Perennial garden primrose. Perennial primrose: planting and care at home Blue evening primrose planting and care

Common primrose (lat. Primula vulgaris), or common primrose, is a herbaceous perennial from the genus Primrose, one of the most numerous in the world flora (according to various sources, there are from 400 to 550 species). Plants of this genus that have not been described by scientists are still found in nature. 33 species grow in Europe, 2 in North America, one species on the island of Java, several in South America and Africa, and the remaining three hundred-plus species of primrose grow in Asia, Western China and the Himalayas. Primrose chooses wet places- in meadows, along the banks of streams and mountain rivers.

The underground part of the primrose is a rhizome with roots. The basal leaf rosette consists of dissected or simple, sessile or petiolate oblong oval lanceolate leaves. In some species the leaves are wrinkled, in others they are leathery, dense, grayish-green in color, as if covered with wax. Primrose flowers on long leafless peduncles are single or collected in pyramidal, spherical, cushion-shaped, tiered, bell-shaped or umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They have a tubular shape with a bend - flat or funnel-shaped. The primrose fruit is a cylindrical or spherical polysperm. Garden primrose is grown in culture, both perennial and annual, and primrose is also cultivated at home.

Primrose growing from seeds

Primrose seeds lose their viability very quickly, so it is best to sow the seeds immediately after collecting them in boxes placed in the ground. If you bought high-quality seeds and do not want to risk them, then planting primrose seeds for seedlings is carried out in early February on the surface of a substrate consisting of two parts leaf soil, one part sand and one part turf soil. There should be no more than 5 seeds per 1 cm² of substrate, which are not buried, but simply pressed to the surface. The container with the crops is placed in plastic bag and put it in the freezer for 3-4 weeks at a temperature no higher than -10 ºC.

After a month, the frozen crops are transferred in bags to the windowsill, shaded from direct rays, and wait for germination, keeping the soil slightly moist. Optimal temperature for seed germination 16-18 ºC. Not all types of primroses need stratification - for example, common primrose and fine-toothed primrose germinate without freezing. When seedlings begin to appear, and primrose seeds are usually in no hurry to germinate, the bags are gradually opened slightly, accustoming the seedlings to the air, and after two weeks the bags are removed completely.

Primrose seedlings
Primrose seedlings grow very slowly. After the appearance of two or three true leaves, the seedlings are dived into boxes using tweezers and continue to care for them, moistening the soil as necessary. You need to pick up seedlings every time they grow strongly. Primrose is grown from seeds before planting in open ground for two years.

Primrose planting in open ground

When to plant primrose
Planting perennial primrose in open ground is carried out in spring or autumn in the second year of life. If you decide to plant primrose in the spring, then do it at the end of May. Primrose grows best in open ground in the shade of garden trees and shrubs, where direct sunlight does not penetrate. Only alpine species of primrose in the northern regions are planted in open sun. The soil for primrose is preferably moisture-absorbing, loose, light and well-drained, in which moisture will not stagnate for a long time. Primrose grows well in clay soil. Too heavy clay soil can be made lighter by adding a bucket of sand, 2 kg of manure, vermiculite and chopped sphagnum moss per 1 m² of digging area.

How to plant primrose
Small types of primrose are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, and large ones - at 20-30 cm. When planting, keep in mind that primrose does not like open spaces, so plant the seedlings in such a way that when the plants grow, the plantings will be closed. Primrose blooms from seeds in the second or third year of life.

Primrose outdoor care

Planting and caring for primrose in open ground usually occurs without any difficulties. Keep the soil in your primrose flower bed slightly moist, loose and clean - after weekly heavy watering, be sure to loosen the soil and remove weeds. In hot weather, the frequency of watering will have to be doubled. Water consumption in one session is approximately three liters per m².

Primrose or primrose is a representative of the Primrose genus, growing mainly in Europe and Central Asia, as well as in the north of the African continent. Representatives of this genus have been cultivated for a very long time, and its number includes almost half a thousand species.

Since species and varietal diversity very large, then the stems, foliage and flowers also have their differences. There are both annual varieties and perennial plants.

Varieties and types

Or Stemless Although this plant has this name, it is very beautiful. The lanceolate foliage is quite long and stays on the stem for a very long time. The flowers are white or pale yellow, located on peduncles.

The flowers that appear in summer are colored in shades of scarlet and purple. An important feature is that at the end of flowering, the foliage of this species dies.

Mountain perennial species. It has slightly wrinkled foliage with fine teeth along the edges. The flowers are small, yellow, and form umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The peduncle can be either low or very high. Flowering occurs in mid-spring and lasts almost two months.

Or forest has oval, oblong, slightly wrinkled foliage up to 20 cm. The flowers are yellow with an orange spot, but there are many varieties whose colors have a variety of shades, and the flowers are not only simple, but also double.

Or auricula a plant with dense, leathery, lanceolate foliage edged with small teeth. The color of the flowers depends on the variety, since many hybrids have been created.

This species has tall bushes with long, strap-like leaves, as well as regular yellow flowers with large stamens.

Fine-toothed primrose or just gear It is characterized by spherical inflorescences, which consist of a large number of white, crimson or lilac tones, the size of which varies, depending on the variety, from half a centimeter to two and a half.

It does not have particularly large and attractive foliage, but that is not its highlight. The flowers of this plant are painted in pastel yellow-pink tones, which over time flow from one to another.

The main difference of this species is the lilac-colored inflorescence, which is located on a high peduncle. It has a spherical shape and does not look like the inflorescences of other representatives.

Above the leaf rosette, consisting of light green jagged leaves and lying on the ground, flower stalks rise high, decorated with umbrella flowers of soft lilac or violet tones.

Primrose planting and care in open ground

Planting of perennial species of this plant, obtained from seeds sown in pots, in open soil is carried out in spring or autumn, when their second year of life begins. In spring, planting is best done at the end of the season.

Select a quiet, shaded area for planting. Only those species that are intended for rock gardens can be planted in the sun.

Small specimens should be planted at approximately 15 cm between specimens, large specimens at 25 cm. But do not make the gaps between the bushes too large; when they grow, they should fill the entire space between each other.

Soil for garden primrose

The soil for the crop should be selected that is breathable, light, and has drainage. Clay soils are a good option, but make sure they are not very heavy.

In this case, you can dig it up with sand, manure and sphagnum. The rest of the composition for garden plants this kind is not particularly important, and the desired acidity is neutral or slightly acidic.

Primrose watering

The area with the plant must be kept free of weeds, and the soil must also be regularly loosened so that the roots can breathe. This is usually done after watering.

The plant needs a sufficient amount of water, so when watering it, use about 3 liters per square meter plot, and in hot weather even more.

Feeding primrose in spring

Primrose also requires feeding. This should be done using comprehensive mineral supplements, but dissolving them twice as much as indicated on the package.

Phosphate-nitrogen fertilizers are used. The application regime is once every 10 days from the appearance of foliage until flowering.

Primrose transplant

Caring for this crop also involves replanting it every 5 years. At the same time, it also reproduces by dividing the bush.

We will tell you more about this process in the reproduction section.

Primrose pruning

In general, this plant does not need pruning, but it is a good idea to remove flower stalks after the flowers have faded. It is better to leave the foliage after flowering, also do not cut off the leaves that appear in the fall, as they will serve as shelter for the winter; if you cut off the foliage, the bush will weaken.

Primrose after wintering

In the fall, after flowering, the soil next to the plant is loosened and not touched again until winter. With the arrival of spring, the foliage that served as shelter must be removed.

If where you live is very cold in winter, then the bushes will need to be additionally covered with dry leaves. If the winter is not very cold, then you don’t need to make a shelter, because the flower will have enough of its leaves for insulation.

As the snow begins to melt, you need to be careful and, without delay, break the ice crust over the flowers so that they can breathe and the water can easily drain away, otherwise the shoots will die.

Primrose from seeds

If you use seeds, it is best to sow them in the soil in late autumn.

To obtain seedlings, the material is sown in containers in the spring, in ordinary nutrient soil, having previously been stratified for a couple of weeks.

The seed is kept in a greenhouse, periodically ventilated and moistened, and after it grows, it is cared for as an ordinary plant. On next year carry out planting in open ground, described at the beginning of the last section.

Reproduction of primrose by dividing the bush

In addition to this method, the plant is propagated during transplantation by dividing the bush. 4-5 years after planting, when the crop has aged, wait until it finishes flowering, then remove it from the soil.

The roots are washed and divided so that each section has a leaf rosette. The cuts are sprinkled with ash and after this the material is immediately planted in the soil. It is better not to delay transplanting and dividing until the fall, since new individuals may not have time to take root before the cold weather.

Primrose propagation by cuttings

Another method of propagation is the use of root cuttings. To use it, thick roots are cut off, the top of which is slightly incised. After this, parts of the roots are planted to about 3 cm and looked after as an adult plant.

If the rhizome or leaf rosette is not yet sufficiently developed or weak, then division is undesirable. In this case, axillary shoots are used for propagation.

Primrose propagation by axillary shoots

Near the root, you need to remove the leaf with the petiole and part of the stem. The leaf is cut in half and then the cutting is placed in leaf soil mixed with coarse sand.

For rooting to go well, the cuttings must be kept in good light, without direct sunlight, and at temperatures up to 19°C. When stems with leaves form from the buds, the material can be transplanted into a separate container, and when it is warm enough outside, they can be planted in a flowerbed.

Diseases and pests

Sometimes primrose is affected by diseases and pests, most often this happens due to improper care of the plant.

  • A frequently asked question is poor seed germination . In general, the seeds do not germinate too badly, they just quickly lose their viability, especially in hot conditions. Seed quality may also play a role. To increase germination, you can pre-soak the seeds.
  • If primrose withers , then there may be several reasons for this, but most often the reason is stagnation of water in the roots, which is why they begin to rot, or the roots were burned by growth stimulants. It is better to cut off the diseased parts and transplant the bush to another area, and disinfect this one with a fungicide. Another reason may be lack of moisture.
  • If primrose foliage dries out and curls , then this is most likely due to sap-sucking pests such as aphids. Use insecticides to control them. Also, the leaves curl if there is insufficient watering.
  • Spider mite , also feeds on plant juices and, in addition to this, it carries other diseases. To get rid of it, use acaricides.
  • Weak stem growth And small leaves may be caused by pruning foliage after flowering.
  • No flowering This is not a common occurrence and usually occurs due to excess nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Another enemy of primrose is slugs that feed on its foliage. To protect yourself from them, sprinkle quicklime around the area. Slugs also do not tolerate any seasonings or dryness. In addition to this, you can use special drugs aimed at combating them.

One of the first unusually beautiful flowers blooming in our flower beds is the perennial garden primrose. It is even called the key of spring, which opens up fine days, or the primrose. Once upon a time, having a primrose in your flower garden was considered very prestigious. Now in some countries this flower is not only loved, it is worshiped, exhibitions are organized, festivals are held, and clubs are created. In Russia, perennial garden primrose is also becoming more and more popular, but not everyone is able to grow it. The reason for this is some features of reproduction and cultivation. We will tell you all the secrets of this unique flower and tell you about the rules for caring for it in spring, summer and autumn.

Biological description

First, let's find out what primrose looks like. The photo shows several of its species, of which there are about 600, and botanists are still discovering new ones. Each type has its own external features. In general it can be said that root system Primrose is a thickened rhizome from which thin roots extend. The leaves form a lush basal rosette. Externally various types they may differ significantly. So, there are primroses whose leaves are jagged, smooth, wrinkled, furrowed, tender or, conversely, hard and dense. In some species the leaves are sessile, in others petiolate; in some they are oval, in others lanceolate or ovoid. Flowers have even more differences. They can be single or collected in inflorescences - umbrella-shaped, spherical, pyramidal, tiered and others. The color of the petals is very different - from white to dark purple, and there are primroses whose flowers have a clearly visible contrasting center.


Perennial garden primrose came to our flower beds from forest edges and meadows. You can also meet her relatives on the banks of mountain streams, near forest streams, where there is shade and enough moisture. The geography of its distribution is quite wide. Primrose grows throughout almost all of Europe, including Russia, in North and South America, in Africa, in the Himalayas, in Asia, on the island of Java, in Iran, China, the Caucasus, and Turkey. It is pollinated with or without the help of insects, and the flowers are designed in such a way that pollination can occur between different and identical forms, which leads to greater plant viability and the appearance of multiple hybrids.

Propagation by seeds

Perennial garden primrose can reproduce vegetatively and by seeds. They ripen in oval or spherical boxes. Now in stores you can freely buy packets of seeds of individual species of this plant or mixtures thereof. Many gardeners are surprised why purchased seeds germinate very poorly, and sometimes it happens that there are not a single seedling at all. The fact is that perennial garden primrose is a plant whose seeds lose their viability unusually quickly. Therefore, to obtain good result they are sown immediately after harvesting, not in a garden bed, but in boxes with prepared soil. If the outcome is favorable, the seed primrose blooms in the second or third year.

Purchased seeds are sown at the end of winter, somewhere in mid-February. The soil is prepared in advance by mixing leaf soil, sand, and turf soil in a 2:1:1 ratio. Some gardeners add vermiculite. Fill the box with the prepared soil, place seeds on the surface of the substrate (no more than 4-5 seeds per cm2), press them, place them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer. Yes, yes, exactly in the freezer, and not just in the refrigerator. In some regions, the box with seeds can be taken outside, as long as the ambient temperature is kept within -10 ºC. A month later, the box in a bag is brought into the house and placed on the windowsill, which is not exposed to direct sunlight. When the seeds have moved away from the frost a little, the soil is slightly moistened and maintained in this condition throughout the entire germination period. This may take 2-3 weeks. As soon as the first shoots appear, the bag is opened slightly, and after a while it is removed completely. The hatched sprouts will grow slowly. Important! Not all varieties of garden primrose require stratification in the freezer.

Planting seedlings in a flower bed

The whole process - from the moment the seed is pecked to the plant being planted in open ground - can take two years, during which the sprouts sprout repeatedly. This should be done as they grow, so that there is no strong thickening. Primrose is transplanted from a box to a flowerbed in late spring or early autumn. A place is chosen for it in sparse shade, for example, under the crowns of trees and bushes. On open sunny areas Only alpine primroses like to grow. Plants are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm (small species) or 20-30 cm (large species). Primrose's soil preferences are quite broad. She grows well on fertile black soil, on loams, on loose substrates and on clay soils, the main thing is that it is provided with sufficient humidity. If water stagnates in the place chosen for the primrose, drainage must be done. Too heavy soils may also be suitable for growing garden primrose, but in this case you need to add a baking powder to the soil, for example, vermiculite, sand (up to 1 bucket per 1 m2), manure or chopped moss.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Considering the complexity of gardening from seeds, it is better to propagate it by dividing the bush. At the same time, gardeners receive new plants that bloom in the first year of planting. In addition, dividing the bush is necessary to rejuvenate old perennial primroses, since they tend to grow strongly and lose their flowering splendor by the age of 4-5 years. It is best to start dividing bushes at the end of summer or early autumn. To do this, dig up the primrose, wash the roots from the soil and cut the plant so that each fragment retains a renewal bud. It is advisable to sprinkle the wounds activated carbon. Planting primrose after the division procedure is carried out according to general rules, maintaining the required distance between plants, with drainage and adding baking powder on heavy soils. After placing it in the hole and sprinkling the rhizome with soil, the primrose section must be watered generously.

Reproduction by axillary shoots

This method is used if a perennial old primrose does not have a very powerful root system, or there is only one rosette that cannot be cut into sections. In order for a new bush to grow from it, the primrose leaf must be separated with part of the shoot and the bud. Place such a fragment of the plant in a box with soil, moisten it and place it on bright window, where the straight line does not fall sunlight. When several leaves appear from the bud, the bush that is beginning to form can be transplanted into a narrow pot, but it can also be left in a box and planted in a flowerbed in the spring.

Rules of care

An adult plant (primrose), unlike young seedlings, is not at all capricious. The main thing it needs to live is moisture and weeding. The green pet also loves loosening, which should preferably be done at least once a week. In order for primrose to bloom magnificently and beautifully, it needs to be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. It is better to do this once every 7-10 days. But it’s not advisable to get carried away nitrogen fertilizers, which help green lush leaves grow, not flowers. Primrose is left to overwinter with leaves, and in the spring they are removed so that new ones can grow. In regions with harsh winters, primroses are covered with spruce branches or straw, but where winters are moderate, cover is not needed. In spring, it is important that the primrose bushes are not covered with a crust of ice. If this happens, it is removed.


Perennial garden primrose is liked not only by gardeners, but also by numerous pests. The plant is affected by root and stem rot, jaundice, rust, anthracnose, bacterial spot, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic, nematodes, spider mites, aphids, weevils, fleas, and slugs. In case of viral and bacterial diseases, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves and treat the plant with appropriate preparations. In the fall, it is also advisable to treat primrose for the purpose of prevention with “Nitrophen”, preparing a 1% solution. Large pests (slugs, weevils and others) are collected by hand, and then the primrose is treated with Aktelik, Raptor or another insecticide.

Primrose in a pot

Those who do not have a garden can grow primrose in an apartment. There are many recommendations for caring for it, sometimes the exact opposite. This applies, for example, to humidity or fertilizing. Some advise watering the primrose abundantly, even placing the pot with it on wet sand, while others, on the contrary, recommend maintaining very moderate watering. Some are sure that home primrose needs to be fed every week, especially during the flowering period, others believe that it is enough to do this only 2 times a year. But there are also general rules.

1. The size of the pot in which home primrose feels comfortable. Photo depicts correct option, that is, the pot should be approximately twice the size of the above-ground part of the plant.

2. Illumination. It should be sufficient, but without direct sunlight.

3. Ambient temperature. Primrose doesn't like heat. It is optimal when the air temperature in the room does not exceed +20 o C, and even better - it stays within the range of +13 ... +15 o C.

4. Transplant. Every year, home primrose needs to be replanted into new soil (it is possible without replacing the pot), and also dividing heavily overgrown bushes.

5. Summer and winter mode. It is advisable to plant it in a flowerbed with shade in the summer, and again place it in the house in the summer. If this is not possible, you should at least take the pots of primrose to the balcony.

One of the most beautiful garden flowers that blooms in early spring is the primrose, whose name comes from the word “primus”, translated from Greek language as “early, first”. This plant is popularly called “rams” for its wavy leaves that look like the backs of sheep, or “keys” for its inflorescences, which ancient legend are associated with a bunch of spring keys.

The title photo shows the primrose Primula pubescens, variety ‘Exhibition Blue’.

Types and varieties of primrose suitable for growing in open ground

Primrose, or primrose, is a small ornamental bush. Its leaves are wavy at the edges and rough to the touch, and its spectacular bright buds are collected in inflorescences. This plant is popular all over the world due to its beauty, simplicity, and ease of care. The period of active growth of primrose is quite long, it begins in early spring and may end in early summer, therefore this plant suitable for planting on, and is also widely used in landscape design.

Interesting to know! There are more than 200 species of garden primroses, but only a few of them are popular in our climatic conditions. These species can be divided into 2 groups: spring-flowering and summer-flowering.

Types of spring-flowering perennial garden primroses grown in our country:

  • Stemless, or common (vulgaris)- one of the most common types of primrose, which has many varieties. It is characterized by the following characteristics: oblong-shaped leaves and short peduncles, which are located almost at the same level. The height of the stems of common primrose reaches 15 cm.
  • Spring (veris)- this species includes plants with wrinkled oblong leaves of a light green tone, and bright orange inflorescences, inclined to one side, on a high stem.
  • Fine-toothed (denticulata)- round inflorescences of white, blue, light blue, lilac or pink, up to 5 cm in diameter, located on a stem up to 30 cm high.
  • High (elatior)- has inflorescences of yellow stamens with a dark core, directed upward and small serrated leaves.
  • Julia (juliae)- this type of primrose has characteristic bright shades red buds and green leaves. The primrose is not afraid of frost, it grows quickly, forming a continuous covering.
  • Cortusoides- has rough leaves with small teeth along the edges, and umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 5–10 lilac buds. The peak growth of this variety of primroses occurs in late spring or early summer.
  • Auricula (ear primrose - auricula)- this species is characterized by the presence of delicately fragrant monochromatic or bicolor flowers and leathery leaves wrapped in the shape of a shell.

Summer flowering primroses do not tolerate low temperatures and excess water at the root. They can reach a height of up to 1 meter and also have a strong stem and large leaves. As a rule, summer-flowering primroses are grown in areas of Asia, China, Tibet and the Himalayas at elevations up to 4 thousand meters, on the banks of reservoirs or in wild forests.

Types of summer flowering primroses:

In accordance with the shape and position of the buds in the inflorescences, primroses are distributed into groups (varieties).

The classification of primrose varieties was determined by German scientists:

  1. Cushion-shaped- have single inflorescences and short stems that are located just above the leaves;
  2. Globular- have dense ball-shaped inflorescences, which are located around a long stem;
  3. Campanulates- have inflorescences of small bell-shaped flowers;
  4. Umbrella-shaped- have umbrella-shaped inflorescences on a stem, up to 20 cm high;
  5. Tiered or candelabra- the inflorescences are located on the stem in several tiers; outwardly, the flowers of this variety resemble a candlestick.

Certain varieties of primroses have a pleasant smell. The root of the plant is located on top of the soil, so frequent watering and fertilization have a beneficial effect on the primrose.

Primula marginata, variety ‘Drake’s Strain’

Growing from seeds

You need to grow garden primrose only from high-quality seeds, so before purchasing them you should pay attention to the shelf life. It is better to leave grains purchased in advance or collected on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The process of growing primroses from seeds is quite painstaking. Only those plants that were planted will bloom in the spring-summer period no later than January. Sowings made after this month, in most cases, give color only after a year. Therefore, it is recommended to plant freshly harvested grains immediately in seedling boxes or in open ground, and late sowing in February is also allowed.

For better seed germination it is necessary carry out stratification, which is carried out in several stages:

  1. A seedling box or container with holes in the bottom to allow water to drain out fills with soil.
  2. On upper layer loosened wet soil seeds are laid out at a distance of 1 cm, and are compacted a little.
  3. Box covered with a lid or placed in a plastic bag. After this, the container with the seeds placed at the very bottom of the refrigerator. If such a need arises, the soil should be moistened.
  4. If germination does not occur for a long time, the container must be leave at a temperature not lower than -10 o C for a 3-day period.
  5. After 3–4 weeks, the seeds hatch, after which the container is opened slightly to allow fresh air to flow to the seedlings. The box is pulled out of the refrigerator and placed in the shade.
  6. When 2 leaves appear, the seedlings must be pruned, placed in a shaded place and left for 10 days.. After this time, when the seedlings have grown and become stronger, you can remove the bag or lid from the box.
  7. Primroses are planted in open ground during the period from mid-June to August, when there is no risk of frost.

It is important to know! Planting of some types of primroses is carried out taking into account certain characteristics. Thus, fine-toothed and common primroses do not need stratification, but after pecking the seeds, the first type must be placed in complete darkness, and the second in the light.

Planting and caring for garden primrose

You can plant primrose seedlings, or dividing the root in early spring and late summer. The soil should be clayey, fertilized with organic matter, moist and slightly loose. It is important to ensure that there is no stagnant water or hard, heavy soil at the planting site, since such conditions are not suitable for the plant.

Most types of primroses are preferably planted in a bright area, but there are also those that love shade (Julia primrose) or rocky soil (ear primrose).

It is recommended to add a little sand to the soil before planting. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the second year of the plant’s life in 3 stages: in early spring, 2.5 weeks after that, and in mid-summer. Before the primroses emerge, the soil needs to be slightly loosened and moistened.

It is important to know! A young plant needs to remove some of its leaves. Such manipulations help to increase the number of buds and the abundance of primrose flowering.

Every 2 years, a layer of soil 2 cm thick is poured under the flower. After 3 years of growth, the primrose should be replanted. For the winter, the plants are covered with a dense ball of dry leaves.

During the growth of primrose, perennial garden primroses are exposed to the following diseases and problems:

  • Damage by aphids, fleas, spider mite, slugs, nematodes;
  • Rust;
  • Bacterial spotting;
  • Rot;
  • Powdery mildew;
  • Anthracnose;
  • Spotted wilt;
  • Cucumber mosaic.

If these problems are detected, it is necessary to apply spraying, replenish the soil with special preparations and other substances that help eliminate the disease and pest damage.

Garden primrose in landscape design in the photo

There are many types and varieties of primroses, thanks to which you can plant unusual bright compositions of these flowers, which will delight the eye with the splendor of shades and shapes from early spring to late summer. Primroses are used very often in landscape design; these beautiful flowers will decorate any area beyond recognition.

Compositions of several types of primroses with low daffodils, tulips, irises, phlox, soapwort and, which can replace primrose, look amazing. Such color combinations are ideal for decorating or stone slides.

For lovers of simplicity and ease in landscape design, it is recommended to plant flower beds or plots with one or several varieties of primroses of the same shade. Such compositions form a continuous bright carpet that attracts the eye and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Very often primroses of a certain or different types planted along stone paths in the garden. Compositions of primrose with other flowers look quite impressive for this purpose.

The best will be compositions of Alpine and Sikkimese primroses planted around it. This design solution will add a special flavor to the appearance the area as a whole.

Primrose bushes planted in corners or along fences will complement the overall atmosphere of the site and make its design unusual and complete.

Borders made of primroses and cyclamens

Primroses are often planted in decorative containers, garden vases or hanging pots to decorate the home and the entire surrounding area. Such compositions can be used for camouflage small parts or defects in site design.

Primrose is one of the most beloved and revered plants among gardeners. With the help of compositions of different types and varieties of these flowers, you can transform a garden, flower bed, lawn, and even the building itself beyond recognition. The advantage of this plant is its unpretentiousness in cultivation and the variety of shapes and shades of individual varieties, as well as the opportunity to admire flowering plant for as long as possible.

How to sow primrose in winter

Video consultation from the Garden World channel: the nuances of seed propagation of primrose.
