DIY kite craft from a hose. Serpent Gorynych from plastic bottles and foam master class. Drawing of a diamond-shaped product

Common parsnip, or field parsnip, or field parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) in the wild is widespread in regions with a temperate climate (central Russia, the North Caucasus, Crimea, the Urals, Altai, etc.), but is still rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping it is used as a fodder plant and honey plant, and in cooking as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

A universal favorite among decorative deciduous perennials, the hosta captivates not only with the beauty of its leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding, in right place growing long years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. Hosta propagates easily, although to obtain spectacular, highly decorative bushes you will have to be patient. To independently increase your hosta collection, first of all, you need to remember the characteristics of this culture.

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on their site. But everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden are, as a rule, superior in taste and aroma to the greens of dill that grows on its own. In this article we will tell you how to have green dill in your garden beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

Stir-fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and Iceberg salad - a recipe for a quick dinner or lunch for busy man. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare, and you can feed it to a couple of hungry mouths that can’t bear to wait for a fancy lunch. Stir-fry is a method of quickly frying vegetables and meat that came to us from the east. Don't be upset if a wok is not among your kitchen utensils. A regular frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating will do too.

Among plants that boast variegated foliage, alpinia claims to be not only the rarest, but also the most original culture. It simultaneously reminds of bamboos and calathea arrowroots, and sometimes even of vriesea. True, it resembles the latter only in its inflorescences. Luxurious leaves, most often covered with variegated contrasting stripes, look so modern that it is impossible not to admire the beauty of their impeccable patterns and shine.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls made from savoy cabbage with mushrooms - steamed cabbage rolls for dietary, vegetarian and lenten menus. Stuffed cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their counterparts from white cabbage, stewed in a Dutch oven or fried in a frying pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier than white cabbage, the head is loose, it is easier to separate it into individual leaves. The color of the leaves ranges from soft green to emerald.

IN winter time Every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first plantings of flowers and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the space on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place it in the apartment required quantity seedlings in cups. In addition, some of the crops may simply not grow, some will die... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much we plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, almost every gardener buys at least some seedlings.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennial flowers. Firstly, most popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Secondly, many annuals sow freely and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which annuals can be planted only once, and then, following simple techniques, can be seen in the garden every season?

You can make jellied meat and meat salad with onions from pork knuckle. The shank, especially the hind shank, is a very tasty and affordable part of the pork carcass that you can feed small company. A 2-kilogram shank will yield a bowl of meat salad and a large plate of jellied meat. There will still be some meat broth left over, which I advise you to use to cook cabbage soup or borscht. For this dish, we take a hind shank weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms; I advise you to ask the butcher for the meatiest one.

Eggplants require sunny but short days, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. Provide such conditions in open ground Most regions of Russia are quite difficult. That's why before eggplants grown only in protected soil conditions. With the development of selection, it became possible to grow eggplants in open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in middle lane.

Among predator plants, the sundew rightly claims to be the brightest and most expressive beauty. This plant attracts, first of all, its unusual textures and play of colors. But the feeding mechanism of this swamp and quite hardy miracle is so exotic that it is very easy to forget about sundews as plants, primarily ornamental ones. Sundews are quite demanding when it comes to humidity, but they are not that difficult to grow in ordinary living spaces.

Chocolate cake with custard made from simple and affordable ingredients turns out to be so delicious that rarely anyone limits themselves to one piece. The sponge cakes are moist and feel like they are made from real dark chocolate, even though the recipe only calls for cocoa powder. The creamy custard is delicate and light and goes well with chocolate sponge cake. All this splendor of flavors is complemented by coconut flakes, a simple ingredient, but in this recipe, like a cherry on the cake, it comes in handy.

Although the calendar spring begins in March, it is very difficult to call this month spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and the multicolor of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and bushes attract the eye, yearning for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, delighting with variegated foliage and flowering ornamental shrubs, perennials, conifers are renewed.

In the middle zone, the shape of the grapes suggests the possibility of shelter on winter period, which means the guideline should be to keep the head of the bush at soil level. Even further north, one cannot count on a large harvest, but even for such areas there are their own pruning principles. The article discusses the sleeve-fan scheme for forming a grape bush, often used in the middle zone, and the cordon scheme, which has shown itself well in regions with a more severe climate.

Beef with eggplants with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple, very tasty and not very high-calorie dish, which is quite relevant nowadays. The sauce is made from vegetables only, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. The meat is without fat, and yet it turns out juicy and tender. Can be replaced with chicken fillet or veal. The eggplants do not need to be fried first, just add a little salt to make them soft. I recommend preparing a light yogurt sauce for the finished dish.

Not only a child, but also any adult is breathtaking from the beauty of a kite soaring above the ground. Elegant, bright, colorful, in the shape of various animals, birds and objects - flying high, almost under the clouds, they are somewhat similar to ancient dragons. However, flying a kite will become an even more interesting and exciting process if you make it yourself. Kite DIY is a wonderful creative activity for the whole family.

A little about the features and types of products

Kites are not only an excellent educational toy. The history of this product goes back many millennia, since the first mentions of it were found in the second century BC. China is considered the homeland of the snake, although at that time it was called the “dragon snake.” It was the kite in the form of a dragon - a winged fire-breathing and snake-like creature - that was the most popular. Kites were then made from pieces of silk and bamboo sticks.
Besides decorative function, snakes were used for military and combat purposes as signals or means of observation, and in our time they began to serve for study natural phenomena, and for carrying out meteorological research, and for various scientific experiments. Today there are play kites, including children's toys, as well as large sports kites, created specifically for some extreme sports. It is very cool if a child is interested in such design and wonders how to make a kite with his own hands. Being carried away by such an activity, he will learn to fantasize and create, will develop his ingenuity and observation skills, will be able to independently understand the nature of some things, such as the strength and direction of the wind, the characteristics of atmospheric phenomena, etc. Then it is not enough to make it - you also need to know how fly a kite.
First you need to understand what types of products there are and what they consist of.

  • The simplest and basic design- single-plane. Such a kite will not fly very high and will not withstand a snowstorm, but you can easily and quickly make it at home.
  • The multi-plane design will be a little more complicated. These snakes are highly stable, and they are made into box-shaped (the box-shaped form was invented by L. Khagrav), and stacked, and multi-cell (when a large number of individual cells are connected in the form of parallelepipeds or tetrahedrons - tetrahedral design).
  • And if you make a whole group of kites and connect them into a single system, you get a group / composite design or "snake train".

  • Any snake consists of essential basic elements:

    • frame - necessary to maintain the canvas in a taut position. The number and location of the slats that will form the kite determine its model and type;
    • the surface of the kite - it is this that will be pulled over the frame to create an obstacle to the air and produce an aerodynamic or lifting force;
    • if you want to make a collapsible product, then you will need connecting parts - depending on what size you are making it, as well as what materials you use for this, there are many different solutions and options for these parts;
    • the attachment point is called a binding or bridle - they can be different, for example, if it has one attachment point, then it will not require adjustment, because the tail will control the kite and set its angle of inclination. For a bridle with two or more attachment points, you will need to install a special adjusting ring and other parts that will allow you to properly control your kite;
    • if you want to make a keel, then it can replace your bridle with two attachment points, but then you will no longer be able to change the angle of attack, because it will only be fixed (to fix this, several tails are attached to the kite);
    • By the way, the tail is not only for beauty, since its task is to stabilize the product in the air and eliminate all the shortcomings of flight;
    • Don’t forget about the thread (it’s called a lifeline), which will hold your kite, preventing it from finally flying into the sky. Make sure that the thread is light but strong, plus it matches the size of the product. The winding spool will save you from annoying thread tangling, long process its winding and unwinding, so try not to forget to get this accessory.

    There are also frameless snakes, that is, no frame is used to make them, and the snakes take on their shape only thanks to the wind. The most popular model of this type is the paraglider.

    Let's get started

    So, having understood all the subtleties and nuances, you can move on to practice. First, let's try to see how to make a paper kite at home. Such a product cannot boast of strength or durability, but you can learn how to make kites with it.

  • For production, you can use colored cardboard, decorative paper, colored tissue paper. It is best to work with a drawing or diagram, choosing the model you like.
  • Since the drawings are different, the final appearance of the products will also be different. You can cut out an irregular diamond shape (very elongated towards the bottom) or make snakes in the form of a polygon, etc.
  • You will need to glue the slats onto this base. Since we are working with paper, the slats should be light - thin wooden or plastic (no more than two centimeters wide). Even bamboo skewers are used for a children's play kite. You can attach it with tape or glue.
  • Attach the snake's tail, and also do not forget about the rope, which will need to be secured to a rack or reel.
  • The snake can be colored with felt-tip pens or paints, and decorated with ribbons. Such a kite can only fly if you run with it.

  • By the way, in the origami technique there is basic form called a kite, since a paper figurine folded in this way is very reminiscent of a weightless flying beauty. If you're thinking about how to make a paper kite, start by assembling origami. Similar flat kite can be made from fabric or polyethylene, but with a more serious approach, so that ultimately it can really fly:

    • place the center of gravity of the product body on its axis of symmetry (that longitudinal line that divides the body in half);
    • adjust the tail correctly so that you can calmly control the kite and carry out any maneuvers;
    • slings or fetters must be attached at strictly defined points and be carefully selected in length, since it is with their help that you can give the kite the most favorable angle of inclination of the body to the air flow, and therefore create the greatest lifting force;
    • If you are making a light kite, then know that it will rise to a great height, and with additional load (voluminous tails, decorations), on the contrary, it will not fly high.

    1 You can choose not only any model or size of your future product, but also its appearance, as well as design in general. For example, just imagine how majestic a kite in the form of a dragon or an eagle will look in the sky.

    Do not forget about the safety rules and precautions when flying a kite:

    • check how strong all connections are before starting;
    • Never fly a kite in a thunderstorm;
    • it's also unsafe to run around electrical wires, near railway, airfield, runway or highway;
    • Be sure to use a line spool or wear gloves, as in strong winds or rapid unwinding of the thread you can seriously injure your hands (it’s better not to grab the line with your hands at all).

    Well, you will learn how to control the flight of your kite in the very process. Having become proficient in making simple and flat products, if you wish, you can eventually try to make one like this complex design, like a box kite or multi-celled kite. Happy flight to your creations! Watch similar master classes:

    A snake made using keys from an old computer keyboard looks original as a garden craft.

    Of course, not everyone loves snakes, but it will not be just any snake, but the Wise Snake - according to Eastern philosophy, a very benevolent image. If you consider that the Snake, in addition to wisdom, also carries protection, then you can begin.

    To create this garden craft you will need:

    • Flexible pipe or hose.
    • Putty (dry mixture or ready-made mass).
    • Keys from an old computer keyboard.
    • Thick metal wire or metal rod (thin).

    1. First you need to cook more with the key. One keyboard will not be enough to make such a garden craft - you will need 3-4. In principle, many people have old keyboards lying somewhere in the closet (just in case!), ask your friends, and you, no doubt, will quickly be able to collect required amount. It's easy to disassemble the keyboard. Their designs are approximately the same; you need to remove the top panel, and then use a screwdriver to unfasten the keys one by one.

    2. Don't be upset if the keys are the wrong color. Firstly, the Wise Snake can be made black and white, and secondly, the keys can be painted (spray paint - perfect option, dyes instantly).

    3. B flexible pipe or a hose we insert a thick wire or rod - this is necessary to give the Wise Snake a characteristic pose (torso rolled into a ring, head raised).

    4. If we use putty from a dry mixture, prepare the mass.

    5. If the surface of the flexible pipe is very smooth, you need to sand it to make it rough, otherwise the putty will not hold.

    6. Coat the hose pipe with the first layer of putty, immediately making the shape of a garden craft. When dry, add a couple more layers.

    7. Last layer Apply in parts, pressing keys into the putty. It looks like we're laying out a mosaic.

    8. From the side of the head Wise Snake We cut the flexible pipe, forming a mouth. You can decorate the inside of the mouth at your discretion: paint, lay film, suitable material. “Suitable” is definitely synthetic, which will last longer. outdoors, under rain and sun.

    9. Well, in conclusion, you can put the old bodies of the Wise Snake into a coil computer mice- they will depict a nest with snake eggs.

    Good afternoon dear friends, today we will meet you and see the amazing works of a talented artist Brian Jewett, these are cacti from a hose. Unfortunately the author did not detailed master class of his work, he told us how to do it and what we need for this... Thanks to this idea, wonderful and beautiful cacti can now grow in our garden and decorate our site. To make cacti we need very little time, clamps and a hose. You can purchase clamps at any hardware store, I think that you will not have problems with this. We also need a hose, preferably Green colour. If not, you can paint it the color you want. You can also make such cacti from a soft corrugated tube. There is no need to run out and buy materials, look at your dacha or barn, I think you will definitely find old unnecessary hoses that can be used to create cacti. After all, to create a cactus, it doesn’t matter whether the hose is torn or not, the main thing is that there is one))). These crafts are very strong and durable. In addition, they are not afraid of rain, wind and sun. It is also very convenient that they can be rearranged to any place, they will not crumble or fall apart. Looking at these works it is impossible to fall in love with them. The idea of ​​creating cacti with your own hands from a hose is very interesting and once you start creating them, you will not be able to tear yourself away from this work. Let's start making them.

    To make a cactus you will need:
    * Plastic clamps.
    * Hose.

    Method for preparing cactus:
    Despite the fact that we need few materials to make a cactus, it turns out very beautiful and original. We take the hose and begin to twist it in a circle, it is better if you have some kind of device, a base, to make it more convenient to do this. If not, carefully twist the hose in a circle and periodically secure the clamps on it. Having secured the clamp, we straighten the tails outward; if it seems to you that the tails are large, then you can safely cut them later to the length you need. Ours will imitate the needles on cacti. You can make any sizes of cacti at your discretion. It all depends on how much hose you have, and the diameter of the hose also plays a role. The thinner the hose, the smaller the cactus will be. If you have different pieces of hose left, you can try to assemble a cactus from them, just paint them all the same color.

    You can also make flowers or baby cacti on cacti. To do this, we cut off small pieces of the hose and attach the flower to them, and then attach it to the finished cactus. Children do exactly the same as large cacti only small size. Flowers can be made from plastic bottles or pieces from a hose or attach artificial flowers. The main thing is that our flowers are bright and beautiful.

    To make cacti, it is not necessary to use new hoses or green hoses; old unnecessary ones will do, and if the hose is a different color, it can be painted.
    Cacti from a hose will be a wonderful decoration for the garden; they are not afraid of any weather, neither rain nor wind, etc.
    I hope you liked the idea of ​​​​creating cacti from a hose, thank you to the author for the interesting material.

    Copyright © Attention!. Copying text and photographs can only be used with permission from the site administration and by indicating an active link to the site. 2019 All rights reserved.

    Snake - a simple DIY paper craft for children to practice fine motor skills and the ability to use scissors (cutting) for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. And interesting experience with such a snake.

    Snake - paper craft

    Making this snake craft is simple and quick. Even children can cope with this kindergarten. And the benefits of making it are great - the child will practice cutting rounded lines with scissors, and when coloring the snake, he will develop his imagination, coming up with an original pattern or coloring for his snake and fine motor skills. This means he will prepare his hand for writing.

    How to make a snake - a paper craft with your own hands

    Very young children can be asked to color an already cut out snake with their fingers, cotton swabs or a brush - the child will still receive benefits and pleasure from such creativity.

    The craft will become voluminous if you lift it or tie a thread to it.

    And this is how it looks on the street among the greenery. Like an exotic tropical snake.

    Interesting experience (trick) for children with a toy paper snake

    And now attention: focus!

    Invite your child to spin or run while holding the paper snake he made by the string.

    What happened?

    The snake began to rotate beautifully from the flow of oncoming air!

    Rotating, she twisted the thread to which she was tied. And if you now stop and hold the snake at arm’s length in front of you, the thread will begin to unwind, and the snake will begin to rotate in the other direction.

    You can see other simple experiments for children.

    Snake - children's craft for Halloween

    If you cut out the same snake from dark colored paper (in this case there is no need to color it), you will get a craft for Halloween.

    In a similar way, you can make another craft for Halloween from paper, cutting it out in a spiral.

    Another craft for which you only need paper and scissors -.

    Happy creativity! Only for site readers "MORE creative ideas for children"(https://site). Yulia Sherstyuk

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