Ivan Kupala holiday: the best fortune telling at home. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for a betrothed for love: traditional fortune telling. Plot for good luck

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is a time of magic and miracles. It is not customary to sleep that night. Girls told fortunes about love, and family people told fortunes about future fate. It is believed that the night before the holiday is one of the most energetically powerful of the year. At this time, you can look into the future and find out what awaits you.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for the betrothed

To find out when the long-awaited meeting with their future husband would take place, the girls wove wreaths from field herbs on the afternoon of July 6th. After the sun set, they walked to the river bank and lowered the wreaths into the water. Whose wreath floats farthest and fastest is the girl most likely to get married. It is important to pay attention to which direction the wreath floated. It is from there that the groom should be expected.

If a girl’s wreath immediately sank, then for the next year she will sit as a wench. It is considered a bad omen if the wreath washes up on the shore. To be his mistress yet for a long time lonely.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home for love

To find out whether your loved one reciprocates your feelings, you need to go to the field on the afternoon of July 7 and pick two blades of grass. When you come home, hang the blades of grass nearby and wish your names on them. Wait until the plants wither and pay attention to the location of the stems. If they are attracted to each other, then the beloved will reciprocate and be together. If you turn away, then this person is not your destiny, so you should not waste your time on him. Look around, maybe there is a more suitable candidate nearby.

With the help of blades of grass, you can tell fortunes not only about your own relationships, but also lift the veil of the secrets of others.

Ivana Kupala: fortune telling for love

Fortune telling with daisies will help you find out if you have a future with the guy you like. To do this, you need to pick two daisies and tear off the buds from the stems. Take the buds and go to the river. Place the flowers in the water and watch them float. If you are next to each other, then you should be together. If in different sides If the daisies have moved away from each other, then look for another gentleman.

Fortune telling with a Kupala wreath

The Kupala wreath is an integral attribute of the holiday. With its help you can find out what awaits you in the future. During the day you need to weave a wreath from 12 different field plants, and after sunset go to the river and lower it into the water:

  • drowns - there will be no wedding this year;
  • floats - wait for the matchmakers;
  • washes ashore - you will be lonely for a few more years.

Fortune telling on the plantain on Ivan Kupala

One of the most popular fortune telling on Midsummer's Day is fortune telling with plantain. You need to pick a plant growing by the road and bring it into the house and hide it under your pillow. In the evening, as you fall asleep, say:

“Plantain-plantain, you grow up by the road, you see everything and know everything. Please show me my betrothed in a dream.”

After these words, do not talk to anyone. In the morning, remember who you saw in your dream.

How to attract love on Ivan Kupala

If you are still alone and, despite all your efforts, you cannot find a worthy groom, then use the magic of Ivan Kupala. On this special day, you can attract love into your life. To do this, when combing your hair on the morning of July 7, collect your hair from the comb and twist it into a ball. Place this ball under your pillow and wait for the evening. After sunset, take it out and take it to the intersection. Here you need to leave the ball and say:

“Flowering paths wind through the ground. Let my betrothed come to me along these paths. He will be strong, kind and handsome, he will love me more than his life. Amen".

When going home, don’t talk to anyone and pay attention to who you meet on the road:

  • dog - a meeting with your future spouse is just around the corner;
  • cat - you will meet your betrothed no earlier than in a year;
  • singing bird - soon you will be proposed for marriage, so prepare your dowry.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala in the name of the betrothed

There are two ways to find out the name of your future spouse on Midsummer Day. The first way is to cut a sheet of paper into many identical pieces. Write one on each piece of paper male name. Hide the leaves under the pillow. After you wake up, take out the first piece of paper you come across and see what your future husband’s name will be.

The second way is to go into the field on a festive night and pick any blade of grass without looking. When you come home, look at what kind of plant you came across. The name of your betrothed will begin with the letter with which its name begins. For example, plantain - Peter, Pavel, chamomile - Roman, Ruslan, etc.

Video: rituals for Ivan Kupala “Everything will be good”

Fortune telling with a horse

Looking at a horse, you need to make a wish and observe its behavior for some time. If a horse lowers its head, it means that not everything is going smoothly in a love relationship; if a horse shakes its head from left to right, it means there is a person in your environment who wants to deceive you; if a horse moves from one foot to another, it means the road will soon be long; if the horse’s left hoof if he hits, the wish will come true, and if he hits with his right hoof, then the wish will come true, but later, and if the horse neighs, then it will be a great good thing.

Fortune telling with cherry pits

For this fortune telling, you need to draw a circle with an approximate diameter of 9 centimeters. Take 9 cherry pits in your hand, make a wish and throw the cherry pits up. If all the grains fall into the circle, then the wish will come true, if up to 3 seeds fall near the circle, the wish will come true, but there will be obstacles in fulfilling the wish, and if more than 4 seeds fall outside this circle, the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling by fern

To do this, at midnight, you need to pick as many fern leaves as there are suitors, each fern leaf must be marked with the letter of the name of each suitor, preferably with colored threads, so as not to be confused in the future. Then take all the leaves together and press the branches to the bottom of the water (it is advisable to do this in a lake or river). Then suddenly pull your hand back and watch which fern leaf pops up the fastest, then the guy will become your husband.

Fortune telling by plant roots

For this fortune telling you need a candle. Closer to midnight, in white clothes, barefoot with a lit candle, you need to go out with other people (for example, with friends) to the field, and pull out of the ground any flower or other plant you like, but always with the roots. Then, based on the root, you can determine what the future groom will look like:

  • if the root of the plant is long, then the groom will be tall and slender;
  • if the root of the plant is short, then the groom will be short, stocky, and even possibly plump;
  • if the root of the plant is twisted, crooked, then the groom will be secretive and deceitful;
  • if the root of the plant is smooth and even, then the groom will be good and decent;
  • if the root of the plant curls easily to the right and left, then the groom will be stubborn;
  • if the root of the plant turns out to be soft, then the groom will be calm and compliant;
  • if there is a lot of earth around the root of the plant, then the groom will be rich (than more land, the more wealth).

Fortune telling at the Kupala bonfire

A big fire is lit, boys and girls jump over it. If the flame of the fire does not touch the girl, then this means auspicious sign, successful marriage, to a guy - good luck in career, business and love.

Fortune telling by ring in water

Fortune telling is done at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings, and pour into it clean water and place the wedding ring in the glass. Then look straight into the middle of the water wedding ring. After some time, the image of the future groom will appear in the water.

Fortune telling for the future groom

As soon as the clock strikes midnight, you need to ask the first male person you see his name. Whatever his name is, that’s what his future husband will be called.

Fortune telling by a blade of grass

For this fortune telling, you need to take two blades of grass, which should be narrow (wheat grass, sedge, rye, etc. are very suitable). The main thing is that one blade of grass is slightly longer than the other blade of grass. The blade of grass that is smaller will be a girl, and the blade that is longer will be a guy. We insert these two blades of grass next to each other in a crack in the ceiling ( ceiling beam), if there is no such thing, you can find more appropriate place For this, the main thing is that they cheer down. After a few days, when the blades of grass begin to dry out, you need to see how they have dried:

  • if a guy strays from a girl, then this means that the guy has no feelings for the girl;
  • if the blades of grass deviate slightly from each other, this means a short quarrel;
  • if the blades of grass spread far away, then this means a gap between the guy and the girl;
  • if the blades of grass join together or twist, it means love and marriage.

Fortune telling by fire from birch wood

You need to prepare it in the evening birch firewood and put them in the fire. Closer to midnight, you need to light a fire, and when the fire flares up, you need to say your question three times, addressing the fire itself. Next observe the flame:

  • if the flame is even, the crackling of the wood is clearly audible, then this means that life will be interesting, rich in adventures, love affairs, and the current love relationship will end with a wedding;
  • if the flame is bright, rich red, then this means that family life will be stormy;
  • if the flame of the fire is weak, dim, and burns poorly, then this means that in the future you will be bored and sad;
  • if the flame of the fire is more yellowish-orange in color than red, it means that life in the future will be happy.

Fortune telling: seeing your betrothed in a dream

On the night of gathering 12 different herbs (you can have flowers), but the main thing in this bouquet should be fern and thistle. Place this bouquet under your pillow at night in order to see the groom in a dream. And before you lie down on the pillow, say: Betrothed groom, come to my garden for a walk, show yourself!

On the seventh of July comes one of the most mystical days of the year - the holiday of Ivan Kupala. At this time, you can not only attract prosperity and good luck, but also look into the future.

Ivan Kupala is an ancient Slavic holiday. Many customs and signs, fortune telling and rituals are associated with it. One of the most striking traditions of the Kupala night is the search for a fern flower. It is believed that whoever finds it will be able to fulfill any of his dreams.

In addition to rituals, fortune telling is performed on this night. Many of them are distinguished not only by their accuracy, but also by their simplicity, and therefore can be easily done at home.

Fortune telling by shadow

This fortune telling will tell you about what awaits you in the near future. Take large leaf paper (for example, a newspaper spread) and crumple it in any shape, but do not give it the appearance geometric shapes specially. Shine a lamp or flashlight onto the crumpled sheet. On the wall you will see a shadow, the shape of which will embody what awaits you soon.

Fortune telling for love

This is fortune telling - home option Kupala ritual associated with releasing a wreath on water. In ancient times, girls used this method to tell fortunes about marriage and their future fate. Take two identical flowers, tie notes to them with your name and the name of your lover. Place them in a bowl filled with water. If the flowers are attracted to each other, then your relationship will be strong, and a quick marriage is quite possible. If the plants go in different directions, it means that Fate is not favorable to your union.

Fortune telling on fern branches

Pluck several branches of the plant and tie a colored rope on each one. The number of branches should be equal to the number of suitors. Press them to the bottom of a bathtub or deep basin filled with water. Release your hand and see which branch pops up first. This will be the answer to the question of which man is worth continuing the relationship with.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

In the evening, pull out the plant by the roots near the house. Look at it carefully. By the type of root you can determine what type of groom your groom will be:

  • short root promises a short, stocky, middle-aged man;
  • a twisted root promises a secretive and reticent person young man;
  • an even and smooth root speaks of a meeting with an open and friendly guy;
  • the root of a washcloth promises a stubborn groom who will not take your opinion into account;
  • a soft and pliable spine promises a soft and somewhat weak-willed guy;
  • a long and straight root means that your groom will be tall and stately;
  • many lumps of earth on the root promise a rich and generous young man.

Fortune telling at the stake

Light a fire of thin twigs near the house. If the flame burns quickly and is bright, good luck awaits you soon. A smoking fire means difficulties in life. If the fire does not want to flare up, then you should hold off on grandiose plans.

Herbal divination

Pick a couple of flowering blades of grass, one of which will symbolize the person you are interested in, and the other - yourself. Whisper over them:

“The blades of grass bend, they show my fate, they predict a meeting or separation with my betrothed. I name the smaller one by my name (name), and the larger onein the name of my betrothed (name).”

Stick blades of grass into any crack near the threshold of the house. Take a closer look at them in the morning. If the blades of grass are bent in one direction, wait for the development of your relationship. If they leaned in different directions, on your life path there will be obstacles. If one blade of grass bends, wait for a third person who will try to interfere with your feelings.

Fortune telling by candles

Pour water into a basin and place four small candles on the surface, which will mean health, luck, love, money. Light them and watch in what order they burn out. Don't forget to mark them so you don't make a mistake. The candle that burns out first will mean luck in the area it symbolizes.

Fortune telling with candle wax

For fortune telling you will need five church candles made of natural wax. Hold them in your hands so that they are saturated with your energy. Light the candles one by one and pour wax onto the paper with the words:

“I light the first candle, I want to know my wealth. The second candle will tell about luck. The third candle will show the betrothed, the fourth will show health, the fifth will show the near future, hidden behind the turn of the day.”

Beware of crosses, blots that look like the blurry outline of a person in a robe, sharp objects (knives, pins, scissors) - these figures promise trouble.

A successful combination, promising financial well-being, there will be figures associated with money. This could be a wallet, coins or other patterns reminiscent of wealth and prosperity.

Happy sign There are also patterns of horseshoe, clover, and bell. Love most often appears in the form of a heart or rings. Good health foreshadow patterns of herbs, large animals, fruits or vegetables.

Each form you receive may be different, so use your intuition. She will help you decipher the patterns. If it seems to you that you can’t see anything other than shapeless blots, it means that Fate keeps its secrets, and those events await you ahead, the path to which you will have to choose in the near future.

Fortune telling on drops of wax about family well-being

Light a red candle, gaze into its flame and think about your spouse. Then apply wax twice. On one drop write the letter of your name, on the other - your lover. Carefully mark the drops onto the surface of the water. If by morning both drops stay afloat and are nearby, it means that the love in your couple is strong, and everything will be fine in the family. If one drop ends up at the bottom, expect betrayal. Both drops have sank - serious problems in relationships await you. The drops are afloat, but are distant from each other - separation is coming.

Any fortune telling must be done alone and with maximum concentration. And so that your love does not pass by, use harmless whispers, which are enhanced by the magic of the festive night. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Our ancestors considered it one of the most important during the summer. This day, or rather even the night, has strong energy. It is used for fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, various rituals and ceremonies. So this night has come this year - from July 6 to 7, you need to prepare in advance and decide what fortune telling to do and what you want to know about your future.

If you look at the old style, then the night of Ivan Kupala fell on the day of the summer solstice on June 21. This holiday has very strong pagan traditions, many of which have survived to this day. One thing is certain: on the night of June 21-22 or July 6-7, the energy is unique and you should not waste such a powerful day.

Kupala night is mystical, so our ancestors performed many ceremonies and rituals directly related to such elements of our planet as water, fire and summer greenery. It is these basic elements, their strength and energy, that will be used when conducting fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home or in open natural areas.

A wreath to make a wish come true

One of the most popular and widespread fortune telling, very beautiful in its execution. On this day or evening, you need to weave a wreath of herbs and flowers collected in the fields and forests with your own hands. This is extremely important detail and such a wreath is a symbol of the cycle of natural forces and a talisman against evil spirits, and not just a decoration. At sunset on July 6, you should float this wreath on the water, having first made your deepest wish.

All that remains is to observe the behavior of the herbal wreath on the water:

  • If he floats far, far away, then the wish will certainly come true, in at its best and in the near future.
  • If the wreath floats to the same shore from where it was launched, then the desire will not come true.
  • If the wreath remains in the middle of the pond for a long time, this indicates problems and difficulties along the way of fulfilling the wish.

In circles from a pebble

Previously, in Rus', on a magical night, they always gathered together in nature near open reservoirs, but today such fortune-telling can be safely carried out simply in a large basin. You should make a wish that can be answered affirmatively or negatively. After this, throw a pebble into the water and count how many circles it forms. Even number indicates a positive outcome if desired, but an odd one indicates that this particular wish will not come true.

The betrothed and the fire

First, from herbs and flowers, as in the first Kupala fortune-telling, you will need to weave a wreath. But this time he is thrown over a fire that people had jumped over before. If a guy catches your wreath, then he will be your betrothed. If the wreath falls into the fire, then you need to see how quickly it burns out: that girl will be the first to get married.

Chamomile and water

Fortune telling is carried out either in a basin of water or, ideally, in an open body of water. You need to find a wild chamomile and pick two of its buds. Make a wish for yourself on one bud, and the name of your betrothed on the second. Now float the chamomile in the water and see: if the buds come together, then the couple will be together.

Blow on a dandelion

You need to pick a dandelion that is already covered with a white cap. Now make a wish again and blow very, very hard on the flower. If the entire white hat flies away, then, most likely, the wish will definitely come true. If only half flies away, then your wish will come true, but you will have to go through some difficulties along the way. And only the remaining large half of the dandelion on the hat indicates that this particular wish will not come true.

Young leaves

From any summer tree on the night of July 6-7, on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, you need to pick a leaf. Scribble the first letter of the name of a dear person on a piece of paper. Then throw a leaf and watch: if it turns out to be very high right away, then the guy has a very strong and strong feeling for you. If a leaf flies low, then you will soon have a romantic date, but a leaf that is spinning indicates crazy love. This person does not have love for you if the leaf quickly and simply falls to the ground.

With a church candle

Break a church candle into several pieces and melt the wax. Now pour the wax into a bowl of water and use the resulting figures to try to predict your future. For example, a circle or ring indicates a wedding, a flower - a new boyfriend, a human figure symbolizes a new friendship, and stripes - an upcoming journey.

Rituals and signs for Ivan Kupala

A variety of rituals that have long been performed on this holiday are associated with fire. People make big fires around which they dance, have fun and dance in circles. Such a ritual connects human hearts and fills them with love. The people believed that this fire had healing property. If you jump over it, it cleanses both the human body and his energy shell. Moreover, you definitely need to jump several times and as high as possible.

Other common rituals were related to water. For example, on the night of July 7, they washed themselves with dew, but swimming during this period is not safe. Such rituals of Ivan Kupalo have always been carried out and they have been preserved even during Christianity since pagan times.

What signs to pay attention to on the night of July 6-7:

  • If you collect sour ant oil in an anthill that night, it will heal wounds.
  • People definitely collected at this time healing herbs, and someone even tried to find a blooming fern, because this was an excellent omen for the whole next year.
  • The Ivan-da-Marya grass, collected on Kupala night, protects the house from thieves.

Witches celebrate their holiday. It was believed that witches kept water boiled with the ashes of the Kupala fire; after sprinkling it on Ivan Kupala, the witch could easily fly wherever she pleased.

According to peasant beliefs, one cannot sleep on Kupala night, as all evil spirits come to life and become especially active - witches, werewolves, mermaids, snakes, sorcerers, brownies, water creatures, and goblins.

"KP in Ukraine" has prepared a selection of the most common ones.

Fortune telling by shadows on Ivan Kupala

On Kupala night, take a sheet of paper and carefully crush it with your hands into a shapeless mass (not a ball), without looking at it. Place the crumpled paper on the bottom of the plate and set it on fire. When it is completely burnt, carefully hold the plate up to the wall, without disturbing the ash shape, and carefully rotate the plate until some shadow is outlined. By the outlines one can judge the betrothed.

Guess in dark room by candlelight or dim light.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using a bow

Take several bulbs, write the guy's name on each and place them in water. It is believed which bulb will germinate faster, so expect an invitation to get married.

It is important to perform the ritual alone so that you are not distracted or disturbed.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using a ring

At midnight, take a glass with a flat bottom and without patterns, pour water into it and carefully lower the round glass into the middle. Golden ring. Then look through the water into the middle of the ring - the image of the betrothed will appear to you.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala by wish

Take new box matches, hold it in your hands and focus on your desire or question, the answer to which you would like to receive. Then start taking matches out of the box, saying “will come true”, “will not come true” or “yes”, “no”, or “loves”, “does not love” for each one. The last match will be the answer.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using flowers

On Kupala night, pour water into a basin and throw two of your favorite flowers without stems (daisies, roses, lilies) into it.

If the flowers disperse in different directions, alas, you will not be with the person you were wondering about. If they get together, a strong and long relationship awaits you.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala on a peach pit

Eat a peach while making a wish and thinking about it. Then look at the bone, if there is at least one straight line on it, your wish will certainly come true.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using candle wax

For this fortune telling, break the candle into several pieces and melt the wax. As soon as the wax melts, immediately pour it into a container of water and see what shapes the wax takes when frozen in water. For example: a ring or a candle - for a wedding; wallet, coin, chest - to wealth; heart - love; flag – visit of a guest; star - luck; flower, flowers - a new suitor; the human figure is a friend; wave - wish fulfillment; stripes - travel.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using coffee beans

For this fortune telling you will need 16 coffee beans. Close your eyes and ask a specific question or simulate a situation that requires resolution and carefully throw the grains on the table. Open your eyes and count how many grains fell with the hollow facing up.

0 – the fortune telling did not take place, it is better not to repeat it today.
1 – luck is on your side.
2 – all difficulties will go away by themselves.
3 – possible betrayal of a person you considered a friend.
4 – try not to wishful thinking.
5 – the business started will lead to success.
6 – it’s time to take active action.
7 – no need to worry, everything will work out sooner or later.
8 – the solution will come by itself, you just need to calm down and get distracted.
9 – listen to the advice of your inner voice.
10 – recommendations from close people will be very practical.
11 – try, the risk is justified.
12 – don’t talk too much.
13 – don’t get nervous over trifles.
14 – learn to always rely only on yourself.
15 – a little more and fortune will definitely turn its face towards you.
16 – everything will be just great.
