Foam blocks. Features of a house made of foam plastic and concrete House made of foam panels

There are people to whom the expression “foam house” seems stupid and not everyone is able to take it seriously. In a way, this phrase is correct, because foam plastic blocks are used to build a house, which are later reinforced with concrete.

We are building a house from polystyrene foam

Today, one Japanese company offers consumers kits for building foam house with your own hands. Such Japanese houses, in their opinion, have many advantages, one of which is resistance to earthquakes. This manufacturing company loudly called its Japanese houses housing of the 21st century.

The technical features of such a unique material are given in the table.

Later in the article we will talk to you in more detail about foam structures, and tell you what positive qualities such cladding can boast. We will also reveal the secret of the technology for performing the work, after which you will be able to build a house from foam plastic with your own hands.

Advantages of a polystyrene foam house

We build a house from polystyrene foam

To tell you about buildings made of foam plastic, it is worth highlighting a number of advantages that a building made of foam blocks can boast:

  • Foam blocks help build a very warm structure

Such insulation, as it were, envelops reinforced concrete profiles on each side.

  • A house made of foam blocks can serve as a “thermos”

Such a building can sufficiently hold warm air not only in the cold season, but also to keep cool on hot days.

  • Available formwork

Formwork is not the familiar panels that need strengthening and installation. At their core, these are blocks of foam plastic, in the middle of which there is a cavity. According to some characteristics, this material is very similar to cinder block, but externally you can’t tell them apart from each other. When constructing a building from block foam, you fill its interior with concrete mass, installing reinforcement there in advance.

  • Possibility to use permanent formwork

This formwork is presented as a complete material. Technology installation work the same: install the blocks, install the reinforcement and pour the concrete solution into it. In principle, such formwork can be presented in 3 varieties: as slabs, blocks or standard panel formwork, which is fixed together with specialized jumpers. The use of panel formwork is the most affordable option from a financial point of view, however, working according to such a scheme is not as easy as we would like.

The most suitable solution for independent execution construction work– the use of blocks that are so reminiscent of the familiar cinder block.

Also, foam plastic and concrete structures have some negative aspects, the most significant of which is considered to be the “thermos” effect. You can overcome it only by installing a high-quality system in your home. forced ventilation, which makes the work performed more expensive.

Another, no less unpleasant point is the environmental friendliness of the structure, which, even if tightly sealed with plaster, is out of the question. It is also worth noting the possibility of the material igniting, after which toxic substances will be released during combustion, which can even kill a person.

As you can see, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance.

We build a house from polystyrene foam

DIY foam house

Basically, all buildings, no matter what material, are built using the same technology:

  • the foundation is laid;
  • walls are being built;
  • the structure is covered with a roof.

The only difference can be noticed only during the construction of walls, which we will discuss in more detail a little further.

Well, the technology for performing work is carried out in the following order:

  • The base layer of foam formwork is laid on a carefully prepared foundation, which is previously insulated from moisture.
  • The fittings are immediately mounted on the foam blocks, which are not installed in every cavity. Better reinforcement will be required in the corners.
  • There is no question of canceling the tying of the blocks, so you will have to act in the same way as if you were laying a brick. The foam will need to be laid with a slight shift, and every second tier will need to be laid perpendicular to the previous one. Such a bond will not have any additional strength, but the insulating features of the structure will increase significantly.
  • At the top of the structure it is necessary to pour an armored belt, the height of which should be at least 200mm. For these purposes, panel permanent formwork is most often used.

That seems to be all, these are all the nuances and features that you need to know about when constructing surfaces from permanent formwork. Most important point, which I would like to mention is that the cavity of the blocks must be thoroughly filled with concrete, without leaving the slightest gap.

Wall decoration

We build the walls of a house from polystyrene foam ourselves

Building floors from foam blocks with your own hands is only half the battle. When the concrete hardens, the walls will have to be covered with plaster. The plastering technology is slightly different from the usual work and looks like this:

  1. On the surface of the walls they stretch metal plaster mesh(for which it is worth choosing durable materials), which is nailed to the concrete. This process is very labor-intensive, so for quality work you will have to do a little work with your own hands.
  2. At the next stage, the mesh is glued special glue to foam blocks. This work is similar to the process of throwing on a fur coat. The glue is applied in drops onto the wall surface, after which the excess is removed with a spatula.
  3. Then beacons are installed, which are glued vertically.
  4. After the work has been done, you can use plaster made from a mixture of sand and cement. It can be applied either with your own hands or with a specialized machine.

Please note that some types of wall façade panel can be installed not on the frame, but glued directly to the surface of the walls.

In conclusion, I would also like to mention this method of constructing foam plastic buildings, such as building frame house. Using this principle, it is much easier to build a building with your own hands than using the above. At its core, this is a familiar building based on a solid frame, in which the role insulation material took over the foam.

That's all I wanted to talk about. On the one hand, building a house out of polystyrene foam with your own hands - good decision, but as soon as you remember the “thermos” effect, you don’t really want to move into such a building.

But we all have our own opinion on this matter, and it is likely that for some such buildings will become the only and ideal solution. We will not dissuade you under any circumstances; the choice, as always, is yours.

A modern home should not only be attractive and durable, but also economical and energy-saving. Therefore, lately, unconventional construction methods using materials that have not previously been used have become increasingly popular. One of the relative novelties in construction are the so-called thermal houses, the walls of which are erected from foam blocks filled with concrete.

Scheme of insulation of an expanded polystyrene facade.

Today, in order to build a warm and quality house, not only building materials such as brick, concrete or wood are used, but also polystyrene foam blocks, poured using conventional concrete mortar. Foam plastic, or expanded polystyrene, for a long time was not considered as a full-fledged building material, but recently such structures have begun to be used more and more often.

How to build such a house? The technology itself is not very complicated, although it does require certain skills and time to build. Foam walls are erected using the following materials:

  1. Foam blocks, which have thick walls, are hollow inside. Blocks are produced only industrially.
  2. A concrete solution used to fill the cavities of blocks.
  3. Wooden formwork for blocks.
  4. Metal reinforcing bars that act as reinforcement when pouring wall blocks.

The construction process itself is as follows:

Scheme of attaching foam to the wall.

  1. First you need to install the foundation. IN in this case You can also use a strip one, but since the house is being poured from concrete, it is better to immediately calculate all the loads.
  2. After this, the laying of wall blocks begins, around which wooden formwork is installed. It is necessary to prevent deformation of the foam when pouring.
  3. The concrete is poured carefully; it is necessary to check that the blocks do not move or become deformed during the work.

Features of the thermal house

Why does a foam house stand out so much from the rest? The fact is that blocks made of foam plastic, or polystyrene, act as insulating formwork, which reduces heat loss. But it’s not enough to just order a house made of foam plastic; you need to plan it correctly. All windows of the house should be oriented to the south; it is recommended to create so-called buffer zones at the entrance. For houses that are built from blocks poured with concrete, you cannot skimp on doors and windows.

Among the features of such foam plastic buildings, it should be noted that they require the installation of a ventilation system and heating, that is, in the winter months such a house must be warmed up, although energy consumption will be minimal.

The people who put this warm house, but who neglected the rules for installing it (not so complicated), often complain about dampness and fungus that has appeared on the walls. But this is a consequence of a violation of technology, and not a defect in the material. Walls made of foam plastic and concrete are vapor-tight, so to maintain a comfortable atmosphere inside, a forced ventilation system should be installed. The most the best option are air handling units with recovery.

Finish options

The construction of foam plastic houses has its own characteristics, but one of the advantages over others should be noted that the walls in this case can be covered with almost any type of finishing materials.

Facade external walls, as a rule, are treated with a layer decorative plaster, characterized by low cost and attractive appearance, but other options are also possible.

Scheme of thermal insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam.

For example, you can use ventilated facade systems, which are not only attractive and give the building a modern, stylish look, but also provide an optimal microclimate in the house.

Interior walls can be finished with the most various materials. Today, they are most often sheathed with plasterboard, which provides many design options.

For roofing materials There are no restrictions on foam houses. Due to the fact that concrete mortar is poured inside the blocks, the house turns out to be virtually monolithic, capable of withstanding even heavy loads. That is, even natural materials can be laid on the roof surface. ceramic tiles, characterized by heavy weight.

In order not to spoil the interior decoration of the polystyrene foam house, everything engineering Communication can be laid directly in the walls of the house, but this must be done at the construction stage. The only difficulty is the use of only those materials that are acceptable for indoor installation.

Cons of construction

A lot has been said about the advantages and benefits of thermal houses, but is foam plastic really that good as a frame? And is it possible to avoid some of the disadvantages of such houses made of concrete and foam plastic? Let us consider the main difficulties and disadvantages that may arise during the construction and operation of such a structure.

Diagram of a polystyrene foam wall.

  1. Operational problems. This disadvantage is associated with the material itself - polystyrene foam. To attach shelves or cabinets to its surface, it is necessary to install special overlays during construction, which are fixed directly to the concrete. If this is not done, then when repairing or installing new furniture you will have to cut the foam layer down to the concrete, and then attach it to it wooden blocks, on which the cabinets will already be hung. As you can see, this problem is solvable, although there is a certain inconvenience here, since additional, not the most simple, work is required.
  2. Heat capacity. Despite the fact that houses made of foam plastic are considered very warm, they still require winter time good warm-up.
  3. One of the main disadvantages of using concrete and foam plastic as building materials for walls is that the walls are vapor-tight. According to reviews from the owners of such houses, the atmosphere in them is always a little humid, which creates discomfort and not the most pleasant microclimate. This problem can be solved, so it is not critical, but it requires some effort and expense. You can make the microclimate in your home more comfortable by installing a forced ventilation system. And taking into account the fact that such ventilation systems Today they are installed not only for foam houses, but also for many other buildings; such a drawback often goes simply unnoticed.
  4. Labor intensity. The construction of such a house requires certain efforts and skills. In this case, it is not just about installing blocks filled with concrete, it is necessary to install them correctly, in strict accordance with all technology requirements. But it cannot be said that installing foam blocks is more difficult than building a house, for example, from brick. In many cases, it is even easier to build such a house, although you will have to work hard when laying the first rows. External and interior decoration walls are made of foam plastic, as installation difficulties may arise. Therefore, it is necessary to use only special materials.

Many consider the disadvantages to be that the blocks are made of polystyrene foam. Not everyone prefers this material as the main material for building the walls of a house, but this is a rather controversial issue. The harm of polystyrene foam has not been proven; during operation it does not emit toxic substances, but it cannot be called natural either.

It is also necessary to note this point: today the number of houses built from foam plastic and concrete is not so large, that is, it is too early to talk about their advantages or obvious disadvantages over all others. These houses are stable and very comfortable, have an attractive price and the ability to host various shapes, but a more complete analysis of their operation still requires more than one year.

Construction requirements

Today, a foam house is one of the options for building housing quickly and inexpensively. This design can take on any, often very unexpected, but such attractive forms, which greatly distinguishes a thermal house from a traditional brick or wooden one. But if you have chosen just such a material, that is, blocks of foam plastic poured with concrete, you need to remember some features.

Diagram of an expanded polystyrene panel.

  • transportation, unloading and installation of blocks must be careful, since the foam can be damaged at the ends, where the edges can chip. This problem can be solved by simply gluing the material, but this takes time, which makes installation longer;
  • When purchasing, you should choose the right blocks, since unscrupulous manufacturers may make defects. All angles must be smooth, the dimensions must match the stated ones;
  • When concrete is poured into blocks, not only the installation of formwork is required, but also constant checking of verticality using a building level. This is necessary, since the foam expands when poured, that is, the blocks can move, but this should not be allowed;
  • after the installation of the house structures is completed, you must immediately begin exterior decoration so that the foam comes into contact with direct sunlight as little as possible.

Today, for the construction of houses, not only traditional materials are used, such as brick, wood, concrete and others, but also unusual ones at first glance, but no less high-quality and reliable. It's about about foam blocks, the cavities of which are filled inside concrete mixture. After hardening, the house takes on attractive shapes, it is durable, holds heat well, and is comfortable to live in.

Foam plastic is considered one of the most the best materials in terms of thermal insulation. At the same time, the relative cheapness is forcing more and more people to insulate their premises in this way. However, there are also other options for using this material.

Foam plastic tolerates temperature changes well and is completely impermeable to steam.

One of the relatively new and original options is the construction of a foam house. Some people will laugh and think it's normal. Dollhouse or just a layout. But in reality, everything is much more serious here.

Main characteristics of a polystyrene foam house

Polystyrene foam houses were first built in Japan. It was there that experts identified the basic properties of such a material, which make it possible to use it not only as an auxiliary tool, but also as the main material. So, let's take a closer look at the main properties of houses made of foam sheets.

  1. High thermal insulation. As a rule, a house built from foam plastic will be warm enough even when there is no heating in it. This is facilitated by the special structure of the material, which perfectly retains heat. And if you heat the house a little from the inside, then even the slight cold can be completely forgotten.
  2. Strength. Oddly enough, foam plastic has sufficient characteristics to ensure the strength of even such complex design like a home. But this is only possible if the right technology installation of sheets.
  3. Relative fire safety. If you choose to work with sheets High Quality, then you will not need to worry that the house can easily burn down. Moreover for additional protection today there is big choice special means, which will create a protective layer against fire on the surface.
  4. High degree of resistance to fungus, mold and insects. Polystyrene foam is artificial material. And this suggests that it is absolutely not interesting for insects, especially bark beetles or termites. The same goes for fungus. Due to the fact that foam plastic almost does not allow moisture and steam to pass through, there is almost no chance of fungus or mold growing on its surface.
  5. Environmental Safety. The foam itself is safe for health. But when high temperatures ah, it can still emit a certain amount of harmful substances, like any other modern construction material. But if everything is done correctly, they will be reduced to a minimum.
  6. Financial efficiency. The material is inexpensive compared to other, more serious materials for the construction of buildings and structures. Therefore, even with high consumption, you will save a lot of money on installation. In addition, construction does not require heavy lifting equipment, which means additional cost savings.

As a result, we can conclude that construction from foam plastic is very profitable. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly and independently build a permanent large residential building from this material. But small room it won’t be possible to do it in a couple of rooms special labor and investments.

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The necessary tools and foundation preparation

Now let’s look at the process itself, how you can build such a house from polystyrene foam with your own hands.

Figure 1. To create a foundation, it is necessary to lay bars clearly along the entire perimeter, the rest of the area is laid with boards of the same thickness.

In this example we will tell you how to build a small building with a ceiling height of about 3 meters and a total area of ​​approximately 5-10 square meters. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • Styrofoam;
  • solution;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • screws and dowels;
  • mounting foam or glue;
  • level.

It all starts, as always, with the foundation. You can do the most ordinary strip foundation- as you prefer. After all, more here depends on the type of soil in the selected area. Once the foundation is poured, it needs to be supplemented. To do this, take appropriately sized supporting wooden blocks with a cross section of approximately 6 by 5 cm. They must be laid clearly along the entire perimeter of the foundation. The remaining area is laid with boards of the same thickness (Figure 1). Before work, do not forget to treat the wood with compounds that protect against fungus, fire and dampness.

Figure 2. The arch frame is made from special shaped blocks.

The beam is attached to the foundation with anchors. But you can optimize the fastening a little by using auxiliary material polyurethane foam. But do not take extra type foam so that it does not expand much. During work, check everything with a building level.

Next, you need to trim side walls foundations that protrude above the ground. This is best done using a thick decorative stone. He sits down on a regular cement mortar, knocked down with a hammer for secure fixation.

The final stage will be laying a film for moisture insulation and ordinary brick or paving slabs. It is not necessary to use bricks (tiles), but it is advisable, as this increases the reliability of the foundation, protecting it from subsidence. When everything is dry and set, you can begin the main work.

Classic understanding of materials for construction residential buildings gradually blurred and modified, until recently windows from PVC profile caused serious fear and mistrust, today fundamentally new construction solutions for the construction of an ordinary one-story residential building. These are Japanese houses made of polystyrene foam. More precisely, from extruded polystyrene foam with a density of 30 kg/m 3, which is well known in the construction industry as one of the most effective materials for thermal insulation of walls.

What is a foam plastic house?

Relatively recently, just five years ago, the Japanese construction company Japan Dome House Co proposed and began production of the private design one-story house fundamentally new design and execution. The building was a dome or hemisphere with walls made of foam reinforced machining. In addition to numerous technical and technological advantages, the new japanese house looked like a real building from the future, quite stylish and voluminous.

A polystyrene foam house is distinguished by an absolutely innovative approach to organizing housing construction:

  • The building was not built in the old classical sense of the word, its walls were assembled from component parts, ready-made door and window blocks, which means that construction costs were record low;
  • The box and the walls of the house were made of the same material - polystyrene foam, and were assembled, literally, like the children's designer, from industrially stamped finished sectors;
  • Due to their shape and light weight of the walls, dome houses did not require a frame or a rigid foundation; the building could be installed on a prepared round platform made of sip panels or OSB boards.

For your information! As a result, the Japanese house made of polystyrene foam turned out to be spacious, warm and very cheap, even by our standards. Cost of one set domed house with a base diameter of 8 m, a ceiling height of 4 m and a wall thickness of 10 cm was declared at $3,500.

Features of a Japanese house made of polystyrene foam

The first thing that catches your eye when familiarizing yourself with the design of the house is the relatively small thickness of the walls of the building. The manufacturing technology provides for the thickness of the wall with the laid outer and internal coating from 100 to 190 mm. The manufacturer believes that given the shape of the house, this wall thickness is enough to withstand a wind force of 25 m/s and any thickness of snow cover.

How to assemble a Japanese house from polystyrene foam

The technology for building such a house from polystyrene foam has been worked out by Japanese developers almost to the smallest detail.

Walls or segments of a house are produced in industrial furnaces and presses in the form of finished units. The site for the building is leveled in advance and fixed to the ground using a light pile foundation.

If the terrain is complex, has slopes and fluid soil, Japanese experts recommend making a circular shallow foundation. But in classic version Japanese domed house can generally be located on rocky rocks in the mountains or in wetlands, without any modification of the walls and shape of the building.

After the foundation is prepared, walls and a central fixing ring are installed under the house, which serves as power element. Next in window and doorways Windows and doors are installed on the walls, the flooring is laid, the walls are painted, electricity and communications are supplied and connected in ready-made channels inside the walls.

The outer surface of polystyrene foam walls must be plastered and painted. Japanese builders recommend using a polyurethane foam resin coating, which effectively protects the foam of the house walls from erosion and the sun.

A one-story house with a base diameter of 7-8 meters, depending on the configuration and layout internal partitions and walls, can have a total area of ​​54-60 m2. By the standards of Japanese architects, this is quite enough for a comfortable stay for 3-5 people.

If necessary, you can build a boathouse option Japanese house made of polystyrene foam, whose shape is not round and elongated, this will further increase usable area buildings without increasing the load on the walls. Such options are supposed to be used for warehouses and office premises.

If desired, you can arrange a second floor inside the domed house, install ceilings and decorative walls, which will provide a level of comfort comparable to typical Japanese city apartments. The modular principle allows you to assemble a house from several modules with large area premises and even a whole town with transitions and several levels of movement.

Advantages and disadvantages of a Japanese house

The Japanese version of the dome house is striking in its characteristics:

  1. The main advantage is high level thermal insulation material. A 100 mm thick polystyrene foam house wall has the same thermal conductivity as a 1900 mm thick wall. sand-lime brick, wood 350 mm or concrete wall in 4800 mm;
  2. The strength of extruded foam reaches 45 kg/m3, which is very little for construction load-bearing structure, but with a wall thickness of 200 mm its strength will correspond wooden house with a wall thickness of 40 mm;
  3. After application protective coating for polystyrene foam, the durability of a Japanese house will be up to 60 years of guaranteed operation;
  4. Low water absorption allows you not to be afraid of even the dampest soils, intense rains and heavy snowfalls.

Important! But not everything is so rosy in the construction of Japanese polystyrene foam houses. First of all, polystyrene foam is very resistant to high temperatures and burns well, releasing large amounts of gases.

Moreover, under the influence solar radiation the foam plastic of a Japanese house intensively crumbles and collapses. Therefore, for protection, it is recommended to apply a thick, up to 5-10 mm, layer of decorative plaster or other protective coating that absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Metallized coating based on aluminum is recognized as the most effective.

Alternative material for a Japanese home

The Japanese technology for building a domed house was quickly picked up in Europe, with a slight improvement in the material for its construction. Today, it is often proposed to build a Japanese dome house not from pure extruded foam plastic, but from polystyrene concrete. The Japanese domed house has become much heavier and more massive; now its construction requires, at a minimum, a shallow foundation and drainage devices.

The house has retained its remarkable thermal insulation and strength, but is large specific gravity polystyrene concrete, reaching 200 kg/m 3, changed the house assembly technology. In the classic version, the 1/8 segment of the dome of a Japanese house was freely lifted and installed by only two people. Now, to perform such work, you need a crane and a special vehicle for transporting large blocks. It cannot be said that the design of a Japanese house in a new technological solution has lost its attractiveness, but it has become significantly more expensive.

Positive changes include an increase in the strength of the walls and the possibility of forming domes with a high ceiling height, up to 5-6 m. In addition, the polystyrene concrete version of the Japanese house is more suitable as permanent buildings for garages, warehouses, hangars, and parking lots due to the greater strength of the walls , which means greater resistance to burglary and intruders entering the building.


Layout and internal organization houses, conceived and proposed by Japanese specialists, are very well suited for the construction of small cottages in the highlands for ski and mountaineering towns. Good thermal insulation The foam and wind-resistant form of a Japanese house fits like no other.

Expanded polystyrene blocks are the result of the efforts of scientists from the German chemical company BASF, who tried to combine various properties and characteristics in one material.

Light and warm blocks made of foamed polystyrene foam concrete for the home today are actively used in modern construction. We invite you to familiarize yourself with basic information about the material - its characteristics, dimensions, pros and cons of use - in this article.

Main characteristics of polystyrene foam blocks

Despite the fact that the first blocks of foamed polystyrene foam appeared back in the 70s in the USSR, developers only recently began to actively pay attention to this building material.

The production of polystyrene foam blocks is now established in industrial scale at many domestic enterprises. Below are basic physical properties blocks, standardized by GOST:

  • the density of blocks for a house should be from 150 to 800 kg/m³;
  • have good resistance to frost (without loss of properties, the block will last from 30 to 150 cycles of freezing and thawing);
  • the compressive strength indicator ranges from B0.35 to B2.5;
  • The thermal conductivity index varies from 0.055 W/mºC to 0.145 W/mºC;
  • vapor permeability coefficient is 0.05 mg;
  • The material belongs to the low-flammability group, that is, it is fire resistant.

1.1 Application of material

The use of building materials is allowed for:

  • construction of external walls of buildings;
  • arrangement interior partitions on upper floors houses in which, due to the weakness of the slabs, the use of cinder blocks or other heavy materials is impossible;
  • as an additional insulation or soundproofing layer in a building;
  • when constructing premises that require maintaining a certain temperature level, for example, for the construction of a bathhouse or a pen for animals.

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages

Having analyzed these characteristics, we will consider the pros and cons of the material for building a house. Based on GOST standards, one can assume that all the characteristics of expanded polystyrene concrete are normal and it is quite possible to build large buildings from it, but this is not the case.

For example, the compressive strength of blocks is not particularly high; therefore, experts strongly do not recommend building a house with a height of more than two floors from this building material.

A small coefficient of vapor permeability also has its pros and cons. The advantages are that the material does not absorb moisture, which means it resists frost well. But the disadvantages are that this same property does not allow the building material to “breathe”. As for the environmental properties of the blocks, everything here is also not clear.

You can definitely say something about environmental friendliness only after many years of living in a house built from expanded polystyrene. This is only possible by analyzing the air to detect styrene, but no one is doing this today.

Today, consumers have only one proof - certificates received by the manufacturer, the authenticity of which, unfortunately, cannot be determined.

The undoubted advantage is that expanded polystyrene concrete has a long service life. Considering these advantages, many developers today choose this material for the construction of one- and two-story houses.

If you believe the reviews of experts, the disadvantages of houses built from expanded polystyrene concrete include the possibility of destruction of the material from constant sun rays. In addition, according to data posted on construction forums, polystyrene foam is not recommended for use in internal insulation.

Despite all the disadvantages, the building material is still has three main advantages:

  1. Excellent energy-saving properties, as a result of which the owner of the house does not need to additional insulation building.
  2. Expanded polystyrene concrete does not need waterproofing.
  3. Plasticity of the material and precise dimensional geometry. As a result, installation is greatly simplified, which helps save mortar.

1.3 Polystyrene concrete blocks: disadvantages and advantages (video)

1.4 Dimensions and approximate cost

Today you can find blocks in many sizes on sale. The most popular sizes that are in demand among consumers are the following (based on width-height-length):

  • 188x300x588;
  • 300x380x588;
  • 92x300x588;
  • 138×300588;
  • 80x300x600 (can only be used when building interior partitions).

Also on sale you can find polystyrene foam blocks in high density(about 600 kg/m³), which are lintels for doors or windows. Such blocks are reinforced and are intended for both load-bearing and heat-insulating structures.

Now regarding the cost. Of course, we cannot provide exact prices as they change from time to time. But the approximate price range is as follows: the price per cubic meter of polystyrene concrete blocks varies around 3,500 rubles (1,200 hryvnia). The cost of foam concrete material is approximately the same.

When compared with aerated concrete, the latter costs about 3,800 rubles (1,300 hryvnia) per cubic meter, and wood concrete costs around 4,500 rubles (1,500 hryvnia).

2 Production technology

Let's briefly consider the manufacturing technology of building materials. To obtain the final product, manufacturers use the pressing method, which, in fact, is used to produce all blocks used in construction without exception.

More modernized production uses the method of vibratory pressing of blocks. According to experts, this makes it possible to improve the stability indicator and also increase the service life.

If you understand that insulating a concrete floor with polystyrene foam is a profitable business, then You can try to organize your business at home. To organize production, you will need a concrete mixer, the material itself is polystyrene, cement, water and sand.

Naturally, the volumes of sand, cement and water must be quite large. At home, it is quite possible to make building materials with a density of D1200 and D350. To produce the first one you will need:

  • 1.1 cubic meter of polystyrene foam;
  • about 300 kg of cement;
  • approximately 800 kg of sand.

When the mixture hardens, the result will be you will get solid concrete material. The production stages are as follows:

  1. First you need to make the mixture. The elements described above must be mixed in a concrete mixer for about thirty minutes.
  2. Then the mixture is poured into formwork or pre-prepared forms.
  3. IN summer time During the year it will take about three days for the mixture to harden; in winter - at least a week, sometimes more. In any case, before removing the resulting polystyrene foam from the molds, it must harden.
  4. The next stage, at your discretion, is cutting the material.
