You can leave it overnight. Is it possible to leave a tampon on all night? How to Increase iPhone Battery Life

Among the most popular myths on the Internet, a special niche is occupied by the question of whether you can sleep with a tampon. This topic worries many women who are accustomed to using this particular hygiene product. What caused such heated discussions, and what night tampons are, we will discuss in this article.

Common Misconceptions

The danger of using this hygiene product at night is due to a number of reasons:

“Overnight with this product, a favorable atmosphere for the proliferation of microorganisms can be created inside the vagina.”

In fact, this fact is not supported by any official research. Moreover, the same can be said about the use of gaskets. The secretions that remain on their surface all night can become an equally favorable atmosphere for the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

“We have no control over our movements while we sleep, and poor positioning can cause injury to the vaginal walls or allow the product to penetrate the genitals.”

The inserted object is firmly held by the vaginal walls. As the liquid is absorbed, it increases in size, which promotes even better fixation. There are also erroneous opinions that within 8 hours it can get lost inside the genitals. Such rumors are caused by a simple ignorance of human anatomy: the hole in the cervix is ​​too small and will not allow such an object inside.

“The hygiene item will fill up too quickly and the rest of the blood will leak out.”

For use at night, you need to choose a larger size product. Once it is full, there is indeed the possibility of a small leak, but this can be avoided by adding a panty liner. By the way, while you sleep, the amount of discharge decreases due to low body activity. Therefore, such a problem has a low chance of occurring.

Tampons for night time

Among the many well-known brands, only one produces special night ones. Their structure makes their use as comfortable as possible. The products are more hygroscopic in structure and have special wings that provide additional protection against leakage. The latter are designed to maximize the copying of the anatomical shape of the body using absorbent fibers that quickly collect liquid and direct it into the hygiene product.

The ProComfort Night covers come in Normal, Super and Super + Comfort absorbency levels. The products have been tested by gynecologists. You can leave the tampon on overnight without any worries. The Normal size can be used by girls who are not sexually active.

With products like this, the question of whether you can sleep with tampons at night simply disappears. However, it is not necessary to choose Obi products for these purposes, because if certain rules are followed, any product will be safe for a woman’s health.

Rules for using a tampon at night

To properly use this hygiene product at night, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed in order to avoid health problems:

  • necessary immediately before going to bed, while observing all the hygiene rules described in the instructions;
  • it must be used in accordance with the appropriate size and level of absorption;
  • immediately after waking up, it is necessary to remove the used product, preferably after a maximum of 8 hours;
  • In case of heavy discharge, you need to additionally use pads, which are most suitable in terms of the amount of liquid.

The choice of the product itself should be made based on your own preferences. It is allowed to purchase both regular products of the appropriate size and special night tampons.

Find out also about the days of menstruation.

Contraindications to the use of tampons at night

When using the hygiene products in question, you need to take into account a number of contraindications. Thus, it is prohibited to insert a tampon during the following periods:

  • after childbirth until the skin heals and the natural menstrual cycle is restored;
  • with inflammation or infection of the genital organs;
  • after surgical intervention in the pelvic organs.

Some features in the structure of the body may also be a contraindication. You can find out whether you are allowed to use this type of product at an appointment with a gynecologist. You can also consult with him regarding whether it is possible to use tampons at night and how to do it correctly.

For some women, pads are better as a means of hygiene during menstruation, for others - other hygiene products. The choice is purely individual, and you need to make it wisely, taking into account the characteristics of your body, especially if you plan to use this item at night. How well such a product will suit you can only be judged personally.

Is it a bad idea to leave your smartphone on charge overnight? This is certainly one of the most pressing questions we could ask.

We've all done it: before bed, you plug your smartphone into the charger so it can charge throughout the night while you sleep. The idea is to wake up in the morning with your smartphone battery 100 percent charged. But then you hear that charging your phone overnight damages the battery and its capacity decreases over time, so you turn to Google for answers.

Therefore, before we talk in detail about this myth about charging the battery at night, we will first give you a short answer. Yes, you can leave your phone on overnight. There's some caution involved, though, so be sure to read on to find out the truth about whether you can leave your phone charging overnight. We've also compared the pros and cons to help extend your smartphone's battery life.

Lithium vs Nickel

You probably know that most modern technology runs on lithium-ion batteries. Years ago, batteries were mostly made of nickel, like the Duracell and Energizer batteries you buy in stores. Nickel-based batteries tend to have cyclic memory. If they were not given full charges between cycles, they could "forget" their full capacity and only remember that they were last charged at maximum capacity (even if this was not the case). Many of us have never used nickel batteries in our mobile devices since the transition to lithium ion occurred by the early 2000s.

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Fortunately, lithium-based batteries did not suffer from the “charge memory” phenomenon often exhibited by nickel batteries. Lithium batteries played a big role in the mobile phone revolution. First, they can hold a lot of power while remaining quite compact, allowing mobile phones to become smaller and thinner. In addition, lithium batteries have a significantly longer lifespan and charge quickly. One warning is temperature sensitivity.

Heat: The Silent (Battery) Killer

Now we have learned about the most significant threat to our lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery, which is heat. Of course, batteries don't like the cold about as much as they don't like the heat, but the latter is more relevant when it comes to leaving your phone plugged into the charger overnight.

The charging temperature of lithium-based batteries, that is, the temperature at which the battery is able to accept a charge, ranges from 0 to 45 degrees. Meanwhile, lithium-based batteries can discharge at temperatures as low as -20 degrees. Fast charging technologies work best at higher temperatures from 5 to 45 C, at 0 ° charging will stop.

There are several important things these numbers show us. First, lithium-based batteries can discharge in sub-freezing temperatures, so storing them in the kitchen freezer will not prevent them from discharging themselves. Second, the lithium-ion battery gets hot as it charges. When it warms up, it charges faster. But since the battery cannot hold more than its capacity, once it reaches full charge, the battery uses up excess power, releasing it as heat. Overnight charging becomes a problem when the battery does not have the ability to redirect incoming current once its capacity has been reached.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.

Smartphones use battery wisely

The batteries used in mobile devices today are still basically the same as they have been for nearly two decades, but the devices that use them have gotten a lot smarter. Nowadays, we can worry less when it comes to battery health because the problem of power optimization has been left to the software running on smartphones.

Thus, we get the answer to our main question: can we leave the smartphone on the charger overnight? The answer to this question sounds confident, why not?

As we said above, the main danger of leaving the smartphone turned on to charge overnight was that it caused the battery to heat up, and it remained hot until the end of the night. However, our mobile devices have become much smarter. They may stop charging when the battery is fully charged, so when you wake up in the morning the battery will already be fully charged overnight. It's quite nice.

However, this does not mean that the habit of leaving your phone on charge overnight will not affect the longevity of the battery. You don't risk overheating your battery by leaving your phone plugged into a charger overnight, but we'll still give you a few tips you can incorporate into your phone charging habits to keep your battery running on top.

  1. Each lithium-based battery can have a finite number of charge and discharge cycles. With each cycle, the battery capacity decreases a little, so we need to avoid a large number of cycles. To do this, try to keep your battery charge level between 40 and 80 percent. Of course, this won't always be possible, but try to keep your phone's charge level below 40 percent and keep the number of times it drains to a minimum.
  2. Try not to use fast charging every time you charge your phone. Most fast charging systems cause the battery to heat up, which we know is bad for your battery. If you use the fast charge option frequently, the battery will receive excess heat more often than it should, resulting in a shorter lifespan.
  3. We mentioned earlier that lithium-ion batteries do not suffer from the cycling memory of nickel batteries. While this is true, a smartphone's internal power meter, the part that detects the current battery power level, can sometimes reset. You can recalibrate the battery by performing a full discharge and charge cycle: use the phone until it dies. Once it turns off, charge your smartphone to full power while leaving it turned off. Finally, turn your phone back on and make sure the battery shows as fully charged in the notification bar; if not, turn off the power and continue charging. Repeat this process once a month to ensure your battery is performing optimally.


The battery is one of the most important components of a smartphone; after all, a smartphone with a dead battery is little more than a paperweight. So it goes without saying that we don't want to do anything that could damage the battery and reduce its efficiency. While there are those who still believe it's a bad idea to leave your phone plugged in to charge overnight, all signs point to overnight charging being a completely legal way to make sure you start your day with your smartphone fully charged.

The heating hasn't been turned on yet, but it's already real autumn outside. At this time, the heater becomes the most important item in the house. Alexander Mentyuk, head of the sales department of a chain of air conditioning equipment stores, told Komsomolskaya Pravda how not to get confused in the different types of these devices.

For a residential apartment

The most popular heaters that are purchased for residential apartments are oil radiators (in which the oil is heated inside) and convectors (they heat the air itself).

Oil radiators are now bought mainly the old fashioned way, people are used to them, but they don’t have any special advantages, they say in the store. - For apartments we usually recommend convectors. They cost about the same, but they have an auto-shut-off system, protection against overheating and burns.

Price: convector - from 450 thousand rubles, oil radiator - from 400 thousand rubles.


How do you know how much heater power you need?

The principle of operation for all types of heaters is the same: the amount of electricity it consumes from the network, the same amount of heat it produces. Therefore, the greater the power of the heater (it is measured in watts), the stronger it will heat.

The power required for a specific room can be calculated by estimating in your mind the area of ​​the room: for every 10 - 15 square meters. m need 1 kW heating power.

For the dacha

In most cases, walls in country houses do not retain heat well. And no matter what heater you choose, the heat from the air will flow outside. Therefore, for country houses it is worth choosing infrared heaters that do not heat the air, but only the objects they are directed at.

Infrared heaters warm the same way as sunlight, says the specialist. - Imagine, even if it’s cold outside, you go out into the sun and feel the warmth. But as soon as you go into the shade, you start to freeze again. Such heaters can be used on verandas and also in gazebos.

Infrared heaters do not heat the entire room, but only the area they are directed at. Most often they are attached to the ceiling, a prerequisite: a height of at least 2.2 meters.

Price: infrared heater - from 700 thousand rubles.

For children's

There are special requirements for the air in the nursery: it must be clean and in no case too dry. Experts advise choosing convectors with tip-over protection or fan heaters for your baby’s room.

Fan heaters are small in size and equipped with an air filtration system,” says the expert. - Besides, they don’t burn air and dust like others.

Price: fan heater - from 200 thousand rubles.

Economy option

There are no heaters that consume less electricity than others. Only the air conditioner consumes less heat, which can also be used for heating in winter. Thanks to the external part located on the street, it takes heat even from cold air. True, prices for air conditioners start at 4 million rubles, plus the installation cost is about 2 million rubles.

I can tell you a little trick to save energy,” shares Alexander. - It is suitable for any heater that has a temperature controller. As soon as you turn it on, most often the maximum temperature is set - for example, +30 degrees. But when the comfort temperature is reached, and it can be lowered on the heater - set not +30 degrees, but +25 or +22. And the heater will no longer consume 1 kW, as it is written on it, but less.

What other heaters are there?

Electric fireplace - from 4.5 million rubles.

Thermal curtain - for shops and warehouses - from 1.1 million rubles.

Heat gun - for garages and factory premises - from 700 thousand rubles.


5 naive questions about heaters

1. Is it possible to leave the heater running overnight?

Any heater can be left on overnight if it has an auto-shut-off system that will work if the surrounding temperature becomes too high or the heater has some kind of malfunction. This heater can be left for a day or several at once, but no more than 5 - 7.

2. Is it possible to place objects on the heater?

It is forbidden. If only because objects will prevent heat from getting out, and the heater will heat itself.

3. Is it possible to dry clothes on a heater?

Linen, like other items, should not be placed on the heater. It can only be hung above the heater, but you must ensure that the device is protected from moisture. By the way, now on sale you can find special heated towel rails for heaters - a metal rod with a fastener.

4. Is it possible to take the heater into the bathroom?

Only some models can be taken into the bathroom - these are convectors with IP24 moisture protection.

5. Is it possible to heat an apartment with several rooms?

No matter how powerful the heater is, the room where it is located will be much warmer than all the others. Therefore, if you need to heat several rooms at once, you should install a heater in each or simply buy a mobile model.

Almost all of us use our iPhones all day long and charge them overnight before going to bed.

Since Apple carefully hides technical information about batteries, we will understand the situation based on expert comments and personal experience.

Thanks to friends from re:Store

How iPhone reacts to long-term charging

The opinion about the harm of long-term charging of smartphones remains popular, although Apple and other manufacturers have long equipped batteries with special controllers that block the flow of energy at 100%.

Edo Campos, a specialist at the Anker company that deals with chargers, is convinced that this is wrong.

However, even in passive mode and with the screen turned off, mobile devices still drain the battery. This is due to the need to maintain a cellular network signal, other wireless protocols, and software processes that run in the background.

It turns out that the device is discharged to 99% and again opens the way for the flow of energy to replenish the battery to 100%. The load on the power supply is minimal, so in the morning it is completely cold - and it seems that it stopped working a long time ago.

The lifespan of the lithium-ion batteries used in iPhones depends on the number of recharge cycles. This technical information is in the clear, so most battery diagnostic apps take it to get a rough estimate of battery condition.

But Yahoo experts insist that due to the nature of lithium-ion technology, iPhone batteries are best kept between 40-80% charge. And a constant 100% condition negatively affects their lifespan.

And the founder of the charger manufacturing company Farbe Technik, Shane Browsky, insists that in addition, when connected to the power supply for a long time, the device inevitably heats up. This also, not least of all, negatively affects the life of the battery.

Therefore, when charging an iPhone overnight, you need to provide the device with the most favorable conditions for heat transfer

To do this, you need to remove any protective covers from the device and leave it on a hard surface - under no circumstances should you hide it under a pillow or cover it with something.

How to Increase iPhone Battery Life

Most of us use our iPhones non-stop. The fact is that Apple smartphones are so firmly established in our lives that even half an hour or an hour without them seems like real torture.

We regularly receive an endless stream of information through a smartphone, communicate on social networks and instant messengers, use navigation, listen to music, work with documents and even play. We turn it off only in an emergency - this is a mistake.

Apple Genius experts strongly recommend turning off your iPhone at least once a week at night or at any other time when you can do without it. They insist that this procedure will have the best impact on the battery life of the mobile device.

Lithium-ion batteries perform best when their charge is within 40-80%

Therefore, under no circumstances should you regularly discharge it to zero - a similar procedure should have been carried out with old mobile phones and other devices that were equipped with batteries of the previous generation.

But constantly recharging the battery to 100% (just in case) negatively affects the period of its effective use. It is better to try to recharge the device a little after half-discharge using an external battery than to power it from the mains to the limit after minimal use.

You can use it while your iPhone is charging. But this will significantly increase the battery charging time. It's better to charge it to 80%, turn it off and use it up to 40%. And then repeat this procedure again.

Hatem Zeine, a specialist at Ossia, which specializes in wireless charging technologies, notes that electricity enters the battery in a modulated form.

As the power of the power supply used for charging increases, the speed of movement of lithium ions from pole to pole increases, so the battery is filled faster. This process negatively affects the battery life.

Therefore, you can use iPad power supplies to charge your iPhone only at your own peril and risk. The device is unlikely to fail due to twice the power, but the battery will need to be replaced faster.

Bottom line, Browsky insists that the key to charging batteries is to use quality power supplies. He notes that it is better to use proprietary solutions from Apple or time-tested tools from Belkin, Griffin and other well-known brands.

When should you replace your iPhone battery with a new one?

It is impossible to check the wear of an iPhone battery without complex technical manipulations, which can only be done after disassembling the device using professional equipment in service centers.

Therefore, experts take the average data from the recharge cycles, which Apple leaves open on its devices.

After 500 full recharge cycles iPhone batteries need replacing

Of course, after these values ​​you can continue to use the device. But at the same time, their capacity usually drops below 80% and battery life is significantly reduced.

However, there may be exceptions to this rule. The battery can behave quite normally even after 1500 cycles, and sometimes it “dies” after 40. But in the latter case, this is most likely due to moisture getting into the case or voltage surges that the built-in protection could not cope with.

The easiest way to check the number of charge-discharge cycles on an iPhone is to use the coconutBattery app, which is available for free for Mac. In this case, the last tab of the program is needed.

You can also evaluate your iPhone battery using the frost test. If the iPhone turns off after only 10-15 minutes spent in sub-zero temperatures, its battery definitely needs to be replaced. A normal “live” battery should behave normally.

However, you should not abuse mobile devices in the cold, because there is nothing useful in such stressful situations.

If it's time to change the iPhone battery, it is better to carry out this procedure at official Apple service centers. Here the old one will be replaced with a new original solution. Otherwise, we will get an alternative of unknown origin. This can lead to short operating times and may even be life-threatening.

To sum it up: leave your iPhone on charge overnight

Practice shows that most of us change our iPhone at least once every couple of years. Some people prefer to buy all numbered models, while others opt for the upgraded S versions of Apple smartphones.

Even with the most intensive use, which will include regular overnight charging of the iPhone with the power supply from the iPad, during this time the battery will still retain its properties at an acceptable level.

However, if you want to give the iPhone to one of your family members after purchasing a new one, successfully sell it on the secondary market, or keep it as an additional mobile device, it is better to follow simple rules:

  • Don't leave your iPhone charging all night
  • Try not to charge your iPhone with your iPad's power supply.
  • keep the device charge at 40-80%
  • If you leave your smartphone on charge overnight, ensure normal heat dissipation
  • charge your iPhone with branded Apple power supplies or branded analogues from Belkin or Griffin
  • Replace old batteries with new ones in the official Apple services in a timely manner - better immediately after 500 recharge cycles

On my own behalf, I would like to add that you don’t have to fool yourself with following possible rules, but use the iPhone with pleasure. The cost of replacing the battery is not worth the hassle.

The majority of users of modern smartphones prefer to charge their phone at night, leaving it connected to power until the morning. However, sooner or later, every user is faced with the opinion of skeptics that this is not necessary and will damage the device’s battery. Is this really so and is it possible to leave a smartphone on charge all night? Let's take a closer look at the possible disadvantages and risks of this solution.

Does overnight charging harm your smartphone?

Modern phones use lithium-ion batteries, which have good capacity and long operating time. For such batteries, overnight charging is practically harmless. Of course, provided that we are talking about a high-quality and original device from the same manufacturer as your phone. If the battery is not of the best quality or you are using a fairly old device, then you may encounter the following problems:

  • Battery overheating is a process of replenishing electricity that is directly associated with the release of heat. As a result, the battery begins to heat up when charging and the higher the percentage of charge, the higher the temperature can rise. For many older or inexpensive phones, after a full charge, the battery continues to heat up due to current flowing to it. Overheating can damage both the battery itself and the modules on the board next to it;
  • Capacity wear - a gradual decrease in capacity - is a problem for all batteries, regardless of cost and brand of manufacturer. But frequent heating can accelerate the wear process due to the impact on the battery components that ensure the conservation of accumulated electricity;
  • Heating of the adapter (power supply) - the power supply connected to the network must release the electricity it receives; if this does not happen, it also begins to heat up. But, as a rule, the temperature increase is not critical;
  • Increased charging cycles - this problem is also typical for most “worn out” batteries.

    It is worth clarifying that the problems described above are typical for older smartphones, as well as very budget models. In modern devices, a power switching function is implemented when the battery reaches 100% charge to the phone. Thus, the device is powered from the network, and not from the battery, and the fact that the phone was left on charge all night should not cause serious problems.

    Also, do not overuse fast charging overnight. The essence of the working process is that a fast charger supplies high power current, gradually reducing it as the battery fills. If the network is unstable or the adapter malfunctions and power reduction does not occur, serious overheating, swelling of the battery or loss of its capacity may well occur, but this happens extremely rarely, but still.

    How to extend battery life and maintain original capacity parameters

    You can preserve the capacity and performance of your battery for a long time by following simple rules:

  • Maintain charge between 15-90%, avoiding complete discharge. But it is worth remembering that immediately after purchasing a new device, it needs to be discharged to zero and then charged again to 100% by repeating the procedure 2-3 times, this is the tradition.
  • Do not leave the device connected to the mains power overnight or for long periods too often;
  • Cold damages the battery and therefore, in the cold, rapid discharge occurs and the phone may not turn on until the capacity is restored. In winter, you should carry the gadget outside in your inner pocket, using headphones or a wireless headset to receive calls if possible;
  • Customize the power consumption mode to suit your needs by adjusting the screen brightness, display timeout and other parameters;
  • Use the original adapter; if it fails, you can buy an analogue, but from a trusted brand, and not a cheap model with unstable power supply.

    Remember that manufacturers recommend replacing the battery in a smartphone after 3 years, or even better, 2 - 2.5 years; if your gadget does not hold a charge well after two or more years, then it’s time to come to a certified service center and replace it with a new, old battery . The average cost of replacement is from 1500 – 3500 rubles.

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