Permaculture is the most natural way of farming. Natural principles of permaculture Why permaculture and not organic farming

On the one hand, we conquer nature, on the other hand, it does not really obey us. We have vegetables and fruits all year round, but they taste like cotton wool. We can transform any landscape, but for some reason after that it turns into a desert, and the pesticides that were supposed to destroy all the pests also destroy the harvesters themselves. If it's already becoming a daily occurrence for you, it's time to move to the next level. We tell you what permaculture is and why the main skills of a permaculture gardener are laziness, observation and reflection. By the way, this applies not only to the garden!

Where did it all start?

It all started with a man named Bill Mollison. He spent his youth in his native small village in Tasmania, working as a forester, miller and hunter, and then worked as a biologist in different parts of Australia and taught at the University of Tasmania.

He didn’t like what he observed during his work at all: forests, fish and algae along the coast were disappearing, crops were falling, despite the chemicals used. In pursuit of super-yield, man came to the limit of those resources that seemed inexhaustible to him. Bill Mollison wondered why current systems are depleting the land - while traditional crops around the world for a long time exist in the same area without depleting it.

Permaculture- the answer to the same question, is it possible to combine nature and civilization. Yes, it is possible - and for this you do not need to return to primitive life.

Bill Mollison and his collaborator David Holmgren decided to study how these traditional cultures worked and put it into practice. From this generalized experience, the concept of permaculture emerged - permanent agriculture, permanent agriculture, a design system based on environmentally appropriate models.

Only later, in the 1990s, Sepp Holzer became famous - in Russia it is his permaculture that is mainly known. The differences between him and Bill Mollison are like those between a physician and a surgeon. Sepp Holzer is a surgeon; he himself creates the landscape he needs. In Belarus, among those who follow the principles of permaculture, the majority are adherents of Bill Mollison.

Irina Sukhiy, then the chairman of the public association “Ecodom”, was at his seminar in 1994 - she brought this idea to Belarus. After that, Ecodom conducted seminars for those wishing to learn permaculture design and created a team of permaculture designers and trainers. Below is about permaculture by Bill Mollison.

What is permaculture?

How to explain what jazz is? One musician responded, "Jazz is what everyone knows is jazz." It's the same with permaculture. This is an approach that has its own integrity, and it shows. It considers not only the elements, but also the connections between them, the entire system as a whole. It is not possible to create a demonstration plot with a permaculture bed. This is the opposite of permaculture: taking some element, putting it in an empty space and saying it's permaculture. Permaculture is systems approach, and it is impossible to dismember it into parts.

For experienced gardeners a permaculture site can look strange. In nature there are no straight lines, bare soil and monocultures, so permaculture does not have the usual straight beds filled with plants of one type. The beds twist into spirals, vegetables grow mixed with flowers, and weeds turn from hated enemies into plants that protect the soil.

Permaculture is a design system that deals with plants, animals, buildings and infrastructure (this includes water, energy and communications). The goal of permaculture is to develop systems that are economically viable and environmentally sound. This means that they must provide for themselves, not deplete or pollute environment: This way they can exist for a very long time.

Permaculture includes philosophy, practice, ethics and economics. Everything is based on common sense and the laws of nature: if you go against them and stubbornly plant heat-loving plants in a cold climate, you will only waste energy and effort. Permaculture ethics speaks of the value of all life, not just that which is beneficial to humans.

What do perma plots look like?

Soil protected by plants, rather than deep plowing and constant weeding

Mixed plantings instead of monocultures

Biological protection of plants (other plants, birds, predatory insects) instead of pesticides

Using existing topography and natural forms instead of reworking the site and rectilinear beds

Use of local resistant species and varieties

Energy efficient planning and use of renewable energy sources

Principles of Permaculture Thinking

Learn from nature

Cooperation instead of fight

Minimum effort - maximum result

Turn obstacles into helpers

The harvest is not limited by the size and quality of the plot

Start small

To take responsibility

How to start applying the principles of permaculture?

Invest in surveillance

First you need to spend time observing and studying. If it is a site, observation should last a year to cover all seasons. You need to understand how the sun moves, how the snow melts, where the wind blows from. This is for people who have time, but this time, as if lost at the beginning, will be returned by the efficiency of the system. This is your investment.

Then analyze your needs and capabilities - and try to combine them. It’s important not to just come with the conviction that you need something and try to reshape everything to suit it. It is important to create a sustainable system. This includes recycling of resources, savings, and the fact that we not only take energy, but also return it.

Plants cooperate

Another important principle is not competition, but cooperation. Within the system, communications are built so that elements do not compete, but help each other. For example, for plants that may be competitors, you create conditions such that each has its own niche. If a plant shades, plant one nearby that needs shade.

Plant potatoes, beans and marigolds in the same bed. These plants will help each other: marigolds and beans will repel the Colorado potato beetle. At the same time, you don’t kill beetles and other insects, you don’t pollute the water and land, you don’t poison yourself with pesticides - and as a result, you get a larger harvest than if only potatoes or only beans grew in the garden bed - the plants cooperate.

This is for the lazy

Another important principle is that each element has many functions, and each function is provided by several elements. For example, if your site needs water, its source can be a pond, groundwater and rainwater. The pond stabilizes the temperature, provides water and makes the environment diverse. Water attracts birds and dragonflies, which eat pests in the garden, and increases plant diversity so that pests can't kill them all. The ecosystem balances: the more heterogeneous elements there are, the more stable it is. This is the goal of permaculture - to create a balanced ecosystem that will work without human intervention. Permaculture is for the lazy. Physical work there is less due to mental work.

Slow solutions

Permaculture recognizes slow solutions. If the trees in your garden are sick, you can spray them with chemicals, or you can give up on them altogether and cut them down. The slow solution is to look at what the roots of the problem are and how it relates to other elements around. This may require doing nothing for a while and just observing what happens. Plant other plants nearby. Attract birds of prey or insects. This solution will not work instantly, but the results will be long-lasting.

Spiral bed and patterns

Visually, permaculture has its own recognizable features, for example, a spiral bed. It allows you to create on a small plot of land different zones For different plants. Usually there is a small pond below, and a bed spirals from it. Below it is humid, on one side there is shade, on the other it is sunny and dry. You can plant plants so that each one finds its place and grows with minimal human intervention, so that they don’t even need to be watered.

Another famous feature is patterns. Patterns are patterns, repeating patterns that are found in everything. They can be visual or auditory. All nature is permeated with them, they are repeated on different levels. The simplest example is the same branching of a river bed, human veins, a road, tree branches, lightning. These are processes that have something in common. Patterns are used in planning and design: these are ready-made templates. This could be a snail pattern that compactly connects boundaries, a branching pattern, or a network.

Where to learn permaculture?

Almost all countries have organizations that promote permaculture: look for thematic communities in Sweden, Great Britain, and the USA. Often you can come to permaculture specialists for practice and see how everything works on their farm. You can also find seminars in neighboring countries - Ukraine, Russia and Poland. In Belarus, contact the environmental institution “Agro-Eco-Culture”: they regularly conduct educational events for farmers and summer residents and provide consultations upon request. There are also online trainings: for example, the Swedish-British “star” of permaculture Richard Perkins teaches a special course. Starts on January 12th.


In botany and biology lessons in schools they still talk about the fact that in any natural community there is a constant struggle for existence. However, the word “struggle” in this context should not be taken as the extermination of one’s own kind, but as self-defense. Indeed, if you take a closer look, you can see that the basis of any ecosystem is the mutual adaptability of all its members to each other.

In the previous articles in the series: “Stop destroying the earth by digging and weeding”, “Biological protection from pests and weeds”, “Intensive planting”, we figured out that one of the main tasks of biological farming is the restoration of natural ecosystems on the earth that help people grow environmentally friendly crops without depleting the land and without spending a lot of time and effort. The basic principles of organic farming were developed based on the philosophy of permaculture that emerged in the second half of the 20th century, which we will discuss in this article.

The term "permaculture" comes from the English permanent agriculture, which means "permanent agriculture". The essence of this term is the meaningful design of a viable environment, surrounding a person. This process is based on a deep understanding of the relationships observed in living nature; it applies to both farming in general and growing vegetables and fruits in particular. Simply put, permaculture is a philosophy of life, the basis for which is not the fight against nature, but the mutually beneficial coexistence of man in natural cycle natural processes.

Already in the 50s of the twentieth century, it became clear that the existing industrial methods of agriculture (deep cultivation of the land, use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides) have an extremely negative impact on the state of the environment and are slowly but surely leading the world to the environmental catastrophe that we are witnessing today. It was at this time that progressively thinking farmers became convinced that it was necessary to radically change man’s consumer attitude towards nature. This becomes the basis for the birth of the permaculture movement.

The great-grandfather of natural farming

The progenitor and founder of the permaculture movement today is considered to be the Japanese agrarian and microbiologist Masanobu Fukuoka. He was one of the first to prove in practice that the goals of intensive chemical crop production were wrong.

In 1975, Masanobu’s famous book “One Straw Revolution” was published, where he clearly formulated four principles that formed the basis of modern organic farming:

  1. The first is the refusal of deep tillage with soil overturning. This principle is the basis of natural farming and promotes caring for the earth as a living organism.
  2. The second is the refusal to use fertilizers. Masanobu Fukuoka is confident that soil left alone can restore fertility on its own. naturally, thanks to the vital activity of plants and animals.
  3. The third is refusal to weed, since weeds play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. The essence of this principle is that weeds should not be destroyed, but contained. To do this, in the rice fields of Fukuoka, straw mulch is used, sown under cultivated plants white clover and temporary soil flooding.
  4. Fourth - refusal to use pesticides. Masanobu Fukuoka argues that in wildlife There are always a number of insect pests and various microorganisms that cause plant diseases. However, thanks to a well-balanced ecological balance, they do not spread to dangerous levels.

By the time the book was published, the land on the Fukuoka estate had not been cultivated for 25 years. At the same time, he received a record high yields rice compared to other farms in the country. The famous Japanese microbiologist believed that the more intensively agricultural science develops, the less chance humanity has of understanding nature and understanding the processes occurring in it. According to Masanobu Fukuoka, any active intervention in nature has Negative influence on the state of the environment, and, therefore, on the health of humanity. The only right way, according to Fukuoka, is cooperation with nature, the ability to understand it and learn from its examples.

The challenge to modern industrial agriculture

High in the Austrian Alps, where the air scorches with purity and transparency, is located the farm of the world-famous revolutionary agrarian Sepp Holzer. In 1962, he inherited a mountain farm from his parents, and, contrary to all the rules and canons of agricultural science, created on his site a unique environmentally stable biosystem, populated by many birds and animals, rich in ornamental and medicinal plants, fruit trees and vegetable crops.

Sepp Holzer's farm is located at an altitude of 1100-1500 meters above sea level, and the average annual temperature here does not exceed 4.5-5 degrees. And in these harsh climatic conditions, the Austrian farmer grows heat-loving trees such as apricot, cherry, plum and even lemon, using large boulders and mountain slopes as heat storage devices.

All the nuances and details of this unique system have been developed and improved over several decades, starting from the use of ancient varieties fruit trees and frost-resistant Siberian cereals, ending with the invention of special technologies for retaining and distributing solar heat and moisture.

Holzer designed and organized the most complex system, consisting of 72 reservoirs interconnected. In the lowlands, depressions are built to collect rainwater, which flows through pipelines into these ponds. Thanks to simple mechanical devices, pressure is created throughout the entire system, from which a generator is driven, providing electricity to the entire household.

With the help of a system of reservoirs, Sepp Holzer ensured that on sunny days the water reflects the rays in such a way that they fall on the slope in a place where there is not enough sun. The created system allows us to completely solve the problem of watering - no plants on the farm are specifically watered.

Today, the ponds on the Austrian farmer's farm are part of the production base. Carp, trout, pike, and catfish live here in large quantities. Fish grown in natural conditions and fed with natural food has exceptional taste and is in great demand.

Sepp Holzer is confident that if everything on a farm is organized correctly, like in natural natural conditions, then the farmer’s work is greatly simplified. His main goal in organizing the farm was to be as similar as possible to wild nature. All of Holzer's animals live freely, feed themselves and help the farmer cultivate the land. “Pigs have a plow in front and a fertilizer spreader in the back. If I manage the pigs correctly, I don’t have to plow rocky or hard-to-reach fields with machines; the animals do that,” says Holzer. It scatters feed exactly in those places where loosening is required. Pigs plow the ground to a depth of 15-20 centimeters, while some of the seeds are eaten and some are buried in the soil.

Sepp Holzer argues that monoculture is one of the main enemies of nature and man. On his mountain farm, every weed has a different function. The farmer sows 45 crops at the same time (the seeds are mixed in one bag). Harvesting on the farm is reminiscent of picking mushrooms in the forest - here and there cabbage or lettuce leaves peek out, and nowhere are there huge tracts of one crop.

All Holzer's methods and techniques are based on the elimination of artificial interference in the life of nature. For example, it does not cut branches of fruit trees - this way they retain their springiness and do not break even under heavy loads.

Sepp Holzer considers his method of farming to be the agriculture of the future. In his opinion, today too much energy and effort is spent on food production, which is especially important when there is a shortage of energy resources. And most importantly - everything traditional methods management has too negative an impact on the environment and human health. The Austrian agrarian calls for understanding the flow of natural processes and giving nature the opportunity to produce what is natural for it.

The Quiet Revolution by Bill Mollison

The scientific development of the permaculture technique, presented in practice by Sepp Holzer, was published in the 70s of the twentieth century. The authors of these publications are Australian naturalists David Holmgren and Bill Mollison. According to biogeographer Mollison, permaculture is “a system of design whose purpose is to organize the space occupied by people on the basis of ecologically appropriate models.” The basic principle of building a farm in in this case is that it is necessary to create sustainable systems that are able to independently provide for their needs and process their waste. Bill Mollison's permaculture includes not only agriculture, but also architecture, ecology and even marketing.

Bill Mollison developed his theory over many years studying forest and desert ecosystems in Australia. As a result of the research, the scientist came to the conclusion that plants always naturally group in a mutually beneficial community. Based on these observations, Mollison believes that when running a household, it is necessary to connect all its elements so that they help each other in the process of coexistence.

Today, Bill Mollison is an itinerant teacher, and many call him an instigator. After publishing Permaculture in 1978, the Australian biogeographer began an international movement to spread his theory, which most scientists call subversive, even revolutionary. Thanks to Mollison's educational activities, the ideas of permaculture spread and took root in many countries around the world, starting from tropical forests South America and ending with the Arctic expanses of Scandinavia.

So, let's summarize. Permaculture is a system of organization in which one of the main goals is to use the power of the human mind to replace muscle power and to minimize energy use. In order to build such a self-organizing and self-healing system, it is necessary to carefully study the processes occurring in the wild, and, based on this knowledge and observations, organize your own household farming.

The principles of permaculture farming are great for stimulating the thinking process:

  1. Work is what a person has to do if he could not arrange it so that everything would be done on its own. For example, mulch conserves moisture, and holey hoses and containers dug into the ground will themselves moisten the soil with minimal human intervention. This also includes the production solar water heaters and pumps, smart organization and planning of plantings.
  2. Any farm need must be satisfied in several ways. For example, water can be accumulated from precipitation, and also stored under mulch and intensive planting. In addition, soil structured by roots and the activity of earthworms retains moisture much better than structureless soil.
  3. Every plant and animal, every device must perform a number of useful functions. Plants provide food and compost, they can be used as medicine or spices, they can act as honey plants or repel pests, they accumulate nitrogen in the soil and structure it with their roots. Animals give us meat, manure and droppings, and birds can also protect the garden from pests. Trees produce fruit, can act as a support for other plants, can serve as a canopy and be a design element. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Treat your land with love and understanding, look for new approaches, look closely at natural processes, and take an example from them. Any attentive and thoughtful farmer can always find his way to harmonious coexistence with nature.

Turischeva Olga,

Most people believe that the most serious threats to the existence of human civilization are the problems of global warming and environmental pollution, but few people know and understand that the problem of massive land degradation associated with inorganic monoculture agriculture, the expansion of livestock production and logging is a very serious one. forests, which leads to soil infertility and the proliferation of deserts. And this threatens Humanity not only with environmental disaster and climate change, but also with the fact that after some time there will simply be no fertile soils, on which it will be possible to grow food in volumes necessary to feed all people.

But of course, there is a solution to this problem - it is to change the structure and approach to agriculture, to begin to develop, instead of monocultural large-scale agriculture (when large spaces are planted with one crop), small private farms operating on the principles of permaculture (when different crops grow together in one area) and organic farming.

Permaculture is a design system whose goal is to organize the space occupied by people based on ecologically appropriate patterns.

The author of the term is Bill Mollison from Tasmania, who formulated its basic principles in 1974 in the book “Introduction to Permaculture” ( download from THIS link).

This term itself is not only an abbreviation for the words “permanent agriculture”, but also means “long-term culture”, because in the absence of an appropriate agricultural base and land use ethics, a culture cannot exist for a long time.

Permaculture, as a design system, is equally concerned with plants, animals, buildings, and infrastructure (water, energy and communications). However, permaculture is not directly concerned with these things, but rather focuses on creating relationships between all the components of nature that surround humans.

The challenge is to develop systems that are environmentally sound and at the same time economically viable. These systems must be self-sufficient, not drain or pollute the environment, and, as a result, remain sustainable over time.

Permaculture uses the inherent properties of plants and animals, combining them with natural features relief, as well as with structures to meet the needs of people both in the city and in the countryside, using a minimum area.

Permaculture is based on observing natural systems, traditional agriculture, as well as modern scientific and technical knowledge. Although permaculture is based on ecological natural models, it creates a so-called “cultured environment” that serves to produce large quantity food for people than is possible in the wild.

Restoring the Land - Short Film by John D. Liu:

Urban permaculture 2700 kg of food on 4 acres:

Introduction to permaculture. Practical illustration of Bill Mollison's book:

Permaculture - BEST VIDEO - theory and practice:

Threatened by Falling Food Film interview with Bill Mollison:

Permaculture water systems with key line:

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Permaculture on 6 acres sounds a little strange - as if the scale is not the same, and the words are suspicious. However, recently in all spheres of life we ​​are surrounded by quite a lot of words borrowed from foreign terminology. They don’t shy away from the “garden” theme either. Thus, the concept of “permaculture” has already become firmly established. But not all gardeners and gardeners have an idea of ​​what it is, and, most importantly, how to apply it in practice, on their 6 acres.

Is permaculture possible on 6 acres?

The word permaculture comes from two roots - permanent, which in this particular version means “permanent”, and culture, applicable to agriculture. Based on this, we can say with confidence that permaculture is an agricultural system based on the constancy of its functioning, on its self-sufficiency, and most importantly, on ecological principles.

So what is permaculture?

Important Feature its existence is that it relies on careful design and planning. In order for this system to work, it is necessary to link all its components and components with each other in such a way that one can speak of natural and uninterrupted functioning. In this case, the element chemical exposure, as well as the percentage of human intervention, are reduced to zero.

You can select the following principles permaculture:

  • A competent project (permadesign), taking into account absolutely all the features of the components and establishing the “correct” connections between them to increase operating efficiency and reduce labor costs.
  • Harmony. Permaculture is based on harmonious farming, on the harmony of man and nature. Here man “helps” nature, and does not correct it or fight it.
  • Variety of flora and fauna. The more plant/insect/bird species present in the system, the better: this is how they complement each other in their life activities. It is with such diversity that all sorts of symbiotic connections arise, allowing species to solve each other’s problems, excluding humans from this process.
  • Environmental friendliness. Permaculture is based on natural relationships, based on the natural influence of all its parts on each other. Thus, if the system is working well, it becomes completely unnecessary to interfere with the processes, helping it with “chemistry” (fertilizers, insecticides, fertilizing).
  • Self-regulation of the system. Expressed in minimal human presence and participation. In fact, his participation here is necessary only at the very beginning - during design, when it is necessary to take into account all the features of the surrounding world, developing the optimal number of components, building a scheme for the interaction of flora and fauna. Then the person becomes only an observer and a controller.
  • No waste. All “results” of life activity are used usefully in the future, i.e. This agricultural system recycles its own waste. (By the way, we have already talked about kitchen waste. Many others can also be used wisely).
  • Energy saving. In permaculture, energy is carefully conserved; the site, plantings, and buildings are located so that there is no unnecessary waste of energy.
  • Closedness of the system. Permaculture is a closed project that does not require outside intervention; the system provides itself with almost all its needs.
  • System stability. When designing, you need to understand that the built agricultural system must function for a long time.
  • The economic component is obtaining a bountiful, environmentally friendly harvest while minimizing costs. This is perhaps the result and goal of the entire permaculture organization.

Of course, you need to understand that creating such a project is advisable only on large areas, where each component occupies a fairly large space, only in this case can all the principles be followed and the desired result obtained - economic profit and an environmentally friendly product. But! Permaculture device on small spaces also takes place. And the application of certain methods and principles is quite successful on 6 acres.

How to reproduce the principles of permaculture on your site?

Yes, reproduce the permaculture system on summer cottage it will be quite difficult. But even if it is established, complete autonomy of the system will not be achieved. But it’s worth trying to do this in any case, because in return we will get an environmentally friendly, abundant harvest, with the least amount of labor required.

The first thing you need to do is to carefully analyze your 6 acres: terrain, climate, wind rose, soil, water supply, etc. The second is to determine the composition of the flora and fauna that will be present on the site. Third, think through the connections between all components of the system.

So, let's begin:

  1. Site design: where everything is located (plantings, buildings, reservoirs, etc.) This is the basis where all components are interconnected. As an example, place ducks under a mulberry tree so that the ducks peck at the falling crop, and pass a stream through their enclosure and direct waste water there, so that the stream feeds the plantings with bird droppings.

  2. Landing location. Plantings should be located in such a way as to minimize the costs of their care, cultivation, and harvesting. For example, we will place the most moisture-loving plants as close as possible to the reservoir, those less in need of water - further away, etc. We will plant sun-loving crops on hillocks, leave unpretentious ones in the shade, and place those that are afraid of winds near the fence.
  3. Utility buildings, garages, sheds, gazebos are built on the site only from natural, available materials. They also play an important role on the site - they protect some plants from the wind/scorching sun, and the water flowing down the roof into specially placed barrels is then used to irrigate the garden.
  4. Relief. Much attention should be paid to the terrain. Use all natural hills and depressions to the greatest advantage - especially in terms of providing the area with moisture (for example, water flowing from a slope to a certain part of the area, which no longer needs to be watered). Such reliefs can be created independently, only without the use of heavy equipment and plastic/concrete as reinforcing components.
  5. Biodiversity. The largest number of crops used on the site form a healthy eco-system, bringing it significantly closer to natural interaction. Each culture has certain properties, making its contribution to the functioning. In addition, it is the diversity of species that creates beauty and color on the site. Yes, yes, we are again returning to the topic of arranging a forest garden, this is logical. When planting a garden, try to create a fruit guild so that various plants not only helped each other with food, but also repelled pests, and also provided shelter for entomophages.
  6. Establishing symbiotic connections. Down with the established ideas about the strict division of the site. In permaculture, all plants are placed next to each other based on the “benefits” they bring to each other. For example, we will “frame” productive beds with flower plantings to attract pollinating insects. Here is an example from our garden: a bed 8 m long and 1 m wide. Indeterminate tomatoes are planted in the back, then a row of beets, and in front - early cabbage interspersed with low-growing zinnia. When the cabbage “went” to the table, what was left was sheer beauty:
  7. Waste-free production. The process needs to be adjusted waste-free production. Grass and weeds are used as natural fertilizers for crops rather than thrown out the door. Food scraps and textiles are used for compost, and ash and organic matter are used to mulch the soil. And if chickens are raised on the property, then their droppings are perfect as fertilizer. Thus, a continuous processing cycle is carried out.
  8. Environmental friendliness. If we decide to reproduce the principles of permaculture on the site, then we exclude all chemicals and fertilizers that are not natural. Used exclusively for pest control folk remedies, as well as “correct” landings. For example, by surrounding potato plantings with a double row of beans, you can get rid of the Colorado potato beetle. Active use should be made of plants that have bactericidal properties, which in themselves will repel pests and improve the health of the air. Crop rotation also plays an important role here, which establishes order - biological and agrochemical, the soil is provided with all the necessary replenishable elements, and then there is no need to apply an endless amount of fertilizer - the site itself is fertilized with plant mulch and loosened with obsolete roots.
  9. Minimizing labor costs. Achieved by the absence of loosening, weeding and digging of the soil; instead, the soil is “loosened” by grass and even mowed weeds.
  10. Maximum beneficial use plot. After all, we don’t have many acres, but we need to get a good harvest. For this, the most commonly used types of beds are snail, pyramid, raised bed, Rozum bed. This organization helps to save space, which means you can increase the variety of plantings. And dense rows of plants allow them to better interact with each other.

And here is another video by Jeff Lawton about permaculture, which is built not even on 6, but on 5 acres in a cold climate (Canada):

And, of course, we listen to nature. This is very important factor- be able to see and hear nature. She herself will tell you how to use the space most rationally, where and what to plant, how to arrange the elements with the greatest benefit. Observe nature - this is the only way you will understand what is good for it, this is the only way you can interact with it, setting up your own permaculture on 6 acres.

The appearance of most vegetable gardens does not change for years - each crop has its own place from which it practically does not move. Such agricultural technology gives stable yields, but does not take into account the fact that the composition can change, and it is necessary to alternate them, placing them on a more suitable “patch”. Those who want to reap a large harvest are trying to put into practice new concepts of country farming. Let's learn more about one of these approaches by considering what permaculture is and how to implement such a direction.

What is this?

This method involves designing a site based on natural ecosystems. Its goal is to create a harmonious system, each of the elements of which is connected with the other. An important role is also played by observation, the results of which suggest what changes to make to the usual layout. Yes, this looks like some kind of philosophy. To put it simply, in permaculture or a vegetable garden the role of a kind of constructor, made up of the most suitable plants, is assigned. Adherents of this method also add animals and various buildings to them. And all this should not interfere with a friend, but, on the contrary, complement him.

Important! It would be useful to determine the acidity of the soil. There is a simple way: placing the glass on a dark surface, pour 1 tsp on it. earth, lightly with 9% vinegar. Acidic soil will not produce foam, while alkaline soil will give itself away as an abundant and thick “cap”.

The cornerstone of this approach is an understanding of local conditions and the characteristics of the garden itself. That is, all factors are taken into account - the number of sunny and rainy days, the duration of summer, the presence and habits of animals.

We also note the emphasis on the use of biomaterials - various types of chemistry are excluded.

Origin story

The idea of ​​continuous culture in agriculture interested biologists and agronomists at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was then that the question of abandoning plowing was raised, which had many followers. They argued that cultivating the land in this way would inevitably lead to the appearance of deserts in place of fertile fields.

Did you know? One of the first eco-villages was Akroville back in 1968. Currently, about 1,200 people of 30 nationalities live in this “City of Dawn”.

The turning point was the turn of 1960-1970. At that time, the pace of plowing, as well as use, reached its peak. An opposition formed among agronomists, which began to resurrect the half-forgotten principles of permanent cultivation and develop a stable system.

The principles of productive organic farming were first outlined by the Japanese farmer and microbiologist Masanobu Fakuoka. In the book “One Straw Revolution” (1975), he summarized his experience - at that time the author had not plowed the land on his plot for 25 years. This work is considered fundamental for the entire direction.
In 1978, the first volume of the book “Permaculture” was published, the authors of which were Australians David Holmgren and Bill Mollison. The publication found a wide response; already in the 80s, the first eco-villages appeared - the idea went beyond agriculture and began to touch upon issues of design and construction.

New works devoted to the issue of “eco-processing” appear regularly. Permaculture, based on the experience of Sepp Holzer, is very popular in our area. The Austrian farmer was the first to draw attention to “heavy” soils and farming in difficult weather conditions, writing a number of books.

Basic principles

Now let’s find out how this theory is translated into practice, on what principles this “agricultural teaching” is based. Note that for a person with traditional views on the garden, such postulates and techniques will look somewhat unusual, but there is still a rational grain in them.

Balanced Ecosystem

the main role is given to the smooth interaction of all components of the site. Permaculture relies on:

  • The most productive combination of all elements. A simple example is the location of a chicken pen. It should be placed closer to the beds with vegetables. As a result, some parts of the plants will be used as food for birds, and the droppings they produce will be used as food.
  • The principle of natural diversity is that all elements complement each other and do not separate.
  • Multifunctionality. If we take tree branches, they will not only be fuel, but also enrich the soil.
  • For better layout it is necessary to know all the agrotechnical characteristics of a particular site - how often and with what it was fertilized previously, what varieties were planted, how things are with the weather and similar nuances.
  • Rational use solar energy(therefore, there are many greenhouses in such areas) and rainwater collection with minimal losses. You will have to consider the location of large volume storage barrels and gutters.

Important! The continuous farming strategy does not provide for autumn harvesting of leaves, much less burning them.

As you can see, permaculture is unthinkable without a competent combination of available resources, including natural ones.

Use of natural resources

Of course, it should be as effective as possible. Only renewable resources are used. This largely explains why such eco-villages are densely planted with trees and grass.

Did you know? The World Network of Ecovillages has been operating for a long time, which has regional branches in Europe, Asia and America. Both national associations and individual large settlements can join there.

They produce crops, provide shade in the hot summer and purify the air. Old or diseased specimens are used as material for making chairs and other items. By putting them on mulch, you are helping to transform the soil.

This has a beneficial effect on the grass growing nearby - the so-called border effect is obtained.
And many such examples can be given. Non-renewable types of raw materials are tried not to be used or their use is reduced to a minimum. The same coal, for example, is taken in extreme cases.

No waste

Everything is simple here - everything that can be recycled is reused. Dried grass, branches, paper, cleaning from the kitchen are put to use “again”, but in a different form. This is a rather labor-intensive process, but the result will be a clean area without garbage “islands”.

In addition, many of the waste received during the season can be stored in, where they will be processed by worms and after some time will be used as fertilizer for the beds. This is how another principle is implemented, namely the use of the natural cycle.

Let's not forget more difficult cases. The inhabitants of eco-villages throw away only completely broken equipment that can no longer be repaired.

Site design and zoning

Design must combine beauty and practicality, and the permaculture approach is no exception in this regard. The layout is thought out in such a way as to eliminate unnecessary movements, thereby facilitating work. This is convenient, especially in large areas.

Important! Mixing woody and herbaceous crops is considered mandatory. We can say that Japanese gardens are ideal in this regard.

The entire garden is conventionally divided into five zones, which differ in the frequency of visits. Here they are:

  • Vegetable garden and chicken coop (1 and 2) near the house. Most of the work is carried out here. On their border, greenery is planted, which can be used as poultry feed.
  • On the “borderland” zones 2 and 3 are planted garden trees, which are replaced by “industrial” breeds that provide feed and materials.
  • Pastures for (zone 4) are taken “outside the fence”.
  • Zone 5 is rarely visited. These are haymaking areas located near forests.

Here another feature of this method of farming is revealed - it is more designed for large communities with vast lands.

A private owner on 6 acres is not faced with such a scale, although he, if desired, can raise the dacha to the level of a natural ecosystem.

Then you can arrange the surrounding area, plant beds and a garden in accordance with all the principles of permaculture.

Buildings made from natural materials

We already know that only natural resources are needed, and first of all, wood.
It will be the basis for building a house, barn or. For large-scale construction, timber is used. Most often this is pine raw material. It has many advantages, among which are its prevalence and low cost.

With spruce it is a little more difficult - the wood is more friable, although it holds heat better. And the best of available options there will be larch, which is durable. For additional thermal insulation, they take instead of glass wool.

Did you know? One of the first community-type eco-villages in Russia was the village of Kitezh, which began to be developed in 1992. Together with him in the first wave of the early 90s were Tiberkul, Grishino and Nevoekovil.

There may be other objects located on the site, when laying them they try to avoid using synthetic materials. This concerns, first of all, . Ideally, they should be purely ground, without a concrete “sole” or film covering.

Refusal to dig

The main agricultural technique that causes heated discussions. It implies the refusal of any turning over and loosening of the soil, no matter in what way - or.

Proponents of this method see it as an opportunity to restore the balance of the soil, which is impossible with traditional processing. They have reasonable arguments, including the fact that over time, natural loosening of the soil is established through the activity of worms.

Add to this the problem of weeds, which disappear over time, and the benefits of this technique will become obvious.

This is true, but it will take more than one year to obtain the required balance, which scares off many. Although for a subsistence (that is, small household) economy, such radical change often turn out to be imperceptible - yields remain at the same level.
But the labor intensity of cultivation is gradually decreasing, which is also a plus.

Using straw

It is used very widely.

First of all, it is an excellent material for mulch. It decomposes quite quickly, so it can be laid in a thick layer. Moisture and oxygen pass to the ground without difficulty. In summer it is placed on vegetable or berry beds, and in the cold season it is covered with trunk circles of shrubs and trees.

In addition, straw also acts as a “building material” for vegetable beds. They do it like this:
  • They take bales harvested from the summer without hay admixtures (it may contain weed seeds).
  • In the fall, bales tied with twine or twine are laid out in rows, with a row spacing of 55-70 cm. Cardboard or old paper is placed under them.
  • The straw is watered abundantly, maintaining moisture until the first frost.
  • In the spring (about a couple of weeks before planting), the bales are watered and fertilized with a mixture of or manure mixed in equal parts.
  • Just before planting, make holes, sometimes adding a few handfuls of soil for better rooting. Seeds or seedlings are sprinkled with a small layer.
  • All that remains is to water it on time and, if necessary, put up trellises for climbing varieties.

After harvesting, the straw will be rotted; it can be left for mulch or sent to a compost pit.

Important! This method is characterized by the flexibility of crop rotation - the “composition” of plantings, if necessary, changes immediately, and without any special complications. The loss of several species is compensated by the general lushness of the site.

Where should a beginner start?

Having become interested in permaculture, many people are thinking about using it from scratch.

Let's make a reservation right away - you will have to stock up on a fair amount of patience.

This is due to the fact that not only the style of farming will have to be radically changed.

Just giving up plowing won’t do the trick here; you need to thoroughly prepare the area itself. Agricultural technology “according to Holzer” comes down to the use of tiered terraces and beds of complex shapes (most often spiral). Think about whether you can arrange them in a small garden.

To soberly assess your strengths, pay attention to the following points:

  • Even before switching to a new method, take a closer look at the neighboring dachas - what exactly grows there, and which varieties are reluctantly accepted. Pay attention to what forms of “neighborhood” between different varieties are most common. This will allow you to choose the right material for planting.
  • Think over the future layout to the smallest detail in relation to specific conditions (area, topography, location of buildings and drainage).
  • Don't be afraid of the diversity that characterizes the ecosystem. This is unusual, because many plants traditional for eco-villages are considered weeds in our country.
  • Thoroughly calculate all water supply options, paying attention to minimal fluid losses. The same goes for heat.
  • If there are chickens or livestock, adjust the location of the beds for them. This will make it easier to apply the resulting fertilizers.

Did you know? Eco-villages “with a philosophical bent” are gradually being replaced by family estates, which provide a good income. This trend has been observed over the past 15 years.

Before you move on to implementing all the principles mentioned, think again whether it’s worth taking on such a troublesome task. To do this, you will have to take into account all the pros and cons of such a decision.

Advantages and disadvantages

Supporters of the idea " mixed planting"put forward the following arguments in its favor:

  • obtaining environmentally friendly products;
  • reduction of technogenic load on the land;
  • almost complete “self-regulation” of the soil, which allows you to do without heavy application of fertilizers for a long time;
  • no waste, everything goes to work.
  • less labor intensity;
  • good and stable yields;
  • minimal costs for plant care.
  • finally, it's very beautiful.

Important! It is better to introduce such an innovative method in a well-guarded area, which eliminates the appearance of uninvited guests.

But there is another point of view. Many people believe that practical use“pure” permaculture in our conditions gives a dubious effect for the garden. Among their arguments, the most common are:

  • the difficulty of transitioning to a new model on a small “patch”;
  • high labor intensity at first;
  • long wait for a bountiful harvest;
  • the unadaptability of many varieties to prolonged cold and early frosts;
  • the need for frequent presence at the dacha, which is not always realistic.

Whether to use all these developments or not is not so much a matter of taste as of opportunity. There is one more, purely psychological moment. If you are still determined to create a “forest” in the middle of a dacha cooperative, try to explain to your neighbors that such lush vegetation is not weeds.

This will prevent possible conflicts.

You learned how green permaculture differs from traditional farming.

We hope this data will clarify and help you decide on the most suitable type of farming. More variety and record harvests!

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