Treating the garden in the fall from diseases and pests: step-by-step instructions. Autumn tillage Autumn tillage of the garden against diseases

High-quality processing Soil in the fall from diseases and pests allows you to expel and partially destroy insects and animals that cause damage to plants, as well as suppress foci of pathogens of plant diseases. That is why it is important to cultivate the soil after harvesting and before winter conservation of the site. We will describe technologies for cultivating soil in the fall a little later, but first we will briefly tell you what pests and pathogens of what plant diseases live in the soil layer.


In gardens and vegetable gardens, damage is usually caused by representatives of two classes - insects and mammals. The first include various beetles and butterflies. To be fair, we note that adult insects do not cause harm, well, with the exception, perhaps, of the crayfish or the mole cricket, which is neither a beetle nor a butterfly, but belongs to the Orthoptera family and is a distant relative of the common housefly. The main damage to the crop is caused by the offspring of busy beetles and beautiful butterflies. These are their larvae, better known as caterpillars. They overwinter in the ground and become active in spring period time and harm both the root system of plants or root crops, and the upper parts of green spaces, biting foliage and stems, which reduces productivity.

Mammalian pests include mice and moles. The latter are much less common. Mice feast mainly on the fruits of the above-ground parts of plants, but they make their nests in the soil. Moles, unlike mice, lead a predominantly underground lifestyle and do not directly affect vegetables and fruits of interest to us. They are insectivores. Moles cause damage to roots, since in the process of digging passages in the ground they go straight through root systems plants.

Plant diseases

Diseases of gardening plants are caused mainly by fungal organisms and affect the roots of trees, as well as the “products” of root crops - carrots, beets, potatoes and others. Some diseases are not limited to the thickness of the soil and spread to the tops and fruits of green spaces. Plant diseases whose pathogens live in soil include the following:

  • scab
  • black rot
  • mold
  • anthracnose
  • powdery mildew.

This list is far from exhaustive. There are also a very large number of plant diseases, the names of which, in principle, are not important when choosing a method of autumn tillage to eliminate foci of mold fungi and other pathogens.


After describing pests and diseases, we will provide information about the most effective ways preparing the land for wintering. The simplest and cheapest way is to dig it up or plow it. Moreover, sandy soils are not so sensitive to this event. They are already water and breathable. Loams are in dire need of digging.

The deformation of the soil compacted over the summer causes inconvenience to the hiding larvae, and they leave the dug up area, and most simply die when the soil layer is loosened, especially if it is plowed by a plow. By digging up the ground, you destroy mice and wormholes, which also entails their flight from the site. And some of the animals that did not have time to hide from the plow, just as in the case of caterpillars, remain in the cold autumn land forever.

When digging, you should be careful not to damage the roots located at the very surface of the soil, especially when it comes to fruit and berry bushes. In young trees, the roots are located quite deep, but in raspberries, gooseberries, currants, blackberries, honeysuckle, etc. upper layer soil, at the base of the bush, is filled with lateral roots. Therefore, within a radius of 30 cm, it is better to treat the soil around the bush with a garden rake and mulch it.

As the trees grow, if the treatment of tree trunk circles fruit trees is carried out constantly, the roots do not rise to the surface, but remain at a depth of 20 to 60 cm. Otherwise (the earth around the tree has not been dug up for 2-3 years), the roots rise to the upper layers of the soil, and can then be easily damaged by a shovel.

Sowing green manure

More complex technology consists of sowing natural green fertilizers or so-called green manures onto the dug up area. These are plants whose tops contain mineral compounds that improve soil quality. It is clear that these plantings will not survive the winter, but this is not required. Their benefit lies precisely in the fact that they will die, and their tops will fertilize and loosen the soil, enriching them with nitrogen and oxygen. For us, who fight pests and diseases, green manures are valuable because they suppress the pathogens of almost all plant pathologies. Green manure includes legumes, phacelia, some varieties of rye, oats, mustard, clover, and buckwheat.

IMPORTANT NOTICE. Before preserving the dacha for the winter, it is necessary to treat not only the beds and potato field, but also the flower beds. These areas are of little interest to pests, and the treatment of flower beds is carried out mainly so that next year the asters and chrysanthemums on your site look as beautiful and smell as fragrant as they did last summer. While you're worrying about the area for onions and tomatoes, don't forget to take care of the soil for the flowers.

Fertilizer application


The need for autumn treatment of the top layer of soil is dictated by the importance of both combating pests and plant diseases, and restoring the fertile properties of the soil, weakened during the ripening period of the crop. To do this, it is recommended to mulch the dug or plowed soil, that is, add organic fertilizers, the most accessible of which is humus.

In the fall, it is permissible to introduce fresh manure - horse manure (3 kg per sq. m.) or mullein (5-6 kg per sq. m.). Over the winter, the ammonia compounds included in its composition will erode and freeze out, and under the influence of natural factors, the manure will reveal its nutritional potential. It is better to apply humus in the spring. Bird droppings are also best applied in the fall.

Adding compost(content compost heaps, which are in every household) will give good result, if after laying it on the soil, water it with an EM preparation, treat it with a flat cutter and leave it until spring. This bed is perfect for growing early crops under film.

Ash use It is advisable as a potassium fertilizer on heavy clay soils and loams. The norm is 1 glass per 1 square meter.

Mineral fertilizers

Superphosphate is recommended to be used only in autumn. Phosphorus, main active element, is difficult to dissolve. But in six months it will have time to dissolve in the soil and by the spring-summer season it will provide a good nutritional base for plants.

Superphosphate application rates:

  • 40-50 g/m² - simple superphosphate
  • 20-30 g/m² - double
  • 30-40 g/m² - granular.

In parallel with the described fertilizer, it is advisable to add potassium - without it, phosphorus is poorly assimilated into the soil complex.

Available for sale phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, where the proportions are calculated and observed. You can use them.

Potassium sulfate- strengthens the immunity of plants and helps them survive the winter.

You must understand that each type of plant requires certain fertilizers. While potassium sulfate is just right for raspberries, apple trees don’t really need it. Therefore, it would be more correct when self-care for soil, buy already prepared mixtures for different types plants - fruit and berry bushes, perennial flowers, fruit and ornamental trees.

In the fall, in addition to harvesting, summer residents have another important task - preparing the garden for winter. To next year To enjoy the fruits again, it is important to properly treat the plants and the soil under them from diseases and pests.

Autumn garden treatment includes spraying the crowns of bushes and trees with insecticides (Aktara, Inta-Vir) and fungicides, digging the soil, applying fertilizers and protecting plants from rodents. With the onset of cold weather, heat-loving crops are additionally covered with spunbond and mulched with sawdust, peat, dry leaves and other materials.

Pest Control Products

In early autumn, the trapping belts are removed from the trees and burned, along with the codling moth caterpillars, weevils and other garden pests that have climbed there. With the onset of cold weather, insects burrow into the soil of tree trunks and under the bark of plants to hibernate, so the first step is to clear the trunks of old bark, moss and lichens, and cover up the wounds garden varnish and whiten the trees with a special solution containing copper sulfate.

Shortly before the onset of frost, fruit tree trunks need to be protected from rodents. To do this, the trunk is tied with spruce branches, metal mesh, cut plastic bottle or roofing felt.

How to spray bushes and trees in autumn

Among gardeners, the most popular treatment of plants after harvesting is 1% Bordeaux mixture. This product helps destroy dangerous fungi - the causative agents of scab, powdery mildew, rot and other diseases. Using a special pressure cylinder or spray bottle, thoroughly spray all fruit trees, berry bushes (including strawberries), as well as perennial ornamental crops.

After leaf fall, but no later than the end of October, the crown of bushes and trees and the soil under them are sprayed with a solution of urea (urea). To prepare it, 500-700 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water.

This is an excellent prevention of scab and spotting. But keep in mind: it is not recommended to use urea in late autumn, since this fertilizer saturates the plant with nitrogen and activates the growing season. And this is undesirable when frost sets in, otherwise the plant may die.

The apple orchard can be additionally sprayed with 5% iron sulfate.

All spraying is carried out in dry and windless weather and safety precautions are not forgotten. When processing the garden, a person must wear a respiratory mask, rubber gloves, a protective gown and goggles to protect the eyes from contact with chemicals.

Digging the soil in autumn

When preparing the soil for winter, the first thing you need to do is remove all the leaves from the area. They can live garden pests and fungal spores (in particular, the causative agents of clasterosporiasis and coccomycosis), therefore it is not recommended to leave any vegetation on the surface of the earth. After the end of leaf fall and thorough cleaning, they begin the autumn digging of the soil.

The earth is dug up using a sharp shovel to a depth of 15-20 cm in row spacing and 10-15 cm along the projection of the crown of bushes and trees. It is enough to loosen the soil that is not too dense with a rake or a Fokin flat cutter.

During this procedure, it is necessary to remove perennial weeds and pest larvae that appear on the surface of the soil. Then it is recommended to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

For each adult apple and pear tree, add 300 g of superphosphate and 200 g of potassium sulfate. Fertilizers are embedded together with organic matter or poured into a circle near the trunk and watered with water. For plums and cherries, the preparations need to be diluted in a proportion of 3 tbsp. superphosphate per 10 liters of water and 2 tbsp. potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. For each mature plant pour out 4-5 buckets of the resulting solution. Thanks to these fertilizers, the winter hardiness of plants will increase.

Digging the soil should be carried out in dry weather, since damp soil will only become compacted instead of becoming loose. And do not stick the shovel in at an angle; it must be placed strictly vertically to the surface of the earth.

Now you know how to properly spray plants and control pests in the garden. But autumn processing may not be enough. Therefore in spring and summer preventive actions repeat.

Preparing the garden for winter is a guarantee of the future harvest.

This serious stage should not be neglected. You need to take the treatment of trees in the fall for winter especially seriously. The main thing in preparation is to properly treat not only the trees, but also the soil around them.

If these measures are not taken together, you may lose the future harvest due to damage to fruit trees by pests and diseases.

Preparation stages

It is necessary to prepare fruit trees, shrubs, and ornamental crops for winter. Usually autumn procedure occurs in 5 stages. Each of them is very important, and it is undesirable to skip it. All stages of preparation help to prolong the life and improve the fruiting of the plant:

To properly prepare your garden for the onset of winter, you need to familiarize yourself with each stage separately.

Soil preparation

All ingredients must be mixed well. You should get a mixture that has a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

The solution for old trees is prepared in the same way as for young trees. The only difference is that you need to take 2 kg of slaked lime and 200 g of copper sulfate for the mixture. You can add a little straw to the mixture, which needs to be pre-cut. The resulting solution must be applied to the bark from bottom to top and to damaged areas. He will provide protection and will not crack for a long time.

Whitewashing trees and shrubs helps rid plants of several very important problems. Thanks to special staff the plant will not freeze in winter and will not suffer from heat in summer.

Beneficial effects of whitewashing on crops:

  • Whitewash perfectly regulates temperature. It prevents the barrel from overcooling and overheating;
  • prevents pests from penetrating the root system;
  • perfectly protects the trunk from ultraviolet rays.

Soil – the most important part any garden or vegetable garden. To grow a large harvest, you need to regularly take care of the condition of the soil on your plot of land. A very important period for such activities is autumn. After harvesting, you need to prepare the soil for cold weather and prevent infection with various diseases and pests.

How to treat the soil in the spring, what products to use, how to properly treat the soil? These questions interest all gardeners and gardeners. It is important to choose the right period of time and use the right means. By following special rules, your harvest will be the envy of all your neighbors.

Possible soil problems in autumn

Regular soil care will help overcome these problems, especially in autumn period of the year.

Check out the review of the most effective means from, and also find out the rules for their use.

Preparation for tillage consists of several points:

  • against uninvited large guests (hares,) carry out hilling of bushes, wrapping tree posts;
  • Burn all garden waste and fallen leaves;
  • trim dried branches, “top” shoots;
  • whiten the trunks;
  • It is recommended to lay out simple traps for rodents;
  • treat trees and shrubs with special chemicals against diseases and pests. This way you can reap a rich and high-quality harvest in the future.

Loosening the top layer of soil

Perform manipulations after harvesting, removing from land plot organic residues, loosen the beds by four centimeters. With these actions you will remove the soil crust. Carry out activities before the onset of the first cold weather. Loosening the soil promotes the growth of weeds; they will grow in the fall; after digging, the weed seedlings will die, thereby reducing the time for weeding next spring.

Digging the soil

Before starting manipulations, make sure that your soil is heavy clay; there is no need to dig up sandy crumbly soil. Such manipulations have a positive effect on clay soil: voids are formed in it, which will fill the air. Lack of oxygen negatively affects the future harvest.

Fertilizers and pest control products

Having carefully prepared the soil for autumn treatment, you can begin to select the right product. What fertilizers are recommended to be applied to the soil in the fall? Let's figure it out.


Many gardeners know this remedy and often use it in the autumn. If there is no place to compost and then store the substance, it is recommended to purchase it in the fall and then immediately apply it to the soil. It is recommended to lay the remaining part for maturation. It is allowed to apply fresh manure in the autumn for planting cucumbers, celery, late cabbage, pumpkin crops. If the manure includes sawdust and other organic compounds, then excellent result you will receive only in a year, so add nitrogen fertilizing for the desired effect.

Why should manure be applied in the fall? The substance is saturated with weeds, they will sprout before the main planting, you can easily remove them while loosening the soil. In autumn, the manure is saturated with moisture and mixes well with the soil.

Manure is applied while loosening the soil for perennial fruit crops, raspberries, strawberries, all varieties of apples. Carry out manipulations immediately after harvesting.



Is nitrogen fertilizer, the second name is urea. The substance releases nitrogen, binds what is already in the soil, and stores it until spring. You can get the desired result only by covering the ground, otherwise the urea will have time to evaporate. In autumn, preferably in parallel with phosphorus. For such purposes, a special mixture is used: combine one hundred grams of chalk with a kilogram of superphosphate, add three parts of urea to one part of this product. Mix thoroughly mineral fertilizer, add at the rate of 150 grams ready mixture on square meter soil.


Simply put, such manipulations mean saturating the soil with organic matter. Gardeners use the following as mulch:

  • organic compounds: pine needles, sawdust, hay, bark, even shredded waste paper (cardboard, paper);
  • inorganic substances: polypropylene fibers, expanded clay, zeolite.

It is recommended to cover the beds that are free and those that are occupied with a thin layer of mulch. perennial plants. Sometimes organic and inorganic compounds are used simultaneously; the recommended mulch thickness is up to seven centimeters. Such manipulations protect the soil from certain pests, for example, various diseases.

Important! Please note that when using tops, there should be no seeds. It is also not recommended to be overzealous with pine needles; this can lead to an increase in soil acidity. Everything should be in moderation.

Green manure plants

Popularly called green fertilizers. They are designed to perform several important functions:

What and how to remove and prevent the reproduction of annoying insects? We have the answer!

How to permanently get rid of mice in the house? Effective methods struggles are described on the page.

Go to the address and learn how to get little red ants out of your apartment.

Green manure plants include:

  • legumes,
  • clover,
  • mustard,
  • oats,
  • rye,
  • sunflower,
  • buckwheat

It is recommended to plant them in the autumn so that the green mass has time to form before frost, but they will continue to grow for several more weeks in the spring. If the weather is warm in the fall, then these plants can grow a lot and put out buds. Before they form, trim the ovaries, preventing the presence of buds.

EM technology (use of microorganisms)

Compost and humus are excellent fertilizers, but they will help saturate the soil with useful minerals and protect against diseases and pests. modern technologies. Now there is no need to guess whether the decay process is proceeding correctly, whether the necessary amount of useful substances has been released into the soil. After all, it is possible to improve processing organic compounds, adding ready-made preparations.

Effective microorganisms include more than 80 strains of beneficial microbes. They have a beneficial effect on the decomposition of mulch, increase the fertility of the soil, helping to destroy pests and the causative agents of various plant ailments. EOs suppress the development of harmful bacteria, increasing plant resistance to various pests and diseases.

Or stay tuned

Most trees growing just next to roads in cities and small populated areas, do not look very attractive. On their leaves and trunks you can often see the most different insects, also greens, branches and fruits usually do not look very healthy. The thing is that most often no one takes care of such trees: they do not receive the necessary nutrients or protection from diseases and aggressive pests. A experienced gardeners know that they need to devote time and attention to processing garden crops. In particular, everyone knows that spring treatment of fruit trees in the garden against pests and diseases is very, very important. But when it’s autumn, spring is far away. But during this time, something can also be done. Let's talk in a little more detail about how to treat the garden in the fall against diseases.

Treatment of trees and shrubs in the garden in the autumn to protect against diseases consists mainly of spraying the plants with fungicides. If you skip this stage in garden care, pathogens may well spread throughout all crops. And warm and humid spring weather will contribute to the active reproduction of aggressive particles.

How to treat the garden against diseases in the fall?


Until mid-October, urea is used to treat plants against diseases. It is a wonderful remedy for the prevention of fungal diseases, scabs and spots. However, you should not use it later, it will only harm the trees and may even cause their death. Urea is excellent for spraying apple, pear and other crops.

To prepare the solution, prepare five hundred to six hundred grams of urea. Dilute it in ten liters of water. Spray both the tree and the soil around it. It would also be a good idea to treat nearby plants so that diseases do not spread from one crop to another.


This product is great for autumn processing. garden plants. But it needs to be used a little later than urea - closer to the end of October-beginning of November. Iron sulfate does a good job of destroying lichen, scab, cytosporosis, black cancer, etc. It also effectively saturates plants with nutrients and improves oxidative processes.

To prepare a solution for spraying, you need to prepare one kilogram of dry powder. Dilute it in one cup of water.

Bordeaux mixture

This solution perfectly helps to cope with a number of fungal diseases, including scab and putrefactive diseases. Bordeaux mixture can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared on your own. To do this, it is worth diluting two hundred grams of copper sulfate in ten liters cold water. It is also worth mixing two hundred grams of slaked lime with ten liters of water at the same time. Combine both mixtures with each other and use for spraying.

Copper sulfate

This product can also be used for autumn treatment of plants. It is most often used to combat scab, powdery mildew, spots, putrefactive diseases, etc. Copper sulfate is usually used to treat plums, apple trees, and pears. But in addition, this product is well suited for the entire garden: for the prevention and elimination of moniliosis, curl, etc. Copper sulfate, unlike iron sulfate, does not feed crops with nutrients.
To prepare a solution for spraying, dilute one hundred grams of copper sulfate granules in ten liters of water.

How to treat trees?

The product chosen for spraying must be homogeneous. Therefore, it needs to be mixed thoroughly with water and only then poured into the device. Otherwise, one part of the plant may be treated with a very weak solution, and the second with too concentrated a solution. And this can greatly harm crops. It is also a good idea to shake the spray mixture from time to time.

Treating your garden against diseases in the fall is a responsible undertaking! But before it, do not forget to protect yourself: wear glasses, a respiratory mask, and rubber gloves.

Treatment preparations should be applied as evenly as possible during spraying. They should cover the branches, foliage (urea), and the pillar of the tree. To ensure that your solution dews, hold the tip of the sprayer at intervals of seventy to eighty centimeters from the plant.

In this case, be sure to pay attention to all sides of the branches, bends, and forks.

After finishing work, do not forget to wash all parts of the device. Also be sure to wash your face, wash your hands, and rinse your mouth.

To make spraying in the garden as effective as possible, spray the entire area. Also process tree trunk circles plants.

How else to treat trees in the garden against diseases in the fall?

In order to truly protect your garden from diseases, it is imperative to sanitize the plants: cut off broken, diseased and frozen branches. In this case, you must not forget to treat the cut area with garden putty; it is better to purchase a special putty in a specialized store; such products contain insecticides. It is also necessary to clean the plants from old bark and lichens, and, of course, whiten the tree trunks.

Fallen leaves and cut branches must be removed from the site. Then you should dig up the soil in the garden, including in the circles around the trunk.

Even if only young and completely healthy plants, there is no need to ignore procedures to protect them from diseases and pests in the autumn season. After all, prevention is best method treatment. Therefore, we will continue the topic of garden care in the fall and will soon talk about how to treat the garden from pests in the fall.
