turntable from the signal from the control system of the cargo trolley (electric hoist);

E) be equipped with a single switch to supply voltage to the trolleys (or electrical cable) of the cargo trolley (electric hoist), to the switch control mechanisms and electrical devices of the locking devices.

10.7.3. The rails of the crane track must be secured so that when moving the substation, their transverse and longitudinal displacement is excluded (except for elastic deformations under the load from the moving substation). Limit values ​​of elastic deformations must comply with the requirements given in Appendix 3 to these FNP.

10.7.4. The movement of cars and forklifts through the paths of gantry and tower cranes must be designed by the owner of the cranes, taking into account the intensity of the crossing. At the same time, full responsibility for the industrial safety of such crossings rests with the owner of the cranes.

10.7.5. The intersection of the tracks of gantry, tower and portal cranes with the rail tracks of factory transport can be allowed after the owner of the cranes has developed measures to prevent collisions between operating cranes and rolling stock.

The intersection of the path of a portal crane with railway tracks can be allowed after the owner of the cranes has developed measures to prevent collisions between operating cranes and rolling stock and has been approved by the organization in charge of organizing traffic on the railway tracks. At the same time, full responsibility for the industrial safety of such intersections and the organization of traffic on them rests with the owner of the cranes.

10.7.6. The maximum deviation values ​​of the crane rail track from the design position specified in the crane operating manual must not exceed the values ​​specified in Appendix 3. Defects in the rails and sleepers of the crane rail track must not exceed the rejection criteria given in Appendix 4 to the FNP PS.

10.7.7. On each crane rail track there must be a designated area for parking the substation when not in use.

10.7.8. The readiness of the crane rail track for operation must be confirmed by a certificate of acceptance of the crane rail track to which the results of a horizontal survey must be attached.

10.7.9. Checking the condition of the crane rail track and measuring its grounding resistance must be carried out in accordance with regulatory documents.

10.8. Load-handling devices and containers

10.8.1. Industrial safety requirements for the operation of load-handling devices, incl. for maintenance, repair, reconstruction and modernization must not be lower than the requirements established for similar procedures carried out with the substation with which they are used for their intended purpose.

10.8.2. An employee who is appointed to perform hooking work, incl. for hanging a PS on a hook, slinging and tying loads moved by a PS using load-handling devices, must have a level of qualifications and be certified as a slinger.

The same requirement applies to workers of basic professions, whose duties include hanging a load on a hook without preliminary strapping (a load that has loops, eyes, axles, and also located in buckets, tubs and containers or in other containers) or in cases where the load captured by semi-automatic gripping devices.

10.8.3. Safe use of load-handling devices for their intended purpose includes the owner performing the following functions:

A) development of PPR, technical regulations and technological regulations, including slinging schemes, indicating methods of tying parts, assemblies and other elements of equipment, the lifting and moving of which during installation, dismantling and repair is carried out by the PS using load-handling devices, as well as methods for safe tilting of composite parts parts of equipment, indicating the lifting devices used;

B) providing personnel associated with slinging, lifting and moving cargo with technological regulations, PPR and technical regulations, which should contain schemes for slinging, storing and tilting cargo, loading and unloading vehicles, rolling stock or ships, as well as a list of used load-handling equipment devices;

C) familiarization (against signature) with the PPR and TC of specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS, as well as slingers and crane operators;

D) providing slingers with distinctive signs, tested and marked removable load-handling devices corresponding to the weight and nature of the cargo being handled;

E) posting in the PS work area a list of the main loads it moves, indicating their weight. Crane operators and slingers servicing jib cranes during construction and installation work should be given such a list;

E) the use of slings 19, individual branches of which satisfy the following safety factors:

  • at least 6, made of steel ropes;

  • at least 4 made of steel chains;

  • at least 7, made of ribbons or woven threads on a polymer base.
g) ensuring that cargo is slinged in accordance with slinging diagrams. To sling a load intended for lifting, slings must be used that correspond to the weight and nature of the load being lifted, taking into account the number of branches and their angle of inclination; general purpose slings should be selected so that the angle between their branches does not exceed 90º.

10.8.4. Removable load-handling devices and containers recognized as unsuitable for use in work, including due to the lack of necessary markings, as well as load-handling devices whose safe operation (service) period has expired, should not be located in the work areas.

10.8.5. Slingers must inspect lifting devices before using them, and the rejection indicators given in their operating manual (instructions) should be used. For steel sling ropes, as well as sling chains, the rejection criteria given in Appendices 5 and 6 of these FNPs should be used. Rejection characteristics of textile slings are given in Appendix 6 of these FNP.

10.8.6. To monitor the technical condition of elements, assemblies and connections of lifting devices that cannot be determined in assembled form, their partial disassembly, inspection and revision must be carried out annually, within the time limits determined by the schedule approved by the owner. If signs of cracks are detected on the bushings, in the design elements of metal structures of traverses and grips, non-destructive testing methods should be used.

It is advisable to combine the timing of the inspection with technical inspections of the substation or current repairs of the substation.

10.8.7. Repair, reconstruction and/or modernization of lifting devices must be carried out according to the design and technical specifications developed by specialized organizations and containing instructions on the materials used, welding quality control, acceptance procedure and documentation based on the results of the repair (reconstruction and/or modernization).

10.8.8. After a major overhaul of traverses, grips and grabs, a risk assessment must be carried out, the value of which should not be more than acceptable. If necessary, technical and organizational measures should be developed aimed at achieving acceptable risk values.

10.8.9. For repaired traverses, grips and grabs that do not meet the requirements of the design (construction) documentation, measures must be developed to ensure the risk values ​​established in the safety justification, taking into account the technological processes and control systems adopted by the repair manufacturer.

Slings, after replacing individual elements in them, must comply with the requirements of the design (construction) documentation.

10.8.10. Branches of multi-leg slings and traverses, detachable links, hooks and other easily replaceable (without welding, braiding, crimping and stitching) design elements of load-handling devices used to replace damaged or worn ones, in addition to the necessary markings, must be provided with a manufacturer’s passport, while in the load-handling equipment’s passport the necessary mark must be made on the device, while simultaneously filing the passport of the newly installed element.

10.8.11. During the operation of removable load-handling devices and containers, the owner must periodically inspect them within the following periods:

  • traverse, pincers, grippers and containers - every month;

  • slings (except for rarely used ones) - every 10 days;

  • rarely used removable lifting devices - before putting them into operation.
Inspection of removable load-handling devices and containers must be carried out according to instructions developed by the owner and defining the procedure and methods of inspection, and rejection indicators. Damaged removable load-handling devices identified during the inspection must be removed from work.

10.8.12. The results of the inspection of removable load-handling devices and containers are recorded in the inspection log of load-handling devices.

10.8.13. The use of tower cranes with containers unloaded by weight is permitted within the classification group (mode) specified in the crane passport, with the number of crane operation cycles not exceeding 8 per hour and the following values ​​of the total mass of the container with the transported cargo:

  • for containers without vibrators (excluding grabs) - within the crane’s lifting capacity;

  • for containers with a vibrator - no more than 50% of the maximum lifting capacity of the crane;

  • for single-rope grabs that do not allow unloading by weight - no more than 50% of the crane's lifting capacity;

  • For cranes produced in several versions (differing in the multiplicity of the load rope reeving, the height of the tower or the length of the boom), the maximum lifting capacity should be understood as the largest lifting capacity among all available versions of this crane.
Unloading of containers by weight should be carried out evenly, for at least 10 s. Instant unloading of containers by weight is prohibited in order to avoid shock loads and prevent accidents to people.

10.8.14. Installation of vibrators on containers is permitted only if the axis of rotation of the imbalances is vertical. The magnitude of the disturbing force of the vibrator should not exceed 4 kN.

10.8.15. Move small-piece cargo only in special containers designed for this purpose in order to exclude the possibility of individual parts of the cargo falling out. Moving bricks on pallets without fencing is permitted only when unloading (loading) vehicles onto the ground (and from the ground); N (400 kgf) or within the limits determined by regulatory documents for containers.

10.8.16. The need, conditions and methods for testing load-handling devices during operation should be given in the manufacturer’s operational documentation. In the absence of these requirements, the magnitude of the static load when testing load-handling devices must exceed their rated load-carrying capacity by 25%.

10.8.17. When testing multi-leg slings, their legs must be located at an angle of 90° vertically to each other.

It is allowed to carry out tests at a different angle with a corresponding recalculation of the test loads.

10.8.18. When testing special load-handling devices, which cannot hook standard test loads, the technological testing regulations must provide for a scheme for reliable connection of a test load of the required mass to the products for which the load-handling devices are intended.

The static strength of the grab structure should be checked by symmetrically loading the jaws with a test load. If it is necessary to increase the mass of the test load, part of the pre-weighed load is placed inside the grab, and an additional load is suspended from the jaws from below. It is also possible to suspend the entire mass of the test load from the jaws. The suspension diagram is specified in the grab’s operating manual and is reflected in the test procedure.

When testing traverses, the connection scheme (hooking, slinging) of the test load must be arranged in such a way that its design (arrangement of loads) does not interfere with the perception by the main elements of the metal structure of the traverse of compressive or bending forces that arise when using the traverses for their intended purpose in operation.

10.8.19. Static tests of load-handling devices are carried out in the following sequence:

  • the test load, engaged (covered, tied) by the tested load-handling device or suspended from it, with the lowest possible accelerations, raise the PS to a height of 50...100 mm and maintain in this position when testing rope and chain slings for 3 minutes, when testing other load-handling devices - 10 minutes;

  • After the specified time has elapsed, the test load is lowered onto the platform.
When visually inspecting tape slings made of polymer materials during testing, the following is checked:

  • number of stitched layers of tape;

  • absence of defects (scuffs on the surfaces of the slings and the edges of the tape, longitudinal cuts, tears and punctures of the tape, destruction of the edges of the tape, damage to the stitches).
Checking the dimensions of tape slings made of polymer materials should be carried out with universal measuring instruments (ruler, tape measure, calipers), the accuracy of measuring the length of slings, loops, seams in a stretched state is 3 mm, stitches - 1 mm.

A tape sling made of polymer material is considered to have passed static load tests if during testing there were no ruptures of seams, unraveling or tearing of tapes, residual deformations of the end elements or changes in the size of the sling.

10.8.20. The results of static tests of load-handling devices are revealed after the load is removed from them. If there is residual deformation resulting from testing with a load, the load-handling device should not be allowed to operate until a specialized organization has clarified the causes of the deformation and determined the possibility of its further operation.

Tests are terminated or suspended if an emergency occurs that threatens the safety of persons participating in the tests. Continuation of tests is allowed only after elimination of the reasons that caused their termination or suspension.

10.8.21. The results of testing load-handling devices with a static load must be documented in a test report (protocol). If the results are positive, it must confirm that the load-handling device has passed the tests, meets the requirements of current regulatory documents and is in working order. If the results are negative, the Report reflects the identified defects and damages and the probable causes of their origin.

10.9. Lifting and transporting people 20

10.9.1. Lifting and transporting people using a lifting device is possible only in the following cases:

  • during installation, construction and construction of unique objects, when other methods of delivering workers to the work area cannot be used;

  • during installation and maintenance of free-standing drilling and other oil and gas production installations;

  • at enterprises and docks performing work on the construction and repair of ship hulls;

  • on oil and gas platforms installed in the open sea, for personnel changes, with a rotational method of servicing the platforms.
The PPR for lifting and transporting people using PS is coordinated and approved by Rostechnadzor.

10.9.2. Lifting and transporting people using PS is possible only in a safe cradle, intended only for the movement of personnel.

The PS selected for moving the cradle must meet the following requirements:

  • have no less than a twofold reserve of carrying capacity, consisting of the following components: mass of the cradle + lifting device of the cradle + nominal load capacity of the cradle itself, and no less than a fourfold reserve of the moment of capsizing (for free-standing boom-type substations).
The cradle must not be used for transporting goods or for other purposes not specified in its instruction manual and must meet the following requirements:

  • have a hard bottom (floor) that can withstand a load not less than twice the rated carrying capacity of the cradle;

  • have a ring of elastic material on the outside of the bottom, which determines the maximum dimensions of the cradle in the horizontal direction. A ring made of elastic material must absorb all accidental impacts of the cradle when bringing its substructure to the vertical structures of the structure being served. When using a cradle to transport personnel above water (when servicing drilling platforms), the dimensions and position of the elastic ring must be such as to ensure not only the buoyancy of the cradle with the personnel, but also to ensure that it does not tip over when lowered into the water;

  • have a flexible basket-like structure, woven from synthetic ropes or sewn from slings, softening possible impacts of personnel when the elastic ring touches possible obstacles. To maintain its shape in a vertical plane, the wicker (stitched) structure must have 3-4 rigid guides. Entry and exit of personnel into the interior of the cradle should be carried out through openings closed by two wide slings with carabiners, which should be fastened during transportation and easily unfastened in case of emergency leaving the cradle;

  • hung on the PS hook using a special ring, which in the working position must be one-piece;

  • the suspension ring must be connected by a chain to the ring of the upper parts of the rigid guides of the cradle. For cradles used to transport personnel over water, to compensate for pitching on waves, a shorter elastic rubber element is installed between the suspension rings, parallel to the chain, to withstand at least twice the load from the loaded cradle.
10.9.3. The safe movement of people in the cradle should only be carried out on a voluntary basis, and the following must be observed:

    • wind speed measured as an average value should not exceed 10 m/sec;

    • The crane operator must see the cradle with people during the entire transportation operation, as well as the area where the cradle begins to rise and lower;

    • The areas where the cradle begins to rise and lower must be free of any foreign objects.

    • the people who need to be moved are given clear instructions (under sign) about where to stand, what to hold on to and how to leave the cradle when it lands;

    • people who are unable to support themselves in the usual way (for example, after accidents or incidents) are moved in a supine position on a rigid stretcher, securely attached to the cradle, and accompanied by two people.
When transporting people over the sea surface (for example, from a ship to the surface of a platform and back), the following must additionally be observed:

    • wave height should not exceed 3.5 m (from crest to bottom);

    • restrictions are taken into account, i.e. deck capacity and local dimensions of embarkation and unloading areas;

    • the platform manager and the master of the transfer vessel have concluded that the transfer can take place in a safe and secure manner;

  • a rescue boat is available for quick launching from a platform or transfer vessel;

  • radio communication is maintained with the crane operator and with the bridge/deck of the vessel;

  • one or two persons to be moved should always be accompanied by a person experienced in moving personnel in a cradle;

  • All persons must have working life jackets and/or diving suits.

10.10. Work Alarm System

10.10.1. Owners (or organizations operating substations) must establish a procedure for exchanging signals between slingers and crane operators. Sign signaling and a signal exchange system for radio communications must be included in the production instructions for crane operators and slingers. The recommended sign signaling is given in Appendix 7 of these FNP.

10.10.2. When changing work areas, crane operators and slingers must be instructed (against signature) about the sign signaling used at the new work area.

10.10.3. When constructing buildings and structures with a height of more than 36 m, on which substations are used, two-way radio or telephone communication must be used.

10.11. Industrial safety examination

10.11.1. At the end of their service life, substations, as well as in the cases specified in this article, must be subject to an industrial safety examination, the purpose of which is to perform technical diagnostics of their actual condition and determine the conditions under which it is possible to extend further operation of the substation.

10.11.2. The need to carry out technical diagnostic work, which is an integral part of industrial safety review work, its volume, composition and nature depend on the service life and type of substation, while the following reasons can be identified as the main ones:

  • expiration of the standard service life specified in the passport of the substation, or the maximum operating time recorded by the parameter recorder installed on the substation;

  • the presence of defects and damage to the substation (for example, due to force, corrosion, temperature or other effects that can reduce the strength and deformation characteristics of the substation metal structure and worsen the safety indicators of the substation as a whole;

  • increase in operational loads and impacts on the metal structure of the substation due to repair, reconstruction, modernization and/or increase in the original dimensions;

  • identification of deviations from the load capacity and/or classification group declared by the manufacturer, which reduce the load-bearing capacity and performance indicators of the intended purpose of the PS;

  • lack of a complete set of operational documentation for the lifting structure (for example, a crane passport, design documentation for repairs or modernization);

  • changing the functional purpose of the PS, for example, when equipping it with an additional load-handling device or load-handling device;

  • resumption of operation of the substation after a break of more than 6 months in the absence of conservation;

  • the presence of deformations of soil foundations, buildings and overpasses (for substations installed in buildings and on overpasses);

  • the need to assess the condition of substations exposed to fire, natural disasters or man-made accidents.
10.11.3. The procedure for performing work during technical diagnostics, requirements for expert organizations and criteria for assessing the performance of the diagnosed substation are given in Appendix 8 to these FNP.

10.12. Requirements for maintaining operational documentation

10.12.1. Before the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 010/2011 “On the safety of machinery and equipment” came into force, the operational documentation complied with the requirements of GOST 2.601. ESKD. Operational documents. After the above regulations come into force, the main regulatory document to which the Substation Operation Manual will have to comply will be GOST 30934.1 (ISO 9928-1) Lifting cranes. Crane operating manual. Part 1. General provisions.

10.12.2. Drawings and technical specifications for repair, reconstruction and modernization of substations, taking into account that these FNPs do not apply to design, must be carried out by developers in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.601 and 2.602.

10.12.3. Forms of certificates for certification of crane operators, workers of basic professions, adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders, as well as

A specialist responsible for the safe operation of the substation;

A specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

The specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS will be of an advisory nature, similar requirements for log books and registration of load-handling devices, forms of work permits, etc.


"____"____________2015 _______

On the appointment of responsible persons:

for the safe performance of work using lifting structures (PS), for the implementation of production control during the operation of the PS,

In accordance with the order of Rostechnadzor dated November 12, 2013 No. 533 “On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” in a separate division of the Limited Liability Company ________


1. To appoint persons responsible for the safe performance of work using lifting structures (truck cranes, pipe-laying cranes - hereinafter referred to as PS) at the production base:

Head of OMTS (production base) V.N. Petrov;

directly at production sites:

Foreman Ivanova S.A.;

Foreman Sidorova R.A.;

2. The specified persons, as well as workers directly working with the substation (crane operators, pipe-laying crane operators, slingers) before starting work on the site, must be familiarized with the Work Project (WPR) or Technological Maps (TC) for signature.

3. Those responsible for the safe performance of work using PS are obliged to:

Allow personnel who have passed a knowledge test and have a document confirming the employee’s qualifications (certificate) to work with the software;

When moving mobile substations (pipe-laying cranes, truck cranes) to a new facility, formalize the decision to put them into operation by writing in the logbook “I authorize putting them into operation,” indicating the position, surname, initials and date;

Before starting work near the power line (less than 30 meters from the outermost wire with a network voltage of more than 42 volts), carry out the work according to the permit, indicating the installation location to the substation driver, ensure that the work conditions specified in the permit are met, make an entry in the substation logbook on permission to work, as well as directly supervise the PS during the performance of work;

Provide slingers with distinctive signs, as well as tested and marked lifting devices and containers;

Carry out periodic inspection of removable load-handling devices (LOGD) and containers at least:

a) traverses, pincers, grips and containers - every month;

b) slings (except for rarely used ones) - every 10 days;

c) rarely used SGZP - before starting work;

the results of the inspection of the SGPP and containers should be entered into the SGPP inspection log;

Determine stationary sites and places for storing goods provided for by the PPR or TC, equip them with technological equipment and devices;

Before permission to work, issue production instructions to the personnel operating the substation against signature;

Have a copy of this order at the production site.

4. Appoint Deputy Director __________ responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of the substation in LLC _________

5. Appoint mechanic Sidorov S.G. (and during his absence, mechanical engineer Kuznetsov A.V.) - responsible for maintaining the substation in working condition.

6. Responsible persons organize their work in accordance with approved production instructions:

IOT 01-16 - instructions for a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS;

IOT 02-16 - instructions for a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of a substation;

IOT 03-16 - instructions for a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition.

IOT 04-16 - instructions for inspecting SGZP and containers.

7. The manager’s secretary should familiarize the above-mentioned persons with this order against signature.

8. I reserve control over the execution of the Order.

Director ________


with Order No._____ dated _________.


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AND ABOUT. Surname


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AND ABOUT. Surname


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With the introduction of new rules to replace the already familiar ones (colloquially called “crane rules”), a number of questions arose (actually similar to the questions under the previously existing rules) regarding the certification of workers and the appointment of workers responsible for certain areas of supervision and operation: “ Who and for what exactly is appointed responsible if the organization has lifting structures?», « How and for what should responsible employees be certified??», « What are the correct areas of qualification for lifting structures?».
Paragraph 23 of the “Safety Rules for Hazardous Industrial Facilities Where Lifting Structures Are Used” directly indicates the need to assign:

  • a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;
  • a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;
  • a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

The responsibilities of the last two can be assigned to one employee (if the work is carried out within the same workshop or site).
The areas of certification of workers are determined in accordance with Rostekhnadzor Order No. 233 dated April 6, 2012 (section B9 “Industrial safety requirements for lifting structures”). Please note that by order of Rostechnadzor No. 403 dated September 3, 2014, this section was clarified and presented in a different wording.
Thus, the employee should be certified (in accordance with the rules of Rostechnadzor Order No. 37 dated January 29, 2007, regarding the training and certification of workers at facilities supervised by Rostechnadzor), based on the activities of the enterprise, in the following directions (“letters”):


Certification of specialists from organizations supervising the safe operation of escalators in metropolitan areas


Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating escalators in subways


Certification in the field of industrial safety of ropeway managers and specialists


Certification in the field of industrial safety of ropeway managers


Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed for lifting and moving loads


Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed for lifting and transporting people


Installation, adjustment, repair, reconstruction or modernization of lifting structures during the operation of hazardous production facilities

In accordance with paragraph 153 of Rostechnadzor Order No. 533 of November 12, 2013, periodic testing of the knowledge of job descriptions and rules for lifting structures of responsible specialists must be carried out in accordance with the administrative act of the operating organization and carried out by its commission. Please note that the list of areas does not include a separate “certification of members of certification commissions” for lifting structures. Thus, there is no need to create a separate commission - it is possible to conduct a knowledge test in the same certification commission, created in accordance with the requirements of Rostechnadzor Order No. 37 of January 29, 2007 (“Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision"). True, its members must be certified by the territorial body of Rostechnadzor in the same areas B.9 (for branches of organizations - by the commission of the central or parent organization).
Separately, we note that paragraph 11 of the “Regulations...” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 37 of January 29, 2007) allows for the certification of contractor specialists in the commission of the customer organization.
Sample orders (approximate):

ORDER (sample)

On the appointment of a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation

  1. Appoint _________ (position, full name) responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of lifting structures. During vacation, business trip, illness or other absences, the duties of the person responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of lifting structures are assigned to ___________ (position, full name).
  2. Production control must be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 1999 N 263, “Regulations on the organization of production control at the enterprise” (approved by Order No. __ dated ___), other local acts of the enterprise.
  3. ________ (position, full name of the persons specified in paragraph 1) is / is not a member of the production control commission.

ORDER (sample)

On the appointment of a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition

In accordance with clause 23 of the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 533 dated November 12, 2013), I ORDER:

  1. Appoint _________ (position, full name) responsible for maintaining lifting structures in working condition. During vacation, business trip, illness or other cases of absence, the duties of the responsible person are assigned to ___________ (position, full name).
  2. In their work, persons appointed by paragraph 1 of this order should be guided by the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 533 dated November 12, 2013), technical documentation for lifting structures, production instructions and other local acts of the enterprise.
  3. ________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) familiarize yourself with the specified documents against signature no later than ______ (date).
  4. The Chairman of the Certification Commission / Head of the Personnel Training Department should organize training and/or knowledge testing (certification) for __________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) no later than ________ (date).
  5. Control over compliance with the order is assigned to __________ (position, full name).

ORDER (sample)

On the appointment of a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using lifting structures

In accordance with clause 23 of the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 533 dated November 12, 2013), I ORDER:

  1. Appoint _________ (position, full name) responsible for the safe performance of work using lifting structures. During vacation, business trip, illness or other cases of absence, the duties of the responsible person are assigned to ___________ (position, full name).
  2. In their work, persons appointed by paragraph 1 of this order should be guided by the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 533 of November 12, 2013), regulations on labor protection when working with the use of lifting structures , technical documentation for lifting structures, production instructions, labor protection instructions and other local acts of the enterprise.
  3. ________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) familiarize yourself with the specified documents against signature no later than ______ (date).
  4. The Chairman of the Certification Commission / Head of the Personnel Training Department should organize training and/or knowledge testing (certification) for __________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) no later than ________ (date).
  5. Control over compliance with the order is assigned to __________ (position, full name).

In conclusion, we note that in addition to specialists, crane operators (operators), their assistants, mechanics and adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders are necessarily appointed by order (instruction) to manage substations and their maintenance, and, in addition, electricians are also appointed to service substations with an electric drive .

YOU CAN ASK A QUESTION about this article or make a request for a sample order by following this link.
Region on the islands
