Eating during the day. What foods are best to eat during the day? Why I Choose Intermittent Fasting Over Calorie Restriction

Correct menu for the day: how should you eat during the day?

There are a huge number of diets that allow you to lose excess weight. But for some reason, few people think that it is enough to approach the issue of nutrition competently and wisely, and no restrictions will simply be needed. There are certain rules that should be followed so as not to cry on the scales, and there is also a list of the most harmful products for good health. How to eat right?

  • Proper nutrition. Basic recommendations
  • How to eat properly during the day?
  • Correct menu for one day

  • Buns, sandwiches, toast and croissants - out. They only tire the body, which after such a breakfast wants to go back to bed.
  • Pulses for breakfast are too much. The exception is buckwheat.
  • The main part of breakfast should be fruit. Especially in the summer. In winter, you can replace them with dried fruits.
  • Must be included in your morning meal yogurt, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese.
  • Milk in pure form For breakfast you can only eat it before six in the morning. For example, with cinnamon - it provides vigor.
  • Ideal breakfast - fruit salad, seasoned with yoghurt or fermented baked milk. You can also add berries and nuts.
  • For second breakfast you can eat porridge(for example, oatmeal), fruit and a small piece of dark chocolate.

For the most part, we eat lunch very quickly, without really thinking about what we are eating, and throwing what we have at hand into the firebox. Because the job is waiting. And this meal requires a serious approach. And of course, sandwiches are absolutely not suitable for lunch. As a last resort, you can order lunch to the office or find a canteen with hot lunches. Requirements for a proper lunch:

  • At lunch you don’t have to limit yourself in food, but this meal should not occur later than two o'clock in the afternoon.
  • For the first course you can eat, for example, borscht, for the second - buckwheat side dish and two hundred grams of chicken breast. Don't forget about salad (fresh vegetables only) and yeast-free bread. For the third - compote or juice from fresh fruits.
  • Avoid smoked and fried meat . Replace it with steamed meat and big amount vegetables

How does dinner usually go? We eat a lot of everything (and certainly with dessert), after which we collapse on the sofa in front of the TV to digest all this abundance of food. Moreover, while you come home from work, while you prepare dinner, while you gather the whole family at the table, the clock hands are confidently approaching ten in the evening. As a result, we spend the night digesting food instead of resting. So how should it be? Requirements for a proper dinner:

  • Dinner should be light. Optimal time for dinner - no later than four hours before bedtime. Preferably around six o'clock in the evening.
  • For dinner you should not eat pulses– they should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  • The best dishes for dinner are stewed or raw vegetables . Certainly not meat and chips and a huge piece of cake.
  • You can drink warm milk before going to bed, seasoned with a spoon of honey - it promotes restful sleep and quick fall asleep.

Since morning:
A glass of water immediately after you get out of bed. Get yourself into this habit.

  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Or a vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • 100 g cottage cheese (cheese).
  • Tea, coffee, maybe with milk.


  • 100 g of berries (fruits).
  • Natural juice.


  • Soup (lean, fish, vegetable puree soup, or low-fat broth).
  • About 150 g of fish, turkey or chicken (not fried). Baked or stewed. No “tasty” skins or crusts! For example, salmon kebab or turkey stew.
  • Salad (fresh vegetables only!) with vegetable (olive) oil.
  • Garnish – maximum four tablespoons. It is preferable to avoid it altogether, replacing it with a larger portion of salad. Or stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • 100 g of berries or fruits.
  • Tea-coffee, juice or water. You can use low-fat yogurt. Choose.


  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Any vegetables. It is better if you follow the “tradition”: fresh vegetables and vegetable oil.
  • 100 g of cheese or cottage cheese, plus a boiled egg.
  • Boiled (baked) chicken (turkey) breast. Or boiled (stewed) fish.
  • Drink optional.

And the most important thing to remember: we eat only to live, and not vice versa.

In this article, I will tell you how to properly consume foods during the day for weight loss/healthy lifestyle.

And so, the use of products, whether for weight gain, for weight loss, or for a healthy lifestyle, has a general principle:

Proper healthy eating involves SMALL MEALS.

Fractional meals involves eating food very often (ideally every 2 hours), but little by little (in fractional portions) within the number of calories you need!

Ideally, you need to arrange it so that meals are taken at the same time every day, for example: 8.00, then 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.-. see? Every 2 hours.

Fractional meals– will allow you to maintain stable and high level metabolism in your body, which means more calories will be spent during the day (more energy will be spent, i.e. fat burning will accelerate), if you build muscles, then accelerating your metabolism will speed up muscle growth and all of -due to the fact that fractional nutrition boosts your metabolism (your metabolism), i.e. all processes and synthesis in your body go much faster. Do you understand?

To implement “DP”, you need to purchase containers for food (and carry food in them, with you, everywhere):

Although, many, now, probably, are almost going crazy... they will say: wow, what is it that you need to eat every two hours, they say, why the hell do you need it, am I a cow or something, etc. P.

However, I'm not kidding, it will be necessary accustom yourself to fractional meals within the number of calories you need , otherwise, your metabolism will be slowed down, and fat burning will occur very, very slowly, up to a complete stop or not at all. The choice is yours.

The rule is simple: The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism, accordingly, in this situation, more energy is spent, and this helps speed up the burning of excess fat. The same applies to gaining mass (muscle), only in this case, it is not fat loss that is accelerated, but muscle growth.

Moreover, fractional meals (frequent meals) are best method appetite control. Knowing that you will eat every 2-3 hours, you will never have the desire to eat out of your stomach, thereby eliminating “overeating.” But most people eat 1-2-3 times a day and most often when they feel hungry. And hunger manifests itself due to a long break between meals. As a result, when a person is very hungry, he eats and eats, that is, he cannot stop, he wants and wants everything (in the end, he eats until, figuratively speaking, his belly bursts).

This category of people does not even need to be explained that the feeling of fullness does not occur immediately after eating, but only after some time (guideline, 20 minutes after a meal). They also don’t need to explain that they need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, because this is correct, this way the body is satiated much faster, and a person will not be able to “overeat,” but people... grab it quickly, swallow in pieces...

In general, forget about the past 2-3 meals a day, embrace the new realities, split meals are what is good for your health, your figure and other things. Fractional nutrition is the key to your future success. Also learn to absorb food correctly (slowly, slowly, chewing food thoroughly).

Read more about this in the main article: “FRACTIONAL NUTRITION from A to Z.”

The second important component of our article, which I could not help but tell you about.

During the weight loss (fat burning) stage I strongly recommend focusing on COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES in the first half of the day (before 15.00) - after 15.00 emphasis on PROTEIN FOODS!

This is done on purpose, for the reason that during the day, people are usually ACTIVE! Accordingly, this requires energy (complex carbohydrates), and it will be “wasted” due to activity, and in the evening, after work, study, etc. - PASSIVE (what is the use of energy? sitting at the computer? lying on the couch? in general, obviously, there is no need, because if energy comes in, and you are passive, it will not be “wasted”, as a result, excess fat will accumulate, therefore emphasis is placed on protein foods).

During the weight gain stage- this rule may not apply (see the situation).

Ectomorph (left) / Mesomorph (middle) / Endomorph (right)

There are 3 body types. In short, the recommendation may remain valid for ECTOMORPH and MESOMORPHOUS, but not for ENDOMORPH (fat man). I would recommend to him (even though this is a mass-gaining period) to exclude all kinds of complex carbohydrates and leave only animal proteins. This will help him minimize the accumulation of excess fat.

Additional articles that are similar in topic and may be useful to you:

  • What to eat for breakfast
  • Snacks on a healthy diet
  • What's best to eat for lunch?
  • What to eat before training
  • What to eat after training
  • What's best to eat for dinner?
  • What to eat at night
  • What to eat before bed

Best regards, administrator.

Did you know that some products lose their valuable properties, if you eat them not in the right time? When is the best time to eat apples, cottage cheese, cheese, dried fruits, sweets and much more, read the review.

And now it seems to you that you already know everything about a healthy diet. You give advice on proper weight loss and are a family consultant on healthy eating for households. Or, on the contrary, you begin to think that you will never remember all the rules and principles that are so necessary for you for a new life with only healthy eating habits.

Understand all the intricacies proper nutrition It's really quite difficult, but it's possible. For example, did you know that some healthy foods may not be healthy at all under certain conditions? We have compiled for you a list of 10 foods that you need to eat at certain times so that they benefit your body.

Right. It is best to eat apples in the morning or as a snack between meals. Apples contain pectins, which improve performance gastrointestinal tract and prevent constipation.

Wrong. If an apple eaten in the morning is good for you, then in the evening it is better to abstain from this healthy fruit. The same pectins can cause increased acidity in the stomach and discomfort, as well as awaken a feeling of hunger.

Right. Cottage cheese is perfect for breakfast and lunch. It improves performance digestive system and is perfectly absorbed by the body without burdening the stomach.

Wrong. But you shouldn’t eat it for dinner. Don't create unnecessary discomfort for yourself before bed. By the way, dairy products tend to provoke inflammation and exacerbation chronic diseases during sleep.

3. Sweets

Right. Of course, sweets do not apply useful products, but sometimes you can treat yourself. By the way, sometimes it’s in the morning. At this time of day, insulin in the blood is already high, so sweets will not lead to a sharp jump in it.

Wrong. At any other time, it is better to abstain from sweets. It is not so difficult. And useful. After all, even relatively harmless sweets, such as marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade, do not have the most favorable effect on your figure, immunity and well-being.

Right. Everyone knows that carbohydrates guarantee vigor and energy for a long time. If you lead an active lifestyle, then eat rice for lunch. And go on numerous errands.

Wrong. Many people believe that rice is an ideal dietary product. But it is very high in calories. Therefore, if you want rice for dinner, cook wild rice instead of white.

Right. Bananas are simply irreplaceable if you play sports. This is both an excellent source of energy before a workout and a great way to close the “carbohydrate window” after exercise. They also promote the production of endorphins, uplifting and calming. nervous system. But it is still better to eat bananas in the first half of the day.

Wrong. Bananas at night are not best idea. Firstly, they have the same property as dairy products, provoking inflammation. Secondly, they are still quite high in calories, and you need to know when to stop.

Right. Meat is a valuable source of animal protein. Regular use of this product increases stamina, improves brain function, stimulates protective forces body. Choose meat for lunch.

Wrong. Meat is not suitable for dinner. It is not so easily digested that you can afford to eat this product at night. Opt for fish, vegetables or seafood.

7. Legumes

Right. Legumes are best eaten for dinner. They normalize the functioning of the digestive system, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve sleep. So you can't imagine better food for the evening.

Wrong. But in the first half of the day it is better to refrain from consuming this product. Legumes can cause flatulence, and after them you don’t feel full for a long time.

8. Walnuts

Right. With walnuts everything is very simple. Eat them at night. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because nuts are quite high in calories. The thing is that they contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and they are best absorbed at rest.

Wrong. Basically you can eat walnuts anytime and use them as a snack. But the maximum benefit from this product can be obtained only in the afternoon.

Right. Breakfast should definitely include a couple of slices of cheese. It's tasty, nutritious and healthy. Cheese contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, and it also provides great energy.

Wrong. In the afternoon, we advise you to refrain from cheese. Firstly, this milk product, and what this threatens, we have already described above. Secondly, cheese is high in calories, and consuming it later can lead to excess weight gain.

10. Figs and dried apricots

Right. Of course, figs and dried apricots are ideal for a morning meal. They speed up your metabolism, thereby improving the functioning of your digestive system, and force your body to wake up and get ready for a productive day.

Wrong. It is better not to eat figs and dried apricots at night. Their miraculous effect is so strong that your increased metabolism at rest will cause bloating and stomach discomfort.

How many ideal meals should there be per day? There are many answers to this question, but if you want to optimize your life and reduce your risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases, the answer becomes clear

How many ideal meals should there be per day? There are many answers to this question, but if you want to optimize your life and reduce your risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases, the answer is clear. Based on decades of tradition, the answer is that most people need three full meals a day with snacks in between to maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels. However, there is compelling evidence that this near-constant eating may be partly to blame for the obesity and diabetes epidemic. The most obvious risk of spreading your meals across the morning, noon and evening is overeating. Other less obvious risks include biological changes that lead to metabolic dysfunction, subsequent weight gain and poor health.

How many ideal meals should there be per day?

Our ancestors did not have access to food 24/7, and, from a historical perspective, our bodies were designed to easily tolerate periodic periods of fasting. In fact, intermittent fasting even has some beneficial benefits.

The case against eating many times a day

According to Dr. Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, where he studies meal timing and calorie restriction, even three meals a day may be too much.

Based on my research, he is convinced that the less you eat, the better you will feel overall. As Time Magazine reports:

Longo says studies that support continuous eating tend to be predictably flawed. They often look only at the short-term effects of increasing meal frequency.

While your appetite, metabolism, and blood sugar levels may improve initially, it will take a month or two for your body to get used to the new eating schedule. When this happens, your body will begin to crave food throughout the day, not just at midday or lunchtime.”

For the past two years, I've been suggesting limiting your food intake to a narrow window of six to eight hours - ideally skipping breakfast so that lunch is your first meal.

However, we are all different, and some people really suffer without breakfast. Just recently I changed my mind about skipping breakfast.

Eat breakfast or dinner, but not both at the same time...

Although I'm still convinced that Intermittent fasting is an important strategy for effective weight loss and disease prevention It probably doesn't matter which meal you skip - breakfast or dinner - as long as you skip one of them.

If your job involves physical exercise, you're probably better off eating a full breakfast and lunch and then skipping dinner. You need to remember that you can only eat for six to eight hours every day and stop eating at least three hours before bed.

When you limit your meals to this time period, you can choose between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner, but avoid breakfast and dinner.

If you decide to eat dinner, It is important to stop eating at least three hours before bedtime.

However, none of this probably applies to normal-weight teenagers or growing children. They probably need three nutritious meals a day unless they are overweight. For children and teenagers, what matters most is the type of food they eat.

Ideally, all their meals should contain REAL FOOD.- unprocessed foods, fast food and sugary snacks. Another key momentneed to drink a lot clean water and avoid sugary drinks.

Why you should avoid eating at night

If you want to live long healthy life and avoid chronic degenerative diseases, It is important that at least three hours pass after your last meal before going to bed. This has to do with how your body produces energy. What many people don't realize is that mitochondria are responsible for "burning" the fuel that your body consumes and turns into usable energy.

These tiny bacterial derivatives live inside cells and are optimized to create energy from the food you eat and the oxygen in the air you breathe. Your cells have between 100 and 100,000 mitochondria.

Your mitochondria create energy by generating electrons, which are usually transferred to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). When you don't have insulin resistance, this energy transfer works quite well, but when you are insulin resistant or overeating, dysfunction tends to occur.

If you consume more calories than your body can immediately use, there is an excess of free electrons that are stored inside your mitochondria.

These electrons are highly reactive and begin to leak out of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria. These excess electrons leak out and cause the mitochondria to die prematurely and then cause further damage by damaging your cell membranes and contributing to DNA mutations.

There are many knowledgeable experts who believe that this type of mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the culprits behind accelerated aging.

So how can you apply this knowledge? It's very simple: deal with insulin resistance and don't eat AT LEAST three hours before bed. Personally, I stop eating around 4 pm or even earlier, and usually go to bed after five to six hours.

Your body uses the fewest calories while you sleep, so you don't want to consume excess fuel during this time because it will create extra free radicals that can damage your tissues, speed up aging, and contribute to chronic disease.

Interestingly, if you have insulin resistance, intermittent fasting is, without a doubt, the most powerful intervention that I know of that will help you solve this problem. This is one of the reasons why I now believe that skipping dinner can still be best strategy than skipping breakfast.

Obviously, skipping dinner is more difficult from a social perspective, but it may be an excellent biological strategy.

Can a glass of water before meals help you lose weight?

Recent studies suggest drinking 500 ml(a little more than two glasses) water half an hour before meals to enhance weight loss. Obese study participants who "preloaded" with water before each meal lost an average of three pounds (about 1.5 kg) more than the control group over three months.

All participants, including the control group, received weight management counseling on how to improve their diet and exercise. Those who ate three meals a day and drank water before each meal lost an average of about 9.5 pounds (4.3 kg) over three months. Those who drank water only once a day, or not at all, lost just 1.75 pounds (0.8 kg). Overall, 27 percent of the treatment group who drank water before meals lost more than five percent of their body weight, compared with just five percent of the control group. This makes sense, since thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger. Drink water before you eat, this will make you feel fuller and this strategy may lead to less food intake overall.

Restricting calories is good for your health

But back to intermittent fasting; Many studies have confirmed the health benefits of calorie restriction, and it seems obvious that eat less if you want to live longer. Interestingly, research has shown that lifelong calorie restriction in mice "significantly alters the overall structure of the gut microbiota" in ways that lead to longevity.

Therefore, one of the reasons why caloric restriction may prolong life appears to be due to the positive effect it has on the gut microbiota.

An increase in life expectancy is also clearly associated with a decrease in the number of diseases, that would shorten your life, and Calorie restriction is associated with a number of health benefits, including reducing visceral fat, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure and improving insulin sensitivity.

Earlier studies have shown that calorie restriction helps prolong the lifespan of animals by improving insulin sensitivity and inhibiting the mTOR pathway.

However, few people are excited about the idea of ​​cutting their daily caloric intake by about 25 percent or more for the rest of their lives, and the good news is that you don't have to.

Research has shown that Intermittent fasting produces similar benefits as caloric restriction- even if you don't put any restrictions on the number of calories you consume when you eat.

This was demonstrated in a 2013 review that found a wide range of therapeutic benefits from intermittent fasting, even when total daily caloric intake did not change or was only slightly reduced.

The studies included in this review and other published studies indicate that intermittent fasting may help:

    Limit inflammation, reduce oxidative stress and cell damage

    Improve circulating glucose

    Reduce blood pressure

    Improve metabolic efficiency and body composition, including significant weight loss in obese people

    Reduce LDL and total cholesterol levels

    Prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes and slow its progression

    Improve immune function and move stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal

    Improve pancreatic function

    Improve insulin and leptin levels and insulin/leptin sensitivity

    Replicate some of the cardiovascular benefits associated with exercise

    Protect from cardiovascular diseases

    Modulate levels of dangerous visceral fat

    Increase mitochondrial energy efficiency

    Normalize ghrelin levels, known as the “hunger hormone.”

    Help eliminate sugar cravings by adjusting your body to burn fat instead of sugar

    Promote the production of human growth hormone (HGH). Fasting can increase GH by 1,300 percent in women and 2,000 percent in men. GH plays an important role in health, physical fitness and slowing down the aging process. It is also a fat burning hormone

    Reduce triglyceride levels and improve other disease biomarkers

    Increase production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), stimulating the release of new brain cells and triggering brain chemical substances, which protect against changes associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. (Alternate-day fasting—limiting food intake on fasting days to 600 calories—can increase BDNF by 50 to 400 percent, depending on brain region.

Why I Choose Intermittent Fasting Over Calorie Restriction

Intermittent fasting also has a number of additional benefits over strict calorie restriction. For starters, it is much easier to endure, and adherence to the regime is the most important thing.

The calorie restriction pathway is also extremely dependent on high quality nutrition– you need to sacrifice calories without sacrificing any important micronutrients, and this can be another obstacle for many who are not familiar with nutrition and correct composition healthy diet.

You also want to avoid calorie counting and calorie restriction mistakes. Most people don't realize that there are complex biochemical dynamics that are not accounted for when you simply count "calories in and calories out." While animals such as rats can achieve a 40 percent increase in lifespan through lifelong calorie restriction, such dramatic effects have not been seen in humans, and for good reason.

As noted in Fight Aging:

“There is a good evolutionary explanation for differences in response to calorie restriction when comparing short- and long-lived species: fasting is seasonal, and the season is most of a mouse's life, but a small part human life. Thus, only the mouse develops relatively greater life plasticity in response to food shortages."

When it comes to calorie and weight restriction, people also tend to have an innate resistance to excessive weight loss, even under severe calorie restriction. Dr. Ancel Case demonstrated this in the mid-1940s when he developed experiment to study the effect of hunger on humans.

Thirty-six young healthy male volunteers were placed on a 24-week calorie-restricted diet to 1,600 per day. They also had to walk for about 45 minutes a day. But instead of this leading to continuous weight loss, after 24 weeks their weight stabilized and there was no more weight loss, even when their calorie intake was reduced to 1,000 or fewer per day.

The shortcomings were obvious. Men became obsessed with food to the exclusion of everything else in their lives, and when caloric restriction ended, an extreme compensatory reaction occurred. Within a few weeks, they regained all the weight they had lost and gained 10% more weight.

Other studies have reached similar conclusions. Therefore, diets that starve a person are not suitable for the average person. Your body will try to shut down various processes in order to survive. For example, reducing the function thyroid gland, your body won't burn as many calories.

All this may seem hopelessly contradictory. On the one hand, calorie restriction promotes beneficial biological changes that tend to prolong life; on the other hand, there are built-in mechanisms that, when chronically restricted, can cause other health problems. This is a complex issue and any extreme measure is likely to cause more problems, than it decides.

The best we can do is develop some general guidelines that replicate the eating patterns of our ancestors.

In my opinion, daily intermittent fasting and not eating for a few hours before bed has many benefits over total calorie restriction and other crash diets, while still providing the same benefits with minimal risk.

To lose weight, you need to teach your body to burn fat for fuel

When you consistently eat every few hours and never skip a meal, your body becomes very inefficient at burning fat for fuel, and this is where problems begin. It's important to recognize that, with few exceptions, you can't burn fat if you have other fuel available, and if you're feeding your body carbohydrates every day, your body doesn't need to dip into your fat stores.

When you do intermittent fasting, you not only avoid it, but you also typically reduce your food costs and improve your health.

Eating smaller amounts of food and grouping meals closer together is one of the most effective strategies to force your body to burn fat for fuel more efficiently and normalize insulin and leptin sensitivity. If you are not insulin resistant, intermittent fasting is not as important, but can be helpful.

If you are in the minority of Americans who do not struggle with insulin resistance, then my general recommendation is to stop eating at least three hours before bedtime. This automatically allows you to fast for at least 11 hours, or longer depending on when you eat breakfast or whether you eat breakfast at all.

Equally important is the recommendation to EAT REAL FOOD, that is, food in the most natural form you can find, ideally whole organic foods from grass-fed animals, when we're talking about about meat and animal products such as dairy products and eggs.

© Joseph Mercola

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Diet during the working day

How to organize your meals during the working day in order to maintain energy and without harming your figure? For each type of activity you need to select your own schedule, and in this article I will talk about the optimal schedule for office employees.

Comments, questions, suggestions are welcome!

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(c) Maria Verchenova

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Morning. From rise to 9 o'clock

Initial data: working day from 9 to 18 hours, 80% of the time – sitting (in front of a computer or at a meeting). There is a lunch break; the journey from home to office takes about an hour. Meals during the working day.

*Let me clarify: I will now talk about those situations where the time for lunch is floating. If you have a fixed time, then write about it in the comments, and I will be happy to tell you what options are possible for this case.

When composing the regime, we will proceed from general principles rational nutrition:

  • the interval between meals is no more than 3-4 hours;
  • varied diet;
  • you need to get enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats per day;
  • one meal should be no more than 350 kcal.

It is often said that breakfast should be your largest meal. There is probably some truth in this, but many people are not particularly hungry in the morning. They eat more out of habit and because they believe that breakfast should be hearty.

So, don't force yourself. If you know for yourself that you don’t want to have breakfast in the morning, don’t force it.. The lack of appetite in the morning is due to the fact that at night our body was actively working, restoring something somewhere and breaking down fats. Yes, yes, at night there is an active breakdown of fats, and therefore in the morning we do not lack energy. If you skip breakfast early in the morning and hold out until 11 o'clock, you will help your body use even more fat reserves. It's natural for him.

In addition, my dear Russian-speaking reader, most likely you live in those latitudes where the sun rises after 9 am for 6 months of the year. And when we are forced to wake up by the alarm clock a few hours before dawn, we simply don’t have time to start those mechanisms, which will allow you to optimally digest breakfast.

Therefore, do not force yourself to have a hearty breakfast immediately after waking up. A cup of green tea will do just fine. If there are no contraindications and there is no discomfort, then you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt right in the morning - this also stimulates fat burning well.

However, we still need energy so you still have to take care of breakfast. It is optimal to do this in the office, because by this time you will have been on your feet for 2-3 hours, and the same energy reserves that you had after sleep will be exhausted. There is no point in starving yourself anymore. Here are a few practical options from the experience of my clients:

  • arrive at the office 20-30 minutes before the start of the working day and have breakfast before turning on the computer (we bring breakfast with us in a container or thermos);
  • have breakfast in a cafe near the office (many establishments offer quite budget-friendly and balanced breakfasts), at the same time you can combine it with a business meeting;
  • start work at 8:30 and leave for breakfast at 9:30.

What to choose for breakfast

Breakfast largely depends on what kind of day you have ahead of you. If there are a lot of meetings and travel, then it makes sense to focus on protein foods - it is unlikely that you will be able to eat high-quality protein on the side during the day.
If you go to the gym in the evening, again, proteins will do, because in the afternoon, shortly before training, proteins are not advisable. Just be sure to add a portion of carbohydrates to your breakfast, because your brain will have a lot of work to do during the day. This could be berries or fruits, a portion of salad, or even a piece of cake that you put aside for yourself the night before.

Breakfast has long passed, and lunch is not soon yet. Between 9 and 14

If you had breakfast directly in the office, i.e. somewhere at 8:30, then by the time the official lunch break will have passed more than 5 hours. This is wrong both for your body and for your work: if we eat less often than every 3-4 hours, then our blood glucose levels drop sharply, and this, in addition to the languishing feeling of hunger and nervousness, reduces your brain performance. So don't be surprised when you notice that the same job may take longer.

The situation is even more critical if you have breakfast at home before going out - then the interval between meals will be more than 6 hours. The pancreas and stomach will not thank you for this.

Here the conclusion naturally suggests itself - since the gap is so large, then break it into two small ones and arrange a snack. This is somewhere around 11:30-12:30. Many people intuitively feel the need for such a snack and go out for coffee with colleagues, but without thinking, they manage to grab a cookie or a chocolate bar. Use the signals from your body and help it maintain its performance by choosing something healthier for a snack.

It is often recommended to eat porridge for breakfast; it is really healthy. But you need to look at the entire diet during the day: how balanced it will be in terms of the main elements. There may be a risk of having too many carbohydrates.

*By the way, the English tradition of eating oatmeal for breakfast is just an image from the stories about Sherlock Holmes. In fact, the British prefer bacon, scrambled eggs and beans for breakfast, i.e. namely protein dishes.

By the way, very good option for breakfast - thick soup. And protein, and carbohydrates, and the stomach is not overloaded in the morning.

What to choose for your first snack

This is the most desirable moment when you can afford carbohydrates. You can eat a pie, or a slice of pizza. This perfect time for fruit or even a rich salad. At the same time, we remember that such a meal should not exceed 250 kcal.

By the way, you can experiment. At around 12 go for an early lunch, and at around 14 - have your first snack. You can also switch up lunch and afternoon snacks to adapt your diet to your work schedule. For example, you have an important meeting at 14:30 - then it’s better to have a snack before it in order to maintain your tone for communication.

Please don't do this. This will not reduce your work, but your efficiency, as well as your level of health, will significantly decrease.

If you go to a normal lunch, switch to a different environment, chat with colleagues about cats, and even go for a walk for 10-15 minutes, you will have time to do a lot more by the end of the day.

What to choose for lunch

There must be a portion of protein. If you have an evening workout, choose one that is easier to digest: fish, seafood, chicken.
And try to add a portion fresh vegetables. There is hardly a better time during the day to supplement with vitamins.

There is nothing left until the end of the working day.

From 15 to 18

More than 5 hours will pass between lunch and the moment when we come home and sit down to dinner. In order not to experience hunger pangs in the evening, you need to prepare a second snack for yourself. It is optimal to do it before leaving work or half an hour to an hour before it ends. This could be a portion of a fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) or 150-180 g of cottage cheese, including with berries or a spoonful of jam - you will still need glucose today.

Sometimes it makes sense to stay at the office for 15 minutes just to get that snack. Only Don't make yourself a coffee-and-cookies snack. It’s no longer time to indulge in fast carbohydrates, and they won’t make you feel full.

Some have adapted to having dinner in a cafe near the office, at the same time they escape from cooking, washing dishes and meeting with friends. At the same time, you need to understand that catering establishments usually do not offer a balanced dinner, unlike breakfast, and this will come out quite noticeably on your budget.

If the listed options do not work out, then it is possible to drink kefir or yogurt on the road, right in transport or at a bus stop. I don't like this method because I try to keep meals in a relaxed atmosphere. But sometimes there is no other choice, and it's better than a very heavy dinner on an empty stomach.

Long awaited dinner. 19 - 21 hours

And now we are finally home. You can relax :) After such words in the evening I really want to run to the kitchen and relax at the family table. But if during the day you followed the rules described above, then there should not be a terrible feeling of hunger. Therefore, focus on ensuring that the food is tasty, light and pleasing to your eyes with its colors. It's been a busy day and you deserve beautiful table settings!

What to choose for lunch

Here already there is no question of a serving of carbohydrates in the form of porridge or a side dish of pasta. We also put the pizza aside and even vegetable cutlets. The main attention should be paid to proteins, but since it is already late in the evening, it is better to choose “light proteins”, i.e. those that are easier to digest: fish, chicken, turkey, poultry by-products, seafood, soy meat.

Red meat from mammals at night is not recommended because... it takes longer to assimilate. The body simply will not have time to absorb this protein before you go to bed, and will not be able to use it for its needs. In other words, you will simply transfer products in vain.

For garnish, steamed, baked, stewed, grilled vegetables and whatever else you can think of are preferred. As I already said, we remove cereals, pasta, legumes - they contain too many carbohydrates, you don’t need them at night, the body will find energy without them. I also do not recommend fresh vegetables - they stimulate the appetite. However, if you are sure that this will not happen to you, then, of course, you should not limit yourself.

Be sure to exclude pickled and salted vegetables. In the first half of the day, for lunch or a snack, they will be just right, but at night they can cause a failure in some recovery processes. We can notice this in ourselves in the morning in the form of swelling.

By the way, you can afford 50-100 g of dry wine, preferably white. This will support your brain after a busy day of work, and you will also receive a portion of vitamins and microelements.

About how to do proper dinner, if you had an evening workout, .

Before bedtime

Yes, yes, you can also eat before bed. Moreover, nowadays rarely does anyone go to bed at 9 pm; rather, the day will last until 11 or even later. By this time, 2-3 hours will have passed after dinner, and since dinner was light (we ate right, right?), the stomach is already empty and the blood glucose level is low.

What you can do before bed

  • omelet or scrambled eggs from one egg (if you want to lose weight, it is better without the yolk);
  • 30 g of cheese (this is a piece the size of a matchbox);
  • herbal tea with the addition of 20-30 g of low-fat milk;
  • A cup of warm milk with honey is very high in calories, but helps normalize sleep and support the immune system. If you feel comfortable falling asleep after milk and honey, then try to reduce the caloric intake of dinner, equating it to a snack.

Of course, this is not all together; you need to choose one thing.

So, we talked about what a diet looks like for an office worker or even a manager. If you are interested in learning about optimal nutrition for other specialties, write about it in the comments, I will definitely answer.

You can also choose a suitable diet.

When we try to stick to our chosen diet, we pay a lot of attention to what we eat. But at the same time we don’t think at all about when exactly it’s better to sit down dinner table how many times during the day should we eat and what will happen if we decide to eat too much.

Standard quantity three meals a day. And that's if you're lucky. Some people mistakenly believe that if they stop eating altogether or limit their meals to once a day, they will lose weight twice as fast. But usually such experiments lead to nothing but stress and health problems.

It is advisable to eat every 3-4 hours. This improves fat burning, prevents the release of excess insulin into the blood, allows leptin (the hormone that regulates energy metabolism) to work its magic and control appetite and metabolism. It also keeps the balance of cortisol production, the stress hormone, under control.

Don't skip breakfast! Our grandmothers were right when they said that you need to start the day on a good note. hearty breakfast. This gives you energy to start a long, productive day. If you skip breakfast, very soon the feeling of hunger takes you by surprise and you begin to interrupt the feeling of hunger with everything that comes to hand. And in offices, sweets and cookies are usually on hand.

Don't eat three hours before bed. Eating before bed increases body temperature, increases blood sugar and insulin, and reduces the production of melatonin and growth hormone. All of these factors affect sleep and the natural fat burning that occurs when we sleep. Besides, bad dream leads to the fact that we may overeat the next day.

If it so happens that you have time to eat before bed, it is advisable to eat light food low in and high in fat.

Start your day with proteins. To improve appetite control, it is better to eat proteins at breakfast and leave carbohydrates for lunch or dinner. Omelette with tomatoes is a great quick breakfast!

Never start strength training on an empty stomach. For such activities, your body needs energy to obtain optimal result. But cardio training can be done 30 minutes before meals.

This does not mean that you need to eat too much right before training. Just don't start exercising if you haven't eaten in a while and you're feeling hungry. Before the workout itself, you can snack on bananas, nuts or dried fruits - they are high in calories, quickly absorbed, provide the necessary energy and relieve hunger.

Focus on food. While eating, it is not advisable to be distracted by anything that does not concern your lunch. Focus on your main activity, feel all the flavors, finally relax and unwind. Your lunch is an island of peace and tranquility among the stormy ocean of the working day.

The squirrels go first. When eating, eat protein foods first, and then everything else. Proteins send a signal to your brain that your body is full. This way you will eat exactly as much as you need.

Drink alcohol after meals. If you decide to have a drink or any other drink with dinner, it is better to do it after you have eaten, and not during. Drinking alcohol after meals increases the production of hormones that control appetite and digestion.

And if you decide to drink white wine in the evening, keep in mind that it increases your appetite and the chance that you will want to snack is very high.

Did you know that some foods lose their valuable properties if eaten at the wrong time? When is the best time to eat apples, cottage cheese, cheese, dried fruits, sweets and much more, read the review.

And now it seems to you that you already know everything about a healthy diet. You give out advice on proper weight loss and are a family consultant on healthy eating for your home. Or, on the contrary, you begin to think that you will never remember all the rules and principles that are so necessary for you for a new life with only healthy eating habits.

Understanding all the intricacies of proper nutrition is indeed quite difficult, but it is possible. For example, did you know that some healthy foods may not be healthy at all under certain conditions? We have compiled for you a list of 10 foods that you need to eat at certain times so that they benefit your body.

Right. It is best to eat apples in the morning or as a snack between meals. Apples contain pectins, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent constipation.

Wrong. If an apple eaten in the morning is good for you, then in the evening it is better to abstain from this healthy fruit. The same pectins can cause increased acidity in the stomach and discomfort, as well as awaken a feeling of hunger.

Right. Cottage cheese is perfect for breakfast and lunch. It improves the functioning of the digestive system and is perfectly absorbed by the body without burdening the stomach.

Wrong. But you shouldn’t eat it for dinner. Don't create unnecessary discomfort for yourself before bed. By the way, dairy products tend to provoke inflammation and exacerbation of chronic diseases during sleep.

3. Sweets

Right. Of course, sweets are not healthy foods, but sometimes you can treat yourself. By the way, sometimes it’s in the morning. At this time of day, insulin in the blood is already high, so sweets will not lead to a sharp jump in it.

Wrong. At any other time, it is better to abstain from sweets. It is not so difficult. And useful. After all, even relatively harmless sweets, such as marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade, do not have the most favorable effect on your figure, immunity and well-being.

Right. Everyone knows that carbohydrates guarantee vigor and energy for a long time. If you lead an active lifestyle, then eat rice for lunch. And go on numerous errands.

Wrong. Many people believe that rice is an ideal dietary product. But it is very high in calories. Therefore, if you want rice for dinner, cook wild rice instead of white.

Right. Bananas are simply irreplaceable if you play sports. This is both an excellent source of energy before a workout and a great way to close the “carbohydrate window” after exercise. They also promote the production of endorphins, uplifting your mood and calming the nervous system. But it is still better to eat bananas in the first half of the day.

Wrong. Bananas at night are not a good idea. Firstly, they have the same property as dairy products, provoking inflammation. Secondly, they are still quite high in calories, and you need to know when to stop.

Right. Meat is a valuable source of animal protein. Regular use of this product increases endurance, improves brain function, and stimulates the body's defenses. Choose meat for lunch.

Wrong. Meat is not suitable for dinner. It is not so easily digested that you can afford to eat this product at night. Opt for fish, vegetables or seafood.

7. Legumes

Right. Legumes are best eaten for dinner. They normalize the functioning of the digestive system, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve sleep. So you can't imagine better food for the evening.

Wrong. But in the first half of the day it is better to refrain from consuming this product. Legumes can cause flatulence, and after them you don’t feel full for a long time.

8. Walnuts

Right. With walnuts everything is very simple. Eat them at night. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because nuts are quite high in calories. The thing is that they contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and they are best absorbed at rest.

Wrong. Basically, you can eat walnuts anytime and use them as a snack. But the maximum benefit from this product can be obtained only in the afternoon.

Right. Breakfast should definitely include a couple of slices of cheese. It's tasty, nutritious and healthy. Cheese contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, and it also provides great energy.

Wrong. In the afternoon, we advise you to refrain from cheese. Firstly, this is a dairy product, and we have already described the dangers of this above. Secondly, cheese is high in calories, and consuming it later can lead to excess weight gain.

10. Figs and dried apricots

Right. Of course, figs and dried apricots are ideal for a morning meal. They speed up your metabolism, thereby improving the functioning of your digestive system, and force your body to wake up and get ready for a productive day.

Wrong. It is better not to eat figs and dried apricots at night. Their miraculous effect is so strong that your increased metabolism at rest will cause bloating and stomach discomfort.

Hello, my dear losers! In one of my videos, I talked about where to start losing weight! Today I want to help you understand nutrition and explain what foods you should eat at what time to lose weight.

A little information - a balanced, rational diet implies the content of such vitally important things in the diet important elements like proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The absence or insufficient consumption of at least one of these essential components will not lead you to the desired results in losing weight and will cause enormous damage to your overall health. I will talk about the role of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in our lives in one of the following videos. If you want to see the video first, then subscribe to my channel.

So, now let's talk about what breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks should look like for a healthy person who wants to lose weight or simply maintain their weight at a normal level.

Let's start with breakfast. Breakfast should be hearty and keep you feeling full for a long time. I recommend eating carbohydrate foods for breakfast (not to be confused with all kinds of buns and sweets). We need complex carbohydrates - they are the ones that will give us energy for the whole day. Therefore, in the morning we eat cereals - all kinds of cereals, whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Also, food rich in protein is ideal for breakfast - this can be any egg dish, cheese, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, a piece of boiled or stewed chicken breast, turkey or fish without oil.

If you have intense mental work that requires concentration, then give preference to a breakfast containing the largest amount of complex carbohydrates. If you plan to exercise, then you really need foods containing the largest amount of protein!

Now let's talk about snacks between main meals - why do we still need them so much? Well, first of all, snacking prevents us from raiding the refrigerator in a hungry convulsion. That is, by eating between breakfast and lunch, for example, a fruit or vegetable salad or drinking fermented baked milk, we will not have time to become brutally hungry and, accordingly, we prevent the so-called “breakdowns” and clearly control everything that we put into our mouths.

Of course, these are fruits and vegetables, as well as berries, dairy products, cereals, such as rye bread and nuts. Do not forget that nuts are very high in calories and you should not indulge in them in enormous quantities.

Now let's move on to lunch. Those who want to lose weight should dine mainly on protein foods with a small amount complex carbohydrates, plus, of course, fresh vegetables rich in fiber and greens, which are rich in a huge amount of minerals and vitamins.

Lunch can consist of poultry, fish, seafood, meat. Suitable garnishes include unpolished rice, durum wheat pasta, buckwheat, lentils, beans and chickpeas. We steam, stew, boil and bake food without adding oil or chemical seasonings. Any non-starchy vegetables are suitable for the salad. Pay attention to all types of cabbage - it is rich in vitamins and fiber, which cleanses our body of waste and toxins and improves digestion. Don’t skimp on greens, but add more, where you can and where you can’t.

Second snack It is better to give preference to foods high in protein - this could be cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, hard cheese and other fermented milk products. Do not choose yoghurts and curds with various additives, as they contain a high sugar content and an abundance of dyes and flavors. There will be much more benefits from low-fat and unsweetened dairy products.

Again, don't forget about vegetables and fruits. Fruits are not prohibited for a second snack, but only if they are not sweet types. I recommend paying attention to grapefruit.

For dinner we forget about any carbohydrates and load up on protein, vegetables and greens.

For dinner, boiled, steamed or baked chicken breast, dry fish fillets, such as cod, pike perch, bream, hake, halibut and blue whiting, are perfect. As a side dish, it is best to choose baked and fresh vegetables.

If you feel hungry after dinner, then don’t worry and eat a light protein product, such as egg whites, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese or one percent kefir - don’t worry - it won’t cause any harm to your figure!

Tune in to win, control yourself and be sure to do everything with pleasure!

You just think that achieving a flat tummy and thin waist almost impossible. In fact, everything is much easier than you think - you just need to take the first step!

If you have any questions or want to contact me for an individual development of a nutrition and training program, I will be happy to help you with this!

You can leave your reviews, requests and wishes in the comments right under the article - I will definitely answer!

I love everyone, kisses! See you soon!

A proper diet is not only a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle, but also an excellent, trouble-free way to lose weight, restore your health and improve the quality of your life.

First, you need to get used to the idea that you always need to eat at the same hours so that the body prepares for the process of eating and digesting food. When you get used to this thought, start doing it.

“Liquid food should be chewed, solid food should be drunk.” Digestion begins in our mouth, and experts recommend chewing food thoroughly (32 times), because then the substance lysozyme is produced in saliva - the first defense against bacteria entering our body.

This rule always works in any case, whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or just be healthy: breakfast must be protein-vitamin! That is, in the morning you should give your body protein and complex carbohydrates. The body will receive energy from carbohydrates, proteins will provide construction material for muscle cells and organs. And together these components will give you satiety.

  • Two egg omelette green salad and cereal breads, a cup of herbal tea, a small piece of fruit.
  • Porridge (buckwheat or rice no more than two to three times a week, pearl barley, corn) along with skim milk or yogurt, green tea without sugar.
  • Boiled sea fish, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, tea without sugar, apple.
  • Durum wheat pasta, stewed mushrooms, green tea.
  • 100 g of boiled fish or steamed meat, rye bread, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, whipped with berries.
  • Chicken breast sprinkled with Parmesan cheese with green beans, tea with lemon, small fruit.

In 2-3 hours for second breakfast It is necessary to give the body fiber: eat a fruit that contains a lot of fiber (pears, raspberries, avocados, kiwis, apples, figs, strawberries and strawberries) and drink kefir or yogurt.

For lunch eat foods with complex carbohydrates: whole grain porridge, durum wheat pasta, of course, protein and a portion of salad, naturally not dressed with mayonnaise. If you are used to eating soups for lunch, then you need to give up the side dish, just eat fish or meat.

As one of the options for a healthy eating regimen, you can eat

  • a portion of stewed vegetables and brown rice, a small piece of fruit and a glass of mint tea;
  • 250 g of baked or boiled fish, assorted vegetables with asparagus;
  • 200 g chicken breast, stewed zucchini, Vegetable Salad;
  • boiled lentils with onions, salad with cucumbers and low-fat yogurt;
  • stewed mushrooms with dill, cucumber, radish and asparagus salad.

For afternoon tea you can eat sweets. But don’t think that you’ll finally get your hands on cakes, pastries and sweets. It can be

  • 250 grams of fruit
  • Glass of black currant
  • Kiwi, apple
  • Dried fruits and yogurt

For dinner Eat protein foods and foods containing fiber:

Combine chicken without fat, fish, lean meat with a salad of fresh vegetables. As a last resort braised cabbage, you can also drink a glass of kefir and eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

  • vegetable stew, chicken breast, green salad with radishes;
  • lentils with onions, stewed vegetables, two apples;
  • boiled meat with lettuce, vegetable puree soup;
  • boiled chicken, green salad, one apple.

As you can see, maintaining a healthy diet is not at all difficult, the main thing is to set yourself up for, perhaps for someone, new dishes and products, turn on willpower and act.

Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Dear readers! The opinion of each of you is valuable to me. This gives me strength and confidence that everything I share with you benefits you, so I will be immensely grateful if you write a couple of lines in the comments to this article and share it with your friends and family by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

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Always yours, Olga Suvorova.
