What's the use of leeches? The benefits and harms of treatment with leeches. How does the hirudotherapy treatment procedure work?

Since the times of Ancient Egypt, leeches have been used to treat abnormalities of the nervous system, inflammation, dental diseases, skin diseases, and infections. Today they are used in plastic surgery and other branches of microsurgery.

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy lies in the peptides and proteins secreted by leeches. They prevent the formation of blood clots. These secretions are also known as anticoagulants.

Currently, hirudotherapy is again gaining popularity as a simple and affordable way to treat various diseases.

Medicinal leeches have three jaws with tiny rows of teeth. They pierce human skin with their teeth and inject anticoagulants through saliva. They are then allowed to bleed out. The session lasts from 20 to 45 minutes according to the patient’s course of treatment.

The total amount of blood is little - up to 15 ml from one leech.

As already mentioned, leeches release a number of active compounds into the blood:

  • Local anesthetic. With its help, you can endure a leech bite with almost no pain.
  • Elements that cause local vasodilation. This increases blood flow to the bite site.
  • Anticoagulant (hirudin). It prevents blood clots from forming.
  • Platelet aggregation inhibitors. They interfere with the formation of platelets.

Leech saliva contains many chemicals, including about 60 known proteins. It is this chemical cocktail that is supposed to heal the body when it enters the bloodstream.

Despite the skepticism of the scientific community, the topic of treatment with leeches is still worth further research.

Experts have been able to prove that leeches can improve blood flow in older people and relieve symptoms of eczema. The enzymes contained in leech saliva can prevent the formation of cancer metastases and relieve pain.

Scientists are also busy researching hirudin and its role in the treatment of arthritis.

Before hirudotherapy, blood tests are taken from the patient for anemia and the presence of HIV. The area of ​​skin where the leeches will be placed is checked for vein blockage and arterial insufficiency.

You should not take medications that inhibit the activity of the blood coagulation system and prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as medications that reduce the response of the immune system. To avoid vasoconstriction, the patient is not recommended to consume caffeine until the end of therapy.

Smoking and nicotine replacement products are contraindicated due to the vasoconstrictor effects of carbon monoxide and nicotine.

Carrying out hirudotherapy

  1. The leech attaches itself to clean, washed skin with soap and water.
  2. The specialist then removes the leech from the container using long tweezers. The easiest way to do this is immediately after removing the container from the refrigerator: the leeches in this state are docile and inactive.
  3. Next, the leech is placed in a syringe, the bottom of which is directed towards the site of its insertion. The syringe can be removed as soon as the leech attaches itself. To avoid displacement, you can place damp gauze on the leech.
  4. If the leech does not want to stick, the skin is pierced to let out a drop of blood.
  5. Once attached, the leech will feed on blood for about 45 minutes.

After the procedure is completed, the bite site will bleed for about 10 hours. During this time, the skin must be washed regularly to remove any blood clots that form.

Drink plenty of water. Don't drink alcohol. Maintain a healthy, full-fledged regimen.

In the afternoon after therapy, you can take a shower and disinfect the bite site with hydrogen peroxide. Do not use rubbing alcohol. Cover the bite with a small bandage.

You may experience mild swelling, itching, and bruising. Cold, damp towels or lemon juice can help relieve itching. Mix lemon juice with three cups of water, dip a towel in it and apply to the sore spot.

Temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes is also possible. It will go away on its own - it's part of the detoxification process.

You may feel either sleepy and tired or energized and active. Both reactions are normal and occur everywhere.

Hirudotherapy for arthrosis

Rheumatologists with extensive experience know that treatment with leeches helps well with trochanteritis (inflammation of the hip tendons), psoriatic arthritis and in the initial stages of arthrosis.

The effect of the enzymes that the leech injects is similar to the effect of drugs when a periarticular injection is performed. The beneficial effects of a leech bite also include restoration of blood circulation in the area of ​​the sore joint. The influence of a complex of these factors gives good results in the treatment of the first and second stages of arthrosis.

A different picture with arthrosis of the third stage. Here, hirudotherapy relieves night pain, “rest pain,” and also helps during the preoperative preparation period. After surgery to treat joints, the use of leeches will speed up the recovery of muscles and periarticular tissues damaged by the operation: cartilage, skin, ligaments.

The usual course of treatment with leeches includes 6 to 8 procedures with an interval of 2-6 days. During one session, from 4 to 8 leeches are used. After 3-4 sessions, an improvement usually occurs, but the patient returns to his normal state approximately two weeks after the full course.

However, it is necessary to caution against using leeches on your own. You should not skimp on the services of specialists and apply leeches to yourself or other people yourself. There are contraindications that you may not be aware of. There are also special points on the body where leeches should be placed. Ignorance of all the intricacies of the procedure will lead to a lack of the expected effect. A specialist hirudotherapist who works with leeches constantly will provide you with truly effective and efficient assistance.

Leech treatment technique for arthrosis

For gonarthrosis, arthrosis of the shoulder joints and coxarthrosis, leeches are placed in the projection area of ​​the diseased joints, around them. By palpating the joint, a specialist identifies pain points on which leeches are placed. Among the variety of ways to use these blood-sucking worms for arthrosis of the knee joints, the following are distinguished:

  • Placing 4 leeches on the so-called. "knee eyes"
  • If there is pain in the places of muscle attachment at such points, up to 6 leeches are placed.
  • If the patient has patellofemal syndrome (pain in the kneecap), leeches are placed in areas around the joint, along the edges of the projection of the kneecap onto the skin.

The principle of choosing landing points for leeches is the same for coxarthrosis of the hip joint, except that leeches are used in larger quantities. They are placed on pain points of the sacrum, lower back, lower abdomen, and thighs.

For arthrosis of the shoulder joint, 8-10 specimens are placed in front and behind on the most painful trigger points. And at the third stage of osteoarthritis, when bone outgrowths begin to appear through the muscles and skin, leeches are placed on the hips, knees, elbows and shoulders directly on top of the protruding formations. Arthrosis complicated by synovitis, cysts in the joint area, as well as bursitis are also well treated with hirudotherapy.

After half an hour - an hour, the leeches, when they are satiated, detach from their “donor”. Relief of the condition in patients is usually observed after the first procedure, but in order to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to conduct 6 to 8 sessions, and sometimes up to 12, with an interval of 2 to 7 days. However, if after the third session there is no improvement, treatment should be stopped, and a second attempt should be made no earlier than after two months.

You need to know anatomy and reflexology well in order to place leeches on biologically active points with high precision. A person’s natural disgust at the touch of a cold, living and wet creature can be mitigated by placing sterile cotton wool between the body and the worm.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with leeches

This treatment can be done:

  • By aspiration method, the main purpose of which is bloodletting. With this method, the leech sucks out inflammatory proteins and toxins from the site of the inflammatory process along with the blood. The leech feeds on blood until it is satiated and detaches itself.
  • According to Dr. Abuladze's method. The leech is removed from the body immediately after biting the skin and injecting anesthetic saliva into the wound. With this method, up to 20 leeches are used per session.

Indications and contraindications

Treatment with leeches can be effective if there is a risk of limb amputation. The latter occurs due to the side effects of diabetes and heart disease. Leeches can also be used for treatment if the patient is undergoing cosmetic surgery or, for example, treatment of varicose veins and blood clots.

Contraindications for use are hemophilia, leukemia, anemia, arterial insufficiency. In addition, leeches should not be used to treat children under 18 years of age.

In addition to the natural disdain for such a specific treatment method for many, people also have individual intolerance to the components of leech saliva.

Practice shows that it is quite safe to use leeches in the case of diseases such as arthrosis of the hip and shoulder joints, as well as gonarthrosis. If a person is intolerant to NSAIDs and has serious contraindications to glucocorticoids, treatment with leeches may be an acceptable substitute.

However, certain rules must be followed:

  • Before treatment, the patient is examined and possible contraindications are identified.
  • Do not agree to treatment outside certified centers and without using high-quality biomaterial.
  • A hirudotherapist must be licensed: developing a correct treatment program with a choice of points of influence is impossible for self-taught people, even the most talented ones.
  • One of the main requirements for the method is sterility.
  • In case of local allergic manifestations, it is necessary to increase the intervals between sessions. If the manifestations of intolerance are systemic, affecting many functions of the body, then sessions can be resumed no earlier than after 9 months, and sometimes this method of treatment should be abandoned altogether.

Leeches caught in a pond are not suitable for treating diseases; they can be infected with all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. Medical leeches are grown in laboratories, and specimens that have been starved for at least 4 months are taken for treatment. After the sessions, the leeches are destroyed; this is a disposable “tool”.

Rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis are not treated with hirudotherapy in the following cases:

  • blood diseases such as anemia and hemolysis;
  • poor blood clotting, increased bleeding;
  • low blood pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • exhaustion after surgery or malaise after a serious illness;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to components of leech saliva;

Also, treatment with leeches is not suitable for children and the elderly.

Hirudotherapy at home

Is it possible to treat with leeches at home? Yes, but only under the supervision of a qualified therapist. You can call him at home.

The first step is to make an appointment. When the specialist arrives at your place, take him to the bathroom, as he will need to change the water for the leeches. The water in which they were delivered is not suitable for the procedure. During transportation, leeches are in a state of stress and release their secretions into the water. It is for this reason that the water must be changed immediately. The specialist will also need to wash their hands.

Many ancient methods of treatment are strikingly different from modern ones. And, if the use of herbs is still relevant, then bloodletting or dosed use of arsenic would not even occur to anyone today. However, there is a method that has proven its effectiveness over many centuries and is today used in the treatment of various diseases. We are talking about treatment with leeches, which is scientifically called hirudotherapy.

The term comes from the combination of 2 Latin words “hirūdō” - leech and “θεραπεία” or cure. In the medical literature you can also find another designation for this medical technique: bdellotherapy. The word has ancient Greek roots and comes from “βδέλλα”, which means leech.

Of course, leeches are not ordinary ones, extracted from the first body of water that comes across - a headquarters or a swamp, but special ones - medical ones. This therapy is classified as an alternative medicine method, but its positive effect on the human body is recognized by absolutely all doctors.

It is believed that leeches were used to get rid of diseases as early as 1000 BC. This is how they treated bone diseases and ailments of the female genital area, relieved pain and even relieved depression. True, the treatment was not entirely correct: some patients were given too many blood-sucking drugs at the same time, which not only did not bring benefit, but also caused harm. Since the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, hirudotherapy has been popularized and has not lost its relevance since then. Today it has been studied quite well and, when used skillfully, brings positive results.

Hirudotherapy benefits and harms

Hirudotherapy is used for various diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system, joint diseases, depression, stress, fear and insomnia. In some cases, it allows you to avoid surgery. Leech treatment is also very effective in the treatment of hypertension, vascular dystonia, coronary heart disease, and the prevention of heart attack and stroke. Eliminates cellulite and restores normal metabolism.

It has been proven that this medical technique has a therapeutic effect for the following ailments:

  • vertebral hernia
  • osteochondrosis
  • phlebeurysm
  • hypertonic disease
  • many liver diseases
  • female sexual disorders and pathologies
  • kidney diseases
  • nervous diseases
  • thrombophlebitis
  • prostatitis
  • thyroid disease
  • some types of diabetes.

Sometimes leeches are useful as an auxiliary method in the treatment of oncology. But, in no case do they replace chemotherapy or powerful pharmacological effects, but rather act as a means of increasing the effectiveness of medical therapy.

This is an ancient art of healing, the effectiveness of which is surprising even in the 21st century; it not only treats a specific disease, but also restores and heals the body as a whole.

Leeches affect the movement of blood and lymph, cleanse the body of toxins, relieve swelling and inflammation. This method affects the disease both at the very beginning of its occurrence and during subsequent complications. Hirudotherapy is absolutely harmless to humans. It does not involve the use of any chemicals and does not introduce anything harmful into the bloodstream.

Dangers of leech treatment

There is also a “other side of the coin” to this healing method. For example, you may simply develop an allergy to leeches. Moreover, we are talking not only about the suction of living beings to the human body, but also about products that contain leech extract. This does not happen often, but still, this possibility is worth keeping in mind, since almost all cases of allergies were very severe and required urgent treatment with antihistamines.

The suction of living creatures to human skin can cause quite large hemorrhages. This happens when leeches are used ineptly, or when a person’s skin is very thin and sensitive. In itself, this is not a problem, but rather a feature of the body, but when there are a lot of hematomas, it is difficult to call such a condition aesthetic or healthy.

Wound infection is a risk associated with this treatment method. The point is not a violation of hygiene, but the fact that by sucking blood, leeches inject a specific substance Hyaluronidase under the human skin. It acts as a catalyst for infections that may have been inside, but were dormant. Particles of harmful bacteria “settle” in the lymph nodes and, if they do not neutralize them, the person becomes ill.

However, there is a certain danger in every treatment method, and the positive results of using leeches have long been proven.

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common and difficult to treat disease. The attitude towards hirudotherapy as a method of treatment is quite ambiguous. There are those who are confident in its healing effect, and there are people who claim that using leeches for such a disease will only cause harm.

Proponents of hirudotherapy for varicose veins name the following positive aspects of treatment:

  • improvement of local blood flow,
  • subsidence of edema,
  • pain reduction,
  • thinning the blood, and therefore minimizing the likelihood of blood clots,
  • strengthening vascular walls.

Naturally, leeches should be used in doses and under the supervision of a physician. If your health worsens, you will have to stop this treatment option and find a suitable alternative.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with leeches

The positive effect of hirudotherapy on patients with osteochondrosis has been proven. As a rule, leeches are placed in the area of ​​the vertebrae affected by the disease. Most often, these manipulations are part of a complex treatment consisting of massage, physiotherapy and various herbal preparations.

Thanks to hirudotherapy, patients feel relief from pain, the penetration of drugs and the overall effect of exercise therapy increases. It is easy to explain this effectiveness: the main problem and cause of pain in osteochondrosis is poor outflow of venous blood. Stagnating in tissues, it causes inflammation. Leeches stick to the affected areas and suck out excess blood. Additionally, pain relief occurs due to the injection of a special substance – hirudin – under the skin. It has an analgesic effect.

Leeches for the treatment of intervertebral hernias

In order to alleviate and improve the condition of a patient with an intervertebral hernia, it is necessary to place leeches in the spaces between the vertebrae; they should be located below and above the injured area. Due to the fact that they suck out the blood, excess tension and inflammation of the tissues will be relieved, pain will decrease and the load on the deformed disc will decrease. As in the case of osteochondrosis, complex treatment will be most effective here.

Hirudotherapy in gynecology

Leeches act as an auxiliary treatment for many female diseases. They help reduce pain during inflammation and normalize blood flow. Thanks to them, blood pressure is normalized, and this is difficult to achieve during menopause.

Leeches are used to get rid of inflammation of the pelvic organs, to treat adhesions and their result - infertility. Hirudotherapy helps normalize the menstrual cycle, optimizing ovarian function.

Diseases such as cervical erosion, cysts and polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and fibroids cannot be completely cured by leeches, but their use significantly improves a woman’s condition and helps a faster recovery.

Some alternative medicine specialists are confident that with the right approach, hirudotherapy can replace some hormonal drugs.

There are a number of gynecological diseases when leeches are not only not useful, but also harmful. We are talking about the following diagnoses:

  • malignant tumors;
  • hemophilia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • implants;
  • low pressure
Before starting any treatment or supplementing drug therapy prescribed by a doctor, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

Contraindications and possible complications of hirudotherapy

Like any therapeutic method, hirudotherapy has its contraindications. Almost all of them are associated with blood diseases, or more precisely, with clotting problems. That is why, unfortunately, this method of treatment is not suitable for people suffering from cachexia, anemia or hemophilia.

During pregnancy, women should also refrain from leech treatment, this applies even to those who carry a child without problems or complications. Children under 10 years of age are also not treated with medicinal leeches.

If a person is allergic to the saliva of bloodsucking animals, then further procedures associated with them will have to be categorically abandoned.

It is highly undesirable to conduct hirudotherapy sessions for people who are in a state of fever or have an exacerbation of pancreatitis. The post-heart attack and post-stroke rehabilitation period also excludes the use of leeches. The same can be said about patients with diabetes. According to doctors, hirudotherapy is considered undesirable for people with acute mental disorders.

It is contraindicated to apply leeches to the face, throat, oral cavity, and genitals (except for vaginal treatment of gynecological diseases).

Unpleasant side effects and complications usually appear after incorrectly performed procedures. If you entrust a hirudotherapy session to a specialist, this is almost impossible.

The principle of therapeutic action

In hirudotherapy, only medicinal leeches are used. One living creature is used only 1 time, which completely eliminates the transfer of diseases between patients. The place of influence of the leech is the diseased organ or its area on the body. The number of leeches, as well as the duration of their effect, is determined by the doctor. Maximum 1 leech per 10 kg of patient's weight.

Leeches are placed on special suction points and literally from the first minutes of their stay on the human body they begin to work. The leech injects natural biologically active substances into the bloodstream, the most important of which is Hirudin. It is it that rids the body of blood clots, prevents thrombus formation and cleanses the vessels of the circulatory system, and also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

The substances secreted by the leech go directly to the site of the disease, they eliminate stagnation in the tissues and thin the blood. As a rule, after a hirudotherapy session, along with the healing effect and strengthening, the mood improves.

Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect of treatment with leeches consists of three factors:

  • reflex
  • mechanical
  • biological

Reflex action hydrotherapy is based on the principles of reflexology: a leech bites the skin at biologically active points, through which access to various organs and systems is provided. It is noteworthy that the leech itself instinctively finds these points. It is applied to the active zone on the patient’s body, the leech moves in the desired direction, finds a point, pierces the skin and attaches itself. She alternately sucks out the blood and injects healing substances into it.

Biological action leeches consists of the secretion of the salivary glands, which enter the blood during the session. It contains about one hundred biologically active components.

Mechanical action based on the principles of therapeutic bloodletting. When a certain amount of Catholic blood is lost, the blood flow is unloaded, blood vessels are freed and blood pressure is normalized. Fresh blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to the site of inflammation. This relieves swelling and relieves pain.

Technical aspects of the production

One worm drinks about 15 milliliters of blood. Once it is full, it falls off, but the blood does not clot after that. Hemorrhage may last 6-24 hours. This, of course, is not about bleeding in the traditional sense of the word, but about a small, one might say insignificant, release of bloody fluid from the wound left by a blood-sucking creature.

The number of hirudotherapy sessions is determined by the doctor; usually 5-7, sometimes 10 procedures are enough. In some cases, the result is achieved in 2 sessions.

It is advisable to repeat the course of hirudotherapy at least twice a year. And you should always consult your doctor first.

After the leech disappears, a wound remains in the form of 3 cuts running in different directions from one point. It must be treated and bandaged with a sanitary pad that absorbs blood. The bandage should be changed every few hours and at first you should stay at home, freeing yourself from active activities and giving your body the opportunity to rest. Wounds are treated at home with potassium permanganate or smeared with brilliant green to dry them and quickly start the healing process.

Maintaining sterile conditions for a hirudotherapy session is the key to patient safety.

Layout of leeches

Leeches are installed in close proximity to the diseased area, but not chaotically, but in a certain order. It is not advisable to use more than 8 leeches at the same time. The calculation of their number depends on the condition of the patient’s body, his age, and even on the disease that is being treated.

For varicose veins, leeches are attached in the area of ​​the sacrum and liver, as well as above the womb. Medical worms are also installed parallel to the path of the vein. As a rule, 2 leeches are placed on one of the above zones and another 3-4 are attached near the vessel. If after the first session there are no signs of inflammation, then you need to repeat it after 3-4 days. To get a noticeable positive result, you need about 12 sessions.

To cure osteochondrosis or relieve exacerbation of radiculitis, you need from 4 to 10 leeches. The amount depends on the severity of the pain and the area where it is felt. You need to place them along the vertebra on both sides, in a checkerboard pattern. Leeches are left until completely saturated. With rheumatism, the scheme is similar, only the worms are located around the diseased joint. The duration of the course is 8-10 sessions.

To treat gynecological diseases, leeches can be placed internally, that is, vaginally, or in the lower abdomen or lower back and tailbone. This depends on the location of the uterus and the type of disease. As a rule, the course consists of 10 sessions.

Vaginal placement of leeches raises many questions among patients, so it is worth noting that such treatment cannot infect; after saturation, the worm does not remain in the body, but falls off. This procedure involves slight discomfort, but is almost painless.

Placing leeches at home

Experts in the field of hirudotherapy do not recommend treatment with leeches at home. And yet, this is possible. For therapy, you need to use only medical worms, and also follow all hygiene rules. At the same time, the same schemes and rules for placing bloodsuckers are used as in clinics.

If you decide to be treated with leeches at home, then it is advisable to conduct the first session in the clinic, and in the absence of negative symptoms or complications, continue treatment at home. There are simple rules for the successful behavior of a procedure:

  • Leeches should be selected according to their behavior - nimble and nimble individuals are most likely healthy and hungry. The rest are not suitable for treatment.
  • Before starting the procedure, you need to take a shower, but do not use too fragrant bath products - soap, shower gel, body creams, and so on.
  • If leeches are placed in areas where it is difficult to reach on your own, you need to ask someone to help you.
  • You will need a flask with a narrow neck, or a test tube, tweezers, a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide. All instruments and materials must be sterile.
  • After the procedure, the fallen off worms are placed in a jar of clean water, and a gauze bandage is applied to the sites of their bites.

With the right approach, hirudotherapy at home will be as effective as in the clinic.

Hirudotherapy video

Where and how to buy. What size. How to maintain and dispose of. Features of staging, possible reactions and dressing. The process is very simple, anyone can learn. In the video we will look at purely technical issues.

Creams, tablets and ointments based on hirudin

Hirudin is a substance extracted from leeches. On its basis, medicinal creams, ointments and even tablets are made. In the absence of allergies, such products have no other contraindications for use.

These pharmacological drugs prevent the formation of blood clots, prevent ischemia, and also normalize blood pressure and reduce swelling. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve blood flow. Creams and gels are used much more often than tablets. They are applied locally to diseased areas.

Hirudotherapy price and where to buy?

You can buy leeches at a pharmacy or order them from an online store, the main thing is to make sure that the supplier has a certificate. The course will require up to 100 leeches, the price on average is about 50 rubles per piece.

In Moscow you can buy from a large supplier with free delivery for orders over 3,000 rubles: Panacea Health Center http://leechesopt.rf


Hirudotherapy is a fairly ancient method of treating many diseases. Its effectiveness has been proven by practical experience and no one doubts it. In order for the treatment to be safe, you must follow the rules of hygiene, use only medicinal leeches, and also follow all the rules of the procedure. All this allows, after the first sessions, to alleviate the patient’s condition and improve his well-being.

Read the article: 21 677

Leech saliva (hirud) is a natural medicine. It contains a huge amount of biologically active substances - enzymes. Once in the human blood, the secretion of hirudes spreads throughout the body, providing healing and healing effect.

Treatment with leeches

The main salivary enzymes that determine the beneficial properties of leeches are as follows:

  • hirudin – thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, destroys those that have formed;
  • destabilase – dissolves blood clots, reduces blood clotting;
  • hyaluronidase – improves the permeability of blood vessels and tissue cells, supply of nutrients, microcirculation, improves sperm quality, dissolves keloid formations;
  • bdellins – prevent the formation of blood clots by inhibiting the activity of enzymes that promote clotting;
  • kininase – destroys substances that influence the formation and intensification of pain;
  • aeglins - help suppress inflammatory processes in tissues, blocking the activity of enzymes released during this process;
  • apyrase – lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis.

How are leeches useful for treating sick people? Dilating small vessels, dissolving blood clots in them, enzymes improve microcirculation and ensure the supply of nutrients, biologically active substances and oxygen through the bloodstream to the affected organs. They improve metabolism, normalize blood pressure, and promote rapid blood purification. They help cope with pain, reduce swelling, improve motor functions, that is, they promote recovery.

Replenishment of the sucked blood occurs due to the production of red blood cells, which rejuvenates the body.

At the same time, the immune system and the efficiency of self-regulation of the functioning of the body of sick and healthy people are activated, under conditions of increased mental and physical stress.

Hirudotherapy relieves fatigue, increases performance, creativity, spirituality. Improves mood and general psycho-emotional state.

Additional energy and strength appears. Therefore, it is useful for treating a person with a weakened immune system.

The healing and health-improving effect of a natural remedy is achieved through the complex effects of hirudes, namely:

  1. Mechanical. The sucked liquid reduces the load on regional blood flow, fresh blood stimulates the immune system.
  2. Reflex. It is selectively absorbed into biologically active points and acts like a needle in reflexology.
  3. Biological. Achieved with the help of enzymes injected into the blood with saliva.

What else are leeches useful for humans? They are able to restore the body’s energy balance and improve the appearance of the skin. Hirudotherapy for acne is used in cosmetology. Leeches are placed on the affected areas of the skin. Their effect improves metabolism and accelerates the elimination of toxins, which in many cases are the cause of the rash.

Saliva enzymes relieve inflammation, accelerate acne scarring and skin restoration. It becomes smooth and clean. Leeches given for acne promote the resorption of scar tissue.

What problems does hirudotherapy help with?

Purpose of treatment with leeches

The main pathologies for the treatment of which hirudotherapy is prescribed are:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - cardiac ischemia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, varicose veins, phlebitis, vascular atherosclerosis;
  • cerebrovascular accidents – pre-stroke, migraines, headaches;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids;
  • skin diseases - rashes, eczema, boils, abscess and others;
  • ophthalmological problems - cataracts, various inflammations, glaucoma;
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease;
  • diseases of the bronchi, ear, throat, nose;
  • pathological conditions and diseases associated with women's health;
  • male diseases (urethritis, nephritis, prostatitis, infertility, erectile dysfunction and others);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, hernia, myositis).

The benefits of hirudotherapy are recognized for resorption of postoperative scars, scars and their healing. Rejuvenation of the entire body, including the skin, is used in cosmetology.

Features of use during pregnancy

They are effective for prevention and at the initial stages of the development of pathologies.

The benefits of leeches for women's health are widely used in gynecological practice and in the complex treatment of certain diseases of the urinary system (cystitis,).

Hirudas cope with pathologies and conditions associated with hormonal imbalance(endometriosis, colpitis, ovarian dysfunction, infertility, pathological menopause, irregular menstruation).

Many pathologies develop due to congestion in the genitals. Sucking out some of the blood eliminates it.

Adhesions in the appendages after abortion and inflammation resolve after hirudotherapy. Preventive procedures prepare the uterus for pregnancy and successful gestation.

Hirudotherapy during pregnancy is prescribed in exceptional cases when drug treatment is contraindicated. This happens with the progressive development of varicose veins, thrombosis, arthrosis, and only in the first trimester of pregnancy. Slightly thinned blood helps the embryo strengthen.

Important! The indication for prescribing leeches for an expectant mother is the threat of fetal loss from blood clots. The procedure must be prescribed by a doctor and performed under his supervision, because it can cause spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature birth.

In the second trimester, a woman’s blood is already thinned, and additional exposure to leeches causes fetal loss. Therefore, the benefits of hirudotherapy for a pregnant woman can result in great harm.

The benefits of leeches for men's health

Congestion in the pelvic area in men provokes development of urological problems that affect the quality of life.

The benefit of treatment with leeches for men in this case is to eliminate blood stagnation, improve microcirculation, suppress inflammation and have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system.

Hirudotherapy successfully cures urethritis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. Improves the functioning of the testicles - increases the quality of sperm reproduction, which is important for men.

By thinning the blood, dissolving blood clots and preventing the formation of new ones, salivary enzymes improve blood flow and, accordingly, the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Her diseases among men rank second after urological ones. Also as a result of hirudotherapy androgen secretion improves, preventing hormonal imbalances.

Positive effect on the liver

The liver is a very important organ for humans. But often they remember it only during the development of diseases or exacerbation of chronic ailments. Stagnation in the organ leads to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to its cells. The production and outflow of bile and metabolic processes are disrupted, sugar and bilirubin levels in the blood increase. Inflammation develops, stones form in the ducts and gall bladder.

Hirudotherapy cleanses blood vessels, improves microcirculation, normalizes metabolism, removal of bile and toxins, dissolves fats.

Leeches have an extremely positive effect on the liver, successfully cleanse the organ after food and alcohol poisoning, and restore dysfunction after stress.

The effect of leech on the liver enhances drug treatment for hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and cholelithiasis.

The benefits of hirudotherapy for the liver are not only in normalizing the functioning of the organ, but also in strengthening the immune system.

Hirudotherapy for oncology

Important! The decision to use hirudotherapy in complex treatment of oncology is made only by an oncologist. He is responsible for the correctness of treatment and the life of the patient.

Leeches are prescribed for oncology after chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery, as they sharply weaken the immune system. They restore local immune forces. They are placed at some distance from the tumor, because this therapy can cause benefit and harm. The effect of hiruda directly on the tumor can activate its growth.

It also increases the physical energy of cells in the tumor area, which is weakened by cancer cells. The use of hiruda in oncology is appropriate after breast removal in women with breast cancer.

Leeches for treatment - indications

They not only strengthen the body and resolve postoperative scars, but also relieve pain and swelling of the hand and help restore its mobility. The method of hirudotherapy as a treatment for any type of oncology is used extremely carefully and carefully.

Complications after hirudotherapy

Negative consequences of the procedure are rare. They are:

  • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the surrounding area, which quickly passes;
  • infection of the wound - the patient rips off or scratches the bite site and causes an infection, consultation with a doctor is necessary;
  • local allergy – goes away in a few days;
  • general allergies – treatment is required as prescribed by a specialist;
  • hyperpigmentation at the site of application of hirudas is removed using special methods recommended by a doctor.

Important! In exceptional cases, the consequences of hirudotherapy are severe: anaphylactic shock develops, requiring immediate professional help. Bleeding occurs during self-treatment.

Video: Treatment with leeches

Hirudotherapy can bring both health benefits and harm to the patient. Successful treatment requires special knowledge, experience and skills. This can only be provided by a specialist.

In contact with

Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy, bdellotherapy) is one of the areas in alternative medicine and naturopathy. Based on one of the oldest methods of treating various diseases using the natural properties of these annelids.

Leeches: harm and benefit

The healing properties of leeches were discovered back in the days of ancient civilizations: healers of Ancient Greece, India and Egypt compiled collections with a detailed description of the use of invertebrates in the event of a particular ailment. In Europe, hirudotherapy was considered traditional medicine until the end of the 19th century: it was believed that by sucking out excess blood, leeches alleviated the condition of pneumonia, problems with the heart and blood pressure, as well as poisoning.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the effect of leeches on the human body has become the subject of serious scientific research, and at the end of the century, due to the growing popularity of alternative trends in medicine, interest in hirudotherapy was revived again. It should be noted that for treatment, specialists use exclusively medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) - one of the types of this subclass of worms. Due to the peculiarity of their structure, horse and false horse leeches do not have a therapeutic effect.

The medicinal leech has a rounded, slightly flattened body, the length of the worm is from 5 to 8 cm, the color is dark, with orange-brown stripes. The medicinal leech has suction cups on both ends of its body: the back one, more powerful, is used to hold the body during feeding, the front one surrounds the mouth opening with 3 jaws, each of which can have up to 100 chitinous teeth. It is these teeth that serve to damage the skin of a person or animal before feeding the leech.

Harm of leeches

Due to the specific structure and feeding methods, the use of leeches for medicinal purposes may be associated with the following risks:

  • The digestive tract of a medicinal leech constantly contains the bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila, which protects it from infections when feeding on the blood of sick animals and promotes proper absorption of nutrients. In humans, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders, poisoning and even diseases of the mucous membranes. Although hirudotherapists deny the possibility of bacteria getting into the leech’s jaws, this hypothesis has not been completely refuted.
  • With the blood of infected animals, pathogens of various dangerous diseases enter the leech's body. Once settled on the jaws, they can be transmitted through a bite to other people and animals. The use of leeches grown under artificial conditions has eliminated this problem.
  • Leech saliva contains substances that thin the blood, and after removing it, the wound can bleed for a long time. In addition, in some cases these substances can be very irritating to the skin.

Previously, it was believed that the use of leeches was also dangerous due to a phenomenon called hirudinosis - the penetration of leeches into the human body. However, when conducting hirudotherapy sessions in civilized, comfortable conditions, the risk of hirudinosis is almost completely absent.

Contraindications for hirudotherapy

During one feeding, the leech sucks up to 150 ml of blood. This is a fairly large volume, so if blood clotting is difficult, hirudotherapy is prohibited. In addition, leech treatment is not used in the following cases:

  • Lack of weight, physical exhaustion.
  • Low pressure.
  • Tendency to develop allergic reactions.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.
  • Period of exacerbation of infections.
  • Severe poisoning.
  • Oncological diseases.

To determine the safety of treatment with leeches, before undergoing a course of hirudotherapy, patients undergo a number of tests.

Benefits of leeches

The secret of the benefits of medicinal leeches is in the special composition of saliva. It contains many biologically active substances and enzymes, of which the following components deserve special attention:

  • Hirudin is a substance found only in the saliva of Hirudo medicinalis. Prevents pathological blood clotting, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that improves the permeability and nutrition of tissues and the fertile properties of sperm.
  • Trypsin is an enzyme that improves digestion and promotes the proper absorption of carbohydrates and proteins by the body.
  • Cathepsin is an active protein that can suppress the growth and spread of tumors.
  • Bacillus hirudensie bacteria, which can protect against infections.

Leech saliva contains valuable substances for healing the body. Important!

The beneficial effects of leech on the human body are as follows:

  • Saliva normalizes blood flow and blood clotting inside blood vessels.
  • Applying leeches to reflexogenic zones has a positive effect on the immune system and the general condition of all organs.
  • The flow of lymph through the vessels improves, which contributes to the disappearance of edema.
  • The supply of oxygen to tissues improves.
  • Blood pressure is normalized.
  • The activity of pathogenic microbes dangerous to humans is suppressed.
  • Inflammation and fever are relieved.
  • Hirudotherapists believe that applying leeches to certain points stimulates the release of endorphins into the blood. At the same time, pain is reduced and the psychological state improves.
  • Hirudotherapy helps improve tissue regeneration and overall strengthening of the body.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the appropriateness and effectiveness of hirudotherapy. Some consider treatment with leeches one of the most effective and safe alternative methods, while others insist on its uselessness and even dangerous effects on health. In fact, both of these statements are true in their own way.

To get a good result, Hirudo medicinalis should be used in strict accordance with all the rules of hirudotherapy. Application to certain points, strict adherence to the time of application, correct and careful selection of leeches - only if these conditions are met, a beneficial effect is possible.

The personal use of leeches at home, based on chaotic knowledge, can really lead to problems with blood pressure, the circulatory system and even the digestive tract. However, after hirudotherapy sessions by an experienced specialist in an equipped room using artificially grown leeches, negative consequences are rarely observed.

What is treated with leeches

The use of Hirudo medicinalis is indicated in the following cases:

  • Diseases associated with increased coagulability and blood stagnation (thrombosis, varicose veins).
  • Problems with the spine (osteochondrosis, myositis, lumbago).
  • Frequent headaches, high blood pressure, migraines.
  • Any inflammation of mild to moderate severity.
  • Diseases and pathological processes in the kidneys, liver, bile ducts.
  • Acute purulent inflammation of the fingers and toes (felon).
  • Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, eczema).
  • Chronic lung diseases (bronchitis, asthma).
  • Gynecological diseases (inflammation, menopausal symptoms, PMS, infertility).
  • Cosmetological problems (skin aging, cellulite, rosacea, poor complexion).

For treatment, hungry leeches are applied that last fed at least 6 months ago. The session, as a rule, lasts until Hirudo medicinalis is completely saturated - from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours.

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Hirudotherapy for varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common indications for hirudotherapy. The essence of the procedure is that the leech bite provokes capillary bleeding and relieves blood stagnation. Thus, the effect is achieved in the following directions:

  • Hirudin reduces blood viscosity and reduces the risk of blood clot formation.
  • The likelihood of infection is reduced.
  • Relieving pain.
  • Preventing the inflammatory process.

To carry out the procedure, leeches are placed on pre-treated skin in a checkerboard pattern, without affecting the vein itself. The number of procedures for varicose veins is 2-10 sessions, the number of leeches is no more than 20 pieces. Hirudotherapy is usually indicated in the early stages of varicose veins, when the maximum effect can be achieved.

Hirudotherapy: benefits and harms. Who is hirudotherapy indicated for?

Even before our era, people believed that all diseases were associated with blood stagnation. Therefore, the disease was most often cured by bloodletting. For this, not only sharp objects were used, small worms that lived in reservoirs were also used. This method of treatment is now called hirudotherapy. The benefits and harms of treatment with leeches have been tested for centuries.

History of hirudotherapy

Leech treatment, or hirudotherapy, is an ancient art. The first mentions of such a procedure can be found in the works of ancient Indian and Persian scientists. The Roman explorer Pliny the Elder described in detail the magical properties of blood-sucking worms.

Several centuries later, Avicenna, in his “Canon of Medicine,” the most famous of his works, carefully examined issues related to such a method of treatment as hirudotherapy. The benefits and harms of leeches were studied in detail by him. This is believed to be one of the first in-depth studies into the treatment of blood-sucking worms.

In the Middle Ages, when church ministers took up medicine, this type of treatment was banned. But they were not able to completely eradicate the habit of people using leeches in the fight against the disease. In the villages, local healers did not stop healing everyone in this way.

During the Renaissance, all doctors again turned to hirudotherapy. The method soon became firmly established in the UK. Here they believed that bloodletting could save from death. People had no doubt that leeches only sucked out bad blood, which caused health problems.

Hirudotherapy is gaining popularity these days. Its benefits and harms have already been studied in more detail. Now they are opening research laboratories in which they study the healing abilities of these worms, and creating enterprises for their cultivation.

Biological features of leeches

The saliva of these creatures contains a component that contains many useful biologically active substances. First of all, they prevent the formation of blood clots, and also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Since when a worm bites, the saliva enters the bloodstream, moving through the blood vessels that pass through the entire human body, it can have a positive effect on the entire body.

What leeches can treat

Not all types of leeches have healing properties. Ordinary inhabitants of reservoirs are not suitable for medical procedures. This requires special worms grown in sterile laboratories, and they can only be used once. The benefits and harms of hirudotherapy depend on the type and correctness of treatment. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to health. Non-medical leeches can be carriers of various diseases, so you should not deal with this yourself.

The benefits of hirudotherapy, or the benefits of leeches

There are few diseases that cannot be treated with leeches. Therefore, the scope of application of these worms is quite wide. It has many advantages over other methods. The main ones are the absence of negative consequences, side effects and a minimum of contraindications, which is confirmed by experts. Hirudotherapy is used in dentistry, gynecology, urology, gastroenterology and other areas of medicine. Thanks to leeches, you can effortlessly dissolve kidney stones, cure infertility, and improve immunity. In addition, they are able to cope where other methods are powerless.

Judging by the reviews of patients, hirudotherapy in some cases is used not as an independent method of treatment, but in combination with medications. You can undergo a course of therapy with certain medications and at the same time apply leeches. Experts believe that these worms can relieve painful sensations.

It should be noted that leeches can be used not only to treat certain diseases. They can be used to prevent diseases. Hirudotherapy can improve the condition of even a completely healthy person.

Indications for treatment

Many people are interested in the benefits of hirudotherapy and when it should be used. Since this procedure does not have any side effects, it is indicated for many people with various diseases. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Leeches will best help people who are predisposed to diseases that can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, or excessive consumption of sweets. These may be diseases such as hemorrhoids, constipation, thrombophlebitis. In some cases, leeches are the only chance to get rid of these problems. Just a few sessions will help get rid of blood stagnation in the pelvic organs and limbs.

Anti-inflammatory substances found in leech saliva may help treat infections. Experts advise using hirudotherapy for those with weak immunity.

It is believed that nerves can be treated with the help of these creatures. Substances that enter the human body with a leech bite promote the growth of nerve cells. This feature helps during the recovery period after a stroke, with multiple sclerosis and other diseases.

Modern specialists have learned to use the magical properties of worms in cosmetology. Enzymes in the saliva of leeches have anti-aging properties. In addition, hirudotherapy is used to treat cellulite. There is even a special branch in cosmetology called hirudoplasty. But it is recommended, before starting the procedure, to eliminate digestive problems, otherwise the effect will not last long.

Recently, leeches have been used to eliminate psychological problems. With their help you can get rid of depression, improve your mood, and eliminate sleep disorders. Nowadays, it has been repeatedly proven what a godsend hirudotherapy is. The benefits and harms of treatment have been tested by many patients.


Despite the large number of areas of application, like many other methods, hirudotherapy also has contraindications. The benefits and harm that the procedure can bring to the body depend on compliance with the rules. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor. First, they donate blood for a test, according to which a specialist will determine whether the procedure is needed now or can be postponed.

The use of leeches is strictly contraindicated in hemophilia, where even the slightest wound can lead to serious consequences. Also, you should not resort to hirudotherapy during pregnancy, during menstruation, when there is natural blood loss, or with anemia, otherwise this can lead to a decrease in already low hemoglobin. Doctors prohibit the use of leeches for cancer. This method of treatment is prohibited for people who have an individual intolerance to individual components in their saliva, but such cases are very rare.

Harm of hirudotherapy

The benefits and harms of hirudotherapy cannot be equated with each other. No matter how magical the leech treatment method may seem, it is important to know that it may not always bring the benefits and the desired effect. But if you follow all the advice and pay attention to contraindications, then the procedure cannot cause any harm. The main thing is to consult with a specialist. A non-standard treatment method such as hirudotherapy is becoming increasingly popular. Benefits and harms, patient reviews indicate that soon this method of getting rid of diseases will be firmly established in medicine.

Treatment with leeches - benefits and harms

Hirudotherapy, that is, treatment with leeches, can bring both benefit and harm to our body. How scientific is this ancient method of improving well-being? This is a difficult question, since not a single serious institution has studied the benefits of leeches. However, this does not negate the fact that some diseases can be cured with the help of hirudotherapy.

Treatment with leeches - hirudotherapy is a very ancient medical method, practiced for several centuries. From the times of Ancient Egypt to the present day, these small blood-sucking worms have performed their noble role of healing people.

In nature, there are several hundred of their varieties, most of which live in forest reservoirs, ponds and swamps. But they have no medicinal value. To treat diseases, only medical leech is used, namely its two types: medicinal and pharmaceutical.

What properties do leeches have, the benefits and harms of their use, what do patient reviews say about hirudotherapy? What are the indications for treatment? Let's talk about this today:

Health benefits of leeches

As scientists have found, the saliva of these bloodsucking creatures contains a large amount (more than 150) of biologically active substances. They have a pronounced healing and healing effect on the body. The main, very valuable substance is hirudin, which has, among other things, pronounced properties to reduce blood density.

In addition, there are highly active components that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. Scientists have established another valuable property of leech saliva - after completing hirudotherapy sessions, patients feel a surge of energy, their mood improves, and their immunity is strengthened.

The treatment process itself resembles acupuncture. On the patient's body, hungry leeches are placed on the area of ​​energy points, where they bite the skin, let in saliva, and suck out old, often unhealthy blood. As a result, fresh blood, enriched with oxygen and useful substances, enters the part of the body that requires treatment.

There is a gradual restoration of this area, the painful sensations disappear. Such sessions are very effective in treating hypertension: a small loss of blood helps lower blood pressure.

More recently, it was found that when sucking, these annelids also have an ultrasonic effect on humans, which also has a very positive effect on the condition of the body. In particular, the process of cellular rejuvenation and tissue restoration is activated. This explains the effectiveness of such treatment, including in restoring damaged vessels and increasing the elasticity of their walls.

In addition, during the session the patient’s pulse noticeably slows down, which helps maintain normal functioning and long-term performance of the myocardium. Which, in turn, helps prolong a person’s life.

Who is the treatment indicated for?

Treatment sessions with leeches are usually included in the complex of therapy for a particular disease. In particular, they can be prescribed for the following diseases:

Hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and most forms of dystonia;
- varicose veins, trophic ulcers;
- diseases associated with metabolic disorders: gout, obesity, diabetes;
- pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, pain in the spine, hernias, myositis;
- kidney diseases;
- skin ailments, such as acne, furunculosis and psoriasis;
- neurological diseases: epilepsy, migraine, neuroses, stress conditions, depression, insomnia;
- diseases of the visual organs: keratitis, glaucoma;
- diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
- ;
- fractures, postoperative complications: hematomas, adhesions;
- prostatitis, various ovarian dysfunctions, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, etc.

This is not the entire list of indications for hirudotherapy. The need for such treatment is determined by an experienced doctor, individually for each patient. This takes into account the diagnosis, age of the patient, and individual characteristics of the body.

Are leeches dangerous? Are harm from use possible?

It is important to know that not everyone will benefit from this treatment. In particular, hirudotherapy sessions are contraindicated for people suffering from hemophilia and anemia. Leeches should not be used in case of exhaustion of the body, purulent thrombophlebitis, or any septic diseases.
There are contraindications for hypotensive patients, pregnant women, and patients with individual intolerance.

Do leeches help, what do reviews about the treatment say?

The vast majority of reviews are positive. Although there are those for whom the treatment did not help, although these are much fewer. Judge for yourself:

For a long time I suffered from depression and sleep disorders. After undergoing an examination for the possibility of treatment with leeches, on the advice of a doctor, she took a course of treatment. After the first session I slept for several hours. After eight sessions, anxiety disappeared, mood improved, and normal sleep was restored. I recommend this treatment to anyone suffering from depression!

She underwent hormonal treatment for a polyp and fibrous nodes of the uterus. The doctor advised to supplement the treatment with a course of hirudotherapy. I attended sessions for six months, twice a week. Throughout the entire therapy, she increased hemoglobin, took iron supplements, and drank nettle infusion. Six months later I had a follow-up ultrasound. The result exceeded all expectations - I was completely cured. Thanks leeches!

Expert opinion

Hirudotherapy is effective when thrombosis and hemorrhoids are carried out in combination. In this case, the healing effect does not lie in the loss of blood during the process of suctioning it with a leech (this is certainly very important in the treatment of hypertension), but in the injected saliva. Hirudin contained in it has an anti-inflammatory, blood-thinning, absorbable and hypocoagulant effect.

Negative review

But treatment with leeches did not help me at all. After the session, the wounds bled for two days, I was sick, dizzy, and my blood pressure increased greatly. Therefore, I refused further sessions. They say that leeches help most people, but the treatment did not work for me.


As you can see, most of the reviews are still positive. Although doctors are still arguing about the effectiveness of such treatment, in particular in the treatment of vein diseases. However, sessions are often included in the course of general therapy for various diseases and the successes, in the overwhelming majority, are quite impressive. Therefore, treatment with leeches is quite rightly considered an effective general health method.

However, never use leeches yourself. Treatment should be carried out by an experienced specialist, only in an appropriate medical institution, subject to all medical rules.

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